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The Apogee AD-8000 8-Channel, 24-Bit Converter

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AD-8000 Brochure 7/23/97 11:46 AM Page 3

The Apogee AD-8000

8-channel, 24-bit converter…

The digital masters.

AD-8000 Brochure 7/23/97 11:51 AM Page 4

…It’s not an option. It’s a necessity.

F OR OVER A DECADE, the name
APOGEE has meant the highest
quality digital audio equip-
ment available. From our very first
The AD-8000 24-bit conversion system
is undoubtedly the highest quality
converter Apogee has ever produced.

filters, retrofitted into digital stereo

We believe it to be the best-sounding
and multitrack machines the world
converter on the market. With the
over, to our award-winning stereo
AD-8000, Apogee takes the next step.
digital conversion systems, Apogee
The AD-8000 out-performs the
Electronics leads the field.
competition in any of today’s most
Along the way, we’ve introduced
demanding audio environments. It’s
significant new developments,
ideal in the project studio or post-
contributing to the acceptance and
production suite paired with a modular
possibilities of the digital medium.
digital multitrack or digital audio
Our patented Low Jitter Clock cleans
workstation, and equally at home in
up digital signals, audibly improving
At Apogee, we know that the layout of a converter is as important the world’s top recording studios and
the sound. Our unique UV22® Super as the circuitry. As a result, we take special care with board
production facilities, interfaced with
CD Encoding process takes high design, materials and manufacture to ensure the very highest
the most sophisticated digital 48-track
resolution digital signals and trans- levels of build quality — maximizing the AD-8000’s audio quality,
recorders and digital mixing consoles.
lates them flawlessly into the 16-bit & performance and reliability at every stage.
20-bit domains, without THE BETTER THE CONVERTER,
compromise, for Compact Disc and other formats. THE BETTER THE SOUND
Today, UV22 is used by nine out of ten major US
There’s no more important link in the digital recording chain than the
mastering studios and appears on almost 90% of
A/D converter that takes your original analog input signal and converts
all hit records mastered in the United States.
it into digital information. The higher the quality of the A/D converter,
It’s recognized as the best-sounding word-
the better the sound. It’s as simple as that.
length reduction system available.
The Apogee AD-8000 takes digital conversion to a whole new level.
At the same time, Apogee has built an enviable
It’s a true 24-bit converter, with 114 dB dynamic range and all the
reputation for digital media products, including DAT and CD-R.
features you need for truly outstanding, great-sounding, world-class
WHY OUTBOARD CONVERTERS? recordings, whether you own the biggest studio in town, a leading post-
At Apogee, better digital audio is all we do. We ensure that our con- production facility, or simply have a project setup in your back room.
verters deliver the best-sounding digital signals possible with today’s The AD-8000 incorporates Apogee’s acclaimed UV22 process for
technology. In most equipment, however, the converter is just another translating high-resolution digital audio to 16 or 20 bits without quality
component. No built-in converter can match the superb quality and loss; and Soft Limit® to add extra level to your recordings without
detail of an Apogee. And now, with all the features of the new AD- overs. Both are selectable on a per-channel basis. The AD-8000 includes
8000, an outboard converter is no longer an option – it’s an essential. flexible, accurate bar-graph metering with six different modes,

Powerful features that put the AD-8000 ahead of the field.

