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A Thousand Classes + A Thousand More

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2/5/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

A Thousand Classes
A Thousand More

A series of subclasses for each class in dungeons and

dragons 5th edition, plus a ton of spells 1/49
2/5/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit
Table Of Contents
1 Chapter 1: Classes
1.1 Primal Paths Credits
1.1.1 Path of the Hunter Lead Designer: Vivian Ruby
1.1.2 Path of the Rage Mage Layout: The Homebrewery; additional styles by Ira Fich
1.2 Bard Colleges
1.2.1 College of the Cleric Published on the DM's Guild
1.2.2 College of Knowledge
1.3 Divine Domains Follow Vivian on Twitter
1.3.1 Love Domain
1.3.2 Shadow Domain
1.3.3 Time Domain
1.4 Druid Circles
1.4.1 Circle of Steel
1.4.2 Planar Shepard
1.5 Martial Archetypes
1.5.1 Brawler
1.5.2 Havoc Fighter
1.5.3 Sniper
1.5.4 The Undying
1.6 Monastic Traditions
1.6.1 Way of the Ancestral Plane
1.7 Sacred Oaths
1.7.1 Oath of Rebellion
1.8 Ranger Conclaves
1.8.1 Ocean Explorer
1.8.2 Urban Vagabond
1.8.3 Wilderness Medic
1.9 Roguish Archetypes
1.9.1 Copycat
1.9.2 Hoard Raider
1.9.3 Lucky
1.10 Sorcerous Origins
1.10.1 Anti-Magic Void
1.10.2 Reflection
1.11 Otherworldly Patrons
1.11.1 Magical Girl's Patron
1.12 Arcane Traditions
1.12.1 School of the Broodmaster
1.12.2 School of the Honey Mage
1.12.3 School of Intel
1.12.4 New School of Magic: Intel
1.12.5 School of Reprogramming
1.12.6 School of the Defiler
2 Chapter 2: Magic
2.1 New School of Magic: Buzz
2.2 Buzz Spell Descriptions
2.3 New Enchantment Spells
2.4 Enchantment Spell Descriptions
2.5 New Necromancy Spells
2.6 Necromancy Spell Descriptions
2.6.1 Animate Dead Variant
2.7 New Miscellaneous Spells
2.7.1 Spell Descrpitions
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Predator and Prey

Chapter 1: Classes Beginning at 14th level you become a predator to be feared
by your prey. When you designate a prey, that creature is
overwhelmed with your presence and becomes isolated.
Primal Paths Creatures immune to fear effects are immune to being
Path of the Hunter isolated.
While isolated your prey is only able to perceive other
Some barbarians exist at the true fringes of society, never creatures at the most basic level. Sounds and sight of other
even venturing near the cities we know. For these barbarians, creatures are dull and indistinct, making it impossible to tell
their rage is one often found on their own in the wilderness. who is who. The prey cannot benefit from any help, beneficial
The thrill of a predator’s hunt pumping blood and adrenaline spells, or information that other creatures could relay to
through their veins. them.
A barbarian of the hunter path is taught by their tribe how The affected creature can end this effect by using their
to kill to survive and salvage as much meat and pelt as action to make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC equal to 8
possible, how to track their prey, and how to draw them away + your Charisma modifier + Proficiency. The effect also ends
from their allies. Hunter barbarians often work with, or on its own after one minute, or once you exit your rage.
become rangers themselves in order to hunt down incredibly Once the effect has ended, you cannot make that creature
strong beasts that pose a threat to the region. your prey again until you complete a long rest.
Thrill of the Hunt
When you choose the path of the hunter at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency in the Survival skill if you are not already.
In addition, you have advantage on Constitution checks and
saves to avoid exhaustion.
Hunter's Rage
Also at 3rd level you gain the ability to mark a prey for the
moment of the kill. When you enter a rage you can designate
a creature you can see as your prey. You gain the following
benefits from this as long as you remain in your rage:
Creatures that are not your prey making opportunity
attacks against you have disadvantage.
You have advantage on opportunity attacks against your
When you hit your prey with a melee weapon attack, you
reduce their speed by 10 feet until the end of their next
Land's Stride
Starting at 6th level, moving through nonmagical difficult
terrain costs you no extra movement. You can also pass
through nonmagical plants without being slowed by them
and without taking damage from them if they have thorns,
spines, or a similar hazard.
In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against
plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede
movement, such those created by the entangle spell.
Hunter's Eye
At 10th level you perfect magical techniques to enhance your
As an action you can focus your mind and perceive a small
glow around all creatures, even invisible or spectral ones,
within 30 feet of you. You can see this glow through walls,
total darkness, and even around creatures on the ethereal
This glow lasts for one minute, or until you end the glow as
a bonus action.

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Path of the Rage Mage Spell Slots. The Rage Mage table shows how many spell
slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those
There are as many methods to using magic throughout the slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast or
world and history that it is no wonder that few are able to concentrate on one of your Rage Mage spells of 1st level or
master the powerful casting fury of the Rage Mage. For these higher, you must be in a rage, and then expend a spell slot.
barbarians, magic is not to be tempered, bound, or fiddled You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or
with, it is simply a tool to crash through and out of them. The long rest.
raw constitution of these barbarians is integral to their Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher. At 3rd level, you
casting as the untamed magic tears through their bodies, know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the Sorcerer
channeled towards their enemies. spell list. The Spells Known column of the Rage Mage table
These barbarians learn techniques to call upon the magic shows when you learn more Rage Mage spells of your choice
around them to refuel their spirit, and how to channel their of 1st level and higher. A spell you choose must be of a level
rage into the casting of incredibly powerful spells. no higher than what’s shown in the table's Slot Level column
for your level.
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can
The Rage Mage choose one of the Rage Mage spells you know and replace it
with another spell from the Sorcerer spell list, which also
Level Cantrips Known Spells Known Spell Slots Slot Level must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
3rd 2 2 2 1st Each spell you choose must have a casting time of 1 Action
or less.
4th 2 2 2 1st Spellcasting Ability. Constitution is your spellcasting
5th 2 3 2 2nd ability for your Rage Mage spells, since the strength of your
magic depends upon your ability to act as a physical conduit
6th 2 3 2 2nd of magical power. You use your Constitution whenever a spell
7th 2 4 2 2nd refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your
8th 2 4 2 2nd Constitution modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a
Rage Mage spell you cast and when making an attack roll
9th 2 5 2 2nd with one.
10th 2 5 2 2nd Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
11th 3 6 3 3rd Constitution modifier
12th 3 6 3 3rd Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
13th 3 7 3 3rd
Constitution modifier
14th 3 7 3 3rd You do not need an implement when casting Rage Mage
15th 3 8 3 3rd
16th 3 8 3 3rd Primal Sense
At 6th level your instinctive sense for magic has become
17th 4 9 3 4th finely tuned. You can cast the Detect Magic spell at-will, and
18th 4 9 3 4th you do not have to be in a rage to do so.
19th 4 10 3 4th In addition, you become proficient in the Arcana skill if you
are not already.
20th 4 10 3 4th
As long as you are in a rage, your concentration cannot be
broken by any means other than by your choosing.
In addition, whenever you enter a rage you regenerate 1
Rage Casting Rage Mage spell slot if you have zero remaining.
Your physical conditioning and intense training for containing
and projecting the raw power of magic has given you facility Beam of Rage
with spells. See chapter 10 for the general rules of Once per long rest you can unleash all your remaining spell
spellcasting. You draw your spells from the Sorcerer spell list. slots in one massive blast of energy. The Beam of Rage hits
You can only cast and concentrate on spells you learn from 60ft in a line originating from you, with a 5ft width.
this class while in a rage, and you can add the bonus damage For every Rage Mage spell slot you consume
from the rage feature to spell attacks you make while in a this attack's damage increases by 3d12
Cantrips. You know either the Eldritch Blast cantrip, as force damage, and the width of the
well as one other cantrip from the Sorcerer spell list, or, two blast increases by 5ft.
cantrips from the Sorcerer spell list. You learn additional
cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the
Cantrips Known column of the Rage Mage table.

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Bard Colleges College of Knowledge

College of the Cleric As much a scholar as any wizard, despite the rhyming name,
Bards from the Cleric’s College are often pulled straight from the bards of the college of knowledge quest to uncover as
the ranks of clerics themselves. These bards rigorously study much about their chosen expertise as they can. They delve
the teachings and stories of their faith, and use these stories into ancient ruins on the off-chance it will contain a book they
to bring inspiration to their church and its allies. These bards have not read, and are just as common within libraries and
are, of course, most often found in an around churches, but universities as they are daring their friend to do something
are also found out in the world where their religion is little crazy "just to see what happens".
known trying to spread their word and their teachings to the Scholarly Focus
masses. Many bards of other colleges hardly see a difference
between a stuffy cleric and a bard of the cleric’s college. When you choose the college of
knowledge choose 3 races that
Bonus Proficiencies you have studied in depth the
You become proficient in Medium Armor, Shields, and the history of. You may also choose
Religion skill, if you are not already. nations, time periods, or specific
creatures, if it would be more
Divine Domain relevant to your character and
At 3rd level you may pick a divine domain from the cleric campaign. You learn the language
class. You may use the channel divinity feature associated of each race if you do not know it already.
with that domain once per long rest. In addition, when you or an ally is making an
In addition, when you learn a new bard spell, you can Arcana, History, Religion, or Nature check related to your
choose to learn one of the spells associated with your chosen race, you can consume a use of bardic inspiration to
domain. grant them advantage on the ability check.
Finally, you learn 1 cleric cantrip of your choice.
Crush the Unworthy Well Read
At 3rd level you gain the ability to fill your allies with the Also at 3rd level you have an incredible knowledge of the
power of your god to destroy your enemies. creatures of the realm, and are able to use that knowledge to
When a friendly creature you can see hits another creature aid your allies in combat. As a bonus action, choose one
with an attack, you can consume a use of bardic inspiration creature you can see, and a damage type. You immediately
and roll your die, adding the number rolled to the damage roll learn whether or not the creature is vulnerable, resistant, or
they make as either radiant or necrotic damage (your choice). immune to the chosen damage type, you also learn if the
If the damage being done by the attack already includes resistance is dependent on the damage type being magical or
radiant or necrotic damage, you add double the number not.
rolled. You can choose bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage, or one of acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic,
Divine Guidance poison, psychic, radiant, and thunder damage.
At 6th level the word of your god guides your hands in your Educated Guess
adventures. When you make an ability check, you can choose By 6th level you have a knack for figuring things out that
to add your Charisma modifier to the total rolled. You must others may miss. You gain the following benefits:
choose to do this after you see the roll but before the DM
reveals the result. When you see a spell get cast, you know what the spell is
Once you do this you cannot do so again until you complete When a spell fails, or acts in a way that is unusual, you
a short or long rest. know why
When you spend at least 1 uninterrupted minute with a
Word of God magic item, you learn information about the item as if you
At 14th level your extensive knowledge of your god’s had cast the identify spell on it
teachings has imparted upon you a great discovery from the
dawn of creation. As an action you may speak this discovery Secrets of History
aloud, and through it cast the divine word spell. At 14th level you are a master of your field. You learn the
The force of this discovery cannot easily be comprehended legend lore spell, and you can cast it without the need for
by mortal minds however, and each additional time you do material components if your target is a creature, place, or
this beyond the first before you complete a long rest forces historical event related to your scholarly focus.
you to gain 1 level of exhaustion. This spell does not count towards your maximum number
Exhaustion levels gained from this feature vanish when of spells known.
you complete a long rest.

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You can choose a certain form if you know the details of the
Divine Domains relationship between the two people. This feature does not
Love Domain differentiate between living or dead people, and the target
may react unexpectedly to seeing you. The target otherwise
The gods of love are some of the most widely praised has no reason to suspect you may not be who you appear to
throughout the lands. They encourage that which makes us be. This feature also grants you some memories of the
most human, to foster relationships, and for some of the creature you are taking the form of in order to operate in your
gods, an emphasis on reproduction. The gods of love teach us disguise, but nothing that would be secret or otherwise
that we are strongest together, and that by loving and being impossible to know.
loved we will bring light and life to our societies. These gods
would never refuse a genuine lovers' bond regardless of the Potent Spellcasting
circumstances, and are often prayed to for guidance by lovers Starting at 8th level you can add your Wisdom modifier to the
from different castes of life. damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.
Sune, Kiltzi, Sheela Peryroyl, Evening Glory, Lastai,
Sehanine, Aphrodite, are just a few of of such gods devoted to Mass Empowerment
love, sex, and all that comes in between. Clerics of the love When you cast a cleric spell that does not do damage, and
domain would never charm a person, or accept an ally targets either yourself or a friendly or willing creature, you
charming in their place, as it goes against all the tenets of a can choose for the spell to target all creatures of your choice
loving and trusting relationship. within 30 feet.
You must complete a long rest to cast a cleric spell like this
Love Domain Spells again.
Cleric Level Spells
1st ceremony, heroism Shadow Domain
3rd calm emotions, detect thoughts Gods of darkness, such as Lolth, Shar, Graz’zt, or Merrshaulk
5th major image, speak with dead
are often seen as gods of evil and death; many clerics find
something worth following in this ideology. Some clerics,
7th fabricate, locate creature however, view the darkness of these gods as a simple mirror
9th creation, rary's telepathic bond image of the light, a natural part of the process of day and
night. These clerics may promote the ideals of heroic deeds
Bonus Proficiencies
under cover of night, or of privacy and other secrets. These
You become proficient in the Insight skill, and your clerics claim that without darkness, the light would not be as
proficiency bonus is doubled when making a check with this fulfilling as it is. Despite these heroic idealistic clerics, the
skill to determine how a creature is feeling. You also gain majority of the followers of gods of darkness are evil or
proficiency in one Artisan’s tools of your choice. otherwise subterranean, such as the Drow or Duergar.
Shadow Domain Spells
Acolyte of Love Cleric Level Spells
When you choose the Love domain at 1st level you gain the
ability to prevent creatures from acting in a hostile way. 1st fog cloud, ray of sickness
As an action you can present your Holy Symbol to a 3rd blindness/deafness, darkness
creature and speak a word of power. The creature must 5th hunger of hadar, vampiric touch
succeed on Strength saving throw or have ethereal bindings
sprout around their limbs. The chains, vines, or ropes, tighten 7th blight, fabricate
when they sense hostile intent. The creature can use its 9th contagion, dream
action to attempt to break the bindings by making a Strength
saving throw. On a succesful save, or after 1 minute, the Destroy Light/Deepen Darkness
chains evaporate. At 1st level you have learned to create and deepen the
While bound the creature cannot attack other creatures, or shadows you revere.
prevents any action that they expect will cause harm to You can use an action to destroy a source of light up to 120
others, such as giving their weapon to someone intending to feet away, as long as the source is no larger than 5 feet in any
attack, or pushing a boulder over a cliff edge at another dimension. If the light is caused by a spell, the caster must
person. succeed on a Charisma saving throw against your spell save
You can create these bindings a number of times equal to DC to resist the effect.
your Wisdom Modifier before you must complete a long rest When you’ve destroyed a light using this feature, no light
to do so again. can emit from the object or location for 1 hour.
Channel Divinity: Your Best Friend
Alternatively, you can enhance an existing area of darkness.
As an action you present your Holy Symbol and invoke the As an action, you deepen the shadows in a 10-foot cube
name of your Deity while focusing on a creature of your within 120 feet of you. Within the area, dim light becomes
choice within 30ft. You then take on an illusory form which total darkness, and total darkness instead becomes nearly
the target believes to be an old friend, a lover, a business impenetrable: A creature with darkvision can't see through it,
confidant, or other such emotionally close relationship for up and nonmagical light won't illuminate it.
to 10 minutes. The darkness stays this way for 1 hour.

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Channel Divinity: Grapsing Shadows Time Domain Spells

