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Indian Institute of Information Technology: Admission Brochure 2021

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Indian Institute of Information Technology


Admission Brochure 2021
Admission Notice for MBA Program 2021
An Institute of national importance in Information Technology established by act of Parliament, Govt. of
India, having the entire state of the art infrastructure in place invites for admission (only in Online Mode):

S.No. Name of Program Qualifying Degrees/Examina on

1. M.B.A. Bachelor's Degree of minimum 3 years dura on with minimum 50 per

cent marks or equivalent CGPA (45% marks or equivalent CGPA for
SC/ST Candidates) with Valid CAT/XAT/CMAT/GMAT/MAT score

Important Dates
Last date of receiving online applica on (for Allahabad and Kolkata round) 3 May, 2021
Personal Interview at IIIT-Allahabad 14 May, 2021
Personal Interview at Kolkata 22 May, 2021
Result Declara on (for Allahabad and Kolkata round) May end, 2021
Last date of receiving online applica on (for New Delhi round) 21 June, 2021
Percentile score. While intimation to all screened candidates for the same shall be sent by E-
Personal Interview at New Delhi 1st week of July, 2021 mail/post/courier also, however the list shall also be available on our web site. The applicants are therefore
Result Declara on 2nd week of July, 2021 advised to visit the website frequently, in their own interest ( In no case shall the Institute
be responsible for non-receipt of the information by the applicants.
Personal Interview would be held at IIIT-Allahabad, New Delhi and Kolkata. IIIT-A reserves the right
to add/delete/modify any venue.
In case of total marks being same, the merit will be on the basis of the marks obtained in
Guidelines for Admission in MBA Program: CAT/XAT/CMAT/GMAT/MAT score, PI, Date of Birth in deciding the final position on the merit list.
The information brochure may be downloaded from the website / Applications are subject to screening and shortlisting. . The processing fee of applications [Rs. 1200/- for General and OBC & Candidate not completing the full procedure for admission would be eliminated from the
Rs.600/- for SC/ST/PH candidates] is to be paid in online mode while filling online application admission.
form. (The candidates are advised to read the Information Brochure carefully before filling the The list of candidates offered admission to the 2 Years Full time MBA Program shall be displayed on
application form) the the Institute's web site.
Candidates appearing in Qualifying Degree Examinations may also apply. [If final result is likely to The MBA Program is Two Years Full Time Program. Classes shall commence from 3rd week of July
be declared by 1st July 2021] 2020 (tentative).
Admission shall be made strictly on the basis of Merit ONLY, as per the following weightage: Separate residential facilities for Boys and Girls exist (Residential Facilities may be given subject to
1. CAT/XAT/CMAT/GMAT/MAT score: 60% availability).
2. Personal Interview: 40% Selected candidates will have to present all original documents at the time of admission.
Our Institute uses CAT/XAT/CMAT/GMAT/MAT score for shortlisting/selecting the candidates for Medical fitness certificate for IIIT-A in the form shall have to be submitted at the time of admission.
our Post-graduate programme in Management. IIMs have no role either in the selection process or For other Reservations Norms, Please refer Govt. of India Rules.
in the conduct of the programme. In case there is any change in above dates, the same will be updated on institute website.
Personal Interview will be held for screened candidates only on the basis of CAT/XAT/CMAT/GMAT/MAT Incomplete form in any respect will be summarily rejected.
Welcome to
Indian Institute of Information Technology

Indian Institute of Information Technology - Allahabad strives to become an
Institute of excellence to train, create, and transform the domain of
Information Technology and allied areas. It aims in developing trained human
resource to be engaged in Research, Development, Industry/Corporate and
Education, Knowledge creation in the areas of Information Technology. The
Institute is committed to instill a scientic and research aptitude with an
academic rigor and innovation aptitude among its members. It seeks to
develop an interdisciplinary community with mix of diverse people, ideas and
culture which will work towards serving the Nation and the World.

