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Product Guide - FACET - EN - DID1076EN - 56800

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A completely integrated training system for electronics

System description............................................................................................2
The eSeries Curriculum......................................................................................4
Base units..........................................................................................................8
Circuit boards.....................................................................................................9

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > System description

FACET® and the eSeries

FACET® and eSeries – System overview Flexibility in delivery Rugged construction for durability
A completely integrated system The ­FACET® training workstation con- To accommodate a variety of training The hardware components of the
sists of a base unit and your choice situations, the system offers multi- FACET® system are highly safe and
The ­FACET® with eSeries training sys- of a series of 30 boards, covering ple configurations. Whichever you designed for durability.
tem is a unique combination of hard- a wide range of electronics topics. plan to use, F­ ACET® workstation
ware and software, providing a com- Each board comes with comprehen- can be ordered as a stand-alone or A complete electronic workstation is
plete learning solution for Electronics sive, hands-on instruction with the- USB-connected version. The course- formed when a training board is in-
training. ory and practice. This courseware is ware can be delivered in a standard, serted into the base unit. The built-in
offered in traditional paper format or paper-based curriculum or as a com- guide and stopper protects the unit
This modular training system encom- on a computer-based platform. puter-based, interactive, multime- from damage.
passes four areas of electronics: dia courseware, the eSeries. Further-
–– Basic principles of Electricity The computer-based courseware, more, the eSeries can be ordered as The unique zero insertion force (ZIF)
and Electronics called eSeries for F­ ACET®, can run as an autonomous courseware or man- connector with a lockable knob in-
–– Digital and Microprocessor stand-alone or within the MindSight aged by our Learning Management sures the integrity of the connection.
­Electronics LMS platform, providing a seamless System, MindSight. This LMS can be The connector is gold-plated for add-
–– Industrial Electronics integration of courseware delivery configured as a LAN- or Web-based ed durability.
–– Communications and classroom management. software.
Power is distributed to the board by
Conventional or virtual instrumenta- When combined with the LMS Mind- the base unit, which is fully protected
tion is required to complete the train- Sight and eSeries courses, F­ ACET® against short circuits, reverse volt-
ing set up. becomes a totally connected learning age, and overcurrent. The fact that
system for electronics that enhances there is no high voltage makes the
learning speed and retention. FACET® system completely safe for students.
is suitable for a multitude of training
purposes in educational, industrial,
R&D, and training laboratories.

2 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > System description

The FACET® System at a glance

A complete FACET® training station

consists of:
–– FACET® Base Unit:
Manual or USB
–– FACET® Circuit Boards:
Choice of 30 topics
–– Instrumentation:
The Virtual Instrument Package
Conventional Instrumentation
that includes: Multimeter,
­Dual-trace oscilloscope, and
signal ­generator
–– Courseware:
Paper manual (hard copy)
Computer-based – eSeries (Web-
based or Hosted LMS) or SCORM or
–– Accessory kit

The Boards – learning optimization Hands-on Learning Features –– Student-controlled circuit modifica-
The Boards are made of quality grade FACET® incorporates built-in circuit –– Durable construction where tion capability
PCB mounted on a sturdy polysty- modification and fault insertion ­mechanical components are –– Instructor-controlled fault insertion
rene tray for added rigidity. capabilities. Circuits can be faulted ­capable of millions of cycles capability
to teach real-world troubleshooting. of operation –– Computer-activated circuit modifi-
Durable, industrial-grade compo- Students must then locate, isolate, –– Voltage regulation and protection cation and fault insertion capability
nents are capable of withstanding and troubleshoot the malfunction against over-voltage and short cir- (computer-controlled system)
millions of cycles of operation. Pre- through a series of troubleshoot- cuit conditions for safety in training –– Choice of stand-alone, LAN, or
wired circuits minimize wiring time. ing steps, including the use of test –– Gold-plated zero insertion force Web-based configuration
instruments. Up to twenty CMs and (ZIF) connector technology
The components are clearly identi- twelve faults are introduced from the –– Silk-screened circuit and compo-
fied with silk-screened circuits. Ac- base unit, reducing the need for con- nent identification
tive components are mounted on necting leads and allowing practical –– Circuit boards mounted in sturdy
sockets for easy replacement. assessment of a student’s under- trays for easy handling and connec-
standing of a circuit. tion to base unit
–– Minimal wiring required saves lab
–– Variety of industrial-grade
components provide broad, hands-
on, r­ eal-world training experience 3
Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET®

The eSeries Curriculum

Complete electronics learning solution

The eSeries for FACET® program cur-

rently consists of 30 courses, each
carefully designed to foster recogni-
tion, understanding, experimenta-
tion, troubleshooting, application,
and evaluation of analog and digital
electronics circuitry.

Rich in comprehensive content and

competency-based, hands-on learn-
ing activities, each course gives stu-
dents critical skills in one or more of
the key areas of electronics study

Courses are designed to be self-

paced, autonomous training.

Available topics:
Basic Electricity and Electronics Digital and Microprocessor Industrial Electronics Communications Systems
–– DC Fundamentals Electronics –– Transducer Fundamentals –– Analog Communications
–– DC Network Theorems –– Digital Logic Fundamentals –– Magnetism/Electromagnetism –– Digital Communications 1
–– AC 1 Fundamentals –– Digital Circuit Fundamentals 1 –– Motors, Generators, and Controls –– Digital Communications 2
–– AC 2 Fundamentals –– Digital Circuit Fundamentals 2 –– Power Transistors and GTO –– Fiber Optic Communications
–– Semiconductor Devices –– 32-Bit Microprocessor ­Thyristors –– Transmission Lines
–– Transistor Amplifier Circuits –– Digital Signal Processor –– FET Fundamentals –– QPSK/OQPSK/DPSK
–– Transistor Power Amplifiers –– Microcontroller System –– Thyristor and Power Control
–– Transistor Feedback Circuits Development ­Circuits
–– Power Supply Regulation Circuits –– Microprocessor Application Board –– Breadboard
–– Operational Amplifier
–– Operational Amplifier Applications

eSeries bundles :
Basic EE for MindSight, en 585750
Basic EE for MindSight, es 585751
Basic EE for SCORM, en 585752
Basic EE for Stand-Alone, en 585753
Basic EE for Stand-Alone, es 585754
Complete bundle eSeries for FACET
for MindSight, en 585743 Digital&µP for MindSight, en 585757 Industrial E for MindSight, en 585763 Comm E for MindSight, en 585769
for MindSight, es 585744 Digital&µP for MindSight, es 585758 Industrial E for MindSight, es 585764 Comm E for MindSight, es 585770
for SCORM, en 585745 Digital&µP for SCORM, en 585759 Industrial E for SCORM, en 585765 Comm E for SCORM, en 585771
for Stand-Alone, en 585746 Digital&µP for Stand-Alone, en 585760 Industrial E for Stand-Alone, en 585766 Comm E for Stand-Alone, en 585772
for Stand-Alone, es 585747 Digital&µP for Stand-Alone, es 585761 Industrial E for Stand-Alone, es 585767 Comm E for Stand-Alone, es 585773

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET®

A program designed for student


Conforming to the highest measures

of educational quality, the eSeries
for FACET® courseware is designed
to facilitate and reinforce progres-
sive mastery of the course material.
Delivered by means of student man-
uals or eSeries for FACET® software,
the courseware provides an exten-
sive array of instructional benefits,
–– An outline of the principles and
concepts covered in each course
helps to clarify course content and
–– General and specific objectives
stated in each unit help define
learning outcomes and expecta-
tions for students.
–– Topic discussions help to foster
thorough comprehension.
–– Hands-on activities engender
­dynamic and retentive learning.
–– Emphasis on, and definition of new
words and phrases throughout the
text, helps students to develop
comfort and familiarity with highly
technical terms.
–– Equipment lists support students’
efforts to efficiently organize time Connected learning Flexibility Supportive
and materials. The eSeries for FACET® enhances eSeries for FACET® can be ordered in The instructor guide and supportive
–– Students receive constant feedback learning speed and retention by three different formats. pre- and post-tests provide both
with a review test and competency featuring interactive multimedia –– First option is as stand-alone instructors and students with an
ratings with each exercise, compre- courseware with hand-on exercises courses, i.e., no need for LMS. extensive overview and working
hensive unit tests, and additional on pre-wired circuit boards. –– Secondly, with our MindSight knowledge of electricity, analog, and
questions on new material. Learning Management system digital electronics.
–– Online data collection of exercise For circuit comprehension and (LMS). This powerful LMS is used
results, quizzes, and unit tests analysis to present, report, and customize
­facilitates instant feedback to Students perform experiments on a the technical subjects for each of
students. wide range of electronics and elec- FACET®’s extensive line of training
–– Troubleshooting skills development tricity training modules that combine modules.
through 12 instructor- or comput- theory and application with live con- –– Finally, all eSeries courses are
er-activated fault switches and 20 nection to base unit and board. This available as SCORM-compliant, so
circuit-modification switches. provides practical skills training over they are usable with other learning
a full curriculum on electronic/ management systems.
electricity subjects.
Courses are designed to be self-
paced, autonomous training. 5
Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET®

