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America Language Course Placement Test FORM 106: Family / Last Name First / Given Name

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The document discusses an English placement test that has three parts to the listening section, including short conversations and questions with multiple choice answers.

The purpose of the listening section is to test the test taker's ability to understand spoken English.

Part 1 includes short conversations with multiple choice answers about the same topic. Part 2 includes questions followed by multiple choice answers.


Family / Last Name First / Given Name

Center Number Registration Number


FORM 106

Listening Section Instructions

This is a test of your ability to understand spoken English. The listening section has three parts. There are
50 questions. Mark all your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not make any stray marks on the
answer sheet. If you change your mind about an answer, erase your first answer completely.

Part 1
In this part, you will hear short conversations. From the three answer choices, select the answer which
means about the same thing as what you hear, or is true based upon what you hear. For example, listen to
the conversation:
A. They will stay home.
B. They will go to a game.
C. They don’t like football.
The correct answer is B. For problems 1 through 15, mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
No problems can be repeated. Please listen carefully. Do you have any questions?

1. A. They are both tired of the winter. 9. A. He is considering collecting stamps.

B. They are enjoying the view. B. He wants to see her stamp collection.
C. They would like to go outside. C. He would like her to mail a letter.

2. A. She’ll try to drink more water. 10. A. His parents do not like his apartment.
B. She doesn’t drink enough juice. B. He does not see his parents often.
C. He thinks juice is healthier than water. C. He is not ready for his parents’ visit.

3. A. She cannot find the classroom. 11. A. She will cancel her appointment.
B. The food is not very good. B. He will take the exam tomorrow.
C. They do not need to hurry. C. His test will be rescheduled.

4. A. She found his wallet. 12. A. He will be late to the meeting.

B. He wants to pay now. B. He will have time to get his lunch.
C. He has no more money. C. He will have to skip lunch.

5. A. He has a choice of two tours. 13. A. Caroline has planned a company party before.
B. He doesn’t have time for lunch. B. Caroline is a new employee at the company.
C. The restaurant is near the museum. C. Caroline has helped the group make plans.

6. A. She needs an editor for her paper. 14. A. She was unsure where she was.
B. She is answering a job advertisement. B. She works at the recreation center.
C. She wants to be a writer. C. They planned to meet at the swimming pool.

7. A. She was busy while she was in Paris. 15. A. He works for a hardware store.
B. She enjoyed sightseeing in Paris. B. She is planning a project.
C. She has to return to Paris soon. C. She wants his help painting a room.

8. A. They will ask George to change his behavior.

B. They think George has improved their group.
C. They are unhappy that George is in their group.


Part 2
In this part, you will hear a question. From the three answer choices given, choose the one which best
answers the question. For example, listen to the question:
A. The wedding’s next Saturday.
B. Yes, she’s married.
C. Two weeks ago.
The correct answer is A. For problems 16 through 35, mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
No problems can be repeated. Please listen carefully. Do you have any questions?

16. A. About two weeks ago. 26. A. The conference is at the hotel.
B. Only a day or two. B. I’ll follow my boss’s lead.
C. When the presentation is ready. C. My parents want me to live with them.

17. A. Yes, every student will be given a computer. 27. A. I’m afraid I did.
B. Yes, he’s going to be very well paid. B. Don’t mention it.
C. Yes, there’s been a very generous donation. C. Ok, I’ll try to be more careful.

18. A. Yes, I’ve referenced him several times. 28. A. I’ll give them a call for you.
B. Maybe, but I must submit it today. B. It hasn’t started just yet.
C. No, I haven’t told him yet. C. That would be great actually.

19. A. Oh, I hope you feel better soon. 29. A. That’s not the way I work best.
B. Please, stop by when you hang up. B. I’d prefer a little of both, actually.
C. Sure, I’ll be in my office. C. I hadn’t heard about that position.

20. A. It does seem a bit too long. 30. A. Because that’s when I’m here.
B. I’m sorry you don’t like it. B. Okay, that sounds good.
C. I couldn’t put it down either. C. Don’t worry, I won’t.

21. A. Yes, they are trying to save money. 31. A. His data was collected in India.
B. No, it’s about a hundred miles away. B. He didn’t finish analyzing it.
C. Yes, the directions are on the map. C. Rebecca Miller expressed an interest.

