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Middle School Lesson Plan

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~, Berklee
Name: Sarah Lee
pate : Sep. 30, 2021
Class Tvoe: General Music
Lesson Plan

Grade: 7
ing objectives use actio n verbs to desc ribe wha
1. Measurable Objective(s): (Measurable learn
end ofth e class.)
you want the students to be able to do by the

• Students
• Students

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• Students

2 二二二二二三三比
waltz, and tan"g'<)-:-

三 ,,,..'t>('\ \,ilc::_)
j믹尸뻔~- L\:L "' 나a grou p at the end of class .
rhythm as
• Performance on each polka, waltz, and tango
will tell what kind ofrh ythm it is.
• I will play each rhythmic pattern, and students
you will
g, Responding - Write out the stan dard s that
3 . National Standards : (Creating, Performin
be addressing in their entirety.)
rical context inform performances and result
• MU :Pr4 .7c Identify how cultural and histo
~m us ic interprntations.
to listen to and compare the connections to
• l :Re7. I .7a Select or choose contrasting music
;pecific interests or experiences for a specific
cont ext ofm usic from a variety ofge nres , cultures, and
• MU:Re7.2.7b Identify and compare the
historical periods.
onding, Connect ing- Write out the stan dard s
- 4. State Standards: (Creating, Performing, Resp
you will be addr e · g in their entirety.)
• ~ ~;~麟~;;;tic work . Analyze how cultures are reflected in
a dive rn, rang e of

Explain how a musical work is connected to
• erpr et inten t and mea ning in artis tic work .
was created. (N.M.R.08)
particular cultural, historical context where it
at must students know to be successful.)
5. ReQuired PriorA<nowledge and Skills: (Wh

• 麟~~::。~::e~oto~~Jke£:~교t:;;;::ic notat;on
• stea dy pulse/beat.
Stude ts need to be able
(Be sure to inclu de music titles, composer/arr
6. Material, Repertoire, E硏pment needed:
text etc.)

• PowerPo int
• P ercussion instruments
• Reco rdin£ ofvolka, waltz, tanf[o music

. Updated 12/ 1/19
~ I\ - \ ~ ~ t\

• Poster
• Sticky Notes
• Pencils

7. Review Needed:
None 1 " rtut neeas 1o/Je reviewed to reinforce prior learning related to this lesson.)

• Review on 2/4, 3/4, and 'f/4 rhythm .

· ccommodations: (Special Needs, ELL, etc.)

• Students who feel uncom
clapping , can
they feel comfortabl using.
• 1 will have keywords, or tenninology that ELL students may find difficult on the board, and
write out their meanings.

9. Agenda: (List items to be tauf!hUtndoost.)

1. Poster Activity
2. Presentation- Learn fun fa안
3. Play rhythm patterns
4. What have you learned?

B. Leaming Activities: (What learning experiences and instruction will enable I B
students to achieve the desired results - have o e !ear ing activitie
JJafll-~ /15

rt, h,r('L .,. l1if
·eed) 1kt.

l. P : e s • ~ : ~ : : t : ~ c a l and cultural facts about polka, t |


waltz, and tan o as well. 4!

• After listening to the presentation, students will tell tl1ree interesting g
facts they learned about polka, waltz, or tango.

Play polk , waltz, tango rhythm pattern usmg percusswn mstruments

• Stu nts will be divided into three groups, a n ~ i l l l e a r n
h to play polka, waltz, or tango rhythm on eir percussio
instruments bv lookinf! at the notation of each rhvthmtc pattern on the

Updated 12/1/19
whiteboard. After learnin g how to play as
presen t their rhythm to class.
agroup, each group will
C. Closin g/Wrap -up: (This is a recap ofthe key /
for unders tanding . Could b e a ticket to leave earnin g 0/the day to check C. IO min

-" answer s.)

as individuals or group
I will play each polka, waltz, and tango rhyth
will tell which k·md of rhythm it is. m pattern, and students
• Each studen t will presen t what h

— before exitin t e or she has learned new through class

D. Assign ment:

11.Ret lection p rompt: What doyou think wentpa rticula rly well? How didthis strength impact your
studen ts ' learnin g?

gyou wouldd o differently?

12.Reflection Prompt: ffyou couldt each this lesson again, is there—anythin
How would this have impact edyour students ' learnin g?

Updated 12/1/19

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