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Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

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Retaining walls are structures used to provide stability for earth or other materials at their
natural slopes. In general, they are used to hold back or support soil banks and water or to
maintain difference in the elevation of the ground surface on each of wall sides. Also, retaining
walls are often used; in the construction of buildings having basements, roads, or bridges when it
is necessary to retain embankments or earth in a relatively vertical position. Retaining walls are
commonly supported by soil (or rock) underlying the base slab, or supported on piles; as in case
of bridge abutments and where water may erode or undercut the base soil as in water front


There are many types of retaining walls; they are mainly classified according to their
behavior against the soil as shown in Fig.(8.1):-

(a) Gravity retaining walls are constructed of plain concrete or stone masonry. They depend
mostly on their own weight and any soil resting on the wall for stability. This type of
construction is not economical for walls higher than 3m.

(b) Semi-gravity retaining walls are modification of gravity wall in which small amounts of
reinforcing steel are introduced for minimizing the wall section.

(c) Cantilever retaining walls are the most common type of retaining walls and are generally
used for wall high up to 8m. It derives its name from the fact that its individual parts behave
as, and are designed as, cantilever beams. Its stability is a function of strength of its
individual parts.

(d) Counterfort retaining walls are similar to cantilever retaining walls, at regular intervals,
however, they have thin vertical concrete slabs behind the wall known as counterforts that tie
the wall and base slab together and reduce the shear and bending moment. They are
Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

economical when the wall height exceeds 8m. Whereas, if bracing is in front of the wall and
is in compression instead of tension, the wall is called Buttress retaining wall.

(e) Bridge abutments are special type of retaining walls, not only containing the approach fill,
but serving as a support for the bridge superstructure.




H Anchor tie rod

Dredge line
Dredge line B
D Point of
C rotation



Fig.(8.1): Common types of retaining walls.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

(f) Crib walls or coffer dams are cells or units to be filled with soil or built-up members of pieces
of precast concrete or metal and are supported by anchor pieces embedded in the soil for

(g) Sheet pile walls are classified as; anchored and cantilevered sheet pile walls; each kind of
them may be used in single or double sheet walls. Of these walls, only the cantilever
retaining walls and the bridge abutments are mostly used at present due to their great


8.3.1 Definitions of Terms
Definitions of retaining wall parts are shown in Fig.(8.2) as:-
(i) the base slab constitutes the slab, or footing, on which the wall rests,
(ii) the stem is the wall itself, the face of the wall is either the exposed portion (front face)
or the portion against which the backfill rests (back face),
(iii) the toe is the portion of the base slab which extends beyond the front face of the wall,
(iv) the heel is that portion of the base slab which extends away from the back face of the
wall. Toe and heel are also used to denote the extreme forward and rear parts of the
base slab, respectively,
(v) a buttress is a structural member used to tie the stem to the base slab, if the buttress is
in tension, the wall is termed a counterforted wall, and if it is in compression, the wall
is a buttressed wall. However, because of front clearances and appearance, the
buttressed wall is rarely used. Retaining walls are often built with a batter on the front
face sloping toward the backfill.
NOTE: If there is insufficient resisting force for wall stability, a key may be constructed beneath
the base slab to project into the subsoil for increasing the passive earth pressure. A key is
also often used when the base-slab concrete is poured separately from the stem to affect
a more shear-resistant joint between the stem and base. It may also be used to form a
vertical joint between the two sections of wall.


Front face
Back face

Batter Key between successive concrete

pours for high walls.


Base slab or footing

Fig.(8.2): Definitions of retaining wall parts.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

8.3.2 Tentative Dimensions of Common Types of Retaining Walls

Retaining wall design proceeds with the selection of tentative dimensions, see Fig.(8.3)
which are then analyzed for stability and structural requirements and revised as required. Since
this is a trial process, several solutions of the problem may be obtained, all of which are
satisfactory. Gravity Retaining Walls

Gravity-wall dimensions may be taken as shown in Fig.(8.3-a). Gravity walls, generally,
are trapezoidal in shape, but also may be built with broken backs. The base and other dimensions
should be such that the resultant falls within the middle one-third of the base. The top width of
the stem should be not less than 30cm. Because of the massive proportions and resulting low
concrete stresses, low-strength concrete can generally be used for the wall construction. Cantilever Retaining Walls

Dimensions of the retaining wall should be adequate for structural stability and satisfy
local building-code requirements. The tentative dimensions shown in Fig.(8.3-b) are based in
part on the history of satisfactorily constructed walls, and may be used in the absence of other
data. However, it may result in an overly conservative design. The top width of the stem should
not be less than 30cm. While the base of the stem should be thick enough to satisfy the shear
requirements without use of shear reinforcing steel. The base-slab dimensions should be such
that the resultant of the vertical loads falls within the middle one-third. If the resultant falls
outside the middle one-third, the toe pressures may be excessively large and only a part of the
footing will be effective. Counterfort Retaining Walls

Typical proportions for counterfort retaining walls are as shown in Fig.(8.3c). These
dimensions are only a guide, and thinner walls of (10-15) cm thick sections may be used if
structural stability is satisfied. The use of a counterfort will be determined by the relative costs of
forms; concrete, reinforcing, and labor. The spacing of the counterforts is a trial process to give a
minimum cost. The most economical spacing appears to be (1/3-1/2) the height of the wall. A
counterfort may be built into the beginning of the wall or by allowing a part of the wall to
overhang. The overhanging configuration may prove to be more economical since it saves the
concrete and formwork on the two counterforts at the joint. The counterfort wall may be
constructed without a toe if additional front clearance is needed and the sliding and overturning
stability requirements are met.

Foundation Engineering
Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls
Asst. Prof. Dr. Farouk Majeed Muhauwiss.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls




Fig.(8.3): Tentative dimensions of common types of retaining walls.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls


The design of a retaining wall must account for all applied loads. The loads that are of
primary concern are the lateral earth pressures induced by the retained soil. Under normal
conditions, the lateral earth pressure is at rest condition. But, if the wall deflects slightly, stresses
were exerted in the soil, these are; a passive earth pressure ( PP ) in front of the wall, and an active
earth pressure ( Pa ) behind the wall. For design purposes, the passive earth pressure in front of
the wall, is neglected to avoid any problem resulting from removing the soil in front of the wall.

