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Ronalia Hydropower Project

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Environmental Monitoring Report


Bi-annual Environment Monitoring Report

January 2015

PAK: Renewable Energy Development Sector

Investment Program, Tranche 1

Prepared by Pakhtunkhawa Hydel Development Organization for Ranolia Hydropower Project

for the Asian Development Bank.

(i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and
its agencies ends on 30 June.
(ii) In this report “$” refer to US dollars.

This social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not
necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be
preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any
designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the
Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status
of any territory or area.
Page 1 of 1

L-2286 REDSIP: BAEMR (Jul-Dec 2014) of Ranolia HPP approved for disclosure
Safia Shafiq
Ehtesham Z. Khattak
22/01/2015 03:44 PM
Zebra Abbas, "Jeffrey Bowyer", Liaqat Ali, Jocelyn M. Cabrera, Maria Ava Golda A. I)estura, Judy A.
Vermudo, Rizwan Haider
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From: Safia Shafiq/Consultants/ADB Sort List...
To: Ehtesham Z. Khattak/PRM/ADB@ADB,
Cc: Zehra Abbas/CWRD/ADB@ADB, "Jeffrey Bowyer" <>, Liaqat
Ali/PRM/ADB@ADB, Jocelyn M. CabreralConsultants/ADB@ADB, Maria Ava Golda A.
Destura/CWRD/ADB@ADB, Judy A. Vermudo/CWRD/ADB@ADB, Rizwan
1 Attachment

BAEMR (Jul-Dec 2014) Ranolia HPP.pdf

Dear Ehtesham,

The attached BAEMR (Jul-Dec 2014) of Ranolia HPP under L-2286 REDSIP is
approved for disclosure. Please have it uploaded on ADB's website and share the
web link with me for my record.

Thanks and regards,

Safia Shafiq
Environment Specialist (Consultant)
Pakistan Resident Mission
Asian Development Bank

Level 8, North Wing, Serena Office Complex,

Khayaban-e-Suhrawardy G-5, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Tel: +92-51-2087300, Ext: 344
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Cell: +92-333-2154462

file:///ClUsers/alt/AppData/Local/Temp/notesBDE916/—web0573.htm 22/01/2015
Bi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report
Project Number: Loan 2286-PAK
July to December 2014

Islamic Republic of Pakistan:

Renewable Energy Development Sector Investment Program
Ranolia Hydropower Project, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

(Financed by the Asian Development Bank)

Prepared by Shabir Ahmad Khan

AGES Consultants

For: Pakhtunkhwa Hydel Development Organization (PHYDO), Provincial Government: Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa Province

This report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and ADB and
the Government cannot be held liable for its contents.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Salient Features of the Project 1

1.2. Construction Status 2

1.2.1. Employer's Colony 2

1.2.2. Powerhouse 3

1.2.3. Headrace Channel (Left and Right Banks) 3

1.2.4. Connecting Channel and Sand Trap, Gravel Trap, Siphon, Weir, Access Road 3

1.3. Project Organization and Environmental Management Team 3

1.4. Relationship among the Stakeholders 3

2. Implementation of Mitigation Measures 5

2.1. Implementation of environmental monitoring program 5
2.1.1. Environmental monitoring 5

2.1.2. Fulfilment of environmental responsibilities 5

2.1.3. Description of Environmental Monitoring 5

2.1.4. Pollution Control Measures 6 Construction Wastewater 6 Air Pollution Control 6 Noise Control 6

2.1.5. Solid Waste Management 6

2.1.6. Soil Erosion Control 6


3.1. Implementation of the EMP 8

3.1.1. Objectives 8

3.2. Environmental issues before and during the construction of the project. 8
3.2.1. Materials 8

3.2.2. Construction Activities 8

3.2.3. Road Access 8

3.2.4. Construction Site and Camp Impacts 8

3.2.5. Loss of Water to the River System 9

3.3. Site Specific Environmental Management Plan 9
3.4. Health and Safety Plan 9
3.5. Site Inspection and Audits 10
3.7. Corrective Action Plans 10
3.8. Consultation and Complaints 10
Annexure-1 Tab es 12
Annexure-2 HSE Test and Reporting 28
Annexure-3 Photo Log 47

ADB Asian Development Bank

AGES Alkasib Group of Engineering Services
CIDA Canadian International Development Agency
°C Degree Centigrade
D/S Down Stream
Db decibel
DTC DESCON and TRIED Consortium
e.g. For example
ED Effective Date
EDO Executive District Officer
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMP Environmental Management Plan
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPC Engineering Procurement and Construction
Fig. Figure
GOP Government of Pakistan
GRC Grievance Redressal Committee
GWh Giga Watt Hour
H Head
h Hour
H&S Health and Safety
HH Household
HPP Hydropower Project
HRS High Resolution Stereography
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
HV High Voltage
IA Implementing Agency
IAIA International Association for Impact Assessment
ICCP Information and Community Consultation Program
IDC Infra Development Consultants
IEE Initial Environmental Examination
Km Kilometer
KPK Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
kW Kilowatt
kWh Kilowatt hour
L/S Litter per second
m Meter
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
m/sec2 Meter Per Square Second
m3/sec Cubic Meter Per Second
MACP Mountain Area Conservation Program
masl Meter Above Sea Level
Mast meters above sea level
Max Maximum
MC Management Consultants
Min Minimum
Mm Millimeter
MV Mega Volt
MW Mega Watt
MWh Mega Watt hour
NCS National Conservation Strategy
NEQS National Environmental Quality Standards
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
OPD Outdoor Patient
P Power
PHYDO Pakhtunkhwa Hydro Development Organization
PAP Project Affected Person
PC Planning Commission
PMO Project Management Organization
PMU Project Management Unit
PPM Parts Per Million
PRA Participatory Rapid Appraisal
Q Discharge
RAP Resettlement Action Plan
RD Reduce Distance
RHPP Ranolia Hydropower Project
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
Rs. Pakistani Rupees
Sec Second
PHYDO Pakhtunkhwa Hydel Development Organization
SSEMP Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
U/S Up Stream
USD United States Dollar
WAPDA Water and Power Development Authority
WB World Bank

Part - I

1. The proposed Ranolia Hydropower Project (RHPP) is a run-of-river type hydropower

plant with ultimate capacity of about 17 MW located along Ranolia Khwar, a tributary of
Dubair Khwar, in District Kohistan of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. The Hydropower
plant (Power house) is being constructed near Dubair Bazaar on the right bank of
Dubair Khwar upstream of its confluence with Indus River. Dubair is about 20 km north
of Besham along main Karakuram Highway (KKH).
2. This report is the 5rn Environmental monitoring report for the Ranolia hydropower
project, covering the period from July to December. 2014. It is prepared by the
Pakhtunkhwa Hydro development Organization (PHYDO) with the assistance of
Ranolia HPP Management Consultant.
3. This report is prepared in accordance with the environmental monitoring program as
part of the environmental management plan (EMP).
1 1. Salient Features of the Project
4. Following are the Salient features of the project.
Salient Features of the Project
Location Ranolia Khwar (District Kohistan). Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Province. Pakistan
Catchment Area 73 km2
Mean Annual Discharge 4.33 m3/sec
Total Annual Flow 136 106 m3
Diversion Dam
Type Low height concrete diversion weir
Crest Elevation 1120.50 masl
Crest Length 20.0 m
Maximum height 3.0 m from river bed level
Design Flood (Q100) 854 m3/sec
Type Overflow weir
Design Discharge (Q100) 854 m3/s
Intake & Headwork structures
Intake Side intake —gate controlled
Approach canal Rectangular — reinforced concrete
Settling Basin / Sand trap Reinforced concrete 75.5 m X 16.5 m
Head race Canal
Length 2,650 m
Type Reinforced concrete
Dimensions Rectangular, 2.5 m X 2.0 m