A powerful LMS

MindSight is a powerful platform that MindSight provides these Course Content Editing Application Tab
operates all components of the mul- features: Easy-to-use tools enable the addition Any application can be linked to the
timedia curriculum, as well as the of information, course building from application tab and launched from
classroom management system. Classroom management existing content, and SCORM pack- this tab in the top right corner of the
–– Add and delete students age uploading. Tools also enable you screen.
This powerful LMS is used to present, –– Create groups to run external applications.
report, and customize the technical –– Create and delete passwords Student Notes
subjects for each eSeries for FACET® –– Run activity and assessment Access to students’ electronic Each content screen displays a stu-
extensive line of training modules. It reports journals dent notes icon that opens a note-
offers full management of classroom, Instructors can communicate with taking window in front of the content
groups, and content access. Content Management students about notes they save in screen. Students can see the content
–– Import additional MindSight con- the journals, projects, progress, etc. about which they are taking notes.
MindSight allows instructors to man- tent from CD, DVD, or external These notes can then be printed out
age enrollment, schedule learning device Announcement Posting individually or exported to a single
activities, communicate with users, –– Manage course catalogs Teachers can send messages to the file for printing.
customize courseware, and track –– Upload new SCORM courses entire class in one easy step.
and report individual achievement. –– Add a new catalog Reporting
Course content and class manage- –– Manage catalogs Real-Time Journal/Blog Teachers can run reports by Courses
ment are controlled from the instruc- –– Assign User Groups to catalogs Instructors can communicate in writ- or Students. More reports features,
tor-access controlled software. ing with selected students. The blog including Competencies and Stan-
Teacher Annotations feature enhances communication dards, are currently in development.
MindSight can be connected to a Teachers can change words or para- among teachers and students.
workstation with training hardware, graphs and add additional text, sup-
or as a stand-alone, e-learning plementary information, or instruc-
program without hardware. tions within the curriculum.

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET®

More options Requirements to run MindSight Client Workstation, recommended:

There are two possible configura- –– Internet Explorer 7
tions for MindSight: Server requirements: –– .NET 3.0 framework
–– LAN-based Recommendations are for server con- –– Flash 8
–– Web-based nectivity. Network appliance i­tself is (multimedia may require Flash 9)
supplied by Festo and requires a –– Sound card
For the LAN-based solution, we sup- 10 Mb Ethernet LAN connection. –– 100Mb Ethernet
ply MindSight with a “plug-and- –– 1280 pixel width display resolution
play” network appliance that comes Recommended access to internet via
with pre-installed management and port 80/443 (HTTP/SSL) or via proxy Client Workstation, minimum:
communication software, providing server will allow for quick and easy –– Microsoft Windows XP
a fully-supported network without registration and updating. –– Internet Explorer 6
disturbing an existing network. Mind- –– .NET 3.0 framework
Sight is connected to its LAN, and a –– Flash 8
client software is installed on each (multimedia may require Flash 9)
workstation. –– Sound card
–– 10 Mb Ethernet
In the case of a Web-based configu- –– 1024 pixel width display resolution
ration, each workstation is linked to
the Web. A client software is MindSight — LAN 588921
installed on each workstation and MindSight — WEB 589244
the data are hosted on our server.
A licensing fee for such usage will
apply. 7
Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET®

The FACET® base units

1 1 Computerized Base Unit The FACET® base units provide volt-

The computerized base unit is linked age supply with protection and con-
to the computer automatically by the ditioning circuitry to run each
courseware when needed, and can FACET® board.
also be activated by the teacher via a
USB port through password-protect- Specific features of all FACET® base
ed software. The computerized base units include:
unit contains 32 relays controlled by –– Distributed +15 and -15 V DC, and
commands from the student’s com- variable ±10 V DC power to the var-
puter. Circuit Modifications (CM) and ious circuit training boards. Coarse
faults are automatically switched in and fine controls are provided to
and out by the software. adjust the variable DC supplies.
Self-protection against short cir-
A message on the student’s comput- cuit, reverse voltage, and overcur-
er screen indicates that a CM or fault rent conditions.
is activated. In the troubleshooting –– Long-life ZIF connector, with a
exercises, faults are also inserted au- ­rotary knob that locks the training
1 Computerized Base Unit 91000-5x 580867 tomatically by the computer, thereby board into the base unit. The ZIF
freeing the instructor to assist stu- connector itself is protected from
dents with individual activities. damage by built-in stops.
–– The fingers on the connectors are
2 Manual Base Unit gold-plated for added durability.
The Manual Base Unit contains a to- –– Included is an accessory kit con-
tal of 32 Circuit Modification (CM) taining terminal posts, connectors,
2 and fault switches. Students manu- adapters, and patch cords required
ally select CM switches as the course to perform experiments on the
progresses, while the protected fault ­FACET® training board.
switches are reserved for I­ nstructor
use by means of an integrated, lock- Necessary accessories, also order:
ing-cover assembly.
Power cable with IEC connector at
one end and country-specific plug at
other end.
Connector as per CEE 7 for DE, FR, NO, SE,
Order no. 582146
Connector as per NEMA 5-15 for US, CA,
Central America, BR, CO, EC, KR, TW, TH,
Order no. 582145
Connector as per BS 1363 for GB, IE, MY,
2 Manual Base Unit 91000-3x 580866 Order no. 582148
Connector as per AS 3112 for AU, NZ,
Order no. 582147
Connector as per SEV 1011 for CH
Order no. 582150
Connector as per CEI 23-50 for IT
Order no. 582151
Connector as per NBR 14136 for BR
Order no. 582152
Other plug types are available on request.

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Basic Electricity and Electronics

DC Fundamentals DC Network Theorems

Circuit Board 91001 Circuit Board 91002

The DC Fundamentals Training Circuit –– Opposing DC Sources Consisting of nine training circuit –– Generating Loop Equations
Board is used by students to ­perform –– Identify Types of Switches blocks and a constant-source cur- –– Generating Node Equations
practical exercises that ­demonstrate –– Switching Concepts rent block, the DC Network Theo- –– Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current
DC principles. Students will become –– Ohm’s Law: Circuit Resistance, rems ­Circuit Board enables students Law with a Two-Source Circuit
familiar with all the c­ omponents to ­Circuit Current, ­Circuit Voltage to perform practical exercises that –– Mesh Solutions of a
be able to successfully identify and –– Resistance, Current, and Voltage demonstrate theoretical DC princi- Two-Source Circuit
isolate the circuit blocks on the train- in a Series Resistive Circuit ples. When a circuit has two volt- –– Superposition Solution for
ing board and perform trouble-shoot- –– Resistance, Voltage, and Current age sources in different branches, a Two-Source Circuit
ing exercises. in a Parallel Resistive Circuit theorems are used to solve for volt- –– Millman’s Theorem Solution for
–– Resistance, Voltage, and Current in age and/or current in these circuits Two-Source Circuit
Topic Coverage a Series-Parallel R­ esistive Circuit where Ohm’s Law cannot be applied. –– Thevenizing a Single-Source and
–– Instrument Familiarization –– Power in a Series, Parallel, and a Dual-Source Network
–– FACET® Base Unit Familiarization ­Series-Parallel Resistive Circuit Topic Coverage –– Thevenin Resistance (Rth) and
–– DC Fundamentals Circuit Board –– The Rheostat –– Component Location and Thevenin Voltage (Vth) of a
­Familiarization –– The Potentiometer ­Identification Bridge Circuit
–– Symbols and Schematics –– Voltage and Current Dividers –– Circuit Board Operation –– Thevenin to Norton Conversion
–– Basic Safety Rules –– The DC Ammeter/ Ohmmeter/ –– Currents and Node Currents in a –– Norton to Thevenin Conversion
–– Electrical Safety Rules Voltmeter Two-Element Branch Circuit –– Tee and Wye or Pi and Delta
–– Circuit Resistance, Circuit Current, –– Troubleshooting DC Circuits 1 –– Voltages in a Three-Element ­ Networks
Circuit Voltage Series Circuit –– Transformation of Delta and
–– DC Power Sources in Series and –– Algebraic Sum of Voltages Wye Networks
in Parallel Series in a ­Series Circuit –– Troubleshooting Basics
–– Troubleshooting DC Networks

DC Fundamentals 91001 en 580877 DC Network Theorems 91002 en 580889

DC Fundamentals 91001 fr 580878 DC Network Theorems 91002 fr 580890
DC Fundamentals 91001 es 580879 DC Network Theorems 91002 es 580891
Workbooks, also order: Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 580644 Student manual, en 589693
Instructor guide, en 580647 Instructor guide, en 580655
Supplementary media: Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 580868 eSeries for MindSight, en 580880
eSeries for MindSight, es 580869 eSeries for MindSight, es 580881
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 580871 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 580883
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 580872 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 580884 9
Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Basic Electricity and Electronics

