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Report Studio Intro 6

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Report Studio
Elisabetta Zodeiko
Princeton University

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 2

Table of Contents

1. Report Studio Overview ........................................................................................... 7

Course Overview ..................................................................................................................................................9
Princeton Information Warehouse ....................................................................................................................10
Inside Cognos Connection ..................................................................................................................................11
Accessing Report Studio .....................................................................................................................................13
The Report Studio Windows...............................................................................................................................17
Insertable Objects Window ................................................................................................................................18
Model Tab...........................................................................................................................................................19
Query Items Tab .................................................................................................................................................20
Toolbox Tab ........................................................................................................................................................21
Properties Window.............................................................................................................................................22
Report Window ..................................................................................................................................................23
Explorer Bar ........................................................................................................................................................26

2. Creating and Modifying a Report ........................................................................... 28

Creating a Report in Report Studio ....................................................................................................................30
Validating a report..............................................................................................................................................33
Saving a report ...................................................................................................................................................34
Removing a Column............................................................................................................................................35
Source vs. Model ................................................................................................................................................36
Sorting ................................................................................................................................................................38
Hiding Columns...................................................................................................................................................42
Rearranging Columns .........................................................................................................................................45
Adding a Column ................................................................................................................................................46
Changing the Title...............................................................................................................................................48

3. Grouping and Aggregation ..................................................................................... 52

Grouping a List Report........................................................................................................................................54
Level Spanning ....................................................................................................................................................58
Sections ..............................................................................................................................................................64
Page Breaks ........................................................................................................................................................67

4. Filters ..................................................................................................................... 72
Concepts .............................................................................................................................................................74
Opening the Filters Dialog Window ...................................................................................................................75

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 3

The Filters Dialog Window .................................................................................................................................76
Detail Filter Expression .......................................................................................................................................78
Filtering on a Single Item from the Source (Source tab) ....................................................................................84
Filtering on a Single Item from the Query(s) ......................................................................................................91
Filtering on Multiple Items (Using “in”) ...........................................................................................................100
Filter Text (Using “contains”) ...........................................................................................................................115

5. Prompts ............................................................................................................... 118

Parameters and Prompts..................................................................................................................................120
Building a Parameter Filter ...............................................................................................................................123
Prompt Pages with Prompts .............................................................................................................................129
Use a Parameter in Formatting ........................................................................................................................136
Identify the Query and Parameter Filter ..........................................................................................................141
Prompts – Selecting Multiple Items in the Same Prompt ................................................................................144
Prompts Button ................................................................................................................................................148

6. Calculations.......................................................................................................... 151
Calculations ......................................................................................................................................................153
Adding a Calculated Column ............................................................................................................................154
Understanding Aggregation .............................................................................................................................158
Adding Summary Totals to a Footer (Totaling a Column) ................................................................................159
Remove the Summary Footer ..........................................................................................................................162
Grouped Summary Footers ..............................................................................................................................163
Summary Calculation Without Detail ...............................................................................................................167

7. Formatting Reports .............................................................................................. 172

Building a Report ..............................................................................................................................................174
Data Formats ....................................................................................................................................................175
Text Formats.....................................................................................................................................................179
Adding Headers and Footers ............................................................................................................................180
Formatting the Title..........................................................................................................................................183
Adding a New Page...........................................................................................................................................186
Understanding Select Ancestor ........................................................................................................................189
Running a report in PDF ...................................................................................................................................193
Adding Graphics ...............................................................................................................................................196

8. Creating Crosstab Reports.................................................................................... 198

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 4

Crosstab Reports ..............................................................................................................................................200
Converting a List Report into a Crosstab ..........................................................................................................201
Nested Crosstabs ..............................................................................................................................................206
Crosstabs with Totals .......................................................................................................................................209

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Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 6
1. Report Studio Overview

Course Overview
Princeton Information Warehouse
Inside Cognos Connection
Accessing Report Studio
The Report Studio Windows
Insertable Objects Window
Model Tab
Query Items Tab
Toolbox Tab
Properties Window
Report Window
The Report Studio Toolbars
Explorer Bar

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Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 8
Course Overview

In this course, students will use the IBM Cognos Report Studio tool to learn different to report writing
techniques, including creating, sorting, filtering, prompting, calculating, and formatting data. Lessons focus on
linear report creation, independent of any specific data set.

Note: All Report Writers must use IE as their browser. Report Studio and Query Studio require Active X
plug-ins which only IE supports.

Performance goals
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have an understanding of:

• The Princeton Information Warehouse environment

• The delivered IBM Cognos report writing tool, Report Studio
• Creating, editing, and saving reports using Report Studio, within context of the Princeton
Information Warehouse.
• Linear report writing, regardless of data set.
• Report writing techniques, including sorting, filtering, prompting, calculating, and formatting

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 9

Princeton Information Warehouse
The Princeton University “Information Warehouse” is a term describing a reporting data repository available to
the Princeton Community. Consumers of this data can access reports through a delivered IBM Cognos tool,
“Cognos Connection”, or simply, “Cognos”. Data sets inside the Information Warehouse (IW) accurately
represent information in each one’s corresponding source, or “Source System”. However, all Source Systems,
such as PeopleSoft Financials, or Time Collection, feed their data into IW reports on a nightly basis. Thus,
information inside the IW will be incongruent to the same information found in the corresponding Source
System, by a difference of twenty-four hours.

Source Data
System Nightly Loads into the IW appears in
Data IW

The Information Warehouse Site

The Princeton University IW site communicates useful information to the Princeton Community, including:

1. Who to contact to gain access to reports

2. Cognos system outages and downtimes
3. Data loading discrepancies

The URL to the Princeton IW site is:

Logging into Cognos Connection

To log into the Cognos Connection tool, click on “Enter the Information Warehouse” link, found on the IW
homepage. You will need a valid Princeton Username and Password.

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Inside Cognos Connection
Once logged into Cognos Connection (Cognos), Report Studio users will see Yellow and Blue folders on the
Public Folders Tab.

Blue Package vs. Yellow Reports Folder

• A Yellow Reports Folders contain all reports for a given data set.
• A Blue Package Folder is the Cognos connection to the database for any given data set, and
contains a business view of the data that is used to create reports.
o The term “Package” is associated with a Blue Folder because any Blue Folder is the result
of a published Data Set from the Cognos Developer tool, Framework Manager. For
example, an HR data set is created in the Framework Manager tool by OIT, the data is
published to Cognos Connection and is accessible to Report Writers through the Blue
o No reports are ever saved in any Blue Package Folders.

Public Folders Tab vs. My Folders Tab

• Public Folders displays all Yellow Reports Folders and Blue Package Folders.
• My Folders is a User’s secured area within Cognos. Only the individual User can place and access
items inside My Folders.

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Yellow Reports Folder – Inbox:

The Inbox folder is the holding area for reports written by report writers, allowing Package Custodians to
test reports before moving them to the Report Viewer area within the Yellow Reports Folder. All report
writers have the ability to save reports here, or “write” abilities to the Inbox.

Report Viewer area: Anyone with

Report Viewer access to a Yellow
Reports folder can view reports in this
area. Only Package Custodians can
save or move reports to this area.

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Accessing Report Studio
There are two ways to access Report Studio:

1. Opening a report directly through Report Studio.

2. Opening Report Studio first, and then choosing to work in an existing report or begin writing a new

Opening a Report with Report Studio

Editing or modifying reports that have already been created saves time by not having to recreate the same
underlying items over and over in each new report. An efficient time saver is to open a report, which can
serve as a “template”, then modify and save it under a different name, within either the Inbox folder or My
Folders location.

GOAL: To open an existing report.


1. From the Public Folders tab, click on Cognos 8 Training – Reports.

2. Click the Report Studio Icon located to the right-side of the report name.

3. Report Studio will open with the chosen report’s specifications along with the correct underlying data

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Opening Report Studio Directly:

Report Studio can be opened first, directly from the Launch button on the Public Folders menu, giving you the
opportunity to first choose an underlying data source.

