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On The Preparation of The III Edition of The "Red Book" of The Republic of Azerbaijan: Red List of Karabakh Fauna

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Journal of Life Sciences & Biomedicine, vol. 3(76), No 2, p.

11-23 (2021)

On the preparation of the III edition of the "Red Book" of the Republic of
Azerbaijan: Red List of Karabakh fauna
E.I. Ahmadov

Institute of Zoology, Azerbiajan National Academy of Sciences, A. Abbaszade Str., 504 Block, 1128 Pass.,
Baku AZ1004, Azerbaijan
For correspondence:

Received: September 10, 2021; Received in revised form: September 27, 2021; Accepted: October 11, 2021

The article has been developed relying on the results of research conducted by the staff of the Institute
of Zoology of ANAS before the occupation of Karabakh and surrounding areas by Armenia. Accord-
ing to previous years' research in Karabakh and surrounding areas, which have been under occupa-
tion for nearly 30 years, 56 species of insect fauna are rare, endemic and endangered. Of the 53 fish
species registered in the Lesser Caucasus of Azerbaijan, 7 are included in the Red Book of Azerbaijan
(2013), and 4 species are included in the IUSN Red List. It was determined that 12 species of fish are
distributed in the Hakari River, and 13 species in the Basitchay and Okhchuchay rivers. In the Lesser
Caucasus natural region, 4 out of 11 species of amphibians belonging to the batrakhofauna of Azer-
baijan and 35 out of 63 species of reptiles belonging to the herpetofauna are registered. 1 species of
tortoises, 10 species of lizards and 13 species of snakes are distributed in the fauna of Karabakh. One
species of amphibians and 7 species of reptiles were included in IUCN and GK (2013). Prior to the
occupation, 32 species out of about 200 bird species registered in 16 orders and 57 families in
Karabakh and its environs were included in the II Edition of the Red Book (2013). Most of these
species are included in the lists of international conventions (Bern, Bonn, CITES, AEWA). Prior to
the occupation of Karabakh, 24 species out of 75 species of mammals belonging to 6 orders were
included in the Red Book of Azerbaijan (2013). Five of them are also included in the Red List of the
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUSN). The second edition of the Red Book of Azer-
baijan, published in 2013, included 223 species of animals that are rare, endangered and in need of
protection. Of these, 1 species belongs to the class Oligochaeta, 1 species Crustacea, 1 species Mollusca,
77 species Insecta, 9 species Pisces, 6 species Amphibia, 14 species Reptilia, 72 species Aves, 42 species
Mammalia. The third edition of the RB, which is scheduled for publication in 2023, will embrace 279
species of rare and endangered species. The issue of medical leech and 2 bony fish species proposed
to be included in the 3rd edition of the Red Book of Azerbaijan will be clarified. It is proposed to
remove 77 species of insects included in the second edition of the Red Book, 14 species in the third
edition, and to increase the number of species on the updated list to 118 by adding 55 species. The list
of amphibians (6 species) will not be changed, and the list of reptiles will include 6 additional species
of reptiles. The third edition will consider the inclusion of 15 new species in the previous list, the
second edition will consider the removal of 8 species of mammals from the list of mammal species
and the inclusion of 1 species in the updated list of mammals.

Keywords: Fauna, invertebrate, vertebrate, Red Book, amphibian, reptile, fish, mammal, IUSN, order, family

INTRODUCTION resources in the Caucasus region. In recent years,

as a result of anthropogenic factors threatening bi-
The Republic of Azerbaijan, which occupies odiversity and ecosystems around the world, eco-
one of the unique places in the world for its biolog- systems have been degraded, and many animal spe-
ical diversity, is the country with the richest natural cies and breeds have become extinct or threatened 11
Available online 30 December 2021
E.I. Ahmadov

with extinction. According to the International Un- committed by Armenia, animal habitats were de-
ion for Conservation of Nature (IUSN), one species stroyed, populations were destroyed, caves, where
of animal disappears from our planet every day. they took refuge, were turned into weapons depots,
1000 species of birds and mammals are in danger and large animals were injured by landmines in
of extinction, one in four amphibians and one in mined areas. Due to the occupation of a large area
seven reptiles are in danger of extinction (Fauna of of the Lesser Caucasus, the fauna of this unique re-
Azerbaijan, Volume III). Such cases have not es- gion, home to many rare and economically im-
caped the fauna of Azerbaijan. In particular, there portant species, has gone unchecked. Contrary to
is no information on the current state of fauna in international law and aimed at protecting the envi-
Karabakh and surrounding areas, which have been ronment and wildlife, Armenia has had a devastat-
under occupation for nearly 30 years. ing effect on the environment and nature. Undoubt-
The Turanian tiger, once was common in the edly, the savage treatment of nature has led to the
wild nature in Azerbaijan, has become extinct, and loss of habitat and a decrease in the number of spe-
the Talysh pheasant (Ph.c. talischensis) is on the cies that are susceptible to adverse effects.
verge of extinction. There are no reports of the Pal-
las’ cat (Otocolobus manul) or striped hyaena (Hy-
aena hyaena) in our fauna in the last 20 years. Such MATERIALS AND METHODS
a state of biodiversity requires serious measures for
its conservation and sustainable use. Very im- The results of research conducted by the staff
portant work has been done in Azerbaijan to pro- of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS before the oc-
tect wildlife. The adoption of laws in this direction, cupation of Karabakh and surrounding regions by
the publication of the Red Book, the beginning of Armenia have been utilized in writing the article.
work on the preparation of the third edition, the
creation of reserves, sanctuaries, national parks in
various landscapes is the chain of such work. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The National Strategy and Action Plan for the
Protection and Sustainable Use of Biological Di- The charming nest of Azerbaijan occupied by
versity was approved and successfully imple- Armenia, Karabakh and its surrounding regions
mented in our country by the Decree of the Presi- have always been distinguished by the richness of
dent of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated March 24, its fauna diversity, differing sharply from other re-
2006, on the conservation and sustainable use of gions of Azerbaijan by its natural conditions. Until
biological diversity. the beginning of the XX century, the fauna of Azer-
In the Lesser Caucasus, the charming nest of baijan, including the Karabakh region, has always
Azerbaijan, which has been subjected to environ- been in the focus of foreign researchers. Both Tsar-
mental terror by Armenia for nearly 30 years, has ist Russia and the Soviet Union conducted research
a very rich invertebrate and vertebrate world, with in this area. In the late XIX and early XX centuries,
Karabakh and its surrounding regions sharply dif- K.Satunin, A.Vasilin, and P.Esben-Petersen con-
ferent from other regions of Azerbaijan in terms of ducted some research in all areas of Karabakh, in-
natural conditions and vegetation. The fate of rare cluding Horadiz, Shusha, Hadrud, and Fizuli dis-
and endangered species, inhabiting the landscapes tricts.
and biotopes of Karabakh and the liberated territo- At the beginning of the last century in the
ries of the Lesser Caucasus is of greater concern. Lesser Caucasus, including Karabakh and sur-
Although specialists of the Institute of Zool- rounding areas, scientists of the Institute of Zool-
ogy of ANAS conduct regular and intensive moni- ogy of ANAS - I.Yevstropov, A.Bogachev, N.Ya-
toring of fauna species in Azerbaijan, no monitor- kovleva, Kh.Aliyev, R.Efendi, A.Abdinbayova,
ing has been conducted in occupied Karabakh and L.Rzayeva, S.Aliyev, N.Samadov, A.Aliyev,
surrounding areas for about 30 years, and there is Z.Rasulova, N.Loginova and others conducted en-
no information about the fauna of this region. Dur- tomological studies.
ing this period, as a result of environmental terror Currently, over 10,000 species of insects, 63
species of reptiles, 11 species of amphibians, 104

