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Uniqbu Journal of Social Sciences (UJSS)

Volume 1 Nomor 2, Bulan Agustus 2020 Halaman. 63—68



(Pengaruh Pelayanan dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Nasabah
pada Bank Pembangunan Daerah Maluku (BPDM))

Muspiha, Firman Gazali Djunaidi, & R.S. Masna Hatuwe

University of Iqra Buru
Jln. Prof. Dr. H. Abd, Rahman Bassalamah, S.E.,M.Si

(Received, 09 Agustus; Revised, 10 Agustus; Accepted; Agustus, 2020)

The study aims to determine the effect of service quality and product quality on customer satisfaction and
loyalty at Bank BPDM Namlea Branch. This research is a type of explanatory research (explanatory), which has
the aim of explaining the influence. The influence of service quality and product quality on customer satisfaction
and loyalty of BPDM bank customers. The research object in this study is the branch office of the Maluku
Regional Development Bank (BPDM). The population in this study were all customers who use the services of
the Bank BPDM Namlea Branch. While the sample in the study were customers who used BPDM branch Namlea
bank service products who happened to meet a researcher who was considered suitable as a data source and
was willing to fill out a questionnaire or questionnaire. Analysis of the data used in this study using path
analysis with the help of calculations through the SPSS release 23.0 program. The results of this study are the
quality of service and products has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. This proves that the better the
quality of service and product quality, the more customer satisfaction will be
Keywords: service quality, product quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas pelayanan dan kualitas produk terhadap
kepuasan dan loyalitas nasabah pada Bank BPDM Cabang Namlea. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian
penjelasan (eksplanatori), yang memiliki tujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh. Pengaruh kualitas layanan dan
kualitas produk terhadap kepuasan dan loyalitas nasabah bank BPDM. Obyek penelitian dalam penelitian ini
adalah kantor cabang Bank Pembangunan Daerah Maluku (BPDM). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah
seluruh nasabah yang menggunakan jasa bank BPDM Cabang Namlea. Sedangkan sampel pada penelitian
adalah nasabah yang menggunakan produk jasa bank BPDM Caban Namlea yang secara kebetulan bertemu
dengan peneliti yang dianggap cocok sebagai sumbe data dan bersedia mengisi angket atau kuisioner. Analisis
data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis jalur (Path analysis) dengan bantuan
perhitungan melalui program SPSS release 23.0. hasil penelitian ini adalah Kualitas pelayanan dan produk
berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa semakin baik kualitas
pelayanan dan kualitas produk, maka akan semakin meningkat kepuasan nasabah
Kata-kata kunci: Kata kunci : Kualitas pelayanan, Kualitas produk, Kepuasan nasabah, Loyalitas Nasabah

(UJSS), Vol. 1, No. 2, August 2020: 63—68

INTRODUCTION system technology in all bank operational

The banking world in Indonesia is activities, improving operational systems
currently experiencing very sharp and procedures. , and application of bank
competition between banks, which is operational methods based on the prudential
indicated by the emergence of new banks so banking principle.
that the competition will be tighter. This Based on the phenomenon, the theory
situation demands that banks are required to from previous research, it is very interesting
immediately take steps to adjust policies and to study and research the problem in this
strategies by means of breakthroughs and study is how the effect of service quality and
anticipation to master change. Competition product quality on customer satisfaction and
in the banking world does not only come loyalty at Bank BPDM Namlea Branch
from domestic competitors but also from
foreign competitors so that the banking THEORETICAL BASIS
ranks need to be more agile and responsive A. Quality
in dealing with it. Coupled with the The problem of quality in the business
prolonged economic crisis in Indonesia world has become the price a company must
which has paralyzed most of the business pay so that it can survive in its business.
world. And one of the sectors that is having According to the American Society for
a heavy impact facing current conditions is Quality Control, quality is the overall traits
the banking sector. In increasing customer and characteristics of a product or service in
satisfaction with service quality, there are its ability to meet predetermined or latent
two main things that are closely related, needs (Lupiyoadi, 2004: 144). Gietsh and
namely customer expectations of expected Davis (in Tjipono, 2000: 51), suggest that
quality and customer perceptions of service quality is a dynamic condition related to
quality (perceived quality). ). Customers products, services, people, processes and the
always judge a service received compared to environment that meet or exceed
what is expected or desired (Parasurahman expectations. Meanwhile, Deming and Juran
et al. 1993). Zeithamel and Bitner (2003,87) et al (in Sunardi, 2003; 71) define quality as
argue that customer satisfaction is more an effort to satisfy consumers.
influenced by service quality, product Although experts have defined quality from
quality, price, situation factors and human various different points of view, and there is
factors. no universally accepted definition, there are
In the midst of the financial crisis and some things in common, namely:
the challenges of increasingly fierce banking 1. Quality is an attempt to exceed or meet
business competition, Bank BPDM Namlea customer expectations.
Branch strives to provide the best quality 2. Quality includes products, services,
service to all customers so as to increase people, processes and the environment.
public confidence in Bank BPDM Namlea 3. Quality includes conditions that are
Branch. always changing (what is considered
From year to year, the business of quality today may be considered less
Bank BPDM Namlea Branch continues to quality in the future).
show very significant developments. In In addition, quality which is an
addition, Bank BPDM Namlea Branch has important part of the strategy process has
also made changes in its operational various implications, namely:
management, including systematically 1. Company reputation, a company can
training employees and female employees at predict its reputation from the quality
all levels of the bank organization, aspect, so that it will give a good or bad
implementing real-time online information quality assessment will be seen from the
(Muspiha, Firman Gazali Djunaidi, & R.S. Masna Hatuwe)