Owing to the fact that IT has come to play a pivot role in economics, business,
social and comprehensively the nation's development, the institute teaches its
students to live around the world of technology and solve forthcoming
business problems using Information Technology.

To train and educate, at certicate, diploma, undergraduate and
postgraduate levels, engineers of outstanding ability, who may become
leaders in the IT industry and profession.
To carry out advanced research and development in leading edge
technology areas in computer Hardware & Software, which can be
useful on a comparatively long term basis.
To develop and promote national and international linkages by way of
adjunct faculty, partnership in research, student exchange, credit
transfer and joint degrees.
To work for the creation and development of resource databases,
associated software and courseware for all important applications, so
as to ensure future availability of newer software technologies for
English, Hindi and other Indian languages.
About IIITA Ranking &
The Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (IIIT-A) was established in
1999, as a center of excellence in Information Technology and allied areas. The QS ranking 2019 has ranked Indian Institute of Information
institute was conferred the "Deemed University" status by Govt. of India in the year Technology,Allahabad - 25 in ranking list of top universities of
2000. IIITA is currently an Institute of National Importance established by Act of India.
Parliament. IIIT-A is placed in top 100 technological institutions in the
The Institute has been conceived with the ambitious objectives of developing NIRF (National Institute Ranking Framework) 2018, ranking
professional expertise and skilled manpower in Information Technology (IT) and list. The IIIT-A stands at 90th position.
related areas.As an apex nucleating institute in the area of IT, the establishment of IIIT-A has been ranked 12th in Outlook-Drshti Survey 2017
IIIT-A, is a major step of Govt. of India towards strengthening the indigenous and 11th rank in India. Today Best Engineering Colleges 2017
capability necessary for exploiting profitably and harnessing multi-dimensional rankings.
facets of IT at all levels, and attaining expertise to enable the country to emerge as a In the 'QS University Rankings BRICS 2Q14', which ranks
leading player in the global arena. universities in the BRICS countries, namely, Brazil, Russia,
The beautiful 100 acre campus, situated at Deoghat, Jhalwa, designed meticulously India, China, and South Africa. In this ranking, IIIT Allahabad
on the Penrose Geometry pattern, is being further topped by fine landscaping to give was ranked 1Q9, our ranking in India was 16.
an all round soothing effect to create a stimulating environment. In India Today ranking, IIIT-A got the 25th rank in the list of
The campus is envisaged to be a fully residential one, with all its faculty, staff and India's top engineering institutes.
students housed in different pockets. All academic and residential areas are connected In the Outlook ranking placed IIIT-A at the 17th position
to the Institute network. among India's Top 75 Engineering Colleges.
It is a matter of pleasure to see yet another batch of Management graduates from the hallowed Management as a discipline has effectively endured turbulence of time and matures to reflect
corridors of IIIT Allahabad ready to take up challenging and adventurous responsibilities in ever newer competencies responding to newer challenges. Management evolution and learning
demanding and notoriously dramatic corporate world. I from the core of my heart wish them the
has no way been isolated to these changes in the world of practice. We at IIIT-A in the
best. I wish to thank you for showing interest in Department of Management Studies, IIIT
Department of Management and Studies for more than decade of existence have faced the
At IIIT Allahabad, students are expected to have an enriching and life-turning experience which similar music and duly resonate a critical think to resolve upcoming and pending problems in
will enable them to reach new heights in their professional life. We foster sharpening of skills and the area.
enhancement of knowledge base in our students through various extra-curricular and curricular th
It is good time to invite applications for the 18 batch of our MBA program.
activities through faculty who not only keep themselves at par with the current developments The mere idea of fresh energy, thoughts and young probing minds joining us is very exciting.
but also contribute to the expansion of the body of knowledge in their field of expertise.
To engage such brilliance the curriculum, the infrastructure, pedagogy, innovative teaching
A lot of hard work and endurance is gone in developing these young brilliant people into potential
managers. The faculty and the peripheral system relentlessly work round the clock for the two and learning methods at the department will serve and nurture them aptly. Some recent
years on these brilliant young entrants to make them worthy of position which they will acquire focuses on Business Analytics, developing Management Clinic and War Room are very
with the professional world. interesting and exciting. We at the institute have best of infrastructure, library facility and
We believe that the Management department is committed to provide you a stimulating learning environment and look forward for competitive expiring young mind to join us and
environment here at IIIT-A where you can nurture your talent and entrepreneurship skills in the
make better tomorrow and new world of opportunities for either of us.
area of management studies, especially in information technology management.
The future prospects of IIITA are tremendous as is evident from the collaboration with several Come, let's resonate success.
foreign universities and institute which have already been established. The Institute is also in
process of entering into more such collaborations to keep its curriculum, the awareness levels, Dr. Shailendra Kumar
and the practices in the institute at par with the best in world.
Head of the Department
I sincerely think that these individuals will make a mark for themselves as well for Indian Institute
of Information Technology in whichever field they operate and finally I welcome you all to campus Management and Studies, IIIT Allahabad
and wish to outgoing batch the most glorious of the years to come ahead.