On the preparation of the III edition of the "Red Book" of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Red List of Karabakh fauna

species of fish and 115 species of mammals have E.minutissimus (Kirby, 1802), E.clypearis
been identified in our fauna as a result of the work (Schenck, 1853), E.sexstrigatus Schenck, 1868,
of scientists working at the Institute of Zoology of E.politus (Schenck, 1853), E.malachurus (Kirby,
the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and 1802), E.lucidulus (Schenck. 1861)) of the genus
other scientific research institutions and universi- Evylaeus Robertson, 1902, 3 species (Seladonia
ties. Some of the species belonging to this fauna smaragdulus Vachal 1895, Seladonia subauratus
have the status of small and rare species. Arthro- (Rossi, 1792), Seladonia varipes Morawitz, 1876)
pods make up 85% of all animal species found in of the genus Seladonia Robertson, 1918, 1 species
Azerbaijan. Of the identified insect species, 370 (Vestitohalictus radoskovskii Vachal, 1902) of the
were new species for science, 800 for the CIS genus Vestitohalictus Blüthgen, 1961, 6 species
countries, and more than 1,700 for the South Cau- (Sphecodes monilicornis (Kirby,1802), S.alter-
casus and Caucasian fauna. Arthropods found in natus Smith, 1853, S.gibbus Linnaeus, 1758,
the Azerbaijani territories of the Lesser Caucasus S.punctipes Thomson, 1870, S.gracilior Pérez
accounted for about 20% of the total arthropods 1903, S.pellucidus Smith, 1845) of the genus Sphe-
distributed in Azerbaijan. In general, 79 species of codes Latreille, 1804, 1 species (Ceylalictus var-
invertebrates are included in the second edition of iegates (Olivier, 1789)) of the genus Ceylalictus
the Red Book in Azerbaijan (2013), including 1 Strand, 1913, 1 species of (Nomioides minutissi-
species of annular worms (Annelida), 1 species of mus (Rossi, 1790)) the genus Nomioides Schenck,
mollusks (Mollusca), 74 species of arthropods (Ar- 1867, 5 species (Nomia diversipes Latreille, 1806,
thropoda), 4 species of hymenoptera (Hymenop- N.unidentata (Olivier, 1811), N.squamata (Mora-
tera). Pre-occupation species in the Lesser Cauca- witz 1895), N.lutea Warncke, 1976, N.innesi (Gri-
sus accounted for about 20% of the total arthropods bodo, 1894)) of the genus Nomia Laterille,1804, 1
in Azerbaijan. 56 species of insect fauna in the oc- species (Halictoides dentiventris Nylander, 1848)
cupied territories are rare, endemic and endan- of the genus Halictoides Nylander 1848, 1 species
gered. From beneficial insects Braconids - Braco- (Rhophitoides canus (Eversmann, 1852)) of the ge-
nidae, chalcids - Chalcidoidea, ichnevmonids - nus Rhophitoides Schenck, 1861, 1 species
Ichneumonidae and aphids - Apidae are wide- (Rophites foveolatus Friese, 1900) of the genus
spread in Karabakh and its environs (Абдинбе- Rophites, 1 species (Systropha planidens Giraud,
кова, 1969; Рзаева, 1971, 2002; Алиев, 1985, 1861) of the genus Systropha Illiger 1806
1980, 1983, 1984). In the territories of Shusha, (Hüseynzadə, 2021), 9 species (Julodis andreae
Kalbajar, Lachin, Aghdara, Fizuli, Aghdam, andreae Olivier, 1790, Capnodis cariosa cariosa
Zangilan regions occupied for about 30 years until Pallas, 1776, Perotis lugubris longicollis Kraatz,
the 80s of the XX century, 49 species belonging to 1880, Sphenoptera mesopotamica Marseul, 1865,
13 genus of the family Halictidae: 10 species Sphenoptera tamarisci beckeri Dohrn, 1866, Sphe-
(Halictus vestitus Lepeletier, 1841, H.sexcinctus noptera tenax Jakovlev, 1902, Anthaxia hungarica
(Fabricius, 1775), H.patellatus Morawitz, 1873, sitta Küster, 1852, Coraebus rubi Linnaeus, 1767,
H.tetrazonius (Klug, 1817), H.maculatus Smith, Meliboeus robustus Küster, 1852) of Jewel beetles
1848, H.setulosus Strand, 1909, H.scardius Bluth- – Buprestidae (Huseynova, 2021) 10 species of
gen, 1936, H.quadricinctus (Fabricius, 1776), long-horned beetles – Cerambycidae (Səmədov,
H.resurgens Nurse, 1903, H.simplex Blüthgen 2010), 90 species of braconids – Braconidae
1923) of the genus Halictus Latreille, 1804, 12 spe- (Абдинбекова, 1975), 60 species of butterflies –
cies (Lasioglossum discum (Smith, 1853), L.fallax Rhopalocera (Snegovaya, Petrov, 2019), 6 species
Morawitz, 1874, L.leucozonius (Schrank, 1781), (Cueta anomala (Navás, 1915), Creoleon
L.laevigatum (Kirby,1802), L.lativentre (Schenck, plumbeus (Olivier, 1811), Palpares libelluloides
1853), L.tadschicum (Blüthgen, 1929), L.aegypti- (Linnaeus, 1764), Myrmecaelurus trigrammus
collum Strand, 1909, L.zonulum (Smith, 1848), (Pallas, 1781), Distoleon tetragrammicus (Fab-
L.xanthopus (Kirby, 1802), L.denticole Morawitz, ricius, 1798), Myrmecaelurus solaris (Krivokhat-
1876, L.alievi Pesenko, 1986, L.majus (Nylander, sky, 2002)) of Myrmeleontidae, 1 species (Dele-
1852)) of the genus Lasioglossum Curtis, 1833, 7 proctophylla variegata (Klug, 1845)) Ascalaphi-
species (Evylaeus marginatus Brulle, 1832, dae and 1 species (Nemoptera sinuata Olivier,

E.I. Ahmadov

1811) of Neuropteridae (Kərimova, Şahverdiyeva, in its left tributaries (Arpachay, Nakhchivanchay,

