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Project Proposal by Riri

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I. Title of the Project: Basura ko, Linis ko!

II. Location: Barangay Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas
III. Duration: 12 sessions
Time of Implementation:
IV. Type of Community Extension Services:
V. Department Involved / College involved:
Mr. Dimuell Dimaano (CWTS Instructor, NSTP)
1st Year Management Accounting Students
1st Year Business Administration Students

VI. Project Leader and Coordinates:

Instructor : Mr. Dimuell I. Dimaano
Leader: Marie Remelyn P. Aala
Assistant: Mikaela Maxenne L. Aclan
Secretary: Cathleen Joyce R. San Andres
Treasurer: Mawi D. Ilagan


Edimae V. Abarintos 09126558321

Erika Altura 09542888976

Jetruz Ryan Keeno D. Andaya 09213348649

Ma. Maye C. Astorga 09177231459
Jomil Balares 09128371651
Irish Joy Balmes 09212234657
Ronel Q. Banaag Jr. 09886745239
Mildred Bausas 09127653644
Mark Joel B. Calingasan 09866487231
Keziah Mae P. Caguimbal 09767752896
Mary Ruth P. Cerenado 09122178645
Princess Arianne A. Comia 09778654389
Mariejoeh Lei Ibeth B. De Castro 09548739012
Zyra Monique H. De Grano 09635869521
Reinalyn P. Maderazo 09532377649
John Dave G. Mendoza 09778675352
Jenica Mae A. Navarro 09872136754
Earl Russel F. Masongsong 09631874590
Eryn Nicole B. Ramos 09234768034
Jane Andrea Quilantang 09872536751

VII. Cooperating agencies / Partners:

 National Service Training Program, Batangas State University

VIII. Beneficiaries:

The TITLE aims to boost waste management strategies for better health outcomes thus
productivity improvement by decreasing solid waste generation, minimizing the use of landfills
for solid waste disposal through assessing different kind of activities and seminar, and lastly to
answer and solve certain questions and problems. Most frequently questions that the project
wants to answer are as follows:

1. What are the activities that can possibly promote solid waste management?
2. What activities can community members use to learn about reusing and recycling
3. What are the benefits of maximizing waste diversion?
4. What are the possible action that can help prevent increasing generation of waste?
5. What activities can be used to teach members of the community how to properly
dispose waste?
IX. Total cost of the project
X. Rationale of the Project:

Waste management is an important component for keeping our environment safe, clean and
healthy. Thus, individuals in a certain community are expected to cooperate and contribute to
the productivity and development of the community. The best way to meet these expectations is
to keep community individuals educated about the proper disposal together with monitoring and
regulation of the waste management process.

Furthermore, over 500 billion pounds of new plastic is manufactured each year and roughly
33% of that is for single use and thrown right away. Another important point to consider is that
segregated waste is often cheaper than to dispose. Reducing, reusing and recycling your waste
is important for the environment and can likewise be beneficial to community individuals as
these wastes can be converted into valuable and usable materials. Whereby, having a proper
waste management can result in the availability of valuable materials to reuse.

The waste humans generate waste has been detrimental to our environment for quite some
time now. Waste that is not biodegradable and cannot be properly be recycled is filling our
oceans and landfills. A recent study found that 6.3 billion metric tons of plastic waste that has
been produced, only 9% of that plastic waste had been recycled. One of the most important
problems is solid waste due to inadequate management practices. Nowadays, increasing public
awareness of the environment compels local authorities to define and to adopt new solutions for
waste management. Thus, we MA-15 will be conducting an anti-waste program through
conducting clean up drive and seminar with community individuals and officials which will
encourage them to reduce and avoid the use of plastic and implement the proper waste

XI. Objectives

In general, the project’s overall aim is to educate community individuals…..

