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Impact of Brand On Consumer Decision Making: Case Study of Beer Brands in Nepal

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Impact of Brand on Consumer Decision Making: Case Study of Beer Brands in


Research · June 2018

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32801.51042


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3 authors, including:

Ousanee Sawagvudcharee Sujan Raja Shrestha

Centre for the Creation of Coherent Change and Knowledge Kathmandu University


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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 05 Issue 16
June 2018

Impact of Brand on Consumer Decision Making: Case Study

of Beer Brands in Nepal
Ousanee Sawagvudcharee1, Sujan Raja Shrestha2, Shrawan Mandal3
Dr., School of Management, Shinawatra University
Mr., Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
School of Management, Shinawatra University

Abstract etc. were essential to promote the beer

This study aims to examine a consumer brands of the beer companies and attracts
purchase decision for beer brands by in the consumers towards to buy their
Nepal. The concept of knowing the particular beer brands. To sum up, all the
consumer purchase decision while elements of brand are equally important
purchasing beer brands in Nepal is a new for understanding the consumer decision
concept and to address the gap the paper making.
analyzes the factors which have
relationship with the consumers more Keywords: Brand equity, Consumer
focused and priorities factors for decision making Process, Beer brands,
purchasing particular beer brands in branding elements.
Nepal. It was conducted using a
quantitative method with a 400 sample 1. Introduction
sizes of customers from four different Nowadays, brand is an important
channels i.e. Restaurants, clubs, Hotels
and Local Bhatti’s from Kathmandu, tool to uplift the economy of any country.
Nepal. The study also used five points Buying behavior of people can be
Likert scale questionnaires instrument
which were conducted for data collection. changed by the help of brand name and
Moreover, the collected data were equity. Brand name helps the consumer
analyzed using correlation and regression
analysis. The paper found a positive to choose easily in their busy routine life
significant relationship between the because now people are more conscious
independent variables: brand awareness,
perceived quality and brand association, about the brand name so companies
and the dependent variable consumer should consider that to compete in highly
purchase decision. Whereas, brand loyalty
had a positive but not significant causal competitive environment they have to
relation with consumer purchase decision make a well-known brand name and
for any particular beer brands. Moreover,
pricing strategy, revenue management image in consumer’s mind to influence
strategies and promotional strategy should their choice (Shehzad, 2014). Brand
be the main focus to develop consumer
purchase decision of the beer companies. awareness is an important tool that can
Further, branding activities, campaigns to influence the purchase decision because
promote beer brands through mass media
and ad agencies, partnering up with when the customer want to buy a product
specialized agencies, providing discounts a brand image or brand name comes to
and value-added promotional activities

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 05 Issue 16
June 2018

his mind that shows that company or from memory and cued by the brand name
brand has more loyalty. Higher brand (Hansen and Christensen, 2003).
awareness tend to have more loyalty and A brand has a value; this depends
market image (Chi, 2009). Companies on the quality of its products in the market
use different factor to make an image in and the satisfaction or content of the
the mind of consumer that can be a name, customer in its products and services. This
symbol design or mixture of these three provides the trust of the customers in the
so that customer can identify specific brand. If customers trust a brand quality it
brand or product. To be in competition makes a positive connection to the brand
brand equity is an important tool to get and customers will have a reason to
attention of people that may lead buying become a loyal to the brand. Loyalty and
decision (Bansah, 2015). trust of the customers is very important for
Brands also have a symbolic value a company because it reduces the chance
which helps the people to choose the best of attack from competitors (Aaker, 1996).
product according to their need and The fast changing business
satisfaction. Usually people do not buy environment has provided many inputs (in
certain brands just for design and
terms of both the beer packaging and
requirement, but also in an attempt to emotional images built into them) that
enhance their self-esteem in the society influences buyers' behavior and keeps
(Leslie and Malcolm, 1992). Brand names consumer preferences in a constant state of
present many things about a product and flux. The information revolution and
give number of information about it to the intensifying competition places a large
customers and also tell the customer or amount of solicited information at the
potential buyer what the product means to consumer's disposal before buying a
them. Furthermore it represents the product. The informational inputs,
customers’ convenient summary like their advocating the merits of each branded
feelings, knowledge and experiences with goods influence the buyer’s decision to a
the brand. More over customer do not great extent. There are various other
spend much time to do find out about the factors that influence the consumer
product. When customer considers about behavior may also be the topics of interest
the purchase they evaluate the product from the marketer point of view.
immediately by reconstructed product

