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Kinetics of Malachite Green Fading

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Kinetics of Malachite Green Fading – Integrated Rate Law Analysis

Malachite Green belongs to a class of intensely colored organic compounds called

triphenylmethane dyes. The structure and color of malachite green depend on pH, making
it a valuable acid−base indicator as well as an excellent dye. The major structural form of
malachite green is the monovalent cation, abbreviated MG+, which is shown in below. MG+
is the predominant form of malachite green in the solid state and in aqueous solution
across a broad range of pH values from pH 1 to 13.

In strongly basic solutions the blue-green MG+ cation slowly combines with hydroxide ions to form a
neutral product, MG-OH, which is colorless. The rate of this reaction (Equation 1) is slower than typical
acid–base proton transfer reactions and depends on the initial concentration of both malachite green
and hydroxide ions.

MG+ + OH-  MG-OH (colourless) Equation 1

Exactly how much the rate changes as the reactant concentration is varied depends on the rate law for
the reaction. In the case of the reaction of MG+ with OH– ion, the rate law has the general form:

Rate = k[MG+]x[OH-]y Equation 2

The exponents x and y are defined as the order of reaction for each reactant and k is the rate constant
for the reaction at a particular temperature. The values of the exponents x and y must be determined by

If the reaction is carried out so that the system is flooded with OH -, so that [OH-]>>[MG+], then the [OH-]
will be essentially constant during the reaction. Then Equation 2 will reduce to a simpler form

Rate = k’[MG+]x Equation 3

k’ = k[OH-]y Equation 4
The constant kʹ is a new “pseudo rate constant” incorporating both the “true” rate constant k and the
[OH–]y term. Equation 3 is referred to as a pseudo-rate law because it is a simplification of the actual rate
law, Equation 2.
The pseudo-rate law is valid when the concentration of OH − ions is much greater than the concentration
of MG+ ions. Under these conditions the [OH −]y term in Equation 2 will not change much over the course
of the reaction and may be treated as a constant in the rate equation.
Recall that the absorbance for a specific concentration of a solution with a fixed path length varies
directly with the absorptivity coefficient of the solution. This relationship is known as Beer’s law.

where A is absorbance,  is the molar absorptivity, b is the path length in cm, corresponding to the
distance light travels through the solution, and c is the molar concentration of the solution. Beer’s law
provides the basis of using spectroscopy in quantitative analysis. Using this relationship, concentration
and absorbance may be calculated if one variable is known while keeping  and b constant. This
relationship is also extremely valuable in kinetics experiments, making it possible to follow the rate of
disappearance of a colored substance by measuring its absorbance as a function of time.

The visible absorption spectrum for Malachite Green, MG +, is shown in the YouTube video
accompanying this lab. The concentration of the dye was 11 M. Sketch the spectrum here.

max for Malachite Green is _______ nm so we will use the _______ nm wavelength on the colorimeter

Part 1: Create a Beer’s Law plot for Malachite Green.

You will be given a 11 mM stock solution (11 x 10 -6 M). Prepare a series of 6 dilutions in test tubes and
measure their absorbance values with a wavelength at or close to max. Create your Beer’s Law plot
using the last two rows of data in this table.

Test Tube 1 Test Tube 2 Test Tube 3 Test Tube 4 Test Tube 5 Test Tube 6
Volume of 11 mM
Malchite Green, mL

Volume of distilled
water, mL

Concentration of
Malachite Green, M

Absorbance at
_______ nm
Perform linear regression for your Beer’s
Law plot and record the equation relating
the Absorbance and the Concentration of
malachite green here:

Part 2: Reacting the 11 M Malachite with 0.10 M NaOH.

Mix 10.0 mL of 11 mM malachite green with 10.0 mL of 0.10 M NaOH in a 50 mL beaker. Work quickly
to mix the solution, rinse a cuvette 3 times and then insert the cuvette into a colorimeter set to the
same wavelength used in the Beer’s Law analysis earlier. Record the absorbance values over time, as
the dye fades. Record data until the absorbance has fallen by at least 75%. In the table below record at
least 6 data points for graphing.

Absorbance and time when [MG+] = __________________ M and [OH-] = ___________ M

Time (s)


Part 3: Reacting the 11 M Malachite Green with 0.050 M NaOH.

Prepare 10.0 mL of 0.050-M NaOH from the 0.10-M NaOH stock solution in a small beaker. Add 10.0 mL
of 11 M malachite green. Work quickly to mix the solution, rinse a cuvette 3 times and then insert the
cuvette into a colorimeter set to the same wavelength used in the Beer’s Law analysis earlier. Record
the absorbance values over time, as the dye fades. Record data until the absorbance has fallen by at
least 75%. In the table below record at least 10 data points for graphing.

Absorbance and time when [MG+] = __________________ M and [OH-] = ___________ M

Analysis with a TI-8X Graphing Calculator:
a) Enter the concentrations and absorbance values in L1 and L2 and create your Beer’s Law
b) Perform Linear Regression and obtain the equation for the Beer’s Law plot. Enter this equation
on the data sheet. You will use it to convert absorbance values to concentrations for the
malachite green in the kinetics analysis.
c) Clear L1 and L2 to begin the kinetics analysis.

d) Enter the times and absorbance values for Part 2 on your graphing calculator in L1 and L2
e) Rearrange the Beer’s Law equation to solve for concentration of malachite green.
f) Use the rearranged Beer’s Law equation to convert absorbances to concentrations of Malachite
Green in L3.
g) In L4 take the natural logarithm of your concentrations of Malachite Green
h) In L5 take the reciprocal of the concentrations of Malachite Green
i) Prepare 3 scatterplots and sketch each one
j) For the plot that is most linear … conclude the order of the malachite green and then perform
linear regression to find kpseudo in part 2

k) Clear your lists and repeat steps d through j and find k pseudo for part 3.

l) Use the two values of kpseudo and the two [OH-] in parts 2 and 3 to find the order for OH- and the
value of the rate constant, k, for the reaction at room temperature.

The same analysis can be done with a spreadsheet like Excel or Google Sheets if printed graphs are
required for a lab report.

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