Bed slope 1:1000
Siphon with inlet and outlet ponds
Type Mild steel pipe, 1. 5 m inner diameter
Length 830 m
Maximum head 170 m
Fore bay dimensions
Type Reinforced concrete structure
Surface area 400 m2
Type Mild steel
Length 684 m
Diameter / thickness 1.50 m internal dia. 12 mm to 18 mm thickness
Power Facilities
Powerhouse Type Surface
Dimensions 28 m x 18 m
Maximum Net Head 408.87 m
Minimum Net Head 401.00 m
Turbine (2 units) Pelton, 2 X 8.5 MW
Generators (2 units) Rated capacity 8.5MV x 2, Power factor 0.8
Transformers Rated output 12.5, Voltage11/132 kV
Installed capacity 17 MW
Average Energy 100.5 GWh
Transmission Facilities
Transmission line length 132 KV — about 2 Km and
11 V about 4 Km
1.2. Construction Status
5. Actual percentage progress of the project after the completion of 38 months till
December 2014 is 89.23% against a planned figure of 100% as per baseline schedule.
EOT-1 was granted by client till December 2014. However this Extension of Time was
awarded against EOT claim submitted by contractor up to June 2015.
6. The lag between the baseline planned and actual percentage is mainly due to the delay
in the start of penstock, switchyard and siphon construction activities due to land
acquisition issue, delayed issuance of AIS change order and other local issues as
mentioned in the concerns section of this report.
7. Considerable progress has been made in the Siphon R/S, Siphon US & Switchyard
area in the month of December 2014. At siphon all the saddles have been constructed
and as a result piping progress is considerably boosted up at Siphon R/S & L/S in the
month of December 2014.

1.2.1. Employer's Colony

8. All the houses. bachelor hostel, dispensary and shops, and other external works are
almost completed, except some finishing etc. is in progress.

1.2.2. Powerhouse
9. Civil, electrical and mechanical works are almost completed; floor tiling and internal
painting of the offices are in progress.
1.2.3. Headrace Channel (Left and Right Banks)
10. Excavation and RCC works are completed, while backfilling and bitumen coating is in

1.2.4. Connecting Channel and Sand Trap, Gravel Trap, Siphon, Weir, Access Road
11. All these structures are completed.
1.3. Project Organization and Environmental Management Team
12. There was no change in the composition of project organization and environmental
management team of the MC. The contractor's HSE team consists of a qualified HSE
in-charge. 2 HSE Supervisors and 9 HSE Assistants during the reporting period.
1.4. Relationship among the Stakeholders
13. During the reporting period relations among different project stakeholders remained
quite comfortable. A number of meetings of MC, Client and Contractor were held at site
and at Consultants/Client Peshawar and field offices. Design, land acquisition and
environmental issues were the main agenda items of these meetings, and were
thoroughly discussed in friendly environment. Most of the issues were resolved during
these meetings while for the unresolved issues the way forward was set up. Similarly
Contractor. MC and Client held several meetings with the affectees at the construction
site to address various issues of the affectees that came to fore due to the project
activities. Some of those meetings were also participated by the MC Environmental

Part II
Environmental Monitoring

1.5. Implementation of environmental monitoring program

1.5.1. Environmental monitoring
14. Internal environmental monitoring consists of two types. The first type requires field
sampling and lab analysis for example water quality. air quality and noise levels. The
second type refers to visual inspections of such things as soil erosion. restoration of
vegetation, solid waste disposal and so on The field sampling and lab analysis has
been conducted, including air and noise and water quality during the reporting period.
Field inspections have been undertaken by the on-site environmental and Health and
Safety team of the Contractor, Management Consultant and PHYDO officers on a
regular basis. Overall 12 members team of the Contractor oversee Environmental
Health and Safety, including one qualified Health & Safety specialist and 2 HSE
15. External monitoring is undertaken by the environmental safeguard specialists of the
loan implementation consultancy. The external monitor is responsible for advising the
construction contractors on the environmental monitoring requirements, reviewing the
monitoring activities and results.
1.5.2. Fulfilment of environmental responsibilities
16. The environmental responsibilities outlined in the EMP are by and large fulfilled, albeit
with delays in environmental monitoring and reporting. The status of fulfillment of
environmental responsibilities is summarized in Table - 2 (Annexed).
1.5.3. Description of Environmental Monitoring Workers' and Community Safety
17. The contractor is taking precautionary measures to ensure workers' safety. Protective
equipment is generally worn at all times by persons entering the construction site.
Safety training is being given to workers and staff.
18. In case of bodily harm to any worker, the contractor will have full responsibility for
medical care and compensation according to the prevailing labour law. The contractor
will also be responsible for any bodily harm and property damage caused by
construction activities on site or in the vicinities. including land occupation.
19. The contractor has remedied the deficiencies, as pointed out with respect to
strengthening safety management. especially in context of flammables, explosives,
toxic and corrosive substances. Environmental Protection
20. The contractor complies with all relevant laws and regulations on environmental
protection, and takes precautionary measures to minimize any potential impact on the
environment. The contractor is responsible for restoring and rehabilitating the
environment to its original state at its own costs. An environmental management plan
(EMP) with mitigation measures has been prepared and submitted to the construction
supervision agency.
21. The contractor treats and disposes the construction wastewater, sewage and solid
wastes properly so as not to cause any damage to the environment. drinking water
sources and public health. The disposal of spoils and solid wastes has not been seen
to obstruct flood ways and risk public safety. All slopes are protected with retention
walls, proper drainage systems and vegetation to avoid geological hazards. Noise,
dust. air emissions, wastewater and waste oils are being controlled to minimize
annoyance to local communities Physical and Cultural Relics
22. To date no such sites discovered in the area. If physical and cultural relics are
discovered at the construction sites, they will be owned by the state. The contractor
will report any such discoveries immediately to the local relics protection authority and

in the meantime immediately inform the construction supervision agency. The
contractor shall take effective measures to protect the unearthed physical and cultural
relics. The contractor will be held responsible for any loss of damage and frequent
1.5.4. Pollution Control Measures Construction Wastewater
23. There is no construction wastewater discharges from any project components. The
only waste water is from residential camps, which is properly disposed. Air Pollution Control
24. The major sources of air emissions are construction equipment and construction
vehicles. The vehicles delivering granular and/or fine materials to the sites are covered
with tarpaulin sheets. Overloading of these vehicles has been avoided. Vehicle
speeds are controlled on construction sites. Proper maintenance of vehicles and
diesel equipment. and avoidance of unnecessary running of vehicle and equipment
engines are adopted to reduce emissions. During the reporting period one time air
quality was checked at construction site. The result has been annexed.
25. The access roads on the construction sites are sprayed occasionally by water trucks to
suppress dust. It requires daily scheduled spraying, taking weather conditions into
consideration. Noise Control
26. The contractors have undertaken a series of measures to reduce noise levels.
Equipment that generates low levels of noise has been selected, and all machinery is
properly maintained to minimize noise. Noise reduction devices or methods (e.g.,
hoarding) have been applied where piling equipment is operating within 500 m of
sensitive sites such as schools. Concrete-mixing plants and similar activities are
located at least 300 m away from sensitive areas such as residences, schools and
hospitals. The noise quantity at construction site was also measured, which is within
the permissible limits.
1.5.5. Solid Waste Management
27. During the reporting period. over all the disposal of solid waste at labour camps is
managed up to some extent but more efforts are required. The contractor has been
advised for collection and disposal of solid waste in a proper way. The landfill
disposal of solid waste. away from settlement has been made. However, the
collection of solid waste with in the camps needs care.
1.5.6. Soil Erosion Control
28. The civil works contractors have taken measures to control soil erosion. Soil erosion
measures during construction include minimizing land surface disturbance and
exposure and use of settlement ponds. The construction works are almost completed
therefore the construction sites are required to be re-vegetated with trees and
grasses. The contractor has been advised to accomplish the task.

