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IX Math (Term1) (Eng Pbi) Sample-2

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TERM-1 (2021-22)sYNpl ਪ੍ਰਸ਼ਨਪੱ੍ਤਰ-2 (Sample Paper-2)

ਗਣਿਤ (Mathematics) ਜਮਾਤ-ਨੌਂ ਵੀਂ (Class-9th)

ਕ ੱ ਲ ਅੰਕ (Max Marks) – 40 ਷ਮਾਂTime Allowed) – 90 ਣਮੰਟ (90 Min.
ਨੋਟ (Note): I.ਸਾਯ੃ ਩ਰਸ਼ਨ ਜਯੂਯੀ ਹਨ।All questions are compulsory.
II. ਩ਰਸ਼ਨ ਩ੱ ੱਤਯ
ਵ ੱਚ 40 ਫਹ-ੁਵ ਕਰੀ ਩ੀ਩ਰਸ਼ਨ 1-1 ਅੰਕ ਾਰ੃ ਹਨ। There are 40 multiple choice
questions of 1 mark each.
1. ਹਠ
੃ਵ ਰਵਿਆ ਵ ਚੋਂ ਵਕਹੜੀ ਇੱਕ A਩ਵਯਭਮ ੃ਸ ੰਵਿਆ ਹ੄ ?
Which of the following is an irrational number ? a )√1024 b) 0.303003000….. c) √5 -√5 d) −5
2. ਜਕਯ੃ਕਯ q(x) = 3x-7 ਹ੄ , ਤਾਂ q(x ) dI isPr ਩ਤਾ ਕਯ੅ ।
If q(x) = 3x-7, find the zero of q(x).
(a) -4 (b) 4 (c) 7/3 (d) 3/7
3. 27

3 = ______ (a) 1/9 (b) 1/3 (c) -3 (d) 3

4. −1 ਅਤ੃ 2
ਦ੃ ਵ ਚਕਾਯ ਇੱਕ ਩ਵਯਭਮ ੃ਸ ੰਵਿਆ ਹ੄ :
A rational number between −1 and
is :
d) ਇਨਹ ਾਂ ਵ ਚੋਂ ਕਈਨ ੅ ਹੀ /None of these
5. hyTW do kQn id`qy gey hn[ Two statements are given below: (i) hryk pRwikRiqk sMiKAw ie`k pUrn sMiKAw huMdI hY[/Every
natural number is a whole number.
(ii) hryk pirmyX sMiKAw ie`k sMpUrn sMiKAw huMdI hY[/ Every rational number is an integer.
auprokq kQnW nUM iDAwn nwl pVo Aqy hyT ilKIAW iv`coN shI ivklp cuxo[
Read the above statements carefully and choose the correct options .
(a) kyvl kQn I shI hY[Only statement I is correct
(b) kyvl kQn II shI hY[Only statement II is correct
(c ) dovNy kQn shI hY[Both statements are correct
(d) koeI vI kQn shI nhIN hY[None of the statements is correct

dy hr dw pirmyXkrx kro:
Rationalise the denominator of

(a) √5 + √3 (b) √5− √3 (c) 2( 5 + 3) (d) 2( 5− 3)
7. ਇੱਕ ਗਯ ੄ਯ -ਵਸਪਯ ਩ਵਯਭਮ ੃ਸ ੰਵਿਆ nUM ਇੱਕ ਅਵਯਭਮ ਩ਸ ੃ੰ ਵਿਆ nwl Bwg krn ‘qy kI pRwpqw huMdw
On dividing a non-zero rational number with an irrational number what we will get ?
a) ਹਭਸਾਅ੃ ਵਯਭਮ
਩ਵਯਭ੃ਮ (always irrational) b) ਹਭਸਾਵ
੃ ਩ ਯਭਮ੃ਮ (always rational)
c) 0 d) 1
8. ਜ੃ 3+3+3=3xyz qW
If 3 + 3 + 3 = 3xyz ℎ (a) + + = 3 (b) + + = 1(c) + + =3xyz (d) + + = 0
9. pihlI cOQweI ivc̀ siQq aus ਵਫੰਦ ੂਦ੃ ਵਨਯਦਸ਼ ੃ਅੰਕ pqw kro jo x-Dury qoN 5 iekweIAW Aqy y-Dury qoN 3 iekweIAW
dI dUrI
Coordinates of the point in the first quadrant which is situated at a distance of 5 units from x-axis and 3 units from y axis. (a)
(5,3) (b) (3,5) (c) (-3,5) (d) (3,-5) 10. ਕਾਯਟੀਜਨ ਸਭਤਰ ਵ ੱਚ , iks cOQweI ivc̀ iksy ibMdU dw Buj Aqy kotI doNvy irxwqmk
huMdy hn{
In the Cartesian plane, in which quadrant both abscissa and ordinate are negative? a) pihlI cOQweI (Quadrant -I) b) dUjI cOQweI
(Quadrant -II) (c) qIjI cOQweI (Quadrant -III) d) cOQI cOQweI (Quadrant -IV)

Find the value of p(x)= 5x−4x2+3 for x=-1.

