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Play Therapy To Reduce Anxiety in Children: Wahyu - Endang.setyowati-2020@fkp - - Id

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Wahyu Endang Setyowati, 3. Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin, Dr. M.Si.,
M.Phil., M.Psi., Psikolog
Student of Doctoral in Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Airlangga University
Faculty of Nursing, Sultan Agung Islamic University
Department of English Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Airlangga University

Email :

Play therapy is an approach to providing assistance in overcoming problems using
media such as toys, art media, games, and communication. The purpose of this
paper is to find out that play therapy can reduce anxiety in children. The research
design used in this study was a study-literature review. The data used in this
research comes from the results of research that have been conducted and
published in national and international online journals. The method of analysis
used in this study is the PRISMA (Preferre Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta Analysis) method.
Keywords: play therapy, anxiety, children.



A. Background

Childhood is one of the most important periods in a person's life

(Novia & Arini, 2021). The majority of children in their childhood often

experience psychological disorders which are caused by a lack of attention

and guidance in their development process (Zamani et al., 2020).

Psychological disorders that occur in these children include depression,

anxiety, bullying, and so on.

© 2021 by the author(s). Distributed under a Creative Commons CC BY license.

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Anxiety is a psychological disorder characterized by feelings of

anxiety or worry, fear, refusing treatment, which can cause children to react

like crying and stress (Parwata & Rantesigi, 2020). This is part of normal

development. However, if the child's response to anxiety is excessive, it will

have an impact on the child's healing and development process (Parwata &

Rantesigi, 2020). By giving this intervention, it can reduce anxiety.

The right intervention in dealing with children's anxiety is Play

therapy. Play therapy is one of the nursing interventions that nurses can do

independently in dealing with anxiety problems in children (Parwata &

Rantesigi, 2020). The types of play therapy in the last decade are role-

playing therapy, playing plasticine, coloring games, storytelling, and several

other play therapies.

Play therapy is very easy and proven effective in reducing

children's anxiety levels. Based on the results of the research by Alini

(2017), it was stated that there is an effect of playing plasticine therapy on

the anxiety levels of children aged 3-6 years. This is supported by the

research of Stulmaker & Ray (2015)which stated that intervention with

Child-Centered Play Therapy / CCPT can effectively reduce anxiety levels

because it can make children independent (Stulmaker & Ray, 2015a).

CCPT helps in fostering greater self-esteem with a more integrated

self-structure. Theoretically, children are in safe relationships with play

therapists (Stulmaker & Ray, 2015a). The play therapy characterized by

conformity, empathy, and unconditional positive attention will be more

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receptive to children parts and their experiences that they have denied,

including fear and anxiety (Urban et al., 2020).

Therapeutic functions in play therapy according to (Parwata &

Rantesigi, 2020), include facilitating verbal and nonverbal communication

in handling fear and anxiety during child recovery, providing entertainment,

helping children feel safer against foreign environments, reducing

separation stress, encouraging interaction, and developing positive attitudes

towards others. Thus, with this therapeutic function, anxiety problems in

children can be resolved.

B. Formulation of the problems

Play therapy is one of the simple nursing interventions carried out

independently by nurses in dealing with children's anxiety problems to

increase self-esteem and reduce levels of anxiety and worry. Based on the

description of the background, the formulation of the problem is "How does

the implementation of play therapy reduce anxiety in children?"

C. Purposes

1. General Purpose

This paper was written to figure out and understand how the

implementation of play therapy to reduce anxiety in children.

2. Specific Purpose

a. To figure out the definition of play therapy to reduce anxiety in

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b. To figure out the benefits of play therapy to reduce anxiety in


c. To figure out the implementation of play therapy to reduce anxiety

in children.
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A. A. The definition of play therapy to reduce anxiety in children

Play therapy is an approach to provide assistance to overcome

problems by using media such as toys, art media, games, and

communication (Novia & Arini, 2021.). Play therapy is also a systematic

way in accordance with the theory, which is used for the independence of a

trained therapist, using a variety of games, which have the ultimate goal of

helping clients to prevent or even overcome their problems and develop

optimally (Novia & Arini, 2021).

