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MH1810 Tut 3 2018 Matrices

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Nanyang Technological University

SPMS/Division of Mathematical Sciences

2018/19 Semester 1 MH1810 Mathematics 1 Tutorial 3

1. Find matrices A = [aij ], B = [bij ] and C = [cij ] whose sizes and entries satisfy the stated conditions.
< 1 if i < j;
(a) A is 3 4 and aij = 7 if i = j;
9 if i > j:
1 if ji jj > 1;
(b) B is 4 4 and bij =
1 if ji jj 1:
1 i = j; if
(c) C is 3 2 and Cij =
2i 3j i 6= j:if
2 3
2 3 1 1 1 1 2 3
7 1 1 1 6 1 1 18
1 1 1 7
(Answers: A = 4 9 7 1 1 5,B=6
4 1
7, C = 4 12 1 5 .)
1 1 1 5
9 9 7 1 24 72
1 1 1 1
2. Consider the matrices
2 3 2 3 2 3
3 0 1 5 2 6 1 3
4 1 1 4 2
A = 4 1 2 5; B = ; C= ; D=4 1 0 1 5; E = 4 1 1 2 5
0 2 3 1 5
1 1 3 2 4 4 1 3

Compute the following (where possible). Note M T means the transpose of M . It is obtained
2 from M
1 3
1 4 2
by interchanging the rows and columns. Example: For M = , we have M T = 4 4 1 5.
3 1 5
2 5
(a) BA (b) BC (c) DT ET (d) (D E)T (e) DE (f) (DA)T
(Answers: (a) Not de…ned; 2 3 2 3
5 0 1 9 8 19
1 15 3 0 2 11
(b) ; (c) & (d) 4 4 1 1 5; (e) 4 2 0 0 5; (f) .)
6 2 10 12 1 8
1 1 1 32 9 25
3. Let 2 3 2 3
3 2 7 6 2 4
A=4 6 5 4 5 and B = 4 0 1 3 5
0 4 9 7 7 5

(a) Find the third column of AA.

(b) Find the second row of AB.
(c) Find the …rst row of (AB)T .
2 3
(Answers: (a) 4 98 5; (b) (64 21 59); (c) [67 64 63]. )
4. Indicate whether the statement is always true or sometimes false. Justify your answer with a logical
statement or a counterexample.

(a) If A is a square matrix with two identical rows, then AA has two identical rows.
(b) If A is a square matrix and AA has a column of zeros, then A must have a column of zeros.
(c) If the matrix sum AB + BA is de…ned, then A and B must be square.

3 2
5. Let A = .
2 3

(a) Verify that A2 6A + 5I = 0.

(b) Use part (a) to …nd a matrix B such that AB = I and BA = I. Explain why A is invertible and
…nd its inverse.
(Answers: (b) A 1 = 65 I 15 A ).

6. Find A where
1 3 7 1 3 1
(a) (7A) = (b) (I + 2A) =
1 2 1 2
5 1
1 2 7 14 14
(Answers: (a) A = 7 ; (b) A = 1 4 )
1 3 14 14

2 k 2
7. Consider the matrix A where A = .
3 k

(a) State all values of k for A to be invertible.

(b) Suppose A is invertible. Find the inverse A 1 and use it to …nd the solution of the simultaneous
2x + (k 2)y = 4
3x + ky = 5

(c) State the value of k for which there are no solutions to the simultaneous solutions. Justify your
k (k 2) x 10 k
(Answers: (a) k 6= 6; (b) A 1 = 6 1 k , = 6 1k (c) k = 6 )
3 2 y 2

8. Suppose the …rst row of an n n matrix A is identical to the second row of A. Is there an n n matrix
B such that AB = I? Is A invertible?
9. The trace of a square matrix is de…ned to be the sum of its diagonal entries. We denote by tr(A) the
trace of a square matrix A.

(a) Find the trace of each of the following matrices.

2 3
2 3 6 1 3 9
1 5 2 6
3 1 1 1 2 3 7
X= ; Y =4 1 0 1 5; Z = 6
1 2 0 1 7 3 5
3 2 4
4 1 3 0

(b) Let A = [aij ]. Express tr(A) in terms of aij .

(c) Prove: If A and B are n n matrices, then tr(A + B) = tr(A) + tr(B).
(d) What can you say about tr( A)? (You may continue to explore other properties of the trace
function. eg, Is tr(AB) = tr(A) tr(B)? )
(Answers: (a) tr(X) = 3 + 2 = 5; tr(Y ) = 5; tr(Z) = 0:)
10. Campus Yogurt sells three types of yogurt: nonfat, regular, and super creamy at three locations.
Location N sells 50 gallons of nonfat, 100 gallons of regular, 50 gallons of super creamy each day.
Location C sells 10 gallons of nonfat and Location S sells 60 gallon of nonfat each day. Daily sales of
regular yogurt are 90 gallons at Location C and 120 gallons at Location S. At Location C, 50 gallons
of super creamy are sold each day, and 40 gallons of super creamy are sold each day at Location S.
The income per gallon for nonfat, regular, and super creamy is $ 12, $ 10, and $ 15, respectively.
Use matrix product to …nd the daily income at each of the three locations. (Answers: 2350; 1770; 2520.)
11. A new mass transit system has just gone into operation. The transit authority has made studies
that predict the percentage of commuters who will change to mass transit or continue driving their
automobile. Based on the following information:

This year
Mass transit Automobile
Next Mass transit 0:7 0:2
year Automobile 0:3 0:8

For example, 30% of commuters taking mass transit this year will change to driving automobile next
Suppose the population of the area remains constant, and that initially 30 percent of the commutes
use mass transit and 70 percent use their automobiles.
What percentage of commuters will be using the mass transit system after 1 year? After 2 years?
(Answers: 35% and 37.5% )

Challenging Question

1. Suppose A and B are n n matrices.

(a) Prove that (AB)T = B T AT .

(b) Prove that if A is invertible, then AT is invertible and its inverse is (A 1 T
) .

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