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AWS D1.1 and D1.1M - 2008

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American Welding Society AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2008 An American National Standard Structural Welding Code— Steel AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2008 An American National Standard Approved by the American National Standards Institute duly 2, 2008 Structural Welding Code— Steel 21st Edition ‘Supersedes AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2006 Prepared by the American Welding Society (AWS) DI Committee on Structural Welding Under the Direction of the AWS Technical Activites Committee Approved by the AWS Board of Directors Abstract ‘This code covers the welding requirements for any type of welded structure made from the commonly used carbon and Jow-alloy constructional steels. Clauses | through 8 constitute a body of rules for the regulation of welding in steel construction. There are eight normative and twelve informative annexes in this code. A Commentary of the code is ‘included with the document American Welding Society 550N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126 eee Hes Semposh ANS! ote X_128035, ion 67209 11:27 AN, Sle user Yoana ey. Ca ‘AWS D1.101.102008 Intemational Standard Book Number: 978-0-87771-090-1 “American Welding Society | 550 N.W. Leleune Roxd, Miami, FL-33126 ‘© 2008 by American Welding Society ‘Al righs reserved Printed in the United States of America Errata; 2nd Printing, February 2009 Photocopy Rights. No portion of this standard may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any orm, ineluding mechanical, photocopying, recording, o otherwise, without the prior written permission ofthe copytight Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom use only or the internal, personal, or {educational elassoom use only of specific clients granted by the American Welding Society provided thatthe appropriate {ee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, 22 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, el (978) 750-8400; Intemet: -. A.128235, Dowtoae Aus, Sg ue eaves on Cosag and eta prob AWS 01.1D1-AN2008, ‘Statement on the Use of American Welding Society Standards All standards (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides) of the American ‘Welding Society (AWS) are voluntary consensus standards that have been developed in accordance with the rules of the ‘American National Standards Institute (ANSI). When AWS American National Standards ate either incorporated in, oF made part of, documents that are included in federal or state laws and regulations, or the regulations of other govern- ‘mental bodes, their provisions carry the full legal authority of the statute, In such cases, any changes in those AWS standards must be approved by the governmental body having statutory jurisdiction before they ean become a part of ‘hose laws and regulations. In all cases, these standards carry the full legal authority ofthe contrat or other document that invokes the AWS standards. Where this contractual relationship exists, changes in or deviations from requirements of an AWS standard must be by agreement between che contacting pats. AWS American National Standards are developed through a consensus standards development process thet brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus. While the AWS administers the process and establishes rules 10 promote fairness in the development of consensus, it does not independently test, evalt- st, or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its standards. AWS disclaims liability for any injury to persons or to property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance ‘on this standard, AWS algo makes no guarantee or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information published hei In issuing and raking this standard available, AWS is neither undertaking to render professional or other services for or ‘on behalf of any person or entity, nor is AWS undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone using these documents should rely om his or her own independent judgment or, as appropriate, seek the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given eitoumstances. Kis assumed that the use of this standard and is provisions are entrusted to appropriately qualified and competent personnel ‘This standard may be superseded by the issuance of new editions. Users should ensure that they have the latest edition Publication of this standard does not authorize infringement of any patent or tade name. Users of this standard accept any and all lables for inftingement of any patent or trade name items, AWS disclaims Fability for the infringement of any patent or product trade name resulting from the use ofthis standard. Finally, the AWS does not monitor, police, or enforce compliance with this standard, nor does it have the power to do so, On occasion, txt, tables, or Figures are printed incorrect, constituting errata. Such errata, when discovered, ae posted ‘on the AWS web page (swvwaws.0rg) Oficial intespretations of any of the technical requirements ofthis standard may only be obtained by sending « request, in writing to the appropriate technical committe. Such requests should be addressed to the American Welding Society, Attention: Managing Director, Technical Services Division, 550 N.W. Leleune Road, Miami, PL 33126 (see Annex ©). With regard to technical inquiries made concerning AWS standards, oal opinions on AWS standards may be tendered, ‘These opinions ate offered solely as a convenience to users of this standard, and they do nat constitute professional advice. Such opinions represent only the personal opinions of the particular individuals giving them, These individuals {do not speak om behalf of AWS, nor do these oral opinions constitute official or unofficial opinions or ineapretations oF AWS. In addition, oral opinions are informal and should not be used as a substitute for an