Playing is one of the means to stimulate children's growth and

development so that they can grow and develop optimally. Here, the play

equipment used should be adapted to the children’s age (Suryadi, 2017). In

play therapy, the method used is a cognitive method, namely problem

solving by telling stories, which of course is assisted by the aforementioned

game tools. The use of play therapy itself is to help children who have

emotional problems, anxiety due to stress, pressure, or depression so that

these feelings can be reduced and the children are expected to be able to

deal with their problems beforehand.

B. The benefits of play therapy to reduce anxiety in children

Playing activities are not only carried out by healthy children, but

even sick children also need it, especially when they are experiencing
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anxiety (Parwata & Rantesigi, 2020). When you are in an anxious state, the

need to play is very much needed as a distraction or diversion therapy

(Parwata & Rantesigi, 2020). Concerning play therapy used to reduce the

anxiety felt by children, games can also be given because games played with

children can become a therapy or called as play therapy (Parwata &

Rantesigi, 2020). Play therapy can be used as a medium for psychotherapy

or treatment for children (Parwata & Rantesigi, 2020).

Garcia & O’neil (2020) explained that play therapy and good family

cooperation can minimize or reduce anxiety or stress in children. Through

play, children can express thoughts, feelings, fantasies, and creative power

while still developing their creativity and adapting more effectively to

various sources of stress (Garcia & O'Neil, 2021). Children need to play to

release the fear and anxiety they experience as coping in dealing with stress

(Ünver et al., 2020). The purpose of playing in principle is to be able to

continue the growth and development phase optimally, develop children's

creativity, and adapt more effectively to stress (Stulmaker & Ray, 2020).

Playing is one of the fun activities for children (Garcia & O'Neil,

2021). Playing activities are not only positive for mental health but also as

an effective medium for learning (Garcia & O’Neil, 2021)). Playing is a

medium for reflection, self-introduction through a process of deep

experience with play media such as houses, dolls, animal figures, and others

(Ortiz et al., 2020).

C. The implementation of play therapy to reduce anxiety in children

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In implementing play therapy, several steps must be taken by the

counselor (Zengin et al., 2020), including:

1. Selection of instruments

In most play therapy applications, generally, it uses toys. The

selection of toys that will be used in the therapy process must also

consider the characteristics of the client who will receive therapy and

the goals of the therapy itself. The use of supporting media also needs

to be considered in the therapy process.

2. Describing the therapeutic process

Previously, the therapy process also needed to be informed to related

parties such as parents and teachers. This will provide a separate

understanding and can even lead to situations that support the success

of the therapy process itself. Sometimes the action plan also needs to be

notified to the children as the client.

3. The initiation stage

The initiation stage usually occurs during the initial sessions of the

meeting. The therapist needs to reassure the client that the ongoing

process will be very enjoyable and can help overcome what he is feeling

and create a "frequency" that is common with the child.

4. Ending the session

There are several views on ending each session of the meeting. The

therapist can clean up all residual activities that have been done,

especially if the client is still very young. However, there is an opinion

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which states that the therapist should also clean up the remaining

activities with the client because it will raise and strengthen the

relationship between the therapist and the client.

5. Observing the client's development

After the session ends, it does not mean that the therapist's work is

finished. Sometimes in some cases, the child will show different

characteristics between his attitude with his parents and his natural

environment, with the attitude when he is with the therapist. The goal of

therapy is to change the client's behavior, thoughts, attitudes, and

attitudes both during therapy sessions and in everyday life.

6. Reporting sessions

At the end of each session, the therapist must make notes of

everything that happened during the given intervention session. This can

be used as a record for both the therapist and the client himself.

Sometimes in the next session the changes that have occurred in the past

meeting will not appear again, so the client needs to be reminded again

of everything that has happened to him.

7. Completing the session

Between the therapist and the client must have an agreement in

advance about the therapeutic process. When the intervention session

will end, there must be consideration from both parties. If the client is

still considered unable to make a decision to end the therapy, the

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therapist can do this by himself, or by asking for input from related

parties, such as parents.

