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Unit I - Human Values

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Morals, values and Ethics – Integrity – Work ethic – Service learning – Civic virtue – Respect for others –
Living peacefully – Caring – Sharing – Honesty – Courage – Valuing time – Cooperation – Commitment –
Empathy – Self-confidence – Character – Spirituality – Introduction to Yoga and meditation for
professional excellence and stress management.


1. Values related to truth is

(a) attention (b) accuracy (c) empathy (d) ethical skills
2. . is concerned with principles and practices of morals
(a) Ethics (b) Values (c) Morality (d) norms
3. Breaking the normsis called , and invite specific punishment
(a) action (b) Crime (C) laws (d) abuse
4. A is defined as a principle that promotes well-being or prevents harm
(a) Ethics (b) Morals (c) Morality (d) Value
5. Human valuesare
(a) Right conduct (b) Peace (c) Truth (d) all the above mentioned
6. Values related to RIGHT CONDUCT is
(a) Social skills (b) attention (c) accuracy (d) empathy
7. Values related to right conduct is
(a) attention (b) accuracy (c) empathy (d) ethical skills
8. Values related to right conduct is
(a) curiosity (b) self-help skills (c) friendship (d) loyalty
9. Values related to peace is
(a) Social skills (b) attention (c) accuracy (d) empathy
10. Values related to peace is
(a) reverence (b) perseverance (c) self-respect (d) sympathy
11. Values related to love is
(a) forgiveness (b) trust (c) loyalty (d) universal love
12. Values related to non-violenceis
(a) tolerance (b) happiness (c) optimism (d) ingenuity
13. ________means freedom from mistake or error
(a) Perseverance (b) accuracy (c) discernment (d) service
14. _____means the power to see what is not obvious to the average mind
(a) Perseverance (b) accuracy (c) discernment (d) service
15. _______builds character
(a) Love (b) social skills (c) friendship (d) Perseverance
16. ______is the word that refers to morals, values, and beliefs ofthe individuals, family or
the society
(a) Ethics (b) Values (c) Morality (d) norms
17. _____is defined as the unity of thought, word and deed (honesty) and open mindedness
(a) Morals (b) Ethics (c) Values (d) Integrity
18. ____is defined as a set of attitudes concerned with the value of work, which forms
the motivational orientation.
(a) Ethics (b) Integrity (c) Work ethics (d) morals
19. ______lays a moral and meaningful foundation for life.
(a) Ethics (b) Integrity (c) Work (d) morals
20. _____refers to learning the service policies, procedures, norms, and conditions, other
than the technical tradepractices
(a) Work ethics (b) service learning (c) Integrity (d) truth
21. _____helps the individuals to interact ethically with colleagues and to effectively
coordinate with other departments
(a) Work ethics (b) Integrity (c) service learning (d) truth
22. ____may be defined as the non-paid activity
(a) Service learning (b) ethics (c) non-violence (d) integrity
23. ______are positive and preferred values
(a) Service learning (b) ethics (c) non-violence (d) virtues
24. The _____person is the ethical person.
(a) moral (b) kind (c) honest (d) virtuous
25. An individual mayexhibit by voting, volunteering, and organizing welfare
groups andmeetings.
(a) Service learning (b) ethics (c) non-violence (d) civic virtues
26. ____are the moral duties and rights, as a citizen of the village or the country
(a) Work ethics (b) duty ethics (c) civic virtue (d) service learning
27. ____is a basic requirement for nurturing friendship, teamwork,and for the synergy it
promotes and sustains
(a) Virtues (b) honesty (c) respect for others (d) work ethics
28. To , one should start install peace within
(a) live peacefully (b) respect for others (c) be honest (d) be courage
29. Honesty is a virtue, and it is exhibited in which aspects
a) truthfulness (b) happiness (c) awareness (d) comfort ness
30. In courage, the thrust is on the adequacy of the physicalstrength
a) Social (b) physical (c) Intellectual (d) self
31. ________means alignment to goals and adherence to ethical principles during theactivities
a) Welfare (b) empathy (c) Commitment (d) rural
32. Many psychologists world over, duringthelast years have given a large quantity of acute
observations on the topic ofcharacter
(a)40 (b) 20 (c) 50 d) 30
33. ___ has been defined as “natural temperament completely fashioned by thewill