2021) have been recorded. In addition to agricul- Alinjachay, Gilanchay, Okhchuchay, Hakarichay,
tural pests, these species include rare and endan- Kondelanchay), in the surrounding lakes (Sarisu,
gered species. 152 species of agricultural and fruit- Aghgol, Mehman and other small lakes and
forest pests belonging to the group of insects were ditches), in Upper Karabakh and other canals for
noted (Самедов, Мирзоева, 1982). Among the irrigation, in Tartarchay reservoir, 53 species and
rare species, Empusa fasciata Brullé, 1832 belong- subspecies of fish in Alagol, Karagol and other
ing to empusids was recorded in Shusha in 1906, small water basins have been sprawled out (Caspi-
and Nemoptera sinuata Olivier, 1811 in Zangilan omyzon wagneri (Kessler, 1870) - Caspian Lam-
in 1978, and 9 rare butterfly species were recorded prey, Salmo fario Linneus, 1758 - River Trout,
by Aliyev (Алиев, 1984). 56 species of insect Salmo caspius Kessler, 1877 - Caspian Trout,
fauna in the occupied territories are rare, endemic Salmo ischchan Kessler, 1877 - Sevan Trout, Esox
and endangered. lucius Linnaeus, 1758 - Northern Pike, Leuciscus
10 of the 28 species of pests registered by Sa- cephalus orientalis Kamensky, 1901 - Chub, Scar-
madov in Azerbaijan in the 60s and 80s of the XX dinius erythrophthalmus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Com-
century (Cyphosoma tataricum (Pallas, 1773), mon Rudd, Aspius aspius taeniatus (Eichwald,
Capnodis tenebrionis (Linnaeus, 1758), C.miliaris 1831) - Aral Asp, Leucaspius delineatus (Heckel,
miliaris (Klug, 1829), C.cariosa (Pallas, 1776), 1843) - Belica, Tinca tinca Linnaeus, 1758) -
Perotis lugubris longicollis Kraatz, 1880, Tench, Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck et Schle-
Lamprodila bella (Gory, 1840), Eurythyrea quer- gel, 1846) - Stone Moroko, Chondrostoma cyri
cus (Herbst, 1780), Anthaxia cichorii (Olivier, Kessler, 1877 - Terek Nase, Romanogobio persa
1790), A.bicolor bicolor Falderman, 1835, A.trac- (Günther, 1899) - Kura Gudgeon, Capoeta sevangi
tata, Abeille de Perrin, 1901) is reported to be De Filippi, 1865 - Sevan Khramulya, Luciobarbus
found in the Karabakh region (Huseynova, 2021). capito (Güldenstädt, 1773) - Bulatmai Barbel, Lu-
The longhorn beetles - Rhaesus serricollis ciobarbus brachycephalus caspius (Berg, 1914) -
(Motschulsky, 1838), Rosalia alpina (Linnaeus, Caspian Barbell, Luciobarbus lacerta cyri De
1758), Caucasian splashing snaileater - (Carabus Filippi, 1865 - Kura Barbel, Luciobarbus mursa
(Procerus) scabrosus caucasicus Adams, 1817), (Güldenstädt, 1773) - Mursa, Chalcalburnus chal-
pretty ground beetle - Calosoma sycophanta (Lin- coides (Güldenstädt, 1772) - Kura Bleak, Alburnus
naeus, 1758), the leaf-eating insect - Labidostomis hohenackeri Kessler, 1877 - Caucasian Bleak, Al-
montana, the white-spotted andrena - Andrena al- burnus filippi (DeFilippi, 1844) - Kura Bleak,
bopunctata (Rossi, 1792), Zygaena tamara Chris- Acanthalburnus microlepis (DeFilippi, 1863) -
toph, 1889, Anthocharis gryneri (Linnaeus, 1758), Blackbrow Bleak, Alburnoides bipunctatus
Colias thiosa, Colias caucasica Staudinger, 1871, eichwaldi (DeFilippi, 1863) - Caucasian Bream,
Manduca atropos (Linnaeus, 1758), Cyrebia Blicca bjoerkna transcaucasica (Linnaeus, 1758) -
anachoreta (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851), Isochlora vi- Silver Bream, Abramis brama orientalis (Berg,
ridis (Staudinger, 1882) (Noctuidae), the marvel- 1949) - Freshwater Bream, Abramis sapa bergi
ous moth - Staurophora celsia, the scarlet tiger (Belyaev, 1929)- White-eye Bream, Vimba vimba
moth - Collimorpha dominula, the garden tiger persa (Pallas, 1814) - Caspian Vimba, Hemiculter
moth - Arctia caja (Linnaeus, 1758), are included leucisculus (Basilewsky, 1855) – Sharpbelly,
in the Red Book of Azerbaijan (2013). Pelecus cultratus (Linnaeus, 1758) – Sichel,
In the modern fauna of Azerbaijan, verte- Rhodeus sericeus amarus Bloch, 1782) - Amur Bit-
brates are represented by 700 species (Azərbaycan terling, Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) - Carp,
Faunasının taksonomik spektri. Onurğalılar, 2020). Carassius auratus gibelio (Bloch, 1782) - Silver
In the Kura River (including Varvara, Minga- Prussian Carp, Barbatula angorae (Steindachner,
chevir, Yenikend, Shamkir reservoirs) bordering 1897) - Angora Loach, Barbatula brandti (Kessler,
the Lesser Caucasus and its right tributaries 1877) - Kura Loach, Cobitis taenia satunini (Ba-
(Khramchay, Agstafachay, Hasansu, Tovuzchay, rach, 1941)- Spined Loach, Sabanejewa aurata
Zayamchay, Shamkirchay, Goshgarchay, (De Filippi, 1863) - Golden Spined Loach,
Ganjachay, Kurekchay, Tartarchay, Khachin) and Sabanejewa caspia (Eichwald, 1838) - Caspian

On the preparation of the III edition of the "Red Book" of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Red List of Karabakh fauna

