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UT330 English Manual

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Protective cover of sensor (turn to open or close).

Display screen.
Turn on/off the power save mode.
Press to display Max/Min value among current readings. Long press to exit
the function(also used ▲ button).
Press to save data. It is used together with ▼▲. See "Using the Meter --
Store and Recall Data" for details.
To set the meter. It is used together with ▼▲ buttons. See "Setting the
Meter" for details.
Turn on/Turn off the background light.
Press to freeze the displayed readings. Press again to exit the function.(also
used as ▼ button).
Press to view data. It is used together with ▼▲ buttons. See "Using the
Meter -- Store and Recall Data" for details.
Dew-point temperature selection key (also used as confirm button).

Display Screen (See Figure 2)

I. Overview Figure 2
UT330 Series Digital Hygro-Thermometers (hereafter referred to as “ the Meter”)
Description Description
adopts highly-precise hygro-thermo sensor and super-low power consumption
micro-processor in its design,featuring high accuracy, manual and auto storage, Max/Min function indicator Time display zone
USB data transfer, suitable time display, etc, which cover various demand Battery indicator Temperature display zone
for high-accuracy measurements and long-time hygro-thermo monitoring. Display of holding time Backlight indicator
Online indicator Data recall/store indicator
II. Unpacking Inspection Humidity unit Dew-point temperature
Indicator of setup mode Humidity display zone
Operating Manual 1 pc
Temperature unit Power save mode
Warranty Card 1 pc
Battery 4 pcs Indicator of time format

Disc 1 pc
USB Data Cable 1 pc V. Setting the Meter
SETUP Options
III. Safety Information
Press SETUP button to enter into setting mode, “SET” flashes on LCD, continue
Warning to pressthe button to step through and save the following setup options and exit
A warning identified conditions and actions that pose hazards to the user. To the mode.
avoid electrical shock or personal injury, follow these guidelines:

Before using the Meter inspect the case. Do not use the Meter if it appears
damaged. Look for cracks or missing plastic. Pay particular attention to
the insulation around the connectors.
Replace the batteries as soon as the battery indicator ( ) appears. The
possibility of false readings can lead to personal injury.
Do not use the Meter if it operates abnormally. Protection may be impaired.
Performing the Setups
When in doubt, have the Meter serviced. 1. Setting Temperature Unit
Do not operate the Meter around explosive gas, vapor, or dust. Press SETUP to access Temperature Unit setup mode, “Unt” shows on LCD.
When servicing the Meter, use only specified replacement parts. Press ▼(HOLD)/▲(Max/Min) to select ℃ or ℉ unit.
Do not use the Meter with any part of the case or cover removed. 2. Setting Time Interval
Do not clean the sensor located at top of the Meter. Turn to close the Press SETUP to switch to time interval mode, “int” shows on LCD. Press▼▲ to
protective sensor cover when not in use. To avoid damage to the device, change the interval for automatic data storage. Long press ▼▲ to increment
please use with care. the time quickly.
Never charge the battery; The interval can set up to 59:59 and down to 00:00(auto data storage disabled
at 00:00).
Use the approved alkaline battery
(AAA 1.5V) only; 3. Setting Humidity Offset
Pay attention to “+” and “-” marks Press SETUP to switch to humidity offset mode, “H-O” icon shows. Press ▼▲
when installing the batteries. to change the offset value that ranges within -6~+6.

Close the sensor cover and remove 4. Setting Temperature Offset

the batteries if the instrument is not Press SETUP to switch to temperature offset mode, “t-o” icon shows. Press ▼
used for a long time. ▲ to change the offset value that ranges within -6~+6.
5. Setting Dew Point Offset
Press SETUP to switch to dew point offset mode, “d-o” icon shows. Press ▼▲
IV. Meter Description
to change the offset value that ranges within -6~+6.
Meter Structure(See Figure1) 6. Setting Sleep Mode
Press SETUP to switch to sleep offset mode, “SLP” icon shows. Press ▼▲ to
set up sleep time(5~60mins). Long press ▼▲ to increase the time quickly;
When the set time is <5mins, “OFF” icon shows and sleep function is disabled.

Figure 1
P/N:110401104461X DATE:2018.06.26 REV.5

7. Setting System Time 1. Unscrew the battery and remove it from the meter.
Press SETUP to switch to system time mode, “S-t” icon shows. Press ▼▲ to 2. Replace the batteries with new 4×AAA batteries;
set up system time. Long press ▼▲ to increase the time quickly; Press ENTER 3. Rejoin the battery cover and tight up the screw.
to select time format “h:m” or “m:s” . To make it easy to user, “m:s” format will
be automatically converted into “h:m” after the system time exceeds 60 seconds.