Prof. P. Nagabhushan
Director IIIT, Allahabad
Curriculum Expertise
IIIT has been the torch bearer when it comes to IT education in the country. The
curriculum is just one thing; IIITA has world-class pedagogy focusing on delivering IT
excellence. It creates an educational experience that is relevant, enriching and unique,
the one that will create innovators and entrepreneurs.

Research Approach
Being, India's premier research institutes in domain of IT, IIIT has been committed to
provide new concepts, technology to the world and International quality research
opportunity to the students. This sets them apart from other Technology managers as
they get a chance to identify, dene and solve problems in their areas of passion.

Culture binds the people together in a yarn of love. We, here at IIIT-A also believe in
the same ideology. For a healthy and complete development and polishing of
students, IIIT-A has a student driven culture, wherein student teams have the onus of
conducting different cultural and social endeavours.

MBA educates people regarding the application and implementation of IT in the

This course covers everything about the emerging IT trends and thus enables us to
conceptualize and execute organizational planning in terms of IT infrastructure.
MBA helps students to understand the maintenance of network, system, along
with the business knowledge.
It attempts to combine business areas with IT knowledge to create well rounded
managers with tech efciency.
The learning pedagogy is to empower students to drive business transformation
through innovate technology.
Marketing Basket...
1. Advertising and Social Media Strategy
2. Digital Marketing
3. Marketing of Services
4. Retail Management
5. International Marketing
6. Industrial Marketing
7. Business Marketing and Key Account Management
8. Consumer Behaviour
9. Sports and leisure marketing

Finance Basket...
1. Project Appraisal and Structured Finance
2. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

3. Strategic Cost Management
4. Financial Engineering
5. Behavioral Finance
6. International Financial Management
7. Merger, Acquisition and Corporate Re-structuring
8. Financial Econometrics
9. Risk Management
Operations Basket... Semester I Semester II
elective basket

1. Purchasing and Supply Management

2. Technology Management 1. Financial Statements and Analysis 1. Corporate Finance
3. Logistics and Supply Chain Management 2. Business Statistics 2. Production and Operations Management
4. Systems Reliability, Safety and Maintenance Management
3. Research Methodology 3. Operation Research
5. Service Operations Management
6. Project Management 4. Economics 4. Human Resource Management
7. Knowledge Management 5. Management thought & Environment 5. Marketing Management
8. Total Quality Management 5. IT Infrastructure and Services Mgt. 6. Database Management Systems
9. Mathematical Models for Management Decisions
7. Organizational Behavior 7. Software Project Management
HR Basket...
1. Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
2. Employer Brand Building
3. Strategic HRM
4. Creativity and Innovation Semester III Semester IV
5. Training and Development
1. Strategic Management 1. International Business Management
IT Basket...
2. Business Continuity Plan & DRP 2. Data Mining & Warehousing
1. Search Engine Optimization
3. Elective (E1) – 1 3. Elective (E1) – 1
2. Risk Vulnerability and Physical Assessment
3. Fundamentals of Information Security 4. Elective (E1) – 2 4. Elective (E1) – 2
4. Expert System Design and Applications 5. Elective (E2) – 1 5. Elective (E2) – 1
5. System Analysis and Design and Software Engineering 6. Elective (E2) – 2 6. Elective (E2) – 2
6. Cloud Computing
7. Summer Internship 7. Master Project
7. Business Intelligence
Faculty List

