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Oxyrhopus Petola Mating

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Herpetology Notes, volume 3: 139-140 (2010) (published online on 13 May 2010)

Observation of mating in the Calico Snake

Oxyrhopus petola Linnaeus, 1758
Rogério Loesch Zacariotti1*; Rodrigo del Rio do Valle2,3

Abstract. Oxyrhopus petola is a common colubrid snake, widely distributed throughout South America and in parts of Central
America. However, information about its reproductive biology is scarce. The present communication is the first observation of
mating in Oxyrhopus petola.

Keywords. Squamata, Pseudoboini, reproduction.

Information about ovarian or testicular cycles is Oxyrhopus petola is a common colubrid snake, widely
available for several Neotropical species of snakes distributed throughout South America and in parts of
(Marques et al., 2009). However, descriptions about Central America (Savage and Villa, 1986; Markezich,
courtship, mating or combative behaviours are still 2002; Lynch, 2009, Palmuti, Cassimiro and Bertoluci,
scarce and most information available comes from 2009). However, MacCulloch et al. (2009) suggest
extratropical species (Sasa and Curtis, 2006). Herein we that the wide distribution of O. petola could represent
describe the first observation of a courtship and mating more than one species. In Brazil, it is found in different
in the Calico snake Oxyrhopus petola. habitats like Gallery forests and Brazilian Savannah
(Vaz-Silva et al., 2007), Atlantic forests (Santana et al.,
2008) and Amazon forests (Bernarde and Machado,
1 Laboratório de Ecologia e Evolução, Instituto Butantan.
2000). Information about its reproductive biology is
Avenida Dr. Vital Brasil, 1500, 05503-900, São Paulo, Brazil;
scarce in the scientific literature. Lynch (2009) found in
2 Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departa- Colombia, a clutch of eight near-term eggs in October,
mento de Cirurgia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av Prof. Dr. 2006 (early spring) and describes O. petola as having
Orlando Marques de Paiva, 87, 05508-270, Sao Paulo, Brasil. a markedly seasonal reproductive pattern. Test et al.
3 Wildlife Management Consultoria Veterinária Ltda. (1966) presented information about a captive female
*corresponding author

Figure 1. Calico snakes (Oxyrhopus petola) mating.

140 Rogério Loesch Zacariotti & Rodrigo del Rio do Valle

Figure 2. Detail of Calico snakes (Oxyrhopus petola) mating.

that laid seven eggs in June, 1960 (late fall). There is References
no information available in the scientific literature about
Bernarde, P. S., Machado, R. A. (2000): Oxyrhopus petola digita-
the mating behavior of O. petola. lis (NCN). Prey. Herpetol. Rev. 31(4): 247-248.
On 31st October 2008 (mid-spring), during a Lynch, J.D. (2009): Snakes of the genus Oxyrhopus (Colubridae:
herpetofaunal survey in disturbed forest fragments Squamata) in Colombia: taxonomy and geographic variation.
along Rio Sapucaí Mirim (20°49´E, 47°86´S), Pap. Avulsos Zoo. 49(25): 319-337.
southeastern Brazil, two adults of Oxyrhopus petola MacCulloch, R.D., Philippe, A.L., Kok, J.R., Ernst, R., Kalaman-
(male 760 mm SVL, 243 mm tail length, mass 86g; deen, M. (2009): The genus Oxyrhopus (Serpentes: Dipsadi-
female 1050mm SVL, 277 mm tail length, mass 105g) dae: Xenodontinae) in Guyana: morphology, distributions and
were captured, around 23:20, in the same locality (a dirt comments on taxonomy. Pap. Avulsos Zoo. 49(36): 487‑495.
Markezich, A.L. (2002): New Distribution Records of Reptiles
road between two forest fragments), with 5 minutes
from Western Venezuela. Herpetol. Rev. 33(1): 69–74.
between captures. The snakes were placed together in
Marques, O.A.V., Almeida-Santos, S.M., Rodrigues, M., Cam-
a plastic container for measurement and marking (PIT argo, R. (2009): Mating and Reproductive Cycle in the Neo-
tags #5709204, male and #5483245, female). As soon as tropical Colubrid Snake Chironius bicarinatus. South Amer. J.
the male was in contact with female, it started to display Herp. 4 (1): 76-80
courtship behaviours with head and chin movements Palmuti, C.F.S., Cassimiro, J.; Bertoluci, J. (2009): Food habits
over the female’s body. After approximately 10 minutes of snakes from the RPPN Feliciano Miguel Abdala, an Atlantic
of courtship, the male penetrated the female and mating Forest fragment of southeastern Brazil. Biota Neotrop. 9(1):
continued for at least 240 minutes (figures 1 and 2). Both 265-269.
individuals were released in capture locality following Santana, G.G., Vieira, W.L.S., Pereira-Filho, G.A., Delfim, F.R.,
their observation. Lima, Y.C.C., Vieira, K.S. (2008): Herpetofauna em um frag-
mento de Floresta Atlântica no Estado da Paraíba, Região Nor-
We describe a mating event during mid-spring in
deste do Brasil. Biotemas 21(1): 75-84.
Brazil, but Lynch (2009) found near-term eggs in early
Sasa, M., Curtis, S. (2006): Field observations of mating behavi-
spring in Colombia and Test et al. (1966) observed egg or in the neck-banded snake Scaphiodontophis annulatus (Ser-
laying in captivity in late fall. This apparent asynchrony pentes: Colubridae). Rev. Biol. Trop 54(2): p.647-650.
between events of mating and egg laying found Savage, J. M., Villa, J. (1986): An Introduction to the Herpetofau-
between ourselves and other authors could be a result na of Costa Rica. Soc. Stud. Amphib. Rept., Contrib. Herpetol.
of geographic differences along the wide distribution of 3: 207.
O. petola. Test, F. H., Sexton, O. J., Heatwole, H. (1966): Reptiles of Ran-
cho Grande and vicinity, Estado Aragua, Venezuela. Miscel.
Acknowledgements. �������������������������������������
We thank Dr. Selma M. Almeida-Santos Pub. Mus. Zoo. U. Michigan 128: 1-63.
for comments on early version of this manuscript. We also thank Vaz-Silva, W., Guedes, A. G., Azevedo-Silva, P.L., Gontijo, F.F.,
CELAN – Central Elétrica Anhanguera S. A. and WLM – Wildlife Barbosa, R.S., Aloísio, G.R., Oliveira, F.C.G. (2007): Her-
Management Consultoria Veterinária Ltda. for financial support. petofauna, Espora Hydroelectric Power Plant, state of Goiás,
Collecting permit was issued by Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Brazil. Check List 3(4): 338-345.
Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA/ permit
Accepted by Zoltán
������� T.
��� Nagy;
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��������� Editor:
�������� Angelo
������� Pernetta

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