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Scholarship Guide

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At Full Sail University, we understand that deciding where
and how to pursue higher education is an important and
life-changing decision.  This guide is designed to help
you evaluate your financial options when it comes to
Full Sail University by exploring a scholarship that may
be available to you, as well as the details and eligibility
requirements applicable to this scholarship.

If you have any questions about the information in this

guide or would like to apply for the scholarship opportunity
within, please contact an Admissions Representative at



Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and
development of future generations of entertainment and
media professionals.

In an effort to further this encouragement and development,

Full Sail University introduces the Academic Advantage
Scholarship Program. This scholarship is designed to offer
assistance to deserving individuals passionate about a
career in the entertainment and media industry. Through
the Academic Advantage Scholarship Program, eligible
participants may receive up to $15,000 toward the tuition of
any Full Sail campus degree program.


AWARDS of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale in their secondary or postsecondary

education (minimum of 30 semester credits); an SAT score of 927 or
higher; an SAT score prior to 2016 of 1250 or higher; or an ACT score • Applicant must be a first-time student and have applied
The Academic Advantage Scholarship will award up to
of 19 or higher for a Full Sail University campus degree program.
$15,000 to eligible campus degree program candidates. • A change of degree program, interruption of training,
• Receive an award in a subsequent academic year if their
Applicants are able to meet eligibility each Full Sail Full Sail University cumulative GPA is 3.0 or higher or withdrawal may result in cancellation of scholarship award and
disbursement. Student understands that a change of student status
academic year based on academic performance as may impact eligibility.
outlined below. • Scholarship funds will be disbursed by semester throughout the
HOW TO APPLY student’s enrollment at Full Sail University.
• Read the application thoroughly and complete the • Funds from the Academic Advantage Scholarship may only be used
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS required information below. toward the tuition of a Full Sail University campus degree program.
• As applicable, submit high school or postsecondary transcripts with • The Academic Advantage Scholarship is nontransferable and has no
In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying final GPA, SAT score, or ACT score prior to the first day of class. Your redeemable cash value.
for a Academic Advantage Scholarship must: Full Sail Enrollment Guide can provide additional information on • The Academic Advantage Scholarship may be combined with most
submission of these items. Full Sail University scholarships; some
• Complete and submit this application and transcripts or test scores
restrictions apply.
as applicable (see next) prior to first day of class • Submit the completed scholarship application using the Upload
feature or: Email OR • Financial aid is available for those who qualify.
• Applicants who do not meet first academic year eligibility may still
apply and be eligible for an award in a future academic year based
on their Full Sail University GPA

Undergraduate degree program applicants may: AWARD DETERMINATION

• Receive an award in their first academic year if they have earned at • Applicant’s high school or postsecondary transcripts, SAT score,
least one of the following: a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 or ACT score will be evaluated to determine eligibility for the first
scale in their secondary or postsecondary education (minimum of 30 academic year award amount. Applicants do not have to be eligible
semester credits); an SAT score of 840 or higher; an SAT score prior for the first academic year award in order to be awarded in
to 2016 of 1120 or higher; or an ACT score of 17 or higher subsequent academic years.
• Receive an award in any subsequent academic year if their Full Sail • Recipients will be notified by the Financial Aid department prior to
University cumulative GPA is 2.5 or higher beginning each academic year, provided the eligibility requirements
above are met.
Graduate degree program applicants may:
• Receive an award in their first academic year if they have earned at
least one of the following: a cumulative GPA


Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and
development of current and future generations of media
professionals. In an effort to further this encouragement
and development, Full Sail introduces the Full Sail Alumni
Scholarship Program. This program is designed to offer
assistance to deserving alumni passionate about advancing
their career and education in the entertainment media
industry. Through the Full Sail Alumni Scholarship Program,
eligible participants may receive up to $3,000 toward the
tuition of any Full Sail campus degree program.



The Full Sail Alumni Scholarship Program will award • Full Sail will reference the student’s overall grade • Applicant must be a returning Full Sail University graduate
up to $3,000 to eligible Full Sail students enrolled for as of the deadline date to confirm grade eligibility. and have applied for a Full Sail campus degree program.

an additional campus degree program as a returning • To apply for this scholarship, please contact your • Applicants must have filled out a FAFSA or confirmed
student. Scholarship amounts will vary. Admissions Representative at 800.226.7625. cash payments.
• Funds from the Full Sail Alumni Scholarship may be
used only towards the tuition of a Full Sail campus
In order to be eligible for consideration, those Recipients will be notified by the Admissions • The scholarship is nontransferable and has no
applying for an Alumni Scholarship should: department prior to beginning their degree redeemable cash value.
program, provided the eligibility requirements • Financial aid is available for those who qualify.
• Have achieved a minimum overall grade of B
or better in previous Full Sail coursework
above are met.
(80 overall numeric grade average) AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED.
• Have graduated or will graduate from their previous
Full Sail campus degree program as a student in
good academic and financial standing
• Have demonstrated an exceptional ability and
dedication to their desired path in the entertainment
media industry


The Creative Minds Scholarship is designed to identify
high school seniors who are exceptionally talented in their
written and visual communication, academically successful,
and passionate about careers in entertainment media
and technology. Through the Creative Minds Scholarship
program, eligible campus-based Bachelor of Science and
Bachelor of Fine Arts program participants may receive
up to $25,000 toward the tuition of Full Sail University’s
campus-based degree programs.


AWARDS • Have completed and submitted the scholarship application, AWARD DETERMINATION
along with an unofficial high school transcript, SAT score, or
The Creative Minds Scholarship program will award ACT score, to Full Sail University via the Full Sail One website • Applicants’ unofficial high school transcript, SAT score, or
up to $25,000 to eligible high school seniors pursuing by Monday, April 4, 2022. ACT score will be reviewed by a scholarship committee.

Full Sail University campus degree programs. This • Complete the application and an original 500-word • Applicants’ essays will be evaluated by a scholarship
scholarship fund is limited and will be awarded to essay answering How Has My Creative Mind Led Me to committee on the following criteria: originality, composition,
Full Sail University? clarity, and relevance to the topic. Essays judged
all applicants who meet the eligibility requirements
outstanding will be awarded.
and according to the award determination process as » Fulfilling your dream requires a journey and a creative mind. Tell us
about your creative journey so far and what decisions, experiences, • Recipients will be notified by the Admissions department
outlined below.
and achievements have brought you to Full Sail University. prior to beginning their degree program, provided eligibility
requirements are met.
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS • Scholarship amount will be disbursed throughout
HOW TO APPLY students’ academic years, equally divided between
To be eligible for consideration, those applying for the
In order to be eligible for consideration, those semesters as applicable.
Creative Minds Scholarship must:
applying for the Creative Minds Scholarship must:
• Be a 2022 graduating high school senior earning a standard
high school diploma. • Read the application thoroughly and complete a 500-word
essay answering How Has My Creative Mind Led Me to
• Have earned at least one of the following: a cumulative high Full Sail University?
school GPA of 3.0 or higher; an SAT score of 927 or higher;
an ACT score of 19 or higher. • The Creative Minds Scholarship application and essay
must be submitted to the Full Sail University Scholarship
• Have submitted their Application for Admission by Committee by Monday, April 4, 2022.
Monday, March 7, 2022.
• Submit the unofficial high school transcript or SAT/ACT
• Have applied for and met the requirements of a score, if applicable, via the Full Sail One website by
Full Sail University 20- or 29-month campus Bachelor Monday, April 4, 2022.
of Science or Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program.
• Attach the essay by using the attachment feature and
• Begin their degree program on one of the following start submit the completed scholarship application or: Email
dates: August 1, August 29, or September 26, 2022.


