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New Module-Rhythmic-Activities

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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

City of Malolos
Tel. No. (044) 919-7800 to 99 Local 1022
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
College of Sports, Exercise, and Recreation


Physical Education is an integral part of the educational program in which the

learners develop the capability to perform their full potential, may it be in daily living
or sports. Through Physical Education, we can ensure that the state of well-being will
be at its finest and contribute to one’s performance even in academics. There is no
doubt that we can build a healthy mind with a strong body through repetitive and
consistent Physical Education practice. To see further development, we should not
just see the physical part to improve but also holistic development.

Dance is one of many Physical Education activities. Dance is the language of

the body. It is the movement created by rhythmically matching the beat of the
desired music, and it also creates a unique pattern to distinguish the dances from
one another. It is natural to the body to move when it can hear music or beats
anywhere, and it corresponds to how we react according to what we can hear. It is
essential to create different dynamics in dance to beautify the performance, shows,
and presentation. Though it typically follows the steps or rules, even the patterns
allow the performers to incorporate their ideas into the dance. It could improve more
in time, but it will not change the fact that dances are an integral part of humans and
vice versa.

Rhythm and timing are the basis of music and dance. It also refers to any
activity requiring learners to coordinate sound and vibration with movement. The
learner’s capacity for rhythmicity and timing helps build the foundation for emotional
and intellectual development. Each student must develop their aesthetic experience
to its utmost potential as a fundamental part of daily life. Student’s engagement with
rhythm and timing improves their general listening and boosts their concentration
and self-discipline. Creating rhythmic patterns and identifying time signatures used in
particular music in a dance stimulates the brain in unique ways, which builds
cognitive skills and promotes good mental health. Also, it dramatically supports fine
motor skills and social development. The fundamental dance positions, basic steps,
basic movements, basic patterns, or simply “basics” define the dance’s character.

This module will give the learners broader information about rhythmic
activities. The first unit will tackle the Introduction of Physical Education and Dance.
Under this unit are Basic Orientation, the Definition and Objectives of Physical
Education, Understanding Dance, and Definition of Terms used in rhythmic activities.
The second unit concerns the Fundamentals of Rhythm, namely, Musical Signs and
Symbols, Rhythmic Fundamentals, Fundamental Dance Positions, and Basic Motor
Skills. The lessons about Creative Rhythms, Traditional Dance Steps in Different
Time Signature, and Creative Rhythms with Percussive Instruments will be the last
unit’s scope, which is about Creative Rhythms and Movement Combinations.

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Title page ………………………………………………………………….1

Overview of the module ………………………………………………… 2
Table of Contents ……………………………………………………...... 3-4
Course syllabus …………………………………………………………. 5-14

Unit I-Physical Education and Dance

Lesson 1- Basic Orientation ………………………………………… 15

Pre-test …………………………………………………………… 15
Lesson Proper …………………………………………………… 16-20
Post-test …………………………………………………………. 20-21

Lesson 2- Definition, Objectives, and Importance of

Physical Education ……………………………………… 22
Pre-test …………………………………………………………… 22-23
Lesson Proper …………………………………………………… 23-27
Post-test …………………………………………………………. 28-29

Lesson 3- Understanding Dance ……………………………………30

Pre-test …………………………………………………………… 30-31
Lesson Proper …………………………………………………… 31-35
Post-test …………………………………………………………. 35-36

Lesson 4-Definition of Terms …………………………………………... 37

Pre-test …………………………………………………………… 37-38
Lesson Proper …………………………………………………… 38-42
Post-test …………………………………………………………. 42-43

Unit II – Fundamentals of Rhythm

Lesson 1- Musical Signs and Symbols ……………………………. 44

Pre-test …………………………………………………………… 44-45
Lesson Proper …………………………………………………… 45-49
Post-test …………………………………………………………. 50

Lesson 2- Rhythmic Fundamentals ………………………………... 51

Pre-test …………………………………………………………… 51-52
Lesson Proper …………………………………………………… 52-56
Post-test ……………………………………………………….…. 56-57

Lesson 3- Fundamental Dance Positions ……………………….… 58

Pre-test …………………………………………………………… 58-59
Lesson Proper …………………………………………………… 59-65
Post-test ……………………………………………………...…... 66

Lesson 4- Basic Motor Skills …………………………………...…... 67

Pre-test …………………………………………………………… 67-68

Page 3 of 112
Lesson Proper …………………………………………………… 68-72
Post-test …………………………………………………………. 73

Unit III – Creative Rhythms and Movement Combinations

Lesson 1- Creative Rhythms …………………………………….…. 74

Pre-test …………………………………………………………… 74
Lesson Proper …………………………………………………… 75-80
Post-test …………………………………………………………. 80-81
Lesson 2- Traditional Dance Steps in 4 Time Signature ………... 82
Pre-test …………………………………………………………… 82-83
Lesson Proper …………………………………………………… 83-87
Post-test ……………………………………………………….…. 87
Lesson 3- Traditional Dance Steps in 4 Time Signature ………… 88
Pre-test …………………………………………………………… 88-89
Lesson Proper …………………………………………………… 89-94
Post-test ……………………………………………………….…. 95

Lesson 4- Creative Rhythms with Percussive Instruments ………96

Pre-test …………………………………………………………… 96-97
Lesson Proper …………………………………………………… 97-104
Post-test ……………………………………………………...…... 104-105

Final Requirement ……………………………………………………………... 106

Other Parts

Suggested Readings and Websites …………………………………… 107

Glossary ……………………………………………………………...…... 107-108
Answer Key ………………………………………………………………. 109
Unit I ………………………………………………………………. 109-110
Unit II ……………………………………………………………… 111-113
Unit III ………………………………………………………...…... 114-115
References ………………………………………………………………. 116-117

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1st Semester, AY 2020 – 2021

COLLEGE: College of Sports Exercise and Recreation

DEPARTMENT: Physical Education
COURSE CODE: Self – Testing
COURSE TITLE: Rhythmic Activities
FACULTY: Mark Anthony A. de Guzman
Ruzzel R. Valenzuela
Marina L Saygan
Rolito B. Dela Torre
Noel Del Rosario
Joimy M. Avincula
Ruzzel M. Diego



This course, Rhythmic Activities, highlights the application of the rhythmic

bodily movements that emphasize fundamental rhythm, basic dance steps, and
appreciation of the country’s rich cultural heritage, strengthening awareness of
dance education as a global perspective 21st century. Students will be given varied
rhythmic activities and experiences to develop their skills and creativity in dancing.

The activities are composed of four units of activities. The first part deals with
the Basic orientation, which will serve as the initial lesson, a view of the ideas and
skills learned in the previous years. The second part is about the Rhythmic
Fundamentals composed of pre-requisite skills necessary to enter dance activities.
The third part is about Creative Rhythms, which involves the basic movements to
know if he has to use the body as an expressive dance instrument. This unit will give
the learner a chance to explore and improve his creative talents. The fourth part
focuses on Creative Rhythms with percussions and will use the basic steps in Folk
Dancing to apply the previous units' movement skills.

University Vision

Bulacan State University is a progressive knowledge-generating institution,

globally-recognized for excellent instruction, pioneering research, and responsive
community engagements.
Page 5 of 112
University Mission

Bulacan State University exists to produce highly competent, ethical, and

service-oriented professionals that contribute to the sustainable socio-economic
growth and development of the nation

Core Values: SOAR BulSU!

Service to God and Community

Order and Peace

Assurance of Quality and Accountability

Respect and Responsibility

The BulSU Ideal Graduates Attributes (BIG A) reflect the graduate’s capacity as:

a. highly and globally competent;

b. ethical and service-oriented citizen;

c. analytical and critical thinker; and

d. reflective life-long learner.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

Program Educational Objectives (PEO) University Mission

1. Understand the holistic development
of the person through the physical,
mental, emotional, and social
  
2. To prepare individuals for a broader
spectrum of careers.    
3. Develop a sense of leadership both in
a professional career and in
community involvement.   
4. Act under the core values of SOAR
BulSU: Service to God & Community,
Order & Peace, Assurance of Quality
& Accountability, Respect, and   

Page 6 of 112
Program Outcomes (PO)
On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following:

Program Educational Objectives

(PO can be found at your respective
course/program CMO or PSG)
A. Articulate and discuss the latest
development in the specific field of practice.   
B. Work effectively and independently in multi-
disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.   
C. Acts in recognition of professional, social,
and ethical responsibility.    
D. Effectively communicate orally and in
writing using both English and Filipino.   
E. Preserve and promote the cultural heritage
of the Philippines.    
Course Outcomes and Relationship to Program Outcomes

Course Outcomes Program Outcomes

After completing this course, the student must be able to: A B C D E
LO1. recognize and recite the University, Vision, Mission,
and Core Values and understand the policies of the subject, I E D
program, and University
LO2. discuss the foundation of Physical Education and
Health and the essential to fitness and health and analyze
scientifically the body parts and how it functions in various
physical movements and activities.
LO3. keep abreast of current developments in physical
LO4. discuss the historical background of dance,
specifically Rhythmic activities and its terminologies.
LO5. understand the terminologies of rhythmic activities
and the fundamentals of rhythm.
LO6. develop the ability to dance in time with the music. E D D E
LO7. demonstrate mastery of all fundamental movement
patterns and adapt motor skills to a variety of physical E D D D
activity settings.
LO8. evaluate critical elements of motor skills and
LO9. use appropriate language in oral and written
LO10. interpret the dance literature/ notation correctly. D D D D
LO11. perform the fundamental positions of arms and feet
in folk dancing and the different creative rhythms with and E D D D
without implements.
LO12. formulate a choreography based on the different
dance formations.
Page 7 of 112
LO13. maintain professional integrity by adhering to ethical
behaviors and discerning boundaries of competence.
LO14. participate in activities that enhance professional
collaboration and lead to personal growth and career E D E D E
LO15. develop camaraderie, teamwork, and rapport in
different group activities.
LO16. share acquired knowledge with others to help them
develop their skills.
LO17. realize the health benefits of dancing as an
alternative exercise.
LO18. value rhythmic activities as part of early childhood
learning, which can help boost self-confidence for the E E E D E
Note: (I) Introductory Course to an Outcome (E) Enabling Course to an Outcome (D) Demonstrative
Course to an Outcome


TOPIC Week Learning Activities

Exhibit awareness and knowledge of

Orientation Discussion
the Vision, Mission, Core Values,
facilities, and equipment in the
- University Vision,
LO1, LO9 1 University, grading system, and
Mission, and Core
house rules.
- Course Syllabus
Explain all requirements needed to
earn credit in Physical Education.
- Definition and Define and differentiate basic terms.
Objectives of Physical
Education Share insights on the Definition and
- Understanding Dance Objectives of Physical Education and
LO2, LO3, LO4,
-Dance in the Philippines 2 and 3 Dance in the Philippines as an art
LO9, LO18
- Definition and form.
Objectives of Rhythmic
Activities Display Understanding of Rhythmic
Musical Signs and Identify the Note Values, Patterns,
Symbols and System of Counting.
LO5, LO9 a. Note Values, Patterns, 4
and System of Counting Divide the notes according to the
given time signature.
- Rhythmic
LO4, LO6, LO7,
Fundamentals Enumerate the elements of Rhythm
LO8, LO9, LO10,
a. Elements of Rhythm and Elements of Movement
LO11, LO12,
b. Elements of 5
LO13, LO14,
Movement Identify fundamental movements and
LO16, LO17,
c. Movement Qualities various dance steps
d. Formations
LO4, LO6, LO7, - Fundamental Dance 6 Identify fundamental movements and
LO8, LO9, LO10, Positions various dance steps.
Page 8 of 112
LO11, LO12, Practice correctly and gracefully.
LO13, LO14,
LO16, LO17, Execute fundamental positions of
LO18 arms and feet accurately.

- Basic Motor Skills Identify Locomotor from Non-

a. Locomotor Locomotor Movements
b. Non-Locomotor
- Creative Rhythms and Interpret and execute the Creative
LO4, LO6, LO7,
Movement Combinations Rhythms in a 2- and 3-time signature.
LO8, LO9, LO11,
a. Movement 4 4
LO12, LO13, 7,
Combinations in 2 time
LO14, LO15, 8, 9 and 10
4 Perform the Creative Rhythms in
LO16, LO17,
Signature 2- and 3-time signature.
- Movement 4 4
Combinations in 3 time
4 Display desirable attitudes like
Signature cooperation and friendliness among
group members.
Execute the Traditional Dance Steps.
Traditional Dance Steps
LO4, LO6, LO7,
a. 2 Participate willingly in physical activity
LO8, LO9, LO11,
4 while gaining competence.
LO12, LO13, 11, 12 and
Time Signature
LO14, LO15, 13
b. 3 Assess one’s capability of dancing.
LO16, LO17,
LO18 Practice correctly and gracefully.
Time Signature

Interpret and execute the Creative

Rhythms with Percussion
- Creative Rhythms with
LO4, LO6, LO7, Percussive Instruments
Organize carefully to develop a well-
LO8, LO9, LO11, a. Stick Rhythmic
coordinated Dance Production with
LO12, LO13, b. Bao Rhythmic 14, 15,16,
consideration on costume, music, set,
LO14, LO15, c. Bakya Rhythmic 17 and 18
and props as part of performance
LO16, LO17, d. Kalaste Rhythmic
LO18 e. Maracas
Apply knowledge, skills, and
techniques of dance in formal dance


The final course output is the students' actual dance performance during the
culminating activity that provides evidence of achieving the learning outcomes. The
students will produce their creative rhythms using the assigned percussion
instrument, music, and time signature.


Page 9 of 112
Dance Performance

1. Body Awareness- precise movement of the body

2. Technical Skills- correct interpretation and execution of the dance notation.

3. Performance Skills- showing confidence in performing the activity with

cheerful facial expressions.

4. Rhythm and Tempo- perform in time with the beat of the music.

Grade Body Technical Performance Rhythm and

Awareness Skills Skills Tempo
Perform with great
attention to the Shows a
The performer
quality of complete
draws the teacher
execution of understanding of
Demonstrates in to watch and
Excellent movement and tempo and beat
excellent body can engage the
(95-100%) Demonstrates an and stays on
awareness. audience entirely
excellent rhythm
through their
understanding of throughout the
the dance dance.
Dance performed
Accurate in beat,
with attention to The performer
tempo, rhythms
Demonstrates details of communicates
Good of dance
good body technique has well with the
(85-94%) sequences
awareness. attained audience and the
throughout the
proficiency in teacher.
dance style.
Dance performed
body awareness. The performer Generally
with attention to
Keep up with the communicates accurate in beat,
most details of
Acceptable group. Some with the audience tempo, rhythms
technique but
(75-84%) errors (3-5), and the teacher. of dance
hasn't attained
causing a brief Occasionally sequences most
proficiency in
pause in the loses focus. of the time.
dance style yet.
The performer is
some body Shows a basic
generally focused
awareness but Incorrect understanding of
but only attempts
unsure of some execution and tempo and beat,
Partial to catch the
movements. interpretation of but falls behind
(65-74%) teacher's
Sometimes the dance and speeds up in
attention, contact,
hesitates/ watches notation. places or makes
and good facial
others and makes rhythm errors.
several errors.

