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Enhanced Hybrid English 10 q1 m6

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Quarter 1 – Module 6
Features and Purposes of Text Types


Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the

Development and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let’s Try before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone. We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful
learning and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do

Let’s Learn
This module consists of one lesson mainly:
• Text Types: Features And Purposes
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. determine the different text types;
2. identify the features and purposes of the different text types;
3. evaluate a text using a set of criteria; and
4. write a text using any of the different text types.

Let’s Try

Directions: Identify what is being asked in the following statements. Write only the
letter of your choice.
1. The context of this text is to describe a particular thing, animal, person and

A. narrative Text B. expository Text C. descriptive Text D. argumentative Text

2. Any object that can be read, whether this object is a work of literature or any
informative tools is called __________________.

A. argumentative Text B. text C. informational Text D. descriptive Text

3. A text that provides factual information about a topic using a clear, non –
narrative organizational structure is an __________________.
A. informational Text B. descriptive Text C. expository Text D. narrative Text

4. Contains a number of aids that make it easier for reader to follow along and get
the information they need is called _______________.

A. narrative Text B. informational Text C. expository Text D. argumentative text

5. A statement of your position about a certain topic justified with evidences is an


A. argumentative Text B. narrative Text C. expository Text D. informational Text

Lesson Text Types

Let’s Explore


⮚ The original words of something written, printed, or spoken, in contrast to a

⮚ A coherent stretch of language that may be regarded as an object of critical
⮚ Refers to the content rather than the form

1. Types of Text

Features Purpose Language

a. Descri ⮚ It engages ⮚ Used in all ⮚ Aims to show

ptive the forms of rather than tell
Text reader’s writing to
attention create a ⮚ Relies on
vivid precisely
⮚ It creates impression chosen
characters of a person, vocabulary,
place, object adjectives,
⮚ It sets a adverbs and
mood or event

b. Narrat ⮚ Characters ⮚ To entertain ⮚ There are

ive with many action
Text defined ⮚ To gain and verbs
personaliti hold a
es/ reader’s ⮚ It usually uses
identities interest past tense

⮚ Dialogue ⮚ However, ⮚ Direct and

often can also be indirect
included written to speeches are
teach or often used
⮚ Descriptive inform, to
language change
to create social
images in opinions
mind and

c. Exposi ⮚ Exposes ⮚ To inform

tory you to the reader
Text facts, plain
and simple ⮚ To expose
the truth
through a

d. Argum ⮚ A ⮚ To support ⮚ Written in the

entati statement ideas timeless
ve of position presented in present tense
Text at the sequence
beginning ⮚ Verbs are used
⮚ To justify a when

⮚ A logical stand or expressing
sequence view point opinions
that a writer
⮚ The is taking ⮚ Thought
argument provoking
is put ⮚ To take a questions are
forward in position on used
series of some issue
points with and justify it
back up

e. Infor ⮚ They are ⮚ Written with ⮚ The author

matio written in the purpose provides
nal a way that of informing tables.
Text allows the the reader Diagrams,
reader to about a graphs and
easily find specific topic charts
n and
d the main

2. Evaluating a Text
The purpose of writing an evaluation is to evaluate somebody’s work in order to
increase the reader’s understanding of it. To critique a piece of writing is to do the

a. Describe – gives the reader a sense of the writer’s overall purpose and
intent. Identify the writer’s thesis and purpose.
b. Analyze – examine how the structures and language of the text convey its
meaning by identifying all main ideas.
c. Interpret – state the significance or importance of each part of the text.
d. Assess – make judgment of the work’s worth or value.

3. Strategies Used in Evaluating a TEXT

When you are writing, you cannot just jump right into evaluating. Instead, you
have to present the ideas from the text first. You can use any of the following

A. Summarize – restating in your own words the general points of the text.
Involves stating the main ideas and findings of a text into your own words.
Example: Bill wasn’t sure this was a good idea, but suddenly a fish jumped from
the sparkling water. He decided Tom was right; they should definitely skip
class on such a nice day.

Summary: Two friends decided to skip school and go fishing.

B. Paraphrase – restating in your own words a specific idea from the text.
Involves putting a section of a text into your own words.
Example: “Don’t forget that you need to bring your money for the field trip, as
well as a lunch, next Thursday.”

Paraphrase: “Bring money and a lunch next Thursday for the field trip.”

