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Syllabus (Bio 1 - Botany)

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Accredited by ACSCU-AAI


VISION 1. Offer programs and services to fulfill the demands of globalization.

2. Provides the students with skills, knowledge and values necessary to becoming
A leading knowledge center, empowering individuals in Christian ideals for service. productive citizens.
3. Produce highly competent graduates with strong leadership and high sense of moral
MISSION and ethical standards for industry needs.
4. Nurture an academic environment that fosters integrated learning, creative and
As a non-sectarian educational institution, Davao Central College, Inc. is committed to provide excellent critical thinking, appreciation of cultural diversity and national identity.
capability- building services, facilities, programs, and activities that promote love of God, peace and 5. Conduct research to support instruction, create new knowledge and enhance the
progress. quality of life in a society.
6. Undertake extension programs that facilitate the transfer of technology and promote
self-reliance among the less privilege of the Philippine society.
7. Cultivate aesthetic values of individuals for the perpetuation of Filipino heritage .

1. Course Code : Bio 1 6. Course Description:

2. Course Title : Biological Science with focus on Botany (w/ lab)
3. Credit Units : 5 units This course in Biological Science aims to allow the students explore and understand the
4. Prerequisite : None biological and genetic diversity of plant kingdom; the factors and the biological processes that
5. Course : Biology 1 affect the existence of the different and vast variety of plants grounded on ecological and
evolutionary principles. Moreover, this course will allow the students to acquire sound and
environmental awareness necessary for their participation on the perpetuation of local, natural
and international sustainable development.

Course Objectives:

1. To integrate the fundamental of the basic laws and the different biological concepts that are operative in the structure and behavior of living organisms in relation to the physical and biological
2. To develop visionary leaders who could be role models in creating change to improve organization’s products and services.
3. To foster social awareness and environmental responsibility, stewardship and accountability.
4. To produce experts in the field of biological science through updated facilities.
5. To demonstrate skills in organizing and classifying different varieties of plants.
6. To inculcate ethical standards and moral values in solving problems associated with the society and economy through science and technology.
7. To create key values and shared visions through guided actions.

Course Title: Date effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by: Page:
Biological Science with
focus on Botany (w/ lab) October, 2011 August 8, 2011 ROSALINDA V. PAGONG JO-ANN SOLOMON, ED. D. WARLITA C. CANQUE ED.D. Page 1 of 7
Time Learning Content / Topics No. of Course Competencies Activity and Values Integration Evaluation Suggested References
Frame Hours Learning

Week I. Orientation:
Familiarization and internalization of:
 Interpret information to create a Bite-size approach  Takes pride for being a Oral recitation DCC Handbook
1. VMG 3 culture of ethical standards DCC student. Revised 2009
within organizations and Will and sacrifice  Respect to authority Value
2. School policies and regulations 3 communities. approach  Student manifest assessment
 Implement school policies and obedience to school
1 procedures. policies, rules, laws and Quiz

II. Introduction to plants and botany  Demonstrate understanding on Lecture-  Environmental Botany, An Introduction to
the use of scientific concepts to Discussion awareness Plants Biology by: James D.
1. Scientific Method 3 understand the different Quiz Mauseth, 2003
varieties of plants and their  Love of plants
2. Origin and Evolution 3 adaptation. The Plant Kingdom by William
H. Brown; C1973
3. Diversity of plants adaptations 3
Botany, An Introduction to
Plant Biology by: T. Elliot
Weier; C1982

III. Introduction to the Principle of  To display comprehensive

Chemistry perception on the role of atoms Power point  Sincerity and open- Demonstration Botany, An Introduction to
3 in plant life. presentation mindedness activity Plants Biology by: James D.
1. Atoms and Molecules 3  Manifest in-depth understanding Mauseth, 2003
on the nature of chemicals
2. Mechanism of Chemical 3 present in the soil, air and water Open forum  Patience and Reflection The Plant Kingdom by William
2 Reactions important for plant life. perseverance paper H. Brown; C1973
 Identify the different organic
3. Organic Molecules 3 biological compounds important Lecture- Botany, An Introduction to
a. Carbohydrates 3 for plants metabolism and life Discussion  Self-confidence Quiz Plant Biology by: T. Elliot
b. Amino acids and Protein processes. Weier; C1982
3  Awareness of the important
4. Cofactors and carriers roles of enzymes in various Prelim Exam
biological processes that
5. Enzymes maintains the life of plants.