GOAL: To open Report Studio directly from the Public Folders Menu


1. On the Public Folders tab, in the upper-right corner menu-bar, click Launch > Report Studio.

2. In the new window, choose the Cognos 8 Training Blue Package Folder.

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3. The Cognos Report Studio Welcome window opens.

4. Click Open an existing report or template.

5. In the new drop-down menu, select Public Folders, then navigate to the Cognos 8 Training – Reports
Yellow Folder.

6. Choose the New Jersey Employee report and click Open.

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7. The report opens.

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The Report Studio Windows

Report Studio is comprised of several windows and toolbars that are used to create or modify the report:

Insertable Objects Window

Model Tab
Query Items Tab
Toolbox Tab
Properties Window
Report Window
Report Studio Toolbar
Explorer Bar

Each of these windows and toolbars is described on the following pages.

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Insertable Objects Window

The Insertable Objects pane is where the building and report modification takes place. An object is any
item in a report, such as text, a picture, list, table, etc. The Insertable Objects pane consists of three

• Model tab –Displays all of the query items that are in the model. The query items can be
added to the report.

• Query Items tab – Once an item is added to the report, it is shown on the query items tab.
The tab displays all of the queries that are currently in the report. Use this tab to quickly find
items in your report instead of navigating through the entire model.

• Toolbox tab – Contains the objects that you can add to your report.

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Model Tab

The Model tab displays all of the descriptive query subjects that contain query items that are in the model.
Opening each query subject will display related items that are contained within.

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Query Items Tab

The Query Items tab displays all of the queries that are currently used in the report. Use this tab to quickly
find items used in your report instead of navigating through the entire model.

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Toolbox Tab
Contains all of the objects you can add to your report. (The screen shot does not show all the available items.
You will need to scroll down to see the remaining items.)

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Properties Window

The Properties window allows the user to change the appearance or behavior of items within the report.
For example, you can manipulate the Text Source, Data, Color and Background, Text, Position, etc. of a
Text Item in the report. (All objects in the report, including the title page and report pages, have
properties that can be changed.)

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Report Window

The Report window contains the area in which the report layout is displayed as it is being created.

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The Report Studio Toolbars

New. Starts a new report.

Open. Opens a previously created report.
Save. Saves a report to Cognos Connection.
Cut. Removes an object from the report and places it on the clipboard (usually to paste it elsewhere in the
Copy. Copies an object (without removing it from its current location).
Used in conjunction with Paste.
Paste. Adds an object to a new location. (Used in conjunction with Cut or Copy).
Delete. Removes an object.
Undo. Goes back to the previous step.
Redo. Goes forward (can only be used after using Undo).
Validate Report. Check that the syntax within a report is correct.
Show Specification. Shows the XML script that comprises the report.
Run Report. Runs the report query and retrieves data. Click on the dropdown arrow to
select different formats (Excel, PDF, etc.)
Lock. Locks objects in a report, preventing editing or deletion.
Unlock. Unlocks objects in a report so that they can be edited.
Show Visual Aids. Shows or does not show icons related to different actions performed
on the report, such as grouping and filtering.
Directional Aids. Moves from one level of a Cognos Viewing window to another.
Filters. Narrows down data in a report according to specified criteria.
Suppress Data. Suppressing rows or columns without data in crosstab reports for a
more concise view of a report.
Sort. Organize data in either ascending or descending order, or removes the sort.
Aggregate. Totals, counts, or averages grouped data. Other aggregates available are minimum and
Group/Ungroup. Places like items together (or remove the like items from a grouping). Items must be
grouped in order to total or perform other aggregate calculations.
Pivot List to Crosstab. Convert a List report to a Crosstab report.
Create Section. Creates a section from a grouped item. A section is identical to a group, except it is
positioned above the list columns.
Swap Rows and Columns. Exchanges the position of the rows and columns within
a crosstab report.
List Headers & Footers. Used to add, edit, or delete a header and footer on a list.

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Toolbar icons continued…
Insert Chart. Used to insert a chart onto the report page.

Build Prompt Page. Automatically builds a prompt, related filter, and prompt page
for any field in a report.
Drill Through Definition. Set up drill-through access in a source report to link two reports
containing related information.
Help. Access IBM Cognos Report Studio documentation.

Text Formatting Buttons. Use these buttons to format text within a report, including displayed field data.

Table Formatting Buttons. Use these buttons to format tables within a report.

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Explorer Bar

The Report Studio window also contains an Explorer Bar that further allows navigation and manipulation
of reports.

The Explorer Bar allows you to manipulate your report in three different ways:

• Page Explorer – Use this to change between title pages, report pages, and prompt pages, or to add
new pages to the report.
• Query Explorer – Use this to modify the query.
• Condition Explorer – Use this to change the appearance of the report based on conditions within the

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2. Creating and Modifying a Report

Creating a Report in Report Studio

Validating a report
Saving a report
Removing a Column
Source vs. Model
Multiple Sorts Within a Report
Hiding Columns
Rearranging Columns
Adding a Column
Changing the Title

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Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 29
Creating a Report in Report Studio

GOAL: To create a new report illustrating everyone affiliated with the University.

Linear Process: Identify all Affiliations.


1. On the Public Folders tab, in the upper-right corner menu-bar, click Launch > Report Studio.

2. In the new window, choose the Cognos 8 Training Blue Package Folder.

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3. The Cognos Report Studio Welcome window opens.

4. Click Create a new report or template

5. Select List > OK

6. In the Insertable Objects window, open Cognos 8 Training Data by clicking the plus sign or by double
clicking on the name.

7. Open Personal Data table by clicking the plus sign or by double clicking on the name of the item.

8. Double-click ID to add it to the report.

9. Double-click Last Name and First Name.

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10. Double-click the following items to add them to the report:
• Country code
• Street Address 1
• City
• State
• Postal Code
• Primary University Affiliation Description
• Primary University Affiliation Group Description
• Primary University Affiliation Status Description

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Validating a report

GOAL: To validate report data.


1. Click the Validate icon in the toolbar.

2. The following message is displayed.

3. Click the Run Report icon to view the report.

4. Close the Report Viewer window by clicking the Close link in the upper right corner.

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Saving a report

GOAL: To save the current report.


1. From the File menu, choose Save As.

2. Click the My Folders icon on the left side of the window.

3. In the Name field, name the report Personal Data report, followed by your initials.

4. Click the Save icon.

5. The report is saved with the new file name.

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Removing a Column

Removing a column may be necessary if the information is no longer needed for reporting purposes, or if
you want to produce a report but do not want the recipients to see certain details.

GOAL: To remove a column from the report using Delete.


1. Click the Primary University Affiliation Status Description column header (the last column).

2. Press the Delete key on the keyboard to remove column.

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Source vs. Model
As you make changes to the report, the Source never changes. The Source contains all the data available
in the package, whether you use it in your report or not. By contrast, the query represents data used in
your report. The query may or may not change as you edit your report, depending on the kind of
modification you make. For example, when we used Delete to remove the column above, the column
was deleted from the query.
To remove a column from the report, but not from the query, use the “cut” function to cut the column
from the report page.

Tip: Cutting a column instead of deleting a column leaves the data item in the query, but does not
display the column on the report page. Later in this chapter we will learn how to remove a column from
the report while keeping it in the query.

GOAL: To examine the Source vs. the Model.


1. In the Insertable Objects window, click on the Query Items tab. Examine the Query. Note that the
Primary University Affiliation Status Description column that we just deleted is not in the query.

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2. Click on the Model tab. Scroll down in the Personal Data folder. Note that many items not in the
report are still in the model, including the column we deleted from the report.

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GOAL: To sort report data. To add a multiple sort and to remove a sort.


1. Click on the Last Name column heading in the report.

2. From the toolbar, click the Sort icon.

3. From the drop down, select Sort Ascending.

4. The Sort Ascending icon appears as an up-arrow in the first cell of the Last Name column.

Note: When the point of the triangle points up, the

column will be sorted in ascending order, from A to Z, or
from smallest to largest for numeric data. When the
point is down, the column will be sorted in descending
order, from Z to A or from largest to smallest.

