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2002 Heath-Carter Manual

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Somatotype Instruction Manual 2

Part 1: The Heath-Carter Anthropometric Somatotype

- Instruction Manual -
J.E.L. Carter, Ph.D.
Department of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA. 92182-7251. U.S.A.


The technique of somatotyping is used to appraise body shape and composition. The
somatotype is defined as the quantification of the present shape and composition of the human body. It
is expressed in a three-number rating representing endomorphy, mesomorphy and ectomorphy
components respectively, always in the same order. Endomorphy is the relative fatness, mesomorphy is
the relative musculo-skeletal robustness, and ectomorphy is the relative linearity or slenderness of a
physique. For example, a 3-5-2 rating is recorded in this manner and is read as three, five, two. These
numbers give the magnitude of each of the three components. Ratings on each compone nt of ½ to 2½
are considered low, 3 to 5 are moderate, 5½ to 7 are high, and 7½ and above are very high (Carter &
Heath, 1990). The rating is phenotypical, based on the concept of geometrical size-dissociation and
applicable to both genders from childhood to old age.

The Heath-Carter method of somatotyping is the most commonly used today. There are three
ways of obtaining the somatotype.

(1) The anthropometric method, in which anthropometry is used to estimate the criterion

(2) The photoscopic method, in which ratings are made from a standardized photograph.

(3) The anthropometric plus photoscopic method, which combines anthropometry and ratings
from a photograph - it is the criterion method.

Because most people do not get the opportunity to become criterion raters using photographs,
the anthropometric method has proven to be the most useful for a wide variety of applications.


The purpose of this chapter is to provide a simple description of the anthropometric somatotype
method. It is intended for those who are interested in learning "how to do it". To obtain a fuller
understanding of somatotyping, its uses and limitations, the reader should consult "Somatotyping -
Development and Applications", by Carter and Heath (1990).

The Anthropometric Somatotype Method

Equipment for anthropometry

Anthropometric equipment includes a stadiometer or height scale and headboard, weighing

scale, small sliding caliper, a flexible steel or fiberglass tape measure, and a skinfold caliper. The small
sliding caliper is a modification of a standard anthropometric caliper or engineer’s vernier type caliper.
For accurate measuring of biepicondylar breadths the caliper branches must extend to 10 cm and the
tips should be 1.5 cm in diameter (Carter, 1980). Skinfold calipers should have upscale interjaw

Somatotype Instruction Manual 3

pressures of 10 gm/mm2 over the full range of openings. The Harpenden and Holtain calipers are highly
recommended. The Slim Guide caliper produces almost identical results and is less expensive. Lange
and Lafayette calipers also may be used but tend to produce higher readings than the other calipers
(Schmidt & Carter, 1990). Recommended equipment may be purchased as a kit (TOM Kit) from
Rosscraft, Surrey, Canada (email:, or

Measurement techniques

Ten anthropometric dimensions are needed to calculate the anthropometric somatotype: stretch
stature, body mass, four skinfolds (triceps, subscapular, supraspinale, medial calf), two bone breadths
(biepicondylar humerus and femur), and two limb girths (arm flexed and tensed, calf). The following
descriptions are adapted from Carter and Heath (1990). Further details are given in Ross and Marfell-
Jones (1991), Carter (1996), Ross, Carr and Carter (1999), Duquet and Carter (2001) and the ISAK
Manual (2001).

Stature (height). Taken against a height scale or stadiometer. Take height with the subject
standing straight, against an upright wall or stadiometer, touching the wall with heels, buttocks and back.
Orient the head in the Frankfort plane (the upper border of the ear opening and the lower border of the
eye socket on a horizontal line), and the heels together. Instruct the subject to stretch upward and to
take and hold a full breath. Lower the headboard until it firmly touches the vertex.

Body mass (weight). The subject, wearing minimal clothing, stands in the center of the scale
platform. Record weight to the nearest tenth of a kilogram. A correction is made for clothing so that
nude weight is used in subsequent calculations.

Skinfolds. Raise a fold of skin and subcutaneous tissue firmly between thumb and forefinger of
the left hand and away from the underlying muscle at the marked site. Apply the edge of the plates on
the caliper branches 1 cm below the fingers of the left hand and allow them to exert their full pressure
before reading at 2 sec the thickness of the fold. Take all skinfolds on the right side of the body. The
subject stands relaxed, except for the calf skinfold, which is taken with the subject seated.

Triceps skinfold. With the subject's arm hanging loosely in the anatomical position, raise a fold
at the back of the arm at a level halfway on a line connecting the acromion and the olecranon processes.

Subscapular skinfold. Raise the subscapular skinfold on a line from the inferior angle of the
scapula in a direction that is obliquely downwards and laterally at 45 degrees.

Supraspinale skinfold. Raise the fold 5-7 cm (depending on the size of the subject) above the
anterior superior iliac spine on a line to the anterior axillary border and on a diagonal line going
downwards and medially at 45 degrees. (This skinfold was formerly called suprailiac, or anterior
suprailiac. The name has been changed to distinguish it from other skinfolds called "suprailiac", but taken
at different locations.)

Medial calf skinfold. Raise a vertical skinfold on the medial side of the leg, at the level of the
maximum girth of the calf.

Biepicondylar breadth of the humerus, right. The width between the medial and lateral
epicondyles of the humerus, with the shoulder and elbow flexed to 90 degrees. Apply the caliper at an
angle approximately bisecting the angle of the elbow. Place firm pressure on the crossbars in order to
compress the subcutaneous tissue.

Biepicondylar breadth of the femur, right. Seat the subject with knee bent at a right angle.
Measure the greatest distance between the lateral and medial epicondyles of the femur with firm
pressure on the crossbars in order to compress the subcutaneous tissue.
Somatotype Instruction Manual 4

Upper arm girth, elbow flexed and tensed, right. The subject flexes the shoulder to 90 degrees
and the elbow to 45 degrees, clenches the hand, and maximally contracts the elbow flexors and
extensors. Take the measurement at the greatest girth of the arm.

Calf girth, right. The subject stands with feet slightly apart. Place the tape around the calf and
measure the maximum circumference.

Read stature and girths to the nearest mm, biepicondylar diameters to the nearest 0.5 mm, and
skinfolds to the nearest 0.1 mm (Harpenden caliper) or 0.5 mm on other calipers.