22. A. I’m afraid they’re all gone. 32. A. He hasn’t signed the new law yet.
B. They’ll be here in the morning. B. Well, the law says “innocent until proven guilty.”
C. No, that’s the last one we have in stock. C. I don’t think he’ll win the election.

23. A. They rarely agree on anything. 33. A. Yes, he rarely talks about it anymore.
B. It won’t succeed without him. B. Yes, that came up repeatedly.
C. I think it’s possible. C. Yes, he’s already accomplished quite a bit.

24. A. No, I can’t give them to you. 34. A. It’s really a beautiful trip.
B. Yes, that’s how you get there. B. There’s a visitor booth on the next block.
C. Sure, just be yourself. C. They leave every hour on the hour.

25. A. Yeah, it’s been unseasonably warm lately. 35. A. I’ll back it up tomorrow.
B. I think it’s supposed to rain later. B. Well, it cost less than $200.
C. If I were you, I’d dress warmly. C. No, it’s all completely gone.


Part 3
In this part, you will hear three short segments from a radio program. The program is called “Learning
from the Experts.” You will hear what different radio guests have to say about three different topics. Each
talk lasts about three minutes. As you listen, you may want to take some notes to help you remember
information given in the talk. Write your notes in this test booklet. After each talk, you will be asked some
questions about what was said. From the three answer choices given, you should choose the one that best
answers the question according to the information you heard.

Remember, no problems can be repeated. For problems 36 through 50, mark all your answers on the
separate answer sheet. Do you have any questions?

Segment 1
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

36. According to the historian, why did the Romans seek

another water supply?
A. Rivers were becoming polluted.
B. The population was growing.
C. Their wells were drying up.

37. What does the historian say about the design of

Roman aqueducts?
A. They consisted of stone trenches that followed
river valleys.
B. They ran below ground and slightly downhill.
C. They included large stone arches and
connected cities.

38. According to the historian, what impact has the

Colorado River Aqueduct had?
A. It changed the way most American cities get
their water.
B. It allowed Los Angeles to develop into a huge city.
C. It initiated the development of pumping technology.

39. What is the main difference between the Colorado River

Aqueduct and the California Aqueduct?
A. The Colorado River Aqueduct is deeper.
B. The Colorado River Aqueduct is shorter.
C. The Colorado River Aqueduct is newer.

40. What is one of the main challenges in the construction

of aqueducts?
A. connecting aqueducts to the water systems in a city
B. pumping water out of lakes and rivers
C. making sure water will flow across flat ground


Segment 2
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

41. According to the report, why did farmers need to wear

protective gear?
A. to shield themselves when working with bees
B. to prevent them from catching the disease
C. to avoid coming in contact with the chemicals

42. According to the report, what is one problem with

distributing chemical fungicides?
A. The high concentration damages the plant.
B. The chemical covers the whole plant.
C. Grey mold is resistant to the chemical.

43. Where did the researchers put the natural fungicide?

A. They placed it in trays under the plants.
B. They left it directly outside of the beehives.
C. They sprayed it into the beehives.

44. How do the results of the bee delivery method compare

to the chemical treatment?
A. It uses more fungicide and kills more fungus.
B. It uses less fungicide yet kills the same
amount of fungus.
C. It uses less fungicide but kills more fungus.

45. What is surprising about the bee delivery method?

A. It results in more berries on each plant.
B. It results in larger berries on the plants.
C. It results in plants that are completely disease-free.


Segment 3
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

46. What does the woman say is the most common

employee complaint?
A. lack of opportunities for long-term employment
B. few opportunities for professional development
C. supervisors who treat employees unfairly

47. What important research finding is mentioned in

the interview?
A. Employees want supervisors to appreciate
their work.
B. Employees prefer working for bigger companies.
C. Employees receive too much negative
feedback at work.

48. What can small organizations offer that many large

businesses cannot?
A. more competitive work environments
B. better training programs
C. more personalized work experiences

49. Why does Mr. Richards say that companies should

conduct interviews with employees?
A. to identify which employees to promote
B. to determine employees’ attitudes
C. to hire qualified employees

50. What is the woman’s opinion about employee job

A. Only large businesses should be
concerned about it.
B. Without it, more companies would fail.
C. It’s impossible to please all employees.