Part III
Environmental Management

1.6. Implementation of the EMP

1.6.1. Objectives
29. The objective of establishing an EMP is not only to propose appropriate mitigation
measures, but also to recommend establishment of institutions or mechanisms to
monitor and ensure compliance with environmental regulations and implementation of
the proposed mitigation measures. Such institutions and mechanisms will seek to
ensure continuously improving environmental protection activities during
preconstruction, construction, and operation in order to prevent. reduce, or mitigate
adverse impacts. The EMP drew on the individual EIA/IEE reports and on the
discussions and agreements with the relevant government agencies.
30. An evaluation of the implementation of the Environment Management according to the
criteria described in the IEE Report of the Project is summarized in Table-5 (Annexed)
and details description is as under:
1.7. Environmental issues before and during the construction of the project.
1.7.1. Materials
31. Good quality construction stone is available for crush material along Dubair Khwar.
The sand quarry is available at a distance of about 30 KM near Maira village. These
sites will be supervised and restored on completion of the work. Sand for production of
concrete for construction of the project is also available along the Ranolia and Dubair
1.7.2. Construction Activities
32. The canal structure (1.6m wide by 1.7m deep) has been constructed using stone
masonry on a labour-intensive basis. The canal passes through glacial moraine, but
there are also some solid rock sections. During the power canal construction,
significant scarring of the landscape and encroachment on downhill slopes was
encountered. This material was not removed or consolidated properly. The instruction
has given to the contractor for proper placement/consolidation. The penstock is also
constructed on steep slopes and there was some habitation and gardens in the
general area. All the resettlement activities were carried out accordance with ADB
guidelines and proper compensation were made to the affectees.
33. To avoid slippage of stone and earth material, stone gabions retaining structures has
been used to prevent slippage of soil adjacent to the canal. Weak slopes of along
head race canal have been stabilized by using appropriate method. It has been
advised for trees plantation to consolidate and re- vegetate canal and penstock areas.
34. The siphon 744m in length completed the construction and this will transfer the canal
from left to right bank of the Khwar. It consists of a steel pipe 1.5 m in diameter and
buried for most of its length.
1.7.3. Road Access
35. This project does not need any additional or exclusive access roads. The site of the
powerhouse is located adjacent to an existing sealed road. The existing road up to the
weir has been constructed, provided with improved bridges. A 1.5 m wide inspection
path has also been build alongside the power canal to allow construction of the canal
and provide access for operations.
1.7.4. Construction Site and Camp Impacts
36. The construction of the project will be manpower intensive and where possible local
labour force is being used. The total local labour at present is 379, while the non local
is 329 out of 708, which are mostly supervisory staff. The contractor and sub-
contractors, building the project, have a temporary labour camp accommodation for
staff. There may be social impacts, particularly as the local people in the Ranolia area
are unused to outsiders. Contractor is obliged to employ local labour where available

as per contract. Labour accommodation at present is away from population and social
conflict has not been raised.
37. The skilled, semi skilled and unskilled labour wages, at present are Rs 750, Rs 600
and Rs 500 per day respectively.
38. Construction camps and the long term residential colony have the potential for
environmental impacts in terms of solid and wastewater emissions. Clauses have
been placed in sub-contracts to build the project requiring adequate water supply. solid
waste and sewage disposal facilities. In general all the labour camps are in
satisfactory conditions. having provision of necessary requirements.
39. The main construction sites like access road, residential colony. power house site, and
weir site, power channel, batching plant and material storage. there are associated
dust problems. Conditions requiring the contractor to suppress any dust hazards by
the use of water spraying of roads during dry periods, has been included in contract
and is being implemented.
40. The construction site and any temporary residential areas will be cleaned of all debris
and properly restored on completion of construction and when building contractors
abandon the site
1.7.5. Loss of Water to the River System Human Impacts
41. As well as some use for drinking water, various activities of the population rely directly
on the river for yearlong activities. These activities include watermills, power plants,
livestock use and mosques. Irrigation water for crops is only required in the summer
months when water flows in the stream are naturally relatively high. Adequate water
will, therefore. be available for irrigation in summer even when the project is working at
full capacity. For the activities which continue throughout the year, it is estimated that a
minimum usage of 500 liters/s is required and provision has been during the operation
period of the project.
42. Water borne disease is already prevalent in the area. Unfortunately there seem to be
no records of testing of the quality of river or spring water for drinking purposes. Any
reduction in the amount of water flows in the Ranolia Khwar will increase the public
health risk. The potential hazard becomes more acute as river levels drop and there is
no or reduced cleansing and dilution process. The drinking water supply to the
construction camps were analyzed in laboratory. which is within the permissible limits
of WHO standard. Originally 500 liters/s water will be released as a minimum
requirement during the operation period. This environmental water requirement of 500
liters/s will sufficiently meet the local demand and water dilution process. Fish Impacts
43. Any movement of fish upstream will be impossible. Downstream movement will be
through the project water delivery and powerhouse and fish will have to pass through
the turbine system. Fish movement activity would be slow in the winter. During the five
summer months May to September water flows would be sufficient to allow fish to
travel to and from the Dubair River to the lakes in the upper reaches of the Ranolia
Khwar catchment.
44. In the Ranolia Khwar, the fish population is very rare. The environmental water
requirement will also cater the fish species during winter month (low season).
Therefore the impact on fish will not be significant. Moreover fish ladder proven has
also been made at the weir site.
1.8. Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
45. Site Specific Environmental Management Plan (SSEMP) has been prepared before
the construction start and duly approved by the ADB. The SSEMP is being
implemented during the construction period.
1.9. Health and Safety Plan
46. Health and Safety Plan (H&S) has also been prepared by the contractor, including the