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 05 Issue 16
June 2018

Consumer decision making is buy their products. It also focuses on how

highly depended on the branding often the consumers use the products.
elements. Brand Equity is the base for Furthermore, it also sheds light on how the
making the consumer takes decision while consumers evaluate the products after the
preferring the brands. “Brand equity is a purchase and the effect of evaluations on
set of brand assets and liabilities linked to their future purchases (Schiffman, 2005).
a brand, its name and symbol that add to
or subtract from the value provided by a 2. Literature Review
product or service to a firm and/or to that Brands are a complex phenomenon
firm’s customers” (Cravens, 2003). Brand that has been in existence already for
equity is a valuable asset for a company, centuries. American Association (1999),
which they want to, put in their brands. A defines a brand as a “name, sign, symbol,
power full brand enjoys a high level of term, design, or a combination of them,
customer brand awareness and loyalty. intended to identify the goods and services
Customers may perhaps identify of one seller or group of more sellers and
definite symbols but be unable to link to differentiate them from those of
them any brand or product (Keller, 2008). competitors.” Brand introduces stability
Logos helps companies to develop the into business, help guard against
brand equity through raised brand competitive imitation, and allow
identification and brand loyalty. Logos are consumers to shop with confidence in an
very important assets, companies spend increasingly complex world (Aaker,
enormous time and money to promote 1991). When customers make a decision
brand logos and symbols. Logos and about a brand and its associations, they are
symbol are successful way to get a better often loyal to that brand and they will
place in customer mind. continue to buy the product from the same
Consumer behavior mainly sheds brand it in the future, will recommend it to
light on how consumers decides to spend their friends, and will definitely choose the
their various resources like time, money product over others, even those with better
etc. on various products so as to meet their features or lower prices (Assael, 1991).
needs and requirement. Consumer Consumer behavior can be defined
behavior encompasses study of what, as “the decision process and physical
when, why and where the consumers will activity engaged in when evaluating,

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 05 Issue 16
June 2018

acquiring, using or disposing of goods and mediating role of purchase intention on

services.” An understanding of consumer the relationship of brand awareness and
behavior is of critical importance to all profitability. Data was collected from 200
people engaged in any form of marketing resellers and Sobel test was used for
activity. This understanding enables the mediator variable. The results concluded
marketers to find behavior of consumers, the positive impact of brand equity on
to influence their behaviors and to purchase decision and also show that
manipulate the influencing variables to purchase intension only mediates the
gain advantage. relationship of profitability and perceived
The growth in the size of companies quality (Yaseen, 2011).
and markets has given birth to the This study proposed to check the
marketing research and consumer impact of brand equity factors on purchase
behavior that has become one of the focal behavior of consumer in beer sector.
points of marketing. This is being Researcher used the Aaker’s model for
researched very widely. The products are framework of study. Sample size was 242
designed to fit into consumers' perception. and hypothesis is tested through structural
The products are distributed as per the equation modeling. The results reveal that
consumers' convenience and advertised to the purchase decision of a product is
communicate consumers and ultimately influenced by brand equity and brand
influence their behavior in favor of its loyalty (Jalilvand, 2011). The study
offers. Since the stakes in the business are focused on the whether the purchase
very high, competition is too stiff and decision is influenced by customer-based
failure of the business is too risky. brand equity. Aaker’s model was used to
Therefore, it is desirable to assess the support the study and data is collected
consumers’ behavior and their preferences from 403 customers of draught beers and
in order to remain competitive in the data is tested through multiple linear
market. regression as well as chi square and
Researcher wants to prove in their Pearson correlation. The finding shows
study the impact of brand awareness, indicate that there is positive relationship
perceived quality and customer loyalty on exists between brand equity and purchase
purchase intention from reseller’s point of intention (Khataan, 2014).
view and also focused on examining the