Spined loach, Silurus glanis (Linnaeus, 1758) - Dolichophis shmidti (Nikolsky, 1909), Hemerrhois
Wels Catfish, Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard, ravergieri (Menetries, 1832), Eirenis collaris
1853) - Western Mosquitofish, Perca fluviatilis (Menetries, 1832), E.punctatolineata (Boettger,
Linnaeus, 1758 - European Perch, Sander lu- 1892), E.modestus Martin, 1838, Rhynchocalamus
cioperca Linnaeus, 1758 – Zander, Neoqobius melanocephalus (Jan, 1862), Telescopus fallax
(Ponticola) platyrostris constructor (Nordmann, Fleischmann, 1831, Psammophis lineolatus
1840) - Caucasian Goby, Neoqobius pallasi (Berg (Brandt, 1838), Malpolon monspessulanus (Her-
1916) - Caspian Sand Goby, Neoqobius (Ponti- mann, 1804), Macrovipera lebetina obtusa
cola) gorlap (Iljin, 1949) - Caspian Bighead Goby, (Dwigubsky, 1832)) have been sprawled out
Proterorhinus marmoratus (Pallas, 1814) - (Cəfərova, Bünyatova, 2021).
Tubenose Goby) (Абдурахманов, 1966). Eurasian Marsh Frog - Pelophylax ridibundus,
Karabakh and the liberated territories are rich Levantine Viper - Macrovipera lebetina optusa) are
in reservoirs (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, springs, considered to be economically viable species in
etc.). For nearly 30 years, these reservoirs have these areas. One species of amphibians (Hyla orien-
been subjected to environmental terror. Environ- talis - Oriental Tree Frog) found in the Lesser Cau-
mental terror has also affected the fish fauna that casus and adjacent foothills of Azerbaijan has been
has formed over the years. It should be noted that included in the IUCN Red List, and 7 species of rep-
the ichthyofauna of these areas is very poorly stud- tiles (Testudo graeca - Common Tortoise, Trapelus
ied. The ichthyofauna of the Hakari River, one of ruderatus - Horn-scaled Agama, Ablepharus bivit-
the largest rivers in the liberated territories, was tatus - Twin-striped Skink, Elaphe sauromates -
studied by Abdurahmanov (Абдурахманов, 1966) Urartian Ratsnake, Zamenis hohenackeri - Trans-
in the 60s of the last century, and the ichthyofauna caucasian Ratsnake, Coronella austriaca - Smooth
of Basitchay and Okhchuchay in the 70s by Snake, Montivipera raddei Raddeˈs Rock Viper)
Mammadova and Nasirov (Мамедова, Насиров, were included in the IUCN Red List and in the Red
1975). The authors determined that 12 species of Book of Azerbaijan (2013). Common Tortoise -
fish are distributed in the Hakari River, and 13 spe- Testudo graeca is as an endangered, Rostombekov’s
cies of fish in the Basitchay and Oxchuchay rivers. Lizard - Darevskia rostombekovi has been included
In studying the amphibian and reptile fauna of in the IUSN Red List with the status of a critically
the occupied territories, Aliyev, Alakperov Jafa- endangered species. The Mediterranean tortoise is
rova, Ahmadov (Алиев, 1974, Алекперов, 1978, also on the CITES International Trade in Prohibited
Джафарова, 1981, 1982; Алекперов, Джафаро- Species (
ва, 1979, Ахмедов, 1981), and others had special Of the snakes, the South Transcaucasian
merits. Ratsnake - Zamenis hohenackeri (Strauch, 1873)
Of the 11 species of amphibians belonging to and Urartian Ratsnake - Elaphe sauromates (Pal-
the batrachafauna of Azerbaijan, and 35 of the 63 las, 1811) are endemic species of the Caucasus
species of reptiles belonging to the herpetofauna, (İsgəndərov və b., 2021).
were registered in the Lesser Caucasus natural re- As a result of the latest inventory of our orni-
gion (Джафарова, 1984, 2004). thofauna and inspection of collection materials, as
In the territory of Karabakh, 1 from reptile well as critical processing of all scientific data, 407
fauna (Testudo graeca Linnaeus 1758), 10 lizards species of birds belonging to 19 groups, 64 families,
(Trapelus ruderatus (Olivier, 1804), Paralaudakia 209 genera were identified in the territory of Azer-
caucasica (Eichwald, 1831), Phrynocephalus baijan (Azərbaycan Faunasının taksonomik spektri.
horvathi, DeFilippi, 1863, Trachylepis septemtae- Onurğalılar, 2020). The bird fauna of the Lesser
niata (Reuss, 1834), Eumeces shneideri (Daudin, Caucasus was richer than that of other groups of an-
1802), Eremias strauchi Kessler, 1878, E.pleskei imals. About 200 species of 367 species of birds be-
Nikolsky, 1905, Psedopus apodus (Pallas, 1775), longing to 16 orders and 57 families existed in Azer-
Ophisops elegans énétries, 1832, Lacerta strigata baijan before the occupation in this area (Pernis
Eichwald, 1831), 13 species of snakes (Typhlops apivorus (Linnaeus, 1758) - European Honey-buz-
vermicularis Merrem, 1820, Eryx jaculus (Lin- zard, Milvus milvus Linn., 1758 - Red Kite, M.mi-
naeus, 1758), Platyceps najadum (Eichwald 1831), grans Bodd., 1783 - Black Kite, Accipiter gentilis

