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Cybersource Payer Authentication: Using The Simple Order API

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This document provides an overview of payer authentication and 3D Secure 2.x protocols for protecting against chargebacks. It also discusses integrating payer authentication into a business and implementing 3D Secure 2.x.

The purpose of this document is to provide merchants with information on implementing payer authentication using the Cybersource Simple Order API to help reduce chargebacks and meet regulations like PSD2.

Some of the main topics covered in this document include an overview of chargeback protection and payer authentication protocols like 3D Secure 2.x, prerequisites for implementing payer authentication, and integrating it into a business.

Title Page

Cybersource Payer Authentication

Using the Simple Order API
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Version: 21.05


Recent Revisions to This Document 11

About This Guide 13

Audience and Purpose 13
Scope 13
Conventions 14
Note, Important, and Warning Statements 14
Text and Command Conventions 14
Related Documents 15
Customer Support 15

Chapter 1 Introducing Payer Authentication 16

Overview of Chargeback Protection 16
PSD2 17
3D Secure 2.x 17
Prerequisites for Implementing Payer Authentication 17
Integrating Payer Authentication into Your Business 18
Implementing 3D Secure 2.x 19
Scenario 1: You are a New Merchant 19
Scenario 2: You Use the Cybersource Simple Order API and Payer Authentication
Services for 3D Secure 1.0 20
Scenario 3: You Want to Integrate Using an SDK for your Mobile Application 21
Using Secure Acceptance with Payer Authentication 22
Required Merchant Information 22

Chapter 2 Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer

Authentication 23
Prerequisites 23
After Implementation and Before Go Live 23
Process Flow for Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API 24
Step 1: Payer Authentication Setup Service 24

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 3


Request Fields 24
Important Response Fields 24
Field Definitions and Details 24
Request and Response API Examples 25
Step 2: Device Data Collection Iframe 25
Building the Iframe 25
Step 3: Payer Authentication Check Enrollment Service 27
Request Fields 27
Field Definitions and Details 28
Combining Services 29
Interpreting the Response 29
Important Response Fields 30
Field Definitions and Details 30
Step 4: Step-Up IFrame 30
Building the Iframe 30
Receiving the Step-Up Results 32
Step 5: Payer Authentication Validation Service 33
Request Fields 33
Field Definitions and Details 33
Request and Response API Examples 33
Combining Services or Mapping Authorization Fields 33
Interpreting the Response 34
Redirecting Customers to Pass or Fail Message Page 35

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication 36

Implementation Overview 36
Process Flow for SDK Integration 37
Before You Begin 38
Credentials/API Keys 38
Create the JSON Web Token (JWT) 39
JWT Claims 39
JWT Examples 40
Using the Android SDK 41
Update the Gradle Build Properties 41
Configure the Android SDK 42
Set Up the Initial Call 44
Using the iOS SDK 45
Download and Import the SDK 45
Set Up Your Build Environment 46
Configure the iOS SDK 47
Set Up the Initial Call 50
Implementing SDK Payer Authentication 51
Requesting the Check Enrollment Service (SDK) 51

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 4


Interpreting the Response 52

Authenticating Enrolled Cards 53
Call Cardinal.cca_continue (Android SDK) 54
Call Cardinal session continue (iOS SDK) 55
Receiving the Authentication Results 57
Requesting the Validation Service 57
Interpreting the Response 59
Redirecting Customers to Pass or Fail Message Page 59

Chapter 4 Upgrading Your Payer Authentication Implementation 60

Upgrading to 3D Secure 2.x 60
Benefits 60
PSD2 Impact 61
Mandates 61
Timelines 61
Recommended Integration 61
Migration FAQ 62

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services 64

Testing Process 64
Enrollment Check 64
Authentication Validation 65
Expected Results 66
Test Cases for 3D Secure 1.0 68
Visa Secure 68
Mastercard Identity Check 75
Maestro 84
American Express SafeKey 88
JCB J/Secure 94
Diners Club ProtectBuy 100
Discover ProtectBuy 106
Elo Compra Segura 112
China UnionPay 113
Test Cases for 3D Secure 2.x 114
Test Case 2.1: Successful Frictionless Authentication 115
Card Numbers 115
Results for the Check Enrollment Service 115
Results for the Validation Authentication Service 116
Action 117
Test Case 2.2: Unsuccessful Frictionless Authentication 117
Card Numbers 117

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 5


Results for the Check Enrollment Service 118

Results for the Validation Authentication Service 118
Action 118
Test Case 2.3: Attempts Processing Frictionless Authentication 119
Card Numbers 119
Results for the Check Enrollment Service 119
Results for the Validation Authentication Service 120
Action 121
Test Case 2.4: Unavailable Frictionless Authentication 121
Card Numbers 121
Results for the Check Enrollment Service 122
Results for the Validation Authentication Service 123
Action 123
Test Case 2.5: Rejected Frictionless Authentication 123
Card Numbers 123
Results for the Check Enrollment Service 124
Results for the Validation Authentication Service 124
Action 124
Test Case 2.6: Authentication not Available on Lookup 125
Card Numbers 125
Results for the Check Enrollment Service 125
Results for the Validation Authentication Service 126
Action 126
Test Case 2.7: Enrollment Check Error 127
Card Numbers 127
Results for the Check Enrollment Service 127
Results for the Validation Authentication Service 128
Action 128
Test Case 2.8: Time-Out (Cruise Direct and Hybrid Only) 129
Card Numbers 129
Results for the Check Enrollment Service 129
Results for the Validation Authentication Service 130
Action 130
Test Case 2.9: Bypassed Authentication 131
Card Numbers 131
Results for the Check Enrollment Service 131
Results for the Validation Authentication Service 132
Action 132
Test Case 2.10a: Successful Step-Up Authentication (Cruise Direct and Hybrid) 133
Card Numbers 133
Results for the Check Enrollment Service 133
Results for the Validation Authentication Service 134
Action 135
Test Case 2.10b: Successful Step-Up Authentication (Standard) 136
Card Numbers 136

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 6


Results for the Check Enrollment Service 136

Results for the Validation Authentication Service 137
Action 138
Test Case 2.11a: Unsuccessful Step-Up Authentication (Cruise Direct and
Hybrid) 138
Card Numbers 138
Results for the Check Enrollment Service 139
Results for the Validation Authentication Service 139
Action 139
Test Case 2.11b: Unsuccessful Step-Up Authentication (Standard) 140
Card Numbers 140
Results for the Check Enrollment Service 140
Results for the Validation Authentication Service 141
Action 141
Test Case 2.12a: Unavailable Step-Up Authentication (Cruise Direct and Hybrid) 142
Card Numbers 142
Results for the Check Enrollment Service 142
Results for the Validation Authentication Service 143
Action 144
Test Case 2.12b: Unavailable Step-Up Authentication (Standard) 144
Card Numbers 144
Results for the Check Enrollment Service 145
Results for the Validation Authentication Service 146
Action 146

Appendix A API Fields 147

Formatting Restrictions 147
Data Type Definitions 147
Numbered Elements 148
Request Fields 149
Response Fields 172

Appendix B Reason Codes 194

Appendix C Request and Response Examples 195

Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Integration Examples 195
Payer Authentication Setup Service Request Example 195
Payer Authentication Setup Service Response Example 196
Check Enrollment Request Example 197
Check Enrollment Response Example 198

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 7


Validate Authentication Request Example 199

Validate Authentication Response Example 200
Standard Integration Examples 201
Check Enrollment Request Example 201
Check Enrollment Response Example 202
Hybrid Integration Examples 203
Check Enrollment Request Example 203
Check Enrollment Response Example 204
Validate Authentication Request Example 205
Validate Authentication Response Example 206

Appendix D Website Modification Reference 207

Website Modification Checklist 207
3D Secure Services Logos 208
Informational Message Examples 209

Appendix E Payer Authentication Transaction Details in the Business Center 210

Searching for Payer Authentication Details 210
Enrolled Card 210
Enrollment Check 210
Authentication Validation 211
Card Not Enrolled 212
Transaction Details 212
Payer Authentication Search 212
Storing Payer Authentication Data 213

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports 214

Payer Authentication Summary Report 214
Downloading the Report 215
Matching the Report to the Transaction Search Results 215
Interpreting the Report 216
Comparing Payer Authentication and Payment Reports 217
Payer Authentication Detail Report 218
Report Elements 218
<Report> 218
<PayerAuthDetail> 219
<ProofXML> 220
<VEReq> 221
<VERes> 222
<PAReq> 223

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 8


<PARes> 224
<AuthInfo> 226
Examples 227
Failed Enrollment Check 227
Successful Authentication 228

Appendix G Rules-Based Payer Authentication 229

Available Rules 229
API Responses 230
Bypassed Authentication Transactions 230
Risk-Based Bank Transactions 231

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication 232

Hybrid Payer Authentication 232
Implementation Overview 232
Process Flow for Hybrid Integration 233
Before You Begin 234
Credentials/API Keys 234
Create the JSON Web Token (JWT) 234
Add the JavaScript 237
BIN Detection 237
Implementing Hybrid Payer Authentication 237
Requesting the Check Enrollment Service (Hybrid) 237
Authenticating Enrolled Cards 240
Requesting the Validation Service 241
Standard Payer Authentication 243
Implementation Overview 243
Process Flow for Standard Integration 244
Before You Begin 245
Credentials/API Keys 245
Create the JSON Web Token (JWT) 245
Add the JavaScript 247
BIN Detection 247
Implementing Standard Payer Authentication 248
Starting Authentication 248
Requesting the Check Enrollment Service (Standard) 249

Appendix I Alternate Methods for Device Data Collection 252

Device Data Collection Overview 252
Prerequisites 252
Endpoints 252

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 9


Collecting Device Data 253

Option 1: Card BIN in JWT 253
Option 2: Card BIN as a POST Parameter Plus JWT 254

Glossary 255

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 10

Recent Revisions to This

Release Changes
21.05  Updated the process to obtain credentials to generate your API keys for the Cardinal Mobile
SDK integration. See "Credentials/API Keys."
 Updated "Test Case 38: American Express SafeKey Card Enrolled: Successful
Authentication" to fix a missing credit card digit.
 Added note that XID is not returned for Mastercard transactions. See "Test Cases for 3D
Secure 2.x."
 Updated "Test Case 2.8: Time-Out (Cruise Direct and Hybrid Only)" from PARes status = U
to VERes enrolled = U.
21.04  Updated the card_cardType field description to specify it is required for the Payer
Authentication Setup service when the card type is Cartes Bancaires.
 Updated the length of the payerAuthEnrollService_sdkMaxTimeout field from 1 to 2.
 Updated the size of the device data collection iframe to 10x10. See "Step 2: Device Data
Collection Iframe," page 25.
21.03  Added support for China UnionPay and Elo cards, including new test cases and updated API
fields. See "Elo Compra Segura," "China UnionPay," "Test Cases for 3D Secure 2.x," and
Appendix A, "API Fields," on page 147.
 Added JCB, Elo, and China UnionPay card numbers to 2.x test cases. See "Test Cases for
3D Secure 2.x."
 Updated the 2.x test cases to include all card types in a single set of test cases. See "Test
Cases for 3D Secure 2.x."
 Updated the following field descriptions to specify required for China and add additional
 billTo_state

 shipTo_state

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 11

Recent Revisions to This Document

Release Changes
21.02  Updated 3D Secure requestor ID and 3D Secure requestor name to be optional. See
"Required Merchant Information."
 Added vbv_failure as a possible value along with internet for the e-commerce indicator for
1.0 Visa test cases 4, 7, 8, 10, and 11. See "Test Cases for 3D Secure 1.0."
 Added card numbers for Cartes Bancaires Visa and Mastercard. See "Test Cases for 3D
Secure 2.x."
 Updated the following field descriptions to specify they are not limited to Cartes Bancaires
 payerAuthEnrollService_merchantScore
 payerAuthEnrollReply_authorizationPayload
 payerAuthEnrollReply_effectiveAuthentication Type
 payerAuthValidateReply_authorizationPayload
 payerAuthValidateReply_effectiveAuthentication Type
 Updated the length of following fields from 20 to 8 to match the EMV® Specifications.
 payerAuthEnrollReply_specificationVersion

 payerAuthValidateReply_specificationVersion
21.01  Reformatted all card numbers with line breaks and spacing. See Chapter 5, "Testing Payer
Authentication Services," on page 64.
 Updated the following fields to change the data type from integer to string:
 payerAuthEnrollReply_authenticationStatus Reason

 payerAuthEnrollReply_challengeCancelCode
 payerAuthEnrollReply_ networkScore
 payerAuthValidateReply_authenticationStatus Reason
 payerAuthValidateReply_challengeCancelCode
 Updated the following field descriptions to remove required for transactions in Brazil:
 payerAuthEnrollService_MCC

 payerAuthEnrollService_mobilePhone
 payerAuthEnrollService_overridePaymentMethod
 payerAuthEnrollService_productCode
20.05  Revised Chapter 2, "Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer
Authentication," on page 23.
 Added new request fields for the Payer Authentication Setup service:
 payerAuthEnrollService_returnURL

 payerAuthValidateService_responseAccessToken
 Added new response fields for the Payer Authentication Setup service:
 payerAuthEnrollReply_accessToken

 payerAuthSetupReply_accessToken
 Added new examples for the Payer Authentication Setup service and Cardinal Cruise Direct
Connection API. See Appendix C, "Request and Response Examples," on page 195.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 12

About This Guide

Audience and Purpose

This guide is written for application developers who want to use the Cybersource Simple
Order API to integrate Payer Authentication services into their order management system.
It describes the tasks you must perform in order to complete this integration.

Implementing Cybersource Payer Authentication services requires software development

skills. You must write code that uses the API request and response fields to integrate
payer authentication services into your existing order management system.

This guide describes how to use the Simple Order API to integrate payer authentication
services with your order management system. It does not describe how to get started
using the Simple Order API nor does it explain how to use Cybersource services other
than payer authentication. For that information, see "Related Documents," page 15.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 13

About This Guide


Note, Important, and Warning Statements

A Note contains helpful suggestions or references to material not contained in

this document.

An Important statement contains information essential to successfully

completing a task or learning a concept.

A Warning contains information or instructions, which, if not heeded, can result

in a security risk, irreversible loss of data, or significant cost in time or revenue
or both.

Text and Command Conventions

Convention Usage
bold  Field and service names in text. For example:
Include the ics_applications field.
 Items that you are instructed to act upon. For example:
Click Save.
italic  Filenames and pathnames. For example:
Add the filter definition and mapping to your web.xml file.
 Placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.
Screen text  XML elements.
 Code examples and samples.
 Text that you enter in an API environment. For example:
 Set the davService_run field to true.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 14

About This Guide

Related Documents
 Getting Started with Cybersource Advanced for the Simple Order API describes how
to get started using the Simple Order API. (PDF | HTML)

 Decision Manager Developer Guide Using the Simple Order API describes how to
integrate Decision Manager, a fraud detection service, with your order management
system. (PDF | HTML)

 Credit Card Services Using the Simple Order API describes how to integrate
Cybersource payment processing services into your business. (PDF | HTML)

 Secure Acceptance Hosted Checkout Integration Guide describes how to create

Secure Acceptance profiles, which enable you to integrate your order management
system with the Secure Acceptance web/mobile checkout. (PDF | HTML)

 Secure Acceptance Checkout API Integration Guide describes how to create Secure
Acceptance profiles, which enable you to integrate your order management system
with a website to process transactions. (PDF | HTML)

 Reporting Developer Guide describes how to view and configure Business Center
reports. (PDF | HTML)

 The Cybersource API Versions page provides information about the API versions.

Refer to the Support Center for complete documentation:

Customer Support
For support information about any Cybersource service, visit the Support Center:

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 15

Introducing Payer

Cybersource Payer Authentication services use JavaScript and the ICS services to
provide authentication.

Payer Authentication services enable you to add support to your web store for card
authentication services, including Visa SecureSM, Mastercard Identity Check®, Maestro®
(UK Domestic and international), American Express SafeKeySM, JCB J/Secure™, Diners
Club ProtectBuy, Discover ProtectBuy, China UnionPay, and Elo Compra Segura.

These card authentication services deter unauthorized card use and protect you from
fraudulent chargeback activity referred to as liability shift. However, Cybersource Payer
Authentication is not a fraud management service, such as Decision Manager with
Advanced Fraud Screen. Cybersource recommends that you implement a comprehensive
fraud management program in addition to payer authentication services.

You can use payer authentication services with specific payment processors. To find out if
your payment processor supports this feature, see the “Payer Authentication” section in
Credit Card Services Using the Simple Order API (PDF | HTML).

Overview of Chargeback Protection

Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover, China
UnionPay, and Elo offer chargeback protection if merchants participate in 3D Secure card
authentication programs, such as Visa Secure or Mastercard Identity Check.

Chargebacks occur after a transaction is processed, and how they are handled varies
according to the region that issued the card. Payment card company rules might vary over
time and across geographical regions. Cybersource recommends that you contact your
merchant account provider to find out exactly how to interpret chargeback requirements
and which chargeback protections are offered.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 16

Chapter 1 Introducing Payer Authentication

PSD2 (Payment Service Directive 2) is the new European regulatory framework that
governs payment processing and customer security and authentication. PSD2 establishes
a European Economic Area (EEA) single market for payments (including the UK even if
departed from the EEA) to encourage safer and more innovative payment services. PSD2
mandates Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for all electronic payments. This
requirement affects the way merchants receive payments from customers and how
customers are authenticated. PSD2 stipulates that two-factor authentication be applied for
all electronic payments.

3D Secure 2.x
3D Secure 2.x is the authentication protocol provided by the card networks to support
SCA. To comply with SCA, merchants must deploy 3D Secure 2.x to their checkout page
or use a compliant hosted checkout.

Additional data can be passed in now and will be automatically sent to issuers as they
upgrade to 3D Secure 2.x. Cybersource Payer Authentication service is also backward-
compatible with 3D Secure 1.0.

Prerequisites for Implementing Payer

To use the payer authentication services, you and your developers must be able to
complete these tasks:
 Write code to enable a connection to the issuing bank.
 Add JavaScript to your website to facilitate the authentication.
 Add specific data to your API requests to Cybersource.
 Validate the necessary data.
 Provide the additional data to the authorization request.
 Modify your website to help the customer understand the process.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 17

Chapter 1 Introducing Payer Authentication

Integrating Payer Authentication

into Your Business
You can integrate payer authentication services into your existing business processes
whether you are currently using 3D Secure 1.0 or are new to payer authentication.

Four types of integration are available:

 Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API
 SDK integration for your mobile application
 Hybrid integration
 Standard integration

If you are using tokenization, use the Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API
integration method and Payer Authentication Setup service.

The SDK integration is designed for 3D Secure 2.x transactions only.

The Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API is the recommended integration method.

If you are currently using 3D Secure 1.0, see Chapter 4, "Upgrading Your
Payer Authentication Implementation," on page 60.

You can also use Secure Acceptance to enable 3D Secure 2.x for payer authentication
services. For more information, see "Using Secure Acceptance with Payer

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 18

Chapter 1 Introducing Payer Authentication

Implementing 3D Secure 2.x

Scenario 1: You are a New Merchant

Step 1 Contact your Cybersource account manager or sales manager to learn more about 3D
Secure 2.x and PSD2.

Step 2 Set up your merchant ID with Cybersource.

a Contact Customer Support to enable 3D Secure 2.x for the desired card type,
currencies, and acquiring bank. For details, see "Required Merchant Information."
You must request additional services such as payments using Secure Acceptance at
this time; you can request additional services such as token management as well.
b Log in to the Business Center to obtain the API keys for implementation.

Step 3 Implement 3D Secure 2.x.

 Using Cybersource Simple Order API:
a Use the Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API.
b Configure your system to request the Check Enrollment and Validate
Authentication services. Include the required API fields in your request and
consider including optional fields based on your business needs.
For more information, see the "Required Merchant Information" section and
Chapter 2, "Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer
Authentication," on page 23.
You can configure your system to request payment services through Cybersource
along with your payer authentication for 3D Secure 2.x; however, it is not required.

Step 4 Test your 3D Secure 2.x services.

This testing ensures that you understand the possible use cases as part of
Refer to Chapter 5, "Testing Payer Authentication Services," on page 64 and run the test
cases in "Test Cases for 3D Secure 2.x."

Step 5 Configure your account for production.

a Request a boarding form from Customer Support for your processor or acquirer.
b Complete the boarding form with required information including your Cybersource
merchant ID, your acquirer merchant ID, and BIN information for all chosen card
types. For details, see "Required Merchant Information."

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 19

Chapter 1 Introducing Payer Authentication

Scenario 2: You Use the Cybersource Simple Order API and

Payer Authentication Services for 3D Secure 1.0

Step 1 Contact your Cybersource account manager, sales manager, or technical account
manager to learn more about 3D Secure 2.x and PSD2.

Step 2 Configure your test merchant ID with Cybersource.

a Contact Customer Support to make the necessary configuration changes to enable
3D Secure 2.x for the desired card type and currencies.
b Log in to the Business Center to obtain the API keys for implementation.

Step 3 Implement 3D Secure 2.x. by migrating to the Hybrid integration.

a Add the CardinalCommerce JavaScript code to your checkout page.
b Configure your system to request the Check Enrollment and Validate Authentication
services. Include the required API fields in your request and consider including
optional fields based on your business needs.
For more information, see Chapter 4, "Upgrading Your Payer Authentication
Implementation," on page 60.
You can configure your system to request payment services through Cybersource
along with your payer authentication for 3D Secure 2.x; however, it is not required.

Step 4 Test your 3D Secure 2.x services.

This testing ensures that you understand the possible use cases as part of
Refer to Chapter 5, "Testing Payer Authentication Services," on page 64 and run the test
cases in "Test Cases for 3D Secure 2.x."

Step 5 Configure your account for production. Repeat Steps 2-4 for the production environment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 20

Chapter 1 Introducing Payer Authentication

Scenario 3: You Want to Integrate Using an SDK for your

Mobile Application

Step 1 Contact your Cybersource account manager, sales manager, or technical account
manager to learn more about 3D Secure 2.x and PSD2.

Step 2 Configure your test merchant ID with Cybersource.

a Contact Customer Support to make the necessary configuration changes to enable
3D Secure 2.x for the desired card type and currencies. For details, see "Required
Merchant Information."
b Log in to the Business Center to obtain the API keys for implementation.

Step 3 Implement 3D Secure 2.x.

You must use the Cybersource Simple Order API as well as the SDK in order to implement
a native mobile application. SDKs are available for iOS or Android.
a Implement the SDK to handle authentication steps within the native application. The
SDKs are the CardinalCommerce JavaScript equivalent for mobile applications.
For more information see Chapter 3, "Implementing SDK Payer Authentication," on
page 36.
b Configure your system to request the Check Enrollment and Validate Authentication
services. Include the required API fields in your request and consider including
optional fields based on your business needs.
You can configure your system to request payment services through Cybersource
along with your payer authentication for 3D Secure 2.x; however, it is not required.

Step 4 Test your 3D Secure 2.x services.

This testing ensures that you understand the possible use cases as part of
Refer to Chapter 5, "Testing Payer Authentication Services," on page 64 and run the test
cases in "Test Cases for 3D Secure 2.x."

Step 5 Configure your account for production. Repeat Steps 2-4 for the production environment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 21

Chapter 1 Introducing Payer Authentication

Using Secure Acceptance with Payer Authentication

Secure Acceptance offers the ability to enable 3D Secure 2.x for payer authentication
services. You can choose when to upgrade by selecting the option in your Secure
Acceptance profile in the Business Center.

For more information on implementing Secure Acceptance with payer authentication, see
the Secure Acceptance Hosted Checkout Integration Guide or Secure Acceptance
Checkout API Integration Guide.

Required Merchant Information

Before using Cybersource Payer Authentication services in production, you must contact
Customer Support to provide information about your company and your acquiring bank so
that Cybersource can configure your account to implement these services.

You must provide the information listed in Table 1 to Cybersource before payer
authentication services can be enabled:

Table 1 Merchant Information Required for Payer Authentication Services

Information Description
About your company  Your Cybersource merchant ID.
 URL of your company’s website, for example:
 Two-character ISO code for your country.
 3D Secure requestor ID (optional)
 3D Secure requestor name (optional)
 Merchant category code
Bank information  Name of your bank acquirer.
 Complete name and address of your bank contact,
including email address.
Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Information provided by your bank acquirer about each
American Express, JCB, Diners payment card company for which you are configured:
Club, Discover, China
 6-digit BIN numbers.
UnionPay, and Elo information
 Acquirer merchant ID: merchant ID assigned by your
Acquirer merchant ID
 All currencies that you are set up to process.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 22

Implementing Cardinal
Cruise Direct Connection
API Payer Authentication
The Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API supports 3D Secure 2.x and is backward-
compatible with 3D Secure 1.0 when the issuer, acquirer, or both, are not ready for 2.x.
This integration allows you to use an iframe to complete the device profiling and 3D
Secure authentication requirements without including third-party JavaScript directly on
your site.

The implementation still requires the use of JavaScript on the page, and it uses
CardinalCommerce JavaScript to leverage the authentication. However, the
CardinalCommerce JavaScript is hosted and contained in the iframe and does not directly
access your webpage.

Notify your Cybersource account representative that you want to implement payer
authentication (3D Secure) using the Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API. Give them
the Cybersource merchant ID that you will use for testing. For more information, see
"Required Merchant Information," page 22.

Before you can implement payer authentication services, your business team must
contact your acquirer and Cybersource to establish the service. Your software
development team should become familiar with the API fields and technical details of this

After Implementation and Before Go Live

Use the test cases to test your preliminary code and make appropriate changes. See
Chapter 5, "Testing Payer Authentication Services," on page 64.

Ensure that your account is configured for production.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 23

Chapter 2 Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication

Process Flow for Cardinal Cruise Direct

Connection API

Step 1: Payer Authentication Setup Service

The Payer Authentication Setup service is called on the server side after the customer
enters their payment information. Request the Payer Authentication Setup service
separately without including other Cybersource services.

Request Fields
To request the Payer Authentication Setup service, you must send the customer’s card
number, encrypted payment data, transient token, or TMS token for digital wallet
transactions, in addition to other fields. The request fields may include:

 card_accountNumber
 encryptedPayment_data
 encryptedPayment_descriptor
 recurringSubscriptionInfo_subscriptionID
 tokenSource_transientToken

The card_cardType field is required when card type is Cartes Bancaires.

Important Response Fields

 payerAuthSetupReply_accessToken is used in "Step 2: Device Data Collection

 payerAuthSetupReply_deviceDataCollectionURL is used in "Step 2: Device Data

Collection Iframe."

 payerAuthSetupReply_referenceID is used in "Step 3: Payer Authentication Check

Enrollment Service."

Field Definitions and Details

For further details on required and optional fields, see Appendix A, "API Fields," on
page 147.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 24

Chapter 2 Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication

Request and Response API Examples

For further details on examples, see Chapter C, "Request and Response Examples," on
page 195.

Step 2: Device Data Collection Iframe

Device Data Collection is initiated on the front end after you receive the server-side Payer
Authentication Setup service response as described in "Step 1: Payer Authentication
Setup Service" and pass payerAuthSetupReply_accessToken to the front end.

The hidden 10x10 pixel iframe is rendered to the browser in order to profile the customer
device. The response depends on the card-issuing bank and can take 3 to 5 seconds. If
you proceed with the check enrollment service as described in "Step 3: Payer
Authentication Check Enrollment Service" before a response is received, Cybersource will
fall back to 3D Secure 1.0.

Building the Iframe

Iframe Parameters
 Form POST Action: The URL posted to the iframe is from the
payerAuthSetupReply_deviceDataCollectionURL response field discussed in
"Step 1: Payer Authentication Setup Service."

 JWT POST Parameter: Use the value from the payerAuthSetupReply_

accessToken response field discussed in "Step 1: Payer Authentication Setup

Initiate the Device Data Collection Iframe

Initiate a form POST in a hidden iframe and send to the device data collection URL. See
Example 1.

Place the following HTML anywhere inside the <body> element of the checkout page.
Note that you must dynamically replace the value of the form action attribute and JWT
POST parameter with the response values discussed in "Step 1: Payer Authentication
Setup Service."

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 25

Chapter 2 Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication

Example 1 Initiate the Device Data Collection Iframe

<iframe name=”ddc-iframe” height="10" width="10" style="display: none;">

<form id="ddc-form" target=”ddc-iframe” method="POST"
<input type="hidden" name="JWT" value="
EDf85hYQcxFzXxmHqHFTlptSQITJgfBGtLLjA" />

Add JavaScript to Submit the Device Data Collection Iframe

Add JavaScript to invoke the iframe form POST. Place the JavaScript after the closing
</body> element as shown in Example 2. The JavaScript invokes the iframe form POST
automatically when the window loads. You may also choose to submit the form at a
different time, but you must do it before requesting the check enrollment service.

Example 2 JavaScript to Invoke the Iframe Form POST

window. {
var ddcForm = document.querySelector('#ddc-form');
if(ddcForm) // ddc form exists

Listen For the Device Data Collection URL Response

Receiving the response indicates that the device data collection URL has completed its
processing. The response is an event callback that contains a message with the status of
the device data collection process.

Note that the event.origin URL is variable depending on your environment:

 Test:

 Production:

See Example 3 to understand how to subscribe to the event and add JavaScript to receive
the response from the device data collection iframe. Place the JavaScript after the closing
</body> element.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 26

Chapter 2 Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication

Example 3 Listen for Device Data Collection Response

window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
//{MessageType: "profile.completed", Session Id: "0_57f063fd-659a-
4779-b45b-9e456fdb7935", Status: true}
if (event.origin === "") {
let data = JSON.parse(;
console.log('Merchant received a message:', data);
if (data !== undefined && data.Status) {
console.log('Songbird ran DF successfully');
}, false);

Example 4 shows a response payload from the event. None of the data returned must be
stored for future use.

Example 4 Event Listener Callback Payload

"MessageType": "profile.completed",
"Session Id": "f54ea591-51ac-48de-b908-eecf4ff6beff",
"Status": true

Step 3: Payer Authentication Check Enrollment

After device collection completes, request the Payer Authentication Check Enrollment
service to determine if step-up authentication is needed.

Request Fields
 payerAuthEnrollService_referenceID field is mapped from the payerAuthSetupReply_
referenceID field as discussed in "Step 1: Payer Authentication Setup Service."

 payerAuthEnrollService_returnURL is set to the URL to POST the results as

discussed in "Step 4: Step-Up IFrame."