risk assessment and submitted to the concerned.
1.10. Site Inspection and Audits
47. During this reporting period, activities of civil works constructions are in completion
stage. During the construction phase, DESCON as a main contractor has fulfilled their
duties about Environment, Health and Safety issues. Full attention has been paid to
the mitigation measures and implementation of environmental management and
monitoring plan. Through mitigation measures implied. environmental impacts have at
least been prevented or reduced possible to the minimum. During this reporting period
a number of HSE trainings have been arranged for the Contractor staff and workforce.
The contractor has staff sufficient for the compliance and protection of the issues of
the Environment, Health and Safety under the supervision of Health & Safety Expert.
The HSE staff inspects all the sites of project components regularly on daily basis. The
EHS Supervisors and Assistants show their presence in complete working hours in
each site separately. In addition. 3 supervisory staff members. 9 HSE Assistants also
working at sites.
48. The Environmental Management Consultants team comprises an Environmental
Expert, Mr. Shabir Ahmad Khan, and an Environmental Engineer Mr Asad All Khan.
Both paid two visits each during July 2014 to Dec 2014 of the reporting period. The
findings of these visits concerning environmental auditing have already been
presented in detail.
Non-Compliance Issues
49. During this reporting period, there was no non-compliance of the environmental issues
reported to the Contractor or other construction bodies concerned. except the issue of
the solid waste disposal generating in the construction camps. Overall, the
Environmental Compliance during this period was marked to the best of the
stakeholders. satisfaction and capacities.
Corrective Action Plans
50. All the EHS requirements have almost been fulfilled as per requirements marked in
schedules for EMMP, SSEMP and H&S Plans .
Consultation and Complaints
51. The consultation process according to the EMMP is followed in the project. The
Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC). being a consultation body, is responsible for
its smooth functioning and discussing matters with affectees. However. there is no
consultation record available because actions against people grievances are almost
taken without giving a time frame. While sometimes it takes three times greater actions
to resolve the issue in a week raised at different locations. With the help of Land
Valuation Committee. the Land Acquisition process has been successfully completed.
Further Social and Resettlement issues likely to be resolved in accordance with the
wishes of the affectees. In this regard, complaints are mostly recorded about Land and
Resettlements issues. While the environmental complaints are small and limitedly
reported often solved without delays.


52. During this reporting period, activities of civil works constructions are in completion
stage. During the construction phase. DESCON as a main contractor has fulfilled their
duties about Environment. Health and Safety issues. Full attention has been paid to
the mitigation measures and implementation of environmental management and
monitoring plan. Through mitigation measures implied. environmental impacts have at
least been prevented or reduced possible to the minimum. During this reporting period
a number of HSE trainings have been arranged for the Contractor staff and workforce.
53. Environmental provisions have been incorporated into contracts of the civil works
constructions. Field inspections by the Contractor. Management Consultants and

PHYDO were regularly made. Each of these has assigned manager in charge of
environmental management in addition of one HSE Engineer, 2 Supervisors and 9
Assistants at sites. They also serve as grievance focal points. Project and contact
information has been posted in the bulletin boards at all construction sites. Public
complaints can also be lodged in telephone hotlines and WebPages. To date, there
have been no significant public complaints about the environmental impacts of the
project. However. Land and Resettlement issues some times are being raised during
the reporting period.
54. Environmental monitoring has been conducted in accordance with the environmental
monitoring program contained in the IEE. The environmental monitoring covers air,
water and noise, as per measurement at site, even the dust pollution in the Project
area has also been controlled during reported period. Night-time noise levels in the
Project sites also under the standards limits.
55. Main Contractor camps and labour camps, storage areas and vehicle/machinery
places are being maintained according to prevailing Environment. health and safety
56. All the HSE component status. during reporting period is satisfactory. No major
complaint has been reported. Over all HSE status of the project is good.

Annexure - I


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Table-1: Status of Implementation of Mitigation Measures

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,_ E
Impact Factor/Stage






a) ,—
MS . —
= -0

CO• c,7.0.;

0 CL
° Cn

E a

a a






Site specific Pla n and Consultants
Health&Safety Plan

Establish a complaint and

information office or appoint a
responsible person before

starting the construction.





Not applicable





Ensure that staff at the office
E. m

(I) =

co 0
n (-)
c C
cu -'

(...) c -
is well trained to handle

c 0_


0 -0

a E .5
E b- 0_
0 — 0.
conflicts with residents due to
distress from environmental

Environmental Environmenta l specialists

and/or officials from
Protection Tra ining
Contractor willbe invited to

provide training on Already




Not applicable
Umplementation and compliance
0 CD t
c cu .._,
co P c

0 co cr)
i ca °
a_ 2 0
›- c C

supervision of environmental
mitigation measures to
relevant persons.
Not applicable

In compliance
In compliance

.o-•-• c o
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Impact Factor/Stage

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In compliance
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Mitigation Measures

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areas and covered with

• O (1) a)
sites must be covered.

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Generation ofDust

E rn
Impact FactorlStage

Implementation Status
of reporting period
Mitigation Measures
completed on a regular basis.

Vehicle, Equipment and

machinery emissions mustbe
Emissions from
in compliance with prevailing PHYDO and


Vehicles and laws. Management In compliance In compliance

A regular inspection and Consultants
certification system must be

Noise levels from equipment

and machinery must strictly
Provide adequate route for

Noise from Vehicles,


large trucks to keep away


Plant, and


In compliance.

from residential areas.

im, 0=
E (0

0_ m 0
c ...(1)E.

0 N,

Equipment at construction sites within

500m of the nearest
habitation, noisy construction
work willbe stoppedbetween
2200 and 0600 hours.
• _

In compliance.
In compliance
In compliance

In compliance

a) a) c a) co a) c
C 0) ria
0 C >, -0 a- 0 10 u) _c Ca ui 0 as co -4-
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Mitigation Measures

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.- <a' 0 ° -c < § ° '(.15 8- E (1) -c 0 sa v) 4-, a)

Impact Factor/Stage

2.4 Solid wastes

a3 E
• c
o 2
7) 5
In compliance.

In compliance.
In comp liance
In compliance
(Govt ofKP)


C a
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Mitigation Measures

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,3 u) c0-_- - 8

_ a_
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Traffic jam or block
Impact FactorlStage

In complia nce.

In complia nce

"Cs 'E' u )
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.U). c a3 E 2
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(3) a) 0 7.- cc/ c 0 (13 W 2 w
EL2 -0 0 § tt. = +(ii E -c a_ (V-6)° (13
Cultura lheritage



Impact Factor/Stage
Table-2: Summary of Fulfillment of Environmental Responsibilities

Phase Responsible Agencies Environmental Responsibility Status of

Environmental Preparation of EIAs Fulfilled
Institutes/ Feasibility

Environment Review and approval of the I EE Fulfilled

Protection Agency including the
Environmental Updating the EMP in cooperation with Fulfilled
Institutes/ Feasibility environmental institutes. and incorporate
preparation mitigation measures in engineering
Design Consultants detail designs and contracts

The PMOs, lAs, Review and approval of Fulfilled

environmental measures

Tendering The PMOs, Incorporate EMP clauses in the bids Fulfilled

Contractors, lAs _
The PMOs, lAs, Advise on implementation of Fulfilled
miticiation measures
Construction Contractors Implementation of mitigation Fulfilled

External Monitor and External monitoring and inspection of Fulfilled

ADB implementing mitigation measures.

lAs: Implementing Agencies PMOs: Project Management Organizations ADB; Asian Development Bank

