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🌟TNPSC General English Grammar (Part A) Videos🌟

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General English Grammar Materials

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Unit 1 Basic English Sentence Patterns 1

Unit 2 Parts of Speech 7

Unit 3 Simple Present Tense 23

Unit 4 Simple Past Tense 37

Unit 5 Present Perfect Tense 51

Unit 6 Simple Future Tense 59

Unit 7 The Passive Voice (Simple Present Tense) 69

Unit 8 The Passive Voice (Simple Past Tense) 79

Unit 9 Agreement between Noun and Verb 93

Unit 10 Prepositions 105

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Unit 1
Basic English Sentence Patterns

A. When we make simple English sentences, we usually follow the

Subject-Verb-Object pattern.
1. put the subject and the adjectives such as ‘fat’, ‘thin’ etc. or any words
describing the subject at the beginning of the sentence
2. put the verb and some adverbs such as ‘often’, ‘usually’ etc. after the
3. put the object of the verb, the adjectives or other words describing the
object and the adverbs describing the verb at the end of he sentence

Subject Verb Object

Paul often eats biscuits.

Mary ate two apples quickly.
My father and mother are eating mangoes now.
The fat girl has eaten a watermelon.
That little boy will eat some bread soon.

Exercise 1
Rearrange the words in correct order to make complete sentences.
e.g. the fat cat / a mouse / is chasing.
The fat cat is chasing a mouse.

1. that thin girl / is drinking / milk now

2. the robbers yesterday / the police / caught
3. our teacher / like /we
4. my mother / my baby sister / is looking after
5. has just written / a letter / the tall man
6. the students / have solved / some Mathematics problems
7. her aunt tomorrow / will visit / Mary
8. newspapers every day / my boss / reads
9. enjoyed / the movie / the audience
10. the cook / some chocolate cakes / has made

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Exercise 1
1. That thin girl is drinking milk now.
2. The police caught the robbers yesterday.
3. We like our teacher.
4. My mother is looking after my baby sister.
5. The tall man has just written a letter.
6. The students have solved some Mathematics problems.
7. Mary will visit her aunt tomorrow.
8. My boss reads newspapers every day.
9. The audience enjoyed the movie.
10. The cook has made some chocolate cakes.

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B. Some verbs can be followed by two objects without an ‘and’ connecting them.
One of these objects is called the ‘direct object’ and the other the ‘indirect
object’. Below is the pattern of a sentence containing both direct object and
indirect object:
Subject – Verb – Indirect Object – Direct Object

Subject Verb Indirect Object Direct Object

I gave my sister a birthday present.

My parents always tell me stories.
We have lent him some money.
They are asking the teacher some questions.

Exercise 2
Rearrange the words in correct order to make complete sentences.
e.g. my sister / a birthday cake yesterday / me / baked
My sister baked me a birthday cake yesterday.

1. the short man / has bought / some crayons from the stationery shop / his son
2. the policeman / has just shown / the driver / his driving license
3. the patient / gave / some medicine / the nurse
4. brought / me / a bouquet of flowers last week / my uncle
5. the shopkeeper / the customer / is paying / two hundred dollars
6. he / his brother / the secret / has never told
7. a postcard from Japan / sent / her / her best friend
8. did not lend / his new model car / the child / his classmate
9. her mother / cooked / her / some congee
10. has ever given / any help / the blind woman / no one in the street

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Exercise 2
1. The short man has bought his son some crayons from the stationery shop.
2. The driver has just shown the policeman his driving license.
3. The nurse gave the patient some medicine.
4. My uncle brought me a bouquet of flowers last week.
5. The customer is paying the shopkeeper two hundred dollars.
6. He has never told his brother the secret.
7. Her best friend sent her a postcard from Japan.
8. The child did not lend his classmate his new model car.
9. Her mother cooked her some congee.
10. No one in the street has ever given the blind woman any help.

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C. Sometimes a preposition is put in front of the indirect object. The pattern of
such sentence is :

Subject – Verb – Direct Object – Preposition – Indirect Object

Subject Verb Direct Object Preposition Indirect Object

My friend has sent a letter to me.

His parents bought a computer for him.

Exercise 3
Rewrite each of the following sentences by placing the word in brackets before the
indirect object.
e.g. My brother showed me his new wallet. (to)
My brother showed his new wallet to me.

1. The postman took her a letter yesterday. (to)

2. The dog owner gives his dog a bone every day. (to)
3. The students sent their teacher a present. (to)
4. The gardener handed me some flowers. (to)
5. My mother has already taken my father a cup of coffee.(to)
6. She found me a seat in the concert last Sunday. (for)
7. Betty has painted her best friend a beautiful picture. (for)
8. We bought our uncle a pair of gloves on his birthday. (for)
9. The tailor made the princess a new dress. (for)
10. Judy has baked me some chocolate cookies. (for)

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Exercise 3
1. The postman took a letter to her yesterday.
2. The dog owner gives a bone to his dog every day.
3. The students sent a present to their teacher.
4. The gardener handed some flowers to me.
5. My mother has already taken a cup of coffee to my father.
6. She found a seat for me in the concert last Sunday.
7. Betty has painted a beautiful picture for her best friend.
8. We bought a pair of gloves for our uncle on his birthday.
9. The tailor made a new dress for the princess.
10. Judy has baked some chocolate cookies for me.

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Unit 2
Parts of Speech

Words perform different functions in a sentence. Details are as follows:

Parts of speech Usage Example

Noun it names a person, a place or a Mary is beautiful.

thing Paris is the capital of France.
Freedom is very important.

Pronoun it is a word used instead of a They are good students.

noun The pencil is hers.

Adjective it describes a noun My father is tall but my mother is


Verb it tells an action Birds fly.

Adverb it describes the adjective and / The children always talk loudly.
or verbs

Preposition it tells the relationship between My parents will meet me at the

nouns / pronouns and other station tomorrow.
words in a sentence

Conjunction it joins sentences, clauses, Jimmy opened the door and went in.
phrases and single words

Exclamation it tells sudden feeling or Hurrah! We won the football match.


Exercise 1
Pick out the nouns in the following sentences. There may be more than one noun in
each sentence.
e.g. Terry told his friends many secrets.
Nouns: Terry, friends, secrets

1. His success made his parents happy.

2. Cows give us milk.
3. The train has just left the station.
4. Paris is the capital of France.
5. Our family spent the holiday in London.

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6. Do you drink coffee with milk and sugar?
7. Lead is softer than iron.
8. What’s more important, health or wealth?
9. A swarm of rabbits ran out of the forest.
10. My brother had a toothache last week.


Exercise 1
1. success, parents
2. cows, milk
3. train, station.
4. Paris, capital, France.
5. family, holiday, London.
6. coffee, milk, sugar
7. lead, iron.
8. health, wealth
9. swarm, rabbits, forest
10. brother, toothache, week

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Exercise 2
Pick out the pronouns in the following sentences. There may be more than one
pronoun in each sentence.
e.g. These socks are hers.
pronoun: hers

1. The yellow car over there belongs to him.

2. This cat is beautiful, but mine is more beautiful.
3. Who gave her the money?
4. He cut himself when he was shaving.
5. Which do you prefer, an apple or an orange?
6. There is nobody here.
7. The teacher can hear them talking.
8. She explained it to me yesterday.
9. I found these tickets on the floor yesterday. Are they yours?
10. You should help yourself.

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Exercise 2
1. him.
2. mine
3. Who, her
4. He, himself, he
5. Which, you
6. nobody
7. them
8. She, it, me
9. I, they, yours
10. You, yourself

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Exercise 3
Pick out the adjectives in the following sentences. There may be more than one
adjective in each sentence.
e.g. He is a hard-working student.
adjective: hard-working

1. These apples are sweet but expensive.

2. Whose umbrella is this?
3. There is some milk in the refrigerator.
4. Tai Mo Shan is the highest mountain in Hong Kong.
5. We have not got any mango trees in our garden.
6. Which dress do you like, the blue one or the red one?
7. Peter is fatter than Maurice.
8. It is dangerous for children to play with matches.
9. This book is very interesting. Have you read it?
10. Alan is an honest boy.