a) Humidity (b) Hormones (c) Choleric(d)Character
34. The aim of education is not only the cultivation of the intellect butalso the formationof
a) Intelligence(b)Power (c) Benefit(d)moral Character
35. ______includes creativity, communication, recognition of the individual as humanbeing
(a) Spirituality (b)Honesty (c) Indivuality(d)Charity
36. _____Realization of self-potential. A human has immense capabilitybut it needs to
(a) Courageness(b)Self awareness(c) Character(d)Academy
37. _____Sympathy, empathy and concern forothers
(a) Compassion (b) Holism (c) Alertness d) Being visionary
38. Demonstrate yourown_ and spirituality in all youraction
(a) Education(b) Property(c) Self-Knowledge (d) Wealth
39. Demonstrate yourown_ and spirituality in all youraction
(a) adversity( b) Humility (c) constant reasoning (d) Sense of vocation
40. ______in spirituality means conscious efforts to see thingsdifferently
(a) Creativity( b) acceptance (c) vision (d) sharing
41. Sponsor „character‟movementthrough support.
(a) Technical( b) Financial (c) Moral(d) Standard
42. Institute recognition and reward system for the employees who exemplifythe
(a) positive (b) Multiple (c) Fundamental (d)negative
43. Emphasize the importance of character and adherenceto the of character
(a) Four pillars (b) Eight pillars (c) Seven pillars (d)Six pillars
44. _____week in advertising, billings and othermailers.
(a) Character counts (b) Capacity counts (c)Deliverable counts(d)Variable counts
45. Training to evaluate risks and facethem
(a) Punctuality (b) self-acceptance(c) Challenges (d)Character
46. Willing to listen to learn from others and adopt --------
a) Flexibility (b) Integrity (c) Durability (d)capacity
47. Harmonious labor relations ---------
a)sales b)in manufacturing (c) in partnering (d) Service
48. _____Refers only to personal behavior.
(a) Ethics (b) Values (c) Moral (d) norms
49. _______Refers to any aspect of humanaction.
(a) Ethics (b) Values (c) norms (d) Moral
50. ______Refers to Social conventions about right or wrongconduct.
(a) Moral (b) Values (c) Ethics (d) norms
51. ______Refers only to professional behavior
(a) Ethics (b) Values (c) Moral (d) norms
52. Critical reflection on what one does and why one does it.
(a) Values (b) Ethics (c) Moral (d) norms
53. _____Involves defining, analyzing, evaluating and resolving moral problems and
developing moral criteria to guide human behavior.
(a) Moral (b) Values (c) Ethics (d) norms
54. _____is the bridge between responsibility in private and professional life.
a) Flexibility (b) Integrity (c) Durability (d)capacity
55. _____means putting self in a position of someone else and thinking as the later and
reasoning suitableaction.
a)integrity b) Empathy c)self-respect d)sympathy
56. ______implies self-respect and governs confrontations with danger and risk.
a) Courage b)honesty c) freedom d) confident
57. _______is the fundamental virtue in human relationship
a)behavior b) Honesty c)self-esteem d) morality
58. By one’s work one cannot harm others___________
a) Work ethicsb) caring c)sharing d) fundamental
59. Good citizen demand_______.It is the principle of not harming the surroundings .
a)virtue b) civic virtue c)moral d) value
60. what are the aspects of honesty?
a) Truthfulness b) trustworthiness c) both a) & b) d) none of the above
61. _______ is a moral concept; refers to the virtue properly valuing oneself.
a) freedom b) moral c)Self-respect d) respect
62. _____is a psychological concept; means having a positive attitude toward Oneself,
even if the attitude is excessive or otherwiseunwarranted.
a) Self-esteem b)self-respect c) honesty d) wisdom
63. Civic virtues are divided into _____categories
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d)7
64. _________are the welfare principles enunciated by the wise people, based on their
experience and wisdom
(a) Morals (b) Ethics (c) Values (d) Morality
66. Which among the following dichotomies is used in a discourse onethics?
1) Empirical –Normative 2)Descriptive –Prescriptive 3) Fact –Value
4) Profit -Loss
Which of the following is correct?
a) 1 and3 b)1 and2 c)1, 2 and3 d)2, 3 and 4
67. _______includes showing respect to the feelings of others, and also respecting and
preserving the interests of all others concerned
(a) live peacefully (b) caring (c) be honest (d) be courage