To request the Payer Authentication Check Enrollment service, you must send the
customer’s card number, encrypted payment data, transient token, or TMS token for digital
wallet transactions. The request fields may include:

 card_accountNumber
 encryptedPayment_data

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 27

Chapter 2 Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication

 encryptedPayment_descriptor
 recurringSubscriptionInfo_subscriptionID
 tokenSource_transientToken

The following fields are required:

 billTo_city
 billTo_country
 billTo_email
 billTo_firstName
 billTo_lastName
 billTo_postalCode
 billTo_state
 billTo_street1
 card_cardType
 card_expirationMonth
 card_expirationYear
 merchantID
 merchantReference Code
 payerAuthEnrollService_referenceID
 payerAuthEnrollService_returnURL
 payerAuthEnrollService_run
 purchaseTotals_currency
 purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount
You can send additional request data in order to reduce your issuer step-up authentication
rates. It is best to send all available fields. However, do not send dummy data if you do not
have data for the field.
The size of the step-up iframe discussed in "Step 4: Step-Up IFrame" can vary depending
on the 3D Secure version of the transaction (1.0 or 2.x ). For 3D Secure 2.x transactions,
you can send the size of the challenge window in the payerAuthEnrollService_
acsWindowSize request field.

However, requesting a specific acsWindowSize does not guarantee this size. Parsing the
PAReq as described in "Step 4: Step-Up IFrame" determines the actual size.

Field Definitions and Details

For further details on required and optional fields, see Appendix A, "API Fields," on
page 147.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 28

Chapter 2 Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication

Combining Services
You can use the enrollment check and card authorization services in the same request or
in separate requests. Using the same request is recommended.

 Same request: Cybersource attempts to authorize the card after authentication if

step-up payer authentication is not required. In this case, the field values that are
required in order to prove that you attempted to check enrollment are passed
automatically to the authorization service. If step-up authentication is required,
processing stops to allow completion, and authorization is not called. This integration
method is recommended.

 Separate requests: you must manually include the enrollment check result values
(Enrollment Check Response Fields) in the authorization service request (Card
Authorization Request Fields).

Table 2 lists these fields.

Table 2 Enrollment Check and Response Fields

Identifier Enrollment Check Response Card Authorization

Field Request Field
E-commerce indicator payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
commerceIndicator commerceIndicator
Collection indicator payerAuthEnrollReply_ ucaf_collectionIndicator
(Mastercard only) ucafCollectionIndicator
Result of the enrollment payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
check for Asia, Middle veresEnrolled veresEnrolled
East, and Africa Gateway
3D Secure version payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
specificationVersion paSpecificationVersion
Directory server payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
transaction ID directoryServerTransactionID directoryServerTransacti
Note Not required for 3D
Secure 1.0.

Interpreting the Response

The responses are similar for all card types. See Appendix C, "Request and Response
Examples," on page 195 for examples of enrollment responses.

 Enrolled cards

You receive reason code 475 if the customer’s card is enrolled in a payer
authentication program. When you receive this response, further authentication steps
are required. Proceed to "Step 4: Step-Up IFrame."

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 29

Chapter 2 Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication

 Cards not enrolled, or step-up authentication not required

You receive reason code 100 in the following cases:

 When the account number is not eligible for a payer authentication program or
when step-up authentication is not required. The other services in your request
are processed normally.

If you are making separate enrollment and authorization calls, you must include
pertinent payer authentication data in the authorization request to receive liability
shift protection.

 When payer authentication is not supported by the card type. When you receive
this response, you can proceed to card authorization. If you receive the
authentication results along with reason code 100, you receive liability shift

Important Response Fields

If you receive reason code 475, you also receive the following fields:
 payerAuthEnrollReply_stepUpUrl discussed in "Step 4: Step-Up IFrame."
 payerAuthEnrollReply_accessToken discussed in "Step 4: Step-Up IFrame."

Field Definitions and Details

For further details on required and optional fields, see Appendix A, "API Fields," on
page 147.

Step 4: Step-Up IFrame

Initiate step-up authentication on the front end after you receive the response as
discussed in "Step 3: Payer Authentication Check Enrollment Service." You only need to
perform "Step 4: Step-Up IFrame" if Step 3 indicates step-up authentication is required.

The iframe manages customer interaction with the card-issuing bank’s Access Control
Server (ACS) and 3D Secure version compatibility for 3D Secure 1.0 and 3D Secure 2.x.

Building the Iframe

Iframe Parameters
 Form POST Action: The URL posted by the iframe is from the
payerAuthEnrollReply_stepUpUrl response field discussed in "Step 3: Payer
Authentication Check Enrollment Service."

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 30

Chapter 2 Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication

 JWT POST Parameter: Use the value from the payerAuthEnrollReply_

accessToken response field discussed in "Step 3: Payer Authentication Check
Enrollment Service."

 MD POST Parameter: Merchant-defined data returned in the response. This field is


 Iframe height and width:

 3D Secure 1.0 uses a standard size of 400 by 400 pixels.

 For 3D Secure 2.x:
- Use the payerAuthEnrollService_acsWindowSize request field to request
(but not guarantee) a specific window size.
- Use the payerAuthEnrollReply_paReq response field to determine iframe
dimensions by Base64 decoding the string and cross-referencing the
challengeWindowSize value with the corresponding size.

Table 3 lists these values.

Table 3 Challenge Window Size Value and Corresponding Size

Challenge Window Size Value Step-Up Iframe Dimensions (Width x Height)

01 250 x 400
02 390 x 400
03 500 x 600
04 600 x 400
05 Full screen

See Example 5 for the decoded value.

Example 5 Challenge Window Size Decoded Value


Create the Iframe

Create the iframe to send a POST request to the step-up URL. See Example 6.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 31

Chapter 2 Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication

Example 6 Send a POST Request to Step-Up URL

<iframe name=”step-up-iframe" height="400" width="400"></iframe>

<form id="step-up-form" target=”step-up-iframe" method="post" action=""> <input
type="hidden" name="JWT"
7ZEHxGz82_IwZGKBODzPaceJNNC99xZRo" /> <input type="hidden" name="MD"
value="optionally_include_custom_data_that_will_be_returned_as_is”/> </

Add JavaScript to invoke the iframe form POST. Place the JavaScript after the closing
</body> tag (see Example 7). The JavaScript invokes the iframe form POST
automatically when the window loads. You may also choose to submit the form at a
different time, but you must do it before requesting the validation service.

Example 7 JavaScript to Invoke the Iframe Form POST

window. {
var stepUpForm = document.querySelector('# step-up-form');
if(stepUpForm) // Step-Up form exists

Receiving the Step-Up Results

After the customer interacts with the issuing bank, you get the session back through the
payerAuthEnrollService_returnURL response field specified in "Step 3: Payer
Authentication Check Enrollment Service." The payload sent to the return URL is URL-
encoded and Base64-encoded (see Example 8).

The response sent back to the return URL contains the following:

 Transaction ID: (payerAuthEnrollReply_authenticationTransactionID response

field). This is used in "Step 5: Payer Authentication Validation Service."

 MD: merchant data returned if present in the POST to step-up URL. Otherwise, null.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 32

Chapter 2 Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication

Example 8 POST to Return URL


Step 5: Payer Authentication Validation Service

When you receive the response as discussed in "Step 4: Step-Up IFrame," make a
validation call to verify that the customer successfully authenticated.

Request Fields
 payerAuthValidateService_authenticationTransactionID field is mapped from the
payerAuthEnrollReply_authenticationTransactionID field in "Step 4: Step-Up

Field Definitions and Details

For further details on required and optional fields, see Appendix A, "API Fields," on
page 147.

Request and Response API Examples

For further details on examples, see Chapter C, "Request and Response Examples," on
page 195.

Combining Services or Mapping Authorization Fields

Cybersource recommends that you request both payer authentication and card
authorization services at the same time. When you do so, Cybersource automatically
sends the correct information to your payment processor; Cybersource converts the
values of these fields to the proper format required by your payment processor:

 E-commerce indicator: payerAuthEnrollReply_commerceIndicator

 CAVV: payerAuthValidateReply_cavv
 AAV: payerAuthValidateReply_ucafAuthenticationData
 XID: payerAuthEnrollReply_xid and payerAuthValidateReply_xid

If you request the services separately, you must manually include the validation result
values (Validation Check Response Fields) in the authorization service request (Card
Authorization Request Fields). To receive liability shift protection, you must ensure that
you pass all pertinent data for the card type and processor in your request. Failure to do
so can invalidate your liability shift for that transaction. Include the electronic commerce
indicator (ECI), the transaction ID (XID), the 3D Secure version, the directory server
transaction ID, and the following card-specific information in your authorization request:

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 33

Chapter 2 Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication

 For Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo
include the CAVV (cardholder authentication verification value).

 For Mastercard, include the UCAF (universal cardholder authentication field) and the
collection indicator.

Depending on your card type and whether it is a 3D Secure 1.0 or 2.x transaction, you
might not receive the XID.

Table 4 lists these fields.

Table 4 Validation Check and Response Fields

Identifier Validation Check Response Card Authorization

Field Request Field
E-commerce indicator payerAuthValidateReply_ ccAuthService_
commerceIndicator commerceIndicator
Collection indicator payerAuthValidateReply_ ucaf_collectionIndicator
(Mastercard only) ucafCollectionIndicator
CAVV (Visa and American payerAuthValidateReply_cavv ccAuthService_cavv
Express only)
AAV (Mastercard only. payerAuthValidateReply_ ucaf_authenticationData
Known as UCAF) ucafAuthenticationData
XID payerAuthValidateReply_xid ccAuthService_xid
3D Secure version payerAuthValidateReply_ ccAuthService_
specificationVersion paSpecificationVersion
Directory server payerAuthValidateReply_ ccAuthService_
transaction ID directoryServerTransactionID directoryServerTransacti
Note Not required for 3D
Secure 1.0.

Interpreting the Response

If the authentication fails, Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover,
China UnionPay, and Elo require that you not accept the card. Instead, you
must ask the customer to use another payment method.

Proceed with the order according to the validation response that you receive. The
responses are similar for all card types:

 Success:

You receive the reason code 100, and other service requests, including authorization,
are processed normally.

 Failure:

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 34

Chapter 2 Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication

You receive reason code 476 indicating that the authentication failed, so the other
services in your request are not processed.

 Error:

If you receive an error from the payment card company, process the order according
to your business rules. If the error occurs frequently, report it to Customer Support. If
you receive a Cybersource system error, determine the cause, and proceed with card
authorization only if appropriate.

To verify that the enrollment and validation checks are for the same transaction, ensure
that the XID in the enrollment check and validation responses are identical.

Redirecting Customers to Pass or Fail Message Page

After authentication is complete, redirect the customer to a page containing a success or
failure message. You must ensure that all messages that display to customers are
accurate, complete, and that they address all possible scenarios for enrolled and
nonenrolled cards. For example, if the authentication fails, a message such as the
following should be displayed to the customer:

Authentication Failed

Your card issuer cannot authenticate this card. Please select another card
or form of payment to complete your purchase.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 35

Implementing SDK Payer

This chapter summarizes the process of integrating SDK Payer Authentication services
into your mobile application. Cybersource Payer Authentication services use the Cardinal
Mobile SDK for iOS or Android to facilitate the authentication.

The SDK is only designed to handle 2.x transactions. If a 1.0 transaction occurs, you must
include functionality to open up a WebView.

Implementation Overview
Notify your Cybersource account representative that you want to implement payer
authentication (3D Secure). Give them the Cybersource merchant ID that you will use for
testing. For more information, see "Required Merchant Information," page 22.

Implementation tasks include:

 Download, import, and configure the Cardinal Mobile SDK for either iOS or Android

 For each purchase request:

 Build the authentication request

 Make a back-end, server-to-server call to request the payerAuthEnrollService:
Payer Authentication Enrollment Check service
 Invoke the authentication
 Handle declines
 Make another back-end, server-to-server call to request the following services:
- payerAuthValidateService: Payer Authentication Validation
- ccAuthService: Card Authorization service (optional)

 Use the test cases to test your preliminary code and make appropriate changes. See
Chapter 5, "Testing Payer Authentication Services," on page 64.

 Ensure that your account is configured for production.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 36

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Process Flow for SDK Integration

1 You generate a JSON Web Token (JWT).

2 Contact CardinalCommerce Customer Support for instructions to register for an API key.

3 Download and import the Cardinal Mobile SDK for either iOS or Android.

4 Set up your build environment.

5 Configure your SDK.

6 Call Cardinal session.setup().

7 Create an API call to your merchant server to request the Enrollment Check service,
passing in transaction details and the payerAuthEnrollService_referenceID request

8 If the issuing bank does not require authentication, you receive the following information in
the Enrollment Check response:
 E-commerce indicator
 CAVV (all card types except Mastercard)
 AAV (Mastercard only)
 Transaction ID
 3D Secure version
 Directory server transaction ID

9 If the issuing bank requires authentication, you receive a response with the payload, and
the transaction ID that you include in the Cardinal.continue call from your SDK.

10 The Cardinal Mobile SDK displays the authentication window, and the customer enters the
authentication information.

11 The bank validates the customer credentials and a JWT is returned by the SDK in the
onValidated callback that the merchant is required to validate server-side for security

12 Create an API call to your merchant server to request the Validate Authentication service,
extracting the processor transaction ID value from the JWT and sending it in the
payerAuthValidateService_authenticationTransactionID request field. You receive the
e-commerce indicator, CAVV or AAV, transaction ID, 3D Secure version, and directory
server transaction ID.

Verify that the authentication was successful and continue processing your order.

You must pass all pertinent data for the card type and processor in your authorization
request. For more information, see "Requesting the Validation Service," page 57.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 37

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Before You Begin

Before you can implement payer authentication services, your business team must
contact your acquirer and Cybersource to establish the service. Your software
development team should become familiar with the API fields and technical details of this

Implementing the SDK in your mobile application requires either Android or iOS platform
application programming skills. Android API 19 or iOS 8 and XCode 8 are required.

Credentials/API Keys
API keys are required in order to create the JSON Web Token (JWT). To obtain
credentials to generate your API keys, contact Cybersource Customer Support.

You will receive an email with your user name and a temporary password. Your user name
will be in the following format:

cybersource_merchant name_contact name

for example, cybersource_britishairways_peter

Once your receive your credentials, log in to your JFrog account and update your
temporary password. Follow the process below to generate your API key.

To generate your API key:

Step 1 Log in to to your JFrog account.

Step 2 In the top-right of the JFrog Platform, select the Welcome drop-down menu and click Edit

Step 3 Enter your password and click Unlock.

Step 4 Under Authentication Settings, click Generate API Key.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 38

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Create the JSON Web Token (JWT)

The Cardinal Mobile SDK integration uses JWTs as the method of authentication.

For security reasons, all JWT creation must be done on the server side.

When creating the JWT, use your company API Key as the JWT secret. You can use any
JTW library that supports JSON Web Signature (JWS). For further information about
JWTs, see

JWT Claims
Table 5 lists the standard claims that can be used in a JWT claim set.

Table 5 JWT Claims

Claim Name Description

Required Note Each claim key is case sensitive.
jti JWT ID - unique identifier for the JWT. This field should
change each time a JWT is generated.
iat Issued at - the epoch time in seconds beginning when the
JWT is issued. This value indicates how long a JWT has
existed and can be used to determine if it is expired.
iss Issuer - identifier of who is issuing the JWT. Contains the
API key identifier or name.
OrgUnitId The merchant SSO Org Unit Id.

Payload The JSON data object being sent. This object is usually an
order object.
Optional ReferenceId Merchant-supplied identifier that can be used to match up
data collected from the Cardinal Mobile SDK and
enrollment check service.
ObjectifyPayload Boolean flag that indicates how the API should consume
the payload claim. If set to true, the payload claim is an
object. If set to false, the payload claim is a stringified
object. Some JWT libraries do not support passing objects
as claims; this allows those who only allow strings to use
their libraries without customization.

exp Expiration - the numeric epoch time in which the JWT

should be considered expired. This value is ignored if it is
more than 4 hours.

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Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

JWT Examples
Example 9 shows the JSON content of a basic JWT payload that passes an object within
the payload claim.

Example 9 Raw JWT

"jti": "a5a59bfb-ac06-4c5f-be5c-351b64ae608e",
"iat": 1448997865,
"iss": "56560a358b946e0c8452365ds",
"OrgUnitId": "565607c18b946e058463ds8r",
"Payload": {
"OrderDetails": {
"OrderNumber": "0e5c5bf2-ea64-42e8-9ee1-71fff6522e15",
"Amount": "1500",
"CurrencyCode": "840"
"ObjectifyPayload": true,
"ReferenceId": "c88b20c0-5047-11e6-8c35-8789b865ff15",
"exp": 1449001465,

Example 10 shows the JSON content of a basic JWT payload that passes a string within
the payload claim.

Example 10 Stringified JWT

"jti": "29311a10-5048-11e6-8c35-8789b865ff15",
"iat": 1448997875,
"iss": "56560a358b946e0c8452365ds",
"OrgUnitId": "565607c18b946e058463ds8r",
"Payload": "{\"OrderDetails\":{\"OrderNumber\":\"19ec6910-5048-11e6-
"ObjectifyPayload" false
"ReferenceId": "074fda80-5048-11e6-8c35-8789b865ff15"

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 40

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Using the Android SDK

Update the Gradle Build Properties

In Android Studio, open the app directory (which can also be labeled Module: app) and
open the build.gradle file. Make sure that you edit the Gradle file that is located in the app
directory. Add the contents shown in Example 11 to the Gradle file.

Example 11 Gradle Build Properties

repositories {
maven {
url ""
credentials {
username ''//Artifactory username
password ''//Artifactory user API Key
dependencies {
//Cardinal Mobile SDK

If your project uses Progurad, add the lines shown in Example 12 to the proguard- file.

Example 12 Progurad

-keep class com.cardinalcommerce.dependencies.internal.bouncycastle.**

-keep class com.cardinalcommerce.dependencies.internal.nimbusds.**

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 41

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Configure the Android SDK

Get the instance of the cardinal object by Cardinal.getInstance(). You can set multiple
configuration options in the SDK; if not specified, they are set to default. See Example 13
to complete Cardinal.configure().

For more details on configuration options, see Table 6.

Example 13 Cardinal.configure

private Cardinal cardinal = Cardinal.getInstance();

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

CardinalConfigurationParameters cardinalConfigurationParameters = new


JSONArray rType = new JSONArray();


UiCustomization yourUICustomizationObject = new




Table 6 Android SDK Configuration Options

Method Description Default Values

setEnableDFSync On setting true, onSetupCompleted False
(boolean enableDFSync) will be called after device data
collected is sent to the server.
setEnableQuickAuth Sets enable quick auth false. False
(boolean enableQuickAuth)

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 42

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Table 6 Android SDK Configuration Options (Continued)

Method Description Default Values

setEnvironment(Setting up Sets the environment to which the CardinalEnvironment.
Cardinal Mobile SDK - SDK must connect. PRODUCTION
Android- V
setProxyAddress(java.lang. Sets the proxy to which the SDK ““
String proxyAddress) must connect.
setRenderType(org.json.JS Sets renderLists all UI types that the JSONArray rType = new
ONArray renderType) device supports for displaying JSONArray();
specific challenge user interfaces
within the SDK.
setTimeout(int timeout) Sets the maximum amount of time 8000
(in milliseconds) for all exchanges.
setUICustomization Sets UICustomization Device Default Values
(UiCustomization UI
setUiType(CardinalUiType Sets all UI types that the device CardinalUiType.BOTH
uiType) supports for displaying specific
challenge user interfaces within the

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 43

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Set Up the Initial Call

Calling Cardinal.init() begins the communication process with Cardinal, authenticates your
credentials (server JWT), and completes the data collection process. By the time the
customer is ready to check out, all necessary pre-processing is complete. Use the code
example shown in Example 14 for completing the cardinal.init().

Example 14 Cardinal.init() (Android SDK)

cardinal = Cardinal.getInstance();
String serverJwt = "INSERT_YOUR_JWT_HERE";
cardinal.init(serverJwt ,
new CardinalInitService() {
* You may have your Submit button disabled on page load. Once you are
* set up for CCA, you may then enable it. This will prevent users
* from submitting their order before CCA is ready.
public void onSetupCompleted(String consumerSessionId) {

* If there was an error with set up, Cardinal will call this function
* with validate response and empty serverJWT
* @param validateResponse
* @param serverJwt will be an empty
public void onValidated(ValidateResponse validateResponse, String
serverJwt) {


See the "Implementing SDK Payer Authentication" section for next steps.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 44

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Using the iOS SDK

Download and Import the SDK

Download the CardinalMobile.framework file using the cURL in Example 15.

Example 15 Download CardinalMobile.framework

curl -L -u <USER_NAME>

curl -L -u UserName:ApiKey "
artifactory/ios/2.2.5-1/" -o cardinalmobile2.2.5-

Download the CardinalMobile.xcframework file using the cURL in Example 16.

Example 16 Download CardinalMobile.xcframework

curl -L -u <USER_NAME>

curl -L -u UserName:ApiKey "
artifactory/ios/2.2.5-1/" -o

In your XCode project, drag the CardinalMobile.framework file into the Frameworks group
in your Xcode Project. (Create the group if it doesn't already exist.) In the import dialog
box, check the box to Copy items into the destinations group folder (or Destination: Copy
items if needed). The iOS SDK files are now available for linking in your project.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 45

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Set Up Your Build Environment

Step 1 Open Xcode and choose your project in the source list to the left of the main editor area.

Step 2 Select your application under the Targets section and open the General tab.

Step 3 Expand the Embedded Binaries section and click the small plus (+) at the bottom of the

Step 4 Add CardinalMobile.framework from the list.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 46

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Configure the iOS SDK

Create a new instance of the cardinal object by CardinalSession new. You can set multiple
configuration options in the SDK; if not specified, they are set to default. See Example 17
or Example 18 to complete the iOS SDK configuration.

For more details on configuration options, see Table 7.

Objective-C Example
Example 17 CardinalSession new (iOS SDK - Objective-C)

#import <CardinalMobile/CardinalMobile.h>

CardinalSession *session;

//Setup can be called in viewDidLoad

- (void)setupCardinalSession {
session = [CardinalSession new];
CardinalSessionConfiguration *config = [CardinalSessionConfiguration
config.deploymentEnvironment = CardinalSessionEnvironmentProduction;
config.timeout = CardinalSessionTimeoutStandard;
config.uiType = CardinalSessionUITypeBoth;

UiCustomization *yourCustomUi = [[UiCustomization alloc] init];

//Set various customizations here. See "iOS UI Customization"
documentation for detail.
config.uiCustomization = yourCustomUi;

CardinalSessionRenderTypeArray *renderType =
[[CardinalSessionRenderTypeArray alloc] initWithObjects:
config.renderType = renderType;

config.enableQuickAuth = false;
[session configure:config];

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 47

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Swift Example
Example 18 CardinalSession new (iOS SDK - Swift)

import CardinalMobile

var session : CardinalSession!

//Setup can be called in viewDidLoad

func setupCardinalSession{
session = CardinalSession()
var config = CardinalSessionConfiguration()
config.deploymentEnvironment = .production
config.timeout = 8000
config.uiType = .both

let yourCustomUi = UiCustomization()

//Set various customizations here. See "iOS UI Customization"
documentation for detail.
config.uiCustomization = yourCustomUi

config.renderType = [CardinalSessionRenderTypeOTP,
config.enableQuickAuth = true

Table 7 iOS SDK Configuration Options

Method Description Default Values Possible Values

deploymentEnvironment The environment to CardinalSessionEnviron CardinalSessionEnvironment
which the SDK connects. mentProduction Staging
timeoutInMilliseconds Maximum amount of time 8000
(in milliseconds) for all
uiType Interface types that the CardinalSessionUIType CardinalSessionUITypeBoth
device supports for Both
displaying specific
challenge user interfaces CardinalSessionUITypeHTML
within the SDK.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 48

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Table 7 iOS SDK Configuration Options (Continued)

Method Description Default Values Possible Values

renderType List of all the render [CardinalSessionRender CardinalSessionRenderType
types that the device TypeOTP, OTP
supports for displaying
CardinalSessionRender CardinalSessionRenderType
specific challenge user
interfaces within the
SDK. CardinalSessionRender CardinalSessionRenderType
CardinalSessionRender CardinalSessionRenderType
TypeSingleSelect, SingleSelect
CardinalSessionRender CardinalSessionRenderType
TypeMultiSelect] MultiSelect
proxyServerURL Proxy server through nil
which the Cardinal SDK
Session operates.
enableQuickAuth Enable Quick false
uiCustomization Set Custom nil
UICustomization for SDK
Controlled Challenge UI.
enableDFSync Enable DF Sync to get false
called after collected
device data is sent to the

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 49

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Set Up the Initial Call

Calling cardinal session setup begins the communication process with Cardinal,
authenticates your credentials (server JWT), and completes the data collection process.
By the time the customer is ready to check out, all necessary pre-processing is complete.
Use the code example shown in Example 19 or Example 20 for completing the cardinal
session setup. The function call must be placed in your Checkout ViewController.

Objective-C Example
Example 19 Cardinal session setup (iOS SDK - Objective-C)

NSString *accountNumberString = @"1234567890123456";

NSString *jwtString = @"INSERT_YOUR_JWT_HERE";

[session setupWithJWT:jwtString
didComplete:^(NSString * _Nonnull consumerSessionId){
// You may have your Submit button disabled on page load. Once you are
// setup for CCA, you may then enable it. This will prevent users
// from submitting their order before CCA is ready.
} didValidate:^(CardinalResponse * _Nonnull validateResponse) {
// Handle failed setup
// If there was an error with setup, cardinal will call this
// function with validate response and empty serverJWT

Swift Example
Example 20 Cardinal session setup (iOS SDK - Swift)

let accountNumberString = "1234567890123456"

let jwtString = "INSERT_YOUR_JWT_HERE"

session.setup(jwtString: jwtString, completed: { (consumerSessionId:

String) in
// You may have your Submit button disabled on page load. Once you
// are setup for CCA, you may then enable it. This will prevent
// users from submitting their order before CCA is ready.
}) { (validateResponse: CardinalResponse) in
// Handle failed setup
// If there was an error with setup, cardinal will call this
// function with validate response and empty serverJWT

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 50

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Requesting the Check Enrollment Service (SDK)

After the SDK completes the device collection from your mobile application and once the
customer clicks the ‘buy now’ button, you must make a back-end, server-to-server call to
request the Enrollment Check service.

The Check Enrollment service verifies that the card is enrolled in a card authentication
program. The following fields are required:

 billTo_city
 billTo_country
 billTo_email
 billTo_firstName
 billTo_lastName
 billTo_postalCode
 billTo_state
 billTo_street1
 card_accountNumber
 card_cardType
 card_expirationMonth
 card_expirationYear
 merchantID
 merchantReference Code
 payerAuthEnrollService_referenceID
 payerAuthEnrollService_run
 purchaseTotals_currency
 purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount

You can send additional request data in order to reduce your issuer step-up
authentication rates. It is best to send all available fields.

For further details on required and optional fields, see "Request Fields," page 149.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 51

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

You can use the enrollment check and card authorization services in the same request or
in separate requests:

 Same request: Cybersource attempts to authorize the card if your customer is not
enrolled in a payer authentication program. In this case, the field values that are
required in order to prove that you attempted to check enrollment are passed
automatically to the authorization service. If authentication is required, processing
automatically stops.

 Separate requests: you must manually include the enrollment check result values
(Enrollment Check Response Fields) in the authorization service request (Card
Authorization Request Fields).

Table 8 lists these fields.

Table 8 Enrollment Check and Response Fields

Identifier Enrollment Check Response Card Authorization

Field Request Field
E-commerce indicator payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
commerceIndicator commerceIndicator
Collection indicator payerAuthEnrollReply_ ucaf_collectionIndicator
(Mastercard only) ucafCollectionIndicator
Result of the enrollment payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
check for Asia, Middle veresEnrolled veresEnrolled
East, and Africa Gateway
3D Secure version payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
specificationVersion paSpecificationVersion
Directory server payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
transaction ID directoryServerTransactionID directoryServerTransacti
Note Not required for 3D
Secure 1.0.

Interpreting the Response

The responses are similar for all card types. See Appendix C, "Request and Response
Examples," on page 195 for examples of enrollment responses.

 Enrolled Cards

You receive reason code 475 if the customer’s card is enrolled in a payer
authentication program. When you receive this response, you can proceed to validate

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 52

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

 Cards Not Enrolled

You receive reason code 100 in the following cases:

 When the account number is not enrolled in a payer authentication program. The
other services in your request are processed normally.
 When payer authentication is not supported by the card type.

When you receive this response, you can proceed to card authorization.

Authenticating Enrolled Cards

In the response from the enrollment check service, confirm that you receive the following
fields and values:

 3D Secure version = 2.x

 VERes enrolled = Y
 PARes status = C

These values identify whether it is a 2.x transaction and that a challenge is required. If the
3D Secure version is 1.0, then the SDK is no longer applicable and you must open up a

Once you validate these fields, you call Cardinal.cca_continue (Android SDK) or Cardinal
session continue (iOS SDK) in order for the SDK to perform the challenge between the
customer and the issuing bank.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 53

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Call Cardinal.cca_continue (Android SDK)

When you have verified that a customer’s card is enrolled in a card authentication
program, you must take the payload, and the payerAuthEnrollReply_
authenticationTransactionID response field and include them in the Cardinal.cca_
continue function in order to proceed with the authentication session as shown in Example

Example 21 Cardinal.cca_continue (Android SDK)

* Cca continue.
* @param transactionId the transaction id
* @param payload the payload
* @param currentActivity the current activity
* @throws InvalidInputException the invalid input exception
* @throws JSONException the json exception
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException the unsupported encoding
try {
cardinal.cca_continue("[TRANSACTION ID ]", "[PAYLOAD]", this, new
CardinalValidateReceiver() {
* This method is triggered when the transaction
* has been terminated. This is how SDK hands back
* control to the merchant's application. This method will
* include data on how the transaction attempt ended and
* you should have your logic for reviewing the results of
* the transaction and making decisions regarding next steps.
* JWT will be empty if validate was not successful.
* @param validateResponse
* @param serverJWT
public void onValidated(Context currentContext,
ValidateResponse validateResponse, String serverJWT) {
catch (Exception e) {
// Handle exception

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 54

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Call Cardinal session continue (iOS SDK)

When you have verified that a customer’s card is enrolled in a card authentication
program, you must take the payload, and the payerAuthEnrollReply_
authenticationTransactionID response field and include them in the Cardinal session
continue function in order to proceed with the authentication session as shown in Example

In Continue, you should pass a class conforming to a protocol CardinalValidationDelegate

(and implement a method stepUpDidValidate) as a parameter. Example 22 or Example 24
show an example of class conforming to CardinalValidationDelegate protocol.