official interpretation, ‘This standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS D1 Committee on Structural Welding, Ic must be reviewed ‘every five years, and if not revised, it must be either reaffirmed or withdrawn. Comments (recommendations, additions, ‘r deletions) and any pertinent data that may be of use in improving this standard ate required and should be addressed to AWS Heaciquarters. Such comments will receive careful consideration by the AWS DI Committee on Structural ‘Welding and the author of the comments will be informed of the Committee's response to the comments, Guests are invited to attend all mectings of the AWS DI Committee on Structural Welding to express their comments verbally Procedures for appeal of an axlverse decision concerning all such commests are provided in the Rules of Operation of the Technical Activities Committee. A copy of these Rules ean be obtained from the American Welding Society, $59 NW. Lefeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. Serpe ANS rte X_"o8dS Dowleaea BE 12 A Sings wer Scans on Conrad mewsirg eis. | ‘AWS 01.V01-1m2008 | | ‘This page is ite nally blank. AWS 01.D1.1M12008 Personnel AWS DI Committee on Structural Welding D.D, Rager, Chair D.K Mille, Ist Vice Chair A.W. Sindel, 2nd Vice Chair '. Morales, Secretary NJ. Altebrando FG, Aemao ELL. Bickford F.C. Breismeister B.M. Butler HLH. Campbell, ill L.E. Collins RB, Corbit R.A, Dennis M.A. Grieco CW. Holmes 1.J. Kenney JH. Kiefer V. Kuruvitla J. Lawemon D.R. Lawrence, I N.S. Lindell D.R. Laci SL. Luckowski PW, Marshall M.J. Mayes DL. MeQuaid RD, Medlock I. Merill TL. Niemann J.B, Pearson D.C. Phillips JW, Post T. Schlafly D.R.Seott D.A. Shapira RB. Shaw, I. RW. Stieve PJ. Sullivan M.M. Tayarani K.K. Verma B.D. Wright Rager Constiting, Incorporated ‘The Lincoln Electric Company Alstom Power, Incorporated ‘American Welding Soclery STY, Incorporated ‘The Lincoln Electric Company Acute Technological Services Swrocal, Incorporated Walt Disney World Company Parker Drilling ‘Team Industries, Incorporated Exelon Nuclear Corporation Consultant Massachusetts Highway Department Modest and Masters, Incorporated Shell Imtemautonal E & P ‘ConocoPhillips Company Genesis Quality Systems Americun Engineering & Manufacturing, Incorporated Butler Manufacturing Company Inspectech Consulting and Testing Canadian Welding Bureau Department of the Army MHP Systems Engineering Mayes Testing Engineers, Incorporated DL McQuaid and Associates, Incorporated High Steel Structures, Incorporated MACTEC, Incorporated Minnesota Deparment of Transportation LTK Engineering Services TDW, Hobart Brothers Company JW. Post and Associates, Incorporated ‘American Institute of Steel Construction Ps URS~Washingron Division Sree! Siruemres Technology Center, Incorporated Greenman Pederson, Incorporated MassachusetisHighyvay Department (Retired) Massachuseris Highway Department Federal Highway Administration Advantage Aviation Technologies icone to Hest Samp 288 rsrX."28232, Boeri 6000 127 AM, Sige ane ny. Comping a vn FNL AWS 01.101 1012008, Advisors to the AWS D1 Committee on Structural Welding W.G. Alexander E.M, Beck, 0.W, Blodgett M.V. Davis G.L Fox G1. Fill M. 1. Hoitomt W. A. Milek, Je 1B Myers woaPE MACTEC, Incorporated ‘The Lincoln Electric Company Consuttent Consultant G.1. Hill and Associates, Incorporated Hoitom Consulting Services Consultant Consultant AWS D1Q Subcommittee on Steel D. D. Rager, Chait T. Schlafly, Vice Chaie '. Morales, Seeretary N.J Altebrando M, Bemasek E.L. Bickford BLM, Butler JW. Cagle B, Capers H.H. Campbell, It LE. Collins R.A. Dennis D.A. Dunn K.R.Fogleman 1.Guili MJ Jonan 1.1. Kenney I.H. Kieter L.A, Kloiber 8. W. Kopp. JAE, Koski V. Kuruvilla K. Landwehr D.R. Lawrence, If D.R, Luciani P.W, Marshall R. P. Marslender G.S, Mastin M.J. Mayes RD. Medlock J. Merill JL Miller S.P. Moran J.C. Noreby JA, Packer F.J. Palmer LW. Post D.R. Seott J.G.Shaw RE, Shaw, Jr ‘A.W. Sindel sneha enn Sampo ANG oie X 22228. Down Rager Consulting, incorporated American Insitute of eel Construction ‘American Welding Society STV, Incorporated Cespec Acute Technological Services Wate Disney World Company CP Buckner Steel Erection, Incorporated Walr Disney World Company Parker Drilling Team Industries, Incorporated Consultant Pst Valmont Industries ‘TrueWeld Equipment Company Johnson Plate and Tower Fabrication ‘Shell lnvernational E & P ConocoPhillips Company Leloune Steel Company High Steel Sructares Stud Welding Products; Incorporated Genesis Quality Systems Schiff Steel Company Butler Manufacturing Company Canadian Welding Bureew MHP Syscems Engineering Kiewit Offshore Services, LTD GE Enerey ‘Mayes Testing Engineers, Incorporated High Steel Structures, Incorporated MACTEC, Incorporated JL. Miller Consulting Hobart Brothers Entergy University of Toronto Stee! Tube insite J.W, Post and Associates, Incorporated PSI WSP Mountain Enterprises, Incorporated Stee! Structures Technology Center, Incorporated Alstom Power, Incorporated AWS D1.1D1-1M:2000 AWS D1Q Subcommittee on Steel (Continued) RW. Stiove S.R. Swartz, J 8.4. Thomas W.A. Thornton R.HLR. Tide P. Workman Greenman-Pederson, Incorporated New Age Fastening Systems, Incorporated WP Buildings, Incorporated Cives Corporation Wiss, Janney, Elsiner Associates Tre Weld Advisors to the AWS D1Q Committee on Steet U.W. Aschemeier F.C. Breismeister HA. Chambers R.B.Corbit HE. Gilmer M.A. Grievo MJ. Harker C.W. Hayes: CR Hess G..Hill C.W. Holmes: W. Jaxa-Rozen N.S. Lindell H.W. Ludewig D.L. MeQuaid 1. K. Miesake Ww. A. Milek, Je D.K. Miller L Mae J.B, Pearson D.C. Phillips J. Ross B.A. Shapira P., Sullivan M, M. Tayarani J.L. Uebele KK, Verma D.G. Yan. 0. Zollinger HC Nusting 1A Terracon Company Swrocal, Incorporaed Nelson Stud Welding Exelon Nuclear Corporation ‘Texas Department of Transportation Massachusetts Highway Department Idaho National Laboratory ‘The Lincoln Electric Company High Stee! Structures G.1. Hill and Associaues, Incorporated Meodjeski and Masters, Iucorpovated Bombardier