Written Exercises

Page 10 of 112
Criteria Rating
Originality and clarity 5 4 3 2 1
Content was clear 5 4 3 2 1
Arguments and viewpoints expressed 5 4 3 2 1
Well prepared and organized 5 4 3 2 1
Total Score


The student will be assessed by the following;

1. Wearing of complete Physical Education uniform.

2. Group and individual performance examination.
3. Written examination and assignment.


Performance Examination 60%

Written Examination 30%
Attendance and Uniform 10%
TOTAL 100%

Final Grade = Midterm Grade + Tentative Final Grade Period


Range Grade
97-100 1.00
94 – 96 1.25
91 – 93 1.50
88 – 90 1.75
85 – 87 2.00
82 – 84 2.25
79 – 81 2.50
76 – 78 2.75
75 3.00
74 and below 5.00


J. Balagtas, E. Corpuz, E. Estrella, J. Foster (2012) Physical Education 2:

Rhythmic Activities. Jimczyville Publications
Page 11 of 112
L. Gabao (2007) Dance with Me. Philippine Normal University Press.
C. Andin, P. Minas (2004), Dance Education in the School Curriculum.
Rex Bookstore, Inc.
University of Manila (2004) Physical Education: Dancing. University of
Manila, Sampaloc, Metro Manila
F. Aquino (1972) Fundamental Dance Steps and Music. Manila Philippines

Online Resources:

L. Vergara (2018) Revised LET Material on Philippine Folk and Ethnic

Dances. Retrieved from
k_and_Ethnic_Dances on March 2020

Ministry of Education, Guyana (2016) Importance of Physical Education.

Retrieved from
Required Readings

L. Vergara (2018) Revised LET Material on Philippine Folk and Ethnic

Dances. Retrieved from
k_and_Ethnic_Dances in March 2020

Class Policies:

For Face to Face Classes

1. The University policies on attendance will be implemented (Part II of page 9,

Academic Regulations Letter: F of attendance page 12 # 3 state: A student
shall be marked tardy if he arrives in the class 15 minutes after starting the
scheduled time. A student shall be marked absent from the class if he comes
20 minutes after the start of the scheduled time.
2. It shall be the instructor’s prerogative to allow any student to make up for
missed requirements upon presentation of proof of excuse.
3. Students are expected to participate in individual and group exercises and
other class learning activities.
4. Students are responsible for whatever is discussed in the class in case of
absences, excused, or unexcused.
5. Any performances failed to perform on the day of the presentation will be
equivalent to a grade of 0.0
6. Cellular/Mobile phones and the likes should always be silent mode during
class hours; cellular phones are prohibited unless special permission is
sought. Tablets and laptops may be used to take down notes and may not be
used to browse online resources at the time of discussion; otherwise, such
devices will be confiscated throughout the class's duration except with the
professor's permission.
7. Cheating and plagiarism in any form will merit a final grade of 0.00 (Part IV
student conduct and Discipline page 38: Letter D Grounds for Disciplinary

Page 12 of 112
sanctions # 4 Academic misconduct (cheating, plagiarism, or making false
representation of academic performance). To avoid cheating during
examinations, handkerchiefs, jackets, and gadgets like cell phones, tablets,
laptops, and other devices should be placed inside the school bags.
Furthermore, these school bags should be placed in front.

For Flexible Learning

1. Make sure you are using a Gmail or G Suite Account.

2. Please make use of a laptop, desktop, tablet, or cellphone.
3. Kindly use an earphone or headset.
4. Mute your microphone before getting into the meet.
5. Be in a free traffic place so you can focus better
6. Have an open mind and refrain from multitasking
7. Be an active participant by asking question & performing the task
8. Strictly follow the following agreements found on the Guidelines on the
Implementation of Flexible Modes of Learning; Appendix A. Agreements for
Synchronous Learning (SL) and; Appendix B. Agreements for Asynchronous
and Remote Print of Learning

Prepared by:











Page 13 of 112
Evaluated by:

Program/Area Chair



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Lesson 1


Duration 2 hours


Strategic planning is a vital function of an organization's management that

helps set priorities, allocate resources, and ensure that everything is working
towards common goals and objectives. However, for strategic planning to be
effective, two essential tools are needed – a vision and a mission statement.

A well-managed vision and mission give clarity and direction for an institution.
Unclear vision or mission can help lead to continuing conflicts and a school that has
difficulty identifying priorities.

This lesson will discuss a brief history and background of the Bulacan State
University. It will also tackle the university vision, mission, and core values to guide
the students to set their career plans and objectives.


At the end of the lesson, the student must be able to:

1. Exhibit awareness and knowledge of the Vision, Mission, Core Values,

facilities, and equipment in the University, grading system, and house rules.
2. Recognize the importance of the University Vision, Mission, and Core Values.
3. Recite the University Vision, Mission, and Core Values.


Recall the Vision, Mission, and Goals of your previous school. Write your
answer in the space provided.

1. Vision

Page 15 of 112
2. Mission

3. Goals

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


Observe the pictures below.


Based on the given activity, answer the following questions. Write your
answer in the space provided.

1. What do you observe in the picture? Explain briefly.


Page 16 of 112

2. What is the benefit of setting your goals in achieving your dream profession?


I. Definition of Terms

1. Mission

A mission statement is a public declaration that schools or other educational

institutions use to describe their founding purpose and significant organizational
commitment. A mission statement may define a school's day-to-day operational
objectives, its instructional values, or its public responsibilities to its students and

2. Vision

A vision statement is a public declaration that schools or other educational

organizations use to describe their high-level goals for the future they hope to
achieve if they successfully fulfill their organizational purpose or mission. A vision
statement may describe a school's loftiest ideals, core corporate values, long-term
objectives, or what it hopes its students will learn or be capable of doing after

3. Goal

A goal is an observable and measurable result having one or more objectives

to be achieved within a more or less fixed timeframe. Goals are statements that
describe the competences, skills, and attributes that students should possess upon

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completion of a course or program. They often operate within the interacting
domains of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
II. About BulSU

A. The University

BULACAN STATE UNIVERSITY (BulSU) is the premiere state-operated

institution of higher learning in the Central Luzon region. It originated as a secondary
school run by the Americans in 1904 and has now progressed into one of Region III's
most prominent educational institutions. BulSU was converted from a college into a
University in 1993 under the Republic Act 7665. Since then, BulSU has grown by
leaps and bounds regarding program offerings, faculty qualification, and student
enrollment. The University's vision is to be a knowledge-generating institution
globally recognized for excellent instruction, pioneering research, and responsive
community engagement. The University has also maintained four external campuses
within the province, namely the Meneses Campus, Hagonoy Campus, Sarmiento
Campus, and Bustos Campus.

B. Vision

Bulacan State University is a progressive knowledge-generating institution,

globally-recognized for excellent instruction, pioneering research, and responsive
community engagements.

C. Mission

Bulacan State University exists to produce highly competent, ethical, and

service-oriented professionals that contribute to the sustainable socio-economic
growth and development of the nation.

D. Core Values: SOAR BulSU!

Service to God and Community

Order and Peace

Assurance of Quality and Accountability

Respect and Responsibility

The BulSU Ideal Graduates Attributes (BIG A) reflect the graduate’s capacity as:

A. highly and globally competent;

B. ethical and service-oriented citizen;
C. analytical and critical thinker; and
D. reflective life-long learner.


Page 18 of 112
Interview a college graduate and ask his/her goals in achieving his/her dream
profession. Analyze the answer. Do you think his/her plans help him/her in achieving
his/her career? Write your answer in the space provided.

Criteria Rating
Originality and clarity 5 4 3 2 1
Content was clear 5 4 3 2 1
Arguments and viewpoints expressed 5 4 3 2 1
Well prepared and organized 5 4 3 2 1
Total Score

Assessed by: _______________________________________

Reflection/Learning Insights

Assess your knowledge by answering these questions.

1. What is the importance of understanding the vision, mission, and core values
of the University?

Page 19 of 112
2. What is the significance of setting your goals in achieving your dream


How does the university vision, mission, and core value will help you in
achieving your goals?

1. Vision

2. Mission

3. Core Values

Page 20 of 112
Criteria Rating
Originality and clarity 5 4 3 2 1
Content was clear 5 4 3 2 1
Arguments and viewpoints expressed 5 4 3 2 1
Well prepared and organized 5 4 3 2 1
Total Score

Assessed by: _______________________________________

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Lesson 2



Duration 1.5 hours


Physical education is a course characterized by a planned, sequential

curriculum based on the national standards for Physical Education. It provides
cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge,
physical activity behaviors, and physical fitness.

Nevertheless, physical education will benefit students with the ability and
confidence to be physically active for a lifetime from participating in instructional and
recreational programs.

This lesson will provide information about the definition, objectives, and
importance of Physical Education in the school curriculum.


At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Enumerate and discuss the definition, objectives, and importance of

Physical Education.
2. Display understanding of the difference and similarities of activities related
to the holistic development
3. Perform different holistic development activities.


Modified Identification: Choose the correct answer from the choices below.
Write your answer to the space provided.




Page 22 of 112
_______________1. It refers to an important segment of general education, which
aims to contribute to the learner's total development by participating in various
activities. It provides opportunities to acquire lifelong skills essential to his physical,
mental, social, and emotional development.

_______________2. Participating in varied physical activities enables one to acquire

pleasant attitudes, desirable habits, appreciation, and values. Positive character
traits such as courage, self-confidence, discipline, appreciation for stunning
performance, and self-expression are developed and become part of an individual's
way of life.

_______________3. A learner seldom gets into various physical activities by

himself. It plays dances or exercises with people. In the process, it learns to respect
others and practice fair play, sportsmanship, teamwork, and developed leadership. It
learns the game of life – the application of the golden rule.

______________4. Achieved through regular exercise and participation in various

varied activities. In the pursuit of the development and maintenance of Physical
Fitness, fundamental movement skills, games, sports, and dances skills can increase
one's capability to enjoy lifetime recreational pursuit.
______________5. The focus is on acquiring knowledge and understanding,
analyzing body movement skills, evaluating game situations, and making important
decisions. Understanding the games' rules leads to better performance or
appreciation of activity if one is a spectator. Creativity is an important segment of
growth that can be enhanced if the learner has a rich background and exposure to
various physical activities.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


Do high knee exercise (Running in place while lifting knees high to waist level)
for one (1) minute. After doing the exercise, observe the reaction of your body. Use
the guide below to accomplish the task.



Page 23 of 112

Based on the given activity, answer the following questions. Write your
answer in the space provided.

1. Explain what you feel after the exercise.


2. Does the work out offer assistance to discharge a few tensions?



Introduction to Physical Education

I. Definition of Physical Education

Physical education is an integral part of the educational system that promotes

an individual's physical, social, emotional, and mental development through a well-
selected physical activity program.

It refers to an essential segment of general education, which aims to

contribute to the learner's total development by participating in various activities. It
provides opportunities to acquire lifelong skills necessary for physical, mental, social,
and emotional development.

II. Objectives of Physical Education

Page 24 of 112
Physical education aims to help the learner develop and maintain a healthy
lifestyle by acquiring knowledge, desirable habits and attitudes, game and skill, and
wholesome interpersonal relationships.

The main objective of Physical Education focused on the four aspects of

1. Physical Development

Physical fitness, which is the body's capacity to engage in work and play
without undue fatigue, is the foremost aim of Physical Education. A physically fit body
can be achieved through regular exercise and participation in various varied activities.
In the pursuit of the development and maintenance of Physical Fitness, fundamental
movement skills, games, sports, and dances skills can increase one's capability to
enjoy lifetime recreational pursuit.

2. Mental Development

The focus is on acquiring knowledge and understanding, analyzing body movement

skills, evaluating game situations, and making critical decisions. Understanding the
games' rules leads to better performance or appreciation of activity if one is a
spectator. Creativity is an important segment of growth that can be enhanced if the
learner has a rich background and exposure to various physical activities.

3. Social Development

A learner seldom gets into various physical activities by himself. It plays dances or
exercises with people. In the process, it learns to respect others and practice fair
play, sportsmanship, teamwork, and developed leadership. It understands the game
of life – the application of the golden rule.

4. Emotional Development

Participating in varied physical activities enables one to acquire pleasant attitudes,

desirable habits, appreciation, and values. Positive character traits such as courage,
self-confidence, discipline, appreciation for stunning performance, and self-
expression are developed and become part of an individual's way of life.

III. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Behavioral Objectives

Physical education gives the learners a total development to develop

cognitive, psychomotor, and affective at its highest growth and development level.

1. Psychomotor Objectives

It is under physical fitness development, component, and movement skills. It

develops the student's endurance, strength, flexibility, balance, and agility.

2. Cognitive Objectives

Cognitive objectives are under knowledge and information, and the

productivity of it is the proper body functions and development process. It develops
analysis, reasoning power, and decision making as well as rules, strategies, and
safety measures.

Page 25 of 112
3. Affective Objectives

It is under social and emotional stability. It develops courage, self-discipline,

self-expression, aesthetic appreciation, cooperation, sportsmanship, respect, and
IV. Importance of Physical Education

Physical education is vital in the development of motor skills and the

enhancement of reflexes. It teaches the importance of physical health and
contributes to becoming responsible individuals that can make wise decisions about
their health, safety, and well-being.

1. Builds Self-Confidence

Participation in physical education provides a positive influence on a student's

personality, character, and self-esteem. The team-building process also enhances
communication skills and the skills required to cooperate with students of varying
ethnic backgrounds and personalities.

2. Develops Motor Skills

Physical education is essential to the development of motor skills and the

enhancement of reflexes. Hand-eye coordination is improved and right body
movements, which helps develop a healthy body posture.

3. Health and Nutrition

Physical education teaches students the importance of physical health. Some

students misinterpret the meaning of "overweight," and eating disorders prevail.
Physical fitness and education inform students about sound eating practices and the
essential guidelines for nutrition.