PROVISIONS • Final award of scholarship is contingent upon receipt of • The Creative Minds Scholarship may be combined
all required Admissions and Financial Aid documents by with most Full Sail University scholarships; some
• Applicants must have applied as a new student to assigned start date. restrictions apply.
Full Sail University for the August 1, August 29, or
September 26, 2022 start date. • Students who delay their start date as determined by • Financial aid is available to those who qualify.
Full Sail University will forfeit their eligibility.
• Applicants must have met the entrance requirements for • SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN
the desired Full Sail University 20- or 29-month campus • Funds from the Creative Minds Scholarship may only be AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED
bachelor’s degree program. used toward the tuition of a Full Sail University 20- or
29-month campus bachelor’s degree program.
• Applicants must have completed a Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or confirmed cash payments. • This scholarship is nontransferable and has no redeemable
cash value.
• A change of degree program, interruption of training, or
withdrawal from degree program may result in cancellation • All submissions must abide by Full Sail University’s
of the scholarship award and disbursements. Student Nondiscrimination Policy. Applicants who submit an essay
understands that a change of student status may that does not abide by this policy will be disqualified.
impact eligibility.


The Full Sail Dedication Scholarship is designed to encourage
and develop future entertainment, media and technology
professionals who demonstrate true dedication to achieving
excellence within their chosen career path.  Through the
Dedication Scholarship, eligible participants may receive
$1,000 toward the tuition of their Full Sail campus degree
program. Students may receive up to $1,000 in additional
funding after beginning their education.



The Dedication Scholarship will award $1,000 to eligible • The Dedication Scholarship application must be submitted • Applicants must have applied for a start date as a new student
to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee prior to the desired to Full Sail University.
campus degree program candidates during their first start date.
• Applicants must have applied for a Full Sail University campus
academic year. Eligible students may be awarded
• To apply for this scholarship, please contact your Admissions degree program.
up to $1,000 in additional Dedication Scholarship in Representative at 800.226.7625.
• A change of degree program, interruption of training,
their second academic year. This scholarship fund is or withdrawal may result in cancellation of scholarship
limited, and will be awarded to all applicants who meet award and disbursement. Student understands that a change
the eligibility requirements according to the award AWARD DETERMINATION of student status may impact eligibility.
determination process as outlined below. • Applicants’ essays will be evaluated by a scholarship committee • The Dedication Scholarship may be combined with most Full
on the following criteria: originality, composition, clarity, and Sail University scholarship programs. Some restrictions apply.
relevance to the topic. Applicants’ documentation will be
referenced to verify their date of attendance at and completion • Funds from the Dedication Scholarship may be used only
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS of a Behind the Scenes Tour. Upon completion of the first toward the tuition of a Full Sail campus degree program.

In order to be eligible for consideration, those academic year, applicants’ GPA and GPS will be referenced for • The scholarship is nontransferable and has no
eligibility to receive subsequent awards as applicable. redeemable cash value.
applying for a Dedication Scholarship must:
• Recipients will be notified by the Full Sail University Admissions • Financial aid is available for those who qualify.
• Have attended one of Full Sail University’s monthly
Department prior to beginning their degree program, provided
Behind the Scenes tours or qualifying International • SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN
eligibility requirements above are met. Active students will
Experience Center events prior to and no longer than AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED.
be notified by the Academic Success department of any
two years before beginning class.
subsequent awards earned.
• Complete this application and an original 250-word essay
• The initial $1,000 scholarship award will be disbursed in the
on Dedication and My Career Dream. Submit these prior
first academic year, divided equally between semesters. The
to the first day of class in order to be eligible for a $1,000
additional $500 award/s for attaining the prescribed GPA and/
scholarship award for the first academic year.
or GPS will be disbursed in the last semester of the second
• Maintain a minimum, cumulative GPA of 2.5 for academic year, as applicable.
first academic year for an additional $500 award.
• Maintain a minimum, cumulative Global Professionalism
Standards (GPS) score of 100% for first academic year
for an additional $500 award.


The Emerging Technology Scholarship is designed to
identify individuals who are exceptionally talented in their
problem-solving and critical thinking skills, academically
successful, and passionate about emerging technology
industries. Through this program, students will receive a
full scholarship for select campus or online Bachelor of
Science degree programs.


AWARDS • Submit an Application for Admission by January 21, 2022. ROUND 2

• Submit an original project with screencast per • Upon Round 2 notification, semifinalists will submit a
The Emerging Technology Scholarship program will
instructions in the Application Process section by completed scholarship application, a copy of their high
award a full scholarship including tuition and a laptop January 21, 2022. school transcript, and an official SAT or ACT score via
to eligible applicants pursuing select Full Sail University the student Full Sail One website by Monday, January
• Begin their degree program within 2 years.
degree programs. Applicants will need to adhere to 24, 2022.
• Maintain satisfactory academic progress and adhere
the eligibility criteria and strict deadlines outlined • Semifinalists who submit an original project that
to Full Sail University’s Code of Conduct.
in the Minimum Eligibility Requirements and meets eligibility criteria and possess a high school GPA
Application Process sections. Finalists will be invited of 3.8, an SAT score of 1133, or an ACT score of 25 and
to a Full Sail University virtual event to participate in APPLICATION PROCESS above will qualify for Finalist status.
a whiteboard problem-solving competition. A very All eligible candidates will go through the
• Finalists will be notified by Wednesday, January 26,
limited number of scholarships awarded to the finalists 2022 regarding their eligibility to participate in Round
following process: 3, the whiteboard problem-solving competition held
selected from the competition.
ROUND 1 virtually by Full Sail University.
• Candidates will submit an original project with ROUND 3
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS screencast based on their degree program of interest
• Finalists will be invited to participate in a whiteboard
by Friday, January 21, 2022.
To be eligible for consideration, those applying for the problem-solving competition on Saturday, January 29,
Emerging Technology Scholarship must: See Project Requirements for Applicants section 2022. Finalists will receive detailed instructions prior to
for project requirements. The link to the project the event.
• Meet Admissions requirements for an eligible Bachelor and screencast must be submitted to
of Science degree program: Computer Science, • Based on the criteria given, scholarship awards will be
Cybersecurity, Game Development, Information announced by Friday, February 4, 2022.
Technology, Mobile Development, Simulation & • Candidates will be interviewed by a Full Sail University
Visualization, or Web Development. Admissions representative and apply for admission by
Friday, January 21, 2022.
• Have earned at least one of the following: a cumulative
high school GPA of 3.8 or higher, an SAT score after • Candidates who meet the eligibility requirements for
February 2016 of 1133 or higher, or an ACT score of 25 or Round 1 will be notified by Monday, January 24, 2022
higher when the scholarship application is submitted. of eligibility to participate in Round 2 as semifinalists.