C. Quote – present the exact words from the text. Involves copying short
sentences or passages from the original text.

Example: "We are all at risk, but do not increase the odds or chances of getting
it," President Duterte said, warning against complacency.

Let’s Elaborate

Directions: Determine what text type are the following statements below.
Example: The operational panel is located on the right- hand side at the rear.
Answer: Descriptive Text

1. My bedroom is full color. In my bedroom there is a television, because I like

watching television. There is mp4 player because I like listening to music. In my
bedroom, I study because it is a quiet place.
There is a brown desk and brown wardrobe. On the desk, there are photos of my
family and friends. There are boxes and newspapers. There is also a bed and two
pillows. Answer: __________________________

2. Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. He was very tired and needed
to rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree.
Answer: ___________________________

3. Child abuse is a very common problem which calls for immediate solution. The
help should be extended by specialists right away to the child. After a teacher
receives a complaint of abuse from the child, a written statement is no longer
necessary from the child or one that requires the child to repeat the same
allegation. Answer: ___________________________

4. Automobiles are expensive to own. After buying a car, you have to have money
for insurance that the law says you must have in case of an accident. Cars, even
new ones, need occasional costly repairs. Even if you drive carefully, you will
sometimes make mistakes and might get a ticket, which you must pay or your
license will be taken away. Answer: ___________________________

5. India has over 700 million people living in it. This is called its population. There
is a range of mountains in India known as Himalayas. The people in India mostly
live in villages and work on farms. Most farms are very small and the farmers

work hard with simple tools for not much money. The farmers cannot grow crops
quick enough because there are so many people living in India who eat it quickly.
Answer: ____________________________

Let’s Dig In

Activity 1.1: Practice Paraphrasing

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, paraphrase the following:

Example: Giraffes like Acacia leaves and hay, and they can consume 75 pounds of
food a day.
Paraphrase: A giraffe can eat up to 75 pounds of Acacia leaves and hay daily.

1. Symptoms of flu include fever and nasal congestion.

2. Every year, thousands of tourists visit Niagara Falls.
3. The price of a resort vacation typically includes meals, tips and equipment
rentals, which makes your trip more cost – effective.
4. “Your native language is your life, but with English you can become part of a
wider conversation.” (Walker, 2009)
5. Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Activity 1.2: Practice Summarizing

Directions: Summarize the following text on a separate sheet of paper. (2 pts each)

1. Tom and Bill were walking to school. They passed over a bridge, as they did every
day. But on this day, the river was full, the water was clear and the sun was
shining in a cloudless sky.

Tom said, “Let’s go fishing!”

Bill wasn’t so sure. “We have a test today. Shouldn’t we go to class?”

“Nonsense,” said Tom. “You only lived once. A day like this won’t come
along again.”

Bill wasn’t sure this was a good idea, but suddenly a fish jumped from the
sparkling water. He decided Tom was right; they should definitely skip
class on such a nice day.

2. The amphibia, which is the animal class to which our frogs and toads
belong, were the first animals to crawl from the sea and inhabit the earth.

3. One of the most noticeable phenomena in any big city, such as London or Paris
is the steadily increasing number of petrol – driven vehicles, some in private
ownership, and others belonging to the public transport system, which congest
the roads and render rapid movement more difficult year by year.

4. A lot of children came and brought presents. They played games and
blew bubbles at each other. A magician came and showed them some
magic tricks. Later, Jemma opened her presents and blew out the candles
on her cake.

5. In order to have good health, people must use clean and safe water. Safe
drinking water is water which is free from all impurities that cause
pollution. Water pollution causes diseases such as typhoid, dysentery,
cholera, diarrhea and many others. It also kills fish and other water

Let’s Remember

Different types of text contain different features, elements and purposes.

Knowledge of text types helps the learners organize their thoughts when receiving,
retelling or reporting on a particular reading. Being able to recognize the various
text types and their distinct features, elements and purposes has a number of
advantages. Some of these are the following:

1. It helps you understand the purpose of the text.

2. The ability to understand the features of a text type and how those features
are arranged, is vital to the construction of meaning when reading.
3. To be able to understand a text, we must also understand the view point of
the writer/ author.

Complete the chart as shown with entries called for:

Essential points in the lesson that I…

Enjoyed Found Would like Found Hope to Intend to

helpful to work most strengthen adopt
more on difficult

Let’s Apply
Directions: Choose one from the topics below. Decide what type of text you want to
use to present your ideas/information. Then write a paragraph about it.
a. Anti – Terrorism Bill
b. COVID –19 in the Philippines

c. Online learning/ Distance learning
d. The ‘New Normal’ amidst the pandemic
e. Filipino – Chinese friendship

Use the rubric on the next page as your guide.