 To educate individuals the proper disposal of waste

 To maintain a clean and safe environment
 To protect health and well-being of community individuals
 To ensure that people are aware of the impact of waste on their health, wellbeing and
the environment
 To prevent and minimize the increasing generation of waste
 To achieve integrated waste management planning
 To recommend appropriate waste handling and disposal measures
 To ensure that the treatment and disposal of waste does not cause any harmful impacts

XII. Description of the project, Strategies and Methods / Plant of Action

Twenty five (25) of Management Accounting and Business Administration Students from
Batangas State University taking up National Service Training Program will have their project
entitled Basura ko, Linis ko! In Padre Garcia, Batangas which aims to educate individuals the
proper disposal of waste. In order to achieve desired outcome of the project, members of the
group will provide survey forms through google form and activities that will boost community
productivity. The said activity is approved and supported by the NSTP instructor and head of the
foundation. The program will last for 12 Saturdays in order to achieve our goal. Our main key is
to have a step-by-step process:

1. Assess the project plan

This is the first phase of the process because it’s beneficial to establish a plan
that meets the desired outcome for the project. Before implementing a project, assess
the plan to make sure that everyone on the team understands the project deliverable.
This initial step can help to unite the project team and set a collaborative standard for

2. Information Gathering
This will assist us in determining what we need know as well as what we can do
about the aforementioned activity after all the deliberation.

3. Communication and Coordination

The next step is to collaborate with members, faculty, and the head. With the
constituent's assistance and the consent of the constituent's parents/guardian
participants, we can easily go to our chosen community and put our ideas into action.

4. Execute the Plan

This is the entire process of the project ‘Basura ko, Linis ko!’
February 19, 2022 Day 1  Members of the
group will be
 Conference (8:00-8:30) divided in each
 Opening Prayer (8:30-8:35) activity. The
 Energizer (8:35-8:40) leader and its
 Orientation (8:40-9:00) assistant will be
 Lecture going to lead the
 (9:00-9:30) program before
Waste: Introduction and conducting the
Effects it may cause to said activity.
people’s health and  During these
environment. day, all mentors
 (9:30-10:00) are expected to
Demonstration of the usual introduce
disposal vs. the proper themselves to
disposal (perishable and non- the target
perishable) of waste community and
learn about the
 Cleaning (10:00-11:40)
culture of the
Materials needed:
o Broom stick
community in
o Dust pan
o 2-3 garbage cans order to
 Break (11:40-12:00) understand and
adjust based on
the perceptions
of the chosen
 There will be 5
members who’s
going to lead the
energizer just to
give some sort of
 While the rest
will prepare the
materials (props)
that will be
needed for the
demonstration of
the proper waste
 For the last part
of the activity, all
members of the
team and
volunteers will
be going to start
executing the
general cleaning
where the first
target is the
public market.
 Food committee
are likewise
assigned in
snacks for the
members and

February 26, 2022 Day 2  Members of the

group will be
 Opening Prayer (8:00- 8:05) going to join in
 Zumba for all (8:05-8:15) each part of the
 Cleaning (8:15-10:30) said activity.
 Materials that will be needed: During these
 Broom stick day, after
 Dust pan yesterday’s
 Garbage bags cleaning
 Garbage cans members of the
 Objectives for the day: team are
 To implement segregation of expected to
waste (perishable and non- implement
perishable) putting garbage
 To develop an integrated and bins that
environmentally organic separates
waste management system perishable and
 To sustain a clean and safe non-perishable.
environment  Food committee
 Break (10:30-11:00) are likewise
 Disposal of collected waste using a assigned in
garbage truck (11:00-12:00) distributing
snacks for the
members and
 Waste
waste into
dry and wet.
Dry waste
wood and
metals and
glass. Wet
refers to
generated by
ts and are
heavy in
weight due to
is different
from waste
is the
grouping of
waste into
Each waste
goes into its
category at
the point of
dumping or
but sorting
dumping or
of waste
pure, quality
Sorting on
the other
hand will end
up producing
with less

March 05, 2022 Day 3  Members of the

group will be
 Opening Prayer (8:00- 8:05) going to join in
each part of the
 Zumba for all (8:05-8:15)
said activity. For
 Cleaning (8:15-10:30) this day, they will
Materials that will be needed: be visiting
 Broom stick Poblacion, Padre
 Dust pan Garcia,
Batangas as it is
 Garbage bags
relatively near in
 Garbage cans the public
 Purpose of clean up drive: market.
o can be a great way to create  During these day
an awareness in your area each member
o can lay the groundwork for are expected to
join in the said
future waste-reducing efforts
cleaning activity
o can also bring about a sense in the chosen
of community and barangay.
responsibility to keep our  Food committee
homes and common areas are likewise
safe and clean assigned in
 Break (10:30-11:00) distributing
snacks for the
 Continuation of clean up drive members and
(11:00-12:00) volunteers.
 By participating
in clean-ups,
citizens can
results and
changes in their
local areas.
should serve as
catalysts for
changes in
attitudes and
behavior and
adoption of
practices (i.e.
recycling) that
can have a
profound effect
on waste
management in
the community.