E.I. Ahmadov

Linn., 1758 - Eurasian Goshawk, Accipiter nisus Lark, Anthus trivialis - Tree Pipit, A.spinoletta - Wa-
Linn., 1758 - Eurasian Sparrowhawk, Buteo lagopus ter Pipit, Motacilla flava - Western Yellow Wagtail,
Pont., 1763 - Rough-legged Buzzard, B.buteo Linn., M.citreola - Citrine Wagtail, Lanius collurio - Red-
1758 - Common Buzzard, Circaetus gallicus backed Shrike, L.senator - Woodchat Shrike, L.mi-
Gmelin, 1788 - Short-toed Eagle, Aquila heliaca Sa- nor - Lesser Grey Shrike, L.excubitor - Great Grey
vigny, 1809 - Asian Imperial Eagle, A.chrysaetos Shrike, Oriolis oriolis - Golden Oriole, Sturnus vul-
Linn., 1758 - Golden Eagle, Falco cherrug Gray, garis – Starling, Pastor roseus - Rosy Starling, Gar-
1834 - Saker Falcon, F.peregrinus Tunst., 1771 - rulus glandarius – Jay, Pica pica – Magpie, Pyr-
Peregrine Falcon, F.biarmicus Temm., 1825 - Lan- rhocorax pyrrhocorax - Red-billed Chough, P.grac-
ner Falcon, F.subbuteo Linn., 1758 - Hobby Falcon, ulus - Yellow-billed Chough, Coloeus monedula -
F.naumanni Fleischer, 1818 - Lesser Kestrel, F.tin- Eurasian Jackdaw, Corvus corone - Carrion Crow,
nunculus Linn., 1758 – Kestrel, Neophron percnop- C.cornix - Hooded Crow, Bombycilla garrulus - Bo-
terus Linn., 1758 - Egyptian Vulture, Gyps fulvus hemian Waxwing, Troglodytes troglodytes – Wren,
Habl., 1783 - Griffon Vulture, Aegypius monachus Prunella collaris - Alpine Accentor, P.modularis –
Linn., 1766 - Black Vulture, Gypaetus barbatus Dunnock, Locustella fluviatilis - River Warbler,
Linn., 1758 - Bearded Vulture, Lyrurus mlo- Hippolais icterina - Icterine Warbler, Iduna ca-
kosiewiczi Taczanowski, 1875 - Caucasian Black ligata - Booted Warbler, I.pallida - Eastern oliva-
Grouse, Tetraogallus caspicus Gmelin, 1784 - Cau- ceous Warbler, Pterocles alchata - Pin-tailed Sand-
casian Black Grouse, Alectoris chukar Gray, 1830 – grouse, Regulus regulus – Goldcrest, Ficedula albi-
Chukar, Francolinus francolinus Linn., 1766 - cilla - Taiga Flycatchers, Muscicapa striata - Spot-
Black Francolin, Perdix perdix - Grey Partridge, ted Flycatcher, Saxicola rubetra – Whinchat, Sax-
Coturnix coturnix Garsault, 1764 – Quail, Phasi- icola torquatus - Common Stonechat, Oenanthe oe-
anus colchicus Linn., 1758 - Common Pheasant, nanthe - Northern Wheatear, O.pleschanka - Pied
Grus grus Linn., 1758 - Common Crane, Leu- Wheatear, O.finschi - Finsch-s Wheatear, O.isa-
cogeranus leucogeranus Pall., 1773 - Siberian belina - Isabelline Wheatear, Monticola saxatilis -
Crane, Antropoides virgo Linn., 1758 - Demoiselle European Rock Thrush, Phoenicurus ochruros -
Crane, Rallus aquaticus Linn., 1758 - Water Rail, Black Redstart, Erithacus rubecula - European
Crex crex Linn., 1758 - Corn Crake, Scolopax rusti- Robin, Luscinia luscinia - Thrush Nightingale, Tur-
cola Linn., 1758 - Eurasian Woodcock, Glareola dus atrogularis - Black-throated Thrush, Turdus pi-
pratincola Linn., 1766 - Collared Pratincole, Co- laris – Fieldfare, T.torquatus - Ring Ouzel, T.mer-
lumba palumbus Linn., 1758 - Wood Pigeon, ula - Eurasian Blackbird, T.philomelos - Song
C.oenas - Stock Dove, C.livia Gm., 1789 - Rock Thrush, T.iliacus – Redwing, T.viscivorus - Mistle
Dove, Cuculus canorus Linn., 1758 – Cuckoo, Bubo Thrush, Aegithalos caudatus - Long-tailed Tit, Sitta
bubo Linn., 1758 - Eurasian Eagle Owl, Asio otus europea - Eurasian Nuthatch. S.neumayer - Western
Linn., 1758 - Long-eared Owl, Otus scops Linn., Rock Nuthatch, S. tephronota - Eastern Rock Nut-
1758 - Scops Owl, Athene noctua - Little Owl, Strix hatch, Tichodroma muraria – Wallcreeper, Certhia
aluco - Tawny Owl, Coracias garrulus - European familiaris - Eurasian Treecreeper, Calandrella
Roller, Merops apiaster - European Bee-eater, M. brachydactyla - Pale Rock Sparrow, Passer domes-
persicus - Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, Upupa epops - ticus - House Sparrow, Petronia petronia - Rock
Eurasian Hoopoe, Jynx torquilla - Eurasian Wry- Sparrow, Montifringilla nivalis - White-winged
neck, Picus viridis - Eurasian Green Woodpecker, Snowfinch, Fringilla coelebs Linn., 1758 - Com-
Dryocopus martius - Black Woodpecker, D.major - mon Chaffinch, Fringilla montifringilla Linn., 1758
Great Spotted Woodpecker, D.syriacus - Syrian – Brambling, Chloris chloris Linn., 1758 - Common
Woodpecker, D.medius - Middle Spotted Wood- Greenfinch, Ardea purpurea Linnaeus, 1766 - Pur-
pecker, D.minor - Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Ri- ple Heron, Ciconia nigra Linnaeus, 1758 - Black
paria riparia - Sand Martin, Ptyonoprogne rupestris Stork, Milvus migrans Bodd., 1783 - Black Kite,
- Crag Martin, Hirundo rustica - Barn Swallow, Circus macrourus Gm., 1771 - Pallid Harrier, Ac-
Delichon urbicum - Northern House Martin, Lullula cipiter brevipes Sev., 1850 - Levant Sparrowhawk,
arborea – Woodlark, Eremophila alpestris - Horned Buteo rufinus Cretz., 1827 - Long-legged Buzzard,
Circaetus gallicus Gmelin, 1788 - Short-toed Eagle,

On the preparation of the III edition of the "Red Book" of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Red List of Karabakh fauna

Clanga clanga Pall., 1811 - Greater Spotted Eagle, included in the lists of international conventions
Clanga pomarina Brehm, 1811 - Lesser Spotted (Bern, Bonn, CITES, AEWA).
Eagle, Falco subbuteo Linn., 1758 - Hobby Falcon, The Lachin sanctuary, Dalidagh and
Falco columbarius Linn., 1758 – Merlin, Otis tarda Murovdagh (Gamishdagh) are some of the main
Linn., 1758 - Great Bustard, Tetrax tetrax Linn., habitats of birds of prey included in the Red List of
1758 - Little Bustard, Glareola nordmanni Nord., the International Union for Conservation of Nature
1842 - Black-winged Pratincole, Pterocles orien- (IUSN) and the Caucasian Black Grouse - Lyrurus
talis Linn., 1758 - Black-bellied Sandgrouse, İrania mlokosiewiczi. These areas are considered to be
gutturalis Guer., 1843 - White-throated Robin, Li- one of the international migration corridors for pro-
naria flavirostris Linn., 1758 – Twite, Rhodo- tected birds. The Caucasian tetras and Caspian vul-
pechys sanguinea Could.,1838 - Asian Crimson- tures, which are susceptible to any adverse effects
winged Finch, Carpodacus erythrinus Pall., 1770 - and are endemic to the Caucasus, have settled in
Common Rosefinch, C.rubicilla Culd., 1775 - the supalpine and alpine zone of this area.
Great Rosefinch, Loxia curvirostra Linn., 1758 - Over half of the species composition of mam-
Red Crossbill, Pyrrhula coccothraustes Linn., mals in the country is rare. Their list includes al-
1758 – Hawfinch, Emberiza cia Linn., 1766 - Rock most all insectivors (Соколов, Тембатов, 1989;
Bunting, E.melanocephala Scop., 1769 - Black- Гошуналиев, 1990a, 1990b), about 50% of bats
headed Bunting) have come across. 32 species of (Рахматулина, 1989b, 1990, 1995a, 1995b), 40%
birds registered in the occupied territories (A.pur- of rodents, up to 60% of predators belong to all un-
purea Linnaeus, 1766 - Purple Heron, C.nigra Lin- gulates, except wild boar (Quliyev, 1997).
naeus, 1758 - Black Stork, M.migrans Bodd., 1783 The services of Vereshagin, Asadov and Gu-
- Black Kite, M.milvus Linn., 1758 - Red Kite, liyev, in the study of the fauna of mammals of
C.macrourus Gm., 1771 - Pallid Harrier, A.brevi- Azerbaijan are great (Верещагин, 1937, 1942,
pes Sev., 1850 - Levant Sparrowhawk, B.rufinus 1947, 1951a, 1959; Асадов, 1960; Azərbaycanın
Cretz., 1827 - Long-legged Buzzard, C.gallicus Heyvanlar aləmi. Onurğalılar, 2004; Кулиев,
Gmelin, 1788 - Short-toed Eagle, C.clanga Pall., Аскеров, 2012e; Quliyev, 2015).
1811 - Greater Spotted Eagle, C.pomarina Brehm, According to the article published by
1811 - Lesser Spotted Eagle, A.heliaca Savigny, Vereshagin in 1942, 56 species related to the the-
1809 - Asian Imperial Eagle, A.chrysaetos Linn., riofauna of the Karabakh territory (8 species of in-
1758 - Golden Eagle, Gypaetus barbatus Linn., sects, 10 species of bats, 1 species of Lagomorpha,
1758 - Bearded Vulture, Neophron percnopterus 18 species of rodents, 16 species of predators, 4
Linn., 1758 - Egyptian Vulture, Aegypius mona- species of ungulates) (Vereshagin, 1942), accord-
chus Linn., 1766 - Black Vulture, Gyps fulvus ing to Alakbarov 61 species of mammals (insecti-
Habl., 1783 - Griffon Vulture, Falco cherrug Gray, vores - 8 species, bats - 15 species, Lagomorpha -
1834 - Saker Falcon, F.peregrinus Tunst., 1771 - 1 species, rodents - 20 species, predators - 13 spe-
Peregrine Falcon, F.subbuteo Linn., 1758 - Hobby cies, ungulates - 4 species) are recorded
Falcon, F.columbarius Linn., 1758 – Merlin, (Алекперов, 1966). According to Guliyev, cur-
F.naumanni - Lesser Kestrel, L.mlokosiewiczi rently 75 species of mammals (12 species of in-
Taczanowski, 1875 - Caucasian Black Grouse, sects, 20 species of bats, 1 species of rabbits, 25
T.caspius Gmelin, 1784 - Caspian Snowcock, species of rodents, 13 species of predators, 4 spe-
P.perdix Linn., 1758 - Grey Partridge, P.colchicus cies of ungulates) are recorded in the area (Quli-
Linn., 1758 - Common Pheasant, O.tarda - Great yev, 2021).
Bustard, T.tetrax Linn., 1758 - Little Bustard, 8 species out of 13 species of insectivores (In-
G.nordmanni Nord., 1842 - Black-winged Pratin- sectivora) in the territory of Karabakh (Erinaceus
cole, P.orientalis Linn., 1758 - Black-bellied Sand- concolor Martin, 1838 - Southern White – breasted
grouse, S.tephronota Scharp., 1872 - Eastern Rock Hedgehog, Talpa levantis Thomas, 1906 - Levan-
Nuthatch, C.erythrinus Pall., 1770 - Common tine Mole, Sorex raddei Satunin, 1895 - Radde`s
Rosefinch, İ.gutturalis Guer., 1843 - White- Shrew, S.satunini Ognev, 1922 (Syn. S. caucasica
throated Robin) have been included in the II edition Satunin, 1913) - Caucasian Shrew, N.teres Miller,
of the Red Book (2013). Most of these species are 1908 (Syn. N.schelkovnikovi Satunin, 1913) -

