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English 1st Year Imp Questions

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Total No. of Questions - 20 Regd.
Total No. of Printed Pages - 8 No.

Paper - I
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Section - A
1. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in about 100 words each.
(a) Such was the Indian concept of hospitality once upon a time.
(b) Individual liberty would have become social anarchy.
(c) Usha Rani dreamt of the day when her daughter would get an
Olympic medal and she constantly motivated her daughter to
work towards that goal.
(d) No two British subjects speak exactly alike.
2. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in about 100 words each.
(a) He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
(b) I don't want my children to see the Earth die,
(c) In vain, O Kings, doth time aspire
To make your names oblivion's sport,
(d) 'What hast thou to give to me?'
3. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words
each. 2×4=8
(a) Liberty is an accommodation of interests. Elaborate with
examples from the essay.

1 P.T.O
b) Narrate two memories of Kalam, related to eating.
c) Why was the Philippines Tournament in 2006 a memorable one
for Saina Nehwal?
d) What does the writer say about the use of pronunciation, the
use of stress on syllables, accent, and so on by the native
speakers of English?
4. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words
each. 2×4=8
(a) Describe the feelings of the poet when she sees the Royal Tombs
of Golconda.
(b) Why does the horse give its harness bells a shake?
(c) How can we all lend our hand to prevent nature from saying
(d) Why did the beggar weep bitterly that night?
5. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words
each. 2×4=8
(a) Narrate the events that led the little girl and her mother to wait
in the rain for a taxi.
(b) Why was Gopal upset on being told by the director that he had
to enact a dying scene?
(c) How did Suren spend that night at his home in the village?
(d) 'The Antidote' is a gentle satire on man's blind beliefs and
superstitions. Comment.
6. Read the following passage carefully and answer ANY FOUR
questions given after it. 4×1=4
I saw my mother's hand feeling for the clasp of her purse. She saw
me watching her. I was giving her one of my own frosty-nosed looks
this time and she knew exactly what I was telling her. Now listen,
mummy, I was telling her, you simply mustn't take advantage of a
tired old man in this way. It's a rotten thing to do. My mother paused

and looked back at me. Then she said to the little man, 'I don't think
it's quite right that I should take an umbrella from you worth twenty
pounds. I think I'd better just give you the taxi-fare and be done
with it.'
1. What did the narrator see?
2. What did the narrator's mother see?
3. What was the rotten thing referred to in the passage?
4. Did the narrator's mother agree with the little girl when she
said, "You mustn't take advantage of a tired old man ... ..." ?
5. Mother said it was quite right to take the umbrella from the old
man. Say 'true' or 'false'.
6. What did the narrator's mother offer to do?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer ANY FOUR
questions given after it. 4×1=4
Once a 4 year old girl asked her mother, "Why do you keep your
ornaments in the locker even though the maid is in our house for
24 hours?" Mother said, "These ornaments are very precious. So I
can't keep them with our maid."
Daughter felt very sad about it and asked, "Why do you keep me
with that maid when you go to office? Am I not as precious as
1. How old was the little girl?
2. Where did they keep their ornaments?
3. Why did the girl feel sad?
4. Who looked after the little girl at office hours?
5. Tick the right statements
i. The passage highlights the innocence and inherent wisdom
of little children.
ii. It exposes the modern man's materialistic outlook.
iii. It enlists the duties of maid servants.
iv. It explains the services banks extend to customers.
6. The little girl asked her mother some questions which the
mother couldn't answer. Write 'true' or 'false'.

[NOTE: ANSWERS to the questions in Section - C must be written at
one place in the same Serial Order.]
8. Fill in ANY EIGHT blanks with a, an or the. 8×½=4
(a) She did not make ............ (i) career.
(b) Ramu wore ............ (ii) uniform.
(c) Mary is ............ (iii) European.
(d) I interviewed ............ (iv) MP.
(e) The Ramayana is ............ (v) epic.
(f) Rajesh is ............ (vi) enterprising businessman.
(g) I reached home in ............ (vii) evening.
(h) My mother reads ............ (viii) Quran everyday.
(i) King Solomon is ............ (ix) wisest king.
(j) ............ (x) novel I bought yesterday is interesting.
9. Fill in ANY EIGHT blanks with suitable prepositions. 8×½=4
(a) The martyr wrote his final testament .......... (i) blood.
(b) Please dont’ laugh ….…. (ii) others.
(c) Tina gets ….…. (iii) early in the morning.
(d) The poem was written ….…. (iv) John Keats.
(e) My friend was angry ……… (v) me.
(f) Shiva speaks Hindi ….…. (vi) English.
(g) There is a good friendship .......... (vii) America and India.
(h) I have been reading this book ………… (viii)2014.
(i) The manager is .......... (ix) good impression.
(j) We ate .......... (x) banana leaves.
10. Fill in ANY FOUR blanks with suitable verbs given in brackets.
(a) A philanthropist .......... (i) (think) about the welfare of others.