Objective-C Examples
Example 22 Cardinal session continue (iOS SDK - Objective-C)

@interface YourViewController()<CardinalValidationDelegate>{ //Conform

your ViewController or any other class to CardinalValidationDelegate


@implementation YourViewController

* This method is triggered when the transaction has
* been terminated.This is how SDK hands back
* control to the merchant's application. This method will
* include data on how the transaction attempt ended and
* you should have your logic for reviewing the results of
* the transaction and making decisions regarding next steps.
* JWT will be empty if validate was not successful
* @param session
* @param validateResponse
* @param serverJWT
-(void)cardinalSession:(CardinalSession *)session
stepUpDidValidateWithResponse:(CardinalResponse *)validateResponse
serverJWT:(NSString *)serverJWT{


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 55

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

If Continue is called in the same class, call the method shown in Example 23 to start

Example 23 Cardinal.continue Call in the Same Class (Objective-C)

[session continueWithTransactionId: @"[TRANSACTION_ID]"

payload: @"[PAYLOAD]"
didValidateDelegate: self];

Swift Examples
Example 24 Cardinal session continue (iOS SDK - Swift)

class YourViewController:CardinalValidationDelegate {

* This method is triggered when the transaction has been
* terminated.This is how SDK hands back
* control to the merchant's application. This method will
* include data on how the transaction attempt ended and
* you should have your logic for reviewing the results of
* the transaction and making decisions regarding next steps.
* JWT will be empty if validate was not successful
* @param session
* @param validateResponse
* @param serverJWT
func cardinalSession(cardinalSession session: CardinalSession!,
stepUpValidated validateResponse: CardinalResponse!, serverJWT: String!)

If Continue is called in the same class, call the method shown in Example 25 to start

Example 25 Cardinal.continue Call in the Same Class (Swift)

session.continueWith(transactionId: "[TRANSACTION_ID]", payload:

"[PAYLOAD]", validationDelegate: self)

The SDK displays the authentication window if necessary and the customer enters their
authentication information.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 56

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Receiving the Authentication Results

Next onValidated() (Android SDK) or stepUpDidValidate (iOS SDK) launches, and returns
the authentication results and response JWT along with the processor transaction ID as
shown in Example 26.

Example 26 Decoded Response JWT

"iss": "5a4504be6fe3d1127cdfd94e",
"iat": 1555075930,
"exp": 1555083130,
"jti": "cc532159-636d-4fa8-931d-d4b0f4c83b99",
"ConsumerSessionId": "0_9a16b7f5-8b94-480d-bf92-09cd302c9230",
"aud": "d0cf3392-62c5-4107-bf6a-8fc3bb49922b",
"Payload": {
"Payment": {
"Type": "CCA",
"ProcessorTransactionId": "YGSaOBivyG0dzCFs2Zv0"
"ErrorNumber": 0,
"ErrorDescription": "Success"

Requesting the Validation Service

For enrolled cards, the next step is to make a back-end, server-to-server call to request
the validation service.

When you make the validation request, you must:

 Send the payerAuthValidateService_authenticationTransactionID request field

 Send the credit card information including the PAN, currency, and expiration date
(month and year).

The response that you receive contains the validation result.

Cybersource recommends that you request both payer authentication and card
authorization services at the same time. When you do so, Cybersource automatically
sends the correct information to your payment processor; Cybersource converts the
values of these fields to the proper format required by your payment processor:

 E-commerce indicator: payerAuthEnrollReply_commerceIndicator

 CAVV: payerAuthValidateReply_cavv
 AAV: payerAuthValidateReply_ucafAuthenticationData
 XID: payerAuthEnrollReply_xid and payerAuthValidateReply_xid

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 57

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

If you request the services separately, you must manually include the validation result
values (Validation Check Response Fields) in the authorization service request (Card
Authorization Request Fields). To receive liability shift protection, you must ensure that
you pass all pertinent data for the card type and processor in your request. Failure to do
so may invalidate your liability shift for that transaction. Include the electronic commerce
indicator (ECI), the transaction ID (XID), the 3D Secure version, the directory server
transaction ID, and the following card-specific information in your authorization request:

 For Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo
include the CAVV (cardholder authentication verification value).

 For Mastercard, include the UCAF (universal cardholder authentication field) and the
collection indicator.

Table 9 lists these fields.

Table 9 Validation Check and Response Fields

Identifier Validation Check Response Card Authorization

Field Request Field
E-commerce indicator payerAuthValidateReply_ ccAuthService_
commerceIndicator commerceIndicator
Collection indicator payerAuthValidateReply_ ucaf_collectionIndicator
(Mastercard only) ucafCollectionIndicator
CAVV (Visa and American payerAuthValidateReply_cavv ccAuthService_cavv
Express only)
AAV (Mastercard only. payerAuthValidateReply_ ucaf_authenticationData
Known as UCAF) ucafAuthenticationData
XID payerAuthValidateReply_xid ccAuthService_xid
3D Secure version payerAuthValidateReply_ ccAuthService_
specificationVersion paSpecificationVersion
Directory server payerAuthValidateReply_ ccAuthService_
transaction ID directoryServerTransactionID directoryServerTransacti
Note Not required for 3D
Secure 1.0.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 58

Chapter 3 Implementing SDK Payer Authentication

Interpreting the Response

If the authentication fails, Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover,
China UnionPay, and Elo require that you do not accept the card. Instead, you
must ask the customer to use another payment method.

Proceed with the order according to the validation response that you receive. The
responses are similar for all card types:

 Success:

You receive the reason code 100, and other service requests, including authorization,
are processed normally.

 Failure:

You receive reason code 476 indicating that the authentication failed, so the other
services in your request are not processed.

 Error:

If you receive an error from the payment card company, process the order according
to your business rules. If the error occurs frequently, report it to Customer Support. If
you receive a Cybersource system error, determine the cause, and proceed with card
authorization only if appropriate.

To verify that the enrollment and validation checks are for the same transaction, ensure
that the XID in the enrollment check and validation responses are identical.

Redirecting Customers to Pass or Fail Message Page

After authentication is complete, redirect the customer to a page containing a success or
failure message. You must ensure that all messages that display to customers are
accurate, complete, and that they address all possible scenarios for enrolled and
nonenrolled cards. For example, if the authentication fails, a message such as the
following should be displayed to the customer:

Authentication Failed

Your card issuer cannot authenticate this card. Please select another card
or form of payment to complete your purchase.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 59

Upgrading Your
Payer Authentication
This chapter provides information about upgrading to 3D Secure 2.x for merchants
currently using Cybersource Payer Authentication services.

Upgrading to 3D Secure 2.x

3D Secure 2.x provides the following benefits:

 More secure transactions as additional data is available.

 3D Secure 2.x is backward compatible. Additional data will automatically be sent to

issuers as they upgrade to 3D Secure 2.x.

 Improved user-friendly shopping experience for customers, including frictionless

authentication and shorter transaction times.

 Can result in higher authorization rates.

 Easier to upgrade to 3D Secure 2.2 when it becomes available. Version 2.2 includes
support for exemptions for PSD2 which might allow frictionless authentication,
including acquirer/issuer transactional risk assessment; white listing; low value, one
leg out, and merchant-initiated transactions. These exemptions will be defined as they
become available.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 60

Chapter 4 Upgrading Your Payer Authentication Implementation

PSD2 Impact
Upgrading to 3D Secure 2.x is necessary if you are affected by PSD2.

PSD2 requires additional security measures outlined in the Regulatory Technical

Standards (RTS) due to become applicable in the future. PSD2 requires stronger identity
checks for online payments, particularly for high-value transactions.

PSD2 means changes for all companies in Europe that deal with payments. It has
implications for merchants including:

 Two-factor authentication will be required for all electronic payments, although there
are exemptions to allow a frictionless flow.

 3-D Secure e-commerce merchants will have to integrate dynamic authentication

tools (such as 3D Secure 2.x).

If you are impacted by PSD2 changes, it is very important that you upgrade to 3D Secure

PSD2 includes mandates around strong customer authentication (SCA) and exemptions
and challenges. See the following page for more information on the mandates:

See the following page for PSD2 compliance timelines:

Recommended Integration
Four types of integration are available for 3D Secure 2.x:
 Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API
 SDK integration for your mobile application
 Hybrid integration
 Standard integration

If you are currently using Payer Authentication services in your existing business
processes and need to upgrade to 3D Secure 2.x, Cybersource recommends using the
Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API integration.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 61

Chapter 4 Upgrading Your Payer Authentication Implementation

The Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API integration most closely resembles the current
process in which you request the Enrollment Check service to verify that the customer is
enrolled in one of the card authentication programs and receive a response. With 3D
Secure 2.x, the response includes a new value, the processor transaction ID.

For enrolled cards, include the ACS URL, payload, and processor transaction ID to
proceed with the authentication session.

Then request the validation service, sending the processor transaction ID with your
request, and receive a response with the e-commerce indicator and CAVV or AAV.

For more information about the Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API, see Chapter 2,
Implementing Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication.

For details about the other integrations, see Chapter 3, Implementing SDK Payer
Authentication or Appendix H, Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication.

If you are using tokenization, use the Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API
integration method and Payer Authentication Setup service.

Migration FAQ
Q: Do I need to send in a new JWT for each transaction?

A: Yes, even though the JWT does not expire for two hours, you should send a new JWT
with each new transaction.

Q: How do you link the device data to the transaction-level data?

A: There are two ways to do this:

You can create a reference ID in the original JWT and then pass that same value for
the payerAuthEnrollService_referenceID request field for the Check Enrollment

Payments.setupComplete returns a session ID and you can use that value for the
payerAuthEnrollService_referenceID request field for the Check Enrollment

Q: When will the Payer Authentication reports include the new fields for 3D Secure 2.x?

A: They will be added in a future release.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 62

Chapter 4 Upgrading Your Payer Authentication Implementation

Q: Will my current implementation continue to work while I am implementing and testing

the newer version in parallel?

A: Yes, current implementation will continue to work.

Q: What testing should I conduct, to ensure that my code is working correctly?

A: Use the test cases ("Test Cases for 3D Secure 2.x," page 114) to test your preliminary
code and make the appropriate changes.

Q: How does 3D Secure 2.x authentication improve the experience for a customer who
uses a mobile or tablet device?

A: 3D Secure 2.x is agnostic to the device and you have control over the formatting of the
authentication form. 3D Secure 2.x also supports newer, more secure authentication
delivery tools, such as a one-time password (OTP) sent to a customer’s mobile device or

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 63

Testing Payer
Authentication Services

After you have completed the necessary changes to your Web and API integration, verify
that all components are working correctly by performing all the tests for the cards that you
support. Each test contains the specific input data and the most important results fields
that you receive in the API response.

Testing Process
Use the card number specified in the test with the card’s expiration date set to the month
of December and the current year plus three. For example, for 2021, use 2024. You also
need the minimum required fields for an order.

Enrollment Check
For some of the enrolled cards, an authentication window appears after the enrollment
check completes.

To view the authentication window, you must enable your browser to display
popup windows.
The test password is always 1234.

Depending on the user’s action, two results are possible:

 If the user submits the password for the enrolled card, you receive the URL of the
Access Control Server (ACS) where the customer can be authenticated.

 If the user clicks the Exit link and clicks OK in the verification window, authentication
does not occur.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 64

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Table 10 lists the response fields used in the test cases.

Table 10 Response Fields Used in the Enrollment Check Test Cases

Name Used in Test Cases API Field

ACS URL payerAuthEnrollReply_acsURL
E-commerce indicator payerAuthEnrollReply_commerceIndicator
ECI payerAuthEnrollReply_eci
PAReq payerAuthEnrollReply_paReq
proofXML payerAuthEnrollReply_proofXML
Reason code payerAuthEnrollReply_reasonCode
VERes enrolled payerAuthEnrollReply_veresEnrolled
XID payerAuthEnrollReply_xid

Authentication Validation
Table 11 lists only the response fields used in the test cases.

Table 11 Response Fields Used in the Authentication Validation Test Cases

Name Used in Test Cases API Field

Authentication result payerAuthValidateReply_authenticationResult
E-commerce indicator payerAuthValidateReply_commerceIndicator
AAV (Mastercard only) payerAuthValidateReply_ucafAuthenticationData
CAVV ((all card types except payerAuthValidateReply_cavv
Collection indicator payerAuthValidateReply_ucafCollectionIndicator
ECI payerAuthValidateReply_eci
PARes status payerAuthValidateReply_authenticationStatusMessage
Reason code payerAuthValidateReply_reasonCode
XID payerAuthValidateReply_xid

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 65

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Expected Results
These flowcharts summarize the payer authentication process based on the enrollment
status of the card and the subsequent customer experience with the authentication path.

Use this information with the test cases to determine how to process orders.

Figure 1 Authentication Path for Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover, China
UnionPay, and Elo

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 66

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Figure 2 Authentication Path for Mastercard and Maestro

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 67

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Cases for 3D Secure 1.0

Visa Secure
You can use Payer Authentication services with 16- and 19-digit Visa cards if they are
supported by your processor.

Remove spaces in card numbers when testing.

Table 12 Possible Values for Visa Secure Response Fields

Result and Interpretation Validate Authentication Response

Authentication ECI Commerce Reason Code
Result Indicator
Success Successful authentication. 0 05 vbv 100

Recorded attempt to 1 06 vbv_ 100

authenticate. attempted
Failure System error that prevents 6 1 —2 100
(Customer the completion of
not authentication: you can
responsible) proceed with authorization,
but there is no liability shift.
Issuer unable to perform 6 07 internet 100
No response from the 07 internet
Directory Servers or Issuer
because of a problem.
AIBMS, Barclays,
Streamline, or
FDC Germany)
Invalid PARes. -1 — — 476

Failure Authentication failed or 9 — — 476

(Customer cardholder did not complete
responsible) authentication.
If the authentication fails,
Visa requires that you do not
accept the card. You must
ask the customer to use
another payment method.
1 The ECI value can vary depending on the reason for the failure.
2 A dash (—) indicates that the field is blank or absent.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 68

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 1: Visa Secure Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication

Card Number 445653 With authentication window

00 0000 0007
445653 With 19-digit PAN
00 0000 0000 025
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.

authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL Authentication result 0
PAReq PAReq value CAVV CAVV value
proofXML proofXML value E-commerce indicator vbv
VERes enrolled Y ECI 05
XID XID value PARes status Y
XID XID value
Action 1 Add the signed PARes to the Validate Authentication request.
2 Ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the authentication validation.
3 Add the CAVV and ECI values to your authorization request.

Test Case 2: Visa Secure Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication but Invalid PARes

Card Number 445653 With authentication window

00 0000 0015
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer We encountered a payer authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before problem: PARes signature digest value
proceeding with authorization. mismatch. PARes message has been modified.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result -1
PAReq PAReq value XID XID value
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action Do not proceed with authorization. Instead, ask the customer for another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 69

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 3: Visa Secure Card Enrolled: Attempts Processing

Card Number 445653 Without authentication window

00 0000 0106
Auth. Type Activation during shopping
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.
authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 1
PAReq PAReq value CAVV CAVV value
proofXML proofXML value E-commerce indicator vbv_attempted
VERes enrolled Y ECI 06
XID XID value PARes status A
XID XID value
Action If you request Validate Authentication and authorization services separately, follow these steps:
1 Add the signed PARes to the Validate Authentication request.
2 Ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the authentication validation.
3 Add the CAVV and ECI values to your authorization request.
If you request the Validate Authentication and authorization services together, the process
described above occurs automatically. Test card 4000000000000127 enables you to reproduce
the process by which the customer enrolls the card during the purchase. If the card is not enrolled,
a card enrollment option windows appears in the customer’s browser after the enrollment check.
The customer can activate the card at that time or later. In both cases, the card is authenticated,
and validation is successful.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 70

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 4: Visa Secure Card Enrolled: Incomplete Authentication

Card Number 445653

00 0000 0031
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  Issuer unable to perform authentication.
authentication. Please authenticate before
 ics_pa_validate service was successful.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 6
PAReq PAReq value E-commerce indicator internet or vbv_failure
proofXML proofXML value ECI 07
VERes enrolled Y PARes status U
XID XID value XID XID value
Action Ask the customer for another form of payment, or submit the transaction. No liability shift.

Test Case 5: Visa Secure Card Enrolled: Unsuccessful Authentication

Card Number 445653 With authentication window

00 0000 0023
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  User failed authentication.
authentication. Please authenticate before
 Payer cannot be authenticated.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 9
PAReq PAReq value PARes status N
proofXML proofXML value XID XID value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the customer for
another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 71

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 6: Visa Secure Card Enrolled: Unsuccessful Authentication (Customer Exited)

Card Number 445653

00 0000 0023
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  Customer prevents authentication.
authentication. Please authenticate before
 ics_pa_validate service was successful.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 9
PAReq PAReq value PARes status N
proofXML proofXML value XID XID value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the customer for
another form of payment.

Test Case 7: Visa Secure Card Enrolled: Unavailable Authentication

Card Number 445653

00 0000 0064
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet or vbv_failure
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled U
Action Submit your authorization request. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 72

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 8: Visa Secure Card Enrolled: Authentication Error

Card Number 445653

00 0000 0098
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer We encountered a payer authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before problem: Error Processing PARes.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value E-commerce indicator internet or vbv_failure
PAReq PAReq value ECI 07
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action Ask the customer for another form of payment. No liability shift.

Test Case 9: Visa Secure Card Not Enrolled

Card Number 445653

00 0000 0056
Auth. Type Non-participating bank
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator vbv_attempted
ECI 06
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled N
Action Submit your authorization request. Liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 73

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 10: Visa Secure Enrollment Check: Time-Out

Card Number 445653
00 0000 0049
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication
Summary Reason code 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet or vbv_failure
proofXML proofXML value
Action After 10-12 seconds, proceed with the authorization request. No liability shift.

Test Case 11: Visa Secure Enrollment Check Error

Card Number 445653 Error response

00 0000 0080
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet or vbv_failure
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled U
Action Proceed with the authorization request, and contact your support representative to resolve the
issue. No liability shift. If you requested payer authentication and authorization together, the
authorization is processed automatically.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 74

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Mastercard Identity Check

Table 13 Possible Values for Mastercard Identity Check and Maestro Response Fields

Result and Interpretation payerAuthValidateResponse_

authentication ucafCollection commerce reason
Result Indicator Indicator Code
Success Successful authentication. 0 2 spa 100

Recorded attempt to 1 1 spa 100

Authentication not completed. 1 0 spa 100

Failure System error (Issuer unable to 6 0 internet 100

(Customer perform authentication): you
not cannot authorize this card; no
responsible) liability shift.
Invalid PARes. -1 0 476
Failure Authentication failed or 9 0 – 476
(Customer cardholder did not complete
responsible) authentication.

Test Case 16: Mastercard Identity Check Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication

Card Number 520000 With authentication window

00 0000 0007
520000 Without authentication window
00 0000 0114
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The card is enrolled in payer authentication. ics_pa_validate service was successful.
Please authenticate before proceeding with
Details ACS URL URL Authentication result 0
PAReq PAReq value AAV AAV value
proofXML proofXML value Collection indicator 2
VERes enrolled Y E-commerce indicator spa
XID XID value PARes status Y
XID XID value
Action 1 Add the signed PARes to the Validate Authentication request.
2 Ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the authentication validation.
3 Add the required payer authentication values to your authorization request.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 75

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 17: Mastercard Identity Check Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication but Invalid

Card Number 520000 With authentication window

00 0000 0015
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer Payer authentication problem: PARes
authentication. Please authenticate before signature digest value mismatch. PARes
proceeding with authorization. message has been modified.
Details ACS URL URL Authentication result -1
PAReq PAReq value XID XID value
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action Do not process the authorization request. Instead ask the customer for another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 76

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 18: Mastercard Identity Check Card Enrolled: Attempts Processing

Card Number 520000 Card enrollment option during purchase process

00 0000 0122
00 0000 0106
Auth. Type Activation during shopping
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication
Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100
The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.
authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL Authentication result 1
PAReq PAReq value AAV AAV value
proofXML proofXML value Collection indicator 1
VERes enrolled Y E-commerce indicator spa
XID XID value PARes status A
XID XID value
Action This test card enables you to reproduce the process by which the customer enrolls the card during
the purchase. If the card is not enrolled, a card enrollment option windows appears in the
customer’s browser after the enrollment check. The customer can activate the card at that time or
later. In both cases, the card is authenticated, and validation is successful.
1 Add the signed PARes to the validation request.
2 In the response, ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the
3 Add the required payer authentication values to your authorization request.

Test Case 19: Mastercard Identity Check Card Enrolled: Incomplete Authentication

Card Number 520000 Without authentication window

00 0000 0031
Auth. Type Active authentication

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 77

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 19: Mastercard Identity Check Card Enrolled: Incomplete Authentication

Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  ics_pa_validate service was successful.
authentication. Please authenticate before
 Issuer unable to perform authentication.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 6
PAReq PAReq value Collection indicator 0
proofXML proofXML value E-commerce indicator internet
VERes enrolled Y PARes status U
XID XID value XID XID value
Action Ask the customer for another form of payment, or submit the transaction. No liability shift.

Test Case 20: Mastercard Identity Check Card Enrolled: Unsuccessful Authentication

Card Number 520000 With authentication window

00 0000 0023
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  User failed authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before
 Payer could not be authenticated.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 9
PAReq PAReq value PARes status N
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y XID XID value
XID XID value
Action You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the customer for
another form of payment.

Test Case 21: Mastercard Identity Check Card Enrolled: Unsuccessful Authentication
(Customer Exited)

Card Number 564182

10 0001 0028
Auth. Type Active authentication

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 78

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 21: Mastercard Identity Check Card Enrolled: Unsuccessful Authentication
(Customer Exited)

Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  Customer prevents authentication.
authentication. Please authenticate before
 ics_pa_validate service was successful.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 9
PAReq PAReq value PARes status N
proofXML proofXML value XID XID value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the customer for
another form of payment.

Test Case 22: Mastercard Identity Check Card Enrolled: Unavailable Authentication

Card Number 520000

00 0000 0064
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details Collection indicator 0
E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled U
Action Submit the transaction. No liability shift.

Test Case 23: Mastercard Identity Check Card Enrolled: Authentication Error

Card Number 520000 Without authentication window

00 0000 0098
Auth. Type Active authentication

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 79

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 23: Mastercard Identity Check Card Enrolled: Authentication Error

Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer We encountered a payer authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before problem: Error Processing PARes.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Collection indicator 0
PAReq PAReq value E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action Ask the customer for another form of payment. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 80

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 24: Mastercard Identity Check Enrollment Check Time-Out

Card Number 520000

00 0000 0049
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details Collection indicator 0
E-commerce indicator spa
proofXML proofXML value
Action After 10-12 seconds, proceed with the authorization message. No liability shift.

Test Case 25: Mastercard Identity Check Enrollment Check Error

Card Number 520000

00 0000 0080
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details Collection indicator 0
E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled U
Action Proceed with the authorization request, and contact your support representative to resolve the
issue. No liability shift. If you requested payer authentication and authorization together, the
authorization is processed automatically.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 81

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 26: Mastercard Identity Check RIBA_PASS

Card Number 520018

00 0000 0007
Auth. Type Passive authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The card is enrolled in payer authentication. ics_pa_validate service was successful.
Please authenticate before proceeding with
Details ACS URL URL Authentication result 0
PAReq PAReq value AAV AAV value
proofXML proofXML value Collection indicator 2
VERes enrolled Y E-commerce indicator spa
XID XID value PARes status Y
XID XID value
Action 1 Add the signed PARes to the Validate Authentication request.
2 Ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the authentication validation.
3 Add the required payer authentication values to your authorization request.

Test Case 27: Mastercard Identity Check RIBA_PASS: Unsuccessful Authentication

Card Number 520018

00 0000 0023
Auth. Type Passive authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  User failed authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before
 Payer could not be authenticated.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 9
PAReq PAReq value PARes status N
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y XID XID value
XID XID value
Action You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the customer for
another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 82

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 28: Mastercard Identity Check RIBA

Card Number 520026 With authentication window

00 0000 0007
Auth. Type Risk-based bank
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The card is enrolled in payer authentication. ics_pa_validate service was successful.
Please authenticate before proceeding with
Details ACS URL URL Authentication result 0
PAReq PAReq value AAV AAV value
proofXML proofXML value Collection indicator 2
VERes enrolled Y E-commerce indicator spa
XID XID value PARes status Y
XID XID value
Action 1 Add the signed PARes to the Validate Authentication request.
2 Ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the authentication validation.
3 Add the required payer authentication values to your authorization request.

Test Case 29: Mastercard Identity Check RIBA: Unsuccessful Authentication

Card Number 520026 With authentication window

00 0000 0023
Auth. Type Risk-based bank
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  User failed authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before
 Payer could not be authenticated.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 9
PAReq PAReq value PARes status N
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y XID XID value
XID XID value
Action You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the customer for
another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 83

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 30: Maestro Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication

Card Number 675941 Without authentication window

11 0000 0008
675941 With authentication window
00 0000 6404
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.
authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL Authentication result 0
PAReq PAReq value AAV AAV value
proofXML proofXML value Collection indicator 2
VERes enrolled Y E-commerce indicator spa
XID XID value PARes status Y
XID XID value
Action 1 Add the signed PARes to the validation request.
2 In the response, ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the
3 Add the required payer authentication values to your authorization request.

Test Case 31: Maestro Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication but Invalid PARes

Card Number 633110 Without authentication window

12 3456 7892
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer Payer authentication problem: PARes
authentication. Please authenticate before signature digest value mismatch. PARes
proceeding with authorization. message has been modified.
Details ACS URL URL Authentication result -1
PAReq PAReq value XID XID value
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action Do not process the authorization request. Instead ask the customer for another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 84

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 32: Maestro Card Enrolled: Attempts Processing

Card Number 560000 Card enrollment option during purchase process

00 0000 00 0193
Auth. Type Activation during shopping
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.
authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL Authentication result 1
PAReq PAReq value AAV AAV value
proofXML proofXML value E-commerce indicator spa
VERes enrolled Y PARes status A
XID XID value XID XID value
Action This test card enables you to reproduce the process by which the customer enrolls the card during
the purchase. If the card is not enrolled, a card enrollment option windows appears in the
customer’s browser after the enrollment check. The customer can activate the card at that time or
later. In both cases, the card is authenticated, and validation is successful.
1 Add the signed PARes to the Validate Authentication request.
2 Ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the authentication validation.
3 Add the required payer authentication values to your authorization request.

Test Case 33: Maestro Card Enrolled: Incomplete Authentication

Card Number 633110 Without authentication window

12 5035 3227
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer Issuer unable to perform authentication.
authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 6
PAReq PAReq value Collection indicator 0
proofXML proofXML value E-commerce indicator spa
VERes enrolled Y PARes status U
XID XID value XID XID value
Action Ask the customer for another form of payment, or submit the transaction. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 85

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 34: Maestro Card Enrolled: Unsuccessful Authentication

Card Number 633110 Without authentication window

06 1019 4313
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer User failed authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 9
PAReq PAReq value PARes status N
proofXML proofXML value XID XID value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the customer for
another form of payment.

Test Case 35: Maestro Card Enrolled: Unavailable Authentication

Card Number 633110

02 6697 7839
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details Collection indicator 0
E-commerce indicator spa
proofXML proofXML value
Action Submit the transaction. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 86

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 36: Maestro Card Enrolled: Authentication Error

Card Number 560000 Without authentication window

51 1607 57 7094
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer We encountered a payer authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before problem: Error Processing PARes.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Collection indicator 0
PAReq PAReq value E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action Do not request authorization. Instead ask the customer for another form of payment. No liability

Test Case 37: Maestro Enrollment Check Error

Card Number 560000

84 1211 09 2515
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details Collection indicator 0
E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled U
Action Proceed with the authorization request, and contact your support representative to resolve the
issue. No liability shift. If you requested payer authentication and authorization together, the
authorization is processed automatically.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 87

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

American Express SafeKey

Table 14 Possible Values for American Express SafeKey Response Fields

Result and Interpretation Validate Authentication Response

Authentication ECI Commerce Reason Code
Result Indicator
Success Successful authentication. 0 05 aesk 100

Recorded attempt to 1 06 aesk_ 100

authenticate. attempted
Failure System error that prevents the 6 —2 100
(Customer completion of authentication:
not you can proceed with
responsible) authorization, but there is no
liability shift.
Issuer unable to perform 6 07 internet 100
Incomplete or unavailable 07 internet
Invalid PARes. -1 — — 476
Failure Authentication failed or 9 — — 476
(Customer cardholder did not complete
responsible) authentication.
If the authentication fails, Visa
requires that you do not accept
the card. You must ask the
customer to use another
payment method.
1 The ECI value can vary depending on the reason for the failure.
2 A dash (—) indicates that the field is blank or absent.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 88

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 38: American Express SafeKey Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication

Card Number 340000 Without authentication window

00 0003 961
371449 With authentication window
11 1020 228
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.
authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 0
PAReq PAReq value CAVV CAVV value
proofXML proofXML value E-commerce indicator aesk
VERes enrolled Y ECI 05
XID XID value PARes status Y
XID XID value
Action 1 Add the signed PARes to the Validate Authentication request.
2 Ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the authentication validation.
3 Add the CAVV and ECI values to your authorization request.