Senses of Engineering Ethics – Variety of moral issues – Types of inquiry – Moral dilemmas
– Moral Autonomy – Kohlberg‟s theory – Gilligan‟s theory – Consensus and Controversy
– Models of professional roles - Theories about right action – Self-interest – Customs and
Religion – Uses of Ethical Theories


1. Enron (in USA as well as India) executives in 2002 resulted in bankruptcy for
those companies
(a)2002 (b) 2000 (c) 2003 (c) 2005
2. Lack of promotion or career development policies or denied promotions
(a)Attitude (b) Opportunity (c) Resource Crunch(d) over-emphasize
3. When concepts are discussed, normative and conceptual issues are closely
(a)massive (b) intellectual (c) theoretical (d) moral
4. One is unable to choose between two good moral solutions
(a) vaguenes (b) conflicting reasons(c) disagreement (d) Refuse bribe
5. Generate alternate courses of action to resolve the
(a) obligations (b) experience (c) dilemma(d) ethics
6. moral autonomy means
(a) self determinant(b)Constant (c) dependent (d) profitability
7. At the post-conventional level, people are called _
(a) conventional level (b)autonomous (c) indivual (d) pre-conventional
8. Men give importance to moral rule
(a) Kohlberg‟s Theory (b) Carol Gilligan‟s Theory(c)Darwins theory
(d) Rigid theory
9. is a professional should analyze the problem in specific known area, in an objective
(a) Advanced expertise (b) Self-regulation (c) Public good (d) professional society
10. Entry into the profession requires an extensive period of training of intellectual and
moral character
(a) Knowledge and Skills (b) Extensive Training (c) Monopoly (d) Autonomy
11. The engineer as a _ save the society from poverty, illiteracy, wastage,
inefficiency, ill health
(a) Guardian (b) Bureaucratic Servant (c) Savior (d) Social Enabler
12. It is one who exhibits social responsibility
(a) Social Servant (b) Bureaucratic Servant (c) Guardian (d) Savior
13. Engineer has a responsibility to make regular inspections in a
factory shops.
(a) Safety (b) production (c) maintanence (d) Quality
14. When accountability for wrong actions or results is at issue, responsibility
means blameworthy
(a) Praiseworthiness (b) Liability (c) Accountability (d) General Moral Capacity
15. A commitment to moral actions (primary obligation to protect the safety of the human
beings and respect their rights),
(a) Conscientious (b) Blameworthy (c) Obligations (d) Praiseworthy
16. It consists of assigned tasks at the place of employment and achieving the objectives.

(a) Moral Responsibility(b) Causal Responsibility (c) Legal Responsibility(d) Job

17. Wisdom (prudence), courage (fortitude), temperance and justice.
(a) Cardinal virtues (b) Proficiency virtues(c) Team-work virtues
(d) Public-spirited virtues
18. The capacity to understand and act on moral reasons
(a) Accountability (b) Accountability(c) Obligation(d) Conscientiousness
19. The term Utilitarianism was conceived in the century by Jeremy Bentham and
John Stuart Mill
(a)20 (b) 17 (c) 16 (d) 19
20. The ACT UTILITARIAN theory proposed by
(a) Richard Brandt (b) Immanuel Kant (c) J.S. Mill (d) John Rawl
21. Virtue Theory proposed by Mac Intyre
(a) John Locke (b) A.I. Melden‟s (c) Mac Intyre (d) Immanuel Kant
22. It is a virtue of maintaining personal discipline
(a)Self control (b) self discipline (c) Self interest (d) Self-realisation
23. Being sensitive to full range of moral values and responsibilities is
(a) Accountability (b) Conscientiousness (c) obligations
(d) corporate responsibility
24. virtues are fundamental and necessary in exercising moral responsibility
(a) Self-direction (b) Team-work (c) Proficiency virtues (d) Cardinal virtues
25. Primarily responsibility implies duty with care and efforts.
(a) General Moral Capacity (b) Obligations (c) Accountability (d) Characteristic Quality
26. The profession also gains control over professional schools by establishing
accreditation standards
(a) Monopoly (b) Knowledge and Skills(c) Extensive Training
(d) Autonomy in Workplace
27. The concerted efforts in the job should be towards promotion of the welfare, safety,
and health of the public.
(a) Advanced expertise (b) Self-regulation (c) Public good (d)Welfare
28. Low morale of the employees because of dissatisfaction and downsizing
(a) Absence of grievance (b) Lack of transparency (c) Poor attitude (d) Lack of promotion
29. Due to pressure, through time limits, availability of money or budgetary constraints, and
technology decay or obsolescence
(a) Opportunity (b) Attitude (c) Resource Crunch (d) working environments
30. It seeks to identify and justify the morally-desirable norms or standards that should guide
individuals and groups
(a) Normative Inquiry (b) Conceptual Inquiry (c) Descriptive Inquiry
(d) Factual Inquiry