(a)-6 (b) - 12 (c) 2 (d) - 2
12. x3-x2+2x+1 ਨੰੂ x-2 ਨਾਰ ਬਾਗ ਦਣ ੃ਤ ਫ੃ ਾਕੀ ਩ਤਾ ਕਯ੅
Find the remainder when x3-x2+2x+1 is divided by x-2. (a) -4 (b) 0 (c) 8 (d) 9
13. ਵਦੱਤ੃ ਹਏ ੅ਵ ਚੱਤਯ ਵ ਚ iks ਵਫੰਦ ੂ ਦ੃ ਵਨਯਦਸ਼ ੃ਅੰਕ (3,-4)hn?
In the given figure , find the point whose coordinates are (3,-4).
(a) L (b) S (c) B (d) M
14. mUl ibMdU siQq hMudw hY:/ The Origin lies on ……..
a) ਵਸਯਪ x- ਧੁਯ੃'ਤ੃ (x- axis only) b) ਵਸਯਪ y- ਧੁਯ੃ 'ਤ੃ (y-axis only)
c) ਦ੅
ੇਂਧ ੁ ਯਆਂ ਤ੃ (Both axis) d) ਵਕਸ੃
ਵ ੀਧ ੁਯ੃ 'ਤ੃ ਨਹੀਂ (none of the axis)
15. ਹਠ
੃ਵ ਰਿੀਆ ਂਵ ੱਚੋਂ ਵਕਹੜੀ ਇੱਕ ਫਹੁਦ ਩ਹ ਹ੄ ?
Which of the following is a polynomial?
a) 4x2-

+7 b) y1/2 +√2 (c) x2+3√+2 d) 5

16. ਉਹ ਵਫੰਦ ੂਜ੅ y-ਧੁਯ੃‘ ਤ੃ ਵਯਣਾਤਭਕ ਵਦਸਾ iv`c mUl ibMdU qoN 2.5 ਇਕਾਈ ਦੀ ਦੂਯੀ ‘ਤ੃ ਹ੄ :
The point which lies 2.5 units from origin on the negative direction of y-axis is:
a) (0,-2.5) b) (-2.5,0) c) (0,-5) d) (-5,0)
17. isPr ਫਹੁਦ
਩ਦ ੀ ਘਾਤ ਕੀ ਹੰੁਦੀ ਹ੄ ?
What is the degree of a zero polynomial?
a) 0 b)1 c) ਕਈ
੅ਈੀੀ pRwikRiqk ਸੰਵਿਆ (any natural number) d) ਩ਵਯਬਾਵਸ਼ਤ ਨਹੀਂ (not defined)
Which of the following is not a solution of the equation 4x+3y =12 ? a) (3,0) (b) (0,4) (c) (-3,8) (d) (1,1) 19. hyTW id`qw ikhVw
kQn shI nhIN hY? Which of the following statement is not true? (i) swry vrg smrUp huMdy hn[ / All Sqaures are similar.
(ii) swry c`kr smrUp huMdy hn[ / All circles are similar.
(iii) swry smBujI iqRBuj smrUp huMdy hn[ / All equilateral triangles are similar.
(iv) swry Awieq smrUp huMdy hn[ / All rectangles are similar.
20. ਵਦੱਤ੃
ਹਏ੅ਵ ਚੱਤਯ ਵ ਚ ਜਕਯ
੃ਕਯ P,Q ਅਤ੃ R ਇਕ ਯਿਾ
੃ਿਾ ਤ੃ ਸਵਥਤ ਵਤੰਨ ਵਫੰਦ ੂਹਨ
ਅਤ੃ Q ਵਫੰਦੂਆ ਂP ਅਤ੃ R ਦ੃ ਵ ਚਕਾਯ ਸਵਥਤ ਹ੅ ੃ ਤਾਂ :-
In the given figure if P , Q and R are three points on a line and Q lies between P and R , then :- (a) PQ+PR=QR (b) PQ=PR-QR
(c) PR+QR=PQ (d) ਇਨਹ ਾਂ’ ਚੋਂ ਕਈਨ ੅ ਹੀਂ (None of these)
21. hryk ryKw-KMf dw ______ .
Every line segment has _________ . a) ie`k Aqy kyvl iek̀ m`D-ibMdU huMdw hY[/ One and only one mid-point. b) kyvl do m`D-
ibMdU huMdy hn[/ only two mid-points. c) AnMq m`D-ibMdU huMdy hn[/ infinite mid-points.
d) koeI vI m`D-ibMdU huMdw hY[/ no mid-point. 22. ਸਠ ੃ਦਾਂ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਗਈ ਷ ਰਨੀ ਨਵੀਂਜ ੆ ਮ ਤ ਦ੃ ਦਿ਷੃
ਦ੃ 40 ਦਵਦਦਆਰਥੀਆਾਂ ਦ੃ ਜਨਮ ਦ੃ ਮਸੀਦਨਆਾਂ ਨੂੂੰ ਦਰ਷ ਉਂਦੀ ਸ੄ ।
The given table shows the month of birth of 40 students of class 9 of a particular section in a school.
Month of birth
January February March April
September October November December
No. of students
ਅਚ ਨਿ ਚੁਣ੃ ਗਏ ਇਿੱਿ ਦਵਦਦਆਰਥੀ ਦ ਜਨਮ ਷ ਲ ਦ੃ pihly ਅਿੱਧ ਦਵਿੱਚ ਸਣ
੅ਦ ੀ ਷ੂੰ
ਵਨ ਩ਤ
ਿਰ੅ ।
(a) 23/40 (b) 12/40 (c) 15/40 (d) 17/40 23. smIkrx ax+by=c dw…………
Equation ax+by=c has…………