Starting at 2nd level you can use your Channel Divinity to Cleric
command the shadows to assist you in battle. To do so, you Level Spells
must raise your holy symbol and invoke the name of your 1st expeditious retreat, longstrider
deity. This causes shadows within 60 feet of you to transform 3rd blur, misty step
into grasping tendrils. Creatures in total darkness are
immediately grappled, and can make a Strength check 5th haste, slow
against your Save DC with their action to attempt to escape 7th mordenkainen's private sanctum, otiluke's
the grapple. Creatures in dim light must succeed on a resilient sphere
strength saving throw to avoid being grappled in the same 9th mislead, modify memory
Creatures who enter dim light or darkness during the
duration of this effect must succeed on the strength save. Time Acolyte
After 1 minute the shadow tendrils return to normal. When you cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action you can
change the casting time to 1 bonus action, you can do this a
Dark Portal number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest
At 6th level you are able to swiftly flick through darkness as if (minimum of once)
you are a shadow. The first time you enter an area of In addition, you have advantage on Initiative rolls.
darkness on your turn, or when you start your turn in an area
of darkness, your speed increases by 15 feet until the end of Channel Divinity: Send Forwards
your turn. Starting at 2nd level you can use your Channel Divinity to
In addition, if you are hidden you can move in the open send a target into the future. As an action you present your
without revealing yourself as long as you end the move in a Holy Symbol and evoke the power of your god.
position where you are not clearly visible. A target creature within 30ft must succeed on a Wisdom
saving throw or be flung uncontrollably into the future. The
Divine Strike target disappears for a number of rounds equal to your
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes Wisdom Modifier before reappearing in the space they
with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a vanished at the start of their turn. If the space they reappear
creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to in is occupied you choose a space for them to reappear in.
deal an extra 1d8 Necrotic damage to the target. When you From the target’s point of view it seems as if no time has
reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8. passed at all.
Banish to Shadows Anchor Timestream
At 17th level you have obtained the ultimate powers of Beginning at 6th level you can spend an action to give
darkness. As an action you can attempt to banish a creature yourself or a willing creature an anchor on their current
within 60 feet to the Shadowfell. The target creature must moment in space and time. As long as you maintain
succeed on a Charisma saving throw against your Spellsave concentration on this ability for up to one minute or until you
DC. or the target creature falls unconscious, you can trigger it to
On a failed save the target is banished for 2 rounds. On a reset the creature back to that moment on their timeline as
successful save they are banished for 1 round. Each round they were as a reaction.
the target is banished, it takes 8d8 Necrotic damage. At the If the space they are being pulled back to is now occupied
end of the creature’s first turn banished it can attempt the then they return to an adjacent space of your choice.
Charisma save again. On a successful save they reappear in The creature returns with the same amount of remaining
the space they left, or an adjacent space if the one they left is hit points, any active spell effects, and perception of the
occupied. current situation, potentially erasing pivotal memories. They
Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you do not restore any spell slots, short or long rest recharging
complete a long rest. features or item charges.
Once you anchor a creature you cannot do so again until
Time Domain you complete a long rest.
Chronos, Cyndor, Pelor. These are just three of the gods of Potent Spellcasting
the realms who preside over one of the most arcane and Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the
fascinate domains, that of time. The ability to look backwards damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.
to an endless path, and ahead to an infinite future, to travel
freely down the river of time, these abilities have been sought Expert Time Stop
after by scholars for eons. Beginning at 17th level you learn the Time Stop spell. When
Clerics of the time domain emphasize the progression and you cast Time Stop you can instead of rolling for the number
inevitability of time. That pain will fade, that history will of rounds time is stopped for, choose to use your Wisdom
come and go. Often these clerics will try to make sure that Modifier instead.
they are there at pivotal moments in history in order to allow Once you cast Time Stop in this way you cannot do so
their gods a conduit to observe the event. These gods in turn again until you finish a long rest, though you still can cast it
grant their devotees the powers to go forwards, backwards, by consuming spell slots like normal.
and even eventually to stop time.
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Planar Aligment
Druid Circles When you choose the circle of the planar druid at 2nd level
Circle of Steel you must choose a plane that represents who you are as a
person (if you are having trouble deciding, choose the plane
Druids have a taboo against metal equipment, but not you. of your alignment).
Your circle embraces metal as another form of nature, one You have dedicated yourself to spreading the influence of
tempered by the hand of sentient creatures. There is no such your chosen plane and to further the strange, alien agendas
thing as “unnatural” to your order. Druids of the circle of steel of those who rule over it. The plane you are connected to
will often preside over mines in the wilderness in order to represents the very foundation of your personality and should
make use of the precious metals within. Other druid circles be chosen wisely to reflect this.
may turn their nose up, but these Druids are just as devoted You gain the following benefits:
to nature as any other, and that is hard for anyone to deny.
You cannot become lost on your chosen plane except by
Bonus Proficiencies magical means.
When you choose the Circle of Steel at 2nd level, you become You know the location of any portals to or from your
proficient in Heavy Armor, Simple Weapons, Martial chosen plane within 100 miles.
Weapons, and Smithy’s Tools. Your druidic sect has no taboo You can sense the presence of creatures native to your
against using metal equipment. Your druidic focus can be an chosen plane within 10 miles, as long as you are not on
amalgamation of metal wires if you choose. your chosen plane.
You can add twice your proficiency bonus to Arcana,
Construct Wild Shape History, Religion, and Nature checks you make to learn
When you choose this circle at 2nd level, The rites of your information related to your plane
circle grant you the ability to transform into dangerous metal
animal forms. Outsider Shape
You gain the ability to use Wild Shape on your turn as a Also at 2nd level you gain a greater understanding of the
bonus action, rather than as an action, and you can transform creatures that inhabit your chosen plane. When you wild
into a metal automaton version of a beast, or a creature with shape you can take the shape of any non-sentient creature
the Construct creature type, instead of one of flesh and blood. from your chosen plane, not just beasts. The normal
Additionally, while you are transformed as a construct wild restrictions of wild shape still apply.
shape, you can use your humanoid form’s AC in place of your
Wild Shape’s AC, and you do not need to eat sleep or breath. Plane Spells
At 3rd level you gain some of the powers of the plane you
Tooth and Steel have chosen to represent.
Starting at 6th level, your attacks in wild shape count as At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to spells
magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and connected to your chosen plane. Choose that plane and
immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. consult the associated list of spells below.
Once you gain access to a plane spell, you always have it
Form of Steel prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells
At 10th level your druid sect has taught you how to you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that
manipulate metal as if it were regular earth. It takes 1 minute doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless
to shape one cubic foot of non-magical metal into a usable a druid spell for you.
form. You can separate fragments of metal from a whole only Planar Adaptation
if it is not magical. At 6th level you begin to adapt to the conditions of the alien
You must have proficiency in a tool or weapon to shape multiverse. You become resistant to Radiant, Necrotic, and
metal into it. Force damage.
Mind of Matter
Starting at 14th level your mind in an automated wild shape Planar Ward
cannot be swayed from your prime directives. You become When you reach 10th level planar creatures cannot exert
immune to charms and mind control. their will onto you. You cannot be charmed or frightened by
aberrations, celestials, elementals, fae, or fiends.
Planar Shepard Step of the Multiverse
The circle of the planar shepherd rejects the common, At 14th level you are able to
narrow scope of what constitutes a “natural world”. On the travel the multiverse at your whim.
outer planes, what is natural there may be as alien to us as a You can cast plane shift targeting
bear would be to them. These druids are spread all only yourself at-will, without consuming
throughout the planes, serving their enigmatic and often a spell slot or requiring any material
incomprehensible masters, or to simply guide wandering components. When you cast plane shift using
travelers through the hazards of the alien worlds. this feature, the casting time is increased to 1 minute.
Within each congregation of planes there is typically a local
sect that shares their perspectives and education on the local

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Astral Plane
Druid Level Plane Spells Changing your Plane
3rd blur, invisibility Your choice of plane is not completely permanent, but it is not
easy to change either. Changing your plane means you are
5th speak with dead, phantom steed
changing the core of your being, and should not be done
7th hallucinatory terrain, phantasmal killer unless your character undergoes a suitably great change in
9th animate objects, telekinesis their personality and beliefs.
When you do, you may need to spend time gaining a deep
Chaos Planes understanding about a new plane among an order of monks
Druid Level Plane Spells native to it, or petition the ruler of a plane to grant you their
3rd crown of madness, suggestion power or insight.
5th bestow curse, fear
7th confusion, polymorph Lower Planes
Druid Level Plane Spells
9th dominate person, modify memory
3rd blindness/deafness, scorching ray
Elemental Chaos 5th fireball, stinking cloud
Druid Level Plane Spells 7th fire shield, wall of fire
3rd gust of wind, scorching ray 9th flame strike, hallow
5th sleet storm, lightning bolt
7th ice storm, stone skin Shadowfell
Druid Level Plane Spells
9th conjure elemental, wall of stone
3rd darkness, ray of enfeeblement
Ethereal Plane 5th fear, vampiric touch
Druid Level Plane Spells 7th blight, fabricate
3rd mirror image, misty step 9th mislead, contagion
5th blink, nondetection
7th confusion, dimension door Upper Planes
Druid Level Plane Spells
9th geas, passwall
3rd flaming sphere, lesser restoration
Far Realm 5th daylight, revivify
Druid Level Plane Spells 7th guardian of faith, wall of fire
3rd detect thoughts, phantasmal force 9th flame strike, greater restoration
5th clairvoyance, sending
7th dominate beast, evard's black tentacles
9th dominate person, telekinesis

Druid Level Plane Spells
3rd calm emotions, phantasmal force
5th blink, plant growth
7th dominate beast, greater invisibility
9th dream, seeming

Law Planes
Druid Level Plane Spells
3rd zone of truth, locate object
5th glyph of warding, magic circle
7th banishment, divination
9th dispel evil and good, planar binding

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Patient Punch
Martial Archetypes Once you reach 15th level, when you take the dodge action
Brawler you do not consume your reaction by counter attacking.
Those who emulate the archetypal brawler need neither zen The Greatest Flurry of Blows
nor ki to go fist to fist with any monk. These fighters may When you take the attack action you can add a cumulative +1
come from the leagues of professional boxers, mixed martial to the damage of each unarmed attack you hit the same
artists, and even football players. Just as commonly, a brawler creature with before the end of your turn.
may develop their skill from years of one too many drinks at
the pub. Regardless of how they have learned to fight, these Havoc Fighter
fighters have honed their fists and feet to a deadly perfection,
and gain abilities to take as many strikes at an enemy as they The archetypal havoc fighter is one often mistaken for an
allow an opening for. enraged barbarian. These fighters revel in bloodshed from
any source, even themselves. They charge recklessly into
Martial Arts Die battle and gain strength from the wounds they take. Some
Fighter Level Martial Arts may see you as a rabid dog. But you will bathe in their blood
3rd 1d4 and show them that your bite is just as strong as your bark.
5th 1d6 Anarchy
11th 1d8 When you become a havoc fighter at 3rd level you learn the
17th 1d10
reckless techniques of destruction that comes from this elite
brand of fighter. Whenever you take damage from an attack
you can choose to be overcome by anarchy until the end of
Brawler your next turn.
At 3rd level, your experience in brutal martial arts gives you When you are overcome by anarchy you are considered
mastery of unarmed and improvised fighting. You become charmed for the duration. If you are charmed or frightened
proficient in improvised weapons. from any other sources, they immediately end. During this
You also gain the following benefits while you are unarmed time you add your Strength modifier to the attack and
or wielding only improvised weapons weapons. damage rolls of melee weapon attacks you make a second
You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your time.
unarmed strike or monk weapon. This die changes as you However, when overcome by anarchy you must use your
gain fighter levels, as shown in the Brawler table. action to attack whatever creature is closest to you, friend or
When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or foe, or use the dash action to move close enough to a creature
an improvised weapon on your turn, you can make one to attack them. You can also take the dodge action if you can
unarmed strike as a bonus action. For example, if you take not do either.
the Attack action and attack with a table leg or a garbage Cool Off
can, you can also make an unarmed strike as a bonus At 7th level you can use your second wind to snap out of your
action, assuming you haven't already taken a bonus action anarchy and regain your senses. If you choose to do this you
this turn. double the amount of hit points restored.
Tricky Hitter
Also at 3rd level you have gained an expertise in fighting dirty Extra Extra Attack
in the chaos of a brawl. When you hit with an unarmed attack Starting at 10th level when you take the Attack action on your
or an improvised weapon on your turn, you can use your turn, you can use your bonus action to make one additional
bonus action to knock the target prone, slide the target 5 feet weapon attack. On a hit, you take half of the damage that this
in any direction, or attempt a grapple. additional attack dealt. You can use this damage to trigger
If you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, you can your anarchy for yourself.
also apply one of these extra affects as part of the same
reaction. Inspired Strike
At 15th level the thrill of combat rushes through you,
Counter Attack encouraging you to ever more reckless feats of strength.
Starting at 7th level, when an adjacent creature hits you with When you hit with a weapon attack you gain temporary hit
an attack, you can use your reaction to strike the target to points equal to your Constitution modifier.
lessen the impact of their attack. You halve the damage taken
by their attack, and they take half of the attack's damage as The Rush, The Thrill
well. When it is time to fight you are barking at your leash, aching
to be set loose against your enemies. Starting at 18th level
Surge of Strength when you roll initiative you always go first on the first round
Starting at 10th level, when you use your second wind of combat, even if you are surprised. During your first turn in
feature, you can make one unarmed or improvised weapon combat, you can choose to be overcome by your anarchy any
attack as part of the same bonus action. time you want until the end of your turn.

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Sniper The Undying

The fighters that make up the sniper archetype are those The undying fighter is defined by their durability. Their
rarely seen by their enemies. They strike from so far away, numbers are few but each one is a legend on their own. An
and with such deadly accuracy, that they often find undying fighter will take as many blows in a day, and shrug
themselves not needing a melee weapon at all. them off, as many take in a lifetime. The undying lives and
Despite this isolation, these fighters work well with allies, dies by their armor and shield, they are the first and last line
granting them covering fire to move freely, and allowing them of defense.
a birds eye view of the battlefield to direct them towards their
enemies. Reliable Toughness
When you choose the undying archetype at 3rd level, your
Snipe incredible toughness allows you to shrug off a portion of
When you choose the sniper Martial Archetype at 3rd level, damage you take. Whenever you take damage, your reduce
you no longer have disadvantage on shots made at long the damage by 1. At 7th level you reduce the damage by 2, and
range. at 15th level you reduce the damage by 3.
In addition, you may double your ranged weapon’s
maximum range until the end of your turn. You may do this a Someone Your Own Size
number of times equal to your Strength modifier. Also at 3rd level you are able to protect your allies even from
All expended uses are regained once you finish a long rest. across the battlefield. When a friendly creature within 15 feet
of you takes damage from an attack you can use your reaction
Hold the High Ground to move adjacent to the creature and take up to half of the
You gain the ability to climb faster than normal; climbing no damage in their place.
longer costs you extra movement.
In addition, when making a ranged weapon attack from at Aggressive Resurgence
least 15ft above a creature, you have advantage on the attack Starting at 7th level you gain a number of temporary hit
roll. points equal to your fighter level whenever you complete a
short or long rest.
Covering Fire In addition, you add your Constitution modifier to any
At 10th level you are able to provide covering fire to your healing you receive, if you do not add it already.
allies with a snap shot. When an ally you can see triggers an
opportunity attack, you can use your reaction to fire one shot Unstoppable
at the enemy making the attack. Your attack has At 10th level you are so tough as to be able to simply resist
disadvantage, however, if you hit they are unable to take their where you would have failed to before. When you use your
opportunity attack, and you do not consume your reaction. Indomitable feature, you can choose to treat the d20 roll as a
At 15th level you are able to direct your allies as a spotter. Ignore Death
When an ally you can see is attacking a creature that does not At 15th level death does not even cross your mind as a worry.
have cover from you, you can use your reaction to act as a You have learned to resist death.
spotter, allowing your ally to ignore ½ and ¾ cover that may When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you no longer fall
interfere with their attacks against that creature until the end unconscious. Instead on your turn you can move like normal,
of their turn. but you may only take the Attack, Dash, or Dodge action, and
you cannot take reactions. Meanwhile, you roll death saves
Archer's Options like normal as if you were unconscious.
At 18th level you can pin a fly to a target at a hundred paces. Finally, whenever you would stabilize you instead regain 1
Or, more useful to you and your allies, accurately hit your hit point. If you regain consciousness from rolling a 20 on a
enemies with debilitating shots by targeting specific body death saving throw, you regain 10 hit points.
Once per turn, when you hit an enemy with a ranged Unbreakable Juggernaut
weapon attack, you can choose one of the following penalties At 18th level you can become truly unbreakable, able to block
to apply to them: every possible incoming attack. As a bonus action on your
The creature has disadvantage on its next attack roll turn you can enter the state of the juggernaut for up to 1
before the start of your next turn minute. During this time you are immune to all damage.
The creature's speed is reduced to 1/2 until the start of Also, during this time you cannot be forced to move or
your next turn knocked prone, and you cannot be charmed, feared,
The creature can't take reactions until the start of your incapacitated, paralyzed, stunned, or knocked unconscious.
next turn Whenever you would ignore damage with this feature, you
must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 10
+ 1 for each time you have resisted damage during this use of
the juggernaut state. On a failed save, the juggernaut state
ends after you ignore the damage from the attack.
You must complete a long rest before you are able to enter
the juggernaut state again.
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Journey Beyond the Horizon

Monastic Traditions At 6th level your travel methods expand as you become an
Way of the Ancestral Plane even more powerful member of your elemental race. You gain
a bonus method of travel according to the table below, the
Monks following the way of the ancestral plane are often speed of your new method of travel is equal to your walking
lumped in with monks of the four elements, but that could speed.
not be further from fact. Monks following this path unlock a
raging tempest of elemental power that has sat waiting Bonus Travel Method
within them from birth. They focus on a single element and Element Travel Method
hone it to a flawless art. Air Flying
Most commonly amongst these monks are Genasi, half
elemental children who take on the powers of their elements, Earth Burrowing
but rarely, other humanoids attuned to specific elemental Water Swimming
powers may come along and join these monasteries on the Fire Flying
respective plane to learn to harness their power.
Elemental Body
When you reach 11th level you gain immunity to an element
It is extremely rare for anyone outside of a genasi to be able to according to your Genasi subrace in the table below.
manifest the abilities of the elemental planes. It is not unheard In addition, when you come into physical contact with a
of, but ask your DM before going ahead with a monk following creature, such as while punching them or while being
the way of the ancestral plane that is not a genasi. grappled, you can choose to deal 1d6 of this damage type to
the creature. You can deal this damage only once per turn.
Ancestral Casting Elemental Damage Attunement
When you unlock your connection to your ancestral plane at Element Damage Type
3rd level, pick one of Air, Earth, Fire, or Water. All of your
features from this archetype use this element. This choice is Air Lightning
permanent. Earth Bludgeoning
You can choose to swap your Wisdom score with your Water Acid
Charisma score permanently. Your spellcasting ability
becomes Charisma, and all of your Monk class features use Fire Fire
Charisma instead of Wisdom.
Your connection to your ancestral plane is more than just a Friends and Family
mental understanding. Your element burns eternally in your At 17th level you are able to fully accept the power of your
heart, and you feel the connection physically within you. element. You can transform into an Air Elemental, Earth
Elemental, Water Elemental, or Fire Elemental, according to
Elemental Attunement your chosen element.
Also at 3rd level you learn to cast a variety of spells based on When you transform, you use the rules of the Druid's wild
your chosen element by consuming Ki. shape.
If you are a genasi, you can cast the spell granted to you by You must complete a long rest before you can transform
your race additional times by consuming 2 ki, and if you are again.
an Air or Earth genasi, you learn the Gust or Mold Earth
cantrip respectively.
The table below tells you your casting options, and which
spells you learn as you gain monk levels.
Elemental Attunement
Level Spell Ki Cost
3rd detect magic 1
5th invisibility 2
7th enlarge/reduce 2
9th tongues 3
11th gaseous form 3
13th major image 3
15th One of wind wall, wall of stone, wall of 3, 5, 3,
water, or wall of fire or 4
17th conjure elemental 5
19th plane shift 7

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Strike Down Tyranny. You can use your Channel Divinity
Sacred Oaths to speak words of power that are painful for your enemies to
Oath of Rebellion hear. As an action, you present your holy symbol and declare
a moral alignment, loyalty, or identifying symbol (such as a
The Oath of Rebellion is one rarely sworn, but is one of the logo, or garment), any creature aligned to your declaration
most terrifying to those in power. A Paladin of the oath of that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
rebellion devotes themselves to a single lofty, some would say failed save, the creature is turned for 1 minute or until it
impossible, goal. That is to overthrow whomever is in power takes damage.
and fix what society has done so wrong. A turned creature must spend its turn trying to move as far
The oath of rebellion is not an easy oath to carry, it is one away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space
that requires you to make sacrifices and watch those around within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its
you fail and die repeatedly. But each time this happens your action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from
heart grows stronger, more firm against injustice. And should an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to
those you helped win turn authoritarian too, then they will move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
find themselves with a powerful enemy that knows all their If the creature’s true form is concealed by an illusion,
weaknesses. shapeshifting, or other effect, that form is revealed while it is
Tenets of Rebellion
The exact wording of these tenets are as diverse as those Break Your Shackles
who have needed them over the ages, but they often fall into At 7th level you are able to free the downtrodden from their
the same general four. bindings with just your words. As an action you can end an
Action. Inaction aids the offender effect on an adjacent ally that is causing them to be
Condemnation. Your oppressor will never grant freedom Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed, Restrained, Stunned, or
by their own kindness otherwise Incapacitated (but not unconsciousness). If your
Lead the Charge. If you do not act, no one will target is deafened you cannot use this feature for them.
Strength in Numbers. We are strongest together For CR 0: Creatures of CR 0 also become immune to
these effects until the end of your next turn, as your words
Oath Spells flood them with power.
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. At 18th level you can use this feature on a creature up to
30 feet away.
Oath of Rebellion spells
Paladin Level Spells Inspiring Hand
3rd bane, heroism At 15th level your Lay on Hands becomes stronger, carrying
your words of encouragement. When you use your Lay on
5th pass without trace, ray of enfeeblement Hands to heal a creature, you can grant them temporary hit
9th crusader's mantle, fear points rather than heal hit points. The number of temporary
13th confusion, freedom of movement
hit points you give them with this feature can never be higher
than ½ of their maximum hit points.
17th dominate person, rary's telepathic bond For CR 0: Creatures of CR 0 instead can gain temporary
hit points equal to the amount of normal Hit Points you give
Channel Divinity to heal them.
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following
two Channel Divinity options. Icon
Overthrow. You can use your Channel Divinity to speak At 20th level, whether you want to be or not, the people allied
words of power that are inspiring for your allies to hear. As an to you see you as an icon of your cause. Your mere existence
action, you present your holy symbol and declare a moral inspires them to feats of great heroism. You gain the
alignment, loyalty, or identifying symbol (such as a logo, or following benefits:
garment), any creature aligned to your declaration gains the Your Charisma increases by 4, up to a maximum of 30.
following benefits as long as they can see you: All of your Paladin auras have a range of up to 1 mile
They gain a +1 bonus to their attack rolls, saving throws, You can point at an enemy and as an action command
and ability checks. your allies to strike. Each ally that is within a range to do
They gain temporary hit points equal to your Paladin level so can use their reaction to make 1 weapon attack or cast
They have advantage on attack rolls whenever you are a cantrip at your target.
unconscious All of your Oath features that have special effects for
creatures of CR 0 instead grant that special effect to all
For CR 0: A creature of CR 0 also gains advantage on creatures of CR 1 or lower.
saving throws against being frightened.
For CR 0: Creatures of CR 0 have advantage on their
attack when you command an attack.