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Exercise 3
1. These, sweet, expensive
2. Whose
3. some
4. highest
5. any, our
6. Which, blue, red
7. fatter
8. dangerous
9. interesting
10. honest

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Exercise 4
Pick out the verbs in the following sentences. There may be more than one verb in
each sentence.
e.g. There are thirty students in my class.
verb: are

1. After the rain had stopped, the children went out to the playground.
2. My sister enjoys listening to classical music.
3. We will visit the museum tomorrow.
4. Who has finished doing the exercise?
5. The tiger was shot by the hunter.
6. The train is leaving soon.
7. Snakes are found in Sai Kung.
8. John occupies a very important position in the company.
9. I was bathing when the telephone rang.
10. That is the woman who knows my parents.

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Exercise 4
1. had stopped, went
2. enjoys
3. will visit
4. has finished
5. was shot
6. is leaving
7. are found
8. occupies
9. was bathing, rang
10. is, knows

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Exercise 5
Pick out the adverbs in the following sentences. There may be more than one adverb
in each sentence.
e.g. The soldiers fought bravely in the war.
adverb: bravely

1. The little girl smiled sweetly at me yesterday.

2. Please hang the wet clothes here.
3. The chairman seldom arrives on time.
4. You must spend your money more wisely.
5. It is raining heavily. You must drive carefully.
6. He shouted at the dog that was barking noisily.
7. Jane spoke the least throughout the meeting.
8. You must work hard if you want to pass the examination.
9. Have you ever visited Thailand?
10. The box is too heavy for him to carry.

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Exercise 5
1. sweetly, yesterday
2. here
3. seldom
4. more wisely
5. heavily, carefully
6. noisily
7. least
8. hard
9. ever
10. too

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Exercise 6
Pick out the prepositions in the following sentences. There may be more than one
preposition in each sentence.
e.g. My father works in a factory. .
preposition: in

1. Take off your hat before you go into the room.

2. I bought this book for fifty dollars.
3. There is a bridge over the river.
4. I like walking along the riverbank.
5. She kept her jewellery in a box under the bed.
6. The lifeguard had to swim against the currents to reach the drowning child.
7. He is afraid of snakes.
8. Homework should be finished at home.
9. My parents do not work on Sundays.
10. Rose is absent from school today.

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Exercise 6
1. off, into
2. for
3. over
4. along
5. in, under
6. against
7. of
8. at
9. on
10. from

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Exercise 7
Pick out the conjunctions in the following sentences.
e.g. A fish can swim but a bird cannot. .
conjunction: but

1. Although he was late, he managed to catch the bus.

2. My father had locked the door before he went to bed last night.
3. I am dark but my sister is fair.
4. We must hurry or we will be late.
5. Do not move until the general gives the order.
6. Since she was not there, I talked to her husband.
7. They were disqualified because they cheated during the game.
8. We can’t carry on for it is raining heavily.
9. My brother had a serious stomachache, so he returned home.
10. Though she was suffering much pain, she did not complain.

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Exercise 7
1. Although
2. before.
3. but
4. or
5. until
6. Since
7. because
8. for
9. so
10. Though

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Exercise 8
Pick out the exclamations in the following sentences.
e.g. Hush! Don’t make any noise.
exclamation: Hush

1. Oh! I am sorry to hear that.

2. Ah! This is my dream car.
3. Hush! Be quiet. The baby is asleep.
4. How wonderful! It can fly.
5. Alas! The dog is dead.
6. Ha! Ha! I have won the first prize.
7. Good heavens! A storm is coming.
8. Dear me! What a fool he is.
9. Well done! Please play it once more.
10. Hurrah! Our team won the game.

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Exercise 8
1. Oh
2. Ah
3. Hush
4. How wonderful
5. Alas
6. Ha, Ha
7. Good heavens
8. Dear me
9. Well done
10. Hurrah

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Unit 3
Simple Present Tense

The Simple Present Tense is used to talk about:

1. things that are usually true
e.g. The Earth goes round the sun.

2. situations which are true at the time of speaking although they may change
e.g. He is in Paris at the moment.

3. habits, or things which happen regularly

e.g. He takes a shower every evening.

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the simple present form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. He drinks a cup of coffee every morning. (drink)

1. Smoking __________ a bad habit. (be)

2. Annie ___________ her homework every day. (do)

3. He __________ the plants every other day. (water)

4. I ____________ up early every morning. (get)

5. Birds ___________ south in the winter. (fly)

6. My parents ___________ work on Sundays. (not work)

7. Amanda ___________ T.V. most evenings. (watch)

8. She often __________ her grandparents. (visit)

9. His brother ___________ football on Mondays. (play)

10. _____ you ______ the way to the restaurant? (know)

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Exercise 1
1. is
2. does
3. waters
4. get
5. fly
6. do not work
7. watches
8. visits
9. plays
10. Do you know

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Exercise 2
Choose verbs from the box to complete the following sentences. Remember to use the
correct form of the verbs.
e.g. An honest person always tells the truth.

put have lose enjoy boil tell

like need open make go

1. Water ___________ at 100 degrees Celsius.

2. Firefighters __________ out fires.

3. Most children ____________ to eat chocolate and ice-cream.

4. His parents seldom ___________ to movies.

5. We ____________ English lessons every day.

6. The shops in this mall __________ at eleven daily.

7. She often ___________ her temper, so she has no friends.

8. Plants usually ____________ sunlight and water.

9. ______ you _________ listening to classical music?

10. Practice __________ perfect.

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Exercise 2
1. boils
2. put
3. like
4. go
5. have
6. open
7. loses
8. need
9. Do you enjoy
10. makes

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Exercise 3
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1A published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the simple present form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. A baby is helpless and needs parental care. (be, need)

1. A four-grid reference __________ four numbers. The first two numbers

__________ the easting. The second two numbers __________ the northing.
(contain, be, be)

2. Recreational activities __________ place wither indoors or outdoors. For example,

playing squash __________ one type of indoor recreational activity. Cycling and
flying kites __________ outdoor recreational activity. (take, be, be)

3. Pollution problems __________ us very much in recent years. Many Hong

Kong people __________ abroad for the clean air and unspoilt beaches. (affect,

4. Different people __________ different preferences. Some people __________

sightseeing, some people __________ adventures and some people __________
shopping or food. (have, prefer, like, like)

5. Tourism __________ service industry. It __________ many jobs in transport,

hotel, catering and entertainment businesses. Examples __________ tourist guides,
coach drivers, waiters and waitresses in hotels and restaurants. (be, create, be)

6. Some factories __________ inflammable raw materials and may catch fire easily.
This __________ a very serious threat to buildings nearby. For example, the
factories in San Po Kong __________ very near to residential blocks. This
__________ an example of land use conflict. (use, be, be, be)

7. The buildings __________ often small and a lot of people __________ there.
Windows __________ not sufficient and so ventilation __________ poor. The
shops __________ a lot of rubbish and pollutants like waste gases from restaurant
kitchens. The dense traffic and slow-moving vehicles also __________ out a lot of
smoke and harmful gases. Living there __________ very unpleasant. (be, live, be,
be, produce, give, become)

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Exercise 3
1. contains, are, are
2. takes, is, are
3. affect, go
4. have, prefer, like, like
5. is, creates, are
6. use, is, are, is
7. are, live, are, is, produce, give, becomes

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Exercise 4
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1B published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the simple present form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. A baby is helpless and needs parental care. (be, need)