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 05 Issue 16
June 2018

Researchers concluded in their These conditions can be avoided when

research that brand image, brand trust and companies create loyalty relationships
perceived quality some factors of brand with their customers. Therefore, it is
equity has a positive impact on consumer necessary that the value proposition of the
purchase decision, but brand satisfaction offered brands meet consumers' values
and experience have a low or moderate and desires.
impact on purchase decision. This According to Aaker (1991), there are
research has focused food sector of Iran 11 brand association types including the
and results are obtained by 165 samples brand qualities, moral values, benefits it
that are collected by simple random provides to the consumer, related price,
sampling (Heidarian, 2015). usage, user, famous people, lifestyle,
Previous studies have shown that product class, competitors and
brand management helps enterprises to geographical environment.
protect their image and that a strong brand
According to Aaker, brand
has a high market share. The actual or
awareness is the ability of a potential
prospective purchaser of products or
buyer to recognize or remember that the
services (AMA, 2015) - customer - is an
brand is a member of a certain product
important category in brand management.
category and includes the connection of a
A brand can be successful if the brand
product class and the brand. The role of
management system is competent and as a
brand awareness on brand value depends
result of relevant marketing activities can
on both the content and the brand
be seen loyal and satisfied
awareness level. Level of brand awareness
customer/consumer. Consumer behavior is
is one of the factors affecting the market
influenced by a variety of factors
share of the company related to that
interacting in complex ways. With better
product. As the number of those in the
understanding of customer’s perceptions;
market who are aware of the brand
companies can determine the actions
increase, the chances increase for the
required to meet the customer’s need
market share of the product to increase.
(Shende, 2014). Due to the current global
The market share being high may be
conditions, the marketplace is becoming a
effective in the profitableness of the
place of a super-saturation of products
establishment. Brand awareness is an
resulting in brand loyalty disappearance.
element of trust for the consumers. In the

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 05 Issue 16
June 2018

studies of Macdonald and Sharp, it has awareness; perceived brand quality; brand
been seen that consumers generally prefer associations in addition to perceived
brands with high recognition levels despite quality; and other proprietary brand assets
the price and quality differences. - e.g., patents, trademarks, and channel
relationship. Also, if they are managed
Aaker (1992) provided the most
well, these assets will add value to the
comprehensive brand equity model which
product and services and will create
consists of five different assets that are the
additional customer satisfaction, which in
source of the value creation. These assets
turn provides a number of benefits to the
include brand loyalty; brand name
firms (Aaker, 1991).
Conceptual Framework
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Brand Awareness

Brand Loyalty
Consumer Purchase Decision
Perceived Quality
Brand Association

Figure 1.1: Conceptual Framework for consumer purchase decision on beer brands.

3. Methodology The research was conducted in

The research was conducted using Kathmandu valley, which is the capital of
a quantitative method. The quantitative Nepal. The sample was include beer
method will be used to gather the data consumers who Consmes beers from
from the customers of the conveniently different channels like Liquor Stores,
selected Restaurants, Clubs, and hotels Restaurants, Clubs and Hotels of
inside the Kathmandu valley. A self- Kathmandu. The independent variable
administered 5 point Likert-scale used in this research are brand awareness,
questionnaire tool will be used to collect brand association, brand loyalty, and
the data from the customers in relations to perceived quality whereas, the dependent
Customer purchase decision. variable used in the research is customer
Purchase decision. This research will be