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You can tolerate swimming in water as cold as 0 degrees
Ranger Conclaves celsius/32 degrees fahrenheit without additional
Ocean Explorer protection.
Total darkness caused by being underwater becomes dim
The Ocean Explorer archetype is the sailor that welcomes light instead.
the touch of the depths of the ocean. A frontier survivalist You can never suffer from decompression sickness, and
that charts new paths through the dangerous seas of the can stand pressures up to 1000 feet below the water’s
world, expertly navigating through reefs, and bravely sailing surface.
through maelstroms or black waters. The Ocean Explorer You can talk to aquatic creatures as if you share a
has seen everything the water has to offer, and still craves language.
more. You can drink salt water as if it were fresh water.
You can breathe underwater.
Natural Explorer: Sea
When you choose the Ocean Explorer at 3rd level, you can Champion of the Seas
choose to change your favoured terrain to the Sea terrain. By 18th level you have become a mediator between the
When you do this you gain the following additional features. depths and dry land, a last line of defense for those both
above and below. You can choose to take on the form of a
You gain proficiency in Navigator’s Tools and Vehicles champion of the sea at-will.
(Water). This transformation alters your appearance in a way that
You gain a swim speed equal to your movement speed, or you choose. Your hair might turn into seaweed, your skin may
if you already have a swim speed, it increases by 10 feet take on the appearance and texture of coral, or you could turn
You add proficiency on any roll to repair a ship, navigate a blue and misty, or take on physical traits of various fishes.
ship, or man your station. While in this form non-sentient aquatic creatures are
You can see up to 1 mile away with no difficulty, able to naturally inclined to assist you in your adventures, though
discern even fine details as though looking at something they will not fight for you unless their own lives are on the
no more than 100 feet away from you. line. Sentient aquatic and land-bound creatures will often
consider you as one of their own and recognize your position
Bonus Spells as a champion.
Your time in the seas has taught you to cast certain spells in You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks on
order to survive. You learn the shape water cantrip. Also, at these creatures, regardless of whether they breath air or
3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to bonus spells. water.
Once you gain access to a bonus spell, it doesn’t count against Finally, you can teleport up to 60 feet as a bonus action
the number of spells you know. If you gain access to a spell while in water.
that isn't already on the ranger list, the spell is nonetheless a
ranger spell for you. Urban Vagabond
Bonus Spells Rangers of the archetypal urban vagabonds are contrary to
Level Spell everything a ranger is, yet it is impossible to deny their
3rd create or destroy water effectiveness in the role. These rangers know the labyrinthine
city streets like the back of their hand, and always have a
5th gust of wind favour to trade to grant passage, services, or goods. These
9th tidal wave rangers often find themselves in the service of lords rooting
13th watery sphere
out thieves in the sewers and leading soldiers through the
hazards of urban combat.
17th maelstrom
Bonus Proficiencies
Extra Attack When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you become
If you are using the UA Ranger, you gain the extra attack proficient in thieves' tools if you are not already.
feature at 5th level. In addition you can choose to replace one of your favoured
terrains with the Urban terrain.
Brawler on Deck
At 7th level your experience fighting on the unstable waves Street Fighter
puts you a step ahead of other creatures, you have advantage Also at 3rd level, whenever a creature is adjacent to a wall, or
on saves and checks to avoid being knocked prone or forced any object that is able to grant at least ¾ cover, you have
to move. advantage on melee attack rolls against that creature.
In addition, you can move through a prone creature’s space In addition, when you are adjacent to a wall or similar
as if it were difficult terrain. object, and an adjacent creature targets you with a melee
attack, you can use your reaction to swap spaces with the
Aquatic Adaptation target.
By 13th level you have spent enough time in and around Finally, you have advantage on the optional Overrun and
water that you have attuned yourself to the conditions, Tumble actions found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
gaining the following benefits:

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Bonus Spells Bonus Spells

Your time in cities has taught you to cast certain spells in At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to bonus spells.
order to survive. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain Once you gain access to a bonus spell, it doesn’t count against
access to bonus spells. Once you gain access to a bonus spell, the number of spells you know. If you gain access to a spell
it doesn’t count against the number of spells you know. If you that isn't already on the ranger list, the spell is nonetheless a
gain access to a spell that isn't already on the ranger list, the ranger spell for you.
spell is nonetheless a ranger spell for you.
Bonus Spells
Bonus Spells Level Spell
Level Spell 3rd purify food and drink
3rd comprehend languages 5th lesser restoration
5th rope trick 9th revivify
9th haste 13th death ward
13th arcane eye 17th mass cure wounds
17th passwall
Bonus Proficiencies
Extra Attack When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you become
If you are playing the UA Ranger, you get the extra attack proficient in the Medicine skill, and the Herbalism kit if you
feature at 5th level. are not already.
First Story Work Trauma Surgeon
Starting at 7th level learn to make use of the construction of At 3rd level your experience with wounds, and what causes
the cities you operate in with a magical trick. You can cast the them, allows you to assist in lessening the damage you and
meld into stone spell at will, but can only target worked stone your allies take in battle with quick treatment.
when you do so. As an action you can restore hit points to a creature equal
In addition travelling through the nooks and crannies of to ½ of the damage that creature took during the last round.
cities comes easily to you now, whenever you need to squeeze Your target must have at least 1 hit point remaining for you to
to fit a space one size smaller than you, it does not cost extra do so.
movement. In addition, you can use a bonus action to grant a creature
advantage on death saving throws for one minute.
Face in the Crowd
By 11th level crowded areas have become your greatest Extra Attack
toolbox. As an action you can magically change your clothing If you are using the UA ranger, you get the extra attack
and equipment to look like that of a creature’s within 30ft. feature at 5th level.
This disguise can last up to 1 hour. Anyone who sees you has
no reason to suspect that the outfit and equipment is fake, Damage Control
unless given an obvious reason to. You have advantage on At 7th level you are able to greatly assist your allies in
Deception checks to maintain your disguise. minimizing the effects of hostile spells.
If you take any offensive actions, or take any damage except When you use your Trauma Medic feature, that creature
psychic damage, the effect is lost. also gains advantage on their next saving throw they make to
end an ongoing magical effect.
Urban Awareness In addition, creatures of your choice have advantage on
At 15th level you gain a stronger Primeval Awareness. When saving throws they make against poison and disease that they
you consume a spell slot to cast Primeval Awareness, you can roll at the end of a long rest that you were able to help treat
choose to learn the presence of humanoid races, as well as them during.
any congregations of like-minded individuals, such as a
religious or political gathering. Protect the Wounded
At 11th level you are able to quickly lash out at enemies who
Wilderness Medic harm your allies. When an ally you can see is hit with an
The wilderness is hostile, it is filled with poisons of roaming attack, you can use your reaction to make 1 weapon attack
monsters, the crashing of falling rocks, and the fragile safety against the attacking creature, if you are within range to do
of a campfire. The rangers that emulate the archetypal so.
wilderness surgeon dedicate themselves to resisting that Rest and Relaxation
reality. They learn techniques to apply treatment for wounds When you reach 15th level you are able to treat your allies
at a moment’s notice and even magical tricks to heal the mind during rests to assist in their healing. When you and your
and body of magical effects. These rangers are highly valued allies complete a short or long rest, you and friendly
by adventuring parties and businesses alike. If you cannot get creatures of your choice gain temporary hit points of an
a cleric, the wilderness surgeon is the next best option. amount equal to your Wisdom modifier.
In addition, when you roll hit dice during a short rest, you
heal the maximum number possible for each die.
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Roguish Archetypes Hoard Raider

The archetypal hoard raider specializes in relieving wealthy,
Copycat dangerous individuals of said wealth. Since few creatures
Copycat Rogues are so few and far between that many are keep such a phenomenal amount of wealth in one place, most
not even sure they exist. A copycat rogue may simply appear often these individuals are dragons. The extraordinary
to be an arcane trickster, or an assassin, or a thief with a danger involved in robbing dragons sets these rogues apart
magical touch. Those who master their unique magical gifts from other thieves as experts in high-risk burglary, with an
are able to unleash devastating coordinated assaults with eye for planning and detail to ensure their survival.
allies, and turn their enemy’s attacks right back at them.
These rogues are able to make friends with almost anyone Taking Things Slow
just by pressing their similarities in the right direction, and When you become a hoard raider at 3rd level you learn the
easily infiltrate their enemies by replicating their uniform and special techniques to bypass security; magical, mundane, or
faces. living. As a bonus action on your turn you can choose to gain
the following benefits:
Uniform Appearance You can detect magical auras out to a range of 5 feet, as if
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the you had cast the detect magic spell.
ability to take the appearance of others and apply it to ½ cover becomes ¾ cover, and ¾ cover becomes total
yourself. As an action you observe a creature that you can cover.
see, and can choose up to 3 minor traits, such as eye colour, You have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks.
hair style, tattoo, or height and weight, or one major trait,
such as their face or their uniform. You take on a physical Infiltrator
transformation to gain this trait, which lasts for up to 1 hour, Also at 3rd level, you have advantage against saving throws
your skin and clothes melting under your unique magic into a and resistance to damage caused by the the lair actions and
new shape. You cannot remove a uniform or it reverts to its regional effects of any creature.
original look.
Your ability scores cannot be changed using this feature. Deep Pockets
At 9th level, you can use your action to temporarily transform
From You to Me a pocket, bag, or other container into a bag of holding. Such a
Also at 3rd level, you can instantly copy what you see people container must be no larger than 2 feet in any dimension and
around you doing. Any time a creature you can see uses their must be able to be closed completely. The mouth forms into a
action, you can use your reaction to do that action as well. zipper, a button, or other means of sealing it if there is not
You must have any required items, or one that is similar, if for already one.
example you attempt to mimic a creature's ranged attack. The container maintains the properties of a bag of holding
If you mimic a spell you must have the correct spell slot to for one hour, or until it is damaged and unable to close, at
consume, and the casting time must be no higher than 1 which point the container’s contents spill forth and the
action. container becomes a mundane item again.
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you
From Me to You complete a long rest.
At 9th level you can extend your copy powers to other
creatures in stressful situations. Once per round, if you and a Undetectable
friendly creature you can see must make the same saving When you reach 13th level, your experience in hiding from
throw or ability check at the same time, you both have the owners of the dungeons you delve into allows you to fool
advantage on the save. even supernatural senses. When you are hidden, you cannot
If they are making a dexterity saving throw, friendly be targeted or observed by spells of the divination school of
creatures also gain the benefit of your Evasion feature. magic unless you choose to be, and creatures with special
For example, if you are both within the radius of the same senses such as truesight, see invisibility, or tremor sense
casting of the Fireball spell. cannot see you.
What's Mine is Yours Evasive Mind
At 13th level your ability to copy extends to the deeper more Due to your expertise with the mental acuity of magical tricks
complex parts of the world. When a person talks to you, or and traps, at 17th level your mind becomes an even more
near enough that you can hear them, you instantly learn their difficult place to breach than a normal rogue’s. You can apply
language. You forget the language when you complete a long your evasion and uncanny dodge features to Wisdom saving
rest. throws you are forced to make.
What's Yours is Mine
At 17th level you are able to gain even the abilities of your
foes, turning their powers against them. When you use your
reaction to replicate an action a creature has taken, you use
their modifier for the roll you make if it is higher than your
own would be.

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Lucky Plot Twist

The Lucky Rogue may or may not actually know what they At 17th level your luck is so powerful it bends the nature of
are doing, but things always seem to go their way. While they the universe to your benefit. As an action you can, in 10
jump over an enemy, a book falls out of their bag and hits the words or less, declare something about a person, place, or
enemy on the head, dealing incredible damage. The lucky thing. Your declaration becomes true.
rogue stumbles over a rock and finds a secret door. You cannot use this ability to reduce someone's hit points,
Few people actually know that they are a lucky rogue, but even if indirectly.
everyone else in their party does, and knows to keep them Minor injuries such as someone stubbing their toe to keep
close. them out of a hallway you need to sneak down will work, but
saying a hungry dragon has fallen upon a nearby town to
Tilt the Odds
draw the city guard out of the city will not, as that will be
At 3rd level your luck has taken you a hair's breadth away harming the villagers. You might also declare that someone
from enemy attacks, down convenient slides to hidden falls ill, or discovers a new allergy. As long as you do not effect
treasures, and prevented your friend from stubbing her toe. their hit points. The DM has great leeway in deciding how
Your ability to manipulate luck in this way is represented in your declaration will come true, if at all.
Tilt Die, which you have 2 of and are d4's. You can roll an You must complete a long rest to declare something like
amount of tilt dice at once up to a certain limit. 2 at 3rd level, this again.
3 at 10th level, and 4 at 17th level.
When you roll an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw,
you can roll an amount of your Tilt dice up to your limit and
increase the number on the d20 by the total showing on the
tilt dice, to a maximum of 20. This is not a bonus; the number
on the d20 actually changes.
You regain all of your expended Tilt dice when you finish a
long rest.
At 5th level, and again at 7th, 10th, 13th, and 17th level, you
gain one additional Tilt dice for an eventual total of 8 Tilt
On a Roll
Also at 3rd level, you have learned to take advantage of your
inexplicable moments of luck. If you roll a critical hit, you
may make an additional weapon attack as part of the same
Critical Luck
At 9th level your luck extends out of you and allows you to
manipulate your enemy's successes into failures, and your
friend's failures into successes. When a creature you can see
rolls a d20 while making an ability check, attack roll, or
saving throw, you can use your reaction to apply your Tilt
Dice as a bonus or penalty to their roll (your choice).
Weighted Dice
At 13th level you don't even need to focus for your luck to
assist you anymore. You gain a +1 bonus on top of ALL dice
that you roll.

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Harbinger of Emptiness
Sorcerous Origins At 18th level you’ve become a master of magic destroying
Anti-Magic Void spells. If you do not already know the Dispel Magic,
Counterspell, and Anti Magic Field spells, you learn them
The world is filled with magic, it crawls through everything now and they do not count against your number of spells
from the trees to the clouds to the people walking around. It’s known. If you do know these spells you can replace them
what lets necromancy manipulate death, it’s what lets with a spell of equal level when you first reach 18th level.
transmutation change inanimate objects. Magic is within In addition you gain the following benefits:
everything, except for you. In your past something happened,
perhaps you were born in a manifest zone of the far realms, You can cast Dispel Magic at-will without consuming a
perhaps you were struck by a violent magical attack that spell slot or material components.
sapped your inner magic, perhaps your ancestors angered a You are immune to the effects of Anti Magic Field
god and were robbed of their essence. Whatever it was, you whenever you cast it. You can also cast Antimagic Field
became a black hole of magic, and like a black hole you drag once without expending a spell slot. You must complete a
magic into yourself to fill this void. You’ve learned to use this long rest before you are able to do so again.
to your benefit, taking the magic you draw in and giving it
form. Reflection
You are a reflection of your true self. A being of unimaginable
Magic Sense form in the far realms or elsewhere. Were those around you
At 1st level you are able to pinpoint sources of magic around to try to understand your true form their minds would snap
you. You always have the Detect Magic spell active. under a cacophony of the incomprehensible.
If you know the Detect Magic spell already, you can choose When you become a reflection sorcerer, your true form
to replace it with a spell of the same level and class list the leaks into the world around you in strange ways. Choose one
first time you reach 1st level in this class. of the quirks in the table below.
Magical Void Reflection Quirks
Also at 1st level, you are able to attempt to deflect magic Flames within 10 feet of you form strange shapes
using the draw of your void. You can choose to gain advantage bending into impossible forms of you
on a saving throw against a spell or other magical effect. You
can choose to do this after rolling, but before the result is Water within 10 feet of you reflects twisted images of
determined. You must complete a short or long rest to gain your true form
advantage in this way again. Thunder or Lightning emanating from a source within 10
feet of you carries a deep groan that reverberates with the
Absorb Magic sounds of your true name
Starting at 6th level you are able to absorb hostile magic that When a creature within 10 feet of you bleeds, their blood
targets you. forms arcane symbols relating to your being.
When you are forced to make a saving throw against a spell
you can use your reaction and consume a spell slot of the Observer's Displacement
same level as the spell you are being affected by to store the At 1st level your grasp on this world is not like a normal
spell. You add this spell to your spell list until the end of your creature anchored physically to their coordinate. Though you
next turn. Before the end of your next turn, you can cast this cannot project much of yourself into being yet, you are able to
same spell without consuming a spell slot. After the end of reposition yourself easily within the material world, like a
your next turn, the spell is removed from your spell list. player with a chess board. When you move you can choose to
You can only do this if the spell’s casting time is 1 action, teleport. For each foot you teleport, 2 feet of your movement
bonus action, or reaction, and you can only do this once per is used.
instance of the spell.
Absorbing a spell does not prevent it from potentially Mental Hellscape
hitting you, you simply absorb the stray strands of magic Also at 1st level your mind becomes a landscape of alien
regardless of what other damage or effect it has done to you. thoughts and feelings. You become immune to charms and
mind control.
Observed Casting In addition, when a creature attempts to read your mind,
By 14th level you have learned to recreate the intricacies of you can force them to succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
magic around you. Whenever you observe a spell being cast, against your spellsave DC or fall prone and become
you can choose to learn this spell until you complete a long incapacitated for up to 1 minute, speaking in strange tongues
rest. and quivering in fear as the onslaught of your strange being
When you cast a spell learned in this way it counts as a pervades their mind.
Sorcerer spell, and you must have the correct spell slot level The creature can remake the saving throw at the end of
to cast the spell. each of their turns, or when they take damage.