Transpertasion Inspeciech Consulting and Testing Caterpillar, Incorporated DL McQuaid and Associates, Incorporated PDM Bridge, Eau Clair Wise Consultant ‘The Lincoln Electric Company Cives Stee! Company LIK Engineering Services IW, Hobart Brothers Company US. Army Corps of Engineers LURS—Washington Division Massachusetts Highway Department (Retired) Massachusetts Highway Department Waukesha County Tech College Federal Highway Administration Canadian Welding Bureau Ohmsede Li. AWS D1Q Subcommittee Task Group on Design B.M, Butler, Chaie 8.4. Thomas, Vice Chair N.J-Altebrando B. Capers W. axa Rozen M. J. fordan J.J. Kenney L.A. Kloiber PW. Marshall cent Hose Soros 6d X_ 104253 Doane 15 Walt Disney World Company YP Buildings, Incorporated STY, Incorporated Walt Disney World Company Bombardier Transportation Johnson Plate and Tower Fabrication Shell international E & P Leleune Steel Company MHP Systems Engineering Cives Steel Compaay University of Toronto Steel Tube Intute sone Conve and ten tte AWS D1.1/01.1642008, AWS D1Q Subcommittee Task Group on Design (Continued) J.B, Pearson, Jr TJ. Schlafly RE. Shave, Jr 1.6, Shaw RHR Tide LTK Engineering Services AISC Steet Structures Technology Center, incorporated WSP Mountains Enterprises, Incorporated Wiss, Janney, Elsner Associates Advisors to the AWS DIQ Subcommittee Task Group on Design 0. W. Blodget R.B, Corbit 4. Desjardins W.A. Milk, Je J.D. Ross W. A. Thornton The Lincoln Electric Company Exelon Nuclear Corporation Bombardier Transportation Canada Consultant US. Anny of Cops of Engineers ives Corporation AWS D1Q Subcommittee Task Group on Qualification Ron Dennis, Chair J.H. Kiefer, Vice Chair M. Bernasek E.L. Bickford F.C, Breismeister RB, Corbit RA. Dennis M.A. Grieco M. 1. Harker 1.3. Kenney V. Kuruvilla K, Landwehr D.R. Lawrence, I R, P. Marslender J.LMiller J.C, Nordby D.C. Phillips JW, Post D.A. Shapira ‘A.W. Sindel M. M. Tayarani J.L. Uebele Advisors to the AWS D1Q Subcom M. L. Hoitmont H.W. Ludewig G.S. Marin JK. Mieseke D. K. Miller KK. Verma B.D. Wright D.G. Yan. ©. Zollinger Consultant ConocoPhillips Company C-spec Acute Technological Services Srrocel, Incorporated Exelon Nuclear Corporation Consultant Massachusets Highway Department Maho National Laboratory Shell Invernational E & P Genesis Quality Systems Schuff Steel Compay Butler Manufacturing Company Kiewit Offshore Services, LTD JL Miller Consulting Entergy Hobart Brothers Company JW. Post and Associates, Incorporated ‘URS—Washingion Division Alstom Power, Incorporated -Massachusers Highway Department Waukesha County Tectnical College tee Task Group on Qualification Consultant Caterpillar, Incorporated GE Energy Consultant The Lincoln Electric Comparey Federal Highway Deparonent of Transportation Advantage Aviation Technologies Canadian Welding Bureau Ohmsiede Limited AW 01 yD1.1N-2008 AWS D1Q Subcommittee Task Group on Fabrication V. Kurwvlla, Chair HE, Gilmer, Vice Chair F.C. Breismeister J.W. Cagle HH, Campbell, L.E,Collins R.A. Dennis M.A. Grieco CR Hess G1. Hill C.W. Holmes K. Landwehr D.L. MeQuaid RD. Medlock W. A. Milek JA Miller S.P, Moran 41. W, Post J Schlafly A. Shapira W. Sindel K. 1. D. A. K.K. Verma Genesis Quality Systems Texas Department of Transportation Strocal, Incorporated CP Buckner Steet Erection, Inconporated Parker Drilling Team Industries, Incorporated Consultant Massachusetts Highway Department High Stee! Structures GIHill & Associates Modjeski & Masters, Incorporated Sehuf Steel Company DL MeQueid & Associates, Incorporeted High Steo! Structures, incorporated Consultant JL Miller Consulting Hobart Brorhers JW. Postand Associates, Incorporated AIS URS—Washingron Division Alstom Power, Incorporated Federal Highway Administration Advisors to the AWS D1Q Subcommittee Task Group on Fabrication W.G. Alexander E.R. Beckmann ELL. Bickford G.L. Fox D.K Miller LE Myers RHLR. Tide WGAPE Consultant Acute Technological Services Consultant ‘The Lincoln Electric Company Consultant Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates AWS D1Q Subcommittee Task Group on Inspection D.R. Scott, Chair G. 8. Martin, Vice Chair U. W. Aschemeter HH. Campbell, I R. V, Clarke LE. Collins D.A. Duna K.R. Fogleman CW. Hayes RK. Holbert P.G. Kinney S.W. Kopp. N.S. Lindell CA. Ma D.L. McQuaid JE. Mellinger J. Merill PSI (Retired) GE Energy HEC Nutting 1A Terracon Company Parker Drilling ‘St, Louis Testing Laboratories, Incorporated Team industries, Incorporated Pst Valmont Industries ‘The Lincoln Electric Company FMC Technologies, Incorporated Robert W Huns Company High Steet Ssrucnures Inspectech Consulting and Testing ‘Shell Internationa MHP Systems Engineering DL McQuaid & Associates, Incorporated Pennoni Associates, incorporated MACTEC, Incorporated | | | AWS 01-1D1.184 2008 AWS D1Q Subcommittee 1.B, Pearson, J. RW. Stiove PA. Sullivan K.K. Verma D.G. Yaz Advisors to the AWS D1Q Subeon W.G. Alexander E.M. Beck F.R. Beekman GL. Fox G.LHill M.L- Hoitomt JH, Kiefer D.M. Mardas W. A. Milek, Jr: W. A. Svekric ‘ask Group on Inspection LTK Engineering Services Greenman-Pederson, Incorporated Massachusetts Highway Department (Retired) Federal Highway Administration Canadian Welding Bureau nittee Task Group on Inspection WGAPE MACTEC Engineering & Consulting Consultant Consultant GJ Hill & Associaces Consultant ConocoPhillips Company Consultant Consultant Welding Consultants, Incorporated AWS D1Q Subcommittee Task Group on Stud Welding M.M. Tayarani, Chair D.R Luciani, Viee Chair ULW. Aschemeier B.C. Hobson LE. Koski S.P. Moran S.R. Swartz, J. 1. L, Uebele P. Workmen Advisors ta the AWS D1Q Subcommi C.B.Champney C.C. Pease Massachusetts Highway Department Canadian Welding Bureew HC Nusing 1 Terracon Company Consultant PSI Thu-Weld Equipment Company nage Industries Stud Welding Products, incorporated Hobart Brothers New Age Fastening Systems, Incorporated Waukesha County Tech College Tru-Weld Equipment Company (ee Task Group on Stud Welding ‘Nelson Stud Welding Consultant AWS DIM Standing Task Group on New Materials D.C. Phillips, Chair TJ. Schlafly, Viee Chair F.C. Breismeistor Hobart Brothers Company AIC Sirocal, Incorporated B.M.Buller Walt Disney World Company C.W. Hayes The Linceln Elecirte Company R.D. Medlock High Steel Structures. Incomporated I.B. Pearson, Jt. LTK Engineering Services D.Rees-Evans Stee! Dynamics D.A, Shapira URS—Washingron Division AWS D1.