• Eight channels of Apogee’s exclusive true • Standard XLR jacks for analog in and digital out
24-bit A/D conversion with 114 dB dynamic range • RCA jacks for S/PDIF in and out
• Apogee Soft Limit® on each channel helps you • AES XLR input (8-channel AES input card also available)
get more level on tape without overs • Additional interfacing via up to four different digital I/O
• Apogee UV22® Encoding optionally translates AMBus cards with format conversion and re-clocking
the 24-bit signal to 20 or 16 bits without quality loss • Proprietary low jitter master clock
• Advanced multi-mode 8-channel LED bar metering • Non-volatile storage of front panel settings
• Built-in level calibration to within ±0.05 dB • Optional 24-bit stereo and 8-channel D/A converters
and 5-level digital oscillator • Optional video sync module with 0.1% pull up/down
• Flexible over detection and tracking • Remote-controlled microphone pre-amp option
• Headphone monitor for any channel pair
• Full Source/Destination monitoring OPTIONAL AMBUS CARDS*
• Powerful track-bouncing capability • ADAT interface with • AES 8-channel Input Future cards may include*:
Bit-Splitting • Sonic Solutions i/f • SSL HiWay interface
• Switchable analog and digital DC Offset removal • TDIF (Tascam DTRS) i/f • S/PDIF optical • Yamaha interface
• AES/EBU distribution amplifier capability with Bit-Splitting (TosLink) interface • Dolby® AC-3 encoder
• Balanced or unbalanced inputs • Digidesign interface • MADI interface • DTS® encoder
• “Smart” sync capabilities: sync to crystal, • 8-channel Glass Fiber • 24-bit Sample Rate • SDIF-2 interface
word clock, video (optional) or any digital input i/f with Bit-Splitting Converter • Audio networking card
• Patching of channel pairs from digital sources *List subject to revision: some cards described may not be available immediately. Ask your dealer for prices and availability.
AD-8000 Brochure 7/23/97 11:42 AM Page 1

Upgrade to the Apogee AD-8000.

including simultaneous peak and average read- 10 kHz sine wave at -125 dB full-scale—A/D FFT
ing and 2-second or infinite peak hold. Numeric
“over” indication can be configured to trigger at
1, 2, 3 or 4 consecutive full-scale digital samples,
and to reset the over count automatically after 15
seconds. The metering system also incorporates
a calibration mode accurate to within ±0.05 dB.
The AD-8000 incorporates eight channels of
AES/EBU output, selectable S/PDIF output, and
stereo AES/EBU and S/PDIF inputs. In addition, a
four-card backplane, featuring our exclusive
AMBUS (Apogee Multimedia Bus) technology,
allows you to add the digital interfaces of your
choice, such as ADAT, TDIF (Tascam), and Pro
Tools (with an AES/EBU input card and a Pro
Tools interface card, the AD-8000 is all you need
The AD-8000 to connect to a Pro Tools-equipped computer).
features accurate And there are more interfaces to come*. AMBUS
multi-mode light-bar cards will also provide other features such as
metering with sample rate conversion. Use the AD-8000 as a
unique calibration multiple format conversion system and transfer This A/D plot shows the true 24-bit conversion of the Apogee AD-
features. 8000. The sine wave is cleanly and accurately resolved right down to
between all available interfaces simultaneously.
the 24-bit, -144 dB noise floor. Distortion products are better than 140
It can also be used as a multi-output AES/EBU distribution system. dB below full-scale. No wonder the AD-8000 has been hailed as a
With the available 24-bit stereo or 8-channel D/A expansion cards, major advance in digital audio conversion quality and performance.
the AD-8000 becomes a complete conversion system with everything
you need for digital recording – except the recorder! Full source/ AD-8000 A/D: THD + Noise versus frequency
destination monitoring is built in, along with powerful digital track-
bouncing capabilities and signal routing functions. Front-panel settings
are memorized automatically for hassle-free configuration.
In addition to standard 44.1 and 48 kHz sampling rates, the AD-8000
locks intelligently to word clock or to any digital input — including
video with the optional video sync card. Input signals are re-clocked
with the patented Apogee Low-Jitter Clock for maximum quality.
A headphone monitor socket provides the ability to monitor any
pair of channels, via its own high-resolution stereo D/A converter.
The AD-8000 includes balanced and unbalanced line inputs. In
addition, the optional remote multi-channel microphone preamp can be
controlled from the AD-8000 front panel.
Analog to digital frequency response

The AD-8000’s A/D conversion system exhibits a superb THD + Noise

response, from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

And finally, of course, every AD-8000 comes with Apogee’s award-

winning reputation for audio quality, performance and innovation.
The Apogee AD-8000 is available from Apogee authorized dealers
and distributors worldwide. For the location of your nearest
supplier, please contact Apogee Electronics: check our Web site, at; call +1 310-915-1000; fax +1 310-391-
This frequency response curve demonstrates the superb engineering 6262, or email
of the AD-8000 converter, with a response flat within 0.025 dB across Experience the AD-8000. You’ll soon realize why an Apogee
the entire audio band… we leave signal coloration up to you! converter is no longer an option: it’s a necessity.
AD-8000 Brochure 7/23/97 11:57 AM Page 5

