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New & Old Pattern Coding Decoding

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
′Media Letter Reply Profile′ is written as ′18e% 14r$ 20y@ 15a@′
′Simple Camp Views Much′ is written as ′21e$ 24s@ 5p# 15h#′
′Improve Tool Worker Draft′ is written as ′6t@ 25r$ 11e% 22l#′
′Output Hundred List Greater′ is written as ′10d% 17t$ 9r% 14t#′

1. What is the code for ‘Post Adverts’?

A) 18t@ 3s%
B) 18t@ 3s$
C) 18t# 3s%
D) 16t# 3s$
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option C
Symbol is according to number of letters in word
4 – #, 5 – @, 6 –$, 7 – %
Number is = (number represented by first letter of word) + 2
Letter – last letter of word
So Profile – P = 16, 16 +2 = 18, 7 letter word so % and last letter e – so code is 18e%
2. What is the code for ‘Green Signal’?
A) 21l@ 9n@
B) 21l$ 8n#
C) 22l# 9n@
D) 21l$ 9n@
E) Cannot be determined

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Option D

3. What is the code for ‘Delete Image’?

A) 6e# 9e$
B) 6e$ 11e@
C) 6e@ 11e#
D) 8e@ 11e$
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

4. What is the code for ‘Share Content’?

A) 7t% 21e@
B) 3t% 21e%
C) 5t% 21e#
D) 5t% 21e@
E) Cannot be determined

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Option D

5. What is the code for ‘Current Quiz’?

A) 7t% 19z#
B) 5t% 19z#
C) 5t% 19z#
D) 5t% 20z#
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘Session Passive Area Happy’ is written as ‘@a2 &n4 !y3 %e4’,
‘Stimulus Hut Puzzle Herbal’ is written as ‘&s4 %e3 !l3 !t2 ’,
‘Affirm Sound Particular Account’ is written as ‘@t4 &d3 %r5 @m3’, and
‘Admire Potential Helmet Swap’ is written as ‘&p2 !t3 %l5 @e3’.

6. What is the code for ‘Approximate’?

B) %e5
C) @e5
D) @e6
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option D

& for first letter s, % for first letter p, @ for first letter a, and ! for first letter h
Number represents number of alphabets in word divided by 2. And is it comes in
decimal, the number is rounded off. Example crucial= 7 = 7/2 = 4. sour = 4 = 4/2 = 2
Alphabet represents the last letter of word.
So Passive = % for P, e for last letter e and 4 for passive= 7 = 7/2 = 4

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7. What is the code for ‘Humble Adequate’?

A) !e3 @e5
B) !e4 &e4
C) %e3 @e5
D) !e3 @e4
E) Cannot be determined

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Option D

8. What is the code for ‘Safety Proportional’?

A) %a6 !y3
B) %l6 &y3
C) !l5 &y3
D) %l6 !y4
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

remedy – @d3

9. What is code for ‘Part Habitat’?

A) %t3 !t5
B) %t2 !a5
C) %t2 !t4
D) %t3 !t4
E) Cannot be determined

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Option C

10. Which of the following will represent ‘Abroad Setting’?

A) @d3 !g3
B) @d3 &g4
C) !d3 &g4

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D) @d3 !g5
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘Condition Publish Media Paragraph’ is written as ‘OM36 AS36 EZ20 US28’,
‘Feedback Setting Show Pages’ is written as ‘AH20 ET28 HD16 EP32’,
‘Table Number Prefer College’ is written as ‘RI24 UI24 AV20 OV28’,
‘Game Split Urban Links’ is written as ‘AV16 IH20 RM20 PG20’.

1. Which is the code for ‘Letter Insert’?

A) EI28 NG28
B) EI24 NG28
C) EI28 NG24
D) EI24 NG24
E) None of these

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Option D
Numbers: Number of letters in word multiplied by 4
First letter in code is second letter of respective word. Second letter in code is reverse
of last letter of respective word.
So Condition – O for second letter O, M for reverse of N, 9 letter word so 9*4 = 36
makes OM36

2. What is the code for ‘Preview Draft’?

A) RG24 RD28
B) RG24 RE28
C) RG20 RD28
D) RF20 RE28
E) None of these

View Answer
Option C

3. What is the code for ‘Finance Content’?

A) IW28 OG24
B) IV28 OG28
C) IV24 OG28
D) FV28 OG28

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E) None of these

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Option B

4. What is the code for ‘Discussion Zone’?

A) IN40 OV12
B) IM36 OV16
C) IM40 OV16
D) OV40 OV12
E) None of these

View Answer
Option C

5. Which is the code for ‘Featured Aptitude’?

A) EW36 PW32
B) PV32 FW36
C) QV36 EW32
D) PV32 EW32
E) None of these

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Option D

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘Civilized Aroma Priceless Outlook’ is written as ‘N%24 Y@12 M$18 A#24’,
‘Media Break Emphasis Thousand’ is written as ‘R#21 Z$12 K@12 C%21’,
‘Remains Camera Blank Download’ is written as ‘B#21 P%18 A@15 Z$12’,
‘Invalid Umbrella Embark Fireless’ is written as ‘ S@21 D%21 C$15 G#18’.

6. Which is the code for ‘Malicious Streak’?

A) P$15 K#24
B) Q$15 K%24
C) R$15 K@24
D) Q$15 K%24
E) Cannot be Determined

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Option D
Observe all numbers are multiple of 3.
Number: (Number of letters in word – 1) * 3
Observe 4 symbols are used and there are words ending in 4 letters only – u , r, d, i
So d – #, a – @, s – %, k – $
Alphabet: first letter of word – 2.
Civilized will be coded as:
C – C-2 => A, last letter d => #, and number of letters in 9 so (9-1) * 3 = 24
So A#24

7. What is the code for ‘Outwalk Discard’?

A) C#18 M@18
B) B#18 M$18
C) C#15 M@18
D) B#15 M$18
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

8. What is the code of ‘Formula Surplus’?

A) D@18 Q%18
B) E@21 Q#18
C) D@18 Q%21
D) E@21 Q#18
E) Cannot be determined

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Option A

9. What is the code of ‘Phobia Educated’?

A) N$18 D#21
B) N@15 C#21
C) M@15 C#24
D) N$15 D#21
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

10. Which is the code for ‘Compass Replica’?

A) B%18 P@15
B) Z%18 Q@15
C) A%18 P@18
D) A%15 P@18
E) Cannot be determined

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Option C

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code
‘Basic material is available’ is written as ‘de kl ce dp’,
‘Basic questions are solved’ is written as ‘sa kc bk de’,
‘Almost questions available solved’ is written as ‘dp fc bk sa’ and
‘are material good enough’ is written as ‘kl ts kc mt’.