¥D1.1m12008 Advisors to the AWS DIM Standing Task Group on Materials M.L Hoitomt J.W. Post A.W. Sindel Consultant JW Post & Associates, Incorporated Alstom Power, Incorporated AWS DIF Subcommittee on Strengthening and Repair N-1. Allebrando, Chair 8. W. Kopp, Viee Chair 'S. Morales, Secretary C.W. Holmes P. Rimmer R.W, Stiove M.M. Tayarani VP Bridges High Sree Structures American Welding Socieiy Modest de Masters, Incorporated ‘New York State Department of Transportation Greenman-Pederson, Incorporated ‘Massachusetis Highway Deparoment Advisors to the AWS DIF Subcommittee on Strengthening and Repair E.M, Beck CR. Hess G.1. Hill M.J. Mayes T.W, Post LD. Ross E. Shaw, J: A. Thomton RHR Tide MACTEC, Incorporated High Stee! Structures GIHill & Associaues Mayes Testing Engineers, Incorporated JW Post & Associates, Incorporated US. Army Corps of Engineers Steel Structures Technology Center, Incorporated ives Corporation Wiss, Janney, Elsmer Associates Avs DLNO1.AM2008 ‘This page is intentionally blank. AWS 01.701.1N42008 Foreword “This foreword is not part of AWS DI. /DI.1M:2008, Structural Welding Code—Steel bri included for informational purposes only “The frst edition of the Code for Fusion Welding and Gas Curing in Building Construction was published by the Amer ican Welding Society in 1928. The first bridge welding specification was published separately in 1936, The two docu- iments were consolidated in 1972 into the DI. document but were once again separated in 1988 when the joint AASHTO/AWS DLS, Bridge Welding Code, was published to address the specific requirements of State and Federal ‘Transportation Departments. Coincident with this, the D1 code changed references of buildings and bridges to stat cally loaded and dynamically loaded structures, respectively, in order to make the document applicable to a broader range of structural configurations. ‘Underlined text in the subelauses, tables, or figures indicates an editorial ot technical change from the 2006 edition. A. ‘vertical Tine in the margin indicates a revision from the 2006 edition. ‘The following isa surnmary of the most significant technical revisions contained in DI-1/D1.iM:2008: Clase 1.2—Revised to clay limitations ofthe code. Clause 2,3.5-New section on depth of filling for plug and slot welds added Clause 2.5.4—Revisions made wo clarify the allowable sess for a singular linear fillet wel o fille weld groups of parallel linen ler welds Clase—Adds design equt vous. Clase 2.6,.7-—Revised provision for caleulating the resistance provided by connections sharing the oad between welds bolts, an rivets, Clause 2.7.1-—Revised to eliminate te tension load situations for determining allowable stresses on filet welds in concentrically loaded weld sition slope requirements for butt joints of unequal thickness in typical low yi Clause 2, Tables—Tables 2.4 through 2.9 were renumbered 10 accommodate a new table detailing the strength coefti- cients for obliquely loaded fillet welds. “Table 2.3-—New nov added to limit allowable stresses for plug and slot welds. Figure 2.2 Revised to apply to cyclically londed structures. Figure 2.3—Revised wo apply to the thickness of statically loaded structures. Figure 2.6—Conections made to better illstrateholdback dimensions and tension. Figures 2.9 and 2.10-—Comections were made to splice joint thicknesses. (Clause 3.7—Add new provision on prequalified shielding gases. (Clause 3.50—Revised to clarify the minimum depth of filling for plug aod slot welds Figure 34—Comection made-was tothe tolerances for B-UT-S. (Clause 48, 1—Term “run-off tab” replaced with “weld tbs." (Clauses 4.1.1 and 4.11.2— Qualification testing requirements for filets clarified. (Clause 4.23 2.—Revised to clarify welding operator requirements for ESW and GW, AWS D1.101.102008, ‘Table 4.1-—Note assignments for production pipe butt groaves clarified, ‘Table 4.5— Revised so that numberof electrodes is a POR essential variable for GTAW. Table 4.6-—Changes were made to required POR supplementary essential variables when for single to multiple ‘electrode, oF vice veis, in same weld pool and interpass temperatures ‘Table 4.10—Note assignments clarified Figure 4.19—1/8 in [3 mm] weld size added to filet weld soundness tests for WPS qualification, Figures 431 and 4.32—Note added 10 allow side-bentcest substitutions for fuce- or- root-bend tests for 48 in [10 mm] plate. igure 4 38—Rovised to apply w both welder and welder operator qualification as well as WPS qualification, (Clause 5.3-—Deloted eulesences to shielding eases, Clauses and Revised 0 clarify low-alloy electrodes by strength and not process. References 10 AS specifications corrected, (Clause 5.18—Entre section on temporary welds and tack welds was revised end reormanized while introducing dhe new {erm “constuction aid weld ‘Clause 5.22.1-—Chenged “fillet weld Jeg" “filles weld legs” fr clarification, Clause 6.1.44—Changed the required visual acuity test fiom Snellen English test to a Jagger J-? test at a distance of 12 in=17 i [300 myn—£30 mm] (Clause 6.12 Entire section RT discontinuity acceptance criteria was reorganized, Clause 624.1 Changed the required mininum requalfication interval for UT equipment horizontal finest (Clause 625.3 Changed the recalibration interval requirement for UT testing equipment Clause—Revised to establish the reauired maximized horizontal trace deflection sereen height for IT testin procedures, (Clause 6, Figures—All figures and cases in Clause 6 have been revised and renumbered Figures 6:2 and 6.3—Figure on maximum acceptable RT images was moved tothe commentary Clause 72.6—Coneetion made to ASTM specification reference. Clause 7:3.3—Revised to eliminate