The active and passive pressures are assumed to increase linearly with depth as a function
of the weight of soil. The magnitude and direction of these pressures as well as their distribution
depend upon many variables; such as height of the wall, the slope of the ground surface (  ), type
of backfill used, draining of the backfill, level of the water table, added loads applied on the
backfill (surcharges either live or dead loads), degree of soil compaction, and movement of the
wall caused by the action of the backfill. The forces acting on a retaining wall with level or
inclined backfill are shown Fig.(8.4).
The active and passive earth pressures are computed as:

Pa  .H2 .K a .………….………………..………………………..(8.1)
Pp  .H 2p .K p …………………….….…..…………………….…..(8.2)
where, the coefficients of active and passive lateral earth pressures are computed as:
For a level backfill:
1  sin 
Ka  or K a  tan 2 (45   / 2) …..….………....…….….(8.3)
1  sin 
For an inclined backfill:

cos   cos 2   cos 2 

K a  cos  ….……………….....….…….(8.4)
cos   cos 2   cos 2 

NOTE: A surcharge load has a same effect as an additional (equivalent) height of earth ( H su )
above the ground surface obtained as: H su  Wsu /  backfill where Wsu is the
surcharge load per square unit and  backfill is the unit weight of backfill soil. This
additional height due to surcharge, adds a rectangle of pressure behind the wall with a
total lateral force assumed acting at its mid-height

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

G.S. qs

w c1 w s1 w c1 w s1
This soil may This soil may
Ps  K a qs.H
be removed w s 2w c 2 be removed w s 2w c 2
1 1
Pa  H 2 K a Pa  H 2 K a
w c3 2
w c3 2
PP  H 2p K P PP  H 2p K P H/2
2 H/3 2 H/3

FR  ca .B   V tan FR  ca .B   V tan

e e
q heel q heel
q Toe q Toe
 V  ws  wc  V  ws  wc
 FR  ca .B   V tan  PP  FR  ca .B   V tan  PP

(a) level backfill without surcharge. (b) level backfill with surcharge

w s2
G.S. Surcharge
w s2 qs
  Psv
a c Ps  K a qs.H 
w c1 w s1 w c1 w s1 Psh
1 1 2
This soil may H Pa  H  2 K a This soil may Pav Pa  H K a
2 2
be removed w w c2 be removed w s3 w c2
s3  H  /2 Pah
w c3 w c3 H  /3
PP 
1 2
H p K P H  /3 1 2
PP  H p K P
2 2

FR  ca .B   V. tan FR  ca .B   V. tan

e e
q Toe q heel q Toe q heel

 V  w s  w c  Pv  V  w s  w c  Pv

where: Pah  Pa cos  , Pav  Pa sin  , H  H  ac. tan  ,

ws  ws1  ws 2  ws 3 , wc  wc1  wc 2  wc3  FR  ca .B   V tan  PP

(c) Sloped backfill without surcharge. (d) Sloped backfill with surcharge

Fig.(8.4): Forces acting on a retaining wall.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls


At the beginning, tentative dimensions can be used and then analyzed for both external and
internal (structural design requirements), for these purposes, computer programs for design and
analysis of retaining walls may be helpful.


This stability includes five checks as shown below and explained with reference to
(1) Check for Overturning about Toe (point O),
(2) Check for Sliding along the Base of the Wall,
(3) Check for Bearing Capacity Failure of the Base Soil,
(4) Check for Settlement, and
(5) Check Rotational or Deep Shear Failure.
w s2
qs b

k a 
c Psv
Ps  Ka qs.H
w c1 w s1
This soil may w s3 Pav Pa  H2K a
w c2 2
be removed
H  /2 Pah
m L w c3
H  /3
Df 1 2
PP  H p K P n j i h
FR  ca .B   V. tan 
R q heel
q Toe e

 V  w s  w c  Pv
where, Pah  Pa cos  , Pav  Pa sin  , H  H  ac. tan  ,
ws  ws1  ws 2  ws 3 , wc  wc1  wc 2  wc3  FR  ca B   V tan   PP

Fig.(8.5): Forces acting on a retaining wall (Sloped backfill with surcharge).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

(1) Check for Overturning about Toe (point O):

Re sisting.Moments  MR
SFoverturning   ………..…………….......................(8.5)
Overturning.Moments  M o
 1.5 for cohesionless soils or  2.0 for cohesive soils.
To determine the resisting forces and moments, the following table should be prepared:
Weight Arm from O Moment
(kN/m) (m) (kN-m/m)
Soil: (1) ws1 xs1
(2) ws2 xs2
(3) ws3 xs3
Concrete: (1) wc1 xc1
(2) wc2 xc2
(3) wc3 xc3
Psv Ps sin 
Pav Pa sin 

V   MR 

Overturning moment:  M o  Pah .( H / 3)  Psh .( H / 2)

(2) Check for Sliding along the Base of the Wall:

In sliding stability analyses, it is common practice to omit the soil in front of the wall.
Re sisting.Forces  FR
SFSliding   …..….…………………….….…..…..……..........(8.6)
Sliding .Force FS
 1.5 for cohesionless soils or  2.0 for cohesive soils
where, the sliding force (FS ) = ( Pa  Ps ) or ( Pah  Psh )

Pa  H 2 K a ……………...for level ground surface,
Pah  H  2 K a cos  ……..for inclined ground surface,
Resisting force =  FR  C a .B   V. tan 

 V = all the vertical forces, including the vertical component of Pa ,

B = B  2e B = the effective length of the base slab,

eB  x,
2 Foundation Engineering
Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls Asst.
Prof. Dr. Farouk Majeed Muhauwiss.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

Net.Moment  M R   M o
Location of resultant of  V from Toe ( x )  
V V

2 3 2 3
Ca  c and    
3 4 3 4
NOTE: If SFSliding is unsafe: Increase the base dimension B, or Use a key beneath the base

near the stem or at the heel, as shown in Fig.(8.21) until SFSliding  1.5  2.0

(a) key near the stem. (b) Key at the heel (more effective).

Fig.(8.21): Effect of shear key on retaining wall stability.

(3) Check for Bearing Capacity Failure of the Base Soil:

Net.ultimate.bearing .capacity q ult. (net )

SFBearing.Capacity   ……..…….….…..….…..(8.7)
Max..bearing .pressure q actual

 2.5-3.0
Calculate the eccentricity
B B  M R  M o
eB   x  
2 2 V

Check e B with B / 6 : to see whether the resultant of  V (all the vertical forces, including
the vertical component of Pa ) is within the middle third or not, and falls to the
right or to the left of the wall centerline.
 If e  B / 6 , the maximum bearing pressure is calculated by:
V 6.e
q actual  q max .  q Toe  (1  B )
min. Heel B.(1) B

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

 If e.  B / 6 , the maximum bearing pressure is calculated by:

2. V
q max .  and q min.  0
L 
3.B  e B 
2 

NOTE: In this case, it is better to change the dimension (B) until the eccentricity be e  B / 6 .

The net ultimate bearing capacity of the base soil can be calculated from Hansen's equation,
considering the wall as a strip footing with width B at a depth D f using c 2 and  2 shear
strength parameters for the base soil.

q ult.(net )  cN c Sc d c i c  q( N q  1)Sq d q i q  0.5.B.N  S  d  i  …………..….…..(8.8)

c = cohesion of the base soil,
q   surcharge load or overburden pressure for shallow side,
 = unit weight of the base soil,
B  B  2e B ; B is the retaining wall effective base width,
N c , N q ,.N = Hansen's bearing capacity factors obtained from:-

N q  e . tan  tan 2 (45   / 2) ; N c  ( N q  1). cot  ; N   1.5( N q  1). tan 

S c , S q ,.S ; d c , d q ,.d ; and i c , i q ,.i = Shape, depth, and inclination factors obtained from

Table (8.1).