1. Which of the following is the code for ‘is are’?

A) kl dp
B) sa fc
C) ce de
D) ce kc
E) None of these

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Option D

2. Which of the following can be coded as ‘mt’?

A) material
B) good
C) are
D) enough
E) enough or good

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Option E

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3. If ‘questions make difference’ is coded as ‘cl km sa’, then which of the following is
the code for ‘solved are available’?
A) kc bk sa
B) dp mt kl
C) bk kc dp
D) de fc dp
E) bk ce fc

View Answer
Option C
questions or solved is ‘sa’ or ‘bk’. From given question, questions – ‘sa’, so solved –

4. Which of the following is the code for ‘basic good enough’?

A) kl ts mt
B) mt de ts
C) mt ke de
D) ts kc dp
E) Either A or B

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Option B

5. What can be the code of ‘almost material unique’?

A) fc bk op
B) fc de kl
C) kl op mt
D) fc kl jf
E) kl ts sa

View Answer
Option D
unique and ‘jf’ not present anywhere in codes – so unique can be coded as ‘jf’
almost – fc, material – kl

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given

In a certain code,
‘people are earning money’ is written as ‘ck pd ta sp’,
‘companies are paying more’ is written as ‘kl sp ps qr’,
‘earning with more money’ is written as ‘pd kl sa ck’ and
‘getting work paying money’ is written as ‘op ck al ps’.

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6. What is the code for ‘more money’?

A) kl sa
B) ck kl
C) op ta
D) sa ck
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

7. Which of the following can be coded as ‘sa’?

A) with
B) earning
C) getting
D) paying
E) with or earning

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Option A

8. Which could be the code for ‘people work hard’?

A) ta ck hj
B) sa kl op
C) al pd ta
D) Cannot be determined
E) ta op hk

View Answer
Option E
there – na, meaning – tif, code for title is not given, so it can be given any code other
than present in above given coding

9. What is the code for ‘are with paying’?

A) ck pd ps
B) sp pd ck
C) kl sp ps
D) sp ps sa
E) None of these

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Option C

10. Which is the code for ‘companies’?

A) qr
B) sp
C) ta
D) kl
E) pd

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Option A

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code ‘Rain is coming again’ is written as ‘hi pa le ter’, ‘again always water’ is
written as ‘hi mne ki’, ‘water is coming’ is written as ‘pa le mne’ and ‘it coming always’ is
written as ‘pa ki riz’.

1. Which of the following can be coded as ‘pa ter ki le’?

A) always coming water is
B) water is again always
C) rain is always coming
D) Rain is water always
E) None of these

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Option C

2. Which of the following is the code for ‘always water’?

A) le pa
B) hi ki
C) mne riz
D) ki mne
E) None of these

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Option D

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3. How will ‘water is again’ be written in this code?

A) le hi mne
B) le ter mne
C) pa mne riz
D) ki hi mne
E) mne ter riz

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Option A

4. Which of the following may represent ‘it’?

A) le
B) mne
C) pa
D) ter
E) riz

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Option E

5. What does ‘le ta’ represent in the code?

A) Rain always
B) coming it
C) always is
D) water coming
E) is rain

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Option E

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given

In a certain code, ‘many ideas are there’ is written as ‘fo kla fp na’, ‘there format are also
same’ is written as ‘jo hke kla si na’, ‘many name same meaning’ is written as ‘ya si fp tif’
and ‘name with there format’ is written as ‘na ya go hke’.

6. What does ‘hke’ stand for?

A) also
B) are

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C) there
D) name
E) format

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Option E

7. What is the code for ‘ideas’?

A) fo
B) kla
C) fp
D) na
E) Either fp or na

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Option A

8. Which could be the code for ‘there title meaning’?

A) tif kla na
B) jo si ya
C) na tif df
D) fp ya hke
E) ya ki tif

View Answer
Option C
there – na, meaning – tif, code for title is not given, so it can be given any code other
than present in above given coding

9. What is the code for ‘many’?

A) na
B) hke
C) fp
D) fo
E) kla

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Option C

10. Which is the code for ‘name are also same’?

A) ya kla hke si
B) jo Si ya Ia
C) si jo hke na
D) fp ya hke kla
E) ya si jo kla

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Option E

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘superstring park avail prelim’ is written as ‘#22T %8Q $10B @12Q’,
‘cereal revolving crook newsroom’ is written as ‘#10S @16O $12D %10D’,
‘training system unequal monk’ is written as ‘$14V %bN @12T #16U’, and
‘payback dream using ethical’ is written as ‘%14Q $14F #10V @10E’.

1. What is the code for ‘shooting upstream’?

A) @16V %16T
B) @16V #18T
C) @16V #16T
D) @16U %16T
E) Cannot be determined

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Option C
Symbols are according to last letter in words:
g – #, k – %, l – $, m – @
Number represents double the number of letters in words
Alphabet represents the next letter in alphabetical series to first letter of word.
So superstring — # for last letter g, 22 for 2*11 (11 letters in superstring), and T for next
letter to s
So superstring – #22T

2. What is the code for ‘making framework’?

A) #12N %18G
B) #12M $18G
C) #12M %20G
D) #12N @18G

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E) Cannot be determined

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Option A

3. What is the code for ‘logical coding’?

A) @12M $12E
B) #14M $12D
C) @14M $12C
D) #14M $12D
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

4. What is code for ‘environmental petroleum’?

A) @18Q $24F
B) @16Q $26E
C) @18Q $26F
D) #16Q $26E
E) Cannot be determined

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Option C

5. What is code for ‘maximum cashback’?

A) #14N %16D
B) @16N %16D
C) @14N %16E
D) @14N %16D
E) Cannot be determined

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Option D
Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given
In a certain code,
‘letter found option result’ is written as ‘w#6 m#15 i#12 g@18’,

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‘input sneak never final’ is written as ‘o#6 p@19 i@14 g#9’,

‘travel pirate height office’ is written as ‘g#8 v@16 o@20 v@15’, and
‘spark mutual inward quantum’ is written as ‘w#9 n@17 o#13 p@19’.