E.I. Ahmadov

Transcaucasian Water Shrew, Crocidura suaveo- Pine Vole, M.nazarovi Schidlovsky, 1938 - Na-
lens Pallas, 1811 - Lesser White-toothed Shrew, sarov`s Vole, M.sosialis Pallas, 1773 - Social Vole,
Crocidura leucodon Hermann, 1780 - Bicolored M.arvalis - Common Vole, Ch.nivalis Mar-
Shrew, Crocidura gueldenstaedti Pallas, 1811 - tins,1842 - European Snow Vole), 11 species from
Gueldenstaedt`s Shrew), 20 species out of 34 spe- Carnivora group (Canis lupus L., 1758 - Gray
cies of bats (Chiroptera) (Rhinolophus hippo- Wolf, Canis aureus L., 1758 - Golden Jackal, Vul-
sideros Borkhausen,1797 - Lesser Horseshoe Bat, pes vulpes L., 1758 - Red Fox, Mustela nivalis L.,
Rhinolophus blasii Peters, 1866 - Blasius`s Horse- 1758 - Least Weasel, Martes martes L., 1758 - Eu-
shoe Bat, Rhinolophus euryale - Blasius, 1853 ropean Pine Marten, Martes foina Erxleben,1777 -
Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus me- Beech Marten, Meles meles L., 1758 - European
helyi Matschie, 1901 - Mehely`s Horseshoe Bat, Badger, Lutra lutra L., 1758 - Eurasian otter, Felis
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Schreber, 1774 - silvestris Schreber, 1777 - Wild Cat, Lynx lynx L.,
Greater Horseshoe Bat, Myotis blythii Tomes, 1758 - Eurasian Lynx, Ursus arctos L., 1758 -
1857 - Lesser Mouse-eared Bat, Myotis nattereri Brown Bear, Panthera pardus L., 1752 - Leopard),
Kuhl, 1817 - Natterer`s Bat, Myotis emarginatus 4 species from Artiodactyla group (Sus scrofa Lin-
Geoffroy, 1806 - Geoffroy`s Bat, Myotis mystaci- naeus, 1758 - Wild Boar, Capra aegagrus Erx-
nus Kuhl, 1817 - Whiskered Bat, Plecotus auritus leben, 1777 - Bezoar Goat, Capreolus capreolus
Linnaeus, 1758 - Brown Long-eared Bat, Barbas- L., 1758 - European Roe Deer, Rupicapra cauca-
tella barbastellus Schreber, 1774 - Western Bar- sica Lydekker, 1910 - Caucasian Chamois) have
bastelle, Barbastella leucomelas Satunin, 1908 - been inhabited (Верещагин, 1959; Гошуналиев,
Eastern Barbastelle, Nyctalus noctula Schreber, 1990, 1990a; Рахматулина, 1990, 1994, 1995a,
1774 - Common Noctule, Nyctalus leisleri Kuhl, 1995b; Quliyev, 2015).
1817 - Lesser Noctule, Pipistrellus pipistrellus Before the occupation of Karabakh, 24 spe-
Schreber, 1774 - Common Pipistrelle, Pipistrellus cies out of 75 mammals belonging to 6 orders (Rhi-
kuhlii - Kuhl`s Pipistrelle, Hypsugo savii Bona- nolophus euryale Blasius, 1853 - Mediterranean
parte, 1837 - Savi`s Pipistrelle, Eptesicus serotinus Horseshoe Bat, Barbastella barbastellus Schreber,
- Serotine Bat, Minopterus schreibersii Кuhl, 1817 1774 - Western Barbastelle, Rhinolophus mehelyi
- Schreiber’s Common Bent-winged Bat, Tadarida Matschie, 1901 - Mehely`s Horseshoe Bat, Myotis
teniotis Rafinesque, 1814 - European Free-tailed blythii Tomes, 1857 - Lesser Mouse-eared Bat,
Bat), 2 species from Lagomorpha (Lepus euro- Rhinolophus hipposideros Borkhausen, 1797 -
paeus Pallas, 1778 - European Hare, Oryctolagus Lesser Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequi-
cuniculus Linnaeus, 1758 - European Rabbit), 19 num Schreber, 1774 - Greater Horseshoe Bat, My-
species of 37 orders from Rodentia, (Sciurus anom- otis emarginatus Geoffroy, 1806 - Geoffroy`s Bat,
alus Guldenstaedti,1792 - Caucasian Squirrel, Hys- Tadarida teniotis Rafinesque, 1814 - European
trix indica Kerr., 1792 - İndian Crested Porcupine, Free-tailed Bat, Hystrix indica Kerr., 1792 - İndian
Glis glis L., 1766 - Edible Dormouse, Dryomys Crested Porcupine, Chionomys nivalis Mar-
nitedula Pallas,1778 - Forest Dormouse, Allactaqa tins,1842 - European Snow Vole, Ursus arctos L.,
euphratica Thom., 1881 - Euphrates Jerboa, A.ela- 1758 - Brown Bear, Martes martes L., 1758 - Eu-
ter Licht., 1825 - Small Five-toed Jerboa, Rattus ropean Pine Marten, Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777
rattus L., 1758 - Black Rat, R.norvegicus Berk., - Wild Cat, Lynx lynx L., 1758 - Eurasian Lynx,
1769 - Brown Rat, Mus musculus L.,1758 - House Capra aegagrus Erxleben, 1777 - Bezoar Goat,
Mouse, Sylvaemus uralensis Pallas, 1811 - Herb Capreolus capreolus L., 1758 - European Roe
Field Mouse, S. witherbyi Thomas, 1902 - Steppe Deer, Ovis orientalis Gmelin, 1774 - Mouflon,
Field Mouse, S.ponticus Sviridenko, 1936 - Black Talpa levantis Thomas, 1906 - Levantine Mole,
Sea Field Mouse, Crisetulus migratorius Pallas, Lutra lutra L., 1758 - Eurasian otter) have been in-
1773 - Grey Dwarf Hamster, Arvicola amphibius cluded in the "Red Book" of Azerbaijan (2013).
L., 1758 (A.terrestris L., 1758) - European Water Among these species you can come across Striped
Vole, Mictotus majori Thomas, 1906 - Major`s Hyena Hyaena hyaena L., 1758, Pallas`s Cat - Oto-