AWARD DETERMINATION PROVISIONS & AWARD REQUIREMENTS • Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.5
for the duration of their Emerging Technology
• Scholarship applicants eligible for Round 2 will be • Applicants must have applied as a new student to degree program to remain eligible for scholarship
determined by the Emerging Technology Scholarship Full Sail University for a start date within two years of disbursements.
panel based on the evaluation of the project being selected for the scholarship.
submitted for the degree program of interest as listed • This scholarship is nontransferable and has no
• A change of degree program, interruption of redeemable cash value.
in the Project Requirements for Applications section,
education, or withdrawal from degree program may
provided all eligibility requirements above are still met. • Documentation provided as part of a submission will
result in cancellation of the scholarship award and
• Scholarship applicants eligible for Round 3 will be disbursements. Student understands that a change in not be returned.
determined based on (1) their high school transcript, student status may impact eligibility. • The project must be the original work of the applicant.
SAT score, or ACT score and (2) this scholarship
• Final award of scholarship is contingent upon • All submissions must abide by Full Sail University’s
application, provided all eligibility requirements
receipt of all required Admissions and Financial Aid Nondiscrimination Policy. Applicants who submit work
are met. Applicants who have not graduated may
documents by the assigned start date. that does not abide by this policy will be disqualified.
submit unofficial transcripts.
• Students who delay their start date may lose their • Work submitted will be judged by Full Sail University’s
• Scholarship recipients will be determined based on the
eligibility. Emerging Technology Scholarship panel.
whiteboard problem-solving competition held virtually
by Full Sail University. • Funds from the Emerging Technology Scholarship may • This scholarship cannot be combined with any
only be used toward the tuition and laptop, known as other scholarships initiated and/or awarded by
Project Launchbox, for a Full Sail University campus or Full Sail University.
online Bachelor of Science degree program.
• Financial aid is available to those who qualify.
• Scholarship funds will be disbursed by semester
throughout the student’s enrollment at
Full Sail University.



FOR APPLICANTS Submit a software application created with a Submit a project plan on how you integrated a new
programming language of your choice. The submitted technology in your home network or lab. Describe what
All applicants must select a project listed below application must show significance, originality, and solves you intended to accomplish, the software or hardware
and submit an original project, as specified in the a problem using computer science principles. You must you used, and the results of your project. The plan should
instructions below: also display significant use of a programming language include a design of your network, servers, operating
(e.g., C#, C++, JavaScript, Java). The submission must systems used, and a screencast of you demonstrating
include all sources and assets used to create the project. and explaining the working system.
Submit a project plan on how you would protect an Outside sources must be cited within the submission. The
information technology server against unauthorized submission can be for any platform (operating system).
hackers. The plan should include at least one identified Also, a screencast explaining the software application and
system vulnerability, the significance if exploited, and its features must be provided.
possible steps to protect the system. Also, a screencast
explaining the reasoning on how to protect the system
must be provided. Submit an original project creating a vehicle controlled by an
external input device using an Arduino board (or equivalent).
You must use a game engine (Unity or Unreal) to program your
vehicle. The submitted project must include an original .STL file
of the vehicle being controlled. The submission must include
all sources and assets used to create the game. Outside
sources must be cited within the submission. Submissions
must be under 75 MB and submitted as a complete project in
ZIP file format.
Also, a screencast explaining the project and its
features must be provided


The Full Sail Global Achievement Scholarship is designed to
encourage and develop future international entertainment
and media professionals throughout the world.  Through
the Global Achievement Scholarship, eligible participants
may receive up to $5,000 toward the tuition of their
Full Sail campus degree program.



The Global Achievement Scholarship will award • The Global Achievement Scholarship application must be • Applicants must have conducted a formal interview with their
up to $5,000 to eligible campus degree program submitted to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee prior to Admissions representative.
the desired start date. • Applicants must have applied for a Full Sail University campus
candidates.  This scholarship fund is limited, and
• To apply for this scholarship, please contact your degree program.
will be awarded to all applicants who meet the eligibility
Admissions Representative at 800.226.7625. • Applicants must have met the entrance requirements for
requirements and according to the award determination
the desired Full Sail University campus degree program.
process as outlined below.
• A change of degree program, interruption of training, or
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS withdrawal may result in cancellation of scholarship award
• Applicants’ essays will be evaluated by a scholarship and disbursement. Student understands that a change of
In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying committee on the following criteria: originality, composition, student status may impact eligibility.
for a Global Achievement Scholarship must: clarity and relevance to the topic. Essays judged outstanding • Students who delay their start date may forfeit eligibility.
• Be a non-US citizen or nonpermanent resident, as defined will be awarded.
• The Global Achievement Scholarship may be used with
by Full Sail University. • Recipients will be notified by the Full Sail University most other Full Sail University scholarship programs.
• Complete and submit the Global Achievement application, Admissions Department prior to beginning their degree
• Funds from the Global Achievement Scholarship may only
and an original 250-word essay on “How My Full Sail Education program, provided eligibility requirements above are met.
be used toward the tuition of a Full Sail University campus
Will Help Me Achieve My Career Dream” prior to the first day • Scholarship amount will be disbursed throughout student’s degree program.
of class. academic years, amount to be divided equally between • The scholarship is nontransferable and has no
• Applicants must have applied for one of the following semesters, as applicable. redeemable cash value.
immersive campus degree programs: • SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN
Computer Animation, Creative Writing, Digital Arts & Design, AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED.
Entertainment Business, Film, Game Art, Media Communication,
Music Business, Recording Arts, Show Production, or Sports
Marketing & Media.


Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and
development of future generations of media professionals.
In an effort to increase educational and professional
opportunities for international students, Full Sail University
introduces the Intensive English Alumni Scholarship
Program. This program is designed to offer assistance to
deserving alumni passionate about advancing their career
and education in the entertainment media industry.



• The Intensive English Alumni Scholarship • Certain changes in a student’s enrollment could
The Intensive English Alumni Scholarship will award
application must be submitted to the Full Sail impact his or her ongoing eligibility for scholarship
up to $7,000 to eligible degree program candidates. Scholarship Committee prior to the desired awards (examples include but are not limited
This scholarship fund is limited and will be awarded start date. to: change of degree program, interruption of
training). A student who elects to withdraw or who
to all applicants who meet the eligibility requirements • To apply for this scholarship, please contact your
is withdrawn by the university will forfeit future
Admissions Representative at 800.226.7625 or
and according to the award determination process as +1.407.679.6333
scholarship disbursements.
• Applicant must be a Full Sail Intensive English
outlined below.
certificate program graduate and have applied
for a degree program.
AWARD DETERMINATION • Applicant must have met the admissions
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS • Award amount will be up to $7,000 of applicant’s requirements for the desired Full Sail University
Full Sail University Intensive English certificate degree program.
In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying program tuition. • The Intensive English Alumni Scholarship may
for an Intensive English Alumni Scholarship must: • Award recipients will be notified prior to their be used with most other Full Sail University
start date, provided eligibility requirements scholarship programs. Applicants will be counseled
• Have successfully completed a Full Sail Intensive
above are met. of any restrictions during the scholarship
English certificate program and be in good
application process.
academic and financial standing
• Funds from the Intensive English Alumni
• Be a non-US citizen or nonpermanent resident as Scholarship may only be used toward the tuition
defined by Full Sail University of a Full Sail University degree program.
• Start a degree program within 60 days of • The scholarship is nontransferable and has no
completing the requirements of the Intensive redeemable cash value.
English certificate program • Financial aid is available for those who qualify.
• Complete and submit this application prior to
starting a degree program


Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and
development of future generations of media professionals.
In an effort to further this dedication and encouragement,
Full Sail introduces the Pathway Scholarship program. The
purpose of this program is to aid deserving individuals who
are focused on campus bachelor of fine arts or bachelor
of science degrees. Through the Pathway Scholarship
program, eligible participants may receive scholarship
funds if need is demonstrated.