AC 1 Fundamentals AC 2 Fundamentals
Circuit Board 91003 Circuit Board 91004

This Circuit Board contains nine –– Fundamentals of Inductive The AC 2 Fundamentals Circuit Board Topic Coverage
­circuit blocks on which students ­Reactance is designed as a continuation of the –– Series RLC Circuits
­perform varied troubleshooting exer- –– Inductive Reactance and AC 1 Fundamentals program. –– Parallel RLC Circuits
cises in the AC 1 Fundamentals pro- Impedance –– Series Resonant Circuits
gram. Students identify and isolate –– Series and Parallel RL Circuits –– Q and Bandwidth of a
the following circuits: Generator Im- –– What is an Electromagnet? Series RLC Circuit
pedance, AC/DC Waveforms, Phase –– Transformer Windings –– Resonant Frequency
Angle, Inductance/Inductive Reac- –– Mutual Inductance in a Parallel LC Circuit
tance, Transformer, Capacitance/ –– Transformer Turns and –– Q and Bandwidth
Capacitive Reactance, RC Time Con- Voltage ­Ratios –– Power Division
stants, and RC/RL Wave Shapes. –– Transformer Secondary Loading –– Power Factor
–– Capacitors –– Low-Pass Filters
Topic Coverage –– Capacitors in Series and in Parallel –– High-Pass Filters
–– The Oscilloscope –– Fundamentals of Capacitive –– Band-Pass Filters
–– The AC Waveform Generator ­Reactance –– Band-Stop Filters
–– AC Amplitude Measurement –– Series and Parallel RC Circuits –– Troubleshooting Basics
–– Measuring AC Voltage, Current, and –– RC Time Constants –– Troubleshooting the AC 2
Impedance with an Oscilloscope –– RC/RL Waveshapes Fundamentals Circuit Board
–– Measuring and Setting Frequency –– Troubleshooting Basics
–– Inductors –– Troubleshooting the AC 1
–– Phase Angle ­Fundamentals Circuit Board
–– Inductors in Series and in Parallel

AC 1 Fundamentals 91003 en 580901 AC 2 Fundamentals 91004 en 580913

AC 1 Fundamentals 91003 fr 580902 AC 2 Fundamentals 91004 fr 580914
AC 1 Fundamentals 91003 es 580903 AC 2 Fundamentals 91004 es 580915
Workbooks, also order: Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 580661 Student manual, en 580670
Instructor guide, en 580664 Instructor guide, en 580673
Supplementary media: Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 580892 eSeries for MindSight, en 580904
eSeries for MindSight, es 580893 eSeries for MindSight, es 580905
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 580895 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 580907
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 580896 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 580908

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Basic Electricity and Electronics

Semiconductor Devices Transistor Amplifier Circuits

Circuit Board 91005 Circuit Board 91006

The Semiconductor Devices Circuit Topic Coverage The Transistor Amplifier Circuits –– Temperature Effect on
Board contains nine circuit blocks –– Semiconductor Component Board allows students to perform Fixed Bias Circuit and
pertaining to skills training in semi- ­Identification practical exercises that demonstrate Voltage Divider Bias Circuit
conductor circuits. –– Control of a Semiconductor Switch transistor amplifier principles. –– Transistor Parameters
–– Diode and DC Characteristics ­Familiarization
After completion of the FACET® pro- –– Half-Wave Rectification Students will identify and isolate –– Using the Transistor Specification
grams in AC and DC Fundamentals –– Full-Wave Diode Bridge Rectification faults within the following six circuit Sheet
and AC and DC Circuits and Analy- –– Power Supply Filtering blocks: Attenuator, Common Base/ –– RC Coupled Amplifier DC Operation
sis, students are ready to train on the –– Voltage Doubler Emitter, Common Collector, Bias Sta- –– RC Coupled Amplifier AC Voltage
Semiconductor Board. –– Diode Waveshaping bilization, RC Coupling/Transformer Gain and Phase Relationship
–– The Zener Diode Coupling, and Direct Coupling. –– RC Coupled Amplifier Frequency
Students in this program will be –– Zener Diode Voltage Regulation Response
­responsible for analyzing and trou- –– Testing the Junctions of a Transistor Topic Coverage –– Transformer Coupled Amplifier
bleshooting the following circuits: –– PNP Transistor Current Control –– Circuit Location and Identification DC Operation/ AC Operation/
­Diodes and Half-wave Rectification, ­Circuit –– Multistage Amplifier Introduction Frequency Response
Full-wave Rectification with Power –– Emitter-Base Bias Potentials –– Common Base Circuit DC Operation –– Direct Coupled Amplifier
Supply Filters, Zener Diode Regulator, –– Collector Current vs. Base Bias –– Common Base Circuit AC Operation DC Operation/AC Operation
Diode Waveshaping, Voltage Doubler, –– Transistor DC Circuit Voltages –– Common Emitter Circuit –– Direct Coupled Amplifier
Transistor Junction, PNP –– Transistor Load Lines DC Operation/AC Operation Frequency Response
DC Bias, and Transistor Load Lines –– Troubleshooting Basics –– Common Collector Circuit –– Troubleshooting Basics
and Gain. –– Troubleshooting the Semiconductor DC Operation/AC Operation –– Troubleshooting Transistor
Devices Circuit Board ­Amplifier Circuits

Semiconductor Devices 91005 en 580925 Transistor Amplifier Circuits 91006 en 580937

Semiconductor Devices 91005 fr 580926 Transistor Amplifier Circuits 91006 fr 580938
Semiconductor Devices 91005 es 580927 Transistor Amplifier Circuits 91006 es 580939
Workbooks, also order: Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 589694 Student manual, en 580687
Instructor guide, en 580681 Instructor guide, en 580690
Supplementary media: Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 580916 eSeries for MindSight, en 580928
eSeries for MindSight, es 580917 eSeries for MindSight, es 580929
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 580919 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 580931
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 580920 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 580932 11
Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Basic Electricity and Electronics

Transistor Power Amplifiers Transistor Feedback Circuits

Circuit Board 91007 Circuit Board 91008

The Transistor Power Amplifiers –– Voltage Gain and Input/Output The Transistor Feedback Circuit –– The Effect of Shunt Feedback on
­Circuit Board is designed to teach ­Signal Phase Relationship Board enables students to perform Bandwidth
troubleshooting of transistor power –– Push-Pull Power Amplifier practical exercises that demonstrate –– The Effect of Shunt Feedback on
amplifier circuitry. DC Operation Transistor Feedback principles. ­Input and Output Impedance
–– Push-Pull Power Amplifier –– Shunt-Series Multistage
Training on this Circuit Board AC Voltage and Power Gain The circuits found on this board Amplifier Current Gain
includes identifying and isolating the –– Complementary Power Amplifier include: Series Feedback/Shunt –– Shunt-Series Multistage
following circuits: Single-Ended ­ DC Operation Feedback, Multistage Shunt-Series Amplifier Output Gain
Power Amplifier, Phase Splitter, Push- –– Complementary Power Amplifier Feedback, Attenuator, Multistage –– Shunt-Series Multistage
Pull Power Amplifier, Attenuator, AC Voltage Gain and Power Gain ­Series-Shunt Feedback, and the Amplifier Voltage Gain
Complementary Power Amplifier, and –– Darlington Pair Current Gain ­Differential Amplifier. –– Shunt-Series Multistage
Darlington Pair. ­Characteristics Amplifier Output Impedance
–– Darlington Pair Input and Output Topic Coverage –– Differential Amplifier Operation
Topic Coverage Impedance –– Component Location and –– Single-Ended and Differential
–– Circuit Location and Identification –– Troubleshooting Basics ­Identification Gain Characteristics
–– Transistor Power Amplifier –– Troubleshooting Transistor Power –– Series Feedback Amplifier –– Common Mode Gain and ­
Introduction Amplifiers ­Operation Rejection Ratio
–– Single-Ended Power Amplifier –– The Effect of Feedback on AC Gain –– Troubleshooting Basics
DC Operation –– The Effect of Negative Series –– Troubleshooting Feedback
–– Single-Ended Power Amplifier ­Feedback on Bandwidth ­Amplifier Circuits
AC Voltage Gain and Power Gain –– The Effect of Series Feedback on In-
–– Phase Splitter DC Operation put and Output Impedance
–– The Effect of Shunt Feedback on
AC Gain

