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IAL - Physics - SB2 - Teaching Plans - 5B

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Teaching plan 5B.1 Circular motion basics; 5B.

2 Centripetal force
Student Book links Specification links Links to prior learning Suggested teaching order
● 5B.1 ● 4.3.87 ● Force and acceleration 1. Introduction to the radian.
● 5B.2 ● 4.3.88 ● Measurement of angle 2. Angular displacement.
● 4.3.89 3. Describing angular velocity.
● 4.3.90 4. Linking angular velocity and instantaneous
● 4.3.91 velocity.
5. Centripetal acceleration.
Learning objectives
6. Centripetal force.
● Express angular displacement in radians and in degrees, and convert between these units.
● Define angular velocity, and make calculations using it.
● Define centripetal acceleration, and derive and use the equations for it.
● Explain that a centripetal force is required to produce and maintain circular motion.
● Use the equations for centripetal force.
Key terms Practical skills
● Radian ● Use of a stop clock for timing.
● Angular displacement ● Use of software to process data.
● Angular velocity, ω
● Centripetal acceleration, α
● Centripetal force
Maths skills Digital learning ideas
● Recognise and make use of appropriate units in calculations (C.0.1). ● Slow-motion video clips can be used to show the
● Recognise and use expressions in decimal and standard form (C.0.2). positions of a particle undergoing circular motion.

● Use calculators to handle sin x, cos x, tan x when x is expressed in degrees or radians ● Simulations of particles undergoing circular motion
(C.0.6). can be used to show how altering the speed of
rotation affects the size of the forces involved.
● Identify uncertainties in measurements and use simple techniques to determine uncertainty
when data are combined by addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and raising to powers ● Students can research data on the forces and
(C.1.5). acceleration (g-forces) on theme park rides and
thus discuss the design of the rides. This can be
● Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, ∝, ≈, Δ (C.2.1). supported by video clips of the rides in use.

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● Change the subject of an equation, including non-linear equations (C.2.2).
● Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations using appropriate units for physical
quantities (C.2.3).
● Solve algebraic equations, including quadratic equations (C.2.4).
● Translate information between graphical, numerical and algebraic forms (C.3.1).
● Plot two variables from experimental or other data (C.3.2).
● Understand that y = mx + c represents a linear relationship (C.3.3).
● Determine the slope and intercept of a linear graph (C.3.4).
● Draw and use the slope of a tangent to a curve as a measure of rate of change (C.3.6).
● Distinguish between instantaneous rate of change and average rate of change (C.3.7).
Pre-unit homework suggestions
● Recap the effects of forces on motion and the difference between speed and velocity. Look on the internet for some statistics on theme park rides that
incorporate circular motion and the forces experienced when travelling on them.
Suggested starter activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Students measure some simple angles in degrees and Protractors, spectrometer with Place emphasis on how to measure angles as
convert the measurements to fractions of a full circle (90 vernier scale precisely as possible with a protractor. Students can
degrees as ¼ of a circle, for example). also look at the vernier scale, as used on a
spectrometer, to discuss minutes as fractions of a
2. Demonstrate what is meant by circular motion and A piece of string with a rubber In the interest of safety, ensure that there is enough
challenge students to launch a bolas made from string bung attached at each end to space and that the bungs are light enough to avoid any
and a pair of bungs so that it wraps around a pole. A form a bolas damage or injury. Students should stand behind the
similar experiment can be carried out with a lasso. person doing the throwing, not to their side.
Students should note that the string must be released
when the bungs are to their side and not in front of
them. This leads into a discussion about the forces
causing the motion.
Video clips of bolas in use can be used for support or
as an alternative.

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Suggested main activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Define the radian, linking this to the circle. Ensure that all An animation showing the definition of a radian can be
students can convert between radians and degrees. Ask very useful. There are many available online. There
them to convert some of the measurements from the first are also some useful examples of common angles
starter into radians as practice. measured in radians (for example, the internal angle of
some regular polygons).
As students will be using two angular systems from this
point onwards, it is quite common for them to leave
their calculator in the wrong mode, giving inappropriate
answers. Encourage students to get into the habit of
checking the mode before starting any question
involving angles.
2. Describe angular displacement. Ensure students Analogue clock The vector nature of angular displacement can be
understand the difference between a positive value and a confusing. An analogue clock can be useful here (or
negative value. Ask them to convert from one to the other even better a teaching clock from primary school).
π 3π Starting from midnight, the minute hand can be moved
for simple examples: + rad = – rad.
2 2 π
+ rad (to the 3) while the second hand can be

