Rebound Tenderness Test
Rebound Tenderness Test
Rebound Tenderness Test
Table 1 Diiignosis unii RTT results in 142 putients with ubdominul tenderness
Gastrointestinal bleed 2
Constipation 3
Total 10 Total 44
Table 2 Sensitivity and specijicity of the RTT In 1964 Rex Lawrie said that the test was ‘an unkind way of
emphasising what is already o b v i o ~ s ’ ~
; 26 years after
Peritonitis positive Peritonitis negative his condemnation and 20 years after Prout’s, it is time the test
RTT positive 43 45 was abandoned.
RTT negative 10 44 M. I. Liddington is now at Odstock Hospital, Salisbury, U K
1. Clain A (ed.). Hamilton Bailey’s Demonstration of Physical Signs
This study provides no support for the teaching and practise in C&nicalSurgery. 17th ed. London: John Wright, 1986: 295.
of the RTT. Indeed the test was found markedly positive in the 2. Sabiston DC (ed.) Textbook of Surgery. 13th ed. Sabiston DC:
majority of patients who were finally considered to have WB Saunders Company, 1986.
non-surgical abdominal pain, patients in whom Carnett’s 3. Prout WG. The significance of rebound tenderness in the acute
test4-’ was usually positive, indicating that the source of the abdomen. Br J Surg 1970; 57: 508-10.
4. Carnett JB. Intercostal neuralgia as a cause of abdominal pain and
pain was in the anterior abdominal wall. tenderness. Surg Gynaecol Obstet 1926; 42: 625-32.
We d o not consider these findings to be in conflict with the 5. Thomson H, Francis DMA. Abdominal wall tenderness: A useful
pioneering work of De Dombal and colleagues in computer- sign in the acute abdomen. Lancet 1977; ii: 10534.
aided diagnosis of the acute abdomen’, although they list 6. Gray DWR, Seabrook G, Dixon JM, Collin J. Is abdominal wall
rebound tenderness as ‘vital’ information. However if the RTT tenderness a useful test in the diagnosis of non-specific abdominal
is simply a more dramatic way of demonstrating tenderness pain? Ann R CONSurg Eng 1988; 70: 2334.
and guarding, also listed as ‘vital’, and so is simply another 7. Gallegos MC, Hobsley M. Recognition and treatment of
aspect of what is already being recorded, it is possible that abdominal wall pain. J R Soc Med 1989; 82: 3 4 3 4 .
omission of the test from their data collection chart would not 8. McAdam WAF, Brock BM, Armitage T, Davenport P, Chan M,
De Dombal FT. Twelve years’ experience of computer aided
change their results. diagnosis in a district general hospital. Ann R Coll Surg Eng 1990;
In conclusion, we agree with Prout3 that the demonstration 7 2 : 140-6.
of rebound tenderness suffers the twin disadvantages of being
unpleasant for the patient and of being diagnostically useless. Paper accepted 8 February 1991