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K (I.1-8) 8pts.- ____________

P (1.9&10, II.) 12pts.- ______
Grade School Department U (III. A) 15pts. - __________
First Quarterly Exam in Science IV P (III. B) 15pts. - __________
SY 2017-2018

Name: _________________________________________ Section: _______________________

Teacher: Ms. Melanie Roxanne C. Daroca Date: ________________________

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer. Write your answer before each number

______1. Which material can absorption be observed?

a. Rubber band c. Paper
b. Towel d. Plastic

______2. Which of the following objects is porous?

a. Glass c. Plastic
b. Metal d. Paper

______3. All of the objects below are biodegradable EXCEPT:

a. Leaves c. Paper
b. Glass d. Fruits

______4. It occurs when matter changes its property but not its chemical nature

a. Chemical Change c. Chemical Property

b. Physical Change d. Physical Property

______5. A wood burning is an example of what change in matter?

a. Evaporation c. Condensation
b. Physical Change d. Chemical change

______6. Which of the following materials can float on water?

a. Coin c. Rubber slipper

b. Metal stick d. Stone

______7. How would you recognize hazardous materials?

a. If they have the ability to float or c. If they can undergo decay
sink d. If they have greater density
b. If they have hazard symbols
appear on containers

______8. If the object is denser than water, what will happen to it?
a. The object will float c. The object will change its shape
b. The object will change its size d. The object will sink

For nos. 9 and 10, Refer to the illustration below:

Box A Box B
______9. Which of the following statements best describes the pictures above?
a. Box A has greater mass than box B but both have the same volume
b. Box A has greater volume than box B but both have the same mass
c. Box B has lesser volume than box A but both have the same mass
d. Box A has lesser mass and has greater volume than box B
______10. Which is the best way to decrease the density of box A?
a. Increase the Mass, Keep the same Volume
b. Decrease the Mass, Keep the same volume
c. Increase the Volume, keep the same Mass
d. Decrease the Volume but Increase the mass

______11. If a 50 ml of juice has a mass of 52 g, what is its density?

a. 1.14 g/ml c. 1.04 ml
b. 1.04 g/ml d. 1.04 g

______12. How much space can a wooden block takes up if it is 112cm long, 80cm wide and
106cm tall?
a. 949,760cm3 c. 850,760cm
b. 949,760cm d. 850,760cm3

______13. What is being asked in question no.12?

a. Mass c. Volume of Irregular Objects
b. Volume of Regular Objects d. Density

For nos.14 & 15, refer to the chart below

Metal Density in g/cm3
Copper 8.96
Silver 10.49
Lead 11.34
Mercury 13.54
Gold 19.32

______14. Which metal is the heaviest?

a. Gold c. Silver
b. Copper d. Mercury

______15. Which metal has a mass of 100.5g and a volume of 7.42cm 3?

a. Lead c. Mercury
b. Copper d. Silver

II. Refer to the given situation below then answer what is being asked. (5pts.)
You are the monitor of your class for the day. After sweeping the floor, you collected the
following waste materials: Fruit peels, crumpled papers, plastic bottles, leftover foods fell on the
floor and candy wrappers. Classify these waste materials on the trash bin below and name the
basis of your classification.
III. ESSAY. Read and analyze the following situations. Answer what is being asked. Write your
answer in paragraph form. You may use the space at the back of your paper. (3pts.each item)

a. Why is it necessary to always check the labels of the products that you will buy in the
grocery store? If you happen to see your mom not checking product labels, how will you
encourage her?

b. Some towels are made of 100% Cotton but some were made from Rayon, an artificial
textile material which somewhat resembles silk. If you will to choose on what to use as a
bath towel, which do you think is better to use? Why?

c. Clay is plastic and tenacious when moist and becomes permanently hard when baked or
fired hence, it was widely used in early civilizations for making pots, plates, sculptures, and
building materials. If you will make a cooking pot made of clay, which method do you think
is better to use, hammering or molding? Explain your answer.

d. Garment steamer is a handheld appliance with a hose and a wand which is widely used
nowadays in removing wrinkles on clothes. It is different from iron that has heated metal
surface & uses ironing board to flatten wrinkles from your clothes. Unlike iron, a garment
steamer only requires you to hold them a small distance from the fabric but it relies on
vapor spray which relaxes the fibers of your clothes so that they smooth out on their own.
If you are to choose which appliance is better to use in removing the wrinkles of your
clothes, is it the traditional iron or the garment steamer? Why do you say so?

e. You noticed that you have more biodegradable waste materials at home rather than non-
biodegradable materials. How does your knowledge of the properties of matter help you
decide on creative ways to re-use and recycle these materials?
f. The Pasig River runs through some of the most populated areas in the Philippines and was
used as a means of transportation and livelihood for a large number of Filipino residing
nearby. As a result, an improper disposal of sewage and accumulated garbage is now
destroying the river. You are an environmentalist and you have been invited to conduct an
environmental campaign on the impact of human activities to the river. (5pts.each item)
1. Explain how these harmful wastes affect one’s health and safety
2. Construct a short speech to convince the people living near the river to stop polluting
the river
3. Propose two ways to solve the problem of polluting the river

“Science is not opposed to storytelling.

Science is the genre of storytelling.
Stories of the real word, inspired by the observations thereof.”
-Sean Carroll
Grade School Department
S.Y 2017-2018
Table of Specification


1. Recognize the details in 1 3 4
materials that identify its (I.7) (III.a)
2. Identify materials that have 4 7
the ability to absorb water, (I.1,2,3,6)
float, sink, undergo decay)
3. Explain the property of 1 2
matter present in some (I.8) (I. 9&10)
4. classify materials based on 3 3
their ability to absorb water, (III.b)
float, sink, undergo decay;
5. Analyze and solve problems 5 5
according to the properties of (I.11-15)
6. Identify the types of changes 2 2
in matter (I.4&5)
7. Describe changes in 3 3
properties of materials when (III.d)
exposed to certain conditions
such as temperature or when
mixed with other materials
8. describe changes in solid 3 3
materials when they are (III.c)
bent, pressed, hammered, or
9. identify changes in materials 3 5 8
whether useful or harmful to (III.e) (III.f2)
one‘s environment
10. identify the effects of 5 5
decaying materials on one‘s (III.f1)
health and safety
11. demonstrate proper disposal 5 5 10
of waste according to the (II) (III.f3)
properties of materials
TOTAL 8 12 15 15 50

Prepared by: Checked by:

____________________________ ___________________________
Ms. Melanie Roxanne C. Daroca Mr. Gregorio Sismondo
Science Teacher Vice Principal

Submitted to: Noted by:

___________________________ ___________________________
Mrs. Jean R. Lopez Dr. Evelyn B. Tallod
Science Coordinator Principal

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