development activities
Das, Dr. Sudipta Goel, Dr. Utkarsh Kumar, Dr. Shailendra Mishra, Dr. Saurabh
Ph.D. Ph. D. Ph. D. Ph.D.
Research Interests: Corporate Research Interests: Research Interests: Research Interests: Conversion Rate
Finance, Financial Modelling, Corporate Finance, IT& BFSI, Corporate Finance, Optimization, ORM, E-business,
Investments, Financial Econometrics Efciency Analysis, Investments Investments, Capital Market E-marketing, Fuzzy

Misra, Dr. Madhvendra Rai, Dr. Shashi Kant Singh, Dr. Pragya Singh, Dr. Ranjit
Ph.D. Ph. D. Ph. D. Ph.D.
Research Interests: Marketing, Research Interests: Information Research Interests: Marketing, Research Interests: Behavioural
Strategy & Technology Forecasting, systems Identity, Privacy & Trust Entrepreneurship & Finance, Security Analysis
Soft Skills Improvement Workshop Process Management Management Data & Investment Management. and Protfolio Management
Interview Handling Sessions Policy Management

Resume writing workshop

Team building Exercises
Statistical Tools Training
Creativity and Innovation

Tewari, Dr. Vijayshri Tiwari, Dr. Vineet Vaish, Dr. Anurika

Ph.D. Ph. D. Ph. D.
Head of the Department Research Interests: Energy and Research Interests: Accounting,
Research Interests: Work Culture, Climate Change Economics and Financial
leadership , Group Dynamics, Modelling and Policy Analysis Risk Mitigation
Performance Management
Digital Marketing
Operation Research

Classroom Teaching basis. Every presentation is followed by a heavy round of questioning. implementation. A war room is a meeting room for the purpose of
Our classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure for a Case studies discussing project management. The room is a place where our
healthy learning environment. Our highly competent faculty involve in Every course's theoretical insight is supported by relevant case student teams discuss the development of a plan to specically and
interactive classroom sessions. The classroom teaching is coupled studies' analysis where our students get to learn from business cases successfully accomplish an assigned project. In addition, they may
with intense discussions on relevant managerial issues. from around the world. discuss the resources needed such as man power, the budget, the
War room timeline and possible challenges to be faced and what can be done
Presentations Objective of the WAR ROOM is to enable the participants to develop about the pitfalls which may occur. In the room, they also talk about the
Our mode of learning is majorly presentation based where every vertical skills leading to scenario development and analysis, option execution of the project, the step by step process of accomplishing their
student has to present her/his views on assigned topics on a regular evaluation, resource allocation and devising strategies and their goal. Finally, the completion of the project is discussed in the war room.
Business Intelligence LIBRARY
The IIIT-A central library has a repository of more than 50000 books
Lab concerning myriad disciplines of study such as pure and computer science,
information technology, information security and management. It can
Business Intelligence has been developed in accommodate up to 150 students at a time. The e-media section of the library
the department keeping in consideration of has 50 computer systems and is largely meant for facilitating e-reading
student's interest and academic research in amongst the students. A collection of more than 2000 CDs equipped with
the developing field of Business Intelligence drivers, tools and recorded lectures aim at enhancing the conceptual
and Web Analytics. The lab houses facilities understanding of the students on various subjects and topics.
for students and researchers to work on
projects and application covering issues
related to data mining, business intelligence,
web analytics using:
1. Big Data
2. Hadoop and other similar application
The impact would enable developing
proficiency among students and also creation
of new knowledge through collaboration
among faculties and students of different
streams of management, technology and
allied sectors.