Traditionally, for the anthropometric somatotype, the larger of the right and left breadths and
girths have been used. When possible this should be done for individual assessment. However, in large
surveys it is recommended that all measures (including skinfolds) be taken on the right side. The
anthropometrist should mark the sites and repeat the complete sequence a second time. For further
calculations, the duplicated measurements should be averaged. For more reliable values, relatively
inexperienced measurers should take triplicate measurements and use the median value.

Reliability of measurements

The advantages of anthropometry are lost unless the measurements are accurate and reliable
(i.e. precise). It is essential to learn precise measurement techniques and accurate calculations. Although
at first sight anthropometry appears easy to the beginning investigator, obtaining a high level of skill and
reliability requires training under a criterion anthropometrist and considerable practice.

Although calculation of the Heath-Carter anthropometric somatotype is an objective procedure,

the validity of the rating depends on the reliability of the measurements used. Investigators should report
test-retest reliability of the measurements. In comparisons of distributions of two independent measures
on the same subjects, the means should not differ significantly, and the Pearson product-moment r
should be above 0.90. Specifically, height and weight should have test-retest values of r = 0.98. Girths
and diameters should have r's between 0.92 and 0.98. For skinfolds r's between 0.90 and 0.98 are
reasonable. Currently, many anthropometrists use the technical error of measurement (TEM) for
evaluating the consistency, or precision, of the measurer on a given variable. The TEM is the square
root of the sum of the differences between measures one and two squared, divided by twice the number
of subjects (Cameron, 1984, Norton and Olds, 1996). The TEM provides an estimate of the
measurement error that is in the units of measurement of the variable. This value indicates that two thirds
of the time a measurement should come within +/- of the TEM. The TEM can be converted to a
percentage of the mean of the total number of measures (grand mean). This allows for comparisons
among measures or for groups of variables. Generally, the TEM for skinfolds should be about 5%, and
that for breadths and girths 1%, and for height about 0.5% The equations are as follows:

TEM = (∑ d2 / 2n)0.5 ; and %TEM = 100 (TEM/grand mean)

Calculating the Anthropometric Somatotype

There are two ways to calculate the anthropometric somatotype.

(A) Enter the data onto a somatotype rating form.

(B) Enter the data into equations derived from the rating form.

The use of the rating form will be described first. Figures 1 and 2 are examples of calculations
using the rating form. It is assumed that the measurements have been recorded on an appropriate

Somatotype Instruction Manual 5

recording form and average or median values calculated before transfer to the rating form. A blank
rating form is provided in Figure 3.

A. The Heath-Carter Somatotype Rating Form

(1) Record pertinent identification data in top section of rating form.

Endomorphy rating (steps 2-5)

(2) Record the measurements for each of the four skinfolds.

(3) Sum the triceps, subscapular, and supraspinale skinfolds; record the sum in the box opposite SUM3
SKINFOLDS. Correct for height by multiplying this sum by (170.18/height in cm).

(4) Circle the closest value in the SUM3 SKINFOLDS table to the right. The table is read vertically
from low to high in columns and horizontally from left to right in rows. "Lower limit" and "upper limit" on
the rows provide exact boundaries for each column. These values are circled only when SUM3
SKINFOLDS are within 1 mm of the limit. In most cases circle the value in the row "midpoint".

(5) In the row for endomorphy circle the value directly under the column for the value circled in number
(4) above.

Mesomorphy rating (steps 6-10)

(6) Record height and breadths of humerus and femur in the appropriate boxes. Make the corrections
for skinfolds before recording girths of biceps and calf. (Skinfold correction: Convert triceps skinfold to
cm by dividing by 10. Subtract converted triceps skinfold from the biceps girth. Convert calf skinfold to
cm, subtract from calf girth.)

(7) In the height row directly to the right of the recorded value, circle the height value nearest to the
measured height of the subject. (Note: Regard the height row as a continuous scale.)

(8) For each bone breadth and girth circle the number nearest the measured value in the appropriate
row. (Note: Circle the lower value if the measurement falls midway between two values. This
conservative procedure is used because the la rgest girths and breadths are recorded.)

(9) Deal only with columns, not numerical values for the two procedures below. Find the average
deviation of the circled values for breadths and girths from the circled value in the height column as

(a) Column deviations to the right of the height column are positive deviations. Deviations to the
left are negative deviations. (Circled values directly under the height column have deviations of
zero and are ignored.)

(b) Calculate the algebraic sum of the ± deviations (D). Use this formula: mesomorphy = (D/8)
+ 4.0. Round the obtained value of mesomorphy to the nearest one-half (½) rating unit.

(10) In the row for mesomorphy circle the closest value for mesomorphy obtained in number 9 above.
(If the point is exactly midway between two rating points, circle the value closest to 4 in the row. This
conservative regression toward 4 guards against spuriously extreme ratings.)

Ectomorphy rating (steps 11-14).

(11) Record weight (kg).

Somatotype Instruction Manual 6

(12) Obtain height divided by cube root of weight (HWR). Record HWR in the appropriate box.

(13) Circle the closest value in the HWR table to the right. (See note in number (4) above.)

(14) In the row for ectomorphy circle the ectomorphy value directly below the circled HWR.

(15) Move to the bottom section of the rating form. In the row for Anthropometric Somatotype, record
the circled ratings for Endomorphy, Mesomorphy and Ectomorphy.

(16) Sign your name to the right of the recorded rating.

The identification data in the upper section of the rating form are somewhat arbitrary.
Investigators may change these to suit their purposes.

Principles of the calculations

Two principles are important in understanding the calculation of mesomorphy on the rating form.
(1) When the measurements of bone breadths and limb girths lie to the right of the circled height column,
the subject has greater musculo-skeletal robustness relative to height (i.e. higher mesomorphy) than a
subject whose values lie to the left of the height column. The average deviation of the circled values for
breadths and girths is the best index of average musculo-skeletal development relative to height. (2)
The table is constructed so that the subject is rated 4 in mesomorphy when the average deviation falls in
the column under the subject's height, or when the four circled values fall in the subject's height column.
That is, the average deviation (±) to the left or right of the height column is added to or subtracted from
4.0 in mesomorphy.

Height-Weight ratio calculation

The height-weight ratio (HWR), or height divided by the cube root of weight (stature/mass1/3 )
as it is used in somatotyping, may be determined by using a hand calculator. A calculator with a y to the
x power (yx) key is needed. To get the cube root, enter mass, i.e. base (y), press yx, enter .3333, and
press 'equals'. If there is an INV yx function, this may be used instead by entering 3 (for the cube root).