8. Guangzhou __________ a good public transport system. Many people

__________ their bicycles to work or school. This __________ down the traffic,
especially in the rush hours. Every day more than 800,000 vehicles __________ in
Guangzhou, so congestion __________ common along the narrow streets, bridges
and tunnels. (not have, ride, slow, run, be)

9. Some factories __________ their waste water properly. They just __________
them down the drain pipes. This waste water __________ toxic chemicals and
metals. These then __________ concentrated in seafood like oysters and
shrimps. (not treat, pour, contain, become)

10. Since the Second World War, the two cities __________ better sanitary conditions
and medical facilities. Now fewer babies __________ after birth and people
__________ a longer life. Therefore, as the number of deaths __________,
population __________. (have, die, live, drop, increase)

11. Some factory owners __________ their waste water into the drain pipes. Many
cars __________ black smoke but the drivers __________ them. People
__________ a lot of paper and plastic and therefore __________ a large amount
of solid waste. (pour, emit, not fix, use, produce)

12. As factories __________ to the mainland of China, the government __________

the factory landowners to change the purpose of the industrial buildings. (move,

13. Some countries, like the USA, __________ to protect their own industries. They
__________ up quotas to restrict the quantity of imported products. They also
__________ the price of imported goods by using tariffs on imports. (want, set,

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14. The government __________ training courses for industrial workers who
__________ to change jobs. These courses __________ free and all retrainees
__________ a retraining allowance of $4,000 per month for attending full-time
courses. (provide, want, be, receive)


Exercise 4
8. does not have, ride, slows, run, is
9. do not treat, pour, contains, become
10. have, die, live, drops, increases
11. pour, emit, do not fix, use, produce
12. move, encourages
13. want, set, increase
14. provides, want, are, receive

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Exercise 5
The following sentences are taken from Journey Through History – A Modern
Course Book 1 published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the simple present form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. A baby is helpless and needs parental care. (be, need)

1. We __________ about the past from the writings of historians. Historians

__________ a record of past events from primary sources and secondary sources.
(learn, make)

2. Hong Kong __________ to Hong Kong Island, the Kowloon Peninsula and the
New Territories. It __________ in Guangdong province in south China. (refer, be)

3. Each walled village __________ an ancestral hall. The ancestral hall __________
the soul tablets of the clan’s founding ancestor. Clan members __________ their
ancestors, __________ celebrations and __________about clan affairs there.
(have, houses, worship, hold, talk)

4. Damiao __________ the oldest and largest of all the Tianhou temples in Hong
Kong. Some 30000 worshippers __________ there on Tinahou’s birthday. At
Damiao, they __________ incense, and __________ fruit and roasted pigs to
Tianhou. (be, go, burn, offer)

5. Civilization __________ citizens or persons living in a village, a town or a city.

Historians __________ this word to describe how people __________ in villages,
towns or cities. (mean, use, live)

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Exercise 5
15. learn, make
16. refers, is
17. has, houses, worship, hold, talk
18. is, go, burn, offer
19. means, use, live

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Exercise 6
The following sentences are taken from Understanding Integrated Science for 21st
Century Book 1A published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the simple present form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. A baby is helpless and needs parental care. (be, need)

1. Scientists __________out experiments in laboratories. A laboratory

____________a lot of apparatus and equipment. (carry, provide)

2. Most of the time a detective _____________some materials from the scene and
_____________them to the laboratory for analysis. (collect, send)

3. No one _____________exactly how many different kinds of living things

______________on Earth today. (know, exist)

4. Life _____________ when a sperm __________ ovum. The sperms

____________up the uterus to the oviduct. (begin, meet, swim)

5. When a person _____________puberty, he or she ____________sexual maturity.

(reach, reach)

6. The lining of the uterus ____________down and a small amount of blood and
cells _____________out through the vagina. (break, pass)

7. If pregnancy_____________, the lining of the uterus ___________thick and -

______________down. (occur, stay, not break)

8. The menstrual cycle _____________usually about 28 days, but it

___________in different women.(be, vary)

9. If you _______________abortion as the solution when you _____________a

pregnant, __________you ___________the serious effects of abortion? (choose,
get, know)

10. Some __________ sex as something casual and ____________much attention to

the consequences which might be very serious. (take, not pay)

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Exercise 6
1. carry, provides
2. collects, sends
3. knows, exist
4. begins, meets, swim
5. reaches, reaches
6. breaks, pass
7. occurs, stays, does not break
8. is, varies
9. choose, get, do you know
10. take, do not pay

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Exercise 7
The following sentences are taken from Understanding Integrated Science for 21st
Century Book 1B published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the simple present form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. A baby is helpless and needs parental care. (be, need)

1. When two objects __________ the same speed, which one __________ more
kinetic energy, the heavier one or the lighter one? (have, have)

2. The China Light and Power Company Limited __________ electricity to

Kowloon and the New Territories, including Lantau. (supply)

3. When acid rain __________ into stream and lakes, it __________ them acidic
and this __________ most of the fish. (fall, make, kill)

4. As the tide __________, seawater __________ through the dam tunnels into the
river and __________ the turbines. When the tide __________ out, the turbines
__________ in the opposite direction. (rise, flow, turn, flow turn)

5. Every day the sun __________, the wind __________, the rain __________ and
the tide __________ in. (shine, blow, fall, come)

6. Water pollution not only __________ our health, but also __________ nature.
(affect, harm)

7. When you __________ onto cold glass, the water vapour breathed out
__________ into liquid water. (breathe, condense)

8. Atoms of the same matter __________ the same and __________ the same size.
Atoms of different elements __________ different sizes (be, have, have)

9. The difference between steel and wood __________ that steel __________
denser than wood. (be, be)

10. When an electric iron __________ the required temperature, the bimetallic strip
__________, breaking the circuit and switching off the heater. (reach, bend)

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Exercise 7
20. have, has
21. supplies
22. falls, makes, kills
23. rises, flows, turns, flows, turn
24. shines, blows, falls, comes
25. affects, harms
26. breathe, condenses
27. are, have, have
28. is, is
29. reaches, bends

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Unit 4
Simple Past Tense

The Simple Past Tense is used to talk about actions that are completed in the
e.g. Sam’s father died last Sunday.

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the simple past form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. I slept early last night. (sleep)

1. Who _____________ the vase while I was away? (break)

2. He _____________ a lot of photographs during his last trip. (take)

3. The little boy ____________ a bad dream last night. (have)

4. Some men ___________ a hole under the fence last week. (dig)

5. She ________________ from the drinking fountain although she ___________

(not drink, be) thirsty.

6. The baby ____________ asleep ten minutes ago. (fall)

7. The boys ___________ into the house when it ___________ to rain. (go, start)

8. Eve ___________ the apples into halves and ___________ them to the guests.
(cut, give)

9. There ____________ a serious traffic accident two days ago. (be)

10. We ___________ money, so we _________ our car last week. (need, sell)

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Exercise 1
1. broke
2. took
3. had
4. dug
5. did not drink, was
6. fell
7. went, started
8. cut, gave
9. was
10. needed, sold

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Exercise 2
Choose verbs from the box to complete the following sentences. Remember to use
the correct form of the verbs.
e.g. The choir sang well last Sunday.

drop hear be go get give sing

move post knock plant stop

1. Amy ___________ over a case. Luckily, she didn’t cut herself.

2. When I _____________ the news, I couldn’t believe my ears.

3. Mr. Chan _____________ a cold last week.

4. The temperature _____________ sharply last night.

5. My father _____________ to bed early last night.

6. ____________ they late for the concert last weekend?