a) ie`k ivl`Kx h`l hY (a unique solution) (b) isrP do h`l hn (only two solutions)
(c ) AnMq rUp ivc̀ Anyk hl̀ hn (infinitely many solutions) (d) ਇਨਹ ਾਂ ’ਚੋਂ ਕਈਨ
੅ ਹੀਂ (None of these)
24. hyT ilKIAW ivc̀oN ikhVI smIkrx dw ie`k hl (4,0) hY?
Which of the following equations has one of its solution as (4,0)?
(a) x+2y = 4 (b) x-y = 2 (c)2 x-y = 4 (d) 2 x+y = 4

Which of the following is a graph of the equation x-y=5?

(a) (b) (c) (d)
26. ਵਦੱਤ੃ ਹਏ ੅ਵ ਚੱਤਯ ਵ ੱਚ AB,CD Aqy PQ iqMn sMgwmI ryKwvW hn jo ik ibMdU O‘qy ktd̀ IAW
hn[jykr ∠AOP = 5y, ∠QOD = 2y Aqy ∠BOC = 5y qW y dw mul ̀ pqw kro[
In fig AB,CD , and PQ are three concurrent lines at point O. If ∠AOP = 5y, ∠QOD = 2y and
∠BOC = 5y ,then find the value of y.
a) 100 (b) 180 (c) 150 (d) 300
27. ਵਦੱਤ੃ ਹਏ ੅ਵ ਚੱਤਯ ਵ ੱਚ ABǁCD ਹ੄ ਤਾਂ x ਦਾ ਭੁੱ ਰ ਹ੅ ੃ਗਾ।
In fig ABǁCD ,then x is equal to:
a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 300 (d) 600
28. In Fig if AB || CD, ∠ APQ = 50° and∠ PRD = 127°, find the value of x and y.
ਵਦੱਤ੃ ਹਏ
੅ਵ ਚੱਤਯ ਵ ੱਚ ABǁCD , ∠ APQ = 50° Aqy ∠ PRD = 127°, ਹ੄ ਤਾਂ xAqy y ਦਾ ਭੁੱ ਰ ਹ੅ ੃ਗਾ।
a) x=500,y=1270 (b) x=530,y=770
(c) x=500,y=770 (d) x=400,y=670
29. The blood groups of some students of Class IX were surveyed and recorded in the table
given below. find the probability that a student chosen at random has blood group AB.
nOvIN jmwq dy kuJ ividAwrQIAW dy blf gru`p bwry ie`k srvyKx kIqw igAw Aqy pRwpq AMkVy hyT id`qy gey tybl iv`c
drj hn[Acwnk cuxy gey ie`k ividAwrQI dw bl`f gr`up AB hox dI sMBwvnw pqw kro
Blood Group blf gr`p A B AB O
Number of students ividAwrQIAW dI igxqI 19 6 13 12
a) 1/2 b) 13/40 c)13/50 d) 1 30. ਵਕਸ੃ ੀ ਘ ਟਨਾ dI G`t qoN G`t ਸੰਬਾ ਨਾ kI ho skdI hY?
The minimum value of probability of an event can be: a) -1 b) 0 c) 1 d) 1/2
31. ਇੱਕ ਚਤੁਯਬੁਜ dy ie`k kox dw mwp 144° hY Aqy bwkI ਵਤੰਨ brwbr kox hn[brwbr koxW ivc̀oN hryk dw mwp ਕੀ ਹ੅
੃ਗਾ ?