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Total

(concentrates on a
specific topic that
is clear, significant
and supportable)

Clarity of ideas
(clearly presents
facts, reasons and
opinions as

convention (uses
simple, direct,
concise and clear

Let’s Evaluate
Evaluating a Text
Directions: Read the text below then evaluate. Put a check (/) mark on the
appropriate column that best describe your evaluation. Be guided with the
processing questions after the text. Use a separate sheet for this task.

Days after being marked "urgent" by President Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippines'
House of Representatives last week approved the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020, adopting
the Senate's version, which was passed in February.

What exactly does this bill say and do?

The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 amends the Human Security Act of 2007. It
expands the definition of terrorism to include acts intended to cause "death or serious
bodily injury to any person," "extensive damage and destruction" to a government
facility, private property or critical infrastructure and when the purpose of those acts
is to "intimidate [the] general public," "create an atmosphere or message of fear," or
"seriously destabilize or destroy the fundamental political, economic and social
structures of the country." Those found guilty face life sentences without the chance
of parole.

The act also criminalizes the "threat, planning, training, facilitating of" and
"proposal" and "inciting" to terrorist activities by means of speeches, proclamations,
writings, banners and emblems. It also subjects suspects to surveillance, warrantless
arrest and detention for up to 24 days. In addition, it removes compensation for the
suspect in the event of acquittal and boosts the Anti-Terrorism Council, the
implementer of the la w, whose members are appointed by the president.

Why is the government pushing it?

Backers of the bill say the legislation seeks to end terrorism in the country,
which is still battling decades long communist and Islamic insurgencies. In 2017,
Islamic State-aligned militants laid siege to the southern city of Marawi; last year the
southern region was rocked by suicide bombings.

Why is it being opposed?

The Philippines' Commission on Human Rights said the broad definition of

"terrorism" in the bill "paves the road for possible abuse."

"By this broad definition, starting a fight in a bar could technically be classified
as an act of terrorism," said Human Rights Watch, which called the act "a human
rights disaster in the making."

The overreach, according to CHR, could also be used "to limit substantial
freedoms, including expression of dissent, while [with] the vague and overly broad
definition, authorities could wantonly tag [the] exercise of rights as terrorist

Fears are also on the rise due to the Duterte's administration's history of
cracking down on political opposition and the recent arrest of government critics
during the lockdown.

Processing questions for Evaluation

1. What is the text about?

2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. What do you think is the intention of the writer?
4. What are the ideas/information presented in the text? How did the writer
present the information?
5. Discuss your overall interpretation of the text.
6. What text type is used in presenting information?
Criteria in Evaluating a Text
Criteria Satisfactory Good Fair
Focus/ Content
(concentrates on a
specific topic that is
clear, significant and

Clarity and
organization of ideas

Language Convention
(uses simple, direct,
concise and clear

Writing style and text


Impact (convinces the


-Text types and purposes.
-Different text types.
-Understanding text types.
-The Philippine Anti-Terrorism Act 2020.
-General Criteria in Evaluating a Text.
-Evaluating a text.
-Critically Evaluating a Text.
-Philippines Extends Capital's Coronavirus Lockdown to May 15.


Development Team of the Module

Writers: Jaycelle C. Delos Santos

Content Evaluator: Remedios C. Lim
Language Evaluator: Doris Vivian Casinao
Reviewers: Name
Illustrator: Bernard Marc E. Codillo
Layout Artist: Michael N. Evans
Content Validators: Harold K. Taguba, Gladeline Lou P. Gonato, Wilhelmina C. Estrada, Doris Vivian
G. Casinao, Remedios C. Lim, Joyce V. Cueva, Monaliza T. Mesa, Esperanza
Management Team: Dr. Margarito B. Materum, SDS
Dr. George P. Tizon, SGOD – Chief
Dr. Ellery G. Quintia, CID Chief
Mr. Noel T. Balubal, EPS- English
Dr. Daisy L. Mataac, EPS- LRMS/ALS

For inquiries, please write or call:

Schools Division of Taguig City and Pateros, Upper Bicutan, Taguig

Telefax: 838-4251
Email Address:

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