moved – rad ending up at the same point.
3. Define angular velocity. This must be linked to the period Analogue clock Students may not have encountered the symbol for
of one complete rotation, and from there to the angular velocity, lower case omega ( ω ), before so
frequency. ensure that they know it.
The clock can be useful again here. The second hand
completes one rotation per minute and so its angular

velocity is rad s–1. Students can calculate the
angular velocity of the minute and hour hands.
4. Link angular velocity to instantaneous velocity and ask Analogue clock Students can calculate the velocity of the end of the
students to attempt a few examples. second hand on the clock once its length is measured.
(Assume that the hand moves at a constant angular
velocity instead of ticking once every second.) The
velocities of the other hands can also be calculated.

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5. Work through the logical process of finding the This is by far the most complex aspect of the topic and
expression for centripetal acceleration, as shown in the so time must be taken to go through each stage. In the
Student Book. Use a few example calculations to embed end, many students will be comfortable with accepting
all of the relationships studied so far in the topic. the final equation, but it is advantageous if students
can work through the logical processes themselves.
6. Describe some circular motion scenarios, identifying the Ensure that students are focusing on the force that
forces causing the motion and other forces in the system. causes circular motion. There will be other forces in
These should include orbits, roundabouts, throwing each scenario, which can be discussed (for example,
hammers, and so on. the force exerted on the Earth by a satellite, the
tension in a string).
7. Combine the equation F  ma with the circular motion To differentiate, some students can concentrate on
2 finding the size of the forces required, while others find
equations to produce the equations F  mv and appropriate velocities needed to maintain circular
motion. This will link strongly to gravitational fields and
F  mrω . Students should use these, so analyse a few
orbits later in the course.
scenarios similar to those shown in the Student Book.
8. Students investigate centripetal force using the technique Bung, string, masses, paper clip, This experiment produces results of variable quality as
shown in the Student Book. A few practice runs are body of a ballpoint pen (or similar it is difficult to produce a constant speed of rotation.
usually needed before the spinning technique is tube) Collection of data across groups will give more data
mastered. points for the graph.
Take the opportunity to discuss potential errors in
measurements and how these may be reduced (such
as measuring ten rotations, as mentioned in the
Student Book).
Suggested plenary activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Set students some differentiated questions to attempt. There are several differentiated questions in the two
Student Book sections.
2. Spin a bucket of water on a rope so that it swings in a Small bucket of water (secured Ensure there is adequate space (preferably outdoors)
vertical circle. Ask students to explain why the water on the end of a rope) and no electrical devices can be damaged.
remains in the bucket.

3. Many rides have several levels of circular motion Video clips of spinning theme A ‘spinner’ ride is likely to be the best option for
happening at the same time. Use video clips to aid park rides showing this.
discussion on the complexity of this motion and the
direction of the forces involved at different times.

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Homework suggestions
● Analyse the data collected from the investigation by plotting the appropriate graph (ω2 against F) and comment on the scattering of the points around
the line of best fit and how these relate to the uncertainty in the gradient.
● Complete the Thinking Bigger activity on artificial gravity. Discuss the designs of suggested space stations or interplanetary spacecraft such as those
shown in the films 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Martian. Write a report summarising whether any of these designs are truly practical, and if the
effects of the ‘gravity gradient’ will be significant.
Wider reading
● When a car is travelling fast enough, it can be made to perform a vertical loop on a track. Students can investigate the factors that need to be
considered when trying this stunt. How is the radius of the loop linked to the mass of the car and the speed it needs to travel to complete the loop
Support ideas
● Students can find the algebra and use of angles in this topic confusing. The use of the analogue clock should help with this, but ensure that the students
are comfortable with the conversion of angle measures before moving on to angular velocity and acceleration.
● The equations include superscripts, which can easily be forgotten by students and they must take care to remember them when using these equations
in calculations.
Extension ideas
● Students could calculate the acceleration of an object which rests on the Earth’s equator and compare this to the acceleration the object would
experience if it were in the UK. How do these two accelerations differ, and does this affect the weight of the object?
Potential misconceptions
● There are some students who still think in terms of centrifugal forces. Careful discussion will show that the force acting on the object travelling in a circle
has to be directed towards the centre of the circle. To reduce the chance of any misconception, discuss what would happen if the force acting on the
object were pushing outwards.
Links to future learning
● Gravitational fields and orbits
● Charged particles moving in magnetic fields
● Simple harmonic motion

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© Pearson Education Ltd 2019. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. This document may have been altered from the original

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