Limitations of the rating form

Although the rating form provides a simple method of calculating the anthropometric
somatotype, especially in the field, it has some limitations. First, the mesomorphy table at the low and
high ends does not include some values for small subjects, e.g. children, or for large subjects, e.g. heavy
weightlifters. The mesomorphy table can be extrapolated at the lower and upper ends for these
subjects. Second, some rounding errors may occur in calculating the mesomorphy rating, because the
subject's height often is not the same as the column height. If the anthropometric somatotype is regarded
as an estimate this second limitation is not a serious problem. Nevertheless, the following procedures
described in Carter (1980) and Carter and Heath (1990) can correct these problems.

B. Equations for a decimal anthropometric somatotype

The second method of obtaining the anthropometric somatotype is by means of equations into
which the data are entered.

endomorphy = - 0.7182 + 0.1451 (X) - 0.00068 (X 2) + 0.0000014 (X 3)

where X = (sum of triceps, subscapular and supraspinale skinfolds) multiplied by (170.18/height in cm).
This is called height-corrected endomorphy and is the preferred method for calculating endomorphy.

Somatotype Instruction Manual 7

The equation to calculate mesomorphy is:

mesomorphy = 0.858 x humerus breadth + 0.601 x femur breadth + 0.188 x corrected arm
girth + 0.161 x corrected calf girth – height 0.131 + 4.5.

Three different equations are used to calculate ectomorphy according to the height-weight

If HWR is greater than or equal to 40.75 then

ectomorphy = 0.732 HWR - 28.58

If HWR is less than 40.75 but greater than 38.25 then

ectomorphy = 0.463 HWR - 17.63

If HWR is equal to or less than 38.25 then

ectomorphy = 0.1

For subjects 573 and B-188 respectively (Figures 1, 2), the resulting somatotypes (using height
corrected endomorphy) are 1.6-5.4-3.2, and 3.0-2.1-4.8,

The preceding equations, derived from data used by Heath and Carter (1967), use metric units.
The equation for endomorphy is a third degree polynomial. The equations for mesomorphy and
ectomorphy are linear. (When the HWR is below 40.75 a different equation is used for ectomorphy.) If
the equation calculation for any component is zero or negative, a value of 0.1 is assigned as the
component rating, because by definition ratings cannot be zero or negative.

Checking the results

Now that the anthropometric somatotype has been calculated, is the result logical? There are
several ways to check your results for measurement or calculation errors.

Using the rating form examples in Figures 1 and 2, the resulting somatotypes rounded to the
nearest half-unit, are 1½-5½-3 and 3-2-5 for subjects 573 and B-188 respectively. Are these
reasonable somatotypes? Certain somatotype ratings are not biologically possible, although our
examples are not among them. For example, a 2-2-2 or a 7-8-7 are impossible somatotypes.
Generally, somatotypes high in endomorphy and/or mesomorphy cannot also be high in ectomorphy.
Conversely, those high in ectomorphy cannot be high in endomorphy and/or mesomorphy; and those
low in endomorphy and mesomorphy must be high in ectomorphy.

Next, look at the pattern of circled values in the endomorphy and mesomorphy sections of the
rating form. Are there inconsistencies in the data? For endomorphy, are the skinfold values
reasonable? For mesomorphy, is there one measure (excluding height) that is quite far apart from the
others? In Figure 1, upper limb circled values are slightly to the right of, and larger relative to height,
than the lower limb measures. However, this pattern is not unusual and is quite acceptable in this case.
On the other hand, if the femur width was 7.95 cm instead of 9.75 cm, or corrected calf girth was 44.9
cm instead of 37.1 cm, such large deviations would suggest errors. Check for errors in recording and
remeasure the subject if possible. Also, check to see that the correct skinfolds in cm have been
subtracted for the corrected girth values. In Figure 2, the small corrected biceps girth (23.4 cm) looks
suspiciously low, but in this subject it truly represented her small muscular development in the upper
Somatotype Instruction Manual 8

If the calculation for any component is zero or negative, a value of 0.1 is assigned as the
component rating, because by definition ratings cannot be zero or negative. The photoscopic rating
would be one-half (½). If such low values occur the raw data should be checked. Values less than 1.0
are highly unlikely to occur for endomorphy and mesomorphy, but are not unusual for ectomorphy.
Component ratings should be rounded to nearest 0.1 of a unit, or nearest half-unit depending on their
subsequent use.

After the values are entered into the equations (either by calculator or computer program) rather
than onto the rating form, it is impossible to check the pattern of values in either the endomorphy or
mesomorphy section as in the rating form, although the raw values can be examined for errors. This is a
limitation of using the equations. Further checking can be done for either method by using the HWR
and by plotting the somatotype.

There is a relationship between the HWR and the likely somatotypes (see Fig. 4). The
somatotypes in the rows are those most likely to occur for the given HWR. For example, given a HWR
of approximately 49.6, the most likely somatotypes are 1-1-8, 1-2-9 or 2-1-9. (The hyphens are left
out of the somatotypes to conserve space.) The next most likely somatotypes are those in the rows
directly above and below the row for 49.6. If none of these somatotypes match or are not close when
interpolating for half-unit ratings, there may be errors in the data or calculations. However, other factors
such as heavy meals or dehydration can affect body weight sufficiently to alter the "normal" HWR.

For subject 573, HWR = 43.4, and Figure 4 shows that in the row for a HWR of 43.64 the
somatotypes 1-6-3 and 2-5-3 occur. His 1½-5½-3 is a combination of these two ratings, therefore his
anthropometric rating agrees with that expected from the HWR table. For subject B-188, HWR =
45.6, her 3-2-5 somatotype appears in the row above that for her HWR. Her ectomorphy is
borderline between 4½ and 5, which suggests that she might be a 3-2-4½, i.e. half way between the
two rows. The somatotypes for both subjects appear to be reasonable.

[A program for calculating individual and group data is provided in a Microsoft Excel© program, HC-
Stype Calculator.xls. See Part 3.]