Test Case 39: American Express SafeKey Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication but Invalid

Card Number 340000

00 0006 022
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer We encountered a payer authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before problem: PARes signature digest value
proceeding with authorization. mismatch. PARes message has been modified.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result -1
PAReq PAReq value XID XID value
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action Do not proceed with authorization. Instead, ask the customer for another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 89

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 40: American Express SafeKey Card Enrolled: Attempts Processing

Card Number 340000 Without authentication window

00 0003 391
344400 Card enrollment option during purchase process
00 0000 569
Auth. Type Activation during shopping
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.
authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 1
PAReq PAReq value CAVV CAVV value
proofXML proofXML value E-commerce indicator aesk_attempted
VERes enrolled Y ECI 06
XID XID value PARes status A
XID XID value
Action If you request Validate Authentication and authorization services separately, follow these steps:
1 Add the signed PARes to the Validate Authentication request.
2 Ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the authentication validation.
3 Add the CAVV and ECI values to your authorization request.
If you request the validation and authorization services together, the process described above
occurs automatically.

Test Case 41: American Express SafeKey Card Enrolled: Incomplete Authentication

Card Number 340000 Without authentication window

00 0002 302
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.
authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 6
PAReq PAReq value E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value ECI 07
VERes enrolled Y PARes status U
XID XID value XID XID value
Action Ask the customer for another form of payment, or submit the transaction. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 90

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 42: American Express SafeKey Card Enrolled: Unsuccessful Authentication

Card Number 340000 Without authentication window

00 0000 033
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  User failed authentication.
authentication. Please authenticate before
 Payer cannot be authenticated.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 9
PAReq PAReq value PARes status N
proofXML proofXML value ECI 07
VERes enrolled Y XID XID value
XID XID value
Action You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the customer for
another form of payment.

Test Case 43: American Express SafeKey Card Enrolled: Unavailable Authentication

Card Number 340000

00 0007 780
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled U
Action Submit your authorization request. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 91

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 44: American Express SafeKey Card Enrolled: Authentication Error

Card Number 340000

00 0009 299
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer We encountered a payer authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before problem: Error Processing PARes.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value ECI 07
PAReq PAReq value E-commerce Indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action Ask the customer for another form of payment. No liability shift.

Test Case 45: American Express SafeKey Card Not Enrolled

Card Number 340000

00 0008 135
Auth. Type Non-participating bank
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
ECI 07
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled N
Action Submit the transaction.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 92

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 46: American Express SafeKey Enrollment Check: Time-Out

Card Number 340000
00 0008 309
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication
Summary Reason code 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
ECI 07
proofXML proofXML value
Action After 10-12 seconds, proceed with the authorization request. No liability shift.

Test Case 47: American Express SafeKey Enrollment Check Error

Card Number 340000

00 0007 244
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled U
Action Proceed with the authorization request, and contact your support representative to resolve the
issue. If you requested payer authentication and authorization together, the authorization is
processed automatically. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 93

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

JCB J/Secure
Table 15 Possible Values for JCB J/Secure Response Fields

Result and Interpretation payerAuthValidateResponse_

authentication eci commerceIndicator reasonCode
Success Successful authentication. 0 05 js 100

Recorded attempt to 1 06 js_attempted 100

Failure System error that prevents the 6 —2
(Customer completion of authentication:
not you can proceed with
responsible) authorization, but no liability
Issuer unable to perform 6 07 internet 100
Incomplete or unavailable 07 internet
Invalid PARes. -1 00 476
Failure Authentication failed or 9 — — 476
(Customer cardholder did not complete
responsible) authentication.
If the authentication fails, Visa
requires that you do not accept
the card. You must ask the
customer to use another
payment method.
1 The ECI value can vary depending on the reason for the failure.
2 A dash (—) indicates that the field is blank or absent.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 94

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 48: JCB J/Secure Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication

Card Number 356999 Without authentication window

00 1008 3722
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.
authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL Authentication result 0
PAReq PAReq value CAVV CAVV value
proofXML proofXML value E-commerce indicator js
VERes enrolled Y ECI 05
XID XID value PARes status Y
XID XID value
Action 1 Add the signed PARes to the Validate Authentication request.
2 Ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the authentication validation.
3 Add the CAVV and ECI values to your authorization request.

Test Case 49: JCB J/Secure Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication but Invalid PARes
(Signature Failure)

Card Number 356999

00 1008 3748
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer We encountered a payer authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before problem: PARes signature digest value
proceeding with authorization. mismatch. PARes message has been modified.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result -1
PAReq PAReq value XID XID value
VERes enrolled Y
Action Do not proceed with authorization. Instead ask the customer for another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 95

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 50: JCB J/Secure Card Enrolled: Attempted Authentication

Card Number 356996

00 1008 3758
Auth. Type Activation during shopping
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.
authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 1
PAReq PAReq value CAVV CAVV value
proofXML proofXML value E-commerce indicator js_attempted
VERes enrolled Y ECI 06
XID XID value PARes status A
XID XID value
Action If you request Validate Authentication and authorization services separately, follow these steps:
1 Add the signed PARes to the validation request.
2 In the response, ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the
3 Add the CAVV and ECI values to your authorization request.
If you request the Validate Authentication and authorization services together, the process
described above occurs automatically.

Test Case 51: JCB J/Secure Card Enrolled: Incomplete Authentication (Unavailable)

Card Number 354159 Without authentication window

99 9810 3643
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  Issuer unable to perform authentication.
authentication. Please authenticate before
 ics_pa_validate service was successful.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 6
PAReq PAReq value E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value ECI 07
VERes enrolled Y PARes status U
XID XID value XID XID value
Action Ask the customer for another form of payment, or submit the transaction. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 96

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 52: JCB J/Secure Card Enrolled: Failed Authentication

Card Number 356999 Without authentication window

01 1008 3721
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  User failed authentication.
authentication. Please authenticate before
 Payer cannot be authenticated.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 9
PAReq PAReq value PARes status N
proofXML proofXML value XID XID value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the customer for
another form of payment.

Test Case 53: JCB J/Secure Card Enrolled: Unavailable Authentication

Card Number 354159

99 9910 3865
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled U
Action Submit your authorization request. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 97

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 54: JCB J/Secure Card Enrolled: Authentication Error Processing PARes

Card Number 354159

99 9910 3881
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer We encountered a payer authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before problem: Error Processing PARes.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value ECI 07
PAReq PAReq value E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action Ask the customer for another form of payment. No liability shift.

Test Case 55: JCB J/Secure Card Not Enrolled

Card Number 356997

00 1008 3724
Auth. Type Non-participating bank
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator js_attempted
ECI 06
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled N
Action Submit your authorization request.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 98

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 56: JCB J/Secure Enrollment Check: Time-Out

Card Number 356998
00 1008 3723
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication
Summary Reason code 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
Action After 10-12 seconds, proceed with the authorization request. No liability shift.

Test Case 57: JCB J/Secure Enrollment Check: Lookup Error Processing Message Request

Card Number 354159

99 6910 3614
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled U
Action Proceed with the authorization request, and contact your support representative to resolve the
issue. No liability shift. If you requested payer authentication and authorization together, the
authorization is processed automatically.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 99

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Diners Club ProtectBuy

Table 16 Possible Values for Diners Club ProtectBuy Response Fields

Result and Interpretation Validate Authentication Response

Authentication ECI Commerce Reason Code
Result Indicator
Success Successful authentication. 0 05 pb 100

Recorded attempt to 1 06 pb_ 100

authenticate. attempted
Failure System error that prevents the 6 —2 100
(Customer completion of authentication:
not you can proceed with
responsible) authorization, but there is no
liability shift.
Issuer unable to perform 6 07 internet 100

Incomplete or unavailable 07 internet

Invalid PARes. -1 — — 476
Failure Authentication failed or 9 — — 476
(Customer cardholder did not complete
responsible) authentication.
If the authentication fails, Visa
requires that you do not accept
the card. You must ask the
customer to use another
payment method.
1 The ECI value can vary depending on the reason for the failure.
2 A dash (—) indicates that the field is blank or absent.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 100

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 58: Diners Club ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication

Card Number 300500

00 0000 6246
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.

authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL Authentication result 0
PAReq PAReq value CAVV CAVV value
proofXML proofXML value E-commerce indicator pb
VERes enrolled Y ECI 05
XID XID value PARes status Y
XID XID value
Action 1 Add the signed PARes to the Validate Authentication request.
2 Ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the authentication validation.
3 Add the CAVV and ECI values to your authorization request.

Test Case 59: Diners Club ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication but Invalid PARes

Card Number 300500

00 0000 4373
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer We encountered a payer authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before problem: PARes signature digest value
proceeding with authorization. mismatch. PARes message has been modified.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result -1
PAReq PAReq value XID XID value
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action Do not proceed with authorization. Instead, ask the customer for another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 101

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 60: Diners Club ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Attempts Processing

Card Number 300500 Card enrollment option during purchase process

00 0000 5271
Auth. Type Activation during shopping
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.
authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 1
PAReq PAReq value CAVV CAVV value
proofXML proofXML value E-commerce indicator pb_attempted
VERes enrolled Y ECI 06
XID XID value PARes status A
XID XID value
Action If you request Validate Authentication and authorization services separately, follow these steps:
1 Add the signed PARes to the validation request.
2 Ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the authentication validation.
3 Add the CAVV and ECI values to your authorization request.
If you request the Validate Authentication and authorization services together, the process
described above occurs automatically.

Test Case 61: Diners Club ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Incomplete Authentication

Card Number 300500

00 0000 7376
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  Issuer unable to perform authentication.
authentication. Please authenticate before
 ics_pa_validate service was successful.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 6
PAReq PAReq value E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value ECI 07
VERes enrolled Y PARes status U
XID XID value XID XID value
Action Ask the customer for another form of payment, or submit the transaction. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 102

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 62: Diners Club ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Unsuccessful Authentication

Card Number 300500

00 0000 5925
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  User failed authentication.
authentication. Please authenticate before
 Payer cannot be authenticated.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 9
PAReq PAReq value PARes status N
proofXML proofXML value XID XID value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the customer for
another form of payment.

Test Case 63: Diners Club ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Unavailable Authentication

Card Number 300500

00 0000 6030
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled U
Action Submit your authorization request. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 103

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 64: Diners Club ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Authentication Error

Card Number 300500

00 0000 5602
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer We encountered a payer authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before problem: Error Processing PARes.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value E-commerce indicator internet
PAReq PAReq value ECI 07
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action Ask the customer for another form of payment. No liability shift.

Test Case 65: Diners Club ProtectBuy Card Not Enrolled

Card Number 300500

00 0000 7269
Auth. Type Non-participating bank
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
ECI 07
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled N
Action Submit the transaction.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 104

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 66: Diners Club ProtectBuy Enrollment Check: Time-Out

Card Number 300500
00 0000 1890
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication
Summary Reason code 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
Action After 10-12 seconds, proceed with the authorization request. No liability shift.

Test Case 67: Diners Club ProtectBuy Enrollment Check Error

Card Number 300500 Error response

00 0000 9877
300500 Incorrect Configuration: Unable to Authenticate
00 0000 4837
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled U
Action Proceed with the authorization request, and contact your support representative to resolve the
issue. No liability shift. If you requested payer authentication and authorization together, the
authorization is processed automatically.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 105

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Discover ProtectBuy
Table 17 Possible Values for Discover ProtectBuy Response Fields

Result and Interpretation Validate Authentication Response

Authentication ECI Commerce Reason Code
Result Indicator
Success Successful authentication. 0 05 dipb 100

Recorded attempt to 1 06 dipb_ 100

authenticate. attempted
Failure System error that prevents the 6 —2 100
(Customer completion of authentication:
not you can proceed with
responsible) authorization, but there is no
liability shift.
Issuer unable to perform 6 07 internet 100

Incomplete or unavailable 07 internet

Invalid PARes. -1 — — 476
Failure Authentication failed or 9 — — 476
(Customer cardholder did not complete
responsible) authentication.
If the authentication fails, Visa
requires that you do not accept
the card. You must ask the
customer to use another
payment method.
1 The ECI value can vary depending on the reason for the failure.
2 A dash (—) indicates that the field is blank or absent.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 106

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 68: Discover ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication

Card Number 601100

00 0000 0004
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.

authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL Authentication result 0
PAReq PAReq value CAVV CAVV value
proofXML proofXML value E-commerce indicator dipb
VERes enrolled Y ECI 05
XID XID value PARes status Y
XID XID value
Action 1 Add the signed PARes to the Validate Authentication request.
2 Ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the authentication validation.
3 Add the CAVV and ECI values to your authorization request.

Test Case 69: Discover ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication but Invalid PARes

Card Number 601100

00 0000 0012
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer We encountered a payer authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before problem: PARes signature digest value
proceeding with authorization. mismatch. PARes message has been modified.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result -1
PAReq PAReq value XID XID value
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action Do not proceed with authorization. Instead, ask the customer for another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 107

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 70: Discover ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Attempts Processing

Card Number 601100 Card enrollment option during purchase process

00 0000 0038
Auth. Type Activation during shopping
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer ics_pa_validate service was successful.
authentication. Please authenticate before
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 1
PAReq PAReq value CAVV CAVV value
proofXML proofXML value E-commerce indicator dipb_attempted
VERes enrolled Y ECI 06
XID XID value PARes status A
XID XID value
Action If you request Validate Authentication and authorization services separately, follow these steps:
1 Add the signed PARes to the validation request.
2 Ensure that the XID from the enrollment check matches that from the authentication validation.
3 Add the CAVV and ECI values to your authorization request.
If you request the Validate Authentication and authorization services together, the process
described above occurs automatically.

Test Case 71: Discover ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Incomplete Authentication

Card Number 601100

00 0000 0103
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 100

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  Issuer unable to perform authentication.
authentication. Please authenticate before
 ics_pa_validate service was successful.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 6
PAReq PAReq value E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value ECI 07
VERes enrolled Y PARes status U
XID XID value XID XID value
Action Ask the customer for another form of payment, or submit the transaction. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 108

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 72: Discover ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Unsuccessful Authentication

Card Number 601100

00 0000 0020
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer  User failed authentication.
authentication. Please authenticate before
 Payer cannot be authenticated.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value Authentication result 9
PAReq PAReq value PARes status N
proofXML proofXML value XID XID value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the customer for
another form of payment.

Test Case 73: Discover ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Unavailable Authentication

Card Number 601100

00 0000 0061
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled U
Action Submit your authorization request. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 109

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 74: Discover ProtectBuy Card Enrolled: Authentication Error

Card Number 601100

00 0000 0095
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 475 Reason code 476

The cardholder is enrolled in payer We encountered a payer authentication
authentication. Please authenticate before problem: Error Processing PARes.
proceeding with authorization.
Details ACS URL URL value E-commerce indicator internet
PAReq PAReq value ECI 07
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled Y
XID XID value
Action Ask the customer for another form of payment. No liability shift.

Test Case 75: Discover ProtectBuy Card Not Enrolled

Card Number 601100

00 0000 0053
Auth. Type Non-participating bank
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
ECI 07
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled N
Action Submit the transaction.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 110

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 76: Discover ProtectBuy Enrollment Check: Time-Out

Card Number 601100
00 0000 0046
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication
Summary Reason code 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
Action After 10-12 seconds, proceed with the authorization request. No liability shift.

Test Case 77: Discover ProtectBuy Enrollment Check Error

Card Number 601100 Error response

00 0000 0087
601100 Incorrect Configuration: Unable to Authenticate
00 0000 0079
Auth. Type Active authentication
Results Check Enrollment Validate Authentication

Summary Reason code 100

ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
Details E-commerce indicator internet
proofXML proofXML value
VERes enrolled U
Action Proceed with the authorization request, and contact your support representative to resolve the
issue. No liability shift. If you requested payer authentication and authorization together, the
authorization is processed automatically.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 111

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Elo Compra Segura

Table 18 Possible Values for Elo Compra Segura Response Fields

Result and Interpretation Validate Authentication Response

Authentication ECI Commerce Reason Code
Result Indicator
Success Successful authentication. 0 05 cs 100

Recorded attempt to 1 06 cs_attempted 100

Failure System error that prevents the 6 —2 100
(Customer completion of authentication:
not you can proceed with
responsible) authorization, but there is no
liability shift.
Issuer unable to perform 6 07 internet 100

Incomplete or unavailable 07 internet

Invalid PARes. -1 — — 476
Failure Authentication failed or 9 — — 476
(Customer cardholder did not complete
responsible) authentication.
If the authentication fails, Visa
requires that you do not accept
the card. You must ask the
customer to use another
payment method.
1 The ECI value can vary depending on the reason for the failure.
2 A dash (—) indicates that the field is blank or absent.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 112

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

China UnionPay
Table 19 Possible Values for China UnionPay Response Fields

Result and Interpretation Validate Authentication Response

Authentication ECI Commerce Reason Code
Result Indicator
Success Successful authentication. 0 05 up3ds 100

Recorded attempt to 1 06 up3ds_ 100

authenticate. attempted
Failure System error that prevents the 6 —2 100
(Customer completion of authentication:
not you can proceed with
responsible) authorization, but there is no
liability shift.
Issuer unable to perform 6 07 internet 100

Incomplete or unavailable 07 internet

Invalid PARes. -1 — — 476
Failure Authentication failed or 9 — — 476
(Customer cardholder did not complete
responsible) authentication.
If the authentication fails, Visa
requires that you do not accept
the card. You must ask the
customer to use another
payment method.
1 The ECI value can vary depending on the reason for the failure.
2 A dash (—) indicates that the field is blank or absent.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 113

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Cases for 3D Secure 2.x

Use the card number specified in the test with the card’s expiration date set to the month
of January and the current year plus three. For example, for 2021, use 2024. You also
need the minimum required fields for an order.

Remove spaces in card numbers when testing.

XID values are included in 3D Secure 2.x test cases for legacy reasons. XID
is not returned for Mastercard transactions only.
The 3D Secure version and directory server transaction ID fields are returned
for the Check Enrollment and Validate Authentication services but are not
included in the 3D Secure 2.x test cases.

Mastercard requires that the 3D Secure version and directory server

transaction ID are included along with all pertinent data in your authorization

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 114

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 2.1: Successful Frictionless


Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1005
CardType = 001
Visa 19-digit PAN 445653
00 0000 0001 007
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3001
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1005
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3001
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 007
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1002
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1002
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0000 0008
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1000
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
00 0020 0000
CardType = 062

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
VERes enrolled = Y
PARes status = Y
CAVV = <CAVV value>
AVV = <AVV value> (Mastercard only)

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 115

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

XID = <XID value>

E-Commerce Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected e-commerce indicator value for each network.
Network Expected E-Commerce
Visa vbv
Cartes Bancaires Visa vbv
Mastercard spa
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard spa
American Express aesk
Discover dipb
Diners Club pb
JCB J/Secure js
Elo cs
China UnionPay up3ds

ECI/Collection Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected ECI or Collection Indicator values for each network.
Network Expected ECI
Visa 05
Cartes Bancaires Visa 05
American Express 05
Discover 05
Diners Club 05
JCB J/Secure 05
Elo 05
China UnionPay 05
Expected Collection Indicator
Mastercard 2
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 2

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

No results are returned.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 116

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

If you request Check Enrollment and authorization services separately, add the required
payer authentication values to your authorization request. If you request the Check
Enrollment and authorization services together, the process described above occurs

Test Case 2.2: Unsuccessful Frictionless


Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1013
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3019
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1013
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3019
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 015
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1010
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1010
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0000 0990
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1018
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
00 0010 0010
CardType = 062

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 117

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 476
 User failed authentication.
 Payer cannot be authenticated.
VERes enrolled = Y
PARes status = N

ECI/Collection Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected ECI or Collection Indicator values for each network.
Network Expected ECI
Visa 07
Cartes Bancaires Visa 07
American Express 07
Discover 07
Diners Club 07
JCB J/Secure 07
Elo 07
China UnionPay 07
Expected Collection Indicator
Mastercard 0
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 0

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

No results are returned.

It is not recommended to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the
customer for another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 118

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 2.3: Attempts Processing Frictionless


Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1021
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3027
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1021
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3027
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 023
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1028
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1028
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0000 7045
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1026
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
00 0000 0020
CardType = 062

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
VERes enrolled = Y
PARes status = A
CAVV = <CAVV value>
AVV = <AVV value> (Mastercard only)
XID = <XID value>

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 119

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

E-Commerce Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected e-commerce indicator value for each network.
Network Expected E-Commerce
Visa vbv_attempted
Cartes Bancaires Visa vbv_attempted
Mastercard spa
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard spa
American Express aesk_attempted
Discover dipb_attempted
Diners Club pb_attempted
JCB J/Secure js_attempted
Elo cs_attempted
China UnionPay up3ds_attempted

ECI/Collection Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected ECI or Collection Indicator values for each network.
Network Expected ECI
Visa 06
Cartes Bancaires Visa 06
American Express 06
Discover 06
Diners Club 06
JCB J/Secure 06
Elo 06
China UnionPay 06
Expected Collection Indicator
Mastercard 1
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 1

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

No results are returned.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 120

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

If you request Check Enrollment and authorization services separately, add the required
payer authentication values to your authorization request. If you request the Check
Enrollment and authorization services together, the process described above occurs

Test Case 2.4: Unavailable Frictionless


Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1039
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3035
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1039
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3035
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 031
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1036
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1036
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0000 0735
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1034
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
00 0040 0030
CardType = 062

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 121

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
VERes enrolled = Y
PARes status = U

E-Commerce Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected e-commerce indicator value for each network.
Network Expected E-Commerce
Visa internet or vbv_failure
Cartes Bancaires Visa internet or vbv_failure
Mastercard internet
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard internet
American Express internet
Discover internet
Diners Club internet
JCB J/Secure internet
Elo internet
China UnionPay internet

ECI/Collection Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected ECI or Collection Indicator values for each network.
Network Expected ECI
Visa 07
Cartes Bancaires Visa 07
American Express 07
Discover 07
Diners Club 07
JCB J/Secure 07
Elo 07
China UnionPay 07
Expected Collection Indicator
Mastercard 0
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 0

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 122

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

No results are returned.

Submit your authorization request. No liability shift.

Test Case 2.5: Rejected Frictionless Authentication

Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1047
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3043
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1047
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3043
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 049
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1044
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1044
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0000 0321
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1042
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
00 0030 0040
CardType = 062

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 123

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 476
 User failed authentication.
 Payer cannot be authenticated.
VERes enrolled = Y
PARes status = R

ECI/Collection Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected ECI or Collection Indicator values for each network.
Network Expected ECI
Visa 07
Cartes Bancaires Visa 07
American Express 07
Discover 07
Diners Club 07
JCB J/Secure 07
Elo 07
China UnionPay 07
Expected Collection Indicator
Mastercard 0
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 0

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

No results are returned.

You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the
customer for another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 124

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 2.6: Authentication not Available on


Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1054
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3050
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1054
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3050
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 056
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1051
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1051
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0000 6765
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1059
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
00 0060 0050
CardType = 062

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
VERes enrolled = U

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 125

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

E-Commerce Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected e-commerce indicator value for each network.
Network Expected E-Commerce
Visa internet or vbv_failure
Cartes Bancaires Visa internet or vbv_failure
Mastercard internet
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard internet
American Express internet
Discover internet
Diners Club internet
JCB J/Secure internet
Elo internet
China UnionPay internet

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

No results are returned.

Submit your authorization request. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 126

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 2.7: Enrollment Check Error

Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1062
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3068
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1062
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3068
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 064
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1069
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1069
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0000 0016
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1067
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
00 0050 0060
CardType = 062

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
VERes enrolled = U

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 127

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

E-Commerce Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected e-commerce indicator value for each network.
Network Expected E-Commerce
Visa internet or vbv_failure
Cartes Bancaires Visa internet or vbv_failure
Mastercard internet
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard internet
American Express internet
Discover internet
Diners Club internet
JCB J/Secure internet
Elo internet
China UnionPay internet

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

No results are returned.

Proceed with the authorization request, and contact your support representative to resolve
the issue. No liability shift. If you requested payer authentication and authorization
together, the authorization is processed automatically.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 128

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 2.8: Time-Out (Cruise Direct and Hybrid


Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1070
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3076
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1070
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3076
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 072
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1077
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1077
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0000 0081
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1075
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
00 0090 0070
CardType = 062

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
VERes enrolled = U

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 129

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

E-Commerce Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected e-commerce indicator value for each network.
Network Expected E-Commerce
Visa internet or vbv_failure
Cartes Bancaires Visa internet or vbv_failure
Mastercard internet
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard internet
American Express internet
Discover internet
Diners Club internet
JCB J/Secure internet
Elo internet
China UnionPay internet

ECI/Collection Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected ECI or Collection Indicator values for each network.
Network Expected ECI
Visa 07
Cartes Bancaires Visa 07
American Express 07
Discover 07
Diners Club 07
JCB J/Secure 07
Elo 07
China UnionPay 07
Expected Collection Indicator
Mastercard 0
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 0

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

No results are returned.

After 10-12 seconds, proceed with the authorization request. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 130

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 2.9: Bypassed Authentication

Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1088
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3084
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1088
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3084
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 080
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1085
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1085
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0000 0537
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1083
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
00 0080 0080
CardType = 062

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
VERes enrolled = B

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 131

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

E-Commerce Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected e-commerce indicator value for each network.
Network Expected E-Commerce
Visa internet
Cartes Bancaires Visa internet
Mastercard internet
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard internet
American Express internet
Discover internet
Diners Club internet
JCB J/Secure internet
Elo internet
China UnionPay internet

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

No results are returned.

Submit your authorization request. No liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 132

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 2.10a: Successful Step-Up Authentication

(Cruise Direct and Hybrid)

Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1096
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3134
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1096
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3092
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 098
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1093
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1093
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0020 0004
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1091
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
99 9980 0019
CardType = 062

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 475
The cardholder is enrolled in payer authentication. Please authenticate before proceeding
with authorization.
VERes enrolled = Y
PAReq = <PAReq value>
ACS URL = <URL value>

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 133

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

Reason code = 100
ics_pa_validate service was successful.
PARes status = Y
CAVV = <CAVV value>
AVV = <AVV value> (Mastercard only)
XID = <XID value>

E-Commerce Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected e-commerce indicator value for each network.
Network Expected E-Commerce
Visa vbv
Cartes Bancaires Visa vbv
Mastercard spa
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard spa
American Express aesk
Discover dipb
Diners Club pb
JCB J/Secure js
Elo cs
China UnionPay up3ds

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 134

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

ECI/Collection Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected ECI or Collection Indicator values for each network.
Network Expected ECI
Visa 05
Cartes Bancaires Visa 05
American Express 05
Discover 05
Diners Club 05
JCB J/Secure 05
Elo 05
China UnionPay 05
Expected Collection Indicator
Mastercard 2
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 2

If you request Validate Authentication and authorization services separately, add the
required payer authentication values to your authorization request. If you request the
Validate Authentication and authorization services together, the process described above
occurs automatically.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 135

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 2.10b: Successful Step-Up Authentication

See the "Process Flow for Standard Integration" for steps that you must perform before
you call the Check Enrollment service.

Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1096
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3134
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1096
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3092
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 098
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1093
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1093
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0020 0004
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1091
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
99 9980 0019
CardType = 062

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
VERes enrolled = Y
PARes status = Y
CAVV = <CAVV value>
AVV = <AVV value> (Mastercard only)

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 136

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

XID = <XID value>

E-Commerce Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected e-commerce indicator value for each network.
Network Expected E-Commerce
Visa vbv
Cartes Bancaires Visa vbv
Mastercard spa
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard spa
American Express aesk
Discover dipb
Diners Club pb
JCB J/Secure js
Elo cs
China UnionPay up3ds

ECI/Collection Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected ECI or Collection Indicator values for each network.
Network Expected ECI
Visa 05
Cartes Bancaires Visa 05
American Express 05
Discover 05
Diners Club 05
JCB J/Secure 05
Elo 05
China UnionPay 05
Expected Collection Indicator
Mastercard 2
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 2

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

No results are returned.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 137

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

If you request Check Enrollment and authorization services separately, add the required
payer authentication values to your authorization request. If you request the Check
Enrollment and authorization services together, the process described above occurs

Test Case 2.11a: Unsuccessful Step-Up

Authentication (Cruise Direct and Hybrid)

Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1104
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3092
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1104
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3100
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 106
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1101
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1101
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0020 0087
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1109
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
99 9970 0029
CardType = 062

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 138

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 475
The cardholder is enrolled in payer authentication. Please authenticate before proceeding
with authorization.
VERes enrolled = Y
PAReq = <PAReq value>
ACS URL = <URL value>

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

Reason code = 476
 User failed authentication.
 Payer cannot be authenticated.
PARes status = N

ECI/Collection Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected ECI or Collection Indicator values for each network.
Network Expected ECI
Visa 07
Cartes Bancaires Visa 07
American Express 07
Discover 07
Diners Club 07
JCB J/Secure 07
Elo 07
China UnionPay 07
Expected Collection Indicator
Mastercard 0
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 0

You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the
customer for another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 139

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 2.11b: Unsuccessful Step-Up

Authentication (Standard)
See the "Process Flow for Standard Integration" for steps that you must perform before
you call the Check Enrollment service.

Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1104
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3092
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1104
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3100
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 106
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1101
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1101
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0020 0087
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1109
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
99 9970 0029
CardType = 062

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 476
 User failed authentication.
 Payer cannot be authenticated.
VERes enrolled = Y
PARes status = N

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 140

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

ECI/Collection Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected ECI or Collection Indicator values for each network.
Network Expected ECI
Visa 07
Cartes Bancaires Visa 07
American Express 07
Discover 07
Diners Club 07
JCB J/Secure 07
Elo 07
China UnionPay 07
Expected Collection Indicator
Mastercard 0
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 0

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

No results are returned.

You are not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization. Instead ask the
customer for another form of payment.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 141

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Test Case 2.12a: Unavailable Step-Up

Authentication (Cruise Direct and Hybrid)

Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1112
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3100
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1112
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3118
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 114
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1119
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1119
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0020 0079
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1117
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
99 9960 0039
CardType = 062

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 475
The cardholder is enrolled in payer authentication. Please authenticate before proceeding
with authorization.
VERes enrolled = Y
PAReq = <PAReq value>
ACS URL = <URL value>

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 142

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

Reason code = 100
ics_pa_validate service was successful.
PARes status = U

E-Commerce Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected e-commerce indicator value for each network.
Network Expected E-Commerce
Visa internet or vbv_failure
Cartes Bancaires Visa internet or vbv_failure
Mastercard internet
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard internet
American Express internet
Discover internet
Diners Club internet
JCB J/Secure internet
Elo internet
China UnionPay internet

ECI/Collection Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected ECI or Collection Indicator values for each network.
Network Expected ECI
Visa 07
Cartes Bancaires Visa 07
American Express 07
Discover 07
Diners Club 07
JCB J/Secure 07
Elo 07
China UnionPay 07
Expected Collection Indicator
Mastercard 0
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 0

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 143

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Retry authentication or process without liability shift.

