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Smoke Control and Day To Day Ventilation For Multi-Storey Residential Buildings

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Smoke control and day to day ventilation

systems for multi-storey residential buildings

Ventilation systems that help
meet legislative
requirements and
achieve design objectives

Why provide smoke control for multi-storey residential buildings? 3

The legislative framework and standards within the UK 4
The ventilation system options 4
Smoke control for means of escape (MOE) in residential buildings 5
The ADB shaft 6
The Colt Mechanical Shaft 6
The Colt Shaft Extended Corridor system 8
Pressurisation systems 10
Product options: roof/façade ventilators 12
Product options: shaft ventilators 14
Enabling a smoke control system to provide both smoke control
and day to day ventilation 15
Colt CoolShaft 16
Commissioning and testing 18
Why choose Colt? 18
Front cover:
Service and maintenance 18 Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth
Pan Peninsula, London

Why provide smoke control for

multi-storey residential buildings?
• In multi-storey residential buildings, the main escape route is In this leaflet we:
always via common corridors and/or lobbies to protected stairs. • Provide an understanding of the legislative framework within
the UK
• Smoke can easily spread from the accommodation and, if a door • Explain how ventilation systems can both help meet legislative
is left open even for a short period of time, it can quickly fill a requirements and achieve design objectives
corridor or lobby, making escape difficult for occupants. • Look at the equipment options.

• Smoke entering the stairs can make escape difficult for In addition, we look at opportunities for a smoke control system
occupants of higher storeys and slow down fire-fighters on to provide both smoke control and day to day ventilation.
their way in.

• In taller buildings the fire and rescue services need clear access
to stairs and lobbies to form a bridgehead for operations, using
a fire fighting shaft which is protected from smoke.

The legislative framework and standards within the UK
The legislative requirements derive from Smoke control systems are required to The requirements are set out in ADB, BS
the Building Regulations for England and protect the means of escape (MOE) for 5588-5, BS 9991 and BS 9999.
Wales (2010). Detailed recommendations the occupants.
to meet these requirements are provided See our “Ventilation for fire-fighting stairs”
in Approved Document B (ADB). Please Furthermore there is a requirement for leaflet for further information on those
note that the Building Regulations for buildings with a floor more than 18m buildings which fit within this category.
Scotland and Northern Ireland vary in above fire service access level or with a However in residential buildings ADB
some details. basement more than 10m below it to have does not require a fire fighting lobby or
a protected fire-fighting core with a fire the higher performance ventilation system
For apartment buildings, the most up to fighting lift whether these be residential that such a lobby would require.
date guidance is contained within ADB. buildings or not. Certain other buildings
just require a fire-fighting core.

Highbury Square, London

The ventilation system options

The ventilation system options depend largely upon the building Help resources
layout. A choice has to be made between:
For further help resources on deciding whether a natural or a
1. Natural ventilation using AOVs. Openable ventilators or mechanical shaft is right, please visit our blog:
windows (OVs) or automatically opening ventilators (AOVs)
may be used to evacuate smoke where common stairs,
corridors or lobbies extend to external walls. Benefits of natural shafts:
For product options, go to pages 12-13. • No fans. The primary benefit is that no fans are needed,
together with their cabling and controls and, of course, their
2. Natural or mechanical ventilation using shafts. Where standby power requirements.
corridors or lobbies are enclosed, ventilation shafts with • Low noise. The systems are virtually silent, although they can
dampers or fire doors and natural or powered ventilators may still be a source of noise transmission in noisy areas, such as
be used to evacuate smoke. under flight paths.
For product options, go to pages 7-9 and 14. • Low costs. Purchasing and operating costs are low, with a very
small power requirement and limited equipment to be tested
3. Pressurisation systems are an alternative method of protecting and maintained.
escape routes and firefighting cores against the ingress of smoke • No roof top plant. Little roof space is required, simply room
by maintaining the pressure within the escape route at a higher for the termination at the top of the shaft.
pressure than that in the adjacent spaces. If BS 9991 is being
followed, there is a recommendation therein that only Mechanical shafts have three major benefits:
pressurisation systems should be used where there is a storey • Size. They can be small.
above 30m. • Flexibility. They can be more flexible in layout.
For pressurisation systems, see pages 10-11. • More ventilation. They can provide improved ventilation to
compensate for extended travel distances.
These alternative approaches are explained in the following pages.