Plotting the Somatotype

Traditionally, the three-number somatotype rating is plotted on a two-dimensional somatochart using

X,Y coordinates derived from the rating (see Fig. 4). The coordinates are calculated as follows:

X = ectomorphy - endomorphy
Y = 2 x mesomorphy - (endomorphy + ectomorphy)

For subject 573, X = 1.5, and Y = 6.5. For subject B-188, X = 2.0, and Y = -4.0. These points on
the somatochart are called somatoplots. If the somatoplot for the subject is far from that expected
when compared to a suitable reference group, check the data and calculations. Because Figure 5 is
quite crowded with numbers, the final somatoplots could be projected onto a somatochart without the
numbers. Figures 6a,b are two blank somatocharts, one with printed somatotypes and one without.
These may be copied for use.

Other versions of the rating form may be used instead. See Fig. 3, p. 153 in Carter (1996) for the
adaptation by Tim Olds. For descriptions and illustrations in Spanish of the anthropometric somatotype
rating form and somatocharts refer to the web site of Mariano A. Godnic (ARG),

The Somatotype Photograph

Somatotype Instruction Manual 9

The somatotype photograph is a valuable record of the physique, especially when change is
expected and for longitudinal growth studies. It can be used as a supplement to the anthropometric
somatotype rating, in assessment of body image, and in association with the anthropometric profile.
Even if you are not a qualified somatotype rater, you can look for the correspondence between the
anthropometric somatotype and what you see in the photograph. In other words, the photo provides
you with the visual image of what a particular 2-5-3 or 6-3-1 looks like. Details of how to rate the
photographs, with examples, are described in Carter and Heath (1990, App. I).

The somatotype photograph requires standardized poses of front, side and rear views of the
subject. The recommended minimal equipment consists of a good quality 35 mm camera, with an 80
mm lens and attached flash. The camera should be mounted on a tripod, at 5.8 m from the subject and
the lens height at approximately mid-stature for most subjects in the sample. Commercially developed
standard color print film (ASA 200 or 400) is quite satisfactory and relatively inexpensive. The subject
should be dressed in minimal clothing such as light-weight swim suits (single or two-piece), or running
shorts. A more permanent somatotype station should include a data board, turntable, standard scale,
white background, and flood or flash lights. (See Carter & Heath, 1990, App. I, for other options.)
Digital photography is now a viable option if care is taken to keep the focal length long to reduce
distortion of the physique.

Somatotype categories

Somatotypes with similar relationships between the dominance of the components are grouped
into categories named to reflect these relationships. Figure 7 shows somatotype categories as
represented on the somatochart. The definitions are given below. Subject 573 is an ectomorphic
mesomorph (or ecto-mesomorph), and subject B-188 is an endomorphic ectomorph (or endo-
ectomorph). All other somatotypes plotted within the same area are assigned the same category name.
The frequencies of somatotypes within categories (or combined categories) can be used to describe the
overall distribution of samples or for comparing them using a Chi-square analysis. The definitions of 13
categories are based on the areas of the 2-D somatochart (Carter and Heath, 1990).

Central: no component differs by more than one unit from the other two.

Balanced endomorph: endomorphy is dominant and mesomorphy and ectomorphy are equal (or do
not differ by more than one-half unit).

Mesomorphic endomorph: endomorphy is dominant and mesomorphy is greater than ectomorphy.

Mesomorph-endomorph: endomorphy and mesomorphy are equal (or do not differ by more than one-
half unit), and ectomorphy is smaller.

Endomorphic mesomorph: mesomorphy is dominant and endomorphy is greater than ectomorphy.

Balanced mesomorph: mesomorphy is dominant and endomorphy and ectomorphy are equal (or do
not differ by more than one-half unit).

Ectomorphic mesomorph: mesomorphy is dominant and ectomorphy is greater than endomorphy.

Mesomorph-ectomorph: mesomorphy and ectomorphy are equal (or do not differ by more than one-
half unit), and endomorphy is smaller.

Mesomorphic ectomorph: ectomorphy is dominant and mesomorphy is greater than endomorphy.

Somatotype Instruction Manual 10

Balanced ectomorph: ectomorphy is dominant and endomorphy and mesomorphy are equal (or do not
differ by more than one-half unit).

Endomorphic ectomorph: ectomorphy is dominant and endomorphy is greater than mesomorphy.

Endomorph-ectomorph: endomorphy and ectomorphy are equal (or do not differ by more than one-
half unit), and mesomorphy is lower.

Ectomorphic endomorph: endomorphy is dominant and ectomorphy is greater than mesomorphy.

The 13 categories can be simplified into four larger categories:

Central: no component differs by more than one unit from the other two.

Endomorph: endomorphy is dominant, mesomorphy and ectomorphy are more than one-half unit

Mesomorph: mesomorphy is dominant, endomorphy and ectomorphy are more than one-half unit

Ectomorph: ectomorphy is dominant, endomorphy and mesomorphy are more than one-half unit lower.

The three-dimensional somatotype

Because the somatotype is a three-number expression meaningful analyses can be conducted

only with special techniques. Somatotype data can be analyzed by both traditional and non-traditional
descriptive and comparative statistical methods Although descriptive statistics are used for each of the
components, comparative statistics should be made in the first instance using the whole (or global)
somatotoype rating. This, is followed by analysis of separate components. Some of these analyses are
described in Part 2. Here are some useful definitions:

somatopoint (S). A point in three-dimensional space determined from the somatotype which is
represented by a triad of x, y and z coordinates for the three components. The scales on the coordinate
axes are component units with the hypothetical somatotype 0-0-0 at the origin of the three axes.

somatotype attitudinal distance (SAD). The distance in three dimensions between any two
somatopoints. Calculated in component units.

somatotype attitudinal mean (SAM). The average of the SADs of each somatopoint from
the mean somatopoint (S) of a sample.

The SAD represents the "true" distance between two somatopoints (A and B). The SAD is
calculated as follows:

SADA,B = v [(endomorphyA - endomorphyB )2 + (mesomorphyA - mesomorphyB )2 +

(ectomorphyA - ectomorphyB)2]
Where A and B are two individuals, two different times for one individual, or two means.

Somatotype Instruction Manual 11

The SAM is calculated by dividing the sum of the SADs from their mean somatopoint by the
number of subjects.

Part 2: Somatotype Analysis

[This article is similar to sections in Ross, WD, Carr, RV and Carter, JEL, (1999). Anthropometry
Illustrated (CD-Rom). Surrey, Canada: Turnpike Electronic Publications, Inc., 1999, used with

The purpose of Part 2 is to draw attention to some basic concepts of somatotype analysis, comment on
recent applications, and provide a guide for investigators. The intent is to give general rather than
detailed procedures. For the latter the reader is referred to Carter (1996), Carter et al. (1983), Carter
and Heath (1990), Duquet and Carter (1996) and Sodhi (1991).

