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1st SEM CHEM 1001 (Backlog) - 2020

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(CHEM 1001)
Time Allotted : 3 hrs Full Marks : 70

Figures out of the right margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to answer Group A and
any 5 (five) from Group B to E, taking at least one from each group.
Candidates are required to give answer in their own words as far as
Group – A
(Multiple Choice Type Questions)

1. Choose the correct alternative for the following: 10 × 1 = 10

(i) The half-life period for a reaction is independent of initial

concentration, choose the correct order of the reaction from the
(a) zero order (b)first order
(c) second order (d) all of the above.
(ii) A spontaneous reaction is impossible if
(a) both ΔH and ΔS are positive
(b) ΔH is positive and ΔS is negative
(c) both ΔH and ΔS are negative
(d) ΔH is negative and ΔS is positive.
(iii) Electrolytic conduction is mainly due to movement of
(a) atoms (b)ions (c) molecules (d)electrons.
(iv) A process in which pressure remains constant is called
(a) isochoric (b) isobaric
(c) isothermal (d) adiabatic.
(v) Lead impurity is removed from the internal combustion engine by
(a)1,2-dibromoethane (b) oxane
(c) mercaptan (d) n-heptane.

CHEM 1001 1
(vi) At 25C, the standard hydrogen electrode has been assigned
electrode potential
(a) positive (b) negative
(c) zero (d) one.
(vii) PVC can be reused and reshaped because it is a
(a) copolymer (b) thermosetting resin
(c) thermoplastic resin (d) isotactic polymer.
(viii) The human body is an example of a
(a) closed system (b) Open system
(c) isolated system (d) None of the above.
(ix) Silicon is a
(a) conductor (b) insulator
(c) semiconductor (d) non-conductor.
(x) Which of the following polymers is used for making switch board,
heater handle
(a)Polythene (b)Rubber
(c)PET (d)Bakelite
Group – B
2. (a) Show that for a reversible expansion of an ideal gas the work
obtained, W = nRT ln(V2/V1) (the term has its usual meaning) and
hence prove that the work done in a reversible process is greater
than that in an irreversible process.
(b) What do you mean by extensive and intensive properties of a
(c) What is enthalpy? What is the relation between internal energy and
(d) Write down the important applications of IR spectroscopy.
(2 +3)+ 2 + 2 + 3= 12
3. (a) ‘The second law of thermodynamics can be stated in different
forms.’ Justify this statement by giving two statement of the law.
(b) What do you mean by “Entropy of a system”? For a spontaneous
process how does it change?
(c) Write down the Gibbs-Helmoltz equation and explain the terms
(d) Explain the term ‘chromophore’ with example. State the Lambert-
Beer’s law of light-absorption of medium.

(2+2)+2+2+4= 12
CHEM 1001 2

Group – C
4. (a) Predict the geometry of PCl5 molecule and state the hybridization of
central P atom.
(b) Write the electronic configuration of O2 molecule and calculate its
bond order using molecular orbital theory. Find out the number of
unpaired electrons in it and hence its magnetic behaviour.
(c) What do you mean by pH scale? Calculate the pH of 0.001(M) HCl
(d) Give a brief comparison of the salient features of SN1 and SN2
2 + 3 +(2 + 2) + 3=12
5. (a) Arrange the following hydrides in decreasing order of their boiling
points and justify your answer: H2O, H2S, H2Se, H2Te.
(b) What is the difference between Frenkel defect and Schottky defect
in stoichiometric compounds?
(c) Write down the Henderson equation for an acidic buffer solution
and explain the terms involved.
(d) Arrange the following cations according to their increasing stability
order : (CH3)3C+, (CH3)2CH+, CH3CH2+ and justify your answer.
(1 + 2) + 3 + (1 + 2) + 3 = 12
Group – D
6. (a) Distinguish between ‘order’ and ‘molecularity’ of a reaction.
(b) How does a homogeneous catalyst increase the rate of a chemical
reaction? Explain with an example.
(c) Define specific conductance and equivalent conductance. Show how
they are related?
(d) Write the half cell reactions and construct the galvanic cell for the
following spontaneous reaction:
Zn(s) + H2SO4(aq) → ZnSO4(aq) + H2(g)
3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12

CHEM 1001 3
7. (a) Deduce the expression for the rate constant of a first order reaction
and its half-life.
(b) Taking an example explain a pseudo-unimolecular reaction.
(c) What are reference electrodes? Explain the working principle of
standard hydrogen electrode.
(d) What are the differences between an electrolytic cell and the
electrochemical cell?
Group – E

8. (a) What are GCV and NCV of a fuel? Deduce a relation between GCV
and NCV of a coal sample.
(b) Write down the differences between thermoplastics and
thermosetting polymers.
(c) Write the expressions of Number Average Molecular Weight (M n)
and Weight Average Molecular Weight (Mw) of a polymer. What is
PDI of polymer?

9. (a) What do you mean by knocking? How TEL can be used to reduce
knocking in an internal combustion petrol engine?
(b) What are the main constituents of LPG?
(c) Write the structural unit and two important applications of each of
the following polymers : i) Teflon, ii) Bakelite.

(d) Explain with example the ‘Biodegradable Polymers’.

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CHEM 1001 4

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