4. Relieves Stress

Students have substantial amounts of stress due to curriculum, homework,

families, and peer pressures. Involvement in sports, recreational activities, or other
forms of physical fitness offers a method of stress relief.

5. Considerations

Special considerations may be necessary regarding physical activities for

some students with health issues, and those students should proceed under the
direction of a doctor.


Perform any dance activity using lively music for at least 3 minutes. After
performing, identify, and explain the development (based on the Objectives of
Physical Education) you gained in the activity. Write your answer on the space

Page 26 of 112

Criteria Rating
Originality and clarity 5 4 3 2 1
Content was clear 5 4 3 2 1
Arguments and viewpoints expressed 5 4 3 2 1
Well prepared and organized 5 4 3 2 1
Total Score

Assessed by: _______________________________________

Reflection/Learning Insights

Assess your knowledge by answering these questions.

1. Based on your knowledge, what do you think is the importance of Physical

Education to students?

2. How does Physical Education help you in developing a healthy lifestyle?

Page 27 of 112

Essay (5 points each)

How Physical Education develops an individual in terms of:

1. Physical Development

2. Mental Development

3. Social Development

4. Emotional Development

Page 28 of 112

Criteria Rating
Originality and clarity 5 4 3 2 1
Content was clear 5 4 3 2 1
Arguments and viewpoints expressed 5 4 3 2 1
Well prepared and organized 5 4 3 2 1
Total Score

Assessed by: _______________________________________

Page 29 of 112
Lesson 3


Duration 1.5 hours


Dance is a robust body of art. It is the rhythmic movement of the body that
usually responds to music within a given space. It is a form of expression of ideas
and emotions using the body as the instrument.

It shows the way people live in the past. Filipinos are incredibly rich in
tradition, songs, and dances. Dance is always involved in almost all important
occasions celebrated in life.

This lesson will tackle the definition of dance, dance in the Philippines, and
the dance's different phases.


At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Explain the definition of dance and its phases.

2. Recognize the uniqueness of the Philippine dance.
3. Develop their sense of rhythm using different dance activities.


Multiple Choice Read each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. It is the highest form of dance. It is the end-product of exploration and

improvisation of movements of the dancer or the choreographer’s expression.

a. Creative Rhythms c. Creative Dance

b. Folk Dance d. Recreational Dance

2. This dance includes dance mixers, square dance round, and couple dances.
Many of these dances have simple patterns and combinations of walking
steps, polka steps, and the waltz step.

a. Dance c. Creative Dance

b. Folk Dance d. Recreational Dance

Page 30 of 112
3. These are sometimes called fundamental rhythms or natural dances. It is an
end product of exploration and improvisation of movements.

a. Folk Dance c. Creative Rhythms

b. Dance d. Social and Ballroom Dance
4. It is a cultural art form handed down from generation to generation. It
communicates the customs, beliefs, rituals, and occupations of the people of a
region or country. Examples of this dance are rural and country dances, jotas,
mazurkas, and fandangos.

a. Folk Dance c. Recreational Dance

b. Creative Rhythms d. Social and Ballroom Dance

5. These dances during the evening. The participants are usually in formal attire.
This dance's setting is in the social gathering with a more formal atmosphere
than the informal and straightforward parties in which the recreational dances
are the usual forms.

a. Recreational Dance c. Folk Dance

b. Social and Ballroom Dance d. Dance

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


ICE BREAKER: What I have experienced?

Listed below are the different genres of dance. Check the dances that you
have experienced to perform. Choose at least 2.

Dance Check
1. Rhythmic Activities
2. Contemporary Dance
3. Social and Ballroom Dance
4. Square and Couple Dance
5. Folk/ Indigenous Dance
6. Ballet Dance
7. Hip-hop and Popular Dances


With the given activity, how would you differentiate the movements of each
genre you experienced?

Page 31 of 112

Definition of Dance

Dance is art from wherein the body is the instrument of expression. A

movement put into rhythmic form, a succession of movement that starts, proceeds,
and finishes. Dance is a means of self-expression, a communication method
between independent spirits that utilizes large muscles, rhythmic movement.

To comprehend a dance, one must gain background and understanding from

simple to complex movement interpreting how and why using a body part and the
whole body to a particular order; hence, dance becomes a physical activity executed
in a musical pattern accompaniment. The nature of the human body calls for its
natural impulse and rhythm. Therefore, it exhibits a natural phenomenon on how it
moves in space (an area of performance) or the body space itself or space referred
to as the freedom of movement without obstruction. The body expresses unique
properties and qualities.

Dancing involves almost all important occasions in man's life: birth, death,
marriage, war, a new leader, the healing of the sick, prayers for rain, sun, fertility,
protection, and forgiveness were all expressed through dancing. The steps are from
man's basic movements: walk, run, jump, hop, skip, slide, leap, turn, and sway.
Combinations of these have become traditional dance steps. They have been used,
often in a stylized manner, for folk and ethnic dances, social or Ballroom dance,
ballet, and modern expressive dances.

Some essential features of the dance are rhythm, or the relatively fast or slow
repetition and variation of movements; design or the arrangement of activities
according to a pattern; dynamics, or variations in the force and intensity of
movements; and technique, or the degree of body control and mastery of basic steps
and position. Also crucial in many dances are gestures, especially hand movements.

The Philippine Dance

The Philippines is incredibly rich in folk dances. It influenced the diversity of

the culture and drama of everyday lives. It blends the exotic customs and cultures of
many countries and races – Indonesians, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Spanish, and

Though rich in cultural heritage, the Philippines do not have much of classical
tradition in dance, unlike many of its Southeast Asian neighbors. Having more than
7,100 islands at the crossroad of Asia has been inhabited by different racial groups.
Foreign influences have left a massive imprint on the Philippine culture. Only isolated
regions unaffected by those passing of cross-cultural influences have people stood
still with their own identities to establish a traditional dance.

Filipino possess natural grace, an inborn love for music, and dance. Dancing
was considered a religious activity among them. They dance for many occasions –

Page 32 of 112
birth, courtship, love, wedding, marriage, thanksgiving, planting and harvesting,
prosperous voyage, war victory, recovery from sickness, and healing the sick.
Filipinos are also lovers of rituals as they dance to their prayers, labors, harvest,
fiestas, and even sorrows. Dance speaks a universal language – a form of silent yet
eloquent communication that generally tends to break the barriers between peoples,
so they eventually gain mutual understanding.

The study of folk dance is a valuable medium for understanding the cultural
background of one's country and that of others. Transformed into an art form, it
purposes to seek the light of scientific truth as the best means of expressing
movements in discovering man’s emotional response to life.

Francisca Reyes – Aquino (Mother of Philippine Folk Dance and National

Artist for Dance 1973) said, dance as an art is one of the durable strands interwoven
into our lives the fabric of the culture. More than any type of dance and greater
perhaps than any art field, the folk dance has been a substantial factor in Filipino
souls' expression and identity.

The Phases of the Dance Program

1. Creative Rhythms

These are sometimes called fundamental rhythms or natural dances. A

creative rhythm is an end product of exploration and improvisation of movements as
children learn to move the parts of their bodies and use them as instruments of

2. Folk/ Indigenous dance

Folk dance is a cultural art form handed down from generation to generation.
It communicates the customs, beliefs, rituals, and occupations of the people of a
region or country. Folk dancing belongs to the people. It emanates from them. Ethnic
tribes have their specific tribal art forms originated and danced by the people of the

Examples of folk dances are the rural and country dances and dances with
foreign influence. In contrast, dances of the mountain peoples of the Cordilleras,
dances of the ethnic groups in the Cagayan Valley Region, and the ethnic dances in
the Mindanao Regions are examples of indigenous dance.

3. Social and Ballroom Dance

The setting of the social and Ballroom dance is a social gathering with a more
formal atmosphere than the informal and straightforward parties in which the
recreational dances are the usual forms. It is usually held in the evening. The
participants are generally in formal attire.

4. Recreational Dance

It includes dance mixers, square dance, round, and couple dances. Many of
these dances have simple patterns and combinations of walking steps, polka steps,
and waltz. The setting is usually informal gatherings and parties, reunions, etc.

Page 33 of 112
5. Creative Dance

It is the highest form of dance. It is the end-product of exploration and

improvisation of movements as the dancer, or the choreographer expresses his
feelings or emotions, ideas, and interpretations. It is a dance with a definite form, a
beginning, and an ending. The principles of the art form are all observed in the
composition of the dance.

Examples of creative dance are ballet, jazz, and modern or contemporary



Choose at least one (1) from the five (5) phases of the dance program. Create
or cite any dance pattern and perform at least 16 measures of the dance you chose.
Share your experience while performing the steps. Write in the space provided.

Criteria Rating
Originality and clarity 5 4 3 2 1
Content was clear 5 4 3 2 1
Arguments and viewpoints expressed 5 4 3 2 1
Well prepared and organized 5 4 3 2 1
Page 34 of 112
Total Score

Assessed by: _______________________________________

Reflection/Learning Insights

Based on 5 phases of the dance program, which do you like the most, and
how does it help you develop your body?


Discuss your understanding of the five (5) phases of the dance program
explained in this lesson.

1. Creative Rhythms

2. Folk/Ethnic Dance

3. Social and Ballroom Dance

Page 35 of 112
4. Recreational Dance

5. Creative Dance

Criteria Rating
Originality and clarity 5 4 3 2 1
Content was clear 5 4 3 2 1
Arguments and viewpoints expressed 5 4 3 2 1
Well prepared and organized 5 4 3 2 1
Total Score

Assessed by: _______________________________________

Page 36 of 112
Lesson 4

Duration 1 hour


Everyone has its rhythm, which is found in all of nature and is natural to
individuals. Rhythm is seen clearly through dance- the art of movement.

A good sense of rhythm is essential in dancing. The steps must be performed

appropriately on the right beat. Dance is one of the best examples of rhythmic
activities while walking and heartbeat best describe natural rhythm.

This lesson will focus on the discussion of the terms used in rhythm and
dance and its importance.


At the end of the lesson, the student must be able to:

1. Determine the terms used in rhythmic activities.

2. Display understanding of the terms used in rhythmic activities.
3. Improve and develop a good sense of rhythm.


Match the given statement. Write the letter R if the information defines rhythm,
write letter D if it describes dance, and write letter M to determine the movement.
Write your answer in the space provided.

______1. It is composed of a regular recurrence of accented and unaccented beats

or movement

______ 2. It is the aspect of music that is concerned with accents, durations, and
flow of the notes

______ 3. It is made up of a succession of body changes, which takes place one

after the other.

______ 4. It is an art consisting of movements set to music.

______ 5. It is a means of expressing one’s emotions through movement disciplined

by rhythm. It is an act of moving rhythmically and expressively to an accompaniment.

Page 37 of 112
______6. It relates to physical activity; the position of the body changes from one
place to another.

______ 7. It is the aspect of music that is concerned with tempo, intensity, and
______ 8. It is a rhythmic and expressive body movement; a movement made
significant to express spiritual content.

______ 9. It is the act of changing physical location or position or of having this


______10. It denotes an aspect of a quality of movement that is sometimes thought

of as dance.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


Word Search: Find all the words hidden inside the box. Mark your answer by
drawing a line on each word.



Based on the given activity, answer the following questions. Write your
answer in the space provided.

1. Where do you think these words/terms are related? Explain your answer.

Page 38 of 112
2. Do you think rhythm is involved in our daily living? Explain your answer.


Definition of Terms

Every individual has a rhythm. It is found in all of nature and is natural to

every individual. Rhythm is always a part of the dance- the art of movement.

1. Rhythm

It is the flow of music through time. It is the aspect of music concerned with
accents, durations, and flow of the notes. It also best understood when incorporated
with an arrangement of notes called melody.

Rhythm is a regular recurrence of accented and unaccented beat or

movement. Rhythm is natural to all human beings because we are born with a sense
of rhythm affected by the heart's regular beating.

It denotes an aspect of a quality of movement that is sometimes thought of as

dance. When an individual moves in response to a particular rhythm or music, we
call the movements rhythmic movements or rhythms. Structured forms that start
creative rhythmic movements are called rhythms.

2. Beat

The beat is the basic unit of music; it is used as a measuring device to

regulate individual notes' duration. When you clap your hands, tap your foot, nod
your head or tap your lap to music, you respond to its beat.

3. Rhythmic activities

These are the physical manifestations of the mental and emotional response
of the individual to a rhythm. They are movements perform by the body in response
to some forms of rhythmic accompaniments.

Page 39 of 112
They are also a source of enjoyment for people of all ages. Through these
activities, we acquire and develop the skills and sense of rhythm, we express
feelings, and we experience the basic principles of time, space, and force.

Everyone reacts to music or rhythm in one form or another. Swaying of the

head, tapping of the foot, snapping of the fingers, shoulders, and body moving with
music's rhythm are physical reactions.
4. Dance

It is a form of art consisting of movements set to music or rhythm where there

emerges organization, structure, and patterns. A movement put into rhythmic and
spatial form, a succession of the body changes which start, proceed, and finish. It is
a composition that implies the arrangement of parts into a form.

5. Dancing

It is a means of expressing one’s emotions through movement disciplined by

rhythm. It is an act of moving rhythmically and expressively to an accompaniment.
The word dancing came from the German word "Danson," which means to "stretch."
Essentially, all-dancing is made up of stretching and relaxing.

6. Movement

It is made up of a succession of body changes, which takes place one after

the other.

7. Locomotor

It is the movement that carries the body from one place to another through

8. Non- Locomotor

It is the body's movement on a stationary or fixed base position, the body's

movement around its axis.

9. Basic Movement Skills

It relates to physical activity, which will provide safety, pleasure in work, and
play if performed correctly and smoothly without strain.

The objective of Rhythmic Activities

1. Develop skills necessary for recreational enjoyment.

2. Maintain good posture and physical efficiency.

3. Promote emotional freedom.

4. Develop a balanced and well-coordinated body.


Page 40 of 112
Play a lively song with a fast tempo for 1 minute and try to walk according to
the song's beat. Afterward, play music with a slower tempo and walk according to the
song's rhythm for 1 minute.

After doing the activity, share your experience by answering these questions:
1. Have you followed the rhythm of the music? If your answer is yes, explain
how, and if no, explain why.

2. Did your senses adjust quickly as the tempo of the song changed? If your
answer is yes, explain how, and if no, explain why.

Criteria Rating
Originality and clarity 5 4 3 2 1
Content was clear 5 4 3 2 1
Arguments and viewpoints expressed 5 4 3 2 1
Well prepared and organized 5 4 3 2 1
Total Score

Assessed by: _______________________________________

Reflection/Learning Insights

Assess your knowledge by answering these questions.