Transistor Power Amplifiers 91007 en 580949 Transistor Feedback Circuits 91008 en 580961
Transistor Power Amplifiers 91007 fr 580950 Transistor Feedback Circuits 91008 fr 580962
Transistor Power Amplifiers 91007 es 580951 Transistor Feedback Circuits 91008 es 580963
Workbooks, also order: Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 589695 Student manual, en 589696
Instructor guide, en 580698 Instructor guide, en 580706
Supplementary media: Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 580940 eSeries for MindSight, en 580952
eSeries for MindSight, es 580941 eSeries for MindSight, es 580953
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 580943 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 580955
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 580944 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 580956

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Basic Electricity and Electronics

Power Supply Operational Amplifier

Regulation Circuits Fundamentals
Circuit Board 91009 Circuit Board 91012

The Power Supply Regulation ­Circuits –– Series Regulator Operation The Operational Amplifier Funda- –– AC, and other Characteristics
Board provides comprehensive, –– Voltage Feedback Regulator mentals C ­ ircuit Board provides com- of the Inverting Amplifier
hands-on instruction in the terminol- ­Operation prehensive, hands-on instruction –– DC, AC, and other Characteristics
ogy, principles, and applications of –– Voltage Feedback Load Regulation in the terminology, principles, and of the Non-inverting Amplifier
power supply regulation circuits. –– Foldback Current Limiting Active ­applications of the circuitry used in –– The Voltage Follower DC Operation
Protection Circuit analog applications. –– The Inverting Gain-of-One Amplifier
Following a carefully designed in- –– Current Regulator Operation –– The Voltage Follower AC Operation
structional program, students will be- –– Current Regulator Line Regulation Following a carefully designed in- –– Inverting Summing Amplifier
come familiar with all components –– Current Regulator Load Regulation structional program, students will be- ­Operation
of the board; will be able to isolate, –– Three-Pin IC Regulator Operation come familiar with all components –– Summing, Scaling, and Averaging
identify, and test a series of circuits; and Voltage Regulation of the board; will be able to isolate, –– Non-Inverting Summing Amplifier
and will perform troubleshooting –– Three-Pin IC Current Regulation and identify, and test a series of circuits; Operation
­exercises to demonstrate mastery of Power Efficiency and will perform troubleshooting ex- –– Summing Amplifier Configurations
the course objectives. –– DC-to-DC Converter Operating ercises to demonstrate mastery of –– Difference Amplifier DC Operation
Characteristics the course objectives. –– Difference Amplifier AC Operation
Topic Coverage –– DC-to-DC Converter Voltage –– Open-Loop Operation
–– Circuit Location and Identification ­Regulation and Efficiency Topic Coverage –– Zener-Clamped Operation
–– Power Supply Regulator –– Troubleshooting Basics –– Operational Amplifier Types and –– The Sine Wave to Square Wave
Introduction –– Troubleshooting Power Supply Packages Converter
–– Shunt Regulator Operation Regulation Circuits –– Circuit Board Recognition and –– Troubleshooting Basics
–– Line Regulation ­Description –– Troubleshooting Operational
–– Load Regulation –– Basic Operational Amplifier ­Amplifier Circuits
­Characteristics and Parameters

Power Supply Regulation Circuits 91009 en 580973 Operational Amplifier Fundamentals 91012 en 581009
Power Supply Regulation Circuits 91009 fr 580974 Operational Amplifier Fundamentals 91012 fr 581010
Power Supply Regulation Circuits 91009 es 580975 Operational Amplifier Fundamentals 91012 es 581011
Workbooks, also order: Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 589697 Student manual, en 580736
Instructor guide, en 580714 Instructor guide, en 580739
Supplementary media: Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 580964 eSeries for MindSight, en 581000
eSeries for MindSight, es 580965 eSeries for MindSight, es 581001
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 580967 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581003
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 580968 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581004 13
Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Basic Electricity and Electronics/Digital and Microprocessor Electronics

Operational Amplifier Digital Logic Fundamentals

Applications Circuit Board 91014
Circuit Board 91013

The Operational Amplifier Applica- –– Low-Pass Filter Phase and ­Transient The Digital Logic Fundamentals –– Dynamic Response of XOR/XNOR
tions course provides comprehen- Response course provides comprehensive, Logic Gates
sive, hands-on instruction in the –– High-Pass Filter Frequency hands-on instruction in the terminol- –– DC Operation of a NOT and an
terminology, principles, and applica- ­Response ogy, principles, and applications of OR-TIE
tions of operational amplifiers. –– High-Pass Filter Phase and digital logic circuits. –– Transfer Characteristics of a
Transient Response Schmitt and a Standard LS TTL Gate
Following a carefully designed in- –– Band-Pass Filter Frequency Following a carefully designed in- –– Set/Reset Flip-Flop
structional program, students will ­Response structional program, students will –– D-Type Flip-Flop
become familiar with all components –– Band-Pass Filter Phase Response become familiar with all components –– Static JK Flip-Flop Operation
of the board; will be able to isolate, –– DC Characteristics of an Active of the board; will be able to isolate, –– Dynamic Operation of a JK Flip-Flop
identify, and test a series of circuits; ­Voltage-to-Current Converter identify, and test a series of circuits; –– Output Enable Control of a
and will perform troubleshooting –– AC Characteristics of an Active and will perform troubleshooting Tri-State Gate
exercises to demonstrate mastery –– RMS or Average Calibrated exercises to demonstrate mastery –– Sink and Source Control of a
of the course objectives. Voltage-to-Current Converter of the course objectives. ­Tri-State Gate
–– Troubleshooting Basics –– Static Trigger Levels of a TTL and
Topic Coverage –– Troubleshooting Operational Topic Coverage CMOS
–– Component Location and ­Amplifier Circuits –– Component Location and –– Dynamic Transfer Characteristics
­Identification Identification of TTL and CMOS
–– Band-Pass Filter Operation –– Operation of General Circuits –– Static Control of a Data Bus
–– The Integrator –– IC Package Fundamentals –– Dynamic Control of a Data Bus
–– The Differentiator –– AND/NAND Logic Functions –– Troubleshooting Basics
–– Low-Pass Filter Frequency –– OR/NOR Logic Functions –– Troubleshooting Digital Circuits
­Response –– Exclusive OR and NOR Gates

Operational Amplifier Applications 91013 en 581021 Digital Logic Fundamentals 91014 en 581033
Operational Amplifier Applications 91013 fr 581022 Digital Logic Fundamentals 91014 fr 581034
Operational Amplifier Applications 91013 es 581023 Digital Logic Fundamentals 91014 es 581035
Workbooks, also order: Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 589700 Student manual, en 589102
Instructor guide, en 580747 Instructor guide, en 580755
Supplementary media: Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 581012 eSeries for MindSight, en 581024
eSeries for MindSight, es 581013 eSeries for MindSight, es 581025
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581015 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581027
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581016 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581028

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Digital and Microprocessor Electronics

Digital Circuit Fundamentals 1 Digital Circuit Fundamentals 2

Circuit Board 91015 Circuit Board 91016

The Digital Circuit Fundamentals –– Ripple Counter Waveforms The Digital Circuit Fundamentals Topic Coverage
1 course provides comprehensive, –– Synchronous Counter Circuit 2 course provides comprehensive, –– Component Location and
hands-on instruction in the terminol- ­Waveforms hands-on instruction in the terminol- ­Identification
ogy, principles, and applications of –– Synchronous Counter Circuit ogy, principles, and applications of –– Operation of General Circuits
digital circuits. Glue Logic digital circuits. –– IC Package Fundamentals
–– Basic Operating Modes of the –– Fundamental BCD Decoder
Following a carefully designed in- Shift Register Following a carefully designed in- ­Operation
structional program, students will –– Shift Register Circuit Waveforms structional program, students will –– Fundamental Priority Encoder
become familiar with all components –– Fundamental Binary Addition become familiar with all components ­Operation
of the board; will be able to isolate, –– Binary Addition with Input and of the board; will be able to isolate, –– Fundamental ADC Operation
identify and test a series of circuits; ­Output Carry identify and test a series of circuits; –– Fundamental DAC Operation
and will perform troubleshooting –– Fundamental Binary Comparisons and will perform troubleshooting –– Data Selector and Multiplexer
exercises to demonstrate mastery –– Comparators and Counter ­ exercises to demonstrate mastery of –– The LS151 Multiplexer and
of the course objectives. Modulus Control the course objectives. LS155 Demultiplexer
–– Troubleshooting Basics –– 1-Line-to-8-Line Demultiplexer
Topic Coverage –– Troubleshooting Digital Circuits –– LED Decoder/Driver
–– Component Location and –– The 74LS193 Counter –– 7-Segment LED Display
Identification –– The 74LS283 4-Bit Adder –– ODD and EVEN Parity
–– Operation of General Circuits –– The 74LS194 Shift Register –– Parity Generator/Checker Glue
–– IC Package Fundamentals –– The 74LS285 Comparator Logic
–– Basic Counter Control Functions –– Troubleshooting MSI IC Circuits
–– Troubleshooting Basics
–– Troubleshooting Digital Circuits