Test Case 2.12b: Unavailable Step-Up

Authentication (Standard)
See the "Process Flow for Standard Integration" for steps that you must perform before
you call the Check Enrollment service.

Card Numbers
Card Type Test Card Number
Visa 445653
00 0000 1112
CardType = 001
Cartes Bancaires Visa 445653
00 0000 3100
CardType = 036
Mastercard 520000
00 0000 1112
CardType = 002
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 520000
00 0000 3118
CardType = 036
American Express 340000
00 0001 114
CardType = 003
Discover 601100
00 0000 1119
CardType = 004
Diners Club 601100
00 0000 1119
CardType = 005
JCB J/Secure 333700
00 0020 0079
CardType = 007
Elo 650505
00 0000 1117
CardType = 054
China UnionPay 620001
99 9960 0039
CardType = 062

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 144

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

Reason code = 100
ics_pa_enroll service was successful.
VERes enrolled = Y
PARes status = U

E-Commerce Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected e-commerce indicator value for each network.
Network Expected E-Commerce
Visa internet or vbv_failure
Cartes Bancaires Visa internet or vbv_failure
Mastercard internet
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard internet
American Express internet
Discover internet
Diners Club internet
JCB J/Secure internet
Elo internet
China UnionPay internet

ECI/Collection Indicator Values

The following table lists the expected ECI or Collection Indicator values for each network.
Network Expected ECI
Visa 07
Cartes Bancaires Visa 07
American Express 07
Discover 07
Diners Club 07
JCB J/Secure 07
Elo 07
China UnionPay 07
Expected Collection Indicator
Mastercard 0
Cartes Bancaires Mastercard 0

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 145

Chapter 5 Testing Payer Authentication Services

Results for the Validation Authentication Service

No results are returned.

Retry authentication or process without liability shift.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 146

API Fields

This appendix describes the Simple Order API fields that you can use to access
Cybersource Payer Authentication services. The API and client toolkits can be
downloaded from the Cybersource website at the following URL:

Formatting Restrictions
Unless otherwise noted, all field names are case sensitive and all fields accept special
characters such as @, #, and %.

The values of the item_#_ fields must not contain carets (^) or colons (:)
because these characters are reserved for use by the Cybersource services.
For Atos, the billTo_ fields must not contain colons (:).
The values of all request fields must not contain new lines or carriage returns.
However, they can contain embedded spaces and any other printable
characters. All leading and trailing spaces will be removed.

Data Type Definitions

For more information about these data types, see the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes specification:

Data Type Description

Integer Whole number {…, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …}.
String Sequence of letters, numbers, spaces, and special characters, such as @ and #.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 147

Appendix A API Fields

Numbered Elements
The Cybersource XML schema includes several numbered elements. You can include
these complex elements more than once in a request. For example, when a customer
order includes more than one item, you must include multiple <item> elements in your
request. Each item is numbered, starting with 0. The XML schema uses an id attribute in
the item’s opening tag to indicate the number. For example:
<item id="0">

As a name-value pair field name, this tag is called item_0. In this portion of the field
name, the underscore before the number does not indicate hierarchy in the XML schema.
The item fields are generically referred to as item_#_<element name> in the

Below is an example of the numbered <item> element and the corresponding name-
value pair field names. If you are using the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), the
client contains a corresponding Item class.

Example 27 Numbered XML Schema Element Names and

Name-Value Pair Field Names

XML Schema Corresponding Name-Value

Element Names Pair Field Names
<item id="0">
<unitPrice> item_0_unitPrice
<quantity> item_0_quantity
<item id="1">
<unitPrice> item_1_unitPrice
<quantity> item_1_quantity

When a request in XML format includes an <item> element, the element must
include an id attribute. For example: <item id="0">.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 148

Appendix A API Fields

Request Fields
See Credit Card Services Using the Simple Order API (PDF | HTML) and Getting Started
with Cybersource Advanced (PDF | HTML) for more information about using the Simple
Order API to access Cybersource services using either name-value pairs or XML.

The fields in the following table refer to the enroll and validate services only.
Please review Credit Card Services Using the Simple Order API (PDF | HTML)
for more information about the fields specific to the authorization.

Table 20 Request Fields

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
airlineData_leg_#_ International Air Transport Association (IATA) Enroll (O) String (2)
carrierCode code for the carrier for this leg of the trip.
Required for each leg.
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.)
for travel-related requests.
airlineData_leg_#_ Departure date for the first leg of the trip. Enroll (O) Integer (8)
departureDate Format: YYYYMMDD.
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.)
for travel-related requests.
Note The numbered element name should
contain 0 instead of #. Payer Authentication
services only use the first leg of the trip. See
"Numbered Elements," page 148.
airlineData_leg_#_ International Air Transport Association (IATA) Enroll (O) String (5)
destination code for the destination airport for this leg of the
Required for each leg.
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.)
for travel-related requests.
airlineData_leg_#_ International Air Transport Association (IATA) Enroll (O) String (5)
originatingAirportCode code for the originating airport for the first leg of
the trip.
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.)
for travel-related requests.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 149

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
airlineData_ Number of passengers for whom the ticket was Enroll (O) Integer (3)
numberOfPassengers issued. If you do not include this field in your
request, Cybersource uses a default value of 1.
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.)
for travel-related requests.
airlineData_passenger_#_ First name of the passenger to whom the ticket Enroll (O) String (60)
firstName was issued. If there are multiple passengers,
include all listed on the ticket.
Do not include special characters such as
commas, hyphens, or apostrophes. Only ASCII
characters are supported.
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.)
for travel-related requests.
airlineData_passenger_#_ Last name of the passenger to whom the ticket Enroll (O) String (60)
lastName was issued. If there are multiple passengers,
include all listed on the ticket.
Do not include special characters such as
commas, hyphens, or apostrophes. Only ASCII
characters are supported.
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.)
for travel-related requests.
billTo_city City of the billing address. Enroll (R) String (50)
Setup (R)
billTo_country Billing country for the account. Use the two- Enroll (R) String (2)
character country codes.
Setup (R)
billTo_ Date the cardholder’s account was last Enroll (O) Integer (8)
customerAccountChange changed. This includes changes to the billing or
Date shipping address, new payment accounts or
new users added.
This field can contain one of these values:
 -1: Guest account
 0: Changed during this transaction
If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 150

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
billTo_ Date the cardholder opened the account. Enroll (O) Integer (8)
This field can contain one of these values:
 -1: Guest account
 0: Opened during this transaction
If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
billTo_ Date the cardholder last changed or reset Enroll (O) Integer (8)
customerAccount password on account.
This field can contain one of these values:
 -1: Guest account
 0: Changed during this transaction
If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
billTo_email Customer’s email address, including the full Enroll (R) String (255)
domain name. Use the following format:
Setup (R)
name@host.domain (for example,
billTo_firstName Customer’s first name.The value should be the Enroll (R) String (60)
same as the value that appears on the card.
Setup (R)
billTo_ Indicates the bit depth of the color palette for Enroll (O) String (2)
httpBrowserColorDepth displaying images, in bits per pixel.
Example 24
For more information, see https://
billTo_ Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser Enroll (O) String (5)
httpBrowserJavaEnabled to execute Java. The value is returned from the
navigator.javaEnabled property. This field can
contain one of these values:
 true
 false

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 151

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
billTo_ Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser Enroll (O) String (5)
httpBrowserJavaScript to execute JavaScript. This value is available
Enabled from the fingerprint details of the cardholder's
browser. This field can contain one of these
 true
 false
billTo_ Indicates the browser language as defined in Enroll (O) String (8)
httpBrowserLanguage IETF BCP47.
Example en-US
For more information, see https://
billTo_ Total height of the cardholder's screen in pixels. Enroll (O) String (6)
Example 864
billTo_ Total width of the cardholder's screen in pixels. Enroll (O) String (6)
Example 1536
billTo_httpBrowserTime Time difference between UTC time and the Enroll (O) String (5)
Difference cardholder browser local time, in minutes.
Example 300
billTo_ipAddress Customer’s IP address, such as Enroll (O) String (45), reported by your web server
via socket information.
billTo_lastName Customer’s last name. The value should be the Enroll (R) String (60)
same as the value that appears on the card.
Setup (R)
billTo_passportCountry Issuing country for the cardholder’s passport. Enroll (O) Integer (3)
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
billTo_passportNumber The cardholder’s passport number. Enroll (O) String (40)
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
billTo_phoneNumber Telephone number of the customer. Enroll (O) String (15)
For countries other than US or CA, add the
country code at the beginning of the phone
number, if possible. Otherwise, the billing
country is used to determine the country code.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 152

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
billTo_postalCode Postal code for the billing address. The postal Enroll (R) String (10)
code must consist of 5 to 9 digits.
Setup (R)
When the billing country is the U.S., the 9-digit
postal code must follow this format:
[5 digits][dash][4 digits]
Example 12345-6789
When the billing country is Canada, the 6-digit
postal code must follow this format:
Example A1B 2C3
Required only if the billTo_country field is US
or CA.
billTo_state State or province of the customer. Enroll (O) String (2)
Required for U.S., Canada, and China. For U.S. Setup (O)
and Canada, use the two-character state,
province, or territory codes.
For China, use the ISO 3166-2 format.
If the value is not in the correct format, you may
experience authentication errors. It is
recommended not to send a value rather than
format incorrectly.
billTo_street1 First line of the billing street address as it Enroll (R) String (60)
appears on the credit card issuer’s records.
Setup (R)
billTo_street2 Additional address information, for example: Enroll (O) String (60)
Attention: Accounts Payable
card_accountNumber Customer’s card number. Enroll (R) Integer (20)
Setup (R)
Validate (O)

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 153

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
card_cardType Type of card. For more information, see Credit Enroll (R) String (3)
Card Services Using the Simple Order API
Setup (O)
(PDF | HTML). This field contain one of these
values: Validate (R)

 001: Visa
 002: Mastercard
 003: American Express
 004: Discover
 005: Diners Club
 007: JCB
 024: Maestro (UK Domestic)
 036: Cartes Bancaires
 042: Maestro (International)
 054: Elo
 062: China UnionPay
Note For the Payer Authentication Check
Enrollment Service and Payer Authentication
Validation Service, this field is required. You
must supply a value for it and include it in your
For the Payer Authentication Setup service, the
field is required when card type is Cartes
card_expirationMonth Expiration month (MM) of the card. Required for Enroll (R) String (2)
the Validate service if card_accountNumber is
Setup (R)
Validate (O)
card_expirationYear Expiration year (YYYY) of the card. Required Enroll (R) String (4)
for the Validate service if card_
Setup (R)
accountNumber is included.
Validate (O)
encryptedPayment_data The encrypted payment data value. Setup (R)
encryptedPayment_ Format of the encrypted payment data. Setup (O) String (128)
item_#_ Passenger's first name. Enroll (O) String (60)
See "Numbered Elements," page 148.
item_#_ Passenger's last name. Enroll (O) String (60)
See "Numbered Elements," page 148.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 154

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
item_#_ Brief description of item. Enroll (O) String (256)
item_#_productName Name of the product. Enroll (O) String (255)
See "Numbered Elements," page 148.
item_#_productSKU Merchant’s product identifier code. Enroll (O) String (255)
See "Numbered Elements," page 148.
item_#_quantity Quantity of the product being purchased. The Enroll (O) Non-negative
default value is 1. integer (10)
See "Numbered Elements," page 148.
item_#_shipping Destination to which the item is shipped. Enroll (O) String (50)
Example Commercial, residential, store
item_#_unitPrice Per-item price of the product. This value cannot Enroll (R) String (15)
be negative. The amount will be truncated to
Validate (R)
the correct number of decimal places. You can
include a decimal point (.) in this field, but you
cannot include any other special characters.
Note The item_#_unitPrice field is optional if
the purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount field is
See "Numbered Elements," page 148.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 155

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
merchantDefinedData_ Fields that you can use to store information. Enroll (O) String (255)
mddField_1 The value appears in the Case Management
to Details window in the Business Center. The first
merchantDefinedData_ four fields are the same fields that are used by
mddField_5 the Secure Data services. These fields can only
be used if you are referencing target API 1.75
or higher.
Important These fields override the old
merchant-defined data fields. For example, if
you use the obsolete field
merchantDefinedData_field5 and the new
field merchantDefinedData_mddField_5 in
the same request, the new field value
overwrites the value specified in the obsolete
Warning Merchant-defined data fields are not
intended to and must not be used to capture
personally identifying information. Accordingly,
merchants are prohibited from capturing,
obtaining, and/or transmitting any personally
identifying information in or via the merchant-
defined data fields. Personally identifying
information includes, but is not limited to,
address, credit card number, social security
number, driver's license number, state-issued
identification number, passport number, and
card verification numbers (CVV, CVC2, CVV2,
CID, CVN). In the event Cybersource discovers
that a merchant is capturing and/or transmitting
personally identifying information via the
merchant-defined data fields, whether or not
intentionally, Cybersource will immediately
suspend the merchant's account, which will
result in a rejection of any and all transaction
requests submitted by the merchant after the
point of suspension.
merchantID Your Cybersource merchant ID. Enroll (R) String (30)
Setup (R)
Validate (R)
merchantReference Merchant-generated order reference or tracking Enroll (R) String (50)
Code number.
Setup (R)
Validate (R)

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 156

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
payerAuthEnrollService_ Number of purchases with this cardholder Enroll (O) Integer (4)
accountPurchases account during the previous six months.
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Issuers should be aware of the acquirer's Enroll (O) String (2)
acquirerCountry country code when the acquirer country differs
from the merchant country, and the acquirer is
in the EEA (European Economic Area).
payerAuthEnrollService_ You can send this override field to set the Enroll (O) Integer (2)
acsWindowSize challenge window size to display to the
cardholder. The Access Control Server (ACS)
replies with content that is formatted
appropriately for this window size to allow for
the best user experience. The sizes are width x
height in pixels of the window displayed in the
cardholder browser.
Possible values:
 01: 250x400
 02: 390x400
 03: 500x600
 04: 600x400
 05: Full page
payerAuthEnrollService_ Number of add card attempts in the last 24 Enroll (O) Integer (3)
addCardAttempts hours.
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Data that documents and supports a specific Enroll (O) String (2048)
alternateAuthentication authentication process.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Date and time in UTC of the cardholder Enroll (O) Integer (12)
alternateAuthentication authentication.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 157

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
payerAuthEnrollService_ Mechanism used by the cardholder to Enroll (O) Integer (2)
alternateAuthentication authenticate to the 3D Secure requestor.
Possible values:
 01: No authentication occurred
 02: Login using merchant system
 03: Login using Federated ID
 04: Login using issuer credentials
 05: Login using third-party authenticator
 06: Login using FIDO Authenticator
payerAuthEnrollService_ Indicates the type of authentication request. Enroll (O) Integer (2)
Possible values:
 01: Payment transaction
 02: Recurring transaction
 03: Installment transaction
 04: Add card
 05: Maintain card
 06: Cardholder verification as part of EMV
token ID&V (identity and verification)
payerAuthEnrollService_ Payer authentication transaction identifier Enroll (O) String (20)
authentication passed to link the check enrollment and
TransactionID validate authentication messages.
Note Required for Standard integration.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 158

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
payerAuthEnrollService_ Possible values: Enroll (O) String (2)
 01: No preference
 02: No challenge request
 03: Challenge requested (3D Secure
requestor preference)
 04: Challenge requested (mandate)
 05: No challenge requested (transactional
risk analysis is already performed)
 06: No challenge requested (Data share
 07: No challenge requested (strong
consumer authentication is already
 08: No challenge requested (utilize whitelist
exemption if no challenge required)
 09: Challenge requested (whitelist prompt
requested if challenge required)
Note This field will default to 01 on merchant
configuration and can be overridden by the
merchant. EMV 3D Secure version 2.1.0
supports values 01-04. Version 2.2.0 supports
values 01-09.
payerAuthEnrollService_ An alias that uniquely identifies the customer's Enroll (O) String (128)
customerCCAlias account and credit card on file.
Note This field is required if Tokenization is
enabled in the merchant profile settings.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Indicates that the card being used is the one Enroll (O) String (5)
defaultCard designated as the primary payment card for
purchase. This field can contain one of these
 true
 false
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 159

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
payerAuthEnrollService_ Indicates the channel used for the transaction. Enroll (O) String (10)
Note Required for SDK integration.
Possible Values:
 Browser
 3RI (3D Secure Integrator Request)
Note If you use the SDK integration, this field
is dynamically set to SDK. If you use the
JavaScript code, this field is dynamically set to
Browser. For merchant-initiated or 3RI
transactions, you must set the field to 3RI. If
you use this field in addition to JavaScript code,
you must set the field to Browser.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Indicates whether the merchant experienced Enroll (O) String (2)
fraudActivity suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on
the account. This field can contain one of these
 01: No suspicious activity
 02: Suspicious activity observed
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
payerAuthEnrollService_ The purchase amount total for prepaid gift Enroll (O) Integer (15)
giftCardAmount cards in major units
123.45 USD= 123
payerAuthEnrollService_ Total count of individual prepaid gift cards Enroll (O) Integer (2)
giftCardCount purchased.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Currency used for the gift card purchase. Use Enroll (O) Integer (3)
giftCardCurrency the standard ISO codes located in the Support
payerAuthEnrollService_ Value of the Accept header sent by the Enroll (O) String (255)
httpAccept customer’s web browser.
Note If the customer’s browser provides a
value, you must include it in your request.
payerAuthEnrollService_ The exact content of the HTTP accept header. Enroll (O) String (256)
payerAuthEnrollService_ Value of the User-Agent header sent by the Enroll (O) String (255)
httpUserAgent customer’s web browser.
Note If the customer’s browser provides a
value, you must include it in your request.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 160

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
payerAuthEnrollService_ An integer value greater than 1 indicating the Enroll (O) Integer (4)
installmentTotalCount maximum number of permitted authorizations
for installment payments.
Note This value is required if the merchant
and cardholder have agreed to installment
payerAuthEnrollService_ Indicates whether the customer has opted in for Enroll (O) String (5)
marketingOptIn marketing offers. This field can contain one of
these values:
 true
 false
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Indicates origin of the marketing offer. Enroll (O) String (40)
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Merchant category code. Enroll (O) Integer (4)
payerAuthEnrollService_ Calculated by merchants according to Payment Enroll (O) Integer (2)
merchantFraudRate Service Directive 2 (PSD2) and Regulatory
Technical Standards (RTS). European
Economic Area (EEA) card fraud divided by all
EEA card volumes.
Possible Values:
 1: Represents fraud rate <=1
 2: Represents fraud rate >1 and <=6
 3: Represents fraud rate >6 and <=13
 4: Represents fraud rate >13 and <=25
 5: Represents fraud rate >25
payerAuthEnrollService_ Your company’s name as you want it to appear Enroll (O) String (25)
merchantName to the customer in the issuing bank’s
authentication form. This value overrides the
value specified by your merchant bank.
Required for Visa Secure travel.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Indicates whether the consumer is a new or Enroll (O) String (5)/
merchantNewCustomer existing customer with the merchant.
This field can contain one of these values:
 true
 false
payerAuthEnrollService_ Risk score provided by merchants. Required for Enroll (O) String (20)
merchantScore transactions processed in France.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 161

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
payerAuthEnrollService_ Address of your company’s website, for Enroll (O) String (100)
merchantURL example,
This value overrides the value specified by your
merchant bank.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Category of the message for a specific use Enroll (O) String (2)
messageCategory case.
Possible values:
 01: PA (payment authentication)
 03-79: Reserved for EMVCo future use
(values invalid until defined by EMVCo)
 80-99: Reserved for DS (directory server)
payerAuthEnrollService_ Cardholder’s mobile phone number. Enroll (O) Integer (25)
payerAuthEnrollService_ Specifies the payment account type used for Enroll (O) String (10)
overridePaymentMethod the transaction. This field overrides other
payment types that might be specified in the
Use one of the following values for this field:
 NA: Not applicable. Do not override other
payment types that are specified in the
 CR: Credit card
 DB: Debit card
 VSAVR: Visa Vale Refeicao
 VSAVA: Visa Vale Alimentacao
payerAuthEnrollService_ Date the payment account was added to the Enroll (O) Integer (8)
paymentAccountDate cardholder account.
This field can contain one of these values:
 -1: Guest account
 0: Added during this transaction
If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 162

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
payerAuthEnrollService_ Indicates whether cardholder is placing an Enroll (O) String (2)
preorder order with a future availability or release date.
This field can contain one of these values:
 01: Merchandise available
 02: Future availability
payerAuthEnrollService_ Expected date that a pre-ordered purchase will Enroll (O) Integer (8)
preorderDate be available.
payerAuthEnrollService_ This field contains data that the ACS can use to Enroll (O) String (2048)
priorAuthenticationData verify the authentication process.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Method the cardholder used previously to Enroll (O) Integer (2)
priorAuthenticationMethod authenticate to the 3D Secure requestor.
Possible values:
 01: Frictionless authentication occurred by
 02: Cardholder challenge occurred by ACS
 03: AVS verified
 04: Other issuer methods
 05-79: Reserved for EMVCo future use
(values invalid until defined by EMVCo)
 80-99: Reserved for directory server use
payerAuthEnrollService_ This field contains the ACS transaction ID for a Enroll (O) String (36)
priorAuthentication prior authenticated transaction. For example,
ReferenceID the first recurring transaction that was
authenticated with the cardholder.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Date and time in UTC of the prior cardholder Enroll (O) Integer (12)
priorAuthenticationTime authentication.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 163

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
payerAuthEnrollService_ Specifies the product code, which designates Enroll (O) String (3)
productCode the type of transaction. Specify one of the
following values for this field:
 AIR: Airline purchase
Important Required for American Express
SafeKey (U.S.).
 ACC: Accommodation Rental
 ACF: Account funding
 CHA: Check acceptance
 DIG: Digital Goods
 DSP: Cash Dispensing
 GAS: Fuel
 GEN: General Retail
 LUX: Luxury Retail
 PAL: Prepaid activation and load
 PHY: Goods or services purchase
 QCT: Quasi-cash transaction
 REN: Car Rental
 RES: Restaurant
 SVC: Services
 TBD: Other
 TRA: Travel
payerAuthEnrollService_ The date after which no further recurring Enroll (O) Integer (8)
recurringEndDate authorizations should be performed. Format:
Note This field is required for recurring

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 164

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
payerAuthEnrollService_ Integer value indicating the minimum number of Enroll (O) Integer (4)
recurringFrequency days between recurring authorizations. A
frequency of monthly is indicated by the value
28. Multiple of 28 days will be used to indicate
6 months= 168
Example values accepted (31 days):
 31
 031
 0031
Note This field is required for recurring
payerAuthEnrollService_ Date of original purchase. Required for Enroll (O) String (17)
recurringOriginalPurchase recurring transactions.
Note If this field is empty, the current date is
payerAuthEnrollService_ Reference ID that corresponds to the device Enroll (R) String (50)
referenceID fingerprinting data that was collected
Note Required for Hybrid or Cardinal Cruise
Direct Connection API integration.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 165

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
payerAuthEnrollService_ Indicates the type of 3RI request (3D Secure Enroll (O) Integer (2)
requestorInitiated Integrator Request).
Possible Values:
 01: Recurring transaction
 02: Installment transaction
 03: Add card
 04: Maintain card
 05: Account verification
 06: Split/delayed shipment
 07: Top-up
 08: Mail Order
 09: Telephone Order
 10: Whitelist status check
 11: Other payment
Note EMV 3D Secure version 2.1.0 supports
values 01-05. Version 2.2.0 supports values
payerAuthEnrollService_ Indicates whether the cardholder is reordering Enroll (O) String (2)
reorder previously purchased merchandise.
This field can contain one of these values:
 01: First time ordered
 02: Reordered
payerAuthEnrollService_ The URL of the merchant’s return page. Enroll (R) String (2048)
returnURL Cybersource adds this return URL to the step-
up JWT and returns it in the response of the
Payer Authentication enrollment call. The
merchant's return URL page serves as a
listening URL. Cardinal sends a POST
response to the merchant’s return URL when
the bank session completes. This response
contains the completed bank session’s
transaction ID. The merchant’s return page
should capture the transaction ID and send it in
the Payer Authentication validation call.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Whether to include payerAuthEnrollService in Enroll (R) String (5)
run your request. The field has one of these values:
 true: Include the service in your request.
 false (default): Do not include the service
in your request.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 166

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
payerAuthEnrollService_ This field indicates the maximum amount of Enroll (O) String (2)
sdkMaxTimeout time for all 3D Secure 2.x messages to be
communicated between all components (in
Possible Values:
 Greater than or equal to 05 (05 is the
minimum timeout to set)
 Default is set to 15
Note This field is a required for 3D Secure 2.x.
If you do not send a value in this field, it defaults
to 15.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Indicates that dedicated payment processes Enroll (O) String (1)
secureCorporatePayment and procedures were used. Potential secure
Indicator corporate payment exemption applies.
Possible Values:
 0
 1
payerAuthEnrollService_ Date when the shipping address for this Enroll (O) Integer (8)
shipAddressUsageDate transaction was first used.
This field can contain one of these values:
 -1: Guest account
 0: First used during this transaction
If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Total number of articles or items in the order as Enroll (O) Integer (2)
totalOffersCount a numeric decimal count.
Possible values: 00-99
payerAuthEnrollService_ Number of transaction (successful or Enroll (O) Integer (3)
transactionCountDay abandoned) for this cardholder account within
the last 24 hours.
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
payerAuthEnrollService_ Number of transactions (successful and Enroll (O) Integer (3)
transactionCountYear abandoned) for this cardholder account within
the last year.
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 167

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
payerAuthEnrollService_ Transaction mode identifier. Identifies the Enroll (O) String (1)
transactionMode channel from which the transaction originates.
Possible values:
 M: MOTO (Mail Order Telephone Order)
 R: Retail
 S: eCommerce
 P: Mobile Device
 T: Tablet
payerAuthEnrollService_ Enables the communication of trusted Enroll (O) String (1)
whiteListStatus beneficiary and whitelist status among the
ACS, the directory server, and the 3D Secure
Possible Values:
 Y: 3D Secure requestor is whitelisted by
 N: 3D Secure requestor is not whitelisted by
payerAuthSetupService_ Whether to include payerAuthSetupService in Setup (R) String (5)
run your request. The field has one of these values:
 true: Include the service in your request.
 false (default): Do not include the service
in your request.
Note You must request the Payer
Authentication Setup service separately.
payerAuthValidateService Payer authentication transaction identifier Validate (O) String (20)
_authentication passed to link the check enrollment and
TransactionID validate authentication messages.
Note Required for Hybrid integration.
payerAuthValidateService JSON Web Token (JWT) returned by the 3D Validate (O) String (2048)
_responseAccessToken Secure provider when the authentication is
Note Required for Hybrid integration if you
use the Cybersource-generated access token.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 168

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
payerAuthValidate Payer authentication result (PARes) message Validate (O) String (no limit,
Service_signedPARes returned by the card-issuing bank. If you need may be very
to show proof of enrollment checking, you may large)
need to decrypt and parse the string for the
information required by the payment card
company. For more information, see "Storing
Payer Authentication Data," page 213.
Note The field is in Base64. You must remove
all carriage returns and line feeds before adding
the PARes to the request.
payerAuthValidate Whether to include payerAuthValidateService Validate (R) String (5)
Service_run in your request. The field can contain one of
these values:
 true: Include the service in your request.
 false (default): Do not include the service
in your request.
purchaseTotals_currency Currency used for the order. Use the standard Enroll (R) String (5)
ISO codes located in the Support Center.
Validate (R)
purchaseTotals_ Grand total for the order. In your request, you Enroll (R) String (15)
grandTotalAmount must include either this field or item_#_
Validate (R)
unitPrice. For more information, see Credit
Card Services Using the Simple Order API
Note The purchaseTotals_
grandTotalAmount field is optional if you use
the item_#_unitPrice field.
recurringSubscriptionInfo_ Value that identifies the customer subscription Setup (O) String (26)
subscriptionID for which the service is being requested. This
value is sent to you when the customer
subscription is created.
shipTo_city City of the shipping address. Enroll (O) String (50)
Required if any shipping address information is
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).
shipTo_country Country of the shipping address. Use the two- Enroll (O) String (2)
character ISO Standard Country Codes.
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 169

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
shipTo_destinationCode Indicates destination chosen for the Enroll (O) Integer (2)
Possible values:
 01: Ship to cardholder billing address
 02: Ship to another verified address on file
with merchant
 03: Ship to address that is different than
billing address
 04: Ship to store (store address should be
populated on request)
 05: Digital goods
 06: Travel and event tickets, not shipped
 07: Other
shipTo_destinationTypes Shipping destination. Enroll (O) String (25)
Example Commercial, residential, store
shipTo_firstName First name of the recipient. Enroll (O) String (60)

shipTo_lastName Last name of the recipient. Enroll (O) String (60)

shipTo_phoneNumber Phone number for the shipping address. Enroll (O) String (15)
For information on formatting, see billTo_
shipTo_postalCode Postal code for the shipping address. The Enroll (O) String (10)
postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits.
When the shipping country is the U.S., the 9-
digit postal code must follow this format:
[5 digits][dash][4 digits]
Example 12345-6789
When the shipping country is Canada, the 6-
digit postal code must follow this format:
Example A1B 2C3
Required if the shipTo_country field value is
US or CA.
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 170

Appendix A API Fields

Table 20 Request Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Required/ Type &

Optional Length
shipTo_shippingMethod Shipping method for the product. Possible Enroll (O) String (10)
 lowcost: Lowest-cost service
 sameday: Courier or same-day service
 oneday: Next-day or overnight service
 twoday: Two-day service
 threeday: Three-day service
 pickup: Store pick-up
 other: Other shipping method
 none: No shipping method because
product is a service or subscription
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).
shipTo_state State or province of the shipping address. Use Enroll (O) String (2)
the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the
United States and Canada.
Required if shipTo_country value is CA, US, or
For China, use the ISO 3166-2 format.
If the value is not in the correct format, you may
experience authentication errors. It is
recommended not to send a value rather than
format incorrectly.
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).
shipTo_street1 First line of the shipping address. Enroll (O) String (60)
Required if any shipping address information is
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).
shipTo_street2 Second line of the shipping address. Enroll (O) String (60)
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.).
tokenSource_ A temporary ID that represents the customer's Setup (O) String (64)
transientToken payment data (which is securely stored in Visa
Data Centers). Use this ID in place of the
payment data in an API request.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 171

Appendix A API Fields

Response Fields
Table 21 Response Fields

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

decision Summarizes the result of the overall request. Enroll String
The field can contain one of these values: (255)
 ACCEPT Validate
invalidField_0 through Fields in the request that contained invalid Enroll String
invalidField_N data. (255)
merchantReferenceCode Your order reference or tracking number. Enroll String
missingField_0 through Required fields that were missing from the Enroll String
missingField_N request. (255)
payerAuthEnrollReply_ JSON Web Token (JWT) used to authenticate Enroll String
accessToken the customer with the authentication provider (2048)
(for example, CardinalCommerce or RuPay).