six-month requirement for quality conteol tests on stus prior to delivery Clause 7.8.5—Revised to clarify the Contractor's responsibiity for comective stud welding Annex C—Content was moved to Clause 6 Commentary, Annex Cleft blank to avoid confusion with Commentary sections. Annex G—Contents moved into Clause 7. new Clause 7.9. Text revised soa stud base qualified with an approved evade of ASTM A 108 also meets requirements of 7.3.1, Annex K—Added new term “onstruction od weld” and deleted term “temporary welt.” Annex N—Sample form N-1 revised to include power source. ‘Annex U—Reference documents have been updated to include applicable year. ‘Annex V—Updated all ables to include most recent AS Classifications 2c Clause: 1 deleted and moved into Clause 1 Clauses 2.5.4,, C-2.6:, and C-2.7.1—New commentary added, (Clause C.2, Figures— Figures renumbered and new figures added illustrating obliquely londed weld groups. Table 3.7New commentary aided for root pass and fil pass thickness variables. Clause C-5.32.1—Revised to clarify “low-hydrogen” term ‘AWS D1.1001.1M:2000 (Clause €-6.11.1—New commentary added on tubular connection requirements Clause C6, Figures—New figures ndded illustrating discontinyty acceptance evte Clause C-Annex I—Section designations removed for clarification, AWS BAO, Standard Methods for Mechanical Testing of Welds, provides additional details of test specimen preparation and details of test fixture construction. ‘Commentary. The Commentary is ronmandatory and is intended only to provide insightful information into provision rationale [Normative Annexes. These annexes address specific subjects inthe code and thei requirements are mandatory require: ‘ments thai supplement the code provisions Informative Annexes. These annexes are not coe requirements but are provided! clarify code provisions by showing examples, providing information, or suggesting alternative good practices. Index. As in previous codes, the entries in the Index are referred to by subelause number rather than This should enable the user ofthe Index to Jocatea particular Meus of interest in minimum time, 1y page number Errata, It is the Structural Welding Committee's Policy that all errata should be made available to users of the code. ‘Therefore, any significant errata will be published in the Socicty News Section ofthe Welding Journal and posted on the AWS web site at: hitp:// org/technicaldt/ Suggestions. Your comments for improving AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2008, Structural Welding Code—Steel ate weleome. Submit comments to the Managing Ditector, Technical Services Division, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. Leleune Road, Miami, FL 33126: telephone (308) 443-9353; fax (305) 443-5951; e-mail or via the AWS web site . Errata ‘The following Kata have been identified and incorporated into the current reprint of this document, Page 67—Table 3.1, Filler Metal Requirements—Remave dash from "E9018-M” under Electrode Classification column from Group IV soit reads E9018M, Page 105—Figure 3.4, Joint Designation C-U2s-GF—Under * foes" column, Note | should read Note a Pages 136-153—Header—Change trom “Clause 4, Prequalification” to "Clause 4. Qualification” on all the designated ages. Page 146—Table 4.9, Filler Metal Requirements—Remove dash from “E11018-M" in the Electrode Classitication column under "Matching Stengeh Filler Metal” so i reads B11018M, Page 150—Table 4.11, Welder and Welding Operator Qualification—Number and Type of Specimens and Range of “Thickness and Diameter Qualified (Dimensions in Millimeters)—For Production Fille: Welds (T-joint and Skewed), under “Number of Specimens” column for side bend tests, Note 3 should read Note. sia 1/2009 2 le ne Scene omy Cae a tet re AWS 01.1D1.1M:2008 ‘This page is intentionally blank | | ows 128233. Downie hg en etching profit Personnel. Foreword oo List of Tables List of Figures. L AWS 01.4701.1482000 Table of Contents General Requirements, LD Scope. 12 13 14 13. Approval 146 Welding Symbols, 17 Safety Precautions. 1.8 Standard Unite of Measurement. 1.9. Reference Documents. Design of Welded Conn 2.0 Scope of Clause 2mm Part A—Common Requirements for Design of Welded Connections (Nontubular and Tubular Members) 2 Scope Of Patt A nun 7 2.2. Contract Plans and Specifications. 23 Effective Areas... Part B Speci 24 General. 25 Suesses.. 7 imu 26 Join Configuration and Details 2.7. Joint Configuration and Details--Groove Welds... 28. Joint Configuration and Details Fillet Welded Joints. 2.9, Jat Conigrion and Dstat—Phg ad Slt Wed. 2.10 Filler Plates. oe 2.11 Built-Up Members vos tons. Requirements for Design of Nontubular Connections (Staticaly or Cyclically Loaded) fa CSpot Regents fr Design of Nombular Connston (Cysely Lowe. 212 General. Sea 2.13 Limitations. 2.14 Calculation of Stresses. 2.15 Allowable Stesses and Stress Ranges ena 2.16 Dewiling. Fabrication, and Erection 2.17 Prohibited Joints and Welds 2.18 Inspection. Part D—-Specific Requirements for Design of Tubular Connections (Statically or Cyelically Loaded) .u.a.u 1S 2.19 General. vo 2.20 Allowable Stresses. 2.21 Identification 2.22 Symbols, AWS D1.4701.1M-2008 2.23 Weld Design. 2.24 Limitations ofthe Strength of Welded Connections. 2.25 Thickness Transition 2.26 Material Limitations 3. Prequalification of WPSs, 3.1 Scope 3.2 Welding Provestes nm 33 Base Metal/iller Metal Combinations. 34 Engineer’s Approval for Auxiliary Attachinents.. 43.5 Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature Requirements... 3.6. Limitation of WPS Variables. orien 3.7 General WPS Requirements... 3.8 Common Requirements for Parallel Electrode and Multiple Flectrode SAW. 3.9 Fillet Weld Requirements 3.10 Plug and Slot Weld Requirements 3.11 Common Requirements of PIP and CIP Groave Welds... 3.12 PIP Requirements. care 3.13 CIP Groove Weld Requisements enon 3.14 Postweld Heat Treatment. oe 4. Qualification - 123 40. Scope: - = 13 Part A—Goneral Requirements. ‘ eee 123 41 General ae v3 42 Common Requiremen's for WPS and Welding Personnel Performance Qualification 124 Part Welding Procedure Specification (WPS). 