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A. Research Design

This research is research using the literature study method or

literature review. The literature review can be obtained from various sources

including journals, books, documentation, the internet, and libraries. The

literature review method is a series of activities related to methods of

collecting library data, reading and taking notes, and managing writing

materials (Nursalam, 2016). The type of writing used is a literature review of

a study that focuses on the results of writing related to the topic or variable of


B. Data Collection Technique

The data used in this research comes from the results of research that

have been conducted and published in national and international online

journals. In conducting this research, the researchers searched for research

journals published on the internet using the Ebsco host search engine and

clinical keys, with keywords: play therapy, anxiety, children.

Table 3.1 The inclusion criteria for this literature are:

Criteria Inclusion

Problem International journals from different databases

and related to research variables

Intervention Play Therapy

Comparison No comparison
Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 5 April 2021 doi:10.20944/preprints202104.0148.v1

Outcome The effect of play therapy on reducing anxiety

in children

Design Qualitative, quantitative, pre-experimental dan

Systematic/Literature review

Period Articles published from 2017 to 2021

Language English and Indonesian

Type of Article Full text article

Topic Play therapy to reduce anxiety in children

After collecting data through the database, the researchers used the
PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
Analysis) method to get the desired articles to be researched which are
described in the chart below:

Basis data:
ClinicalKey (n=766), Ebsco Host (n=41629)

Screened articles (n=8968 )


Specified Articles (n=81)


Excluded articles (n=50)


Articles to be researched and analyzed (n=11)

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The literature review begins with searching the written material which is

considered sequentially from the most relevant, relevant, and sufficiently relevant.

Then reading the abstract of each journal first to provide an assessment of whether

the problems discussed are in accordance with what is going to be solved in a

journal. After that, Noting the important points and their relevance to the research

problem. To keep from getting caught in the plagiarism element, the writer should

also note the sources of information and include a bibliography. If indeed the

information comes from other people's ideas or writing, the writer makes notes,

quotes, or information that is arranged systematically so that writing can easily be

searched back any time needed (Nursalam, 2016).

For each journal that has been selected based on criteria, a conclusion is

drawn that describes the explanation of telenursing in maternity services. Before

the writer makes conclusions from several literature results, the writer will identify

in a brief summary from a table containing the author's name, year of writing, study

design, samples, instruments (measuring instruments), and research results. After

the results of writing from some literature have been collected, the writer will

analyze the implementation of telenursing in maternity nursing services into the


C. Data Analysis Technique

Research journals that match the inclusion criteria are then

collected and a journal summary is made including the name of the

researcher, the year of publication of the journal, study design, research

objectives, samples, instruments (measuring instruments), and a summary

Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 5 April 2021 doi:10.20944/preprints202104.0148.v1

of the results or findings. The summary of the research journals is entered

into a table sorted according to the alphabet and year of publication of the

journal and according to the format mentioned above.

To further clarify the abstract analysis and full text of the journal, it

is read and observed. The journal summary is then analyzed for the content

contained in the research objectives and the research findings. The analytical

method used is using journal content analysis.

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The literature review was conducted to find out that play therapy can

reduce anxiety in children by using existing literature collection techniques.

The collected literature was analyzed with the Critical appraisal table to answer

the objectives of the measurement and compared with the simple measurement


No Play therapy to reduce Literature Analysis Empirical

anxiety in children Sources
(Title of reviewed

1. Pengaruh Terapi There is an effect of playing Alini. (2017).

Bermain Plastisin plasticine therapy Jurnal Ners
(Playdought) Terhadap (playdough) on changes in Universitas
Kecemasan Anak Usia the anxiety of preschool Pahlawan
Prasekolah (3-6 Tahun) children (3-6 years) Tuanku
Yang Mengalami experiencing Tambusai, 1(1),
Hospitalisasi Di Ruang hospitalization. 1–10.
Perawatan Anak RSUD
Bangkinang Tahun 2017
2. Anxiety In Adolescents. Service providers and Iliana Garcia,
medical teams must be Jean O’Neil
diligent about recognizing (2021)
signs of adolescent anxiety Journal for
and treating them Nurse
immediately. Untreated Practitioners,
anxiety can have detrimental 17(1), 49–53.
consequences later on.
Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 5 April 2021 doi:10.20944/preprints202104.0148.v1