The most widely applied method for obtaining the somatotype is the anthropometric method of Heath
and Carter (1967), which has been modified slightly since it was first, published. Important changes
include the conversion to a rating form in metric units, the use of a height adjustment for endomorphy
which is now standard procedure, and the use of equations, instead of the rating form, to calculate the
component ratings (Carter and Heath, 1990). Recently, Rempel (1994) has developed modifications of
the rating form and equations so that the scales are truly size dissociated. His modifications are sound
and when tested further they will probably be accepted as the preferred methods for calculating
somatotype ratings.

Analysis of the three-number somatotype rating presents some unusual problems to the uninitiated. How
should such a rating be analyzed? Early solutions typically involved either analyzing the three component
ratings separately, or grouping somatotypes and comparing the frequencies. During the 1970s and
1980s more sophisticated analyses, appropriate for analysis of the somatotype as a whole, were
developed. These were summarized in a series of publications, Hebbelinck et al. (1973), Duquet and
Hebbelinck (1977), Carter (1980), Carter et al. (1983) and Carter and Heath (1990). An important
element of these developments was the ability to analyze whole somatotypes in two or three dimensions
using appropriate equations, which led to application of conventional statistical analysis. These equations
quantified the distances between somatotypes. The two and three-dimensional distances between pairs
of somatotypes are called the somatotype dispersion distance (SDD) and somatotype attitudinal
distance (SAD) respectively. The average of the distribution of somatotypes about their mean is called
the somatotype dispersion mean (SDM) in two dimensions, and somatotype attitudinal mean (SAM) in
three dimensions. Because the SAD and SAM, which are based in three dimensions, contain more
accurate information about the true distances between somatotypes than the SDD and SDM, which are
based in two dimensions, the three dimensional approach is recommended for most analyses. These
equations are given in the references cited above, as well as later in Part 3.

Somatotype Instruction Manual 12

The recommended procedures for obtaining and analyzing somatotype data are presented below, but all
are not appropriate for every study. The listing can be used as a guide. In general, the whole
somatotype (i.e. global or Gestalt somatotype) should be analyzed first. If there are differences between
groups, analysis of the components should follow.

1. Anthropometry. Obtain the 10 body measures needed for calculating the anthropometric
somatotype. Take repeated measures to determine the technical errors of measurement, both for the
measurers and for comparisons with a criterion anthropometrist, and report them. Use error
detection methods when appropriate.

2. Rating form and equations. Calculate the somatotype by entering the measures onto the rating
form, or into the equations. The rating form should be used for beginners, for individual assessment
and counseling, and for checking the pattern of measures in unusual somatotypes. Once data are
entered into equations some errors are likely to go undetected. However, once proficiency is
obtained in measurements, the use of equations in calculators or computers is obviously the most
efficient way to handle large collections of data.

3. Somatocharts. Plot individual and mean somatotypes on a somatochart. The somatoplots on the
somatochart provide an important visual display, either for individuals or means, and should be
utilized routinely. The shape of the distribution of somatoplots of a sample imparts considerable
useful information and should be preliminary to, or accompany, statistical analysis. It is vital to
interpreting results and should be included in publications when possible.

4. Categories. Determine the frequencies of somatotypes in categories, e.g. balanced ectomorph,

endo-mesomorph. When there are low frequencies in adjacent categories on the somatochart they
can be combined for a better summary and analysis. Caution must be used in combining categories -
they must make biological as well as statistical sense.

5. Descriptive statistics. Calculate and report descriptive statistics for the sample variables, including
endomorphy, mesomorphy, ectomorphy, SAM and SDM, as well as age, height, weight, and the
height/weight1\3. For statistical purposes, report individual and mean somatotypes to one decimal
place, e.g. 2.4-4.1-3.6. but for simplicity in conversation and written summaries round the rating to
the nearest half-unit, i.e. 2½-4-3½. Standard deviations can be reported to two decimals.
However, do NOT report the standard deviations within the three-number somatotype rating as this
destroys the concept of the whole somatotype. For example, try to avoid writing that the
somatotype of the groups was 2.4 (± 0.5), 4.1 (±0.7), 3.6 (±0.6); in tables put the standard
deviation under the mean, not in the next column. Sometimes a certain form might be desirable or
required by editors.

6. Comparative statistics. Determine what comparative statistics are needed, e.g. non-parametric
and parametric. The choice of procedures will depend on consideration of the usual limitations of
subject and sample characteristics, as well as the statistical assumptions and design.

Somatotype Instruction Manual 13

7. Non-parametric comparisons. When the frequency and relative frequency of somatotypes

according to categories on the somatochart are calculated, Chi-square or comparative ratio
analyses are applicable. In longitudinal studies, the changes in individual and mean somatotypes can
be quantified by summing the sequential distances during the time of the study. This is called the
migratory distance (MD). Because the MD does not indicate direction, it should be used in
conjunction with the somatoplots of the individuals or means. Other techniques such as Intensity
Distance, Cutting Line Principle, I-index, and Percent Overlap can also be used but are not often
applied. (See Carter and Heath, 1990).

8. Parametric statistics.

(a) Computations. Parametric statistics of the whole somatotype can be used for comparisons
among groups. Care must be taken to use the correct computational elements for calculating the
variances and mean differences, and this change depending upon whether a t-test or analysis of variance
(ANOVA) are used (Carter et al., 1983). Two different statistical tests are applied when comparing
two or more groups: (1) tests for differences between somatotype means (S 1 - Sn ), and (2) tests for
differences in the scatter of somatotypes about their means (SAM1 - SAMn). In addition, the ANOVAs
for repeated measures are different from those for independent groups. (There is no suitable t-test for
repeated measures for the whole somatotype.) Because SADs are simply distances between two
points, differences among SAMs can be analyzed by standard statistical tests. The procedures that
follow in 8(b,c) refer to analysis of mean somatotypes only.