The Pathway Scholarship program may award up • The Pathway application must be submitted to the Full Sail • An interruption of training, changing degree program,
to $41,000 to eligible students. Scholarship amounts Scholarship Committee prior to the desired start date. or withdrawal may result in cancellation of scholarship
award and disbursement(s). Student understands that
may vary. • To apply for this scholarship, please contact your
a change of student status may impact eligibility.
Admissions Representative at 800.226.7625.
• The Pathway Scholarship may not be used in conjunction
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS with other Full Sail University scholarships.
AWARD NOTIFICATION • Final award of scholarship is contingent upon receipt
In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying
• Recipients will be notified by the Full Sail University Financial of all required Admissions and Financial Aid documents
for a Pathway Scholarship must:
Aid department prior to beginning their degree program, by start date.
• Have conducted an entrance interview with their provided eligibility requirements above are met.
• Students who delay their start date may forfeit eligibility.
Full Sail University Admissions representative.
• Scholarship amount will be disbursed throughout student’s
• Funds from the Pathway Scholarship may be used only
• Have applied for admission as a new student to academic years at Full Sail University’s discretion based
toward the tuition of an eligible Full Sail University campus
Full Sail University for a campus 29-month upon financial need and eligibility.
bachelor’s degree program.
bachelor’s degree program.
• The scholarship is nontransferable and has no
• Have met the entrance requirements for the desired
redeemable cash value.
Full Sail University bachelor’s degree program.
• Students must have a plan for living expenses while
• Have completed a Free Application for Federal Student
attending class, confirmed with their financial aid advisor.
Aid (FAFSA) ( and reviewed their
Federal Student Aid Report with a Full Sail University • Financial aid is available for those who qualify.
Enrollment Guide.
• Have completed the Enrollment/Financial Aid process and AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED.
demonstrated need, calculated by a need-based formula.


The STEM Scholarship is designed to encourage
and develop future international professionals seeking
careers in science, technology, engineering, and math.
Through the STEM Scholarship program, eligible
participants may receive up to $5,000 toward the
tuition of their Full Sail University STEM campus
degree program.


AWARDS AWARD DETERMINATION • A change of degree program, interruption of training, or

withdrawal may result in cancellation of scholarship award
The STEM Scholarship program will award up to • Applicants’ essays will be evaluated by a scholarship and disbursement. Student understands that a change of
$5,000 to eligible campus degree program candidates. committee on the following criteria: originality, composition, student status may impact eligibility.
clarity, and relevance to the topic.
This scholarship fund is limited and will be awarded • Students who delay their start date may forfeit eligibility.
to all applicants who meet the eligibility requirements • Essays judged outstanding will be awarded.
• The STEM Scholarship may be used with most other
according to the award determination process • Recipients will be notified by the Admissions department Full Sail University scholarship programs.
outlined below. prior to beginning their degree program, provided the
above eligibility requirements are met. • Funds from the STEM Scholarship may only be used toward
the tuition of a Full Sail University campus degree program.
• The scholarship amount awarded will be disbursed
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS throughout student’s academic years, divided equally • The scholarship is nontransferable and has no
between semesters as applicable. redeemable cash value.
In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying
• Financial aid is available for those who qualify.
for a STEM Scholarship must:
• Be a non-US citizen or nonpermanent resident, as defined PROVISIONS • SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN
by Full Sail University. • Applicants must have conducted a formal interview with
• Complete and submit the STEM Scholarship application, their Admissions representative.
and an original 250-word essay, “How My Full Sail Education
• Applicants must have applied to Full Sail University for a
Will Prepare Me for a STEM Career,” prior to the first day start date of April 4, 2016 or later.
of class.
• Applicants must have applied for one of the following STEM
campus degree programs: Computer Science, Cybersecurity,
HOW TO APPLY Game Design, Game Development, Information Technology,
or Simulation & Visualization.
• The STEM Scholarship application and essay must be
submitted to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee prior to • Applicants must have met the entrance requirements for
the desired start date. the desired Full Sail University campus degree program.

• To apply for this scholarship, please contact your

Admissions Representative at 800.226.7625.


The Full Sail Student Support Scholarship is a need-based
scholarship designed to aid deserving individuals that
are focused on careers in entertainment and media.
The scholarship is available to students currently enrolled
in any of Full Sail University’s campus bachelor degree
programs, and who meet all eligibility requirements.
Nominees will be submitted by a Full Sail University
Financial Aid representative.



The Student Support Scholarship Program will Recipients of the Student Support Scholarship will be • The Student Support Scholarship may be used with other
award up to $10,000 to eligible students. submitted by a Full Sail University Enrollment Guide or Full Sail scholarships.

Financial Aid Administrator. Contact your Enrollment • Funds from the Student Support Scholarship may be used only
Guide or Financial Aid Administrator for details. toward the tuition of a Full Sail bachelor degree program.
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS • Funds from the Student Support Scholarship can only be
In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying applied to tuition balances in the second, third and fourth
for a Student Support Scholarship should: AWARD NOTIFICATION academic years.
• Recipients will be notified by their Financial Aid • Scholarship paid upon graduation. Scholarship remains
• Have completed a Free Application for Federal Student
Administrator provided eligibility requirements above unpaid and is removed from financial aid award if student
Aid (FAFSA) ( and reviewed their Federal
are met. does not graduate.
Student Aid Report with a Full Sail University Financial
Aid Administrator. • Award notification will include the Academic • The scholarship is nontransferable and has no
Year for which the student is eligible. redeemable cash value.
• Have completed the Financial Aid process and demonstrate
need, calculated based on a need-based formula. • Financial aid is available for those who qualify.
• Have achieved a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 • SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN
scale during their education at Full Sail University. AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED.
• Be currently enrolled at Full Sail University for
initial awarding.
• Graduate from degree in which the scholarship
was awarded for final receipt.


The Women in Technology Scholarship is designed to identify
women who are exceptionally talented in their problem-
solving and critical thinking skills, academically successful,
and passionate about emerging technology industries.
Three components encompass this program: scholarship,
community and mentorship.