124 43 Production Welding Positions Qualified 124 44° Type of Qualification Tests... 124 4.3. Weld Types for WPS Qualification cco nent ae a2 4.6. Preparation of WPS... ~ ~ snl 4.7 Bssemtial Variables ce eeeeenen 4.8 Methods of Testing and Acceprance Criteria for WPS Qualification 125 49. CIP Groove Welds for Nontubialar Connections... 127 4.10. PIP Groove Welds for Nontubular Connections... 127 4.11 Fillet Welds for Tubular and Nontubular Connections, : enema ia7 4.12 CIP Groove Welds for Tubular Connections 7 : 128 4.13 PIP Tubular T-. ¥-, or K-Connections and Bult Joints 129 4.14 Plug and Slot Welds for Tubular and Nontubular Connections. a pee 29) 4415 Welding Processes Requiting Qualification “ig 4.16 WPS Requirement (GTAW).. 130 | 4.17 WPS Requirements (ESWIEGW) “130 | Part C—Performance Qualification. rere 30 418 Genel 130 | 419 Type of Qualification Tests Regie See 10 4120 Weld Types for Welder and Welding Operator Peformance Qualification --- I 4221 Preparation of Performance Qualifetion Forms Regen eee reeeaT | 4422 essential Variables. eis 423 CIP Groove Welds for Nontabular Connections “131 4424 PIP Groove Welds for Nontubulr Connections. vse oar 425 Filet Welds for Nontbular Comeetios nc venene Seseeata eta a Heat a, Sg ar ienne oy. AWS D1.1D. M2008 Page No. 4.26 CIP Groove Welds for Tubular Connections. 132 427 PIP Groove Welds for Tubular Connections 7132 428 Fillet Welds for Tubular Connections ros 132 429 Pug and Slot Welds for Tubular and Nontabular Comnection.. 132 430 Methods of Testing and Acceptance rita for Welder and Welding, Operator Qualification wv. 132 431 Method of Testing and Acceptance Criteria for Tack Welder Qualification, 134 432 Retest es 134 art D—Requirements for CVN Testing. ~ 134 4.33 General. ee # Bete 134 | 4.34 Test Locations... mee “ ae se 34 435 CVN Tests... 135 436 Test Requirements. 85 ABT R108 135 438 Reporting. 1B Fabrication, 9 5.1 Scope 52 Base Metal. 53. Welding Consumables and Electrode Requirements. 54 ESWand EGW Processes... ii 55° WPS Variables on ee 5.46 Preheat and Interpass Temperate 0mm ae ieee 5.7 Heat Input Contol for Queached and Tempered Steels vnnsnnnnnn ~ 58 Stess-Relief Heat Treatment... : 5.9 Backing, Backing Gas, or Inserts 5.10 Backing. 5.11 Welding and Cutting Equipment. 5.12 Welding Eavironment.. 5.13 Conformance with Design 5.14 Minimum Fillet Weld Sizes. 5.15 Preparation of Base Metal. 5.16 Reentrant Comers. 5.17 Beam Copes and Weld Access Holes. 5.18 Tack Welds and Construction Aids 5.19 Camber in Built-Up Members 5.20 Splices in Cyclically Loaded Structures 5.21 Control of Distortion and Shrinkage: 5.22 Tolerance of Joint Dimensions... . 5.23 Dimensional Tolerance of Welded Structural Members, 5.24 Weld Profiles. ve 525 Technique for Plug and Shox Welds. Riaceraeietteeeneremnee Or) ee 203 5.26 Repairs q : oc ' ~ 5.27 Peening. 5.28 CaUlkiMg vorninnnnn ma ae ed 5.29 Are Suikes.. stain 7 ie 205 5.30 Weld Cleaning. ~ 2 e205 5.31 Weld Tabs a 205 Inspection, oe = 213 art A—General Requirements. 6.1 Scope nisms 62. Inspection of Materials and Equipment. 7 ne} eae ee 214 Lcd Hesse Sarah ANS! oe 2829, Dowsonda {ERU0O 1.27 AM. Sint sa Sense coy. Copy ‘AWS D101 M2008 63. Inspection of WPSs... 6.4 Inspection of Welder, Welding Operator, {65 Inspection of Work and Recotds “Tack Welder Qualifications. Part B—Contractor Responsibilities. 6.6 Obligations of the Contractor... Part C—Acceptance Cite. 67 Scope 638 Engineer's Approval for Alterate Acceptance Criteria. 69 Visual Inspection. Ee 6.10 PT and MP one 6.11 NDT. 6.12 RT, 6.13 UT. Part D—NDT Procedures... 6.14 Procedures 6.15 Extent of Testing. Part E—Rathiograpiie Testing (RT) .. 6.16 RT of Groove Welds in But Joints 219 6.17 RI Procedures... 219 618 Supplementary RT Requirements for Tubular Conection... : 221 1619 Examination, Report, and Disposition of Radiographs. nnn 1222 Part F_-Ultrasonic Testing (UT) of Groave Welds 2 620 Genera 202 621, Qualification Requirements - 22 622 UT Equipment. ae) 623 Reference Standards. ees eee teas {624 Equipment Qualification ccc peetias {625 Calibration for Testing. ~ : a8 6.26 Testing Procedures. eee ie 28 627 UTof Tubular, Yo, and K-Comnections 228 {628 Preparation and Disposition of REPOMS won 207 {629 Calibvation ofthe UT Unit with BW or Oxher Appored Reference Blocks (Annex H) 228 6.30 Equipment Qualifieation Procedures 631 Discontinuity Size Evaluation Procedures. 46.32 Seanning Patterns 63 Examples of dB Accuracy Certification Part G—Other Examination Methods, i 6.34 General Requirements..nu0nnenaononnn 6.35 Radiation {maging Systems. 6.36 Advanced Ultasonie Systems... 6.37 Additional Requirements... Te Std Welding seen TL Scope: en 72 General Requirements... 73. Mechanical Requirements. 74 Workmanship/Fabrication, 75 Technique. 716 Stud Application Qualification Requirements. ema fo ae Sese. ANSI aor 128735, Donat 362009 1:27 AM, Engl te Soman oy. Cai nd eettrheg poe avis D1.uD1.1M-2008 Page No. 17. Production Control 278 18. Fabrication and Verification Inspection Requirements 279 7.9 Manufacturers’ Stud Base Qualification Requirements. 29 SIrengtheing aed Repising Existing Struct. 285 BL General. - 285 8.2 Base Meta a a 285 8.3 Design for Stengthening and Reps. 285 8.4 Fatigue Life Enhancement ances a vs B85, 8.5 Workmanship and Technique 286, 86 Quality 286, Annexes, a a 287 ‘Annex A (Normative) Effective Throat. 1289 ‘Annex B.(Normative)—Effective Throats of Fillet Welds in Skewed T-Toints a 291 Anes D_(Normative)—Platness of Gitder Webs—Statically Loaded Structures 295 ‘Annes E_ (Normative}—Flatness of Girder Webs—Cyclially Loaded Structures. 299 Annex F_ (Normative) —Temperature-Moisture Content Chars... eerie tet ets 300: ‘Annes G_(Normative)—Manufacturers' Stud Base Qualification Requirements... 