Table-2: Implementation Status of Environment Management Plan

Potential environmental impacts I Proposed Compliance Implemented activities

mitigation measures mentioned in EMP Status

Earth Works for upgrading access road. • Slope protection in

Construction of weir site, siphon, disposal areas by
penstock on steep slopes leading to operating in accordance
erosion & encroachment with approved method
• Catchments/ cut-off drains & statement.
chutes to minimize soil erosion. • Stone masonry retaining
• structures have
Masonry retaining structures.
constructed for slope
• Formation of sediment basins &
protection along the
slope drains.
access road and other
• Maximum usage of material in
facilities like head race
fill areas.
channel and powerhouse
• Spoil planning particularly on Satisfactory etc.
steep slope with bench terracing complied • Excavated materials have
for high cut areas &- avoidance
been used at camp site
of any pushing over of material
and for temporary access.
on down slopes
• Maintaining bins for
• Tree planting programme on
collecting rubbish in
channel and penstock areas.
camps on daily basis.
• Plant trees to prevent
erosion, protect river
banks along Ranolia river
by prohibiting worker to
cut down trees illegally.
• Planting trees in workers'
camps. along the road to

Taking of Borrow Materials with potential • No borrow materials

for loss and degradation of land
have been taken from
• No earth material will be cultivable land
borrowed from cultivable lands.
• Borrowing to take place from
barren, wastelands, &
riverbeds. Satisfactory
• For new borrow areas, all
measures will be taken to avoid
loss of productive soil.
• Any borrow areas will be
refilled. re-vegetated &

Potential environmental impacts / Proposed Compliance Implemented activities
mitigation measures mentioned in EMP Status

• The only requirement for

Taking of Quarry Materials with loss and
the project is sand and
degradation of land
stone crush. The sand is
• Quarry materials will be being supplied from
obtained from existing private quarry site, 30
operating sites with proper KM away at Maira
licenses & environmental village.The plant is
clearances. being maintained with
• New quarries to be opened only proper environmental
with permission of respective clearance.
authorities. • The crush is being
supplied from crush
plant, installed at the
bank of Dubair Khwar.

Operation of construction equipment and • All the relevant

construction activities and contamination
protocols are being
of soils, loss of water quality & water
pollution followed. The fuel
storage etc is away from
• Fuel storage & refueling will water body at protected
have adequate containment place. The precautions
away from water are implemented for
bodies/channel. Equipment will turbidity of Ranolia
be properly maintained. Khwar.
• Precautions to be taken to
prevent water pollution due to
increased siltation & turbidity
from weir site, siphon & road Satisfactory
construction particularly in complied
winter month when flows are
low and water being used for
• Approved sites defined for
storage & disposal of wastes
• Any waste petroleum products
will be collected, stored. &
disposed of at approved sites
as per Hazardous Waste
Management Act.

Construction activities causing • The new water supply

disruption of existing surface drains, Satisfactory line is installed for
water channels and water supply complied Ranolia Village. The
• Appropriate rain-storm-water crop compensation due
channels will be constructed. to construction activities

Potential environmental impacts I Proposed Compliance Implemented activities
mitigation measures mentioned in EMP Status
• Provision for cross drainage was made. Only one
structures will be made. hydro power was
• Immediate rehabilitation of affected and
damaged irrigation channels for compensation was
irrigation & other uses such as made to the affectees
hydropower and water mills. accordingly. Other
• Identify existing water pipes appropriate measures
supplying Ranolia village. Avoid are also being taken
and/or realign etc. No with respect to
interruption of drinking water interruption of any
supply will take place. infrastructure.

Construction Camp & Residential colony. • The construction camps

Social impacts & pollution from are away from Ranolia
wastewater & solid waste village. The camps are
• The construction camp will be properly designed,
located away from Ranolia where all the facilities
settlements close to the Satisfactory are available including
powerhouse site. complied sewage system for
• Camps & residential colony will waste water. The solid
have properly designed sewage waste collection and
system for wastewater effluent disposal was not
and solid waste collection. appropriate in the
construction camps.
Remedial measures
ware advised.

Emission from Construction Vehicles & • The concrete crush

Equipments causing air pollution plant is away from
• Emission levels of all settlement.
construction vehicles & • The construction
equipment will conform to the vehicles and
Pakistan emission standards. equipments are in very
• Pollutant parameters will be good condition.
monitored during construction. • The contractor H&S
Crushing, & concrete plants will team monitors and
be located away from checks the vehicles.
population. equipment every week
and report is being
submitted to the client
and Management

Dust particulate causing health impacts • The vehicles having

for workers and villagers crushed loaded or sand
• All precautions to be taken to complied. are generally not
reduce dust level emissions covered with tarpaulin
from batching plants & portable (same position as
crushers at weir and previously reported).

Potential environmental impacts I Proposed Compliance Implemented activities
mitigation measures mentioned in EMP Status
powerhouse sites. • The water spraying on
• Regular water spraying at all the access road is has
mixing sites & temporary been made once a day .
service roads will be Regular spraying of
undertaken. water at access road
• All delivery vehicles will be twice in a day is
covered with tarpaulin. necessary. However the
• Mixing equipment will be sealed area in general is sandy
& equipped as per existing / rocky nature, the dust
standards. particle in the air seems
very rare. shows clean
and healthy climate.
Occasionally air become
dusty at blasting sites
but that is too for short
period of time and away
from localities.

Construction activity Noise from • The blasting for

Vehicles, Plant & Equipment causing construction works is
noise pollution
being done under
• Blasting works will be in complete Safety
accordance with Pakistan protocols. The safety
Explosives Act. inspector completely
• No blasting between dusk & watches and arranges
Satisfactory the blasting works.
• Residents close by will be
informed well in advance of
blasting times.
• Workers associated with
blasting sites will be provided
with earplugs, helmets & other
safety devices.

• The trees removed

Construction of weir, power canal, within the reporting
Siphon ponds and penstock with loss of Partially period are without prior
Vegetation & Tree cover complied. permission: however the
new compensation has been
• No trees to be removed without made to the affectees.
prior approval of FD and trees plantation
has not • The plantation program
requiring removal will be paint- will commence after
marked. been
started completion of
• Compensation for lost trees. construction works.
• Plantation Program will be
devised for all sites that could
be affected adversely.

Potential environmental impacts I Proposed Compliance Implemented activities
mitigation measures mentioned in EMP Status
Work force during construction causing complied
• This is not likely to be
impacts to wildlife
happened, as there is
• Construction workers to be no wild life in the area.
educated for wildlife
conservation with no hunting &
poaching to be allowed for

Construction Activities & Accident Risks • All the construction

• All blasting sites will have activities are under
warning & clearance signals. compete safety
Site will be inspected prior/after protocols, where
blasting. everybody involve in the
• Workers will be provided construction works have
Personal Protective
helmets, masks & safety
goggles etc.
• The First Aid Box
• A readily available first aid unit
generally exists at the
with dressing materials etc.
construction locations.
• Road safety education will be
• Safety training are
given to construction vehicle
Satisfactory generally arrange twice
complied a month.
• Traffic management will be
• The information
ensured during road
dissemination has been
construction periods.
taken poorly.
• Information dissemination
through banners/boars & local
announcement at mosques
about project time frame,
activities causing disruption &
any temporary arrangements
for public relief will take place .