(b) Between-group comparisons. For differences between mean somatotypes, use the SADs as
measurement units (Carter et al., 1983). Specific programs can be written for these analyses, or
computational statements can be written into standard statistical programs (e.g. SPSS) or into
spreadsheets (e.g. MS Excel) to calculate the correct computational elements. For between-group
comparisons, the use of a t-ratio for two groups, or an F-ratio for two or more groups, is appropriate.
When the F-ratio is significant for more than two groups use post-hoc tests for differences between
means, such as Tukey or Scheffe, which are conservative with respect to type I errors (Winer, 1971).
The “effect size” for the differences between means that is considered of practical and statistical
significance is SAD = 0.5 (i.e. ½ unit) for pair wise comparisons (Carter & Heath, 1990). In these
comparisons the somatotype is regarded as a whole and the degrees of freedom for the F-ratio is based
on the usual number of groups (k-1) and number of subjects (n-k)

In proposing an alternative to the methods of Carter et al. (1983) for analyzing somatotypes of
independent groups, Cressie et al. (1986) claimed that using the SAD prematurely collapsed the three
somatotype component vectors into a scalar SAD value, together with the use of inappropriate degrees
of freedom for the one-way ANOVA and F-ratio. They suggest increasing the degrees of freedom to
include those for the three separate components, thus increasing the likelihood of type I errors when
compared to the method of Carter et al. (1983). They recommended using a one-way MANOVA for
analyzing the three components. However, this procedure does NOT analyze the whole somatotype. It
Somatotype Instruction Manual 14

prematurely separates the somatotype into three components. Their premise is false in that it
compromises (or denies) the integrity of the whole somatotype and erroneously increases the degrees of
freedom. Furthermore, the SAD should be treated as any other derived variable and not be assigned
degrees of freedom based on the variables from which it is calculated. The degrees of freedom for a
given variable are not normally based on the number of variables, which contribute to them. Examples
include the BMI or HWR, or vectors contributing to complex biomechanical, physiological or growth
variables. Therefore, why do it for the somatotype? Such a notion violates the basic biological premise
of the somatotype as a whole. However, other investigators may wish to apply and evaluate either
method of determining the appropriate degrees of freedom. For a more recent discussion of these
points, see Carter and Duquet (1998, 1999) and Cressie (1998, 1999). (Other applications of analyses
by Cressie et al. are discussed below.)

(c) Repeated measures designs. If a repeated measures design is used, as in growth or training
studies, then different equations have to be used for analysis of the somatotype as a whole (Carter et al.,
1983). A two-way ANOVA is appropriate for this design, but there is no analogous somatotype t-test
for correlated data. If the F-ratios are significant, post-hoc tests are applied as noted above.

(d) Analysis of separate components. If there are no differences among somatotypes by group,
usually there is no need for further tests of the separate components. If differences among somatotype
means are found using 8 (b,c) above, then the next step is to see which components are responsible for
these differences. If considered as a univariate problem, the simplest analysis consists of applying t-tests
or F-tests to each component, in either independent or repeated measures designs. An adjustment for
the total number of comparisons should be used to reduce the likelihood of Type I errors. Because
there are three pairs of comparisons in a comparison of two groups or two occasions, one each for
endomorphy, mesomorphy and ectomorphy, the correct experiment wise error rate can be calculated
by the Bonferroni technique, in which the alpha level is divided by the number of comparisons.

Because there are three components or variables in the somatotype, a multivariate approach is more
powerful. The three components can be examined together for their joint contributions to differences
among discrete groups using a discriminant analysis (DA). The dependent variables (i.e. the three
components) are used to first select the variables that contribute significantly to group differences, and
then these variables are entered into a linear combination to predict the correct group membership, with
statistics such as overall F-ratios, Wilks’ lambda and canonical correlations as measures of significance.
The relative contribution of each component, which enters into the analysis, is calculated. One
advantage of DA is that although each component taken separately may not differ among groups, when
taken together (i.e. two or three) they could contribute to a reasonable and significant separation into
groups. The canonical correlation squared gives an estimate of the variance accounted for, and the
percentage of subjects correctly classified is also a useful indicator of differences among groups. (DA
can only be used with independent groups.)

As an alternative to DA analysis, Cressie et al. (1986) recommended the use of a one-way MANOVA
which uses Wilks’ lambda at the test statistic, and if significant, pair wise comparisons are conducted by

Somatotype Instruction Manual 15

using Hotelling’s T2, with a Bonferroni adjusted alpha level. As noted above this is an appropriate
analysis for the separate components, but not for the whole somatotype. Beunen et al. (1987), Bell
(1994) and Rosique et al. (1994), applied the MANOVA procedures. However, these authors
erroneously claim to have analyzed the “whole somatotype”, but in fact analyzed the three separate

(e) Partial correlations. The stability of each component over time (i.e. repeated measures) can
be assessed by calculating the interage partial correlations for one component while holding the other
two components constant, i.e. r1,23. Because there are moderate correlations between the somatotype
components and there is reduced meaning of component values when taken out of the context of the
somatotype, partial correlations are more appropriate and meaningful (Hebbelinck et al., 1995).

Summary. This review has attempted to reinforce some basic principles of somatotype analysis
and present new approaches. It points out differences between analysis of the whole somatotype and
the separate components. In the future other methods will probably emerge and receive acceptance in
the area of somatotyping. Finally, other tools should be used in conjunction with somatotyping to answer
detailed questions regarding physique and composition.


The following equations are used in calculation and analysis of somatotype data. Items 1 and 2 are for
calculating and plotting the somatotype. Items 3-6 are for analysis of the whole somatotype. Item 7
suggests methods for comparisons by components.

1. The anthropometric somatotype.

Endomorphy = - 0.7182 + 0.1451 (X) - 0.00068 (X2) + 0.0000014 (X 3)

Mesomorphy = (0.858 HB + 0.601 FB +0.188 CAG + 0.161 CCG) - (0.131 H) + 4.5

If HWR ≥ 40.75, then Ectomorphy = 0.732 HWR - 28.58
If HWR < 40.75 and > 38.25, then Ectomorphy = 0.463 HWR - 17.63
If HWR ≤ 38.25, then Ectomorphy = 0.1 (or recorded as ½)

Where: X = (sum of triceps, subscapular and supraspinale skinfolds) multiplied by (170.18/height in

cm); HB = humerus breadth; FB = femur breadth; CAG = corrected arm girth; CCG = corrected calf
girth; H = height; HWR = height / cube root of weight.
CAG and CCG are the girths corrected for the triceps or calf skinfolds respectively as follows: CAG =
flexed arm girth - triceps skinfold/10; CCG = maximal calf girth - calf skinfold/10.
Somatotype Instruction Manual 16

2. Plotting somatotypes on the 2-D somatochart.

X-coordinate = ectomorphy - endomorphy

Y-coordinate = 2 x mesomorphy - (endomorphy + ectomorphy)

3. Somatotype categories.

The following seven categories can be used for simplified classification of samples if the numbers are
large enough. These categories can be used in Chi-square analyses. (Thirteen categories are defined in
Carter, 1980, 1996, and Carter and Heath, 1990.) (See Part 1 for 4 and 13 categories.)