32. ਇੱਕ
ਚਤੁਯਬੁੱ ਜ ਦ੃ ਕਣ
੅ਣ 2:3:6:7 ਦ੃ ਅਨੁਾਤ ਵ ੱਚ ਹਨ
਩ਾ । ਇਸ ਚਤੁਯਬੁਜ ਦਾ ਸਬ ਤੋਂ ਛਟਾ
੅ਹ ਹ੄ :

33. ਹਠ੃ਵ ਦੱਵਤਆ ਵ ੱਚੋਂ ਵਕਹੜਾ ਇੱਕ ਸਭਾਂਤਯ ਚਤੁਯਬੁਜ ਨਹੀ ਹ੄ ? Which of the following is not a
(a) ਸਭਚਤੁਯਬੁਜ (Rhombus) (b) ਯਗ (Square)
(c) ਸਭਰੰਫ ਸਭਚਤੁਯਬੁਜ (Trapezium) (d) ਆਇਤ (Rectangle)
34. tIm A Aqy tIm B mYc qNo pihlW tws leI ie`k is`kw auCwldy hn[tIm A dy tws nw ij`qx dI sMBvnw ikMnI hY?
Team A and Team B tossed a coin before match. What is the probability of Team A not winning the toss?
1) 25% 2) 50% 3) 75% 4) 100%
35. ਜਕਯ੃ਕਯ P(E)= 1
ਹ੅ ੃ ਤਾਂ P(not E)=……..
If P(E)=

then P(not E)=…….
a) 0.5 b) 0.95 c) 0.05 d) 1.5
36. ਵਦੱਤ੃ ਹਏ ੅ਵ ਚੱਤਯ ਵ ੱਚ AB∥ DE, BAC=350 ਅਤ੃ CDE =530 ਹ੄ ਤਾਂ DCE ਦਾ ਭੁੱ ਰ ਹ੅ ੃ਗਾ :
In given figure, if AB∥ DE, BAC=350and CDE =530, find DCE.
(a) 620 (b) 920 (c)900 (d) 600
37. ie`k ikRkyt mYc ivc̀, ie`k mihlw b`lybwj KyfIAW geIAW 30 gyNdW iv`coN 6 vwr cOkw mwrdI hY[ cOkw nw mwry jwx dI
sMBwvnw pqw kro[ In a cricket match , a batswoman hits a boundary 6 times out of 30 balls she plays. Find the probability that
she did not hits a boundary.
(c) 1 (d)
6 38. 5x=2 dw AwlyK …… dy smWqr ie`k srl ryKw huMdI hY[ The graph of 5x=2 is a straight line parallel to the……………. a) kyvl x-
Dury (x- axis only) b) kyvl y-Dury (y-axis only) c) donW DuirAW qy (Both axes) d) iksy vI Dury dy nhIN (none of the axes)
39. ic`qr ivc̀ idKwey a Aqy b dw AwpsI sbMD kI hY?
What is relationship between ∠a and ∠b in the given figure?
1) pUrk kox(Complementary angles)
2) sMpUrk kox ( Supplementary angles)
3) isKr snmu`K kox(Vertically opposite Angles)
4) iehnW iv`coN koeI nhI (None of the above)
40. ਹਠ
੃ਵ ਦਵਤਆ ਂਵ ਚੋਂ ਵਕਹੜਾ ਇਕ ਵਤਰਬੁਜ ਦਾ bwhrI kox ho skdw hY?
Which of the following angle can be the exterior angle of a triangle? a) 180° b) 190° c) 176° d)181°

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