AWARDS • Meet Admissions requirements for an eligible Bachelor of • Candidates will be interviewed by a Full Sail University
Science degree program: Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Admissions representative and apply for admission by
The Women in Technology Scholarship program Game Development, Information Technology, Mobile Monday, January 21, 2022.
will award a full scholarship including tuition and a Development, Simulation & Visualization, or
• Candidates who meet the eligibility requirements for Round
laptop to an eligible woman pursuing a select Full Web Development.
1 will be notified by Monday, January 24, 2022 of eligibility to
Sail University degree program. Applicants will need • Have earned at least one of the following: a cumulative high participate in Round 2 as semifinalists.
to adhere to eligibility criteria and strict deadlines school GPA of 3.8 or higher, an SAT score after February
2016 of 1133 or higher, or an ACT score of 25 or higher
outlined in the Minimum Eligibility Requirements
when the scholarship application is submitted. • Upon Round 2 notification, semifinalists will submit a
and Application Process sections. Upon starting the
completed scholarship application, a copy of their high
program, the recipient is paired with a mentor (female • Submit an original project with screencast per instructions
school transcript, and an official SAT or ACT score via the
in the Application Process section by January 21, 2022.
faculty or graduate in a similar field of study), during student Full Sail One website by Monday, January 24, 2022.
their time at Full Sail University. Along with a mentor, • Submit an original project with screencast per instructions
• Semifinalists who submit an original project that meets
in Section D by January 21, 2022.
the award winner will have an opportunity to engage eligibility criteria and possess a high school GPA of 3.8, an
with the community by attending a conference with • Begin their degree program within 2 years. SAT score of 1133, or an ACT score of 25 and above will
an emphasis in Women’s leadership in technology. • Maintain satisfactory academic progress and adhere to qualify for Finalist status.
Finalists will be invited to a Full Sail University virtual Full Sail University’s Code of Conduct. • Finalists will be notified by Wednesday, January 26, 2022
event to participate in a whiteboard problem-solving regarding their eligibility to participate in Round 3, the
whiteboard problem-solving competition held virtually by
competition. A very limited number of scholarships APPLICATION PROCESS Full Sail University.
awarded to the finalists selected from the competition.
All eligible candidates will proceed through the ROUND 3
following process:
• Finalists will be invited to participate in a whiteboard
ROUND 1 problem-solving competition on Saturday, January 29, 2022.
To be eligible for consideration, those applying for the Finalists will receive detailed instructions prior to the event.
• Candidates will submit an original project with
Women in Technology Scholarship must: screencast based on their degree program of interest • Based on the criteria given, the scholarship award will be
• Identify as female. by Friday, January 21, 2022. See Project Requirements announced by Friday, February 4, 2022.
for Applicants section for project requirements. The link
to the project and screencast must be submitted to


AWARD DETERMINATION PROVISIONS AND AWARD • Documentation provided as part of a submission

will not be returned.
• Scholarship applicants eligible for Round 2 will be REQUIREMENTS
determined by the Women in Technology Scholarship • The project must be the original work of the applicant.
• Applicants must have applied as a new student to
panel based on the evaluation of the project submitted Full Sail University for a start date within two years • All submissions must abide by Full Sail University’s
for the degree program of interest as listed in the Project of being selected for the scholarship. Nondiscrimination Policy. Applicants who submit work that
Requirements for Applicants section, provided all eligibility does not abide by this policy will be disqualified.
requirements above are still met. • A change of degree program, interruption of education,
or withdrawal from degree program may result in • Work submitted will be judged by Full Sail University’s
• Scholarship applicants eligible for Round 3 will be cancellation of the scholarship award and disbursements. Emerging Technology Scholarship panel.
determined based on (1) their high school transcript, SAT Student understands that a change in student status may • This scholarship cannot be combined with any other
score, or ACT score and (2) this scholarship application, impact eligibility. scholarships initiated and/or awarded by Full Sail University.
provided all eligibility requirements are met. Applicants who
have not graduated may submit unofficial transcripts. • Final award of scholarship is contingent upon receipt of all • Financial aid is available to those who qualify.
required Admissions and Financial Aid documents by the
• A scholarship recipient will be determined based on the assigned start date.
whiteboard problem-solving competition held virtually by
Full Sail University. • Students who delay their start date may lose their eligibility.
• Funds from the Women in Technology Scholarship may only
be used toward the tuition and laptop, known as Project
Launchbox, for a Full Sail University campus or online
Bachelor of Science degree program.
• Scholarship funds will be disbursed by semester throughout
the student’s enrollment at Full Sail University.
• Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.5 for the
duration of their Emerging Technology degree program to
remain eligible for scholarship disbursements.
• This scholarship is nontransferable and has no redeemable
cash value.



APPLICANTS Submit a software application created with a programming Submit a project plan on how you integrated a new
language of your choice. The submitted application must show technology in your home network or lab. Describe what you
All applicants must select a project listed below and significance and originality and must solve a problem using intended to accomplish, the software or hardware you used,
submit an original project, with screencast, as specified computer science principles. You must also display significant and the results of your project. The plan should include a
in the following instructions: use of a programming language (e.g., C#, C++, JavaScript, Java). design of your network, servers, operating systems used,
The submission must include all sources and assets used to and a screencast of you demonstrating and explaining the
create the project. Outside sources must be cited within the working system.
Submit a project plan on how you would protect an submission. The submission can be for any platform/operating
information technology server against unauthorized hackers. system. Also, a screencast explaining the software application
The plan should include at least one identified system and its features must be provided.
vulnerability, the significance if exploited, and possible steps to
protect the system. Also, a screencast explaining the reasoning
on how to protect the system must be provided. Submit an original project creating a vehicle controlled by an
external input device using an Arduino board or equivalent.
You must use a game engine (e.g., Unity or Unreal) to program
your vehicle. The submitted project must include an original
STL file of the vehicle being controlled. The submission
must include all sources and assets used to create the
game. Outside sources must be cited within the submission.
Submissions must be under 75 MB and submitted as a
complete project in ZIP format. Also, a screencast explaining
the project and its features must be provided.



The Emerging Technology Scholarship is designed to
identify individuals who are exceptionally talented in their
problem-solving and critical thinking skills, academically
successful, and passionate about emerging technology
industries. Through this program, students will receive a
full scholarship for select campus or online Bachelor of
Science degree programs.


AWARDS • Submit an Application for Admission by January 21, 2022. ROUND 2

• Submit an original project with screencast per • Upon Round 2 notification, semifinalists will submit a
The Emerging Technology Scholarship program will
instructions in the Application Process section by completed scholarship application, a copy of their high
award a full scholarship including tuition and a laptop January 21, 2022. school transcript, and an official SAT or ACT score via
to eligible applicants pursuing select Full Sail University the student Full Sail One website by Monday, January
• Begin their degree program within 2 years.
degree programs. Applicants will need to adhere to 24, 2022.
• Maintain satisfactory academic progress and adhere
the eligibility criteria and strict deadlines outlined • Semifinalists who submit an original project that
to Full Sail University’s Code of Conduct.
in the Minimum Eligibility Requirements and meets eligibility criteria and possess a high school GPA
Application Process sections. Finalists will be invited of 3.8, an SAT score of 1133, or an ACT score of 25 and
to a Full Sail University virtual event to participate in APPLICATION PROCESS above will qualify for Finalist status.
a whiteboard problem-solving competition. A very All eligible candidates will go through the
• Finalists will be notified by Wednesday, January 26,
limited number of scholarships awarded to the finalists 2022 regarding their eligibility to participate in Round
following process: 3, the whiteboard problem-solving competition held
selected from the competition.
ROUND 1 virtually by Full Sail University.
• Candidates will submit an original project with ROUND 3
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS screencast based on their degree program of interest
• Finalists will be invited to participate in a whiteboard
by Friday, January 21, 2022.
To be eligible for consideration, those applying for the problem-solving competition on Saturday, January 29,
Emerging Technology Scholarship must: See Project Requirements for Applicants section 2022. Finalists will receive detailed instructions prior to
for project requirements. The link to the project the event.
• Meet Admissions requirements for an eligible Bachelor and screencast must be submitted to
of Science degree program: Computer Science, • Based on the criteria given, scholarship awards will be
Cybersecurity, Game Development, Information announced by Friday, February 4, 2022.
Technology, Mobile Development, Simulation & • Candidates will be interviewed by a Full Sail University
Visualization, or Web Development. Admissions representative and apply for admission by
Friday, January 21, 2022.
• Have earned at least one of the following: a cumulative
high school GPA of 3.8 or higher, an SAT score after • Candidates who meet the eligibility requirements for
February 2016 of 1133 or higher, or an ACT score of 25 or Round 1 will be notified by Monday, January 24, 2022
higher when the scholarship application is submitted. of eligibility to participate in Round 2 as semifinalists.


