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Webinar Taillings - VF

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Webinar ESG
Tailings Dam Management

Carlos Medeiros and Rafael Bittar

July 15, 2020 1
“This presentation may include statements that present Vale's expectations about future events
or results. All statements, when based upon expectations about the future and not on historical
facts, involve various risks and uncertainties. Vale cannot guarantee that such statements will
prove correct. These risks and uncertainties include factors related to the following: (a) the
countries where we operate, especially Brazil and Canada; (b) the global economy; (c) the
capital markets; (d) the mining and metals prices and their dependence on global industrial
production, which is cyclical by nature; and (e) global competition in the markets in which Vale
operates. To obtain further information on factors that may lead to results different from those
forecast by Vale, please consult the reports Vale files with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), the Brazilian Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) and in particular the
factors discussed under “Forward-Looking Statements” and “Risk Factors” in Vale’s annual
report on Form 20-F.”
“Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors - The SEC permits mining companies, in their filings with the
SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can economically and legally
extract or produce. We present certain information in this presentation, including ‘measured
resources,’ ‘indicated resources,’ ‘inferred resources,’ ‘geologic resources’, which would not be
permitted in an SEC filing. These materials are not proven or probable reserves, as defined by
the SEC, and we cannot assure you that these materials will be converted into proven or
probable reserves, as defined by the SEC. U.S. Investors should consider closely the
disclosure in our Annual Report on Form 20-K, which may be obtained from us, from our
website or at http://”

1. Opening remarks
2. Safety and operational excellence
3. Introduction to tailings dam
4. Tailings management
5. Final remarks

Opening remarks

A year ago, we added two new pillars to our strategy

New pact with society

Safety and operational excellence

Maximize flight to quality in Iron Ore

Base Metals transformation

Discipline in capital allocation

We are honouring our new pact with society...

…with efforts to mitigate the impacts …and advancing with the reparation of
of COVID-19 Brumadinho

R$ 3.8 billion
in indemnifications¹

5 million detection kits to Brazil Emergency aid Civil Labour

31 million items for health professionals People +106,000 +5,800 +1,600

Communities of Minas Gerais receive additional
Construction of field hospitals
support in the pandemic
R$ 500 million in actions to Brazilian society

¹Updated on July 7, 2020 6

Safety and

We adopt the three lines of defense model to assure our safety
and operational excellence

Business units Safety & Risk Internal audit

• Support operations in the

implementation of critical • Define risk norms,
controls standards and policies • Compliance Office is
• Identify, monitor and responsible for internal
manage risks • Check the implementation • Ensure the effectiveness
audit and whistleblower
and effectiveness of risk of business and
• Implement risk controls channel.
controls operations risk control
• Proactively analyze and • Provide assurance to the

External audit
• Provide technical

update the risk profile • Consolidate the registry of Audit Committee and the
operational risks guidance and support to
Board of Directors
• Define standard operating manage critical risks
• Complement the minimum regarding the general
risk standards • Support discussions about adequacy of controls
the company's risk profile
• Set execution standards

1st layer 2nd layer

2nd line of defense 3rd line of defense
1st line of defense

Executive Board

Board of Directors / Audit Committee

Vale has strengthened its governance to safety and operational
processes, as well as to its geotechnical structures

Operational • Support to the Board of Directors and interact with Dam Safety Committee
Excellence and Risk • Assess corporate risk management
Committee • Monitors operational risks, especially geotechnical ones

Extraordinary Ind. • Support to the Board of Directors, through the Operational Excellence and Risk Committee
Consulting Committee • In 2019, it held 19 meetings, spent 40 days in field trips and released 16 reports to the BoD
for Dam Safety • Committee will be maintained until April, 2021.

Executive Risk • Support to the Executive Board

Committee for • In 2019, Board has approved a new risk policy and since then four Executive Risk
Geotechnics Committees have been created, one with focus in geotechnical Risks

Safety and • Report to the CEO

Operational • Responsible for the review of the Tailings Management System, the relaunch and review of
Excellence Office Vale Production System and global maintenance structure.