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 172

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthEnrollReply_ Identifies the UI type that the ACS will use to Enroll String
acsRenderingType complete the challenge. (see
Note Available only for mobile application
transactions using the Cardinal Mobile SDK.
This field is a JSON object that comprises the
following two fields, each 2 characters in
 ACS Interface
Field Name: acsInterface
This is the ACS interface the challenge
presents to the cardholder.
Possible values:
 01: Native UI
 02: HTML UI
 ACS UI Template
Field Name: acsUiTemplate
Identifies the UI template format that the
ACS first presents to the consumer.
Possible values:
 01: Text
 02: Single select
 03: Multi select
 04: OOB (Out of Band)
 05: HTML other
Valid values for each interface:
 Native UI: 01-04
 HTML UI: 01-05
HTML other is valid only when combined with
HTML UI. If used with Native UI, it results in
JSON Object Example:
"acsUiTemplate":03" }
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Unique transaction identifier assigned by the Enroll String
acsTransactionID ACS to identify a single transaction. (36)

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 173

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthEnrollReply_ URL for the card-issuing bank’s authentication Enroll String
acsURL form that you receive when the card is enrolled. (no
The field length can be very large. length
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Indicates what displays to the customer during Enroll String
authenticationPath the authentication process. This field can (255)
contain one of these values:
 ADS: (Card not enrolled) customer prompted
to activate the card during the checkout
 ATTEMPTS: (Attempts processing)
Processing... briefly displays before the
checkout process is completed.
 ENROLLED: (Card enrolled) the card
issuer’s authentication window displays.
 UNKNOWN: Card enrollment status cannot
be determined.
 NOREDIRECT: (Card not enrolled,
authentication unavailable, or error
occurred) nothing displays to the customer.
The following values can be returned if you are
using rules-based payer authentication. See
"Rules-Based Payer Authentication," page 229:
 RIBA: The card-issuing bank supports risk-
based authentication, but whether the
cardholder is likely to be challenged cannot
be determined.
 RIBA_PASS: The card-issuing bank
supports risk-based authentication and it is
likely that the cardholder will not be
challenged to provide credentials, also
known as silent authentication.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 174

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthEnrollReply_ Raw authentication data that comes from the Enroll String w/
authenticationResult card-issuing bank. Primary authentication field numbers
that indicates if authentication was successful only
and if liability shift occurred. You should (255)
examine first the result of this field. This field
contains one of these values:
 -1: Invalid PARes.
 0: Successful validation.
 1: Cardholder is not participating, but the
attempt to authenticate was recorded.
 6: Issuer unable to perform authentication.
 9: Cardholder did not complete
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Message that explains the content of Enroll String
authenticationStatus payerAuthEnrollReply_ (255)
Message authenticationResult.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Provides additional information about the Enroll String (2)
authenticationStatus PARes status value.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Payer authentication transaction identifier Enroll String
authentication passed to link the check enrollment and (20)
TransactionID validate authentication messages.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Indicates the type of authentication that is used Enroll Integer
authenticationType to challenge the card holder. (2)
Possible Values:
 01: Static
 02: Dynamic
 03: OOB (Out of Band)
Note EMV 3D Secure version 2.1.0 supports
values 01-03. Version 2.2.0 supports values
payerAuthEnrollReply_ The Base64-encoded JSON Payload of Enroll String
authorizationPayload Authorization Values returned in the challenge (255)
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Six-digit card issuer bank identification number. Enroll String (6)

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 175

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthEnrollReply_ Text provided by the AC or issuer or both to the Enroll String
cardholderMessage cardholder during a frictionless or decoupled (128)
transaction. The issuer can provide information
to the cardholder. For example, “Additional
authentication is needed for this transaction.
Please contact (Issuer Name) at xxx-xxx-
xxxx.”. The issuing bank can choose to support
this value.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ The card brand name associated with the Enroll String
cardTypeName cardholder’s card number. (25)
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Unique identifier generated by the card-issuing Enroll String
cavv bank after the customer is authenticated. The (255)
value is in Base64. When you request the card
authorization service, Cybersource
automatically converts the value, not the field
name, to the format required by your payment
Note This field is generated only for Visa
Secure, American Express SafeKey, JCB,
Diners Club, Discover, China UnionPay, and
Elo transactions.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Field returned when payerAuthEnrollReply_ Enroll Integer
cavvAlgorithm paresStatus contains the values Y (successful (1)
authentication) or A (attempted authentication).
This field contains one of these values:
 2: Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners
Club, Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo
 3: Mastercard and Maestro
Note This field only applies if you use the Atos
processor. If you use Atos, send the value of
this field in the ccAuthService_
cavvAlgorithm request field of the
authorization service.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 176

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthEnrollReply_ Indicates why the transaction was canceled. Enroll String (2)
Possible Values:
 01: Cardholder selected Cancel
 02: Reserved for future EMVCo use (values
invalid until defined by EMVCo).
 03: Transaction timed out—Decoupled
 04: Transaction timed out at ACS—other
 05: Transaction timed out at ACS—First
CReq not received by ACS
 06: Transaction Error
 07: Unknown
 08: Transaction timed out at SDK
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Indicates whether a challenge is required in Enroll String (1)
challengeRequired order to complete authentication.
Note Regional mandates might determine
that a challenge is required.
Possible values:
 Y: Challenge required
 N: Challenge not required
Note Used by the Hybrid integration.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 177

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthEnrollReply_ Indicator used to differentiate different types of Enroll String
commerceIndicator transactions. This field contains one of these (255)
 aesk: American Express SafeKey
authentication verified successfully.
 aesk_attempted: Card not enrolled in
American Express SafeKey, but the attempt
to authenticate is recorded.
 cs: Elo Compra Segura authentication
verified successfully.
 cs_attempted: Elo Compra Segura card
not enrolled, but attempt to authenticate is
 dipb: Discover ProtectBuy authentication
verified successfully.
 dipb_attempted: Card not enrolled in
Discover ProtectBuy, but the attempt to
authenticate is recorded.
 internet: Card not enrolled, or card type
not supported by payer authentication. No
liability shift.
 js: J/Secure authentication verified
 js_attempted: JCB card not enrolled,
but attempt to authenticate is recorded.
Liability shift.
 js_failure: You receive this result if
JCB’s directory service is not available. No
liability shift.
 pb: Diners Club ProtectBuy authentication
verified successfully.
 pb_attempted: Card not enrolled in
Diners Club ProtectBuy, but the attempt to
authenticate is recorded.
 spa: Mastercard card not enrolled. No
liability shift.
 spa_failure: Mastercard Identity Check
failed authentication.
 up3ds: China UnionPay authentication
verified successfully.
 up3ds_attempted: China UnionPay
card not enrolled, but attempt to authenticate
is recorded.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 178

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthEnrollReply_  up3ds_failure: China UnionPay Enroll String
commerceIndicator authentication unavailable. (255)
 vbv: Visa Secure authentication verified
 vbv_attempted: Visa card not enrolled,
but attempt to authenticate is recorded.
Liability shift.
 vbv_failure: For the payment
processors Barclays, Streamline, AIBMS, or
FDC Germany, you receive this result if
Visa’s directory service is not available. No
liability shift.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ The directory server error code indicating a Enroll Integer
directoryServerErrorCode problem with the transaction. (3)
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Directory server text and additional detail about Enroll String
directoryServerError the error for the transaction. (4096)
payerAuthEnrollReply_ The directory server transaction ID is Enroll String
directoryServer generated by the directory server during (36)
TransactionID authentication and returned with the
authentication results. Your card brand might
require you to send this field in the
authorization service request.
payerAuthEnrollReply_eci Note This field applies only to non U.S-issued Enroll String
cards. (255)

Numeric electronic commerce indicator (ECI)

returned only for Visa, American Express, JCB,
Diners Club, Discover, China UnionPay, and
Elo transactions when the card is not enrolled.
If you are not using the Cybersource payment
services, you must send this value to your
payment processor in the subsequent request
for card authorization. This field contains one of
these values:
 06: The card can be enrolled. Liability shift.
 07: The card cannot be enrolled. No liability

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 179

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthEnrollReply_ ECI value that can be returned for Visa, Enroll String
eciRaw Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Diners (255)
Club, Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo. The
field is absent when authentication fails. If your
payment processor is Streamline, you must
pass the value of this field instead the value of
payerAuthEnrollReply_eci or
This field can contain one of these values:
 01: Authentication attempted (Mastercard)
 02: Successful authentication (Mastercard)
 05: Successful authentication (Visa,
American Express, JCB, Diners Club,
Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo)
 06: Authentication attempted (Visa,
American Express, JCB, Diners Club,
Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo)
payerAuthEnrollReply_ The type of 3D Secure transaction flow that Enroll String (2)
effectiveAuthentication occurred. It can be one of the following:
 CH: Challenge
 FR: Frictionless
 FD: Frictionless with delegation, (challenge
not generated by the issuer but by the
scheme on behalf of the issuer).
Required for transactions processed in France.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Indicates whether a valid Interactive Voice Enroll String (5)
ivrEnabledMessage Response (IVR) transaction was detected.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Encryption key to be used in the event the ACS Enroll String
ivrEncryptionKey requires encryption of the credential field. (16)
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Indicates whether the ACS requires the Enroll String (5)
ivrEncryptionMandatory credential to be encrypted.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ An indicator from the ACS to inform the type of Enroll String
ivrEncryptionType encryption that should be used in the event the (20)
ACS requires encryption of the credential field.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ An ACS-provided label that can be presented Enroll String
ivrLabel to the cardholder. Recommended use with an (20)
payerAuthEnrollReply_ An ACS-provided string that can be presented Enroll String
ivrPrompt to the cardholder. Recommended use with an (80)

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 180

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthEnrollReply_ An ACS-provided message that can provide Enroll String
ivrStatusMessage additional information. (80)
payerAuthEnrollReply_ The global score calculated by the Cartes Enroll String (2)
networkScore Bancaires scoring platform and returned to the
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Payer authentication request (PAReq) Enroll String
paReq message that you need to forward to the ACS. (No
The field length can be very large. The value is length
in Base64. limit)
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Raw result of the authentication check. This Enroll String
paresStatus field can contain one of these values: (255)
 A: Proof of authentication attempt was
 C: Card challenged.This status is a
temporary status for an in-flight transaction
and can result in other authentication
statuses after transaction is completed.
 N: Customer failed or canceled
authentication. Transaction denied.
 R: Authentication rejected (used for 3D
Secure 2.x transactions only)
 U: Authentication not completed regardless
of the reason.
 Y: Customer was successfully authenticated.
Note If you are configured for Asia, Middle
East, and Africa Gateway Processing, you
must send the value of this field in your
authorization request.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 181

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthEnrollReply_ Date and time of the enrollment check Enroll String
proofXML combined with the VEReq and VERes (no
elements. If you ever need to show proof of length
enrollment checking, you will need to parse the limit)
string for the information required by the
payment card company. For more information,
see "Storing Payer Authentication Data,"
page 213. The value can be very large.
 For cards issued in the U.S. or Canada, Visa
may require this data for specific merchant
category codes.
 For cards not issued in the U.S. or Canada,
your bank may require this data as proof of
enrollment checking for any payer
authentication transaction that you re-
present because of a chargeback.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Encrypted version of the card number used in Enroll String
proxyPAN the payer authentication request message. (255)
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Numeric value corresponding to the result of Enroll Integer
reasonCode the Enrollment Check service request. For a list (5)
of possible values, see Appendix B, "Reason
Codes," on page 194.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ SDK unique transaction identifier that is Enroll String
sdkTransactionID generated on each new transaction. (36)
payerAuthEnrollReply_ This field contains the 3D Secure version that Enroll String (8)
specificationVersion was used to process the transaction. For
example, 1.0.2 or 2.0.0.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ The fully qualified URL that the merchant uses Enroll String
stepUpUrl to post a form to the cardholder in order to (2048)
complete the Consumer Authentication
transaction for the Cardinal Cruise Direct
Connection API integration.
Note Used by the Cardinal Cruise Direct
Connection API integration.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Unique transaction identifier assigned by the Enroll String
threeDSServer 3D Secure Server to identify a single (36)
TransactionID transaction.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ AAV is a unique identifier generated by the Enroll String
ucafAuthenticationData card-issuing bank after the customer is (255)
authenticated. The value is in Base64. Include
the data in the card authorization request.
Note This field is returned for only Mastercard
Identity Check transactions.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 182

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthEnrollReply_ Indicates that authentication is not required Enroll String
ucafCollectionIndicator because the customer is not enrolled. Add the (255)
value of this field to the authorization field
ucaf_collectionIndicator. This field can
contain these values: 0, 1.
Note This field is returned for only Mastercard
Identity Check transactions.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Result of the enrollment check. This field can Enroll String
veresEnrolled contain one of these values: (255)
 N: Card not enrolled; proceed with
 U: Unable to authenticate regardless of the
reason. No liability shift.
 Y: Card enrolled; you must authenticate.
Liability shift.
The following value can be returned if you are
using rules-based Payer Authentication. See
"Rules-Based Payer Authentication," page 229:
 B: Indicates that authentication was
Note If you are configured for Asia, Middle
East, and Africa Gateway Processing, you
must send the value of this field in your
authorization request.
payerAuthEnrollReply_ Enables the communication of trusted Enroll String (1)
whiteListStatus beneficiary and whitelist status among the
ACS, the directory server, and the 3D Secure
Possible Values:
 Y: 3D Secure requestor is whitelisted by
 N: 3D Secure requestor is not whitelisted by
payerAuthEnrollReply_ This field is populated by the system setting Enroll Integer
whiteListStatusSource Whitelist Status. (2)
Possible Values:
 01: 3D Secure Server
 02: Directory server
 03: ACS

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 183

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthEnrollReply_xid Transaction identifier generated by Enroll String
Cybersource for successful enrollment checks. (255)
Use this value to match an outgoing PAReq
with an incoming PARes. If your payment
processor is Barclays, Cybersource forwards
the XID with your card authorization service
request. The value is in Base64.
payerAuthSetupReply_ JSON Web Token (JWT) used to authenticate Setup String
accessToken the customer with the authentication provider (2048)
(for example, CardinalCommerce or RuPay).
payerAuthSetupReply_ Location to send the authentication JWT when Setup String
deviceDataCollection you invoke device data collection. (100)
payerAuthSetupReply_ Numeric value corresponding to the result of Setup Integer
reasonCode the request. (5)
Possible values:
payerAuthSetupReply_ This identifier indicates that the device data Setup String
referenceID collection session has started. The value must (50)
be passed in the authentication JWT when you
invoke device data collection.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 184

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthValidateReply_ Identifies the UI type that the ACS will use to Validate String
acsRenderingType complete the challenge. (see
Note Available only for mobile application
transactions using the Cardinal Mobile SDK.
This field is a JSON object that comprises the
following two fields, each 2 characters in
 ACS Interface
Field Name: acsInterface
This is the ACS interface the challenge
presents to the cardholder.
Possible values:
 01: Native UI
 02: HTML UI
 ACS UI Template
Field Name: acsUiTemplate
Identifies the UI template format that the
ACS first presents to the consumer.
Possible values:
 01: Text
 02: Single select
 03: Multi select
 04: OOB (Out of Band)
 05: HTML other
Valid values for each interface:
 Native UI: 01-04
 HTML UI: 01-05
HTML other is valid only when combined with
HTML UI. If used with Native UI, it results in
JSON Object Example:
"acsUiTemplate":03" }
payerAuthValidateReply_ Unique transaction identifier assigned by the Validate String
acsTransactionID ACS to identify a single transaction. (36)

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 185

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthValidateReply_ Raw authentication data that comes from the Validate String w/
authenticationResult card-issuing bank. Primary authentication field numbers
that indicates if authentication was successful only
and if liability shift occurred. You should (255)
examine first the result of this field. This field
contains one of these values:
 -1: Invalid PARes.
 0: Successful validation.
 1: Cardholder is not participating, but the
attempt to authenticate was recorded.
 6: Issuer unable to perform authentication.
 9: Cardholder did not complete
payerAuthValidateReply_ Message that explains the content of Validate String
authenticationStatus payerAuthValidateReply_ (255)
Message authenticationResult.
payerAuthValidateReply_ Provides additional information about the Validate String (2)
authenticationStatus PARes status value.
payerAuthValidateReply_ Indicates the type of authentication that is used Validate Integer
authenticationType to challenge the card holder. (2)
Possible Values:
 01: Static
 02: Dynamic
 03: OOB (Out of Band)
Note EMV 3D Secure version 2.1.0 supports
values 01-03. Version 2.2.0 supports values
payerAuthValidateReply_ The Base64-encoded JSON Payload of Validate String
authorizationPayload Authorization Values returned in the challenge (255)
payerAuthValidate Six-digit card issuer bank identification number. Validate String (6)
payerAuthValidate The card brand name associated with the Validate String
Reply_cardTypeName cardholder’s card number. (25)

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 186

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthValidateReply_ Unique identifier generated by the card-issuing Validate String
cavv bank after the customer is authenticated. The (255)
value is in Base64. When you request the card
authorization service, Cybersource
automatically converts the value, not the field
name, to the format required by your payment
Note This field is generated only for Visa
Secure, American Express SafeKey, JCB,
Diners Club, Discover, China UnionPay, and
Elo transactions.
payerAuthValidateReply_ Field returned when Validate Integer
cavvAlgorithm payerAuthValidateReply_paresStatus (1)
contains the values Y (successful
authentication) or A (attempted authentication).
This field contains one of these values:
 2: Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners
Club, Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo
 3: Mastercard and Maestro
Note This field only applies if you use the Atos
processor. If you use Atos, send the value of
this field in the ccAuthService_
cavvAlgorithm request field of the
authorization service.
payerAuthValidateReply_ Indicates why the transaction was canceled. Validate String (2)
Possible Values:
 01: Cardholder selected Cancel
 02: Reserved for future EMVCo use (values
invalid until defined by EMVCo).
 03: Transaction timed out—Decoupled
 04: Transaction timed out at ACS—other
 05: Transaction timed out at ACS—First
CReq not received by ACS
 06: Transaction Error
 07: Unknown
 08: Transaction timed out at SDK

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 187

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthValidateReply_ Indicator used to differentiate different types of Validate String
commerceIndicator transactions. The authentication failed if this (255)
field is not returned. The value of this field is
passed automatically to the authorization
service if you request the services together.
This field contains one of these values:
 aesk: American Express SafeKey
authentication verified successfully.
 aesk_attempted: Card not enrolled in
American Express SafeKey, but the attempt
to authenticate is recorded.
 cs: Elo Compra Segura authentication
verified successfully.
 cs_attempted: Elo Compra Segura card
not enrolled, but attempt to authenticate is
 dipb: Discover ProtectBuy authentication
verified successfully.
 dipb_attempted: Card not enrolled in
Discover ProtectBuy, but the attempt to
authenticate is recorded.
 internet: Authentication failed.
 js: J/Secure authentication verified
 js_attempted: Card not enrolled in J/
Secure, but the attempt to authenticate is
 js_failure: You receive this result if
JCB’s directory service is not available. No
liability shift.
 pb: Diners Club ProtectBuy authentication
verified successfully.
 pb_attempted: Card not enrolled in
Diners Club ProtectBuy, but the attempt to
authenticate is recorded.
 spa: Mastercard Identity Check
authentication verified successfully.
 spa_failure: Mastercard Identity Check
failed authentication.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 188

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthValidateReply_  up3ds: China UnionPay authentication Validate String
commerceIndicator verified successfully. (255)
 up3ds_attempted: China UnionPay
card not enrolled, but attempt to authenticate
is recorded.
 up3ds_failure: China UnionPay
authentication unavailable.
 vbv: Visa Secure authentication verified
 vbv_attempted: Card not enrolled in
Visa Secure, but the attempt to authenticate
is recorded.
 vbv_failure: Visa Secure authentication
Note For Visa, if the payment processor is
Streamline, Barclays, AIBMS, or FDC
Germany, you receive vbv_failure instead
of internet when
payerAuthValidateReply_ eci is 07.
payerAuthValidateReply_ The directory server error code indicating a Validate Integer
directoryServerErrorCode problem with the transaction. (3)
payerAuthValidateReply_ Directory server text and additional detail about Validate String
directoryServerError the error for the transaction. (4096)
payerAuthValidateReply_ The Directory server transaction ID is Validate String
directoryServer generated by the directory server during (36)
TransactionID authentication and returned with the
authentication results. Your card brand might
require you to send this field in the
authorization service request.
payerAuthValidateReply_ Numeric electronic commerce indicator (ECI) Validate String
eci returned only for Visa, American Express, JCB, (255)
Diners Club, Discover, China UnionPay, and
Elo transactions. You must send this value to
your payment processor in the subsequent
request for card authorization. This field
contains one of these values:
 05: Successful authentication
 06: Authentication attempted
 07: Failed authentication (No response from
the merchant because of a problem.)

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 189

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthValidateReply_ ECI value that can be returned for Visa, Validate String
eciRaw Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Diners (255)
Club, Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo. The
field is absent when authentication fails. If your
payment processor is Streamline, you must
pass the value of this field instead the value of
payerAuthValidateReply_eci or
This field can contain one of these values:
 01: Authentication attempted (Mastercard)
 02: Successful authentication (Mastercard)
 05: Successful authentication (Visa,
American Express, JCB, Diners Club,
Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo)
 06: Authentication attempted (Visa,
American Express, JCB, Diners Club,
Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo)
payerAuthValidateReply_ The type of 3D Secure transaction flow that Validate String (2)
effectiveAuthentication occurred. It can be one of the following:
 CH: Challenge
 FR: Frictionless
 FD: Frictionless with delegation, (challenge
not generated by the issuer but by the
scheme on behalf of the issuer).
Required for transactions processed in France.
payerAuthValidateReply_ Indicates the number of authentication cycles Validate Integer
interactionCounter that the cardholder attempted. It is tracked by (2)
the issuing bank’s ACS.
Example When the customer receives the
challenge window, enters their one-time
password, and clicks submit, the interaction
counter equals 1. When the customer receives
the challenge window, receives the bank
message asking if they want the one-time
password sent to their phone or email, and they
choose before going to the next screen to enter
their one-time password, the interaction count
equals 2. One count is to choose how to have
their one-time password delivered. The second
count is for entering the one-time password
and clicking Submit.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 190

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthValidateReply_ Raw result of the authentication check. This Validate String
paresStatus field can contain one of these values: (255)
 A: Proof of authentication attempt was
 N: Customer failed or canceled
authentication. Transaction denied.
 U: Authentication not completed regardless
of the reason.
 Y: Customer was successfully authenticated.
Note If you are configured for Asia, Middle
East, and Africa Gateway Processing, you
must send the value of this field in your
authorization request.
payerAuthValidateReply_ Numeric value corresponding to the result of Validate Integer
reasonCode the validation request. For a list of possible (5)
values, see Appendix B, "Reason Codes," on
page 194.
payerAuthValidateReply_ SDK unique transaction identifier that is Validate String
sdkTransactionID generated on each new transaction. (36)
payerAuthValidateReply_ This field contains the 3D Secure version that Validate String (8)
specificationVersion was used to process the transaction. For
example, 1.0.2 or 2.0.0.
payerAuthValidateReply_ Unique transaction identifier assigned by the Validate String
threeDSServer 3D Secure Server to identify a single (36)
TransactionID transaction.
payerAuthValidateReply_ AAV is a unique identifier generated by the Validate String
ucafAuthenticationData card-issuing bank after the customer is (255)
authenticated. The value is in Base64. Include
the data in the card authorization request.
Note This field is returned for only Mastercard
Identity Check transactions.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 191

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

payerAuthValidateReply_ Numeric electronic commerce indicator (ECI). Validate String
ucafCollectionIndicator The field is absent when authentication fails. (255)
You must send this value to your payment
processor in the request for card authorization.
This field contain one of these values:
 0: UCAF collection is not supported at your
website. Customer authentication was not
 1: UCAF collection is supported at your
website, and UCAF was populated.
Customer authentication was not completed.
 2: UCAF collection is supported at your
website, and UCAF was populated.
Customer completed authentication.
Note This field is returned for only Mastercard
Identity Check transactions.
payerAuthValidateReply_ Enables the communication of trusted Validate String (1)
whiteListStatus beneficiary and whitelist status among the
ACS, the directory server, and the 3D Secure
Possible Values:
 Y: 3D Secure requestor is whitelisted by
 N: 3D Secure requestor is not whitelisted by
payerAuthValidateReply_ This field is populated by the system setting Validate Integer
whiteListStatusSource Whitelist Status. (2)
Possible Values:
 01: 3D Secure Server
 02: Directory server
 03: ACS
payerAuthValidateReply_ Transaction identifier generated by Validate String
xid Cybersource for validation checks. Use this (255)
value, which is in Base64, to match the PAReq
with the PARes. Cybersource forwards the XID
with the card authorization service to these
payment processors:
 Barclays
 Streamline when the commerce indicator is

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 192

Appendix A API Fields

Table 21 Response Fields (Continued)

Field Name Description Returned By Type &

purchaseTotals_currency Currency used for the order. Use the standard Enroll String
ISO codes located in the Support Center. (255)
reasonCode Numeric value corresponding to the result of Enroll Integer
the overall request. See Appendix B, "Reason (5)
Codes," on page 194 for a list of possible
values. Validate

requestID Identifier for the request. Enroll String

requestToken Identifier for the request generated by Enroll String
Cybersource. (256)
Request token data created by Cybersource for
each reply. The field is an encoded string that
contains no confidential information such as an
account or card verification number. The string
can contain a maximum of 256 characters.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 193

Reason Codes

The following table lists the reason codes that are returned with the response.
Cybersource reserves the right to add new reason codes at any time. If your error handler
receives a reason code that it does not recognize, it should use the decision field to
determine the result.

Table 22 Reason Codes

Reason Code Description

100 Successful transaction.
101 The request is missing one or more required fields.
Possible action: See the response fields missingField_0 through missingField_
N for the missing fields. Resend the request with the complete information.
102 One or more fields in the request contains invalid data.
Possible action: See the response fields invalidField_0 through invalidField_N
for the invalid fields. Resend the request with the correct information.
150 Error: General system failure.
Possible action: Wait a few minutes and resend the request.
151 Error: The request was received, but a server time-out occurred. This error does
not include time-outs between the client and the server.
Possible action: Wait a few minutes and resend the request.
152 Error: The request was received, but a service time-out occurred.
Possible action: Wait a few minutes and resend the request.
234 A problem exists with your Cybersource merchant configuration.
Possible action: Do not resend the request. Contact Customer Support to correct
the configuration problem.
475 The customer is enrolled in payer authentication. Authenticate the cardholder
before continuing with the transaction.
476 The customer cannot be authenticated.
Possible action: Review the customer’s order.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 194

Request and Response

This appendix contains examples for the check enrollment service and the validate
authentication service. All examples are in name-value pair format.

These examples contain only the fields essential to the demonstration. Do not
prepare your implementation according to the fields shown in these examples.
They are provided for your information only.

Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection

API Integration Examples

Payer Authentication Setup Service Request

Example 28 Payer Authentication Setup Service Request

billTo_city=Mountain View
billTo_street1=1234 Gold Ave

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 195

Appendix C Request and Response Examples

Payer Authentication Setup Service Response

Example 29 Payer Authentication Setup Service Response


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 196

Appendix C Request and Response Examples

Check Enrollment Request Example

Example 30 Check Enrollment Request

billTo_city=Mountain View
billTo_street1=1234 Gold Ave

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 197

Appendix C Request and Response Examples

Check Enrollment Response Example

Example 31 Check Enrollment Response


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 198

Appendix C Request and Response Examples

Validate Authentication Request Example

Example 32 Validate Authentication Request With Authorization

billTo_city=Mountain View
billTo_street1=1295 Charleston Road

Example 33 Validate Authentication Request


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 199

Appendix C Request and Response Examples

Validate Authentication Response Example

Example 34 Validate Authentication Response With Authorization


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 200

Appendix C Request and Response Examples

Example 35 Validate Authentication Response


Standard Integration Examples

The following is an example of a request for the check enrollment service:

Check Enrollment Request Example

Example 36 Check Enrollment Request

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 201

Appendix C Request and Response Examples

Check Enrollment Response Example

Example 37 Transaction Response for Visa Card with Visa Secure


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 202

Appendix C Request and Response Examples

Hybrid Integration Examples

Check Enrollment Request Example

Example 38 Check Enrollment

<Other 2.0 optional fields>

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 203

Appendix C Request and Response Examples

Check Enrollment Response Example

Example 39 Transaction Response for Mastercard with Identity Check

payerAuthEnrollReply_paReq=value in base64:

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 204

Appendix C Request and Response Examples

Validate Authentication Request Example

Example 40 Validate Authentication Request


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 205

Appendix C Request and Response Examples

Validate Authentication Response Example

Example 41 Transaction Response for Mastercard with Identity Check


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 206

Website Modification

This appendix contains information about modifying your website to integrate Cybersource
Payer Authentication services into your checkout process. It also provides links to
payment card company websites where you can download the appropriate logos.

Website Modification Checklist

1 Modify web page buttons:

 Order submission button: disable the final “buy” button until the customer completes
all payment and authentication requirements.

 Browser back button: account for unexpected customer behavior. Use session checks
throughout the authentication process to prevent authenticating transactions twice.
Avoid confusing messages, such as warnings about expired pages.