6. What is the code for ‘store gallery’?

A) u#19 b#8
B) v@18 c#7
C) u@18 d#7
D) v@19 b#7
E) Cannot be determined

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Option D
There are only 2 symbols in the above coding. They have been set according to first
letter of word. Words having numerical value less than equal to 13 are kept in one group
and are denoted by #. and from 14-26 by @. (i.e. for first half letter (a-m) – #, and for
last 13 letters (n-z) – @
Number represents the numerical value of first letter
Alphabet represents the reverse of last letter according to their number in
alphabetical series, a = 26, b = 25, …….z = 1
So letter — r -> i, # for l and 12 for l
So letter – i#12

7. What is the code for ‘inshorts phone’?

A) g#9 v@18
B) h#9 v@16
C) h@10 v@18
D) h#10 v#16
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

8. What is the code for ‘message internet’?

A) v@13 g#8
B) v#13 g#9
C) v#12 g@8
D) v#13 g#8
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B
9. What is code for ‘setting clock’?
A) p#13 t@19
B) p#3 t@18
C) p#3 t@19
D) p@3 t#19
E) Cannot be determined

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Option C

10. What is code for ‘word money’?

A) w@24 c#14
B) v@22 b#13
C) w@24 b#13
D) w#24 c@13
E) Cannot be determined

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Option C

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions.
‘to make search down’ is written as ‘es vst re pt’
‘normal in city make’ is written as ‘ch dsr mo vst’
‘normal to head on’ is written as ‘re dqv ch gi’ and
‘head refer to make’ is written as ‘re gi vst wey’

1. What is the code for ‘city’ in the given code language?

A) mo
B) wey
C) ch
D) Either ‘dsr’ or ‘mo’
E) Other than those given as options

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Option D

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2. In the given code language, what does the code ‘pt’ stand for?
A) head
B) Either ‘search’ or ‘down’
C) city
D) make
E) Either ‘city’ or ‘in’

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Option B

3. What may be the code for ‘Make us’ in the given code language?
A) dqv iq
B) iq gi
C) iq vst
D) gi es
E) vst dqv

View Answer
Option C

4. What is the code for ‘to’ in the given code language?

A) mo
B) vst
C) gi
D) dqv
E) re

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Option E

5. If ‘head on wheels’ is coded as ‘dqv wz gi’ in the given code language, then what
is the code for ‘Refer on wheels’?
A) wz ch es
B) dqv wz wey
C) wey mo wz
D) vst es wz
E) ch wey vst

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Option B

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions
In a certain code language,
‘format head for footer’ is written as ‘kop mi bo ge’,
‘refer for style footer’ is written as ‘seo li ge mi’
‘footer space to give’ is written as ‘ge frw wr ct’
‘give and refer head’ is written as ‘bo seo ct lko’

6. What is the code for ‘give’ in the given code language?

A) seo
B) ge
C) ct
D) mu
E) None of the Above

View Answer
Option C

7. In the given code language, what does ‘and’ stands for?

A) seo
B) ge
C) ct
D) mu
E) lko

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Option E

8. What is the code for ‘footer’ in the given code language?

A) seo
B) ge
C) ct
D) mu
E) lko

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Option B

9. What is the code for ‘space’ in the given code language?

A) Either seo or ct
B) ge
C) Either frw or wr
D) mu
E) other than those given as options

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Option C

10. What may be the possible code for ‘Refer heading’ in the given code language?
A) seo frw
B) ge seo
C) ct bo
D) seo mu
E) None of the Above

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Option D

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given

In a certain code language
‘heading and footer style’ is written as ‘gh sif wms st’
‘footer of document writable’ is written as ‘qui qwe ak gh‘
‘along style document readable’ is written as ‘dj wms qwe er‘
‘readable to revive heading’ is written as ‘dh ht dj st‘

1. What does the code ‘qui’ stand for in the given code language?
A) and
B) to
C) along
D) Either ‘of’ or ‘writable’
E) document

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Option D

2. Which of the following may possibly represent ‘revive to’ in the given code?
A) qwe ht
B) bt qwe
C) ht co
D) dh ht
E) dh dj

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Option D

3. What is the code for ‘heading’ in the given code language?

A) st
B) Either ‘sif’ or ‘wms’
C) gh
D) dj
E) sif

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Option A

4. What is the code for ‘style’ in the given code language?

A) st
B) gh
C) wms
D) ak
E) qwe

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Option C

5. Which of the following may represent ‘readable copied footer’ in the given code
A) fs gh dj
B) dj sif gh
C) gh er st

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D) gh fs sif
E) xs dj ak

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Option A

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given

In a certain code,
‘group factor content over’ is written as ‘#p20 %t24 @r21 $r12’,
‘distant heart prove listen’ is written as ‘@n15 %t23 #e11 #t19’,
‘goal noble policy discount’ is written as ‘@y11 $l20 %t23 #l13’, and
‘narrow express journal sign’ is written as ‘%s22 %l17 @w13 $n8’.

6. What is the code for ‘best coding’?

A) %t25 @g23
B) %t23 @g24
C) $t25 @g24
D) $t25 #g24
E) Cannot be determined

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Option C
Symbols are number of digits in word
4 – $, 5 – #, 6 – @, 7 – %
Number represents the number represented by first letter but from reverse
Alphabet represents the last letter of word.
So content – 7 letters so %, t for last letter t, c is 24 from reverse in z – a
So content- %t24

7. What is the code for ‘update draft’?

A) %e6 #t25
B) @e6 #t23
C) @f6 #d23
D) #e6 #t24
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

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8. What is the code for ‘preview status’?