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Frightening Gaze
Beginning at 6th level, your gaze carries a fraction of your
true form within it. When a creature who can see you starts
their turn within 30 feet of you, you can choose to cast your
gaze towards them as a reaction. They must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be
frightened of you until the end of their next turn.
While frightened by this feature the creature’s speed is
reduced to 0, and they cannot tear their gaze from you.
If the creature is ever more than 30 feet away from you, or
they become unable to see you, the effect ends.
After this or if the creature succeeds on its initial saving
throw, you can't use this feature on that creature again for 24
Observer's Replacement
At 14th level you have gained the ability to easily change your
projection within the world. When you move you can choose
to teleport your full movement speed.
In addition you are able to cast the teleport spell once per
long rest targeting only yourself as you pluck your projection Imperfect Form
in the world up and place them elsewhere. When cast in this At 18th level you are able to nearly fully place yourself within
way, you can teleport to other planes of existence. the world. You can assume much of your true form as an
ancient impossible being from beyond the multiverse, taking
on an appearance you choose.
For example, your skin might turn black or take on a see-
through starry look. Your hair might flow like water or spark
with electricity, or you might sprout tentacles covering every
inch of your body while your voice booms like thunder.
Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For 1
minute you gain the following benefits:
You can hover in mid-air
You emanate an aura of terror, and the cold embrace of
the abyss, out to a range of 10 feet. The first time any
enemy creature enters the aura or starts its turn there, the
creature takes 10 damage of a damage type of your
choosing. Any creature that is afraid of you is vulnerable to
this damage.
As an action you can force a creature you can see to make
a Strength saving throw or be forced to float towards you
uncontrollably and stare into whatever eyes you may or
may not have. When they do this a creature suffers an
effect based on its current hit points. After the effect is
determined, you can toss them to the ground at your feet.
50 hit points or fewer: blinded for 1 minute
40 hit points or fewer: Blinded, deafened, and
unable to speak for 10 minutes
30 hit points or fewer: blinded, deafened, and
incapacitated for 1 hour, babbles continuously in an
unknown tongue
20 hit points or fewer: killed instantly
You must complete a long rest to be able to take this form

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If you are in the climax of the battle against your destined
Otherworldly Patrons enemy, you can remain transformed for up 2 hours and 30
Magical Girl's Patron minutes.
There are two parts to a transformation, the
Your patron is one drawn straight out of your favourite TV transformation itself, and the magical girl form.
shows. A creature with remarkable powers who chooses one, Transformation Sequence
or very few, people to represent them to fight against a great
threat and bring light and happiness to the world. This being’s As an action you can begin to transform into a magical girl
motivations may not always be pure, but they always have the until the start of your next turn. To do this, you must have a
best for you and the world in their hearts. trinket granted to you by your patron on your person. This
Your patron may be like Zordon from the Power Rangers, may come in the form of a shining pendant, or a powerful
transforming you into a super sentai or kamen raider. Or they wand. Your transformation is always a spectacular event.
may be like Kero from Cardcaptor Sakura or Kyubey from Rays of rainbow light may shoot in all directions, a cheery
Madoka Magica, transforming you into a traditional frilly tune might play for all nearby to hear, or you may perform a
dressed magical girl. Your patron may even be something choreographed dance wherein your costume appears onto
more alien that grants you the transformation of a Super you. No matter how you transform, you must shout for all to
Saiyan from Dragon Ball, or turns you into a Superhero akin hear your clear intent to transform.
to your favourite Marvel and DC comic heroes. While transforming you have resistance to all damage, you
Whomever your patron may be, being chosen as a magical cannot be forced to move, and you cannot take any reactions.
girl is an event rarely occurring for no reason, and always Creatures that make a melee attack against you during this
leads to the pursuit of an epic destiny. time must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 x
1/2 your warlock level (rounded down) radiant damage. On a
Destined Enemy successful save they take half damage. You can't just interrupt
a transformation sequence after all.
All magical girls have a Destined Enemy. This is your mortal
At the start of your next turn, you emerge from your
enemy that all the fates gather to put you up against, the transformation sequence in your magical girl form.
reason you were chosen. This may change over time, discuss
with the DM who this might be. Magical Girl Form
In your magical girl form you gain the following benefits:
Expanded Spell List You gain temporary hit points equal to 2x your Charisma
The Magical Girl lets you choose from an expanded list of modifier at the start of each of your turns
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells You gain a Flight speed equal to 60 feet, but you must land
are added to the warlock spell list for you. at the end of your turn or fall.
Each of your warlock spells cast at one level higher than
Magical Girl Expanded Spells normal.
Spell Level Spells You add your Charisma modifier to all damage you deal.
1st bless, cure wounds If you take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points,
you can choose to fall to 1 hit point instead. You can only
2nd calm emotions, spiritual weapon do this once per transformation, and you can only do this
3rd dayling, sending if it would be suitably dramatic for it to happen. The DM
4th locate creature, aura of purity might ask you to give a dramatic one liner, or a speech
after rising from the triggering attack. You may need to
5th commune, hallow devote yourself to the annihilation of the triggering enemy,
or vow to turn them from their evil ways.
Fairy Companion
When you become a magical girl at 1st level you gain the all Monster of the Week
important fairy companion who will assist you in your quest. By 6th level your patron has begun to inform you of the
This companion takes the form of a tiny, very cute version of presence of hostile creatures so that you can do battle with
your patron. When you converse with your fairy companion, them. If you are within 1 mile of a hostile creature, you know
you can speak telepathically no matter how far away you its general location. If you are speaking to a creature, you
might be. Your fairy companion always knows exactly what is know if is friendly, neutral, or hostile.
going on from your perspective. If a hostile creature is a direct minion of your destined
Your fairy companion has none of the power of your patron enemy, or your destined enemy themself, you have advantage
unless you are in a season finale. on all Charisma checks you make against that creature.
In addition, you also can communicate as much as you
want with them during a round, unless the dm rules it is
dramatically appropriate to be cut off.
Magical Girl Evolution
When you become a magical girl at 1st level you gain the
ability to transform into a magical girl for 22 minutes. You
can transform twice, afterwhich you cannot do so again until
you complete a long rest.
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The Power of Friendship

At 10th level you learn that the greatest power a magical girl
has at their command is the power of friendship. When a
creature within 10 feet is hit by an attack, you may use your
reaction to take the attack in their place. After taking this
attack, you have advantage on your next attack roll against
the attacking creature before the end of your next turn.
If this attack would reduce you to 0 hit points, you can use
your reaction to cast any spell with a casting time of no more
than 1 Action, or use your ultimate attack. Afterwards you fall
unconscious like normal.
Ultimate Power
When you reach 14th level you have obtained the ultimate
power of your magical girl form. This power is unique to each
Magical Girl.
Using your ultimate power is always a spectacular event,
you should have a name for your power that you shout out
when you use it, or a dramatic line that lets others know you
are using it. You might blast waves of stars and galaxies out
of your wand, or your weapon might grow to 10x its size as
you pulverize your enemy.
Your ultimate power always requires an action to use, but
otherwise functions as a Warlock spell that you can only use Damage Type
once per transformation. Choose what damage your Ultimate Power does, one of the
After using your ultimate power, the time you may remain following options:
transformed in your magical girl form is reduced to 1 minute
if it were not already lower. Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing based on your weapon
If you are in the final, climactic battle against your destined Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, Psychic,
enemy, you cannot use your ultimate attack until the most Radiant, or Thunder
dramatic moment possible. When you use it in this case, your Or, instead of dealing damage, you can choose to heal
destined enemy has disadvantage on any saving throw using your Ultimate Power.
required, and you have advantage on any attack required.
If you use your ultimate power on your destined enemy at a Healing
time that is not dramatic enough, your destined enemy will
shrug off your attack as if it were nothing. In this case, the Choose Two
use of your ultimate power is not consumed, and you do not If you chose to heal, move to the next step instead.
have to untransform. Targets cannot restore hit points
Constructing Your Ultimate Power Targets have disadvantage on checks and saves using one
When you first gain your ultimate power you choose the size, Ability Score of your choice
shape, damage type, and effects of the attack. This decision is Targets are stunned, restrained, or blinded and deafened
permanent. Targets are paralyzed, poisoned, charmed, or frightened of
Construct your ultimate power by choosing from each of you
the following steps. Targets have their speed reduced to half
Allies have advantage on attack rolls against target
Spell Shape creatures
Choose one of the following to determine the shape of your Targets have disadvantage on attack rolls
spell. Each shape originates from you. Each chosen effect lasts for 1 minute. The target can
Line (60ft) succeed on your choice of a Dexterity, Constitution, or a
Cone(30ft) Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end
Sphere (15ft) all effects.
Your ultimate power deals 10d10 damage to creatures of Choose One if you chose to heal
your choice within the area. Targets have advantage on attack rolls
Attacks against the targets have disadvantage
Choose how you hit Targets have advantage on saving throws
You can either make an attack roll, or force the targets to
make a saving throw. Each effect lasts for 1 minute.
You roll an attack roll for each target using your spell Done!
attack bonus Once you have built your ultimate power, your choices are
Targets must make a saving throw of your choice, either permanent. Write it down as a new ability!
Constitution, Dexerity, or Wisdom.
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School of the Honey Mage

Arcane Traditions The school of the Honey Mage uses exclusively a series of
School of the Broodmaster hedge wizard-esque spells that require bees. Bumblebees,
Wizards that keep pets are not out of the ordinary; it’s no honey bees, potentially even wasps and other insects. These
accident that find familiar is a popular entry for spellbooks. wizards often come from humble origins in honey farms, or
But wizards that keep entire broods of pets, like were actually once hedge wizards themselves that found a
pseudodragons, raising them from eggs and experimenting focus with insects. Despite the apparently silly nature of this
on them on until adulthood, are an entirely different breed. school of magic, its effectiveness in combat and adventuring
The School of Broodmasters teaches the finer art of training life is undeniable.
a swarm of pets to tear your enemies to shreds. The spells from the buzz school of magic are detailed in
the spells section of this document.
Monster Empathy
Starting when you choose this tradition at 2nd level, you can Bee Team
communicate with non-humanoid creatures as if you shared When you choose the Honey Mage arcane tradition at 2nd
a language. level, you learn to pass on your magic through the bees you
Brood As long as you have at least one spell from the buzz school
Beginning when you choose this tradition at 2nd level, you of magic that is of 1st level or higher active, you can cast any
have begun to raise and experiment with your own clutch of other spell from the buzz school with a casting time no longer
creatures to follow your commands. You begin with two non- than 1 action as a bonus action, as the bees are already
sentient creatures of your choice with a CR no higher than ¼ available to be ordered.
and a size no larger than medium. B Team
You add your wizard level to your brood’s maximum hit Also at 2nd level, non-hostile insects are always charmed by
points. you.
Your brood acts independently of you, but always obey your
commands. In combat, your brood rolls initiative as a group Team of Bees
and act on one turn, using the average of their initiative At 6th level the control of bees comes easily to you. As long
modifiers. They function as a swarm of small size if made of as you maintain concentration on one buzz school spell, you
tiny creatures, medium size if made of small creatures, and can maintain concentration on any number of buzz school
large size if made of medium creatures, this allows them to spells. If you lose concentration, all active buzz spells end.
occupy the space of another creature, and vice versa.
Your brood can't attack on their turns. However, you can T(B)eamwork
use your action to command each creature under your When you reach 10th level, you have advantage on
control to use its reaction to attack targets that you choose. concentration saving throws as long as you have at least 1
Your brood uses your spell attack bonus on attack rolls and to spell from the buzz school of magic active.
determine their save DC. If one or more of your brood are
reduced to 0 hit points, you can revive them and restore the The Best Bees a Friend Could Ask For
maximum hit points of all creatures in your brood with a 1 At 14th level you are a master of controlling bees and can
hour ritual and the consumption of 25gp, which can be maintain them well beyond their normal usage. Whenever a
performed over a short or long rest. spell from the buzz school of magic that you have cast
You gain more creatures in your brood as you gain higher expires, you are refunded the spell slot as long as the bees
levels in this class. At 5th level, you have 3 creatures under were not destroyed (such as by a fireball spell). You cannot
your control, at 11th level, you have 4, and at 17th level, you restore a spell slot of a level higher than 5th.
have 5.
Broodrage School of Intel
Starting at 6th level, the creatures in your brood have The school of intel is one of the most scholarly schools of
advantage on attack rolls against any creature another magic. Wizards devoted to the school of intel frequently find
broodmate, including you, has attacked this turn. themselves working as spymasters and amongst researchers
looking to gain an edge on the information they can gather
For the Master over their competitors. These wizards focus on spells that
At 10th level, when an attack is made against you, you can grant them knowledge and allow them to spread knowledge,
use your reaction to command one of your brood within 5 in all its forms. They learn spells that can view distant
feet of you to leap in front of the attack. This attack targets locations, send messages across miles, and learn languages
that creature, rather than you. at a moment’s notice. They also gain such abilities to quickly
analyze their enemy’s techniques and quickly discern the
Brood Master strength of their magical opponents.
At 14th level you have learned to care for a much stronger
brood of creatures. The creatures in your brood can be of a Intel Savant
CR up to 2. You can still only have the normal maximum Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold
number of creatures in your brood. and time you must spend to copy an intel spell into your
spellbook is halved. (See the list of intel spells, below)
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Quick Thinking Secret Technique

Also at 2nd level, you learn to more quickly gather At 10th level you are able to quickly learn the techniques of
information. You can cast any intel spell with a casting time of your enemies. The first time an enemy hits you with an
1 minute or less as a bonus action. attack, you learn their fighting techniques. Until you complete
a long rest, they have disadvantage on further attack rolls
Magic Sense against you.
Starting at 6th level, if you spend at least 1 minute observing You can only memorize the technique of one creature at a
or interacting with another creature outside combat, you can time. Memorizing new techniques forces you to forget the
sense certain information about its casting capabilities. The techniques you had memorized before.
DM will tell you three of the following characteristics of your
choice: Master of Lore
At 14th level you become a master of information, able to
Highest ability score out of Intelligence, Wisdom, or learn about the most obscure secrets with ease.
Charisma You learn the Legend Lore spell if you did not know it
Magic type, one of Arcane, Divine, Primal, Eldritch, or already. You can cast Legend Lore without using a spell slot
Innate or material components.
Spell school of any active magical effects
Highest spell slot level available
Number of attuned magic items (if any)
The highest rarity level among their magic items (if any)
New School of Magic: Intel
The school of Intel is not considered a full school in its own right, but rather a subschool. Each intel spell also belongs to one of the
eight major schools of magic.
Cantrips (0 Level) 5th Level
Message Contact Other Plane
1st Level Legend Lore
Comprehend Languages Modify Memory
Detect Magic Rary's Telepathic Bond
Identify Scrying
Illusory Script
6th Level
2nd Level True Seeing
Detect Thoughts 7th Level
Locate Object Etherealness
Magic Mouth Project Image
Nystul's Magic Aura Sequester
See Invisibility
8th Level
3rd Level Mind Blank
Clairvoyance Telepath
Tongues 9th Level
Astral Projection
4th Level
Arcane Eye
Locate Creature

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School of Reprogramming Greater Modification

The school of Reprogramming takes its education from those Starting at 14th level, you can use your bonus action to more
rare sorcerers who work with wizards in their studies. They effectively modify the casting of your spells. For the next
turn the sorcerer’s metamagic abilities into a science, minute your spells take on one of the following traits of your
deconstructing and then reconstructing the fundamental choice.
forces of magic to create just about any spell they want from Arcane Transposition. When you cast a spell, you can
their existing repertoire. choose for it to originate in any space within the spells
These wizards may seem powerful to an outside observer, range that you can see. When targeting a creature with an
but any specialist of a school properly utilized could be just as attack doing this, they must be within range of you, but
much of a difficulty to deal with as themselves must be, you do not need to be able to see the target from your
especially considering how quickly these wizards consume position in order to target them from the new position.
their casting resources. Safe Casting. You are immune to the effects of all spells
you cast, unless you choose to not to be.
Modify Spell Targeting. All of your spells that require a saving throw or
At 2nd level, you have become adept at the very basics of spell attack roll instead require a saving throw using an
arcane reprogramming. Whenever you cast a spell, you can ability of your choice, or require an attack roll from you.
choose one of the following traits of the spell: Phasing. Your spells ignore cover, and can target
components (cannot change material components if there creatures on the ethereal plane.
is a gold cost) After you make a greater modification you can end the
range and area of effect (½ damage if you change a single modifier as a bonus action. You can make 2 greater
target to an area of effect) modifications before you must complete a long rest to do so
damage type or primary side effect again.
visual and auditory effect.
You can swap the chosen trait with the same type of trait of
a spell of the same level or lower, to a minimum of 1st level,
that you also have prepared. When you do this, you must
consume both spell slots.
For example, you might modify the burning hands spell’s
area of effect to that of ray of sickness, you would then make
a spell attack against a single creature within range of a ray of
sickness, dealing burning hand’s damage on a successful hit.
In the reverse, you could modify ray of sickness to target all
creatures in a 15 foot cone like burning hands, each creature
would be making a Dexterity saving throw in this case.
Taking the range and area of effect trait from a spell that
would automatically hit, such as magic missile or longstrider,
into a spell that does not normally automatically hit still
requires the original spell’s saving throw or attack roll.
You cannot cast a modified spell in a higher spell slot than
its normal slot level. Also, when you maintain concentration
on a modified spell, you have disadvantage on concentration
Metamagic Replication
At 6th level your understanding of the modification of spells
allows you to replicate metamagic effects from the Sorcerer
When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you can
consume an additional spell slot of the same level or higher
to apply a metamagic option to the spell.
Full Modifier
Starting at 10th level you gain a finer control over your
modifications. When you modify a spell, you can change 2 of
its traits rather than just one. You can still only pick 2 spells
to gather the traits from.

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School of the Defiler Defiled Resurgence

The school of the defiler is the single most vile school of Once you reach 10th level, your journey down this dark path
magic of all. Wizards who learn from this school are, with has granted you incredible powers to suck the life out of your
rare exceptions, as evil as a wizard can come. Their lust for enemies. This only encourages you more and more to
knowledge turns them to a power that allows them to drain continue defiling.
life energy from the world to fuel their spells. Masters of this Once per turn, when you deal damage to a creature using a
school can restore their power even as they slay their spell of 1st level or higher, you restore a number of hit points
enemies, and can drain their expertise to augment their own equal to your Intelligence modifier.
abilities. Steal Essence
In the Dark Sun campaign setting, defiling the world is a When you reach 14th level you have learned a horrible ritual
way to easily cast powerful spells, and so arcane spellcasters to tear out the base substance of a creature; the more subtle
are often reviled as they further the draining of the life of the and intricate pieces of their existence. As a bonus action you
planet. In the reverse, there are preservers, who refuse to can force a creature within 30ft to make a saving throw using
defile the planet in their castings. an ability score of your choosing. On a failed save, that ability
Nether Savant
score temporarily decreases by 2, and your same ability score
Starting at 2nd level, you discover a wicked ritual to enhance temporarily increases by 2, up to a maximum of 30.
the speed you are able to learn spells. When adding a spell Each turn you can choose to use your bonus action to
into your spellbook, you can choose to replace the magical maintain this effect and drain further power from them from
inks required with your own blood. This halves the time the same ability score. If they succeed on the required saving
required to add that spell to your book, in exchange you throw, they restore their normal ability score, and you lose
reduce your maximum Hit Points by ½ the spell’s level your temporary bonus. The effect also ends after 1 minute, if
rounded up until you next gain a Level, or until one week you fall unconscious, or if they die.
passes, whichever comes first. If a creature is reduced to 0 in any ability score, they die.
You can use this ability two times before you must
Defiling Spell Fuel
complete a long rest to use it again.
When you choose the School of the Defiler at 2nd level you
have learned to draw power from living things and use it to
fuel stronger spell casts. You can increase a spell’s level by 1
without consuming, or even needing access to, the higher
slot. You cannot increase a spell’s level higher than 9.
In exchange for doing this, you must take 1d6 necrotic
damage for each level of the spell slot the spell is being cast
in. This damage can be distributed among willing, paralyzed,
or unconscious targets within 30 feet to avoid taking the
damage yourself. If this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit
points, they are killed and their body shrivels.
You also have the option of destroying plant life in such a
way that nothing can grow in that location ever again. The
radius of this defiled area is equal to 10ft x Spell Level.
At 10th level you can increase the spell’s level by 2, and at
17th level you can increase the level by 3.
Corrupted Essence
When you reach 6th level your body has begun to become
corrupted from your interactions with this dark magic. But
the temptation to cast using it only becomes stronger from
here. When you complete a short or long rest you gain a
special pool of temporary hit points equal to twice your
Wizard Level.
These temporary hit points cannot be reduced by any
means other than as fuel for your defiling.
If a creature ever drains your health to heal themselves,
such as by the vampiric touch spell, you can give away the
temporary hit points, which will deal damage to them instead
of healing.