(b) Look! The bird .......... (ii) (fly).
(c) He .......... (iii) (paint) the door just now.
(d) He .......... (iv) (read) the book since March.
(e) The people .......... (v) (stay) indoors due to rain yesterday.
(f) All members of the committe .......... (vi) (be) educated persons.
11. Rewrite ANY FOUR sentences as directed. 4×1=4
(i) One should follow traffic rules. (Change to active voice.)
(ii) "Don't run," he said to Eckels. "Turn around. Hide in the
Machine." (Change to indirect speech.)
(iii) Suresh to his friend: "I will certainly help you." (Change to
indirect speech.)
(iv) A computer works much faster than the human brain.
(Change to positive degree.)
(v) The Tyrannosaurus Rex is the most incredible monster in
history. (Change to comparative degree.)
(vi) You think you're smart. (Add a question tag.)
12. Rewrite ANY FOUR of the following sentences correcting the errors.
(i) One should look after her parents.
(ii) You have to agree for my proposals.
(iii) Children below six are prohibited to enter the hall.
(iv) Each of them were given a gift.
(v) I am forty years.
(vi) They asked me what was my name.
13. Supply the missing letters in ANY EIGHT of the following words.
(i) mi - - le (ii) l - - rels (iii) a - - ommodation
(iv) th - - der (v) sy - - able (vi) vill - - n
(vii) t - - cher (viii) sl - - pless (ix) o - - ur (x) enc - - rage

14. Identify the silent consonant(s) in ANY EIGHTof the following words.
(i) balm (ii) often (iii) foreign (iv) arms
(v) neighbour (vi) tomb (vii) dawn (viii) knife
(ix) hour (x) column
15. Identify the parts of speech of ANY EIGHT of the following underlined
words. 8×½=4
She is the second Indian to achieve such a ranking, after Prakash
Padukone in 1980, and the first Indian woman to do so. Though a
bright student, Saina was unable to complete Intermediate as the
gruelling schedule left her with little time to attend classes. Ah! It is
raining heavily.
16. Match ANY EIGHT of the following words in Column ‘A’ with their
meanings in Column ‘B’ 8×½=4
(i) alms ( ) (a) avoid
(ii) compromises ( ) (b) limitless
(iii) anarchy ( ) (c) large ship
(iv) vows ( ) (d) sweet-smelling, fragrant
(v) hoary ( ) (e) resident, inhabitant
(vi) dodge ( ) (f) money, clothes and food that are
given to the poor
(vii) infinite ( ) (g) promises
(viii) civilian ( ) (h) adjustments
(ix) vessel ( ) (i) disorder, chaos
(x) aromatic ( ) (j) very old and well known

17. (a) Look at the following pie-chart that shows daily routine of an
Indian mother. Present the information in a paragraph.
1. At office / place of work - 8 hours
2. Sleep - 7 hours
3. Household chores - 5 hours
4. Personal needs / relaxation - 4 hours
(b) Read the following paragraph and convert it into a tree diagram.
There are three types of muscles in the human body. They are
smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscles. Smooth muscles are
controlled by involuntary responses. Examples of smooth
muscles are muscles in the digestive tract and blood vessels.
The second type of muscle is cardiac muscle. It is also an
involuntary muscle. Muscles that cover the heart are examples
of cardiac muscles. The third type of muscle is the skeletal
muscle. It is controlled by voluntary response. All the muscles
attached to the bones such as biceps, deltoid are examples of
skeletal muscles.
18. Write ANY FOUR transcriptions to the following words in ordinary
English. 4×1= 4
(i) /n/ (ii) /d/ (iii) /(r)/
(iv) / / (v) // (vi) //
19. Circle ANY FOUR of the words that sound different with regard to
the sounds of the bold letters. 4×1=4
(i) change chariot character
(ii) like live limit
(iii) order often old
(iv) anger danger passenger
(v) jungle bullet but
(vi) strange energy get

20. Mention the number of syllables in ANY FOUR of the following words.
(i) family (ii) tournament (iii) mother
(iv) liberty (v) compromise (vi) reign


SPECIAL NOTE : While setting the Question Paper one must follow
the instructions related to the reduction in syllabus and
enhancement of choice in Question Paper without fail.