The Most Important Link In The Digital

True 24-bit A/D conversion: The AD- UV22 Encoding: There’s nothing like Soft Limit: Apogee’s proprietary Soft Limit
8000 features true 24-bit accuracy and simply Apogee’s exclusive UV22 encoding process— circuitry, available on every channel of the AD-
stunning technical specifications. Like -110 dB taking your 24-bit digital signals and translating 8000, behaves like classic “tape compression”
THD+Noise. 114 dB dynamic range. A frequency them flawlessly into the 20- or 16-bit domains. to get more level on to tape without risking
response that’s flat from 20 Hz to 20 kHz UV22 is standard in the vast majority of US mas- digital “overs”. Indicator shows when a signal is
±0.025dB. No wonder the AD-8000 sounds so tering houses: over 90% of hit records have activating the Soft Limit circuit.
good—and it’s already been chosen for several been made with UV22. Now any facility can
top projects, such as the Rolling Stones, Jimi enjoy the audible improvements offered by this
Hendrix and major motion picture soundtracks. unique process.

Sample Rate & Sync Options: 44.1 and Option Card Slot: Install the optional 24- Built-in Functionality: On-board
48 kHz crystal-locked sample frequencies, plus bit stereo D/A or the full 24-bit, 8-channel D/A AES/EBU and S/PDIF inputs and outputs, plus
“pull-up” and “pull-down” settings for converter, engineered to the same exacting Word Clock I/O. The rear-panel DIP switch sets
video/film transfers. The AD-8000 “smart standards as the rest of the unit, and you can pin 2/3 hot, analog & digital DC removal, “Over”
syncs” to any digital input signal, via Apogee’s dramatically increase the functionality of your definition, UV22 resolution (16/20 bit output),
proprietary Low Jitter Clock, in the range 32 to system. With both A/D and D/A functions in the line levels (–10dBV or +4dBu, balanced or
54 kHz—including video with the optional video same unit, the AD-8000 may be all the unbalanced) and other features. (An optional
sync card. converter you’ll need! AMBUS card provides eight AES inputs.)

The AD-8000 8-channel 24-bit converte

AD-8000 Brochure 7/23/97 12:04 PM Page 6

In The Digital Recording Chain.

Advanced Metering System: The Calibration and Diagnostics: The Digital Routing: With the AD-8000’s
AD-8000 incorporates no less than six highly AD-8000 is straightforward to set up and use. unique digital routing matrix, choose sources
accurate light-bar metering modes offering With comprehensive power-on diagnostics, and destinations for all your signals at the push
simultaneous average and peak ballistics, with non-volatile setup memory, a digital oscillator of a silver button. AMBUS slots with cards
2-second and infinite peak hold. The number of and a full range of calibration options accurate installed are identified for instant access.
digital “overs” is indicated by a 7-segment to within ±0.05 dB, the AD-8000 is ready to use Combinations of analog and digital inputs may
display, and can be set to clear automatically. from the moment you power it up. be selected simultaneously. Comprehensive
track-bouncing capabilities are ideal for multi-
track environments.

Format Conversion: All interfaces are Overdub (Destination) Mode: Any Built-in headphone monitor: Hear
available at all times, enabling you to use the device connected to an AMBUS card can be what’s going to tape—and what’s coming
AD-8000 as a powerful multi-channel digital monitored while it is the output destination of back!—via the on-board headphone amplifier
format converter or AES/EBU distribution unit— the AD-8000, to permit overdubbing and confi- with multi-step volume control, fed by its own
a feature worth thousands on its own. Convert dence monitoring. The output of the selected high-resolution D/A converter. Monitoring is
from any interface to all others simultaneously, card is also available at all other interfaces and selectable to allow the auditioning of pairs of
whether they are built-in or on AMBUS cards. any installed D/A card. channels at a time.