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Chapter 2: Magic
New School of Magic: Buzz
The school of Buzz is not considered a full school in its own right, but rather a subschool. Each Buzz spell also belongs to one of
the eight major schools of magic. Only Druids, Sorcerers, and Wizards can learn spells of the Buzz school.
Cantrips (0 Level) Beep Grand Cherokeeper
bzzz 6th-level conjuration (buzz)
1st Level Casting Time: 10 minutes
BZZZZZZZ Range: 30 feet
2nd Level Components: V, S, M (a truck)
Flight of the Bumblebee Duration: However long bees live for
When you cast this spell you specify an object or series of
3rd Level objects taking up space no more than 30ft on any one side to
Not The Bees! be created and function entirely by bees. Within that space
4th Level however the object can be as complex or simple as you want,
Attack Formation Delta Sigma Epsilon as long as it is within the bounds of the bees to pull off. The
bees can function as machine parts to, for example, create an
5th Level assembly line of newspapers. They can also be used to create
Defense Formation Gamma Beta Omega a vehicle to carry you and your companions, or a series of
6th Level steeds. The bees will break apart if any part of the creation
Beep Grand Cherokeeper takes damage, and the spell ends.
7th Level Big Bee's Hand
Creeping Swarm (of bees) 9th-level conjuration (buzz)
9th Level Casting Time: 1 action
Big Bee's Hand Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a spellscroll of Bugby's Hand, and a
Buzz Spell Descriptions Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Attack Formation Delta Sigma Epsilon You conjure a large buzzy bee hand in an unoccupied space
4th-level conjuration (buzz) within range. This hand has an AC of 20, 120 hit points, and
uses your ability scores for casting and saving throws. The
Casting Time: 1 action hand takes up the same space as a small sized creature, but
Range: Self (cone, sphere, or line) can also move in a space as small as 1”.
Components: V, S, M (a generous helping of honey) As a bonus action on your turn you can command the hand
Duration: Instantaneous to cast any spell from the Buzz school of magic that is of 5th
When you cast this spell you summon a swarm of bees to level or lower. The hand supplies any components necessary,
ravage your enemies. You can command them to attack in a concentrates for you, and does not consume spell slots when
formation of your choice from the following list: it casts a Buzz school spell.
30ft cone
15ft radius sphere
60ft line.
The chosen formation originates from you. Make an attack
roll against each creature within the formation. On a hit, the
target takes 8d4 piercing damage, and 8d4 poison damage.
At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a slot of
5th level or higher, each of the damage type's damage
increases by 2d4, and the range options increase by 5ft for
each level above 4th.

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bzzzz Defense Formation Gamma Beta Omega

Conjuration cantrip (buzz) 5th-level conjuration (buzz)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a dab of honey) Components: V, S, M (a generous helping of honey)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: 1 round
When you cast this spell you summon a powerful bee from When you cast this spell you summon a swarm of bees to
somewhere that is your ally and friend. defend you and your companions. The bees coat you and your
When you cast this spell, and on each of your turns for the friends, buzzing furiously in your defense. You, and any
duration, you can use your bonus action to command the bee creature of your choice within 30 feet have a bonus to your
to attempt to sting a creature within range. They must AC and Dexterity Saving Throws equal to +10 until the end of
succeed on a constitution saving throw or become poisoned your next turn. This effect is lost for a creature that is hit by
until the end of your next turn. They also take 1 piercing an attack or takes damage from a failed dexterity saving
damage. On a successful sting, the bee dies, and the spell throw before the duration expires.
ends. At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
Constructs and incorporeal creatures cannot be stung by of 6th level or higher, the bonus increases by +2 for each slot
your bee. above 5th.
BZZZZZZZ Flight of the Bumblebee
1st-level conjuration (buzz) 2nd-level conjuration (buzz)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (10-foot radius) Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a honeycomb) Components: V, S, M (a yummy lil flower)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
When you cast this spell you make a loud droning sound When you cast this spell, a swarm of bumble bees lift you
that summons a swarm of bees to surround you in a 10 foot slightly off the ground, allowing you to bypass ground-based
radius, moving with you. Any creature that starts their turn in traps and other effects.
the area or enters it on their turn takes 1d6 piercing damage. In addition, when you cast this spell and on each turn
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell thereafter for the duration, you can use a bonus action to be
slot of 2nd level or higher, the radius increases by 5ft, and the lifted and carried 10 feet in any direction. This movement
damage increases by 1d6 for each slot above 1st. does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Creeping Swarm (of bees) Not The Bees!
7th-level conjuration (buzz) 3rd-level conjuration (buzz)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 900 feet Range: 15 feet
Components: V, S, M (a bee hive) Components: V, S, M (a Nicholas Cage movie)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
When you cast this spell you create a 100 foot line of bees When you cast this spell you unleash angry bees upon a
perpendicular to you, with you at the center. The swarm of target within range. The creature must succeed on a
bees move 100 feet at the start of each of your turns directly constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns or
forwards. The bees will find any way they can to continue become incapacitated by the bees until the end of their next
their path, moving through holes as small as a single bee. turn. The creature can use an action to protect themselves to
Creatures caught in the path of the bees must make a avoid needing to make a save for that turn.
Dexterity saving throw or be struck by the buzzing stinging
havoc, taking 10d6 piercing damage on a failed save (half on

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New Enchantment Spells

Bard 3rd Level Ranger 6th Level
Exessive Indulgence Inflict Madness
Cantrips (0 Level) 2nd Level
Lost Wanderer
Befuddle Hesitate
4th Level
Incite Fear Peacebinding 7th Level
Pepper's Purpose 3rd Level
Endless Dance
Dire Charm
Thought Jab 5th Level
Targeted Awareness
Scapegoat 8th Level
1st Level Revenge Agitate Crowd
Beguiling Sorcerer Disbelief
Fumble 6th Level Cantrips (0 Level)
Inflict Madness Befuddle
9th Level
2nd Level Just A Game
Incite Fear
Character Flaw 8th Level Xenophobic Rage
Thought Jab
Hesitate Agitate Crowd
Loosen Tongue Wizard
1st Level
Zone of Deception 9th Level Cantrips (0 Level)
Xenophobic Rage Befuddle
3rd Level Chaotic Magic
Incite Fear
Dire Charm Druid
3rd Level
Excessive Indulgence Cantrips (0 Level) 1st Level
Dire Charm
Pepper's Purpose Fumble
4th Level Beguiling
4th Level
Siren Song 4th Level
Siren Song
Peacebinding 2nd Level
5th Level Siren Song Hesitate
5th Level
Impeding Permission Loosen Tongue
Impeding Permission
Scapegoat 5th Level
Revenge Nature's Charm 3rd Level
Revenge 6th Level Dire Charm
6th Level Targeted Awareness
Harmonic Discord
Harmonic Discord 6th Level
Inflict Madness
Inflict Madness Lost Wanderer 4th Level
Lost Wanderer Siren Song
8th Level
9th Level
7th Level Agitate Crowd
Xenophobic Rage 5th Level
Endless Dance Impeding Permission
Paladin Warlock Scapegoat
8th Level 1st Level
Cantrips (0 Level)
Agitate Crowd Empathic Resonance
6th Level
Disbelief Harmonic Discord
Incite Fear
2nd Level Inflict Madness
9th Level Hesitate Lost Wanderer
1st Level
Just A Game Zone of Deception
Xenophobic Rage 7th Level
3rd Level 2nd Level Endless Dance
Cleric Targeted Awareness
Loosen Tongue
Cantrips (0 Level) Excessive Indulgence
8th Level
Incite Fear Agitate Crowd
4th Level 3rd Level Disbelief
1st Level Peacebinding
Dire Charm
Empathic Resonance Excessive Indulgence
9th Level
5th Level Just A Game
2nd Level Impeding Permission 5th Level Xenophobic Rage
Hesitate Oathbinding
Impeding Permission
Zone of Deception Revenge
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While beguiled by you a creature is friendly to you and you
Enchantment Spell make Charisma checks and Wisdom (Insight) checks
towards them with advantage.
Descriptions In addition, you can change the perception of beguiled
Agitate Crowd creatures in subtle ways. You can do one of the following as
8th-level enchantment an action.
Casting Time: 10 minutes Force them to believe a simple lie you tell them as long as
Range: Self it cannot be immediately proven to be false.
Components: V, S Force them to perform a simple task for you that does not
Duration: 8 hours take them out of your sight, or subvert their loyalties.
This spell enables you to sway a large group of people If a beguiled creature is forced to recognize what you have
toward accomplishing a specific goal. You must speak changed of their perception, they can attempt a Wisdom
emphatically on the subject for 10 minutes, playing on the saving throw against your spellsave DC to end the beguiling.
crowd’s emotions and reason, to inflame their fervor for or On a failed save they will change their thinking to rationalize
against a cause or person. You must be clear about the the new information.
specific goal you want to achieve. If you or an ally attack a beguiled creature, they regain
For example, shouting that “The Academy of Wizards is their senses. If a beguiled creature becomes unable to see
evil and corrupt!” might make people dislike the academy, but you, they regain their senses. If you choose a new creature to
it won’t spur them to action because it doesn’t tell them what beguile, the former regains their senses. In none of these
to do. Adding “Follow me, and we’ll burn it to the ground!” circumstances does the creature know that they were
will send a crowd of torch-bearing arsonists to the academy charmed. A creature can be beguiled for no longer than 1
tower. hour before you must recast this spell to beguile them again.
The spell affects all sentient creatures that are able to hear At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
and understand you within 120 feet. When you finish casting slot of 2nd level or higher, the number of creatures you can
the spell, all potential targets of the spell who fail a Wisdom have beguiled at one time increases by 2, and the time you
saving throw are compelled to follow your instructions for the can keep this spell active for increases by 1 hour, for each slot
duration of the spell, as long as those orders are in keeping level above 1st.
with the goal stated in the speech and you personally lead
them. If these conditions aren’t met, the spell ends. The spell Chaotic Magic
also ends when the goal has been achieved. 1st-level enchantment
Befuddle Casting Time: 1 action
Enchantment cantrip Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 60 feet A creature within range must succeed on a Charisma
Components: V, S saving throw or they become unable to fully control their
Duration: Instantaneous magic. Each time the creature uses magic, such as casting a
A creature within range that fails an Intelligence saving spell, creating a spell-like effect, or a magical feature such as
throw forgets the last round, becoming confused and losing a dragon’s breath, but not using a magic item, roll on the wild
their train of thought. The affected creature remains this way magic table.
until the start of their next turn, and is unable to take Each time they roll on the wild magic table, they can reroll
reactions. Further, if the target creature is concentrating on a their saving throw as well.
spell, they must immediately make a concentration save when
Befuddle is cast on them. Character Flaw
For example, if a lady sees someone running from her 2nd-leel enchantment
husband’s room with a dagger, this spell compels her to Casting Time: 1 action
forget that image. But if the person with the dagger is still Range: Touch
visible on her turn, she’ll wonder about it all over again. Components: S
Beguiling Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
1st-level enchantment One creature that you touch becomes unpleasant and gaffe-
Casting Time: 1 bonus action prone, provided it fails a Wisdom saving throw. Until the spell
Range: Sight ends, the target creature has disadvantage on Charisma
Components: V checks when interacting with other intelligent creatures, and
Duration: 1 hour if applicable must roleplay in such a way as to seem as if they
are completely unaware of typical polite behaviour.
You become indistinct and enthralling as you twist the
perception of yourself to others. When you cast this spell, and
as a bonus action on your turn, you can designate 1 creature
who can see you to become beguiled by you.

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Dire Charm Excessive Indulgence

3rd-level enchantment 3rd-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 200 feet Range: 15 feet
Components: V, S Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You magically infect a living creature with murderous You force a creature of your choice to succeed on a
impulses, unless that creature makes a successful Wisdom Wisdom saving throw or be forced to repeat the last action
saving throw. If the saving throw fails, that creature will they took on each of their subsequent turns for the duration
instantly go berserk, and will seek to destroy everyone of the spell. If the creature has not taken an action recently
around, friend and foe alike. On their turn the creature must then a more mundane action they have taken, such as
use their action to attack the nearest creature, or to dash to snapping their fingers, becomes their indulgence and they
the nearest creature if they cannot reach with their regular must use their action to do it as much as possible.
movement. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 4th level or higher, you can target one additional
Disbelief creature for each slot level above 3rd.
8th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action Fumble
Range: Self 1st-level enchantment
Components: None Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Range: 30 feet
You convince yourself that as many as four objects or Components: V, S, M (a broken finger bone)
creatures of Huge size or smaller simply do not exist. Duration: Duration, up to 1 minute
Creatures you don’t believe in cannot harm or hinder you and One creature you can see becomes cursed with clumsiness
you can pass right through them as if they were difficult if it fails a Wisdom saving throw. While cursed, the creature
terrain (you take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn must make a Dexterity saving throw to avoid falling prone
inside a creature that doesn’t exist). Likewise, you cannot take whenever it moves at least half of its movement speed during
action against a creature or object you don’t believe in. its turn.
It also must make a Dexterity saving throw after each
Empathic Resonance weapon attack it makes to avoid dropping the weapon.
1st-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action Harmonic Discord
Range: Touch 6th-level enchantment
Components: V, S, M (a holy symbol) Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Range: Self
One creature you touch becomes aware of the suffering it Components: V, S
causes. Whenever the creature attempts to injure another Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
creature, it must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the saving You create a discordant ringing sound that fills a 60-foot-
throw fails, then it cannot go through with its action and must radius sphere centered on you. When you move, the sphere
choose to do something else. moves with you.
Any creature in the area must make a Constitution saving
Endless Dance throw against your spell save DC when they try to cast a spell
7th-level enchantment of 6th level or lower; if the saving throw fails, the spell fails
Casting Time: 1 action and it has no effect.
Range: Self (100-foot radius) A creature maintaining a spell of 6th level or lower that
Components: V, S requires concentration must make this saving throw at the
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes beginning of each of its turns or it loses concentration and
the spell ends.
You begin dancing wildly. All creatures within range who Creatures that can’t hear are immune to this effect.
can see you must make a Wisdom saving throw. A creature At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
who fails drops whatever it is holding and begins dancing slot of 7th level or higher, the maximum spell level that this
with you. The creature may make a new saving throw each spell can interrupt is less than or equal to the level of the
minute. spell slot you used.
After the first minute, the creature begins taking 1d8 force
damage each round until the spell ends, the creature
successfully makes a saving throw, or the creature dies.

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Hesitate If the creature succeeds on any of the saving throws from

2nd-level enchantment this spell, the spell and the madness they are suffering from
immediately ends.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Just a Game
Components: V, S, M (a seed) 9th-level enchantment
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 action
All creatures in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point Range: 30 feet
you can see must make Wisdom saving throws. Each Components: V, S
creature that fails the saving throw hesitates briefly, reducing Duration: Instantaneous
its initiative score by 5. If this changes its place in the When you cast this spell you force a creature to succeed on
initiative order, the creature uses the new position for the rest an Intelligence check or be compelled to play a simple game
of the combat. until they are able to win. If you target a creature with less
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell than 8 intelligence, the spell fails.
slot of 3rd level or higher, you reduce affected creature’s The game might be one such as chess, three dragon ante,
initiative by an additional 2 points for each slot level above or similar mundane games. The pieces required for the game
2nd. appear to be visible only to the creature afflicted with this
Impeding Permission spell and their opponent appears to be a featureless specter
5th-level enchantment that will neither allow them to win, or engage them in
conversation other than to explain the rules of the game.
Casting Time: 1 action While the target is playing they appear translucent to those
Range: 30 feet around them, and they cannot be interacted with in any way.
Components: V, S The target must spend a full day attempting to win the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour game. At the end of each day they roll a DC 20 Intelligence
You choose one creature in range that you can see and that check. If it succeeds, it wins the game and they are freed from
has an Intelligence of 5 or greater. That creature must make the compulsion to play. While playing, the creature will
a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, it is charmed by you for the neither eat, sleep, or drink, and may suffer exhaustion from
duration. While the creature is charmed, they can only take this.
actions that you directly approve of, such as by nodding, or by Each day that the creature plays the game they gain an
giving them detailed instructions to follow in advanced. additive +1 bonus to their check as they learn how to beat the
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell with a 6th-level specter.
or higher spell slot, the duration increases by one hour for
every slot level above 5th Loosen tongue
2nd-level enchantment
Incite Fear Casting Time: 1 action
Enchantment cantrip Range: 60 feet
Casting Time: 1 action Components: S
Range: 10 feet Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S, M (a part of a creature or object generally When you cast this spell, a creature within range must
considered spooky, such as a spider or rat) succeed on a Charisma saving throw or say a phrase of your
Duration: Instantaneous choice no longer than 25 words. Whether or not the creature
You attempt to spook a creature within range. They must succeeds on the save, they do not know they said anything
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of out of the ordinary or that they were under the effect of a
you until the end of their next turn. spell.
Inflict Madness Lost Wanderer
6th-level enchantment 6th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (an incomprehensible object from any Components: V, S, M (a broken compass)
other plane of existence worth at least 5,000gp) Duration: 24 hours
Duration: Instantaneous A creature you can see within range must make a Wisdom
When you cast this spell on a creature with at least 8 saving throw. If it fails, it is cursed with the inability to find its
Intelligence they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or way for the duration of the spell. The creature can’t read
fall under the effect of a short-term madness for ten minutes. maps or remember the route to anywhere. The creature can
At the end of the 10 minutes they must succeed on a Wisdom be led to a destination by another creature, but otherwise, it
saving throw or fall under the effect of a long-term madness selects its path randomly.
for 1 week. At the end of the week they must succeed on one The curse doesn’t prevent the creature from making its way
last Wisdom saving throw or fall under the effects of an to destinations it can see. The effect can be ended by magic
indefinite madness. that lifts a curse.