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5. Click the Run Report icon.

6. Notice the sort order for the two rows with the Last Name “Amon.”

7. Close the Report Viewer.

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Multiple Sorts Within a Report

More than one column can be sorted within the same report. Additionally, one column can be sorted in
reverse order of the other column(s) if desired. Currently, the primary sort is an ascending sort on Last
Name. We will now change First Name to sort in descending order within Last Name.

1. Highlight the First Name column heading.

2. Click the Sort icon and select Sort Ascending

3. Click the Run Report icon Notice the change for the two rows with the Last Name “Amon.”

4. Close the Report Viewer.

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Removing a sort:

1. Click on the First Name column heading.

2. Click the Sort button and select Don’t Sort.

3. Click the Save button to save your changes to the report.

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Hiding Columns

Now we will use Cut from the Edit menu to remove columns from the report. This effectively hides the
columns. Although the data is no longer displayed in the report, using Cut still retains the column in the
query. This allows us to use the item for other purposes, such as sorting on the hidden column.

GOAL: To use Cut to hide a column.


1. Ctrl-Click on the Last Name and First Name column headings so that both columns are selected.

2. From the Edit menu, select Cut.

3. The Last Name and First Name columns are removed from the report.

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4. Mouse-over the Query Explorer tab, and click on Query1. Note that the Last Name and First Name
columns are still in the Query.

Note: You may also use the following methods to hide a column and sort on it even though it is not in the
• Query Explorer : Do not add the column to the report. Instead, click the Query Explorer bar and
then click Query 1. From the Insertable Objects window, drag and drop the column into the
Facts window. Highlight the column in the Facts window and change the Sort order in the
Properties window.

• Properties window/ Box Type: Add the column to the report and sort on it. Then highlight
the column heading AND the column itself, and in the Properties window and select Box Type
as None. This will also hide the column so it is not in the report.

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5. Run the report. The report is still sorted by Last Name even though the column has been hidden.

6. Close the Report Viewer.

Note: Delete vs. Cut

• Deleting a column by clicking the Delete icon removes the column from the report and the data
item from the query.

• Cutting a column by clicking the Cut icon removes the column from the report, but leaves the
data item in the query.
Use Cut for those times when you need to leave an item in the query, but do not wish to show it
in the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 44

Rearranging Columns

After running a report, or just viewing the query, it is easy for the user to change the way the columns
appear in the report.

GOAL: To move the ID column.


1. Click the ID column heading to highlight it.

2. Drag the highlighted ID column heading to the end of the report, after Primary University Affiliation Group
Description. Be sure to wait until there is a vertical, triple-flashing bar.

3. Release the mouse.

4. Run the report to view the new report layout.

5. Close the Report Viewer and then Save the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 45

Adding a Column

Increasing the information in a report is easily accomplished by adding new columns to the report. There
are several ways to add columns to a report:
• Double-clicking on the item.
• Right-clicking on the item and choosing Insert.
• Or clicking and dragging the item to the report.

GOAL: To add “Full Name” to the report.


1. Make sure the Country Code column heading in the report is highlighted.

2. In the Insertable Objects window, in the Model tab, under Personal Data, locate Full Name.

3. Right-click on Full Name and click Insert.

4. Full Name has been added as the first column in the report.

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5. Click Run.

6. Close the Report Viewer and Save the report.

Note: The new column will be placed before the highlighted column. If no column is highlighted the
new column will be placed at the end of the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 47

Changing the Title

The title area of the report is easily altered as the reporting changes are made within the body of the
report. The title shows in the Report Viewer and also when the report is printed.

GOAL: To change the title.


1. In the Title area, double-click the Double click to edit text link.

2. In the Text window, type Personal Data Report.

3. Click OK.

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4. Run the report.

5. Close the Report Viewer and Save the report.

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• Using the current report, delete the Full Name column.

• Add Birthdate and make it appear as the second-to-last column in the report.
• Add Last Name and First Name back in as the first two columns in the report. (Add these two fields
from the Data Items tab.)
• Remove the Sort on Last Name and First Name.
• Instead Sort Ascending on Birthdate.
• Hide the Birthdate column.
• Change the title to Personal Data report exercise.
• Save the Report as Personal Data report exercise.
• Run the Report.

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3. Grouping and Aggregation

Grouping a List Report

Level Spanning
Page Breaks

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Grouping a List Report

Grouping a column of data makes it easier to find data, as all like items are placed within the same
grouping. After grouping data, the columns can have a count, total, average or the like applied to them.

GOAL: To group the columns.


1. Open the Personal Data Report.

2. Save the report as Personal Data Report grouped.

3. Move the Primary University Affiliation Description and Primary University Affiliation Group
Description (the last two columns) to the beginning of the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 54

4. Run the report. Note the repeating data in the first two columns

5. Close the Report Viewer.

6. Click once on the Primary University Affiliation Description column.

7. Click the Group/Ungroup icon Notice the new icon in the Primary University Affiliation
Description List Column Body.

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8. Run the report. The first column is grouped.

9. Close the Report Viewer.

10. Click Save.

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11. Click in the column heading of Primary University Affiliation Group Description.

12. Click the Group/Ungroup icon .

13. Run the report.

14. Page down through the report or click Bottom to see the various types of data available.

15. Close the Report Viewer.

16. Save the report.

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Level Spanning

Level Span controls how often the report creator or user chooses to show a particular item within a group.

GOAL: To create a Level Span with citizenship data.


1. We will create a new report for this exercise. From the File menu, select New. Select List and click

2. Open the Citizenship Data folder.

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3. Add the following columns: Country of Citizenship, Citizenship Status Description, and ID.

4. Save the report as Level Spanning.

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5. Run the report.

6. Close the Report Viewer.

7. Group the Country of Citizenship column.

8. Run the report.

9. Close the Report Viewer.

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10. Group the Citizenship Status Description column. Run the report. Both columns are grouped.

11. Close the Report Viewer.

12. In order for the Country of Citizenship to repeat each time the Citizenship Status Description
changes; the Level Span association must be changed.

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13. Highlight the Country of Citizenship column body and locate Group Span in the Properties window.

14. Click the word Group Span.

15. Click on the arrow which appears to the right.

16. Click Citizenship Status Description in the drop down list. Note: Only other grouped fields will appear in
the list.

17. Click OK.

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18. Run the report and note how the report has changed. (AUS now repeats each time a new
citizenship status is listed.)

19. Close the Report Viewer.

20. Click Save.

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Sections are similar to grouping; however, a section differs in the fact that it shows the query item as the
heading of a section or area within the report.

GOAL: To create a section based on Country of Citizenship.


1. Save the Level Spanning report as Sections.

2. Highlight the Country of Citizenship column heading.

3. From the Structure menu, locate Create Section.

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4. Click Create Section.

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5. Run the report and notice that each time the Country changes, a new Country section is created.

6. Close the Report Viewer.

7. Click Save.

Note: Country no longer repeats for each Citizenship Status Description, as it did for Level Spanning. If
you wish to have a section for each grouping (ie. a section for Country and a “sub-section” for Citizenship
Status Description within country), select both column headings in the report, and select Create Section.

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Page Breaks

Report pages can be separated on designated grouped fields.

Note: A field must be grouped or sectioned in order for Report Studio to break upon it.

GOAL: To page break the report on the Country of Citizenship field.


1. Save the Sections report as Page Breaks.

2. Mouse over the Page Explorer vertical bar.

3. Click on Report Pages.

4. Click on Page1.

5. From the toolbox tab , drag over a Page Set and place it above Page1 in the Page

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6. Drag Page1 under the Detail Pages folder.

7. Click on Page Set1.

8. In the Properties section, click on the Query property.

9. Click the drop-down arrow which appears next to Query 2. Select Query 1.

10. Also in the Properties section, click on the Grouping and Sorting property.

11. Click the ellipses which appears.

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12. In the new window, drag Country of Citizenship under the Overall section.