March 12, 2022 Day 4  Members of the

group will be
 Opening Prayer (8:00- 8:05) going to join in
 Zumba for all (8:05-8:15) each part of the
 Market visit (8:15- 8:40) said activity.
 Cleaning (8:40-10:30)  For this day,
Materials that will be needed: members are
 Broom stick expected to visit
 Dust pan the public market
 Garbage bags just to make sure
 Garbage cans the continuous
 Objectives for the day: of waste
 To implement segregation of disposal. There
waste (perishable and non- will be
perishable) community patrol
 To develop an integrated and to guide
environmentally organic members of the
waste management system team.
 To sustain a clean and safe  Each member
environment and volunteer
 Break (10:30-11:00) will be going to
 Continuation of clean up drive continue
(11:00-12:00) conducting clean
up drive in the
related places in
Poblacion, Padre
 Volunteering is
contribution of
time, effort and
talent to a need,
cause or mission
without financial
Volunteering is
all about you
being able to
contribute some
of your own time
to help people in
our communities.
support our
communities and
add to them in
their own unique
way using a wide
variety of skills,
knowledge and
 Food committee
are likewise
assigned in
snacks for the
members and
 There will be
patrols who will
take the
volunteers and
students on their
March 19, 2022 Day 5  Members of the
group will be
 Opening Prayer (8:00- 8:05) going to join in
 Zumba for all (8:05-8:15) each part of the
said activity.
 Cleaning (8:15-10:30)
 During these day
Materials that will be needed: each member
 Broom stick are expected to
 Dust pan join in the said
 Garbage bags cleaning activity
 Garbage cans in the chosen
 Ways to conserve natural resources  Each member
from wastes: and volunteer
 REDUCE is the best way to will be going to
manage waste is to not continue
produce it. conducting clean
 REUSE makes economic and up drive in the
environmental sense to reuse related places in
products. Poblacion, Padre
 RECYCLING is a series of Garcia.
steps that takes a used  Food committee
material and processes, are likewise
remanufactures, and sells it assigned in
as a new product. distributing
 Break (10:30 – 11:00) snacks for the
 Continuation of the clean-up drive members and
(11:00 – 12:00) volunteers.
 Some of the
benefits of using
RRR: (1)
pollution caused
by reducing the
need to harvest
new raw
materials (2)
saves energy (3)
greenhouse gas
emissions that
contribute to
global climate
change (4) helps
sustain the
environment for
generations (5)
saves money (6)
reduces the
amount of waste
that will need to
be recycled or
sent to landfills
and incinerators
(7) allows
products to be
used to their
fullest extent.
 There will be
patrols who will
take the
volunteers and
students on their
March 26, 2022 Day 6  Members of the
group will be
 Opening Prayer (8:00- 8:05) going to join in
 Zumba for all (8:05-8:15) each part of the
 Assembly (8:15 – 8:30) said activity.
 Lecture/Discussion: (8:30 – 9:30)  During these day
(Note: 5 days ago each each member
members and volunteers are expected to
joined the said clean-up join in the said
drive. For this day, each recycling activity
member and volunteer will in the chosen
be going to attempt barangay.
recycling the wastes that  Each members
are still useful). are encouraged
 Waste Management: In relation to to develop plans,
Recyclable Materials. prior to
 The prime objective of commencing site
waste management is activities, which
to reduce the amount encompass the
of unusable materials following
and to avert potential objectives: (1)
health and minimization of
environmental the volume or
hazards. quantity of
 Recyclable Materials wastes
are used or old generated; (2)
materials that can be effective
used to make some segregation of
other materials. They wastes by type
are called recyclable and degree of
materials because contamination;
they can be recycled. and (3) proper
They are capable of management of
being used to make all wastes.
similar products.  Food committee
 The materials that can are likewise
be recycled are: glass, assigned in
aluminum, plastic distributing
water bottles, metal snacks for the
scrap, and different members and
kinds of paper. volunteers.
 Application of the Lecture in real time  There will be
(9:30 – 11:00) community
 Break (11:00 – 11:30) patrols who will
 Continuation of the Activity (11:30- take the
12:00nn) volunteers and
students on their

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