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PT 2

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Performance Task:

On Filipinos

Morga was obviously fascinated with the social A ComparisonJose Rizal lamented that he was born
organization of the natives; he described origins, and bred withut knowing our colonial past.
differences, privileges of social classes, upward
and downward mobility, inheritance of
possessions and titles.
The groom brings a dowry from his parents, while The Morga annotations provided the seeds of the
the bride does not bring anything until she inherits idea of how the Filipinos should view themselves
some from her parents amidst a growing nationalism that eventually led
to the formation of a nation
Antonio de Morga, lieutenant governor of the Rizal's intent was not only to provide the Filipino
Philippines in the late sixteenth century, described people their early history, a pre-Spanish history,
the food of the indios as follows: Their daily fare is but to present to them their own authentic culture
composed of: lice crushed in wooden pillars and and identity.
when cooked is called morisqueta (this is the
staple throughout the land); cooked fish which
they have in abundance

On Philippine Culture

He was critical of the system of the government which he said barely existed because were no powerful
figure that ruled over myriad communities most of them coastal each with its own set of leaders.


He thought that it was better the way and that there is no need for the communities to be be Holden to
one ruler who didn’t even live among them and wasn’t familiar with their needs and problem

PERFORMANCE TASK: DIGITAL POSTER MAKING On this activity, you are given a chance to choose a
character on the said novel which you can portray and dedicate a digital poster for him/her. The content
of the poster is depending on your level. Direction:  Layout and format must be organized and concise 
Use brief and simple language, better to avoid text altogether  Present your (one) message in a clear
and logical way  Have a unique feature to attract the audience  Choose a catchy but conceptual title 
Start preparing early  Get rid of unnecessary details  Check everything before sending  Presenting at
the conference  Use your poster to help yourself

Dr. Antonio de Morga's "Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas" gives us a peek of how our forefathers lived
before the Spaniards arrived. The friars' rigorous Christianization had not totally eradicated the indios'
"tiempo de gentilidad" or heathendom, when we were pagans in the sight of the Spaniards, even though
the book was published 43 years after Miguel Lopez de Legazpi arrived. Rizal compared what he read in
de Morga to the accounts of early missionaries such as Fathers Gaspar San Agustin, Franciso Ignacio
Alcina, Franciso Colin, Pedro Chirino, and others, and his incisive annotations included references to
other ilustrados who were in Europe at the same time, such as Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, Pedro
Paterno, and Isabelo de los Reyes.

Activity: Comparison and Contrast To compare is to tell how two or more things are alike. To contrast is
to describe how two or more things are different. Use this chart to compare and contrast the two novel
of Rizal Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo

Noli Me Tangere El Filibusterismo

MEANING The “Social Cancer”- The title The “Reign of Greed”- El
“Noli Me Tangere” is a latin filibusterismo (lit. "filibustering"
phrase whichmeans, “touch me in Spanish; The Subversive or
not”. Rizal said it his title Subversion) And It's the sequel
wastaken from the Gospel of novel to Noli me tangere.
Luke “do not touch me”. ButRizal
made a mistake, it should be the
Gospel ofJohn (Chapter 20,
Verses 13 to 17)
EXILE Noli me tangere (The Social He left shortly in the Philippines
Cancer), Rizal's firstnovel, was thereafter to return to Spain
released in 1887 and was a where he wrote a second novel,
passionateexpose of the ills of El Filibusterismo (1891), and
Spanish authority in many articles in his support of
thePhilippines. He created the Filipino nationalism and his
Liga Filipina, a peacefulreform crusade to include
movement in Manila, and was representatives fromhis
banished toDapitan in northwest homeland in the Spanish Cortes.
Mindanao. For the next
fouryears, he was in exile
COVER OF THE BOOK It tells us every bit of what's in El Filibusterismo's cover is plain,
the novel. Rizal alsopurposely as designed by JoseRizal. The
designed the title to be placed plain cover conveys a fresh start
diagonally so thatit can divide an for thePhilippines and Filipinos
upper and lower triangle that without the trace of symbols
will bediscussed further through fromthe events and situations in
this page.Upper TriangleThis Noli Me Tangere.
represents Rizal's past life.Lower
TriangleThis represents Rizal's
currents situations.Silhouette of
a Filipina- believed to be Maria
Clara or as the "Inang Bayan" to
whom Rizal dictatesthe
novelCross/Crucifix- represents
the Catholic faith as it rises
above Inang Bayan and
Filipinos(shows dominance)- it
also symbolizes sufferings and
deathPomelo Blossoms & Laurel
Leaves- they represent faith,
honor and fidelity, which are the
values Rizal aspiresto be
embodied by Filipinos- pomelos
are used to scent their air
commonly during prayers and
cleansingrituals- laurel leaves are
used as crowns during Greek
Olympics for honoring
thebestBurning Torch- refers to
the Olympic torch- pertains to
the awakening of Filipino
consciousness- it also sheds light
to the text of the
manuscriptSunflower- it
symbolizes a new beginning- it is
compared to the happiness of
which appears to be always
bowingdownFeet- it symbolizes
the power of the friars- it is
placed on the base of the
triangle (foundation) because
without friars,the Filipinos
cannot stand on their own
SETTING the novel was in the 19th Jose Rizal’s novel, El
century Philippines, specifically Filibusterismo is also known as
at Manila, during the latter years The Reign of Greed, was set in
of the country as colony of Spain the Philippines that is under the
in Asia. The novel's plot started vestiges of the then-colonial
in the scene when Ibarra visits Spain. The El Filibusterismo is
his betrothed María Clara, the considered the sequel to Rizal’s
beautiful daughter of Captain first novel, Noli Me Tangere
Tiago and affluent resident of (Touch Me Not), which has a
Binondo, Manila. relatively lighter critique of the
society during the Spanish
colonial times.
PLOT The plot revolves around Juan Crisostomo Ibarra has
Crisostomo Ibarra, mixed-race changed his name and identity
heir of a wealthy clan, returning to a rich jeweler named Simoun.
home after seven years in In disguise, he travels the world
Europe and filled with ideas on amassing wealth, which he
how to better the lot of his intends to use to topple the
countrymen corrupt and abusive regime in
his native land. But Simoun's real
motive is personal.

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