13. Click OK.

14. Run the Report.

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15. Notice that you must page down to see the next Country of Citizenship section.

16. Close the report window.

17. Save the Page Break report.

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4. Filters

Opening the Filters Dialog Window
The Filters Dialog Window
Detail Filter Expression
Filtering on a Single Item from the Source (Source tab)
Filtering on a Single Item from the Query(s)
Usage (Required, Optional, Disabled)
Filtering on Multiple Items (Using “in”)
Filtering on a Date Range (Using “between”)
Filtering Text (Using “starts with” )
Filter Text (Using “contains”)

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 72

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A filter reduces the amount of data in a report by the criteria you choose. You can filter one or more
item(s), by a precise match, or by a partial match.

A filter expression is always comprised of these pieces:
The column name, which can be taken from the report
An operator, such as =
The data we are searching for

An example of a filter expression is:

[Report Net Training Data].[Personal Data].[Country Code]='CAN'

Namespace Query Subject Query Item

= Equal to. Must find a precise match.
<> Not equal to. Shows everything except the match.
In Matches a list of items.
Not In Shows everything except the matches.
Starts With Retrieves everything that begins with the characters or phrase.
Contains Retrieves everything that contains the matching characters or phrase.
Is Missing Retrieves blanks.

The operator indicates what kind of match. Below is a table of common operators:

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 74

Opening the Filters Dialog Window
GOAL: To open and examine the Filters dialog window.


1. Start a New List Report. From the Personal data folder add:
• Last Name
• First Name
• Country Code
• Street Address 1
• City
• State
• Postal Code
• Birthdate

2. Click the Filters icon and the Filters Dialog Window opens.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 75

The Filters Dialog Window

The Filters window consists of two tabs, Detail Filters, and Summary Filters. Detail Filters apply to rows
in the report. Summary Filters apply to groups in the report. Summary filters are also used to apply to
an item not in the package, such as a calculated item.

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The Usage area consists of three options:
• Required – The filter is required. In the case of a prompt, the report will not run until you have
made a choice from the prompt.
• Optional – The filter is optional. In the case of a prompt, the report will run even if you do not
choose anything from the prompt.
• Disabled – The filter is disabled. Disabling a filter allows the report to run without applying the
filter. The filter is not removed; it is de-activated which may help in trouble-shooting the report.

The Application area consists of two options.

• Before Aggregation – To apply a filter before a summary is calculated, non-aggregated records are
• After Aggregation – To apply a filter after a summary is calculated aggregated rows are filtered.

Note: Aggregation is discussed in the calculations chapter. It is covered in greater detail in the Report
Studio Level II training manual.

The following icons are available for the filter expression.

Add. Used to add a filter.

Delete. Used to delete a filter.

Edit. Used to edit a filter.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 77

Detail Filter Expression

From the Filters window, click the Add icon to open the Detail Filter Expression window.

Source tab

The Source tab allows you to filter on any item in the package. The Data Items tab allows you to filter on
items in the report. The Query Items tab allows you to filter on items from other queries in your report.
The Functions tab allows you to create filter calculations. The Parameters tab allows you to use the
input derived from users when they answer the parameter.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 78

Data Items tab

The Data Items tab allows you to filter on items in the report.

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Query Items tab

The Query Items tab allows you to filter on items from other queries in your report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 80

Functions tab

The Functions tab allows you to create filter calculations.

When building a filter, you can specify the data type. (This is optional; if you know the data you are
looking for, you can type it directly into the expression, provided you use the correct syntax.)

Use the Constants folder to locate a list of available data types.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 81

date Inserts the current system date.
date-time Inserts the current system date and time.
interval Inserts a zero interval.
null Inserts a null value if the expression conditions are not met.
number Inserts the number 0, which you can replace with a new numeric value.
string Inserts an empty string.
time Inserts the current system time.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 82

Parameters tab

The Parameters tab allows you to use the input derived from users when they answer the parameter.

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Filtering on a Single Item from the Source (Source tab)

Report Studio provides the flexibility to either filter on an item in the model, or on an item in the report.
The Source tab is the location to use to filter on an item in the model.

GOAL: To create a filter (Detail) on Employee.


1. Save the report as Pre Filter in My Folders.

2. Run the report to see the report before any filters are applied.

3. Close the Report Viewer.

4. On the toolbar, click the Filters icon and the Filters window opens.

5. Click the Add icon .

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 84

6. From the Sourcel tab, double-click Primary University Affiliation Description.

7. Click the Functions tab.

8. Open the Operators folder and double-click the equal sign “=”.

Note: You can also type the equal sign if preferred.

9. Click the Source tab and make sure Primary University Affiliation Description is highlighted.

10. Click the Select Value icon .

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 85

11. Highlight Employee.

12. Click Insert.

13. In the Detail Filter Expression window, click the Validate icon. The Report Studio window will
show the validation process with the server.

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14. When the validation process is complete and successful, you will see a “No errors” message in the
Information window.

15. Click OK.

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16. The new filter appears in the Filters window in the Details Filters tab.

17. Click OK.

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18. Run the report.

19. Close the Report Viewer.

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20. From the Personal Data folder, add Primary University Affiliation Description as the last column.

21. Run the report. (You will see the applied filter on Employee.)

22. Close the Report Viewer.

23. Save the report as Employees.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 90

Filtering on a Single Item from the Query(s)

When creating reports that contain filters, it is common to show the column in the report that
corresponds to the filtered subject. For instance, if you were filtering on Binoculars, generally you would
show the Product type column to re-emphasize that the report is limited to just one product type.

Note: If a data item is deleted from the Query, any filter referencing that data item will no longer work;
the report will not run.

GOAL: To create a filter (Detail) on Canada.


1. Open the Pre Filter report. Save the report as Canada.

2. Click the Filters icon on the Toolbar.

3. Click the Add icon

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 91

4. The Detail Filter Expression window opens.

5. Click the Query Items tab to display the data items used in the report query.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 92

6. Double-click Country Code.

7. In the Expression Definition window, click the cursor at the end of the word Country Code and type an
equal sign “=”.

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8. Click the Select Value icon

9. In the Select Value window, click CAN for Canada.

10. Click Insert.

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11. In the Detail Filter Expression window, click the Validate icon. You should receive the “No errors”

12. Click OK and you will see the newly created filter.

13. Click OK to return to the report.

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14. Run the report. When the report runs, you will only see the country of Canada.

15. Close the Report Viewer.

16. Save the report.

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Usage (Required, Optional, Disabled)

As mentioned in the concepts section at the beginning of the chapter, after a filter is created, there are
three choices available: Required, Optional, and Disabled.

The previous report defaulted to Required. In other words, the filter that was created ([Country
Code]=’CAN’) is required or necessary. However, the filtering option can be changed to Optional, or

Required means the filter definition has to be used.

Choosing Optional means the filter does not have to be used in order for the report to run. In the case
of a prompt, the report will run even if you do not choose anything from the prompt.

Choosing Disabled allows the user to run the report as if there was no filter. Therefore, debugging or
trouble-shooting is easy and convenient as the filter is temporarily “turned off”.

GOAL: To disable the Country equals Canada filter.


1. Use the Canada report.

2. Click the Filters icon.

3. Make sure the Detail Filters tab is selected.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 97

4. Highlight the Canada filter. Under Usage, click Disabled.

5. Click OK.

6. Run the report and notice that all countries are showing.

7. Close the Report Viewer.

8. Change the filter back to Required.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 98


• Use the Canada report.

• Save the report as Gender.
• Add Gender Description as a column
• In the Filter window, remove the Country filter.
• Create a filter on Gender Description = Female.
• Save the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 99

Filtering on Multiple Items (Using “in”)

When using the equal sign “=”, the expression can only equal one item. However, if you want to create a
filter that can look for multiple items, it is most effective to use an “in” statement that allows you to filter
on multiple items.

GOAL: To filter on several countries.