31. It is aimed to obtain facts needed for understanding and resolving value issues.
(a) Normative Inquiry (b) Conceptual Inquiry (c) Descriptive Inquiry (d) Factual Inquiry
32. defined as, decisions and actions exercised on the basis of moral concern for other people
and recognition of good moral reasons.
(a) moral integrity (b) moral value (c) moral quality (d) Moral autonomy
33. According to ,men had a tendency to solve problems by applying abstract moral principles
(a) Gilligan‟s Theory (b) Kohlberg Theory (c) Monopoly Theory (d) Autonomy theory
34. Knowledge of protects us from disease and restores health
(a) Cycatist (b)physicians (c) cardiologist (d) dentist
35. He guards the interests of the poor and general public
(a) Savior (b) Guardian (c) Bureaucratic Servant (d) Social Servant
36. He is neither a servant nor master
(a) student (b) servant (c) Game player (d) savior
37. They include collegiality, cooperativeness, communicative ability, and respect for
legitimate authority
(a) Self-direction (b) Public-spirited virtues (c) Team-work virtues(d) Proficiency virtues
38. contribution to local communities to enrich their cultural, social, and civic life.
(a) Planning trees (b) educating society (c) medical camp(d) Enrich transport
39. A pandal erected by the contractor,in a marriage hall catches fire, due to a leakage of
(a) Oil (b) Water (c) Electric (d) Air
40. Controller of Examinations cannot be held legally responsible, although he is
(a) Moral (b) Self (c) private (d) all the above
41. Courage to accept the mistakes will ensure success in the efforts in future
(a) Conscientiousness (b) Blameworthy (c) stakeholder (d) specific obligations
42. The obligation means, giving importance to the safety, health, and welfare of the public
in performing the professional duties.
(a) Paramount (b) moral (c) dilemma (d) Ethical
43. The act Utilitarian theory proposed by J.S.Mill ______ focuses on actions .
a) (1806-73) b) (1906-63) c) (1705-89) d) (1807-65)
44. The Rule Utilitarian theory , developed by Richard Brandt
a) (1912-97) b) (1910-97) c(1810-97) d) (1910-87)
45. The duty ethics theory, proposed by Immanuel Kant _____
a)(1724-1805) b) (1734-1804) c) (1724-1804) d) (1754-1804)
46. _____ the British philosopher introduced the term prima facie duties
a) C.W.D Ross b) John Rawl c) Immanual Kant d) Richard Brandt
47. ________duty to keep promises
a) Reparation b) Fidelity c) Gratitude d) Harmony
48. __________duty not to injure others
a) Self-improvement b) justice c) Non-Malfeasance d) Beneficence
49. We have a right to be hold the truth and to be informed about matters that significant affect our
a) The right to access the truth b) privacy c) not to be injured d) what is agreed
50. Necessary and sufficient to proper person _______
a) Deficient b) Excess c) Virtue d) Golden mean

Engineering as Experimentation – Engineers as responsible Experimenters – Codes of Ethics –