End of the listening test

Grammar, Cloze, Vocabulary, and Reading Section Instructions
This section of the examination contains 120 questions, numbered 51 through 170. There are 40 grammar,
20 cloze, 40 vocabulary, and 20 reading comprehension questions. If you do not understand how to do the
questions, raise your hand and a proctor will explain the examples to you. None of the actual test questions
can be explained.

Each problem has only one correct answer. Do not spend too much time on any one problem. If you do
not know the answer to a problem, you may guess. Work quickly but carefully. You have one hour and 15
minutes (75 minutes) to answer all 120 questions. If you finish before the time is over, you may check your
answers within the GCVR section only. Do not go back to the listening section of the exam.

Here are examples of each kind of problem. In each example, the correct answer is underlined. For the test
questions, fill in the circle on your answer sheet that corresponds to your answer choice. Do not mark your
answers in this test booklet. Mark all your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the conversation or sentence.
“What is that thing?”
“That a spider.”
A. to call
B. for calling
C. be called
D. is called

Read the passage, then select the word or phrase that fills the blank in both meaning and grammar.
Long ago roads were only trails for people 1. A. way C. travel
and animals to walk on, but today roads must B. road D. walk
be made for cars, trucks, and buses. The most
modern (1) is often called a superhighway.

Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes the sentence.
The first things we study in school are
very .
A. sturdy
B. shifty
C. trusty
D. elementary

Read the passage, then answer the questions following it according to the information given in the passage.
Viruses may be considered as regular Why does the writer say viruses are alive?
chemical molecules, since they have a strictly A. because they have a complex atomic structure
defined atomic structure, but on the other hand B. because they move
we must also consider them as being alive, since C. because they multiply
they are able to multiply in unlimited quantities. D. because they have a regular molecular structure

Please observe silence. Do not leave the room before the end of the time period. Please remain in your seat
until the group is dismissed. Remember, you have 75 minutes to complete questions 51 through 170. Do not
turn the page until the examiner has told you to do so.

51. Because , he always got high grades in 58. Would everyone please come up and sign the
his classes. attendance sheet, the students in the
A. studying constantly front row?
B. he studied constantly A. would go first
C. his studying constantly B. in the first place for
D. constantly studying C. beginning with
D. to begin on
52. Robert asked his colleagues to on what he’d
missed during his vacation. 59. We have planned a really great festival and
A. speed up to him something for everybody.
B. speed him up A. there promises to be
C. bring his speed up B. it promises being
D. bring him up to speed C. they promise to be
D. we promise to have been
53. The philosophy books he read did nothing him
wiser or happier. 60. David didn’t know what start a completely new
A. to make system for keeping track of files.
B. that make A. else they could do besides
C. have made B. would they do rather than
D. make C. they do instead of
D. more they could have done
54. A few minutes into the concert, Jenny realized that she
had never heard anyone beautifully. 61. I wish I weren’t going to that meeting tonight; I would
A. to sing this here with all of you.
B. sing so A. rather staying
C. sang too B. prefer I can stay
D. sings very C. rather stay
D. preferably to stay
55. Dr. Cain’s research looked for similar patterns of
migration different species of birds. 62. The dean said in her speech that Professor Jones is one
A. across of the best teachers .
B. around A. ever to have known
C. about B. she has ever known
D. along C. had ever been known
D. than ever she knew
56. The old friends sent copies of photos from their school
reunion to their former teachers. 63. The decline of this industry over the last decade
A. one another beyond training programs to be eliminated.
B. each other as well as A. had been caused by vital
C. both their own and B. once vitally led to some
D. themselves amongst C. has once led to vital
D. has caused once vital
57. The survey compared the opinions of recent graduates
with those of workers who were their careers. 64. Foner’s new book on Abraham Lincoln may be long
A. at a later stage of dull.
B. in later stage with A. yet it is nothing but
C. into later stage for B. so it is nothing like
D. on a later stage in C. but it is anything but
D. not that it is too


65. Even though we seem happy with our new office, 72. assignments in the class as challenging for
the truth. Margaret as the final presentation.
A. that couldn’t be further away A. It wasn’t any of the
B. it’s not further than B. There were none
C. nothing could be further from C. There hadn’t been any
D. there’s nothing that’s further to D. None were