Smoke control for means of escape (MOE) in residential buildings

Approved Document B (ADB) accepts For small single stair buildings: If the For all other kinds of residential
that, in the event of a fire in an apartment, building is under 11m high, has no more buildings: In all other apartment buildings,

some smoke will spread from the than 3 storeys and the staircase does not the travel distances are limited to 7.5m


apartment into the corridor as the connect to a covered car park, then only in one direction and 30m if escape is in

occupants make their escape. a stairwell ventilator is required, provided two directions, and any corridor or lobby

that the escape distances are limited to that opens onto a staircase should be


Consequently, it is a requirement that 4.5m in the corridor. If the corridor is also ventilated. If BS 9991 is being followed,
any corridor or lobby that opens into ventilated, then escape distances can be a dead end travel distance of up to 15m
a staircase has ventilation to allow extended up to 7.5m. See below and pages is permitted in buildings with sprinkler

that smoke to be removed and, most 6-7 for the Colt Shaft System. protection to all apartments.


importantly, to prevent that smoke from


getting into the staircase.

Stairwell ventilator

AOV or shaft ventilator

Self closing fire door

Smoke shaft
Smoke damper





Figure A Figure B Figure C


If the corridor has outside walls, as in • Extends at least 0.5m above the highest Operation of the ventilation system
figure A, then an AOV is a suitable means structure within 2m If the apartments have access only to one
of ventilation, with a minimum free area • Extends 2.5m above the ceiling of the escape stair, the system must be linked to
of 1.5m2. highest level served by the shaft an automatic detection system.
• Is constructed from non-combustible
If the corridor is landlocked, as shown in material and the vents are equivalent to On detection of smoke in the corridor,
figures B or C, then a shaft system will an E30S fire door the vent on the fire floor, at the top of
be required. This can be either natural or • Is vertical with no more than 4m at an the shaft and the top of the stair should
mechanical. inclined angle (max 30°). all open simultaneously, and vents on all

other levels should remain closed.

If a natural shaft is used, ADB recommends The vent into the shaft, the vent at the top
that the shaft: of the shaft and any safety grilles in the If the apartments have access to more
shaft should all have a minimum free area than one escape stair, the ventilators can
• Is closed at the base of 1.0m2. be operated manually, but operation of
• Has a minimum cross-sectional area the shaft ventilators and the stair vent
of 1.5m2 with a minimum dimension of Alternatively, mechanical ventilation or must still be simultaneous. It is often
0.85m in either direction pressurisation may be used. more convenient to have a fully automatic
system instead.

The ADB shaft
In 2006 the ADB smoke shaft was introduced. The requirement
is for a 1.5m2 cross section shaft with a ventilator at the top
and 1m2 dampers to each lobby, and there is no requirement for
inlet air at ground level. Automatic ventilation is required to the
stairs, comprising a 1m2 AOV at the head of the stairs. BS 9991
now mentions the ADB smoke shaft as an alternative form of
ventilation to an AOV scheme or pressurisation.

The Colt Mechanical Shaft

Run & Standby Fans
Colt recognised that space for smoke shafts can be difficult 1m22AOV at
or expensive to find and has therefore developed the Colt head of stairs
Mechanical Shaft.

The Colt Mechanical Shaft provides equivalent performance to

an ADB shaft for the ventilation of fire-fighting lobbies. It can
therefore be considered an equivalent to the recommendations of
Approved Document B and BS 9991.

This shaft performs as well as or better than the ADB shaft and
requires only 40% of the shaft area.
Fire Floor
More effective ventilation combined with Lobby
space-saving Stairs

The Colt Mechanical Shaft, which is suitable for use in any stair
core (escape or fire-fighting), requires a shaft which can be as Figure D
small as only 0.6m2. This represents up to a 60% reduction in
the floor space required. It opens up the space on each floor,
which allows architects to be more creative in their designs, and
improves the saleable or lettable space for the client. This in turn
increases the profits for developers and the income for landlords,
and permits more usable space.

In addition the Colt Mechanical Shaft can perform better than

a standard shaft since it extracts at a defined rate - this means
that it is unaffected by external wind pressures. It is also less
susceptible to obstructions to the airflow within the duct.

Automatic ventilation is required to the stairs, comprising a 1m2

AOV at the head of the stairs.