Table (8.1): Shape, depth, and inclination factors for Hansen's equation.
Shape factors Depth factors Inclination factors
1 iq
d c  1  0.4k * ic  iq 
N q 1
S c  S q  S  1.0
 0.5H 
since the retaining wall d q  1  2. tan (1  sin ) 2 k * i q  1  
is a continuous footing  V  A C
f a cot  
(L/B >10) 5
 0.7H 
d  1.0 for all  values i   1  
 V  A f C a cot  
Df D
k for f  1
k  tan 1 f for f  1 (in radians), D f is the depth of footing from the shallow side.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

(4) Check for Settlement S T  S all.  :

Calculate the total settlement components as mentioned in chapter five to know whether it
will be acceptable or not in comparison of the permissible or tolerable or allowable settlement.

(5) Check Rotational Stability:

Usually, tilting is the result of rotation about toe. This may be attributed to an adequate
backfill weight or by the foundation failure in the zone of the toe resulting from a poor layer of
soil underlying the footing.

The rotational stability can be investigated using the Swedish circle method as follows:
(1) Draw the wall-soil system and soil layers to convenient and large scale.
(2) Draw a circle with radius sufficient to penetrate into any soft underlying layers.
(3) Compute all the forces acting against the vertical plane through the heel point and
moment arm with respect to the trial circle center.
(4) Divide the trial circle into a convenient number of slices and compute the slice weight and
the friction and cohesion (tangential) components acting on the base of each slice.
(5) Conduct a moment summation about the circle center to obtain the safety factor as:
 MR
SFRotational..Stability  ..  1.5 …………………………………...…....……..(8.9)
 Mo

 For level backfill: SFRotational..Stability 

 N. tan   c.LR
R ( T)  Pa .y

 For inclined backfill: SFRotational..Stability 

 N. tan   c.LR
R ( T)  Pah .y  Pav .x
where, tan   coefficient of friction, c = cohesion of soil, L = (R.) ;length of trial circle

(6) Make several trials so that the minimum factor of safety is found. If this is too small, a
revision may be made to wall dimensions, or the base is placed at a greater depth. The
safety factor should not be less than 1.5.

NOTE: when the slip surface passes through several soil layers, c.L will be equal to
c1.L1  c 2 .L 2  c 3 .L 3  ……

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls


(1) Design of Stem:
Shear and moments in the stem are found using differential equations since the pressure
distribution is triangular:-

Load: q y  K a ..y ……………. for a level backfill,

q y  K a cos ..y ……… for inclined backfill.

Shear: Vy   q y .dh

Vy  K a ..y 2  K a .q s .y …………..….for a level backfill with surcharge,
Vy  K a cos ..y 2  K a cos .qs.y ...... for inclined backfill with surcharge.
Moment: M y   Vy .dh

1 1
My  K a ..y 3  K a .q s .y 2 …………...for a level backfill with surcharge,
6 2
1 1
My  K a cos ..y 3  K a cos .q s .y 2 . for inclined backfill with surcharge.
6 2
Divide the stem into (4) sections that is at; y = 0, 0.25H, 0.5H, 0.75H, and H. Then,
determine (d) from wide beam shear and moments as shown below and compare the obtained (d)
values with those available and use the larger (d) value.


G.S.  y
y h h
q y  .y.Ka q y  .y.Ka cos Vy   q ydh M y   Vy.dh
H 0 0

V q H  .H.Ka V qH  .H.Ka cos

q (level and inclined backfills).

Fig.(8.7): Shear and moment along the stem.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

 (d) from wide beam shear:

0.17(0.75) ……….…………..…………….….…(ACI 318 14 section 11.3)
; take and solve for (d).
 (d) from moment:

d where, 0.42(0.60) ……...….…(ACI 318 14 section 22.2)

 Stem thickness:
t Bottom  t Top  S.x
where, S is the slope of the stem calculated as: S  (t Bottom  t Top ) / H
7.5 cm (concrete cover).

 Stem reinforcement (As):

where, is the larger of: 1.4/ or 0.25 /

0.0020 b t ------------ for 420 MPa
0.0018 b t ---------- for 420 MPa
b t ---- for 420 MPa
Compare with and take the larger value for design as well as extend the steel
reinforcement beyond cutoff points to satisfy ACI Code bond requirements.

(a) Development length for stem tensile steel:

provided that 300 mm.

(b) Development length for stem compression steel:

(0.043 ) provided that 200 mm.

All notations mentioned above are as defined previously in Chapter Six.

Depth Vy My (d) (d) (d)

y wide beam shear moment Available
(kN) (kN.m/m) (cm2/m)
(m) (m) (m) (m)

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

(2) Design of the Base Slab:

The pressure distribution on the base is shown below:-

q 2   s .H avg.   c .D c
Omit soil q1   c .D c (weight of concrete)
Overlying toe V
Dc Dc

d M d q heel  q min.
q toe  q max . 1
S q  (qmin.  q2 )  S.x
q  (qmax.  q1)  S.x Xh
q  q min .
Slope of the pressure diagram: S  max.
Toe Heel

Equations for Toe Design Equations for Heel Design

q  (qmax.  q1)  S.x q  (qmin.  q2 )  S.x
S.x 2 S.x 2
V=  q.dx  (q max.  q1) x 
V=  q.dx  (q min .  q 2 )x  2  Pav
0 0
x2 S.x 3 x2 S.x 3
M=  V.dx  (q max.  q1) 2  6 M=  V.dx  (q min .  q 2 ) 2  6  Pav.x
0 0

The thickness of toe and heel is calculated as:

Find V at (d) from the face of the stem; at point (A) Find V at (d) from the face of the stem; at point (B)
where: ( x  x T  d ), and d  t base  7.5cm  d b / 2 . where: ( x  x H  d ), and d  t base  7.5cm  d b / 2 .

V( x H  d).L.F.
V( x T  d).L.F. call.  (0.17)(0.75) f c ; c act. 
call.  (0.17)(0.75) f c ; c act.  b..d
Put and solve for (d) = ?
Put and solve for (d) = ?

The required reinforcement is calculated as:

Find M at face of stem; at x  x T : [i.e., M( x T ) ] Find M at face of stem; at x  x H : [i.e., M( x H ) ]

Mu M( x T ).L.F. Mu M( x H ).L.F.
As   As  
0.9.fy .0.9.d 0.9.fy .0.9.d 0.9.fy .0.9.d 0.9.fy .0.9.d

Compare with and take the larger value. Compare with and take the larger value.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls


Problem (8.1): GRAVITY WALL

Design a solid gravity wall to retain an embankment of 6.7m height. The wall is on a soil of
 = 36°, c=0 kPa and  =18.85 kN/m3. The backfill material slopes 10° to the horizontal, and
has  = 32°, c = 0 kPa and  =17.3 kN/m3. The base is 1.2m deep in the ground, f c =14 MPa,
 c  24 kN/m3 and the load factor (L.F.) = 2.0.

Backfill Soil
c1  0.kPa.,.1  32,.1  17.3.kN / m3


Base Soil
c2  0.kPa.,.2  36,. 2  18.85.kN / m3

Fig.(8.8): Gravity wall data of Problem (9.1).

Starting with tentative dimensions using H = 6.7 m:
Base width (B) = (0.5 - 0.7)H or 3.35m to 4.69m; Use B = 3.5m
Base depth (D) = (H/8 – H/6) or 8.37m to 1.117m; Use D = 0.9m
Top width (Tt) = (0.3m minimum – H/12) or 0.3m to 0.56m; Use Tt = 0.45m
Toe length = (D/2 – D) or 0.45m to 0.90m; Use Toe length = 0.45m

0.45m G.S.