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Nature's Charm Pepper's Purpose

5th-level enchantment Enchantment cantrip
Casting Time: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (30-foot radius) Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Components: S, M (a pinch of pepper)
Duration: 24 hours Duration: Instantaneous
You cause one natural place to exert a special fascination One creature you can see sneezes loudly unless it makes a
to all creatures other than yourself and those native to the successful Constitution saving throw. In addition to revealing
area. Any creature who enters the area must make an a creature’s presence, a failed save also gives the creature
Intelligence saving throw to leave; otherwise, it will make up disadvantage on ability checks until the start of your next
excuses as to why it wishes to stay. turn, as they are briefly disoriented from the force of the
A creature will fight fiercely if someone attempts to make it sneeze.
leave the area, but will otherwise remain there peacefully. Creatures that do not breath are unaffected by this spell.
Oathbinding Revenge
5th-level enchantment 5th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 10 minutes Casting Time: 8 hours
Range: Touch Range: Self
Components: V Components: V, S, M (an object involved in the triggering
Duration: Agreed upon length event, which the spell consumes. If the object is larger than
You or one willing creature you touch vows to behave in a 5ft in any dimension only the portion you are touching is
certain way for the length of the oath, which you both decided consumed)
and agree to while casting. If the target breaks its vow, the Duration: Until dispelled
oath includes the need to perform a certain act of contrition, When you cast this spell you swear a powerful oath of
which must be feasibly possible and not be suicidal in nature. revenge against one who has wronged you. While casting this
Because this spell only affects willing creatures, it is effective spell you must lay your hand upon an object of intense
on creatures that are immune to being charmed. importance to you that is representative of how they have
If the creature breaks its vow, even unknowingly, it takes wronged you.
1d10 psychic damage. If the creature then fails to perform At the end of this ritual you spill your blood onto the object
the chosen act of contrition within 1 week, it takes 5d10 and it dissolves. The target must succeed on a Charisma
psychic damage, and its hit point total is reduced by that saving throw or fall under the oath of revenge. The target has
amount, until it performs the act of contrition. disadvantage on the save if the way they have wronged you
Breaking the vow and performing the act of contrition does was especially malicious and they did it on purpose knowing
not end the spell. You may choose to end the spell early by how malicious it was. The target has advantage on the save if
using an action to dismiss it, and a remove curse, greater they are genuinely mournful of their actions. If the creature is
restoration, or wish spell also ends it. non-sentient, or does not know who you are, they
automatically succeed on the save.
Peacebinding If you or they stop actively pursuing each other the spell
4th-level enchantment ends and whoever triggered this must succeed on a
Casting Time: 1 action Constitution saving throw or die. This spell will also end if
Range: Self you have determined your revenge has been fulfilled, you have
Components: V, S been defeated, you cast the spell again, or either of you dies.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes While this spell persists you and the target know which
direction the other is, as long as you are on the same plane of
To cast this spell, you must be holding at least one weapon existence, and you are consumed by the urge to find each
in your hand, and you must sheathe, sling, or drop every other and settle things once and for all. Violent creatures may
weapon you hold as the spell is cast. Each creature within a consider this to be in the form of combat, others may
60ft radius must make a Wisdom saving throw. If a creature consider this to be a business deal, or some other
fails its saving throw, it too must put away its weapons, and it competition such as a bardic duel.
can’t attack or cast a spell that adversely affects its target for Once your showdown begins neither of you can flee until it
the duration of the peacebinding. If a creature under the is resolved. If you are forcefully removed from the situation,
effect of peacebinding is attacked, it is automatically released such as by teleportation against your will, the spell resumes
from the effect. If you draw a weapon or attack any creature, as normal.
the spell ends immediately.
Creatures with less than 7 intelligence automatically fail
the saving throw.

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Scapegoat Thought Jab

5th-level enchantment Enchantment cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet (20 foot radius sphere) Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (goat hair and a small stone) Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Duration: Instantaneous
You designate a target within range that this spell is You attempt to distract the thoughts of a creature within
centered on. Creatures within 20 feet of the target with at range by projecting your mind towards them.
least 5 Intelligence must make an Intelligence saving throw. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or
On a failure, they believe that the target is responsible for take 1d4 psychic damage, and a concentration save triggered
whatever troubles are plaguing them. This saving throw is at by this damage is rolled with disadvantage.
disadvantage if they already have reason to dislike or distrust This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th
the target. level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Given sufficient evidence to the contrary, affected creatures
can remake the saving throw. Xenophobic Rage
9th-level enchantment
Siren Song Casting Time: 1 action
4th-level enchantment Range: Self
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: 300 feet Duration: 24 hours
Components: V, S, M (a large conch shell and a pint of You sow chaos by drawing upon the secret fears of any
water) number of creatures within 50 feet that you can see to make
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes them instantly aggressive toward anyone not of their own
You choose one humanoid target within range that you can race. Each creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the
see. That target hears haunting, beautiful music and must saving throw fails, the creature feels the full effect of this
make a Wisdom saving throw or become overwhelmed with spell; on a successful save, the creature is confused (per the
the need to find the source. confusion spell) for one minute.
As the music is illusory, it has no actual source and so the Targets that failed their saving throws become homicidal
target will wander aimlessly, however, when you cast this against creatures of a particular race, alignment, political
spell you can designate a location within for the target to party, or other identifying feature of your choosing. They see
believe the music is originating from them as an enemy to be destroyed. They have no allies except
The target will ignore all distractions and will attempt to creatures of their own similar feature, even if those creatures
walk through any obstacle that isn’t an obvious danger. The were their enemies before xenophobic rage was cast. If an
target may react violently against those who try to keep them affected creature is one of the identifying featured, they
from finding the source of the music. automatically succeed on the saving throw.
Though they will not leave on their own, if the target is ever Affected creatures must use all of their powers to the best
at least 300 feet away from the location they were in when of their ability to destroy the nearest enemies they can see.
the spell was cast, the spell ends. Each time an affected creature reduces another creature to 0
hit points or kills it, it can repeat the Wisdom saving throw; a
Targeted Awareness successful save ends the spell’s effect on that creature.
3rd-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action Zone of Deception
Range: 60 feet 2nd-level enchantment
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Range: 60 feet
You choose a target creature within range that must Components: V, S
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save you can Duration: 10 minutes
describe in 25 words or less something that the creature You create a magical zone that guards against the truth in a
becomes unable to notice. For example you may choose for a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on a point of your choice
guard to be unable to notice your thief picking a lock. within range. Until the spell ends, a creature that enters the
If what is blocked changes circumstances in such a way spell’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there
that the affected creature would be able to notice it, such as must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a
the door the thief unlocked opening and closing, they are able creature can’t speak the truth while in the radius.
to remake the saving throw. You know whether each creature succeeds or fails on its
If an unaffected creature brings what is blocked to the saving throw.
attention of the affected creature, they are able to remake the An affected creature is aware of the spell and can thus
save with advantage. avoid answering questions to which it doesn’t want to lie.
Such a creature can hint at the truth as long as the bulk of its
statement is a lie.

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New Necromancy Spells

Bard 3rd Level Shadow of the Dead 4th Level
Corpse Blast Wail of the Banshee Icy Miasma of Death
Cantrips (0 Level) Maintain Control Pestilence
Blood Proxy Weeping Wounds 7th Level
Haunt Empower Undead 5th Level
4th Level Avoid Destruction
1st Level Icy Miasma of Death 8th Level Magician's Gamble
Clot Tomb Rot Winds of Decay
Death Grip 6th Level
Detect Undead 5th Level
Incantation of Reaping
Exhaust Avoid Destruction 1st Level
Haunting Breeze Curse of Undeath Clot 8th Level
Detect Undead Winds of Decay
2nd Level 6th Level Life Line
Crippling Stare Shadow of the Dead
Ghostly Apparition 2nd Level Cantrips (0 Level)
7th Level Crippling Stare Haunt
3rd Level Empower Undead
Blood Purge Immortalize 4th Level 1st Level
Weeping Wounds Icy Miasma of Death Death Grip
8th Level Detect Undead
4th Level Winds of Decay 5th Level Exhaust
Pestilence Avoid Destruction Embalm
Tomb Rot Druid Curse of Undeath Haunting Breeze
Cantrips (0 Level)
5th Level Blood Proxy
Ranger 2nd Level
Curse of Undeath Haunt 1st Level Crippling Stare
Magician's Gamble Prevent Death Clot Skull Guardian
Detect Undaed
6th Level 1st Level 3rd Level
Wail of the Banshee Clot 2nd Level Blood Purge
Death Grip Blood Feast Corpse Blast
8th Level Detect Undead Skull Guardian Dark Lightning
Winds of Decay Embalm Maintain Control

Exhaust Sorcerer
Haunting Breeze 4th Level
Cantrips (0 Level) Cantrips (0 Level) Icy Miasma of Death
Blood Proxy 2nd Level Blood Proxy Pestilence
Haunt Blood Feast
Crippling Stare
1st Level 5th Level
Prevent Death
Death Grip Magician's Gamble
1st Level 3rd Level Detect Undead
Blood Purge Exhaust 6th Level
Death Grip Grave Dust Incantation of Reaping
2nd Level Shadow of the Dead
Detect Undead
4th Level Crippling Stare Wail of the Banshee
Icy Miasma of Death Ethereal Conduit
Haunting Breeze
Pestilence Skull Guardian 7th Level
Life Line
Tomb Rot Empower Undead
2nd Level 3rd Level
5th Level Blood Purge 8th Level
Blood Feast
Avoid Destruction Corpse Blast Winds of Decay
Ghostly Apparition
Dark Lightning
Skull Guardian
6th Level Maintain Control
Weeping Wounds

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Wizard 4th Level Blood Feast

Flight of the Scarabs 2nd-level necromancy (ritual)
Cantrips (0 Level)
Blood Proxy
Icy Miasma of Death Casting Time: 1 minute
Tomb Rot Range: 30ft
Haunt Components: V, S, M (1 pint of blood for each vial created)
5th Level Duration: Instantaneous
1st Level
Death Grip
Avoid Destruction This spell takes the blood of creatures and allow it to be
Curse of Undeath feasted upon to fulfill all of a medium-sized creature's
Detect Undead Magician's Gamble nourishment requirements for the day. For each pint of blood
Embalm taken from a creature, they lose an amount of hit dice equal
6th Level to ¼ of their maximum, and they cannot restore these lost hit
2nd Level Incantation of Reaping dice on their next long rest.
Crippling Stare Wail of the Banshee
One pint of blood is enough to nourish 1 medium sized
Ethereal Conduit creature for 1 full day. After 24 hours the blood spoils and
Ghostly Apparition
Shadow of the Dead cannot be used in this way.
Skull Guardian 7th Level Blood Proxy
Empower Undead Necromancy cantrip
3rd Level Immortalize Casting Time: 1 action
Corpse Blast Range: Self
Dark Lightning 8th Level Components: S, M (your own blood)
Grave Dust Winds of Decay Duration: Instantaneous
Maintain Control This spell allows you to substitute a vial of fresh blood for
Weeping Wounds the spell slot normally required to cast a spell. When you cast
this spell, choose another spell with a casting time no higher
Necromancy Spell than 1 action. You do not consume a spell slot for the spell
you choose. Instead you take 1d12 necrotic damage for each
Descriptions spell slot level. This damage cannot be reduced or negated in
any way.
Avoid Destruction Blood Purge
5th-level necromancy 3rd-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you are Casting Time: 1 action
reduced to 0 hit points Range: 30ft
Range: Self Components: V, S, M (a syringe)
Components: V, S, M (a miniature golden locust, worth at Duration: Instantaneous
least 500gp)
Duration: Instantaneous This grotesque spell causes a single victim who fails a
This incantation allows you to escape bodily destruction Constitution saving throw to uncontrollably vomit up their
when you take damage that reduces you to 0 hit points. Your blood. They take ¼ of their current Hit Points as poison
body explodes into a swarm of locust that fly away from the damage. Undead and Constructs are immune to this spell.
scene as quickly and directly as possible. This spell only Clot
protects you from actual physical destruction due to loss of 1st-level necromancy
Hit Points, it will not protect you from being slain by a spell
or effect that causes death without actually dealing damage. Casting Time: 1 action
You must sacrifice 1 Hit Dice when this spell is cast which Range: Touch
will be returned to when you reform. If you do not have a Hit Components: V, S
Dice to sacrifice, then the spell fails. Duration: 1 minute
While transformed into a locust swarm you have a Flying With this minor incantation you are able to cause a
speed of 60ft and may perceive your surroundings as normal. creature's own blood to clot instantly if it should begin to flow
You may stay in this form for up to 1 hour, after which you due to a wound.
will automatically reform to your natural state, with 1 hit For the duration all non-magical induced damage they
point, as well as 2 levels of exhaustion unless you already suffer is reduced by your spellcasting modifier.
have 3 or more. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional
creature for each slot level above 1st.

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Corpse Blast Death Grip

3rd-level necromancy 1st-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120ft Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (cracked bones) Components: V, S, M (a small, straight piece of bone)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
With this incantation you cause a single corporeal Undead Choose a humanoid that you can see within range. The
under your control to explode sending deadly bone fragments target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be
flying outwards to a range of 15ft. Creatures within the area stunned for the duration as they suffer the full effects of rigor
must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 10d8 mortis. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make
piercing damage, half damage on a success. The targeted another Constitution saving throw. On a success the spell
Undead will be completely destroyed. ends.
If the chosen undead is under ½ of its maximum hit points, This spell has no effect on those without blood.
the damage done by this spell is only 5d8.
Detect Undead
Crippling Stare 1st-level necromancy (ritual)
2nd-level necromancy Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet
Range: Sight Components: V, S, M (a pair of eyes)
Components: S Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You are able to sense the presence of Undead, both
When you invoke this terrible spell your eyes fill with the corporeal and incorporeal, within range. You also know the
hunger of death. The focus of your gaze will begin to have Intelligence score of the undead you sense.
their life drained for as long as you maintain your stare upon The spell can penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked by 3
them. When you cast this spell, and on each of your turns feet of stone, 3 inches of common metal, a thin sheet of lead,
thereafter, you can choose to do 2d6 necrotic damage against or 10 feet of wood or dirt, unless the barrier blocking your
any creature that you can see. This does not require an action detection is part of consecrated ground.
as you simply look towards a creature you hope to harm.
A creature can avert their gaze to avoid you targeting them, Embalm
but they are effectively blinded when they do so. 1st-level necromancy
Curse of Undeath
Casting Time: 1 action
5th-level necromancy Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30ft An undead creature you touch regains a number of hit
Components: V, S, M (a hand from a lich, mummy, or points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
vampire) This spell has no effect on living creatures or Ethereal
Duration: Until Dispelled Undead.
When you cast this spell on a living humanoid they must At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a slot of
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become cursed. 2nd level or higher, the amount of hit points restored
Each of their ability scores is reduced by 1 and they lose 1 hit increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
dice from their maximum, to a minimum of 1. After each
minute that passes each of their ability scores are reduced by Empower Undead
1 again. 7th-level necromancy (ritual)
This process may only be halted with a remove curse spell, Casting Time: 1 minute
a greater restoration spell, or a wish spell. When ALL their Range: 30ft
ability scores reach 1, or they reach 0 Hit Dice maximum, the Components: V, S, M (a full skeleton worth at least 100gp for
creature dies and rises as a zombie under the control of the each undead you are empowering, which the spell
caster of this spell. consumes)
Dark Lightning
Duration: Instantaneous
3rd-level necromancy When you cast this spell choose up to 3 undead that are
Casting Time: 1 action under your control within range. Each of these undead
Range: 60 feet become empowered by you and gain the following benefits:
Components: V, S, M (a piece of obsidian) You may command them as long as they are within 1 mile
Duration: Instantaneous Their Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution are increased
You call forth 3 charges of crackling black energy which to 14 if they were not already higher, and their maximum
hone in on a creature of your choice within range. Each hit points double
charge deals 1d8+3 necrotic damage. They have advantage on saving throws against turn
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Ethereal Conduit Ghostly Apparition

2nd-level necromancy 2nd-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 300 feet
Components: V, S, M (blood in an ethereal state) Components: V, S, M (hair from a dead person)
Duration: 1 round Duration: 10 minutes
This incantation allows your next spell to be able to affect You create the appearance of a number of up to 5 soft
the physical world while you are in an Ethereal state. glowing, ghostly humanoid shapes within range. When you
cast this spell, and on each of your turns thereafter, the
Exhaust figures will move up to 30 feet. They naturally follow
1st-level necromancy corridors or paths, and do not need to be controlled or
Casting Time: 1 action overseen in any way. You can control them more closely as an
Range: 30ft action if desired, but only as long as they remain in sight.
Components: V, S The first time a creature sees these humanoids, they must
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become afraid of them.
They can remake their save at the end of each of their turns.
When you cast this spell you drain the energy rapidly from
a creature within range. The creature must succeed on a Grave Dust
Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion. At the 3rd-level necromancy
end of each of the creature's turns they can roll the save Casting Time: 1 action
again, gaining an additional level of exhaustion each time Range: Self (15-foot cone)
they fail the saving throw. A creature cannot gain more than 5 Components: S, M (dirt from a grave)
levels of exhaustion from this spell. On a successful save the Duration: 1 minute
spell ends and the target returns to however many levels of
exhaustion they had prior to the casting of this spell. With a wave of your hand you blast out a cloud of necrotic
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell dust in a 15ft cone originating from you which saps the
slot of 2nd level or higher, the number of creatures you can senses of creatures caught in the cloud. Any creatures hit by
target increases by 1 for each slot level above 1st. the dust must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or lose
access to their senses and become blinded and deafened for
Flight of the Scarabs 1 minute. A creature can use an action to douse themselves
4th-level necromancy (ritual) or an affected creature with holy water to remove the effect. A
Casting Time: 1 action remove curse spell is also effective.
Range: Self Haunt
Components: V, S, M (golden scarab pendant, worth at least Necromancy cantrip
Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 action
When this spell is cast you summon forth a swarm of Range: 30 feet
Scarabs (or other similarly small flying creatures) which Components: S, M (a pure black feather)
descend upon, and seemingly devour, you as they carry you Duration: Instantaneous
away to a new location that you are familiar with. The Whispering to the spirits you manifest a supernatural
destination of the Scarab's travel is determined during the omen within range. You create one of the following magical
casting of the spell and may not be altered during the flight. effects within range:
Only a location known to you and that the beetles may freely
enter may be chosen as a destination. If for some reason this You cause a chilling breeze to sweep through the area to
location becomes inaccessible during their flight the Scarabs unsettle those within.
will deposit you as near to the desired site as possible. These You cause a creature to glimpse something evil and
Scarabs are able to fly at a speed of 20 mph, and fly 300 feet unnatural out of the corner of their eye that they cannot
above the ground. see even if they turn towards it, for 1 minute.
The Swarm has resistance to Slashing, Piercing, and You cause a creature to feel an uncomfortable urge for 1
Bludgeoning damage, and is vulnerable to fire damage. The minute such as hunger, lust, or greed.
Swarm has ½ of your maximum hit points. If the swarm is You cause a creature to believe something unknown in the
destroyed the spell ends wherever it may be. area is dangerous for 1 minute.
It requires a full round for the Scarabs to consume you and You fill the area with vague whispers of the dead for 1
carry you away, and for them to reform your body at your minute, which creatures cannot source nor hear clearly.
chosen destination. Flight of the Scarabs has a duration of Creatures outside the area cannot hear the whispers.
however long is required for them to fly you to your chosen You harmlessly fling a small object a short distance.
location. If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to
three of its 1-minute effects active at a time, and you dismiss
such an effect as an action.