VI .Using the Meter

● Turn on/off Power Save Mode
1. Press yellow button to turn on the Meter;
2. When the Meter turns on, it defaults at factory setup.
3. With the meter already turned on, pressing yellow button again will turn off the
Meter (UT331);
4. with the meter already turned on, press yellow button again will go into power
save mode (UT332, “ ” shows on LCD upper left corner). Repress to exit the
5. Set the sleep mode, the Meter will enter power save mode if no button is active
within the set time.
6. To ensure an accurate result, the user is recommended to wait for a while
before taking the readings if the measured humidity &temperature change
Figure 3
● Data Hold
Press HOLD button to freeze the reading, “HOLD” appears on LCD. Press again ● Cleaning the Casing
to quit the function. When it becomes necessary to clean the surface of the Meter, clean it with soft
● Turn on/off Backlight cloth or sponge dampened with just a little of water, soap water or mild detergent.
Prohibit washing the Meter with water directly, which may damage the circuits
Under normal measurement status, press “ ” button to turn on the backlight.
Press again to turn it off.(backlight is off under power save mode).
● View Max/Min Reading
Press MAX/MIN button to check Max. and Min. readings. Long press the button VIII. CE Certification
to exit the mode.
The Hygro-Thermometer conforms to the following standards.
● View Dew Point Temperature
Press ENTER to check dew point temperature, “DEW POINT” icon indicated on EN61326: 2006
LCD. Press again to quit the function. EN55022: 2006
● Store and Recall Data EN55024: 1998+A1+A2
Press STORE button, the Meter will save the data into its memory and store up
to 100 sets of data (00--99). IX. Technical Specifications
The recorded data are those shown on the primary display. Press the button
again to exit the function. Function UT331 UT332
Press RECALL to review the data stored in the memory. Press again to exit the Measuring Temperature: -20 ~ 60 Temperature: -20 ~ 60
function. range
Humidity: 0%RH ~ 100% Humidity: 0%RH ~ 100%
1. Store Data Temperature: 0.1 Temperature: 0.1
Press STORE button and “DATA” icon shows on upper part of LCD. There are Humidity: 0.1%RH Humidity: 0.1%RH

two ways to store data.

Temperature: 0 to 40 : 0.5 Temperature: 0 to 40 : 0.5
Manual Method: Preset time interval for auto storage at 00:00(refer to “Setting Measuring -20 to 0 : 1.0 -20 to 0 : 1.0
40 to 60 : 1.0 40 to 60 :
Time Interval” section), then get into STORE mode, press ENTER once to save accuracy 1.0

current reading into current address of the memory, press ENTER again to save Humidity: 3.5%RH (10%RH to 90%RH)
5.0%RH ( 10%RH or 90%RH)
Humidity: 2.5%RH (10%RH to 90%RH)
5.0%RH ( 10%RH or 90%RH)
into next address. Press ▼▲ to change the address to store. “----” shows for
blank address.
Response About 10 seconds (25 ,1m/s air) About 10 seconds (25 ,1m/s air)
Auto Method: Preset time interval not at 00:00, then get into STORE mode,
press ENTER once, “:” icon flashes and the Meter will save the data in order into Time Relative time Real-time time
the memory by beginning with current address and storing at a interval Data storage 0 to 99 0 to 99
previously set. Press ENTER again to pause the operation and “:” stops flashing. Setup Temperature unit, auto-save time interval, humidity offset, temperature offset, dew-point offset,
Repress ENTER to continue. Functions sleep time setup and system time.

2. Recall Data
Press RECALL to check recorded data, “DATA” icon flashes. Press▼▲ to scroll **END**
through recorded readings. The Meter defaults at the reading saved last time This operating manual is subject to change without notice.
you exit the STORE mode. Pressing ENTER under RECALL mode can quickly
review from No.00 to 99 data and also allow you to transfer data to PC through
USB. After quick review, the number stops at 99.
3. Clear Data
Press STORE to go into STORE mode, “DATA” icon shows. Then long press
STORE for 2 seconds and “CLR” icon appears on the LCD, pressing ENTER
will clear all 100sets of data. Clearing item by item is not allowed.
“- - - -” shows for empty memory.
Note: All 100 sets of data will be completely cleared once the function is enabled.
Step-by-Step clearing is not allowed. To avoid any data loss, please think it twice
before you use the function.
● Transfer Data
The Meter will transfer data to PC under following two circumstances:
1. Enter into RECALL status, pressing ENTER button will not only allow you to
review the data quickly but also transfer the data automatically to PC.
2. When PC is running the supplied software and has been already connected to
the Meter, the measured data will be automatically transferred to PC.

VII. Maintenance
● Replacing the Battery (See Figure 3)
When the Meter indicates “    ”, please replace the battery timely. Follow the
steps as below:
序号 项目 内容
1 尺寸 (200x280)±1mm.折叠成形尺寸:(100*140)±1mm
2 材质 60g书纸
3 颜色 黑色,双面印刷
4 外观要求 印刷完整清晰,版面整洁.无分层.残损.毛边等缺陷
5 装订方式 200mm方向对折,280mm方向对折,封面图在外面
6 表面处理 无
7 其它
版本 REV.5 修改成股份有限公司
DWH Part NO.
设计 黄荣伟2018.06.25 MODEL
CHK 机型:UT330 物料编号:110401104461X

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