66. The car I rented ran quietly and . 73. more time to think about the consequences
A. ease of handling of my decision, I probably would’ve made a
B. handle easily different choice.
C. handled easily A. Had I taken
D. easy to handle B. Were I taking
C. If I had been taken
67. Raoul turned down the editorial position because he felt D. If I were to take
he that type of work.
A. wasn’t particularly suited to 74. The professor told students a bibliography was
B. didn’t suit particularly in unnecessary after Jessica had already of
writing one.
C. hasn’t particularly suited with
D. particularly doesn’t suit for A. had trouble
B. been going to trouble
68. the middle of the night, the roads were C. gone to the trouble
nearly empty. D. gone through trouble
A. It is because
B. This being 75. Before doing business overseas, contact your country’s
trade office to see markets you’re interested in.
C. As to be
D. There was A. that they know any
B. whether they have known about
69. the photocopy machine you must first enter C. what they know about
your personal code. D. if they can know
A. Once you begin using
B. You cannot use 76. A remaining legacy of the 1893 World’s Fair is the
statement cities placing a greater emphasis on
C. If you need not use
quality of life.
D. Whenever you use
A. it made about
70. There are many causes of poverty, is a lack of B. made about whether
educational opportunities. C. was making that
D. that makes it for
A. one which
B. one of which
77. Students all of the assigned short stories by the
C. which one
start of the school year.
D. which one of
A. who are responsible to read
71. In a unanimous decision, the proposal was B. are responsible for having read
cheaper solution. C. read if having responsibility to
D. have responsibility of reading
A. to reject the favored
B. rejected in favor of a
C. rejecting to favor the
D. a rejection of favoring

78. Susan’s great success willingness to work 85. The company was hoping to find their
long hours. accountant.
A. was owing to her A. that the replacement was immediately
B. was due for the B. an immediate replacement for
C. has been owed from C. a replacement who was immediately
D. is due to a D. the immediate replacement of

79. The conference was a great success people 86. Experienced teachers were found to understand
stayed for the last day of presentations. the benefits of using current events in the
A. even if a little classroom .
B. even when little of A. better than new ones did
C. except that few B. better to the new ones
D. except for a few C. did as well as newer ones
D. the newer ones as well
80. This study examines the number of injuries
defective products. 87. The young artist has been awarded a fellowship in order
A. resulting from her work.
B. which result in A. for continue the creating
C. resulted in B. to creating and continuing
D. that results from C. to continue creating
D. for continuing to create
81. our company will make a large profit this year,
we will probably not lose any money either. 88. The city is investigating several busy intersections to
A. Despite how unlikely that assess which of them .
B. Although it seems unlikely that A. would safely be made
C. However unlikely it seems B. can be made safer
D. As though it wasn’t likely C. is safer to make
D. was making safe
82. When you get to the library, some
information for me? 89. The new communication equipment was , it was
A. could you please look up incompatible with the hospital’s existing system.
B. kindly would you look A. expensive in addition
C. had you looked up B. expensive but
D. will you be pleased to look C. yet expensive
D. not only expensive
83. The advisory committee recommends the department
its annual award. 90. The Book Association’s Online Free Library project has
A. consideration of this publication a grant from the state educational foundation.
B. considers this publication of A. received funding partly
C. consider this publication for B. part of its funding because
D. to consider this publication of C. been funded in part by
D. funded partially by
84. Thanks to the mild weather this winter, many
construction projects are going be put on hold
until spring.
A. through or else they would
B. by rather than will
C. on when usually will
D. forward that would otherwise


This passage is about a food cleaning system. 91. A. Therefore C. Firstly

B. Specifically D. Meanwhile

Numerous health problems are caused by overexposure

92. A. disappointing C. surprising
to harmful chemicals and toxins. (91) , it probably comes
B. welcome D. unexpected
as (92) news to many that a natural sanitizing system that

has been (93) to businesses for years may soon become 93. A. economical C. free
B. available D. friendly
affordable for the average household. This system (94)

water and ozone (a type of oxygen molecule) to clean foods 94. A. uses C. provides
B. makes D. converts
without leaving behind any harmful residue. The ozone

in the water (95) pesticides or bacteria in a way that 95. A. neutralizes C. balances
scrubbing (96) cannot. B. identifies D. disconnects

The system uses an electrical charge to infuse tap 96. A. solely C. enough
B. alone D. purely
water with ozone, creating a very powerful solvent that

can kill bacteria and remove a wide (97) of toxins.