Digital Circuit Fundamentals 1, 91015 en 581045 Digital Circuit Fundamentals 2, 91016 en 581057
Digital Circuit Fundamentals 1, 91015 fr 581046 Digital Circuit Fundamentals 2, 91016 fr 581058
Digital Circuit Fundamentals 1, 91015 es 581047 Digital Circuit Fundamentals 2, 91016 es 581059
Workbooks, also order: Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 585383 Student manual, en 589701
Instructor guide, en 580763 Instructor guide, en 580771
Supplementary media: Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 581036 eSeries for MindSight, en 581048
eSeries for MindSight, es 581037 eSeries for MindSight, es 581049
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581039 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581051
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581040 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581052 15
Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Digital and Microprocessor Electronics

Digital Signal Processor Microcontroller System

Circuit Board 91031 Development
Circuit Board 91030

The Digital Signal Processor circuit Practical techniques such as the use The Microcontroller System Devel- This academic version includes a
board introduces students to the vast of library functions, DSP application opment course provides compre- range of templates and macros for
field of digital signal processing and optimization, and digital filtering hensive, hands-on instruction in the popular add-on E-Block kits.
applications. algorithms, are also covered in the terminology, principles, and appli-
courseware. cations of microcontroller program- The board can either be used with
The courseware covers the basic con- ming. the FACET® base unit or as a stand-
cepts of digital signal processing, as Topic Coverage alone trainer.
well as DSP architectures, memory, –– Familiarization with DSPs and DSP This board features a USB program-
addressing, I/O, and peripherals. It programming, overview of the DSP mable PIC microcontroller; on-board Topic Coverage
also presents several essential Circuit Board, the Integrated peripherals include LEDs, switches, –– Digital vs. Analog
aspects of real-time DSP processing, Development Environment (IDE) 7-segment single or QUAD display, –– Inputs and Outputs
such as sampling, A/D and D/A con- and ­Project Structure LCD display, keypad, light sensor, –– Memory
version, and the Fast- Fourier Trans- –– DSP Architecture, Processor variable voltage source for A/D ac- –– 16F877A Architecture
form. Arithmetic, the Data Computation quisition, and ­Vernier™ sensors in- –– Programming
Unit, Memory, and Addressing puts. An extension surface expands –– Digital Outputs and Clocking
A version of Code Composer Studio, –– I/O and Peripherals, an Application the capabilities of this board for –– Digital Inputs
a typical Integrated Development Using I/Os and Peripherals breadboarding or for a wide range of –– Basic Loops
Environment (IDE) used to develop, –– DSP Real-time Processing, projects using optional E-Blocks. The –– Display a Message
debug, and compile DSP applica- ­Sampling and Analog-to-Digital/ chip is programmed with FlowCode, –– Calculations and Input C
­ onditioning
tions, is bundled with the board. The Digital-to-Analog Conversion, the included as a single-license, academ- –– Decisions and Macros
source code for the applications used Fast Fourier transform (FFT), ic FlowCode v7. Students learn pro- –– The 7-Segment Display
in the courseware is also included. Optimizing DSP applications gramming using a graphical program- –– String Variables and ASCII Code
–– Signal Processing Applications, FIR ming environment, enabling them to –– A Simple Hi-Fi
and IIR Filters quickly and easily develop complex
electronic systems.

Microcontroller System Development 91030 en 581210

Microcontroller System Development 91030 fr 581211
Digital Signal Processor 91031 en 585736 Microcontroller System Development 91030 es 581212
Digital Signal Processor 91031 fr 585737 Workbooks, also order:
Workbooks, also order: Instructor guide, en 580487
Student manual, en 583850 Supplementary media:
Instructor guide, en 583851 eSeries for MindSight, en 581203
Supplementary media: eSeries for MindSight, es 581204
eSeries for MindSight, en 593578 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581206
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 593580 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581207

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Digital and Microprocessor Electronics

Add-on for FACET®

Microcontroller Board: the E-Blocks kits

Mobile Telephony CAN

This solution can be used to pro- This training solution is designed to
vide a complete course in developing facilitate the development and inves-
communication systems. The Mobile tigation of systems that use the CAN
Communications System is con- bus protocol for communications.
trolled by the microcontroller board, The solution uses four FACET® work-
while Flowcode™ macros allow stu- stations and comprise four fully pro-
dents to understand communications grammable CAN nodes which mimic
programs and strategies. Flow chart ECUs in an automotive application.
programming is well-supported us- These are mounted on rugged back-
ing Flowcode. Pre-written, high-level planes and are fitted with ancillary
flow chart routines have been includ- circuit boards which mimic the func-
ed to allow designs using the Mobile tions of indicator lamps, switches,
Communications System to be and sensors. These supplies allow
assembled in a matter of hours. students to program each of the four
Students learn about sending and nodes to form a fully functioning CAN
receiving text messages in mobile system in flow charts. The solution is
phone systems, modern control and suitable for automotive students who
messaging, RS232 communications simply need to understand how CAN
Add-on kits: project oriented Bluetooth Communications and handshaking protocols, plus works, as well as for electronics stu-
The add-on kits for microcontrol- The Bluetooth Communications kit much more. dents who want to understand pro-
ler consist of a number of E-Blocks allows students to carry out in-depth tocols. The software supplied oper-
boards and advanced modules which investigations into Bluetooth tech- RFID ates at several levels so that different
form complete solutions. nology, including the SPP profile, The E-Blocks RFID kit can be used to types of students are exposed only to
headset profile, and data profiles. In provide a complete course in the relevant details of the CAN sys-
The kit uses the macros included in addition, other protocols in the Blue- developing RFID systems. This will tem. A CAN bus analyzer and mes-
FlowCode to facilitate investigation tooth stack, such as SDP, TCS, HDLC, give students an understanding of sage generator is supplied with the
and allow students to concentrate on PPP, can be examined. the programming techniques in- solution.
information flow and programming volved in developing RFID systems.
strategy without getting bogged This solution forms a complete Blue- An E-Blocks RFID board and four ZigBee
down in programming and syntax. tooth transmitter-receiver solution RFID tags embedded into credit cards The ZigBee training solution can be
using two workstations. are included. used to provide a complete course in
Courseware included developing wireless area networks
All kits include courseware presented Internet Communications USB based on the ZigBee standard. This
as project training. The Embedded Internet Training This solution allows students to car- will give students who are familiar
Solution kit allows students to carry ry out a number of practical exercis- with microcontrollers an understand-
Packaged conveniences out in-depth investigations into in- es in USB technology. Students learn ing of the programming techniques
E-Blocks boards are fitted with clear ternet technology by forming a com- about USB by developing eight differ- involved in developing ZigBee wire-
acrylic covers which prevent links plete Web server. When used in con- ent systems: Mouse, Joystick, Tem- less communication systems, as well
and chips from being removed. junction with a PC and Web browser, perature logger, USB terminal, as an understanding of how these
The solutions are pre-assembled, fac- students can conduct a range of ex- USB to RS232 converter, Basic slave, systems are developed from scratch.
tory tested and are shipped in rugged periments to understand and inves- Storage scope, and Oscilloscope with A ZigBee packet analyzer is included.
plastic trays for convenient storage tigate ASP, HTTP, TCP, IP, UDP, ICMP, variable trigger. Some of these exper- Students learn about ZigBee by car-
and transport. ARP protocols and communications iments are accompanied by programs rying out a number of exercises
layers and their OSI linkage, as well written in Visual Basic. Working using the hardware provided and
as DLC and MAC protocols. The solu- through the exercises, students build Flowcode™ software.
tion also allows students to carry out a good understanding of the various
simple web-based control over the types of USB systems, including
internet. Human Interface Devices, Communi-
cations Devices, and Slave devices.
Bluetooth Communications 585801
Internet Communications 585802
Mobile Telephony 585803
RFID 585804
USB communication 585805
CAN bus 589988
Zigbee 589989 17
Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Digital and Microprocessor Electronics