AMBUS Expansion Cards: Available

Apogee Multimedia Bus (AMBUS) cards
provide additional interfaces including ADAT
Optical (shown here) and TDIF (Tascam DA-88),
with “Apogee bit-splitting” technology for
recording 20/24-bit signals on
multiple 16-bit tracks. Other Look for the AMBUS
available interfaces include logo on Apogee-
AES input and Pro Tools cards compatible products
that provide complete Pro Tools and interface cards
compatibility with no other exter-
nal hardware. Additional interfaces
to follow*.

4-bit converter. From Apogee.

AD-8000 Brochure 7/23/97 11:43 AM Page 2

The Apogee AD-8000 — Specifications


Parameter Value Units Parameter Value Units
Resolution 24 bits Resolution 18 bits
Sample Rate 32–54 kHz Sample Rate 32–54 kHz
Input Impedance Relative THD+N, S/(N+D)
Pro 9K Ω –0.5 dBFS input –88 dB
Consumer 15K Ω Dynamic range
Relative THD+N –60 dB, Unweighted –94.6 dB
–0.1 dBFS –108 dB (unweighted) –60 dB, A-weighted (EIAJ), typ –96 dB
–110 dB (A-weighted) Group Delay (in passband) 22.25/Fs sec
–20 dBFS –88 dB (unweighted) Passband Ripple ±0.17 dB
–91 dB (A-weighted) Stop-Band Attenuation 35 dB
–60 dBFS –52 dB (unweighted) Channel Separation
–54 dB (A-weighted) DAC 97 dB
Dynamic range Amplifier 65 dB
–60 dB, Unweighted 112 dB Frequency Response (20Hz–20 kHz)
–60 dB, A-weighted 114 dB Gain ±0.05 dB
Peak Spurious Component –120 dB (max) Phase < 2.5 degrees
Group Delay (in passband) 38.7/Fs seconds Output Level (max) 8 Vp-p
Passband Ripple ±0.001 dB Output Power (max)
Digital Filter Stopband 26.232 kHz 8 Ω load 1 W/channel
Stop-band Attenuation 110 dB 150 Ω load 50 mW/channel
Channel Separation 600 Ω load 20 mW/channel
Left/right 113 dB (worst case)
Between pairs 113 dB (worst case) DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR
Frequency Response (20 Hz–20 kHz) Processing Delay 16/Fs seconds
Gain ±0.025 dB DC High-Pass Filter Corner Freq. 1.0 Hz
Phase <2 degrees UV22 Amplitude
Common-Mode Rejection Ratio Normal, 16 bits –84 dB
60 Hz > 100 dB Low, 16 bits –90 dB
1 kHz > 80 dB Normal, 20 bits –108 dB
Input Level, maximum (no gain) Low, 20 bits –114 dB
Professional, balanced 27 dBu Metering
Professional, unbalanced 23 dBu Accuracy ± 0.05 dB
Consumer, balanced 16 dBu Over Detection 1–4 consecutive 0 dBFS readings
Consumer, unbalanced 15 dBu (user-definable)
Input Level, adjustment range 20 dBu
Crystal Oscillator accuracy ±25 ppm SYSTEM
Clock Jitter, 32kHz–54 kHz << 50 psec AC line voltage 100, 120, 220, 240 vac (set internally)
Fusing 0.75 A slow-blow
Specifications and other information provided in this brochure is Power 60 Watts
subject to change without notice. Apogee Electronics Corporation Size (w, h, d) 19 in, 3.5 in (2U), 14.25 in
reserves the right to make design changes without prior warning. Weight 20 lb (9.1 kg)

The digital masters.

APOGEE ELECTRONICS CORPORATION, 3145 Donald Douglas Loop South, Santa Monica, California 90405-3210, USA. Photography by David Norwood
Created by Richard Elen
Telephone: +1 310/915-1000. Fax: +1 310/391-6262. Email: Printed in U.S.A.
For full details and application notes on all Apogee Electronics products, visit our Web site at AD8K/5M/0797

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