97. A. margin C. array
Consumers can place vegetables, meat, or seafood in the B. scale D. collection

bowl that accompanies the system and it (98) the food

98. A. will get rid C. will rid
of dangerous substances within minutes. While making the B. rids of D. gets rid of
food safe to eat, it also increases the (99) of most foods
99. A. shelf life C. target date
because it destroys bacteria that (100) decay. And since
B. consumption D. abundance
the ozone water simply degrades to oxygen upon killing the

germs, it is harmless to healthy cells and safe to use on all 100. A. cause C. resist
B. undergo D. prevent
types of food.


This passage is about a map. 101. A. launched C. revealed

B. achieved D. created

Map technology has advanced tremendously in the

102. A. justification C. ability
computer age. However, one of the world’s oldest existing
B. sense D. purpose
maps, the Turin Papyrus Map, is surprisingly modern in its

design. This map was (101) in about 1150 BCE, under the 103. A. a tour C. an adventure
B. a migration D. an expedition
order of King Ramses IV of Egypt, by a scribe—a person

who writes out documents. The true (102) of the map is 104. A. for C. from
B. with D. as
unknown, but scholars believe that the king commissioned

it either to record (103) to find a certain kind of stone 105. A. Although C. Despite
that was used to make statues, or (104) a guide for that B. Whereas D. Since

106. A. until C. in
B. over D. by
(105) the map was written centuries ago, it displays

characteristics that were not found in other maps (106)

107. A. divisions C. portions
many years later. The topography, or natural (107) of the B. factors D. features

land like mountains and bodies of water, that is shown in

108. A. calculates C. resembles
the map (108) how modern maps are drawn. It is also the B. models D. rehearses
world’s oldest geologic map, which means that it shows the
109. A. area C. position
types of rocks that are found in the (109) that the map
B. soil D. target
covers. The (110) geologic map was not made until about

3000 years after the Turin map. This ancient map may have 110. A. next C. alternative
B. final D. only
been the prototype for modern maps that followed it.

111. The of the research project was a large-scale 118. Brian emailed his study group to see if they could
model that made accurate predictions from small their meeting from 4:00 to 2:30.
sets of data. A. move in
A. compilation B. move out
B. culmination C. move up
C. apex D. move over
D. crest
119. A of visitors rushed into the auditorium as soon
112. The company has imposed a temporary hiring as the doors were opened.
until its revenue increases. A. flush
A. freeze B. plunge
B. halt C. throng
C. arrest D. squadron
D. recess
120. The development team was told that it could
113. I didn’t understand him; I was completely by receiving no further funding for their project after the
his question. end of the year.
A. imposed A. help out
B. ravaged B. put off
C. baffled C. plan on
D. scrawled D. abide by

114. Because giant squid are so difficult to find, the 121. While hiking in the mountains, the group found refuge in
biologists were excited to catch even an old during a storm.
glimpse of one. A. shield
A. a direct B. shank
B. an express C. shaft
C. a transient D. shack
D. a fleeting
122. The researchers were finally able to the
115. Bob follows a very healthy diet, with only an occasional additional materials needed to complete their research.
in sweet foods. A. reap
A. indulgence B. annex
B. temperance C. procure
C. limitation D. hoard
D. breakthrough
123. The temporary summer employees at the law firm were
116. explaining privacy rights will be given to provided with of the kind of work that lawyers
patients along with all medical paperwork. do on a day-to-day basis.
A. An insert A. a checklist
B. A notation B. a snapshot
C. A portion C. an ordeal
D. An installment D. an intuition

117. Frank accepted his coworker’s assistance. 124. The candidate has not yet with his defeat in last
A. responsively week’s election.
B. gratefully A. gotten over
C. sympathetically B. get better
D. generously C. come to grips
D. come around


125. Elizabeth great pleasure from volunteering at 132. John’s nervous behavior while presenting his research
the university’s writing center. his fear of public speaking.
A. extracted A. alleged
B. evolved B. surrendered
C. formulated C. betrayed
D. derived D. enlightened

126. The employees held meeting to discuss 133. With a strong that his invention would be a
complaints they had about their boss without him success, the scientist invested his own money in its
finding out. development.
A. a nondescript A. reliance
B. an arcane B. devotion
C. a clandestine C. conviction
D. a cryptic D. patience