company's products, worker skills and Tjiptono (2005: 59) the quality of bank
relationships with suppliers. services is the level of excellence expected
2. Product Liability, the company's ability by the customer and control over this level
to design a product, procedure, to of excellence to fulfill customer desires, in
eliminate failures in distribution, is an other words there are 2 (two) main factors
important part of the quality aspect by that affect the quality of bank services,
establishing work standards. namely customer expectations ( expectation)
3. Global implication, technologically, and the bank's performance that is felt by
quality is global. In the development of customers (performance). Goets and Davids
the world, a product or service must also (in Tjiptono, 2005) suggest that quality is a
show world class, adequate price and dynamic condition related to products,
design (Heizer and Rander, 2001: 24). services, people, processes and the
environment that meet or exceed customer
B. Service expectations.
Good service allows a company to Meanwhile, according to Cronin and
strengthen customer loyalty and increase Taylor (1992) the quality of bank services is
market share, therefore good service is the actual performance of the bank provided
important in company operations. According to its customers. Based on the servqual
to Stanton (2002; 72), service is an activity concept put forward by Parasurahman et al
that can be identified and does not (1988: 16), the quality of bank services is
materialize and is an important goal of a basically the result of perceptions in the
transaction plan, in order to provide minds of customers. Perceived service
satisfaction to consumers (Hasibuan). quality is formed in the minds of customers
Kotler (2004) argues that service is after comparing the performance of the bank
any activity or benefit offered by one party services they receive with what they expect
to another and is basically intangible and (servqual = service performance - service
does not result in ownership of something expectation).
and its production can or cannot be linked to
a physical product. Meanwhile, according to D. Customer satisfaction
Hasibuan (2005: 152) service is the activity Several authors provide definitions of
of providing services from one party to customer satisfaction. Spreng, et al (1996)
another. Good service is service that is stated that customer satisfaction arises when
carried out in a friendly, fair, fast, precise consumers compare their perceptions of
and ethical manner so as to meet the needs product or service performance with their
and satisfaction of those who receive it. expectations.
Service is essentially a series of activities Tse and Wislon (1988) state that
because it is a process. As a process, service satisfaction and dissatisfaction are customer
takes place regularly and continuously responses to perceived disconfimations
covering all organizational life in society between previous expectations (or other
(Moenir, 2002: 27). performance norms) and the actual
performance of the product that is felt after
C. Understanding the Quality of Services its use. Furthermore, Tse and Wilson (1988)
Service quality can be defined as how describe two main variables that determine
far the difference is between the reality and customer satisfaction, namely expectation
expectations of customers for the services and perceived performance. If the perceived
they receive / get (parasurahman et al, 1998) performance exceeds expectation, the
in books (Lupiyoadi, 2001: 148). customer will be satisfied, but if the opposite
Meanwhile, according to Wayckof in is true, the customer is not satisfied.
(UJSS), Vol. 1, No. 2, August 2020: 63—68

