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Cinemas Laws

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¨sÁUÀ– IV-A ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ, ªÀÄAUÀ¼ÀªÁgÀ, CPÉÆÖçgï 7, 2014 (D±ÀéAiÀÄÄd 15, ±ÀPÀ ªÀµÀð 1936) £ÀA. 635
Part– IV-A Bangalore, Tuesday, October 7, 2014 (Aashwayuja 15, Shaka Varsha 1936) No. 635

No. HD 12 CNA 2010, Bangalore, Dated: 07-10-2014

Whereas the draft of the following rules which the Government of Karnataka proposes to
make in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 19 of the Karnataka Cinemas (Regulation) Act,
1964 (Karnataka Act 23 of 1964) was published in Notification No.HD 12 CNA 2010,
dated:21.04.2014 in Part-IV-A of the Karnataka Gazette dated:15th May 2014 inviting objection
and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby within thirty days from the in the
official date of its publication Gazette and whereas the said Gazette was made available to the public
on 15th May 2014.
And whereas objections and suggestion received have been considered by the State
Now, therefore in exercise of the powers conferred by Section19 of the Karnataka Cinemas
(Regulation) Act, 1964 (Karnataka Act 23 of 1964) the Government of Karnataka hereby makes the
following rules, namely:-
1. Title and commencement.— (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka Cinemas
(Regulation) Rules, 2014.
(2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Definitions – In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires.-
(1) " Act " means the Karnataka Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1964 (Karnataka Act 23 of 1964);
(2) "Auditorium" means any licensed place in which accommodation is provided for the
public to view the cinematograph exhibition;
(3) "Commissioner of Police" means the Commissioner of Police of the city in which the
auditorium is situated;
(4)”Cinema Operator” means a person in charge of projector room as specified in these rules.
(5) "Deputy Commissioner and District Magistrate" means the Deputy Commissioner and
District Magistrate of the district or area in which the auditorium or multiplex complex is situated;
(6) "Director" means the Director of Town and Country Planning in Karnataka;
(7) "Director General of Fire and Emergency Services" means the Director General of Fire and
Emergency Services in Karnataka;

(8) "Electrical Inspector" means a person appointed as such by the Government under sub-
section (1) of section 162 of Electricity Act, 2003 (Central Act 36 of 2003)and includes the Chief
Electrical Inspector of the State, Additional Chief Electrical Inspector of the Division, Electrical
Inspector of the district or area in which the auditorium or multiplex complex is situated;
(9) "Executive Engineer" means the Executive Engineer of the Public Works, Ports and inland
transport Department, incharge of the public works, Ports and inland transport division in which
the auditorium or multiplex complex is situated;
(10) "Extra High Voltage" means the voltage where the voltage exceeds 33,000 volts under
normal conditions;
(11) " Film Advisory Board" means the Film Advisory Board constituted under rule 7;
(12) " Fire Officer" means the Fire Officer in the Karnataka State Fire and Emergency
Services having jurisdiction over the district or area in which the auditorium or multiplex complex is
(13) " Fire proof material" means the material specified in Schedule A;
(14) " Fire resisting material" means the material specified in Schedule B;
(15) " Form" means a form appended to these rules;
(16) " Health Officer " means the District Health and Family Welfare Officer of the
Department of Health and Family Welfare Services having jurisdiction over the district; and in the
case of a Corporation, a Municipality, a Town Panchayat or a Cantonment Board, the Health
Officer attached to such Corporation or the Taluk Health Officer. In the cases of a Municipality,
Town Panchayat or Cantonment Board, In the case of a Corporation, a Municipality, a Town
Panchayat or a Cantonment Board, where an officer of the rank of Health Officer class ‘A’ is not
available, the District Health and Family Welfare Officer having jurisdiction over the area;
(17) " High Voltage" means the voltage where it does not exceed 33,000 volts under normal
(18) " Local Authority" means,-
(i) in any municipal area, the Corporation, the City Municipal Council, the Town Municipal
Council, the Town Panchayat, the Cantonment Board, the Sanitary Board or Notified Area
Committee constituted under the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964 or the Karnataka Municipal
Corporations Act, 1976 as the case may be;
(ii) in other areas, a Gram Panchayat constituted under the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act,
1993 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1993)
(19) " Low Voltage " means the voltage where it does not exceed two hundred and fifty volts
under normal conditions;
(20) " Medium Voltage " means the voltage where it does not exceed six hundred and fifty
volts under normal conditions;
(21) "Multiplex Complex" means a building accommodating more than one auditorium and
an entertainment and cultural centre including food courts, restaurant, shops;
Explanation.- In case of Multiplex Complex, the portion of the permanent building used for
the purpose of Cinema theatres, auditorium including the areas for all ancillary uses such as
projector room, toilets, entrance/exit lobbies/corridors, food kiosks/cafes/ canteens attached to the
theatre, ticket counters shall only be considered;
(22) " Permanent Building" means a building which is constructed for permanent use with
fire proof and fire resisting materials of not less than 2- 4 hour ratings;
(23) "Population" means the total number of inhabitants as at the last preceding official
census plus the annual increase calculated from the average rate of increase in the past two census
reports for the licensed place where auditorium or multiplex complex is situated;
(24) "Projector room" means the portion of the licensed place in which the cinematograph
apparatus is erected and includes technologically advanced digital projector or digital sound system
if installed, that portion of the theatre.
(25) “Regional Commissioner” means the Regional Commissioner of the Division in which
the auditorium or multiplex complex is situated;

(26) “Section ” means a section of the Act;

(27) "Schedule" means a schedule appended to these rules;
(28) "Station House Officer" means the Station House Officer of the Police Station in which
the auditorium or multiplex complex is situated;
(29) "Temporary Building" means a building which is not a permanent building;
(30) (i) " Theatre" means one cinema theatre with a single screen;
(ii) "Theatre with multiple screens" means a theatre in a permanent building with more
than one screen in the same theatre building;
(31) "Town Planning Officer" means the Town Planning Officer of the city corporation if the
Auditorium or multiplex or licensed place is within its limits, Town Planning Member of the urban
development authority, if the auditorium or multiplex or licensed place is within its limits (other
than City Corporation limits), Town Planning Officer of the planning authority in which the
auditorium or multiplex or licensed place is situated, Assistant Director, Town & Country Planning
of the district, if the auditorium or multiplex complex or licensed place is situated outside the city
corporation, urban development authority and planning authority jurisdiction but within the
(32) "Voltage" means the difference of electric potential measured in Volts between any two
conductors or between any part of either conductor and the earth as measured by a voltmeter
meeting Indian Standards;
(33) " Watt " is a unit of active power and “MW” means Megawatt which is equal to 106 watts.

General Provisions
3. Compliance with Electricity Act, 2003.- No license shall be granted in cases where the
notice referred to in section 54 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (Central Act 36 of 2003 ) has to be given
to the Electrical Inspector and to the District Magistrate until such notice has been given and the
Licensing Authority has informed the Electrical Inspector of the district or area regarding the
decision to issue license.
4. Power of inspection by certain officers.- (1) The Licensing Authority or an officer
authorized by him; or any police officer not below the rank of a Station House Officer; or any Fire
Officer not below the rank of a Fire Station Officer of Karnataka State Fire and Emergency Services;
or any Health Officer not below the rank of a Taluk Health Officer; or any officer not below the rank
of Electrical Inspector; or any Executive Magistrate having jurisdiction over the area; or the
concerned Jurisdictional executive engineer, Public Works, Ports and inland transport Department
or any person authorized by him; may enter, at anytime, the Auditorium or multiplex or a place
licensed or proposed to be licensed under the Act and the rules, for the purpose of satisfying that
the provisions of the Act and the rules made there under, are being complied with by the licensee.
(2) The licensee shall, on demand by any of the officers referred to in sub–rule (1) produce
the license, the plan and the description attached thereto and any of the said officers shall
communicate through the Licensing Authority, to the licensee from time to time or as occasion
arises orders in regard to the safety or convenience of the public or for the preservation and
maintenance of law, order, peace and public decency. The Licensing Authority may, if the
circumstances so require after notice to the licensee direct him to provide additional safeguards and
the licensee shall comply with such directions failing which the licence shall be liable to be
5. Records relating to ownership of Site, Building and Equipment to be produced.- The
applicant for the license shall produce before the Licensing Authority necessary records relating to
ownership of the premises, including site, building and other equipment required to issue or renewal
of license.
6. Display of licenses and plans.- (1) The licensee shall display the licence and the
approved building plan prominently on the walls of the office of the cinema.
(2)The licence, approved building plans and other necessary particulars shall also be
preserved in digital form, by the licensee.

Procedure for Approval of Film
7. Constitution of Film Advisory Board.- (1) The State Government shall constitute a Film
Advisory Board( hereinafter referred to as the Board) for the purpose of advising the State
Government in the matter of issuing directions under section 12.
(2)the Film Advisory Board shall consist of,-
(i) the Regional Commissioner, Bangalore – Chairman.
(ii) the District Magistrate, Bangalore Urban District-Member.
(iii) the District Magistrate, Bangalore Rural District-Member.
(iv) the Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Bangalore - Member.
(v) the Commissioner, Department of Information and Publicity, Bangalore - Member
(vi) the Commissioner of Police, Bangalore - Member.
(vii) not less than four non-official members including a representative of the Karnataka Film
Chamber of Commerce, the Karnataka Film Exhibitors Federation, State Level Film Distributors
Association, Kannada Film Producers Association nominated by the Government.
(viii) any other official or non official can be co-opted or invited as a special invitee if
necessary by the committee.
8. Term of Office of Members.- The term of Office of the non-official members of the Film
Advisory Board shall be for a period of two years, who shall be eligible for reappointment.
9. Removal of Members.- The State Government may, for any reason sufficient in its
opinion to remove any non-official member of the Film Advisory Board at any time before the
expiration of his term, remove such member.
10. Members to work in an Honorary Capacity.- The non official members of the Film
Advisory Board shall work in an honorary capacity
11. Headquarters of the Board.- Unless otherwise directed by the State Government, the
Headquarters of the Film Advisory Board shall be at Bangalore.
12. Person to preside at meetings.- The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Film
Advisory Board. In his absence, the members present may elect one among themselves to preside.
13. Quorum.- The quorum for a meeting of the Advisory Board shall be three.
14. Meetings of the Board.- (1)The Film Advisory Board shall meet as soon as possible after
a film is received for approval for the purpose of scrutinizing films to be approved by the State
Government for exhibition under rule 16
(2) The Members shall be paid travel expenses and sitting fee as is applicable to Group –A
officers of the state government, for every meeting attended.
15. Procedure.- The recommendation of the Film Advisory Board shall be taken by the
majority of the members attending the meeting and in the event of an equality of votes, the Presiding
Officer shall have and exercise a second or casting vote.
16. Declaration in respect of films certified by the Central Government.- Films certified
by the Central Government with the previous approval of the Central Film Advisory Board to be
scientific films, films intended for educational purposes, films dealing with news and current events
or documentary films or films of the type specified in section 12 and produced by the State
Government or by a Corporation owned or controlled by the State Government or by an Industrial
undertaking of the State Government and certified by the Board of Film Censors may be approved
by the State Government under section 12 and the provisions of rules 17 to 23 shall not apply to
such films.
17. Application to the Board.– Any person, desirous of having any films approved by the
State Government and films certified by the Central Film Advisory Board to be scientific for
educational purposes, films dealing with news and current events or documentary film or
corporation owned or controlled by state Government (under section 12). shall send an application
in writing to the Chairman of the Film Advisory Board indicating the title of the film and the source

from which it can be obtained by exhibitors and such other particulars as may be required by the
Film Advisory Board along with a copy of the film. He shall arrange to exhibit the film before the
Advisory Board at Bangalore on the date and time to be fixed by the Board. Every such application
shall be accompanied by the fee specified in rule 20.
18. Procedure of the Board.– On receipt of an application under rule 17, the Chairman
shall arrange to have the film examined by the Film Advisory Board at its next meeting with a view
to determining whether it can advise the State Government to approve the film under section 12. If
the applicant desires to make any representation in regard to the film concerned, the Film Advisory
Board shall give him an opportunity. Such representation shall be in writing and shall be taken into
consideration by the Film Advisory Board in making its recommendation to the State Government.
19. Approval of film by State Government.- The Film Advisory Board shall forward to the
State Government within five days after the examination of the film under rule 16, its
recommendation as to whether the film may be approved by the State Government under section 12.
If after considering the recommendation of the Film Advisory Board and after making such enquiry
as it deems fit, the State Government decides to approve the film it shall notify the title of the film
in the Karnataka Gazette, together with the address of the person, firm, organization or Government
with whom the licensee can enter into agreement for the supply of the film:
Provided that the State Government shall not approve any film which has not been certified as
suitable for public exhibition by the Central Board of Film Censors under the Cinematograph Act,
1952 (Central Act 37 of 1952.)
20. Fee payable for examination of film.- The fee for examination of a film under rule 18
shall be as specified by the State Government from time to time and shall be paid along with the
application under rule 17.
21. Examination of duplicates of film unnecessary.– Examination and approval of
duplicates of films previously approved shall not be necessary if it is proved that the second film is a
duplicate of the first.
22. Examination of altered film.- If any film is altered by excision, addition or otherwise
after it has been approved by the State Government, it shall be reexamined by the Film Advisory
Board and approved by the State Government. The fees for such reexamination shall be the same as
specified in rule 20 for the examination of films.
23. Register of examined films.- The Chairman of the Film Advisory Board shall maintain a
register in which shall be entered the following particulars namely:-
(i) the name of every film examined;
(ii) the name of the person, firm or organization applying for approval;
(iii) the name of the person or company producing and releasing the film;
(iv) the name of the country in which the film was originally produced;
(v) the date of examination;
(vi) the length of the film in meters, the number of reels and length of each reel in meters;
(vii) the remarks of the Board on such examination; and
(viii) the number and date of the notification published in the Gazette conveying approval of
the Government.

Approval of Location of Permanent
Cinemas or Multiplex
24. Application for No Objection Certificate for construction of Permanent Cinema
Building or Multiplex.- (1) A person who intends to construct a permanent cinema building or
multiplex or convert an existing building into a permanent cinema building or multiplex shall first
make an application to the Licensing Authority in Form ‘A’. The applicant shall also put up a notice
in Form 'B' in this behalf on a board on the proposed site or the building to be converted as the case
may be, in such a position that it can be prominently visible and can be seen from the public
thoroughfare. Such notice shall be in kannada and English. The notice on the Board shall be on

display until the application for licence is decided by the Licensing Authority. The Board shall be at
least 1.25m x 1.00 m in size and the notice shall be in bold and clearly legible letters.
(2) The application shall be accompanied by._
(i) an extract of a town map drawn correctly to scale in six copies with one original plan
printed on tracing film and also in digital format, and six prints or copies of the same map shall be
provided clearly indicating the surrounding roads and buildings which exist up to a distance of 500
meters and 1000 meters in case of drive- in cinemas from the proposed site, the distance of all
educational institutions, hospitals, places of worship or other places of public importance from the
said site are also be shown.
(ii) The site plan in original printed on tracing film and also in digital format with six prints
drawn correctly to scale of not less than 1:500 indicating therein the block levels, showing position
of the cinema or multiplex and its premises in relation to any adjacent buildings, out-houses and
other structures, sub-ways, roads, passages, wells, cisterns, hydrants , if any, drains, water sewer
and gas mains, underground cables, overhead high and extra high voltage lines, telegraph and
telephone lines, high flood marks of nearby river or nalas, maximum water level of adjacent
reservoirs, tanks, water level of adjacent wells, if any in the rainy season within the site and giving
the size of the site as well as the proposed built and open areas in square meters together with
number of seats to be accommodated; and
(iii) The treasury challan for having credited the fees as notified by the Government from
time to time for the grant of No Objection Certificate.
25. The Licensing Authority to invite objections.- (1) The Licensing Authority shall on
receipt of an application under rule 24, notify, at the cost of the applicant, to the public of such
intention by publication in two local newspapers one in Kannada language and one in English
having wide circulation in the area, inviting objections. Such notice shall be in Form ‘C’ and the
period within which the objections shall be sent to the Licensing Authority shall be fifteen days from
the date of such publication. The Licensing Authority shall simultaneously forward copies of the
application, with its enclosures or documents furnished by the applicant to Town Planning Officer in
City Corporation /Urban Development Authority/ Planning Authority/Assistant Director, Town and
Country Planning of the district as the case may be, District Health and Family Welfare Officer,
Executive Engineer, Public Works Department of the district and the Superintendent of Police of the
district/ Commissioner of Police of the city/ District Fire Officer of Fire and Emergency Services of
the Electrical Inspector of the District or area for the purpose of obtaining their views regarding
suitability or otherwise of the proposed site for the location of a permanent cinema or multiplex.
(2) The Licensing Authority shall, as early as possible and in any case within a period not
exceeding thirty days after the expiry of period specified in sub-rule (1), take a decision regarding
the suitability or otherwise of the proposed site for the location of the permanent cinema or
multiplex. The different authorities mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall furnish their views to the
Licensing Authority as early as possible and in any case within a period of thirty days after the
expiry of period mentioned in sub-rule (1). If no views are furnished by the authorities specified
within the prescribed period, the Licensing Authority shall presume that there is no objection to the
grant of No Objection Certificate.
(3) The Licensing Authority shall, before taking a decision regarding the suitability or
otherwise of the site for the location of the permanent cinema or multiplex take into consideration
the opinion of the different authorities mentioned in sub rule (1) and objections, if any received in
response to the publication under sub-rule (1).
26. Conditions for the grant of No Objection Certificate.- (1) No Objection Certificate
shall not be granted in respect of any cinema unless,-
(a) the cinema site is of a minimum area,-
(i) in case the total number of seats in the proposed cinema building is four hundred or
less of nine hundred square meters with one side of not less than eighteen meters
abutting the road;
(ii) in case the total number of seats in the proposed cinema building is six hundred or
less of one thousand three hundred and fifty square meters with one side of not less
than eighteen meters abutting the road;
(iii) in case the total number of seats in the proposed cinema building is eight hundred
or less of thousand eight hundred square meters with one side of not less than

Thirty meters abutting the road where the theatre does not have a balcony seating
(iv) in case the total number of seats in the proposed cinema building is eight hundred or
less of one thousand two hundred square meters with one side of not less than
twenty meters abutting the road where the theatre has a balcony seating
(v) in case total number of seats in the proposed cinema building is one thousand or less
of two thousand two hundred and fifty square meters with one side of not less than
thirty meters abutting the road; where the theatre does not have a balcony seating
(vi) in case total number of seats in the proposed cinema building is one thousand or
less of one thousand five hundred square meters with one side of not less than
twenty meters abutting the road; where theatre has a balcony seating arrangement;
(vii) In case total number of seats in the proposed cinema building is one thousand two
hundred or less of two thousand seven hundred square meters with one side of not
less than thirty six meters abutting the road; where the theatre does not have a
balcony seating arrangement;
(viii) In case the total number of seats in the proposed cinema building is one thousand
two hundred or less of one thousand eight hundred square meters with one side of
not less than thirty meters abutting the road; where theatre has a balcony seating
(b) (i) The cinema site is situated in permissible zones of land use earmarked in master
plan prepared for an area by the competent authority under Karnataka Town and
Country Planning Act:
Provided that where master plans have not been prepared existing
predominantly commercial areas shall be taken into consideration.
(ii) In rural areas, in the absence of approved master plans a permanent cinema theatre
or multiplex may be permitted by the licensing authority, if the conditions are fulfilled
regarding road width and all other conditions stipulated under cinematograph rules
and also laws regarding conversion of land use by the competent authority.
(c) The cinema or multiplex site is situated by the side of a public thoroughfare the
minimum width of road including footpath shall be twelve meters in urban areas and
nine meters including footpath in rural areas:
Provided that the Licensing Authority may, by order in writing, subject to such
conditions and restrictions may permit, if the cinema or multiplex site is situated by
the side of a public thoroughfare other than National Highway/State Highway/Major
District Roads, Major Roads, the minimum width of road including footpath shall be
nine meters in urban and rural areas.
(d) The cinema or multiplex building shall have a front set back of eight meters or as is
in the Karnataka Highway Rules, 1966, whichever is higher.
(e) The cinema site shall have a entrance and exit for the public on such roads, which shall
have minimum width of six meters each.
(f) The cinema site must have a suitable parking space, for the theatre existing as on the of
commencement of these rules,-
(i) at one car parking space for every fifty seats, subject to a minimum of space for
twenty cars in places having a population of ten lakhs and above;
(ii) at one car parking space for every fifty seats, subject to a minimum space for fifteen
cars in places having a population between one to ten lakhs; and
(iii) at one car parking space for every fifty seats, subject to a minimum of space for ten
cars in places having a population between Fifty Thousand and one lakh
(iv) at one car parking space for every fifty seats subject to a minimum of space for five
cars in places having a population of less than fifty thousand.