2 Add appropriate logos:

 Make sure you have downloaded the appropriate logos of the cards that you support
and place these logos next to the card information entry fields on your checkout
pages. For more information about obtaining logos and using them, see "3D Secure
Services Logos," page 208.

3 Add informational message:

 Add a message next to the final “buy” button and the card logo to inform your
customers that they may be prompted to provide their authentication password or to
sign up for the authentication program specific to their card. For examples of
messages you can use, see "Informational Message Examples," page 209.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 207

Appendix D Website Modification Reference

3D Secure Services Logos

The following table contains links to payment card company websites from which you can
download logos and information about how to incorporate them into your online checkout

Table 23 3D Secure Services Logos Download Location

3D Secure Service Download Location

Visa Secure
This website contains information about Visa Secure and links to logos for download. The
page also contains links to a best practice guide for implementing Visa Secure and a link
to a Merchant Toolkit.
Mastercard Identity
Check and Maestro
This website contains information about Identity Check, links to logos for download, and
information about integrating the Identity Check information into your website checkout
For information about Maestro logos, go to:
American Express
This website contains information about SafeKey and links to logos for download.
JCB J/Secure
This website contains information about J/Secure and links to logos for download.
Diners Club
Contact Diners Club customer service for assistance.
Discover ProtectBuy
This website contains information about Discover ProtectBuy and links to logos for
Elo Compra Segura Contact Elo Customer Support to obtain logos.
China UnionPay Contact China UnionPay Customer Support to obtain logos.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 208

Appendix D Website Modification Reference

Informational Message Examples

Add a brief message adjacent to your final buy button on your checkout page to inform
customers that they may be prompted to provide their authentication password or to enroll
in the authentication program for their card.

The following examples may be used, but consult your specific card authentication
program to make sure you conform to their messaging requirements.

Example 42

To help prevent unauthorized use of <card_type> cards online, <your_business_name>

participates in <card_authentication_program>.

When you submit your order, you may receive a <card_authentication_program>

message from your <card_type> card issuer. If your card or issuer does not participate in
the program, you will be returned to our secure checkout to complete your order. Please
wait while the transaction is processed. Do not click the Back button or close the browser

Example 43

Your card may be eligible for enrollment or is enrolled in the Visa Secure, Mastercard,
Maestro, American Express SafeKey, JCB J/Secure, Diners Club ProtectBuy, or Discover
ProtectBuy programs. After you submit your order, your card issuer may prompt you for
your password before you complete your purchase.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 209

Payer Authentication
Transaction Details in the
Business Center
This appendix describes how to search the Business Center for details of transactions that
are screened by Cybersource Payer Authentication. Transaction data is stored for 12
months so that you can send it to payment card companies if necessary.

Searching for Payer Authentication Details

Payer authentication data that is returned in API response fields can be searched by using
Transaction Search in the Business Center.

With other services, green means that the service request was successful, red means that
it failed, and black means that the service request was not run. However, you need to
interpret the result of the enrollment check differently:

 If the card is enrolled, the application result is shown in red, which indicates that you
need to authenticate the user before you can request card authorization.

 If the card is not enrolled, the application result is shown in green because you do not
need to authenticate the user. You can authorize the card immediately.

Enrolled Card
When a card is enrolled, the process consists of two steps: after you check for enrollment,
you need to authenticate the customer.

Enrollment Check
For the enrollment check for an enrolled card, payer authentication data is located in the
Transaction Search Details window in the following sections:

 Request Information section: The enrollment check service is shown in red because
the card is enrolled. You receive the corresponding response information. If the card
authorization service had been requested at the same time, it would not have been
run and would appear in black.

You can obtain additional information about related orders by clicking the links on the
right (Event Search and Details).

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 210

Appendix E Payer Authentication Transaction Details in the Business Center

 Order Information section: When authentication is required, save the XID for use later.
You do not receive an ECI or AAV_CAVV because the authentication is not complete.

You need to authenticate the user by requesting the validation service.

Events Related to Payer Authentication

When the XID value is available, you also have the option to search for other parts of the
transaction with the By Payer Authentication History under Similar Searches link.

You can use the link to find the details page that shows the associated card validation and
authorization results. On the results page:

 The most recent event is the successful authentication. If you click the request ID, the
authentication details page opens. If the event also returned an XID value, the By
Payer Authentication History link is present. If you click it, you return to the results

 The older event is the enrollment check.

If the card authorization service had been requested at the same time as payer
authentication, authorization would not have run with the enrollment check but with the
validate authentication request. On the results page:

 The most recent event is the combined successful customer authentication and card
authorization. If you click the request ID, the details page opens.

 The older event is the enrollment check in red because the card is enrolled.

Authentication Validation
For a transaction in which the validation and the card authorization services were
processed successfully, payer authentication data is located in the Transaction Search
Details window in the following sections:

 Request Information section: The validation service succeeded. You receive the
reason code 100, and the corresponding response message. The necessary payer
authentication information was passed to the card authorization service, which was
processed successfully. Both services are shown in green.

 Order Information section: You received a value for all three parameters because the
validation was successful. You may not receive an ECI value when a system error
prevents the card issuer from performing the validation or when the cardholder does
not complete the process.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 211

Appendix E Payer Authentication Transaction Details in the Business Center

Card Not Enrolled

When the card is not enrolled, the enrollment check service result is shown in green, and
the card authorization request (if requested at the same time) proceeds normally.

Transaction Details
For a transaction in which the card is not enrolled, payer authentication data is located in
the Transaction Search Details window in the following sections:

 Request Information section: the service is shown in green. You can obtain additional
information about related orders by clicking the link on the right.

 Order Information section: the detailed information for the authorization service:

 The ECI value is 1: authentication is not required because the customer’s

Mastercard card is not enrolled.

 The AAV/CAVV area is empty because you receive a value only if the customer is

 The XID area is empty because the card in not enrolled.

Payer Authentication Search

Search for transactions that used the payer authentication and card authorization
services. When searching for transactions, consider the following:

 Search options:

 Use the XID as search parameter to find both parts of a transaction processed
with an enrolled card. When using the XID as search option, make sure to keep
the = sign at the end of the string.

 The list of applications is simplified to facilitate searching for the relevant service

 Payer authentication information is available for 12 months after the transaction


 Search results: the results options include the XID and the customer’s account
number (PAN). Use the XID to find all parts of the transaction.

 Payer authentication details: all transaction details are discussed under "Searching for
Payer Authentication Details," page 210.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 212

Appendix E Payer Authentication Transaction Details in the Business Center

Storing Payer Authentication Data

Payment card companies allow a certain number of days between the payer
authentication and the authorization requests. If you settle transactions older than the pre-
determined number of days, payment card companies may require that you send them the
AAV, CAVV, or the XID if a chargeback occurs. The requirements depend on the card type
and the region. For more information, see your agreement with your payment card
company. After your transactions are settled, you can also use this data to update the
statistics of your business.

You may be required to show the values that you receive in the PARes, the proof XML,
and the PAReq fields as proof of enrollment checking for any payer authentication
transaction that you present again because of a chargeback. Your account provider may
require that you provide all data in human-readable format, so make sure that you can
decode the PAReq and PARes. For enrollment response examples, see Appendix C,
"Request and Response Examples," on page 195. The responses are similar for all card

Payment card companies have implemented the 3D Secure protocol in different ways
throughout the world. Cybersource recommends that you contact your merchant account
provider to find out what is required. For more information on decrypting and providing the
PARes contact your account manager.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 213

Payer Authentication

This chapter describes the reports that you can download from the Business Center. All
reports on the production servers are retained for 16 months but the transaction history is
only kept in the database for six months. All reports on the test servers are deleted after 60
days. Only transactions that were processed are reported. Those that resulted in system
error or time-out are not. For more information about API responses and their meanings,
see Appendix A, "API Fields," on page 147.

To obtain the reports, you must file a support ticket in the Support Center.

Payer Authentication Summary Report

This daily, weekly, and monthly summary report indicates the performance of the
enrollment and validation services as a number of transactions and a total amount for
groups of transactions. The report provides this information for each currency and type of
card that you support. You can use this information to estimate how your transactions are
screened by payer authentication: successful, attempted, and incomplete authentication.
The cards reported are Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, JCB, Diners Club,
Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo. This daily report is generally available by 7:00 am
EST. Data in this report remains available for six months.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 214

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

Downloading the Report

To view the Payer Authentication Summary report:

Step 1 In the left navigation panel, click the Reports icon.

Step 2 Under Transaction Reports, click Payer Auth Summary. The Payer Auth Summary
Report page appears.

Step 3 In the search toolbar, select Date Range you want to include in the report. Account level
users must select a merchant as well.

Step 4 Based on the Date Range selected, choose the specific day, week, or month you want to

Only months which have already occurred in the current year display in the Month list – to
view all months of a previous year, select the year first, then choose the desired month.

To view results from the period prior to or following the selected period, click Previous or
Next below the search toolbar.

Matching the Report to the Transaction Search

The figure below shows the search results that contain the transactions that appear in the
above report. For more information on search results, see "Searching for Payer
Authentication Details," page 210.

Figure 3 Payer Authentication Report Details

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 215

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

Interpreting the Report

A report heading shows the title, the ID of the user who downloaded the report, the
merchant ID, and the date or date range of the report. The report is organized by card
type. In each section, currencies are reported alphabetically. For each currency, you
receive a summary of your payer authentication validation results displayed as total
amount and number of transactions.

Table 24 Payer Authentication Report Interpretation

Card Type Interpretation Protected? Reported

Commerce Indicator ECI
Visa, No authentication No Internet 7
Recorded attempt to authenticate Yes VbV, Aesk, or JS 6
Express, and
Successful authentication Yes VbV, JS, or Aesk 5
Mastercard No authentication No Internet2 71
and Maestro
Recorded attempt to authenticate Yes SPA 1
Successful authentication Yes SPA 2
Diners Club No authentication No Internet 7
and Discover
Recorded attempt to authenticate Yes PB or DIPB Attempted 6
Successful authentication Yes PB or DIPB 5
China No authentication No Internet 7
UnionPay, and
Recorded attempt to authenticate Yes CS or Up3ds 6
Successful authentication Yes
CS or Up3ds 5
1 Although the report heading is 7, you receive a collection indicator value of 1, or the response field is empty.
2 Although the report heading is Internet, you receive spa_failure in the commerce indicator response

Transactions are divided into two groups: those for which you are protected and those for
which you are not:

 For Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo:
liability shift for VbV and VbV attempted

 For Mastercard and Maestro: liability shift only for SPA

 For all other results: no liability shift

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 216

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

Comparing Payer Authentication and Payment

There may be differences between the Payer Authentication report and the payment
reports because an authenticated transaction may not be authorized.

The values (amounts and counts) in the Payer Authentication report may not match
exactly your other sources of reconciliation because this report shows the transactions
that were validated by payer authentication, not necessarily the transactions that were
authorized. There are more likely to be reconciliation discrepancies if you process your
authorizations outside of Cybersource.

Example 44 Payer Authentication Reports Compared to Payment Reports

For 10,000 orders, you may receive the following results:

 9900 successful enrollment checks (Payer Authentication report)
 9800 successful authentication checks (Payer Authentication report)
 9500 successful authorization checks (Payment report)

The amounts and numbers can be higher in the Payer Authentication report than in the
payment reports. In this example, it shows the results of the first two numbers in the Payer
Authentication report and the last one in the payment reports.

To reconcile your reports more easily when using payer authentication, we recommend
that you attempt to authenticate the same amount that you want to authorize.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 217

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

Payer Authentication Detail Report

Refer to the Business Center Reporting User Guide for instructions to download the report
and additional report information.

For transactions in India, use

Report Elements
The <Report> element is the root element of the report.

Table 25 Child Elements of <Report>

Element Name Description

<PayerAuthDetail> Contains the transaction in the report. For a list of child elements, see

Example <PayerAuthDetails> Element

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 218

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

The <PayerAuthDetail> element contains information about a single transaction.

Table 26 Child Elements of <PayerAuthDetail>

Element Name Description Type &

<RequestID> Unique identifier generated by Cybersource for the transaction. Numeric (26)
This field corresponds to the requestID API field.
<MerchantID> Cybersource merchant ID used for the transaction. String (30)

<RequestDate> Date on which the transaction was processed. DateTime (25)

<TransactionType> Cybersource service requested in SCMP format. This field can String (20)
contain one of the following values:
 ics_auth: Card authorization service
 ics_pa_enroll: Payer Authentication Enrollment Check
 ics_pa_validate: Payer Authentication Validation
<ProofXML> Data that includes the date and time of the enrollment check and String (1024)
the VEReq and VERes elements. This field corresponds to the
payerAuthEnrollReply_proofXML API field.
<VEReq> Verify Enrollment Request (VEReq) sent by the merchant’s server
to the directory server and by the directory server to the ACS to
determine whether authentication is available for the customer’s
card number. For a list of child elements, see "<VEReq>,"
page 221.
<VERes> Verify Enrollment Response (VERes) sent by the directory server.
For a list of child elements, see "<VERes>," page 222.
<PAReq> Payer Authentication Request message that you send to the ACS
through the payment card company. Corresponds to the
payerAuthEnrollReply_paReq API field.
For a list of child elements, see "<PAReq>," page 223.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 219

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

Table 26 Child Elements of <PayerAuthDetail> (Continued)

Element Name Description Type &

<PARes> Payer Authentication Response message sent by the ACS. For a
list of child elements, see "<PARes>," page 224.
<AuthInfo> Address and card verification data. For a list of child elements, see
"<AuthInfo>," page 226.

Example <PayerAuthDetail> Element


The <ProofXML> element contains data that includes the date and time of the enrollment
check and the VEReq and VERes elements. This element corresponds to the
payerAuthEnrollReply_proofXML API field.


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 220

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

Table 27 Child Elements of <ProofXML>

Element Name Description Type & Length

<Date> Date when the proof XML is generated. DateTime (25)
Note Although the date and time should appear sequentially during
all stages of the processing of an order, they may not because of
differing time zones and synchronization between servers.
<DSURL> URL for the directory server where the proof XML originated. String (50)

<PAN> Customer’s masked account number. This element corresponds to the String (19)
payerAuthEnrollReply_proxyPAN API field.
<AcqBIN> First six digits of the acquiring bank’s identification number. Numeric (6)

<MerID> Identifier provided by your acquirer; used to log into the ACS URL. String (24)

<Password> Merchant's masked authentication password to the ACS; provided by String (8)
your acquirer. Applies only to cards issued outside the U.S.
<Enrolled> Result of the enrollment check. This field can contain one of these String (1)
 Y: Authentication available.
 N: Cardholder not participating.
 U: Unable to authenticate regardless of the reason.

Example <ProofXML> Element

<Date>20200209 08:00:34</Date>
<Password />

The <VEReq> element contains the enrollment check request data.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 221

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

Table 28 Child Elements of <VEReq>

Element Name Description Type & Length

<PAN> Customer’s masked account number. This element corresponds to the String (19)
payerAuthEnrollReply_proxyPAN API field.
<AcqBIN> First six digits of the acquiring bank’s identification number. Numeric (6)

<MerID> Identifier provided by your acquirer; used to log in to the ACS URL. String (24)

Example <VEReq> Element


The <VERes> element contains the enrollment check response data.

Table 29 Child Elements of <VERes>

Element Name Description Type & Length

<Enrolled> Result of the enrollment check. This field can contain one of these String (1)
 Y: Authentication available.
 N: Cardholder not participating.
 U: Unable to authenticate regardless of the reason.
<AcctID> Masked string used by the ACS. String (28)

<URL> URL of Access Control Server where to send the PAReq. This element String (1000)
corresponds to the payerAuthEnrollReply_acsURL API field.

Example <VERes> Element


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 222

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

The <PAReq> element contains the payer authentication request message. This element
corresponds to the payerAuthEnrollReply_paReq API field.

Table 30 Child Elements of <PAReq>

Element Name Description Type & Length

<AcqBIN> First six digits of the acquiring bank’s identification number. Numeric (6)

<MerID> Identifier provided by your acquirer; used to log in to the ACS URL. String (24)

<Name> Merchant’s company name. String (25)

<Country> Two-character code for the merchant’s country of operation. String (2)

<URL> Merchant’s business website. String

<XID> Unique transaction identifier generated by Cybersource for each String (28)
Payment Authentication Request (PAReq) message. The PARes sent
back by the issuing bank contains the XID of the PAReq. To ensure that
both XIDs are the same, compare it to the XID in the response. To find
all requests related to a transaction, you can also search transactions
for a specific XID.
<Date> Date and time of request. DateTime (25)
Note Although the date and time should appear sequentially during all
stages of the processing of an order, they may not because of differing
time zones and synchronization between servers.
<Purchase Authorization amount and currency for the transaction. This element Amount (15)
Amount> corresponds to the totals of the offer lines or from the following fields:
 ccAuthReply_amount (see Credit Card Services Using the Simple
Order API [PDF | HTML]) or purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount
from external data.
<AcctID> Masked string used by the ACS. String (28)

<Expiry> Expiration month and year of the customer’s card. Number (4)

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 223

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

Example <PAReq> Element

<PurchaseAmount>1.00 USD</PurchaseAmount>

The <PARes> element contains the payer authentication response message.

Table 31 Child Elements of <PARes>

Element Name Description Type & Length

<AcqBIN> First six digits of the acquiring bank’s identification number. Numeric (6)

<MerID> Identifier provided by your acquirer; used to log in to the ACS String (24)
<XID> XID value returned in the customer authentication response. This String (28)
element corresponds to the payerAuthEnrollReply_xid and
payerAuthValidateReply_xid API fields.
<Date> Date and time of request. DateTime (25)
Note Although the date and time should appear sequentially
during all stages of the processing of an order, they may not
because of differing time zones and synchronization between

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 224

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

Table 31 Child Elements of <PARes> (Continued)

Element Name Description Type & Length

<PurchaseAmount> Authorization amount and currency for the transaction. This Amount (15)
element corresponds to the totals of the offer lines or from the
following fields:
 ccAuthReply_amount (see Credit Card Services Using the
Simple Order API [PDF | HTML]) or purchaseTotals_
grandTotalAmount from external data
<PAN> Customer’s masked account number. This element corresponds String (19)
to the payerAuthEnrollReply_proxyPAN API field.
<AuthDate> Date and time of request. DateTime (25)
Note Although the date and time should appear sequentially
during all stages of the processing of an order, they may not
because of differing time zones and synchronization between
<Status> Result of the authentication check. This field can contain one of String (1)
these values:
 Y: Customer was successfully authenticated.
 N: Customer failed or cancelled authentication. Transaction
 U: Authenticate not completed regardless of the reason.
 A: Proof of authentication attempt was generated.
<CAVV> CAVV (Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover, String (50)
China UnionPay, and Elo) cards = * below) or AAV (Mastercard,
and Maestro cards = ** below) returned in the customer
authentication response. This element corresponds to the
payerAuthValidateReply_cavv (*) and
payerAuthValidateReply_ucafAuthenticationData (**) API
<ECI> Electronic commerce indicator returned in the customer Numeric (1)
authentication response. This element corresponds to the
payerAuthValidateReply_eci (*) and payerAuthValidateReply_
ucafCollectionIndicator (**) API fields.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 225

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

Example <PARes> Element

<PurchaseAmount>1002.00 USD</PurchaseAmount>

The <AuthInfo> element contains address and card verification information.

Table 32 Child Elements of <AuthInfo>

Element Name Description Type & Length

<AVSResult> Optional results of the address verification test. String (1)
See ccAuthReply_avsCode or afsService_avsCode (if from
external data) in Credit Card Services Using the Simple Order API
<CVVResult> Optional results of the card verification number test. String (1)
See ccAuthReply_cvvCode or afsService_cvCode (if from
external data) in Credit Card Services Using the Simple Order API

Example <AuthInfo> Element


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 226

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

These examples show a complete transaction: the failed enrollment check (enrolled card)
and the subsequent successful authentication.

For transactions in India, use


Failed Enrollment Check

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Name="Payer Authentication Detail"
<Date>20200209 08:00:34</Date>
<Password />
<Name>Merchant Name</Name>
<PurchaseAmount>1.00 USD</PurchaseAmount>

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 227

Appendix F Payer Authentication Reports

Successful Authentication

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<PurchaseAmount>1.00 USD</PurchaseAmount>

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 228

Rules-Based Payer

Rules-based payer authentication enables you to specify rules that define how
transactions are authenticated by a 3D Secure card authentication program. For example,
you can decide to turn off active authentication for transactions that would otherwise
require customer interaction to avoid degrading the customer experience. However, you
may decide to authenticate customers from card-issuing banks that use risk-based
authentication because the authentication is performed without customer interaction.

To enable your account for rules-based payer authentication, contact your Cybersource
sales representative.

Depending on the card type and country, active mandates supersede

rules-based payer authentication and revert to traditional 3D Secure.

Available Rules
By default, when payer authentication is enabled on your account, authentication is
attempted on all transactions.

For transaction types that are not bypassed, you may be required to complete

You can enable one or more of the following authentication transaction types. Any
transaction types that are set to bypass authentication return the reason code 100. If you
receive reason code 475 from the enrollment check, you must complete validation even if
no customer participation is needed.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 229

Appendix G Rules-Based Payer Authentication

Table 33 Rules-Based Payer Authentication Types

Authentication Type Description Test Case Example

Active Authentication Customer is prompted to authenticate. Test Case 1: Visa Secure
Card Enrolled: Successful Authentication
Attempts Processing Customer is prompted to enroll in a 3D Test Case 3: Visa Secure
Secure card authentication program. Card Enrolled: Attempts Processing
This transaction type provides full 3D
Secure benefits.
Non-Participating Bank Card-issuing bank does not participate Test Case 9: Visa Secure
in a 3D Secure program. When Card Not Enrolled
enrollment is checked, this transaction
type provides full 3D Secure benefits,
including fraud chargeback liability shift
for customer “I didn’t do it” transactions
and interchange reduction of 5-59 basis
Passive Authentication Customer is not prompted to
authenticate. This transaction type
provides full 3D Secure benefits when
passive authentication is completed.
Risk-Based Bank Card-issuing bank uses risk-based
authentication. The likely outcome is that
the customer is not challenged to enter
credentials. Most authentications
proceed without customer interaction.
This transaction type provides full 3D
Secure benefits.

API Responses
By default, API responses that are specifically associated with rules-based
payer authentication are turned off. Contact Cybersource Customer Support to
enable these API responses when rules are triggered.

Bypassed Authentication Transactions

When card authentication is bypassed as a result of your rules-based payer authentication
configuration, you can receive the following value for enrollment checks:

 payerAuthEnrollReply_veresEnrolled = B (indicates that authentication was


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 230

Appendix G Rules-Based Payer Authentication

Risk-Based Bank Transactions

When a transaction involves a card-issuing bank that supports risk-based authentication,
you may receive the following authentication path responses, depending on whether the
card-issuing bank deems the transaction risky:

 payerAuthEnrollReply_authenticationPath

 = RIBA
The card-issuing bank supports risk-based authentication, but whether the
cardholder is likely to be challenged cannot be determined.

The card-issuing bank supports risk-based authentication, and it is likely that the
cardholder will not be challenged to provide credentials; also known as silent

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 231

Hybrid or Standard
Payer Authentication
This appendix summarizes the process of integrating Payer Authentication services into
your existing business processes with Hybrid or Standard integration. Cybersource Payer
Authentication services use CardinalCommerce JavaScript to leverage the authentication.
The JavaScript Documentation links in this section navigate to the Cardinal site.

The Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API is the recommended integration

method. For more information, see Chapter 2, Implementing Cardinal Cruise
Direct Connection API Payer Authentication.

Hybrid Payer Authentication

If you are using tokenization, use the Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API
integration method and Payer Authentication Setup service.

Implementation Overview
Notify your Cybersource account representative that you want to implement payer
authentication (3D Secure). Give them the Cybersource merchant ID that you will use for
testing. For more information, see "Required Merchant Information," page 22.

Implementation tasks include:

 Add the JavaScript code to your checkout page

 For each purchase request

 Build the authentication request

 Call the payerAuthEnrollService: Payer Authentication Enrollment Check
 Invoke the authentication
 Handle declines

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 232

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

 Call the following services:

- payerAuthValidateService: Payer Authentication Validation (only for Hybrid
- ccAuthService: Card Authorization service (optional)

 Use the test cases to test your preliminary code and make appropriate changes. You
can change to the test environment by changing the URL in your JavaScript code.
See Chapter 5, "Testing Payer Authentication Services," on page 64.

 Ensure that your account is configured for production.

Process Flow for Hybrid Integration

1 You generate a JSON Web Token (JWT).

2 You add the JavaScript tag to your checkout page.

3 Call Cardinal.setup().

4 Run BIN detection. If the BIN is eligible for 3D Secure 2.x, it gathers the proper Method
URL JavaScript required by the issuer to collect additional device data.

5 You request the Enrollment Check service, passing in transaction details and the
payerAuthEnrollService_referenceID request field.

6 If the issuing bank does not require authentication, you receive the following information in
the Enrollment Check response:
 E-commerce indicator
 CAVV (all card types except Mastercard)
 AAV (Mastercard only)
 Transaction ID
 3D Secure version
 Directory server transaction ID

7 If the issuing bank requires authentication, you receive a response with the ACS URL of
the issuing bank, the payload, and the transaction ID that you include in the
Cardinal.continue JavaScript call.

8 The JavaScript displays the authentication window, and the customer enters the
authentication information.

9 The bank validates the customer credentials, and a JWT is returned that the merchant is
required to validate server-side for security reasons.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 233

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

10 You request the Validate Authentication service, extracting the processor transaction ID
value from the JWT and sending it in the payerAuthValidateService_
authenticationTransactionID request field. You receive the e-commerce indicator, CAVV
or AAV, transaction ID, 3D Secure version, and directory server transaction ID.

Verify that the authentication was successful and continue processing your order.

You must pass all pertinent data for the card type and processor in your authorization
request. For more information, see "Requesting the Validation Service," page 241.

Before You Begin

Before you can implement payer authentication services, your business team must
contact your acquirer and Cybersource to establish the service. Your software
development team should become familiar with the API fields and technical details of this

Credentials/API Keys
API keys are required in order to create the JSON Web Token (JWT). For further
information, contact Cybersource Customer Support.

Create the JSON Web Token (JWT)

The Hybrid integration uses JWTs as the method of authentication.

For security reasons, all JWT creation must be done on the server side.

When creating the JWT, use your company API Key as the JWT secret. You can use any
JTW library that supports JSON Web Signature (JWS). For further information about
JWTs, see

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 234

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

JWT Claims
Table 34 lists the standard claims that can be used in a JWT claim set.

Table 34 JWT Claims

Claim Name Description

Required Note Each claim key is case sensitive.
jti JWT ID - unique identifier for the JWT. This field should
change each time a JWT is generated.
iat Issued at - the epoch time in seconds beginning when the
JWT is issued. This value indicates how long a JWT has
existed and can be used to determine if it is expired.
iss Issuer - identifier of who is issuing the JWT. Contains the
API key identifier or name.
OrgUnitId The merchant SSO Org Unit Id.

Payload The JSON data object being sent. This object is usually an
order object.
Optional ReferenceId Merchant-supplied identifier that can be used to match up
data collected from the Hybrid integration API and
enrollment check service.
ObjectifyPayload Boolean flag that indicates how the API should consume
the payload claim. If set to true, the payload claim is an
object. If set to false, the payload claim is a stringified
object. Some JWT libraries do not support passing objects
as claims; this allows those who only allow strings to use
their libraries without customization.

exp Expiration - the numeric epoch time in which the JWT

should be considered expired. This value is ignored if it is
more than 4 hours.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 235

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

JWT Examples
Example 45 shows the JSON content of a basic JWT payload that passes an object within
the payload claim.

Example 45 Raw JWT

"jti": "a5a59bfb-ac06-4c5f-be5c-351b64ae608e",
"iat": 1448997865,
"iss": "56560a358b946e0c8452365ds",
"OrgUnitId": "565607c18b946e058463ds8r",
"Payload": {
"OrderDetails": {
"OrderNumber": "0e5c5bf2-ea64-42e8-9ee1-71fff6522e15",
"Amount": "1500",
"CurrencyCode": "840"
"ObjectifyPayload": true,
"ReferenceId": "c88b20c0-5047-11e6-8c35-8789b865ff15",
"exp": 1449001465,

Example 46 shows the JSON content of a basic JWT payload that passes a string within
the payload claim.

Example 46 Stringified JWT

"jti": "29311a10-5048-11e6-8c35-8789b865ff15",
"iat": 1448997875,
"iss": "56560a358b946e0c8452365ds",
"OrgUnitId": "565607c18b946e058463ds8r",
"Payload": "{\"OrderDetails\":{\"OrderNumber\":\"19ec6910-5048-11e6-
"ObjectifyPayload" false
"ReferenceId": "074fda80-5048-11e6-8c35-8789b865ff15"

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 236

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

Add the JavaScript

Add Songbird.js to your checkout page and complete the additional steps:

1 Configure it: create the configuration object and pass it to Cardinal.configure().

2 Listen for Events: subscribe to events with Cardinal.on() and set up callback functions

 payments.setupComplete: this optional event triggers when the JavaScript

successfully initializes, after calling Cardinal.setup().

 payments.validated: this event triggers when the transaction completes.

3 Initialize it: call Cardinal.setup() to trigger and pass your JWT to the JavaScript for each

To complete these steps, see the JavaScript Documentation.

BIN Detection
BIN detection is required and allows the card-issuing bank’s ACS provider to collect
additional device data; it can help speed up the authentication process by collecting this
data before the checkout page launches. This step occurs prior to authentication and must
occur before the Cardinal.start event (Standard integration) or Check Enrollment service
request (Hybrid integration). For further information, see the JavaScript Documentation.

Implementing Hybrid Payer Authentication

Requesting the Check Enrollment Service (Hybrid)

Request the Check Enrollment service to verify that the card is enrolled in a card
authentication program. The following fields are required:

 billTo_city
 billTo_country
 billTo_email
 billTo_firstName
 billTo_lastName
 billTo_postalCode
 billTo_state
 billTo_street1
 card_accountNumber
 card_cardType

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 237

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

 card_expirationMonth
 card_expirationYear
 merchantID
 merchantReference Code
 payerAuthEnrollService_referenceID
 payerAuthEnrollService_run
 purchaseTotals_currency
 purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount

You can send additional request data in order to reduce your issuer step-up
authentication rates. It is best to send all available fields.