AWARD DETERMINATION PROVISIONS & AWARD REQUIREMENTS • Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.5
for the duration of their Emerging Technology
• Scholarship applicants eligible for Round 2 will be • Applicants must have applied as a new student to degree program to remain eligible for scholarship
determined by the Emerging Technology Scholarship Full Sail University for a start date within two years of disbursements.
panel based on the evaluation of the project being selected for the scholarship.
submitted for the degree program of interest as listed • This scholarship is nontransferable and has no
• A change of degree program, interruption of redeemable cash value.
in the Project Requirements for Applications section,
education, or withdrawal from degree program may
provided all eligibility requirements above are still met. • Documentation provided as part of a submission will
result in cancellation of the scholarship award and
• Scholarship applicants eligible for Round 3 will be disbursements. Student understands that a change in not be returned.
determined based on (1) their high school transcript, student status may impact eligibility. • The project must be the original work of the applicant.
SAT score, or ACT score and (2) this scholarship
• Final award of scholarship is contingent upon • All submissions must abide by Full Sail University’s
application, provided all eligibility requirements
receipt of all required Admissions and Financial Aid Nondiscrimination Policy. Applicants who submit work
are met. Applicants who have not graduated may
documents by the assigned start date. that does not abide by this policy will be disqualified.
submit unofficial transcripts.
• Students who delay their start date may lose their • Work submitted will be judged by Full Sail University’s
• Scholarship recipients will be determined based on the
eligibility. Emerging Technology Scholarship panel.
whiteboard problem-solving competition held virtually
by Full Sail University. • Funds from the Emerging Technology Scholarship may • This scholarship cannot be combined with any
only be used toward the tuition and laptop, known as other scholarships initiated and/or awarded by
Project Launchbox, for a Full Sail University campus or Full Sail University.
online Bachelor of Science degree program.
• Financial aid is available to those who qualify.
• Scholarship funds will be disbursed by semester
throughout the student’s enrollment at
Full Sail University.



FOR APPLICANTS Submit a software application created with a Submit a project plan on how you integrated a new
programming language of your choice. The submitted technology in your home network or lab. Describe what
All applicants must select a project listed below application must show significance, originality, and solves you intended to accomplish, the software or hardware
and submit an original project, as specified in the a problem using computer science principles. You must you used, and the results of your project. The plan should
instructions below: also display significant use of a programming language include a design of your network, servers, operating
(e.g., C#, C++, JavaScript, Java). The submission must systems used, and a screencast of you demonstrating
include all sources and assets used to create the project. and explaining the working system.
Submit a project plan on how you would protect an Outside sources must be cited within the submission. The
information technology server against unauthorized submission can be for any platform (operating system).
hackers. The plan should include at least one identified Also, a screencast explaining the software application and
system vulnerability, the significance if exploited, and its features must be provided.
possible steps to protect the system. Also, a screencast
explaining the reasoning on how to protect the system
must be provided. Submit an original project creating a vehicle controlled by an
external input device using an Arduino board (or equivalent).
You must use a game engine (Unity or Unreal) to program your
vehicle. The submitted project must include an original .STL file
of the vehicle being controlled. The submission must include
all sources and assets used to create the game. Outside
sources must be cited within the submission. Submissions
must be under 75 MB and submitted as a complete project in
ZIP file format.
Also, a screencast explaining the project and its
features must be provided


Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and
development of current and future generations of teachers who
want to incorporate the tools of media professionals to create
a dynamic learning environment. In an effort to further this
encouragement and development, Full Sail introduces the Full Sail
Education Media Scholarship for Teachers Program. This program
is designed to offer assistance to deserving teachers passionate
about advancing their career knowledge and educational role.
Through the Full Sail Education Media Scholarship for Teachers
Program, eligible participants may receive up to $12,000 toward
the tuition of the Full Sail Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts,
Instructional Design & Technology Master of Science and the
Media Design Master of Fine Arts degree programs.



This scholarship provides awards of up to $12,000 to Check with your Admissions Representative or Financial • Applicants must send in Full Sail’s application for
eligible students who meet specific criteria based on Aid Administrator for the deadline date applicable to your enrollment for the Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts,
Instructional Design & Technology Master of Science,
financial need. To determine initial eligibility, all applicants start date. Deadlines are typically the Friday two weeks
or Media Design Master of Fine Arts Degree.
must complete a Free Application for Federal Student prior to the first day of your degree program.
• Applicants must fill out a Free Application for
Aid (FAFSA) ( and review their Federal • Full Sail will reference student’s date of application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Student Aid Report with a Full Sail Financial Aid Advisor. admission, documentation of teaching certificate, or
submitted official letters of position, to confirm eligibility. • Applicants must meet all admission requirements
for acceptance into the degree program by the
• To apply for this scholarship, please contact your
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Admissions Representative at 800.226.7625.
chosen start date.
• Funds from the Full Sail Education Media Scholarship for
In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying
Teachers may be used only towards the tuition of the
for an Education Media Scholarship for Teachers must:
AWARD DETERMINATION Full Sail Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts, Instructional
• Currently reside in the United States or Puerto Rico. Design & Technology Master of Science, or Media Design
• Recipients will be notified by the Full Sail University Admissions Master of Fine Arts Degree Program.
• Be certified as a teacher, any grade, Kindergarten department prior to the student beginning their degree
through 12. Proof of certification required. Teachers program, provided eligibility requirements above are met. • The Education Media Scholarship for Teachers may
at private or charter schools not requiring certification be used with other Full Sail scholarship programs.
must submit an official letter from their principal stating • Scholarship will be disbursed throughout the student’s
academic years, amount to be divided equally between • The scholarship is nontransferable and has no
their current teaching position and job responsibilities
semesters, as applicable. redeemable cash value.
on school letterhead.
• Financial aid is available for those who qualify.
• Guidance counselors and other administrators in public
education Kindergarten through grade 12, impacting • SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN
students and teachers on a continual educational basis, AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED.
may apply with an official letter from their principal or
manager stating current position and job responsibilities
on school letterhead.


Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and
development of future generations of media professionals.
In an effort to increase educational and professional
opportunities for international students, Full Sail University
introduces the Intensive English Alumni Scholarship
Program. This program is designed to offer assistance to
deserving alumni passionate about advancing their career
and education in the entertainment media industry.