(g) The cinema site must have a suitable parking space, for the theatres proposed as on and
from the date of commencement of these rules,-
(i) one car parking space for every twenty five seats for permanent cinema theatres and
one car parking space for every twenty five seats for multiplexes subject to a
minimum of space for twenty cars in places having a population of ten lakhs and
(ii) one car parking space for every fifty seats for permanent cinema theatres and one car
parking space for every twenty five seats for multiplexes subject to a minimum of
space for fifteen cars in places having a population between one to ten lakhs;
(iii) one car parking space for every fifty seats for cinema theatres and one car parking
space for every twenty five seats for multiplexes subject to a minimum of space for
ten cars in places having a population between fifty thousand and one lakh; and
(iv) one car parking space for every fifty seats for cinema theatres and one car parking
space for every twenty five seats for multiplexes subject to a minimum of space for
five cars in places having a population of less than fifty thousand.
(h) Cinema site and multiplex existing as on the date of commencement of these rules and
the cinema site and multiplex proposed as on and from the date of commencement of these rules
must have suitable parking space,-
(i) an additional two and three wheeler parking of twenty five percent of the required
number of car parking shall be provided including that for cycle parking subject to a
minimum of fifty cycles;
(ii) In case of a Multiplex the vehicle parking requirement shall be as specified above or
as provided in the respective zoning regulations, whichever is higher. In such cases,
vehicle parking for the theatre portion shall be exclusively earmarked in the total
parking requirement for the whole building:
Provided that a, suitable parking arrangements shall be earmarked for
physically challenged persons.
(i) The clear distance between the cinema or multiplex building and inner limits of the
compound wall and between the cinema building and all other buildings in the same compound
shall not be less than eight meters at the entrance side and four and half meters at the other sides:
Provided that this shall not apply to the existing cinema theatres and cinema premises for
which No Objection Certificate is issued before coming into force of the Karnataka Cinemas
(Regulation) Rules, 2014:
Provided further that in the case of a multiplex building the distance shall be as specified in
these rules or in the respective zoning regulations, whichever is higher.
(j) The cinema or multiplex site shall be situated at a place where it is not likely to cause
traffic difficulties or problems.
(k) The cinema or multiplex site shall be at a distance of not less than,____
(a) Fifty meters from.—
(i) Any existing petrol bunk or place licensed for a petrol bunk and other places of fire
resort; or
(ii) Any place of community worship, cremation ground, graveyard or cemetery in use; or
(iii) Any recognized educational institution or any residential institution attached to such
educational institutions; or
(iv) Any public hospital or a private nursing home; or
(v) Any recognized orphanage; or
(vi) Any thickly populated residential area or an area used generally for residential
purposes as distinguished from business purposes:
Provided that the Licensing Authority may, if the proposal is to construct a
sound proof cinema building, at its discretion, in public interest, considering the
suitability of the place, for reasons to be recorded in writing after inspection of the

proposed site, relax, subject to such conditions as it may consider necessary to

impose in each case, all or any of the conditions specified above.
Provided further that considering the facts and circumstances of each case and after
recording reasons there for, different additional conditions may be imposed, in different
(b) One hundred meters from any protected monument, defence installations, national parks,
museums, and buildings in which main telephone or telegraph or wireless or telecommunication
installations are located.
(l) the cinema site shall be in an elevated place or free from dampness having proper
drainage arrangements; and
(2) (a)In places having a population of ten thousand or more, the number of cinemas to be
permitted shall be determined,-
(i) If it is a metropolitan area on the basis of one cinema for every twenty thousand
population or a fraction thereof exceeding ten thousand; and
(ii) In other places, on the basis of one cinema for every ten thousand population or a
fraction thereof exceeding five thousand;
(b) Location of cinemas shall not be permitted within a distance of four hundred meters from
each other in towns and cities having a population of five lakhs and above.
(3) Nothing in sub-rule (2) shall apply for location of cinemas in a metropolitan area if the
cinema building is owned by the local authority concerned.
(4) Each ward in a metropolitan area shall for the purpose of section 7, be an area. The
Licensing Authority may having regard to the provisions of section 6 and the provisions of sub-
rule(2), as if each such ward is a place for the purpose of said sub-rule (2) limit the number of places
that can be licensed under the Act in each of such ward:
Provided that the total number of places so determined in respect of all such wards shall not
exceed the number permissible under sub-rule (2) in respect of the metropolitan area taken as a
Explanation.___ (1) For the purpose of sub-rules (2), (3) and (4), -
(1) ‘distance’ shall be reckoned along the shortest pathway, lane, street or road connecting
the two cinemas and generally used by the members of the public;
(2) ‘Metropolitan area’ means a city or town declared as Metropolitan area under section 8 of
the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974).
(3) ‘Place’ means, in the case of towns and cities having a population of ten thousand and
above, the area coming within the jurisdiction of the local authority concerned and in other cases,
an area within the radius of five kilo meters from the centre of the local authority in which the
cinema is proposed to be located.
27. Grant of No Objection Certificate.- (1) The Licensing Authority shall, subject to
section 5 and orders, if any, made by him under section 6, if satisfied that the site fulfills all the
conditions specified in rule 26, grant to the applicant, a No Objection Certificate in Form D for the
construction of the cinema or multiplex building. The Certificate shall be valid for a period of two
years from the date of commencement of the construction of the Complex or building as the case
may be. The Licensing Authority on an application made to him in this behalf, if satisfied that the
applicant for valid reasons, was not able to complete the complex or building within the said period
of two years may extend the validity of such certificate by a period not exceeding one year at a time
so, however, the total period does not exceed three years.
(2) The applicant shall, within twelve months from the date of the obtaining a no-objection
certificate, commence construction of the building including drive-in cinemas. The Licensing
Authority may, on an application made to it in this behalf, if satisfied that the applicant for valid
reasons was not able to commence construction of the building within the said period, extend the
period by a further period not exceeding one year. If construction of the building is not commenced
within the said period of one year or the extended period of one year if any, the no-objection
certificate shall, on the expiry of the said period, stand cancelled.

(3) On receipt of application for No Objection Certificate, the Licensing Authority shall,
forward the same to the concerned Departments immediately. Who shall give their opinion or
clearance as far as possible within a period not exceeding thirty days to the Licensing Authority.
The Licensing Authority shall process the same in consultation with the said Departments and
consider the application for grant of No Objection Certificate within forty five days from the date of
application, or refuse to issue such licence for reasons to be recorded in writing, within the
stipulated time of forty five days.
28. Fee for No Objection Certificate in respect of permanent cinema or multiplex.—
The fee payable in respect of an application for grant of No Objection Certificate shall be as specified
by Government from time to time.
29. Application for construction of additional cinema within the licensed premises of a
Permanent cinema building.— (1) Any person who intends to construct within the licensed
premises one or more additional cinemas adjacent to or on the ground floor or on the first floor of
the existing cinema or proposed cinema for which an application has been made under rule 24 need
not obtain a separate No Objection Certificate. However other provisions relating to a permanent
cinema theatre in these rules shall be applicable mutatis mutandis to such an additional cinema
(2) The additional cinemas referred to in sub-rule (1) may be permitted by the Licensing
Authority in the case of cinema sites for which No Objection Certificate is granted, provided the site
is large enough to accommodate the additional cinemas and cater to the needs of persons and
vehicles entering the premises. The provision for car parking shall be in accordance with rule
26(1)(f) on the basis of total seating capacity of all the cinemas taken together. If the additional
cinema is on the ground floor or on the first floor, sufficient independent access to the open area of
the site from such additional cinema shall be provided.
(3) Any person who intends to convert or alter the existing cinema theatre within the
licensed premises by making smaller theatres without increasing the total number of seats for which
an application has been made under rule 24, need not obtain a separate No Objection Certificate.
However other provisions relating to a permanent cinema theatre in these rules shall be applicable
mutatis mutandis to such an additional cinema theatre.
(4) The additional cinemas referred to in sub-rule (3), may be permitted by the Licensing
Authority in the case of cinema sites for which No Objection Certificate is granted, provided the site
is large enough to accommodate the additional cinemas and cater to the needs of persons and
vehicles entering the premises. The provision for car parking shall be in accordance with rule
26(1)(f) on the basis of total seating capacity of all the cinemas taken together. If the additional
cinema is on the ground floor or on the first floor, sufficient independent access to the open area of
the site from such additional cinema shall be provided.
(5) The Licensing Authority, shall consult the Superintendent of Police of the district/
Police Commissioner of the city as the case may be, Fire Officer of the Karnataka State Fire and
Emergency services of the district, the Town Planning Officer of the City Corporation/ Urban Local
Authority/ Planning authority/ Assistant Director, Town and Country Planning of the district,
Executive Engineer, Public Works, Ports and inland transport Department of the district, Electrical
Inspector of the district before granting permission for constructing an additional cinema as in sub-
rules (1) to (4) above.

Approval of Plan of Building of permanent cinema or multiplex

30. Application for approval.- On receipt of the No Objection Certificate, the applicant shall
submit an application for approval of the plan of the building to be constructed on the approved site
to the Licensing Authority. Such application shall be accompanied by,-
(i) a copy of the no objection certificate granted under rule 27;
(ii) a copy of the approved site plan;
(iii) complete plan, elevation and sections in quadruplicate in original printed on tracing film
and also in digital format with four prints of the premises and of all erections and buildings

thereon drawn correctly to a scale of not less than 1:100 on prints taken out of any of the
standard size tracings and showing clearly,-
(a) all dimensions in millimeters and materials of construction indicating the different
materials in distinguishing colours and giving in figures dimensions the width and
depth of walls, beams, scantlings and trusses;
(b) the width of all staircases and the number of steps in each flight with the rise and
tread of steps the clear width of corridors, passages, openings, aisles and gangways
as well as the height and constructions of all galleries, tiers, balconies and stages;
and fire resistance rate of staircases shall be one hour. No gas pipeline or electrical
lines shall be attached to it. Anti slippery nosing shall be installed for the steps. One
metre height of handrail be provided.
(c) the sizes of all doors, windows and ventilators indicating their construction and the
way in which they open and the proposed system of ventilation;
(d) the proposed seating arrangement;
(e) the plinth area of each building in square meters separately for ground floor and
upper floors and in tiers, galleries or balconies;
(f) staircases;
(g) water closets and urinals;
(h) levels at the different parts of the building in plans and sections; and
(i) details and positions of projectors, screen, sound box and other plants and
(iv) detailed specifications of the works in triplicate to be executed, sufficiently describing
the material to be employed and the mode of construction to be adopted with calculations, in
triplicate showing the loads coming and stresses occurring in all foundations, piers, columns,
stanchions, lintels, beams, slabs, joists and trusses, such calculations being certified to be correct
by a graduate engineer or a design engineer or a design practitioner or a qualified architect
31. Procedure for approval of plans, etc._ (1) On receipt of the application and
particulars specified in rule 30, the Licensing Authority shall simultaneously forward the
applications and particulars to the Town Planning Officer of City Corporation / Urban Development
Authority/ Planning Authority / Assistant Director Town and Country Planning as to verify whether
the building plans satisfy the requirements of these rules and whether the building proposed to be
built is suitable for a cinema and to submit a report to the Licensing Authority within fifteen days.
(2) On receipt of the report under sub-rule (1), the Licensing Authority shall forward the
connected records to the executive engineer, Public works Department of the district. The executive
engineer, Public works, Ports and inland transport Department shall examine the design
calculations and if he is satisfied after scrutiny that the building if constructed as per the
specifications and designs would be sound enough, he shall within fifteen days forward his report to
the Licensing Authority, attaching a certificate that the specifications and designs are acceptable.
(3) On receipt of the acceptance of design and specification by the executive engineer Public
works, Ports and inland transport Department, the Licensing Authority shall direct the applicant to
submit the plan, elevation and electrical drawings in quadruplicate in blue print or computer print
and also in digital format showing the location of the cinematograph apparatus and complete
electrical installations wiring diagram indicating all wiring, light- points, switches, plugs,
distribution boards and other electric machinery indicating different circuits in different colours and
earthing details to the Electrical Inspector.
(4) Thereafter, the Electrical Inspector shall examine the designs pertaining to the
cinematograph plant, the electrical installations along with electrical wiring diagram and plan
details showing the electrical system submitted by the applicant and if he is satisfied after scrutiny,
that they are in accordance with the provisions of these rules relating to safety of electrical
installation, he shall forward his report to the Licensing Authority within fifteen days.
32. Grant or refusal of approval of plan.- On receipt of the reports under rule 31 the
Licensing Authority shall, after satisfying itself that all the requirements under these rules are
fulfilled, approve the plan of the building and grant a licence. If he is satisfied that the requirements
of these rules are not fulfilled, he shall refuse the licence. The order of the Licensing Authority
under this rule, shall be in writing and shall contain reasons on for such decision.

33. Order of the Licensing Authority to be communicated.- The Licensing Authority

shall communicate his decision to grant or refuse to the applicant within a period of fifteen days,
after the receipt of the reports referred to in sub-rule (3) of rule 31.

Approval of Building Construction and Issue of Licence in respect of permanent or
multiplex building
34. Approval of Permanent Cinema or multiplex building constructed.- (1) The licensee shall
(i) The Executive Engineer, public works, Ports and inland transport department fifteen days
earlier to the commencement of construction of cinema or multiplex and ancillary buildings to
enable him to issue the certificate of soundness under sub-rule (3); and
(ii) The Electrical Inspector fifteen days earlier to the commencement of wiring for electrical
installation, to enable him to issue the electrical certificate under sub rule (4). Such notice shall be
accompanied by a treasury challan for having paid the fees specified under sub-rule (8).
(2) On completion of the building and electrical installation according to the approved plan, the
applicant shall on an application shall obtain.
(i) a certificate from the executive engineer, Public works Department in respect of matters
covered in rules 43 to 56;
(ii) a certificate in form ' E-1' from the Electrical Inspector in respect of matters covered by rules
3, 57 to 73, 77(5) and 82;
(iii) a certificate in form ‘E-2’ from the Fire Officer, Fire and Emergency Services of the district in
respect of matters covered under Chapter -IX
(iv) a certificate in form ‘E-3’ from the District Health and Family Welfare Officer in respect of
matters covering the provisions relating to health and cleanliness of the premises.
(v) In case of Multiplex Complex, the licensee shall obtain a separate No objection certificate
from the Department of Fire and Emergency Services for the whole building including the theatre
(3) If the executive engineer public works, Ports and inland transport Department is satisfied
about the structural soundness of the cinema or multiplex building, he shall issue a certificate
within fifteen days after receipt of the application under sub-rule (2)(a) to that effect and such
certificate shall be valid for period of five years. In the case of any cinema theatre or multiplex which
does not fulfill the requirements the executive engineer, public works, Ports and inland transport
department shall, reject the application for issuing of certificate for five years or may reduce the
period of the certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after giving the applicant an
opportunity of being heard, and the reasons shall be communicated to the Licensing Authority.
(4) Within fifteen days after the receipt of the application under sub-rule(2), the electrical
Inspector shall, if he is satisfied about the suitability of the electrical installations and equipments,
issue a certificate in Form ‘E-1’ and shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of issue.
In the case of any cinema theatre or multiplex which does not fulfill the requirements the electrical
inspector shall, reject the application for issuing of certificate for five years or may reduce the period
of the certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after giving the applicant an opportunity
of being heard, and the reasons shall be communicated to the Licensing Authority.
(5) If the Fire Officer is satisfied that the Fire Fighting appliances and other equipments
specified in Chapter IX are provided to the cinema or multiplex building, he shall issue a certificate
in form ‘E-2’ within fifteen days after the receipt of the application, which shall be valid for a period
five years in the case of any cinema theatre or multiplex which does not fulfill the requirements the
fire officer shall reject the application for issuing of certificate for five years or may reduce the period
of the certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after giving the applicant an opportunity
of being heard, and the reasons shall be communicated to the Licensing Authority.
Efficiency/Fitness/Working condition of the fire fighting appliances in every cinema theatre or
multiplex shall be checked annually by the Fire Officer of the district.
(6) If the District Health and Family Welfare Officer is satisfied about the provisions made for
maintenance of sanitary facilities, public health, hygiene and cleanliness of the premises; he shall

issue a certificate in form ‘E-3’ within fifteen days after receipt of the application, which shall be
valid for a period of five years in the case of any cinema theatre or multiplex which does not fulfill
the requirements the district health and family welfare officer shall reject the application for issuing
of certificate for five years or may reduce the period of the certificate, for reasons to be recorded in
writing and after giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard, and the reasons shall be
communicated to the Licensing Authority.
(7) For the purpose of issuing a certificate under sub-rules (3), (4), (5) and (6), the executive
engineer public works department, electrical inspector the Fire Officer, the District Health and
Family Welfare Officer shall visit and inspect the cinema or multiplex building and premises and
their inspection reports shall be part of the report submitted to the Licensing Authority.
(8) Fees for inspection and issue of the certificates regarding the cinema theatres and
multiplexes shall be as specified by the Government from time to time and credited to the head of
account so specified.
(9) A copy of the certificate issued by the above officers may be obtained on payment of fees
specified by the Government
35. Application for licence.- After obtaining the certificates referred to in rule 34, the
applicant may submit his application for licence in writing to the Licensing Authority. The
application shall be accompanied by,-
(i) the certificate issued by the executive engineer Public Works, Ports and inland transport
department under sub-rule(3) of rule 34;
(ii) The certificate issued by the electrical inspector of the district or area under sub-
rule(4) of rule 34;
(iii) the certificate issued by the Fire Officer under sub-rule(5) of rule 34;
(iv) the certificate issued by the district health and Family Welfare
Officer under sub-rule(6) of rule 34.
(v) a declaration by the applicant that he has completed all arrangements for obtaining films
approved by the Central Government with the previous approval of the Films Division for exhibition
at each performance together, with a statement from the suppliers confirming that such
arrangements have been made; and
(vi) a treasury challan for the payment of licence fees as specified by the Government.
36. Grant or refusal of licence.- (1) On receipt of the application for license, the Licensing
Authority shall, if it is satisfied that all works are carried out as per the approved plans and all
arrangements are made for exhibition of film, issue to the applicant within fifteen days from the date
of its receipt of application, a licence in form ‘F’ or refuse to issue such licence for reasons to be
recorded in writing. The Licensing Authority may refuse to issue a licence if the application for the
license is not made before the expiry of the period of validity of the no objection Certificate. For this
purpose, the Licensing Authority may make such local inspection as it considers necessary. A copy
of the plans and drawings referred to in rule 32 shall be attached to the license.
(2) A duplicate or a copy of the licence may be obtained from the Licensing Authority on
payment of fees specified by Government from time to time.
37. Duration of licence.— (1) A Licence granted under rule 36 shall be valid for a period of
five years from the date of issue of the licence, but not less than three years subject to annual
varification from Fire and Emergency Services and Electrical Inspectorate Department:
Provided that the Licensing Authority may for reasons to be recorded in writing, grant a
licence for a period lesser than five years.
38. Subsequent additions and alterations to the place. — No subsequent addition or
alteration shall be made to the cinema or multiplex building in respect of which a license has been
granted except with the previous approval of the Licensing Authority obtained in
accordance with rules 39 and 40.
39. Procedure for approval of subsequent additions and alterations.- (1) The licensee
shall give notice in writing to the Licensing Authority of his intention to add or alter the licensed
place or any portion thereof. Such notice shall state clearly the additions or alterations proposed
and shall be accompanied by complete plans, elevations and sections and block plans and

specifications of the work to be executed drawn up in quadruplicate in the manner required by rule
30 along with the original certificates. It shall not be necessary to obtain a No Objection Certificate
for this purpose. The Licensing Authority shall before according sanction to the proposed additions
or alterations, follow the procedure laid down in sub-rule 1 and 2 of rule 31. The licensing
Authority shall after the receipt of opinion under rule 31 approve the proposal of such addition or
alterations within fifteen days from the date of receipt of notice.
(2) Additions and alterations of cinema theatre shall include increasing the number of
screens from one to two or three in the existing licensed premises without increasing the area or the
total number of seats approved for single screen viewing and all other provisions relating to a
permanent cinema theatre in these rules shall be applicable to such additions and alterations of
cinema theatre or multiplex.
40. Procedure for sanction of subsequent additions and alterations to the Electrical
Installation.- (1) The licensee shall give notice to the Licensing Authority in writing of his intention
to make additions or alterations to the electrical installations or apparatus. The Licensing Authority
shall forward such notice to the Electrical Inspector. Where the Electrical Inspector reports after
inspection that the alterations or additions proposed are in accordance with the provisions of these
rules, the Licensing Authority shall approve the proposal following as far as may be, the procedure
laid down in sub-rule(3) of rule 31.
(2) If, in the opinion of the Licensing Authority, further inspection is necessary, he may direct
and require the licensee to pay in advance fees specified in this behalf by the Government from time
to time.
(3) If during the interval between two periodical inspections, any further inspection shall in
the opinion of the Electrical Inspector becomes necessary on account of the neglect or failure of the
person in charge to carry out any written orders of such officer issued under sub-rule(2) of rule 4
within the time specified by him or if during any inspection the installation be found defective, fees
specified in this behalf by the Government from time to time shall be charged for such further
inspection and such fee shall be paid by the licensee.
41. Time restriction for exhibition of shows.— No licensee shall exhibit cinematograph
shows before 8.00 A.M. The last show shall not commence after 10.00 P.M.