Construction Activities causing disruption • The public utilities are

to Public Utilities interrupted in some
All public utilities likely to be impacted, places, but the remedies
such as water supply pipe system, were made, like water
power/phone lines etc must be relocated supply to the Ranolia
to suitable places. in consultations with village damaged due to
local beneficiaries. construction works. The
new water supply was
launched to the Ranolia


HSE Tests and Reporting


Up to December, 2014

Progress Sheet


En ineeerin 100.00% 100.00%

Civil 100.00% 100.00°;,

Mechanical 100.00% 100.00%

Electrical 100.00% 100.00%

Procrurement 100.00% 97.50%

On-Shore Equipment 100.00% 100.00%
Remaining Switchyard
added scope
equipment and
140.00% 96.85% communication

Construction 100.00% 85.50%

Employer's Facilities 100.00% 100.00%

Access Road 100.00% 95.50%

Weir,Intake & Diversion Works 100.00% 99.64%

Connecting Channel 100.00% 100.00%
Sand Trap 100.00% 100.00%
Head Race Channel (s) 100.00% 98.25%
Siphon Inlet Pond 100.00% 100.00%
Siphon 100.00% 72.00%
Siphon Outlet Pond 100.00% 86.00%
Head Race Channel (RBS) 100.00% 93.50%

Forebay 100.00% 50.00%

Penstock 100.00% 23.00%

Power House and Workshop 100.00% 97.50%

Switch Yard 100.00% 66.00%
Tail Race Channel 100.00% 90.00%
QHSE Policy

Descon's team at all levels shall endeavor to ensure the satisfaction of all
stakeholders by providing the best value in every product and service by
recognizing that Quality, Health, Safety. Environment and Community
responsibilities are an integral part of our operations.

We shall achieve this by:

Establishing and reviewing QHSE objectives and targets.

Developing and implementing management structures and procedures.

Monitoring, evaluating and continually improving our QHSE performance.

Recognizing that QHSE is everyone's direct responsibility.

Continually enhancing awareness, skills and systems efficiency.

Participating in product and process improvement initiatives. risk mitigation

and prevention measures.

Making each team member accountable for QHSE matters.

Meeting all internal and external commitments.

Abiding by the applicable legal framework requirements related to


Ensuring that the QHSE systems of our suppliers and subcontractors are
compatible with our own commitments.

Exercising integrity and respect in dealing with each other, customers.

suppliers and society at large.

Communicating this policy to all stakeholders. providing training and

encouraging behavior that upholds this policy.

DIMS / QHSE Policy a man Zakaria

Rev. 02, Jan 01. 2010 Chief Executive Officer

DIMS / QHSE Policy

Rev. 02.Jan 01, 2010

Main Power (Local/Non Local)


1 ENGINEER 5 17 0 4
2 OFFICER 0 7 0 0
3 SUP/FOREMAN 3 23 0 3
4 SURVEYOR 1 6 0 0
5 CLERK 0 1 0 0
6 ASSISTANT 7 7 0 0
9 GREASER 0 1 0 0
10 MOTOR WINDER 0 1 0 0
12 TYRE MAN 0 1 0 0
13 STORE KEEPER 1 2 0 1
14 SECURITY GUARD 25 2 26 0
15 GARDENER 1 0 0 0
16 MESS STAFF 3 18 0 0
17 DISPENSER 0 1 0 0
18 DAINTER 0 0 0 0
19 DRILLER 5 0 0 1
20 LEADMAN 4 5 1 0
21 TR SUPERVISOR 8 9 0 0
23 SCAFFOLDER 5 56 0 0
24 STEEL FIXER 6 18 0 0
25 CARPENTER 10 23 0 0
26 MASON 11 3 4 0
27 LABOUR 94 1 5 0
28 PLUMBER 1 2 0 0
29 FABRICATOR 0 7 0 2
30 FITTER 5 19 0 3
31 MACHINIST 0 1 0 0
32 RIGGER 0 14 0 0
33 HELPER 87 6 10 2
34 BLASTER 1 0 0 0
35 PAINTER 0 10 0 3
36 ELECTRICIAN 4 2 1 0
37 WELDER 2 31 4 5
rn-rni 327 305 _ 52 24

Ranolia Hydro Power Project # 5012
Management Area WalktlirozGth, July 2014
Sr. No Date Time Area Participants Remarks

:.- Muhammad Naeem ISM)

2- Shahid Nades•ris ICMI
fr./.4,1/14 1CCC-f-rs HRC Meta Bank)
3. S. M. Qoraish II/C HSI)
4. Muhammad Illikhar lAi ea i/C)

1. Muhammad NAPYRI ISM)

2. Shahid Nadeem
2 06/1u1/14 'co—'s Weir Intake
3. 5. M. Quiaish II/C HSI)
4. Maok Khand Mehrrsocd (Area I/C)

1. Muhammad Warm ISM)

2- Shahid Nadeem
3 09/101;14 ik( II eft Bank)
5. IN C orarsh II/C 11511
4- Malik Khali d Mehmood (Area I/C:
:- Muhammad Naeem ISM)
2. Shahid Nadeem (CM)
4 1 Vlis1/1.1 11",- v. Pnwnr //nos.,
3- 5. M. Cloraishog HSE)
4. Arshad Kanju (Arca 1/E)

2- Muhammad Nacern ISM)

2- Shahid Nadeem (CM)
5 ICU' - i1 Siphon
3 S. M Uoraish 11/C HSI)
4. Peethan Entail Khan (Area I/C)

1- Muhammad Nam', (SM)

2- Shahid Nadeem (CM)
1CCCr. is Work Shop 3-5 PA 00.0.12. II/C H511
4- All Muhammad (Mech. En`.)
5- Muhammad Matfsha (3/C E&P)

1• Muhammad Naeem (SM)

2- Shahid Nadeem (CM)
13/41/14 1GCChrs Employer Facilities
3- S. Si. UnraiSh II/C HSU
4- Nadeem Wea I/C)

1- Muhammad Naeem 15M)

2- Shad
hi Nadeem (CM)
8 Site Shut.
s. S. m Q. anal ii/C IsSE1
4. nap Xhalid Mehmood (Store 1/CI

Maior Equipments


1. 1 Dozer HRC L/Side


2 1 Excavator HRC R/Side

3 2 Excavator HRC Ft/Side


L 1 _oader HRC L/Side


5 1 Roller HRC R/Side

6 2 Roller HRC L/Side

7 3 Roller HRC L/Side


8 1 C rane-Hyd.RT. P/House

Concrete Pump

9 1 /Pump Truck mounted P/House

Transit Mixer

10 1 Transit Mixer Site

11 2 Transit Mixer Site

Carmix Mixer

12 1 Carmix Mixer Site

13 2 Carmix Mixer Site

Air Compressor

1 Air Compressor 1 Site

Power Generator

15 1 Power Generator W/Shop

16 2 Power Generator Besham House

17 3 Power Generator W/Shop

18 4 Power Generator Sholgra

19 5 Power Generator Sholgra

20 6 Power Generator B/Plant

21 7 Power Generator Work Shop

22 8 Power Generator Work Shop

23 9 Power Generator Crush Plant

24 10 Power Generator Work Shop

25 11 Power Generator Work Shop

Welding Generator

26 1 Welding Generator HRC L/Side

27 2 Welding Generator HRC R/Side

28 3 Welding Generator HRC R/Side

29 4 Welding Generator HRC L/Side

30 5 Welding Generator HRC R/Side

31 6 Welding Generator HRC L/Side

Dump Truck

37 1 Dump Truck HRC R/Side

33 2 Dump Truck HRC R/Side

34 3 Dump Truck Site


35 1 HIAB Site


36 1 Tractor Site

37 2 Tractor B/Plant


38 1 D/CABIN (KN-9335) CM

39 2 D/CABIN (LEA-8651) SM

40 3 D/CABIN (LZR-5557) Site

41 4 D/CABIN (LZR-6661) Site

42 5 D/CABIN (KM-0208) E&P

43 6 D/CABIN (KM-0231) Site

44 7 S/CABIN (LWC 2562) Site

45 8 S/CABIN (LZR-7967) Store/Purchase

46 9 S/CABIN (LZR-7968) E&P

47 10 SHEHZORE (LWC-3361) Sholgra

48 11 TOYOTA HIACE VAN (LEE-4403) Office

49 12 AMBULANCE (LZJ-3993) HSC

Power Generator

50 1 Power Generator



51 1


52 2

Tyre Excavator EX100

53 3
With Bucket


54 4

55 5 Diwoo Tyre Excavator

Batching Plant

56 1 Batching Plant


57 1 Truck (PSB-11)