32-Bit Microprocessor Microprocessor Application

Circuit Board 91017 Board
Circuit Board 91602

This board provides comprehensive, Optic Communications. It can also in- This Circuit Board is an add-on to The Temperature Controller uses two
hands-on instruction in the terminol- terface with Application board 91062 the 32-Bit Microprocessor (Model temperature transducers whose out-
ogy, principles and applications of for additional exercises. 91017). It allows students to study put current is a function of their tem-
32-bit µC microprocessor systems. how microprocessors can control and perature. One transducer is thermally
Topic Coverage communicate with external devices. bonded to a resistor that is used as a
The 80386DX CPU is used to demon- –– Circuit Board Introduction The Application Board has two appli- heater. The microprocessor controls
strate microprocessor, memory, I/O and Operation cation circuits: a DC Motor Controller, the turning on and turning off of the
concepts, analog systems via con- –– Bus States and a Temperature Controller. heater, whose status is indicated by
verters, as well as serial and parallel –– 32-Bit Bus Transfers an LED indicator. The other transduc-
protocols. –– Read and Write Cycles The DC Motor Controller has a motor er is used as a room temperature ref-
–– CPU Initialization whose speed and direction of rota- erence, allowing the microprocessor
A keypad and a LCD display allow –– Memory Control Signals tion can be controlled by the micro- to perform closed-loop control of the
direct user interaction with the CPU. –– Memory Address Decoding processor. Mounted on the motor’s temperature.
An on-board logic probe, single bus –– Memory Data Transfers shaft is a fan blade that makes it eas-
cycle execution mode, and the prac- –– DAC and ADC Ports ier for students to see the direction The course can be performed
tical, hands-on approach of the –– PPI and Keypad Interface of rotation. The motor’s shaft also through the interactive computer-
courseware guide students. –– Display and Serial Ports has an encoder disk with optical in- based learning (CBL) provided with
–– Maskable and Non-Maskable terrupter that provides feedback on the Circuit Board 91017 course, or
This board can be interfaced with Interrupts the motor speed to the microproces- in a conventional way by using the
higher-level FACET® boards, such as –– Exceptions sor, allowing closed-loop control of manuals provided with the Circuit
Transducer Fundamentals; Motors, –– Immediate, Register, and Memory the motor speed. Board 91017 course.
Generators and Controls; and Fiber Addressing Modes
–– Instruction formats
–– 80386 CPU Instructions

32-Bit Microprocessor 91017 en 581069

32-Bit Microprocessor 91017 fr 581070
32-Bit Microprocessor 91017 es 581071
Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 589702
Instructor guide, en 580779
Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 581060
eSeries for MindSight, en 581061 Microprocessor Application Board 91602 en 581224
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581063 Workbooks, also order:
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581064 Student manual, en 585395

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Industrial Electronics

Breadboard FET Fundamentals

Circuit Board 91091 Circuit Board 91010

The Breadboard is a complement to The practical, hands-on approach of The FET Fundamentals course pro- –– JFET Current Source DC Operation
Digital Logic Fundamentals (Model the courseware guides students in vides comprehensive, hands-on –– JFET Current Source Power and
91014). The Breadboard module con- the observation and measurement instruction in the terminology, Load Voltage Variation
sists of three printed circuit boards of signals with an oscilloscope. As principles, and applications of JFET, –– Zero Bias Characteristic of a
designed so that students can easily a prerequisite, students should be MOSFET, and UJT. Following a care- ­MOSFET
connect and change circuits without ­familiar with the operation of bipolar fully designed instructional program, –– MOSFET Modes of Operation
the need to solder components. transistor circuits. students will become familiar with –– MOSFET Voltage Amplifier
all components of the board; will be –– Dual Gate MOSFET Mixer
Students gain the understanding of Topic Coverage able to isolate, identify, and test a –– UJT Operating Characteristics
the physical characteristics of com- –– Astable Multivibrator series of circuits; and will perform –– UJT Waveform Generation
ponents like pinouts, size, power, –– Bistable Multivibrator troubleshooting exercises to demon- –– Hartley Oscillator Operation
and impedance voltage limits. The –– Monostable Multivibrator strate mastery of the course objec- –– Colpitts Oscillator Operation
breadboard comes with all the leads –– Schmitt Trigger tives. –– Thermistor Operation
and components required to con- –– Photoresistor Operation
nect the studied circuits. These cir- Topic Coverage –– Fiber Optic Light Transfer
cuits include astable, bistable, and –– Component Location and Identi- –– Troubleshooting Basics
monostable multibrators, as well as fication –– Troubleshooting FET Circuits
Schmitt trigger (wave-squaring) –– Unijunction Oscillator Operation –– FET Specification Sheets
circuits. A voltage source powered –– JFET Operating Characteristics –– Unijunction Transistor
from the base unit provides the volt- –– The Effect of Gate Bias on Pinch-off Specification Sheets
ages required to power the circuits. –– JFET Dynamic Characteristic Curves –– Transducer Specification Sheets
These voltages are accessible from –– JFET Amplifier DC Operation
an additional solderless breadboard. –– JFET Amplifier Voltage Gain

FET Fundamentals 91010 en 580985

FET Fundamentals 91010 fr 580986
FET Fundamentals 91010 es 580987
Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 589698
Instructor guide, en 580722
Breadboard 91091 en 581221 Supplementary media:
Breadboard 91091 fr 581222 eSeries for MindSight, en 580976
Breadboard 91091 es 581223 eSeries for MindSight, es 580977
Workbooks, also order: eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 580979
Student manual, en 580400 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 580980 19
Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Industrial Electronics

Transducer Fundamentals Thyristor and

Circuit Board 91019 Power Control Circuits
Circuit Board 91011

The Transducer Fundamentals course –– Resistance Temperature Detector The Thyristor and Power Control –– SCR DC Operation
guides students through the circuits (RTD) Characteristics Circuits course provides comprehen- –– Gate Trigger Voltage and
and devices used to interface com- –– Thermocouple Characteristics sive, hands-on instruction in the Holding Current
puter and control circuits. Students –– Capacitance Sensor fundamental terminology, principles, –– SCR Half-Wave Rectifier
learn the principles of input and out- –– Touch and Position Sensing and applications of thyristor and –– SCR Control of a Half-Wave R
­ ectifier
put transducers and how physical –– Strain Gauge Characteristics power control circuits. –– SCR Control of a Full-Wave Rectifier
quantities, such as heat, position, –– Bending Beam Load Cell –– Half-Wave Phase Control
proximity, and force, are converted (Strain Gauge) Following a carefully designed in- –– Full-Wave Phase Control
to electrical signals for detection and –– Ultrasonic Principles structional program, students will –– UJT Characteristics
processing. –– Distance Measurement become familiar with all components –– UJT Half-Wave and Full-Wave
–– Infrared Transmission/Reception of the board; will be able to isolate, Phase Control
This circuit board can be interfaced –– IR Remote Control identify, and test a series of circuits; –– Bidirectional Conduction
with the 32-Bit Microprocessor circuit –– Force Measurement and will perform troubleshooting –– The Four Triggering Modes
board to demonstrate the principles –– Troubleshooting Transducer exercises to demonstrate mastery of –– Half-Wave Phase Control
of data acquisition and microproces- ­Circuits the course objectives. –– Full-Wave Phase Control
sor control. –– Computerized Temperature Con- –– Troubleshooting Basics
trol and Measurement and Comput- Topic Coverage –– Troubleshooting Thyristor and
Topic Coverage erized Force Measurement:These –– Thyristor Component Power Control Circuits
–– Introduction to Transducers exercises and computer i­nterface ­Familiarization
–– Introduction to the Circuit Board require the optional 32-Bit Micro- –– Thyristor Circuit Fundamentals
–– Temperature Measurement processor board (91017), plus –– Test a Silicon-Controlled
–– Temperature Control accessories: 9 V Power Supply Rectifier (SCR)
–– Thermistor Characteristics (91730), and ­Flat Ribbon Cable

Transducer Fundamentals 91019 en 581096 Thyristor and Power Control Circuits 91011 en 580997
Transducer Fundamentals 91019 fr 581097 Thyristor and Power Control Circuits 91011 fr 580998
Transducer Fundamentals 91019 es 581098 Thyristor and Power Control Circuits 91011 es 580999
Workbooks, also order: Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 589704 Student manual, en 589699
Instructor guide, en 580795 Instructor guide, en 580730
Supplementary media: Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 581087 eSeries for MindSight, en 580988
eSeries for MindSight, es 581088 eSeries for MindSight, es 580989
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581090 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 580991
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581091 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 580992

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Industrial Electronics

Magnetism/Electromagnetism Motors, Generators, and

Circuit Board 91020 Controls
Circuit Board 91024

The Magnetism/Electromagnetism Topic Coverage The Motors, Generators, and Con- Topic Coverage
course is an extension of the AC 1 –– What is Magnetism? trols course provides comprehensive, –– DC Motor Circuits Familiarization
Fundamentals training board that –– Magnetic Fields hands-on instruction in the terminol- –– Stepper Motor and AC Motor
provides comprehensive, hands-on –– Making a Magnet ogy, principles, and applications of ­Circuits
instruction in the terminology, princi- –– What is an Electromagnet? the DC motor, AC synchronous motor, –– Analog DC Motor Positioning
ples, and applications of magnetism –– The Solenoid phase shifter, and stepper motor. –– PWM DC Motor Positioning
and electromagnetism. –– The Relay –– Analog and Pulsed Speed Control
Following a carefully designed in- of a D
­ C Motor
Following a carefully designed in- structional program, students are –– Variable Frequency Control
structional program, students will be- able to perform troubleshooting –– The Tachometer Generator
come familiar with all components of exercises on analog and pulse-width –– The Stepper Motor
the board; and will be able to isolate, modulated (PWM) DC motor posi- –– The Stepper Motor Controller
identify, and test a series of circuits. tioning, analog and PWM DC motor –– Troubleshooting
speed control, variable frequency –– Microprocessor Interface:
speed control of an AC synchronous This exercise and computer inter-
motor, operation of a tachogenerator face require the optional 32-Bit
circuit, and speed and position con- Microprocessor board (91017)
trol of a stepper motor with optional plus accessories: 9 V Power Sup-
computer interface. ply (91730), and Flat Ribbon Cable