7. The clerk ____________ the letter this morning. I am sure the client will get it

8. It ____________ raining an hour ago.

9. My parents ____________ me this watch on my last birthday.

10. We ____________ this apple tree when we ____________ in this house last year.

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Exercise 2
1. knocked
2. heard
3. got
4. dropped
5. went
6. Were
7. posted
8. stopped
9. gave
10. planted, moved

Exercise 3
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1A published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the simple past form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. He did not go to school yesterday because he was sick. (not go, be)

1. The British _______________ to Hong Kong in 1842 because they ___________

to find a good port for trade with China. They _____________ Victoria Harbour
very useful. It ______________ large and deep enough for the ships of that time.
And it was protected from strong winds and typhoons by the surrounding hills.
Therefore, the British ______________ to build the city along the northern shore
of Hong Kong Island. (come, want, find, be, begin)

2. Compared with the market towns in the New Territories, Central _____________
more accessible. At that time, business people ______________ and __________
their goods mainly by sea. They _______________ sea transport _____________
convenient in this area. So, they _______________ their offices and warehouses
around Victoria Harbour. It ________________ the most accessible part of the
city. (be, import, export, find, be, build, become)

3. As more and more offices and houses were built, land was not enough. The CBD
therefore _______________ to Wan Chai and across the harbour to Tsim Sha Tsui
on the Kowloon Peninsula. Also, the government _______________ to reclaim

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the sea around Victoria Harbour to get more land. (expand, begin)

4. To help solve these problems, the Hong Kong government in 1988 ____________
the Hong Kong Land Development Corporation. (establish)

5. It _______________ increasingly difficult to find enough space in the old urban

areas to house the ever-growing population of Hong Kong. So the government of
Hong Kong ________________ the New Town Development Programme in 1973.
Its aim ________________ to build new urban areas in the New Territories so that
more people could live there. (become, start, be)

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Exercise 3
1. came, wanted, found, was, began
2. was, imported, exported, found, was, built, became
3. expanded, began
4. established
5. became, started, was

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Exercise 4
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1B published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the simple past form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. He did not go to school yesterday because he was sick. (not go, be)
1. In the past, land use planning __________ less important. There ___________ no
control over land use. (be, be)

2. In 1994, the government __________ a sewage disposal scheme. (start)

3. In 1996, outward processing in the mainland __________ HK$222,200 million

worth of goods. (produce)

4. In the past, Hong Kong products __________ popular in the overseas market
because they __________ cheaper. (be, be)

5. In the 1970s and 1980s, the problem of pollution caused by manufacturing

industry __________ more serious. Factories __________ noisy. They also
__________ out smoke and gas, solid waste and dirty water. All these _________
our environment and __________ harmful to our health. Therefore, the
government __________ to pass laws to restrict pollution from factories. (be, be,
give, pollute, be, begin)

6. From 1989 to 1996, Guangdong Province __________ the most important

production base of Hong Kong’s manufacturing. It __________ 95 per cent of the
value of Hong Kong’s imports from the mainland related to outward processing
in 1996. (remain, create)

7. In 1997, the average daily traffic figures at the three crossing points __________
about 1,900 at Sha Tau Kok, 8,400 at Man Kam To and 15,700 at Lok Ma Chau.

8. In 1991, the unemployment rate __________ 1.8 percent, but it __________ a

peak of 3.2 per cent in 1995. The unemployment rate also __________ from 1.6
per cent to 2.1 per cent during the same period. (be, reach, rise)

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9. In the 1960s and 1970s many people in Hong Kong __________ their farms in
the countryside and __________ to the urban areas. They __________ in the
factories and offices. Rural-urban migration __________ the growth of the city.
But there __________ not enough urban land for the increased population. Urban
problem such as overcrowding and traffic congestion __________. (leave, move,
work, cause, be, occur)

10. In the 1960s and 1970s, Hong Kong __________ steady rural-urban migration
and urbanization.

Exercise 4
1. was, was
2. started
3. produced
4. were, were
5. was, were, gave, polluted, were, began
6. remained, created
7. were
8. was, reached, rose
9. left, moved, worked, caused, was, occurred
10. experienced

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Exercise 5
The following sentences are taken from Journey Through History – A Modern
Course Book 1 published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the simple past form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. He did not go to school yesterday because he was sick. (not go, be)

1. History __________ when people first __________ written records in about 4000
BC (or 6000 years old). (begin, make)

2. The Stone Age __________ from about 2500000-4000BC. During this prehistoric
period, people mainly __________ stone to make tools and weapons. They
__________ no written records. (last, use, leave)

3. Early Old Stone Age people __________ probably apemen. They __________
any clothes. They __________ only 1.5 metres tall. They __________ how to talk.
They __________ate uncooked food. They __________ in caves to keep warm.
(be, not wear, be, not know, eat, live)

4. In the 18th century, some Westerners trading in Guangzhou __________ about

Hong Kong. Before sailing to Guangzhou, their ships sometimes __________
fresh water at a waterfall near Shek Pai Wan. There __________ a Hong Kong
Village nearby. Westerners __________ few Chinese words. They __________
the place Hong Kong. They __________ it for the name of the whole island. (hear,
get, be, know, call, mistake)

5. In 221 BC, Hong Kong __________ a part of the Qin Dynasty. Yet there
__________ few official records about Hong Kong. (become, be)

6. One or two hundred years ago, Hong Kong’s rural life __________ quiet. People
at that time __________ few entertainments. Rural people __________ the
custom of worshipping their ancestors. Ancestor worship __________ a part of the
religious life in a rural community. Its main purpose __________ to show filial
piety to ancestors. (be, have, have, form, be)

7. Ancient Egyptians __________ an early civilization in the Nile Valley. Their

golden age __________ from about 3200-1200BC. (build, last)

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8. The Greek civilization __________ in about 800 BC. It mainly __________ from
the Minoan civilization. The Minoans __________ on a Mediterranean Island
called Crete in about 3000BC. They __________ writing through trade with the
Egyptians. So the Minoan civilization __________. It __________ in about
1450BC. That year, the Mycenaeans from Greece __________ Crete. (begin,
develop, live, learn, begin, end, conquer)

9. Ancient Greeks __________ democratic rule. They __________ many gods and
goddesses. Each god or goddess __________ its own myth. (start, worship, have)

10. Muslims __________ to Mecca to worship idols. Trade __________. Traders

__________ losing money. They __________ Mohammed. They __________ to
kill him. To save his life, Mohammed __________ Mecca for Yathrib on July
16,622. (not go, fall, start, hate, want, leave)

11. Feudalism __________ people into the aristocracy. Nobles and their families
__________ the aristocracy. They __________ great landowners. (divide, form,

12. Craftsmen and traders in medieval Europe __________ to group themselves into
guilds. The guilds __________ rules for their trade and craft. They __________
prices, wages and the quality of goods. (like, make, fix)


Exercise 5
1. began, made
2. lasted, used, left
3. were, did not wear, were, did not know, ate, lived
4. heard, got, was, knew, called, mistook
5. became, were
6. was, had, had, formed, was
7. built, lasted
8. began, developed, lived, learned, began, ended, conquered
9. started, worshipped
10. did not go, fell, started, hate, want, leave
11. divided, formed, were
12. liked, made, fixed

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Exercise 6
The following sentences are taken from Understanding Integrated Science for the
21st Century Book 1A published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the simple past form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. He did not go to school yesterday because he was sick. (not go, be)

1. In 1912, the big ocean liner Titanic ___________ across the Altantic Ocean from
England to New York. (sail)

2. Michael Faraday (1791-1867) ____________ a famous scientist. He

___________53 observations when observing a burning candle. (be, make)

3. Around 3000 B.C., the Chinese ____________a ‘fire clock’. It was a rod. (invent)

4. Many living things around us ___________ once living. (be)

5. Robert Hooke ____________ the first one to use a microscope to observe ‘cells’
in 1665. (be)

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Exercise 6
1. sailed
2. was, made
3. invented, was
4. were
5. was

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Exercise 7
The following sentences are taken from Understanding Integrated Science for the
21st Century Book Book 1B published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the simple past form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. He did not go to school yesterday because he was sick. (not go, be)

1. In the past, most people in Hong Kong __________ kerosene for cooking. (use)

2. In the past, people __________ little energy. (require)

3. In the past, we __________ heavily on collected rain water which was stored in
reservoirs. (depend)

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Exercise 7
1. used
2. required
3. depended

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Unit 5
Present Perfect Tense

The Present Perfect Tense is used to talk about:

1. an immediate past action
e.g. I have just finished my dinner.