1. Open the Canada report.

2. Save the report as Multiple Countries.

3. Click the Filter icon.

4. From the Detail Filters tab click on the [Country]='Canada' filter. Make sure the Usage is set to

5. Click the Edit icon .

6. Place your cursor at the end of the current filter statement and delete ='CAN'.

7. After Country Code, type in.

8. On the left, under Personal Data, click Country Code once and then click the Select Multiple Values icon

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 100

9. A message box appears because a data item must be selected.

10. Click OK.

11. From the Source tab, under Personal Data, click once on the Country Code data field.

12. Click the Select Multiple Values icon .

13. On the left side, highlight HKG and click the Add icon to add Hong Kong to the right side.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 101

14. On the left side, double-click JPN to add Japan to the right side.

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15. Click Insert and view the new filter definition.

16. Click Validate.

17. Click OK to view the filter in the Filters window, and OK again to return to the Report Page.

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18. Run the report. (Notice that only Hong Kong and Japan appear in the Country column.)

19. Close the Report Viewer.

20. Click Save.


Using the current report:

• Change the filtered countries to two of your choice.

Tip: You can type the values directly into the Expression Definition.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 104

Filtering on a Date Range (Using “between”)

The “between” expression allows the user to look for anything that happened within a range of dates,
such as a beginning and an ending date.

GOAL: To filter on a range of dates.


1. Open the Pre-Filter report and save it as Filter by Dates.

2. Click the Filter icon.

3. Click the Add icon.

4. From the Source tab, double-click Birthdate

5. Click the cursor at the end of the Expression Definition and type a space.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 105

6. Type the following: between 1978-09-16 and 1980-12-31.

7. Click Validate to make sure there are no errors.

8. Click OK.

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9. Click OK to close the Filters window.

10. Run the report.

Note: Although the word “between” is used, it actually includes the beginning and end date that is in the
expression. September 16, 1978 and December 31, 1980 are included in the filter.

11. Close the Report Viewer.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 107

Filtering Text (Using “starts with” )

The “starts with” and “contains” operators are very useful if you are not sure how to spell the entire name
or if you know only a portion of the name.

To filter using starts with:

GOAL: To find all the last names that starts with ‘am’.


1. Open the Pre Filter report and save it as Filter Starts With.

2. Click the Filters icon.

3. In the Filters window, click the Add icon.

4. From the Source tab, double-click Last name.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 108

5. Click the cursor in the Expression Definition after [Last name].

6. Click the Functions tab and expand the Operators folder.

7. Double-click starts with.

8. Notice under the Information heading it shows how the Starts With expression syntax should be
written: “string1 STARTS WIH string2”

Note: Instead of double-clicking on the operator “Starts With”, it can be typed directly into the

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 109

9. Click the cursor in the Expression Definition after starts with.

10. Open the Constants folder.

11. Double-click string to add a set of single quotes after “starts with”.

Note: Last name is a text field; therefore, you must use the single quotes around the text.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 110

12. Click the cursor between the single quotes.

13. Type am. Whatever appears in the string, in this case, am, must exactly match the record stored in
the database table.

14. Click the Validate icon.

15. If there are no errors, click OK to see the newly created filter.

16. Click OK.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 111

17. Run the report to see all the people whose last name starts with ‘am’. The report returns no data
because the first letter of the Last Name is in upper case. We must change the filter so that names
beginning with “Am” are found. Again, whatever appears in the string, in this case, am, must exactly
match the record stored in the database table.

18. Close the report viewer.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 112

19. Click the Filters icon.

20. Make sure the filter is highlighted and then click Edit.

21. Click the cursor in front of [Report Net Training Data].[Personal Data].[Last Name].

22. Click the Functions tab and open the Common Functions folder.

23. Scroll down and double click on lower.

Note: Spacing in the Expression does not matter. Notice how the function “lower” is on a different line
than the rest of the expression. Again, Spacing in an Expression does not matter.

24. Click the cursor after Last Name] and type a ).

25. Click the Validate icon and confirm there are no errors.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 113

26. Click OK and view the new filter.

27. Click OK again.

28. Run the report. The report now shows last names beginning with ‘Am.”

29. Click Save.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 114

Filter Text (Using “contains”)

GOAL: To filter the report to find all the last names which contain “am”.


1. Using the current report, Save As: Filter with Contains.

2. Click the Filters icon.

3. In the Filters window, make sure the current filter is highlighted and click the Edit icon.

4. Delete the last part of the current filter, “starts with ‘am’”.

5. From the Functions tab, open the Operators folder, and double-click contains.

6. Open the Constants folder and double-click string.

7. Click the cursor between the single quote marks and type am.

8. Click the Validate icon and make sure there are no errors.

9. Click OK.

10. Click OK.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 115

11. Run the report to see all the last names that contain ‘am’.

Note: Last names that start with ‘Am’ as well as last names containing ‘am’ are included.

12. Close the report viewer.

13. Click Save.

EXERCISE (This exercise is needed for the Prompt section that follows.)

Create a new report with the following columns:

• ID
• Full Name
• Primary University Affiliation Description
• Primary University Affiliation Group Description
• Gender Description
• Save the report as: Pre Prompt.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 116

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 117
5. Prompts

Parameters and Prompts

Building a Parameter Filter
Prompt Pages with Prompts
Use a Parameter in Formatting
Identify the Query and Parameter Filter
Prompts – Selecting Multiple Items in the Same Prompt
Prompts Button

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 118

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 119
Parameters and Prompts

When you create a filter in the filter window, your filter criteria remains static. Prompts allow the user
to change their criteria each time they run the report. The filter dynamically changes when the user
responds to the prompt.

A parameter is a placeholder that requires a value to determine what data on which to report. This
placeholder is a parameterized filter. A prompt asks the user to provide the value for the parameter.
Prompts can be placed on a Prompt Page.

Every prompt will have an associated parameterized filter in the query. Every prompt does not need to
have a prompt page created.

We will explore three ways of creating parameters:

1. Modifying an existing filter to create a parameterized filter.
2. Creating a prompt page and then adding prompts on the page.
3. Using the “Building a Page” button on the Report Studio toolbar.

Modifying an existing filter to create a parameterized filter:

• If you create a parameter for an item on the report, when the report is run, the user will be
prompted to specify a value. Once a value is entered, the report runs containing the
information according to the given value in the prompt.

Creating a prompt page and adding prompts on the page.

• If you add a prompt page to your report, the prompt page appears when you run the report.
The prompt page can contain multiple prompts, and the prompts can be for items that are
not on the report. The properties of a prompt on a prompt page can be changed to
• Prompt items can be added directly onto a report page. Drag the prompt object from the
toolbox tab onto the report page next to a list, crosstab, or chart. When the report is run,
the report appears with a prompt on the page, letting the user narrow the focus after
viewing the initial report. (If you add a prompt directly onto a report page, the user will
either need to set the prompt to automatically submit the selection, or add a “Finish”
prompt button to the report so that the report will regenerate using the new criteria.)

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 120

Prompts are located in the Toolbox tab of the Insertable Objects window.

When the user selects items on a report and creates a prompt page, Report Studio will choose an
appropriate prompt type. However, if the user adds a prompt item to a report or prompt page, the user
can choose any type of prompt available in the Insertable Objects pane according to his needs.

The various prompt types and values are listed below.

Text Box Retrieves data based on an exact value entered.

Prompt Use this control when you know exactly what data item you want to enter, such as a
name or project grant number.
Retrieves data based on values that selected from a list.
Value Prompt
Use this control to show a list of possible values from which users can choose.
Note: The maximum number of items that can appear in a list is 5000.
Retrieves values based on specified search criteria. Data is then retrieved based on
values you select from the search results.
Select & Search
Prompt Use this control instead of a value prompt if the list of values is very long, which can
slow down performance.
Tip: You can perform a case sensitive or case insensitive search. A case sensitive
search is faster, while a case insensitive search usually returns more values.

Date Prompt Retrieves values based on a selected date.

Use this control to filter a date column to retrieve records for a specific day, a set of
days, or a range of days.
Time Prompt
Prompts based on a date and time you select.
Use this control to restrict a report to a particular time or time range.