Provision in respect of Buildings permanent cinema or multiplex

42. Definitions.— For the purpose of this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(1)" Aisles” means the gangway left within and around the seating area for walking into or
out of the group of seats;
(2) “Back Stage wall” means the wall at the back of the stage facing the audience;
(3) “Balcony floor” means extra floor constructed over part of the house for seating
additional audience which may or may not project beyond the rear wall;
(4) “Balcony soffit” means the area of under surface of the balcony within the hall;
(5) “Cinema Premises” means the area of the entire site, licensed for running a cinema and
includes the cinema building and other adjuncts within the site;
(6) "Multiplex" means the area licensed for running a cinema and its related portions of the
building and area in the licensed premises.
(7) “Corridor”, “Passage” , “Verandah” means the space provided for the purpose of
movement of persons within the cinema building, but outside the auditorium.
(8) “Crush hall” means the first entrance hall (which may be provided in addition to the
foyer) outside the main hall for purposes such as buying tickets, and awaiting;
(9) “Foyer” means the hall in front of the entrance in which the audience may wait before
actually entering the cinema house;
(10) “Lobby” means the passage or small ante-room into which one or more rooms open;

(11) “Lounge” means the sitting room or place for relaxation;

(12) “Proscenium” means the total opening between the stage and the house through which
the audience witness a performance on the stage;
(13) “Proscenium overhang” means the front area of the proscenium that is still visible to
the audience when the curtain is lowered and includes the curtain and the arch of the frame work
that holds it;
(14) “Raking of seats” means the gradual rise in the level of seats in successive rows, away
from the stage, so as to ensure unobstructed view of the stage performance to the audience.
(15) “Ramp” means the ramp provided for the physically challenged.
(16) “Rear wall” means the wall facing the stage at the end of the hall;
(17) “Stage appren” means the portion of stage which extends beyond the proscenium into
the house;
(18) “Staggering of seats” means the arrangements of seats in a manner whereby seats are
displaced (relating to each row) by half-seat pitch in every successive row.
43. Conditions to be satisfied regarding the cinema or multiplex site.- (1) No site which
shall admit storm-water draining into it owing to its level or location shall be used for the
construction of a building, unless arrangements are made to prevent effectually the flooding of the
site either by draining into a storm-water course, if such a course is available, or by raising the level
of the site to an adequate height by the deposit of layers of sand and non putrescible materials.
(2) No site wherein the soil and sub-soil shall be so saturated with water that dampness of
the floor and walls of the building is inevitable, shall be used for the construction of a building,
unless a damp-proof course is provided in the basement of the building not higher than the level of
the lowest floor and unless the flooring is made with a material approved by the Licensing Authority
which shall effectively prevent the dampness rising in the floor of the building.
(3) Every person who constructs, reconstructs or alters or adds to, a building shall, wherever
the site is within fifteen meters of any tank, reservoir, water-course, river, fresh-water channel or
well, carry out such measures as may be necessary or as the Licensing Authority may direct, for the
purpose of preventing any contamination of, or any risk of the drainage of the building passing into,
such tank, reservoir, water course, river, fresh water, channel or well.
44. Cinema or multiplex premises to be enclosed.— The cinema or multiplex premises
shall be enclosed with proper external or partly walls of brick, stone, concrete and R.C.C. thickness
of which shall not be less than 350 mm, 400 mm, 300mm and 150 mm. respectively and of
sufficient height.
45. Building materials.- All the buildings and erections within the cinema or multiplex
premises and the floor roof ceiling, balconies, galleries, tiers, partitions and every room, lobby,
corridor, passages and staircases in such buildings and erections intended for the exclusive use of
the public during the performance shall be constructed of fire resisting materials and all steel and
cast iron trusses and columns, piers, stanchions, shall be protected by fire resisting materials,
namely, I.S. specifications such as those specified in Schedule 'B':
Provided that the following materials may be used for the ceiling and walls, namely:-
(1) Compressed cane or wood fiber board, imperforated and perforated;
(2) Wood particle board;
(3) Compressed wood wool;
(4) Mineral or glass wool quiltes and nuts;
(5) Mineral or compressed glass wool tiles.
(6) Composite units perforated board (hard board, asbestos board or metal sheet) backed
by mineral or glass wool quilt or slab;
(7) Special absorbers constructed of hard board teak ply, backed by air; floor of the
highest part of the tires, gallery or balcony and the lowest part of the roof ceiling over
the same shall not in any

part be less than 3.35 meters. The height between any tier, gallery or balcony and
the ceiling of soffit of another tier, gallery or balcony above it shall in no case be less
than 2.75 meters.
(8) Composite units of perforated hard-board backed by perforated fiber board; and
(9) Plaster of Paris, etc., and other similar materials approved by the Licensing Authority.
46. Auditorium.- (1) The auditorium floor must be on the ground floor and where it is in the
first floor, sufficient number of staircases shall be provided for easy egress of public in case of fire
and other accidents from the main foyer and side verandahs to the open at the rate of one meter
linear width of stairs for every fifty square meters of floor area of auditorium, all tiers, galleries and
balconies, properly distributed on the front and to sides of the auditorium.
Provided that in the case of multiplex, auditorium may be in any floor if sufficient number of
staircases and lifts are provided in the multiplex complex for entrance and exit in case of emergency.
(2) The floor shall slope in order to provide a good view of the screen but not steeper than 1:4
and no part of the floor shall be more than 0.9 meters lower or 1.3 meters higher than the adjoining
(3) The auditorium floor shall slope in order to provide a good view of the screen, and the
angle of elevation of the inclined floor in an auditorium shall not be less than 1:7 and not more than
1:4 and no part of the floor shall be more than one meter lower or one and a half meters higher than
the adjoining passage or verandah.
(4) False roof ceiling if any, for the auditorium shall be with materials specified in rule 45:
47. Tiers, Galleries and Balconies.— Where the first tier, gallery or balcony extends over
any part of the auditorium, the height between the floor of the auditorium and the ceiling of soffit of
such tier, gallery or balcony shall not in any part be less than three meters.
48. Projection Room.- (1) The cinematograph apparatus shall be placed in a room of
substantial construction made of fire proof materials of 2-4 hour ratings, the floor of which shall
have a minimum floor finish of fifty millimeters to embedded cables under rule 67:
Provided that in the case of existing and proposed cinema theatres or multiplex with
advanced technology like digital projectors, digital sound system, a separate projection room
is not mandatory.
(2) The projection room shall have no connection with the auditorium, except the projection
and observer openings:
(3) The projection room having one projector must have at least seven and half square
meters floor area with 2.5 meters as smallest dimension and with a clear height of not less than 3
meters. For each additional projector, there shall be 2.3 square meters of floor space:
(4) There shall be a regular staircase leading to ground floor and to floor below.
(5) The door of the projection room shall be fire-proof and all openings, bushes and joints
shall be so constructed and maintained as to prevent, as far as possible, the escape of any smoke
into the auditorium. Ventilation shall be provided for the projection room, but the ventilation ducts
shall not communicate direct with the auditorium. The area of the ventilating ducts shall not be less
than one per cent of the floor area of the projection room.
Explanation.- In this rule, bush means packing inserted in the holes through which the
pipes and cables pass in order to render such holes reasonably smoke proof.
(6) There shall be a rewinding room or enclosure by the side of the projection room for the
purpose of rewinding of films and where the rewinding room or enclosure adjoins the projection
room and has door in between, leading from one to the other, this door shall be self closing fire
resistant door:
(7) If the enclosure is inside the auditorium, no openings other than those required for
projection and observation of the enclosure shall be permitted to communicate with the auditorium.
The rewinding room or enclosure by the side / inside the projection room for the purpose of
rewinding rooms shall have a self closing fire resistant door:
Provided that in the case of multiplex or a existing and proposed cinema theatre with
advanced technology like digital projectors, digital sound system, rewinding room is not

(8) The projector openings shall be in accordance with the type of projection such as 35
millimeters, 70 millimeters, Cinemascope and Cinerama, Wide angle, Vista vision:
Provided that in the case of multiplex or a existing or proposed cinema theatre with
advanced technology like digital projectors, digital sound system, this sub-rule shall not
(9) Each Opening shall be provided with a plate glass screen of not less than 5 millimeters, in
thickness fixed in position with a smoke tight joint:
Provided that for openings for more than 250 millimeters square,-
(i) the glass screens used shall be armored plate or wired plate glass;
(ii) the metal screens shall be provided in addition to the glass screens and the openings
shall be closed with the metal screens when not in use for projection; and
(iii) a notice shall be put in the cabin to the effect that the openings shall be closed with
the metal screens when the openings are not in use.
(10) (i) Projection room shall be in the charge of a person who has attained the age of 18
years and who is holding a Cinema operator’s permit issued by the Chief Electrical Inspector to
Provided that, a candidate who holds a certificate for having passed the Craft Course in
Cinema operation or Diploma in Cinematography conducted by the Board of Technical Education in
Cinematography in Karnataka or degree/diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
recognized by the State Government or Central Government shall be exempted from appearing for
the examination conducted by the Karnataka Cinema Operator’s Examination Board for obtaining
the cinema operator permit.
(ii) The operator shall satisfy himself before the commencement of each performance that all
cables, leads, connections and resistances as also the portable fire extinguishers in the projection
room are in proper working order. He shall be present in the projection room during the time the
machine is being operated:
Provided that in the case of multiplex or existing or proposed cinema theatre with advanced
technology like digital projector, digital sound system, although projection room is not mandatory
the operator shall be present during the time the machine is being operated.
(iii) Two operators shall be got endorsed in favour of the theatre with conventional projectors
and one operator per screen shall be got endorsed in favour of the theatre in case of multiplex and
also theatre with advance technology like digital projection system, from the Department of
Electrical Inspectorate.
Provided that in the case of multiplex or existing or proposed cinema theatre with advanced
technology like digital projector, digital sound system, although projection room is not mandatory,
the operator shall be present during the time such machines are being operated.
(iv) Failure to employ such an operator shall render the electrical certificate of cinema theatre
or multiplex liable to be suspended or cancelled.
(11)Constitution of Karnataka Cinema Operator’s Examination Board.- The State
Government by a separate notification may constitute Board of examiners to conduct required
examination to issue Cinema Operator’s permit for the purpose of these Rules.
49. Conditions regarding seating accommodation.- (1) For cinema theatres or multiplex
existing before the date of commencement of these rules, no cinema theatre or multiplex shall be
licensed to accommodate more than twenty persons per ten square meters in the auditorium.
provided that 0.5 square meters area per person is provided for sitting after making the
exclusions like area occupied by entrances, gangways, stages etc., Accordingly the licensing
authority shall specify the number of persons to be admitted to the auditorium.
(2) For cinema theatres or multiplex proposed on and after the date of commencement of
these rules, no cinema theatre or multiplex shall be licensed to accommodate more than twenty
persons per twelve square meters in the auditorium.
provided that 0.6 square meters area per person is provided for sitting, after making the
exclusions like area occupied by entrances, gangways, stages etc., Accordingly the licensing
authority shall specify the number of persons to be admitted to the auditorium.

(3) The entrances, aisle, stage, stage aprons, staircases, passages, corridors shall be
deducted before calculating the area available for determining the seating accommodation.
(4) The rows of the seats shall be arranged in the form of concentric areas of circles drawn
with the centre located as much behind the centre of the screen as its (screen’s) distance from the
auditorium rear wall.
(5) The seats shall not be too near the screen. For this purpose a line drawn in the
longitudinal section of the auditorium from the eye of an observer in the front row (to be assumed
at 1,066 millimeters over the floor level) to the top edge of the screen shall not form an angle of more
than 35 degrees with the horizontal. A line drawn in the plan from the eye of the observer in the
extreme end of the front row to the remote end of the screen shall not form an angle of less than 25
degree with the screen.
(6) The successive rows of seats away from the stage shall be so arranged as to ensure
unobstructed view of the performance.
(7) In any cinema theatre or multiplex, not more than fifteen seats of one row shall have
access from a side aisle and not more than five from a middle aisle.
(8) For cinema theatres or multiplex existing before the date of commencement of these rules,
for each seat at least 0.50 meters width and 1.00 meters depth of the floor space shall be provided.
(9) For cinema theatres or multiplex existing from the date of commencement of these rules,
for each seat at least 0.50 meters width and 1.20 meters depth of the floor space shall be provided.
(10) In all cases, there shall be an intervening space of atleast 0.5 meters between the back
of one seat and the front of the seat immediately behind, measured between perpendiculars.
(11) There shall be side aisles irrespective of interior aisles. No side aisle shall be less than
0.915 meters in width and no interior aisle shall be less than 1.12 meters in width
(12) Seats shall be staggered sideways in relation to those in front so that a viewer in any row
is not looking directly over the head of the person in front of him:
Provided that no staggering of seats shall be necessary if gallery type of seating arrangement is
provided and unobstructed view of the performance is ensured.
(13) One door exit shall be provided for every hundred seats inclusive of the central door or
doors if provided and shall be illuminated brightly.
(14) The number of persons admitted into any part of the auditorium shall not exceed the
number specified in the licence for that part of the auditorium.
(15) All seats, except in the boxes, shall be battened together in complete lengths and shall
be permanently fixed to the floor.
(16) There shall be no loose chairs, except in the boxes (with not more than eight seats per
box) providing 0.65 square meters floor area for each chair.
(17) No chair or other obstruction shall be placed in any passage, aisle or staircase landing
except to serve a barrier between, different classes in the auditorium.
(18) No person shall be permitted to sit or stand in the aisle intersecting the seating or to sit
in any aisle between the screen and the last row.
(19) The middle aisle shall be connected to the side aisles by (i) one cross aisle of not less
than 1.22 meters in width for every block of three hundred seats in a class; and (ii) a cross aisle of
not less than 1.22 meters in width after the last row of seats in each class:
Provided that no cross aisle shall be necessary if middle aisle leads to an exit or central door
without any obstruction.
(20) The licensee shall provide safe, convenient and comfortable seating arrangement and
seats to the public and maintain them in good condition.
50. Passages, Corridors, etc.- (1) The Auditorium shall have, 1[a verandah or a covered
corridor wherever there are side entrances ]. No corridor, verandah, passage or staircase landing
lobby, not being an internal passage between rows of seats intended for use as exist shall be less
than 1.83 meters clear in width and there shall be no projection of lights in the wall of such
corridors, verandahs, passages or staircase landing lobby within 2.1 meters height from the floor.

(2) Wherever possible, gradients or inclined planes shall be used instead of steps, but no
such gradients or inclined planes shall be steeper than 1 in 10.
(3) No corridor, verandah or passage or gangway shall be used as a cloak room and no pegs
for hanging hats or cloaks shall be allowed therein. No such corridor, verandah, passage or
gangway shall be used for storage purpose or for any purpose whatever except for exit and entrance
from and to the auditorium.
(4) Where cloak rooms are provided it shall be so situated that the use of them shall not
obstruct the free use of any corridor, verandah, passage or exit.
(5) Whenever show windows, show-cases and slotting machines are permitted in the
verandahs, corridors and lounges, the Licensing Authority shall satisfy himself, before issuing the
license and regranting the same that there remains the clear space specified under sub-rule(1) and
they are not located near the entrances and exits so as to avoid concentration of public and
obstruction of easy movement.
51. Conditions regarding doors.— (1) No building shall be used for a cinema theatre or
multiplex to which the Act applies unless it is provided with an adequate number of clearly
indicated exits so placed and maintained as readily to afford the audience ample means of safe
egress. There shall be at least one door of 1.5 meters clear width measured between the leaves of the
door in the open position and 2.2 meters clear height for every one hundred seats in the auditorium,
balcony, tier or gallery but not less than two doors in different walls of the auditorium, balcony, tier
or gallery.
(2) A common place of egress may serve as the exit for all the floors of the auditorium, if the
capacity of such place of aggress is equal to the aggregate capacity specified in sub-rule(1) for the
necessary outlets from such floor and tier.
(3) If the floor or any tier of the auditorium is divided into two or more parts, separate exits
as specified in this rule shall be provided for such part.
(4) All doors to be used as means of aggress shall be of fire resisting construction, but a
heavy wooden door of not less than 4.4 centimeters thickness may be used as a means of aggress.
(5) No revolving, rolling, sliding, sliding-folding collapsible doors shall be permitted for the
(6) All doors shall be side hung, single swing double doors opening in the direction, the
public move to the exit and all bolts shall be so arranged that they can be opened from inside in
cases of emergency. No outside bolts or locks shall be fixed for doors meant for the public. Open
door shutters shall neither obstruct the passage nor reduce their clear width specified in sub-rule(1)
of rule 50. No door shall open directly on to a flight of steps. There shall be a landing a of atleast
1.5 meters flush with the floor
(7) All exit doors shall be unbolted during the performance. The top and bottom bolts of
such doors shall, wherever possible, be capable of operation from one central handle on each pair of
(8) A notice shall be clearly painted on the exit doors indicating the method of opening.
(9) Each exit door from the auditorium shall have the word “EXIT” or its equivalent in the
regional language or in both, at the top painted, in red in letters of 150 millimeters high, being
illuminated by the light which shall be kept on during the time, the public are in the premises.
(10) Where a curtain is used to cover a door way, it shall be so hung as to be easily pulled
aside and the bottom edge of the curtain shall not be less than one hundred millimeters above the
floor level.
52. Ventilators.- (1) There shall be sufficient ventilators for each room or passage in every
cinema theatre or multiplex with an area of not less than one-eighth of the floor area, two-thirds of
which shall be so arranged as to be kept open during performances. There shall also be sufficient
means of artificial ventilation with the help of not less than one ceiling fan for every fifty seats and
one exhaust fan for every fifty square meters of the auditorium, which shall be approved by the
Executive Engineer, public works department. Alternatively, there shall be suitable centralized
ventilation system of sufficient capacity, which shall be approved by the executive engineer, public
works, Ports and inland transport department.

(2) There shall be sufficient ventilation system for the auditorium of air conditioned theatres
or multiplex or air cooled theatres or multiplex which shall be approved by the executive engineer,
public works department:
Provided that when the ventilation system fails during the performance, the show shall be
stopped during the period of its failure.
53. Staircases.— (1) Each tier, gallery or balcony with more than fifty seats shall have at
least two independent staircases leading directly to ground floor, passage or verandah with doors to
the open.
(2) No staircase shall be less than 1.5 m wide, width being measured between the hand-rails.
(3) All staircases shall be constructed of fire proof materials with fire-resisting roof and
ceiling and shall have solid steps of landing with treads of not less than 300 millimeters measured
horizontally between nose to nose with non-slippery finish and with solid risers of not more than
one hundred and sixty five millimeters high in flight of not more than fifteen or less than three
steps. There shall not be any winders:
Provided that in case of elliptical and other curved forms of stairs, the tread on the inner side
shall not be less than 250 millimeters.
(4) No staircases shall have more than two flights of fifteen steps without a turn and the
width of the landing between such flights shall be at least the same as the width of the staircase.
(5) Ramp shall not be steeper than 1:10
(6) No winders shall be used in any staircase.
(7) Every staircase forming an exit from an upper tier, gallery or balcony of the auditorium
shall be enclosed on both sides with walls of brick or fire-resisting materials in the stories through
which it passes:
Provided that staircases leading to the first or lower tier, gallery or balcony may be left open on one
side in which case the open side shall be provided with extra stout-hand rails and balusters, but in
no case shall the staircase be left open on both sides.
(8) The tread and risers of steps on each staircase shall be of uniform central width and
(9) Where the flight of steps returns upon itself, the newel wall shall be chased so as to allow
the handrails to run without projecting over the landing.
(10) All staircases shall have on both sides strong hand-rails firmly secured to the wall by
strong metal brackets about seventy-five millimeters clear there from and about one meter above the
stairs but such hand-rails shall not run on level platforms and landing where the length of such
platform or landing exceeds the width of the stairs.
(11) There shall be no recesses or projections in the walls of such staircases within 2.2
meters of the floor and any fittings, for lighting shall be at least 2.2 meters of above the steps or
(12) There shall be a minimum of 2.15 meters head room.
54. Water closets and urinals and water facilities.— (1) Every cinema theatre or multiplex
shall be provided with sufficient number of water closets and urinals within the main building for
men, women and children, third gender and physically challenged separately.
(2) The scale of sanitary accommodation to be provided shall be as specified in Schedule “C”.
(3) The water closets and urinals shall be connected to an underground sewer line.
(4) Rain water harvesting system shall be adopted to conserve and utilize water efficiently.
(5) Every cinema theatre or multiplex shall be provided with a sufficient number of drinking
water taps for men and women separately but in no case shall there be less than two water taps,
one for men and the other for women. The water taps shall be connected to a water supply pipe, or
when the supply of water by the pipe is cut off or when there is no water supply pipe, to a tank or
water container containing pure drinking water.

55. Ticket Booths.— (1) Suitable booking windows for the various classes shall be provided
within the premises in such a position that there is room for queues of purchasers of tickets to form
up within the premises without causing any obstruction to traffic on the public road.
(2) Suitable means of entrance and exit shall be provided for the public to the ticket booth
(3) (i) No person other than a licensee or his agent duly authorized by him in writing shall,
sell or keep or offer or expose for sale, or cause to be sold or cause to be kept or exposed for sale any
ticket or pass or any other evidence of the right of admission to any cinema theatre or multiplex.
(ii) No ticket or pass or any other evidence of the right of admission to any cinema theatre or
multiplex shall be sold, or kept or offered or exposed for sale in any place other than the booking
windows provided for the purpose and shall not be sold to any person other than a person who lines
up in a queue, if any, before the booking window:
Provided that the Licensing Authority may, in the case of charitable shows permit in writing
the sale of tickets, passes or any other evidence of the right of admission at places other than the
booking windows and by persons other than the licensee.
(4) The licensee shall not earlier than seven days preceding the day of the exhibition of the
film, book seats in any class in advance by selling tickets or otherwise.
(5) Sale of tickets online shall be allowed in cinema theatres and multiplex in accordance
with relevant rules.
(6) Charges for each ticket as well as other charges shall be as applicable in the relevant Acts
and rules.
56. Out houses etc.— (1) No show rooms, hotels, shops, offices, banks and Canteens shall
be permitted in the cinema building or multiplex except as provided in sub-rules(2)and (3).
(2) If the cinema building is constructed out of non-inflammable materials and sound proof,
the Licensing Authority may, after consultation with the local authority having jurisdiction over the
place permit opening of establishment like show rooms, hotels, shops, canteens, banks and offices
in a floor other than the floor in which the cinema or multiplex building is located and shall not
permit shops and establishments selling and serving alcohol and banned substances.
(3) No permission under sub-rule (2), shall be granted unless the Licensing Authority is
(a) that adequate provision is made for preventing and extinguishing fire in the floor in which
such establishments are to be opened.
(b) that separate access and exit to such establishments have been provided so as to permit
the visitors to such establishments to disperse easily and quickly in the event of fire.
(c) that the road to which such establishments are open is a through fare for the approach of
fire engines and appliances.

