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Assignment (To Be Done After Studying Blocks 1 and 2) Course Code: MTE-04 Assignment Code: MTE-04/TMA/2021 Maximum Marks: 100

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(To be done after studying Blocks 1 and 2)

Course Code: MTE-04

Assignment Code: MTE-04/TMA/2021
Maximum Marks: 100

1) Which of the following statements are true? Justify your answers. (This means that if you
think a statement is false, give a short proof or an example that shows it is false. If it is
true, give a short proof for saying so. For instance, to show that ‘{1, padma, blue} is a
set’ is true, you need to say that this is true because it is a well-defined collection of 3

i) The contrapositive of ‘ not A ⇒ not B ’ is ‘ A ⇒ B ’, where A and B are two


ii) Any set can be represented by the listing method.

iii) For any three sets A, B, C in a universal set U, (A \ B) × C = A \ (B × C ) .

iv) The operation of conjugation is closed on C .

v) If f (x ) and g (x ) are polynomials for which f (0 ) = g (0 ) and f (1) = g (1) , then

f (x ) = g (x ) .

vi) The solution set of 2x = 1, y + 5 = x , x = y + 3 is a singleton.

vii) (1 2 3 ...... n ) is a matrix.

viii) Bunyakovskii and Weirstrass were contemporaries.

ix) The Substitution Method for solving a linear system should be employed when the
Elimination Method fails.

x) If a monic polynomial of degree n has n roots in Z , then all its coefficients are in
Z. (20)

2) a) Prove that DO, DB and DE are the AM, GM and HM of a and b, as shown in
Fig. 1, Unit 6. (6)

b) Give an example, with justification, to show why 0 < a i < 1 in Theorem 6, Unit 6. (2)

c) Prove that
[1.2 + 2.3 + ... + n (n + 1)] ≥ n + 1 , for n ≥ 1 . (2)
n (n + 3) 4

3) a) Give an example related to the life of a schoolchild, of each of the following.

Justify your choice of example also.
i) Two non-empty sets, whose intersection is the null set.
ii) A set with exactly 4 subsets. (5)

b) Give three sets A, B, C such that A ∩ B ≠ «, B ∩ C ≠ «, A ∩ B ∩ C=« . Show

them in a Venn Diagram also, clearly stating what U is. (3)

c) Prove that if A and B are sets such that A × B ≠ « , then A ∪ C ≠ « for any set C. (2)

4) a) {
Show the geometric representation of the set z ∈ C z + 1 = 5 . } (2)

b) Prove, by contradiction, that if w , z ∈ C such that w ≤ 1 and

w n z + w n −1z 2 + ... + wz n = 1 , then z > . (5)
c) If z = a + 2i is a root of x 2 + 6 x + k = 0 , where a , k ∈ R , find a, as well as the
modulus and principal argument of z. Which quadrant does z lie in? (3)

5. a) Obtain the resolvent cubic of 4x 4 + 16x 3 − 17 x 2 − 102x − 45 = 0 using

i) Ferrari’s method;
ii) Descartes’ method.

Are the cubics you get from (i) and (ii) above the same?

Further, use either method to obtain the roots of the equation.

[Hint: To obtain a solution of the resolvent cubic, you can apply Theorem 5 of Unit
6.] (15)

b) Solve the equation x 5 − 5x 4 − 5x 3 + 25x 2 + 4x − 20 = 0 , given that its roots are of

the form a ,−a , b,−b, c . (5)

6. Solve the following linear systems by the method given alongside each.

Verify your solution also, in each case.

i) 2x – 3y + z = 1, x + y + z = 2, 3x – 4z – 17 = 0
(by Elimination Method). (5)

ii) 2x – 3y = 1, 5 – 2y = z
(by Substitution Method) (3)

iii) 2α + γ = 3β, α + β = 5 + 3γ, α − β = π

(by Cramer’s Rule) (5)

iv) 3x − 5 = y, y = 4 (geometrically) (2)

7. a) A lady bought a plot of land for ` 30 lakhs. She wanted to landscape it. So she
bought 15 bushes and 18 trees from a nursery for ` 975/-. A month later she
bought 7 bushes and 5 trees from the same nursery for ` 470/-. She paid a
gardener ` 5000/- to plant them. How much did each bush and tree cost her? (4)

b) A collection of 58 coins, consisting of 25p, 50p, ` 1 and ` 2 coins are in a bag. The
` 1 coins number 5 times that of the 25p coins. The ` 2 coins are double the number
of ` 1 coins, and thrice the number of the 50p coins. If the total value of the coins is
` 80/75, how many coins of each kind are there? (4)

c) Create a meaningful problem related to your life that can be represented by the
equations x – 4 = y, 2x + y = 5. (2)

25 2.5 10 1
335 573 π e
8) a) If A = , find A . (1)
25 2.5 10 1
e π 357 573

1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
b) Calculate 4 5 0 , 0 4 5 and 4 5 0 . (2)
1 −1 7 7 1 −1 20 − 20 140

c) Write a 3 × 3 square matrix A whose determinant is 75. (2)

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