309 ‘Annex H_ (Normative) Qualification and Calibration of UT Units seth Other Approved Reference Blocks 311 ‘Annex I (Normative}—Guideline on Alternative Methods for Determining Preieat.n.0 cel Annex J. (Normative)—Symbols for Tubular Connection Weld Design ocscnnnnn wn SIS Annex K_(nformative)~Terms and Definitions 307 Annex L_(nformative)—Guide for Specification Writers... eee 335 ‘Annex M.(Informaiive)—UT Equipment Qualification and Inspection Forms senanninein SBT Annex N_(Informative)—Sample Welding Forms... ‘Annex © (Informative) Guidelins fr the Pzeparation of Technical Inquires for the Stuctaral Welding Committe... enn ovr 1359 Annex P-(laformative}—Local Dihedral Angle. 361 Annex Q (Informative)—Contents of Prequalified WPS 367 Annex R_(nformative)—Safe Practices. ceopeeeere eet 369 Annex $- (informative) —UT Examination of Welds by Altemative Techniques... 373 “347 ‘Annex T (informative) —Ovalizing Parameter Alpha... 389 Annex U_(informative}—List of Reference Documents 391 ‘Annex V (Informative)—Filler Metal Strength Propesties... e 383 Commentary Poe a 405 Foreword. 407 Indes. 521 533 List of AWS Documents on Structural Wel ‘Gores Hoste Samos ANS ae 12255, Oomndus SE 1 fat. Sage ue ease ny. Copying a rararing pte | { i | | | AWS 01 104.1M-2008 3 28 21 28 23 45 46 47 48 49 4.0 412 4.13 4a 415 St 52 53 54 List of Tables Effective Size of Flare-Groove Welds Filled Flush... Z Loss Dimension (Nontubular) 7 Allowable Stresses Equivalent Strength Coefficien for Obliquely Loaded Fillet Welds Fatigue Stress Design Parameters... eae Allowable Sireses in Tubular Connection Welds Stress Categories for Type and Location of Material for Circular Sections wan. Fatige Category Limitations on Weld Size of Thickness and Weld Profle (Tubular Connections)... Z Loss Dimensions for Calculating Prequalified PIP T-,Y, and K-Tubular Connection Minium Weld Sizes ae eee al “Term for Stength of Connections (Circular Sections) 42 Proqualifed Base Metal—Filler Metal Combinations for Matching Strength. : ween Prequalified Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature... enn 68 Filler Metal Requirements for Exposed Bare Applications of Weathering Steel sone Minimum Prequalified PIP Weld Size (E).. m1 Joint Detail Applications for Prequalified CJP'T-, and K-Tubulur Connect 7 Prequalified Joint Dimensions and Groove Angles for CIP Groove Welds in Tubular T, Ys and K Connections Made by SMAW., GMAW-S, and FCAW.. eaten 2 Prequalified WPS Requirements. BB: WPS Quolification—Produetion Welding Positions Qualified by Pate, Pipe and Box Tube Tests 136 WPS Qualifcation—CIP Groove Welds: Number and Type of Test Specimens and Range of ‘Thickness and Diameter Qualified sn 7 ‘Number and Type of Test Specimens and Range of Thickness Qualified WPS Qualification: PIP Groove Welds a se BBS Number an Type of Test Specimens and Renge of Thickness Qualified WPS Qualification: Fillet Welds. . 9 POR Essential Variable Changes Requiring WPS Requalificaion for SMAW, SAW. GMAW, FCAW. atid GTAW oo 140 PQR Supplementary Essential Variable Changes for CVN Testing Applications Requiring WPS Requalfcation for SMAW, SAW. GMAW, FCAW, and GTAW. ceca 143 PQR Essential Variable Changes Requiring WPS Requaificaton for ESW or EGW cold ‘Table 3.1, Table 49, and Unlisted Steels Qualified by POR non cman (Code-Approved Base Metals and Filler Metals Requiring Qualification per Clause 4 cnn 6 Weider and Welding Operator Quaification—Production Welding Positions Qualified by Plate, Pipe, and Box Tube Tests a7 Welder and Welding Operator Qualification —Number and Type of Specimens and Renee of ‘Thickness and Diameter Qualified. Welding Personnel Performance Essential Variable Changes Requiting Requalificaion Blectode Classification Groups. seven sn CVN Test Requirements CVN Test Temperature Reduction Allowable Atmospheric Exposure of Low Hydrogen Electrodes. Minimum Holding Time... i Alternate Stress-Relief Heat Treatment. 7 Limits on Acceptability and Repair of Mill Induced Laminar Discontinuities in Cot Surfaces... AWS D1.1D8.1M¢2006 Table Page No. 55 Tubular Root Opening Tolerances ..xnsnensnsnnnn 207 56 Camber Tolerance for Typical Gitder... E 207 5:7 Camber Tolerance for Girders without @ Designed Concrete Hatin vn 1207 58 Minimum Fillet Weld Sizes. i 207 6.1 Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria 233 62 UT Acceptance-Rejection Criteria (Statically Loaded Nontubular Connections).. 63. UT Acceptance Reon Cater (Cysealy Loaded Nonbua Comet). 64 Hole-Typo IQ] Requirements : 7 mane 65 Wire 1Q1 Requirements... iat f 6.46 1Q1 Selection and Placement. 7 67 Testing Angle 7A Mechanical Property Requirements for SUUS vs ssvsssesneren eH 7.2 Minimum Fillet Weld Size for Small Diameter Studs. B.1__ Equivalent Fillet Wold Leg Size Factors for Skewed T-JOIMS nen D.l Intermediate Stiffeners on Both Sides of Web, a D2 No ntermediate Stffevers D3 Intermediate Stffeners on One Side Only of Web . EL Intermediate Stiffness on Both Sides of Web, Interior Gitdets E.2 Intermediate Stiffness on One Side Only of Web, Fascia Girders. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeieey E3 Intermediate Stiffness on One Side Only of Web, Interior Ginders.... E44 Intermediate Stiffness on Both Sides of Web, Fascia Girders.. ~ a ES No Intermediate Stffeners, Interior or Fascia Gitdets.. LI Suscepsbiy Index Grouping as Function of Hydrogen Level “Hand Composition Patametet Pay 318 [2 Minimum Preheat and Inverpass Temperatures for Three Levels of Restraint 318 S.1Acceptance-Rejection Criteria... eres Commentary C2.) Survey of Diamecer/Fhickness and Flat Widih/Thickness Limits for Tubes... ceo Host Samos Rote £26253, Dowatntnd W150 11.27 FE. Spin nee iy. Ci ‘Suggested Design Factors Pees eiaete Se - Values of 1D. Structural Stel Plates. : ‘Stouctural Steet Pipe and Tabular Shapes... Structural Steet Shapes. (Classification Matrix for Applications. CYN Testing Conditions ‘Typical Curtet Ranges for GMAW-S on Sta. CVN Test Values HAZ CVN Test Values. UP Acceptance Critetia for 2 in (50 mm] Welding, Using 570+ Probe. Guide to Welding Suitability enorme Relationship Between Plate Thickness and Burr Radi xxiii AWS 01.101.1N:2008 List of Figures Figure 2.1 Maximum Fillet Weld Size Along Edges in Lap Joint. : 22 Transition of But Toit in Pars of Unequal Thickness (Cyelizally Loaded Nontubula) nn. 23. Transition of Thicknesses (Statically Loaded Nontubtlat) .n.vao eee 24 ‘Transversely Loaded Filler Welds 25° Minimum Length of Longitudinal Filet Welds at End of Plate or Fat Bar Members. 