Fig.(8.9): Tentative dimensions of Problem (9.1).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

Evaluating components of active earth pressure:

cos   cos 2   cos 2  cos 10  cos 2 10  cos 2 32

K a  cos   cos 10  0.321
cos   cos 2   cos 2  cos 10  cos 2 10  cos 2 32

Additional height due inclined ground surface: h = 3.5  (0.45  0.464  0.45) tan 10  0.38m
H   6.7 + 0.38 = 7.08m
Pa  (17.3)(7.08) 2 (0.321)  139.183 kN/m
Pah  Pa . cos   139.183(cos 10)  137.068 kN/m ……….(Sliding Force)
Pav  Pa . sin   139.183(sin 10)  24.169 kN/m
6 0.38m

5 Pv
1 Pa
6.7m Ph 7.08m
1 0.15m
0.45m 71 2.36m
0.464m 1.986m 0.9m

Fig.(8.10): Analysis of the wall of Problem (9.1).


(a) Safety factor against overturning:

To determine the resisting forces and moments, the following table is prepared:
Weight Arm from O Moment
(kN/m) (m) (kN-m/m)
1 1/2(0.464)(5.8)(24) = 32.29 0.76 24.54
2 0.45(5.8)(24) = 62.64 1.14 71.41
3 1/2(1.986)(5.8)(24) = 138.23 2.03 280.61
4 0.9(3.5)(24) = 75.60 1.75 132.30
5 1/2(1.986)(5.8)(17.3) = 99.64 2.69 268.03
6 1/2(1.986+ 0.15)(0.38)(17.3) = 7.02 2.79 19.59
7 0.15(5.8)(17.3) = 15.05 3.43 51.62
Pav 24.169 3.50 84.59

V  454.64 kN/m  M R  932.69 kN.m/m

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

Overturning moment:  M o  Pah .(H  / 3)  137.068  323.480 kN/m

 MR 932.69
SFoverturning    2.88 > 2.0 (O.K.)
 M o 323.480
(b) Safety factor against sliding:
In sliding stability analysis, it is a common practice to omit the soil in front of the wall.
 If the fill material in front of the wall (shallow side) is considered, then:
PP  H 2 K P ……………...for level ground surface,
2 P
1  sin  1  sin 32 1
Ka    0.307 and KP   3.255
1  sin  1  sin 32 Ka
PP  (17.3)(1.2) 2 (3.255)  40.54. kN/m
Resisting force =  FR  C a .B   V. tan 

2 3
Ca  c ; C a  0 (Due to cohesionless soil)
3 4
2 3 2
    ;   (36)  24 ;  V = 454.64 kN/m
3 4 3
 FR   V. tan   454.64 tan 24  202.42 kN/m
 FR  V. tan   PP 202.42  40.54
SFSliding     1.77 > 1.5 (O.K.)
FS Pah 137.068

 If the fill material in front of the wall (shallow side) is removed, then:
 FR  V. tan  202.42
SFSliding     1.5 (O.K.)
FS Pah 137.068

(c) Safety factor against Bearing Capacity Failure of the Base Soil:

The eccentricity is calculated by:

B  M R  M o 3.5 932.69  323.480
eB      0.41m < B / 6 (3.5/6 = 0.58m)
2 V 2 454.64
 the resultant falls in the middle third to the left of the wall centerline and for ( e  B / 6 )
the actual bearing pressures are calculated as:

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

454.64  6.(0.41) 
q max .  q Toe  1  221.20.kPa
3.5(1)  3.5 
454.64  6.(0.41) 
q min .  q Heel  1  38.60.kPa > 0 kPa (O.K.)
3.5(1)  3.5 
The net ultimate bearing capacity of the base soil is evaluated using Hansen's equation (with c = 0):

q ult.(net )  q( N q  1)Sq d q i q  0.5.B.N  S  d  i  .r

 Bearing capacity factors:

N q  e . tan 36 tan 2 (45  36 / 2)  37.8 , and N  1.5(37.8  1). tan 36  40
 Shape factors:
S c  S q  S  1.0 ; since the retaining wall is a continuous footing (L/B >10)

 Depth factors: with D f / B  1.2 / 3.5  0.34  1

d q  1  2. tan (1  sin ) 2 f  1  2. tan 36(1  sin 36) 2 (0.34)  1.08
 Inclination factors:
5 5
 0.5H   0.5(137.068) 
i q  1    1    0.442
 V  A C
f a cot    454.64  0 
5 5
 0.7H   0.7(137.068) 
i   1    1    0.306
 V  A f C a cot    454.64  0 

B  B  2e B  3.5  2(0.41)  2.68m

B 3.5
For B = 3.5 m > 2.0 m: r  1  0.25 log 10  1  0.25 log 10  0.939
2 2
 q ult.(net )  (1.2)(17.3)(37.8  1)(1.0)(1.08)(0.442)

 0.5(2.68)(18.85)(40)(1.0)(1.0)(0.306)(0.939)  655.kPa
q ult. ( net ) 655
SFBearing.Capacity    2.96  2.5 (O.K.)
q actual .(max .) 221.20

(d) Check for Settlement S T  S all.  :

Depending on the soil profile beneath the wall , calculate the total settlement components as
mentioned in Chapter Five to know whether it is acceptable or not in comparison of the
allowable settlement.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

(e) Safety factor against rotational stability:

As previously explained the safety factor against rotational failure is graphically obtained
using the Swedish circle method, the procedure is shown with two trials as follows:

Trial Circle (1):

Segment Weight (kN/m) N (kN/m) T (kN/m)

1 10.60(17.3) = 183.38 97.32 158.54
2 6.96(17.3) +12.87(24)+4.55(18.85) = 515.06 440.16 256.73
3 5.89(18.85) = 111.03 110.20 13.29
4 9.96(18.85) = 187.75 183.93 -38.90
5 5.12(18.85) = 96.51 78.63 -56.80
 910.24 332.86

Pah .y  137.068(2.527)  346.371 kN-m/m

Pav .x  24.169(4.588)  110.887 kN-m/m

For inclined backfill, the rotational safety factor is given by:

SFRotational..Stability 
 N. tan   c.L.R 
910.24 tan 36  07.150  1.67
R (  T)  Pah .y  Pav .x 7.150(332.86)  346.371  110.887

Trial Circle (2):

Segment Weight (kN/m) N (kN/m) T (kN/m)

1 39.01(17.3) = 674.87 484.55 469.74
2 6.96(17.3) + 7.61(24)+ 4.64(18.85) = 390.51 357.16 157.91
3 5.26(24) +4.05(18.85) = 202.58 194.79 55.64
4 11.35(18.85) = 213.95 212.81 22.07
5 29.71(18.85) = 560.03 534.78 -166.27
 1784.09 539.09

Pah .y  137.068(6.781)  929.458 kN-m/m

Pav .x  24.169(5.445)  131.600 kN-m/m

SFRotational..Stability 
 N. tan   c.L.R 
1784.09 tan 36  012.408  2.07
R (  T)  Pah .y  Pav .x 12.408(539.09)  929.458  131.600

Hence, the safety factor against deep seated failure is (1.67).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

(a) Analysis details of circle 1 trial.