Electrical Installations in respect of permanent cinemas or multiplex
57. Definition.— For purposes of this Chapter, unless the context other-wise requires,-
(1) “Bush” means packing inserted in the holes through which the pipes and cables pass in
order to render such holes reasonably smoke proof.
(2) Any word not defined in these rules particularly in this chapter shall have same meaning and
expressions as defined in the Electricity Act 2003 and Central Electricity Authority (Measures
relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations 2010 and rules and regulations made
58. Main Circuits.- (1) The electric lighting of the premises shall have at least three separate
and distinct main circuits and these shall be,-
(i) Circuit ‘A’ for the projection room and then, through dimming regulator if any, to the
central lighting of the auditorium,

(ii) Circuit ‘B’ for approximately one half of the auditorium, passage ways, stair ways, exits
and parts of the buildings open to the public and
(iii) Circuit ‘C’ for the remaining half of the auditorium, passage ways, stair ways, exits and
parts of the buildings open to the public
(2) The control of the circuits in respect of ‘B’ and ‘C’ shall be remote from each other.
59. Supply System.- (1) Where supply is available on three phase AC system, the circuits
‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ shall be supplied from three different phases to balance the load
(2) The main circuits ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ may be subdivided into as many sub-circuits as may be
considered necessary. Each sub-circuit shall start from a distributing board and must be through a
suitable capacity Earth leakages circuit breakers (ELCB).
(3) The lights inside and outside the premises shall be separate circuits. Circuits for fans,
power and cooling purposes shall be kept distinct and separate from lighting circuits.
(4) Power saving and modern technology lighting system shall be adopted like LED, etc.
60. Switch and Fuse.- (1) Main switch with overload and earth leakage protection shall be
provided in the main switchboard for the control of entire electrical installation. All circuits shall be
efficiently protected by circuit breakers of suitable capacity placed in positions easily accessible to
the staff and in places where they are not likely to obstruct any passage or exits.
(2) The switch boards if they are accessible to the public and if they are in the ticket booths,
shall be provided with proper lock-up cases with glass or metal front and the glass (unless of
adequate thickness) shall be protected with a wire guard or alternatively boxes with lids and sides
rendered fire proof by using suitable fire resistant material.
(3) All switches and circuit breakers of suitable capacity shall be so marked as to show
clearly which circuit or lamps they control.
61. Accumulators.- (1) Such number and type of accumulators or automatic DC lights as
may be approved by the Electrical Inspector shall be installed to illuminate the auditorium during
an emergency or failure of power.
(2) The accumulators shall be placed in a room adequately ventilated to the outside air and
this room shall be of fire-proof construction with fire resisting doors and shall not be used for any
other purpose.
62. Transforming and Converting Machinery.- Transforming and converting machinery
with the controlling switches and circuit breakers shall be placed in a place adequately ventilated to
outside air, properly lighted and accessible to the management and shall be used for no other
63. Motors, etc.- All motors and electrical equipments, shall, if permitted be subject to
special conditions, but electric fans and similar motors not taking more than three hundred watts
may be used, if separately wired by circuit breakers on a proper distributing board.
64. Resistances.- All resistances, with the exception of a resistance for regulating purposes,
shall be placed outside the projection room and, if reasonably practicable, outside the auditorium. If
placed inside the auditorium, such resistances shall be protected by an earthed wireguard or other
efficient means of preventing accidental contacts.
65. Arc Lamps.- (1) In any cinema theatre or multiplex, arc lamps shall not be used in the
auditorium or in any part open to the public without permission from the electrical inspector. When
they are used in any part of such premises, special precautions shall be taken to guard against
danger from falling glass and incandescent particles or carbon. All parts of the lamps, lanterns and
fittings which are liable to be handled (except by the person employed to handle them) shall be
insulated from the framework.
(2) Any exposed portion of metal work of an arc lamp liable to become heated to a
temperature sufficient to cause conflagration by contact with scenery or other inflammable material
shall be projected by a wire guard. In no case shall arc lamps be suspended by the conductors.
(3) All arc lamps shall be connected with airtight ducts leading to atmosphere.
(4) Advanced technology projector and sound system like digital projectors, digital sound
system and any other type of advanced technology can be installed and used in any part of the

cinema theatre or multiplex after obtaining permission from the Electrical Inspector of the district or
66. Cables for Cinematograph Lamps.- Cables for Cinematograph lamps or digital projector
shall be taken as separate circuits from the projection room power distribution board. An efficient
double pole switch with proper fuse protection shall be fitted within the projection room in the
cinematograph lamp circuit.
67. Insulating material for Cables.- Within the projection room, all electric cables, be of
fire retardant low smoke type and all cables shall be enclosed in conduits. All conduits leading to
projectors and motors from switch board shall be embedded in the floor finish without cutting the
floor slab and in no case the conduits and cables be allowed on floor surface.
68. Auxiliary supply for exit signs, passages, etc.- (1) Foot lights shall be provided in
gangways and passages within the auditorium, the voltage of which shall not exceed twenty-four
(2) All lights in the staircases, corridors, passages and exits shall be kept alight during the
time the public are in the cinema and they shall be connected to alternate source of power.
(3) At least six torches shall be kept on the premises in proper working order throughout
when the public are on the premises and shall be distributed over the building so as to be easily
accessible to the door keepers.
(4) Emergency lights covering all the exits shall also be provided.
(5) Emergency sign boards (fire exit, staircase, safe assembly, fire extinguisher, emergency
alarm switch etc.,) shall be kept brightly and clearly visible.
69. Wiring.- (1) The electrical wiring of the entire cinema or multiplex premises should be
done in conduit pipe, metallic or approved rigid poly vinyl chloride.
(2) Bushes shall be used wherever necessary for metallic conduit pipes. All metallic tubing
shall be efficiently earthed and shall be provided with screw joints or other means of ensuring a
good and permanent electrical connection which must be continued with boxes and other fittings.
70. Fittings.- (1) All suspended fittings shall be firmly fixed.
(2) Combined gas and electric fittings shall not be used.
(3) Any electric light pendants or brackets in the auditorium and in front of the cinema or
multiplex building generally shall be at least two and half meters above the floor to the lowest
projecting part of the fittings. No electrical fittings or apparatus of any description shall be so fixed
or arranged as to interfere at any time with the proper working of the safety curtain.
(4) (i) The electrical installation shall be incharge of a properly qualified person holding a
Wireman’s or Supervisor’s permit issued by the Licensing Advisory and Examination Board of the
Government of Karnataka or shall be incharge of a licensed Electrical Contractor whose name shall
be intimated to the Electrical Inspector of the district or area.
(ii) Licensed Electrical Contractor shall furnish insulation resistance of all circuits and
values of earth electrode annually to Electrical Inspector of the district.
(5) Instructions both in English, Hindi and in regional languages for the restoration of
persons suffering from electric shock shall be affixed in a conspicuous place and at least one pair of
rubber gloves in good order shall be provided for use of the wiremen.
(6) Earthing shall be done efficiently and perfectly as per Electricity Act 2003, Central
Electricity Authority (measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 and rules
and regulations thereafter, I S S 3043/1987 and shall be maintained properly. Earth electrodes
shall be kept exposed and enclosed in masonry enclosures as per I.S. standards so as to facilitate
watering, inspection and periodical testing.
71. Generator/alternate source of supply._ Where the supply of current is derived from
special plant on the premises, such plant should in all cases be approved by the Electrical Inspector
of the district or area.
72. Plan of Wiring.- A framed wiring diagram in single line indicating clearly the
arrangement of all circuits and sub-circuits of the electrical installation the position of distribution
boards and the size of cables shall be displayed in the premises and shall be kept up-to date. Such
diagram shall also be maintained in digital format be duly approved by the Electrical Inspector.

73. Lightning Conductors.- (1) Lightning conductors shall be provided in every cinema or
multiplex building conforming to relevant I.S. Standards.
(2) Neon signs if installed, shall be got inspected by the Electrical Inspector before

Fire Fighting installation in respect of permanent cinemas and multiplex
74. Telephone.- (1) Every Cinema theatre or multiplex shall be provided with telephone
located in an easily accessible place. All the emergency contact numbers including fire, ambulance,
police, hospital etc, shall be displayed prominently. Nearest fire station, telephone number shall be
highlighted with the Control Room Number 101.
(2) The installation and maintenance of the complete telephone facility shall be done by the
licensee at his cost.
75. Fire Fighting apparatus.- (1) The following fire fighting appliances shall be provided in
every cinema or multiplex building, namely:-
(a) In projection room-
(i) One water gel blanket
(ii) Two buckets of water, each of 09 liters capacity.
(iii) Two carbon dioxide extinguishers, each of two kg capacity and one carbon
dioxide extinguisher of 5 kg capacity.
(b) In auditorium and balcony.-
(i) Four ABC powder extinguishers, each of 5 kg capacity in the auditorium and
two such extinguishers in the balcony wherever balcony is in existence.
(ii) Two stirrup pumps attached with flexible hoses of not less than six meters in
length in the auditorium and one stirrup pump in the balcony wherever
balcony is in existence. Each stirrup pump shall be provided with two flat
bottom buckets each of ten liters capacity to be kept always filled with water;
and inbuilt firefighting equipment as required shall be provided.
(iii) Two carbon dioxide extinguishers, each of two kg capacity and one carbon
dioxide extinguisher of 5 kg capacity.
(iv) One fire bucket of ten liters capacity filled with water for every one hundred
square meters of floor area or part thereof with a minimum of twelve buckets
in the auditorium and two in the balcony.
(c) Near electrical installation,-
(i) One ABC powder extinguishers of 5 kg capacity near each main switch board.
(ii) Wherever electrical meters, rotary convertors or any other electrical machinery
or apparatus are installed, one ABC powder extinguisher of 5 kg capacity shall
be provided.
(2) All fire fighting appliances shall be kept in such a manner as to be readily available for
use. The majority of the fire fighting appliances in the auditorium shall be fitted in the
neighborhood of the screen at a height of 1.20 m.
(3) The fire buckets shall have round bottoms, each of 9 liters capacity. They shall be painted
red with the word “Fire” in large white letters in English, Hindi and Kannada filled with clean, dry
(4) All the portable extinguishers shall be maintained periodically and subjected to hydraulic
pressure test at the jurisdictional Fire Station or an engineering firm authorized in this behalf by the
Government, to show that it can withstand for one minute a pressure of twenty kg/cm2 and a
certificate of such test shall be submitted to the Licensing Authority. Similar tests shall be repeated
annually thereafter.

(5) The attendants, staff including the cinema operator of the cinema building or multiplex
shall be trained in the use of all the firefighting equipment maintained in the premises at the Fire &
Emergency Services Academy in the state each one for a period of not less than three days.
(6) The licensee shall,-
(i) Maintain periodically the portable fire-extinguisher provided in the licensed premises,
as per the manufacturers specifications and as per the directions of the Fire Officer of
Fire and Emergency Services of the district and recharge it and record the date of
having done so on a slip of paper and paste the same on the outside of such
(ii) each portable fire-extinguisher provided in the licensed premises shall be discharged
once in every year or as directed by the manufacturer and as per the directions of the
Fire officer of Fire and Emergency Services of the district and recharge it and record
the date of such recharge in suitable point on the external surface of the container of
the portable fire-extinguisher.
76. Precaution against fire.- (1) All curtains covering the doors and passages shall be hung
so as not to trail on the floor and the lower end of it shall be at least ten centimeters above the floor
level. The curtains shall be treated with fire retardant solutions.
(2) No unauthorized person shall be allowed to enter the projection room.
(3) Smoking, use of alcohol, tobacco or any banned substance shall not be permitted in the
entire cinema theatre premises.
(4) No inflammable article shall be taken into or allowed to remain in the projection room.
(5) Cinematograph projectors shall be fitted with two metal film boxes of substantial
construction to and from which the film shall be caused to travel:
Provided that in case of cinema theatre with advanced technology like digital projector,
digital sound system or multiplex necessary equipment shall be used in this regard.
(6) The film boxes shall be fitted with a film slot so constructed as to prevent the passage of
flame to the interior of the box.
(7) Films shall be wound upon spools in such a manner that one wound film shall not at any
time reach or project beyond the edges of the flanges of the spool. The rewinding of the films shall be
carried out only in the rewinding room or enclosure:
Provided that in the case of advanced technology like digital projector and digital sound
system rewinding room is not mandatory.
(8) A rack shall be provided for storing the closed metal boxes without pilling. Films shall be
stored in a separate store-room and not in the projection room.
(9) If carpets are laid in a cinema theatre or multiplex they shall be made of fire resistant
material and shall be securely fixed to the floor so that the edges do not turn up or ruck up. If mats
are used, they shall be of fire-resisting material and they shall be let into the floor in a recess not
exceeding the size of the mat and not deeper than the thickness of the mat.
(10) If electrical switches are installed in the ticket booths, they shall be made inaccessible to the
public by means of proper covering.

Maintenance of Premises in respect of permanent cinemas and multiplex
77. Maintenance of cleanliness, etc.- The licensee shall,-
(1) Maintain in good order all windows and other means of ventilation in the building;
(2) Every part of such building or place to be maintained in proper sanitary conditions;
(3) The walls of the building to be hotlime washed at least once in every six months or to be
painted once in every two years or more often if so required by the Licensing Authority or other
competent municipal or health authority;

(4) The premises to be thoroughly cleaned and all refuse matters to be removed after every show
or more often if so required by the Licensing Authority or other competent municipal or health
authority; and
(5) electrical equipments such as fans, glass, shades etc., to be periodically cleaned every week
and kept in a presentable condition.
78. Smoking prohibited.- No person shall smoke in the cinema theatre or multiplex
premises and any holder of a cinema licence or multiplex licence or his nominated manager or
managers shall ensure that smoking is prohibited in the entire cinema theatre premises.
79. Cleanliness and hygiene.- The licensee or his manager shall ensure that cleanliness
and hygiene are maintained in the cinema theatre or multiplex premises and ensure banning of
spitting and other forms of pollution of the premises in the interest of public health.
80. Hawking prohibited.- No person shall during a performance or exhibition or in the
interval of the performance or exhibition, and no licensee or his nominee shall during a performance
or exhibition or in the interval of performance or exhibition allow any person to,-
(1) hawk in the auditorium; or
(2) sell or supply any eatables or drinks to any member of the audience in the
auditorium itself; or
(3) distribute or sell whether for consideration or not any articles or thing to any member
of the audience in the auditorium itself.
81. Overcrowding prohibited.- No licensee of cinema theatre or multiplex shall admit to any
part of the auditorium a greater number of persons than the maximum number authorized in the
licence to be accommodated in such part. In order to ensure that this maximum is not exceeded,
and more particularly to facilitate checking by the Competent Authority at any time the licensee
shall issue tickets bearing serial numbers and the date and the number of the performance on the
foils and counter-foils. After each performance, the ticket books shall be marked “closed” on the
last counterfoil issued.
82. Duty of operators of cinema theatre or multiplex etc.- The persons in charge of the
projecting apparatus, electrical installations and plant and the engine room (if any) shall satisfy
themselves before the commencement of each performance that the apparatus or plant in their
respective charge is in proper working order including advance technology like digital system.
83. Cinema or multiplex building not to be used for any other purpose.- No cinema or
multiplex building shall be used for any purpose other than exhibition of cinematograph films
except with the previous permission in writing of the Licensing Authority:
Provided that in the case of Multiplex Complex, the portion of the permanent building used
for the purpose of Cinema theatres, auditorium including the areas for all ancillary uses such as
projector room, toilets, entrance/exit lobbies/ corridors, food kiosks/cafes/ canteens attached to the
theatre, ticket counters etc. shall only be considered for the application of this rule
84. Slot Machine Prohibited.- No slot or amusement machine shall be operated in the
cinema or multiplex except with the written permission of the Licensing Authority who shall decide
after consultation with local authority.
provided that no such permission shall be required for machines exclusively used for the
sale of articles like sweets, coffee, tea, snacks and soft drinks vending machines or for the recording
of weight or for dispensation of tickets.

Regrant of Licenses in respect of permanent cinemas and multiplex
85. Application for regrant.– (1) (i) Every application for the regrant of a licence to a cinema
or multiplex shall be made to the Licensing Authority one month before the expiry of the licence.
Such application shall be accompanied by-
(i) The certificates referred to in clause (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) and the declaration referred to in
clause (v) of rule 35,
(ii) A treasury challan for evidencing the payment of fees at the rates specified in rule 87.

(iii) A certificate issued by the Competent Authority for having paid upto date rent in respect
of and in which the cinema building is situated in case such land is obtained on lease from the State
Government or any local authority.
(2) A copy of the application under sub-rule (1) shall also be sent to the executive engineer
public works, Ports and inland transport department, for the issue of certificate accompanied by a
treasure challan of fees paid, fees specified by the Government from time to time. The executive
engineer public works, Ports and inland transport department, shall inspect and report to the
Licensing Authority whether the cinema or multiplex building fulfills the requirements of these
rules. If the executive engineer public works department is satisfied that the cinema or multiplex
building fulfill the requirements of these rules, he shall issue a certificate within 15 days after the
receipt of the application. However, if the Executive Engineer Public Works, Ports and inland
transport Department, discovers any defects therein, he shall make a report in writing about the
same to the Licensing Authority, who shall thereupon issue, immediately, a written notice to the
owner for their rectification and specify a reasonable time within which such rectification shall be
carried out. On failure by the licensee to comply with the terms of such notice within the period
specified, the Licensing Authority shall suspend or cancel the existing licence or shall not regrant
the licence, as the case may be until such rectifications are attended to by the licensee.
Provided that in the case of any cinema theatre or multiplex which does not fulfill the
requirements of the rule the executive engineer public works, Ports and inland transport department
may reject the application for issuing of certificate for five years or reduce the period of the
certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after giving the applicant an opportunity of
being heard, and the reasons for this shall be communicated to the Licensing Authority.
(3) A copy of the application under sub-rule (1) shall be sent to the electrical inspector for
the issue of certificate of fitness of electrical installation, accompanied by a treasure challan of fees
paid, fees specified by the Government from time to time. The electrical inspector shall inspect and
report to the Licensing Authority whether the electrical installations fulfill the requirements of these
rules. If the electrical inspector is satisfied that the electrical installations fulfill the requirements of
these rules, he shall issue a certificate within fifteen days after the receipt of the application.
However, if the electrical inspector discovers any defect therein, he shall make a report in writing
about the same to the Licensing Authority, who shall thereupon issue, immediately, a written notice
to the owner for their rectification and specify a reasonable time within which such rectification
shall be carried out. On failure by the licensee to comply with the terms of such notice within the
period specified, the Licensing Authority shall suspend or cancel the existing licence or shall not
regrant the licence, as the case may be until such rectifications are attended to by the licensee:
Provided that in the case of any cinema theatre or multiplex which does not fulfill the
requirements of the rule the Electrical Inspector may reject the application for issuing of certificate
for five years or reduce the period of the certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after
giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard, and the reasons for this shall be communicated
to the Licensing Authority.
(4) A copy of the application under sub-rule (1) shall also be sent to the District Health
Officer for the issue of certificate accompanied by a treasure challan of fees paid, fees specified by
the Government from time to time. The District Health Officer , shall inspect and report to the
Licensing Authority whether the cinema or multiplex building and premises fulfills the requirements
of these rules. If the District Health Officer is satisfied that the cinema or multiplex building fulfill
the requirements of these rules, he shall issue a certificate within 15 days after the receipt of the
application. However, if the District Health Officer discovers any defects therein, he shall make a
report in writing about the same to the Licensing Authority, who shall thereupon issue, immediately,
a written notice to the owner for their rectification and specify a reasonable time within which such
rectification shall be carried out. On failure by the licensee to comply with the terms of such notice
within the period specified, the Licensing Authority shall suspend or cancel the existing licence or
shall not regrant the licence, as the case may be until such rectifications are attended to by the
Provided that in the case of any cinema theatre or multiplex which does not fulfill the
requirements of the rule the district health officer shall reject the application for issuing of
certificate for five years or may reduce the period of the certificate, for reasons to be recorded in
writing and after giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard, and the reasons shall be
communicated to the Licensing Authority.