A Balanced Outlook on Law
1. The project is usually executed in
a) partial ignorance (b) standard experiment (c) Engineering experiment (d) experiment
2. ___________continually the progress and gaining new knowledge are needed before,
during, and after execution of project
(a)Experiment (b) Monitoring (c) Engineering (d) Planning
3. __________is practiced in medical experimentation
(a) Informed consent (b) Engineering (c) Ethics (d) Morals
4. Conscientious moral commitment means
(a) Be accountable for the results of the project
(b) comprehensive perspective on relevant information
C)Being sensitive to full range of moral values and responsibilities relevant to
The prevailing situation
d) Prepare for the unexpected outcomes, in the actual field environments
5. Conscientious moral commitment means
(a) Being sensitive to full range of moral values and responsibilities relevant to the
prevailing situation
(b) the willingness to develop the skill and put efforts needed to reach the best
balance possible among those considerations
(c) both (a) and (b) d) None of the above
6. The term Accountability means
a)conscientious commitment to live by moral values
b)Being sensitive to full range of moral values and responsibilities relevant to the
prevailing situation
c)the willingness to develop the skill and put efforts needed to reach the best balance
possible among those considerations
(d)The capacity to understand and act on moral reasons
7. The term Accountability means:
(a) Willingness to submit one‟s actions to moral scrutiny and be responsive to
the assessment of others
b) the willingness to develop the skill and put efforts needed to reach the best balance
possible among those considerations
c)conscientious commitment to live by moral values
d) Being sensitive to full range of moral values and responsibilities relevant to the
prevailing situation
8. includes being answerable for meeting specific obligations.
(a) Conscientious (b) commitment (c) Accountability (d) Responsibility
9. The exhibit, rights, duties, and obligations of the members of a profession and a
professional society.
(a) accountability (b) codes of ethics (c) Responsibility (d) Commitment
10. _______reduces the production costs and at the same time, the quality is achieved easily
a) Globalization b) standardization c) specification d) Competitiveness
11. The _______in engineering practice stresses the necessity of law and regulations
a) Standardization b) Experimentation c) Balanced outlook on law d) competition
12. ______when enforced effectively produce benefits
a)Globalization b) Standardization c) both (a) and (b) d) Good laws
13. ______ are needed to provide a minimum level of compliance
a) Standardization b) laws c) Specification d) None of the above
14._____ have become relevant with the development of the world trade
a) International standards b) Globalization c) Quality of service d) safety
15. ________is discourage to act immoprally
a) Honesty b) Deterrence c) discipline d) Human values


Safety and Risk – Assessment of Safety and Risk – Risk Benefit Analysis and Reducing Risk
- Respect for Authority – Collective Bargaining – Confidentiality – Conflicts of Interest
– Occupational Crime – Professional Rights – Employee Rights – Intellectual Property
Rights (IPR) – Discrimination

1. Awareness and maintenance of situation is

(a) safety (b) risk (c) Responsibility (d) none of the above
2. ___was defined as the risk that is known and judged as acceptable
(a) Responsibility (b) Safety (c) Risk (d) Testing
3. is a potential that something unwanted and harmful may occur.
(a) Responsibility (b) Safety (c) Risk (d) Testing
4. ______is done till the component fails
(a) Simulation testing (b) Prototype testing (c) Destructive testing (d) Testing
5. ______is done on a proportional scale model with all vital components fixed in the
(a) Simulation testing (b) Prototype testing (c) Destructive testing (d) Testing
6. ______is most common method of analysis
(a) Fault tree analysis (b) Event tree analysis (c) FMEA (d) Scenario Analysis
7. A is a synopsis of events or conditions leading to an accident and subsequent loss.
(a) scenario (b) Exposure (c) testing (d) Faults
8. In method , various parts of components of the systems and their modes are studied.
a) Fault tree analysis (b) Event tree analysis (c) FMEA (d) Scenario Analysis
9. FMEA is defined as a systematic tool to
(a) identify possible failure modes in the products/process
(b) to understand failure mechanism (process that leads to failure)
(c)risk analysis (d)All the above
10. _________is a cross-functional team management
(a) FMEA (b) Fault tree analysis (c) Event tree analysis (d) Scenario Analysis
11. _______is a qualitative method and was originated by Bell Telephones
(a) FMEA (b) Fault tree analysis (c) Event tree analysis (d) Scenario Analysis
12. _________method can combine hardware failures and human failures
(a) Fault tree analysis (b) Event tree analysis (c) FMEA (d) Scenario Analysis
13. method illustrates the sequence of outcomes which may occur after the occurrence of
selected initial event.
(a) Fault tree analysis (b) Event tree analysis (c) FMEA (d) Scenario Analysis
14. ______method uses inductive logic
(a) FMEA (b) Fault tree analysis (c) Event tree analysis (d) Scenario Analysis
15. _________method uses technology-based deductive logic.
(a) FMEA (b) Fault tree analysis (c) Event tree analysis (d) Scenario Analysis
16. The conditions referred to as „safe exit‟ is/are:
(a) The product, when it fails, should fail safely
(b) The product, when it fails, can be abandoned safely
(c) The user can safely escape the product
(d) All the above
17. To access public risk are estimated.
(a) Loss of senses (b) Loss of earning capability © loss of voluntary activities (d) loss on
assets and correction costs
18. is the involvement of people in risky actions, although they know that these actions
are unsafe
(a) Voluntary risk (b) Involuntary risk (c) Faulty risk (d) Emergency risk
19. To conduct the Chernobyl reactor test, the power plant output was reduced to
(a) 500 MW (b) 800 MW (c) 700 MW (d) 450 MW
20. is tendency to support and cooperate with colleagues
(a) Confidentiality (b) Commitment (c) collegiality (d) Responsibility
21. ____is an obligation to fullfill his/her contractual duties to the employer
(a) collegiality (b) Agency loyalty (c)Attitude loyalty (d) supreme loyalty
22. _______is concerned with the attitudes, emotions, and a sense of personal identity
(a) collegiality (b) Agency loyalty (c)Attitude loyalty (d) supreme loyalty