1. What is the importance of rhythm in our daily life?

Page 41 of 112
2. How does rhythm affect your daily life?



Multiple Choice Read each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. They are movements performed by the body in response to some forms of

rhythmic accompaniments.

a. Rhythmic Pattern c. Creative Rhythms

b. Rhythmic Activities d. Accent

2. It is a regular recurrence of accented and unaccented beats or movement.

a. Rhythmic Pattern c. Creative Rhythms

b. Rhythmic Activities d. Rhythm

3. Which of the following best describes movement?

a. It is made up of a succession of body changes, which occur one after the


b. It is made up of a disruption of body changes, which take place.

c. It is made up of a succession of body changes, which occur one after the


d. It is made up of a disruption of body changes, which take place one before

the other

Page 42 of 112
4. It is a means of expressing one's emotion through body movements
influenced by music or accompaniment.

a. Movement c. Dancing

b. Dance d. Locomotor
5. Which of the following defines locomotor movement?

a. It is made up of a succession of body changes, which occur one after the


b. It carries the body from one place to another through space.

c. It is a motion of the body in a fixed base.

d. It refers to forward-backward, sideward upward or downward.

6. It consists of movements set to music or rhythm where there are organization,

structure, and pattern.

a. Movement c. Dancing

b. Dance d. Locomotor

7. Which of the following best describes the nonlocomotor movement?

a. Movement of the body on a stationary or fixed based position.

b. It carries the body from one place to another through space.

c. It is made up of a succession of body changes, which occur one after the


d. It refers to forward-backward, sideward upward or downward.

8. It is the basic unit of music; it is used as a measuring device to regulate

individual notes' duration.

a. Beat c. Creative Rhythms

b. Rhythmic Activities d. Accent

9. It relates to physical activity, which will provide safety and pleasure in work
and play if performed correctly and smoothly without strain.

a. Movement c. Dancing

b. Dance d. Basic Movement Skills

10. Written below are the objective of rhythmic activities except:

a. Develop skills necessary for recreational enjoyment.

b. Maintain good posture and physical efficiency.

Page 43 of 112
c. Promote emotional stress and anxiety.

c. Develop a balanced and well-coordinated body.



Lesson 1


Duration 2 hours


Music plays an essential role in our daily activities. People usually listen to
music while working out, eating, driving, or working on assignments as it adds a fun
and lively atmosphere. It sets the mood, and sometimes it relates to our feelings and

Music sets the mood of the dance, drops the beat, and creates the motivation
needed to start the routine. It can make the dancer feel a certain way, which's why it
plays such an essential role in the dance.

This lesson will discuss musical signs and symbols, particularly on note
values, note patterns, and counting systems.


At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Identify time signatures commonly used in rhythmic activities and folk

2. Recognize musical signs and symbols, note values, note patterns, and
system of counting.
3. Create rhythmic patterns in different time signatures.


Write the word True if the statement is correct and If not, write the word False.
Read each information carefully and place your answer in the space provided before
each number.

_______________1. Time Signature is a sign placed at the end of a piece of music.

_______________2. Time Signature indicates the number of beats in a bar.

Page 44 of 112
_______________3. Whole Note receives 2 beats while the half note receives 4
_______________4. Half note receives 1 beat while the quarter note receives 2
_______________5. Music is the combination of sounds or notes produced by the
human voice or various musical instruments in rhythmical, melodic, and harmonic
forms that affect one's feelings or emotions.
_______________6. Quarter Note receives 3 beats while the eight note receives 1
_______________7. A note designates a beat in music. Note is a symbol denoting
musical sound.
_______________8. A dot (.) when placed after a note increases the duration of the
note by one of its original values.

_______________9. The upper number in time signature indicates the number of

beats per measure.

_______________10. Count (ct.) or counting is a system of regularly occurring

sounds that serve to assist with the performance or audition of music by allowing the
easy identification of the beat.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


Arrange the jumbled letters to form a new word or term. Write your answer in
the space provided.

_____________1. onet _____________6. ruertqa

_____________2. afhl _____________7. loweh
_____________3. cumis _____________8. tiegh
_____________4. tod _____________9. tmyhrh
_____________5. ters _____________10. item grausinet


Based on the given activity, answer the following questions. Write your
answer in the space provided.

1. Where do you think these words/terms are related? Explain your answer.

2. Do you think music is essential to dance? Explain your answer.


Page 45 of 112

Music is the combination of sounds or notes produced by the human voice or

various musical instruments in rhythmical, melodic, and harmonic forms that affect
one's feelings or emotions.

I. Note Values, Notes Patterns, and System of Counting

Note in musical notation is a symbol placed on or between a staff's lines to

indicate the pitch and the tone's relative duration to be produced by voice or

The whole note is the enormous note value in common, an elliptical outline.
The addition of a stem halves its value is called the half note. A solid note with a
stem is the quarter note, the most standard metric unit in modern notation. The
eighth note resembles the quarter note, with a flag at the end of the stem; each flag
added, the note's value is again halved. For each note value, there is a rest of the
corresponding value.

It is essential to know the duration of tone using different kinds of notes. A

note designates a beat in music. Knowledge of the values of notes and note patterns
facilitates, to a great extent, the attainment or acquisition of rhythmic skills.

A. Values of Note

Note Value

Whole Note Four beats

Half Note Two beats

Quarter Note One beat

Eight Note ½ beat

Sixteenth Note ¼ beat

A dot (.), when placed after a note, increases the duration of the note by one half of
its original value.

Page 46 of 112
Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted
Whole Half Quarter Eight Sixteenth
. . . . .

Value 6 3 1½ 3/4 3/8

Time Signature is a sign placed at the beginning of a piece of music that

indicates the number and value of beats in a bar.

These are the time signatures commonly used in dance:

2 - 2 beat to a measure
1 2

3 - 3 beat to a measure
1 2 3

4 - 4 beat to a measure
1 2 3 4

B. Note Patterns and System of Counting

Count (ct.) or counting is a system of regularly occurring sounds that serve to

assist with the performance or audition of music by allowing the easy identification of
the beat.

Example of Note Patterns and Counting

In 2 Rhythm In 3 Rhythm
4 4

ct. 1 2 ct. 1 2 3

ct. 1 and 2 ct. 1 and 2 3

ct. 1 2 and ct. 1 2 and 3

Page 47 of 112
ct. 1 and 2 and ct. 1 2 3 and

ct. 1–2 ct. 1 2–3

In 4 Rhythm

ct. 1 2 3 4

ct. 1–2 3–4

ct. 1 2 3–4

ct. 1–2 3 4

ct. 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and


Divide and fill the missing note to create a rhythmic pattern. Draw a line
between each measure and write the number of counts on each note. Five (5) points
each time signature.

ct. ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___ ________ ___

ct. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ___

Page 48 of 112
ct. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ___

ct. _______ _______ _______ _______

Reflection/Learning Insights

Assess your knowledge by answering these questions.

1. Why should there be a need to study music in dance?


2. What is the importance of rhythm and timing in our daily activities?


3. Cite three examples of activities that require rhythm and timing and explain
how it applies.

Example No. 1

Example No. 2

Page 49 of 112

Example No. 3

Identify the corresponding note term and value of the following musical
symbols. Write your answer in the table.

Symbol Note Value







8. .


Page 50 of 112

Lesson 2


Duration 2 hours


The ability to perceive and perform a beat is the most fundamental rhythmic
skill. There are specific essential knowledge and rhythmic skills necessary for
proficiency and efficiency in dance movements.

The placement of sounds in time is rhythm, while the body is the instrument
in movement and space. These facilitate the learning of dances, improvisation of
activities, and interpretation of creative works.

This lesson will discuss rhythmic fundamentals such as rhythm elements, elements
of movement in space, and movement qualities.


At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Determine the Elements of Rhythm and Elements of Movement

2. Understand the concept of movement qualities used in rhythmic activities
3. Create a simple body movement related to the elements of rhythm and
elements of movement and space


Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer that corresponds to the following
statement. Write your answer in the space provided.

_______1. It is a definite grouping of sounds or beats related to the underlying beat.

a. Rhythmic pattern
b. Phrasing
c. Underlying beat

Page 51 of 112
_______ 2. What is the tempo of the folk dance “Tinikling”?

a. Fast
b. Moderate
c. Slow

_______ 3. Which of the following is not considered as an element of rhythm?

a. Accent
b. Tempo
c. Texture
_______ 4. The following shows intensity in movement except one.

a. Leap, leap, hop

b. Tap, jump, hop
c. Walk, sit, stand

_______ 5. A simple formation such as a circle, square, straight line, or zigzag in


a. Direction
b. Floor design
c. Range

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


Sing and perform with actions (actions are after each line) on the song "If
You're Happy and You Know It"

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap your hands twice)
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap your hands twice)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap your hands twice).

If you're happy and you know it, bend your knees (hold and bend your knees twice)
If you're happy and you know it, bend your knees (hold and bend your knees twice)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, bend your knees (hold and bend your knees twice).

If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp your feet twice)
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp your feet twice)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp your feet twice)

If you're happy and you know it, turn around (turn in place)
If you're happy and you know it, turn around (turn in place)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, turn around (turn in place).

If you're happy and you know it, do all four (clap; bend your knees; stomp, and turn)
If you're happy and you know it, do all four (clap; bend your knees; stomp, and turn)

Page 52 of 112
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, do all four (clap; bend your knees; stomp, and turn)


Based on the given activity, answer the following questions. Write your
answer in the space provided.

1. How do you feel while performing the activity? Share your insights.

2. How do the actions or movements help the song become a livelier?



Elements of Rhythm

All movements are affected by the elements of rhythm. These elements which
should be learned and understood concerning dance are underlying beat, measure,
rhythmic pattern, tempo, accent, phrasing, and intensity.

1. Underlying beat

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It is the steady, continuous sound that is heard or felt throughout any
rhythmical sequence. This constant steady pulsation is called pulse beat. It exists in
all movements.

This steady sound serves as the constant unit of measure upon which all
rhythmic structure or relationship depends. The underlying beat determines the time
signature of a piece of music or movements.

2. Measure

It refers to the identical grouping of underlying beats. These groups of notes

are between two bar lines.
3. Rhythmic Pattern

It is a definite grouping of sounds or beats related to the underlying beat. A

particular pattern of unequal sounds or beats must fit within a unit of underlying
beats. Sometimes the rhythmic pattern is also called a melody pattern because the
rhythmic pattern follows the words or melody. There is a relationship between word
pattern, rhythmic pattern, and underlying beat.

4. Phrasing

It is a musical phrase that is a group of measures, which gives unity likened to

a sentence or an idea in itself. Learning to identify or recognize phrases is essential
to learning and creating dances. The end of a phrase may suggest a change in the
direction of movement.

5. Accent

It is the force or emphasis given to anyone beat in a series of pulse beats in a


6. Tempo

It is the rate of speed of the movement, music, or accompaniment. It may be

fast as in the running, moderate as in walking, or slow as in ordinary sliding.

7. Intensity

It is the quality of movement or music. It refers to dynamics or forces such as heavy

or light.

Elements of Movement and Space

An understanding of the space elements that affect movement is essential.

These elements are direction, level, range, and floor pattern.

1. Direction

The movement line is taken, which may be forward, backward, sideward (right
of left), diagonal, upward, downward, and combination.

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2. Level

It moves through space; as the body moves in a horizontal plane, it creates a

high, middle, and low movement. It may be represented in relative heights while
standing, sitting, lying, and kneeling.

3. Range

It refers to the area covered as the body moves. Rang is the maximum area of
an individual and sometimes referred to as personal space or movement size. It may
be small as when the movement in one's place; or large when action covers a wide
area as when getting away from one's place.
4. Floor design

The path or design on the floor made while moving in space is termed as floor
pattern. It may take the form of a circle, square, straight line, or zigzag.

5. Focus

It refers to a movement in space concerning an object.

Movement Qualities

Movement expression is attained through the elements of time, force, and


1. Time Qualities
- Fast movement
- Slow movement

2. Force Qualities
- Soft light movement
- Strong heavy movement
- Strong jerky movement
- Smooth sustained movement

3. Space Qualities
- Up and down movement
- Across, around or back and forth movement
- Low movement
- High movement

Formations Commonly Used in Rhythmic Activities:

1. Single circle, facing clockwise

2. Single circle partners are facing.

3. Single circle, facing counterclockwise

4. Single circle, facing the center

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5. Double circle, partners were facing.

6. Double circle, facing clockwise

7. Square or quadrille formation

8. Semi-circle or half-moon

9. Double lines, facing front or the partner.

10. Long open formation


Choose any nursery rhymes (Filipino or English) and create actions or

movements related to your chosen song. Write the lyrics and the steps on each line
of the song.

Song Title: ________________________


Reflection/Learning Insights

Answer the following questions:

1. How can elements of rhythm contribute to producing a quality musical


Page 56 of 112
2. How can elements of movement contribute to producing a well-
choreographed dance production?


Direction: Identify the words or terminology of the following statements from

the topic that we discussed.

_________________1. It is the force or emphasis given to any one beat in a series

of pulse beats in a measure.

_________________2. It is the steady, continuous sound that is heard or felt

throughout any rhythmical sequence. This constant steady pulsation is called pulse
beat. The underlying beat determines the time signature of a piece of music or

_________________3. It is a group of measures that gives a feeling of unity.

Learning to identify or recognize phrases is essential to learning and creating

_________________4. It refers to the identical grouping of underlying beats. This

group of notes is between two bar lines.

_________________5. It is a definite grouping of sounds or beats related to the

underlying beat. It is also known as the melody pattern because the rhythmic pattern
follows the words or melody. There is a relationship between the word pattern,
rhythmic pattern, and underlying beat.

Page 57 of 112
_________________6. It is the quality of the movement or music. It refers to
dynamic or force, such as heavy and light.

_________________7. It is the rate of speed of movement, music or

accompaniment. It may be fast, moderate or slow.

_________________8. The movement through space as the body moves in

horizontal a plane, it creates movement identified as high, middle and low.

_________________9. The path or design on the floor that is made while moving in

_________________10. Sometimes referred to personal space.

Lesson 3



Duration 2 hours


Dancers should strive for a good posture. A great dancer must have a good
sense of balance and proper posture to perform the graceful movements. With a
correct posture, you can obtain optimal performance, reduce your risk for injury, and
maximize function.