(b) Analysis details of circle 2 trial.

Fig.(9.11): Graphical analysis details of rotational failure of Problem (9.1).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls


(a) Design of Stem:
Divide the stem into a number of sections, and determine the required (d) at each section
from wide-beam shear and moments, then, compare the obtained (d) values with that available
and use the larger (d) value.
For inclined backfill, the load, shear and moment at any section are obtained by:
Load: q y  .y .K a . cos 

where, y   y  0.38m and (y) is measured from the top of the stem.
Shear: V   q.dh
1 1
Vy  .y  2 .K a . cos   (17.3)( y  2 )(0.321) cos 10  2.734.y  2
2 2
Moment: M   V.dh
1 1
M y  .y  3 .K a . cos   (17.3)( y  3 )(0.321) cos 10  0.911.y  3
6 6


 y q y  .y .K a
h h
q y  .y.Ka cos Vy   q y .dh M y   Vy .dh 0.08
H 0 0 1
5.8m 1.72m
71 2.90m
V qH  .H.Ka cos
Thickness of stem.
M q V M
Fig.(8.12): Shear and moment along stem of Problem (8.1).

(d) (d)
y  y  0.38 (d) or (t)
Sec. Vy  2.734.y2 M y  0.911.y3 from from
No. from top (m) (kN) (kN.m/m) shear moment
(m) (m)
1 0 0 0 0 0 0.45
2 1.38 5.207 2.394 0.022 0.174 0.87
3 2.38 15.486 12.281 0.065 0.395 1.29
4 3.38 31.234 35.178 0.131 0.669 1.72
5 4.38 52.450 76.549 0.220 0.987 2.14
6 5.38 79.134 141.862 0.332 1.344 2.56
7 6.18 104.418 215.022 0.438 1.654 2.90

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

 (d) from wide beam shear:

0.17(0.75)  (0.17)(0.75) 14 (1000)  477 kPa

Vy .(2.0)
 ; take and solve for (d).
2.Vy (2)[2.734(1.38) 2 ]
i.e., d  ; For y = 1.0; y   1.38m : d   0.022 m
c act . 477

 (d) from moment:

0.42(0.60)  (0.42)(0.60) 14 (1000)  943 kPa

6M y  .L.F. 12M y  12(0.911)(1.383 )

d  For y = 1.0; y   1.38m : d   0.174 m
ft all. 943 943

The table of calculations shows that the proposed dimensions of the stem are adequate for
resisting both wide-beam shear and moment.

 Checking of the flexural stresses at base of stem:

Neglecting the weight of stem as a P/A term, the moment from earth pressure components
( Ph and Pv ) resolved at the end of heel is computed as:

0.08 Pv =24.169 kN/m

1 Pa
Ph =137.068 kN/m
0.15m 1.46m
CL 71 2.36m

2.90m 0.9m


Fig.(8.13): Moment causing flexural stress in stem of Problem (9.1).

M  137.068(2.36  0.90)  24.169(0.15  )  200.119 kN m/m
6.M 6(200.119)
f   142.77.kPa...  ...f tall. (O.K.)
b.t (1.0m)(2.9 2 )

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

(b) Design of the Base Slab:

The soil pressures on the base of the wall are computed before as:-

454.64  6.(0.41) 
q max .  q Toe  1  221.20.kPa
(3.5)(1.0)  3.5 
454.64  6.(0.41) 
q min.  q Heel  1  38.60.kPa
(3.5)(1.0)  3.5 
Pav = 24.169 kN/m
0.45m 0.15m

Omit soil q 2  (17.3)(6.18)  24(0.9)  128.514.kPa

Overlying the
toe side q1 = 24 (0.9) =21.6 kPa
0.90m 0.90m

M q min.  38.60.kPa
q max .  221.20.kPa B
52.171 q  (q min.  q 2 )  S.x
A 1
q  (q max .  q1 )  S.x
Xt Xh

Toe Heel

Fig.(8.14): Soil pressures under the base slab of Problem (9.1).

Design of Toe Design of Heel

q  (221.20  21.6)  52.171(x t ) q  (38.60- 128.514)  52.171(xh )

V = 199.6( x t )  26.086( x t ) V =  89.914( x h )  26.086( x h )  24.169

2 3
2 3
M = 99.8( x t )  8.695( x t ) M =  44.957( x h )  8.695( x h )  24.169( x h )

Checking shear stresses at the face of stem:

At point (A): x t  x T  0.45m At point (B): x h  x H  0.15m

V(x T )  84.537.kN V(x H )  37.069.kN (reverse direction)

 (0.17)(0.75) 14 (1000)  477 kPa  (0.17)(0.75) 14 (1000)  477 kPa

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

V( x T ).L.F. V( x H ).L.F.
 
b..d b..d
84.537.(2.0) 37.069(2)
  187.8.kPa  call. (O.K.)   82.4.kPa  c all. (O.K.)
(1.0m)(0.9) (1)(0.9)

Checking tensile stresses in toe and heel:

M( x T )  19.417kN.m / m M(x H )  4.607kN.m / m

 (0.42)(0.60) 14 (1000)  943 kPa  (0.42)(0.60) 14 (1000)  943 kPa

 2  6M u  6.M( x T ).L.F. 
6.M( x H ).L.F.
I b.h b.h 2 b.h 2 b.h 2
12 6(4.607)( 2)
  68.252.kPa  ft all. (O.K.)

6(19.417)( 2)
 287.659.kPa  ft all. (O.K.) (1m)(0.92 )
(1m)(0.92 )

0.45m G.S.







Fig.(8.15): Final design sketch of Problem (8.1).

Foundation Engineering
Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls Asst.
Prof. Dr. Farouk Majeed Muhauwiss.
Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls


Design the cantilever retaining wall shown below for the given conditions:
Assume the thickness of the base is 60 cm. The backfill soil slopes 10° to the horizontal, and
has c = 0 kPa,  =34°and  =18 kN/m3. The base soil has c = 0 kPa,  =34°and  =17.3 kN/m3.
f c  21.M Pa, f y  350.M Pa,  conc.  24.kN / m3 and the load factor is 2.0. The design should
(a) Checking against failure by:
(1) Overturning, (2) Sliding, (3) Bearing capacity, and (4) Rotational failure.
(b) Checking the concrete thickness (Stem and Base),
(c) Determining the steel reinforcement in stem and base.



Backfill Soil
c1  0.kPa.,.1  34,.1  18.kN / m3


Base Soil
c2  0.kPa., 2  34,. 2  17.3.kN / m3

Fig.(8.16): Cantilever wall data of Problem (9.2).