Total No. of Questions - 20 Regd.
Total No. of Printed Pages - 8 No.

Paper - II
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Section - A
1. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in about 100 words each.
a) Robbing children of their childhood is a criminal act, and our
society must weed this malaise out from the root.
b) 'Potter, Sir. The 'sir' was somewhat delayed.
c) Thought without action is abortion and action without thought
is folly
d) 'I am your teacher, and I'm the one you should criticize if I fail
to maintain the standards I demand of you.'
2. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in about 100 words each.
(a) And the front door is always locked?
And no rangoli design on porch
(b) Neither a borrower nor a lender be;
(c) If I ask for a flower, it gives me pink flowers!
(d) When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."
3. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words
each. 2×4=8
(a) Why does the teacher emphasize the fact that the students
belong to the top class?

1 P.T.O
(b) What is happiness, according to Jawaharlal Nehru?
(c) What kind of change does the writer visualize in schools and
(d) What quality of Gandhi does Nehru appreciate in the essay?
4. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words
each. 2×4=8
(a) Sketch briefly the character of Polonius, based on the poem.
(b) What kind of place … … …? What is that place?
Describe it with its sights, smells and sounds.
(c) Narrate what the Lord says to His precious child about that one
set of footprints.
(d) The earth knows how to do magic! Support this statement with
examples from the poem.
5. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words
each. 2×4=8
a) Describe the conditions in which Alka lived.
b) How did Sitaram try to help Nathu?
c) The younger brother loves to play and studies whenever he
feels it necessary. Yet he passes his examinations. Explain.
d) Describe Mallaiah's silent wail in the jail. Why did he cry silently?
6. Read the following passage carefully and answer ANY FOUR
questions given after it. 4×1=4
People were turned back from the counters and told to return the
following day. They did not like the sound of that. And so they
gathered outside on the steps of the bank shouting 'Give us our
money we'll break in!' and 'Fetch the Seth, we know he's hiding in a
safe deposit locker! Mischief makers who didn't have a paisa in the
bank, joined the crowd and aggravated their mood. The manager
stood at the door and tried to placate them. He declared that bank
had plenty of money but no immediate means of collecting it; He
urged them to go home and come back the next day.

(i) Where did the people gather?
(ii) What did they shout?
(iii) Who aggravated their mood?
(iv) What did the manager try?
(v) What did he declare?
(vi) Write the synonym of 'fetch'?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer ANY FOUR
questions given after it. 4×1=4
Some students were asked to list what they thought were the present
‘Seven Wonders of the World’. The following received the most votes,
in order of ranking:
1. The Pyramids of Egypt 2. The Taj Mahal 3. The Grand Canyon
4. The Panama Canal 5.The Empire State Building 5. St. Peter’s
Basilica and 7. The Great Wall of China. While gathering the votes
the teacher noted that one student had not finished her paper yet.
On being asked why, the girl said that she was unable to make up
her mind as there were so many wonders. Then the teacher said,
“Tell us what you have, and maybe we can help.” The girl then read,
‘1. To see 2. To hear 3. To touch 4. To taste 5. To feel 6. To laugh
and 7. To love’. The room became quiet. The things we overlook as
being simple and ordinary are truly wondrous. A gentle reminder
that the most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or
bought by man.
i) What was the task given to the students?
ii) Name the first two of the seven wonders that got most votes.
iii) Why couldn’t a girl of that class make up her mind?
iv) What are the first three wonders that the girl read out?
v) How do we often regard truly wondrous things?
vi) What does the girl’s response remind us of?

8. Study the advertisement given below and answer ANY FOUR
questions given after it. 4×1=4

(i) What is the advertisement about?

(ii) What does the railways ban?
(iii) What is the punishment for carrying inflammables in trains?
(iv) What is the security helpline number?
(v) Write the motto of the South Central Railway.
(vi) What will decide your safety?
9. Read the pie-chart below and answer ANY FOUR questions given
after it. 4×1=4

(i) What does the pie chart show?