2. an action which started in the past and continues up to the present

e.g. He has worked in this company since 1990.

3. the present result of a past action

e.g. I have been to the Ocean Park.

Exercsie 1
Fill in the blanks with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Example: We have known each other for a long time. (know)

1. The boys ____________________ that movie before. (see)

2. ________ you ever __________ to the Space Museum? (be)

3. The rain ___________________ yet. (not stop)

4. I _______ never _________ on a motorcycle. (ride)

5. Mr. Wong __________________ in this company since 1980. (work)

6. Oh dear! I _________________ my new glasses. (break)

7. The fishermen _______ just ____________ several large fish. (catch)

8. She _____________________ the vegetables already. (cook)

9. The old man ____________________ in that little hut for ten years. (live)

10. Everyone __________________. Let’s start the meeting. (arrive)

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Exercise 1
1. have seen
2. Have you ever been
3. Has not stopped
4. Have never ridden
5. has worked
6. have broken
7. have just caught
8. has cooked
9. has lived
10. has arrived

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Exercise 2
Choose verbs from the box to complete the following sentences. Remember to use the
correct form of the verbs.
e.g. Has Mary told her father the bad news?

lose forget fall not hear go tell

sing look take make put

1. Oh! I ____________________ my wallet.

2. ‘I am sorry that I __________________ to bring my homework’ said Amy.

3. _______ you ever _____________ at a karaoke club?

4. My mother _______ just _____________ to the market.

5. He __________________ my book without my permission. It is very impolite of


6. Bob complained, ‘I __________________ everywhere, but I can’t find it.’

7. I __________________ from my cousin for a long time.

8. The secretary cannot remember where she __________________ the files.

9. The little boy ___________________ into a hole.

10. Daisy __________________ a careless mistake.

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Exercise 2
1. have lost
2. have forgotten
3. Have you ever sung
4. has just gone
5. has taken
6. have looked
7. have not heard
8. has put
9. has fallen
10. has made

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Exercise 3
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1A published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Have you ever observed any plant cells under the microscope? (observe)

1. Nowadays traveling abroad ____________________ an easy task. (become)

2. Tourism _______________________ cultural change to the local people who

lived in traditional villages before. (bring)

3. Tourism _______________________ many Malaysian farmers unemployed.


4. There are more and more people living in the old urban areas. The land value
________ thus ______________ too high for factories, so many factories
______________________ out to the New Territories. (become, move)

5. Hong Kong people ________________________ higher income as the economy

grows, so they can afford the expenses of travelling abroad. (earn)

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Exercise 3
1. has become
2. has brought
3. has made
4. has thus become, have moved
5. have earned

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Exercise 4
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1B published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Have you ever observed any plant cells under the microscope? (observe)

1. Both Hong Kong and Guangzhou ____________________ natural increase.


2. To solve the city’s traffic problems, the Guangzhou government _____________

____________ a number of projects to improve the transport system. (start)

3. In 1994, the government started a sewage disposal scheme. Under the scheme, all
of Hong Kong’s coastal waters _____________________ water control zones.

4. The government ____________________ the land use of the whole territory to

solve the urban problems. (plan)

5. The unpleasant living environment in the old urban area____________________

people to leave. Over the last twenty years, many Hong Kong people
____________________ to the New Territories. (cause, move)

6. During the 1990s, Hong Kong ____________________ from a manufacturing

centre towards a service and commercial centre. Many workers _____________
__________ their jobs because of the relocation of manufacturing operations to
the mainland. (change, lose)

7. With the relocation of low-cost manufacturing industry to the mainland of China,

Hong Kong ____________________ to develop modern and high-technology
industries such as microprocessor industries. (begin)

8. Urbanisation ____________________ very rapid in South American countries.

In Brazil, Argentina and Chile, over 60 per cent of the people are living in cities
now. The rapid movement of people from villages to cities in Brazil _________
_______________ many serious urban problems. (be, cause)

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9. In many cities of the developed countries, the process of suburbanization ______
_______________ the inner city area. (affect)

10. The unpleasant living environment in the old urban areas ___________________
people to leave. Over the last twenty years, many Hong Kong people _________
___________ to the New Territories. (cause, move)

Exercise 4
1. have experienced
2. has started
3. have become
4. has planed
5. has caused, have moved
6. has changed
7. has begun
8. has been
9. has caused
10. has affected

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Unit 6
Simple Future Tense

The Simple Future Tense is used to talk about an action which will happen in
e.g. He will move to a new flat very soon.

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the simple future form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Tony will join us for lunch tomorrow. (join)

1. I ___________________ my classmate with his homework later in the evening.


2. Who __________________ to the party next Sunday? (come)

3. He __________________ the project next week. (finish)

4. My uncle from Singapore _________________ us next month. (visit)

5. I am sure that she _________________ about it by tomorrow. (forget)

6. She is ill. She _____________________ the doctor this afternoon. (see)

7. The shops in this mall ____________________ close in an hour’s time. (close)

8. Susan ________________ her birthday in the coming Saturday. (celebrate)

9. The tour-guide _________________ us to the zoo tomorrow. (take)

10. We _________________ hiking if it rains. (not go)

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Exercise 1
1. will help
2. will come
3. will finish
4. will visit
5. will forget
6. will see
7. will close
8. will celebrate
9. will take
10. will not go

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Exercise 2
Choose verbs from the box to complete the following sentences. Remember to use the
correct form of the verbs.
e.g. We will do it for him next Monday.

hear paint deliver find bake do

return leave take off drop organise

1. The boys _____________________ the gate and the wall next weekend.

2. He __________________ the books after he have finished reading them.

3. According to the weather forecast, the temperature ________________ sharply


4. The furniture shop ____________________ the cabinet to us this afternoon.

5. There is no need for you to tell him what to do. He __________________ out the
answer soon.

6. The plane __________________ in a few minutes’ time.

7. I am sure nobody __________________ us as we are quite alone.

8. My grandparents __________________ for Canada early tomorrow morning.

9. I _________________ a cake for him tomorrow.

10. Judy ___________________ a party at her house sometime this month.

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Exercise 1

1. will paint
2. will return
3. will drop
4. will deliver
5. will find
6. will take off
7. will hear
8. will leave
9. will bake
10. will organise

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Exercise 3
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1B published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the simple future form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Within the next two years, the government will build many new car parks in the
city. (build)

1. The West Rail ____________________ Yuen Long and Tseun Wan. The railway
____________________ to Tuen Mun through the existing Light Rail Transit
System. (link, connect)

2. The government ____________________ about 1,300 hectares of new land

around Victoria Harbour. The new land will be used for: building more flats for
residential purposes so that the old urban areas ____________________ less
crowded, building more roads, building more office buildings and community
facilities, and providing more urban parks and open spaces. By these new
developments, the living environment of the urban areas ____________________
better and healthier. (reclaim, become, become)

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Exercise 3
1. will link, will connect
2. will reclaim, will become, will become

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Exercise 4
The following sentences are taken from Understanding Integrated Science for the
21st Century Book 1A by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the simple future form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Within the next two years, the government will build many new car parks in the
city. (build)