Establishing initial proportions of the stem:

cos   cos 2   cos 2  cos 10  cos 2 10  cos 2 34

K a  cos   cos 10  0.294
cos   cos 2   cos 2  cos 10  cos 2 10  cos 2 34

Q  1 / 2.H 2 .Ka . cos   1 / 2(18)(8) 2 (0.294) cos10  166.77 kN/m2

The allowable shear stress in concrete (without shear reinforcement):
call.  (0.17)(0.75) f c  (0.17)(0.75) 21(1000)  584 kPa

Thickness of stem at bottom: Tbottom(min .)   0.29 m ; try 0.5 m

Thickness of stem at top: Ttop  0.5  0.02(8)  0.34 m ; use 0.5 m

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

Re-compute the thickness of stem at bottom: Tbottom  0.5  0.02(8)  0.66.m

Computing the length of the base using H = 8.6m

Base width (B) = (0.4 - 0.7)H or 3.44m to 6.02m; Try B = 4.0m
Toe length = (B/3) Try toe length = 1.2m
Heel length = 2.14m


Backfill Soil
c1  0.kPa.,.1  34,.1  18.kN / m3

0.66m 0.6m

1.2m 2.14m


Base Soil
c2  0.kPa., 2  34,. 2  17.3.kN / m3

Fig.(8.17): Selected wall dimensions of Problem (9.2).


10 5 0.38m
Backfill Soil
0.02 c1  0.kPa
1 2 Pv 1  34
4 8.98m 1  18.kN / m3
8.6m Pa
1.5m 2.99m
0.6m 1
1.2m 2.14m

Fig.(8.18): Analysis of the wall of Problem (9.2).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls


Calculating the active earth pressure:
H   8.6 + 2.14 tan 10 = 8.98m
Pa  (18)(8.98) 2 (0.294)  213.37 kN/m
Pah  Pa . cos   213.37(cos 10)  210.13 kN/m ……….(Sliding Force)

Pav  Pa . sin   213.37(sin 10)  37.05 kN.

(a) Safety factor against overturning:

To determine the resisting forces and moments, the following table is prepared:
Weight Arm from O Moment
(kN/m) (m) (kN-m/m)
1 4(0.6)(24)= 57.6 2.00 115.2
2 0.5(8)(24)= 96 1.61 154.56
3 1/2(0.16)(8)(24) = 15.36 1.31 20.12
4 2.14(8)(18) = 308.16 2.93 902.91
5 1/2(2.14)(0.38)(18) = 7.32 3.29 24.08
Pav 37.05 4.00 148.20

 V  521.49 kN/m  M R  1365.07 kN.m/m

Overturning moment:  M o  Pah .(H  / 3)  210.13  628.99 kN/m
 M R 1365.07
SFoverturning    2.17 > 2.0 (O.K.)
 Mo 628.99

(b) Safety factor against sliding:

Neglecting PP at Toe:

Resisting force =  FR  C a .B   V. tan 

C a  0 (cohesionless soil);  (34)  22.67
 FR  0   V. tan   521.49 tan 22.67  217.82 kN/m
 FR  V. tan  217.82
SFSliding     1.04 < 1.5 (Not safe)
FS Pah 210.13
Therefore, use a shear key near the stem or heel to increase the sliding resistance.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

 Try a heel key of 0.9m deep:

PP  H 2 K P ……………...for level ground surface
1  sin 34 1
Ka   0.283 and K P   3.537
1  sin 34 Ka
PP  (18)(0.6  0.9) 2 (3.537)  71.62 kN/m
 FR  V. tan   PP 217.82  71.62
SFSliding     1.38 < 1.5 (Not safe)
FS Pah 210.13

 Try a heel key of 1.2m deep:

PP  (18)(0.6  1.2) 2 (3.537)  103.14 kN/m
 FR 217.82  103.14
SFSliding    1.53 > 1.5 (O.K.)
FS 210.13


Fig.(8.19): Heel shear key of Problem (8.2).

(c) Safety factor against Bearing Capacity Failure of the Base Soil:

For B = 4.0 m:
The eccentricity is calculated by:
B  M R  M o 4 1365.07  628.99
eB      0.589m < B / 6 (4/6 = 0.667m)
2 V 2 521.49
Therefore, the resultant falls in the middle third; to the left of the centerline of footing, and
for ( e  B / 6 ) the actual bearing pressures are calculated by:

V  6.e B 
q actual  q T oe  1  B 
Heel B(1)  
521.49  6.(0.589) 
q max.  q Toe  1   245.556.kPa
4(1)  4
521.49  6.(0.589) 
q min.  q Heel  1   15.188.kPa > 0 kPa (O.K.)
4(1)  4

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

The net ultimate bearing capacity of the base soil is evaluated using Hansen's equation:
(with c = 0) q ult.(net )  q( N q  1)Sq d q i q  0.5.B.N  S  d  i  .r

 Bearing capacity factors:

N q  e . tan 36 tan 2 (45  34 / 2)  29.4 , and N  1.5(29.4  1). tan 34  28.8

 Shape factors:
S c  S q  S  1.0 ; since the retaining wall is a continuous footing (L/B >10)

 Depth factors: with Df / B  1.5 / 4  0.375  1

d q  1  2. tan (1  sin ) 2 f  1  2. tan 34(1  sin 34) 2 (0.375)  1.1

 Inclination factors:
5 5
 0.5H   0.5(210.13) 
i q  1    1    0.325
 V  A f C a cot    521.49  0 
5 5
 0.7H   0.7(210.13) 
i   1    1    0.191
 V  A f C a cot    521.49  0 
B  B  2e B  4  2(0.589)  2.822m
B 4
For b = 4.0 m > 2.0 m: r  1  0.25 log 10  1  0.25 log 10  0.925
2 2
 q ult.(net )  (1.5)(18)(29.4  1)(1.0)(1.1)(0.325)

 0.5(2.822)(17.3)(28.8)(1.0)(1.0)(0.191)(0.925)  398.336.kPa
q ult. ( net ) 398.336
SFBearing.Capacity    1.62 < 2.5 (Not safe)
q actual .(max .) 245.556

Therefore, adjust (B). This is done by approximation as follows:

B new  4.0  6.17.m
Use B = 6.2m and repeat the calculations for steps (a, b, and c).
For B = 6.2 m:
Toe length = (B/3) or 2.06m; Try Toe length = 2.1m
Heel length = 3.44m

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

Calculating the active earth pressure:

H   8.6 + 3.44 tan 10 = 9.21m
Pa  (18)(9.21) 2 (0.294)  224.444 kN/m
Pah  Pa . cos   224.444(cos 10)  221.034 kN/m ……….(Sliding Force)
Pav  Pa . sin   224.444(sin 10)  38.974 kN.

 Safety factor against overturning:

Weight Arm from O Moment
(kN/m) (m) (kN-m/m)
1 6.2(0.6)(24) = 89.28 3.10 276.768
2 0.5(8)(24)= 96 2.51 240.960
3 1/2(0.16)(8)(24) = 15.36 2.21 33.946
4 3.44(8)(18) = 495.36 4.48 2219.213
5 1/2(3.44)(0.61)(18) = 18.886 5.05 95.374
Pav 38.974 6.2 241.639

 V  753.86 kN/m  M R  3107.899 kN.m/m

Overturning moment:  M o  Pah .(H  / 3)  221.034  678.574 kN/m
 M R 3107.899
SFoverturning    4.6 > 2.0 (O.K.)
 Mo 678.574

 Safety factor against sliding (Neglecting PP at Toe):

 FR  0   V. tan  753.86 tan22.67  314.883kN/m

 FR 314.883
SFSliding    1.42 < 1.5 (Not safe)
FS 221.034

a shear key is needed to increase the sliding resistance. Try a heel key of 0.9m deep:

1 1
PP  H 2 K P  (18)(0.6  0.9) 2 (3.537)  71.62 kN/m
2 2
 FR 314.883  71.62
SFSliding    1.75 > 1.5 (O.K.)
FS 221.034

 Safety factor against bearing capacity failure:

The eccentricity is calculated by:
B  M R   M o 6.2 3107.899  678.574
eB      0.12.m < B / 6 (1.03m)
2 V 2 753.86

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

Therefore, the resultant falls in the middle third; but, to the right of the centerline of footing,
and for ( e  B / 6 ) the actual bearing pressures are calculated by:

753.86  6.(0.12) 
q max .  q Heel  1  135.71.kPa
6.2.x.1  6.2 
753.86  6.(0.12) 
q min.  q Toe  1  107.47.kPa > 0 kPa (O.K.)
6.2.x.1  6.2 

Net ultimate bearing capacity of the base soil is evaluated using Hansen's equation:
(with c = 0) q ult.(net )  q( N q  1)S q d q i q  0.5.B.N  S  d  i  .r

 Bearing capacity factors:

N q  e . tan 36 tan 2 (45  34 / 2)  29.4 , and N  1.5(29.4  1). tan 34  28.8
 Shape factors:
S c  S q  S  1.0 ; since the retaining wall is a continuous footing (L/B >10)
 Depth factors: with D f / B  1.5 / 6.2  0.242  1
d q  1  2. tan (1  sin ) 2 f  1  2. tan 34(1  sin 34) 2 (0.242)  1.063
 Inclination factors:
5 5
 0.5H   0.5(221.034) 
i q  1    1    0.45
 V  A f C a cot    753.86  0 
5 5
 0.7H   0.7(221.034) 
i   1    1    0.32
 V  A C
f a cot    753.86  0 
B  B  2e B  6.2  2(0.12)  5.96m
B 6.2
For b = 6.2 m > 2.0 m: r  1  0.25 log 10  1  0.25 log 10  0.877
2 2
 q ult.(net )  (1.5)(18)(29.4  1)(1.0)(1.06)(0.45)
 0.5(5.96)(17.3)(28.8)(1.0)(1.0)(0.32)(0.877)  782.445.kPa
q ult. ( net ) 782.445
SFBearing.Capacity    5.7 < 2.5 (O.K.)
q actual .(max .) 135.71

(d) Check for Settlement S T  S all.  :

Depending on the soil profile beneath the wall, calculate the total settlement components as
mentioned in Chapter Five to know whether it will be acceptable or not in comparison of
the allowable settlement.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

(e) Safety factor against rotational stability:

As previously explained the safety factor against rotational failure is graphically obtained
using the Swedish circle method, the procedure is shown in the following two trials.

Circle (1) Trial:

Segment Weight (kN/m)  N (kN/m) T (kN/m)

1 7.2(3.5)(18) = 453.600 55 260.174 371.567

2 [8.2(18)+0.6(24)+1.4(17.3)](3.44) = 640.597 32 543.257 339.465
[8(1.2) + 0.6(2.76)](24) +1.5(2.1)(18)
3 16 410.569 117.729
+ 2.1(2.76)(17.3) = 427.115
4 [2.1(18)+3.2(17.3)](2.2) = 204.952 5 204.172 17.863
5 [2.1(18)+3 (17.3)](5) = 448.500 -12.3 438.205 -95.544
6 [2.1(18)+1.0(17.3)](2.5) = 137.750 -36.8 110.301 -82.516
 1966.678 668.564
Pah .y  221.034(6.2)  1370.411 kN-m/m
Pav .x  38.974(8.2)  319.587 kN-m/m

SFRotational..Stability 
 N. tan   c.LR
R ( T)  Pah .y  Pav .x

1966.678 tan 34  0.(12.5)  1.65
12.5.(668.564)  1370.411  319.587
Circle (2) Trial:

Segment Weight (kN/m)  N (kN/m) T (kN/m)

1 9(5.6)(18) = 907.200 49 595.177 684.672

2 [8.2(18)+0.6(24)+2.9(17.3)](3.44) = 729.865 28 644.432 342.651
[8(1.2) + 0.6(2.76)](24) +1.5(2.1)(18)
3 17 499.775 152.797
+ 4.1(2.76)(17.3) = 522.611
4 [2.1(18)+4.6(17.3)](2.2) = 258.236 7.5 256.027 33.706
5 [2.1(18)+4.8(17.3)](5) = 604.200 -5 601.901 -52.659
6 [2.1(18)+3.4(17.3)](2.5) = 241.550 -25 218.918 -102.083
 2816.230 1059.084
Pah .y  221.034(8.3)  1834.582 kN-m/m
Pav .x  38.974(9.2)  358.561 kN-m/m

SFRotational..Stability 
 N. tan   c.LR
R ( T)  Ph .y  Pv .x

2816.230 tan 34  0.(16.1)  1.59
16.1.(1059.084)  1834.582  358.561
Hence, the safety factor against rotation or deep seated failure is (1.59).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls


Backfill Soil
10 Pv c1  0.kPa
6.2m 1 1  34
R = 12.5m
Ph 1  18.kN / m3
8.6m 2
1.5m 2.1m 3.44m
6.2m 371.567
6 5 4 3
543.257 Base Soil
c 2  0.kPa
2  34
-82.516 410.509 339.465
438.205 204.172  2  17.3.kN / m3

-95.544 17.863

Fig. (8.20): Circle (1) trial of Problem (8.2).


Backfill Soil
10 Pv c1  0.kPa
1 1  34
R = 16.1m
Ph 1  18.kN / m3
8.6m 2

1.5m 2.1m 3.44m

6.2m 684.672
6 5 4 3
218.918 644.432 Base Soil
c 2  0.kPa
2  34
499.775 342.651  2  17.3.kN / m3

-52.659 33.706

Fig. (8.21): Circle (2) trial of Problem (8.2).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls


(a) Design of stem:
Divide the stem into a number of sections, and determine the required (d) at each section
from wide-beam shear and moments, then compare the obtained (d) values with that available
and use the larger (d) value.
For inclined backfill, the load, shear and moment at any section are obtained by:
Load: q y  .y .K a . cos 

where, y  y  0.61m and (y) is measured from top of stem.

h 1 1
Shear: Vy   q y .dh ; Vy  .y  2 .K a . cos   (18)( y  2 )(0.294) cos 10  2.605.y  2
0 2 2
h 1 1
Moment: M y   Vy .dh ; M y  .y  3 .K a . cos   (18)( y  3 )(0.294) cos 10  0.868.y  3
0 6 6


 y q y  .y.Ka
h h
q y  .y.Ka cos Vy   q y.dh M y   Vy.dh
H 0 0

V qH  .H.Ka cos
q V M

Fig.(8.22): Shear and moment along of Problem (8.2).

(d) (d)
y  y  0.61 t (d)
Sec. Vy  2.605.y2 M y  0.868.y3 from from
available available
no. from top (m) (kN) (kN.m/m) shear moment
(m) (m)
(m) (m)
1 0 0 0 0 0 0.50 0.41
2 2.61 17.745 15.433 0.061 0.400 0.54 0.45
3 4.61 55.362 85.040 0.189 0.940 0.58 0.49
4 6.61 113.818 250.682 0.389 1.614 0.62 0.53
5 8.61 193.114 554.025 0.661 2.400 0.66 0.57

d available  t  0.075  0.025 / 2 ; Using .25mm reinforcement bars.