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Haunting Breeze Finally, if by the end of 1 year the target has not died, the
1st-level necromancy spell ends and all the creatures used for the material
components are freed from their obligation. Otherwise, only
Casting Time: Bonus action a casting of the wish spell can end one's obligation to this
Range: 30 feet spell.
Components: M (a pure black raven's feather worth at least
5gp, which is consumed by the spell) Incantation of Reaping
Duration: Instantaneous 6th-level necromancy (ritual)
With a simple exhalation of your breath you cause a Casting Time: 1 action
chilling breeze to sweep through an area in a 30ft radius Range: Touch
centered on you. The breeze invokes an unsettling feeling Components: V, S
upon those who feel it. Loose papers and other such light Duration: Instantaneous
object will scatter and any unprotected flames will blow and This truly vile incantation formed the very cornerstone of
flicker heavily, while small candles will be extinguished. many ancient foul sorcerers throughout history. When cast
Shadows seem darker and the creature may view the area to upon one who has recently expired this evil spell temporarily
be more foreboding and ominous. binds the soul of the victim to their own blood, which you are
The casting of this spell can only be detected by passive or then able to mystically devour. This of course utterly destroys
active Wisdom (Perception) check against your spellsave DC. the soul of your victim as it in turn grants you great power.
Icy Miasma of Death Invigorated by the raw vitality of your victim's blood you
4th-level necromancy gain the ability to make a spell attack roll with advantage, or a
saving throw a target makes against a spell you have cast
Casting Time: 1 action have disadvantage. You may choose to do this for a number of
Range: Self spell castings of a total spell level equal to the target's
Components: V, S maximum Hit Dice.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Incantation of Reaping must be cast within 1 minute of the
This spell infuses the area around you with the unholy target's death or else their soul will have separated from their
coldness of death. Any living entity who enters this area feels body completely. This spell may only be cast upon mortals
the icy touch of death chill them to their bones, the area that had a soul in life. Constructs and the Undead are
counts as difficult terrain for affected creatures, and they immune to the spell's effects.
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 5d8 Additional castings of this incantation while currently
cold damage at the start of each of their turns, half damage under its effect will increase the number of spells that may be
on a successful save. cast with its imparted bonus. If the energies of the mystically
devoured blood are not used within 24 hours they will dilute
Immortalize and become useless to you.
7th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 24 hours Life Line
Range: Touch (60-foot radius) 1st-level necromancy
Components: V, S, M (a group of living people, who will die Casting Time: 1 action
in place of the target) Range: 30ft
Duration: 1 year Components: V, S
When you cast this spell you merge the lifelines of the Duration: 1 hour
target and a living person or group of people whose When you cast this spell you create a connection between
combined CR (minimum ⅛) meets or exceeds that of the yourself and up to 3 willing creatures within range. As long as
target's CR, or level if they are a player character. you are on the same plane of existence as a linked creature,
The creature you touch at the conclusion of the casting of they are resistant to all damage, and you take the same
this spell becomes immortal to an extent. The first time this amount of damage they take.
creature dies, they are instead restored to their maximum hit You can end this spell on one or more creatures as a
points, all their Hit Dice are restored, and they are cured of all reaction after they take damage, or as a bonus action on your
curses, poisons, and diseases afflicting them. If the creature turn, or you can simply end the spell on everyone for no
died of old age they are also reduced in age by 1 year, action.
effectively granting them another year of life. When this At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
happens, the living people used as the material component to sot of 2nd level or higher, you can target 3 additional
this spell, who must be within 60 feet of you the entire creatures for each slot level above 1st.
duration of the casting, will die suddenly.
If a person who was used as a material component for this
spell dies at some point between the casting time and the
time of the target's death, the target loses 1 maximum hit
point for each person who has died. These lost maximum hit
points cannot be restored in any way, as the creature was
unable to fully revive and will never be whole.

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Locate Corpse Prevent Death

1st-level necromancy (ritual) Necromancy cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: Reaction, which you take when a creature
Range: 100 feet within 30 feet takes damage.
Components: V, S, M (a finger bone from a sentient creature, Range: 30 feet
worth at least 10gp) Components: V, S, M (a shield)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Duration: Instantaneous
The finger bone you provide for this spell points you in the You reduce the damage the target takes by your
direction of any corpse within 100 feet, buried or no. It will spellcasting modifier (minimum 1). You have disadvantage on
choose randomly among corpses but will prioritize sentient your next attack roll or ability check before the end of your
creatures, however at any time you can describe a creature next turn due to substituting the lost energy with your own.
and the finger will direct you to a corpse that best matches The amount of damage reduced increases by your
that description. You can only provide descriptions of spellcasting modifier when you reach 5th level (2x
physical features. spellcasting modifier), 11th level (3x spellcasting modifier),
This spell can be used to locate undead, but not any corpse and 17th level (4x spellcasting modifier)
that has been mutilated beyond recognition, such as by
disintegration. Shadow of the Dead
6th-level necromancy (ritual)
Magician's Gamble Casting Time: 1 action
5th-level necromancy Range: Self
Casting Time: Bonus action Components: V, S, M (a broken lamp)
Range: Self Duration: 24 hours
Components: V You cause an area around you up to a 1000ft radius to be
Duration: 1 hour plunged into the dark shadows of night. For all intents and
When you cast this spell you flush your body with the raw purposes this area counts as night time, you can choose what
arcane malleability of magic. Each time you roll a d20 you phase the moon is in and roughly what the weather is like
must flip a coin, on a heads you add +20 to the result, on a within, though you cannot create an entirely different climate
tails you subtract -20 from the result. from the area you are in. Within the area creatures of the
You can end this spell as a bonus action. night such as undead, vampires, werewolves, and others are
invigorated. Shadows also seem darker and the area carries a
Maintain Control sense of foreboding.
3rd-level necromancy Invigorated creatures within the area of effect, whether
Casting Time: Reaction under your control or not, gain the following benefits:
Range: 60ft Advantage on Wisdom saving throws
Components: V, S, M (vial of tainted holy water worth at +2 to AC, Attack rolls, and Damage rolls
least 15gp, which the spell consumes) 10 Temporary Hit Points, which regenerate each hour
Duration: Instantaneous
When an undead creature under your control fails a saving These bonuses vanish when the spell ends, or when they
throw to resist being turned, you can cast this spell to force exit its confines. The area affected by this spell is stationary
them to succeed on the saving throw instead. once cast: it does not move with you. This spell will enhance
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell you as well if you are Undead.
slot of 4th level or higher, the amount of undead under your If you cast this spell every day for 1 year, it becomes
control you can allow to succeed on the save increases by 1 permanent until dispelled.
for each slot level above 3rd. Skull Guardian
Pestilence 2nd-level necromancy
4th-level necromancy Casting Time: Bonus action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self
Range: 30ft Components: V, S, M (A humanoid's skull worth at least
Components: V, S 10gp, which the spell consumes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: 1 minute
You belch forth a streaming mass of scarabs and locust You animate an intact skull for the sole purpose of
upon your foes. Those struck by this mass of insects become defending you from attacks.
completely engulfed by them for the duration of the spell. The risen skull will float around you at approximately waist
This causes your victims to suffer 4d10 piercing damage at level and increases your AC by your spellcasting modifier.
the start of each of their turns. Additionally, all actions by When a melee attack misses you, you may use your reaction
those affected are done with disadvantage due to the pain to parry and make one weapon attack against the attacking
and distractions wrought by this foul swarm. creature, with the skull acting as a 1d6 weapon using your
spellcasting ability.

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When a ranged attack misses you, you may use your reaction Winds of Decay
to catch the missile (if possible) and launch it back at the 8th-level necromancy
attacking creature if you can see them and they are within 60
feet. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120ft
Tomb Rot Components: V, S, M (a handful of dust from an ancient
4th-level necromancy civilization)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch You conjure forth an ancient wind from a time long
Components: V, S, M (bandages of a mummy worth 100gp, forgotten that causes any and all inanimate objects it should
which the spell consumes) blow upon to age in a matter of moments. In a 15ft radius
Duration: Instantaneous within range, all non-magical items within this area are
You attempt to lay your hand on your target and drain their immediately aged by a thousand years and may crumble to
health. Make a melee spell attack against the target. On a hit dust. The size and weight of an object affected by this spell
the target's skin blisters and decays where you touch, matters not, though if the target is larger than the template
inflicting 6d8 Necrotic damage. only those parts that fall within the area of effect will be
In addition, the target must succeed on a Wisdom saving destroyed, though this could cause large objects (such as a
throw or be stricken by the Tomb Rot disease. The target building) to collapse on their own.
ages 1d10+5 years and has disadvantage on Strength, If a creature is within the area of this spell, they must
Dexterity, and Constitution checks and saves until they succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to dive out of the area of
complete a long rest. At the end of each long rest the target the spell. On a failed save they age 1d10 x 10 years and all
must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw again or age their non-magical equipment crumbles to dust. On a
1d10+5 years and have disadvantage again. On a successful successful save they are unaffected.
save they are cured of Tomb Rot. Animate Dead Variant
Wail of the Banshee In order to better accomodate necromancy characters, this
6th-level necromancy spell is a variation on the Animate Dead spell found in the
Casting Time: 1 action player's handbook.
Range: Self Animate Dead
Components: V, S, M (a banshee feather) 1st-level necromancy (ritual)
Duration: Instantaneous
You rear back and emit a terrifying howl of pure evil, Casting Time: 1 minute
creatures who have taken damage within 120ft must succeed Range: 10 feet
on a Wisdom saving throw or become afraid of you and be Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood, a piece of flesh, and a
immediately reduced to ½ of their maximum hit points. pinch of bone dust)
Creatures immune to fear, that can't hear you, or are below ½ Duration: Instantaneous
of their maximum hit points already automatically pass the This 1st level variation of Animate Dead has the following
save. changes:
Weeping Wounds Instead of the undead being animated for 24 hours, it
3rd-level necromancy remains animated for just 1 hour.
Casting Time: 1 action Each time 1 hour passes, you must suceed on a
Range: 10ft Concentration saving throw with a cumulative +2 to the
Components: V, S, M (a vial of poisoned blood) DC. On a failed save it breaks free of your control.
Duration: 1 minute (concentration)
This incantation causes your target to bleed profusely and At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
uncontrollably. The target must succeed on a Constitution slot of 2nd level or higher, you can raise one additional
saving throw or become vulnerable to all damage except for undead per spell slot level above 1st.
psychic damage.

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New Miscellaneous Spells

Bard 8th Level Conjure Vehicle Wrath
Decree Summon the Depths
Cantrips (0 Level) Wizard
Bring To 9th Level Sorcerer Cantrips (0 Level)
Dissolve Wrath Cantrips (0 Level) Barrier of Force
Forbid Bring To Bring To
Druid Dissolve Detect Truth
1st Level 1st Level Duplicate Dissolve
Bestow Enchantment Bestow Enchantment Forbid Duplicate
Suppress Corrupt Lines Telekinetic Flutter Forbid
Swap Position Enchanted shield of Agathys Reinforce
Geyser 1st Level Telekinetic Flutter
2nd Level Leomund's Shield Wall Bestow Enchantment
Equalize Corrupt Lines 1st Level
Sound Bubble 3rd Level Geyser Antigrav
Spike Armor Conjure Vehicle Malleable Defense Bestow Enchantment
Summon the Depths Swap Position Corrupt Lines
3rd Level Geyser
Enchant Grenade 4th Level 3rd Level Malleable Defense
Trick Command Trap Enchant Grenade Remedy
Negate Shield of Cleansing
4th Level 6th Level Swap Position
Command Trap Set Time 4th Level
Instant Audience Command Trap 2nd Level
9th Level Conjure Platform
8th Level Wrath 5th Level Equalize
Decree Redirect Spell Sense Death
Paladin Spike Armor
Cleric 1st Level 8th Level
Cantrips (0 Level) Bestow Enchantment Decree 3rd Level
Detect Truth Enchanted Shield of Agathys Conjure Vehicle
Leomund's Shield Wall
Warlock Detect Residents
Cantrips (0 Level) Enchant Grenade
1st Level 2nd Level Dissolve Greater Alarm
Bestow Enchantment Equalize Forbid Negate
Enchanted Shield of Agathys Sense Death
Leomund's Shield Wall Spike Armor 1st Level 4th Level
Suppress Enchanted Shield of Agathys Command Trap
4th Level Geyser
2nd Level Detect Residents Leomund's Shield Wall 5th Level
Sense Death Swap Position Redirect Spell
3rd Level 1st Level 2nd Level 6th Level
Detect Residents Corrupt Lines Spike Armor Set Time
Summon the Depths Enchanted Shield of Agathys
Geyser 3rd Level 8th Level
4th Level Leomund's Shield Wall Summon the Depths Decree
Command Trap
2nd Level 5th Level 9th Level
6th Level Spike Armor Redirect Spell Perfect Teleportation
Set Time Wrath
3rd Level 9th Level

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Bring To
Spell Descriptions Evocation cantrip
Antigrav Casting Time: 1 Action
1st- level transmutation Range: 60 feet
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Components: V, S, M (a magnet with a piece of twine tied to
Range: 10 feet it)
Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 1 round When you cast this spell, you choose a creature no bigger
When you cast this spell you reduce the effect of gravity on than Large, or an object no bigger than 10 feet in any
1 creature or object no larger than medium size. If the target dimension. You attempt to either move yourself up to 30 feet
is unwilling, it can make a Constitution saving throw. On a towards the target, or to move the target up to 30 feet
success, the spell has no effect. towards you. The movement is silent, as the object or you
The target's weight is reduced to 10 pounds, unless it was hover very slightly above the ground, but it must end in a safe
already less than that. Its mass remains the same as before. space. An unwilling creature can succeed on a Strength
Until the spell ends, the target is immune to falling damage. saving throw to prevent the movement from this spell.
If the target was a creature, its jump distance is tripled
until the spell ends, and it has advantage on Strength checks Command Trap
to climb. It has disadvantage on saving throws and ability 4th-level transmutation
checks made to resist being moved against its will. Casting Time: 1 action
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell Range: 120 feet
slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target 1 additional Components: V, S
creature for each slot level above 1st. Duration: Instantaneous
Barrier of Force When you cast this spell you choose one trap you can see
Conjuration cantrip within range and make an ability check using your casting
ability to attempt to seize control of the trap. The DC equals
Casting Time: 1 Action 10 + the trap maker's relevant ability modifier. If you fail the
Range: 60 feet check by 5 or more, the trap activates.
Components: V, S, M (a shard of glass) On a success you learn how the trap works and you can
Duration: 1 round magically alter the circumstances the trap's activation using
A spectral wall of force springs into existence at an empty no more than 25 words.
point you choose within range. The wall appears in any
orientation you choose, as a horizontal or vertical barrier or Conjure Platform
at an angle. It can be free floating or resting on a solid 2nd-level conjuration
service. The barrier is 5ft by 5ft, and is ¼ inch thick. It lasts Casting Time: 1 Action
for the duration. Range: 120 feet
The wall has an AC of 15, and has 10 hit points. The wall Components: V, S, M (a cube of precious metal worth at
shatters if it holds a weight exceeding 50 pounds, but can least 15gp)
resist shoves and attacks like normal. Duration: 1 minute
Bestow Enchantment When you cast this spell you create a 10 foot cube within
1st-level evocation range that is made of either wood or stone. The cube is
locked to its position, can hover in the air, and can hold up to
Casting Time: Same as the chosen spell 1000 pounds.
Range: Self At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Components: V slot of 3rd level or higher, the amount of cubes you can create
Duration: Instantaneous increases by 1 for each slot level above 2nd.
When you cast this spell, choose a spell of equal or lower
level with a range of Self that you can cast. You give another Conjure Vehicle
willing creature the effects of that spell, and they are able to 3rd-level conjuration (ritual)
control and benefit from that spell as if they had cast it Casting Time: Up to 8 hours
themself. Range: Touch
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell Components: S, M (see description)
slot of 2nd level or higher, you can choose a spell of equal or Duration: Up to 1 month
lower level of the spell slot level used to cast this spell. With this spell you can build a vehicle to carry you and your
party. When you cast this spell you can spend up to 8 hours
crafting using any supplies on hand, such as driftwood,
barrels and boxes, or scrap steel. The spell guides your hand
and automatically instills the knowledge required to make the
vehicle. For each hour you spend crafting, the vehicle can
safely hold one additional person.

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The vehicle has 8 hit points for every hour spent crafting it, it Detect Residents
is immune to psychic and poison damage, and has resistance 3rd-level Divination (ritual)
to all other damage types.
Your vehicle can function for 1 week + 1 day per hour you Casting Time: 1 Action
spend building it, after which it begins to fall apart from wear Range: Touch
and tear. You can prevent this by spending the time you Components: V, S, M (a scroll with information on the
originally spent crafting the vehicle maintaining it. Each day location of the home written on it worth at least 50gp,
you do this extends the vehicle's lifespan for an additional day. which the spell consumes)
If you do not maintain your vehicle, or at the end of the Duration: Instantaneous
month limit, it will be slowly cease functioning and become You lay your hand upon the entrance to a home or other
unsalvageable over the 24 hours after its last maintenance. residency that is no more than 50 feet in any dimension. You
If you have high quality supplies, such as manufactured learn the name that each creature who has lived there within
wood or fresh fully grown trees, as well as manufactured the last week goes by. If a creature has multiple identities you
tools to make your vehicle, double all the numbers in this learn the name of the one they most commonly used when
spell description including casting time and duration. within the home. If no one has lived in the home within the
After the vehicle falls apart, you cannot use these materials last week, you learn this and the spell ends.
a second time as the material component for this spell. If you When casting this spell you can choose to target only one
make a vehicle that requires a horse or similar creature to part of a building, such as an apartment, a tower in a castle,
pull it, this spell does not supply one. or a secret basement.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Corrupt Lines slot of 4th level or higher, the maximum size of a dimension
1st-level evocation of the building increases by 50 feet for each slot level above
Casting Time: 1 Action 3rd.
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small knife) Detect Truth
Duration: Instantaneous Divination cantrip
You shout a command and gesture at any number of ropes Casting Time: 1 Action
and chains, such as fishing rods, nets, and bow strings. You Range: Touch
can choose to destroy the lines, knot them to render them Components: S
unusable, or manipulate them in any other number of ways Duration: Instantaneous
such as to turn on their user. The line must be less than one You lay your hand on a willing creature and speak a yes or
inch in diameter. Magical lines can only become inoperable no question out loud. The creature's answer is revealed to you
for up to 1 minute, as if they refuse to follow the user's as a truth or a lie. You must be able to understand the
commands. language spoken.
Creatures actively using a line can succeed on a Dexterity A clever target can pass a half truth off as a truth, or a dim
saving throw to avoid their tool being broken. witted creature can potentially misinterpret the question, or
simply not know the answer.
8th-level transmutation Dissolve
Casting Time: 1 action Transmutation cantrip
Range: Self (up to 10-mile radius) Casting Time: 1 Action
Components: V, S, M (a bundle of copper wire) Range: 10 feet
Duration: 1 round Components: V, S
You choose a radius around you up to a maximum of 10 Duration: Instantaneous
miles and either whisper or shout a message. Each conscious With a wave of your hand you create a sphere of energy
creature within the area individually hears the message as within range that has a 1 foot diameter and dissolves objects
whisper if that is how you spoke the message. If you shout within it. You do not need to be able to see the space that you
the message then your voice will crash across the lands like cast this sphere into.
the echo of thunder. This sphere deals 2d8 force damage to objects. Living
This spell will not penetrate into areas of magical silence. substance is unaffected by this spell.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell This spell's damage increases by 2d8 when you reach 5th
slot of 9th level, you can choose to deliver your message to level (4d8), 11th level (6d8), and 17th level (8d8).
the entire plane of existence.