The graceful movements of the feet and arms characterize Philippine folk
dances. It helps the dancer to maintain proper posture and position of the body when

These movements combine the five fundamental positions of the arms and
feet, which will be discussed in this lesson, whether the dance steps' pace is slow or


At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Identify the Fundamental Positions of Arms and Feet in Folk Dance correctly.
2. Inculcate the value of learning the Fundamental Positions of Arms and Feet.
3. Execute the fundamental positions of arms and feet in folk dance properly
through an individual practicum.


Matching Type: Match column A with column B. Read each item carefully.
Write your answer in the space provided.

Page 58 of 112
Column A Column B

____1. It is the starting position for both dancers to A. Amplified

move either clockwise or counterclockwise.
B. Lateral Arm Position
____2. Both arms raised sideward parallel to each
C. “T” Position
____3. More open position on first or fifth position.
D. Reverse “T” Position
____4. Both arms raised overhead.

____5. One arm bent in front at waist level; E. Hayon- hayon

another arm bent behind also at waist level.

____6. Both arms raised sideward, and elbows

F. Jaleo
bent so that the forearms are also raised upward
parallel to the head, palm facing in.
G. 1st Position
____7. Raise one arm overhead while another arm
remains in 2nd position.
H. 2nd Position
____8. Open up arms sideward with a graceful
curve at the shoulder level. I. 3rd Position

____9. Both arms were raised in a circle in front of

J. 4th Position
the chest with the fingertips about an inch apart.

____10. One arm raised in front as in 1st position; K. 5th Position

another arm remains overhead.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


Observe the pictures below.

Page 59 of 112

Based on the given activity, answer the following questions. Write your
answer in the space provided.

1. What do you observe in the picture?


2. How does proper posture help achieve the right body, arm, and feet positions
in dancing?


Fundamental Positions of Arms and Feet in Folk Dancing

There are five fundamental or basic dance positions: position, 2nd position,
3rd position, 4th position, and 5th position of the feet and arms.

I. Arm Positions

1st position
- Both arms were raised in a circle in front of the chest with the
fingertips about an inch apart.

Page 60 of 112
2nd position
- Both arms raised sideward with a graceful curve at the shoulder

3rd Position
- One arm raised sideward as in 2nd position; another arm extended

Right (mirror) Left (mirror)

4th Position
- One arm raised in front as in 1st position; the other arm extended

Right (mirror) Left (mirror)

Page 61 of 112
5th position
- Both arms raised overhead.

II. Feet Positions

1st position
- Heels close together, toes apart with an angle of about 45 degrees.

2nd position
- Feet apart sideward of about a pace distance.

3rd position
- The heel of one foot is close to the instep of the other foot.

Right (mirror) Left (mirror)

Page 62 of 112
4th Position
- One foot in front of the other foot of a pace distance.

Right (mirror) Left (mirror)

5th position

- Heel of the front foot close to the toe of the rear foot.

Right (mirror) Left (mirror)

Page 63 of 112
III. Other Dance Positions

1. Amplified – it is a more open position in the first or fifth position.

2. Lateral Arm Position – Both arms raised sideward parallel to each other.

3. “T” Position – both arms raised sideward, elbows bent so that the forearms
fall downward parallel to the body; palms facing inward.

4. Reverse “T” Position- Both arms raised sideward, elbows bent so that the
forearms are also raised upward parallel to the head, palm facing in.

5. Hayon- hayon – One arm bent in front at waist level; another arm was twisted
behind also at waist level.

6. Jaleo – Partners stand side by side facing opposite directions with R (L)
hands on the waist so that R (L) elbows slightly touch each other. It is a
starting position for both dancers to move either clockwise or

Perform the fundamental positions of arms and feet in any 4-time music
(Example: Cariñosa) by four measures on each position (both sides), two measures
on each position (both sides), and one measure on each position (both sides)
continuously. Record the video of your performance and send it through email or any
instructor's social media platform.

Reflection/Learning Insights

Self- Check:

Check the appropriate response to each question and explain your answer on
the space provided after each item.

To what extent did you learn the Fundamental Dance Positions in terms of:

Page 64 of 112
1. Arms

To a great extent
To a moderate extent
To a lesser extent

2. Feet?

To a great extent
To a moderate extent
To a lesser extent


3. Combination of the Arms and Feet?

To a great extent
To a moderate extent
To a lesser extent


4. Why is there a need for you to study the basic steps or fundamental positions
of a particular dance?

Page 65 of 112

5. What do you think are the health benefits that you’ll get in doing so?
Post Test:

Fill in the blanks:

Write the appropriate word or phrase on the space provided to complete each

1. 3rd Position: Raise one arm overhead while another arm remains in

2. 4th Position: One ___________________ in front of the other foot of a pace


3. 1st Position: Heels close together, toes _______________with an angle of

about 45 degrees.

4. 4th Position: One arm raised in front as in 1st position; another arm remains

5. 1st Position: Both arms raised in a circle in front of ________________ with

the finger tips about an inch apart.

6. 2nd Position: Feet apart ______________________ of about a pace distance.

7. 5th Position: Heel of front foot close to big toe of ___________________ foot.
8. 5th Position: Both ________________________ raised overhead.

9. 2nd Position: Open up arms sideward with a graceful curve at ____________


10. 3rd Position: Heel of one foot close to ___________________.

Page 66 of 112
Lesson 4


Duration 1 hour


The most purposeful movement requires the ability to "feel" or sense what
one's muscles are doing as they perform physical activities. We often use motor
skills in our daily lives. It helps us move and do everything from lifting heavy items to
typing on a keyboard.

Developing motor skills and motor control begins after birth and will progress
as an individual grows. Having reasonable motor control also helps the learners
explore the world around them, helping with many other development areas.

This lesson will focus on basic motor skills that include the different natural
movements and movement experiences, which will help the learners to gain a
broader understanding of basic motor skills.


At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Differentiate locomotor and non-locomotor.

2. Enumerate two forms of movement
3. Show/Perform different movements.


Write locomotor and non-locomotor movements inside the box to complete

the diagram below.

Page 67 of 112

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


Watch an aerobic exercise video on YouTube or any social media

applications. Write the link of the video here: _______________________________


Based on the given activity, identify the common movements used on their
aerobic exercise routine. Write your observations in the space provided.
Page 68 of 112


Basic Natural Movements

The basic natural movements can be combined to make new movement

patterns. When well-organized, these structured patterns develop into simple dance
forms that are sometimes called fundamental rhythms or natural dances.

Movement is made up of a succession of body changes which takes place

one after the other.
I. Natural Movements

1. Locomotor Movement

It is the movement that travels the body through space. These are the natural
movements that bring the body from one place to another.

2. Non-Locomotor or Axial Movement

These movements are in a stationary or fixed base position. These natural

movements of the body are done without moving away from its original place.


A. Even Locomotor Movements

1. Walk

– A regular pace of the feet. It is a continuous transfer of the body weight from
one foot to the other.

2. Run

– Fast walk or an increased speed in walking by lifting the foot off the floor or

3. Hop

– A spring from one or two feet landing on one foot. Put the weight of the body
on one foot, spring, and land on the same foot.

4. Jump

– A spring from both feet landing on both feet. The action can be done
vertically or horizontally.

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5. Leap

– A spring form one-foot landing on the other foot.

B. Uneven Locomotor Movements:

1. Gallop

– A combination of a step (full transfer of weight on one foot) and a cut by the
transfer of weight to the other foot.

2. Skip

– A combination of a step and a hop on a faster tempo.

3. Slide

– A full contact of the foot on the floor by gliding.

C. Non-Locomotor or Axial Movements

1. Bending or flexion

– A contraction or shortening of body parts from a joint.

2. Stretching or extension

– It is the straightening or stretching of a body part from a joint.

3. Rotation

– Turning, twisting, or circling an axis.

4. Pendulum

– A similar movement of a pendulum (swing and sway)

5. Suspended

– A movement against a regular motion and a sudden pause or prolonged


6. Percussive

– It is a movement of striking, hitting, push, or pull.

7. Vibratory

– The shaking of body parts or beating movement that produces a vibration

8. Sustained

Page 70 of 112
– A smooth flowing movement is contained in a balanced position.

II. Movement Experiences

A. Walk Variations:

1. Changes in direction:

- In place forward; backward; sideward

- Turning around
- Sideward crossing feet in front or back
- Change facing forward to the background, sideward, and turning
around while continuing in the same direction.

2. Changes in level:

- On tiptoe
- With knees half bent
- With knees fully bent

3. Changes in tempo:

- Steps faster than natural

- Steps slower than natural

B. Jump Variations

1. Changes on direction:

- Forward; backward; sideward;

- Turning around
- With half and full turns while in air

2. Changes in level:

- Knees fully bent

- Knees half-bent

3. Changes in tempo:

- Jumping close to the floor for fast timing

- Jumping high into the air for slowing timing


Perform the even and uneven locomotor and non-locomotor movements discussed
in this lesson. Record the video of your performance and send it through email or
any instructor's social media platform.

Page 71 of 112
Reflection/Learning Insights

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the difference between locomotor and non-locomotor movements?


2. How do locomotor and non-locomotor movements help you balance and

improve your body coordination?


Directions: Write your understanding of how to perform some locomotor and

non-locomotor movements given below:

Even Locomotor Movements

Walk- ____________________________________________

Hop- ____________________________________________
Page 72 of 112
Uneven Locomotor Movements

Gallop- ____________________________________________

Skip- ____________________________________________

Slide- ____________________________________________

Non-Locomotor or Axial Movements

Bending or
Flexion- ____________________________________________

Stretching or
Extension- ____________________________________________

Rotation- ____________________________________________
Page 73 of 112


Lesson 1


Duration 6 hours


Creative rhythm is a joyful way for the learners to explore movement through
music. In contrast, a creative movement is a form of dance that uses rhythmic,
patterned, or improvised body movements that enable the students to develop
physical skills, channel energy, stimulate imagination, and promote creativity.

It uses body actions to communicate an image, ideas, or feelings. Creative

rhythms and movements are also a form of nonverbal communication and self-
expression that can benefit people of all ages.

This lesson will help the students to gain a deeper understanding of creative
rhythms and movement combinations.


At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Develop knowledge of the different techniques used in making fun, creative

2. Enumerate the different creative rhythms
3. Imbibe the importance of creative rhythms
4. Perform different examples of creative rhythms

Page 74 of 112

Fill in the blanks: Complete the lyrics of the song. Write your answer on the

1. Maliliit na _____________ 2. Ako ay may __________

_____________ sa sanga, _____________ sa langit
Dumating ang _________ 'Di ko na nakita
At itinaboy sila. Pumutok na pala
_____________ ang araw, Sayang ang ________ko
Natuyo ang sanga, Binili ng _____________
Malilit na gagamba’y Sa pagkain sana
Palaging _____________. ______________ pa ako

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


Observe the pictures below.


Based on the given activity, answer the following questions. Write your
answer in the space provided.

1. What do you observe in the picture?


Page 75 of 112

2. Do you think adding actions to songs or poems makes it livelier? Explain your

I. Creative Rhythms

Creative Rhythms are the simplest form of dance. It is actually for children in
the elementary grades. Sometimes these are called natural dances. A creative
rhythm is an end-product of the exploration and improvisation of movements as one
learns to move the parts of the body and use them as instruments of expression.

A. Based on Nursery Rhyme

Rain, rain go away
Come again another day,
Little children want to play,
Rain, rain go away

Line 1 - 4 steps forward; move arms from downward to upward in every step.
Line 2 - 4 steps backward; move arms from upward to downward every step.
Line 3 - 4 skip steps turning around in place; arm overhead
Line 4 - Repeat movement of Line 1

Suggested Nursery Rhymes:

- Mary Had a Little Lamb

- Jack and Jill
- Humpy Dumpy

B. Based on the Poem

Once I saw a little bird.
Come hop, hop, hop,
So, I said, “Little bird,
Will you stop, stop!"
Then I went to the window.

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To say, "How do you do?"
But it shook its little tail.
And far away, it flew.

Line 1 - Place hands above the eyes and sway body to the right and left;
Line 2 - Step on the right foot and make three hops;
Line 3 - Step on left foot and feet together; Place hands on the cheeks;
Line 4 - Push both arms forward two times;
Line 5 - Make eight runs with open arms;
Line 6 - Place hands on the cheeks
Line 7 - Hands on waist; shake hips;
Line 8 - run backward to the original place.

Suggested Poem:

- Ako ay May Alaga

- Ako ay may Lobo
C. Based on Idea or a Particular Theme


Music: Any time music
Formation: Circle, all facing in

Note: M (measure), Ct/s (count/s) R (right), L (left)

Figure One

a. Three steps forward with arms overhead (1M);

feet together and rise on toes (1M) .............................................................. 2M
b. Three steps backward with arms down (1M);
feet together and pause (1M) ………………………………………………...... 2M
c. Repeat (a) and (b)......................................................................................... 4M
d. Repeat all (a-c) ............................................................................................. 8M

Figure Two

a. a. All join hands in the circle. Make six steps to sideward right.......................
b. Bend trunk forward in 3 counts;
then straighten trunk in 3 counts .................................................................. 2M
c. Repeat (a) to sideward left; then repeat (b).................................................. 4M
d. d. Repeat all (a-c) ......................................................................................... 8M

Figure Three

a. Go down to a folded position (kneel sitting on the heels);

slowly straighten trunk and unfold the arms to be raised
to overhead on six counts............................................................................. 2M
b. Slowly return to a folded position in 6 counts ………………………………… 2M
Many simple songs can be used as bases of creative rhymes. Children
always enjoy action songs and singing games.

D. Based on Song

Page 77 of 112
Example: Rock a Bye Baby
(The child sings as he moves.)

Rock a bye baby on the treetops;

Raise both arms forward-upward and sway body to the sideward right and

When the wind blows, the cradle will rock;

Three steps to the sideward right and sway both arms to diagonal right
upward; then swing arms to the left and to the right two times;

When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall;

Three steps to sideward left and in jump place; then fall to the ground;
And down will come baby, cradle and all!