The Colt Mechanical Shaft in detail
The Colt Mechanical Shaft solves a common
problem associated with mechanical extraction.
Since the lobby is fire rated, it is usually well
sealed, so even a small amount of extract will
cause a high negative pressure in the lobby, which
could make doors difficult to open and could
cause smoke to be drawn into the lobby from
the fire compartment, with devastating effect.

Two versions are available, the Colt Shaft Variable

and the Colt Shaft Constant.

The Colt Shaft Variable

The Colt Shaft Variable incorporates duty and standby variable
speed extract fans linked to a pressure sensor via the control

The Colt Shaft Variable avoids excessive negative pressures

without compromising the integrity of the stairs and lobby by
automatically reducing the ventilation rate when the lobby doors
are closed. It does this via a pressure sensor linked into the
control system that varies the fan speed.

With all doors open, the fan runs at full speed to extract smoke
discharging from the accommodation. With all doors closed, the
fan runs at minimum speed to help mop up any smoke leaking
past the closed door. In intermediate conditions, the fan speed
modulates to ensure adequate ventilation without excessive

The Colt Shaft Constant

The Colt Shaft Constant is a simpler and lower cost variation
which can be used under some circumstances.

The fans run at full speed and excessive negative pressure is

avoided by allowing the suction to pull open the (reverse hung)
stair door slightly against a carefully adjusted door closer.
It is only suitable when:

• No more than 60 people are expected to escape via the

stair door
• A reverse hung stair door will not cause difficulties such as
blocking corridor access.

Testing of the Colt Shaft

We have conducted a series of smoke tests which demonstrate
that the Colt Shaft can perform as well as a standard 1.5m2
ADB Shaft when this is fitted in the same situation. The tests
also showed that the system reacts quickly to pressure changes,
smoke clears quickly from the lobby when the accommodation or
stair doors are opened, and the lobby is kept clear of smoke once
the accommodation door is closed.

With the door to the accommodation closed, a typical lobby will

clear totally within 15 to 20 seconds of opening the stair door.

The Colt Shaft Extended Corridor system
A further development of the Colt Mechanical Shaft is the
Colt Shaft Extended Corridor system, which can extend travel
distances in means-of-escape corridors.

Such systems offer developers substantial space and cost saving

benefits, while providing a safe evacuation route, aiding fire-
fighters by allowing the corridor to be cleared of smoke rapidly,
even during the later stages of a fire, when a conventional system
might well be overwhelmed.

Rapid response and enhanced

7.5m max performance 7.5m max
The Colt Shaft Extended Corridor system allows safe escape
conditions to be maintained in the corridor, even when the travel
distance is extended by a factor of 2 or 3 in one direction.
This can remove the need for an additional staircase, freeing up
typically as much as 20-30m² of additional saleable space per
Typical building layout as per ADB

Source of Extract
inlet air point
Source of X up to approx 25m X Extract
inlet air Point

Figure E Colt Extended Corridor Solution removes the need for one
staircase and cross-corridor fire doors
The Extended Corridor system out-performs the conventional
solution for both evacuation and fire-fighting. Justification and approval for extended
The system is generally unaffected by external wind pressures, so
travel distances
is inherently more reliable than a natural system. Since extended travel distances are an area of design risk,
we would always recommend talking to Building Control
The system achieves exceptional smoke extraction performance early to obtain agreement in principle.
by utilising a corridor extraction system at one end of the
corridor and a dedicated air inlet system at the other. At the detail design stage, CFD analysis is inevitably required
to satisfy the authorities that the proposed system provides
There are four types of Extended Corridor system: adequate performance. Originally CFD was simply used to
(a) Pull system – mechanical extract / natural inlet show that conditions were demonstrably better than for
(b) Push system - mechanical inlet / natural exhaust a compliant solution, but nowadays it is more common to
(c) Push-pull – balanced system. show compliance with set performance objectives. The SCA
(d) Push-pull reversible - balanced system but with added publication, “Guidance on smoke control to common escape
flexibility. routes in apartment blocks” provides guidance on what
these objectives might be.
It is available as a free download from

Building Control may also request physical smoke tests to

be carried out upon completion to confirm compliance.

