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6.2 Hypothesis Testing v1

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Hypothesis Testing
In hypothesis testing, an analyst collects sample data and
checks whether the data provide enough evidence to support
a theory, or hypothesis.
The hypothesis that an analyst is attempting to prove is called
the alternative hypothesis.
◦ It is also frequently called the research hypothesis.

The opposite of the alternative hypothesis is called the null

◦ It usually represents the current thinking or status quo.
◦ That is, it is usually the accepted theory that the analyst is trying to

The burden of proof is on the alternative hypothesis.

Concepts in Hypothesis
There are a number of concepts behind hypothesis testing, all of
which lead to the key concept of significance testing.
Example 9.1 provides context for the discussion of these
Example 9.1:
Pizza Ratings.xlsx
The manager of Pepperoni Pizza Restaurant has recently begun
experimenting with a new method of baking pizzas.
He would like to base the decision whether to switch from the old
method to the new method on customer reactions, so he performs an
For 100 randomly selected customers who order a pepperoni pizza for
home delivery, he includes both an old-style and a free new-style pizza.
He asks the customers to rate the difference between the pizzas on a -
10 to +10 scale, where -10 means that they strongly favor the old style,
+10 means they strongly favor the new style, and 0 means they are
indifferent between the two styles.
How might he proceed by using hypothesis testing?
Null and Alternative
The manager would like to prove that the new method provides better-
tasting pizza, so this becomes the alternative hypothesis.
◦ The opposite, that the old-style pizzas are at least as good as the
new-style pizzas, becomes the null hypothesis.
He judges which of these are true on the basis of the mean rating over
the entire customer population, labeled μ.
Favour Old Style Favour New Style
◦ If it turns out that μ≤ 0, the null hypothesis is true.
◦ If μ> 0, the alternative hypothesis is true. -10  ≤ 0 0  > 0 +10
Usually, the null hypothesis is labeled H0,, and the alternative hypothesis
is labeled Ha.
◦ In our example, they can be specified as H0:μ≤ 0 and Ha:μ> 0.
◦ The null and alternative hypotheses divide all possibilities into two
nonoverlapping sets, exactly one of which must be true.
One-Tailed versus Two-Tailed
A one-tailed alternative is one that is supported only by evidence in a
single direction.
A two-tailed alternative is one that is supported by evidence in either
of two directions.
Once hypotheses are set up, it is easy to detect whether the test is one-
tailed or two-tailed.
◦ One-tailed alternatives are phrased in terms of “<“ or “>”.
◦ Two-tailed alternatives are phrased in terms of “≠“.
The pizza manager’s alternative hypothesis is one-tailed because he is
trying to prove that the new-style pizza is better than the old-style
Types of Errors
Regardless of whether the manager decides to accept or reject the null
hypothesis, it might be the wrong decision.
◦ He might incorrectly reject the null hypothesis when it is true, or he might
incorrectly accept the null hypothesis when it is false.
These two types of errors are called type I and type II errors.
◦ You commit a type I error when you incorrectly reject a null hypothesis
that is true.
◦ You commit a type II error when you incorrectly accept a null hypothesis
that is false.
Type I errors are usually considered more costly, although this can lead to
conservative decision making.
Significance Level and
Rejection Region
To decide how strong the evidence in favor of the alternative hypothesis must be
to reject the null hypothesis, one approach is to prescribe the probability of a type
I error that you are willing to tolerate.
◦ This type I error probability is usually denoted by α and most commonly set to
◦ The value of α is called the significance level of the test.
The rejection region is the set of sample data that leads to the rejection of the null
◦ The significance level, α, determines the size of the rejection region.
◦ Sample results in the rejection region are called statistically significant at the α
Significance Level and
Rejection Region
It is important to understand the effect of varying α:
◦ If α is small, such as 0.01, the probability of a type I error is small, and a lot
of sample evidence in favor of the alternative hypothesis is required before
the null hypothesis can be rejected
◦ When α is larger, such as 0.10, the rejection region is larger, and it is easier
to reject the null hypothesis.
Significance from p-values
A second approach is to avoid the use of a significance level and instead
simply report how significant the sample evidence is.
◦ This approach is currently more popular.
◦ It is done by means of a p-value.
◦ The p-value is the probability of seeing a random sample at least as
extreme as the observed sample, given that the null hypothesis is true.
◦ The smaller the p-value, the more evidence there is in favor of the
alternative hypothesis.