Sit on heels and fold arms in front of the chest; then bow head down to the

Suggested Songs for Creative Rhythms

- Three Little Ducks

- Row, Row Your Boat
- Leron Leron Sinta
- Magtanim ay ‘di Biro
- Lubi-Lubi

II. Creative Rhythms in Basic Movement Combinations

Note: M (measure), Ct/s (count/s), R (right), L (left)

Music: 2 Time Signature


Combination I

a. Three walking steps forward; close L to R foot and clap overhead... 2M

b. Repeat (a) moving backward; clap hands behind or in rear …….….. 2M
c. Step R foot sideward; hop on same foot 3 times……………………... 2M
d. Repeat (c) with L foot………………………………….………………… 2M
e. Repeat all (a-d)…………………………………………………………... 8M

Combination II

a. Four running steps forward; jump in place………………………..…... 2M

b. Repeat (a) moving backward…………………………………………... 2M
c. Repeat (a) sideward right……………………………………...………... 2M
d. Repeat (a) sideward left…………………………………………………. 2M
e. Repeat (a-d)………………………………………………….…………… 8M

Page 78 of 112
Combination III

a. Four skip steps forward, hands overhead……………………………...2M

b. Repeat (a) backward, trunk bent forward and hands down in rear… 2M
c. Four gallop steps sideward R, both arms raised sideward L ………. 2M
d. Repeat (c) sideward L, reverse arm position…………………............ 2M
e. Repeat all (a-d)…………………………………………………………... 8M

Combination IV

a. Two slides sideward R…………………………………………………... 2M

b. Jump forward (IM), jump backward (1M)……...………………………. 2M
c. Repeat (a) and (b) sideward L……………………………............…... 4M
d. Repeat all (a-c)………………………………….………………………...8M
Music: 3 Time Signature

Combination I

a. Step R foot sideward and hop on the same foot 2 times;

Repeat movements with L foot……… ………………………………... 2M
b. Three steps forward; jump in place and clap hands overhead ……. 2M
c. Repeat (a)……………………………………………………………...... 2M
d. Repeat (b) backward……………………………………………………. 2M
e. Repeat all (a-d) …………………………………….…………………… 8M

Combination II

a. Two slides to the right …………………………………………………... 2M

b. Three steps turning R in place and pause………….……...…………. 2M
c. Repeat (a) and (b) turning L……….………………………...…………. 4M
d. Leap sideward R (1M); 3 jumps in place L, R, L……….…….………. 2M
e. Repeat (d) sideward L …………………………………………………. 2M
f. Repeat (d) and (e) …......................................................................... 4M

Combination III

a. Two slides to the right; hands on waist ………………………………. 2M

b. Jump forward (1M); jump backward ……………………………………2M
c. Repeat (a) to sideward left ……………………………………...……… 2M
d. Repeat (b) ……………………………………………………….………. 2M
e. Repeat all (a – d) ……………………………………………………....... 8M

Combination IV

a. Three walking steps R, L, R forward, close L to R (1M);

Repeat moving backward; arms raised upward ……………………… 4M
b. Two slide steps sideward right and 2 slide steps sideward left;
c. Arms raised at side ……………………………………………………… 4M
d. Repeat (a) and (b) ……………………………………………...………. 8M

Page 79 of 112
2 3
Interpret the creative rhythms in basic movement combinations (4- and 4-time
signature). Record the video of your performance and send it through email or any
instructor's social media platform.

Reflection/Learning Insights

Assess your knowledge by answering these questions.

1. What is the importance of having creative rhythms in our lives?


2. What are the benefits of creative rhythms on the development of a



Arrange the step pattern in chronological order. Write your answer in the
space provided (1-2-3-4)

2 Time Signature

________1. Four running steps forward; jump in place……………………….…... 2M

Repeat (a) moving backward…………………………………………... 2M
Repeat (a) sideward right………………………………………………. 2M
Repeat (a) sideward left…………………………………………………. 2M
Repeat (a-d) ……………………………………………….…………… 8M

Page 80 of 112
________2. Two slides to the right; hands on waist ………………………………. 2M
Jump forward (1M); jump backward ……………………………………2M
Repeat (a) to sideward left ……………………………………...……… 2M
Repeat (b) ……………………………………………………….………. 2M
Repeat all (a – d) ……………………………………………………....... 8M

________3. Repeat (a) moving backward; clap hands behind or in rear ………. 2M
Step R foot sideward; hop on same foot 3 times……………………... 2M
Repeat (c) with L foot……………………………….…………….…… 2M
Repeat all (a-d) ………………………………………………………... 8M

________4. Four skip steps forward, hands overhead………………………... 2M

Repeat (a) backward, trunk bent forward and hands down in rear…. 2M
Four gallop steps sideward R; both arms raised sideward L …….…. 2M
Repeat (c) sideward L, reverse arm position………………….............2M
Repeat all (a-d) ……………………………………………………….…. 8M
3 Time Signature

________5. Step R foot sideward and hop on same foot 2 times;

Repeat movements with L foot…………………………………….….... 2M
Three steps forward; jump in place and clap hands overhead ……...2M
Repeat (a)…………………………………………………………........... 2M
Repeat (b) backward………………………………………………...…...2M
Repeat all (a-d) …………………………………….……………...…......8M

________6. Two slides to the right ………………………………...…...………........ 2M

Three steps turning R in place and pause..................................….... 2M
Repeat (a) and (b) and turning L………………………….……………. 4M
Leap sideward R (1M); 3 jumps in place L, R, L………...….…………2M
Repeat (d) sideward L ………………………………………...…...….... 2M
Repeat (d) and (e) …......................................................................... 4M

________7. Two slides to the right; hands on waist ………………………………. 2M

Jump forward (1M); jump backward ……………………………………2M
Repeat (a) to sideward left …………………………………...………. 2M
Repeat (b) …………………………………………………….………… 2M
Repeat all (a – d) …………………………………………………........ 8M

________8. Three walking steps R, L, R forward, close L to R (1M);

Repeat moving backward; arms raised upward ……………………… 4M
Two slide steps sideward right and 2 slide steps sideward left;
Arms raised at side ……………………………………………………… 4M
Repeat (a) and (b) …………………………………………...………... 8M

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Page 82 of 112
Lesson 2


Duration 1.5 hours


Folk dancing varies throughout the world. There are many fundamental steps
found in every dance of nations. Several basic steps have been commonly seen,
while others may seem unique and challenging upon the first attempt.

Many people enjoy learning basic folk dance steps to participate in either a social or
religious tradition or exercise. Folk dancing is considered a fun form of movement
and exercise involving dancers of all ages and backgrounds.
The different basic steps in 4- time signature will be taking part in this lesson.
It will serve as a guide to the students in interpreting dance literature or pattern.


At the end of the lesson, the student must be able to:

1. Develop knowledge and skills in performing the traditional dance steps

2. Show understanding of different traditional dance steps in a 2-time signature.
3. Interpret and execute the basic dance combinations and folk dance in a 2-
time signature.


Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the best answer to the following question.

1. Step Right (forward/ sideward/ backward (count 1), close Left to Right (count
and); step right in place (count 2).

A. Close Step B. Change Step C. Waltz Step

2. Step Right (any direction) (count 1); close Left to Right counts (count 2)

A. Close step B. Touch step C. Bleking step

3. Point Right (any direction) (count 1); close Left to Right (count 2)

A. Swing Step B. Touch step C. Close step

4. Step Right (sideward. /forward.) (count 1); hop on Right (count 2)

A. Hop step B. Swing step C. Swing-hop step

Page 83 of 112
5. Place Right heel in front (count 1); -point Right toe in rear (count 2); step
Right; count 1; close Left to Right (count and); step Right in place (count 2)

A. Plain Polka B. Heel and Toe C. Heel and Toe Polka

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


Sing or play the folk song Leron Leron Sinta. While listening, perform any
traditional dance steps you know that will suit the music's rhythm.


Based on the given activity, answer the following questions. Write your
answer in the space provided.

1. List down or describe the steps you performed in the given activity.


2. How was the beat of the song? Can you follow the song’s rhythm? Share your

Traditional Folkdance Steps in 4 Time Signature

Listed below are dance steps in 4 time, grouped according to note patterns
and their corresponding counts as suggested by the number of movements.

Note: Ct. (count/s), R (right), L (left),

Frd (forward), Bckd (backward), Swd (sideward)

Page 84 of 112
A. Note Pattern
= 1 measure
Count: 1 2

1. Touch Step - Point R (frd. /swd. /bckd.); close R to L

ct. 1 ct. 2

2. Bleking Step - Heel place R (fwd./swd.); close L to R

ct. 1 ct. 2

3. Close Step - Step R (any direction); close L to R

ct. 1 ct. 2
4. Cross Step - Step R; cross and step L across R
ct. 1 ct. 2

5. Hop Step - Step R (any direction); hop on R

ct. 1 ct. 2

6. Brush Step - Step R (any direction); brush L

ct. 1 ct. 2

7. Slide Step - Slide R (swd. /fwd.); close L to R

ct. 1 ct. 2

8. Swing Step - Step R (swd. /frd.); swing L across R

ct. 1 ct. 2

B. Note Pattern
= 1 measure
Count 1 and 2

1. Change step - Step R (any direction); close L to R step R

ct. 1 ct. and ct.2

2. Cross change - Cross and step R across L; close L to R; step R across L

step ct. 1 ct. and ct.2

3. Contraganza - Leap R to swd. R; cross and step L across R; step R

ct. 1 ct. and ct.2

C. Note Pattern
= 1 measure
Count 1 and 2

1. Habanera Step- Step R (any direction); close L to R; step R in place

ct. 1 ct. and ct. 2

Page 85 of 112
D. Note Pattern
= 1 measure
Count 1 and 2 and

1. Plain polka - Step R (frd. /swd. /bckd.); close L to R; step R; raise L

ct. 1 ct. and ct.2 ct. and

2. Hop polka - Hop L-step R frd; close L to R; step R frd; pause

ct. and ct. 1 ct. and ct.2 ct. and

E. Note Pattern
= 2 measures
Count: 1 2 1 and 2

1. Heel and Toe - Heel place R (in front); toe-point in rear; step R;
Change Step ct. 1 ct. 2 ct. 1

close L to R; step R forward

ct. and ct. 2

F. Note Pattern
= 2 measures
Count 1 2 1 and 2 and

1. Heel and Toe - Heel place R (in front); toe-point in rear; raise-step R;
Polka ct. 1 ct. 2 ct. 1

close L to R; step R; pause

ct. and ct. 2 ct. and

G. Note Pattern
= 1 measure
Count 1 and 2 and

1. Mincing steps - With feet in 5th position and heels raised, take as many tiny
steps sideward (1 step on every count)

2. Shuffling steps - With both feet flat on the floor, make tiny slide steps forward
(1 small slide on every count)

3. Chasing steps - Execute successive close steps with one-foot leading

(1 step on every count)

Common Dance Turns in 2 Time Signature

Page 86 of 112

1. Three-step Turn – Make a complete turn with 3 steps in place or to

R (L) on counts 1, 2, 1; pause on count 3 ……………. 2M

2. Four-Step Turn – Do complete turn with four steps in place or to sideward

R (L) on counts 1, 2, 1, 2 ………………………………. 2M

3. Cross Turn – Cross one foot across the other in front on count 1, make
a complete turn on count 2 ………………………………………….…………. 1M

4. Cross- step Turn – Step one foot sideward on count one and make a fast-
cross turn on count 2 ……………………………………

5. Change Step Turn

a. Fast – Use on change step to make a full turn ………….………. 1M

b. Moderate – Make two change steps to make a full turn ………... 2M

c. Slow – Execute four change steps to make a full turn ……….…. 4M

Interpret the following traditional dance step combinations in 4-time signature.
Perform with any suitable folk song/music according to the given time signature.
Record the video of your performance and send it through email or any instructor's
social media platform.

Note: M (Measure), Ct. (count/s)

R (right), L (left)

Music 2

Combination I

a. Four change steps forward; hands on waist …………………………………. 4M

b. Four touch steps in front alternately R and L ………………………………… 4M
c. Repeat (a) and (b) moving backward …………………………………………. 8M

Combination II

a. Four bleking steps sideward alternately R and L; hands on waist …………. 4M

b. Four close steps forward alternately R and L ………………………………….
c. Repeat (a) ………………………………………………………………………... 4M
d. Repeat (b) moving backward …………………………………………………... 4M

Page 87 of 112
Reflection/Learning Insights

Assess your knowledge by answering these questions.

1. What is the importance of knowing the traditional dance step in interpreting a

dance combination/literature?

2. Did you interpret and execute the dance combination/literature well? Assess
your skills, knowledge, and performance.


Identify the following dance steps suggested by the step patterns given below.
Write your answer in the space provided.

1. slide, close ____________________________

2. step, cross ____________________________
3. point, close ____________________________
4. step, hop ____________________________
5. step, close, step ____________________________
6. leap, cross, step ____________________________
7. tiny steps with heels ____________________________
8. raise-step, close, step ____________________________
9. successive close steps
with one-foot leading ____________________________
10. heel place, toe point,
step, close, step ____________________________

Page 88 of 112
Lesson 3


Duration 1.5 hours


The basic steps define the character of a particular dance. It sets the dance's
rhythm and the default move to which a dancer returns when not performing any
other actions. It is sufficient for some dances to know the necessary steps performed
to enjoy it socially.

Dance is more than exploring many ways of learning a series of steps to a

particular type of music. Through dance, students learn teamwork, focus, and
improvisational skills.
This lesson will discuss the basic 4-time signature steps that may guide the
students to interpret the dance literature or pattern.


At the end of the lesson, the student must be able to:

1. Develop knowledge and skills in performing the traditional dance steps

2. Show understanding of different traditional dance steps in 3-time signature.
3. Interpret and execute the basic dance combinations and folk dance in 3-time
signature. 4


Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the best answer to the following

1. Step Right (forward/ sideward/ backward (count 1), close Left to Right (count
2); step right in place (count 3).

A. Cross Waltz B. Waltz Balance C. Waltz Step

2. Slide Right (count 1); cut (displace) Right with Left (count 2); hop on the left
and swing right foot backward in front of Left (count. 3)

A. Step-swing-hop B. Mazurka Step C. Redoba

3. Slide R sideward (count 1); cut right foot forward (count 2); hop Left and cut
swing Right foot backward in front of Left (count. 3)

Page 89 of 112
A. Redoba B. Sway Balance C. Mazurka
4. Step Right (any direction) (count 1,2); close Left to Right counts (count 3)

A. Close step B. Touch step C. Bleking step

5. Point Right (any direction) (count 1,2); close Left to Right (count 3)

A. Mazurka B. Touch Step C. Close Step

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


Sing or play the folk song Bahay Kubo. While listening, perform any traditional
dance steps you know that will suit the music's rhythm.


Based on the given activity, answer the following questions. Write your
answer in the space provided.