Strategy War Room

Objective of the WAR ROOM is to enable the participants to develop
vertical skills leading to scenario development and analysis, option
evaluation, resource allocation and devising strategies and their
implementation. A war room is a meeting room for the purpose of
discussing project management. The room is a place where our student
teams discuss the development of a plan to specifically and successfully
accomplish an assigned project. In addition, they may discuss the
resources needed such as man power, the budget, the timeline and
possible challenges to be faced and what can be done about the pitfalls
which may occur. In the room, they also talk about the execution of the
project, the step by step process of accomplishing their goal. Finally, the
completion of the project is discussed in the war room.
Serial Name of the Scholarship Eligibility Criteria Amount Re-imbursable (in Rs.)
Ÿ Eligibility: Bachelor's Degree of minimum 3 years dura on with minimum 50 percent marks or equivalent 1. Post Matric Scholarships As decided by the concerned State As decided by the respec ve
CGPA (45% marks or equivalent CGPA for SC/ST Candidates) and Valid CAT/XAT/CMAT/GMAT/MAT score. (State Wise) and other Governments. State Governments.
State Schemes of Scholarship Some of them are :-
Ÿ The informa on brochure may be downloaded from the website The processing fee of (a) U ar Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship
applica ons [Rs. 1200/- for General and OBC & Rs.600/- for SC/ST/PH candidates] is to be paid in online (b) Madhya Pradeh Post Matric Scholarhip
mode while filling online applica on form. (The candidates are advised to read the Informa on Brochure (c) Bihar Post Matric Scholarship
(d) U rakhand Post Matric Scholarship
carefully before filling the applica on form) (e) Maharastra Post Matric Scholarhip
Ÿ Candidates appearing in Qualifying Degree Examina ons may also apply. [If final result is likely to be (f) Andhra Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship
declared by lst July 2021] (g) Telangana Post Matric Scholarship
(h) Rajasthan Post Matric Scholarship
Ÿ Admission shall be made strictly on the basis of Merit ONLY, as per the following weightage:
Ÿ 1. CAT/XAT/CMAT/GMAT/MAT score: 60%
2. Post Matric Scholarship Scholarship will be awarded to the students Rate of Scholarship - Admission and tui on
Ÿ 2. Personal Interview: 40% Scheme for Minori es who have secured not less than 50% marks fees. Rs. 3,000/- per annum subject to
Ÿ Our Ins tute uses CAT/XAT/CMAT/GMAT/MAT score for short lis ng/selec ng the candidates for our Post- or equivalent grade in the previous final actuals (both Hosteller & Day Scholar).
graduate programme in Management. IIMs have no role either in the selec on process or in the conduct of examina on and the annual income of
whose parents/guardians from all sources Maintenance Allowance (for 10 months
the programme. does not exceed Rs. 2.00 lakh. only) :
Ÿ Personal Interview will be held for screened candidates only on the basis of CAT/XAT/CMAT/GMAT/MAT - For Tech. & Voc. Course Rs. 380/
Percen le score. While in ma on to all screened candidates for the same shall be sent by E- per month for Hosteller & Rs. 230/
per month for Day Scholar.
mail/post/courier also, however the list shall also be available on our web site. The applicants are therefore - For Courses other than Tech. & Prof.
advised to visit the website frequently, in their own interest ( In no case shall the Ins tute courses at UG & PG level
be responsible for nonreceipt of the informa on by the applicants. Rs. 570/- per month for Hosteller &
Rs. 300/- per month for Day Scholar
Ÿ Personal Interview would be held at lilT Allahabad, New Delhi and Kolkata. However, the venue for PI at New
Delhi and Kolkata, shall be no fied a he me of announcement of short listed candidates. 3. Merit-cum-Means 1. Students, who have got admission in a Complete re-imbursement for students
Ÿ In case of total marks being same, the merit will be on the basis of the marks obtained in Minority Scholarship recognized college to pursue technical/professional of IIIT, Allahabad.
CAT/XAT/CMAT/GMAT/MAT score, PI, Date of Birth in deciding the final posi on on the merit list. courses, on the basis of a compe ve examina on.
2. Students, who have got admission in a
Ÿ Applica ons are subject to screening and short lis ng. recognized college to pursue technical/professional
Ÿ Candidate not comple ng the full procedure for admission would be eliminated from the admission. courses, without facing any compe ve
Ÿ The list of candidates offered admission to the 2 Years Full me MBA Program shall be displayed on the the examina on, will also be eligible for scholarship.
However, such students should have not less than
Ins tute's web site.
rd 50% marks at higher secondary/gradua on level.
Ÿ The MBA Program is Two Years Full Time Program. Classes shall commence from 3 week of July 2021 Selec on of these students will be done strictly
(tenta ve). of merit.
Ÿ Separate residen al facili es for Boys and Girls exist (Residen al Facili es may be given subject to 3. A scholarship holder under this scheme will
not avail any other scholarship/s pend for
availability). pursuing the course.
Ÿ Selected candidates will have to present all original documents at the me of admission. 4. The annual family income of the beneficiary/
Ÿ Medical fitness cer ficate for IIIT-A in the form shall have to be submi ed at the me of admission. parent or guardian of the beneficiary should
not exceed Rs.2.50 lakh per annum from all sources.
Ÿ For other Reserva ons Norms, Please refer Govt. of India Rules. 5. A student residing in a par cular State/UT will
Ÿ In case there is any change in above dates, the same will be updated on ins tute website. be en tled for scholarship under the quota of
Ÿ Incomplete form in any respect will be summarily rejected. that State/UT only irrespec ve of his place of study.
Serial Name of the Scholarship Eligibility Criteria Amount Re-imbursable (in Rs.)
4. Post-matric Scholarship for The students having more than 40% Maintenance allowance p.m. Rs. 1,200/-
Persons with Disabili es disability (Cer fied by competent medical for Hosteller and Rs. 500/- for Day Scholar.
authority of the state Governments/UTs.)
are only eligible. Transport Allowance @ Rs.160/- p.m.