0 0.01 0.05 0.1 p value

Significance from p-values
◦ Sample evidence is statistically significant at the α level only if the p-value
is less than α.
◦ The advantage of the p-value approach is that you don’t have to choose
a significance value α ahead of time, and p-values are included in
virtually all statistical software output.
Type II Errors and Power
A type II error occurs when the alternative hypothesis is true but there
isn’t enough evidence in the sample to reject the null hypothesis.
◦ This type of error is traditionally considered less important than a
type I error, but it can lead to serious consequences in real situations.
The power of a test is 1 minus the probability of a type II error.
◦ It is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when the
alternative hypothesis is true.
◦ There are several ways to achieve high power, the most obvious of
which is to increase sample size.
Hypothesis Tests and
Confidence Intervals
The results of hypothesis tests are often accompanied by confidence
◦ This provides two complementary ways to interpret the data.
◦ There is also a more formal connection between the two, at least for
two-tailed tests.
◦ When using a confidence interval to perform a two-tailed
hypothesis test, reject the null hypothesis if and only if the
hypothesized value does not lie inside a confidence interval for the

H0: 𝛍 = 𝟎 α/2 1-α α/2
Ha: 𝛍 ≠ 𝟎 (2.5%) (95%) (2.5%)

0 1.3  3.4
Practical versus Statistical
Statistically significant results are those that produce sufficiently small
◦ In other words, statistically significant results are those that provide
strong evidence in support of the alternative hypothesis.
Such results are not necessarily significant in terms of importance. They
might be significant only in the statistical sense.
There is always a possibility of statistical significance but not practical
significance with large sample sizes.
By contrast, with small samples, results may not be statistically
significant even if they would be of practical significance.
Hypothesis Tests for a
Population Mean
As with confidence intervals, the key to the analysis is the sampling
distribution of the sample mean.
If you subtract the true mean from the sample mean and divide the
difference by the standard error, the result has a t distribution with n – 1
degrees of freedom.
◦ In a hypothesis-testing context, the true mean to use is the null hypothesis,
specifically, the borderline value between the null and alternative
◦ This value is usually labeled μ0.
To run the test, referred to as the t test for a population mean, you calculate
the test statistic as shown below:

reject H0 (1-α) reject H0

Fail to reject H0 α/2
-tα/2,n-1 0 +tα/2,n-1
Example 9.1 (continued):
Pizza Ratings.xlsx (slide 1 of 2)
Objective: To use a one-sample t test to see whether consumers prefer the
new-style pizza to the old style.
Solution: The ratings for the 40 randomly selected customers and several
summary statistics are shown below.

H0: μ≤ 0
Ha: μ> 0
Favour Old Style Favour New Style

≤0 >0
-10 0 +10

To run the test, calculate the test statistic:

Example 9.1 (continued):
Pizza Ratings.xlsx (slide 2 of 2)
Use the StatTools One-Sample Hypothesis Test procedure to
perform this analysis easily, with the results shown below.

(1-α) (5%) p
95% (0.0038)
Fail to reject H0
reject H0
t value
Hypothesis Tests for Other
Just as we developed confidence intervals for a variety of
parameters, we can develop hypothesis tests for other
In each case, the sample data are used to calculate a test statistic
that has a well-known sampling distribution.
Then a corresponding p-value measures the support for the
alternative hypothesis.
Hypothesis Tests for a
Population Proportion
To test a population proportion p, recall that the sample proportion has a
sampling distribution that is approximately normal when the sample size is
reasonably large.
◦ Specifically, the distribution of the standardized value

is approximately normal with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

This leads to the following z test for a population proportion.

◦ Let p0 be the borderline value of p between the null and alternative hypotheses.
◦ Then p0 is substituted for p to obtain the test statistic below:
Hypothesis Tests for Differences
between Population Means
The comparison problem, where the difference between two population
means is tested, is one of the most important problems analyzed with
statistical methods.
◦ The form of the analysis depends on whether the two samples are
independent or paired.
If the samples are paired, then the test is referred to as the t test for
difference between means from paired samples.
◦ Test statistic for paired samples test of difference between means:

If the samples are independent, the test is referred to as the t test for
difference between means from independent samples.
◦ Test statistic for independent samples test of difference between means:
Example 9.4:
Soft-Drink Cans.xlsx (slide 1 of 3)

Objective: To use paired-sample t tests for differences between means to see

whether consumers rate the attractiveness, and their likelihood to purchase,
higher for a new-style can than for the traditional-style can.
Solution: Randomly selected customers are asked to rate each of the
following on a scale of 1 to 7:
◦ The attractiveness of the traditional-style can (AO)
◦ The attractiveness of the new-style can (AN)
◦ The likelihood that you would buy the product with the traditional-style
can (WBO)
◦ The likelihood that you would buy the
product with the new-style can (WBN)
Example 9.4:
Soft-Drink Cans.xlsx (slide 2 of 3)