Course Title: Date effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by: Page:
Biological Science with
focus on Botany (w/ lab) October, 2011 August 8, 2011 ROSALINDA V. PAGONG JO-ANN SOLOMON, ED. D. Page 2 of 7

Time Learning Content / Topics No. of Course Competencies Activity and Learning Values Integration Evaluation Suggested References
Frame Hours Approach

IV. Cell Structure
1. Cell membranes 2  Identify the structures Lecture- Discussion  Sharing and Picture Botany, An Introduction to
and functions of different appreciating one’s Analysis Plants Biology by: James D.
2. Basic Cell Types 2 organelles of plant cells. effort Mauseth, 2003
 Manifest understanding Report in power point
3. Parts of plant cells 2 about the tremendous presentation Quiz
4 functions of the different  Self-confidence The Plant Kingdom by William
4. Fungal cells 2 types of cell and the H. Brown; C1973
plant. Open Forum Graded
 Open-mindedness recitation
Botany, An Introduction to
V. Tissues and the primary growth of  Identify the processes Laboratory exercises Plant Biology by: T. Elliot
stem and parts of the internal Weier; C1982
1. External organization of stems 2 and external
organization of the stem.
2. Internal organization of stems 2  Discuss the importance Work texts in General Botany
of stem growth by: Eden V. Evangelista and
3. Stem growth and differentiation 3 differentiation. Luisito T. Evangelista; 2009

VI. Leaves
1. External structure of foliage 2  Manifest understanding Lecture- Discussion  Showing consideration Oral recitation Botany, An Introduction to
leaves and appreciation of the on the feelings of Plants Biology by: James D.
2. Internal structure of foliage 2 important role of both others Mauseth, 2003
leaves leaves and roots to the Report in power point
3. Initiation and development of 2 plant. presentations Seat work The Plant Kingdom by William
5 leaves  Classify the different  Self-reliance H. Brown; C1973
4. Morphology and anatomy of 2 foliage of leaves
other leaf types  Identify the processes Open Forum Botany, An Introduction to
and parts of the internal  Environmental Mid-term Plant Biology by: T. Elliot
VII. Roots and external awareness Exam Weier; C1982
1. External structure of roots 2 organization of both Laboratory exercise
2. Internal structure of roots 2 leaves and roots to the Work texts in General Botany
3. Origin and development of 2 plants by: Eden V. Evangelista and
lateral roots  Classify the different Luisito T. Evangelista; 2009
4. Other type of roots and root 1 types of root and their
modification nature

Course Title: Date effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by: Page:
Biological Science with
focus on Botany (w/ lab) October, 2011 August 8, 2011 ROSALINDA V. PAGONG JO-ANN SOLOMON, ED. D. WARLITA C. CANQUE ED.D. Page 3 of 7

Time Learning Content / Topics No. of Course Competencies Activity and Values Integration Evaluation Suggested References
Frame Hours Learning

Week Botany, An Introduction to

VIII. Energy Metabolism: Plants Biology by: James D.
Photosynthesis  Manifest understanding on the Lecture-Discussion  Sharing and Quiz Mauseth, 2003
1. Energy and Reducing Power 2 process of photosynthesis and appreciating one’s
2. The process of Photosynthesis 2 respiration involve in the energy effort The Plant Kingdom by William
3. Environmental and Internal 2 metabolism of plants which are Reports in power Oral recitation H. Brown; C1973
Factors of Photosynthesis important for their survival. point Presentation  Respect on the opinion
6 of others Botany, An Introduction to
 Trace the stages involve in both Seat work Plant Biology by: T. Elliot
IX. Energy Metabolism: Respiration the process of photosynthesis Open forum  Honesty Weier; C1982
1. Types of Respiration 2 and respiration.
2. Environmental and Internal 2 Work texts in General Botany
Factors of Respiration by: Eden V. Evangelista and
3. Total Energy Yield of Respiration 2 Luisito T. Evangelista; 2009
4. Respiratory Quotient 3

X. Transport Processes
1. Diffusion, Osmosis, Inactive 2  Explain the different transport Lecture-Discussion  Sincerity and open- Seat work Botany, An Introduction to
Transport processes and their importance mindedness Plants Biology by: James D.
2. Water Potential 2  Understand how essential Mauseth, 2003
3. Short distance Transport 2 elements and molecules are Reports in power Reflection
7 4. Long Distance Transport 2 distributed in the different parts point Presentation  Patience and paper The Plant Kingdom by William
of the plant. perseverance H. Brown; C1973
XI. Soil and Mineral Nutrition
1. Essential Elements 2  Identify and understand the Open forum Semi-final Botany, An Introduction to
2. Mineral Deficiency Diseases 2 nature of soil and the different  Self-confidence exam Plant Biology by: T. Elliot
3. Soils and Mineral Availability 2 essential elements needed for Weier; C1982
4. Nitrogen Metabolism 1 fertility and growth of the plants
Work texts in General Botany
by: Eden V. Evangelista and
Luisito T. Evangelista; 2009