The second line of defense is managed independently from

Safety & Operational • Development of a new and transformed

Tailings Management System.
Excellence Office
(+400 staff) •
X staff
Ensure the application of best practices to
continually monitor mine waste facilities.

• Support to the EoR (engineer of record)

Operational Tailings & Dams implementation.
Excellence and Geotechnics
• Technical support to the risk management
process (methodologies and process).
H&S and Asset • Authority to stop any given operation
Operational Risks Management whenever necessary

Introduction to
tailings dam

Tailings dam are used to store liquid, solid, or a slurry of fine
Downstream Upstream Centerline
The downstream shell is built on The dam body is constructed The centerline method is a
compacted soil, regardless of using the deposited tailings. It is hybrid of upstream and
the type of tailings used. It is built in the opposite direction of downstream designs. In
built in the direction of the water the water flow (upstream). The Centerline construction, the
flow (downstream). dam needs thick tailings so that dam is raised vertically from the
the shell can be constructed. starter dam.

Solid tailings are often used as part of the structure itself

Tailings storage facilities requires continuous management and
risk assessment for the most common failure mechanisms

• Overtopping: Water volumes exceed the capacity of the dam

• Slope stability: The slope is stable, if the available shear strength of

the tailings/soil exceeds that required to keep the slope stable Overtopping illustration

• Foundation failure: Soil or rock below the dam is too weak to support
the dam

• Liquefaction: The solid material begins to act and move like a liquid.
Can be static or dynamic Internal erosion illustration

• Internal erosion: Seepage within or beneath the embankment causes

erosion along its flow path

Monitoring, inspections and reviews from internal and external experts Dynamic liquefaction illustration

Vale’s tailings dam portfolio is concentrated in Brazil
Location and operational status of operated tailings storage facilities¹ (TSF)

Canada Inactive²
7 8
Under construction
TSF upstream method

64 operated tailings facilities
Pará • 27 active
1 • 35 inactive
5 Mozambique
New Caledonia
• 2 under construction
2 1
Brazil 23 2 1
Mato Grosso 4
do Sul Minas Gerais

1 Includes facilities within Vale operations and excludes Non-operated Joint Ventures (JVs). Vale’s non-operated JVs has 21 active and 5 inactive structures, of which 2 structures are upstream. The number of tailings storage facilities is calculated based
on the definition agreed by the International Council on Mining and Metals Tailings Advisory Group in response to the Church of England information request, which may differ from Brazilian National Mining Agency definition.
2 Inactive includes facilities not in operational use, under maintenance and in post-closure care and maintenance.

For further details on tailings dam in our portfolio please see our more detailed disclosure here.
Vale is evolving with the de-characterization of upstream tailings dams
and other structures in Brazil

2019 2020 2021 2022+

Other structures to be
8B de-characterized:
Fernandinho • Doutor, Campo Grande
dams and three drained
stacks are in
Forquilha I engineering phase

Forquilha II • Pondes de Rejeitos,

base metals dam, will
Forquilha III be concluded in Dec/20
Vargem Grande • Smaller upstream
structures. First one will
B3/B4 be concluded in Dec/20
Sul Superior

Engineering and Improving safety factor

Stabilizing and Tailings removal/de-characterization
Conclusion of backup dams

Note: The schedule may change until the phases are completed and according to public agencies. 15
Vale has completed the containment structure for Sul Superior
Vale hasthe COVID scenario,
completed thedam
the backup works
Superior structures
continued as considered essential to safety

Containments for Forquilhas and Grupo


We are implementing a new Tailings Management System

Tailings Management System

What How Who

Technical Technological Organizational

Guiding principles of key
Technology guiding principles Roles and responsibilities