26 Termination of Welds Near Edges Subjest to Teasion. 2.7 Bnd Return at Flexible Connections... 28 Filles Welds on Opposite Sides of a Common Plane 29 Thin Filler Plates in Splice Joint 7 2.10 Thick Filler Plates in Splice Joint 2.11 Allowable Stress Range for Cy (Graphical Plot of Table 2.5)... 49 2.12 Transition of Width (Cyclicaly Loaded Nomtabula).. : 50 213 Allowable Fatigue tess and Strain Ranges for Stress Categories (se Table 27), Redundant ‘Tubular Structures for Atmospheric Service saeieear 2.4 Pats of a Tubular Connection sme 2.15 Fillet Welded Lap Joint (Tubular) 2.16 Tubular T-, ¥-, and K-Conneccion Fillet Weld Footprint Radi 2.17 Punching Shear Stress so : 2.18 Detail of Overlapping Joint. sn oH 2.19 Limitations for Box TY, and K Connections ancn noon 2.20 Overlapping K-Conneetions ronns 221 Transition of Thickness of But Joints in Pats of Unequal Thickness (Tobula). 3.1 Weld Bead in which Depth and Width Exceed the Width of the Weld Face. 32. Fillet Welded Prequalified Tubular Joints Made by SMAW, GMAW, and FCAW 33. Prequalified PIP Groove Welded Joint Details (Dimensions in Millimeter)... : 34 Prequalified CIP Groove Welded Joint Details (Dimensions in loches). 3.5. Prequalified Joint Details for PIP T-, Y». and K-Tubular Connection’. 3.6 Prequalified Joint Decals for CIP T-, Y-, and K-Tubular Connections 3.7 Definitions and Detailed Selections for Prequalified CSP T, ¥-. and K-Tubular Connections 3.8 Prequalified Joint Details for CIP Groove Welds in Tubular T-. Y-, and K-Connections— ‘Standard Flat Profiles for Limited Thickness... nce 39 Prequalified Joint Details for CIP Groove Welds in Tubular, Y-, and K-Conetions — Profile with Toe Fillet for Intermediate Thickness... 1120 3.10 Prequalified Joint Detsils for CIP Groove Welds in Tubular T=, Y-, and K-Conncetions— ‘Coneave Improved Profile for Heavy Sections or Fatigue 2 3.11 Prequalified Skewed T-Soint Details (Nontobular). m2 4.1 Positions of Groove Welds. oe 14 42 Positions of Fillet Welds. sna IBS 43 Positions of Test Plates for Groove Welds een 156 44 Positions of Test Pipe or Tubing for Groove Welds. 137 4.3 Positions of Test Plate for Fillet Welds. vn SB 4.6 Positions of Test Pipes or Tubing for Fillet Welds sel 9 4.7 Location of Test Specimens on Welded Test Pipe 48 Location of Test Specimens for Webled Box Tubing... AWS D1.17D1.1M-2008, | | Figure Page No. 49 Location of Test Specimens on Welded Test Plates—ESW and EGW—WPS Qualification seo.0o0~162 4.10 Location of Test Specimens on Welded Test Plate Over 3/8 in [10 men] Thick—WPS Qualifcation....163 4.11 Location of Test Specimens om Welded Test Pate 3/8 in (10 mm] Thick and Under— WPS Qualification os soc soc dA 4.12 Face and Root Rend Specimens... : asiastesteeeese ie: 4,13 Side Bend Specimens : 166 4.14 Reduced-Section Tension Specimens. 67 | 4.15 Guided Bend Test Jig. . snonnnnnnnnnns) 68 | 4.16 Ahtecnative Wraparound Guided Bend Tes Sig. 169 4.17 Aemative Rll Equipe Gute Red Testi or Baton Eton of Tet Spine. 169) 4.18 All-Weld-Metal Tension Specimen... sees TO 4.19, Fillet Weld Soundness ‘Tests For WPS Qualification. 420 Pips Fillet Weld Soundiness Test—WPS Qualification. . 421 Test Plate for Unlimited Thickness—Welder Qualification, 422 Test Plate for Unlimited Thickness—Welding Operator Qualification 423 Location of Test Specimen on Welded Test late | in [25 wm} Thick Consumables Verification for Fillet Weld WPS Qualification eve: es 424 Tubular But Joint—Welder or WPS Qualifiation—withou Backing Si arene Ca 426 Acute Angle Heel Test (Restraints not Shown). 427 Test Joint for'T-, ¥-, and K-Conneetions without Backing on Pipe of Box Tubing Welder snd WPS Qual “ATT 428 Test Joint for T-, Y-, and K-Coonections without Backing on Pipe or Box Tin (<4 in {100 mm} 0.D.}—Welder and WPS Qualification. rene TB | 429 Comer Macroeich Test Joint for TY, and K-Connectons without Backing on Box Tubing for CIP Groove Welds Welder and WPS Qualification. 79 430 Optional Test Plate for Unlimited Thickness—Horizontal Position Welder Qualitieation 130 431 Test Plate for Limited Thikness—All Positions —Welder Qualification... tL 432 Optional Test Pate for Limited Thickness—Horizontal Position —Welder Qualification. stite 432 Filler Weld Root Bend Test Pate—Weller or Welding Operator Qualfication—Option 2 reso (83 434 Location of Test Specimens on Welded Test Pipe and Box Tubing-—Weller Qualification isa 435 Method of Ruptuing Specimen—Tack Welder Qualification 185, 436 Buttdoin for Welding Operator Qualfication—ESW ane EGW. nS 437 Fillet Weld Break and Macroetch Test Plate—Welder or Welding Operator Qualification Option 1186 438 Plug Weld Macroctch Test Plte—Welder or Welding Operator ean, ‘nd. WPS Qualification 187 439 Fillet Weld Break Specimen—Tack Welder Qualification... Seaeeietes 188 440 CVN Test Specimen Locations. SL Bdge Discontinuities in Cut Material 52 Weld Access Hole Geometry m. 53 Workmanship Tolerances in Assembly of Groove Welded Joints. 544 Acceptable and Unacceptable Weld Profiles 6.1 Discontinuity Acceptance Criteria for Statcally Loaded Nontabular and Staieally or Cycticaly Loaded Tubular Connections. nnn 241 Discontinuity Acceptance Criteria for Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Connections in Tension (Limitations of Porosity and Fusion Discontinue)... vn 6 Discontinuity Acceptance Criteria for Cylieally Losded Nontubular Connections in Compression (Limitations of Porosity ot Fusion-Type Discontinuties) eer ‘Class R Indications. 256 ‘Class X Indications... 258 Hole-Type IOI... 259 Wie 1Q.. 260 cena ln Hasbr Seiie, ANS ose 128238. DoteToade 81/200 1127 Al. Sgt uee sores ony. Conjng an ears wuts

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