23. includes willingness to meet moral duties, with attachment, conviction, and trust with
(a) supreme loyalty (b) collegiality (c) Agency loyalty (d) Attitude loyalty
24. _________is necessary to ensure progress in action.
(a) collegiality (b) Agency loyalty (c)Attitude loyalty (d) authority
25. _______is the authority exercised within the organization
(a) Agency authority (b) Institutional Authority (c) Expert Authority (d) Attitude authority
26. _______is the possession of special knowledge, skills and competence to
perform a job thoroughly.
(a) Agency authority (b) Institutional Authority (c) Expert Authority (d) Attitude authority
27. _______is done by the trade union for improving the economic interests of the
worker members
(a) Authority (b) Loyalty (c) Collective bargaining (d) collegiality
28. ________means keeping the information on the employer and clients, as secrets
(a) Authority (b) Loyalty (c) Collective bargaining (d) Confidentiality
29. ________is available and accessed by virtue of privilege.
(a) Privileged information (b) proprietary information (c) Confidential information (d) c
collective information
30. _____is owned by the organization
(a) Privileged information (b) proprietary information (c) obvious information
(d) collective information
31. _________refers to data, information and test results of the product yet to released.
(a) Privileged information (b) proprietary information (c) obvious information
(d) collective information
32. ______occurs when employee has more than one interest
(a) Conflict of interest (b) excitement (c) Confusion (d) dilemma
33. _________refers to the situation where objectivity is lost in decision making.
(a) actual Conflict of interest (b) apparent Conflict of interest (c)potential Conflict of
interest (d) moonlighting
34. _______is a situation when a person is working as employee for two different companies
in the spare time.
(a) Moonlighting (b) actual Conflict of interest (c) apparent Conflict of interest
(d)potential Conflict of interest
35. ___may be committed by wrong actions of a person through one‟s lawful employment
(a) Moonlighting (b) actual Conflict of interest (c) apparent Conflict of interest
(d) Occupational crime

36. _______is called as white collared crime

(a) Bribery (b) Occupational crime (c) computer crime (d) Environment crime

37. ______means simply spying for company or personal benefits

a) Occupational crime (b) computer crime (c) Moonlighting (d) Industrial espionage

38. Manufacturing, selling or transporting the products that are prohibited

by the law is called as
a) Occupational crime b) computer crime c) Bootlegging d) Industrial espionage
39. ____are defined as moral entitlements that place obligations on other people to treat one
with dignity and respect
a) Human rights b) Employee rights c) Employer rights d) professional rights