(5) A copy of the application under sub-rule (1) shall also be sent to the Fire Officer for the
issue of certificate accompanied by a treasure challan of fees paid, fees specified by the
Government from time to time. Fire Officer of Fire and Emergency Services shall inspect and report
to the Licensing Authority whether the cinema or multiplex building, fire fighting appliances and
equipments fulfills the requirements of these rules. If the Fire Officer of the district is satisfied that
the cinema or multiplex building, fire fighting appliances and equipments fulfill the requirements
of these rules, he shall issue a certificate within 15 days after the receipt of the application.
However, if the Fire Officer discovers any defects therein, he shall make a report in writing about the
same to the Licensing Authority, who shall thereupon issue, immediately, a written notice to the
owner for their rectification and specify a reasonable time within which such rectification should be
carried out. On failure by the licensee to comply with the terms of such notice within the period
specified, the Licensing Authority shall suspend or cancel the existing licence or shall not regrant
the licence, as the case may be until such rectifications are attended to by the licensee:
Provided that in the case of any cinema theatre or multiplex which does not fulfill the
requirements of the rule the fire officer shall reject the application for issuing of certificate for five
years or may reduce the period of the certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after
giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard, and the reasons shall be communicated to the
Licensing Authority.
(6) On receipt of the electrical inspector’s Certificate under sub-rule(2), the executive
engineer public works, Ports and inland transport department's certificate under sub-rule(3),
District Health and Family Welfare Officer’s Certificate under sub-rule(4), Fire Officer’s Certificate
under sub-rule(5), the Licensing Authority shall examine and satisfy himself that all the rules have
been complied with, issue a licence valid for a period of five years or reduce the period for reasons,
to be recorded in writing.
86. Temporary permit.- (1) If on an application for the regrant of licence made under rule
85, the Licensing Authority does not for any reason either regrant the licence or refuse to regrant
the same, before the date of expiry of the licence, he shall grant a temporary permit in form ‘H’ if
Electrical Inspector’s Certificate continues to remain valid.
(2) Such temporary permit shall be subject to the conditions of the licence sought to be
renewed and shall be valid till the Licensing Authority disposes the application:
Provided that the temporary permit shall cease to be valid and shall be surrendered to the
Licensing Authority on the applicant receiving the licence duly regranted or on his receiving an order
refusing to regrant the licence:
Provided further that the temporary permit shall be surrendered to the Licensing Authority
on demand made at any time in that behalf.
(3) No fee shall be levied for the grant of a temporary permit.
(4) The temporary permit shall, during the period of its validity of the thirty days, be deemed
to be a licence for the purpose of these rules.
87. Fees for regrant of licence.- For regrant of every licence, the same rate of fee as
specified in sub-rule 18 of 112 shall be charged.

Touring Cinemas
88. Definition.- In this Chapter unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) “Building” includes any booth, tent or similar structure used for exhibition of
cinematograph films or shows;
(b) “Touring cinema” means an outfit comprising the cinema apparatus with accessories
taken from place to place for exhibition of cinematograph films or shows at any one place for a
period not exceeding three months.
89. Application for grant of licence for touring cinema.- (1) Every application for grant of
licence for exhibition of films in a touring cinema shall be made in nine sets to the Licensing
Authority, in form ‘A-1’.
(2) Application under sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by a treasury challan for having paid
the specified fee.

(3) The fee for grant of licence under sub-rule (2) shall be as specified by Government from
time to time.
(4) The Licensing Authority may on an application made to it for grant of licence to run a
touring cinema in connection with any Jatra, Mela or other similar occasions, if satisfied, after such
enquiry, as it deems fit, that the site is suitable for a touring cinema and that it conforms to the
requirements of sub-rule(2) of rule 90, grant a licence to run a touring cinema for the period of
Jatra, Mela or other similar occasions for a period not exceeding three months.
90. Grant or refusal of licence.- (1) On receipt of application under rule 89, the Licensing
Authority shall,-
(a) If the application is in order, forward within seven days from the date of its receipt the
copies of such application to the authorities specified below having jurisdiction over the area where
cinema shows are proposed to be exhibited or conducted for their certificate or reports as the case
may be,-
(i) the Commissioner of Police in the case of Bangalore City
(ii) The Commissioner of Police of the city.
(iii) the Superintendent of Police in the case of District.
(iv) the executive engineer, Public Works, Ports and inland transport department of the
(v) The Electrical Inspector of the district.
(vi) The district health and Family Welfare Officer of the district.
(vii) The Health Officer in the BBMP in case of Bangalore City.
(viii) The Electrical Inspector of the Electrical Inspectorate in the case of Bangalore City.
(ix) The Chief Fire Officer in the case of Bangalore City.
(x) The Fire Officer of the district.
(xi) Local Authority having jurisdiction over the area.
(b) If the application is not in order the same may be returned within a period of fifteen days
failing which the application is deemed to have been accepted.
(2) The authorities specified above, shall on the receipt of applications under sub-rule(1) and
before sending certificate or report, as the case may be, regarding the proposed exhibition of films
satisfy themselves.-
(i) that there is a need of exhibition of films in the place where licence
is sought;
(ii) that the exhibition of films will not endanger public safety, law and order, peace and
public decency;
(iii) that the building and electrical installations are adequate and sound for the exhibition of
(iv) that adequate provisions are made for sanitation, ventilation and light;
(v) that necessary precautions have been observed and provision is made to install fire
fighting equipments;
(vi) that the provisions of the Cinematograph. Act and rules that are in force have been
complied with; and
(vii) that there is no objection for grant of licence.
(viii) The authorities shall, within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the copies of the
application under sub-rule(1), forward the certificates or reports to the Licensing Authority. If no
such certificate or report is received by the Licensing Authority within the aforesaid period, it shall
be presumed that there is no objection for grant of licence.
(3) The certificate issued under sub-rule(2), shall be valid for a period of three months from
the date of issue.

(4) The Licensing Authority shall, in deciding whether to grant or refuse licence for exhibition
of films have regard to the following matters, namely.—
(i) the interest of the public generally;
(ii) the status, antecedents and previous experience of the applicant..
(5) On receipt of application for licence, the Licensing Authority shall, forward the same to
the concerned Departments immediately. Who shall give their opinion or clearance as far as
possible within a period not exceeding fifteen days to the Licensing Authority. The Licensing
Authority shall process the same in consultation with the said Departments and consider the
application for grant of No Objection Certificate within thirty days from the date of application, or
refuse to issue such licence for reasons to be recorded in writing, within the stipulated time of thirty
(6) The Licensing Authority shall not grant licence under these rules unless it is satisfied.-
(i) that the rules have been substantially complied with; and
(ii) that the adequate precautions have been taken in the place regarding the safety,
convenience and comfort of the persons attending exhibition and in the public interest and decency.
(7) Subject to the provisions of the Act and rules made thereunder within fifteen days from
the date of receipt of certificate under sub-rule(2), the Licensing Authority may grant licence to the
applicant in Form G on such terms and conditions and subject to such restrictions as it may
(8) When the Licensing Authority refuses to grant any licence, it shall do so by an order
communicated to the applicant giving reasons in writing for such refusal.
(9) A licence granted under these rules shall be valid for a period of three months from the
date of issue of licence.
91. Grant of a copy of licence.- A copy of the licence may be issued on payment of fees as
specified by Government from time to time.
92. Refund of licence fee.- In the case of refusal to grant licence, a refund at the rate of one
half of the total amount of the licence fee paid shall be refunded to the applicant along with the
order of refusal.
93. Licensee to exhibit only certified films.- No person licensed under these rules shall
exhibit or permit to be exhibited any film other than a film which has been certified as suitable for
public exhibition by the authority constituted under Section 3 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952
(Central Act XXXVII of 1952), having the prescribed mark of exhibition by that authority.
94. Conditions regarding building.- (1) The building shall be provided on all its sides with
an open space which in no part thereof shall be less than ten meters in width.
(2) The building shall have a road frontage on the public thoroughfare upon which the site of
such building abuts.
(3) There shall be suitable means of entrance and exit for the public in such frontage.
95. Sanitary conveniences.- The licensee shall provide such sanitary conveniences as may
be specified by the Licensing Authority for exclusive use of men, women and children, third gender
and physically challenged persons according to the scale in rule 54 and shall cause the same to be
maintained in good sanitary condition.
96. Building constructed of inflammable materials.- In every building constructed of
inflammable materials, there shall be on each side, an aperture at least two meters high and five
and half meters wide. This aperture may be closed by the ties fixed on split bamboo frame and
fastened by twine on the inside:
Provided that no licence shall be granted if the building is constructed in whole or in part of
a material which, in the opinion of the Licensing Authority, is so inflammable as to be a source of
danger to public or is dangerous otherwise to any other nearby building.
97. Accommodation in auditorium.- (1) For cinema touring cinema existing before the
date of commencement of these rules, no touring cinema theatre shall be licensed to accommodate
more than twenty persons per ten square meters in the auditorium.

provided that 0.5 square meters area per person is provided for sitting after making the
exclusions like area occupied by entrances, gangways, stages etc., Accordingly the licensing
authority shall specify the number of persons to be admitted to the auditorium.
(2) For touring cinema proposed on and after the date of commencement of these rules, no
cinema theatre or multiplex shall be licensed to accommodate more than twenty persons per twelve
square meters in the auditorium.
provided that 0.6 square meters area per person is provided for sitting, after making the
exclusions like area occupied by entrances, gangways, stages etc., Accordingly the licensing
authority shall specify the number of persons to be admitted to the auditorium.
98. Provision to keep alternative lights.- The licensee shall always keep in readiness for
use suitable capacity UPS , generator, suitable capacity hand torches and alternate source of lights
for use, to illuminate the auditorium during an emergency or failure of power.
99. Fire extinguishers.– (1) Sufficient provision shall be made for preventing and
extinguishing fire which may occur and which may be specified by the Licensing Authority. A
supply of not less than fifty liters of water per ten square meters of the area shall be stored in
bucket of the same description as in sub-rule (1) of rule 74, in readiness, one half within and the
other half outside the building.
(2) Fire prevention, fire fighting and evacuation measures shall be adopted as indicated in
sub-rule (1) of rule 75, in readiness, one half within and the other half outside the building.
100. Restrictions on the grant of touring cinema licences.- (1) No Licence for a touring
cinema shall be granted in respect of a site situated within a distance of 1.6 kilometers from a
permanent cinema or multiplex or 800 meters from another touring cinema:
Explanation.- For the purposes of this rule “distance” shall be reckoned along the shortest
pathway, lane, street or road connecting the two cinemas and generally used by members of the
101. Seats.- (1) For touring cinema existing before the date of commencement of these rules,
no cinema theatre or multiplex shall be licensed to accommodate more than twenty persons per ten
square meters in the auditorium.
provided that 0.5 square meters area per person is provided for sitting after making the
exclusions like area occupied by entrances, gangways, stages etc., Accordingly the licensing
authority shall specify the number of persons to be admitted to the auditorium.
(2) For touring cinema proposed on and after the date of commencement of these rules, no
cinema theatre or multiplex shall be licensed to accommodate more than twenty persons per twelve
square meters in the auditorium provided that 0.6 square meters area per person is provided for
sitting, after making the exclusions like area occupied by entrances, gangways, stages etc.,
Accordingly the licensing authority shall specify the number of persons to be admitted to the
102. Eaves, doorways, etc.– (1) The eaves of the building shall be atleast two and half
meters high.
(2) The size of the doorways shall be not less than two meters in width and two and half
meters in height.
(3) Door or apertures not ordinarily in use may be made of or covered or closed by mat,
screens or similar materials which can be easily removed by slight pressure from inside of the
(4) No cross bar of any description shall be placed inside or outside any door.
(5) No doorstep shall be above the level of the floor of the structure.
(6) There shall be gangways or passages not less than one and a quarter meter wide around
the interior of the building and such gangways shall be kept clear.
(7) No external fencing shall be allowed within four meters of the building.
103. Projection room.- (1) The projection room shall be constructed of fire resisting
material and shall not have any connection with the auditorium except through the projection and
observer openings.

(2) The projection room must have atleast six square meters floor area with two meters
as smallest dimension and with a clear height of not less than two meters.
(3) The projection room must have a direct and independent exit to the open at the site
which is away from the Auditorium.
(4) There must be a gap of not less than two meters between the outer surface of walls and
roof of the projection room and any part of the tent or booth forming the auditorium.
(5) The provisions of sub-rule (2) of rule 48 shall mutatis mutandis be applicable to the
projection room of a touring cinema:
Provided that in the case of existing and proposed touring cinema with advanced
technology like digital projector, digital sound system, a seperate projection room is not
(6) Two operators shall be got endorsed in favour of the touring cinema with conventional
projectors, from the Department of Electrical Inspectorate.
104. Store room for films.- There shall be an independent store room for film materials
constructed of fire resisting material at a distance of not less than eight meters from the
projection room and the auditorium.
Provided that in the case of existing and proposed touring cinema with advanced
technology like digital projector, digital sound system, where store room is redundant this rule shall
not apply.

Temporary Cinemas
105. Temporary Cinema.- Temporary cinema means a cinema other than touring cinema,
semi-permanent cinema, drive-in cinema and permanent cinema.
106. Application of rules.- (1) The provisions of,-
(a) rule 2 except sub-rule (20 ), (21) and (29).
(b) rule 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to 23, 24, 25.
(c) rule 26, sub-rules (1)(a)(i)(ii)(iii)(v)(vii), (b),(c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (j), (k), (2) (a)(b), (3), (4),
(d) 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33.
(e) rule 34 (1)(i)(ii), (2) rules 43 to 56 except 44, 45, 47, 56, rules 3, 48, 51(9), 57 to 73,
77(5), 82.
(f) rule 35
(g) rule 36, 37, 112(18), 40, 41.
(h) rules 42 sub-rules (1), (2), (5), (7), (8), (10) to (16).
(i) rules 43, 46, 48, 49 to 52, 53, 54, 55, 108, 142.
(j) rules 57to73, 74 to 76, 77 to 84, 85 to 87.
shall be applicable to a temporary cinema.
(2) The provisions of rule 126, 128, 133 of these rules and all other rules applicable to a semi
permanent cinema in these rules shall mutatis mutandis be applicable to a temporary cinema.
107. Grant of licence.- (1) On receipt of application for licence, the Licensing Authority
shall, forward the same to the concerned Departments immediately. Who shall give their opinion or
clearance as far as possible within a period not exceeding fifteen days to the Licensing Authority.
The Licensing Authority shall process the same in consultation with the said Departments and
consider the application for grant of No Objection Certificate within thirty days from the date of
application, or refuse to issue such licence for reasons to be recorded in writing, within the
stipulated time of thirt days.

(2) Duration of Licence for Temporary Cinema.- (1) A Temporary Cinema Licence may be
granted for a period of two years at a time provided that Temporary Cinema licence shall not be
granted beyond 31/12/2020:
Provided that a Temporary Cinema licence granted before the Commencement of the
Karnataka Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 2014 shall be converted into semi permanent cinema
including upgradation of building or construction of new building, the conversion shall be completed
before 31/12/2020.
(2) The licensing authority shall inspect and check the progress every six months of all such
temporary cinema theatres and issue a notice to the licensee reviewing the progress done or not
done by the licensee in this regard.
(3) The licence of any temporary cinema theatre which shall not fulfil the provisions of this
rule shall be deemed to have been cancelled as on 1/1/2021 and the licensing authority shall take
action accordingly.
108. Temporary Cinema building.-(1) Temporary Cinema building shall be constructed
with bricks, cement, jungle wood, light-roofing sheets (bitumen sheets) etc., and also the height of
walls on all the four sides shall have a minimum of 2.5 meters with the distance between the
auditorium walls and the compound walls being a minimum of 5 meters on all the sides.
(2) No fresh No Objection Certificate shall be necessary for change of the location of the
existing cinema site to any other nearby site in the same village/ town, within a radius of ten
kilometers from the existing cinema site. However, the Licensing Authority shall not permit the
change of location of cinema site, if in his opinion such change will cause or is likely to cause
inconvenience to the public.
109. Conversion of temporary cinema into semi-permanent cinema.- The Licensing
Authority may grant semi-permanent cinema licence to a temporary cinema licence under Rule 140,
if such person converts temporary cinema into semi-permanent cinema in accordance with the
provisions relating to the construction of such cinema before the expiry of the licence period
specified in Rule 107.

110. Definitions.- In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(1) ‘Drive-in cinema’ means a cinema with an open-air theater premises into which
admission may be given normally to persons desiring to view the cinema while sitting in motor cars.
However, where an auditorium is also provided in a ‘drive in cinema’ premises, persons other than
these desiring to view the cinema while sitting in motor cars can also be admitted. Such drive-in
cinemas may have a capacity to accommodate not more than one thousand cars.
(2) ‘Motor car’ means a motor car as defined in clause (16) of section 2 of the Motor Vehicles
Act, 1988 (Central Act IV of 1939).
111. Application of other rules.- (1) Subject to rule 112 and modifications specified in sub-
rule(2) all other provisions in these rules applicable to permanent cinemas shall mutatis mutandis
apply to drive-in cinemas.
(2) In their application to drive-in- cinemas rules 24, 27 and 38 shall apply subject to the
following modifications, namely.—
(a) in rule 24,-
(i) in clause (a) of sub-rule(2), for the words “ five hundred
meters” the words “one kilometer” shall be substituted; and
(ii) as per fees specified by the Government
(b) in rule 28, for the words “nine months” in the two places where they occur the words
“one year” shall be substituted;
112. Special Provisions relating to construction of drive-in-cinemas.-(1) a drive-in-
cinema shall have a road frontage on a public thoroughfare upon which the site of such cinema
abuts and in such frontage, there shall be a suitable provision for entrance and exit for motor cars.
At the entrance, sufficient space shall be provided for the motor cars waiting to enter the premises.

The space shall be sufficient to hold at least 1/5 of the total capacity of the motor cars in the drive-
in cinema and at least two separate entry bays with ticket booths shall be provided for the entry of
such cars into the area. Minimum two gates for exit for motor cars shall be provided where the
cinema is constructed to accommodate more than 600 motor cars. The width of each of the
entrance and exit gates shall not be less than four meters.
(2) On the boundaries of the drive-in-cinema, either a compound wall of fire.- resisting
material with a height of not less than two meters above the level of the ground adjoining the wall
within the compound shall be constructed or the whole compound shall be surrounded by a barbed
wire fence and a hedge of bushes.
(3) The entrance and exit areas shall be adequately lighted by flood lights.
(4) The lateral limitation of the separator area shall be confined to an angle of 350 with
respect to the entire line of the screen.
(5) The rows of motor cars facing the screen shall be provided in the form of an arc of a circle
with its centre at a distance of 0.6x breadth of the screen, at the back of the screen on the centre
(6) The width of one bay accommodating motor vehicle in a row facing screen shall be not
less than 10 meters.
(7) The distance between the screen and the front row of vehicles shall be not less than 1.5
times the width of the picture on the screen.
(8) A clear passage of not less than 10 meters in width shall be provided on either side of the
spectators’ area.
(9) In all the rows of motor cars, the front of the motor cars shall stand higher than the rear
to ensure that from the rear a complete view of the screen is visible.
(10) The size of the picture projected on the screen shall be as specified below, namely.-
(i) for 200 to 400 motor cars - Height 11 meters, Width 25 meters, Bottom 6 meters,
above the ground
(ii) for 401 to 600 motor cars- Height 13 meters, Width 30 meters, Bottom 7 meters
above the ground
(iii) for 601 to 1000 motor cars:- Height 19 meters, Width 43 meters, Bottom 8 meters
above the ground
(11) The screen shall be so located that it is not lighted by sunset or by the evening twilight.
It shall be constructed with concrete material or steel frame.
(12) The screen shall be so constructed as to withstand wind velocity of 160 kilometers per
hour or a pressure of 120 kilo grams per square meter. The screen shall be inclined slightly forward.
The maximum inclination shall be 8 degree with vertical axis.
(13) The screen or a part thereof shall not be visible from road side.
(14) Red warning limits shall be mounted at the highest, points of the screen and flood lights
to light the spectators’ area shall be mounted over it.
(15) The motor car bays shall be uniform by 10 meters wide or 10 meters and 8 meters wide
alternatively: provided that the first 4 rows shall have a 10 meters wide bays.
(16) Loud speaker poles shall be provided to serve one motor car each on either side. The
distance between the two poles in a row shall be not less than 6 meters. The poles for loud speakers
shall not be embedded in a concrete base and shall have a light over them so as to indicate their
position. The light shall be at the side of the poles turned away from the screen which shall also
illuminate the row and place number:
Provided that it shall not be necessary to provide a pole with loud speaker for each motor car
if alternative arrangement is made for the transmission of sound to the satisfaction of the Licensing
Provided further that in any case the distance between any two motor cars standing
alongside in the same row shall not be less than two meters.
(17) (i) The projection room shall be located in a closed building in the centre of the premises.
Such projection room may be a part of the structure accommodating public toilet, canteen, kitchen,

shops and such amenities. Sufficient care shall be taken to see that the light from these structures
does not fall on or, obstruct the proper viewing of, the projection. Where car pays are provided at
the back of the projection room also, the area shall be so elevated that proper view is obtained of the
(ii) Two operators shall be got endorsed in favour of the drive-in cinemas with conventional
projectors and one operator per screen shall be got endorsed in favour of the. drive-in cinemas with
advance technology like digital projection system, from the Department of Electrical Inspectorate.
(18) Fees for a drive-in cinema licence shall be as specified by Government from time to time.