For further details on required and optional fields, see "Request Fields," page 149.

You can use the enrollment check and card authorization services in the same request or
in separate requests:

 Same request: Cybersource attempts to authorize the card if your customer is not
enrolled in a payer authentication program. In this case, the field values that are
required in order to prove that you attempted to check enrollment are passed
automatically to the authorization service. If authentication is required, processing
automatically stops.

 Separate requests: you must manually include the enrollment check result values
(Enrollment Check Response Fields) in the authorization service request (Card
Authorization Request Fields).

Table 35 lists these fields.

Table 35 Enrollment Check and Response Fields

Identifier Enrollment Check Response Card Authorization

Field Request Field
E-commerce indicator payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
commerceIndicator commerceIndicator
Collection indicator payerAuthEnrollReply_ ucaf_collectionIndicator
(Mastercard only) ucafCollectionIndicator
Result of the enrollment payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
check for Asia, Middle veresEnrolled veresEnrolled
East, and Africa Gateway
3D Secure version payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
specificationVersion paSpecificationVersion

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 238

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

Table 35 Enrollment Check and Response Fields (Continued)

Identifier Enrollment Check Response Card Authorization

Field Request Field
Directory server payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
transaction ID directoryServerTransactionID directoryServerTransacti
Note Not required for 3D
Secure 1.0.

Interpreting the Response

The responses are similar for all card types. See Appendix C, "Request and Response
Examples," on page 195 for examples of enrollment responses.

 Enrolled Cards

You receive reason code 475 if the customer’s card is enrolled in a payer
authentication program. When you receive this response, you can proceed to validate

 Cards Not Enrolled

You receive reason code 100 in the following cases:

 When the account number is not enrolled in a payer authentication program. The
other services in your request are processed normally.
 When payer authentication is not supported by the card type.
When you receive this response, you can proceed to card authorization.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 239

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

Authenticating Enrolled Cards

When you have verified that a customer’s card is enrolled in a card authentication
program, you must include the URL of the card-issuing bank’s Access Control Server
(ACS), the payload, and the payerAuthEnrollReply_authenticationTransactionID
response field in the Cardinal.continue function in order to proceed with the authentication
session as shown in Example 47.

Example 47 Cardinal.continue






"TransactionId" :"123456abc"


Cardinal.continue displays the authentication window if necessary and automatically

redirects the customer’s session over to the ACS URL for authentication. The customer’s
browser displays the authentication window with the option to enter their password.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 240

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

Receiving the Authentication Results

Next, payments.validated launches, and returns the authentication results and response
JWT along with the processor transaction ID as shown in Example 48.

Example 48 Decoded Response JWT

"iss": "5a4504be6fe3d1127cdfd94e",
"iat": 1555075930,
"exp": 1555083130,
"jti": "cc532159-636d-4fa8-931d-d4b0f4c83b99",
"ConsumerSessionId": "0_9a16b7f5-8b94-480d-bf92-09cd302c9230",
"aud": "d0cf3392-62c5-4107-bf6a-8fc3bb49922b",
"Payload": {
"Payment": {
"Type": "CCA",
"ProcessorTransactionId": "YGSaOBivyG0dzCFs2Zv0"
"ErrorNumber": 0,
"ErrorDescription": "Success"

Requesting the Validation Service

For enrolled cards, the next step is to request the validation service. When you make the
validation request, you must:

 Send the payerAuthValidateService_authenticationTransactionID request field

 Send the credit card information including the PAN, currency, and expiration date
(month and year).

The response that you receive contains the validation result.

Cybersource recommends that you request both payer authentication and card
authorization services at the same time. When you do so, Cybersource automatically
sends the correct information to your payment processor; Cybersource converts the
values of these fields to the proper format required by your payment processor:

 E-commerce indicator: payerAuthEnrollReply_commerceIndicator

 CAVV: payerAuthValidateReply_cavv
 AAV: payerAuthValidateReply_ucafAuthenticationData
 XID: payerAuthEnrollReply_xid and payerAuthValidateReply_xid

If you request the services separately, you must manually include the validation result
values (Validation Check Response Fields) in the authorization service request (Card
Authorization Request Fields). To receive liability shift protection, you must ensure that

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 241

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

you pass all pertinent data for the card type and processor in your request. Failure to do
so may invalidate your liability shift for that transaction. Include the electronic commerce
indicator (ECI), the transaction ID (XID), the 3D Secure version, the directory server
transaction ID, and the following card-specific information in your authorization request:

 For Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo
include the CAVV (cardholder authentication verification value).

 For Mastercard, include the UCAF (universal cardholder authentication field) and the
collection indicator.

Table 36 lists these fields.

Table 36 Validation Check and Response Fields

Identifier Validation Check Response Card Authorization

Field Request Field
E-commerce indicator payerAuthValidateReply_ ccAuthService_
commerceIndicator commerceIndicator
Collection indicator payerAuthValidateReply_ ucaf_collectionIndicator
(Mastercard only) ucafCollectionIndicator
CAVV (Visa and American payerAuthValidateReply_cavv ccAuthService_cavv
Express only)
AAV (Mastercard only. payerAuthValidateReply_ ucaf_authenticationData
Known as UCAF) ucafAuthenticationData
XID payerAuthValidateReply_xid ccAuthService_xid
3D Secure version payerAuthValidateReply_ ccAuthService_
specificationVersion paSpecificationVersion
Directory server payerAuthValidateReply_ ccAuthService_
transaction ID directoryServerTransactionID directoryServerTransacti
Note Not required for 3D
Secure 1.0.

Interpreting the Response

If the authentication fails, Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover,
China UnionPay, and Elo require that you do not accept the card. Instead, you
must ask the customer to use another payment method.

Proceed with the order according to the validation response that you receive. The
responses are similar for all card types:

 Success:

You receive the reason code 100, and other service requests, including authorization,
are processed normally.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 242

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

 Failure:

You receive reason code 476 indicating that the authentication failed, so the other
services in your request are not processed.

 Error:

If you receive an error from the payment card company, process the order according
to your business rules. If the error occurs frequently, report it to Customer Support. If
you receive a Cybersource system error, determine the cause, and proceed with card
authorization only if appropriate.

To verify that the enrollment and validation checks are for the same transaction, ensure
that the XID in the enrollment check and validation responses are identical.

Redirecting Customers to Pass or Fail Message Page

After authentication is complete, redirect the customer to a page containing a success or
failure message. You must ensure that all messages that display to customers are
accurate, complete, and that they address all possible scenarios for enrolled and
nonenrolled cards. For example, if the authentication fails, a message such as the
following should be displayed to the customer:

Authentication Failed

Your card issuer cannot authenticate this card. Please select another card
or form of payment to complete your purchase.

Standard Payer Authentication

Implementation Overview
Notify your Cybersource account representative that you want to implement payer
authentication (3D Secure). Give them the Cybersource merchant ID that you will use for
testing. For more information, see "Required Merchant Information," page 22.

Implementation tasks include:

 Add the JavaScript code to your checkout page

 For each purchase request

 Build the authentication request

 Invoke the authentication
 Handle declines

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 243

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

 Call the following services:

- payerAuthEnrollService: Payer Authentication Enrollment Check
- ccAuthService: Card Authorization service (optional)

 Use the test cases to test your preliminary code and make appropriate changes. You
can change to the test environment by changing the URL in your JavaScript code.
See Chapter 5, "Testing Payer Authentication Services," on page 64.

 Ensure that your account is configured for production.

Process Flow for Standard Integration

1 You generate a JSON Web Token (JWT).

2 You add the JavaScript tag to your checkout page.

3 Call Cardinal.setup().

4 Run BIN detection. If the BIN is eligible for 3D Secure 2.x, it gathers the proper Method
URL JavaScript required by the issuer to collect additional device data.

5 When the customer places an order on your website, you call the cardinal.start function to
pass in the transaction level data including the full PAN and order details.

6 The JavaScript verifies with the bank that the card is enrolled in a 3D Secure card
authentication program by using a server-to-server call.

7 If the issuing bank requires authentication, the JavaScript displays the authentication

8 If required, the customer enters the authentication information.

9 The bank validates the customer credentials, and a JWT is returned that the merchant is
required to validate server-side for security reasons.

10 You request the ICS Enrollment Check service, extracting the processor transaction ID
value from the JWT and sending it in the payerAuthEnrollService_
authenticationTransactionID request field. You receive this information:
 E-commerce indicator
 CAVV (all card types except Mastercard)
 AAV (Mastercard only)
 Transaction ID
 3D Secure version
 Directory server transaction ID

Verify that the authentication was successful and continue processing your order.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 244

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

You must pass all pertinent data for the card type and processor in your authorization
request. For more information, see "Requesting the Check Enrollment Service
(Standard)," page 249.

Before You Begin

Before you can implement payer authentication services, your business team must
contact your acquirer and Cybersource to establish the service. Your software
development team should become familiar with the API fields and technical details of this

Credentials/API Keys
API keys are required in order to create the JSON Web Token (JWT). For further
information, contact Cybersource Customer Support.

Create the JSON Web Token (JWT)

The Standard integration uses JWTs as the method of authentication.

For security reasons, all JWT creation must be done on the server side.

When creating the JWT, use your company API Key as the JWT secret. You can use any
JTW library that supports JSON Web Signature (JWS). For further information about
JWTs, see

JWT Claims
Table 34 lists the standard claims that can be used in a JWT claim set.

Table 37 JWT Claims

Claim Name Description

Required Note Each claim key is case sensitive.
jti JWT ID - unique identifier for the JWT. This field should
change each time a JWT is generated.
iat Issued at - the epoch time in seconds beginning when the
JWT is issued. This value indicates how long a JWT has
existed and can be used to determine if it is expired.
iss Issuer - identifier of who is issuing the JWT. Contains the
API key identifier or name.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 245

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

Table 37 JWT Claims (Continued)

Claim Name Description

OrgUnitId The merchant SSO Org Unit Id.

Payload The JSON data object being sent. This object is usually an
order object.
Optional ReferenceId Merchant-supplied identifier that can be used to match up
data collected from the Standard integration API and
enrollment check service.
ObjectifyPayload Boolean flag that indicates how the API should consume
the payload claim. If set to true, the payload claim is an
object. If set to false, the payload claim is a stringified
object. Some JWT libraries do not support passing objects
as claims; this allows those who only allow strings to use
their libraries without customization.

exp Expiration - the numeric epoch time in which the JWT

should be considered expired. This value is ignored if it is
more than 4 hours.

JWT Examples
Example 45 shows the JSON content of a basic JWT payload that passes an object within
the payload claim.

Example 49 Raw JWT

"jti": "a5a59bfb-ac06-4c5f-be5c-351b64ae608e",
"iat": 1448997865,
"iss": "56560a358b946e0c8452365ds",
"OrgUnitId": "565607c18b946e058463ds8r",
"Payload": {
"OrderDetails": {
"OrderNumber": "0e5c5bf2-ea64-42e8-9ee1-71fff6522e15",
"Amount": "1500",
"CurrencyCode": "840"
"ObjectifyPayload": true,
"ReferenceId": "c88b20c0-5047-11e6-8c35-8789b865ff15",
"exp": 1449001465,

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 246

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

Example 46 shows the JSON content of a basic JWT payload that passes a string within
the payload claim.

Example 50 Stringified JWT

"jti": "29311a10-5048-11e6-8c35-8789b865ff15",
"iat": 1448997875,
"iss": "56560a358b946e0c8452365ds",
"OrgUnitId": "565607c18b946e058463ds8r",
"Payload": "{\"OrderDetails\":{\"OrderNumber\":\"19ec6910-5048-11e6-
"ObjectifyPayload" false
"ReferenceId": "074fda80-5048-11e6-8c35-8789b865ff15"

Add the JavaScript

Add Songbird.js to your checkout page and complete the additional steps:

1 Configure it: create the configuration object and pass it to Cardinal.configure().

2 Listen for Events: subscribe to events with Cardinal.on() and set up callback functions

 payments.setupComplete: this optional event triggers when the JavaScript

successfully initializes, after calling Cardinal.setup().

 payments.validated: this event triggers when the transaction completes.

3 Initialize it: call Cardinal.setup() to trigger and pass your JWT to the JavaScript for each

To complete these steps, see the JavaScript Documentation.

BIN Detection
BIN detection is required and allows the card-issuing bank’s ACS provider to collect
additional device data; it can help speed up the authentication process by collecting this
data before the checkout page launches. This step occurs prior to authentication and must
occur before the Cardinal.start event (Standard integration) or Check Enrollment service
request (Hybrid integration). For further information, see the JavaScript Documentation.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 247

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

Implementing Standard Payer Authentication

Starting Authentication
The JavaScript handles the device data collection, initiates the transaction for
authentication, displays the authentication window if required, and returns the
authentication results.

You initiate this authentication process, usually when the customer clicks the Place Order
or Submit Order button, by triggering Cardinal.start(). Cardinal.start() invokes the
authentication and authenticates the customer.

Create an order object to pass to the Cardinal.start() event. The more fields you include,
the less likely the cardholder will be challenged to provide credentials.

Initiate Cardinal.start() before the authorization as shown in Example 51. The second
argument of data is a Request Order Object. You can construct this object ahead of time
or pass it directly as shown.

Example 51 Cardinal.start with Request Order Object

Cardinal.start("cca", {
OrderDetails: {
OrderNumber: "1234567890"
Consumer: {
Account: {
AccountNumber: "4000000000001000",
ExpirationMonth: "01",
ExpirationYear: "2099"
<Other 2.x required/optional fields>


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 248

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

Payments.validated returns the authentication results and response JWT along with the
processor transaction ID as shown in Example 52.

Example 52 Decoded Response JWT

"iss": "5a4504be6fe3d1127cdfd94e",
"iat": 1555075930,
"exp": 1555083130,
"jti": "cc532159-636d-4fa8-931d-d4b0f4c83b99",
"ConsumerSessionId": "0_9a16b7f5-8b94-480d-bf92-09cd302c9230",
"aud": "d0cf3392-62c5-4107-bf6a-8fc3bb49922b",
"Payload": {
"Payment": {
"Type": "CCA",
"ProcessorTransactionId": "YGSaOBivyG0dzCFs2Zv0"
"ErrorNumber": 0,
"ErrorDescription": "Success"

Redirecting Customers to Pass or Fail Message Page

After authentication is complete, redirect the customer to a page containing a success or
failure message. You must ensure that all messages that display to customers are
accurate, complete, and that they address all possible scenarios for enrolled and
nonenrolled cards. For example, if the authentication fails, a message such as the
following should be displayed to the customer:

Authentication Failed

Your card issuer cannot authenticate this card. Please select another card
or form of payment to complete your purchase.

Requesting the Check Enrollment Service (Standard)

Once the validation is complete, use the Check Enrollment service to obtain the values
needed for authorization.

To request the Check Enrollment service, extract the processor transaction ID value
from the JWT and send it in the payerAuthEnrollService_authenticationTransactionID
request field. The following fields are also required:

 billTo_city
 billTo_country
 billTo_email
 billTo_firstName

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 249

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

 billTo_lastName
 billTo_postalCode
 billTo_state
 billTo_street1
 card_accountNumber
 card_cardType
 card_expirationMonth
 card_expirationYear
 merchantID
 merchantReference Code
 payerAuthEnrollService_referenceID
 payerAuthEnrollService_run
 purchaseTotals_currency
 purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount

You can send additional request data in order to reduce your issuer step-up
authentication rates. It is best to send all available fields.

For further details on required and optional fields, see "Request Fields," page 149.

Cybersource recommends that you request both payer authentication and card
authorization services at the same time. When you do so, Cybersource automatically
sends the correct information to your payment processor; Cybersource converts the
values of these fields to the proper format required by your payment processor:

 E-commerce indicator: payerAuthEnrollReply_commerceIndicator

 CAVV: payerAuthValidateReply_cavv
 AAV: payerAuthValidateReply_ucafAuthenticationData
 XID: payerAuthEnrollReply_xid and payerAuthValidateReply_xid

If you request the services separately, you must manually include the enrollment check
result values (Enrollment Check Response Fields) in the authorization service request
(Card Authorization Request Fields). To receive liability shift protection, you must ensure
that you pass all pertinent data for the card type and processor in your request. Failure to
do so may invalidate your liability shift for that transaction. Include the electronic
commerce indicator (ECI), the transaction ID (XID), the 3D Secure version, the directory
server transaction ID, and the following card-specific information in your authorization

 For Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover, China UnionPay, and Elo
include the CAVV (cardholder authentication verification value).

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 250

Appendix H Implementing Hybrid or Standard Payer Authentication

 For Mastercard, include the UCAF (universal cardholder authentication field) and the
collection indicator.

Table 38 lists these fields.

Table 38 Enrollment Check and Response Fields

Identifier Enrollment Check Response Card Authorization

Field Request Field
E-commerce indicator payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
commerceIndicator commerceIndicator
CAVV (Visa and American PayerAuthEnrollReply_cavv ccAuthService_cavv
Express only)
AAV (Mastercard only. payerAuthEnrollReply_ ucaf_authenticationData
Known as UCAF) ucafAuthenticationData
XID payerAuthEnrollReply_xid ccAuthService_xid
3D Secure version payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
specificationVersion paSpecificationVersion
Directory server payerAuthEnrollReply_ ccAuthService_
transaction ID directoryServerTransactionID directoryServerTransacti
Note Not required for 3D
Secure 1.0.

In most cases, you request card authorization only once for each purchase. However, you
must send multiple authorization requests if the original authorization expires before it is
captured, which can occur when order fulfillment is split or delayed. In these cases, you
must include in subsequent authorization requests the same payer authentication data
contained in the original request so that your acquiring bank can track all related requests
if a dispute occurs. Authentication data can only be used for one authorization and cannot
be used multiple times or on subsequent authorizations.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 251

Alternate Methods for
Device Data Collection

This appendix describes alternate methods for device data collection. You can also use
the Payer Authentication Setup service described in Chapter 2, Implementing Cardinal
Cruise Direct Connection API Payer Authentication.

If you are using tokenization, use the Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API integration
method and Payer Authentication Setup service.

Device Data Collection Overview

The device data collection collects the required browser data elements in order to make
the 3D Secure 2.x request and invoke the 3D Secure Method URL when it is available.

The Cardinal Cruise Direct Connection API places the required Method URL on the
merchant's site within an iframe if the issuing bank chooses to use one. (According to
EMV 3D Secure requirements, a merchant must place and run the Method URL on their
website if the issuing bank uses one.)

The Method URL is a concept in the EMV 3D Secure protocol that allows an issuing bank
to obtain additional browser information prior to starting the authentication session to help
facilitate risk-based authentication. The implementation techniques for obtaining the
additional browser information are out of scope of the EMV 3D Secure protocol. This
process also occurred in 3D Secure 1.0 when the customer's browser was redirected to
the ACS URL. The Method URL step provides a better user experience.

To support device data collection, you must complete one of the following:
 Obtain access to the card BIN (first 8 digits or full card number of cardholder).
 Create an iframe on your website and POST to the device data collection URL.

 Staging:
 Production:

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 252

Appendix I Alternate Methods for Device Data Collection

Collecting Device Data

The following options are available for device data collection:

 Card BIN in JWT: This option is the recommended approach and allows you to pass
the card BIN (first 8 digits or full card number) in the JWT.

 Card BIN as a POST parameter plus JWT: This option allows you to pass the card
BIN directly from the web front end to the device data collection URL instead of the
JWT. However, a JWT is still required in order to authenticate the session.

Option 1: Card BIN in JWT

As part of the JWT generation, you add the card BIN to the payload within the
transactional JWT. When the device data collection URL is invoked, the transactional JWT
is sent to the URL.

Step 1 Add the card BIN (first 8 digits or full card number) to the transactional JWT.

Step 2 Create a POST request to send the transactional JWT to the device data collection URL.

Step 3 Handle the response from the device data collection URL on the return URL provided
within the transactional JWT.
Example 53 shows the return URL populated in the transactional JWT instead of a POST

Example 53 Card BIN in JWT

<iframe height="1" width="1" style="display: none;">
<form id="collectionForm" name="devicedata" method="POST"
<input type="hidden" name="JWT" value="Transactional JWT generated per
specification" />
<script>window. {
// Auto submit form on page load

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 253

Appendix I Alternate Methods for Device Data Collection

Option 2: Card BIN as a POST Parameter Plus JWT

This option allows you to post the card BIN as a POST parameter along with the
transactional JWT. When the device data collection URL is invoked, the transactional JWT
and the BIN are posted to the URL.

Step 1 Create a POST request to send the transactional JWT and the card BIN (first 8 digits or
full card number) to the device data collection URL.

Step 2 Handle the response from the device data collection URL on the return URL provided
within the transactional JWT.

Example 54 shows the return URL populated in the transactional JWT along with a POST

Example 54 Card BIN as a POST Parameter Plus JWT

<iframe height="1" width="1" style="display: none;">

<form id="collectionForm" name="devicedata" method="POST"
<!-- POST Parameters: Bin=First 8 digits to full pan of the payment card
number. JWT=JWT generated per merchant spec -->
<input type="hidden" name="Bin" value="41000000" />
<input type="hidden" name="JWT" value="JWT generated per merchant spec"
<script>window. {
// Auto submit form on page load

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 254




3D Secure Security protocol for online credit card and debit card transactions used by Visa
Secure, Mastercard Identity Check, American Express SafeKey, JCB J⁄Secure,
Diners Club ProtectBuy, Discover ProtectBuy, China UnionPay, and Elo.

AAV Account Authentication Value. Unique 32-character transaction token for a 3D

Secure transaction. For Mastercard Identity Check, the AAV is named the UCAF.
For Visa Secure, the AAV is named the CAVV.

acquirer The financial institution that accepts payments for products or services on behalf
of a merchant. Also referred to as “acquiring bank.” This bank accepts or acquires
transactions that involve a credit card issued by a bank other than itself.

acquirer BIN A 6-digit number that uniquely identifies the acquiring bank. There is a different
acquirer BIN for Mastercard (starts with 5) and Visa (starts with 4) for every
participating acquirer.

acquiring Processor that provides credit card processing, settlement, and services to
processor merchant banks.

ACS Access Control Server. The card-issuing bank’s host for the payer authentication

ACS URL The URL of the Access Control Server of the card-issuing bank that is returned in
the response to the request to check enrollment. This is where you must send the
PAReq so that the customer can be authenticated.

ADS Activation During Shopping. The card issuer’s ability to ask the cardholder to
enroll in the card authentication service when the merchant posts to the ACS URL

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 255



A (Continued)

American Express A globally issued card type that starts with 3 and which is identified as card type
003 by Cybersource. These cards participate in a card authentication service
(SafeKey) provided by 3D Secure.

API Application Programming Interface. A specification that can be used by software

components to communicate with each other.

authentication Raw data sent by the card issuer that indicates the status of authentication. It is
result not required to pass this data into the authorization.

authorization A request sent to the card issuing bank that ensures a cardholder has the funds
available on their credit card for a specific purchase. A positive authorization
causes an authorization code to be generated and the funds to be held. Following
a payer authentication request, the authorization must contain payer
authentication-specific fields containing card enrollment details. If these fields are
not passed correctly to the bank, it can invalidate the liability shift provided by card
authentication. Systemic failure can result in payment card company fines.

Base64 Standard encoding method for data transfer over the Internet.

BIN Bank Identification Number. The 6-digit number at the beginning of the card that
identifies the card issuer.

CAVV Cardholder Authentication Verification Value. A Base64-encoded string sent back

with Visa Secure-enrolled cards that specifically identifies the transaction with the
issuing bank and Visa. Standard for collecting and sending AAV data for Visa
Secure transactions. See AAV.

CAVV algorithm A one-digit response passed back when the PARes status is a Y or an A. If your
processor is ATOS, this must be passed in the authorization, if available.

Compra Segura Trademarked name for the Elo card authentication service.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 256



C (Continued)

CVV Card Verification Value. Security feature for credit cards and debit cards. This
feature consists of two values or codes: one that is encoded in the magnetic strip
and one that is printed on the card. Usually the CVV is a three-digit number on the
back of the card. The CVV for American Express cards is a 4-digit number on the
front of the card. CVVs are used as an extra level of validation by issuing banks.

Diners Club A globally issued card type that starts with a 3 or a 5. Cybersource identifies
Diners Club cards with a card type of 005. These cards participate in a card
authentication service (ProtectBuy) provided by 3D Secure.

Directory Servers The Visa and Mastercard servers that are used to verify enrollment in a card
authentication service.

Discover Primarily, a U.S. card type that starts with a 6. Cybersource identifies Discover
cards with a card type of 004. These cards participate in a card authentication
service (ProtectBuy) provided by 3D Secure.

ECI (ECI Raw) The numeric commerce indicator that indicates to the bank the degree of liability
shift achieved during payer authentication processing.

E-Commerce Alpha character value that indicates the transaction type, such as MOTO or
Indicator INTERNET.

Elo A globally issued card type that starts with a 5. Cybersource identifies Elo cards
with a card type of 054. These cards participate in a card authentication service
(Compra Segura) provided by 3D Secure.

Enroll Cybersource transaction type used for verifying whether a card is enrolled in the
Mastercard Identity Check or Visa Secure service.

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol. An application protocol used for data transfer on the

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 257



H (Continued)

HTTP POST POST is one of the request methods supported by the HTTP protocol. The POST
request request method is used when the client needs to send data to the server as part of
the request, such as when uploading a file or submitting a completed form.

HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol combined with SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/
Transport Layer Security) to provide secure encryption of data transferred over
the Internet.

issuer The bank that issued a credit card.

J/Secure The 3D Secure program of JCB.

JCB Japan Credit Bureau. A globally issued card type that starts with a 3. Cybersource
identifies JCB cards with a card type of 007. These cards participate in a card
authentication service (J/Secure) provided by 3D Secure.

Maestro A card brand owned by Mastercard that includes several debit card BINs within
the U.K., where it was formerly known as Switch, and in Europe. Merchants who
accept Maestro cards online are required to use SecureCode, Mastercard’s card
authentication service. Cybersource identifies Maestro cards with the 024 and 042
card types.
Note that many international Maestro cards are not set up for online acceptance
and cannot be used even if they participate in a SecureCode card authentication

Mastercard A globally issued card that includes credit and debit cards. These cards start with
a 5. Cybersource identifies these cards as card type 002 for both credit and debit
cards. These cards participate in a card authentication service (Mastercard
Identity Check) provided by 3D Secure.

Mastercard Identity Trademarked name for Mastercard’s card authentication service.


Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 258



M (Continued)

MD Merchant-defined Data that is posted as a hidden field to the ACS URL. You can
use this data to identify the transaction on its return. This data is used to match
the response from the card-issuing bank to a customer’s specific order. Although
payment card companies recommend that you use the XID, you can also use data
such as an order number. This field is required, but including a value is optional.
The value has no meaning for the bank, and is returned to the merchant as is.

Merchant ID Data that must be uploaded for the Mastercard and Visa card authentication
process for each participating merchant. The Merchant ID is usually the bank
account number or it contains the bank account number. The data is stored on the
Directory Servers to identify the merchant during the enrollment check.

MPI Merchant Plug-In. The software used to connect to Directory Servers and to
decrypt the PARes.

PAN Primary Account Number. Another term for a credit card number.

PAReq Payer Authentication Request. Digitally signed Base64-encoded payer

authentication request message, containing a unique transaction ID, that a
merchant sends to the card-issuing bank. Send this data without alteration or
decoding. Note that the field name has a lowercase “a” (PaReq), whereas the
message name has an uppercase “A” (PAReq).

PARes Payer Authentication Response. Compressed, Base64-encoded response from

the card-issuing bank. Pass this data into Cybersource for validation.

PARes Status Payer Authentication Response status. One-character length status passed back
by Visa and Mastercard that is required data for Asia, Middle East, and Africa
Gateway authorizations.

processor Financial entity that processes payments. Also see acquiring processor.

ProofXML Cybersource field that contains the VEReq and VERes for merchant storage.
Merchants can use this data for future chargeback repudiation.

ProtectBuy Trademarked name for the Diners Club and Discover card authentication

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 259



request ID A 22- or 23-digit number that uniquely identifies each transaction sent to
Cybersource. Merchants should store this number for future reference.

risk-based Risk-based authentication is provided by the card-issuing bank. The card-issuing

authentication bank gathers a cardholder’s transaction data or leverages what data they have to
silently authenticate the cardholder based on the degree of risk that they perceive
the transaction to have. They base their risk assessment on factors such as
cardholder spending habits, order or product velocity, the device IP address, order
amount, and so on.

SafeKey Trademarked name for the American Express card authentication service.

SCMP API Cybersource’s legacy name-value pair API that has been superseded by the
Simple Order API.

Simple Order API Cybersource’s current API, which provides three ways to access Cybersource
services: name-value pair (NVP), XML, and SOAP.

Solo A debit card type that was owned by Maestro. It was permanently discontinued
March 31, 2011.

Switch See Maestro.

TermURL Termination URL on a merchant’s website where the card-issuing bank posts the
payer authentication response (PARes) message.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 260



UCAF Universal Cardholder Authentication Field. A Base64-encoded string sent back

with Mastercard Mastercard Identity Check-enrolled cards that specifically
identifies the transaction with the issuing bank and Mastercard. Standard for
collecting and sending AAV data for Mastercard Identity Check transactions. See

UCAF collection Value of 1 or 2 that indicates whether a Mastercard cardholder has authenticated
indicator themselves or not.

validate Cybersource service for decoding and decrypting the PARes to determine
success. The validate service returns the needed values for authorization.

VEReq Verify Enrollment Request. Request sent to the Directory Servers to verify that a
card is enrolled in a card authentication service.

VERes Verify Enrollment Response. Response from the Directory Servers to the VEReq.

VERes enrolled Verify Enrollment Response enrolled. One-character length status passed back by
Visa and Mastercard that is required data for Asia, Middle East, and Africa
Gateway authorizations.

Visa A globally issued card that includes credit and debit cards. These cards start with
a 4. Cybersource identifies these cards as card type 001 for both credit and debit
cards. These cards participate in a card authentication service (Visa Secure)
provided by 3D Secure.

Visa Secure (VbV) Trademarked name for Visa’s card authentication service.

XID String used by both Visa and Mastercard which identifies a specific transaction on
the Directory Servers. This string value should remain consistent throughout a
transaction’s history.

Payer Authentication Using the Simple Order API | 261

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