58 2 T ruck (P50-737)

59 3 Truck (PSM-393)

60 4 Truck (PSD-416)

61 5 Truck (PSD-463)

62 6 Truck (P5B-482)

63 7 Truck (PSD-587)

64 8 DYNA 1 RUCK PSBA--318


66 10 Truck (SH-1107)

67 11 DYNA TRUCK PSB-692

DESCON Ranolia Hydro Power Project # 5012
NIF Training Schedule For The Month Of August •

Sr. No Training Subjects Date Time Venue Trainer Remarks
Non Management

1 Work hfl Height Non Management 03/Aug/14 104Shrs Training Room Amum Pervatz

2 Manual Handling, Nun Management DS/Aug/14 1130hrS Training Room Anjum Persian

3 Welding. hotting & Grienlmg Non Managemenl 07/Aug/14 111Shrs training Room Anium Perval:

4 Sand ni‘.1.iiip. Non Management 10/Aug/14 104Shrs Training Room S M. (waist.

5 Ranks Man Win Management t 7/Aug/14 1130hr; Training Room PA Saldar

6 Incident Investigation Manap,ement 14/Aug/14 1045hrs Training Room S NI Qoraish

7 Frisergencv Response N1)11 Management 17/Aug/14 1115hrs training Room Anions Pervair

8 Safe Fuel Storage Non Management 13/Aug/14 1045hrs Training Room NI Saida,

9 Safe Behaviour Procedure Management 21/Aug/14 1045hrs Training Room 5 M Doraish

10 Fire Fighting Non Management 24/Aug/14 1100hrs Training Room Anium Persia,:

11 First Aid Awareness Nnn Management 25/Aug/14 1045hrs Training Room Anium Pervais

12 the DI Saletv Hareness Non Management 78/Aug/14 1115hrs Training Room M Saldar

13 EXCAValiDn Non Management 3L/Aug/14 1045hrs Training Room Anions Pervair

14 JSA Management Additional 1100hrs Training Room S NA Qoraosh

15 Importance 01 PPE Non Management Additional 1100hrs training Room Paramedic

16 Hand & Power Tools Non Management Additional 104Shrs Training Room Paramedic

1/ Electrical Appliance Non Management Additional 1510Ius Training Room S M. Cloraish

18 Rigging & Lifting Non Management Additional 1S1Shrs Training Room Anium Per/21/

19 Ilisi. Assessment Management Additional 1045hr, Training Room S. M (loraish

20 hood & Hvg,eine Non Management Additional 1100his 'training Room Par:insert.

Total Trainings 20

Ranolia Hydro Power Project # 5012

Housekeeping Campaign, July 2014

Sr. No Date Time Area Participants Remarks

1 01/1u1/14 05.45nrs Power Pouf,: Arshad Kansa 'Area s/(.1

2 021.1u1/14 Oc 45hts HRC (Leh Rank) Stahl,. Chain' Mehmood (Area !ICI

33/;1,1/14 05 st•Mrs HRC (Rdsmt Bank) Muhammad Sarwar (Area 1/C)

4 05/1a1/14 :)5.4S sr, Siphon leeshan. Utah (man (Ar ea 1/C1

Is Muhammad Mansha (I/C KEPI
061.1u1/14 OS 45, tr.. Work Situp
2. Air Muhammad 'Me(h 1

6 07/;u1/14 05 45hrs Ma.n Store Raja Khaki Mehmood li/C Store)

I 08/Jul/14 15hrs
05, Ent PlOyer 1 actIttles Muhammad 1.14■
1tern (Pura SKI

8 09/1u1/14 C5.4Shrt P(river House Afshad Kanto (Aiea I/C)

O 10/Jul/14 05 4Slirs HNC (le'i Rank) Malik khalsd Wehnlood (Airs LK)

10 12/161/14 (15.45hrs HRC (Rtpht Bank) Muhammad Sarwar (Aura SOLI

it 13/1u1/14 05.45hrs Siphon leeshan• Ullah Khan (Area I/C1

1 Muhammad Mansna (I/C t&P)

12 14/1u1/14 C5:45hrs Work S-sup
2• AL Muhammad (Meth"

13 15/11014 05.45hrs Man Store Raja Khaltd ?Achim:oil [lir Store)

14 16/1.1/14 05-15trs Ens:player G 001,141 / 1,111(lette, (Area riC1

IS Iiitu /14 OSAStrs Power House Atshad Kam- (Area 1/CI

16 19/Jul/14 CS.ASIPs HRC (Left Dank) mai& Khalid Mehmood (Ale.: liC I

17 202)u1114 OSAShrs i (AC (Right Barad Muhammad Sul... (Area I/C)

18 21/1-1/14 3S:45hrs Stoke. Muhammad Aslam (Area I/C)

1- Mohammad %%Insist! :VC PIP)

22/Iu1/14 05:45hrs Work Shop
2- AN Muhammad (Meth i

20 23/A.P/14 05:45hrs Maul Store Baja Knalid Mehrnood (I/C Store)

21 24I /u1/14 05:451ps krnolcyer I ac htteS Muhammad Nadeem (Area r/C)

21 261M1/14 05 4Shrs Power House &shad Kansu Ikea I/C)

al 27/la1/14 05.4Shrs HOC (Left Bank) Mal* Khaki Mehntcad (Area tit)

24 28/1u1/14 0S'4Shrs HNC (RIM Bankl Muhammad ca'W■

11 (Area I/CI

15 29/1u /14 OS.4Snrs Srpmon Lershani (kat, Kilan 01trr• 1/()

1• Muhammad Mantra WC t&P)

16 30//u1/14 05,451rs work Shop
is Ah Muhammad IMech 1

Fuel Consumption:

Carbon monoxide& smoke due combustion of oils& burning of wood respectively can cause pollution
in air. So we are collecting the data of fuel consumption as per (EMP) contract.

Fuel Consumption

Fuel Type Previous Month to Date Current Month Project to Date

Diesel(Liters) 1253131 67027 1320158

Petrol(Liters) 17205 643.50 17848.5

Engine Oil(Liters) 27030.83 599 27629.83

LPG(Kg) 11584.2 621 12205.2

Wood (Kg) 172710 13000 185710

Water Consumption:

Water is a life for human, animals, plants& every creature. To save water is our primary responsibility.
We are also calculating the amount of water being used during project activities as per EMP

Water Consumption

Sr # Item Previous Month To Date Current Month Project To Date

1 Consumption by Human (Liters) 1142587 17632 1160219

2 Consumption in Concrete (Liters) 3424875 59700 3484575
3 Consumption in Sprinkling (Liters) 8145257 90000 8235257


Trainings are being conducted for the awareness of staff & crews performing different kinds of job.