• The Intensive English Alumni Scholarship • Certain changes in a student’s enrollment could
The Intensive English Alumni Scholarship will award
application must be submitted to the Full Sail impact his or her ongoing eligibility for scholarship
up to $7,000 to eligible degree program candidates. Scholarship Committee prior to the desired awards (examples include but are not limited
This scholarship fund is limited and will be awarded start date. to: change of degree program, interruption of
training). A student who elects to withdraw or who
to all applicants who meet the eligibility requirements • To apply for this scholarship, please contact your
is withdrawn by the university will forfeit future
Admissions Representative at 800.226.7625 or
and according to the award determination process as +1.407.679.6333
scholarship disbursements.
• Applicant must be a Full Sail Intensive English
outlined below.
certificate program graduate and have applied
for a degree program.
AWARD DETERMINATION • Applicant must have met the admissions
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS • Award amount will be up to $7,000 of applicant’s requirements for the desired Full Sail University
Full Sail University Intensive English certificate degree program.
In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying program tuition. • The Intensive English Alumni Scholarship may
for an Intensive English Alumni Scholarship must: • Award recipients will be notified prior to their be used with most other Full Sail University
start date, provided eligibility requirements scholarship programs. Applicants will be counseled
• Have successfully completed a Full Sail Intensive
above are met. of any restrictions during the scholarship
English certificate program and be in good
application process.
academic and financial standing
• Funds from the Intensive English Alumni
• Be a non-US citizen or nonpermanent resident as Scholarship may only be used toward the tuition
defined by Full Sail University of a Full Sail University degree program.
• Start a degree program within 60 days of • The scholarship is nontransferable and has no
completing the requirements of the Intensive redeemable cash value.
English certificate program • Financial aid is available for those who qualify.
• Complete and submit this application prior to
starting a degree program


Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement
and development of future international entertainment
and media professionals throughout the world. To
demonstrate our commitment, Full Sail University
introduces the International Momentum Scholarship
program. This program is designed to offer assistance
to qualified individuals passionate about a career in the
entertainment and media industries.



The International Momentum Scholarship program Read this application thoroughly and complete • Certain changes in a student’s enrollment could impact his
will award eligible online candidates up to $20,000 for the required information below. The International or her ongoing eligibility for scholarship awards (examples
include but are not limited to: change of degree program,
a bachelor’s degree program or up to $10,000 for an Momentum Scholarship application must be submitted
interruption of training). A student who elects to withdraw
associate’s or master’s degree program. to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee prior to the or who is withdrawn by the university will forfeit future
desired start date. Check with your International scholarship disbursements.
Enrollment Guide for the deadline date applicable to
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS • The International Momentum Scholarship may be used with
your start date. most other Full Sail University online scholarship programs.
In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying Applicants will be counseled of any restrictions during the
for an International Momentum Scholarship must: scholarship application process.
• Not be a United States citizen or permanent resident/green • Final award of scholarship is contingent upon receipt of all
card holder. • Recipients will be notified by their International Enrollment required Admissions documents by start date. Students
Guide prior to beginning their degree program, provided who delay their start date may forfeit eligibility.
• Have applied for admission to Full Sail University for an
eligibility requirements above are met.
online undergraduate or graduate program • Funds from the International Momentum Scholarship may
• Scholarship amount will be disbursed throughout be used only toward the tuition of a Full Sail University
• Have completed the Enrollment process and met the
student’s academic years, divided equally between online degree program.
entrance requirements for the desired Full Sail University
semesters, as applicable.
degree program • The scholarship is nontransferable and has no redeemable
cash value.
• Financial aid is available for those who qualify.


Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and
development of future generations of media professionals.
To demonstrate our commitment, Full Sail University
introduces the Momentum Scholarship program. This
program is designed to offer assistance to qualified
individuals passionate about a career in the entertainment
and media industry.



The Momentum Scholarship program will award up • The Momentum Scholarship application must be submitted • Applicants must have applied as a new student to
to $25,000 to eligible students. Scholarship amounts to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee at least one week Full Sail University.
prior to the desired start date.
may vary. • An interruption of training, change of degree program,
• Check with your Enrollment Guide for the deadline or withdrawal may result in a cancellation of scholarship
date applicable to your start date. award and disbursement(s). Students must understand that
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS a change of student status may impact student eligibility.
• The Momentum Scholarship may be used with
In order to be eligible for consideration, those AWARD NOTIFICATION the Technology Assistance Scholarship.
applying for a Momentum Scholarship must:
• Recipients will be notified by their Enrollment Guide
• The final award of the scholarship is contingent upon
• Have applied for admission as a new student to prior to beginning their degree program, provided
receipt of all required Admissions and Financial Aid
Full Sail University for an online undergraduate program. eligibility requirements above are met.
documents by your start date.
• Have met the entrance requirements for the desired • Scholarship amount will be disbursed throughout student’s
• Students who delay their start date may forfeit eligibility.
Full Sail University online degree program. academic years, as applicable, based on the student’s
tuition need. • Funds from the Momentum Scholarship may be used
• Have completed a Free Application for Federal Student
only toward the tuition of a Full Sail University online
Aid (FAFSA) ( and reviewed their
undergraduate program.
Federal Student Aid Report with a Full Sail University
Enrollment Guide. • The scholarship is nontransferable and has no
redeemable cash value.
• Have completed the Enrollment/Financial Aid process and
demonstrated need, calculated by a need-based formula. • Financial aid is available for those who qualify.


Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and
development of future generations of media professionals.
To demonstrate our commitment, Full Sail University
introduces the Momentum Scholarship program. This
program is designed to offer assistance to qualified
high school seniors passionate about a career in the
entertainment and media industry.



The Momentum Scholarship program will award up • The Momentum Scholarship application must be submitted • Applicants must have applied as a new student to
to $25,000 to eligible students. Scholarship amounts to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee at least one week Full Sail University.
prior to the desired start date.
may vary. • An interruption of training, change of degree program,
• Check with your Enrollment Guide for the deadline or withdrawal may result in a cancellation of scholarship
date applicable to your start date. award and disbursement(s). Students must understand that
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS a change of student status may impact student eligibility.
• The Momentum Scholarship may be used with
In order to be eligible for consideration, those AWARD NOTIFICATION the Technology Assistance Scholarship.
applying for a Momentum Scholarship must:
• Recipients will be notified by their Enrollment Guide
• The final award of the scholarship is contingent upon
• Have applied for admission as a high school seniors to prior to beginning their degree program, provided
receipt of all required Admissions and Financial Aid
Full Sail University for an online undergraduate program. eligibility requirements above are met.
documents by your start date.
• Have met the entrance requirements for the desired • Scholarship amount will be disbursed throughout student’s
• Students who delay their start date may forfeit eligibility.
Full Sail University online degree program. academic years, as applicable, based on the student’s
tuition need. • Funds from the Momentum Scholarship may be used
• Have completed a Free Application for Federal Student
only toward the tuition of a Full Sail University online
Aid (FAFSA) ( and reviewed their
undergraduate program.
Federal Student Aid Report with a Full Sail University
Enrollment Guide. • The scholarship is nontransferable and has no
redeemable cash value.
• Have completed the Enrollment/Financial Aid process and
demonstrated need, calculated by a need-based formula. • Financial aid is available for those who qualify.


Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and
development of future generations of media professionals.
To demonstrate our commitment, Full Sail University
introduces the Momentum Scholarship program. This
program is designed to offer assistance to qualified
residents of the state of Florida passionate about
a career in the entertainment and media industry.