According to the theory of equity, a The sampling technique used

person will feel satisfied if the ratio of the nonprobability sampling technique with
results (outcomes) they get compared to the convenience sampling technique, namely
inputs used is perceived as fair or fair. In anyone who happened to meet a researcher
other words, satisfaction occurs when who was deemed suitable as a data source
consumers feel that the ratio of results to and was willing to fill out a questionnaire or
their inputs (outcomes compared to inputs) questionnaire (Ferdinand, 2008: 232).
is proportional to the same ratios obtained by Analysis of the data used in this study
others (Oliver and de Sarbo, 1988). using path analysis with the help of
calculations through the SPSS release 23.0
RESEARCH METHOD program. Path analysis is a form of
This research is a type of explanatory application of multiple regression that uses a
research (explanatory), which has the aim of path diagram as a guide to complex
explaining the influence. The effect of hypothesis testing. Path analysis is used to
service quality and product quality on test cause and effect relationships based on
customer satisfaction and loyalty of BPDM knowledge, the formulation of theories and
bank customers. assumptions can also be used to test research
Sugiyono (2004: 10) argues that hypotheses and interpret these relationships.
expalanatory research is research that aims Path analysis was developed as a method for
to explain the position of the variables under studying the direct and indirect effects of
study and the relationship between one independent variables.
variable and another. This study uses a
quantitative approach because it explains the DISCUSSION
relationship between variables through
hypothesis testing and using numbers. Effect of Service Quality on Customer
Starting from data collection, interpretation. Satisfaction
The research object in this study is the The results of the analysis prove that
branch office of the Maluku Regional there is a significant influence between the
Development Bank (BPDM). The basis for quality of service and customer satisfaction.
the consideration that BPDM was chosen as With a count of 3.256 (> 1.96) and the
the object of research was due to the amount of influence is 0.260. These results
increasingly rapid competition between indicate that the better the quality of service,
banks in Buru Regency, causing banks to be the higher the level of customer satisfaction.
required to take steps to adjust policies and The results of this study indicate that most of
strategies with efforts and anticipation to the customers who became respondents gave
master change, so this research can be used satisfied responses to the overall services
as input. in providing better banking provided by the Namlea Branch BPDM
services, especially Bank BPDM cab. Bank.
Namlea. The results of this measurement also prove
The population was all customers who the truth of the theory of customer
use the services of the Bank BPDM Namlea satisfaction where Kotler (2000) defines that
Branch. While the sample in the study were customer satisfaction is the level of a
customers who used BPDM Branch Namlea person's feelings after comparing the
bank service products who happened to meet performance (results) he feels with his
a researcher who was considered suitable as expectations. Meanwhile, Engel et al in
a data source and was willing to fill out a Tjiptono (2005) states that customer
questionnaire or questionnaire. satisfaction as after-purchase evaluation
where the alternative chosen is at least equal
(Muspiha, Firman Gazali Djunaidi, & R.S. Masna Hatuwe)

to or beyond customer expectations. consumers will repurchase the services they

Meanwhile, dissatisfaction arises when the have received from the same service
outcome does not meet expectations. provider, or in other words, the quality of
Therefore, it is very important for the service received by consumers will be the
banking sector to provide services that at driving factor for the creation of consumer
least equal or exceed expectations, loyalty.
expectations or problems. The results of this study can
complement the study conducted by Caruana
The Effect of Product Quality on (2002). Kandampully and Suhartanto (2000)
Customer Satisfaction stated that service quality not only has an
The results of the analysis prove that indirect effect on consumer loyalty through
product quality has a positive and significant customer satisfaction but also has a direct
effect on customer satisfaction with a t-count influence on consumer loyalty.
of 4.112 (> 1.96) and the amount of
influence is 0.328. These results indicate that Effect of Product Quality on Customer
the better the product quality, the higher the Loyalty
level of customer satisfaction at the bank. Product quality has a positive and
The results of this study indicate that significant effect on customer loyalty with a
most of the customers who became t-count of 5.336 (> 1.96) and the magnitude
respondents gave satisfied responses to the of the influence is 0.338. These results
products offered by the Namlea Branch indicate that the better the quality of the
BPDM Bank, this means that the products product, the more customer loyalty will be to
offered by the Namlea Branch BPDM bank the Bank BPDM Namlea Branch. The results
are in accordance with the customer's of this study are consistent with the logic
expectations. that the better the quality of the products
These results support and strengthen offered to consumers, the consumers will re-
the studies conducted by Zethamel and purchase the products and services they have
Bitner (1996: 123) which prove that there is received from the same service provider.
a significant influence between product The findings of this study can
quality and customer satisfaction. complement the study conducted by Bei and
The results of this measurement also Chian (2000) which states that product
prove the correctness of the product quality quality has a direct effect on consumer
theory put forward by Payne (1995: 34) loyalty. Based on this study, it is proven that
which states that product quality is a product quality has a direct effect on
complex form of satisfaction value. customer loyalty.

Effect of Service Quality on Customer CONCLUSION

Loyalty Service and product quality have a
Service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.
significant influence on customer loyalty This proves that the better the service quality
with a t-count of 3..481 (> 1.96) and the and product quality, the more customer
amount of influence is 0.217. These results satisfaction will be.
indicate that the better the quality of service, Service quality and product quality
the more customer loyalty will be to the have a significant or positive effect on
Bank BPDM Namlea Branch. customer loyalty. This proves that the better
The results of this study are in the service quality and product quality, the
accordance with the logic that the better the more customer loyalty will be.
quality of service received by consumers, the
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