Scholarship will be paid to the students Escort Allowance @ Rs.160/- p.m. for
whose parents / guardians' income severally handicapped day scholar students
from all sources does not exceed with low extremity disability.
Rs.2,50,000/-per annum.
Reimbursement of compulsory non-refundable fees.

Book Allowance Rs. 1,200/-

5. Scholarships for Top Class Student with disability having not less than 40% Reimbursement of tui on fees and
Educa on for students with disability. Total income from all sources of the non-refundable charges up to Rs. 2.00 lakh p.a.
disabili es. candidate and/or his/her parents/guardians,
shall not exceed Rs.6,00,000/- Maintenance Allowance Rs. 3,000/- p.m. for
(Rupees six lakh only) per annum. hostellers and Rs. 1,500/- p.m. for Day Scholars.

Special Allowance Rs. 2,000/- p.m.

75000 127000 75000 127000 83000 140000 83000 140000
Books & Sta onery Rs. 5,000/- p.m.

Reimbursement of expenses for purchase

of a computer with accessories Rs. 30,000/- per
awardee as a one- me grant for en re course.

6. UGC Schemes As per the guidelines given for each scheme As per the guidelines given for each scheme
- PG Indira Gandhi Scholarship on Na onal Scholarship Portal. on Na onal Scholarship Portal.
For Single Girl Child
- PG Scholarship For University
Rank Holders(Ist And Iind
Rank Holders)
The Fee is under revision and approx. 10% increment may happen at the me of admission.
- PG Scholarship Scheme For
Sc/St Students For Persuing
Professional Courses

7. Department Scholarships The scholarships provided by the employer As per their norms.
of the parents of the students.

* For further details, the students can register themselves on 'NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP PORTAL' .
Management is doing things right; leadership is
doing the right things
- Peter F. Drucker
Admission Committee
Dr. Utkarsh Goel Dr. Sudipta Das
+91-532-2922179 +91-532-2922183

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