Date & Time Retrieves values based on a selected date and time.
Prompt Use this control to filter a date/time or timestamp column. This control is useful for
specifying ranges.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 121

Interval Prompt Retrieves data based on a specified time interval.
Use this control to retrieve data that is related to the passage of time.

Retrieves data based on values selected from a list. Values are organized
Tree Prompt hierarchically.
This prompt is used with dimensional data, which is not how the Princeton
Information Warehouse is organized. Data in the Princeton Information Warehouse
is relational data.
Report Studio dynamically selects a prompt control based on the data type of the data
Generated item.
Prompt This control acts like a placeholder. When users run the report, the control is replaced
by the appropriate prompt control. For example, if users are prompted for date
values, the control is replaced by a date & time prompt.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 122

Building a Parameter Filter

GOAL: To build a prompt within the Pre-prompt report.


1. Use the Gender report. Save the report as Gender Parameter.

2. Run the report. Only Females appear in the report.

3. Close the report viewer.

4. On the toolbar, click the Filters icon and the Filters window opens.

5. Select the current filter and click the edit icon.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 123

6. In the expression window, remove the single quotes on each side of the word Female and replace with
question marks.

Note: Placing question marks after the = changes the filter into a parameter filter.

7. Click Validate.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 124

8. Because the filter is now a parameter filter, validating the expression will open a prompt window.

9. Select any value and click OK.

10. The Information Window will report No errors.

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11. Click OK to return to the Filters window.

12. Click OK.

13. Run the report.

14. In the prompt window, there is a drop-down prompt. Click the drop-down arrow in the prompt
window. All values for Gender Description will display; Male, Female, Unknown.

15. Select “Male”.

16. Click OK.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 126

17. Only rows containing “Male” in the Gender Description column will be returned in the report.

18. Close the report window.

19. Save the report.

20. On the toolbar, click the Filters icon .

21. Open the Gender Description parameter filter.

Note: It does not matter what text is between the question marks in the expression syntax. We can
choose any Gender Description data item in the prompt when the report is run.

22. Click Cancel.

23. Click Cancel to return to the report page.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 127

24. Mouse over the Page Explorer bar. Notice there are no Pages below the Prompt Pages yellow folder.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 128

Prompt Pages with Prompts

GOAL: To add a prompt page to the report, and add prompts on the report page.


1. Use the Pre Filter report. Save the report as Prompt Page.

2. Mouse over the Page Explorer bar. Click on the yellow Prompt Pages icon.

3. The Prompt Pages window opens.

4. From the toolbox tab, drag over a Page into the Prompt Page list.

5. Click twice on Prompt Page1.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 129

6. From the toolbox tab, drag over a table and place it inside the Prompt Page Body.

7. Set the number of columns to one and the number of rows to five.

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8. Click OK.

9. From the toolbox tab, select and drag over a Text Item into the first row of the

10. In the Text Item window, type: Please select an Affiliation Description:

11. Click OK.

12. From the toolbox tab, select and drag over a Value Prompt into the third row of
the table.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 131

13. Name the new prompt “AffiliationPrompt” in the Prompt Wizard window.

14. Click Next >

15. Next to the Package Item field, click on the ellipse.

16. Open the Personal Data Query Subject, and click on the Primary University Affiliation Description
data item.

17. Click OK.

18. Leave the Operator field set to =.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 132

19. Click Next >

20. Accept the default selections, Notice the Name field displays “Query 2”. Click Finish.

21. A Value Prompt is now on the report page.

22. Click once in Primary University Affiliation Description prompt box to activate the Properties
window that is located below the Insertable Objects window.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 133

23. In the Properties window, make sure Required is set to Yes.

24. Double click on the text box in the Prompt Page Header. A text box will open.

25. In the Text Box, type “Affiliation Report”.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 134

26. Click OK.

27. Run the report.

28. The Prompt Page will open. From the drop-down list, select the Miscellaneous Primary University
Affiliation Description.

Note: The orange star indicates that you have to select at least one item. The orange arrow indicates
that nothing is selected yet.

29. Click Finish at the bottom of the page.

30. The report returns rows which only have Miscellaneous as a Primary University Affiliation Status.

31. Close the report viewer.

32. Save the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 135

Use a Parameter in Formatting

Sometimes there is a need to see the specific prompt value selections on the Report Page, after the report
is run. Using a Text Item, the prompt value can be displayed in the header of a report.

GOAL: Display the Prompt Value selected in the Report Header.


1. Use the Prompt Page report. Save it as Parameter Display

2. Mouse over the Page Explorer bar and click on Page1 under Report Pages.

3. Click once on the Text item in the Header of the Report Page.

4. In the Properties Window, under the Text Source Heading, click once in the Source type field and open the
drop down list.

5. Select Report Expressions.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 136

6. Click once in the Report Expression field directly below, and open the ellipse to open the Report
Expression window.

7. In the Report Expression window, click the Parameters tab .

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 137

8. Place the cursor in the Expressions Definition window, and type a single quote, then Affiliations
Selected: then a single quote, then a plus sign. The syntax should look like:

'Affiliations selected: ' +

• Anything inside the single quotes is exact text. The single quote expression is called a “String”
• The plus sign is code to add another item after the String. In this case, we are adding the
Princeton University Affiliation parameter.

9. From the Parameters tab, drag over AffiliationPrompt and place it after the plus sign in the
Expression Definition window.

10. Validate the Expression Definition.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 138

11. Select any value from the Prompt Window.

12. Click OK.

13. The Expression Definition returns “No errors”.

14. Click OK.

15. Run the report.

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16. At the Prompt Window, select Miscellaneous and click Finish.

17. The chosen Prompt Value, Miscellaneous, now displays in the header of the report.

18. Close the report viewer.

19. Save the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 140

Identify the Query and Parameter Filter

When a Prompt is created on a Prompt Page, an additional Query is created, by default. Also, the
Prompt has a Parameterized Filter automatically created.

Note: Each time you build a prompt page, a filter is created so that the report data is narrowed down
according to the user’s prompt response.

GOAL: Identify the new Query and Parameterized Filter created by a Prompt.


1. Use the Prompt Page report.

2. Mouse over the Query Explorer bar. Notice there are two queries.

3. Click on Query2. Notice there is one data item there, Primary University Affiliation Description. Query 2
was created for the “Affiliation Prompt” in the Prompt Wizard.

4. Mouse over the Query Explorer bar again. Click on Query1. Query 1 is associated with Report Page 1,
and contains all the data items on Report Page 1.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 141

5. Mouse over the Page Explorer bar. Under Report Pages click on Page1.

6. Click on the Filters icon to examine the filter.

7. Open the Primary University Affiliation Group Description Parameterized Filter in the Filter window.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 142

8. Notice the question marks in the syntax of the expression. The question marks around
“AffiliationPrompt” indicate the prompt.

9. Click OK to return to the Filters window.

10. Click OK to return to the Report Page.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 143

Prompts – Selecting Multiple Items in the Same Prompt

GOAL: To select multiple items in the same prompt.


1. Use the current Prompt Page report.

2. Return to the prompt page by clicking on the Page Explorer bar. Under Prompt Pages, click on
Prompt Page 1.

3. Click in the Primary University Affiliation Group Description prompt box.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 144

4. Examine the Properties window. Notice that Multi-Select is set to No. Change the Multi-Select to
Yes, which will allow the user to select more than one item if desired.

5. Mouse over the Page Explorer bar. Under Report Pages click on Page1.

6. Click on the Filters icon to examine the filter.

7. Open the Primary University Affiliation Group Description Parameterized Filter in the Filter window.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 145

8. Change the operator “ = “ to “ in”. The “in” operator allows a person to select more than one value in the
associated prompt.

9. Click OK to return to the Filters Window.

10. Click OK to return to the Report Page.

11. Run the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 146

12. When the prompt window appears, hold down the Ctrl key and click on Human Resources and

13. Click Finish. To see Miscellaneous rows, click the Bottom link.

14. Close the Report Viewer.

15. Save the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 147

Prompts Button

GOAL: To select Last Names.