3. Efektivitas Terapi Play therapy (coloring) can Novia, R., &

Bermain (Mewarnai) reduce the level of anxiety in Arini, L. (2021).
Terhadap Penurunan hospitalized children. Medihealth:
Kecemasan Anak Usia Recommendation for the Jurnal Ilmu
Prasekolah (3-6 Tahun) hospital is to provide play Kesehatan Dan
Yang Dirawat Di Rumah therapy for hospitalized Sains, 1(1), 41–
Sakit Harapan Bunda children. 52.
4. Penerapan Terapi Play therapy (coloring and Parwata, N. M.
Bermain Mewarnai Dan origami) can reduce anxiety R. N., &
Origami Terhadap levels in hospitalized Rantesigi, N.
Kecemasan Pada Asuhan children. (2020).
Keperawatan Anak Madago
Dengan Hospitalisasi. Nursing Journal,
1(1), 24–28.
5. Child-Centered Play Child-centered play therapy Stulmaker, H.
Therapy With Young (CCPT) is effective in L., & Ray, D. C.
Children Who Are reducing levels of anxiety (2020).
Anxious: A Controlled and worry Children And
Trial. Youth Services
Review, 57,
6. Studi Awal Identifikasi There are psychological Suryadi, D.
Efek Terapi Bermain aspects that emerge after (2017).
Dengan Lego. giving play therapy, namely Jurnal Muara
communication patterns, Ilmu Sosial,
cooperation, self-efficacy, Humaniora, Dan
self-confidence, trust in Seni, 1(1), 240.
others, leadership, openness Https://Doi.Org/
(Openness to Others), and 10.24912/Jmish
creativity umsen.V1i1.356

7. Effectiveness Of A There is an effect of the Ünver, S.,

Group Game game intervention on Güray, Ö., &
Intervention In Reducing preoperative anxiety levels Aral, S. (2020).
Preoperative Anxiety and there is a significant
Levels Of Children And reduction in anxiety levels
Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 5 April 2021 doi:10.20944/preprints202104.0148.v1

Parents: A Randomized Https://Doi.Org/

Controlled Trial. 10.1002/Aorn.1
Aorn Journal,
8. Utilization Of Evidence- There are explorations in the Urban, T. H.,
Based Treatment Models use of treatment models Nguyen, T. T.
At Community-Based applied to children exposed T., Morford, A.
Mental Health Settings to violence across E., Spinelli, T.,
For Young Children community-based clinical Martinovich, Z.,
Exposed To Violence. sites and there is a Schewe, P. A.,
correlation between the use & Risser, H. J.
of models to child (2020).
demographics and the types Children And
of violence experienced by Youth Services
children. Review,
9. Cognitive-Behavioral There is an effect of play Zamani, N.,
Play Therapy In Children therapy on cognitive Tavallaei, M., &
With Reactive behavior which significantly Kahdouei, S.
Attachment Disorder : reduces the level of anxiety (2020).
Help Reduce Anxiety, and bullying, impulsivity, Journal of
Impulsivity, Bullying and antisocial behavior in advanced
And Antisocial the experimental group. pharmacy
Behaviors. education &
Vol. 10 No.S4
10. The Effects Of A There is an effect of play Zengin, Ide,
Therapeutic Play/Play therapy on reducing levels Hilal Yayan, E.,
Therapy Program On The of anxiety and fear in & Emin Düken,
Fear And Anxiety Levels children M. (2020).
Of Hospitalized Children Journal of
After Liver Perianesthesia
Transplantation. Nursing Vol. 36
No. 1 (81-85)
Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 5 April 2021 doi:10.20944/preprints202104.0148.v1

Based on the results of the literature review analysis, 10 journals stated

that Ha or the alternative hypothesis is accepted, related to the effect of play

therapy on reducing anxiety in children.