Training Subjects Date Venue Trainer No of Participants
Housekeeping 02/Dec/14
1 Training Room Anjum Pervaiz 11

2 Work @ Height Training Room Anjum Pervaiz 13

3 Welding, Cutting & Grinding Training Room Anjum Pervaiz 11

4 Manual Handling Training Room S. M. Qoraish 13

S First Aid Awareness Training Room S. M. Qoraish 10

6 Emergency Response Training Room S. M. Qoraish 13

7 Safe Fuel Storage Training Room S. M. Qoraish 07

8 Fire Fighting Training Room S. M. Qoraish 13

9 Safe Driving Training Room S. M. Qoraish 09

10 Use of Safety Harness Training Room S. M. Qoraish 13

11 Excavation 28/Dec/14 Training Room Anjum Pervaiz 11

12 Importance Of PPE's 30/Dec/14 Training Room Anjum Pervaiz 13

13 Confined Space Entry Training Room Anjum Pervaiz 15

8- Compliance Status:
We have our compliances status as follows.

• An emergency drill has been onducted regarding agitation of locals.

• Shifting of turbines & routers oing on with 120ton crane.
• Parking sheds for vehicles ha been established.
• Walk ways in labor camp hav been completed.
• Drinking water facility has also been provided at site by installing small tanks/coolers for workers.
• Specific access tracks have been established for vehicle & machinery movements.
• Area for vehicles & machinery stand had been demarcated & fenced.
• Awareness trainings & daily Tool Box Talk are being conducted for the awareness of staff& crews performing
different kinds of job.
• Labor camp has been fenced not to create social issues.
• Awareness boards have been installed at different locations as per requirements.
• Mess facility & skilled staff has been provided to officers & labor residences.
• Recreational facilities have been provided in officer's camp.
• ELCB are functional to avoid electrical short circuits.
• Water sprinkling is being carried out as per requirement to reduce dust emission at site.
• Solid waste is being dumped at specified area away from residences.
• Huge bins are placed for solid waste collection at different location as per requirement.
• Corrugated sheets have been placed over wash rooms in labor camp
• Transportation facility is provided to labor.
• PPE's are provided to management staff & labour.
• First Aid Boxes are provided at different location of site.
• Fuel pump has been installed for safe handling of fuel.
• Movement of vehicles is restricted within their defined working routes & areas.
• Transportation of all kind of material is in safe manner.
• Fuel storage area has been fenced by walls to restrict common personnel entry that is prohibited.
• PPE Compliance Satisfactory.
• The lined washing area is available at site.


• Nil

Incident Analysis

Category This MONTH Project to Date

First Aid Cases 04 39

Medical Treatment Cases (MTC) 01 01
Lost Time Injury (LTI) -
Restricted Work Injury (RWI) - -
Incidents 01 32
Near Miss 13 24

Safe Man Hours 162,721
Hours Lost - -
Days Lost - -
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) - -

Ambient Air Quality Test Report
Location: Power Channel at 1.5 RD

Sr. No. Parameter Unit Results

1 PrVl io kg/m3 23 150

2 CO mg/m3 1.7 10

3 NO. p.g/m3 17 80

4 SO. kg/m3 29 120

Noise Quality Test Report

Noise Level Noise Level Permissible

Average limits (NEQS)
Sr. No Location (dB A) (dB A)
(dB A)
Min. Max.

1. Near weir site 40 46 47 85 (dB A) 7.5

meter from
2. Near access Road 44 49 45.5 source

3. Near Ronolia village 49 53 61

Near connecting
4. 41 47 47

5. Near Power house site 45 60 62.5

6. Near employer colony 51 62 51.5

Water Quality Test Report

Vlinistry of science & I eel' noiogy

Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Laboratories Complex. Lahore
10...0, I AHMI[ 4atd • VADJ31'.p.
Lt.r.pitliNTAtle Imo Deft Jr 4. WU i lemma 01 Lilw •*/

Report No: FBRC/MN/ANAL ./HLP., 195 Date: December 22. 2014

NA me .5 Addreeet of Client M/s Deacon Tried Consortium. Deacon Headquarters. 18-Km,

Ferozpur Road, Lahore, 54760, Pakistan.
Request Ref. e . DEL-RHPP-MEG-661A Dahl!: 27-11.2014 Sheet Nn: 1 of 1
Description of Sample: Dnnking Water No. of Sample(s): One
(Collected from Chashma near Ghail, RHPP)
11.01..1N 8, Dale. 195/ 06-12-2014 Ref./Code it : M- 07) 12
Nt titan' 0.11.11 / Specifications: A.P.H.A., 2005 Temp. 25.5"C, Humidity: 35%
Statement of Non-compliance: Nil Testing Date: 09-12-14 to 13-12-14


Microbiological Examination: Detected WHO Guidelines

values (2008)

Total plate count (ctu) I ml 5.0z10.

Total coliforms (MPN 100m1) Not detected Zero7100 ml
Fecal coliforms (MPN 100m1) Not detected Zero/100 ml
E. cell (MPN ! 100m1) Not detected Zero/100 ml
Pscudomanas spp.(MPN 1100 ml) : Not detected

Remarks': The given drinking water sample is potable within the WHO guidelines'
Recommendations for the bacteriological quality of drinking water.

'Non accredited activity


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Prepared by: Couetcr signature

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Ministry of Science & Technology

Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

Laboratories Complex, Lahore

Ir.• LLC•101101...m. ham Sews Jiro* au 1 trawl M ars '

[Upon No FBRC1A.S/ANALAREP.1196 Dut• December 12, 2014

NAM* dr Address of Chem. MIs Dascon - Tried Consortium, Deacon Headquarters, 18-Km,
Ferozpur Road. Lahore. 54760, Pakistan.
Humes* Lief. I DEL.RHPP-MEG-661A Dated: 27.11-2014 Sheet No: 1 of 1

Llescrtpttoo of Sample . Dnnking Willer No. of Sam ptets): Ono

lCollected from Chasm.. near Ohan, RHPPj
ILO 1.,/g s & Date 195 1 08-12-2014 Ref/Code 0 PAR I/ 26112
Method used i Specifications: A.P.H. A • 2005 Temp. 26°C Humidity. 60%

Statement of Non- compliance. Nil TrAtin2 Date: 09-12-14 to 11.12-14


Gnomical Examination

rtu. f4
r 1m —A.thod hoped.. I WHO guTcle—
• value 2006

1. $t21C moo 6.60 6.1 - 6.6

alai as • A..., -a_ 2320-111 0.7/
Inty&I 37N
4 B carbonating (MOW 46.&1
. EN
•—•:;417 10.20

- L 2610.6
Not Neeeted
t lose

7li 16.14 —
—VOL lkst rated
- 360041 16 r 1110
sates , 6600- SO
: L) SO
4144 015 'l 1.6
20. Arsenic tot#9_ Net detected 10

Knout. The preen water ample Is potable WNW the WHO (uldelinesi recommendations for the
cnomMal quality of drhskinti water.

• END. -

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Annexure - 3

Photo Log
Outlet Pond

Headrace Channel Right Bank



Power House

Connecting Channel

Sand Trap

Employer's Colony

Siphon across the river

HSE Traininds and Compliance Pictures

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Labour Camp

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