With extended travel distance systems, location is critical!
In a compliant building the location of the smoke outlet from the lobby or corridor is
Help resources
not legislated for. As long as the system is compliant it can be located anywhere. For an
For further help resources on
extended travel distance system it’s very different. Location is critical.
designing smoke shaft systems, please
visit our blog:
On these systems:
• The inlet and extract should be as close to the opposite ends of the corridor as
• The direction of air flow should draw smoke away from the stairs whenever practicable
This series covers a variety of topics
• Mechanical extract is usually preferred
including builder’s work shafts, noise,
• Remember that if natural inlet is used, it needs to be generously sized to avoid
power, extended travel distances,
excessive depressurisation of the corridor.
natural vs mechanical shafts, smoke
ventilation only and dual purpose
The aim is to continuously flush through the corridor to ensure that any smoke entering
from the fire room is quickly extracted, keeping the corridor fully tenable except when
the fire room door is open and for a short period after it is closed.

LABC Certification
The Colt Shaft Variable and Colt Shaft Extended Corridor systems are LABC Registered
Systems because of their superior performance as proven by CFD.

Improved effectiveness
Colt has carried out extensive CFD modelling in both escape and fire-fighting modes, and compared its Extended Corridor Solutions
with a compliant corridor that has a natural AOV system. In the model zero wind conditions have been assumed in assessing the
relative performance of the AOV. A typical example is shown below.

This modelling shows that in the early clear conditions for evacuation although a smoke spill out, completely filling the
stages of the fire, the two systems ceiling smoke layer hangs around with the corridor, and the AOV system is
perform satisfactorily. The fire starts in an AOV. At this stage, the fire is relatively overwhelmed. However, once the
apartment, the occupants evacuate and small. Ten minutes later, when the fire apartment door is closed, the mechanical
smoke spills into the corridor. Both the brigade open the apartment door, the fire system can clear the corridor within 60
AOV and the mechanical system keep is much more severe. Large volumes of seconds.

Figure F Figure G

Extended Corridor System

This CFD screen-grab shows visibility in the corridor. Red
denotes the greatest visibility distance, blue shows the least
visibility distance. Just 30 seconds after the apartment door
closes, the Extended Corridor System is well on its way to
clearing the corridor. Figure H
Despite the fact that the corridor is more than twice the
length of the compliant corridor, the corridor is almost
completely cleared of smoke within 60 seconds of the
apartment door closing.

Figure I

Conventional approach
After the same amount of time in the corridor equipped with
a conventional AOV, the visibility in almost zero - the corridor
is still completely smoke logged.

A video of these CFD simulations working dynamically may be

viewed at:
Figure J
Pressurisation systems
(or stairwell pressurisation
Pressurisation is one of the possible
solutions to provide smoke ventilation
in escape stairs, common lobbies and
corridors in residential buildings as
required by Approved Document B and as
recommended for buildings taller than 30m
(BS 9991).

Guidance on design of pressurisation

systems is provided in BS EN 12101-6:2005.
Guidance on when pressurisation is
appropriate is given in ADB volume
2: 2006 edition, BS 5588 (various parts)
and BS 9991:2011. Figure K

Pressurisation systems protect Pressurisation systems offer these Protecting escape routes: Smoke shafts
benefits: versus pressurisation
escape routes against the • Protection of escape routes
ingress of smoke by maintaining • Compliance with Approved Document B How do you decide which to use? The
and BS EN 12101-6. decision is influenced by legislation
the pressure higher than that However pressurisation systems are and standards, building configuration,
in the adjacent spaces. generally relatively expensive, so they are budget and space requirements. There is
normally only used where demanded by no universal “right” choice, but there’s
regulations or standards or by Building certainly a best choice for each individual
Control, usually as a trade-off. building. We can advise on this.

Help resources
For further help resources on
making the choice between designing
a smoke shaft or a pressurisation
system, please watch our recorded
webinar from: http://blog.coltinfo.

This webinar compares and contrasts

each system, providing an idea of
relative benefits, performance, space
and cost.

How a pressurisation system works In residential buildings it is usually impractical to carry
pressurisation up to each apartment door due to the
A pressurisation system provides supply air (where air is difficulty of providing air release from each apartment.
injected into the area that is to be protected), pressure Therefore stairs and lobbies are usually pressurised with
relief (to avoid overpressure when doors are closed) and air release from the corridor.
air release (air and smoke is released from the adjoining
fire area). Combining these elements creates a positive Pressurisation systems need to meet the
pressure difference which prevents lobbies and staircases recommendations of Approved Document B and BS EN
from filling up with smoke. 12101-6 “Specification for Pressure Differential Systems”
or BS 5588-4 - “Code of practice for smoke control using
pressure differentials”.