A) %w11 @s9
B) %w10 @s8
C) %w12 @s9
D) %w11 @s8
E) Cannot be determined

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Option D

9. What is code for ‘public feature’?

A) @c11 %e21
B) @c12 %e22
C) %c12 #e21
D) %d11 %e21
E) Cannot be determined

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Option A

10. What is code for ‘browse trash’?

A) @e24 #h8
B) @e25 #h8
C) @e24 #h7
D) @e25 #h7
E) Cannot be determined

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Option D
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
′Team Made Best Solve′ is written as ′P17 C21 K28 N22′
′Solve Keep Test Team′ is written as ′M18 C21 N22 J20′
′Best Beep Wait Node′ is written as ′K28 W15 B12 K20′
′Wait Taste Care Main′ is written as ′S17 F23 W15 D27′

1. What can be the code for ‘Wait Merit’?

A) C21 W15
B) W15 D27
C) N22 J20

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D) C21 D27
E) None of these

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Option E
Wait – W15
Merit can be given any code other than already given above. But all options contain the
above codes

2. Which of the following can be used to find out the code for ‘Solve’?
(i) C21 K28 M18 D27
(ii) P17 K20 C21 K28
(iii) C21 K20 S17 N22
(iv) C12 N22 J20 K28
A) (ii) or (iii) or (iv)
B) (ii) or (iv)
C) (i) or (ii) or (iv)
D) (ii) or (iii)
E) None of these

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Option C
From 1st 2 lines Solve – is either C21 or N22, so if we know the words for codes given
in (1), (ii) and (iv) [in which either C21 or N22 is present – not both], code for Solve can
be found
3. Which of the following cannot be used to find the code for ‘Node’?
A) K20 F23 J13 L09
B) C21 B12 W15 L22
C) P23 B12 M12 N12
D) B12 K28 K20 M18
E) M18 K20 N22 O34

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Option D
Node can be B12 or K20. and these both are present in D) option so if we get to know
the words for code in D), then also we cannot find code for Node

4. If ‘Care’ is coded as ‘F23’, then what can be used to find code for ‘Taste’?
A) D27 P17 S17 W15
B) H17 M19 D27 L25
C) G19 E22 D27 S17
D) S17 C22 D27 L04
E) M18 S17 D27 C21

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Option B
If Care – F23, then Taste will be D27 or S17, so the one code in which only one is
present can be used to find code for Taste.
5. If the code for ‘Beep is ‘B12’, then which of the following can be used to find the
code for ‘Node Test’?
A) K20 M18
B) J20 M18
C) J20 K20
D) P17 K20
E) A or C

View Answer
Option E
If Beep – B12, then Node will be K20
Test is M18 or J20
Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘example hijack picnic classroom’ is written as ‘!k3 %v3 $x4 #s3 ’,
‘recheck puzzle excuse hygienic’ is written as ‘!s4 #i3 %v3 %k3’,
‘victim jumble lock chronic’ is written as ‘%q3 #o2 !x3 $e3 ’, and
‘hardwork terrific beam prism’ is written as ‘$y2 #s4 $k2 !g4’.

6. What is the code for ‘proclaim analytic’?

A) $j4 !z4
B) $k4 !z4
C) %k4 !y4
D) #k4 !z4
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option B
Symbols are last letter
e – %, k – #, c – !, m – $
Number represents number of alphabets in word divided by 2. And if it comes in
decimal, the number is rounded off to previous integer. Example example= 7 = 7/2 = 3.
hijack = 6 = 6/2 = 3
Alphabet represents the reverse of first letter.
So example – % for last letter e, reverse of e is v and 7 letter word, 7/2 = 3
So example – %v3

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7. What is the code for ‘ringworm outkick’?

A) $i4 #l3
B) $h4 #l4
C) $i3 #k3
D) !i4 #l3
E) Cannot be determined

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Option A

8. What is the code for ‘autism displace’?

A) $z4 %w3
B) $z3 %x4
C) $y3 %w4
D) $z3 %w4
E) Cannot be determined

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Option D

9. What is code for ‘pacific struck’?

A) !k3 %h3
B) $j3 #h3
C) !k3 #h3
D) !k3 #i3
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option C

10. What is code for ‘invasive turmeric’?

A) !d3 %r4
B) !g4 %r4
C) !j4 %r3
D) !g4 !y4
E) Cannot be determined

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View Answer
Option B

invasive – %r4
turmeric – !g4
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
′Oject Indefinite Interbank Login′ is written as ′I@11 E%14 E$17 J#11′
′Park Abatement Edible Green ′ is written as ′D@18 F#7 U$3 E%9′
′Countercheck Carbon Illicit Pipeline′ is written as ′H#18 E%5 G$11 L@5′
′Expectant Uncollectible Panick Hometown′ is written as ′I$7 F@18 H%10 M#23′

1. What will be the code for ‘Absorption Mixture’?

A) H#15 J#3
B) G@15 J%3
C) G@15 J$3
D) G#15 J%3
E) None of these

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Option D
There are 4 symbol, and observe that each line contains 4 words, one each ending with
either t or e or k or n
In 1st line — There are 2 codes with 11 in it and 2 words starting with I, I = 9, 9+2 = 11,
check if that makes sense in other words also. It makes O = 15, 15+2 = 17, which is in
So with this get the symbol and number.
t – $, e – #, k – @, n – %
Next letter:
There are two E’s in 1st line, 1 each in 2nd and 3rd lines of code. also 2 words with 5
letters in 1st line, and 1 each in 2nd and 3rd line, and E = 5. Check with others.
So Indefinite – end with e so #, I = 9, 9+2 = 11, and 10 letter word, J = 10
So Indefinite – J#11

2. What will be the code for ‘Unopen Celebrative’?

A) K#5 F%23
B) I#5 F#23
C) L#5 F@23
D) J#5 F%23
E) None of these

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Option A

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3. What will be the code for ‘Maiden Timework’?

A) E%16 H@22
B) F%15 H#22
C) F%15 H@22
D) F%16 H#22
E) Cannot be determined

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Option C

4. What will be the code for ‘Trademark Economist’?

A) IJ7 I@22
B) I$7 I@22
C) J$7 I%22
D) I$7 I$22
E) None of these

View Answer
Option B

5. What will be the code for ‘Fastest Monopolisation’?

A) H$9 N#15
B) H$7 N%14
C) G$8 N%15
D) G$7 N#15
E) Cannot be determined

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Option C

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code language
“title makes art beautiful” is written as ‘ds wdr ms te’
“makes baby very happy” is written as ‘gi te fid ho’
“Very title Based stories” is written as ‘ms opr ho je’ and
“Based like beautiful picture” is written as ‘cb ds dr opr’

6. What is the code for ‘Based baby happy’ in the given code language?
A) gi fid ms
B) opr ms gi

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C) ho opr gi
D) dr ds wdr
E) fid opr gi

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Option E

7. What is the code for ‘stories’ in the given code language?

A) opr
B) Other than those given in options
C) je
D) ms
E) dr

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Option C

8. If ‘art very risk’ is coded as ‘ho wdr zy’ in the given code language, then how will
‘title risk beautiful’ be coded as?
A) ho dr ds
B) ds ms dr
C) zy ms ho
D) wdr zy ds
E) Other than those given in options