1. You ____________ burnt easily if you are not careful enough. (get)

2. If you observe carefully during the experiment, you _____________ many

changes. (see)

3. The golf course and residential development at Sha Lo Tung ____________ Hong
Kong’s best dragonfly habitat. (destroy)

4. When conditions are suitable, each bacterium ____________ once every 30

minutes. (divide)

5. What _____________ if a group of living things do not reproduce fast enough to

replace those which have died? (happen)

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Exercise 4
1. will get
2. will see
3. will destroy
4. will divide
5. will happen

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Exercise 5
The following sentences are taken from Understanding Integrated Science for the
21st Century Book 1B by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the simple future form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Within the next two years, the government will build many new car parks in the
city. (build)

6. Even the sources of nuclear fuels, such as uranium, are also limited and _______
finally _____ out. (run)

7. Most of the wastes _____________ thousands of years to become harmless. (take)

8. A solution which ____________ any more solute is called a saturated solution.

(not dissolve)

9. What ____________ if a breaker of saturated copper (II) sulphate solution at 50

degrees Celsius is cooled down to 20 degrees Celsius? (happen)

10. When an electricity company installs overhead wires in the summer, they should
be slack enough because they _____________ in the winter. (contract)

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Exercise 5
1. will finally run
2. will take
3. will not dissolve
4. will happen
5. will contract

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Unit 7
The Passive Voice (Simple Present Tense)

The Passive voice is used when

1. you want to emphasize the object of the sentence
e.g. His pets are fed by his maid every day.

2. the doer of an action is unknown

e.g. This article is taken from his new book.

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the passive verb form in simple present tense:
Example: Singapore is known to be an industrialised country.

1. Glass ____________________ from sand. (make)

2. Many cars in Hong Kong _________________ from Japan. (import)

3. This magazine ____________________ weekly. (publish)

4. Salt _________________ to preserve food. (use)

5. Our classroom _________________ by us every day. (clean)

6. English ___________________ in many countries. (speak)

7. Cakes ___________________ by the bakers every day. (bake)

8. Vegetables _________________ by people all over the world. (eat)

9. The warehouse __________________ day and night. (guard)

10. Milk __________________ by cows. (give)

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Exercise 1
1. is made
2. are imported
3. is published
4. is used
5. is cleaned
6. is spoken
7. are baked
8. are eaten
9. is guarded
10. is given

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Exercise 2
Choose verbs from the box to complete the following sentences. Remember to use the
correct form of the verbs.
e.g. Seeds are sown in spring.

switch send feed catch deliver sow

water drink read need like

1. Letters _____________________ by postmen.

2. Mice _____________________ by cats.

3. A cup of milk ______________________ by her every day.

4. Babies ____________________ by their mothers.

5. Sunlight ___________________ by plants.

6. Plush toys ____________________ by most children.

7. A story book ___________________ by the little boy every week.

8. A birthday card ___________________ to me by my aunt in Canada every year.

9. The heater ____________________ on in winter.

10. The plants _____________________ by the gardener every morning.

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Exercise 2
1. are delivered
2. are caught
3. is drunk
4. are fed
5. is needed
6. are liked
7. is read
8. is sent
9. is switched
10. are watered

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Exercise 3
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1A published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Large shopping areas are usually found in the commercial centre of a city. (find)

1. Whole circle bearing ____________________ from the north in a clockwise

direction. (measure)

2. Rural areas ____________________ mainly in the New Territories, the outlying

islands and the middle and south-eastern parts of Hong Kong Island. The land
___________________ by trees, grasses, farmland and fish ponds. (find, cover)

3. The old buildings ______then ______________ down and the small pieces of
land ____________________ together to form a larger piece. Streets
__________________ wider, new facilities like drain pipes ________________,
and new buildings of different uses _____ then _______________. The land uses
_____ carefully _______________ to avoid the problem of land use conflict. (pull,
group, make, build, construct, plan)

4. On many maps, the column and the rows of squares ___________________by

letter and number respectively. (name)

5. Government and community land use means those places where services
__________________ to the public. (provide)

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Exercise 3
1. are measured
2. are found, is covered
3. are then pulled down, are grouped, are made, are built, are then construct, are
carefully planned
4. are named
6. are provided

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Exercise 4
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1B published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Large shopping areas are usually found in the commercial centre of a city. (find)

1. Most of the waste water ____________________ and it ____________________

directly into the Zhu Jiang. (not treated, discharge)

2. Some solid wastes like metals and paper ____________________, but most of
them ____________________ into landfills. (recycle, dump)

3. In Hong Kong, most commercial acrivities and job opportunities

____________________ in Kowloon and Peninsula or on Hong Kong Island, but
nearly half of the population lives in the New Territories. (find)

4. The main urban areas ____________________by Victoria Harbour. (separate)

5. Within each new town, public housing estates ____________________ by the

government. Basic facilities such as hospitals, markets and schools
____________________. (build, provide)

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Exercise 4
5. is not treated, is discharged
6. are recycled, are dumped
7. are found
8. are separated
7. are built, are provided

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Exercise 5
The following sentences are taken from Understanding Integrated Science for 21st
Century Book 1B published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Large shopping areas are usually found in the commercial centre of a city. (find)

1. Energy __________ to useful forms or the forms that we desire. (convert)

2. Towngas __________ from naphtha which is a petroleum product. (produce)

3. How many wind turbines __________ to match the output of a 600 megawatt
coal-fired station? (need)

4. Smaller crystals __________ during rapid cooling. (form)

5. Brownian motion also occurs when small particles __________ in a liquid.


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Exercise 5
1. is converted
2. is produced
3. are needed
4. are formed
5. are suspended

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Unit 8
The Passive Voice (Simple Past Tense)

The Passive voice is used when

1. you want to emphasize the object of the sentence
e.g. His umbrella was taken away by his sister this morning.

2. the doer of an action is unknown

e.g. The tree was cut down yesterday .

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the passive verb form in simple past tense:
Example: The thief was caught by the police this morning. (catch)

1. The football match yesterday ____________________ by our team. (win)

2. These gloves _________________ at a jumbo sale. (buy)

3. That magazine ____________________ in 1970. (publish)

4. The shopping mall _________________ two weeks ago. (complete)

5. My watch _________________ last week. (steal)

6. This apple tree ___________________ by my grandfather long time ago. (plant)

7. Bill ___________________ the chairman of the English Club yesterday. (elect)

8. My hat _________________ off by the wind when I was crossing the road.

9. Thousands of soldiers __________________ during the Second World War. (kill)

10. This room __________________ last month. (paint)

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Exercise 1
1. was won
2. were bought
3. was published
4. was completed
5. was stolen
6. was planted
7. was elected
8. was blown
9. were killed
10. was painted

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Exercise 2
Choose verbs from the box to complete the following sentences. Remember to use the
correct form of the verbs.
e.g. The suspect was questioned by the police this morning.

save attack build punish use question

break write check trap eat

1. A little girl _____________________ by a shark when she was swimming.

2. These buildings _____________________ fifty years ago.

3. There was a fire last night. Many residents ______________________ in the

burning building and had to be saved by the firemen.

