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Multi Lineage Progenitor Cells Ped 1660 06

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First step towards regulated generation of fully differentiated cells grown in humanised
chemically defined media.

Key Features:
• Simple and efficient method for generating progenitor cells committed to specific
germ layers from which all adult cells are derived
• Easy and reliable method for expanding populations of pluripotent cells using
specific growth factors
• Large-scale culture of primary cells or biopsy material

For further information please contact:

Dr Andrew Walsh
+44 (0)1223 760339
Cambridge Enterprise Limited, University of Cambridge
Hauser Forum, 3 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge, CB3 0GT

Case Ref: Ped-1660-06

Background first step towards regulated generation of fully dif-
ferentiated cells to produce a large variety of cell
Current methods to differentiate stem cells are types. The method further provides a means for
limited by the quantity of growth factors required expanding populations of pluripotent cells.
for large scale application and the use of media
comprising animal products, which renders cells The culture conditions required are devoid of ani-
incompatible for clinical applications. These meth- mal products, eliminating factors that obscure
ods for generating pluripotent cells also require analysis of developmental mechanisms and ena-
human embryonic cells to be grown in culture bling clinical compatibility. Prolonged cell growth
conditions during prolonged periods of time, which in culture in the presence of specific growth fac-
can result in loss of pluripotency and acquisition tors also prevents cells from losing their pluripo-
of genetic abnormalities. A simple method of dif- tent status. This method therefore allows for large
ferentiating human embryonic stem cells into multi -scale culture of primary cells or biopsy material.
-lineages and for expanding populations of pluri- Potential Uses
potent cells is therefore needed to satisfy both • Generates clinical grade progenitor cells for
therapeutic and research applications. therapeutic applications:
Technology • To treat damaged or dysfunctional tissue
Professor Roger Pedersen and his team at • Potential for direct use in transplantation
the University of Cambridge’s Laboratory for Re-
generative Medicine have developed a novel • Genetically manipulated progenitor cells
means of generating neuroectoderm, endoderm may express a drug or growth factor
and mesoderm progenitor cells from human em- • Screening for compounds to treat damaged/
bryonic stem cells using humanised chemically dysfunctional tissue
defined media with differentiation factors that
• Unique in vitro model to study molecular
modulate one or more of the Activin/Nodal, FGF,
Wnt or BMP signalling pathways. This method is a mechanisms controlling cell fate of pluripo-
tent cells during the early stage of mammal-
ian development
Figure 1: Expression of human ES cell markers
We are seeking commercial partners for licensing,
collaboration and development of this technology.
This technology is protected by national patent
applications filed in Europe (EP2094833) and US
Touboul T, et al. Generation of functional hepatocytes
from human embryonic stem cells under chemically
defined conditions which recapitulate liver develop-
ment. (2010). Hepatology. 51(5):1754-1765.
Expression of pluripotent (Oct-4), mesendoderm (Brachyury) Vallier L, et al. Early cell fate decisions of human em-
and neuroectoderm (Sox2, Nestin, N-CAM) markers in bryonic stem cells and mouse epiblast stem cells are
human embryonic stem cells after modulation of the Activin/ controlled by the same signalling pathways. (2009).
Nodal pathway Plos One. 4(6):e6082.


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