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 05 Issue 16
June 2018

using quantitative data collected through H4: There is a significant relationship

the questionnaire representing both the between brand association and consumer
dependent and the independent variables decision making for beer brands in Nepal.
using a 5 point Likert scale and personal
The population of the study
consists the consumers who are above the 5. Findings and Results
legal age i.e. above 21 for consuming As mentioned earlier the research was
beers in Nepal. The population of the conducted using only quantitative
quantitative study is known as there were method, the summary of findings
11, 12, 650 no. of consumers who are from the quantitative methods is
above the legal age of drinking alcohol.. explained below:The samples
For this research, only 4 different channels comprised of 288 male 72 percent
will be studied as per the convenience of and 112 females 28 percent
the researcher. respondents.
4. Research Hypothesis Table 1 Correlations between overall
H1: There is a significant relationship consumer decision making and
between brand awareness and consumer independent variables
decision making for beer brands in Nepal. (The table shows the correlation table
H2: There is a significant relationship where dependent variable is Consumer
decision making and independent
between the brand loyalty and consumer
variables are brand awareness, brand
decision making for beer brands in Nepal. loyalty, brand association and perceived
H3: There is a significant relationship
between perceived quality and consumer
decision making for beer brands in Nepal.

Perceived Brand Brand Brand Purchase
Quality Loyalty Awareness Associations decision
Perceived Quality
0.828** 1
Brand Loyalty
0.803** 0.753** 1
Brand Awareness

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 05 Issue 16
June 2018

0.744** 0.768** 0.842** 1

Brand Associations

Purchase decision 0.571** 0.534** 0.586** 0.574** 1

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source. Author, 2018
From the above table we can confirm that there exists significant and positive relationship between
Perceived Quality and Purchase decision at 0.01 level of significance. It means that if Perceived
Quality is increased then Consumer Purchase decision also Increases. Similarly, there exists
significant and positive relationship between Brand Loyalty and Purchase decision at 0.01 level of
significance. It means that if Brand Loyalty is increased then Purchase decision also Increases.
There also exists significant and positive relationship between Brand Awareness and Purchase
decision at 0.01 level of significance. It means that if Brand Awareness is increased then Purchase
decision also Increases. Similarly, there exists significant and positive relationship between Brand
Associations and Purchase decision at 0.01 level of significance.
Table 2 Model Summary
Model R R Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square Square the Estimate
1 0.621a 0.386 0.380 0.69766
Source. Author, 2018

In the above table, we can see the summary of the model used. Here we can see the Adjusted
R Square being 0.380 which mean the independent variables just explain 38 percent of the Purchase
decision. Also, the standard Error of the estimate is 0.69766.

Table 3 ANOVA Table

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean F Sig.
Regression 120.862 4 30.216 62.079 .000b
Residual 192.256 395 .487
Total 313.118 399
Source. Author, 2018

From the above table we can infer that the overall regression model was statistically
significant at F = 62.079. Since, the value of significance is less than 0.05, the four

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 05 Issue 16
June 2018

independent variables or predictors when taken together can significantly predict the
Purchase decision or the dependent variable.

Table 4 Coefficient Table

Model Unstandardized Standardized T Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.096 0.163 6.715 0.000
PQ 0.222 0.081 0.220 2.737 0.006
1 BL 0.036 0.079 0.035 0.453 0.651
BA 0.198 0.081 0.206 2.451 0.015
Bas 0.211 0.079 0.211 2.668 0.008
Source. Author, 2018

In the above table we can see the standard means higher the Brand Associations
error, beta coefficient, t value and lower will be the Purchase decision.
significance of all the independent
6. Summary and Conclusion
variables Perceived Quality, Brand
As mentioned in earlier sections
Loyalty, Brand Awareness and Brand
this research is conducted on the
Associations with respect to dependent
consumers decision making for beer
variable which is Purchase decision. The
brands in Nepal which took consumer
table indicates that higher the Perceived
purchase decision as a dependent variable
Quality higher will be the Purchase
with the sample size of 400 respondents
decision. It further shows that higher the
for the quantitative analysis. Thus, this
Brand Associations higher will be the
research is based on only quantitative data
Purchase decision. It further shows that
higher the Brand Awareness higher will be
For the quantitative analysis, the
the Purchase decision. But Brand Loyalty
research has used descriptive statistics,
and Purchase decision has negative
ANOVA, regression and correlation
relationship and not significant which
analysis as the major analysis tool.