1. List down or describe the steps you performed in the given activity.

2. How was the beat of the song? Can you follow the song’s rhythm? Share
your experience.


I. Traditional Dance Steps in 4 Time Signature

Listed below are basic dance steps in 4 time grouped according to note
patterns and their corresponding counts, as suggested by the number of

Page 90 of 112
Note: Ct. (count/s), R (right), L (left),
Frd (forward), Bckd (backward), Swd (sideward)
A. Note Pattern
= 1 measure
Count: 1 2 3

1. Waltz Step - Step R (Frd. /swd. /bckd.); close L to R; step R in place

ct. 1 ct. 2 ct. 3

2. Cross Waltz - Cross-step R across L; close L to R; step R in place

ct. 1 ct. 2 ct. 3

3. Waltz Balance - Step R (swd. /frd.); close L to R and raise both heels;
ct. 1 ct. 2

heels down
ct. 3

4. Mazurka Step - Slide R; cut (displace) R with L;

ct. 1 ct. 2

hop L and swing R backward in front of L

ct. 3

5. Redoba - Slide R (diagonal frd.); cut R with L; cut L with R

ct. 1 ct. 2 ct. 3

6. Step-swing-hop - Step R (any direction); swing L across R in front; hop on R

ct. 1 ct. 2 ct. 3

7. Step-brush- Step R (frd. /swd.); brush L and swing frd; hop R

swing-hop ct. 1 ct. 2 ct. 3

B. Note Pattern
= 1 measure
Count: 1-2 3

1. Touch step - Point R (frd. /swd. /bckd.); close L to R

cts. 1-2 ct. 3

2. Bleking step - Heel-place R (frd. /swd.); close L to R

cts. 1-2 ct. 3
3. Close step - Step R (any direction); close L to R
cts. 1-2 ct. 3

4. Slide step - Slide L (any direction); close L to R

cts. 1-2 ct. 3

5. Cross step - Step R swd; cross-step L across R

Page 91 of 112
cts. 1-2 ct. 3

6. Hop step - Step R (swd. /frd.); hop on R

cts. 1-2 ct. 3

7. Brush step - Step R (frd. /swd.); brush L

cts. 1-2 ct. 3

8. Swing step - Step R (swd. /frd.); swing L across R

cts. 1-2 ct. 3

C. Note Pattern
= 2 measure
Count: 1-2 3 1 2-3

1. Sway balance - Step R (diagonally frd.); cross-step L across R;

with a point cts. 1-2 ct. 3

step R bckd; point L in front

ct. 1 cts. 2-3

2. Sway balance - Step R (diagonally frd.); cross-step across R;

with a raise cts. 1-2 ct. 3

step R bckd; raise and swing L in front

ct. 1 cts. 2-3

3. Sway balance - Step R (diagonally frd.); cross-step L across R;

with a brush cts. 1-2 ct. 3

step R bckd; brush L frd.

ct. 1 cts. 2-3

4. Sway balance - Step R (diagonally frd.); cross-step L across R;

with a hop cts. 1-2 ct. 3

step R bckd; hop on R

ct. 1 cts. 2-3

5. Sway balance - Step R (diagonally frd.); cross-step L across R;

with a close cts. 1-2 ct. 3

step R bckd; close L to R

ct. 1 cts. 2-3

6. Engano - Step R swd.; cross-step L across R;

with a close cts. 1-2 ct. 3
step R swd.; close L to R

ct. 1 cts. 2-3

Page 92 of 112
D. Note Pattern
= 2 measure
Count 1-2 3 1 2 3

1. Sway balance - Step R diagonally frd; cross-step L across R; step R bckd;

with a waltz cts. 1-2 ct.3 ct. 1

close L to R; step R in place

ct.2 ct.3

2. Engano - Step R swd; cross-step L across R; step R swd;

with a waltz cts. 1-2 ct.3 ct. 1

close L to R; step R in place

ct.2 ct.3

E. Note Pattern
= 2 measure
Count 1 and 2 and 3 and

1. Mincing steps - With feet in 5th position and heels raised, take as many tiny
steps swd. (1 step on every count)

2. Shuffling steps - With feet flat on the floor, make small slides frd.
(1 slide on every count)

3. Chasing steps - With one foot leading, execute successive close steps in any

F. Note Pattern

Count 1 and 2 3

= 2 measure

Count 1 and 2 3

1. Kuradang step - Step R (diagonally forward); close L to R;

ct. 1 ct. and ct.2

step R diagonally fwd.; cross- step L across R;

ct. 3 ct. 1

step R diagonally bkwd R; close L to R; step R; point L

ct. and ct.2 ct. 3

Page 93 of 112
Common Dance Turns in 3 Time Signature

1. Three-step Turn – Make a complete turn with 3 steps in place or to sideward

R (L) ………………………………………………………. 1M

2. Four-step Turn – Do a complete turn with four steps or top sideward R (L) on
counts 1,2, 3,1, and pause on counts 2, 3 ……………………………………. 2M

3. Cross Turn – Cross one foot across the other in front on count one and make
a complete turn on counts 2 and 3 ……………………………………….…….1M

4. Cross- step Turn – Step one foot sideward on count one and make a
complete turn on count 2, 3
………………………………………………………... 2M

5. Brush- step Turn – Step one foot sideward; brush other foot in front, step the
brushing foot close to the other foot (1M); repeat three times
more to make a complete turn (3M) …………………… 4M

6. Slide Turn – Step one foot sideward; slide other foot moving a semi-circle
and step the same foot close to the other foot (1M), repeat
three times more to make a complete turn (3M). Also termed as “Piang-piang”
turn ………………………………………………………………………………... 4M

7. Waltz Turn

a. Fast – Use one waltz step to make a full turn ……………. 1M

b. Moderate – Make two waltz steps to complete a turn …… 2M

c. Slow – Execute four waltz steps to make a full turn. ……..4M

8. Whirl Turn – With every tiny step, make several fast turns.

9. Pivot Turn – Using one foot as a pivot, push with the other foot as many as
desired (usually four times) to complete a turn.

10. Pivot Turn – Pivot on one foot, point one foot sideward or obliquely with a
close forward using one or two counts, then close the same foot to pivoting
foot with one count (1M); repeat three times more (3M) to complete the turn
………. 4M

Interpret the following traditional dance step combinations in 4-time signature.
Perform the dance with any suitable folk song/music according to the given time

Record the video of your performance and send it through email or any
instructor's social media platform.

Page 94 of 112
Note: M (Measure), Ct. (count/s)
R (right), L (left)

Music 3
Combination I

a. Two waltz step sideward R, L; hands on waist ……………….……………… 2M

b. Two bleking steps in fron R, L …………………………………………………. 2M
c. Repeat (a) and (b) moving backward …………………………………………. 4M
d. Repeat all (a-c) …………………………………………….……………………. 8M

Combination II

a. Three mazurka steps sideward R; …………...

Three stamps in place R, L alternately; hands on waist ……………………. 4M
b. Repeat (a) sideward L …………………………………………………………. 4M
c. Three walking steps forward (1M) point L foot in front (1M) ………………... 2M
d. Repeat (c) moving backward (1M) point R foot in front (1M) ………………. 2M
e. Repeat (c) and (d) ………………………………………………………………. 4M

Reflection/Learning Insights

Assess your knowledge by answering these questions.

1. How does the basic dance step discussed in this lesson help you interpret the
dance combination/literature?

2. Did you interpret and execute the dance combination/literature well? Assess
your skills, knowledge, and performance.

Page 95 of 112

Identify the following dance steps suggested by the step patterns given below.
Write your answer in the space provided.

1. step, hop _________________________

2. step, close, step _________________________
3. slide, cut, cut _________________________
4. cross, close, step _________________________
5. step, cross _________________________
6. slide, cut, cut _________________________
7. step, cross, step, point _________________________
8. step, swing _________________________
9. heel-place, close _________________________
10. step, brush _________________________

Page 96 of 112
Lesson 4


Duration 10 hours


Many of the terms used about dance rhythms, such as tempo, dynamics, and
beat, are derived from music, as most dance is either set to music or accompanied
by it.

Dancing provides a form of relaxation and exercise, but other than that, it is
more fun when we add implements to dance. It makes creative rhythm and
movements livelier that everyone can enjoy.

The last lesson of this unit will focus primarily on creative rhythms with
percussive instruments. It will assess the student's knowledge and skills gained in
the whole course by adequately interpreting the dance literature and pattern.


At the end of this lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Identify the basic combination movements' particular to the basic steps used
in folk dance.
2. Recognize the rhythmic/count patterns in a specific movement combination.
3. Inculcate the value of timing in a dance.
4. Interpret and execute the dance literature.
5. Create a combination of basic dance movements with rhythmic/count


Direction: Explain each item briefly.

1. What part of your body can produce a percussive sound? Give at least three,
and explain your examples in 3 to 5 sentences.

Page 97 of 112
2. What percussive instrument can be used in performing creative rhythms?
Give at least three, and explain your examples in 3 to 5 sentences.


Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


Name each picture given below.

1. 2. 3.

___________________ ____________________ ____________________

4. 5.

Page 98 of 112
___________________ ___________________


Based on the given activity, answer the following questions. Write your
answer in the space provided.

1. What have you noticed about the pictures?


2. Do you think percussive instruments can help improve your skills in

rhythm? Explain your answer.


Articles or objects that produce sounds when clicked, clapped, or struck

together fall under percussion. Some of these are:

1. Sticks (made of bamboo)

2. Bao (coconut shells)
3. Bakya (wooden slippers)
4. Maracas
5. Kalaste (also known as castanets)


Page 99 of 112
The following are examples of dance patterns/ literature in creative rhythms using
percussive instruments.

Note: M (measure), Ct/s (count/s)

R (right), L (left)
A. Stick Rhythmic

Music : Any 4 time

Equipment : Two sticks one and a half feet long and a fingerbreadth for each stick.

Formation : Double lines facing front.

Figure I
Face front

a. Four change steps forward;

Strike sticks R over L, L over R, and R over L three times to a measure …. 4M
b. Four gallop steps sideward R;
Strike sticks R over L on every gallop ……….………………………………. 2M
c. Repeat (b) sideward L …………………………………………………………...2M
d. Repeat (a) backward ……………………………………………………………. 4M
e. Repeat (b) and (c) …………………………………….………………………….4M

Figure II
Face partner

a. Two close steps forward R, L;

Strike sticks on cts. 1, 2 every measure ……………………………………… 2M
b. Point R foot in front (ct. 1); close R to L (ct. 2); repeat sideward L;
Strike R sticks with partner (ct. 1); strike own sticks (ct. 2) ………………… 2M
c. Repeat (b) with L …………………………………………………….…………. 2M
d. Repeat (a) backward ……………………………………………………………. 2M
e. Repeat all (a – d) ………………………………………………………………... 8M

Figure III
Face front

a. Four contraganza steps R, L sideward alternately;

Strike sticks three times to a measure sideward R, L alternately …….……. 4M
b. Four close steps forward R, L alternately;
Strike sticks on ct. 2 of the measure …………………………….……………. 4M
c. Repeat (a) ………………………………………………………………….……. 4M
d. Repeat (b) backward ……………………………………………………………. 4M

Figure IV
Face partner

Page 100 of 112

a. Four change steps forward, passing R shoulders with partner;
Strike sticks alternately sideward R, L three times to a measure...………… 4M
b. Repeat (a) moving backward passing L shoulders with partner …………... 4M
c. Repeat (a) passing L shoulders and (b) passing R shoulders ……………... 8M

B. Bao Rhythmic

Music : Any 4 time
Equipment : Two empty coconut shells were held at the edge by each hand.
Formation : Double lines facing front.

Figure I
Face front

a. Point R foot in front bend trunk slightly to the R; repeat with L;

Arms in second position (ct. 1); click bao in twice in front (cts. 2, 3) ……… 2M
b. Repeat (a) ………………………………………………………………….……. 2M
c. Two close steps sideward R; arms in the second position on (ct. 1) of every
measure; Click bao on (cts. 2, 3) of every measure ………………………….2M
d. Repeat (c) with L ………………………………………………...……………. 2M
e. Repeat all (a – d) ………………………………………………………………... 8M

Figure II
Face front

a. Take three jumps forward on every count (1M); Click bao on every count;
Pause, stand, and place arms in second position …………………………. 2M
b. Repeat (a) moving backward ……………………...…………………………… 2M
c. Repeat (a – b) ……………………………………………………………….……4M
d. Two slide steps sideward R; arms in second position ……………….……... 2M
e. Repeat (c) with L ………………………………………………………….……. 2M
f. Repeat (a) …………………………………………………………………….…. 2M
g. Take a full kneeling position and heel sit …………………………….………. 2M

Figure III
Face partner

a. Strike bao on R side of the floor with R hand (ct. 1);

Click bao twice in front of the chest (cts. 2, 3) ………………………….….... 1M
b. Repeat (a) with three times more L, R, L side alternately ……….…….……. 3M
c. Bend trunk slightly forward; strike bao on the floor five times (pts. 1 & 2 & 3);
Trunks erect and click bao in front of the chest on every count ……….…. 2M
d. Repeat (c) ………………………………………………….……………………. 2M
e. Repeat all (a – f) stand up on the last measure ………………...…………….8M

Figure IV
Face front

a. Step R foot sideward (ct. 1); execute two hops in place (ct. 2, 3);

Page 101 of 112

Swing arms to the R (1); click bao on (cts. 2, 3) …………….………………. 1M
b. Repeat (a) three times L, R, L alternately ……………………………………. 3M
c. Two slide steps moving backward with trunk slightly bent forward;
Click of bao behind on (cts. 2, 3) every measure ………………...…………. 2M
d. Two close steps forward R, L; click bao on (cts. 2, 3) ………………………. 2M
e. Repeat all (a – d) ………………………………………………………………... 8M
C. Bakya Rhythmic

Music : Any 4 time

Equipment : A pair of bakya (wooden slippers) held at the heel by each hand.

Formation : Double lines facing front.