1. Use the PreFilter report.

2. Save as Prompt Button.

3. Click on the Last Name list column header.

4. Click on Build a Prompt Page button from the toolbar. Report Studio will automatically
build the Prompt Page, the Prompt, and Filter.

5. Save the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 148



1. Can you create a filter on something that is not visible in the report? If not, why not? If so, how?

2. If a report has a filter, and you want to run the report and not apply the filter, what do you do? Do
you delete the filter or do you skip the filter? What are the steps to your answer?

3. What is the “operator” that you need to use to filter on more than one item in a column? Is there
more than one operator you can use?

Create the following report:

• Create a list report that is sorted by Country Description in ascending order that shows the following
o ID
o Last name
o First name
o Country Description
o Street Address 1
o City
o State
o Postal Code
o Phone Number

• Add a prompt to the report that prompts for more than one Last name.


1. Yes. A Filter can be created by using fields from either the Data Items or Source tab. If the field
used in the Filter is from the data items tab, and it also appears on the Report Page, the field should be cut,
not deleted, from the Filter Expression.

2. To run a report and not have the filter applied, you can disable the particular filter in the Filters

3. The Operator “IN” is needed to filter on more than one item in a column. Example: [Country Code]
in (‘JPN’, ‘HKG’) The Operator “=” will only return one item from a column. Example: [Country Code ]
= ‘AUS’ The Operator “between” will return values between a range, as in a range of birthdates.

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Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 150
6. Calculations

Adding a Calculated Column
Understanding Aggregation
Adding Summary Totals to a Footer (Totaling a Column)
Remove the Summary Footer
Grouped Summary Footers
Summary Calculation Without Detail

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Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 152

Complex and involved calculations are possible within Report Studio. This chapter will focus on the
easier and more commonly used calculations.

For instance, we can create a calculated column by multiplying one column with another. Grouping a
column allows you to keep all the similar data together, and to add summaries for each group. Some of
the summaries available are counting the number of rows, averaging the numbers in a group and

GOAL: To build a report to use within this chapter.


1. Click the New icon and select List.

2. Add Full Name and Birthdate.

3. Save the report as Calc.

4. Run the report. Close the Report Viewer.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 153

Adding a Calculated Column

A calculated column is a column created by the user, usually because the column does not exist in the model.

GOAL: To create a new Age calculated column by using the existing Birthdate data item.


1. Click the Toolbox tab .

2. Click and drag a Query Calculation to the right of the Birthdate column.

3. In the Create Calculation window, under Name, type Age.

4. Click OK.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 154

5. Click the Functions tab and open the Business Date/Time Functions folder. Scroll down and
double-click _years_between to add it to the right.

6. Open the Common Functions folder and double-click current_date.

7. Type a comma and a space after current_date.

8. Click the Source tab and double-click Birthdate. Type a ) after Birthdate.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 155

9. Click the Validate icon and make sure there are no errors.

Note: You can also type directly into the Expression Definition area.

10. Click OK.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 156

11. Run the report.

12. Close the Report Viewer.

13. Click Save.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 157

Understanding Aggregation

What is aggregation?

Aggregation is the summarization of grouped items. By default, Report Studio automatically groups
non-numeric (text or date) data and summarizes numeric data. This means that the numbers you see in
your reports are probably a summarization of the raw data in the database.

The User can turn off the Automatic aggregation. (Mouse over Query Explorer, click on a Query, under
the Properties Section, set Auto Group and Summarize to “No”. A detailed exercise is explained in the
ReportNet Level II course.)

Types of aggregation:
Some of the common types of aggregation are:

Total Sums the items in the group

Average Averages the items in the group
Minimum Shows the smallest number in the group
Maximum Shows the largest number in the group
Count Counts the number of items in the group

The default type of aggregation for each numeric data item is set in the package.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 158

Adding Summary Totals to a Footer (Totaling a Column)

You can also create additional aggregates within the report. You can group a report and add summaries
to the group footers.

An ungrouped report will show counts, totals, etc. for the entire report. However, if the report is
grouped, and then counts, totals, etc. are added, the report will show the summaries for each individual
group and for the report as a whole.

GOAL: To total ID’s for the entire report


1. Create a new list report with Country Description, Primary University Affiliation Description, and ID
as columns.

2. Save the report as Count ID.

3. Highlight the ID List Column Body.

4. In the Properties section, set the Aggregate Function to “Count”.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 159

5. Click the ID List Column Header.

6. Click the drop down arrow to the right of the Aggregate icon

7. In the drop down list, choose Total.

8. <ID> in bold is added at the bottom of the column, indicating a summary.

9. Run the report.

10. Click the Bottom link to go to the bottom of the report to view the footer.

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11. The number of ID’s for the entire report is shown in the last row in bold. Close the Report Viewer.

12. Save the report as Count ID List.

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Remove the Summary Footer

1. Click in the Summary footer at the bottom of the report. The footer is selected.

2. Press the Delete key.

3. The Summary footer and the ID count are deleted from the report.

4. Save the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 162

Grouped Summary Footers

GOAL: To count per individual group.


1. Use the Count ID List report.

2. Group the report by Country Description and Primary University Affiliation Description.

3. Highlight the ID List Column Body.


4. In the Properties section, set the Aggregate Function to “Count”.

5. Click the ID List Column Header.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 163

6. Click the drop down arrow to the right of the Aggregate icon

7. In the drop down list, choose Total.

8. <ID> in bold is added at the bottom of the column, indicating a summary. Because the report is
grouped by Country Description, and Primary University Affiliation Description, a summary footer is added
for each grouping. The last footer (labeled <Summary> will show a summary for the entire report.

9. Run the report.

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10. Click the Bottom link.

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11. The report shows the number of people for each country, for each affiliation, and for the entire report.

12. Close the Report Viewer and Save the report as Group Count ID.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 166

Summary Calculation Without Detail

You may wish to show aggregate data without showing the detail. To do this, we will create a column
that shows only the count of ID’s, without showing the actual ID numbers.

GOAL: To create a basic summary calculated column.


1. Open the original Count ID report, without footers.

2. Save the report as Count ID Summary.

3. Group the Country Description and Primary University Affiliation Description columns.

4. Click on the ID List Body Column. In the Properties window, scroll down to Data Item.

5. Click the Aggregate Function area and then click the down arrow.

6. Choose Count.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 167

7. Highlight the ID column heading.

8. In the Properties window, locate the Source Type field. Click on Source Type and then click on the
drop-down button.

9. Select Text.

10. Inside the Text window, type the new column name “Count ID”.

11. Again, in the Properties window, locate the Text field. Click on Text and then click on the ellipse.

12. Type in “Count of IDs”

13. Click OK.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 168

14. Run the report. (Instead of showing each individual ID, Report Studio summarizes by counting the
number of ID’s associated with each Country and Affiliation.)

15. Close Report Viewer.

16. Delete the Primary University Affiliation Description column.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 169

17. Run the report and now you will see the counts of ID’s per country.

18. Close the Report Viewer.

19. Save the report.

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7. Formatting Reports

Building a Report
Data Formats
Text Formats
Adding Headers and Footers
Formatting the Title
Adding a New Page
Understanding Select Ancestor
Running a report in PDF
Adding Graphics

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Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 173
Building a Report

GOAL: To build a report to use in this chapter.


1. Start a new List report.

2. Create the following report.

3. Save the report as Formatting.

4. Run the report.

5. Close the report viewer.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 174

Data Formats

Text and data within the report can be formatted to make the report easier to read, or to change to a
more commonly used format in your organization's reporting structure.

GOAL: To change the Birthdate column to mm/dd/yy format.


1. Using the Formatting report, save the report as Date Formatting.

2. Click once in the Birthdate List Column Body (not the column heading).

3. In the Properties window, click Data Format.

4. Click the ellipsis (the three little dots).

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 175

5. Under Format type, click the down arrow and choose Date.

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6. Under Properties, click Date Style and to the right, click the down arrow and choose Short.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 177

7. Click OK and Run the report.

8. Close the Report Viewer.

9. Save the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 178

Text Formats

In addition to the data format, the text format of the columns can be changed to make them stand out or
to make them easier to read.