4. All the sweets ____________________ by my cousin yesterday.

5. Cindy ___________________ from being drowned some days ago.

6. I ____________________ a watch on my last birthday.

7. The vase ___________________ by the careless servant last week.

8. Every vehicle ___________________ by the police after the prisoners had


9. The naughty boys ____________________ for not doing their homework last

10. Romeo and Juliet _____________________ by William Shakespeare.

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Exercise 2
1. was attacked
2. were built
3. were trapped
4. were eaten
5. was saved
6. was given
7. was broken
8. was checked
9. were punished
10. was written

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Exercise 3
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1A published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Were vitamins discovered long time ago? (discover)

1. As more and more offices ____________________ in Central, land was not

enough. (build)

2. The streets in the inner city ____________________ many years ago when there
were very few cars. (build)

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Exercise 3
1. were built
2. were built

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Exercise 4
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1B published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Were vitamins discovered long time ago? (discover)

3. Industries ___________________ in residential areas, like the Yuexiu District of

Guangzhou and San Po Kong of Hong Kong. Highways or flyovers __________
_______________ right in the front of people’s homes. (find, build)

4. In more developed countries, city centres ___________________ a long time ago.


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Exercise 4
3. were found, were built
4. were developed

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Exercise 5
The following sentences are taken from Journey Through History – A Modern
Course Book 1 published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Were vitamins discovered long time ago? (discover)

5. Hong Kong ________________ by the British in the period 1842-1997. (rule)

6. Christianity , the world’s largest religion, ________________ by Jesus Christ in

the 1st century A.D. (start)

7. At first, ancient Egypt ________________ into Upper and Lower Egypt. (divide)

8. Finally, in 395, Christianity ________________ the empire’s official religion.


9. After Alexander’s death, ancient Greece grew weak. In 146BC, it ____________

__________ by the Romans. (conquer)

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Exercise 5
5. was ruled
6. was started
7. was divided
8. was made
9. was conquered

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Exercise 6
The following sentences are taken from Understanding Integrated Science for the
21st Century Book 1A published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Were vitamins discovered long time ago? (discover)

1. Radio signals ____________ by Titanic asking for help.(send)

2. The Bunsen burner ________ first ___________by a British physicist and chemist
called Michael Faraday in the early 19th century. It___________ then
____________by a famous German chemist called Robert Bunsen in 1850.
(invent, improve)

3. The earliest scale for measuring temperature ____________ by a Dutchman

named Gabrief Fahrenheit in the early 1700s. (invent)

4. During the construction of the new airport at Chek Lap Kok, a huge area of the
sea ___________ into land. (turn)

5. Microscopes _____________ by Hans and Zacharias Janssen in 1590. (invent)

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Exercise 6
1. were sent
2. was invented, was improved
3. was invented
4. was turned
5. were invented

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Exercise 7
The following sentences are taken from Understanding Integrated Science for the
21st Century Book 1B published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Were vitamins discovered long time ago? (discover)

1. In the past, we depended heavily on collected rain water which __________ in

reservoirs. (store)

2. It is because the ancients thought that common quartz crystals __________ by

intense freezing of water (form)

3. Brownian motion __________ by a Scottish scientist called Robert Brown in

1827. (discover)

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Exercise 7
1. was stored
2. were formed
3. was discovered

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Unit 9
Agreement between Noun and Verb

Exercise 1
Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural. Then fill in each blank with is
or are.
e.g. There is a lot of money in the box.

1. There _____________ some paper on the desk.

2. The colour of these roses _______________ red.

3. The windows of this room _______________ dirty.

4. Everyone in the class _______________ present today.

5. ________________ there any letters for me?

6. In Hong Kong, there _____________ a lot of rain in spring.

7. The capital of France _____________ Paris.

8. All the furniture in my house _______________ brand new.

9. The news _______________ very shocking.

10. No one _________________ absent today.

11. Tony’s hair _______________ too long.

12. My neighbours _______________ often very noisy at night.

13. There ______________ twelve months in a year.

14. There _____________ a lot of rubbish in the playground. (be)

15. There _____________ some orange juice in the refrigerator. (be)

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Exercise 1
1. is
2. is
3. are
4. is
5. are
6. is
7. is
8. is
9. is
10. is
11. is
12. is
13. are
14. is
15. is

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Exercise 2
Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural. Then fill in each blank with the
correct verb given in brackets.
e.g. One of my brothers has gone to Shanghai for a holiday. (has gone, have gone)

1. Not one of the students _______________________ (have finished, has finished)

the test.

2. Much information about the moon ______________________ (has been obtained,

have been obtained).

3. The police _____________________ (has caught, have caught) the thief recently.

4. Some of the girls ____________________ (has gone, have gone) home.

5. All his luggage ______________________ (has been stolen, have been stolen).

6. One of the islands near Hong Kong __________________ (is called, are called)
Cheung Chau.

7. Cheese ______________________ (is made, are made) from milk.

8. These sofas ______________________ (is made, are made) of leather.

9. A lot of water ______________________ (is used, are used) every day.

10. All the fish in this pond _____________________ (has died, have died).

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Exercise 2
1. has finished
2. has been obtained
3. has caught
4. have gone
5. has been stolen
6. is called
7. is made
8. are made
9. is used
10. have died

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Exercise 3
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1A published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural. Then fill in each blank with the
correct verb given in brackets.
e.g. There are (is, are) twenty-two country parks in Hong Kong.

1. Each square __________ (is, are) the intersection of a particular column and a
particular row.

2. There __________ (is, are) different types of maps, for example, street maps,
tourist maps and atlas maps.

3. There __________ (is, are) a number of special signs or symbols on maps and
street plans.

4. On every map and plan, there __________ (is, are) a legend.

5. In large urban parks like Victoria Park, there __________ (is, are) more facilities
such as swimming pools, tennis courts and indoor games halls.

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Exercise 3
1. is
2. are
3. are
4. is
5. are

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Exercise 4
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1B published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural. Then fill in each blank with the
correct verb given in brackets.
e.g. There are (is, are) twenty-two country parks in Hong Kong.

6. Most of the noise in Guangzhou __________ from traffic. Many houses

____________ close to busy roads and railways. The noise __________ people
very much. Even at night time the noise level __________ still high. About 20
percent of the city __________ under the flight path of aeroplanes using Baiyun
Airport. The noise from these aeroplanes __________ over 600,000 people in
the city. (come, be, disturb, be, be, affect)

7. The air quality of Hong Kong is becoming worse. Most of the pollutants
__________ from traffic, industries and construction works. Air pollution
__________ serious because many vehicles such as buses and lorries __________
diesel fuel. Diesel fuel __________ particulates and nitrogen oxides which
__________ people’s health. Factories also __________ a large amount of air
pollutants. People living in industrial areas like Kwun Tong __________ a high
chance of getting respiratory disease. (come, be, use, produce, affect, produce,

8. Each of us __________ at least a kilogram of solid waste every day. The whole
Hong Kong __________ over 6,400 tonnes every day. (produce, produce)

9. Today almost half of the population __________ in these new towns. To prepare
for further population growth, the government __________ to develop other rural
areas such as northern Lantau and northern New Territories. (live, plan)

10. Changing our lifestyles __________ the most important step towards creating a
green city. (be)

11. Cross-border vehicular traffic and the Kowloon-Canton Railway __________

busy. They __________ goods and supplies between Hong Kong and the
mainland. (be, transport)

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12. There __________ a number of economic and environmental problems which
__________ Hong Kong unfavourable to manufacturing. (be)

Exercise 4
6. come, are, disturbs, is, is, affects
7. come, is, use, produce, affect, produce, have
8. produces, produces
9. lives, plans
10. is,
11. are, transport
12. are, make

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Exercise 5
The following sentences are taken from Understanding Integrated Science for the
21st Century Book 1A by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural. Then fill in each blank with the
correct verb given in brackets.
e.g. There are (is, are) twenty-two country parks in Hong Kong.

1. One of the ways to find answers ______________ to carry out an investigation.


2. A scientist ____________, _____________ and ____________. Scientists

____________ and _____________ to arrive at a conclusion. (record, analyse,
think, discuss, try)

3. There _____________ variations within the same kind of living things.

4. There ________________ more than a million kinds of animals found in the


5. There _______________ about 350 000 different kinds of plants found in the

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Exercise 5
1. is
2. records, analyses, thinks, discuss, try
3. are
4. are
5. are

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Exercise 6
The following sentences are taken from Understanding Integrated Science for the
21st Century Book 1B by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural. Then fill in each blank with the
correct verb given in brackets.
e.g. There are (is, are) twenty-two country parks in Hong Kong.