(ii) How many factors contribute to the cost of publishing?
(iii) What is the expenditure incurred on Royalty?
(iv) The minimum expenditure is incurred on ________

(v) What two factors together contribute to 50% of the total cost of
(vi) More money was spent on binding than on printing. Say true or
10. Rewrite the following passage / sentences using EIGHT of the
punctuation marks wherever necessary. 8×½=4
having got the larger frame i looked more closely at my own country
and wrote the discovery of india in it i concentrated on my countrys
past and the story of its development
11. Match ANY FOUR of the following words in Column ‘A’ with their
meanings/definitions in Column ‘B’. 4×1 =4
(i) agenda ( ) (a) the art of good handwriting.
(ii) pedestrian ( ) (b) a person who believes in the
existence of God.
(iii) quarantine ( ) (c) a list of things to be discussed at a
(iv) calligraphy ( ) (d) one who is inexperienced or new to
a job.
(v) novice ( ) (e) a person walking on a street.
(vi) theist ( ) (f) confinement to one place to prevent
the spread of infection.
12. Use ANY FOUR of the following idioms/phrases in sentences of
your own. 4×1=4
(i) once in a blue moon (ii) turn a deaf ear
(iii) thrilled to bits (iv) a hot potato
(v) apple of my eye (vi) rags to riches
13. Make FOUR meaningful sentences from the verb pattern given
below. 4×1=4
An example is given as a model.
Subject Transitive Verb Object
I wrote this story

14. Fill in the EIGHT blanks of the given bank form based on the
information furnished below. 8×½=4
You are Mr.K. Akash, you need to pay your MBA exam fee Rs.2000/
- through a Banker’s Cheque. Pay the amount in favour of The
Director, Amrutha College of Management at the Ameerpet Branch,
Hyderabad. The exchange is Rs.30/-. You are taking the Banker’s
Cheque at SBI, Koti Branch, Hyderabad.


3 5

4 6

8 7

9 10

15. Prepare a curriculum vitae in response to the following

advertisement. 1×4=4

16. Write a short paragraph describing a process of making tea for two
people. 1×4=4
Write a short paragraph describing a process on making a flower

Write a short paragraph describing how you book a railway ticket.
17. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him/her
to issue your transfer, bonafide and conduct certificates. 1 × 4 = 4
Period of study - no dues - issue of transfer, bonafide and conduct
certificates - request.
Write a letter to the Editor based on the hints given below:
Plantation of trees - protecting them - rains - no water problems -
adaption of 20 trees by one person - green earth - happy earth -
quality life
Write a letter to the District Collector requesting him/ her to take
necessary steps to close the unused open bore wells which create a
big threat to children.
unused open borewells - children in danger - measures to close -

18. Read the following passage and make notes. 1×4=4

Adolescence is a time of life when a person's self esteem is known
to fluctuate significantly. It is estimated that up to a half of all
adolescents will struggle with low self esteem .There are some
common indicators that suggest a teenager may have issues with
self esteem.
One of the most observable signs of low self esteem is when a teenager
walks everywhere with his head pointed downwards and his chin
stuck to the top of his chest. Teens with low self esteem often feel
like they want to hide and get through public situations unnoticed.
Teens who feel that they are not worth much may find it very hard to
make eye contact with others when communicating. They avoid
making a connection because they assume others have the same
negative view of them as they do. Then again, the language teens

use will often convey what it is they believe. Phrases like "l am
useless", "I always get it wrong," are examples of someone expressing
negative beliefs about who she is.
Teenagers who feel bad about themselves will often seek to be
negative about others. This is usually a defence mechanism. Often
teens will be most critical of others who exhibit similar qualities that
they don't like about themselves. Feelings of worthlessness can also
manifest in a genuine fear of physical contact from others. When
teens feel they are not valuable or worthwhile they can crave
Feelings of inadequacy in teens may also be manifested as excessive
bragging about themselves, their achievements, or appearance. They
may speak too loudly and be aggressive in their tone. They may also
avoid social situations. Teens who have few friends or weak bonds
with peers commonly have low self esteem.
19. Mark the stress for ANY EIGHT of the following words. 8×½=4
(i) supermarket (ii) prime minister
(iii) employee (iv) examination
(v) project (vi) freedom
(vii) above (viii) engineer
(ix) delicious (x) historic
20. Write a dialogue between two friends who are going to join in an
Engineering college in about 4 or 5 meaningful exchanges.
Write a dialogue between a student and the principal about
establishing an English language lab at the college.
Write a dialogue fixing an appointment with the doctor on the phone.
SPECIAL NOTE : While setting the Question Paper one must follow
the instructions related to the reduction in syllabus and
enhancement of choice in Question Paper without fail.

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