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p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 05 Issue 16
June 2018

Similarly, for the qualitative analysis, the accompanied for relaxation whereas, the
research has used thematic analysis minority of the respondents were
method. The unit of analysis used was the accompanied for friends circle enjoyment.
gender of respondents, age, employment, In the study, it was found that most
income level, and education level. of the respondents were from 26yrs to 30
The main conclusion of this yrs. Old. This age group is young and
research are; brand awareness, perceived mature who wants to have fun in their
quality and brand association have a personal and professional Life. From total
positive impact on consumer decision respondents, 213 numbers of respondents
making whereas brand loyalty is not belongs to 26 yrs. to 30 yrs. old. And less
significantly related to consumer decision number of respondents from an age group
making. In the present research, in the from 41 yrs. to 45 yrs. i.e. only 3
context of beer brands in Nepal, brand respondents.
awareness, brand association, perceived In the study, it was found that most
quality is significantly contributing to the of the respondents were Bachelors i.e. 278
consumer decision making. Whereas, one number of respondents. And less number
variable namely brand loyalty is of respondents i.e. 16 respondents were
contributing insignificantly. This doing Higher Diploma. And 35
dimension i.e. brand loyalty towards respondents are doing Intermediate and 53
consumer decision making needs to be respondents were doing Masters. From this
given more attention by the beer figure we can say that bachelors do more
companies in Nepal to make positive and prefer and do interacts more in the beer
to contribute to the dimensions of available stores, clubs and restaurants.
consumer purchase decision. The The study also shows that the
insignificant contribution of the brand employment status of the beer consumers.
loyalty to the consumer purchase decision Most of the respondents i.e. 273
of beer brands in Nepal implies that beer respondents were employed. Out of 400
consumers are unable to become loyal and respondents, 23 were the least respondents
don’t purchase the same beer brands every who were self-employed. 74 respondents
time. were students and 30 were unemployed.
In the study, it was found that the So it represents that mostly the bachelors
majority of the respondents were

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at Volume 05 Issue 16
June 2018

do interacts for Beer purchasing and do The research only investigates,

prefers beers. analyze and measure the brand elements
The study also shows that and its effect in consumer decision making
maximum number of respondents i.e. 213 process. The research focused on
respondents were having the income level collecting the available resources and
of Rs. 15001 to Rs. 25000. And the least materials associated with brand elements
respondents were 19 respondents who and factors which effect the consumer
were having their income level from Rs. decision making process that are presented
25001 to Rs. 35001. 104 Respondents in the context of beer industry. The overall
were having income level of below 15000. finding of the research based on the
This clearly means that those who were analyses of information related to
earning between 15001 to Rs. 25001 were measuring consumer behavior, the
having more number of beer purchases. application of the findings may be limited
Whereas the Adjusted R2 shows that 38 to beer brands. There may also be other
percent of the variation of the independent significant factors affecting the
variable is explained by the dependent consumer’s decision-making process for
variables. beer brands besides those focused in the
It was found that all the study. There is no any guarantee that the
participants agreed that beer brand strategy usability of the findings of the research
is very much important in today’s context. and application would help to meet the
Majority of the participants agreed that expectations on brand major elements
pricing strategy and promotional strategy aspects of beers. Thus, this research
should be mainly focused. It was also signifies the importance of brand effect for
found that promotional strategies and consumer decision making process to
revenue management strategies are also build their credibility.
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