The results from

four tests for
four difference
variables are
Example 9.4:
Soft-Drink Cans.xlsx (slide 3 of 3)
Hypothesis Test for Equal
Population Variances
The two-sample procedure for a difference between population means
depends on whether population variances are equal.
Therefore, it is natural to test first for equal variances.
◦ This test is referred to as the F test for equality of two variances.
◦ The test statistic for this test is the ratio of sample variances:

◦ The null hypothesis is that this ratio is 1 (equal variances), whereas

the alternative is that it is not 1 (unequal variances).
◦ Assuming that the population variances are equal, this test statistic
has an F distribution with n1 – 1 and n2 – 1 degrees of freedom.
Hypothesis Tests for Differences
between Population Proportions
One of the most common uses of hypothesis testing is to test whether
two population proportions are equal.
The following z test for difference between proportions can then be
◦ As usual, the test on the difference between the two values requires
a standard error.
◦ Standard error for difference between sample proportions:

◦ Resulting test statistic for difference between proportions:

Tests for Normality
Many statistical procedures are based on the assumption that
population data are normally distributed.
The tests that allow you to test this assumption are called tests for
◦ The first test is called a chi-square goodness-of-fit test.
◦ A histogram of the sample data is compared to the expected bell-
shaped histogram that would be observed if the data were
normally distributed with the same mean and standard deviation
as in the sample.
◦ If the two histograms are sufficiently similar, the null hypothesis of
normality is accepted.
◦ The goodness-of-fit measure in the equation below is used as a test
Example 9.7:
Testing Normality.xlsx (slide 1 of 5)

Objective: To use the chi-square goodness-of-fit test to see whether a

normal distribution of the metal strip widths is reasonable.
Solution: A company manufactures strips of metal that are supposed
to have width of 10 centimeters. For purposes of quality control, the
manager plans to run some statistical tests on these strips.
Realizing that these statistical procedures assume normally distributed
widths, he first tests this normality assumption on 90 randomly
sampled strips.
The sample data appear below.
Example 9.7:
Testing Normality.xlsx (slide 2 of 5)

To run the test, select Chi-Square Test from StatTools Normality Tests dropdown
Both the output and histograms below confirm that the normal fit to the data
appears to be quite good.
Example 9.7:
Testing Normality.xlsx (slide 3 of 5)

A more powerful test than the chi-square test of normality is the Lilliefors
◦ This test is based on the cumulative distribution function (cdf), which
shows the probability of being less than or equal to any particular value.
◦ Specifically, the Lilliefors test compares two cdfs: the cdf from a normal
distribution and the cdf corresponding to the given data.
◦ This latter cdf, called the empirical cdf, shows the fraction of
observations less than or equal to any particular value.
◦ If the maximum vertical distance between the two cdfs is sufficiently
large, the null hypothesis of normality can be rejected.
Example 9.7:
Testing Normality.xlsx (slide 4 of 5)

To run the Lilliefors test for the Width variable in Example 9.7, select Lilliefors
Test from the StatTools Normality Tests dropdown list.
StatTools then shows the numerical outputs and the graph of the normal and
empirical cdfs.
Example 9.7:
Testing Normality.xlsx (slide 5 of 5)

A popular, but informal, test of normality is the quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot.

◦ It is basically a scatterplot of the standardized values from the data set
versus the values that would be expected if the data were perfectly
normally distributed.
◦ The Q-Q plot for the Width data in Example 9.7 appears below.
Chi-Square Test for
The chi-square test for independence is used in situations where a
population is categorized in two different ways.
◦ For example, people might be characterized by their smoking habits
and their drinking habits. The question then is whether these two
attributes are independent in a probabilistic sense.
◦ They are independent if information on a person’s drinking habits is
of no use in predicting the person’s smoking habits (and vice versa).
◦ The null hypothesis for this test is that the two attributes are
◦ This test is based on the counts in a contingency (or cross-tabs)
◦ It tests whether the row variable is probabilistically independent of
the column variable.
Example 9.8:
Laptop Demand.xlsx (slide 1 of 2)

Objective: To use the chi-square test of independence to test whether demand for
Windows laptops is independent of demand for Mac laptops.
Solution: Big Office wants to know whether the demands for Windows and Mac
laptops are related in any way.
Big Office has daily information on categories of demand for 250 days, with each
day’s demand for each type of computer categorized as Low, Medium Low,
Medium High, or High.
Example 9.8:
Laptop Demand.xlsx (slide 2 of 2)

Test statistic for chi-square test for


Expected counts assuming row and

column independence:

Perform the calculations for the test

by selecting Chi-Square Independence
Test from the StatTools Statistical
Inference dropdown list.
The output is shown to the right.

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