Semi-Permanent Cinemas
113. Semi-permanent Cinema Building.— (1) In this chapter unless the context otherwise
requires, “Semi-permanent Cinema Building” means a building other than the building licensed for
touring cinema, temporary cinema, drive-in-cinema, permanent Cinema or multiplex.
(2) Application of rules.— The rules in this Chapter and the rules and sub-rules specified
below shall mutatis mutandis be applicable to semi permanent cinema buildings, namely:-
(a) rule 2 except sub-rule (21), (23) and (28).
(b) rule 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to 23.
(c) rule 24, 25.
(d) rule 26, sub rules (1)(a)(i)(ii)(iii)(v)(vii), (b),(c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (j), (k), (2) (i)(ii), (3) and (4).
(e) rule 27, 28, 30, 31, 32 and 33.
(f) rule 34 (1)(a)(b), (2) rules 43 to 56 except 44, 45, 47 and 56 (2) rules 3, 48, 51(9), 57 to
73, 77(5) and 82}
(g) rule 35
(h) rule 36, 37, 40 and 41.
(i) rule 42 sub rules (1), (2), (5), (7), (8), (9), (10) and (12) to (18).
(j) rules 43, 46, 48, 49 to 52, 53, 54, and 55.
(k) rules 57 to 73, 74 to 76, 77 to 84 and 85-87.
114. Restrictions on the grant of No Objection Certificates for location of semi-
permanent cinemas.—No Objection Certificates for the location of semi-permanent cinemas shall
not be granted,-
(a) in towns and cities the population of which is 50,000 or above;
(b) in a place where the total number of existing permanent cinemas and semi
permanent cinemas exceed the number of permanent cinemas that can be licensed at such
place in accordance with sub-rule (2) of rule 26.
115. Power of inspection by certain Officers.— (1) The Licensing Authority or an officer
authorized by him; or any Police officer not below the rank of a Station House Officer; or any Fire
Officer not below the rank of a Fire Station Officer of Karnataka State Fire and Emergency Services;
or any Health Officer not below the rank of a Taluk Health Officer; or any officer not below the rank
of Electrical Inspector; or any Executive Magistrate having jurisdiction over the area; or The
Executive Engineer, Public Works, Ports and inland transport Department or any person authorized
by him, may enter, at anytime, the place licensed or proposed to be licensed under the Act and the
Rules for the purpose of satisfying himself that the provisions of the Act and the rules made
thereunder, are being complied with by the licensee.
(2) The licensee shall, on demand by any of the Officers referred to in sub–rule (1) produce
the license, the plan and the description attached thereto and the said Officers shall communicate
to the licensee, through the Licensing Authority, from time to time or as occasion arises their orders
in regard to the safety or convenience of the public or for the preservation and maintenance of law,
order, peace and public decency. The Licensing Authority may if the circumstances so require after

notice to the licensee direct him to provide additional safeguards and the licensee shall comply with
such direction failing which the licence shall be liable to be cancelled or suspended.
(3) During the periods of epidemics and similar health hazards to public or in case of
disasters, in general, the Licensing Authority in consultation with the District Health Officer,
Taluka Health Officer or the Health Officer of the Municipality, if any, may, if so advised, direct by a
special notice,-
(a) complete closure if the need arises;
(b) a reduction in the scale of accommodation prescribed in Rule 49;
(c) The periodical disinfection of premises which may include spraying and fumigation; and
(d) The adoption of such other measures for better ventilation as may be specified in the
and the licensee shall comply forthwith any such direction and in case of failure to do so, the
license granted to him shall be liable for suspension or cancellation.
116. Application for construction of semi permanent cinema building.— (1) A person
who intends to construct a semi-permanent cinema building shall make an application to the
Licensing Authority in form ‘A’. He shall also put up a notice in form 'B' in this behalf on a board on
the proposed site or the building to be converted as the case may be, in such a position that it can
be plainly seen from the public thoroughfare. Such notice shall be in the regional language and in
English. The notice on the Board shall be on display until the application for licence is decided by
the Licensing Authority. The Board shall be at least 1.25m x 1.00 m in size and the notice shall be
in bold and clearly legible letters.
(2) The Application shall be accompanied by.__
(i) an extract in six copies with one original plan printed on tracing film and also in digital
format, of a town map drawn correctly to scale and six prints or copies of the same map shall be
provided clearly indicating the surrounding roads and buildings which exist upto a distance of 500
meters from the proposed site, the distance of all educational institutions, hospitals, places of
worship or other places of public importance from the said site;
(ii) The site plan in original printed on tracing film and also in digital format with six prints
drawn correctly to scale of not less than 1:500 indicating therein the block levels, showing position
of the semi-permanent cinema and its premises in relation to any adjacent buildings, out-houses
and other structures, sub-ways, roads, passages, wells, cisterns, hydrants , if any, drains, water
sewer and gas mains, underground cables, overhead high and extra high voltage lines, telegraph
and telephone lines, high flood marks of nearby river or nalas, maximum water level of adjacent
reservoirs, tanks, water level of adjacent wells, if any in the rainy season within the site and giving
the size of the site as well as the proposed built and open areas in square meters together with
number of seats to be accommodated; and
(iii) The treasury challan for having credited the fees as specified by the Government from
time to time for the grant of No Objection Certificate.
117. The Licensing Authority to invite objections.- (1) The Licensing Authority shall on
receipt of an application under rule 116, notify, at the cost of the applicant, to the public of such
intention by publication in two local newspapers (one in Kannada and one in English) having wide
circulation in the area inviting objections. Such notice shall be in Form ‘C’ and the period within
which the objections shall be sent to the Licensing Authority shall be fifteen days from the date of
such publication. The Licensing Authority shall simultaneously forward copies of the application,
with its accompaniments furnished by the applicant to Town Planning Officer in City Corporation
/Urban Development Authority/ Planning Authority/Assistant Director, Town and Country Planning
of the district as the case may be, District Health and Family Welfare Officer, Executive Engineer,
Public Works, Ports and inland transport Department of the district and the Superintendent of
Police of the district/ Commissioner of Police of the city/ District Fire Officer of Fire and Emergency
Services of the district / Electrical Inspector of the District or area for the purpose of ascertaining
their views regarding suitability or otherwise of the proposed site for the location of a semi-
permanent cinema.
(2) The Licensing Authority shall, as early as possible and in any case within a period not
exceeding thirty days after the expiry of period specified in sub-rule (1), take a decision regarding
the suitability or otherwise of the proposed site for the location of the semi-permanent cinema. The

different authorities mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall furnish their views to the Licensing Authority as
early as possible and in any case within a period of thirty days after the expiry of period mentioned
in sub-rule (1). If no views are furnished by the authorities specified within the specified period, the
Licensing Authority shall presume that there is no objection to the grant of No Objection Certificate.
(3) The Licensing Authority shall, before taking a decision regarding the suitability or
otherwise of the site for the location of the semi-permanent cinema take into consideration the
opinion of the different authorities mentioned in sub rule (1) and objections, if any received in
response to the publication under sub-rule (1).
118. Grant of No Objection Certificate.— (1) The Licensing Authority shall subject to
section 5 and orders, if any, made by him under Section 6, if satisfied that the site fulfills all the
conditions specified in rule 26, grant to the applicant a No Objection Certificate in form D for the
construction of the semi permanent cinema or cinema building. The Certificate shall be valid for a
period of two years from the date of commencement of the construction of the building. The
Licensing Authority on an application made to him in this behalf, if satisfied that the applicant
could not for valid reasons, complete the building within the said period of two years, may extend
the validity of such certificate by a period not exceeding one year at a time so, however, the total
period does not exceed three years.
(2) The applicant shall, within twelve months from the date of the certificate, commence
construction of the building. The Licensing Authority may, on an application made to it in this
behalf, if satisfied that the applicant could not for valid reasons commence construction of the
building within the said period, extend the period by a period not exceeding one year. If construction
of the building is not commenced within the said period of one year or the extended period of one
year if any, the certificate shall, on the expiry of the said period, stand cancelled.
(3) The licensing authority shall consider the application for grant of No Objection Certificate
within forty five days from the date of application. If not, the No Objection Certificate shall be
deemed to have been granted.
(4) Procedure for approval of subsequent additions and alterations.- (i) The licensee shall
give notice in writing to the Licensing Authority of his intention to add or alter the licensed place or
any portion thereof. Such notice shall state clearly the additions or alterations proposed and shall
be accompanied by complete plans, elevations and sections and block plans and specifications of
the work to be executed drawn up in quadruplicate in the manner required by rule 31 along with
the original certificates. It shall not be necessary to obtain a No Objection Certificate for this
purpose. The Licensing Authority shall before according sanction to the proposed additions or
alterations, follow the procedure laid down in sub-rule 1 and 2 of rule 32. The licensing Authority
shall after the receipt of opinion under rule 32 approve the proposal of such addition or alterations
within fifteen days from the date of receipt of notice.
(ii) Additions and alterations of cinema theatre shall include increasing the number of
screens from one to two or three in the existing licensed premises without increasing the area or the
total number of seats approved for single screen viewing and all other provisions relating to a
permanent cinema theatre in these rules shall be applicable to such additions and alterations of
cinema theatre or multiplex.
(5) Procedure for sanction of subsequent additions and alterations to the Electrical
Installation.- (i) The licensee shall give notice to the Licensing Authority in writing of his intention to
make additions or alterations to the electrical installations or apparatus. The Licensing Authority
shall forward such notice to the electrical inspector. Where the electrical inspector reports after
inspection that the alterations or additions proposed are in accordance with the provisions of these
rules, the Licensing Authority shall approve the proposal following as far as may be, the procedure
laid down in sub-rule(3) of rule 32.
(ii) If, in the opinion of the Licensing Authority, further inspection is necessary, he may direct
and require the licensee to pay in advance fees specified in this behalf by the Government from time
to time.
(iii) If during the interval between two periodical inspections, any further inspection shall in
the opinion of the electrical inspector becomes necessary on account of the neglect or failure of the
person in charge to carry out any written orders of such officer issued under sub-rule(2) of rule 4
within the time specified by him or if during any inspection the installation be found defective, fees
specified in this behalf by the Government from time to time shall be charged for such further
inspection and such fee shall be paid by the licensee.

119. Conditions regarding the site for the grant of No Objection Certificates.— (1) No
Objection Certificate shall not be granted under this chapter in respect of any cinema unless,-
(a) the cinema site is of a minimum area of,-
(i) If the total number of seats in the proposed cinema building is Four hundred or
less, Nine hundred square meters with one side of not less than Eighteen meters
abutting the road;
(ii) If the total number of seats in the proposed cinema building is Six hundred or less,
One thousand three hundred and fifty square meters with one side of not less than
Eighteen meters abutting the road;
(iii) If the total number of seats in the proposed cinema building is Eight hundred or less,
One thousand eight hundred square meters with one side of not less than Thirty
meters abutting the road in cases where the theatre does not have a balcony seating
(iv) If the total number of seats in the proposed cinema building is One thousand or less,
Two thousand two hundred and fifty square meters with one side of not less than
thirty meters abutting the road; in cases where the theatre does not have a balcony
seating arrangement;

(v) If the total number of seats in the proposed cinema building is One thousand or less,
One thousand five hundred square meters with one side of not less than twenty
meters abutting the road; in cases theatre has a balcony seating arrangement;
(b) (i) The cinema site is situated in permissible zones of land use earmarked in master
plan prepared for an area by the competent authority under Karnataka Town and
Country Planning Act:
Provided that where master plans have not been prepared existing
predominantly commercial areas shall be taken into consideration.
(ii) In rural areas in the absence of approved master plans a cinema theatre or multiplex
may be permitted by the licensing authority, if the conditions are fulfilled regarding
road width and all other conditions stipulated under cinematograph rules and also
laws regarding conversion of land use by the competent authority.
(c) (i) the Semi-permanent cinema site is situated by the side of a public thoroughfare the
minimum width of road including footpath should be twelve meters in urban areas
and nine meters including footpath in rural areas:
Provided that the Licensing Authority may, by order in writing, subject to such
conditions and restrictions may permit, if the cinema or multiplex site is situated by
the side of a public thoroughfare other than National Highway/State Highway/Major
District Roads the minimum width of road including footpath should be nine meters
in urban and rural areas.
(d) The semi-permanent cinema building shall have a front set back of eight meters or
as prescribed in the Karnataka Highway Rules, 1966, whichever is higher.
(e) The cinema site has entrance and exit for the public on such roads, the entrance and exit
shall have minimum width of six meters each.
(f) The cinema site has suitable parking space, for the theaters existing as on the of
commencement of these rules,-
(i) at one car parking space for every fifty seats, subject to a minimum of space for
twenty cars in places having a population of ten lakhs and above;
(ii) at one car parking space for every fifty seats, subject to a minimum of space for
fifteen cars in places having a population between one to ten lakhs; and
(iii) at one car parking space for every fifty seats, subject to a minimum of space for ten
cars in places having a population between Fifty Thousand and one lakh
(iv) at one car parking space for every fifty seats subject to a minimum of space for five
cars in places having a population of less than fifty thousand.

(g) The cinema site has suitable parking space, for the theatres proposed as on and from the
date of commencement of these rules,-
(i) at one car parking space for every twenty five seats for cinema theatres and one car
parking space for every twenty five seats for multiplexes subject to a minimum of
space for twenty cars in places having a population of ten lakhs and above;
(ii) at one car parking space for every fifty seats for cinema theatres and one car parking
space for every twenty five seats for multiplexes subject to a minimum of space for
fifteen cars in places having a population between one to ten lakhs; and
(iii) at one car parking space for every fifty seats for cinema theatres and one car parking
space for every twenty five seats for multiplexes subject to a minimum of space for
ten cars in places having a population between fifty thousand and one lakh;
(iv) at one car parking space for every fifty seats for cinema theatres and one car parking
space for every twenty five seats for multiplexes subject to a minimum of space for
five cars in places having a population of less than fifty thousand.
(h) Semi-permanent cinema site existing as on the date of commencement of these rules and
the semi-permanent cinema site proposed as on and from the date of commencement of these rules
has suitable parking space,-
(i) An additional two and three wheeler parking of twenty five percent of the required
number of car parking shall be provided including that for cycle parking subject to a
minimum of fifty cycles;
(ii) In case of a Semi-permanent the vehicle parking requirement shall be as prescribed
above or as prescribed in the respective zoning regulations, whichever is higher. In
such cases, vehicle parking for the theatre portion should be exclusively earmarked
in the total parking requirement for the whole building:
Provided that suitable parking arrangements shall be earmarked for
physically challenged persons.
(i) The Semi-permanent site is situated at a place where it is not likely to cause traffic
difficulties or problem.
(j) The Semi-permanent site is at a distance of not less than,____
(a) Fifty meters from.—
(i) any existing petrol bunk or place licensed for a petrol bunk and other places of fire
resort; or
(ii) any place of community worship, cremation ground, graveyard or cemetery in use; or
(iii) any recognized educational institution or any residential institution attached to such
educational institutions; or
(iv) any public hospital or a private nursing home; or
(v) any recognized orphanage; or
(vi) any thickly populated residential area or an area used generally for residential
purposes as distinguished from business purposes:
Provided that the Licensing Authority may, if the proposal is to construct a
sound proof cinema building, at its discretion, in public interest, considering the
suitability of the place, for reasons to be recorded in writing after inspection of the
proposed site, relax, subject to such conditions as it may consider necessary to
impose in each case, all or any of the conditions specified in item (i) to (vi):
Provided further that considering the facts and circumstances of each case
different conditions may be imposed in different cases.
(b) One hundred meters from any protected monument, defence installations, national parks,
museums, and buildings in which main telephone or telegraph or wireless or telecommunication
installations are located.
(2) (a) In places having a population of ten thousand or more the number of cinemas to be
permitted shall be determined.—

(i) If it is a metropolitan area on the basis of one cinema for every twenty thousand
population or a fraction thereof exceeding ten thousand; and
(ii) In other places, on the basis of one cinema for every ten thousand population or a
fraction thereof exceeding five thousand;
(b) Location of cinemas shall not be permitted within a distance of four hundred metres from
each other in towns and cities having a population of five lakhs and above.
(3) Nothing in sub-rule (2) shall apply for location of cinemas in a metropolitan area if the
cinema building is owned by the local authority concerned.
(4)(a) Each ward in a metropolitan area shall for the purpose of Section 6 be an area. The
Licensing Authority may having regard to the provisions of Section 5 and the provisions of sub-
rule(2) as if each such ward is a place for the purpose of said sub-rule (2) limit the number of places
that can be licensed under the Act in each such ward:
Provided that the total number of places so determined in respect of all such wards shall not
exceed the number permissible under sub-rule (2) in respect of the metropolitan area taken as a
(b) No order under section 6 shall be made except with the prior approval of the Government.
explanation.___ (1) For the purpose of sub-rules (2), (3) and (4). __ (1) ‘distance’ shall be
reckoned along the shortest pathway, lane, street or road connecting the two cinemas and generally
used by the members of the public;
(2) ‘Metropolitan area’ means a city or town declared as Metropolitan area under Section 8 of
the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
(3) ‘Place’ means, in the case of towns and cities having a population of ten thousand and
above, the area coming within the jurisdiction of the local authority concerned and in other cases,
an area within the radius of five kilo meters from the centre of the local authority in which the
cinema is proposed to be located.
(2) (i) the clear distance between the cinema building and the inner limits of the compound wall
is not less than 10 metres at the entrance side and 5 meters at the other sides.
120. Procedure to be followed for approval of plan of the building.— On receipt of the No
Objection Certificate, the applicant shall submit an application for approval of the Plan of the
building to be constructed on the approved site to the Licensing Authority. Such application shall be
accompanied by,-
(i) a copy of the No Objection Certificate granted under rule 118;
(ii) a copy of the approved site plan;
(iii) complete plans, elevation and sections in quadruplicate in original printed on tracing
film and also in digital format with four prints of the premises and of all erections and buildings
thereon drawn correctly to a scale of not less than 1:100 on prints taken out of any of the standard
size tracings and showing clearly,-
(a) All dimensions in millimeters and materials of construction indicating the different
materials in distinguishing colours and giving in figures dimensions the width and
depth of walls, beams, scantlings and trusses;
(b) The width of all staircases and the number of steps in each flight with the rise and
tread of steps the clear width of corridors, passages, openings, aisles and gangways
as well as the height and constructions of all galleries, tiers, balconies and stages;
and fire resistance rate of staircases shall be one hour. No gas pipeline or electrical
lines shall be attached to it. Anti slippery nosing shall be installed for the steps. One
meter height of handrail should be provided.
(c) the sizes of all doors, windows and ventilators indicating their construction and the
way in which they open and the proposed system of ventilation;
(d) the proposed seating arrangement;
(e) the plinth area of each building in square meters separately for ground floor and
upper floors and in tiers, galleries or balconies;
(f) staircases;

(g) water closets and urinals;