The form of ontology, epistemology, and axiology of play therapy,

especially in relation to the definition, benefits, and implementation of play

therapy in reducing anxiety generally has a positive impact on children.

However, there are several variables or notes in the implementation of play

therapy to reduce anxiety in each journal that need further discussion.

B. Discussion

Based on the results of the review of 10 journals, they can be

categorized into two groups. The first group is a journal that focuses on the

impact or effect of play therapy on reducing anxiety, with as many as five titles.

Meanwhile, the second group is a journal that focuses on strategies and media

of play therapy applied in reducing anxiety, as many as five titles.

The first group describes that play therapy can reduce anxiety in

children. During the corona pandemic, play therapy is present as a safe and

comfortable solution for the safety and comfort of patients, especially in

children. Play therapy can significantly reduce anxiety levels in children

(Saleheh, et al, 2020). In addition, play therapy can also be used to deal with

stress and patients with psychological disorders (Laurie, 2020), especially for

patients who experience Schizophrenia (Ersa, et al. 2016). In general, the future
Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 5 April 2021 doi:10.20944/preprints202104.0148.v1

challenge of play therapy is to be an advantage of nursing interventions for

children with psychological disorders, especially anxiety.

In the second group, it was described an overview of various strategies

and media for implementing play therapy, especially in reducing children's

anxiety. Playing is one of the means to stimulate children's growth and

development so that they can grow and develop optimally and the play

equipment used should be adjusted to the child's age ((Suryadi, 2017). In play

therapy, the method used is a cognitive method, namely problem solving by

telling stories, which of course is assisted by the aforementioned game tools.

The use of play therapy itself is to help children with emotional problems,

anxiety due to stress, pressure or depression so that these feelings can be

reduced and the children are expected to be able to deal with their problems

beforehand. Play therapy can also be implemented into various forms of

implementation strategies, including the stage of selecting instruments, the

therapy process, the initiation stage or initial sessions of the meeting, the stage

of ending the session, seeing client progress, reporting sessions, and

completing sessions (Zengin et al., 2020).

After the session ended, it was not the use of peer volunteer assistance

or with the help of mothers of children who were experiencing hospitalization,

but by looking at some of the strategies and media that have been described

and the game tools used should be adjusted to the age of the child and the

Covid-19 pandemic period (Suryadi, 2017), the implementation of play therapy

is very important in this covid-19 pandemic. There is a potential for developing

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post-pandemic play therapy while paying attention to planning, procedures and

processes, as well as careful evaluation (Kimberly, et al. 2020).

Play therapy to reduce children's anxiety can be studied according to

ontology, epistemology, and axiology. Ontologically means knowing what

exactly the meaning of play therapy is. Play therapy is an approach to provide

assistance to overcome problems by using media such as toys, art media,

games, and communication (Novia & Arini, 2021.).

Epistemologically, or how play therapy works, it was stated that play

therapy (coloring) can reduce the anxiety of inpatient children. It can provide

pleasure and can be used as a medium for channeling feelings as coping for

children when the child is hospitalized t (Novia & Arini, 2021). Feelings of

anxiety are the impact of hospitalization experienced by children because they

face stressors in the hospital environment and can interfere with the child's

growth and development and the healing process. To reduce the anxiety felt by

children, games be given.

Axiologically or what exactly play therapy is, it was used for reducing

children's anxiety. This service provides benefits, including being able to 1)

express thoughts, feelings, fantasies, and creativity while still developing

creativity, 2) adapt more effectively to various sources of stress (Garcia &

O’Neil, 2021),3 release the fear and anxiety they experience as coping in the

face of stress (Ünver et al., 2020) because the purpose of playing in principle

is to be able to continue the phase of growth and development optimally, and

4) reflect, have self-introduction through a deep experience process with

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playing media such as houses, dolls, animal figures, and others (Ortiz et al.,

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A. Conclusion

Based on the results of reviews conducted in 10 journals, it can be

concluded that play therapy is an approach to assist in overcoming problems

using media such as toys, art media, games, and communication. Play therapy

can have a positive impact on expressing thoughts, feelings, fantasies, and

creative power by continuing to develop creativity and adapting more

effectively to various sources of stress, especially in dealing with children's

anxiety problems. Furthermore, play therapy can be developed both during a

pandemic and post-pandemic, by utilizing a variety of strategies and media.