On the preparation of the III edition of the "Red Book" of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Red List of Karabakh fauna

colobus manul Pallas, 1778, including in the Re- edition of the Red Book of Azerbaijan (2013). The
publican and International Red List. Eurasian Lynx 3rd edition should clarify the issue of removing 4
- Lynx lynx L., 1758, Leopard Panthera pardus L., species of birds from the list and adding 15 new spe-
1752, Brown Bear - Ursus arctos L., 1758, Bezoar cies to the previous list, the updated list of mam-
Goat – Capra aegagrus Erxleben, 1777, European mals, removing the 8 species of mammals from the
Roe Deer - Capreolus capreolus L., 1758 species list of mammal species and including 1 species in
have been listed in the Red List of the IUSN. the second edition.
The first edition of the RB, published in 1989, As the fauna of our liberated territories has not
included the names of 108 species of animals, em- existed for the last 30 years, monitoring should
bracing 14 species of mammals, 36 species of begin as soon as possible
birds, 13 species of reptiles and amphibians, 5 spe-
cies of fish and 40 species of insects. The second
edition of the RB, published in 2013, included 223 CONCLUSIONS
species of rare, endangered and endangered species
in need of protection. Of these, 1 species belongs According to the literature, 56 species of the
to the hydrofauna of our republic, 1 species Oligo- insect fauna of previous years in Karabakh and sur-
chaeta, 1 species Crustacea, 1 species Mollusca, 78 rounding areas are rare, endemic and endangered
species Insecta, 9 species Pisces, 6 species Am- species.
phibia, 14 species Reptilia, 72 species Aves, and 7 species of the 53 fish species registered in
42 species Mammalia. the watersheds of the Lesser Caucasus, including
As a result of conservation measures included Karabakh and the liberated territories, are included
in the I and II editions of the Red Book of Azerbai- in the Red Book of Azerbaijan, and 4 species are
jan, there is a need to remove from the list of spe- included in the IUSN Red List.
cies with a significant increase in their number, as 4 out of 11 species of amphibians registered in
well as to add to the list of species of fauna with a Azerbaijan and 35 species out of 63 species of rep-
decrease in their number. Undoubtedly, based on tiles are found in the Lesser Caucasus natural re-
international experience, the lists provided by the gion. 1 species of turtles, 10 species of lizards and
Red Book of Azerbaijan should be regularly up- 13 species of snakes are distributed in the fauna of
dated and republished every 10 years. Karabakh. 1 species of amphibians and 7 species
The third edition of the Red Book of Azerbai- of reptiles are included in the IUCN and the Red
jan, which is scheduled for publication in 2023, Book of Azerbaijan (2013).
will include 279 species of rare, endangered and Prior to the occupation, 32 species out of
endangered species in need of protection. In addi- about 200 bird species registered in 16 orders and
tion to monitoring of 3 species of aquatic inverte- 57 genera in Karabakh and its environs were in-
brates and 9 species of fish included in the II edi- cluded in the Second Edition of the Red Book
tion of the Red Book and to be included in the III (2013). Most of these species are included in the
edition, the reduction of the number of pearl snail lists of international conventions (Bern, Bonn,
- Unio mingrelicus Drouet, 1881 and medicinal CITES, AEWA).
leech - Hirudo orientalis will be clarified. Accord- 24 species out of 75 species of mammals be-
ing to the results of the monitoring to be conducted longing to 6 groups registered before the occupa-
by researchers, the issue of inclusion of these spe- tion in the territory of Karabakh were included in
cies and 2 bony fish species in the III edition of the the Red Book (2013). Five of them are also in-
Red Book will be considered. cluded in the Red List of the International Union
The second edition of the Red Book of Azer- for Conservation of Nature (IUSN).
baijan (2013) includes 77 species of insects. In the The third edition of the Red Book of Azerbai-
third edition, it is proposed to remove 14 species jan (2013), which is scheduled for publication in
from the list, and to increase the number of species 2023, includes 279 species of rare, endangered and
on the updated list to 118 by adding 55 species. It is endangered species under threat.
planned to include 6 species of reptiles in the 3rd

E.I. Ahmadov

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On the preparation of the III edition of the "Red Book" of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Red List of Karabakh fauna

Верещагин Н.К. (1942) Каталог зверей Азер- Рахматулина И.К. (1989б) К экологии и
байджана. Баку: АзФАН ССР, 95 с. постиатальному развитию трехцветной поч-
Верещагин Н.К. (1947) Охотничьи и промыс- ницы. Экология, 4: 82-84.
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95: 3-144. характеристика фауны рукокрылых Азербай-
Верещагин Н.К. (1951a) Млекопитающие. Жи- джана. Рукокрылые. Материалы V всесоюз.
вотный мир Азербайджана. Баку: Изд. АН совещ. по рукокрылым, с. 53-57.
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логия наземных и водных животных Кура- Eupelmidae). Изв. АН Азерб. ССР, сер. биол.
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E.I. Ahmadov

Azərbaycan Respublikasının «Qırmızı Kitabı»nın III nəşrinin hazırlanmasına dair:

Qarabağ faunasının qırmızı siyahısı

E.İ. Əhmədov

AMEA-nın Zoologiya İnstitutu, Bakı, Azərbaycan

Məqalə, Qarabağ və ətraf ərazilərin Ermənistan tərəfindən işğalına qədər AMEA Zoologiya institutunun
əməkdaşlarının apardıqları tədqiqat işlərinin nəticələri əsasında hazırlanmışdır. 30 ilə yaxın işğal altında
olmuş Qarabağ və ətraf ərazilərdə əvvəlki illərdə aparılan tədqiqatların nəticələrinə əsasən həşəratlar fau-
nasının 56 növü nadir, endemik və nəsli kəsilmək təhlükəsində olan növlərdir. Azərbaycanın Kiçik Qafqaz
ərazisində qeydə alınan 53 balıq növündən 7-si Azərbaycanın “Qırmızı Kitab” ına (QK), 4 növ isə IUSN-
in Qırmızı siyahısına daxil edilmişdir. Həkəri çayında 12, Bəsitçay və Oxçuçaylarında isə 13 növ balığın
yayıldığı müəyyən edilmişdir. Kiçik Qafqaz təbii vilayətində Azərbaycanın batraxofaunasına aid 11 növ
amfibilərdən 4-nə, herpetofaunasına aid 63 növ reptililərdən isə 35-i qeydə alınır. Qarabağ ərazisində rep-
tililər faunası üzrə tısbağalardan 1, kərtənkələlərdən 10, ilanlardan isə 13 növ yayılmışdır. Amfibilərdən 1,
reptililərdən isə 7 növ İUCN-nin və QK-a (2013) daxil edilmişdir. İşğala qədər Qarabağ və onun ətraf əra-
zilərində 16 dəstəyə, 57 fəsiləyə mənsub qeydə alınan 200-ə yaxın quş növündən 32-növ QK-ın II nəşrinə
(2013) daxil edilmişdir. Bu növlərin əksəriyyəti beynəlxalq konvenvensiyalarının (Bern, Bonn, CITES,
AEWA) siyahılarına daxil edilmiş növlərdir. Qarabağ ərazisində işğala qədər 6 dəstəyə mənsub, 75 növ
məməlidən 24 növü Azərbaycanın QK-na (2013) daxil edilmişdir. Bunlardan da 5 növ eyni zamanda Bey-
nəlxalq Təbiəti Mühafizə İttifaqının Qırmızı Siyahısına (İUSN) da daxil edilmişdir. 2013-cü ildə nəşr olu-
nan QK-ın II nəşrinə, nadir, nəsli kəsilmək və təhlükə altında olmaqla, qorunmasına ehtiyac yaranan 223
növ heyvan daxıl edilmişdir. Bunlardan 1 növ Oligochaeta, 1 növ Crustacea, 1 növ Mollusca, 77 növ In-
secta, 9 növ Pisces, 6 növ Amphibia, 14 növ Reptilia, 72 növ Aves, 42 növ Mammalia sinfinə aiddir. 2023-
cü ildə nəşr edilməsi nəzərda tutulan QK-ın III nəşrinə, nadir, nəsli kəsilmək və təhlükə altında olmaqla,
qorunmasına ehtiyac yaranan 279 növ heyvanın daxil edilməsi nəzərdə tutulur. QK-ın III nəşrinə daxil
edilməsi təklif edilən tibb zəlisi və 2 sümüklü balıq növünün məsələsinə aydınlıq gətiriləcək. Qırmızı Ki-
tabın II nəşrinə daxil edilmiş həşəratlar sinifinə aid 77 növdən, III nəşrdə 14 növün siyahıdan çıxarılması,
55 növün isə əlavə edilməsi ilə yeniləşmiş siyahıda olan növlərin sayının 118-ə çatdırılması təklif edilir.
Amfibilərin siyahısında (6 növ) dəyişiklik edilməyəcəyi, reptililərin siyahısına isə əlavə 6 növ sürünən daxil
edilməsi nəzərdə tutulur. III nəşrdə əvvəlki siyahıya 15 yeni növün daxil edilməsi, məməli heyvanların
yenilənmiş siyahısına II nəşrdə məməli heyvan növləri siyahısından 8 növ məməlinin çıxarılması və 1 nö-
vünün daxil edilməsi məsələsinə baxılacaq.

Açar sözlər: Fauna, onurğasız, onurğalı, Qırmızı Kitab, amfibi, reptili, balıq, məməli, İUSN, dəstə, fəsilə

Подготовка третьего издания «Красной книги» Азербайджанской Республики:

Красный список фауны Карабаха

Э.И. Ахмедов

Институт зоологии НАН Азербайджана, Баку, Азербайджан

Статья основана на результатах исследований, проведенных сотрудниками Института зоологии

НАНА до оккупации Арменией Карабаха и прилегающих территорий. Согласно исследованиям,
проведенным в предыдущие годы в Карабахе и его окрестностях, которые находились под оккупа-
цией почти 30 лет, 56 видов фауны насекомых являются редкими, эндемичными и находящимися
под угрозой исчезновения. Из 53 видов рыб, зарегистрированных на территории Малого Кавказа

On the preparation of the III edition of the "Red Book" of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Red List of Karabakh fauna

Азербайджана, 7 занесены в Красную книгу Азербайджана (КК), а 4 вида - в Красный список Меж-
дународного союза охраны природ (МСОП или IUSN). Установлено, что 12 видов рыб обитают в
реке Хакари, а 13 видов - в реках Баситчай и Охчучай. В природной области Малого Кавказа заре-
гистрировано 4 из 11 видов земноводных, относящихся к батраxафауне Азербайджана, и 35 из 63
видов рептилий, относящихся к герпетофауне. На территории Карабаха из фауны рептилий обитают
1 вид черепах, 10 видов ящериц и 13 видов змей. 1 вид земноводных и 7 видов рептилий включены
в МСОП и КК (2013). До оккупации в Карабахе и его окрестностях из зарегистрированных при-
мерно 200 видов птиц, относящихся к 16 отрядам и 57 семействам, 32 вида были включены во вто-
рое издание Красной книги (2013 г.). Большинство этих видов внесено в списки международных
конвенций (Берн, Бонн, МСОП, AEWA). До оккупации Карабаха из 75 видов млекопитающих, от-
носящихся к 6 отрядам 24 вида были включены в Красную книгу Азербайджана (2013 г.). Пять из
них также внесены в Красный список МСОП. Второе издание Красной книги, опубликованное в
2013 году, включает 223 редких и находящихся на грани исчезновения вида. Из них 1 вид относится
к классу Oligochaeta, 1 вид - Crustacea, 1 вид - Mollusca, 77 видов - Insecta, 9 видов - Pisces, 6 видов
- Amphibia, 14 видов - Reptilia, 72 вида – Aves и 42 вида относятся к классу Mammalia. Третье издание
Красной книги, которое планируется опубликовать в 2023 году, будет включать 279 редких и нахо-
дящихся на грани исчезновения видов. Будет прояснен вопрос о лечебной пиявке и двух костных
рыбах, предлагаемых для включения в третье издание Красной книги. Предлагается в третьем изда-
нии Красной книги из 77 видов насекомых, включенных во второе издание удалить 14 видов и уве-
личить количество видов в обновленном списке до 118, добавив 55 видов. Список амфибий (6 ви-
дов) не будет изменен, а список рептилий будет включать 6 дополнительных видов. В третьем из-
дании будет рассмотрено включение 15 новых видов в предыдущий список. В списке млекопитаю-
щих будет рассмотрено исключение 8 видов из списка во втором издании и включение 1 вида в
обновленный список.

Ключевые слова: Фауна, беспозвоночные, позвоночные, Красная книга, земноводные, рептилии,

рыбы, млекопитающие, МСОП, отряд, семейство


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