Central: no component differs by more than one unit from the other two.

Endomorph: endomorphy is dominant, mesomorphy and ectomorphy are more than one-half unit

Endomorph-mesomorph: endomorphy and mesomorphy are equal (or do not differ by more than one-
half unit), and ectomorphy is smaller.

Mesomorph: mesomorphy is dominant, endomorphy and ectomorphy are more than one-half unit

Mesomorph-ectomorph: mesomorphy and ectomorphy are equal (or do not differ by more than one-
half unit), and endomorphy is smaller.

Ectomorph: ectomorphy is dominant, endomorphy and mesomorphy are more than one-half unit lower.

Ectomorph-endomorph: endomorphy and ectomorphy are equal (or do not differ by more than one-
half unit), and mesomorphy is lower.

4. Somatotype attitudinal distance (SAD).

The SAD is the exact difference, in component units between two somatotypes (A, an individual or
group; B, an individual or group), or between two somatotype group means (e.g. A and B), or between
a subject and a group (e.g. subject A and group B).

SAD A;B = √ [(ENDO A - ENDO B )2 + (MESO A - MESO B )2 + (ECTO A - ECTO B )2 ]

Where: ENDO = endomorphy; MESO = mesomorphy; ECTO = ectomorphy

The somatotype attitudinal mean (SAM) is the mean of a group of somatotypes.

SAM = ∑ SAD i / nX

Somatotype Instruction Manual 17

Where: SADi = somatotype of each subject minus the mean somatotype of the group; nX is the number
in the group x.

The somatotype attitudinal variance (SAV) is the variance of the group.

SAV = ∑ SAD i2 / nX

The standard deviation of the somatotypes about SAM is √ SAV

5. Longitudinal somatotype ratings.

The same subject is remeasured over time; calculated by the migratory distance (MD). The MD is the
sum of the SADs, calculated from each consecutive pair of somatotypes of the subject.

MD (a;z) = SAD (a;b) + SAD (b;c) + ... + SAD (y;z)

Where: a = first rating; b = second rating; y and z = last two ratings.

6. Comparisons between independent samples.

(1). T-RATIO:

t = ¢ 1 - ¢2 / √ [ ∑ (SAD 12) + ∑ (SAD 22) / (n1 + n2 - 2) * (1/n1 + 1/n2)]

Where: ¢ 1 = mean of group 1, ¢ 2 = mean of group 2; SAD1 and n1, and SAD 2 and n2, refer to groups
1 and 2 respectively.


F = (SS t / df t) / (SS e / df e) = MS t / MS e

SS t = ∑ nj (¢ j - M o)2 , and SS e = ∑ ∑ (SADj2)

SS t1 = n1 (¢ 1 - M o)2 , and SS t2 = n2 (¢2 - Mo)2

Where: Subscripts - t = treatment; e = error; j = j groups; Mo = overall mean somatotype for combined

For a worked examples see Carter et al. (1983, p. 205). For an alternative SAD-ANOVA, see
Cressie et al. (1986).
Somatotype Instruction Manual 18

7. Comparisons by components.

(1) To identify the contributions of the three-somatotype components to possible differences between
samples, use standard MANOVA designs or Discriminant Analysis.

(2) For quantitative analysis of the longitudinal change in somatotype components use MANOVA
techniques with a within-subject design.

(3) To assess the relationship over time for a component use interage partial correlations for one
component while holding the other two constant, i.e. r 1,23.

Computer programs

Somatotype – Calculation and Analysis V1.1. Monte Goulding, Sweat Technologies, Mitchell Park,
South Australia. A new comprehensive user-friendly PDF platform program designed to calculate
individual and group somatotypes, import somatotype data from, and export to, other files. Reports
show statistics, somatoplots, categories, and comparisons of individuals and/or groups. The software is
available as a Single User License (Price ~ US$49.95) or a Site License (Price ~ US$495.00).
Download a 5 hour free trial version from: (Email:

HC_StypeCalculation-03.xls. A simple program for calculating the Heath-Carter somatotype from

anthropometry. Useful for individual or group data. No plotting or analysis.

LIFESIZE. V1.0 for Windows (or MAC), (1999), by T. Olds and K. Norton, is an anthropometric
profiling and analysis program. It is a tool which assists in the collection and analysis of anthropometric
data, has a database containing norms for somatotype, body fat and skinfolds for the general population
and specific sporting groups. It is an interactive and exploratory educational tool for students in
anthropometry. (Available from Human Kinetics.)

B.O.R.I.S. (2002). Pedro Alexander. A CD-Rom software program in Spanish for anthropometric
evaluation, including somatotype. Available from Dr. Miguel Albaran, Puerto Rico. Email:


Bell, W. (1993). Body size and shape: a longitudinal investigation of active and sedentary boys during
adolescence. Journal of Sports Science, 11:127-138.

Somatotype Instruction Manual 19

Beunen, G.; Claessens, A.; Lefevre, J.; Ostyn, M.; Renson, R.; Simon, J. (1987). Somatotype as
related to age at peak velocity and peak velocity in height, weight and static strength in boys. Human
Biology, 59:641-655.

Cameron, N. (1984). The Measurement of Human Growth. Beckenham: Croon Helm Ltd.

Carter, J.E.L. (1980). The Heath-Carter Somatotype Method, 3rd edition. San Diego: San Diego State
University Syllabus Service.

Carter, L. (1996). Somatotyping. In: K. Norton and T. Olds (Eds.), Anthropometrica, Chapt. 6, pp.
147-170. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press.

Carter, J.E.L., & Heath, B.H. (1990). Somatotyping - Development and Applications. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Carter, J.E.L., Ross, W.D., Duquet, W., & Aubry, S.P. (1983). Advances in somatotype
methodology and analysis. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 26, 193-213.