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Option E

9. Which of the following may represents the code ‘makes improve’ in the given code
A) le dr
B) cs ds
C) ds nq
D) cs te
E) dr cs

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Option D

10. In the given code language, what does the code ‘cb’ stands for?
A) makes
B) very
C) either ‘picture’ or ‘like’

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D) either ‘beautiful’ or developed

E) title

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Option C
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
′Produce Land Shares Total′ is written as ′H1% O4$ K5@ G3#′
′World Puzzles Estate Favour′ is written as ′K1@ U9% D4# V5%′
′Matter Quicker Sale First′ is written as ′U2# H5$ N9% J9@′
′Gate Owner Complex Meet′ is written as ′N2$ T5$ L9# X6@′

1. What will be the code for ‘Goods Service’?

A) T2# G5@
B) T1$ G5@
C) T1# H5@
D) T2# H5%
E) None of these

View Answer
Option C
In 2nd and 4th code there are 2 codes with % and $ respectively. And also there are 2
words with 6 and 4 letters in these respectively. So by this it can be found that symbols
are used for no. of letters
Symbols for number of letters:
4 – $, 5 – #, 6 – %, 7 – @
For letters: Reverse in English Alphabet
For numbers – see that each lines of code contains 1 code with 5 digit
– K5@, V5%, H5$, T5$ . So find relation between words to find the pattern
There is one word in each line having ‘e’ letter at last of word. and e is 5. Check for
others too if it works. So you get is that the last digits of number of last letter are added
to obtain number in coding.
So Puzzles – P -> K, S = 19, 1+9=10 =1+0 = 1 and 7 letters in word so @
So Puzzles – K1@
2. What will be the code for ‘Major Share’?
A) N2% G5#
B) M9% H4#
C) N2# G5#
D) N9# H5#
E) None of these

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Option D

3. What will be the code for ‘Download’?

A) W4@
B) X4@
C) T4@
D) V4@
E) Cannot be determined

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Option E
Download is 8 letter word, so no symbol for 8 letter word is specified

4. What will be the code for ‘Free Games’?

A) U1$ U5#
B) T1# U5$
C) S2% U5$
D) T1% V4$
E) None of these

View Answer
Option B

5. What will be the code for ‘Angry Birds’?

A) Y1# Z7#
B) Y2$ X6#
C) Y1% Z7$
D) Z1$ Z8#
E) Cannot be determined

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Option A

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code language
‘Replace the text’ is written as ‘dsf ki pa’
‘He is getting replace’ is written as ‘hf sa dsf ta’
‘Outside material in text’ is written as ‘ra ja pa sd’
‘He is standing outside’ is written as ‘hf sa mu sd’

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6. How does ‘mu’ stand for ?

A) is
B) standing
C) he
D) outside
E) None of these

View Answer
Option B

7. How is ‘getting’ written in that code language?

A) ki
B) ta
C) pa
D) dsf
E) None of these

View Answer
Option B

8. What is the code for ‘he’ ?

A) hf
B) sa
C) either hf or sa
D) mu
E) None of these

View Answer
Option C

9. What is the code for ‘material’?

A) ja
B) ra
C) ta
D) either ra or ja
E) None of these

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Option D

10. Which of the following may code for ‘he is material in text’?
A) ra ja hf sa pa
B) hf dsf ta ki pa

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C) ra pa dsf mu ta
D) Can’t be determined
E) None of these

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Option A
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘mixed chamber incidence vacuum’ is written as ’88$B 12@C 36#E 52%A’,
‘jammer corporate frozen weird’ is written as ’24©B 40@B 92%A 12#E ’,
‘comedian magnitude webcam jumbled’ as ‘40%C 12©D 92$B 52#E ’, and
‘maximum revealed union editor’ is written as ‘72%D 52$C 20@B 84©A ’.

1. What is the code for ‘cardamom’?

A) 16#D
B) 12%E
C) 12$D
D) 14$D
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option C
Observe the numbers. They all are divisible by 4.
Number which represents first letter * 4.
Symbol is according to last letter of word:
D to %, N – ©, R – @, E – #, M – $
letters are only A, B, C, D, and E. They are according to number of letters in each word:
5 – A, 6 – B, 7 – C, 8 – D, 9 – E
I = 9, so 9*4 = 36
last letter E so #
Number of letters in incidence = 9, so E
So incidence is coded as – 36#E

2. What is the code for ‘pager style’?

A) 64@A 76#A
B) 64#A 76@A
C) 60@C 76#B
D) 64$A 76#A
E) Cannot be determined

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Option A

3. What is the code for ‘September December’?

A) 16@E 76@D
B) 72@E 16@D
C) 76@E 16@D
D) 76@E 16#D
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option C

4. What is code for ‘fusion clown’?

A) 12©B 24©A
B) 24©B 12©A
C) 24©D 12@A
D) 24©C 12©A
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option B

5. What is the code for ‘hundred folder’?

A) 32%D 24#B
B) 32©C 24@B
C) 32%D 24#B
D) 32%C 24@B
E) Cannot be determined

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Option D

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Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘home means happy house’ is written as ‘ne dl vl og ’,
‘brave means so bold’ is written as ‘rep og du be’,
‘bold words happy users’ is written as ‘dl uj tr rep’, and
‘More house so users’ is written as ‘ki ne be uj’.

6. Which is the code for ‘more home’?

A) dl uj
B) ki ne
C) og dl
D) vl ki
E) Cannot be determined

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Option D

‘home’ and ‘vl’ are present in only first code. Also other words in first code are present
in below codes. so ‘home’ – ‘vl’. Similarly for ‘more’ and ‘ki’ in fourth code

7. What is the code for ‘Bold house’?

A) ne rep
B) ne tr
C) rep og
D) tr og
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option A

8. What does ‘brave so words’ stands for?

A) rep be vl
B) be tr du
C) du rep ki
D) be du og
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

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9. What does ‘tr rep ty’ could mean in the given code language?
A) Words happy Letters
B) Bold often house
C) Bold makes words
D) Words so Bold
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option C

ty not present anywhere and also ‘makes’ so ‘ty’ could be for ‘makes’.