System components
Stairs Accommodation
A pressurisation system comprises:
• Inlet fans for introducing air into the
designated area. The run and standby
fans and control equipment should be
housed in a separate plant room or
outdoors and the inlet should be
protected from smoke. Dual inlets with
automatic smoke dampers are required
for roof level inlet.
• Ductwork and outlet grilles, to provide
distribution of air exactly where it is
• Pressure relief dampers, to release
excess air in the closed door condition
from the stair area. This should be
ducted to discharge directly to Stairs Accommodation
atmosphere independent of the wind
direction. Damper blades are set to start
opening at 50 Pa pressure differential. Vertical
• Automatic air release to prevent Powered extract
unwanted pressure build up in the
adjacent spaces. This may be automatic
vents, natural shafts or mechanical
extract systems.
The control system should operate
automatically from the smoke detection Natural air release
system with a manual on/off switch also
provided within either the pressurisation
plant room, near the building entrance (to
suit the fire service), or within the central
building services control room.

System requirements back the smoke on the fire floor when the door onto the fire
floor is open.
Two requirements need to be maintained within a pressurisation
system. These are: Getting the right balance for a pressurisation system needs careful
design in order for the system to work effectively. Insufficient
• Maintaining a pressure difference for a closed door condition. pressure difference across a closed door will allow the passage
Here the pressure difference is required to overcome buoyancy of smoke into the protected space. Excess pressure will impede
pressure generated by the hot smoke layer, expansion of the door opening and hence escape.
gases in the compartment due to heating, stack pressure and
wind pressure. It is critical that the walls to pressurised areas should be
carefully constructed to minimise air leakage and that all services
• Maintaining a velocity for an open door condition. Here penetrations should be properly fire stopped.
maintaining a velocity for an opened door is required to hold

Product options: roof/façade ventilators
Casement versus louvred AOVs
Approved Document B requires that lobbies / corridors should
be ventilated by an AOV with a free area of at least 1.5m2. This
does not sound like very much, but the definition of ‘minimum
free area’ for an AOV makes this difficult to achieve simply with
opening windows.

If using a casement ventilator, the side opening sections are not

taken into account and the top section is measured at 90° to the
casement. As a result, a 1.5m wide (throat) ventilator opening
to an angle of 30° needs to have a throat height of 2.0m and the
stroke of the motor will need to be around 1.2m in order to
achieve the required area. Clearly this results in a large ventilator
size and in a lot of instances this may prove impractical.

As a result it has become more common to use natural louvred

ventilators to provide the necessary area of AOV.

Lobbies / coridors should be ventilated by an AOV

with a free area of at least 1.5m2.

As per current version of ADB:

1.5m2 can only be achieved via
open area at 90o to direction of
airflow, ie area 1 .
Total area = 1 >

To achieve 1.5m2 a 1.5m wide vent

opening to 30o needs to be at least
2.0m high and the stroke of the motor
will need to be around 1.2m.

Product options: roof / facade ventilators
These natural ventilators can be used at the head of a shaft, in the stairwell or as AOVs.

Coltlite louvred ventilator

For vertical applications only.
• High aerodynamic efficiency and high thermal performance
• Compared to a casement ventilator, it opens to 90o with
attendant high efficiency
• Tested to EN 12101-2 and CE marked
• Glazed or insulated aluminium infill
• Thermally or non-thermally broken
• Pneumatic, electric or manual controls
• Optional anti-finger trapping controls

Airlite louvred ventilator

For vertical or roof applications. Generally for heated or unheated
• High aerodynamic efficiency and high thermal performance, with
thermal breaks
• Tested to EN 12101-2 and CE marked
• Opaque or clear polycarbonate blades
• Pneumatic, electric or manual controls

Seefire louvred ventilator

For vertical or roof applications. Lower thermal performance than
Airlite, so generally for unheated areas and as shaft terminations.
• High aerodynamic efficiency
• Tested to EN 12101-2 and CE marked
• Wired glass, polycarbonate, single skin or insulated aluminium infill
• Pneumatic, electric or manual controls

Kameleon casement ventilator

For vertical applications only.
• High aerodynamic efficiency and high thermal performance, with
thermal breaks
• Tested to EN 12101-2 and EN 14351-1 and CE marked
• Glass, polycarbonate or insulated aluminium infill
• Pneumatic or electric controls

Roof access hatch

Single flap staircase ventilator designed to provide1.0 or 1.5m2
minimum free area to ADB for smoke control, combining smoke
ventilation with roof access.