1. There __________ (is, are) many forms of energy.

2. There __________ (is, are) about 17000 wind turbines in Clifornia in the USA.

3. There __________ (is, are) chemicals inside a dry cell.

4. In Hong Kong, there __________ (is, are) no natural lakes or big rivers.

5. There __________ (is, are) 92 elements in nature.

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Exercise 6
1. are
2. are
3. are
4. are
5. are

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Unit 10

A preposition is a word used with a noun or pronoun to show its relation to some
other words in a sentence.
e.g. Joe has been suffering from influenza.

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with at, on, in, from, or of.
e.g. A party will be held on Christmas Eve.

1. My sister was born __________ April 22, 1978.

2. Singapore is a country __________ Asia.
3. There are many wild animals ____________ the jungle nearby.
4. We will meet our uncle ___________ the station.
5. John was absent ____________ school yesterday.
6. All __________ the students have handed in their homework.
7. The patient is suffering __________ lung cancer.
8. I often get up late __________ Sunday morning.
9. Mary spent her holiday ____________ the seaside last summer.
10. Most universities provide courses __________ information technology.
11. His parents do not allow him to go out __________ midnight.
12. Mr. Chan will arrive __________ Saturday afternoon.
13. Tim is a good friend __________ mine.
14. Some wine is made ___________ wine.
15. My father will return home ___________ Toronto this Friday.
16. A continent is a very big area ____________ land.
17. The accident happened _________ 1969.
18. Alan usually goes to bed ___________ ten.
19. There are many benches ___________ the park.
20. Her office is __________ the second floor.

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Exercise 1
1. on
2. in
3. in
4. at
5. from
6. of
7. from
8. on
9. at
10. on
11. at
12. on
13. of
14. from
15. from
16. of
17. in
18. at
19. in
20. on

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Exercise 2
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1A published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Fill in the blanks with from, of, on or in.

e.g. The government has developed many new industrial areas in the new towns.

1. Maps tell us where places are and how far they are __________ each other.

2. Things drawn __________ maps are smaller than the real things which they

3. The scale __________ a map tells the relationship between distances __________
the map and distances __________ real life. It is also ratio __________ map
distance to actual distance.

4. The main urban areas are __________ the northern and south-western parts
__________ Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula and __________ the new
towns __________ New Territories such as Sha Tin and Tai Po.

5. The Central Business District (CBD) is the commercial centre __________ a city.
There we can find large shopping areas. It is usually located __________ the city

6. A lot of tourists and business people stay __________ the hotels of the CBD, so
the shops there usually can attract a large number of customers. It is also easier
for customers __________ other places to reach them as the transport is
convenient __________ the CBD.

7. As there are so many business people and customers moving around __________
the CBD, traffic is always congested. Congestion is especially serious
__________ the rush hours.

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Exercise 2
1. from
2. on
3. of, on, in, of
4. on, of, in, of
5. of, in
6. in, of, from
7. in, in

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Exercise 3
The following sentences are taken from Living Geography Book 1B published by
Addison Wesley Longman China Limited.

Fill in the blanks with from, of, at or in.

e.g. The government has developed many new industrial areas in the new towns.

8. The buildings __________ the old city core __________ Hong Kong are very old.
Many __________ them are over 50 years old.

9. Guangzhou is the old city area ___________ Guangzhou.

10. The government has begun to reduce the pollutants ___________ cars.

11. The government has also set up monitoring stations ___________ Central,
Causeway Bay and Mong Kok to check the air quality ___________ ground level

12. New industrial area are found __________ the new towns __________ the New

13. By setting up their factories __________ the mainland, Hong Kong

manufacturers can take advantage __________ abundant resources there, for
example, labour and land. The costs __________ production are much lower
__________ the mainland. So the products can then compete with those
__________ other developing countries __________ Asia.

14. Many people __________ rural areas cannot find a proper place to live
__________ the cities.

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Exercise 3
8. in, of, of
9. in
10. from
11. in, at
12. in, of
13. in, of, of, in, of, in
14. from, in

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Exercise 4
The following sentences are taken from Journey Through History – A Modern
Course Book 1 published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with from, of, at, on or in.

e.g. The government has developed many new industrial areas in the new towns.

15. The Nile flooded __________ July. The floods left thick mud __________ both
sides __________ the river. Egyptians farmed __________ this fertile black mud

16. The Nile Valley was protected by deserts and the sea. People living there were
free ___________ outside attacks. So civilization began _________ the Nile
Valley __________ about 4000BC.

17. When Alexander conquered Egypt, he built the city __________ Alexandria
__________ the Nile Delta.

18. The Church played an important role __________ Medieval Europe. It spread
education and the Christian ideas __________ love, justice and charity.

19. By the 13th century, some peasants had become rich. They bought back their
freedom __________ the lord.

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Exercise 4
15. in, on, of, on
16. from, in, from
17. of, at
18. on, of
19. from

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Exercise 5
The following sentences are taken from Understanding Integrated Science for the
21st Century Book 1A published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with from, of, at, on or in.

e.g. The government has developed many new industrial areas in the new towns.

1. Science aims ______________ finding out, discovering and inventing. With the
rapid progress ________________ science, the living standard of human beings is
greatly improved.

2. People who are experts ______________ one or more branches ____________

science are called scientists.

3. When you observe something you look __________, listen_____________, feel

and measure it carefully.

4. The temperature _____________ the lava __________ a volcano is about 600 C.

5. ___________ the Centigrade or Celsius scale the boiling point __________ water
is 100 degrees.

6. Press three fingers ___________ the wrist __________ your other hand and find
the pulse.

7. Count the number ___________ tongue rollers and non-tongue rollers

______________ your class.

8. Collect three leaves ____________ the same plant __________ your school.

9. Measure the length, width and the number ___________ large veins
____________ each leaf.

10. Use a pair __________ forceps to peel a piece __________ skin ___________ the
inside ____________the leaf.

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11. One ____________ the processes ___________growth is an
increase_____________ size.

12. Normally only one foetus develops____________ the uterus____________ a

female ______________ a time.


Exercise 5
1. at, of , of
2. in ,of
3. at, to
4. of, from
5. in, of
6. on, of
7. of, in
8. from
9. of, of
10. of, of, from
11. of, of, in
12. in of ,at

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Exercise 6
The following sentences are taken from Understanding Integrated Science for the
21st Century Book 1B published by Aristo Educational Press Limited.

Fill in the blanks with from, of, at, on or in.

e.g. The government has developed many new industrial areas in the new towns.

1. Electricity is generated __________ power stations from coal, oil or natural gas.

2. Pollution problems arising __________ the generation __________ electricity.

3. Solar panels can be installed __________ the roof __________ some houses.

4. Fossils are the remains __________ ancient plants or animals that are found
__________ rocks. Fossil fuels, such as coal, crude oil and natural gas, are
produced __________ the remains of dead plants and animals buried millions
__________ years ago.

5. Nowadays, fossil fuels are our major source __________ energy. Almost 90%
__________ the world’s energy comes __________ the burning __________
fossil fuels.

6. __________ Hong Kong, a large proportion __________ energy is used

__________ transport.

7. A substance which can dissolve __________ water is described as a soluble

__________ water.

8. Can the oil stain __________ a piece __________ cloth be removed by water?

9. Everything __________ Earth is made __________ matter.

10. The temperature __________ which a substance freezes is called its freezing

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Exercise 6
1. in, from
2. from, of
3. on, of
4. of, in, from, of, of
5. of, of, from, of
6. In, of, in
7. in, in
8. on, of
9. on, of
10. at

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