10. Which is the code for ‘home happy brave’?

A) og ne rep
B) dl du vl
C) dl vl og
D) du ki be
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option B

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
′Right Previous Courage Money′ is written as ′P@28 R#16 M©16 C%24′
′Practice Target Justify Mocks′ is written as ′J©24 P%28 T#20 M@16′
′Market Enzymes Awake Twenty′ is written as ′T©20 A%16 E@24 M#20′
′Jokers Crazy Object Globe′ is written as ′O#20 J@20 G%16 C©16′

1. What will be the code for ‘Courage Settlement’?

A) C©24 S#32
B) C%24 S@36
C) C%20 S#36
D) C%24 S#36
E) None of these

View Answer
Option D
Symbols for last letters:
t – #, s – @, y – ©, e – %
For letters: First letter of word

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For numbers – 4* (number of letters in word – 1)

So Courage – C -> C, E =% and 7 letters in word so (7-1)*4 = 24
So Courage – C%24

2. What will be the code for ‘Allotment’?

A) A@32
B) A©32
C) A#28
D) A%32
E) None of these

View Answer
Option C
Allotment is A#32

3. What will be the code for ‘Target Qualify’?

A) P©24 T%20
B) Q©24 T#20
C) Q©24 T#24
D) Q©20 T#20
E) None of these

View Answer
Option B

4. What will be the code for ‘Copy Limit’?

A) L#16 C%16
B) L@16 C©12
C) L#20 C@12
D) L#16 C©12
E) None of these

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Option D

5. What will be the code for ‘Powers Vide’?

A) V©12 P@24
B) V#16 P@24
C) V%12 P@20
D) V%16 P%20
E) None of these

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Option C

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code
‘developed record test precise’ is coded as ‘st rp cg rt’,
‘precise record clock theory’ is coded as ‘bk st rp vw’,
‘theory test light reality’ is coded as ‘rt bk pr ab’, and
‘developed reality each sharp’ is coded as ‘cg ab no cd’.

6. What is the code for ‘pr’?

A) light
B) test
C) theory
D) reality
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A

7. What is the code for ‘rt bk rp’?

A) test theory record
B) test theory precise
C) theory precise developed
D) Either A or B
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D

8. Which of the following is the code for ‘developed’?

A) rp
B) st
C) cg
D) vw
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C

9. What is the code for ‘Reality test precise’?

A) ab rt cg
B) ab cg no
C) ab rt st
D) st rp cg
E) st pr vw
View Answer
Option C

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10. Which of the following is the code for ‘sharp’?

A) ab
B) cg
C) no
D) bk
E) None of these
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Option E
no or cd
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘it is raining heavily today’ is written as ‘to ga di gi ni’,
‘today is make it set’ is written as ‘ru to ni di zi’,
‘come heavily it’ is written as ‘ga ni la’, and
‘is make set gone’ is written as ‘ru zi mu to’.

1. What is the code for ‘heavily’?

A) ni
B) ga
C) to
D) la
E) di

View Answer
Option B
From ‘it is raining heavily today’ is written as ‘to ga di gi ni’, and ‘today is make it set’ is
written as ‘ru to ni di zi’, – ‘it’ is ni, so
from ‘it is raining heavily today’ is written as ‘to ga di gi ni’, and ‘come heavily it’ is
written as ‘ga ni la’, ‘heavily’ is ga

2. What does the code ‘ru’ stand for in the given code language?
A) come raining gone
B) make
C) come raining it
D) set
E) None of these

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Option A
mu and gone only present ‘is make set gone’ is written as ‘ru zi mu to’.
come and la only present in ‘come heavily it’ is written as ‘ga ni la’
raining and gi only in ‘it is raining heavily today’ is written as ‘to ga di gi ni’

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3. What does the code ‘mu la gi’ stand for in the given code language?
A) come raining gone
B) set raining gone
C) come raining it
D) some gone heavily
E) None of these

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Option A
mu and gone only present ‘is make set gone’ is written as ‘ru zi mu to’.
come and la only present in ‘come heavily it’ is written as ‘ga ni la’
raining and gi only in ‘it is raining heavily today’ is written as ‘to ga di gi ni’

4. What may the code ‘ru la di’ stand for in the given code language?
A) make set today
B) come heavily today
C) come make gone
D) come make today
E) gone is come

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Option D
‘la’ is ‘come’
‘is’ is ‘to’
from ‘today is make it set’ is written as ‘ru to ni di zi’ and ‘is make set gone’ is written as
‘ru zi mu to’ – make set – ru zi

5. What may be the code for ‘come this raining’ in the given code language?
A) gi la ru
B) la gi zi
C) jo la di
D) jo gi la
E) jo gi ni

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Option D

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Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
With a certain code language,
‘she is a little girl’ is written as ‘me bu da jo ka’,
‘a girl was there’ is written as ‘pu da sha ka’,
‘there exists a little tree’ is written as ‘bu pe te sha ka’, and
‘little is exists’ is written as ‘me te bu’.

6. What is the code for ‘girl’?

A) me
B) da or ka
C) jo
D) da
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option D

7. What is the code for ‘is was exists’?

A) te da ka
B) bu pu te
C) pu te me
D) pu jo bu
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option C

8. What does ‘bu’ stand for?

A) is
B) little
C) she
D) is or little
E) girl

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Option B

9. What could be the code for ‘she a boy’?

A) sha bu ka

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B) jo me pu
C) ka jo te
D) mu ka jo
E) None of these

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Option D

10. What could be the code for ‘she tree there each’?
A) me pu ha jo
B) sha pe bu ut
C) jo ut sha pe
D) pe jo yu te
E) jo sha me ka

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Option C

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
With a certain code language,
‘care adjust found under’ is written as ‘#6a @5u $5f %4c’,
‘damage part road order’ is written as ‘#4p $4r @5o %6d’,
‘emperor entire attempt sad’ is written as ‘#7a $3s @7e %6e’, and
‘proud under online adjust’ is written as ‘%6o @5u $5p #6a’.

1. What is the code for ‘road’?

A) @5o
B) #4p
C) $4r
D) %6d
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option C

road – $4r
4 for 4 letters in road, $ for last letter d and ‘r’ for first letter ‘r’.