Multinational Corporations – Environmental Ethics – Computer Ethics – Weapons

Development – Engineers as Managers – Consulting Engineers – Engineers as Expert
Witnesses and Advisors – Moral Leadership –Code of Conduct – Corporate Social
1. ____means integration of countries through commerce, transfer of technology, and
exchange of information and culture
(a) MNC (b) Globalization (c) Standardization (d) Business
2. Organisations who have established business in more than onecountry, arecalled
(a) Multinational corporation (b) Non-profit corporation (c) Partnership corporation (d)
Proprietorship corporation
3. ____is a process of moving technology to a new settingand implementing itthere
(a) Globalization (b) Standardization (c) Technology Transfer (d) Appropriate Technology
4. Identification, transfer, and implementation of most suitable technology for a set of new
situations, iscalled
(a) Globalization (b) Standardization (c) Technology Transfer
(d) Appropriate Technology
5. Flixborough accident in 1974 in U.K. when certain modifications carried out in the
plant led to the leakage and explosionof
(a) propylene (b) poly chloride (c) cyclohexane (d) sodium hydroxide
6. the organizations may practice laws of the home country,without adjustments to the
host culture iscalled
(a) ethical pluralism (b) ethical egoism (c) ethical relativism (d) ethical absolutism
7. ____is the study of moral issues concerning theenvironment
(a) Environmental ethics (b) Computer ethics (c) Business ethics (d) duty ethics
8. _____is the study of moral perspectives, beliefs, or attitudes concerning
(a) Environmental ethics (b) Computer ethics (c) Business ethics (d) duty ethics
9. ______is defined as study and analysis of nature and social impact of computertechnology
(a) Environmental ethics (b) Computer ethics (c) Business ethics (d) duty ethics
10. _____is defined as study and analysis of nature and social impact of computertechnology
(a) Environmental ethics (b) Computer ethics (c) Business ethics (d) duty ethics
11. _____is defined as formulation and justification of policies, for ethical use of
(a) Environmental ethics (b) Computer ethics (c) Business ethics (d) duty ethics
12. Engineers involve in weapons development because:
(a) It gives one job with high salary.
(b) One takes pride and honor in participating in the activitiestowards the defense of
c)One believes the he fights a war on terrorism and thereby contribute to peace and
stability of the country (d) all the above mentioned
13. _______happens because of various levels of execution, priority and limitations of
(a) Conflicts based on schedules (b) Conflict based on the availability of personnel.
(c) Conflict arising in administration (d) Conflicts ofPersonality
14. _____are directly responsible for advertising their services, evenif they employ other
consultants to assistthem.
(a) Managers (b) Experimenters (c) advisors (d) Consulting engineers
15. ____means offering a price, and get something in return forthe serviceoffered
(a) Advertising (b) Competitive bidding (c) Contingency fee (d) Bribe
16. _____is the fee or commission paid to the consultant, when one is successful in saving
the expenses for theclient.
(a) Gifts (b) Competitive bidding (c) Contingency fee (d) Bribe
17. _____is required to exhibit the responsibility of confidentiality just as they do in the
(a) Expert witness (b) Eye witness (c) Hired guns (d) Consulting engineers
18. _____is essentially required for theengineers
(a) Moral leadership (b) time management (c) decision making(d) authorization
19. NSPE stands for
(a) National Society for ProvisionalEngineers
(b) National Society of ProfessionalEngineers
c) National Society of Provisional Ethics
(d) National Society of Professional Ethics
20. Computer ethics has its roots in theworkof________during World WarII.
a) NorbertWiener b) Hermenhellorith c)Blaisepascal d) Charles babbage
21. _______is a self- replicating program that can cause damage to data and files stored on
a) virus b)harm c)freeware d) none of the above
22. Making and using duplicate hardware and softwareiscalled_____
a) copyright b) freeware c) piracy d)none of the above
23. The protection of hardware, facilities magnetic disks, and other illegally accessed,
stolen, damaged or destroyed items refers to
a) physical security b)security c)Personal security d) Personnel Security
24. ______refers to software setups that permit only authorized access to thesystem.
a) physical security b)security c)Personal security d) Personnel Security
25. General guidelines of computer ethics are neededfor______
a) cracking b)computer crime c) protecting of data d) all the above
26. “Cracking” comesunder_________
a) website service b) transcription c) computer crime d) data security
27. ________is the illegal access to the network or computer system. Cracking
a) security b) cracking c) virus d) harm
28. ______is a set of rules for determining moral standards orsocially acceptablebehaviour.
a) moral b) values c) ethics d) none of the above
29. Running other software on idle computer without theknowledge of the organization is
called theftof_______
a) Computertime b) software c) computer d) use
30. ____is a process of changing the technology to a new setting and implementing it
a) Technology transfer b) knowledge transfer c) information transfer d) none of the
31. _______is the study of proper business policies and practices
a) Business ethics b) ethics c) computer ethics d) none of the above
32. ________referred to something that affects a number of countries and populations
a) Global issue b) global warming c) crime d) none
33. The process of committing computer crimes such as stealing or cheating clients or
consumers is called______
a) embezzlement b) ethics c) computer ethics d) none of the above

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