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LMCE1062 Academic Interactions Sem 2, 2020-2021



Identify the topic and then the main idea of the following text:
Smoking has been proven dangerous to people’s health, yet many continue to smoke for
various reasons. For young people, smoking often represents maturity and individuality.
Many smoke as a way to reduce tension. In addition, the regular smoker becomes addicted
psychologically and physically to the nicotine in cigarettes.
1. The topic of the above text is:
A. Health C. Addiction
B. Smoking D. Nicotine
2. The main idea of the above text is:
a. Smoking has been proven dangerous to people’s health in various ways.
b. Regular smokers become addicted to nicotine.
c. Although smoking is dangerous, people continue doing it for various reasons.
d. Nicotine is what smokers become addicted to, both psychologically and physically.
(Langan 29)

II. Topic vs Main Idea vs Supporting Detail Main idea

statements are more general and broad. Details are
specific pieces of information that explain, illustrate,
elaborate upon the main idea.
Practice: For the text below:
• State the topic: Colours
• Highlight the main idea.
• Underline the supporting details.
There is some evidence that colors affect you
physiologically. For example, when subjects are exposed
to red light respiratory movements increase; exposure to
blue decreases respiratory movements. Similarly, eye
blinks increase in frequency when eyes are exposed to
red light and decrease when exposed to blue. This seems
consistent with intuitive feelings about blue being more
soothing and red being more arousing . After changing a
school’s walls from orange and white to blue, the blood
pressure of the students decreased while their academic
performance improved. (DeVito, qtd. in McWhorter 136)

LMCE1062 Academic Interactions Sem 2, 2020-2021

IV. Implied Main Idea

You may not always find a topic sentence in each paragraph. Sometimes the
main idea is implied, and you as a reader, must infer what is is.
1. First, identify the topic of the paragraph. What is this paragraph
2. Then read carefully all the supporting details. What does the writer
want you to know about the topic?
3. How do the details connect? What larger idea do they explain?
4. Express this idea in your own words. The implied main idea sentence
must be broad enough to cover all the details in the paragraph but
must not be too narrow so that some details are left out.

Go through the above steps using the passages below.

Birds that roost in communities keep warmer and save more energy than those who roost
separately. Another advantage to staying in flocks is that many birds are more likely to find
food and detect danger than a solitary bird—several pairs of eyes are better than one. In
addition, birds that eat on the ground with their flock can more easily escape attack because
at least one member of the flock will alert the others. Then, when all the birds fly upward to
escape together, they cause confusion, turning a predator’s interest away from any one
individual. Several small birds may even act together to “mob” a larger intruder and drive it
away. (Langan 41)

1 What is the topic?


2 What does the writer want me to know about birds?

Birds that staying in flocks got more advantages than a solitary bird

3 How do the details connect? What larger idea do they explain?

They explain larger idea which was the reasons why many birds live together in flocks.

4 Express this in your words.

Birds that staying in flocks got more advantages than a solitary bird.

LMCE1062 Academic Interactions Sem 2, 2020-2021

Once the most popular and affordable form of public transportation in America, streetcars
in the early part of this century carried a record 11 billion passengers on 45,000 miles of
track. By 1960, however, trolley systems were virtually extinct. Companies backed by
General Motors, Firestone Tire and Rubber, Standard Oil, and others with a financial interest
in cars and buses had bought and closed up almost every trolley in America. Now, however,
public officials are concerned with finding cheaper, more convenient alternatives to subway
systems. San Diego was the first to construct a major new trolley line. As ridership soared,
second and third lines were added, with more planned for the future. Portland and
Sacramento then started theirs, and more than twenty other cities have proposed new
trolley lines. (Langan 45)

1 What is the topic?

Trolley System

2 What does the writer want me to know about this?

The writer wants me to know that trolley systems in the America used to be popular,
then fell out and now its seem to be making a comeback.

3 Implied main idea:

Trolley systems are making a comeback throughout the transportation system in

LMCE1062 Academic Interactions Sem 2, 2020-2021


Implied Main Idea & Supporting Details

Not everyone loves worms. Earthworms can be found in most places around the world. They
live their entire lives in soil. Some people think they are slimy and disgusting, but these small
wriggling creatures are very important. In fact, we can thank earthworms for many of the
delicious foods on our plates. Earthworms are good friends to the farmers who grow fruits
and vegetables.
Earthworms help farmers in several ways. As they crawl
through soil, earthworms create burrows, or tunnels.
Plants cannot grow if the soil is too dry and hard. The
tunnels help air and water seep into the soil and reach
plant roots. Earthworms also munch on leaves and other
plant matter. The earthworms then pass the digested
waste out of their bodies and into the soil. The waste from
earthworms is filled with nutrients. This makes great
fertilizer, or food, for the young, growing fruit and
vegetable plants. The earthworms in our gardens may be
small, but they are very important. They help feed us and
keep us healthy.

1. What is the main idea of this article?
The important od earthworms in our gardens

2. Write down the supporting details of the main idea.

Earthworms help farmers in several ways. As they crawl through soil, earthworms
create burrows, or tunnels. Plants cannot grow if the soil is too dry and hard.


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