GOAL: To change the Country name to a bold font style.


1. Use the current report.

2. Click once in the Country Description List Column Body (not the column heading).

3. From the Style Toolbar, click the Bold button.

4. Run the report.

5. Close the Report Viewer.

6. Save the report as Text Formatting.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 179

Adding Headers and Footers .

Report Studio has several options when adding more detail to your report. Page headers and footers
and/or list headers and footers can be added to provide additional information to the users about the
contents of the report.

Page header and footer includes the following properties: background color, background image, border,
box type, conditional style, font, foreground color, horizontal alignment, padding size & overflow, spacing
& breaking, text flow and justification, vertical alignment, and white space.

List header appears at the beginning of a list for each grouped item, and is good for presenting
carry-forward group totals, or group identifiers.

List footer appears at the end of a list for each grouped item, and is good for presenting group totals.

GOAL: To add a list header to the report.


1. Use the Text Formatting report and save it as Headers.

2. Remove the Country Description, State, and City columns.

3. Add Primary University Affiliation Description and Primary University Group Affiliation Description
as the first two columns.

4. Group the Primary University Affiliation column.

5. Click the List Headers & Footers icon icon

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 180

6. Click the Primary University Affiliation Description List Column Header box.

7. Click OK.

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8. Run the report. Notice that each Primary University Affiliation Description group has a header
identifying it.

9. Close the Report Viewer.

10. Click Save.

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Formatting the Title

Once you add a title, you can easily add formatting for emphasis.

GOAL: To add and format a title.


1. Use the current report and save it as Title.

2. In the Page Header area, double-click on the Double click to edit text to add a title.

3. In the Text window, type All University Affiliations.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 183

4. Click OK.

5. Run the report.

6. Close the Report Viewer.

7. Click on the text All University Affiliations so that it is selected. (The Properties window should read
“Text Item” in the title bar.)

8. From the Style Toolbar, click format the font to Arial, the font size to 24pt, and click the Bold icon to set
the text to bold.

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9. Click OK and then Run the report.

10. Click Save.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 185

Adding a New Page

Adding a new page enables you as a report user to add the page either as a title page before the body of
the report, or as a secondary page that may serve as an additional reporting page, or as a summary.

GOAL: To add an introductory Title page.


1. Use the current report and save it as Title page.

2. From the Report Studio Main Menu bar, click View > Report Pages.

3. From the toolbox tab drag over a Page item and place it above Page1 under the Report Pages header.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 186

4. The new Page2 appears above Page1 in the list.

5. In the Properties Window, under Miscellaneous heading, locate the Name field.

6. Rename Page2 to “Title Page”.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 187

7. Under the Report Pages heading, double-click on Title Page.

8. Drag and drop the Table into the blank page.

9. For columns, type 1, and for rows, type 3.

10. Click OK.

11. Save the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 188

Understanding Select Ancestor

Using the Select Ancestor button allows the user to select a group of related elements in a report, to
change their properties as a whole.

GOAL: To make an entire table one type of format.


1. Use the current Title Page.

2. Click once in the third row of the table on the Title Page.

3. In the Properties Section, the Select Ancestor is at the Table Cell level.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 189

5. Click on the Select Ancestor button. All ancestors above the Table Cell level appear.

6. Select Table. Notice the entire table is now selected.

7. From the Style menu, set the Bold and Center properties for the table.

8. From the Toolbox tab, drag over a Text item and place it in the third row of the table.

9. Type “Affiliation Report - For All Departments”.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 190

10. Click OK. Notice how the new text item is automatically bold and centered within the Table.

11. Run the Report. The Title Page displays first.

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12. Click Bottom to navigate to the next Report Page.

13. Close the report viewer.

14. Save the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 192

Running a report in PDF

You may run your reports in various formats, including PDF, and change your parameters for printing

GOAL: To run the report as PDF and change printing parameters.


1. Click the arrow next to the Run icon and select Run Report (PDF).

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 193

2. The report is shown in PDF format. Click the down-arrow at the bottom of the screen to move to
the second page.

3. Close the report viewer.

4. From the Report Studio Main Menu Bar, click File > PDF Page Setup.

5. Set the Orientation to Landscape.

6. Click OK.

7. Run the report to PDF. Notice, the RUN button is already set to deliver the report in PDF format:

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 194

8. The report will open in PDF and with a landscape orientation.

9. Close the Report Viewer.

10. Save the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 195

Adding Graphics

Graphics can be added to a report, however, the graphic image must be saved on the Cognos Server.
Please contact the Data Warehousing and Integration Team to add images to the Cognos Server.

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8. Creating Crosstab Reports

Crosstab Reports
Converting a List Report into a Crosstab
Nested Crosstabs
Crosstabs with Totals

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Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 199
Crosstab Reports

Crosstab reports are useful for comparative analysis because they summarize data and display the results
in a two-dimensional grid.

Similar to list reports, Crosstab reports show data in columns and rows. However, the values at the
intersection of rows and columns show summarized information rather than detailed information.

Crosstabs must include at least three query items: one on rows, one on columns, and one to serve as a
measure or performance indicator defining what the data represents. In a crosstab report, data can be
nested to compare information using more than one query item in a column or in a row.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 200

Converting a List Report into a Crosstab

GOAL: Create a simple list report and convert it to a crosstab report.

Note: Converting a list report to a crosstab is accomplished by selecting the column(s) that you want to
be the column(s) in the crosstab.


1. Create a report with the following fields:

• Country Description
• Primary University Affiliation Description
• Count ID

2. Group Country Description and Primary University Affiliation Description.

3. Run the report.

4. Close the Report Viewer.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 201

5. Highlight the ID List Column Body.

6. In the Properties Window, under the Data Item heading, set the Aggregate Function to “Count”.

7. In the Properties Window, under the Data Item heading, set the Rollup Aggregate Function to
“Total”. Setting the Rollup Aggregate Function to “Total” on the “ID” field is necessary for the list to
become a crosstab.

8. Click on the and Primary University Affiliation Description List Column Header.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 202

9. From Report Studio Main Menu bar select Structure > Pivot List to Crosstab.

Note: Converting a list report to a crosstab is accomplished by selecting the column(s) that you want to be

the column(s) in the crosstab.

10. The report layout has changed from a list report to a crosstab with Primary University Affiliation
Description as the columns, Country Description as the rows, and ID as the measure.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 203

11. Sort Ascending on Country Description.

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12. Run the report.

13. Close the Report Viewer.

14. Save As: Crosstab.


• Create the same report by clicking New and selecting Crosstab.

• Drag the appropriate columns to the rows, columns and measures.
• Sort Ascending on the column.
• Select ID in the measures area and in the Properties window, under Data Item, change Aggregate
Function to Count

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 205

Nested Crosstabs

GOAL: Nest data in a crosstab report to compare information using more than one query item in a
column or row.


1. Use the Crosstab report.

2. Save it as Nested Crosstab. Currently, the Country Description data item represents the rows, and
the Primary University Affiliation Description data item represents the columns.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 206

3. Click the Swap Rows and Columns icon. After this swap, the Country Description data item
represents the columns, and the Primary University Affiliation Description data item represents the rows.

4. From the Source tab in the Insertable Objects window, click and drag Primary University
Affiliation Group Description to the drop zone after the Primary University Affiliation Description
item and release the mouse click.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 207

5. The columns are nested.

6. Run the report. Scroll to the right to see all the countries.

7. Close the Report Viewer.

8. Save As: Nested Crosstab.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 208

Crosstabs with Totals

GOAL: Add totals to the crosstab report.


1. Use the Nested Crosstab report.

2. Highlight the measure in the crosstab report.

3. Click the down arrow on the Aggregate icon and select Total.

4. Totals are added to the report.

Cognos Report Studio Introduction Pg. 209

5. Run the report.

6. Close the Report Viewer.

7. Click Save.

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