Product options: shaft ventilators
All these components have been designed with Colt Shaft systems in mind. They can be controlled as part of the shaft system network,
and also be addressed and linked via an OPV system to the fire alarm system.
All systems are minimum E30S rated, that means 30 minutes fire integrity and smoke sealed.

Defender motorised smoke shaft damper

Fire-rated louvred damper mounted behind a grille.
• Robust construction
• Low leakage rate and high free area
• Offers a fire-rated construction equivalent to that of an E30S door
• Option for a sleeved variant with motor at the front.

Defender F motorised smoke shaft ventilator

Fire-rated bottom hung motorised flap ventilator. Standard width is
630mm wide x 1350mm high (structural opening).
• Mineral wool insulation
• Double seal system to control air leakage in ambient and fire
• Offers a fire-rated construction equivalent to that of an E30S door
• Tested to BS EN1634 parts 1 & 3 (fire resistance tests for door and
shutter assemblies)
• Motor release from the corridor/lobby side to ease maintenance.

Doorman smoke shaft door operator

Fire-rated motorised shaft door operator to open or close an E30S
fire door.
• Robust mechanism ensures doors stay locked when not in use but
open when required
• Its modular design allows ease of installation and flexibility in
location of components. Supplied completely assembled, and simple
installation onto rear face of door
• One standard size for all doors - 790mm wide (door height would
then need to be 2150mm to meet Approved Document B)
• A ‘Colt Shaft’ option allows for the narrower doors that are used
on these systems, suitable for doors 600mm wide and above.

Olympic Athletes Village, London

Enabling a smoke control system to Please go to the Colt blog to access the “Ventilation solutions
for overheated corridors in residential buildings” whitepaper,
provide both smoke control and day to day which describes the options and pros and cons of each of the
ventilation following approaches in detail:

The quest for energy efficiency has led to very good sealing • Natural ventilation using AOVs. See pages 12-13 for the product
and insulation in residential buildings and an increase in district options.
heating schemes. This has unintended consequences for stair
lobbies, corridors and entrance halls, which tend to overheat, • Natural ventilation or mechanical ventilation using shafts. We
resulting in unpleasant conditions for residents and possible issues have described the various options for shafts in detail above,
maintaining cold water supply temperatures. see pages 7-9 and 14. This can involve either smoke fans with
separate day to day fans, or inverter-controlled dual purpose
One solution may be to make dual use of the equipment specified main fans, possibly with attenuators.
to provide smoke control of the common areas. In this way it is
possible to provide a simple and effective cross flow ventilation • Another solution may be to provide active cooling in the
system to extract warm, stale air from these spaces and their corridors using a mechanical shaft ventilation system with
ceiling voids. cooling.