The Momentum Scholarship program will award up • The Momentum Scholarship application must be submitted • Applicants must have applied as a new student to
to $25,000 to eligible students. Scholarship amounts to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee at least one week Full Sail University.
prior to the desired start date.
may vary. • An interruption of training, change of degree program,
• Check with your Enrollment Guide for the deadline or withdrawal may result in a cancellation of scholarship
date applicable to your start date. award and disbursement(s). Students must understand that
MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS a change of student status may impact student eligibility.
• The Momentum Scholarship may be used with
In order to be eligible for consideration, those AWARD NOTIFICATION the Technology Assistance Scholarship.
applying for a Momentum Scholarship must:
• Recipients will be notified by their Enrollment Guide
• The final award of the scholarship is contingent upon
• Have applied for admission as a resident of Florida to prior to beginning their degree program, provided
receipt of all required Admissions and Financial Aid
Full Sail University for an online undergraduate program. eligibility requirements above are met.
documents by your start date.
• Have met the entrance requirements for the desired • Scholarship amount will be disbursed throughout student’s
• Students who delay their start date may forfeit eligibility.
Full Sail University online degree program. academic years, as applicable, based on the student’s
tuition need. • Funds from the Momentum Scholarship may be used
• Have completed a Free Application for Federal Student
only toward the tuition of a Full Sail University online
Aid (FAFSA) ( and reviewed their
undergraduate program.
Federal Student Aid Report with a Full Sail University
Enrollment Guide. • The scholarship is nontransferable and has no
redeemable cash value.
• Have completed the Enrollment/Financial Aid process and
demonstrated need, calculated by a need-based formula. • Financial aid is available for those who qualify.


The Women in Technology Scholarship is designed to identify
women who are exceptionally talented in their problem-
solving and critical thinking skills, academically successful,
and passionate about emerging technology industries.
Three components encompass this program: scholarship,
community and mentorship.

AWARDS • Meet Admissions requirements for an eligible Bachelor of • Candidates will be interviewed by a Full Sail University
Science degree program: Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Admissions representative and apply for admission by
The Women in Technology Scholarship program Game Development, Information Technology, Mobile Monday, January 21, 2022.
will award a full scholarship including tuition and a Development, Simulation & Visualization, or
• Candidates who meet the eligibility requirements for Round
laptop to an eligible woman pursuing a select Full Web Development.
1 will be notified by Monday, January 24, 2022 of eligibility to
Sail University degree program. Applicants will need • Have earned at least one of the following: a cumulative high participate in Round 2 as semifinalists.
to adhere to eligibility criteria and strict deadlines school GPA of 3.8 or higher, an SAT score after February
2016 of 1133 or higher, or an ACT score of 25 or higher
outlined in the Minimum Eligibility Requirements
when the scholarship application is submitted. • Upon Round 2 notification, semifinalists will submit a
and Application Process sections. Upon starting the
completed scholarship application, a copy of their high
program, the recipient is paired with a mentor (female • Submit an original project with screencast per instructions
school transcript, and an official SAT or ACT score via the
in the Application Process section by January 21, 2022.
faculty or graduate in a similar field of study), during student Full Sail One website by Monday, January 24, 2022.
their time at Full Sail University. Along with a mentor, • Submit an original project with screencast per instructions
• Semifinalists who submit an original project that meets
in Section D by January 21, 2022.
the award winner will have an opportunity to engage eligibility criteria and possess a high school GPA of 3.8, an
with the community by attending a conference with • Begin their degree program within 2 years. SAT score of 1133, or an ACT score of 25 and above will
an emphasis in Women’s leadership in technology. • Maintain satisfactory academic progress and adhere to qualify for Finalist status.
Finalists will be invited to a Full Sail University virtual Full Sail University’s Code of Conduct. • Finalists will be notified by Wednesday, January 26, 2022
event to participate in a whiteboard problem-solving regarding their eligibility to participate in Round 3, the
whiteboard problem-solving competition held virtually by
competition. A very limited number of scholarships APPLICATION PROCESS Full Sail University.
awarded to the finalists selected from the competition.
All eligible candidates will proceed through the ROUND 3
following process:
• Finalists will be invited to participate in a whiteboard
ROUND 1 problem-solving competition on Saturday, January 29, 2022.
To be eligible for consideration, those applying for the Finalists will receive detailed instructions prior to the event.
• Candidates will submit an original project with
Women in Technology Scholarship must: screencast based on their degree program of interest • Based on the criteria given, the scholarship award will be
• Identify as female. by Friday, January 21, 2022. See Project Requirements announced by Friday, February 4, 2022.
for Applicants section for project requirements. The link
to the project and screencast must be submitted to


AWARD DETERMINATION PROVISIONS AND AWARD • Documentation provided as part of a submission

will not be returned.
• Scholarship applicants eligible for Round 2 will be REQUIREMENTS
determined by the Women in Technology Scholarship • The project must be the original work of the applicant.
• Applicants must have applied as a new student to
panel based on the evaluation of the project submitted Full Sail University for a start date within two years • All submissions must abide by Full Sail University’s
for the degree program of interest as listed in the Project of being selected for the scholarship. Nondiscrimination Policy. Applicants who submit work that
Requirements for Applicants section, provided all eligibility does not abide by this policy will be disqualified.
requirements above are still met. • A change of degree program, interruption of education,
or withdrawal from degree program may result in • Work submitted will be judged by Full Sail University’s
• Scholarship applicants eligible for Round 3 will be cancellation of the scholarship award and disbursements. Emerging Technology Scholarship panel.
determined based on (1) their high school transcript, SAT Student understands that a change in student status may • This scholarship cannot be combined with any other
score, or ACT score and (2) this scholarship application, impact eligibility. scholarships initiated and/or awarded by Full Sail University.
provided all eligibility requirements are met. Applicants who
have not graduated may submit unofficial transcripts. • Final award of scholarship is contingent upon receipt of all • Financial aid is available to those who qualify.
required Admissions and Financial Aid documents by the
• A scholarship recipient will be determined based on the assigned start date.
whiteboard problem-solving competition held virtually by
Full Sail University. • Students who delay their start date may lose their eligibility.
• Funds from the Women in Technology Scholarship may only
be used toward the tuition and laptop, known as Project
Launchbox, for a Full Sail University campus or online
Bachelor of Science degree program.
• Scholarship funds will be disbursed by semester throughout
the student’s enrollment at Full Sail University.
• Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.5 for the
duration of their Emerging Technology degree program to
remain eligible for scholarship disbursements.
• This scholarship is nontransferable and has no redeemable
cash value.



APPLICANTS Submit a software application created with a programming Submit a project plan on how you integrated a new
language of your choice. The submitted application must show technology in your home network or lab. Describe what you
All applicants must select a project listed below and significance and originality and must solve a problem using intended to accomplish, the software or hardware you used,
submit an original project, with screencast, as specified computer science principles. You must also display significant and the results of your project. The plan should include a
in the following instructions: use of a programming language (e.g., C#, C++, JavaScript, Java). design of your network, servers, operating systems used,
The submission must include all sources and assets used to and a screencast of you demonstrating and explaining the
create the project. Outside sources must be cited within the working system.
Submit a project plan on how you would protect an submission. The submission can be for any platform/operating
information technology server against unauthorized hackers. system. Also, a screencast explaining the software application
The plan should include at least one identified system and its features must be provided.
vulnerability, the significance if exploited, and possible steps to
protect the system. Also, a screencast explaining the reasoning
on how to protect the system must be provided. Submit an original project creating a vehicle controlled by an
external input device using an Arduino board or equivalent.
You must use a game engine (e.g., Unity or Unreal) to program
your vehicle. The submitted project must include an original
STL file of the vehicle being controlled. The submission
must include all sources and assets used to create the
game. Outside sources must be cited within the submission.
Submissions must be under 75 MB and submitted as a
complete project in ZIP format. Also, a screencast explaining
the project and its features must be provided.


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