127. Because the dirt road was so rough, the city had it 134. Despite the initial organizational challenges, the
so that it was easier to drive on. orchestra managed performance on
A. plowed opening night.
B. penetrated A. an eminent
C. paved B. a seamless
D. polished C. an attributable
D. a prolific
128. Two different teams of researchers produced the exact
same results of each other. 135. Acting under the of the student government,
A. separately the committee organized a welcome event
B. freely for newcomers.
C. apart A. auspices
D. independently B. advocacy
C. sanctions
129. Medical doctors must to a set of very high D. mediation
professional and ethical standards at all times.
A. yield 136. The housekeeper is expected to the beds for
B. concur the guests.
C. fulfill A. turn down
D. adhere B. turn out
C. turn over
130. Even though the athletic club promoted its other sports, D. turn up
it was the wrestling team that finally put it .
A. on the map 137. Jessica was nervous for her first day in the office, and
B. on the ball was of the support she received from her new
C. on the rocks
D. on the books A. appreciative
B. ecstatic
131. The project was with major problems C. bewildered
from the start. D. overwhelmed
A. conceded
B. accorded
C. subdued
D. plagued

138. The shop owner has installed security cameras in front 145. The airline has agreed to submit the labor dispute
of the store to discourage . to .
A. flocking A. arbitration
B. evading B. compromise
C. transgressing C. arrangement
D. loitering D. estimation

139. To the relief of the authorities, the over tuition 146. The results of the poll were mixed, showing no
increases did not spread from one college to the others. one candidate to have strong support from the public.
A. offense A. decidedly
B. unrest B. casually
C. burden C. cautiously
D. outbreak D. prominently

140. At Office Solutions Company, we are aware that 147. Professor Adams was alleged to have a temper,
clients deserve exceptional customer service. but Kim realized that he was actually very patient.
A. overtly A. fiery
B. fondly B. boiling
C. keenly C. burnt
D. deftly D. roasting

141. The football team’s one loss really in an 148. When writing scientific papers, authors should avoid
otherwise perfect season. including details, however interesting they
A. stepped aside might seem.
B. stayed away A. opportunistic
C. stuck out B. extraneous
D. stood up C. blatant
D. perceptive
142. The potential effect of the new business tax was
explored using several types of computer . 149. The offer of a free television for the first fifty
A. fabrications customers was a clever to attract a crowd to
B. simulations the new store.
C. reproductions A. stunt
D. limitations B. punk
C. spell
143. We’re traveling from Chicago to San Francisco D. perk
A. in terms of 150. Parents were asked to their resources to help
B. in light of fund the new after-school program.
C. by means of A. band
D. by way of B. pool
C. fuse
144. The Board of Education voted to the rule that D. group
every student must wear a uniform to school.
A. patronize
B. uphold
C. acquiesce
D. replenish

This passage is about birth order. 151. What does the author mention about Sigmund Freud?
A. He reviewed his peers’ research on birth order.
Parenting books and self-help literature typically associate
B. He inspired a field of research focusing on
one’s birth order with certain personality characteristics.
birth order.
Popular opinion holds that birth order can actually account for
C. His participation in early birth order studies
these attributes, and give clues about the kind of adult a child
was important.
might become.
D. His colleague first studied birth order.
Birth order influence was first described by psychiatrist
Alfred Adler, an associate of Sigmund Freud’s and the 152. In the fourth sentence of paragraph 2, what is meant by
founder of individual psychology. Adler’s writings, published rebels?
in the early 1900s, were supported by research performed
A. people who don’t like to follow rules
throughout the twentieth century. Studies assigned children
B. people who don’t form strong relationships
roles based on their birth order: firstborn children were
C. people who are high achieving
leaders, rule followers, and high achievers. Youngest children
D. people with good social skills
were characterized as charming, yet they were thought of
as rebels with an independent streak. Those in the middle
153. Why does the author end paragraph 3 with a series
had good social skills, and acted as peacekeepers in their
of questions?
families. Additionally, researchers made attempts to tie birth
order to other characteristics like health, career choices, illegal A. to criticize new research in the field
behavior, and even intelligence. B. to suggest new lines of research that should
be considered
While these personality descriptions agree with popular
C. to list variables that affect how birth order
attitudes toward birth order, scientific research has been
is considered
mostly unable to consistently reproduce the results of studies
D. to mention issues the writer is investigating
analyzing the role of birth order in life outcomes. In part, this
is due to the large number of variables that must be taken
154. In the first sentence of paragraph 4, what does
into account. The number of children in a family, the number
it refer to?
of years that separate them, and their gender are a few of the
factors that make studying birth order difficult. Researchers A. the plan to analyze existing birth order research
also consider a person’s “psychological” birth order. Should B. the debate about birth order influence
a child with two siblings, one fifteen years older and one just C. a newly completed study about birth order
two years younger, be considered firstborn, or a middle child? D. a theory that rejects the importance of birth order
What about twins or triplets? And how should psychologists
interpret the effects of stepsiblings and half-siblings? 155. What is the main focus of the research mentioned in the
last paragraph?
While researchers have not found definitive answers to the
birth order debate, one area of study presents an interesting A. how birth order stereotypes influence
perspective on it. Some research indicates that if a person professional results
believes ideas about stereotypical birth order effects on career B. how families with children of only one gender
success, he or she may have career outcomes that match are affected
those stereotypes. C. the lack of birth order research on
families with twins
D. birth order analysis of families that include