2. What is the code for ‘attempt under entire’?

A) #6a @7e #7a
B) @5u @5o $3s
C) %6e #7a @5u
D) None of these

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E) Cannot be determined

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Option C

attempt – #7a. # for last letter t, 7 for 7 letters in attempt, ‘a’ for first letter ‘a’
under – @5u. @ for last letter r, 5 for 5 letters in attempt, ‘u’ for first letter ‘u’
entire – %6e. % for last letter e, 6 for 6 letters in attempt, ‘e’ for first letter ‘e’

3. What does ‘$5p %4c @7e’ stand for?

A) under found attempt
B) care proud emperor.
C) care sad adjust
D) entire proud emperor
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

4. What will be the code for ‘butter court used’?

A) %6b #5r @6c
B) #3y @6d %4r
C) %8b $5g @4t
D) $4d #5c @6b.
E) None of these

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Option D

5. What is the code for ‘damage sad online’?

A) @6o $3s %6d
B) #3s @6d %4r
C) %6o $3s @6d
D) $4d #5c @6b
E) None of these

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Option C

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
With a certain code language,
‘hole create black bestows’ is written as ‘f $h l#b t!b f%c’,
‘report letters till civil’ is written as ‘m#c t!l u%r m$t’,
‘guard also failure junked’ is written as ‘e%j e#g p$a f!f’, and
‘into export every meeting’ is written as ‘z#e u%e p$i h!m’.

6. What is the code for ‘letters’?

A) u%r
B) m#c
C) t!l
D) m $t
E) Cannot be determined

View Answer
Option C

$ for four letter words, # for five letter words, ! for seven letter words, % for six letter
words, hole – f$h. f for next letter of last letter ‘e’, $ for four letter words and h for first
letter of hole. letters – t!l. t for next letter of last letter ‘s’, ! for seven letter words and l
for first letter of letters.

7. What is the code for ‘report create meeting’?

A) t!l u%e f$h
B) h!m u%r f%c
C) l#b u%r m $t
D) None of these
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

8. What does ‘t!b u$l u#c’ stand for?

A) under bestows attempt
B) court last bestows
C) care hole adjust
D) black proud emperor
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

9. What will be the code for ‘butter would used’?

A) t$r y#d e#w
B) s%b g!r e$u
C) t!g f%b e#v
D) e$u s%b e#w
E) None of these

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Option D

10. What does ‘e$t i#b f%c’ stand for?

A) tallest fish into
B) could best earn
C) centre told bench
D) ice earn calorie
E) None of these

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Option C
Directions (1 – 5): Study the following information arrangement carefully and answer
the questions given below:
With a certain code language,
‘alarm forest cuddle morning’ is written as ‘%f6 !m7 #a5 @c6’,
‘sight fire making criticism’ is written as ‘#c9 @f4 %s5 !m6’,
‘raising centre recent alarm’ is written as ‘@c6 %r6 #a5 !r7’, and
‘strike arm ignoring sight’ is written as ‘!i8 %s5 @s6 #a3’.

1. What is the code for ‘raising’?

A) !r7
B) @c6
C) #a5
D) %r6
E) Cannot be determined

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A) !r7
# for last letter m, % for last letter t, @ for last letter e, and ! for last letter g
Number represents number of alphabets in word
Alphabet represents the first letter of word.
So raising = ! for g, r for first r in raising and 7 for raising

2. What is the code for ‘fire arm morning’?

A) @c6 !m6 %s5
B) #a3 !i8 @c6
C) @f4 !m7 #a3
D) None of these
E) Cannot be determined

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C) @f4 !m7 #a3
# for last letter m, % for last letter t, @ for last letter e, and ! for last letter g
Number represents number of alphabets in word
Alphabet represents the first letter of word.

3. What does ‘@s6 %s5 !m6’ stand for?

A) ignoring cuddle forest
B) sight morning arm
C) making strike sight
D) strike raising fire
E) Cannot be determined

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C) making strike sight

4. What could be the code for ‘surfeit attempt alarm’?

A) %a6 #a5 @s6
B) #a5 %s7 %a7
C) %s8 #a5 @s4
D) #a5 #a3 !m4
E) None of these

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B) #a5 %s7 %a7
surfeit – % for t, s for s, 7 for surfeit
5. What is the code for ‘making centre forest’?
A) !m7 #a5 @c6
B) %r6 %f6 #c9
C) !m6 @s6 #a3
D) %f6 @c6 !m6
E) Cannot be determined

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D) %f6 @c6 !m6

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘commit also make policy’ is written as ‘%e4 !y6 #t6 @o4’,
‘policy craze anger mobile’ is written as ‘!y6 @r5 %e6 #e5’,
‘allow mild course prize’ is written as ‘!e5 %d4 #e6 @w5’, and
‘craze manner pump artist’ is written as ‘%r6 #e5 !p4 @t6’.

6. What is the code for ‘mild’ ?

A) @w5
B) %d4
C) %e4
D) %e6
E) Can’t be determined

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B) %d4
# for first letter c, % for first letter m, @ for first letter a, and ! for first letter p
Number represents number of alphabets in word
Alphabet represents the last letter of word.
So mild = % for m, d for last d in mild and 4 for mild

7. What does ‘#e6 #e5 @04’ stand for?

A) also make course
B) craze also course
C) commit course mobile
D) artist mild craze

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E) Either also make course or prize also course

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B) craze also course
#e6 – course
#e5 – craze
@04 – also
8. Which could be the code for ‘peace protect pump’?
A) #t4 %d6 !r4
B) !e4 !r4 !e2
C) !p4 @w3 !r4
D) !e5 !t7 !p4
E) None of these

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D) !e5 !t7 !p4
peace – !e5
protect – !t7
pump – !p4
9. ’!l8 %n6 @e7’ could be a code for which of the following?
A) mobile charge victory
B) peaceful modern advance
C) against modern effort
D) mild peaceful west
E) None of these

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B) peaceful modern advance
tis – lists
since da and arise both not present so ‘da’ can be ‘arise’
tip – regime
10. Which of the following is the code for ‘anger prize commit’?
A) !e5 %d4 %e4
B) !e5 @r5 #t6
C) @r5 #e6 #t6
D) #t6 @o4 %e6
E) None of these

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B) !e5 @r5 #t6

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
′Search box to find′ is written as ′K21 S22 P15 T16′
′Find is first form′ is written as ′L31 N20 R19 T16′
′Table is looking good′ is written as ′R19 O19 F34 E15′
′Search text not command′ is written as ′S17 E25 K21 U35′

1. What text be the code for ‘find girl’?

A) T16 K21
B) T16 U35
C) A19 T16
D) O19 T16
E) None of these

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Option C
Find – T16
Girl is not present anywhere in codes and so is A19