Recommended best practices Functional landscape Behavioral transformation

Minimum stage gate technical Governance & Management

Analytics maturity model
requirements operating system

Standard operating Ideal system requirements:

procedures Data governance + ownership

Cultural transformation

To design Vale’s tailings management system, gaps were
assessed for each key element
Project Phase Standard Operating Procedures International
Dam Classification
Water Management Guideline
Dewatering Technology Selection
Closure Planning
Geotechnical Investigation
Project life cycle

Geotechnical Analysis
Design Hydraulic Structures
Dam Break Analysis
Risk Management
Construction / Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program
Implementation As-Built Report
Operation, Maintenance and Surveillance Manual
Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
Change Management
Monitoring & Design Verification
Care and Maintenance / Dam Safety Inspection
Closure / Post-Closure Dam Safety Review

25 geotechnical normative documents under development to

fully comply with the standards
Geotechnical Monitoring Centers run 24/7 basis for 100 structures

Geotechnical systems evolutions

Trigger response plans and alerts system

Real time piezometers monitoring
New dam Video analytics with artificial intelligence
monitoring Geophones to measure dam’s response to seismic activity
Radars ensure fast response and precision
technologies Satellite, drone imagery and sound alarms
RASCI¹ matrix to define roles and responsibilities

72 key processes, including:

• Governance
• Design and planning
• Construction
• Risk management
• Operations
• Audits and Reviews
• Closure
• Emergency Preparedness

1 RASCI matrix: Responsible, Accountable, Supporting, Consulted and Informed. 22

Roles and responsibilities are being reviewed and aligned with
international best practices
Reports to
Keeps open communication
Overall Business at Executive Ownership
executive level (i.e. (Accountable Executive
Executive Director) Officer)

Independent Tailings Geotech Governance & Global: The 2nd line

Review Board Standards Ownership of defense

Delegated Business-level
Responsible Person Ownership
of AEO at a corridor Engineer of Records
(Dam Owner)
level (i.e. Operational
Corridor Director/ Geotech Assurance
1st line of defense
COO) (Checks & Balances) 2nd layer

Delegated Responsible
Risk-level Ownership Person of DO at an
(Risk Owner) asset/ complex level
(technical expertise to
understand risks)
Control-level Ownership
(Risk Control Owner) Delegated Responsible
Person of Risk Owner
Note: Aligned with MAC (Mining Association of Canada) best practices.
Our Tailings Management System is based on three levels:
Routine, Performance and Risk (RPR system)

Routine Performance Risk

Continuous Check of the

Continuous Check of Failure Modes and Critical
Tailings Dam Geotechnical
Operational Discipline Controls Mapping

EoR (Engineer of Record)

Basic Geotechnical Guidelines Dam Portfolio Risk Assessments
Prepare a formal monthly safety report
through HIRA (Hazard identification and
based in the geotechnical monitoring
Define the KPI´s for the Routine risk analysis)
and field inspections.
Periodic assessment by the Geotech Full integration with the Enterprise Risk
assurance team Summary reports to be sent to Senior
Management (ERM)
management level

17 EoR’s hired for Iron Ore All dam portfolio covered until end of
Dashboards with key performance
indicators being prepared and used in
EoR’s responsible by Dam Safety Three global consulting companies
the operational meetings
Inspections supporting Vale

Basic Geotechnical Guidelines

KPI’s and dashboards

Per status
Routine and special Adherence to Effective
Business risk integration
inspections recommendations
Partial Effective
Monitoring and Not Effective
Legal requirements
Non Applicable

Maintenance, operation and

Dam breach study Dam safety inspection
surveillance manual

Emergency preparedness and

Dam safety review Governance effectiveness
response plan

Water management Life cycle planning Change management

Engineer of Record and the continuous performance

• The EoR is external to the operations and is integrated with

Vale's lines of defense
Guidance Table for Classification
of the Dams Geotechnical
• Model of continuous monitoring, and a more rigorous one.
Performance Condition
Better integration of the dams’ information and databases

Satisfactory without restriction

• Regular security inspection, and issues monthly technical
reports, continuously interpreting the results of the inspection
and monitoring activities of the structures Satisfactory with restriction,
without compromise safety