This passage is about dinosaurs. 156. What does The first at the beginning of paragraph
2 refer to?
Until recent years, relatively few significant dinosaur
A. a large dinosaur
fossils had been found in Australia as compared with the
B. a major discovery
discoveries made in North America. Now two major finds in
C. a fossil-rich region
fossil-rich regions in the northeast and southeast of Australia
D. a part of Australia
have attracted much attention.
The first, in 2009, comprised almost-complete fossils of 157. How is the Australovenator different from other
three dinosaurs found buried together in a big pit. The bones velociraptors?
of these huge dinosaurs, though looking something like
A. its teeth
those found elsewhere, reveal that they are from distinct new
B. its size
species. The largest was a plant-eating, four-legged creature
C. its speed
about 15 to 16 meters in length and 15 to 20,000 kilograms in
D. its age
weight. It was a type of titanosaur, the largest animal ever to
walk the Earth. The second was another plant-eater. But the
158. What identified the 2010 find as a tyrannosaur?
third was a fearsome flesh-eating predator like the well-known
velociraptor of the movie Jurassic Park. A. the location of the discovery
B. the size of the fossilized bones
Australovenator, as scientists named it, had comparable
C. the time when dinosaurs lived
speed, razor-sharp teeth, and slashing claws. But it was much
D. the specially shaped hip-bone
more formidable, at 5 meters long and up to 500 kilograms.
It lived probably about 100 million years ago in the mid-
Cretaceous period and is somewhat similar, apart from its 159. How did the third dinosaur to be discovered in 2009
dimensions, to other raptors found in Japan and England. differ from the others?
A. It was much bigger than the others.
Then, in 2010, scientists found a single but very
B. It ate other animals rather than plants.
distinctive bone dated to about 110 million years ago. It is
C. It was the largest animal on Earth.
the characteristic hip bone of a kind of dinosaur never found
D. It appeared in a popular movie.
before in the Southern Hemisphere: a tyrannosaur. Though
full-grown, this tyrannosaur would have measured only
about 3 meters long and weighed around 80 kilograms. That 160. What is the main purpose of the passage?
makes it much smaller than its relative, the meat-eating giant A. to explain why Australia was well suited
Tyrannosaurus rex that dominated the Northern Hemisphere for dinosaurs
in the late Cretaceous period until it vanished 70 million years B. to note recent dinosaur fossil finds in Australia
ago. Until this find, scientists had discovered tyrannosaur C. to emphasize the importance of dinosaur fossils
fossils only in the Northern Hemisphere. Now it seems as D. to contrast two important dinosaur fossil finds
though Tyrannosaurus rex ancestors roamed Earth’s land-
mass before the northern and southern continents split apart.