2. Which of the following can be used to find out the code for ‘box’?
(i) S22 K21 P15 U38
(ii) N20 S22 K67 U35
(iii) V20 K21 K67 P15
(iv) N20 P20 L31 U35
A) (ii)
B) (ii) or (iv)
C) (ii) or (iii)
D) (i) or (ii)
E) None of these

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Option C
From 1 code, search – K21 and find – T16

So ‘box’ is either S22 or P15 so if given that what codes (ii) and (iii) stand for, the code
for ‘box’ can be found. [because they contain either S22 or P15
in (i) both are given, so cannot be found. In (iv) – neither is given so cant be found
So either (ii) or (iii) can be used

3. Which of the following cannot be used to find the code for ‘command’?
A) N20 S22 K67 U35
B) S17 K21 E25 P15
C) S22 E25 P15 U38

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D) N20 P20 L31 S17

E) None of these

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Option B
Command can be S17 or E25 or U35. But B) contains both S17 and E25
4. If ‘first’ is coded as ‘L31’, then what text be the code for ‘not form’
A) N20 K21
B) U35 N20
C) O19 N20
D) N20 S22
E) F34 N20

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Option B
In ′Find is first form′ is written as ′L31 N20 R19 T16′.
Find – T16, is – R19. Now if first – L31, then form – N20.
Now in ′Search text not command′ is written as ′S17 E25 K21 U35′
Search – K21, so A cannot be the answer.
not can be S17 or E25 or U35, none of which is present in B, C or D. In B U35 is there.
So B) text be the code.

5. If the code for ‘looking’ is ‘F34’, then which of the following can be used to find the
code for ‘good’?
A) O19 E15 K21 P15
B) S17 O19 R19 E15
C) O19 P15 F34 E15
D) L31 U35 E15 P15
E) None of these

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Option D
‘is’ – R19. So if ‘looking’ is R34, then ‘good’ can be coded as O19 or E15.
Only in D option, one of them is written. In other options both O19 and E15 are written
so will not be useful to find the code for ‘good’.
Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘crucial major radical sour’ is written as ‘%a4 @a4 !u2 &o3’,
‘right calm safety mutual’ is written as ‘!t3 @h3 &a3 %l2’,
‘close micro school regime’ is written as ‘@m3 &r3 !o3 %s3’, and
‘mystery reside sour crucial’ is written as ‘%a4 &r4 !u2 @d3’.

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6. What is the code for ‘mutual’?

A) !n3
B) @c2
C) &a3
D) &n2
E) Cannot be determined

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Option C

& for first letter m, % for first letter c, @ for first letter r, and ! for first letter s
Number represents number of alphabets in word divided by 2. And is it comes in
decimal, the number is rounded off. Example crucial= 7 = 7/2 = 4. sour = 4 = 4/2 = 2
Alphabet represents the second last letter of word.
So crucial = % for c, a for second last a in crucial and 4 for crucial= 7 = 7/2 = 4

7. What does ‘!o3 @h3’ stand for?

A) calm regime
B) right school
C) school calm
D) close mutual
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

8. ’!a2 @n3 &n4’ could be a code for which of the following?

A) morbid raising shake
B) morning star rising
C) carry style sour
D) spacing rising radical
E) Cannot be determined

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Option B

remedy – @d3

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9. What is code for ‘close safety’?

A) %r2 &r4
B) %l3 @c2
C) !n3 %r2
D) !t3 %s3
E) Cannot be determined

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Option D

10. Which of the following will represent ‘carry spacing righteous’?

A) @m2 !a5 &t3
B) %r3 !a4 @t3
C) %m3 &s5 &r2
D) %r3 !n4 @u5
E) Cannot be determined

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Option D

multi – &t3
satirical – !a5
ramp – @m2
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
′Field Panel joint Guide′ is written as ′K28@ U10% Q18# T18©′
′Since Valid Worst Ideal′ is written as ′D36# H28© E24% R10@′
′Mount Local Trend Three′ is written as ′N42# G36© O06@ G12%′
′Mixed loose Final Sport′ is written as ′U28@ O30© N48% H30#′

1. What will be the code for ‘Spend Noise’?

A) H10% N18©
B) H10% M18@
C) H12# M18©
D) H10% M18©
E) None of these

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Option D

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Symbols for last letters:

t – #, l – @, e – ©, d – %
For letters: Reverse of 1 letter is taken. A -> Z, B -> Y………. and Z -> A

For numbers – 2* (number represented by middle letter of word)

So Field – F -> U, E =5 so 5*2 = 10, last letter d – %
So Field – U10%

2. What will be the code for ‘Prize Level Ahead’?

A) Z10% K20© M44@
B) Z10% K18© O44#
C) Z10% K18© O44@
D) Z10# J18© O44@
E) None of these

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Option C

3. What will be the code for ‘Rural Prove’?

A) K30© I34@
B) J30© I36@
C) K28© J36@
D) K30© I36@
E) None of these

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Option D

4. What could ‘Y42% W28%’ stand for?

A) Noise Solid
B) Dance Bound
C) Close Broad
D) Bound Arise
E) None of these

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Option B

5. What will be the code for ‘Doubt Craft’?

A) W42# Y02#
B) Z42# X02#
C) W44# Y02#

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D) W42# X02#
E) None of these

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Option D

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code language
“review paper style manage” is written as ‘def fa cde te’
“paper of known country” is written as ‘gi te ku ad’
“Known review view reference” is written as ‘cde bp ad bgs’
“View like manage layout” is written as ‘kx def dr bp’

6. If ‘style known page’ is coded as ‘ad fa zy’ in the given code language, then
what will ‘review risk manage’ be coded as?
A) ad dr def
B) def cde dr
C) zy cde ad
D) fa zy def
E) None of these

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Option E

7. What is the code for ‘view of post’ in the given code language?
A) gi ku cde
B) bp cde gi
C) ku bp gi
D) dr def fa
E) None of these

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Option E

8. Which of the following may represents the code ‘paper improve’ in the given code
A) le dr

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B) cs def
C) cs te
D) def nq
E) dr cs

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Option C

9. In the given code language, what does the code ‘kx’ stands for?
A) paper
B) known
C) either ‘layout’ or ‘like’
D) either ‘manage’ or developed
E) review

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Option C

10. What is the code for ‘reference’ in the given code language?
A) bp
B) dr
C) bgs
D) cde
E) None of these

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Option C

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