• New upgrades or downgrades of Declaration of Stability Satisfactory with restriction,

(“DCE”) may be issued at any time throughout the year* possibly compromising safety

• Good practice recommended by MAC (Mining Association of
Canada), CDA (Canadian Dam Association) and the
Extraordinary Independent Investigation Committee

* DCE issue only in Brazil (legal requirement) 26

Dam portfolio risk assessments through Hazard
Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA)

• Work plan
• Internal
communication Testing
• Inventory
• Priorities Chosen sites:
• Hire consultants • Sudbury and
Long Harbor
Lessons learned

All dam portfolio covered until end of 2022

2019 2020 2021 2022


• Pilot carried out in Canada during 1H20

• Three global companies working across the portfolio - 2 years to complete
• Teams composed of geotechnicians from all lines of business, exchange of experiences

Portal in geotechnics to share expertise and disseminate knowledge

Data base with technical articles, standards and guidelines

Technical studies calendar

Integration workshops

Geotechnical specialization course

• 360h (soil and rock mechanics, engineering geology,
tailings disposal, risk management)
• 40 professionals/year (including community
• Partner: Ouro Preto Federal University

Geotechnical team is also part of Vale’s Cultural transformation
with transparency, responsibility and technique
Roles are clear People understand their roles and responsibilities

Accountabilities are There is clear accountability at both process and personal level

Geotechnical team Clear Geotech Engineer Identity and succession planning

leads the way

Lines of defense in
Boundaries are set and all stakeholders understand their part

VPS is integrated VPS is internalized and becomes a compass for decision-making

and in action

Case 1: Brucutu

• On December 2019, Vale proactively decided to

suspend temporarily the disposal of tailings at the
Laranjeiras dam, originated at the Brucutu plant, while
assessing the dam’s geotechnical characteristics.
• The decision was taken after conjoint examination from different teams,
as well as the second line of defense, with independency from
production goals, regardless of potential production impacts.

• During the assessment, which still in place, the Brucutu plant, an

important source of pellet feed for Vale, will run with 40% of its
production capacity.

• Action plan towards stability declaration (DCE): Execute a geotechnical

investigation to check the need of a dam reinforcement.

Case 2: Itabiruçu

• On October 2019, Vale proactively decided to suspend

temporarily the raising construction and disposal of tailings
at the Itabiruçu dam, while assessing some deformations
associated with the raising works.

• The decision was taken with the recommendation from the second
line of defense, in line with auditors, even for a dam with stability
declared by the external auditor (positive DCE).

• The dam still remains with positive DCE but was decided by 2nd and 1st
line together the EoR to finish all the engineering studies to return with
the raising construction.

• Action plan towards return to the raising works: Finalize the

engineering and deformation modelling, expected for mid-August.

Final Remarks

Our new tailings management approach is based in a multi
layers of protection, improving our capacity to avoid accidents

Business units Safety & Risk Internal audit External sentinels

Geotechnical Geotechnical Safety & Independent Chief Engineer Independent Dam Safety
operations support Operational Board Compliance of Auditors Reviews
team team Excellence Committee Officer Record
Office for Dam Internal audit and Dam safety Public Periodical
Safety whistleblower inspections and Prosecutors technical reviews
channel performance technical reviews by external
assessments and Tailing engineering
Review Boards company

1st layer 2nd layer 2nd line of

3rd line of defense
1st line of defense defense

Our objectives

1. Finalize the new Tailings Management System implementation across all business
by December 2020, aligned with best international practices

2. Complete the As-Is drawings, operational manual, and emergency plans of all
structures by December 2020 (85% concluded)

3. Improve our internal and external technical capacity

4. De-characterization of upstream dams and other structures in Brazil

5. Increase dry processing operations, expected to reach 70% of the iron ore
production volumes by 2023

34 34
Vale’s ESG Portal: transparency
for our dam management
Click here to visit.

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