Colt CoolShaft: providing smoke ventilation • Economical. CoolShaft systems offer cooling that is 4 - 7 times
more economical than conventional air conditioning systems,
and combating overheating in common areas with lower initial costs. CoolShaft runs much of the year in free
of residential buildings cooling mode, with evaporative cooling brought on-line when
temperatures rise.
CoolShaft is a combined smoke and day-to-day shaft system
which uses evaporative cooling technology to provide active pre- • Low energy use. Evaporative cooling is up to 90% efficient.
cooling of the incoming air, without compromising the ability of CoolShaft only needs a small quantity of electricity for the fan
the shaft system to ventilate the common area in a fire – and this that circulates the air and for the water pump.
with exceptionally low energy consumption.
• High cooling capacity. One CoolShaft unit can cool multiple
While a ventilation system supplying untreated outside air is floors, and often the complete building, owing to its inherent
able to achieve temperatures in the corridor at typically 3-5OC high cooling capacity.
above the outside ambient, a CoolShaft system is able to reduce
temperatures to below the outside ambient by providing active • No refrigerants. CoolShaft is free from refrigerants, thus
cooling in the corridors. there are no F gas compliance issues, and there is no need for
refrigerant / water pipework in the building.
Since CoolShaft is a combined smoke and day-to-day shaft system,
our design ensures that if there is a fire there is no compromise • Hygiene certificate. CoolShaft has an integrated water quality
in its ability to ventilate the common area and allow smoke to system using simple and robust technology. It provides safe
escape. circulation with temperature control and regular renewal of
water to avoid the growth of bacteria and scale. It has been
The many benefits of CoolShaft begin with low energy extensively tested and certified hygienically in compliance with
cooling VDI 6022 (“Hygienic Requirements for Ventilation Systems
and Units for Internal Spaces”). This is a rigorous standard for
It doesn’t need to cost the earth to cool a building: using the air conditioning systems and confirms the high quality of supply
cooling power of water, it’s possible to achieve low energy air.
cooling. Here are some of the features and benefits of CoolShaft:
• A space saver. CoolShaft has a smaller rooftop footprint and
• Cooling of corridors. Whereas basic day-to-day ventilation saving on rooftop ductwork compared to conventional air
systems for common corridors and lobbies use outside air to conditioning systems, thereby freeing up space.
ventilate the space, the CoolShaft provides active cooling with
incoming air up to 10OC below ambient temperatures, providing • Lightweight. CoolShaft is more lightweight than conventional
highly desirable conditions for residents. air conditioning systems.

Day to day Smoke damper

damper above

With CoolShaft, the incoming air is pre-cooled A CoolShaft evaporative cooling unit is integrated into the
adiabatically when temperatures reach a set point smoke ventilation shaft plant

Help resources
View our white paper, “Ventilation
solutions for overheated corridors”
for further info.

Quartermile, Edinburgh Castlegate, Manchester Harrods Apartments, London

Some residential projects completed by Colt

Highbury Square, London Junction Apartments, Manchester Olympics Athletes Village, London

Olympics Athletes Village, London St George’s Square, Glasgow Highbury Square, London

Harrods Apartments, London Blenheim Court Student Accommodation, Bristol Southside Apartments, Birmingham
Commissioning and testing
Any mechanical or electrical system needs
commissioning before use and natural
or powered ventilation systems are no
Colt commissioning engineers will check
the installation, set the equipment to
work and set up the control system to
ensure that everything works correctly
in accordance with the system cause and
effect chart.
Smoke testing of the completed
installation is not part of the normal
commissioning process but may be offered
upon request.

Why choose Colt? You can count on Colt to: Service and maintenance
• We are able to provide all the • Look at the complete picture: we know Our service team offers mechanical
equipment necessary for smoke control how a building works and have and electrical, preventative and reactive
of multi-storey buildings: OVs, AOVs, extensive in-house expertise in a broad service, maintenance and repair for a wide
shaft systems, access hatches, smoke range of technologies. variety of building services equipment,
dampers, smoke door and window whether or not this has been supplied
actuators, smoke detectors, break glass • Design the most cost-effective, by Colt.
switches, and manual and automatic no-nonsense solution engineered to
controls. meet your needs and any prevailing We provide a 24 hour, 365 day
regulations, relying on our in-house emergency cover as standard.
• We can provide a complete package of technical resources such as CAD
scheme design, manufacture, installation, and CFD. Maintenance of a smoke control system
commissioning and maintenance, with is essential. Regular maintenance protects
the advantage that all the components • Advise on the prevailing regulations your investment and brings peace of mind
are contained within one package of and standards. We have the expertise to that the system will operate effectively in
works. deliver smoke control systems that an emergency.
satisfy both the architectural demands
• Every type of building presents different and the safety regulations. British Standard BS 5588-12 and BS9999
dynamics and requirements, and when Customise our products to fit the recommends that smoke control systems
you work with Colt, you can count on exact requirements of your project should be serviced at least once a year
full peace of mind in every phase of the and, where necessary, have them and tested weekly.
project and for the full life cycle of your specially tested at our R&D facility.
system because our experts understand
the engineering and architectural • Supply our high quality products,
challenges of different buildings. manufactured under quality standards
and third party tested to rigorous
standards. Install and commission your
system: our experienced, professional
project management teams will take
care of everything.

• Maintain and service your system to

ensure it keeps working at its most
efficient throughout its life cycle.

• Train and advise through all phases of

the process. We offer free technical


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“People feel better in Colt conditions.”

© Colt International Licensing Limited 2014

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