(h) levels at the different parts of the building in plans and sections; and
(i) details and positions of projectors, screen, sound box and other plants and
(iv) On receipt of the acceptance of design and specification by the executive engineer Public
works, Ports and inland transport Department, the Licensing Authority shall direct the applicant to
submit the plans and electrical drawings in quadruplicate in blue print or computer print and also
in digital format showing the location of the cinematograph apparatus and complete electrical
installations wiring diagram indicating all wiring, light- points, switches, plugs, distribution boards
and other electric machinery indicating different circuits in different colours and earthing details to
the Electrical Inspector.
(v) Thereafter, the Electrical Inspector shall examine the designs pertaining to the
cinematograph plant, the electrical installations along with electrical wiring diagram and plan
details showing the electrical system submitted by the applicant and if he is satisfied after scrutiny,
that they are in accordance with the provisions of these rules relating to safety of electrical
installation, he shall forward his report to the Licensing Authority within fifteen days.
(vi) Detailed specifications of the works in triplicate to be executed, sufficiently describing the
material to be employed and the mode of construction to be adopted with calculations, in triplicate
showing the loads coming and stresses occurring in all foundations, piers, columns, stanchions,
lintels, beams, slabs, joists and trusses, such calculations being certified to be correct by a graduate
engineer or a design engineer or a design practitioner or a qualified architect.
121. Approval of building constructed.— (1) The licensee shall notify.-
(a) The Executive Engineer, Public works, Ports and inland transport Department of the district,
fifteen days earlier to the commencement of construction of cinema or multiplex and ancillary
buildings to enable him to issue the certificate of soundness under sub-rule (3); and
(b) The Electrical Inspector of the district, fifteen days earlier to the commencement of wiring
for electrical installation, to enable him to issue the electrical certificate under sub-rule (4). Such
notice shall be accompanied by a treasury challan for having paid the fees specified under
sub-rule (8).
(2) On completion of the building and electrical installation according to the approved plan,
the applicant shall obtain after an application being made,-
(a) a certificate from the executive engineer, Public works, Ports and inland transport
Department in respect of matters covered in the provisions of rules 43 to 56;
(b) a certificate in form ' E -1' from the Electrical Inspector in respect of matters covered by
the provisions of rules 3, 48, 51(9), 57 to 73, 77(5) and 82;
(c) a certificate in form ‘E-2’ from the Fire Officer, Fire and Emergency Services of the district
in respect of matters covered under Chapter – IX.
(d) a certificate in form ‘E-3’ from the District Health and Family Welfare Officer in respect of
matters covering the provisions relating to health and cleanliness of the premises.
(e) In case of semi-permanent cinema, the licensee shall obtain a separate No Objection
Certificate from the Department of Fire and Emergency Services for the whole building including the
theatre portion.
(3) If the executive engineer public works, Ports and inland transport department is satisfied
about the structural soundness of the cinema or semi-permanent cinema building, he shall issue a
certificate within fifteen days after receipt of the application under sub-rule (2) and such certificate
shall be valid for period of five years.
Provided that in the case of any semi-permanent cinema which does not fulfill the
requirements of the rule the executive engineer public works, Ports and inland transport department
may reject the application for issuing of certificate for five years or may reduce the period of the
certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after giving the applicant an opportunity of
being heard, and the reasons shall be communicated to the Licensing Authority.
(4) Within fifteen days after the receipt of the application under sub-rule(2), Electrical
Inspector of the district or area shall, if he is satisfied about the suitability of the electrical

installations and equipments, issue a certificate to that effect and such certificate shall be in form
‘E-1’ and shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of issue:
Provided that in the case of any semi-permanent cinema which does not fulfill the
requirements of the rule the deputy Electrical Inspector may reject the application for issuing of
certificate for five years or reduce the period of the certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing
and after giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard, and the reasons shall communicated to
the Licensing Authority.
(5) (a) If the Fire Officer of the Karnataka State Fire and Emergency Services of the district is
satisfied that the Fire Fighting appliances and other equipments specified in Chapter IX are provided
to the cinema or multiplex building, he shall issue a certificate in form ‘E-2’ to that effect within
fifteen days after the receipt of the application, which shall be valid for a period five years:
Provided that in the case of any cinema theatre or multiplex which does not fulfill the
requirements of the rule the fire officer may reject the application for issuing of certificate for five
years or may reduce the period of the certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after
giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard, and the reasons shall be communicated to the
Licensing Authority.
(b) Efficiency/Fitness/Working condition of the fire fighting appliances in every cinema
theatre or multiplex shall be checked annually by the Fire Officer of the district.
(6) If the District Health & Family Welfare Officer of the district is satisfied about the
provisions made for maintenance of sanitary facilities, public health, hygiene and cleanliness of the
premises; he shall issue a certificate in form ‘E-3’ to that effect, within fifteen days after receipt of
the application, which shall be valid for a period of five years:
Provided that in the case of any cinema theatre or multiplex which does not fulfill the
requirements of the rule, the district health and family welfare officer may reject the application for
issuing of certificate for five years or may reduce the period of the certificate, for reasons to be
recorded in writing and after giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard, and the reasons
shall be communicated to the Licensing Authority.
(7) For the purpose of issuing a certificate under sub-rules (3), (4), (5) and (6), the executive
engineer public works, Ports and inland transport department, Electrical inspector of the district or
area, The fire officer of the district, The District Health and Family Welfare Officer shall visit and
inspect the cinema or multiplex building and premises and their inspection reports shall be part of
the report submitted to the Licensing Authority.
(8) Fees for inspection and issue of the certificates regarding the cinema theatres and
multiplexes shall be as specified by the government from time to time and credited to the head of
account so specified.
(9) A copy of the certificate issued by the above offices may be obtained from them on
payment of fees notified by the government.
122. Electrical Installations.—(1) For purposes of this Chapter, unless the context other-
wise requires, “Bush” means packing inserted in the holes through which the pipes and cables pass
in order to render such holes reasonably smoke proof.
(2) Any word not defined in these rules particularly in this chapter shall have same meaning
and expressions as defined in the Electricity Act, 2003 (central Act 36 of 2003) and Central
Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations 2010 and rules
and regulations made thereafter.
123. Main Circuits.— (1) The electric lighting of the premises shall have at least three
separate and distinct main circuits and these shall be,-
(a) Circuit ‘A’ for the projection room and then, through dimming regulator if any, to the central
lighting of the auditorium,
(b) Circuit ‘B’ for approximately one half of the auditorium, passage ways, stair ways, exits and
parts of the buildings open to the public and
(c) Circuit ‘C’ for the remaining half of the auditorium, passage ways, stair ways, exits and parts
of the buildings open to the public.
(2) The control of the circuits in respect of ‘B’ and ‘C’ shall be remote from each other.

124 . Supply System.— (1) Where supply is available on three phase AC system, the circuits
‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ shall be supplied from three different phases to balance the load
(2) The main circuits ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ may be subdivided into as many sub-circuits as may be
considered necessary. Each sub-circuit shall start from a distributing board and must be through a
suitable capacity Earth leakages circuit breakers (ELCB)
(3) The lights inside and outside the premises shall be separate circuits. Circuits for fans,
power and cooling purposes shall be kept distinct and separate from lighting circuits.
(4) Power saving and modern technology lighting system shall be adopted like LED, etc.
125. Switch and Fuse.— (1) Main switch with overload and earth leakage protection shall
be provided in the main switchboard for the control of entire electrical installation. All circuits shall
be efficiently protected by circuit breakers of suitable capacity placed in positions easily accessible
to the staff and in places where they are not likely to obstruct any passage or exits.
(2) The switch boards if they are accessible to the public and if they are in the ticket booths,
shall be provided with proper lock-up cases with glass or metal front and the glass (unless of
adequate thickness) shall be protected with a wire guard or alternatively boxes with lids and sides
rendered fire proof by using suitable fire resistant material.
(3) All switches and circuit breakers of suitable capacity shall be so marked as to show
clearly which circuit or lamps they control.
126. Accumulators.— (1) Such number and type of accumulators or automatic DC lights as
may be approved by the Electrical Inspector shall be installed to illuminate the auditorium during
an emergency or failure of power.
(2) The accumulators shall be placed in a room adequately ventilated to the outside air and
this room shall be of fire-proof construction with fire resisting doors and shall not be used for any
other purpose.
127. Transforming and Converting Machinery.— Transforming and converting machinery
with the controlling switches and circuit breakers shall be placed in a place adequately ventilated to
outside air, properly lighted and accessible to the management and shall be used for no other
128. Motors, etc.— All motors and electrical equipments, shall, if permitted be subject to
special conditions, but electric fans and similar motors not taking more than three hundred watts
may be used, if separately wired by circuit breakers on a proper distributing board.
129. Resistances.— All resistances, with the exception of a resistance for regulating
purposes, shall be placed outside the projection room and, if reasonably practicable, outside the
auditorium. If placed inside the auditorium, such resistances shall be protected by an earthed
wireguard or other efficient means of preventing accidental contacts.
130. Arc Lamps.— (1) In any semi-permanent cinema, arc lamps shall not be used in the
auditorium or in any part open to the public without permission from the Electrical Inspector.
When they are used in any part of such premises, special precautions shall be taken to guard
against danger from falling glass and incandescent particles or carbon. All parts of the lamps,
lanterns and fittings which are liable to be handled (except by the person employed to handle them)
shall be insulated from the framework.
(2) Any exposed portion of metal work of an arc lamp liable to become heated to a
temperature sufficient to cause conflagration by contact with scenery or other inflammable material
shall be projected by a wire guard. In no case shall arc lamps be suspended by the conductors.
(3) All arc lamps shall be connected with airtight ducts leading to atmosphere.
(4) Advanced technology projector and sound system like digital projectors, digital sound
system and any other type of advanced technology can be installed and used in any part of the
Semi-permanent cinema after obtaining permission from the Electrical Inspector of the district or
131. Cables for Cinematograph Lamps.— Cables for Cinematograph lamps or digital
projector shall be taken as separate circuits from the projection room power distribution board. An
efficient double pole switch with proper fuse protection shall be fitted within the projection room in
the cinematograph lamp circuit.

132. Insulating material for Cables.— Within the projection room, all electric cables, be of
fire retardant low smoke type and all cables shall be enclosed in conduits. All conduits leading to
projectors and motors from switch board shall be embedded in the floor finish without cutting the
floor slab and in no case the conduits and cables be allowed on floor surface.
133. Auxiliary supply for exit signs, passages, etc.— (1) Foot lights shall be provided in
gangways and passages within the auditorium, the voltage of which shall not exceed twenty-four
(2) All lights in the staircases, corridors, passages and exits shall be kept alight during the
time the public are in the cinema and they shall be connected to alternate source of power.
(3) At least six torches shall be kept on the premises in proper working order throughout
when the public are on the premises and shall be distributed over the building so as to be easily
accessible to the door keepers.
(4) Emergency lights covering all the exits shall also be provided.
(5) Emergency sign boards (fire exit, staircase, safe assembly, fire extinguisher, emergency
alarm switch etc.,) shall be kept brightly and clearly visible.
134. Wiring.— (1) The electrical wiring of the entire semi-permanent cinema premises
should be done in conduit pipe, metallic or approved rigid poly vinyl chloride.
(2) Bushes shall be used wherever necessary for metallic conduit pipes. All metallic tubing
shall be efficiently earthed and shall be provided with screw joints or other means of ensuring a
good and permanent electrical connection which must be continued with boxes and other fittings.
135. Fittings.— (1) All suspended fittings shall be firmly fixed.
(2) Combined gas and electric fittings shall not be used.
(3) Any electric light pendants or brackets in the auditorium and in front of the cinema or
multiplex building generally shall be at least two and half metres above the floor to the lowest
projecting part of the fittings. No electrical fittings or apparatus of any description shall be so fixed
or arranged as to interfere at any time with the proper working of the safety curtain.
(4) (i) The electrical installation shall be incharge of a properly qualified person holding a
Wireman’s or Supervisor’s permit issued by the Licensing Advisory and Examination Board of the
Government of Karnataka or shall be incharge of a licensed Electrical Contractor whose name shall
be intimated to the Electrical Inspector of the district or area.
(ii) Licensed Electrical Contractor shall furnish insulation resistance of all circuits and
values of earth electrode annually to Electrical Inspector of the district.
(5) Instructions both in English, Hindi and in regional languages for the restoration of
persons suffering from electric shock shall be affixed in a conspicuous place and at least one pair of
rubber gloves in good order shall be provided for use of the wiremen.
(6) Earthing shall be done efficiently and perfectly as per Electricity Act 2003, Central
Electricity Authority (measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulation 2010 and rules
and regulations thereafter, I S S 3043/1987 and shall be maintained properly. Earth electrodes
shall be kept exposed and enclosed in masonry enclosures as per I.S. standards so as to facilitate
watering, inspection and periodical testing.
136. Generator/ Alternate source of supply.__ Where the supply of current is derived from
special plant on the premises, such plant should in all cases be approved by the Electrical
Inspector of the district or area.
137. Plan of Wiring.— A framed wiring diagram in single line indicating clearly the
arrangement of all circuits and sub-circuits of the electrical installation the position of distribution
boards and the size of cables shall be displayed in the premises and shall be kept up-to date. Such
diagram shall also be maintained in digital format be duly approved by the Electrical Inspector.
138. Lightning Conductors.— (1) Lightning conductors shall be provided in every cinema or
multiplex building conforming to relevant I.S. Standards.
(2) Neon signs if installed, shall be got inspected by the Electrical Inspector before commissioning.

139. Exhibition Licence.— After obtaining the certificates referred to in Rule 121 the
applicant may submit his application for licence in writing to the Licensing Authority. The
application shall be accompanied by,-
(a) the certificate issued by the Executive Engineer Public works, Ports and inland transport
Department under sub rule(3) of rule 121;
(b) (i) The certificate issued by the Deputy Electrical Inspector of the district or area under
sub rule(4) of rule 121;
(ii) the certificate issued by the Fire Officer of the District under sub rule(5) of rule 121;
(iii) the certificate issued by the District Health and Family Welfare Officer under sub
rule(6) of rule 121.
(c) a declaration by the applicant that he has completed all arrangements for obtaining films
approved by the Central Government with the previous approval of the Films Division for exhibition
at each performance together, with a statement from the suppliers confirming that such
arrangements have been made; and
(d) a treasury challan for the payment of licence fees as notified by the Government.
140. Grant or refusal of licence.— (1) On receipt of the application for license the Licensing
Authority shall, if he is satisfied that all works are carried out as per approved plans and all
arrangements are made for exhibition of film, issue to the applicant within fifteen days from the date
of its receipt a licence in form ‘F’ or refuse to issue such licence for reasons to be recorded in writing.
The Licensing Authority may refuse to issue a licence if the application for the license is not made
before the expiry of the period of validity of the No Objection Certificate. For this purpose, the
Licensing Authority may make such local inspection as he considers necessary. A copy of the plans
and drawings referred to in rule 33 shall be attached to the license.
(2) A copy of the licence may be obtained from the Licensing Authority on payment of fees
notified by Government from time to time.
141. Duration of licence and regrant.— Semi permanent cinema theatres may be granted
exhibition licence for five years but not less than three years subject to annual clearance from Fire
and Emergency Services and Electrical Inspectorate Department at a time at the end of which the
building shall be inspected in detail by the Executive Engineer, Public Works, Ports and inland
transport Department of the district as also the Electrical Inspector of the district who shall
furnish a certificate as to the ‘soundness’ of the building for being licensed for a period beyond five
years. A licence granted under rule 140 shall not be re-granted beyond a period of thirty years from
the date of first grant of such licence. Unless, If before the expiry of the said period of thirty years
the applicant converts the building into a permanent theatre or modifies or alters it in to two or
more screens, as per existing provisions of these rules necessary licence under rule 121(7) shall be
granted if the required conditions are satisfied.
142. Enclosure to semi-permanent cinema premises - The front portion of the
premises shall be masonry construction of sufficient height and the remaining portion may be a
compound wall/ barbed wire fencing or any other locally available suitable material so as to
prevent outside public from causing any inconvenience to the persons within the premises.
143. Building Materials- For construction of semi-permanent cinema buildings, as far
as possible, building materials locally available such as Stone, Brick, Cement / Lime or Jungle
wood, Zinc sheet /A.C. sheets, block board, impregnated in bituman (asphaltic sheets) for roof etc.,
may be used. Doors and windows may be of steel or jungle wood. The external walls may be of
either brick in Cement / Lime and the height of walls shall be not less than 2.6 metres.
144. Projection Room.— (1) The cinematograph apparatus shall be placed in a room of
substantial construction made of fire proof materials of 2-4 hour ratings, the floor of which shall
have a minimum floor finish of fifty milimetres to embed cables under rule 132:
Provided that in the case of existing and proposed semi-permanent cinema theatres
with advanced technology like digital projectors, digital sound system, a separate projection
room is not mandatory.
(2) The projection room shall have no connection with the auditorium, except the projection
and observer openings:

Provided that in the case of existing and proposed semi-permanent cinema theatres with
advanced technology like digital projectors, digital sound system, a separate projection room is not
(3) The projection room having one projector must have at least seven and half square
meters floor area with 2.5 meters as smallest dimension and with a clear height of not less than 3
meters. For each additional projector, there shall be 2.3 square meters of floor space:
Provided that in the case of existing and proposed cinema theatres or multiplex with
advanced technology like digital projectors, digital sound system, a separate projection room is not
(4) There shall be a regular staircase leading to ground floor and to floor below.
(5) The door of the projection room shall be fire-proof and all openings, bushes and joints
shall be so constructed and maintained as to prevent, as far as possible, the escape of any smoke
into the auditorium. Ventilation shall be provided for the projection room, but the ventilation ducts
shall not communicate direct with the auditorium. The area of the ventilating ducts shall not be less
than one per cent of the floor area of the projection room.
explanation.- In this rule, bush means packing inserted in the holes through which the
pipes and cables pass in order to render such holes reasonably smoke proof.
Provided that in the case of existing and proposed cinema theatres or multiplex with
advanced technology like digital projectors, digital sound system, a separate projection room is not
(6) There shall be a rewinding room or enclosure by the side of the projection room for the
purpose of rewinding of films and where the rewinding room or enclosure adjoins the projection
room and has door in between, leading from one to the other, this door shall be self closing fire
resistant door:
Provided that in the case of multiplex or a existing and proposed cinema theatre with
advanced technology like digital projectors, digital sound system, a separate rewinding room is not
(7) If the enclosure is inside the auditorium, no openings other than those required for
projection and observation of the enclosure shall be permitted to communicate with the auditorium.
The rewinding room or enclosure by the side / inside the projection room for the purpose of
rewinding rooms shall have a self closing fire resistant door:
Provided that in the case of multiplex or a existing and proposed cinema theatre with
advanced technology like digital projectors, digital sound system, rewinding room is not mandatory.

(8) The projector openings shall be in accordance with the type of projection such as 35
millimeters, 70 millimeters, Cinemascope and Cinerama, Wide angle, Vista vision:
Provided that in the case of multiplex or a existing or proposed cinema theatre with advanced
technology like digital projectors, digital sound system, then this sub rule shall not apply.
(9) Each Opening shall be provided with a plate glass screen of not less than 5 millimeters, in
thickness fixed in position with a smoke tight joint:
Provided that for openings for more than 250 millimeters square,-
(a) The glass screens used shall be armored plate or wired plate glass;
(b) The metal screens shall be provided in addition to the glass screens and the openings
shall be closed with the metal screens when not in use for projection; and
(c) a notice shall be put in the cabin to the effect that the openings shall be closed with
the metal screens when the openings are not in use.
(10) (i)Projection room shall be in the charge of a person who has attained the age of 18
years and who is holding a Cinema operator’s permit issued by the Chief Electrical Inspector to
Provided that, a candidate who holds a certificate for having passed the Craft Course in
Cinema operation or Diploma in Cinematography conducted by the Board of Technical Education in
Cinematography in Karnataka or degree/diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

recognized by the State Government or Central Government shall be exempted from appearing for
the examination conducted by the Karnataka Cinema Operator’s Examination Board for obtaining
the cinema operator permit.
(ii) The operator shall satisfy himself before the commencement of each performance that all
cables, leads, connections and resistances as also the portable fire extinguishers in the projection
room are in proper working order. He shall be present in the projection room during the time the
machine is being operated:
(iii)Provided that in the case of multiplex or existing or proposed cinema theatre with
advanced technology like digital projector, digital sound system, although projection room is not
mandatory the operator shall be present during the time the machine is being operated.
(iv) Failure to employ such an operator shall render the electrical certificate of cinema theatre
or multiplex liable to be suspended or cancelled.
(11) Two operators shall be got endorsed in favour of the theatre with conventional projectors
and one operator per screen shall be got endorsed in favour of the theatre with advance technology
like digital projection system, from the Department of Electrical Inspectorate.
145. Ventilators.— (1) There shall be sufficient ventilators for each room or passage in
every semi-permanent cinema with an area of not less than one-eighth of the floor area, two-thirds
of which shall be so arranged as to be kept open during performances. There shall also be sufficient
means of artificial ventilation with the help of not less than one ceiling fan for every fifty seats and
one exhaust fan for every fifty square meters of the auditorium, which shall be approved by the
Executive Engineer, Public Works, Ports and inland transport Department.
(2) Alternatively, there shall be suitable centralized ventilation system of sufficient capacity,
which shall be approved by the Executive Engineer, Public Works, Ports and inland transport
(3) There shall be sufficient ventilation system for the auditorium of air conditioned semi-
permanent cinema or air cooled semi-permanent cinema theatres which shall be approved by the
Executive Engineer, Public Works, Ports and inland transport Department:
Provided that when the ventilation system fails during the performance, the show shall be
stopped during the period of its failure.
146. Ticket Booths.— (1) Suitable booking windows for the various classes shall be
provided within the premises in such a position that there is room for queues of purchasers of
tickets to form up within the premises without causing any obstruction to traffic on the public road.
(2) Suitable means of entrance and exit shall be provided for the public to the ticket booth
(3) (i) No person other than a licensee or his agent duly authorised by him in writing shall,
sell or keep or offer or expose for sale, or cause to be sold or cause to be kept or exposed for sale any
ticket or pass or any other evidence of the right of admission to any cinema theatre or multiplex.
(ii) No ticket or pass or any other evidence of the right of admission to any semi-permanent
cinema theatre shall be sold, or kept or offered or exposed for sale in any place other than the
booking windows provided for the purpose and shall not be sold to any person other than a person
who lines up in a queue, if any, before the booking window:
Provided that the Licensing Authority may, in the case of charitable shows permit in writing
the sale of tickets, passes or any other evidence of the right of admission at places other than the
booking windows and by persons other than the licensee.
(4) (i) The licensee shall not earlier than seven days preceding the day of the exhibition of
the film, book seats in any class in advance by selling tickets or otherwise.
(ii) Sale of tickets online shall be allowed in semi-permanent cinema theatres in accordance
with relevant rules.
(iii) Charges for each ticket as well as other charges shall be as applicable in the relevant
Acts and rules.
147. Water closets and urinals and water facilities.— (1) Every semi-permanent cinema
shall be provided with sufficient number of water closets and urinals within the main building for
men, women and children, third gender and physically challenged separately.

