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Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan in T.L.

Microsoft Excel (Computation of Grades)

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
1. With the help of collaborative work, the learner will be able to identify ways of
utilizing excel as a tool.
2. The learners will be able to identify and create a spreadsheet.
3. The learners will successfully record data and be able to create, copy and paste
formulas and functions.
a. Topic - Microsoft Excel (Computation of Grades)
b. Reference –
c. Materials – Laptop and Projector (PowerPoint Presentation)

A. Activity
1. Preliminary Activities

Good morning class!

Good morning, Maam!
Before we start our lesson, kindly pick up first
those pieces of dirt under your chair and kindly
arrange your chair properly.
(Students arrange the chair and pick up the
pieces of dirt.)
Please ready yourself for the opening prayer.

Please take your sits. (Students pray)

(The Teacher will ask the students to monitor the

There’s no absent Maam.

2. Review

Before we start our lesson, let’s have first a short

review. We all know that we are now in the era of
technology where almost everything can be done
with the use of a computer and one of those is
Microsoft excel. Now, I understand that all of you
have background knowledge about Microsoft

Am I correct?
Yes Maam!
Therefore, who can give me a definition of
Microsoft excel? Yes ?
Student: Microsoft excel is software program.
Very Good!
What else? Yes ?
Student: Maam, Microsoft excel is an electronic
Very Good!

(The Teacher will open a PowerPoint

Everyone please read.
Microsoft Excel is a software program produced
by Microsoft that allows users to organize,
format, and calculate data with formulas using a
spreadsheet system.
Thank you!
Microsoft created 3 Microsoft software namely:
MS Word, MS PowerPoint, and MS Excel.
Microsoft is an example of a software program. It
allows the users to organize, format and calculate
data with formulas using a spreadsheet.

Did you understand class?

Now the question is, What is a spreadsheet?

Anyone? Yes ?

Student: Spreadsheet is an electronic document

in which data is arranged in the rows and
Very Good!

The spreadsheet is an electronic document in

which data is arranged in the rows and columns
of a grid and can be manipulated and used in

Did you understand class?

Yes Maam!


Let us now proceed to our main lesson. Today

we will be talking about MS Excel in the
computation of grades.

Let us define first the meaning of FORMULAS,

TEXTS, and VALUES Microsoft excel.

First is FORMULA. Everyone, please read.

FORMULA is used to calculate values. You may
use an equal sign or the AutoSum function to
build a formula.
Let us compare it in a mathematical formula, we
cannot solve a certain problem in math if we don’t
have a formula. Basically, Formula in MS Excel is
use to get a value like a grade of student.

Did you understand class?

Yes Maam!
Very Good!

Next is TEXTS. Everyone please read.

TEXTS are letters, symbols, numbers and
spaces or any combination that you enter into a

Thank you!

It means anything that you enter into a cell is a

Did you get class?
Next is VALUE. Everyone, please read. Yes Maam!

VALUE is a number that you enter into a cell that

you may use in a formula. You may include in the
value the numeric symbols such as decimal
VALUE is a number that you enter into a cell that point, comma or currency.
you may use in a formula.

Did you understand?

Yes Mam!
Next is arithmetic operation and corresponding
keyboard sign. This is a sign that you need to
familiarize because we will use it later on in our
hands on activities.
Everyone please read.


addition + =B5=C5 Adds the
values of
cell B5 and
subtraction - =B5-C5 Subtracts
the values
of cell B5
and C5
multiplication * =B5*C5 Multiplies
the values
of B5 and
division / =B5/C5 Divides the
values of
cell B5 and
exponentiation ˄ B5˄3 Increases
the value of
B5 to the
Thank you! third power
You don’t need to memorize it everything just
familiarize it.
Is that okay class?
Yes Maam!
Very Good!

Next is Functions. When we say functions what

does it mean? Kindly read everybody.
Functions are built-in formulas you can use to
make your worksheet construction easier.
Thank you!
There are six excel functions namely: =SUM,
Again you don’t need to memorize it just

Did you understand class?

Yes Maam!
Very Good!
(The teacher will generalized the lesson by
teaching the learners to compute a grade using a
Microsoft excel)

Class, are you now ready to learn a basic skills in (The learners will follow the teacher during the
computing a grade using a Microsoft excel? demonstration)

Yes Maam!

Let’s start. The first step is open a MS excel.

Input the texts and values. In typing the name of
the students make sure that you widen the cell. In
widen the cell put the mouse pointer at the letter
part of the cell then drag it going to the right.

Did you follow class?

Next step is find the average grade of every Yes Maam!

student. Input the formula, the formula will always
begin at equal (=) sign.
Is there any question? Yes ?

Student: Maam, What is the formula in getting the

Follow this formula. =AVERAGE(B3:H3) then
press the enter key.

Did you get class?

Next is repeat the same process by dragging it Yes Maam!


Next is get the maximum and minimum grade. Do

you have an idea on how to get it?

Yes Maam!
No Maam!
In getting the maximum grade click the Autosum
after that click the “Max” and press the enter key.
Repeat the same process in getting the minimum

Did you follow?

Yes Maam!

(The Learners will conduct a short activity about

the lesson, properly guided by the Teacher.)

Class are you now ready to apply what you have

learned for today’s discussion?

For your activity you will try to compute a grade.

Just follow the steps.

1. Open a Microsoft Excel.
2. Input the following.
3. Input the formula and get the average
grade of every students.
4. Get the Maximum Grade of every
5. Get the Minimum Grade of every
Answer the following:
6. What is the average grade of Cervantes,
7. What is the Highest Average Grade?
8. What is the lowest Minimum Grade?
9. What is the highest Maximum Grade?

Are you now ready?

The activity is good for 10 minutes only. You may Yes Maam!
now start.

(The learners participate in the activity)

The learner’s output will be evaluated.
1. Open a Microsoft Excel. (2pts.)
2. Input the following. (3pts.)
3. Input the formula and get the average grade of every students. (5pts)
4. Get the Maximum Grade of every students. (5pts.)
5. Get the Minimum Grade of every students. (5pts)
Answer the following:
6. What is the average grade of Cervantes, Kierwyn? (2pts.)
7. What is the Highest Average Grade? (2pts.)
8. What is the lowest Minimum Grade? (2pts.)
9. What is the highest Maximum Grade? (2pts)

Research the following terminologies:
1. Worksheet
2. Commands
3. Dialog Box

Prepared By:
Karen S. Ambubuyog

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