Magnetism/Electromagnetism 91020 en 581108 Motors, Generators and Controls 91024 en 581147

Magnetism/Electromagnetism 91020 fr 581109 Motors, Generators and Controls 91024 fr 581148
Magnetism/Electromagnetism 91020 es 581110 Motors, Generators and Controls 91024 es 581149
Workbooks, also order: Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 589705 Student manual, en 589708
Instructor guide, en 580803 Instructor guide, en 580827
Supplementary media: Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 581099 eSeries for MindSight, en 581138
eSeries for MindSight, es 581100 eSeries for MindSight, es 581139
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581102 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581141
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581103 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581142 21
Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Communications Systems

Power Transistors and Analog Communications

GTO Thyristors Circuit Board 91018
Circuit Board 91026

In the Power Transistors and GTO –– Familiarization with the Driver The Analog Communications course Topic Coverage
Thyristors course, students perform Circuit Block provides comprehensive, hands-on –– Analog Communications Concepts
practical exercises that demonstrate –– Familiarization with the Load instruction in the terminology, prin- –– Circuit Board Familiarization
the use of several power electron- Circuit Block ciples, and applications of analog –– Amplitude Modulation (AM)
ic, self-commutated switches. The –– Basic Operations of Power Bipolar ­communications. –– RF Power Amplifier
course contains six types of switch- Transistors –– Balanced Modulator
es that are implemented with a –– Basic Operation of Power In this course, students receive –– RF Stage
­MOSFET, an isolated-gate bipolar MOSFETs and IGBTs hands-on circuit training and acquire –– Mixer, IF Filter, and Envelope
transistor (IGBT), a fast IGBT, a bi- –– Basic Operation of GTO Thyristors skills to measure radio signals with Detector
polar resistor, a Darlington resis- –– Switching Time and Conduction an oscilloscope. Students also learn –– Balanced Modulator and LSB Filter
tor, and a GTO thyristor. Learning of Voltage Drop the functions of oscillators, filters, –– Mixer and RF Power Amplifier
switches is expanded with a Driver –– Switching Power in an amplifiers, LC networks, m­ odulators, –– RF Stage, Mixer, and IF Filter
section, consisting of an opto-isola- Inductive Load limiters, mixers, and detectors in –– Product Detector and Automatic
tor and driver for power thyristors; –– Free-Wheeling Diode Recovery communication circuits. Gain Control
a Load section, consisting of resis- Time –– Frequency Modulation (FM) and
tive and inductive components; and –– Losses in Electronic Power Phase Modulation (PM)
general-purpose, fast, and ultra-fast ­Switches –– Demodulation
free-wheeling diodes. –– The Bipolar Power Transistor (Quadrature Detector)
–– The Darlington Power Transistor –– PLL (Phase-Locked Loop) Circuit
Topic Coverage –– The GTO Thyristor and Operation
–– Power Transistors and –– The Power MOSFET –– FM Detection with a PLL
GTO Thyristor Identification –– The IGBT –– Troubleshooting Basics
–– Overview of the Circuit Blocks –– The Ultra-Fast IGBT –– Troubleshooting Analog
­Communications Circuits

Power Transistors and GTO Thyristors 91026 en 581171 Analog Communications 91018 en 581084
Power Transistors and GTO Thyristors 91026 fr 581172 Analog Communications 91018 fr 581085
Power Transistors and GTO Thyristors 91026 es 581173 Analog Communications 91018 es 581086
Workbooks, also order: Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 589710 Student manual, en 589703
Instructor guide, en 580847 Instructor guide, en 580787
Supplementary media: Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 581162 eSeries for MindSight, en 581075
eSeries for MindSight, es 581163 eSeries for MindSight, es 581076
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581165 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581078
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581166 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581079

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Communications Systems

Digital Communications 1 Digital Communications 2

Circuit Board 91022 Circuit Board 91023

Topic Coverage The Digital Communications 2 course Topic Coverage

The Digital Communications 1 course –– Concepts of Digital provides further comprehensive, –– Circuit Board Familiarization
provides comprehensive, ­hands-on Communications hands-on instruction in the terminol- –– Introduction to Digital
instruction in the terminology, prin- –– Circuit Board Familiarization ogy, principles, and applications of ­Transmission
ciples, and applications of digital –– Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) digital circuits, including: NRZ, RZ, –– Encoding and Decoding
­circuits, including: Sampler, Sample/ Signal Generation Manchester Encoding and Decoding, –– FSK Signal Generation
Hold, Adder, Ramp Generator, Com- –– PAM Signal Demodulation Clock Synchronizer, Frequency-Shift –– FSK Asynchronous Detection
parator, Limiter, Filter, CODEC, PLL, –– PAM Time-Division Multiplexing Keying (FSK) Generation, FSK Asyn- –– FSK Synchronous Detection
Compressor, Expander, Integrator, (TDM) Transmission chronous and Synchronous Detec- –– PSK Signal Generation
Differentiator, Latched Comparator, –– PAM TDM Reception tion, Phase-Shift Keying (PSK) Gen- –– PSK Synchronous Detection
Speaker Amplifier, and Channel –– Pulse-Time Modulation (PTM) eration, PSK Synchronous Detection, –– ASK Signal Generation
Simulator. ­Signal Demodulation Amplitude-Shift Keying (ASK) Gener- –– ASK Asynchronous Detection
–– PTM Signal Generation ation, ASK Asynchronous and Syn- –– The Channel Simulator
Following a carefully designed in- –– Pulse-Code Modulation chronous Detection, Channel Effects, –– Effects of Noise on ASK and
structional program, students will (PCM) ­Signal Generation and and FSK/DPSK (Differential Phase- PSK Signals
become familiar with all components ­Demodulation Shift Keying) Modem. Following a –– Effects of Noise on Asynchronously
of the board; will be able to isolate, –– PCM Signal TDM carefully designed instructional pro- and Synchronously Detected
identify, and test a series of circuits; –– Delta Modulation (DM) Transmitter gram, students will become familiar FSK Signals
and will perform troubleshooting –– DM Receiver and Noise with all components of the board; –– Operation of an FSK Modem
­exercises to demonstrate mastery of –– Channel Bandwidth will be able to isolate, identify, and –– Operation of a DPSK Modem
the course objectives. –– Channel Noise test a series of circuits; and will per- –– Troubleshooting Basics
–– Troubleshooting Basics form troubleshooting exercises to –– Troubleshooting Digital
–– Troubleshooting Digital demonstrate mastery of the course ­Communications 2 Circuits
­Communications 1 Circuits objectives.

Digital Communications 1, 91022 en 581123 Digital Communications 2, 91023 en 581135

Digital Communications 1, 91022 fr 581124 Digital Communications 2, 91023 fr 581136
Digital Communications 1, 91022 es 581125 Digital Communications 2, 91023 es 581137
Workbooks, also order: Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 589706 Student manual, en 589707
Instructor guide, en 580811 Instructor guide, en 580819
Supplementary media: Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 581114 eSeries for MindSight, en 581126
eSeries for MindSight, es 581115 eSeries for MindSight, es 581127
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581117 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581129
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581118 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581130 23
Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Communications Systems

Fiber Optic Communications Communications

Circuit Board 91025 Transmission Lines
Circuit Board 91028

The Fiber Optic Communications –– Light Source The Transmission Lines circuit board Two generators are provided to study
course provides comprehensive, –– Driver Circuit provides students with the theory the transmission line behavior: a
hands-on instruction in the theory –– Source-to-Fiber Connection and measurement skills required to step generator that produces a
and practice of fiber optic communi- –– Light Detector implement and test communications 50-kHz square-wave voltage for tran-
cations technology. –– Output Circuit transmission lines. Courseware cov- sient behavior testing, and a signal
–– Fiber Optic Test Equipment ers the principles and operational generator that produces a sinusoidal
Following a carefully designed in- –– Optical Power Budgets characteristics of transmission lines, voltage of variable frequency (5 kHz
structional program, students will –– Analog Communications conducting transmission line mea- – 5 MHz) for steady-state behavior
become familiar with all components –– Digital Communications: surements under transient (step test- testing. Each generator has several
of the board; will be able to isolate, This exercise and computer inter- ing) and sinusoidal steady-state con- BNC outputs providing different out-
identify, and test a series of circuits; face require the optional 32-Bit ditions, and valuable foundational put impedances. A load section, con-
and will perform troubleshooting ­Microprocessor plus accessories: information on the theory and prac- sisting of a configurable network of
exercises to demonstrate mastery of 9 V power supply, and Adapter. tice of time-domain reflectometry resistors, inductors, and capacitors,
the course objectives. Additional option includes Polish- (TDR), as well as impedance match- permits connection of different load
ing Kit ing and transformation. impedances to the receiving end of
Topic Coverage –– Troubleshooting each line.
–– Circuit Board Familiarization The circuit board uses two 24-meter
–– Introduction to Fiber Optic (78.7 feet) RG-174 coaxial cables Topic Coverage
­Communications which can be used separately or con- –– Characteristics of Transmission
–– Scattering and Absorption Losses nected end-to-end. Each line has five Lines
–– Connectors and Polishing probing points that permit observa- –– Transmission Line Measurements
–– Numerical Aperture and Core Area tion and measurements of signals Under Transient (Step Testing) and
–– Bending Loss and Modal along the line, using an oscilloscope. Sinusoidal Steady-State Conditions