 (d) from wide beam shear:

0.17(0.75)  (0.17)(0.75) 21(1000)  584 kPa

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

Vy .(2.0)
 ; take and solve for (d).
2.Vy (2)[2.605(2.61) 2 ]
i.e., d  ; For y = 2.0; y   2.61m ; d   0.061 m
c act . 584

 (d) from moment:

0.42(0.60)  (0.42)(0.60) 21(1000)  1155 kPa

6M y  .L.F. 12M y  12(0.868)(2.61) 3

d  For y =2.0; y   2.61m ; d   0.400 m
ft all. 1155 1155

The table of calculations shows that the available thickness for sections 3, 4, and 5 near
the base is not sufficient to satisfy the bending moment requirement. Therefore, increase the
thickness at these sections 3, 4, and 5 to be: 0.9m, 1.6m, and 2.4m, respectively.

Sec. As Spacing Reinforcement details
no. (cm2/m) (cm) c/c
(m) 2
(cm /m)
1 0.41 0 16.4 10 30
For section 1-2: use .25mm @ 28 cm c/c.
2 0.45 2.419 18 10.8 27
For section 2-3: use .25mm @ 20 cm c/c.
3 0.90 6.666 36 19.8 14
For section 3-4: use .25mm @ 11 cm c/c.
4 1.60 11.053 64 33.8 8
For section 4-5: use .25mm @ 7 cm c/c.
5 2.40 16.285 96 49.8 5

For section (2):

M y .L.F. 15.433.(2).(103 ).(104 )
As    2.419 cm2/m
0.9.fy.0.9.d (0.9)(350)(0.9)(0.45)

where, is the larger of: 1.4/ or 0.25 /

0.0040 (1.0)(0.45)(100)2 = 18 cm2/m
0.0020 b t 0.0020(1.0)(0.45 + 0.09)(100)2 10.8 cm2/m

(b) Design of the Base Slab:

The soil pressures under the base of the wall are:-
753.86  6.(0.12) 
q max .  q Heel  1  135.71.kPa
6.2(1)  6.2 
753.86  6.(0.12) 
q min.  q Toe  1  107.47.kPa > 0 kPa (O.K.)
6.2(1)  6.2 

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

135.71  107.47
S  4.55
6.2 Pav = 38.974 kN/m
2.1m 3.44m
Omit soil
Overlying the
q1 = 24 (0.6) =14.4 kPa q 2  (17.3)(8  8.61) / 2  24(0.6)  157.99.kPa
toe side
0.60m 0.60m

d M
q min .  107.47.kPa
A 4.55
q  (q min .  q1)  S.x B
q max.  135.71.kPa
q  (q max.  q 2 )  S.x
Xt Toe Heel Xh

Fig.(8.23): Soil pressures under the base slab of Problem (8.2).

Design of Toe Design of Heel

q  (107.47  14.4)  4.55.x t q  (135.71  157.99)  4.55.x h
4.55 2 4.55 2
V = 93.07x t  xt V =  22.28x h  x  38.974
2 2 h
93.07 2 4.55 3 22.28 2 4.55 3
M= xt  xt M = xh  x  38.974x h
2 6 2 6 h

The thickness of toe and heel is calculated as:

Find V at (d) from the face of the stem; at point (A). Find V at (d) from the face of the stem; at point (B).
Using .25mm reinforcement bars: Using .25mm reinforcement bars:
d = 0.6 – 0.075 – 0.025/2 = 0.51m d = 0.6 – 0.075 – 0.025/2 = 0.51m
x  x T  d = 2.1 – 0.51 = 1.59m x  x H  d = 3.44 – 0.51 = 2.93m

(1.59) 2  153.733.kN / m V( x  2.93m)  123.785.kN / m

V( x 1.59m)  93.07(1.59) 
call.  (0.17)(0.75) 21(1000)  584.kPa call.  (0.17)(0.75) 21(1000)  584.kPa

V( x T  d).L.F. V( x H  d).L.F.
cact.  cact. 
b..d b..d
153.733.(2.0) 123.785.(2.0)
  602.874kPa  call (O.K.)   485.431.kPa  c all. (O.K.)
(1.0m)(0.51) (1.0m)(0.51)

Foundation Engineering Chapter 8: Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls

The required reinforcement steel is calculated as:

Find M at face of stem; at x  x T : [i.e., M(x T ) ] Find M at face of stem; at x  x H : [i.e., M(x H ) ]
M(x T  2.1m)  212.242 kN m/m M(x H  3.44m)  296.767 kN m/m
M( x T ).L.F. 212.242.(2) M( x H ).L.F. 296.767.(2)
As    2 / m As    2 / m
0.9.fy .0.9.d 0.9(350)(0.9)(0.51) 0.9.fy .0.9.d 0.9(350)(0.9)(0.51)
1.4 1.4
As min.  (1m)(0.51)(100) 2  2 / m As min.  (1m)(0.51)(100) 2  2 / m
350 350
 Use As  2 / m  Use As  2 / m
Using .25mm bars @ spacing: Using .25mm bars @ spacing:
Ab 4.91 A 4.91
S.(c / c)  x100  x100  17 cm S.(c / c)  b x100  x100  12 cm
As 29.36 As 41.05
 Use .25mm bars @ 17 cm c/c, placed perpendicular  Use .25mm bars @ 12cm c/c placed perpendicular
to the stem, at the bottom of the footing. to the stem, along the top of footing.
Astemp..and..shrinkage  0.002.b.t Astemp..and..shrinkage  0.002.b.t
 0.002(1m)(0.60)(100) 2  2 / m  0.002(1m)(0.60)(100) 2  2 / m
 Use .25mm bars @ 40 cm c/c for shrinkage placed  Use .25mm bars @ 40 cm c/c for shrinkage placed
parallel to the stem, at the bottom of the footing. parallel to the stem, along the top of the footing.


Use 25  mm @ 40 cm c/c 0.0m

longitudinal steel for shrinkage. 17.2 cm2/m
Use 25  mm @ 28 cm c/c.
27 cm2/m
Use 25  mm @ 20 cm c/c.
Place minimum bars vertically 4.0m
to attach longitudinal steel. 50 cm2/m
(alternate: put all steel on back face). Use 25  mm @ 11 cm c/c. 8.6m

Use several additional dowels 80 cm2/m
to supplement key for shear. Use 25  mm @ 7 cm c/c.

2.10m 3.44m
Run some bars all the way.

Use 25  mm @ 40 cm c/c
for shrinkage.
Use 25  mm 1.2m
Bend some bars into key.

Use 25  mm @ 12 cm c/c.
Concrete: f c  21.MPa @ 17 cm c/c.
Notes: (1) Use 7.5cm concrete cover on all steel where the concrete is in contact with soil.
(2) Extend steel beyond cutoff points to satisfy ACI Code requirements for bond.
Fig.(8.24): Final design sketch of Problem (9.2).

Foundation Engineering
Design and Analysis of Retaining Walls Asst.
Prof. Dr. Farouk Majeed Muhauwiss

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