Research and development of play therapy are carried out by paying attention

to aspects of planning to evaluation so that it is in accordance with existing

conditions both during the pandemic and post-pandemic.

B. Recommendation

1. For Nurses

It is hoped that nurses can take advantage of play therapy to provide

interventions in reducing the anxiety of all patient characteristics, not only

in children but also others by still maintaining the covid-19 health protocol

in the new-normal era so that the health of nurses and patients continues to


2. For Researchers
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This literature review can be used as a source of research data for further

research which is carried out based on other factors, different variables, and

locations or situations.
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Alini. (2017). Pengaruh Terapi Bermain Plastisin (Playdought) Terhadap
Kecemasan Anak Usia Prasekolah (3-6 Tahun) Yang Mengalami Hospitalisasi
Di Ruang Perawatan Anak Rsud Bangkinang Tahun 2017. Jurnal Ners
Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, 1(1), 1–10.
Garcia, I., & O’neil, J. (2021). Anxiety In Adolescents. Journal For Nurse
Practitioners, 17(1), 49–53. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Nurpra.2020.08.021
Novia, R., & Arini, L. (2021). Efektivitas Terapi Bermain (Mewarnai) Terhadap
Penurunan Kecemasan Anak Usia Prasekolah (3-6 Tahun) Yang Dirawat Di
Rumah Sakit Harapan Bunda Batam. Medihealth: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Dan
Sains, 1(1), 41–52.
Ortiz, R., Banca, L., Carolina De Moraes Brandão, M., De, V., Sparapani, C.,
Santini De Souza, N., Neves, T., Gabriela, M., Cavicchioli, S., Garcia De
Lima, A., & Castanheira Nascimento, L. (2020). A Fun Way To Learn About
Diabetes: Using Therapeutic Play In A Brazilian Camp. Journal Of Pediatric
Nursing. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Pedn.2020.02.002
Parwata, N. M. R. N., & Rantesigi, N. (2020). Penerapan Terapi Bermain Mewarnai
Dan Origami Terhadap Kecemasan Pada Asuhan Keperawatan Anak Dengan
Hospitalisasi. Madago Nursing Journal, 1(1), 24–28.
Stulmaker, H. L., & Ray, D. C. (2015). Child-Centered Play Therapy With Young
Children Who Are Anxious: A Controlled Trial. Children And Youth Services
Review, 57, 127–133. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Childyouth.2015.08.005
Suryadi, D. (2017). Studi Awal Identifikasi Efek Terapi Bermain Dengan Lego®.
Jurnal Muara Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora, Dan Seni, 1(1), 240.
Ünver, S., Güray, Ö., & Aral, S. (N.D.). Effectiveness Of A Group Game
Intervention In Reducing Preoperative Anxiety Levels Of Children And
Parents: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Aorn Journal, 403.
Urban, T. H., Nguyen, T. T. T., Morford, A. E., Spinelli, T., Martinovich, Z.,
Schewe, P. A., & Risser, H. J. (2020). Utilization Of Evidence-Based
Treatment Models At Community-Based Mental Health Settings For Young
Children Exposed To Violence. Children And Youth Services Review,
116(July), 105233. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Childyouth.2020.105233
Zamani, N., Tavallaei, M., & Kahdouei, S. (2020). Cognitive-Behavioral Play
Therapy In Children With Reactive Attachment Disorder : Help Reduce
Anxiety , Impulsivity , Bullying And Antisocial Behaviors. Journal Of
Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research, 10(S4), 115–122.
Zengin, Ide, Hilal Yayan, E., & Emin Düken, M. (2020). The Effects Of A
Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 5 April 2021 doi:10.20944/preprints202104.0148.v1

Therapeutic Play/Play Therapy Program On The Fear And Anxiety Levels Of

Hospitalized Children After Liver Transplantation.

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