This passage is about business management. 161. What best describes the model of servant leadership?
A. caring about people’s needs and suggestions
Good leadership is an essential part of managing a
B. allowing employees to make all the decisions
successful business. There are many patterns of leadership,
C. defining the best way for workers to do their jobs
some of which involve strict control of workers and others
D. achieving results through use of strict rules
that allow workers more freedom. One much publicized
model in recent years is called servant leadership. The goal
162. Why does the author mention religious and
of a servant leader is to ensure that other people’s needs are
secular leaders?
being met and that all parties involved in a particular endeavor
benefit in some way. By putting an emphasis on trust and A. to show that the concept of servant
collaboration, servant leaders involve workers at all levels leadership is not new
in making decisions and finding the best ways to do things. B. to give examples of situations in which servant
The concept of servant leadership is based on the example leadership is useful
of well-known leaders of the past, both religious and secular. C. to explain the history of a philosophy
These people achieved great results by inspiring others and D. to describe what made past leaders successful
meeting their needs.
163. What happens when leaders meet employee needs?
How does one demonstrate servant leadership? Servant
leaders create loyalty and excellence in the workforce by A. Leaders may need to work harder than employees.
showing empathy, listening to others, setting an example of B. The work force may become more competitive.
honesty and trust, and building a sense of community. In turn, C. Customers will probably benefit from it.
employees learn to serve their clients and not put themselves D. Employees will usually take advantage of it.
first. By contrast, traditional philosophies of leadership often
create division and a sense of competitiveness between 164. In paragraph 2, what does the author compare?
employees because they are hierarchical in nature. Followers A. how leaders grow in different kinds of companies
of servant leadership would argue that building a sense of B. how communities react to different leaders
community is more effective because it fosters teamwork. It C. the results of different forms of leadership
helps employees develop a vision for the company together, D. the differences between workers and leaders
which gives them the chance to grow personally and to enjoy
the success brought about by their ideas and hard work.
165. According to the passage, why do some people believe
Still, servant leadership is not everyone’s ideal. Critics find servant leadership is problematic?
the practice of servant leadership unworkable in today’s fast- A. It does not fit modern business situations.
changing business environment. For them, executives need to B. It does not emphasize customers enough.
concentrate on external realities and shake up organizations in C. It focuses too much on the leaders of an
order to succeed. They believe that leaders can excel only by organization.
being competitive and distinguishing themselves from others. D. It changes too many accepted business practices.

This passage is about polar bears. 166. What is the purpose of this passage?
A. to discuss the effects of light on Arctic animals
Polar bears are equipped with thick white overcoats that
B. to discuss a theory about polar bears
help them survive the harsh climate of the Arctic regions that
C. to explain how Arctic animals keep warm
they inhabit. Their overcoat also helps bears camouflage
D. to explain how polar bears are camouflaged
in snow, making it difficult for biologists to locate them. In
other climates, biologists have used infrared light to locate
167. Why did scientists think infrared light warmed
camouflaged animals, because many animals “glow” or
polar bears?
appear brightly colored when exposed to infrared light. When
this method was applied to polar bears, however, biologists A. Infrared light causes polar bears’ fur to glow.
noticed something unusual: only the bears’ noses and eyes B. Infrared light attracts polar bears.
were visible. The remainder of the bears’ bodies appeared to C. Infrared light did not reflect off of their fur.
absorb the infrared light. D. Infrared light is very common in the Arctic.

Biologists knew that a polar bear’s overcoat is made of

long, hollow hairs and they speculated that infrared light was 168. Why does the author mention textbooks
and magazines?
being carried through these hairs directly onto the bears’ skin.
They proposed that infrared light might be providing a thermal A. to convey a professor’s point of view
benefit to polar bears. The theory seemed reasonable, and B. to explain infrared light transmission
soon made its way into textbooks and magazines. But until C. to compare different sources of information
recently, nobody had actually attempted to determine whether D. to show that a theory was widely accepted
this explanation was accurate or not.
Physics professor Jonathan Richardson first encountered 169. In the second sentence of paragraph 3, what does
the theory in a physics textbook and wondered about other refer to?
its validity. To investigate, he obtained a small sample of A. strand
polar bear hair from a zoo and transmitted infrared light B. bear
from one end of a strand of polar bear hair to the other. He C. end
experimented with various lengths of hair, finding that almost D. light
none of the light travelled the full length of the hair. Instead,
the light was absorbed by proteins that comprise the hair. 170. According to the passage, why aren’t polar bears
Based on this evidence, Richardson concluded that polar warmed by infrared light?
bears couldn’t be using infrared light from the sun to stay A. Their hair reflects infrared light.
warm, and a popular myth had been dispelled. B. Their hair is hollow.
C. Their hair proteins absorb the light.
D. They tend to avoid infrared light.

End of the test


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