Fiber Optic Communications 91025 en 581159 Communications Transmission Lines 91028 en 581192
Fiber Optic Communications 91025 fr 581160 Communications Transmission Lines 91028 fr 581193
Fiber Optic Communications 91025 es 581161 Communications Transmission Lines 91028 es 581194
Workbooks, also order: Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 589709 Student manual, en 589689
Instructor guide, en 580835 Instructor guide, en 580361
Supplementary media: Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 581150 eSeries for MindSight, en 581186
eSeries for MindSight, es 581151 eSeries for MindSight, es 581187
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581153 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581189
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581154 eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581190

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Communications Systems

Circuit Board 91029

Phase-shift keying (PSK) is a method Students will perform troubleshoot-

of digital communication in which the ing exercises to demonstrate mastery
phase of a transmitted signal is var- of the course objectives.
ied to convey information. The QPSK/
OQPSK/DPSK board provides stu- Topic Coverage
dents with the theory and measure- –– Digital modulation
ment skills required to implement –– Baseband and Passband signals
and test different types of PSK modu- –– Partitioning of pulse streams
lation and demodulation techniques –– Signal constellations for MPSK
used in pulse-coded modulation –– General MPSK equations
(PCM) schemes. –– Heterodyning baseband signals
with a carrier
Courseware covers the principles and –– Unipolar and bipolar signals in time
operational characteristics of unipo- and frequency domains
lar and bipolar signals in a baseband –– Binary PSK (BPSK), Quadratic PSK
transmission, measurement and (QPSK), and Offset QPSK (OQPSK)
comparison of BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, modulation and demodulation
and DPSK signals in the time and –– Differential PSK (DPSK) encoding
frequency domains using an oscillo- and decoding
scope and spectrum analyzer,
respectively, and familiarization with
all components of the board, includ-
ing isolation, identification, and test-
ing of a series of circuits.

QPSK/OQPSK/DPSK 91029 en 581201

QPSK/OQPSK/DPSK 91029 es 581202
Workbooks, also order:
Student manual, en 589690
Instructor guide, en 580439
Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 581195
eSeries for MindSight, es 581196
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581198
eSeries for Stand-Alone, es 581199 25
Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Accessories

Virtual Instrument Package, Model 1250

A powerful package Complete software suite The interface unit Virtual Instrument Package, ­Model 1250
The Virtual Instrument Package, The complete Virtual Instrument The Virtual Instrument unit is a light- with NEMA cord line
Model 1250, replaces conventional Package consists of an interface unit weight, compact interface module en 580856
desktop test equipment with a for data acquisition connections, and powered from a standard AC power fr 580857
powerful, space-saving, virtual in- a Windows-based software. The in- wall outlet. es 580858
strumentation package that gives terface is connected to the computer with CEE7 cord line
students state-of-the-art tools to via a USB connection. On the front panel of the Virtual In- en 580859
measure, analyze, observe, and dis- strument unit, two BNC connectors fr 580860
play the results of electronic circuit The software displays the various in- and a pair of safety banana sockets es 580861
tests. struments in separate windows and provide access to the various virtual with AS 3112 cord line
includes the following virtual instru- instruments. A third BNC connector en 580862
Fully integrated with the FACET® ments and signal source: provides the signal generator output.
Electronics Training program, the – Dual-Channel Oscilloscope A BNC connector on the back panel
Virtual Instrument Package enables – Multimeter of the Virtual Instrument unit is the
students to conduct all experiments – Spectrum Analyzer access to the external trigger input of
of the FACET® curriculum. – Waveform Generator the virtual oscilloscope.

This package operates under any one The Virtual Instrument unit samples
of the following Microsoft Windows the signals applied to its various in-
operating systems: XP, Vista, puts to provide raw signal data that
Windows 7, and Windows 8. is used by the virtual instrument soft-
ware to measure, filter, and display
It is also possible to interface the the input signals. The high sampling
unit with MATLAB® and LabVIEW® rate of 1 GS/s provides the Virtu-
software for advanced control and al Instrument unit a 250-MHz band-
analysis. width that is amply sufficient for the
observation and analysis of the vari-
ous signals in the FACET® Electronics
Training program.

The Virtual Instrument unit also gen-

erates signal samples (data) that are
converted to analog format to pro-
duce the output signal.

Data exchange between the Virtual

Instrument unit and the host com-
puter that runs the virtual instrument
software is through a USB link (USB
1.1 and 2.0 compatible).

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Accessories

Multimeter Oscilloscope Spectrum Analyzer Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG)

The Multimeter has one input The Oscilloscope has two input The Spectrum Analyzer has two in- The Arbitrary Waveform Generator can
channel sampled at a rate of 1 GS/s channels and an external trigger in- dependent input channels, each produce sine-wave, triangle-wave,
and can measure the AC and DC put. The maximum sampling rate channel being sampled at a rate of square-wave DC, and noise signals. It
values of voltage and current as well is 1 GS/s when a single channel is 1 GS/s. The Spectrum Analyzer con- has a bandwidth of 20 MHz. The AWG
as resistance, like any conventional used and 500 MS/s when both chan- verts the signal samples into fre- output has a maximum voltage range
multimeter. nels are used. Cursors are available quency-domain information that is of -10 V – +10 V with 14-bit resolution
to perform voltage, frequency, and displayed as a graph of signal level and adjustable DC offset. The AWG
phase measurements on the dis- as a function of frequency. The verti- output impedance is 50 Ω.
played signals. The Oscilloscope can cal scale can be either linear or log-
perform continuous sampling or sin- arithmic and has a fully-adjustable
gle-shot sampling of the input sig- range. Cursors are available to mea-
nals. sure the level and frequency of par-
ticular components in the displayed
frequency spectra, frequency in-
tervals, signal bandwidth, etc. The
Spectrum Analyzer can perform con-
tinuous sampling or single-shot sam-
pling of the input signals. 27
Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Accessories


Digital Multimeter/Function with NEMA 5-15 cord line Dual-Trace Digital Storage with NEMA 5-15 power cord
Generator, Model 1247 en 580851 ­Oscilloscope, Model 798 en 585695
The Digital Multimeter/Function Gen- es 580852 The Dual-Trace Digital Storage Os- with CEE 7 cord line
erator, designed as a general-pur- with CEE 7 cord line cilloscope is a low-cost oscilloscope en 585696
pose instrumentation module, pro- en 580853 that is ideally suited for general pur- with AS-3112 cord line
vides the necessary test equipment es 580854 pose use in any classroom laborato- en 585694
(except oscilloscope) to perform with AS-3112 cord line ry. Two low-capacitance probes are
the lessons in the FACET® program. en 580855 included with the unit.
This instrument consists of a sine/
square/triangle waveshape function Features and Benefits:
generator and an auto-ranging digi- –– Color, 7-inch LCD
tal multimeter. The instrumentation –– Multilingual, on-display menu
shares a common power input and is –– 40 MHz bandwidth
housed in a portable enclosure. –– 1 GSa/s maximum sampling rate
–– USB and RS 232 ports
All components, switches, and termi- –– Compact design
nals are mounted in a tamper-
resistant manner. The system’s
design protects the instruments from
inadvertent short circuits and over-
loads within the FACET® system.

Electrical engineering/Electronics > Electronics training system > FACET® > Accessories

FACET® Storage Enclosure, Accessory Kit, Model 91052

Model 1369 The Accessory Kit is a replacement
The FACET® Storage ­Enclosure is a kit that contains the same accesso-
portable and sturdy metal enclosure ries as those provided with any of the
that can house up to ten boards of FACET® base units, Model 91000. The
the FACET® program. The enclosure kit consists of miniature b
­ anana-jack
includes a locking cover and a carry- jumpers and leads, alligator clips,
ing ­handle. and test point pins.

Part no. 585728 Part no. 581215 29
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