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Duplicate Equalize
Conjuration cantrip 2nd-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 10 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a mirror) Components: V, S, M (a pair of balanced scales)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You create a perfect copy of an inanimate object within When you cast this spell choose 2 creatures within range.
range. The target must fit within a 5 foot cube and weigh no You change one of the target's AC into the other target's AC
more than 10 pounds. for the duration. This can be used to grant a low AC creature
The copy appears in your hand or, if you prefer, in an another creature's much higher AC, or vice versa. An
unoccupied space adjacent to you. If the original target is unwilling creature can roll a Constitution saving throw to
magical, the copy does not share any of its magical negate the effect.
properties. On each of your turns you can use a bonus action to swap
The copy disappears when the spell ends. the two target creature's AC once again, this grants an
unwilling creature another saving throw.
Enchant Grenade
3rd-level transmutation Forbid
Casting Time: 1 Action Abjuration cantrip
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 Action
Components: V, S, M (up to 10 small objects to enchant) Range: 30 feet
Duration: 10 minutes Components: V, S
With this spell you enchant up to 10 small objects about 1 Duration: Instantaneous
inch in radius with an activation word of your choice. For the You point your finger at a creature within range and speak
next 10 minutes, these items can be used by anyone as a aloud something you forbid them from doing, such as
grenade, or remote bomb. A creature who has held the attacking a certain creature, fleeing, hiding, standing up, or
grenade within the last minute is deemed the "owner" and is even crying or eating. Your forbidden action must be
the only one who can activate the grenade with the keyword, described in no more than 5 words.
until another creature holds the grenade. If no one has held If the target fails a charisma saving throw, they cannot
the grenade for 1 minute, it cannot be activated until choose to do what you have forbidden them from doing until
someone holds it. the end of your next turn.
When the keyword is spoken for no action, one grenade of
the speaking creature's choice will detonate if they can see it. Geyser
Creatures within a 5ft radius of the detonation must succeed 1st-level evocation
on a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or Casting Time: 1 Reaction
take 2d6 + your spellcasting modifier fire damage, half Range: 30 feet
damage on a miss. Components: V, S
A creature can also throw the grenade and detonate it once Duration: Instantaneous
it reaches another space.
When a creature moves within range you can use your
Enchanted Shield of Agathys reaction to force the creature to make a Dexterity saving
1st-level abjuration throw as a 5x5 geyser appears and erupts beneath their feet.
Casting Time: 1 Action On a failed save the creature is flung 30ft into the air. The
Range: Touch creature must be moving on solid ground, and when they land
Components: V, S, M (a glass bottle containing one of the they are knocked prone. If they cannot go 30 feet upwards,
following; a handful of leaves for acid, a cup of water for they take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each 10ft they go
cold, a lump of coal for fire, a small metal rod for lightning, before they hit an object preventing their movement, such as
or a stick for poison) a ceiling.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute If you cast this on a moving boat that could reasonably be
flipped by the geyser, then the boat capsizes.
When you cast this spell, a coating of elemental energy
covers the shield you touch. Choose acid, cold, fire, lightning,
or poison.
For the duration, every time a melee attack misses the
creature wielding the shield, the spell deals 5 points of the
chosen damage type to the creature that made the attack.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage dealt by the spell
increases by 5 for each slot level above 1st.

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Greater Alarm Leomund's Shield Wall

3rd-level abjuration (ritual) 1st-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 300 feet Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a tiny bell and a piece of fine gold Components: V, M (a small shard of glass)
wire) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Duration: Until dispelled When you cast this spell, a barrier of force extends out of
You set an alarm that activates on a trigger of your choice. the shield you touch. The barrier extends 5 feet to the left and
Choose a door, window, or an area within range that is no right, and 3 feet above and below the shield. Leomund's
larger than a 100-foot cube. Until the spell ends, an alarm shield wall provides half cover to creatures behind it, and
alerts you whenever an event that you describe happens creatures behind the wall gain advantage on dexterity saving
within the warded area. When you cast the spell describe a throws from spells cast from the other side of the wall.
situation in no more than 25 words that activates the alarm,
such as "Dinner is ready" or "Our note is found in the empty Malleable Defense
chest". You also choose whether the alarm is mental or 1st-level abjuration
audible. Casting Time: 1 Action
A mental alarm alerts you with a ping in your mind if you Range: 60 feet
are on the same plane of existence as the warded area. This Components: V, S, M (a set of dice worth at least 10gp)
ping awakens you if you are sleeping. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
An audible alarm produces a sound of your choice for 10
seconds that can be heard up to 300 feet away. When you cast this spell you gain 2 glowing orbs of
protective energy for the duration. Each of these orbs
Instant Audience contains a +1 bonus. As a bonus action you can distribute
4th-level conjuration (ritual) these glowing orbs amongst any creatures within range,
Casting Time: 1 Action including yourself, and change any number of orbs from red
Range: 30 feet to blue, or blue to red.
Components: V, S, M (a bundle of tickets) Each red orb applies the +1 bonus to the creature's AC, and
Duration: 1 hour each blue orb applies the +1 bonus to a creature's saving
throws. If a creature with a red orb is hit by an attack, one of
When this spell is cast, you determine a performance or the red orbs is destroyed. If a creature with a blue orb fails a
contest of some kind that will occur within range of you. If saving throw, one of the blue orbs is destroyed.
the event does not begin at least 1 minute after casting, the A single creature can only have 4 orbs at one time.
spell ends. When cast, a crowd of audience members are At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
magically conjured, entering the location from around slot of 2nd level or higher, you create 2 more orbs for each
corners, doors, trees, or simply fading into existence where slot level above 1st.
no one is looking. The actual number of audience members
appears to fluctuate depending on the scope of the Negate
performance, but the crowd, and individual audience 3rd-level abjuration
members, will go no more than 60 feet away from the Casting Time: 1 reaction
performance. Range: 30 feet
The conjured audience contains a combination of races, Components: V, S, M (a pocket watch)
gender, and social class appropriate to the occasion. Duration: Instantaneous
Instant audience members act in every way like any other
members of the audience. They walk around during When you cast this spell you can reverse time by a split
intermission, talk, eat snacks, and so on. However, they second, allowing you to negate an action you saw within
always evade questions about their past, their history, or range. Everyone who witnessed the action remembers it
current events, as they have no past, no history, and have no happened, and the creature whose action was negated still
idea as to what is going on in the world outside of the area has their action, allowing them to simply try again if they are
they are in. so inclined.
Instant audience members will never fight or cast spells
against a real creature, but they may fight amongst
themselves and they can be bullies or braggarts if that is
appropriate. A rogue shot or spell from an instant audience
member will do no damage to a real creature.
An instant audience member will vanish, along with all of
the items they appeared with, if they take any damage from a
real creature. Once the performance or the spell ends, instant
audience members leave in an appropriate manner and
vanish as soon as they are out of view.

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Perfect Teleportation Remedy

9th-level Conjuration 1st-level evocation (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Special Range: Touch
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (25gp worth of grinded herbs)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous (see text)
You teleport yourself and any number of creatures or You perform one of several health care rituals. When you
objects within 30 ft of you to a location of your choice cast the spell, choose one of the following rituals, the target of
anywhere in the multiverse. Each object teleported can be no which must be within 10 feet of you throughout the casting.
larger than 30 feet in any dimension. Unwilling creatures can In addition to the effect described, the target restores 1 hit
make a Charisma saving throw; on a success, they are not point.
teleported. If your chosen destination does not exist, you Mend. You mend a minor injury on a creature. This ritual
become aware of this fact, the casting is canceled, and the can heal a lingering injury (DMG pg. 272) unless the
spell slot is not consumed. injury requires the regenerate spell, or perform minor
If the location is shielded against teleportation or planar surgeries such as setting a bone or repairing a fracture.
travel, you can make an ability check with your spellcasting Purify. You bolster a creature's immune system, allowing
ability against the save DC of the effect blocking the them to make a save against a poison or disease afflicting
teleportation. On a success, you pass through the shield and them. A creature cannot benefit from this ritual again until
arrive at your intended location. they complete a long rest.
On a fail, you cannot break through. You can either remain Anaesthetic. The creature cannot feel pain for 10
where you are, or the DM will describe up to 3 nearby minutes, the creature will still know it is being harmed.
locations you can teleport to instead. The spell slot is Cleanse. The creature has all scarring removed from the
consumed either way. spots you touch. In addition, any wounds you touch cannot
Redirect Spell become infected.
5th-level transmutation Sense Death
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you see a 2nd-level divination (ritual)
creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 60 feet Range: Touch
Components: S Components: V, S, M (a clear stone worth at least 50gp)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
You attempt to redirect a creature in the process of casting
a spell. If the creature is casting a spell of 5th level or lower, You lay your hand on a humanoid corpse whose identity
you learn what, and if relevant where, the creature is you can recognize. You replay the last minute of the creature's
targeting and you can choose new targets for the spell. If it life, seeing and hearing from their senses. If the creature
is casting a spell of 6th level or higher, make an ability spoke while they could not hear, you can still tell what they
check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + were trying to say. If the creature falls unconscious or asleep
the spell's level. On a success, you can redirect the spell. during the minute you are seeing, your replay of the events
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell ends. If the creature was not of their right mind, such as
slot of 6th level or higher, you can redirect the spell if its level targeted by the charm person spell, you know they are under
is less than or equal to the level of the spell slot you used. the effects of the spell.
You must cast this spell within 1 day of the creature's
Reinforce death.
Abjuration cantrip At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 3rd level or higher, the amount of time you can see
Casting Time: 1 Action before the creature's death, and the casting time of this spell,
Range: Touch increases by 1 minute for each slot level above 2nd.
Components: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Set Time
At your touch an object solidifies and is magically 6th-level evocation (ritual)
reinforced against damage. The object gains DR 5, its AC Casting Time: 1 hour
becomes 10 if it was not already higher, and it gains 10 Range: Self
temporary hit points. If you touch a structure such as a Components: V, S, M (a lit lantern filled with oil, which
building or vehicle then only 1 brick, plank, or a single extinguishes when the spell is cast)
component such as a door or window will be reinforced. Duration: 24 hours
Living objects such as an animated sword or a warforged When you cast this spell choose a time of day. You cause an
cannot be affected by this spell. area around you up to 1 mile in radius to be forced to the
time you choose for the duration. The time of day does not
actually change when you cast this spell, it merely appears to
be that time for the duration of the spell. However for all
intents and purposes it is the chosen time within the area.
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You can set the phase of the moon and make small Summon the Depths
adjustments to the weather in the area as well, but you 3rd-level evocation
cannot change the climate.
If you cast this spell in the same place each day for 1 year, Casting Time: 1 Action
the duration becomes permanent. Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a living aquatic plant)
Shield of Cleansing Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
1st-level abjuration A spherical area around you with a radius of 30ft becomes
Casting Time: 1 Action dark and cold and tinted blue, becoming dim light if it is in an
Range: Touch area of bright light, or total darkness if in an area of dim light.
Components: V, S, M (a broom) A creature that enters the area or starts its turn there must
Duration: 24 hours succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become afraid of you.
When you cast this spell you touch a creature or object. For When afraid from this spell the creature begins to drown and
the duration the target cannot become dirty, rusted, or becomes incapacitated. They can remake the save at the start
become spoiled if perishable.The target has advantage on of each of their turns.
saving throws they make to resist poisons and diseases. The Suppress
target will also appear as clean as possible during this time. If 1st-level abjuration
a target object is broken or otherwise physically damaged in
a way that prevents it from being used, the spell ends. Casting Time: 1 action
If the target is a container such as a jar or a crate, this spell Range: Touch
effects everything in the container. Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Sound Bubble When you cast this spell you lay your hand onto a creature
2nd-level abjuration or object under the ongoing effects of a spell. If the spell is of
Casting Time: 1 Action 1st level or lower the spell is suppressed for the duration. If
Range: 30 feet the spell is of 2nd level or higher you must make an ability
Components: S, M (a hollow glass ball at least 1-inch in check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the
radius) spell's level, on a success the spell is suppressed.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Once this spell ends, the spell resumes as if no time had
passed for it. A creature that is concentrating on the effect
When you cast this spell, an invisible bubble with a 5 foot must continue concentrating on the spell even while it is
radius springs into existence within range. Sound cannot suppressed.
pass through the walls of the bubble. Any sound made within At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
cannot be heard from those outside of it, and sound outside slot of 2nd level or higher, you can suppress the spell if its
of the bubble cannot be heard by those inside of it. level is less than or equal to the level of the spell slot you
Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on each of used.
your subsequent turns to move the bubble up to 30 feet. If
you move more than 30 feet away from the bubble, the spell Swap Position
ends. 1st-level conjuration
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 3rd level or higher, the radius of the bubble increases Casting Time: 1 Action
by 5 feet for each slot level above 2nd. Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a pair of alike humanoid carvings)
Spike Armor Duration: Instantaneous
2nd-level abjuration When you cast this spell, two creatures, including yourself,
Casting Time: 1 Action within range teleport to each other's spaces. An unwilling
Range: 10 feet creature can succeed on a Charisma saving throw to prevent
Components: V, S either person from teleporting.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
A willing creature you choose within range gains a spectral 3rd-level illusion
armor that attaches to them for the duration. While they have
this armor, ½ of the damage dealt to them from any melee Casting Time: 1 bonus action
weapon attacks that hit them is dealt back to the attacking Range: Self
enemy as the armor lashes out at them. Components: S
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell Duration: Special
slot of 3rd level or higher, the number of creatures you can When you cast this spell, the next ability check you perform
target increases by 1 for each slot level above 2nd. within the next 10 minutes appears to have a different result
from what actually occurs. Those observing you, regardless
of your roll, see a result of your choice as if you had rolled a
either a 10 or a 20 on the d20 roll before adding your
relevant modifiers.
You do not actually roll a 10 or 20 however.
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For example, if you cast this spell then fail an attempt to leap Wrath
over a pit, others might see you succeed while you have 9th-level evocation (ritual)
actually failed and fallen.
In addition, this spell will not enable you to appear to do Casting Time: 1 hour
the impossible, as some tasks are simply not able to be Range: Same plane of existence
accomplished. Components: V, S, M (a special component that varies
The duration of this spell is however long the chosen ability according to the version of the spell you choose, worth at
check takes. If you are not in a position to have succeeded the least 10,000gp, which the spell consumes)
check once the illusion fades however (such as by having Duration: Until dispelled
fallen from the bridge in the example above), the illusion will You unleash the fury of a god upon a location you are
fade and everyone will know it was an illusion. Otherwise, familiar with. The effect of this spell will affect out to
the spell shapes the illusion of you to move into a position whatever you deem is the borders of the area, but no further
you are currently in just as the spell ends to avoid any than 10 miles in any direction.
discrepency. When you cast the spell, you choose one of the following
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell forms of your wrath.
slot of 6th level or higher you can appear to do the impossible Describe a deity-like effect to plague the area as specifically
regardless of what is able to be accomplished. as you can, such as poisoned water, indefinitely burning fires,
or plagues of locust. At the end of this description you must
Telekinetic Flutter declare an event that will end the wrath.
Transmutation cantrip Plague. The area is inflicted with a devastating plague.
Casting Time: 1 action This can take the form of rotting the minerals which prevents
Range: 60 feet them from being used, locusts which roam the area and
Components: V, S devour all the vegetation they can, poisoned water and foods,
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute forced undeath against any who die in the area, or other
You telekinetically move an object up to 30 feet in any similar applications of a plague as determined by you and
direction. This movement is not fast enough to deal damage agreed upon by the DM.
or break any tethers. The object can be no larger than 5 feet The special component for this version of the spell is the
in any dimension, and no heavier than 50 pounds. You cannot preserved hand of a dead creature.
target an item being worn by a creature, but you can target an Storm. The area is wracked by a never ending storm. This
item being held by a creature. When targeting an item held by can be a sandstorm, ice storm, hurricane, lightning storm,
a creature, the creature must succeed on a Strength saving sporadic earthquakes, whirlpool, or any other similar natural
throw against your spell save DC, or have the item ripped phenomenon that can churn unendingly as determined by
from their hand. you and agreed upon by the DM.
If more than 50 pounds of force are applied to the object in The special component for this version of the spell is a
any direction, the spell ends. gemstone of a colour representing the storm you are creating.
Flames. The area is ignited nearly entirely by ever burning
flames. These flames cannot be put out with water, will not
catch to any area outside of the determined location, and will
move in such a way as to devour anything, or anybody, in their
path. The flames will emphasize its spreading to target
individuals or objects you determine and agreed upon by the
The special component for this version of the spell is a
chunk of condensed volcanic rock.
Imprisonment. The area becomes trapped in a literal or
metaphorical prison. This prison can be in the form of a
dome of force surrounding the location, the whole area
becoming frozen in time, a command to act a certain way and
never leave, or the conjuration and regeneration of powerful
monsters that prevent anyone from leaving.
The special component for this version of the spell is a
clear crystal.
Ending the Spell. During the casting of the spell, you must
specify a condition that will cause the spell to end. The
condition can be as specific or as elaborate as you choose,
but the DM must agree that the condition is reasonable and
has a likelihood of coming to pass. The conditions can be
based on a creature's name, identity, or deity but otherwise
must be based on observable actions or qualities and not
based on intangibles such as level, class, or hit points.

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2/5/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit
Xenophobic Rage: Book of Lost Spells
Sources and Modified to be 9th level to balance impact and power of
Zone of Deception: The (Not Really) Complete Tome of
Changelog Spells
Modified to add to paladin’s spell list

ot every single spell here was created
completely originally by me. The ideas have Image Credits
come from all over the internet, and I Illustrations: DMs Guild Creator Resource
modified them to make them better, more Dice Image from, licensed for use
balanced, more interesting, more fun. commercially.
Cartoon Bee Image from,
In addition, the Rogue Hoard Raider was an idea originally licensed for use commercially.
made by Middle Finger of Vecna. The idea was revamped by Second Cartoon Bee Image from Wikimedia Commons,
me to make it more useful outside of extremely specific licensed for use commercially.
adventures and campaigns.
Here are the spells I have edited as well.
Agitate Crowd: The Book of Lost Spells
Modified to make it 8th level to balance impact, added to
warlock spell list
Befuddle: The Book of Lost Spells
Modified to more closely follow game mechanics
Character Flaw: Book of Lost Spells
modified to clarify usage and to place on the Bard spell list
Dire Charm: The (Not Really) Complete Tome of Spells
Modified to simplify
Disbelief: The (Not Really) Complete Tome of Spells
Modified to remove components to better match flavour
Empathic Resonance: Book of Lost Spells
Modified to follow 5th edition game design objectives, and
Excessive Indulgence: D&D 2nd edition
Updated to 5th edition rules
Fumble: Book of Lost Spells
Modified to simplify effects
Harmonic Discord: Book of Lost Spells
Modified to match spell level to strength of the spell, and to
function in the same way as similar official spells. Due to this
change, added to sorcerer, warlock, and wizard spell list
Hesitate: Book of Lost Spells
Modified to add higher spell slot casting effects
Impeding Permission: The (Not Really) Complete Tome
of Spells Creators forgot to put it on any spell lists, placed it
onto some
Lost Wanderer: Book of Lost Spells
Modified to clean up description and match range with
existing standards
Nature’s Charm: The (Not Really) Complete Tome of
Modified to balance casting time
Oathbinding: The (Not Really) Complete Tome of Spells
Modified to allow caster and target to choose duration of
the oath
Peacebinding: Book of Lost Spells
Modified to add to cleric and druid spell list
Pepper’s Purpose: Book of Lost Spells
Modified to make more of a competitive pick against other
Scapegoat: The (Not Really) Complete Tome of Spells
Modified to balance usage on groups of people
Siren Song: The (Not Really) Complete Tome of Spells
Modified to allow choosing a location the music originates
from, and to allow a way for the spell to end on the target

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