Course Title: Date effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by: Page:
Biological Science with
focus on Botany (w/ lab) October, 2011 August 8, 2011 ROSALINDA V. PAGONG JO-ANN SOLOMON, ED. D. WARLITA C. CANQUE ED.D. Page 4 of 7

Time Learning Content / Topics No. of Course Competencies Activity and Values Integration Evaluation Suggested References
Frame Hours Learning

Week Botany, An Introduction to

XII. Nonvascular Plants  Differentiate the characteristics Lecture-Discussion  Self-discipline, patience Graded Plants Biology by: James D.
1. Division Bryophyta: Moses 2 of vascular and nonvascular and perseverance recitation Mauseth, 2003
2. Division Hepatophyta: 2 plants.
Liverworts Reporting in power The Plant Kingdom by William
3. Division Anthocerotophyta: 2  Identify the variety of plants point Presentation  Open-mindedness Seat work H. Brown; C1973
Hornworts under vascular and nonvascular
8 plant respectively. Botany, An Introduction to
XIII. Vascular Plants Without Seeds Open forum  Respect of plant life Quiz Plant Biology by: T. Elliot
1. Division Psilotophyta 2 Weier; C1982
2. Division Lycophyta 2  Identify the adaptation of
3. Division Trimerophytophyta 2 vascular and nonvascular plants. Laboratory Work texts in General Botany
4. Division Arthrophyta 2 exercise by: Eden V. Evangelista and
5. Division Pteridophyta 1 Luisito T. Evangelista; 2009

XIV. Gymnosperm
1. Progymnosperms 1  Differentiate the characteristics Lecture-Discussion  Sincerity and open- Seat work Botany, An Introduction to
2. Conifers 1 of gymnosperms and mindedness Plants Biology by: James D.
3. Seed Ferns 1 angiosperms. Mauseth, 2003
4. Cycads 1 Reporting in power Oral recitation
9 5. Cycadeoids 1  Identify the variety of plants point Presentation  Patience The Plant Kingdom by William
6. Division Ginkgophyta 2 classified under gymnosperm H. Brown; C1973
7. Division Gnetophyta 2 and angiosperm respectively. Reflection
Open forum paper Botany, An Introduction to
XV. Angiosperms  Self-confidence Plant Biology by: T. Elliot
1. Origin and Early Evolution of 2  Trace the origin and evolution of Weier; C1982
Angiosperms gymnosperm and angiosperm Laboratory Tests
2. Class Liliopsida 2 exercise Work texts in General Botany
3. Class Magnoliopsida 2 by: Eden V. Evangelista and
Luisito T. Evangelista; 2009

Course Title: Date effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by: Page:
Biological Science with
focus on Botany (w/ lab) October, 2011 August 8, 2011 ROSALINDA V. PAGONG JO-ANN SOLOMON, ED. D. WARLITA C. CANQUE ED.D. Page 5 of 7
Time Learning Content / Topics No. of Course Competencies Activity and Values Integration Evaluation Suggested References
Frame Hours Learning

XVI. Biomes Botany, An Introduction to

Reporting in  Students help others Reflection paper Plants Biology by: James D.
 Manifest understanding on the power point develop their Mauseth, 2003
1. World Climate 5 relationship between world presentation potentials
climate and world biomes Graded oral The Plant Kingdom by William
recitation H. Brown; C1973
2. Continental Drift 5 Lecture –  Showing consideration
Discussion on the feelings of Botany, An Introduction to
others Project Plant Biology by: T. Elliot
3. World Biomes at the Present 5 Weier; C1982
Open forum
 Respect of individual Departmental Work texts in General Botany
differences Test/Finals by: Eden V. Evangelista and
Luisito T. Evangelista; 2009

Course Title: Date effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by: Page:
Biological Science with
focus on Botany (w/ lab) October, 2011 August 8, 2011 ROSALINDA V. PAGONG JO-ANN SOLOMON, ED. D. WARLITA C. CANQUE ED.D. Page 6 of 7


Botany, an Introduction to Plants Biology by: James D. Mauseth, 2003

The Plant Kingdom by William H. Brown; C1973

Botany, An Introduction to Plant Biology by: T. Elliot Weier; C1982

Work texts in General Botany by: Eden V. Evangelista and Luisito T. Evangelista; 2009

Course Evaluation:

The passing grade of the total scores is from the following:

Assignment 5%
Quizzes 10%
Recitation 10%
Research (compilation/plates) 15%
Major Exams 30%
Final Exams 30%
TOTAL 100%
Course Title: Date effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by: Page:
Biological Science with
focus on Botany (w/ lab) October, 2011 August 8, 2011 ROSALINDA V. PAGONG JO-ANN SOLOMON, ED. D. WARLITA C. CANQUE ED.D. Page 6 of 7

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