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SAI Basketball Skill Test

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SAI Basketball Skill test

10- 14 years boys and girls
Three test items
1) Wall Pass test
2) Dribbling test
3) Jumping and turning in the air test
Wall Pass Test: - The purpose of the test is to measure the basketball speed
passing or throwing ability of the players.
Equipment’s:- Equipment’s required for this test 4 basketballs, tape and
Target dimensions: - Two restraining lines at a distance of 1.5 meters and 2.0
meters from a smooth surfaced plain vertical wall are to be marked on the floor.
Another line is to be marked on the wall at the height of one meter from the
Test Procedure:-
1) Two trials of 30 seconds each are allowed to the subject and better of the
two scores is considered for the evaluation record.
2) The performer stand behind the restraining line at a distance of 1.5 meters
for 10 and 11 years old boys and girls & 2.0 meters in case of 12 to 14 years
old boys and girls from the wall.
3) On the signal ready, go! The performer is to start making maximum number
of passes on to the wall above the marked line in 30 seconds period with a
mini basketball.
4) Each time the ball hits the wall, it will be counted as one pass.
5) The pass on the wall is always to be made by standing behind the line.
6) In case, the ball does not rebound or caught, and falls on the floor, the
performer has to move forward and retrieve the ball and come to the
position behind the line and continue pass on the wall.
Scoring: - Each correct pass scores one point. The final score is total, of all correct
number of passes out of the better of the two trials.
2) Dribbling test: - The purpose of the test dribbling test is to measure the skill in
handling the basketball while the body is moving.
Equipment’s:- Equipment’s required for this test 4 basketballs and stopwatch,
Basketball court.
Test Procedure: -
With the ball in hand the subject stands on the starting point.
On the signal ready! Go! The subject moves forward dribbling the ball along the
free throw lane boundary, timer starts the stopwatch at the signal ‘go’ and stops
it as soon as the subject completes two rounds dribbling along the designated
Scoring: - The time taken to complete correct dribbling twice along the
designated boundary is the score of the trial.
Two successful trails are conducted and the better timing accurate up to 0.1
second is taken into consideration for evaluation which is done with the help of
standard points given in Table.
3) Jumping and turning in the air test:-
The purpose of this test item is to measure the whole body angular flexibility of
the player while the body is moving.
Equipment: - floor marking equipment to mark a cross of 2” long arms with a
circle at the intersection of the cross and readings 0/360, 90/270, 180/180 and
270/90 on the cross ends.
Test Procedure: - the subject is asked to assume standing position on the
intersection of the cross on the horizontal floor, facing towards 0/360 marked
side of the cross as shown in fig.
On the signal Ready? Go! The subject jumps straight up and turns his body in the
air in a circular manner either clockwise or anticlockwise as per his/her desire.
The angle to which the subject is able to turn in the air till his landing back on the
ground is recorded.
Scoring: - Each subject is given two trails after few practice attempts.
The batter of the 2 test trails is recorded by the tester with the help of the right
angled cross, in the form of angle turned

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