Carter, J.E.L.; Duquet, W.; Rempel, R. Letter to the Editor, Response. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 10:2-4,

Carter, J.E.L.; Duquet, W. Letter to the Editor, Response. American Journal of Human Biology,
11:434-436, 1999.

Cressie, N.A.C. Letter to the Editor. American Journal of Human Biology, 10:1-2, 1998.

Cressie, N.A.C. Letter to the Editor. American Journal of Human Biology, 11:433-434, 1999.

Cressie, N.A.C., Withers, R.T. and Craig, N.P. (1986). Statistical analysis of somatotype data.
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 29, 197-208.

Duquet, W. & Carter, J.E.L. (2001). Somatotyping. In: R. Eston & T. Reilly (Eds.), Kinanthropometry
and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual: Tests, procedures and data. Vol. 1, Anthropometry,
Chapt. 2. London: E & F.N. Spon.

Heath, B.H., & Carter, J.E.L. (1967). A modified somatotype method. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology, 27, 57-74.

Hebbelinck, M.; Duquet, W. (1977). Applications of the somatotype attitudinal distance to the study of
group and individual somatotype status and relations. In Eiben OG (ed): Growth and Development:
Physique, pp. 377-384. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado (Hungarian Academy of Sciences).

Hebbelinck, M.; Duquet, W.; Borms, J.; Carter, J.E.L. (1995). Stability of somatotypes: a longitudinal
growth study in Belgian children followed from 6 to 17 years. American Journal of Human Biology,
7: 575-588.
Somatotype Instruction Manual 20

Hebbelinck, M.; Duquet, W.; Ross, W.D. (1973). A practical outline for the Heath-Carter
somatotyping method applied to children. In Pediatric Work Physiology Proceedings, 4th
International Symposium, 71-84. Wingate Institute, Israel.

ISAK (2001). International Standards for Anthropometric Assessment. Underdale, S.A.; International
Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry.

Norton, K. & Olds, T. (1996). Anthropometrica. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press.

Rempel, R. (1994). A modified somatotype assessment methodology. M.Sc. Thesis, Simon Fraser
University, Burnaby, Canada.

Rosique, J.; Rebato, E.; Gonzalez Apraiz, A.; Pacheco, J.L. (1994). Somatotype related to centripetal
fat patterning of 8- to 19-year-old Basque boys and girls. American Journal of Human Biology,

Ross, W.D. & Marfell-Jones, M.J. (1991). Kinanthropometry. In J.D. MacDouga ll, H.A. Wenger &
H.J. Green (Eds.), Physiological Testing of the High-Performance Athlete (pp. 223-308).
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Ross, W.D., Carr, R.V. & Carter, J.E.L. (1999). Anthropometry Illustrated (CD-Rom). Surrey:
Turnpike Electronic Publications, Inc.

Schmidt, P.K. & Carter, J.E.L. (1990). Static and dynamic differences among five types of skinfold
calipers. Human Biology, 62, 369-388.

Sodhi, H.S. (1991). Sports Anthropometry (A Kinanthropometric Approach). Mohali: ANOVA


Winer, B.J. (1971). Statistical Principles in Experimental Design. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Somatotype Instruction Manual 21

Figure legends

Figure 1. Calculations of the anthropometric somatotype for subject 573 using the rating form.

Figure 2. Calculations of the anthropometric somatotype for subject B-188 using the rating form.
Somatotype Instruction Manual 22

Figure 3. Blank somatotype rating form.

Somatotype Instruction Manual 23

A ½-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B
15.40 119, 50.91
15.20 118, 129, 219 50.25
15.00 117, 128, 218 49.59
127, 217 138, 318
14.80 228, 48.93
126, 216 137, 317
14.60 227, 48.27
136, 316 237, 327
14.40 226, 47.61
135, 315 146, 416
14.20 225, 236, 326 46.95
134, 314 145, 415 246, 426
14.00 224, 235, 325 336, 46.28
144, 414 245, 425
13.80 234, 324 335, 45.62
233, 154, 514 255, 525
13.60 244, 424 345, 435 44.96
153, 513 254, 524
13.40 333, 344, 434 44.30
242, 422 163, 613 354, 534
13.20 253, 523 444, 43.64
343, 433
162, 612 263, 623
13.00 252, 522 353, 533 42.98
341, 431 172, 712 363, 633
12.80 262, 622 453, 543 42.32
352, 532
171, 711 182, 812
12.60 261, 621 272, 722 41.66
351, 531 362, 632
441, 452, 542
181, 811 282, 822
12.40 271, 721 372, 732 40.99
361, 631 462, 642
451, 541 552,
191, 911
281, 821
12.20 371, 731 40.33
461, 641
291, 921
12.00 381, 831 39.67
471, 741
561, 651
5-6½-½, 6-6-1 391, 931
11.70 10-2-1, 2-10-1 481, 841 38.68
571, 751
10-3-1, 3-10-1 491, 941
11.40 10½-2½-½, 11-2-1 581, 851 37.69
671, 761
6½-7½-½, 7 -7-1 4-10-1, 10-4-1
11.00 10½-3½-½, 11-3-1 5-9-1, 9-5-1 36.37
6-8-1, 8-6-1
7-8-1, 8-7-1 4-11-1, 11-4-1
10.50 11½-3½-½, 12-3-1 5-10-1, 10-5-1 34.71
6-9-1, 9-6-1
7½-8½-½, 8 -8-1 5-11-1, 11-5-1
10.00 11½-4½-½, 12-4-1 6-10-1, 10-6-1 33.06
13-3-1 7-9-1, 9-7-1
12-5-1 7-10-1, 10-7-1
9.50 13-4-1 8-9-1, 9-8-1 31.41
12-6-1 8-10-1, 10-8-1
9.00 13-5-1 9-9-1 29.75
14-4-1 11-7-1
A = height in inches / cube root of weight in pounds
B = height in centimeters / cube root of mass in kilograms

Figure 4. Distribution of somatotypes according to the HWR (height/weight1/3).

Somatotype Instruction Manual 24

Figure 5. The 2-D somatochart and X,Y coordinates.

Somatotype Instruction Manual 25

Figure 6 a,b Blank somatocharts.

Somatotype Instruction Manual 26

Figure 7. Somatotype categories labeled according to Carter and Heath (1990). Somatoplots falling
within the same area are grouped by category.


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