Figure I
Face front

a. Three walking steps forward (1M); close L to R (ct. 1) and pause on (ct. 2);
Clap bakya on every step (1M; clap bakya overhead (ct. 1…………………. 2M
b. Repeat (a) moving backward ……………………………...…………………… 2M
c. Four gallop steps sideward R;
Clap bakya on every gallop …...................................................................... 2M
d. Repeat (d) sideward L …………………………………………………………...2M
e. Repeat all (a – e) ………………………………………………………………... 8M

Figure II
Face partner

a. Stand in place; clap bakya in front of toes (ct. 1); in front of knees; (ct. 2);
Clap in front of chest (ct. 1); clap overhead (ct. 2) …………………………. 2M
b. Jump forward (1M); jump backward (1M);
Hands down at sides ………………………………………...…………………. 2M
c. Repeat (a) and (b) ……………………………………………………………… 2M
d. Repeat all (a-c) ………………………………………………………………..… 2M

Figure III
Face front

a. Four slides to the R;

Clap bakya on every slide ……...………………………………………………. 2M
b. Step R and hop three times;
Clap bakya on every count………………………………………………...…….2M
c. Repeat (a) and (b) to the L ……………………………………………………... 4M
d. Repeat all (a-c) ……………………………...……………………………………8M

Figure IV
Face partner

a. Two change steps forward;

Page 102 of 112

Clap bakya three times every measure (ct. 1, &, 2) …………………………. 2M
b. Four stamps in place R, L alternately;
Clap bakya on every count ………………………………………...……………2M
c. Repeat (a) and (b) backward …………………………………….…………… 4M
d. Repeat all (a-c) …………………………………………………………………...8M

D. Maracas Rhythmic

Music : Any 4

Equipment : Two maracas – made of coconut shell with a six-inch piece of wood
inserted into it for a handle

Formation : Single circle, Girl on right side of the Boy. 4 to 8 pairs may form a set

Figure I
All Face Inward

a. Two waltz step R moving forward and L moving backward;

Shake maracas on cts. 2, 3 ……………………………………………………. 2M
b. Repeat (a) three more times …………………………………………………… 6M
c. Six brush steps turn R;
Shake maracas on ct. 2 of every measure …………………………………… 4M
d. Repeat (c) turning L…………………………………………………………. …..4M

Figure II
All Face Inward

a. Girls- 3 steps forward, Boys- 3 steps backward;

Shake maracas on every count ………………………………………………... 1M
b. Repeat (a) Boys forward, Girls backward ……………………………………. 1M
c. Two touch steps in front;
Shake maracas on ct. 1 of every measure …………………………………… 2M
d. Repeat (a-d) ……………………………………………………………………… 4M
e. Four hop steps forward; Four hop steps backward;
Shake maracas on every hop …………………………………………………. 8M

Figure III
All Face Inward

a. Four waltz steps forward;

Shake maracas three times to a measure……………………………………. 4M
b. Turn R about and stand in place;
Shake maracas overhead on ct. 1 and in front twice on ct. 2, 3 …………… 4M
c. Repeat (a) and (b) going to proper places ……………………………………. 8M

Figure IV
All Face Clockwise
Page 103 of 112
a. Eight waltz steps forward moving clockwise;
Shake maracas R, L alternately on cts. 2, 3 …………………………………. 8M
b. Turn R about and repeat (a) moving counterclockwise ……………………... 8M

E. Kalaste Rhythmic

Music : Any 4 time
Equipment : A pair of kalaste (castanets) on each hand.
Formation : Double lines facing front.

Figure I
Face Front

a. Two heel and toe change step forward;

Click kalaste in front on cts. 1, 2; then three times on cts. 1, and, 2 …….... 4M
b. Four change steps sideward R, L alternately;
Click kalaste on cts. 1, and, 2 …………………………………………………. 4M
c. Turn about to repeat (a) and (b) …………………………………………….… 8M

Figure II

Face Partner

a. Four change steps forward to meet partners at the center;

Click kalaste on cts. 1, and, 2 ………………………….…………………….… 4M
b. Four touch steps alternately R, L in front;
Click kalaste over toes on ct. 1 and in front of the chest on ct. 2 …………….…
c. Repeat (a) backward …………………………………………………….……… 4M
d. Repeat (b) ………………………………………………………………………... 4M

Figure III
Face front

a. Four cross- change steps forward;

Click kalaste on cts. 1, and, 2 with arms at sides……………………………. 4M
b. Four hop steps moving backward R, L alternately;
Click kalaste in front on cts. 1, 2 ……………………………………….……… 4M
c. Repeat (a) and (b)…………………………………………………………….… 8M

Figure IV
Face Partner

Page 104 of 112

a. Four change steps forward to partner’s place passing R shoulder;
Click kalaste alternately R, L three times to a measure ……………………. 4M
b. Four gallop steps to the R sideward;
Click kalaste on every count …………………………………………………… 2M
c. Repeat (b) to the left ………………………………………………………….….2M
d. Repeat all (a-c) …………………………………………………………………...8M

Choose three of the five examples of creative rhythms with percussive

instruments. Interpret and execute the dance literature of your choice. Record the
video of your performance and send it through email or any instructor's social media

Reflection/Learning Insights

Assess your knowledge by answering these questions.

1. Why are rhythm and timing important in dance?


2. How do percussive instruments improve your skills in rhythm?



Fill in the blanks: Write the appropriate word or phrase on the space provided
to complete each sentence/ rhythmic pattern.
Note: F (figure)

1. Bao Rhythmic F1a: Point ___________ in front bend trunk slightly to the R; repeat
with L; Arms in second position (ct. 1); click bao in twice in front (cts. 2, 3).\

Page 105 of 112

2. Stick Rhythmic F1e: Repeat ___________.

3. Bao Rhythmic F3c: Bend trunks slightly forward; strike bao on the floor five times
(cts. 1 & 2 & 3); Trunks erect and click bao in __________ on every count.

4. Bakya Rhythmic F2b: Jump forward (1M); _________ (1M); Hands down at sides.
5. Stick Rhythmic F3a: Four ___________steps R, L sideward alternately; Strike
sticks three times to a measure sideward R, L alternately.

6. Bakya Rhythmic F3b: Step R and hop ___________ times; Clap bakya on every

7. Stick Rhythmic F2b: Point R foot in front (ct. 1); close R to L (ct. 2); repeat
sideward L; Strike R sticks with ___________ (ct. 1); strike own sticks (ct. 2).

8. Bakya Rhythmic F4a: Two ___________ forward; Clap bakya three times every
measure (ct. 1, &, 2).

9 Bao Rhythmic F1c: Two close steps sideward R; arms in ___________on (ct. 1) of
every measure;
Click bao on (cts. 2, 3) of every measure.

10. Stick Rhythmic F4a: Four change steps forward passing R ___________ with
Strike sticks alternately sideward R, L three times to a measure.

Page 106 of 112

Final Requirement

Produce your Creative Rhythms with percussive instruments. Create four

figures with 16 measures each. Choose your implement (stick, bao, bakya, maracas
or tambourine) and time signature (2- or 3-time signature).
4 4
Use the traditional dance step basic motors skills as a guide in making your
step patterns. Indicate the striking/ clapping, count, and measure of each step

Follow this format:

- A4 Size Bond Paper

- Arial Font Style
- 12 font Size
- No Spacing

(If there is no laptop/pc or gadgets available, write your final output in an

A4/Short/Long size bond paper or a yellow pad paper)

Record the video of your performance and send it through email or any social
media platform provided by the instructor.

Bulacan State University
College of ___________________________
City of Malolos, Bulacan

Final Output in PE Rhythmic Activities

Name: _______________________________ Course Yr. and Sec.: ____________

Stick Rhythmic

Figure I
Face front

f. Four change steps forward;

Strike sticks R over L, L over R, and R over L three times to a measure …. 4M
g. Four gallop steps sideward R;
Strike sticks R over L on every gallop ……….………………………………. 2M
h. Repeat (b) sideward L …………………………………………………………...2M
i. Repeat (a) backward ……………………………………………………………. 4M
j. Repeat (b) and (c) …………………………………….………………………….4M

Page 107 of 112

Other Parts:

Suggested Readings and Websites

Bulacan State University, About Bulacan State University. Retrieved from August 2020
Fundamentals of Rhythm. Retrieved from https:// essay/
Fundamentals-of-Rhythm-FKWQ6JE36ZYS in August 2020
Holy Name University, College of Education, Rhythmic Activities. Retrieved
from website on August 2020
Categories of Rhythmic Activities. Retrieved from https://
D. Callcott, J Miller, S Wilson-Gahan Health and Physical Education:
Preparing Educators for the Future Retrieved from
ators+for+future+deborah+callcot&hl on August 2020
L. Vergara (2018) Revised LET Material on Philippine Folk and Ethnic
Dances. Retrieved from
material_Prof_Vergara_Phil_Folk_and_Ethnic_Dances on March 2020
F. Aquino (1972) Fundamental Dance Steps and Music. Manila Philippines


Accent - is the force or emphasis given to anyone beat in a series of pulse beats in
a measure.
Affective- It is under social and emotional stability
Bakya - "Bakya" means wooden shoes. They are the common footwear of the poor
in the "barrios." During the rainy season, almost all people wear them. It is made in
different materials, colors, and shapes.
Builds Self-Confidence- this is a positive influence on a student's personality,
character, and self-esteem.
Cognitive- is under knowledge and information
Considerations- special considerations may be necessary regarding physical
Creative Dance- is the end-product of exploration and improvisation of movements
as the dancer or the choreographer expresses his feelings or emotions, ideas, and
Creative Rhythms- is an end product of exploration and improvisation of
movements as children learn to move the parts of their bodies and use them as
expression instruments.
Dance- the body's movement in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given
space, to express an idea or emotion, release energy, or simply take delight in the
movement itself.
Dancing- expressing one's emotions through movement disciplined by a rhythm.

Page 108 of 112

Develops Motor Skills- It is essential to the development of motor skills and the
enhancement of reflexes.
Direction- is the line of movement taken, which may be forward, backward,
sideward (right of left), diagonal, upward, downward, and combination.
Emotional Development- It is a positive character trait.
Floor design- the path or design on the floor made while moving in space is termed
as floor pattern.
Focus- This is referred to as movement in space in relation to an object.
Folk/ Ethnic dance- Is a cultural art form handed down from generation to
Fundamental- forming a foundation or basis, basic or essential.
Health and Nutrition- physical health and education inform students on sound
eating practices and the essential nutrition guidelines.
Intensity- is the quality of the movement or music. It refers to dynamic or force, such
as heavy and light.
Jump Variations- usually used to indicates a series of small jumping actions.
Kalaste- or “Castanets” are a Spanish percussion instrument consisting of a pair of
hollow pieces of wood or bone (usually held between the thumb and fingers) that are
made to click together in rhythm with the dance
Level- is moving through space. As the body moves in a horizontal plane, it creates
a high, middle and low movement.
Locomotor Movement- the primary ways to move, the building blocks of
Measure- refers to the identical grouping of underlying beats. This group of notes is
between two bar lines.
Mental Development- the focus is on the acquisition of knowledge and
Movement- is made up of a succession of body changes.
Non-Locomotor or Axial Movement- natural movements of the body are done
without moving away from its original place.
Note- is a term used to describe a given pitch and the sign used to indicate a note's
Parallel- extending in the same direction and at the same distance apart.
Instep- is the arched part of the top of the foot between the toes and the ankle.
Phrasing- is a group of measures that gives a feeling of unity. Learning to identify or
recognize phrases is essential to learning and creating dances.
Physical Development- the capacity of the body to engage in work and play without
undue fatigue.
Physical Education- is to assist the learner in developing and maintain a healthy
Position- the manner in which a person or thing is placed or posed or how parts are
Psychomotor- It is under physical fitness development, component, and movement
Range- refers to the area covered as the body moves.
Rear- is defined as the back of something.
Recreational Dance- It is usually informal gatherings and parties, reunions
Relieves Stress- is amounts of stress due to curriculum, homework, families, and
peer pressures.
Rest - is a sign which denotes silence or pause.
Rhythm- measured motion of flow characterized by the regular recurrence of beats,
sounds, or accents.
Rhythmic Pattern-It is the combination of long and short sounds that convey a
sense of movement.

Page 109 of 112

Social and Ballroom Dance- It is simple and informal parties in which the
recreational dances
Social Development- It learns the game of life – the application of the golden rule.
Tempo- is the rate of speed of movement, music, or accompaniment. It may be fast,
it may be moderate, or it may be slow.
Time Signatures- is a sign placed at the beginning of a piece of music.
Underlying beat- is the steady, continuous sound that is heard or felt throughout
any rhythmical sequence.
Walk Variations- To move about or travel on foot for exercise or pleasure.

Page 110 of 112


International Journal of Sport, Exercise, and Health Research (2017)

Teaching Strategies Employed by Physical Education Teachers in Gokwe
North Primary Schools. Department of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of
Science and Technology, Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe
L. Morala, L. Agtarap. (2017) Music Application and Exercises for Piano,
Solfege, Conducting.
H. Suarez. (2012) Understanding the Fundamentals of Music. St. Andrew
Publishing House, 316 Culianin, Plaridel, Bulacan.
J. Balagtas, E. Corpuz, E. Estrella, J. Foster (2012) Physical Education 2:
Rhythmic Activities. Jimczyville Publications
L. Gabao (2007) Dance with Me. Philippine Normal University Press,
Philippine Normal University, Taft Avenue, Manila
C. Andin, P. Minas (2004), Dance Education in the School Curriculum.
Rex Bookstore, Inc.
University of Manila (2004) Physical Education: Dancing. University of
Manila, Sampaloc, Metro Manila
F. Aquino (1972) Fundamental Dance Steps and Music. Manila Philippines

Online Resources

Bulacan State University, About Bulacan State University. Retrieved from August 2020
Ministry of Education, Guyana (2016) Importance of Physical Education.
Retrieved from on August 2020
The Definition and Explanation of Rhythmic Activities. Retrieved from
activities/ on August 2020
Categories of Rhythmic Activities. Retrieved from
/academy / lesson/categories-of-rhythmic-activities on August 2020
Tagalog Children Songs, Maliliit na Gagamba. Retrieved from
https://lyrics translate .com/ko/Tagalog-children-songs-maliliit-na-gagamba-
lyrics.html on August 2020
Maliliit na Gagamba Lyrics. Retrieved from https://www.lyricsmode
.com/lyrics/j/jack_ailyen/ako_ay_may_lobo.html on August 2020
Family Resources Music and Children Rhythm Meet Child Development.
Retrieved from /music-and-children-
rhythm-meets-child-development in August 2020
Percussion Instruments to Spice up Your Song. Retrieved from
rhythm.html on August 2020
Fundamentals of Rhythm. Retrieved from https:// essay/
Fundamentals-of-Rhythm-FKWQ6JE36ZYS in August 2020
Holy Name University, College of Education, Rhythmic Activities. Retrieved
from website on August 2020
Categories of Rhythmic Activities. Retrieved from https://
D. Callcott, J Miller, S Wilson-Gahan Health and Physical Education:
Preparing Educators for the Future Retrieved from
ators+for+future+deborah+callcot&hl on August 2020

Page 111 of 112

L. Vergara (2018) Revised LET Material on Philippine Folk and Ethnic
Dances. Retrieved from
material_Prof_Vergara_Phil_Folk_and_Ethnic_Dances on March 2020

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