(2) The scale of sanitary accommodation to be provided shall be as specified in Schedule “C”.
(3) The water closets and urinals shall be connected to an underground sewer line.
(4) Rain water harvesting system shall be adopted to conserve and utilize water efficiently.
(5) Every semi-permanent cinema theatre shall be provided with a sufficient number of
drinking water taps for men and women separately but in no case shall there be less than two water
taps, one for men and the other for women. The water taps shall be connected to a water supply
pipe, or when the supply of water by the pipe is cut off or when there is no water supply pipe, to a
tank or water container containing pure drinking water.
148. Out houses etc.— (1) No hotels, shops and Canteens shall be permitted in the cinema
building except as provided in sub-rules (2) and (3) below.
(2) If the cinema building is constructed out of non-inflammable materials and sound proof,
the Licensing Authority may, after consultation with the local authority having jurisdiction over the
place and the Town Planning Officer of the urban development authority / city corporation/local
planning authority/Assistant Director of Town and Country Planning of the district permit opening
of establishment like hotels, shops and canteens provided that it is within the compound theatre
and it shall not abut the cinema building or open to the cinema theatre.
(3) No permission under sub-rule (2), shall be granted unless the Licensing Authority is
(a) that adequate provision is made for preventing and extinguishing fire in the floor in which
such establishments are to be opened;
(b) that separate access and exit to such establishments have been provided so as to permit
the visitors to such establishments to disperse easily and quickly in the event of fire;
(c) that the road to which such establishments are open is a through fare for the approach of
fire engines and appliances.
148. Out houses etc.— (1) No show rooms, hotels, shops, offices, banks and Canteens shall
be permitted in the cinema building except as provided in sub-rules(2)and (3).
(2) If the cinema building is constructed out of non-inflammable materials and sound proof,
the Licensing Authority may, after consultation with the local authority having jurisdiction over the
place permit opening of establishment like show rooms, hotels, shops, canteens, banks and offices
in a floor other than the floor in which the cinema building is located and shall not permit shops
and establishments selling and serving alcohol and banned substances.
149. Electrical Installation.—(1) For purposes of this Chapter, unless the context other-
wise requires, “Bush” means packing inserted in the holes through which the pipes and cables pass
in order to render such holes reasonably smoke proof.
(2) Any word not defined in these rules particularly in this chapter shall have same meaning
and expressions as defined in the Electricity Act 2003 and Central Electricity Authority (Measures
relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations 2010 and rules and regulations made thereafter.
150. Main Circuits.— (1) The electric lighting of the premises shall have at least three
separate and distinct main circuits and these shall be,-
(a)Circuit ‘A’ for the projection room and then, through dimming regulator if any, to the
central lighting of the auditorium,
(b)Circuit ‘B’ for approximately one half of the auditorium, passage ways, stair ways, exits
and parts of the buildings open to the public and
(c)Circuit ‘C’ for the remaining half of the auditorium, passage ways, stair ways, exits and
parts of the buildings open to the public.
(2) The control of the circuits in respect of ‘B’ and ‘C’ shall be remote from each other.
151. Supply System.— (1) Where supply is available on three phase AC system, the circuits
‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ shall be supplied from three different phases to balance the load
(2) The main circuits ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ may be subdivided into as many sub-circuits as may be
considered necessary. Each sub-circuit shall start from a distributing board and must be through a
suitable capacity Earth leakages circuit breakers (ELCB)
(3) The lights inside and outside the premises shall be separate circuits. Circuits for fans,
power and cooling purposes shall be kept distinct and separate from lighting circuits.
(4) Power saving and modern technology lighting system shall be adopted like LED, etc.
152. Switch and Fuse.— (1) Main switch with overload and earth leakage protection shall
be provided in the main switchboard for the control of entire electrical installation. All circuits shall

be efficiently protected by circuit breakers of suitable capacity placed in positions easily accessible
to the staff and in places where they are not likely to obstruct any passage or exits.
(2) The switch boards if they are accessible to the public and if they are in the ticket booths,
shall be provided with proper lock-up cases with glass or metal front and the glass (unless of
adequate thickness) shall be protected with a wire guard or alternatively boxes with lids and sides
rendered fire proof by using suitable fire resistant material.
(3) All switches and circuit breakers of suitable capacity shall be so marked as to show
clearly which circuit or lamps they control.
153. Accumulators.— (1) Such number and type of accumulators or automatic DC lights as
may be approved by the Electrical Inspector shall be installed to illuminate the auditorium during
an emergency or failure of power.
(2) The accumulators shall be placed in a room adequately ventilated to the outside air and
this room shall be of fire-proof construction with fire resisting doors and shall not be used for any
other purpose.
154. Transforming and Converting Machinery.— Transforming and converting machinery
with the controlling switches and circuit breakers shall be placed in a place adequately ventilated to
outside air, properly lighted and accessible to the management and shall be used for no other
155. Motors, etc.— All motors and electrical equipments, shall, if permitted be subject to
special conditions, but electric fans and similar motors not taking more than three hundred watts
may be used, if separately wired by circuit breakers on a proper distributing board.
156. Resistances.— All resistances, with the exception of a resistance for regulating
purposes, shall be placed outside the projection room and, if reasonably practicable, outside the
auditorium. If placed inside the auditorium, such resistances shall be protected by an earthed
wireguard or other efficient means of preventing accidental contacts.
157. Arc Lamps.— (1) In any semi-permanent cinema, arc lamps shall not be used in the
auditorium or in any part open to the public without permission from the Electrical Inspector.
When they are used in any part of such premises, special precautions shall be taken to guard
against danger from falling glass and incandescent particles or carbon. All parts of the lamps,
lanterns and fittings which are liable to be handled (except by the person employed to handle them)
shall be insulated from the framework.
(2) Any exposed portion of metal work of an arc lamp liable to become heated to a
temperature sufficient to cause conflagration by contact with scenery or other inflammable material
shall be projected by a wire guard. In no case shall arc lamps be suspended by the conductors.
(3) All arc lamps shall be connected with airtight ducts leading to atmosphere.
(4) Advanced technology projector and sound system like digital projectors, digital sound
system and any other type of advanced technology can be installed and used in any part of the
semi-permanent cinema theatre after obtaining permission from the Electrical Inspector of the
district or area.
158. Cables for Cinematograph Lamps.— Cables for Cinematograph lamps or digital
projector shall be taken as separate circuits from the projection room power distribution board. An
efficient double pole switch with proper fuse protection shall be fitted within the projection room in
the cinematograph lamp circuit.
159. Insulating material for Cables.— Within the projection room, all electric cables, be of
fire retardant low smoke type and all cables shall be enclosed in conduits. All conduits leading to
projectors and motors from switch board shall be embedded in the floor finish without cutting the
floor slab and in no case the conduits and cables be allowed on floor surface.
160. Auxiliary supply for exit signs, passages, etc.— (1) Foot lights shall be provided in
gangways and passages within the auditorium, the voltage of which shall not exceed twenty-four
(2) All lights in the staircases, corridors, passages and exits shall be kept alight during the
time the public are in the cinema and they shall be connected to alternate source of power.
(3) At least six torches shall be kept on the premises in proper working order throughout
when the public are on the premises and shall be distributed over the building so as to be easily
accessible to the door keepers.
(4) Emergency lights covering all the exits shall also be provided.

(5) Emergency sign boards (fire exit, staircase, safe assembly, fire extinguisher, emergency
alarm switch etc.,) shall be kept brightly and clearly visible.
161. Wiring.— (1) The electrical wiring of the entire cinema or multiplex premises should be
done in conduit pipe, metalic or approved rigid poly vinyl chloride.
(2) Bushes shall be used wherever necessary for metallic conduit pipes. All metallic tubing
shall be efficiently earthed and shall be provided with screw joints or other means of ensuring a
good and permanent electrical connection which must be continued with boxes and other fittings.
162. Fittings.— (1) All suspended fittings shall be firmly fixed.
(2) Combined gas and electric fittings shall not be used.
(3) Any electric light pendants or brackets in the auditorium and in front of the cinema or
multiplex building generally shall be at least two and half meters above the floor to the lowest
projecting part of the fittings. No electrical fittings or apparatus of any description shall be so fixed
or arranged as to interfere at any time with the proper working of the safety curtain.
(4) (i) The electrical installation shall be incharge of a properly qualified person holding a
Wireman’s or Supervisor’s permit issued by the Licensing Advisory and Examination Board of the
Government of Karnataka or shall be incharge of a licensed Electrical Contractor whose name shall
be intimated to the Electrical Inspector of the district or area.
(ii) Licensed Electrical Contractor shall furnish insulation resistance of all circuits and
values of earth electrode annually to Electrical Inspector of the district.
(5) Instructions both in English, Hindi and in regional languages for the restoration of
persons suffering from electric shock shall be affixed in a conspicuous place and at least one pair of
rubber gloves in good order shall be provided for use of the wiremen.
(6) Earthing shall be done efficiently and perfectly as per Electricity Act 2003, Central
Electricity Authority (measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulation 2010 and rules
and regulations thereafter, I S S 3043/1987 and shall be maintained properly. Earth electrodes
shall be kept exposed and enclosed in masonry enclosures as per I.S. standards so as to facilitate
watering, inspection and periodical testing.
163. Generator/ Alternate source of supply.__ Where the supply of current is derived from
special plant on the premises, such plant should in all cases be approved by the Electrical
Inspector of the district or area.
164. Plan of Wiring.— A framed wiring diagram in single line indicating clearly the
arrangement of all circuits and sub-circuits of the electrical installation the position of distribution
boards and the size of cables shall be displayed in the premises and shall be kept up-to date. Such
diagram shall also be maintained in digital format be duly approved by the Electrical Inspector.
165. Lightning Conductors.— (1) Lightning conductors shall be provided in every semi-
permanent cinema building conforming to relevant I.S. Standards.
(2) Neon signs if installed, shall be got inspected and approved by the Electrical Inspector
before commissioning.
166. Telephone.—(1) Every semi-permanent cinema theatre shall be provided with
telephone located in an easily accessible place. All the emergency contact numbers including fire,
ambulance, police, hospital etc, shall be displayed prominently. Nearest fire station, telephone
number shall be highlighted with the Control Room Number 101.
(2) The installation and maintenance of the complete telephone facility shall be done by the
licensee at his cost.
167. Fire Fighting apparatus.— (1) The following fire fighting appliances shall be provided
in every semi-permanent cinema building, namely:-
(a) In projection room-
(i) One water gel blanket
(ii) Two buckets of water, each of 09 liters capacity.
(iii) Two carbon dioxide extinguishers, each of two kg capacity and one carbon
dioxide extinguisher of 5 kg capacity.
(b) In auditorium and balcony.—
(i) Four ABC powder extinguishers, each of 5 kg capacity in the auditorium and
two such extinguishers in the balcony wherever balcony is in existence.
(ii) Two stirrup pumps attached with flexible hoses of not less than six meters in
length in the auditorium and one stirrup pump in the balcony wherever

balcony is in existence. Each stirrup pump shall be provided with two flat
bottom buckets each of ten liters capacity to be kept always filled with water;
and inbuilt firefighting equipment as required shall be provided.
(iii) Two carbon dioxide extinguishers, each of two kg capacity and one carbon
dioxide extinguisher of 5 kg capacity.
(iv) One fire bucket of ten liters capacity filled with water for every one hundred
square meters of floor area or part thereof with a minimum of twelve buckets
in the auditorium and two in the balcony.
(c) Near electrical installation,-
(i) One ABC powder extinguishers of 5 kg capacity near each main switch board.
(ii) Wherever electrical meters, rotary convertors or any other electrical machinery
or apparatus are installed, one ABC powder extinguisher of 5 kg capacity shall
be provided.
(2) All fire fighting appliances shall be kept in such a manner as to be readily available for
use. The majority of the fire fighting appliances in the auditorium shall be fitted in the
neighborhood of the screen at a height of 1.20 m.
(3) The fire buckets shall have round bottoms, each of 9 liters capacity. They shall be painted
red with the word “Fire” in large white letters in English, Hindi and Kannada filled with clean, dry
(4) All the portable extinguishers shall be maintained periodically and subjected to hydraulic
pressure test at the jurisdictional Fire Station or an engineering firm authorized in this behalf by the
Government, to show that it can withstand for one minute a pressure of twenty kg/cm2 and a
certificate of such test shall be submitted to the Licensing Authority. Similar tests shall be repeated
annually thereafter.
(5) All the attendants and the staff including the cinema operator of the cinema building or
multiplex shall be trained in the use of all the firefighting equipment maintained in the premises at
the Fire & Emergency Services Academy in the state each one for a period of not less than three
(6) The licensee shall,-
(i) Maintain periodically the portable fire-extinguisher provided in the licensed premises,
as per the manufacturers specifications and as per the directions of the Fire Officer of
Fire and Emergency Services of the district and recharge it and record the date of
having done so on a slip of paper and paste the same on the outside of such
(ii) each portable fire-extinguisher provided in the licensed premises shall be discharged
once in every year or as directed by the manufacturer and as per the directions of the
Fire officer of Fire and Emergency Services of the district and recharge it and record
the date of such recharge in suitable point on the external surface of the container of
the portable fire-extinguisher.
168. Precaution against fire.- (1) All curtains covering the doors and passages shall be
hung so as not to trail on the floor and the lower end of it shall be at least ten centimeters above the
floor level. The curtains shall be treated with fire retardant solutions.
(2) No unauthorized person shall be allowed to enter the projection room.
(3) Smoking, use of alcohol, tobacco or any banned substance shall not be permitted in the
entire cinema theatre premises.
(4) No inflammable article shall be taken into or allowed to remain in the projection room.
(5) Cinematograph projectors shall be fitted with two metal film boxes of substantial
construction to and from which the film shall be caused to travel:
Provided that in case of semi-permanent cinema theatre with advanced technology like
digital projector, digital sound system or multiplex necessary equipment shall be used in this
regard .
(6) The film boxes shall be fitted with a film slot so constructed as to prevent the passage of
flame to the interior of the box.
(7) Films shall be wound upon spools in such a manner that one wound film shall not at any
time reach or project beyond the edges of the flanges of the spool. The rewinding of the films shall be
carried out only in the rewinding room or enclosure:

Provided that in the case of advanced technology like digital projector and digital sound
system rewinding room is not mandatory.
(8) A rack shall be provided for storing the closed metal boxes without pilling. Films shall be
stored in a separate store-room and not in the projection room.
(9) If carpets are laid in a cinema theatre or multiplex they shall be made of fire resistant
material and shall be securely fixed to the floor so that the edges do not turn up or ruck up. If mats
are used, they shall be of fire-resisting material and they shall be let into the floor in a recess not
exceeding the size of the mat and not deeper than the thickness of the mat.
(10) If electrical switches are installed in the ticket booths, they shall be made inaccessible to
the public by means of proper covering.
169. Maintenance of cleanliness.- The licensee shall cause.-
(1) all windows and other means of ventilation in the building to be maintained in good order;
(2) every part of such building or place to be maintained in proper sanitary conditions;
(3) the walls of the building to be hotlime washed at least once in every six months or to be
painted once in every two years or more often if so required by the Licensing Authority or other
competent municipal or health authority;
(4) the premises to be thoroughly cleaned and all refuse matters to be removed after every
show or more often if so required by the Licensing Authority or other competent municipal or health
authority; and
(5) electrical equipments such as fans, glass, shades etc., to be periodically cleaned every
week and kept in a presentable condition.
170. Smoking prohibited. — No person shall smoke in the semi-permanent cinema
theatre premises and any holder of a cinema licence or his nominated manager or managers shall
ensure that smoking is prohibited in the entire cinema theatre premises.
171. Cleanliness and hygiene.— The licensee or his manager shall ensure that cleanliness
and hygiene are maintained in the semi-permanent cinema theatre premises and ensure banning of
spitting and other forms of pollution of the premises in the interest of public health.
172. Hawking prohibited.— No person shall during a performance or exhibition or in the
interval of the performance or exhibition, and no licensee or his nominee shall during a performance
or exhibition or in the interval of performance or exhibition allow any person to,-
(1) hawk in the auditorium; or
(2) sell or supply any eatables or drinks to any member of the audience in the
auditorium itself; or
(3) distribute or sell whether for consideration or not any articles or thing to any member
of the audience in the auditorium itself.
173. Overcrowding prohibited.— No licensee of semi-permanent cinema theatre shall
admit to any part of the auditorium a greater number of persons than the maximum number
authorized in the licence to be accommodated in such part. In order to ensure that this maximum
is not exceeded, and more particularly to facilitate checking by the Competent Authority at any time
the licensee shall issue tickets bearing serial numbers and the date and the number of the
performance on the foils and counter-foils. After each performance, the ticket books shall be
marked “closed” on the last counterfoil issued.
174. Duty of operators of cinema theatre or multiplex etc.— The persons in charge of
the projecting apparatus, electrical installations and plant and the engine room (if any) shall satisfy
themselves before the commencement of each performance that the apparatus or plant in their
respective charge is in proper working order.
175. Semi-Permanent Cinema building not to be used for any other purpose.— No
semi-permanent cinema building shall be used for any purpose other than exhibition of
cinematograph films except with the previous permission in writing of the Licensing Authority:
Provided that in the case of Multiplex Complex, the portion of the permanent building used
for the purpose of Cinema theatres, auditorium including the areas for all ancillary uses such as
projector room, toilets, entrance/exit lobbies/ corridors, food kiosks/cafes/ canteens attached to the
theatre, ticket counters etc. shall only be considered for the application of this rule.

176. Slot Machine Prohibited.— No slot or amusement machine shall be operated in the
semi-permanent cinema except with the written permission of the Licensing Authority who shall
decide after consultation with local authority, provided that no such permission shall be required for
machines exclusively used for the sale of articles like sweets, coffee, tea, snacks and soft drinks
vending machines or for the recording of weight or for dispensation of tickets.

Regrant of Licenses in respect of semi permanent cinemas

177. Application for regrant .— (1) (i) Every application for the regrant of a licence to a
semi-permanent cinema shall be made to the Licensing Authority one month before the expiry of
the licence. Such application shall be accompanied by-
(i) the certificates referred to in clause (a), (b)(i), (b)(ii) and (b)(iii) and the declaration referred
to in clause (c) of rule 139,
(ii) a treasury challan for evidencing the payment of fees at the rates specified in rule 179.
(iii) a certificate issued by the Competent Authority for having paid upto date rent in respect
of and in which the cinema building is situated in case such land is obtained on lease from the State
Government or any local authority.
(2) A copy of the application under sub-rule (1) shall be sent to the Electrical Inspector for
the issue of certificate of fitness of electrical installations, accompanied by a treasure challan of fees
paid, fees specified by the Government from time to time. The Electrical Inspector shall inspect
and report to the Licensing Authority whether the electrical installations fulfill the requirements of
these rules. If the Electrical Inspector is satisfied that the electrical installations fulfill the
requirements of these rules, he shall issue a certificate within fifteen days after the receipt of the
application. However, if the Electrical Inspector discovers any defect therein, he shall make a report
in writing about the same to the Licensing Authority, who shall thereupon issue, immediately, a
written notice to the owner for their rectification and specify a reasonable time within which such
rectification should be carried out. On failure by the licensee to comply with the terms of such
notice within the period specified, the Licensing Authority shall suspend or cancel the existing
licence or shall not regrant the licence, as the case may be until such rectifications are attended to
by the licensee:
Provided that in the case of any semi-permanent cinema theatre which does not fulfill the
requirements of the rule, the Electrical Inspector may reject the application for issuing of certificate
for five years or reduce the period of the certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after
giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard, and the reasons for this should be clearly
indicated to the Licensing Authority.
(3) A copy of the application under sub-rule (1) shall also be sent to the Executive Engineer
Public Works, Ports and inland transport Department, for the issue of certificate accompanied by a
treasure challan of fees paid, fees notified by the Government from time to time. The Executive
Engineer Public Works, Ports and inland transport Department, shall inspect and report to the
Licensing Authority whether the semi-permanent cinema building fulfills the requirements of these
rules. If the Executive Engineer Public Works, Ports and inland transport Department is satisfied
that the semi-permanent cinema building fulfill the requirements of these rules, he shall issue a
certificate within 15 days after the receipt of the application. However, if the Executive Engineer
Public Works, Ports and inland transport Department, discovers any defects therein, he shall make
a report in writing about the same to the Licensing Authority, who shall thereupon issue,
immediately, a written notice to the owner for their rectification and specify a reasonable time within
which such rectification should be carried out. On failure by the licensee to comply with the terms
of such notice within the period specified, the Licensing Authority shall suspend or cancel the
existing licence or shall not regrant the licence, as the case may be until such rectifications are
attended to by the licensee.
Provided that in the case of any semi-permanent cinema theater which does not fulfill the
requirements of the rule reject the application for issuing of certificate for five years or reduce the
period of the certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after giving the applicant an
opportunity of being heard, and the reasons for this should be clearly indicated to the Licensing

(4) A copy of the application under sub-rule (1) shall also be sent to the District Health
Officer for the issue of certificate accompanied by a treasure challan of fees paid, fees notified by
the government from time to time. The District Health Officer , shall inspect and report to the
Licensing Authority whether the cinema or multiplex building and premises fulfills the requirements
of these rules. If the District Health Officer is satisfied that the cinema or multiplex building fulfill
the requirements of these rules, he shall issue a certificate within fifteen days after the receipt of the
application. However, if the District Health Officer discovers any defects therein, he shall make a
report in writing about the same to the Licensing Authority, who shall thereupon issue, immediately,
a written notice to the owner for their rectification and specify a reasonable time within which such
rectification should be carried out. On failure by the licensee to comply with the terms of such
notice within the period specified, the Licensing Authority shall suspend or cancel the existing
licence or shall not regrant the licence, as the case may be until such rectifications are attended to
by the licensee:
Provided that in the case of any semi-permanent cinema theatre which does not fulfill the
requirements of the rule reject the application for issuing of certificate for five years or reduce the
period of the certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after giving the applicant an
opportunity of being heard, and the reasons for this should be clearly indicated to the Licensing
(5) A copy of the application under sub-rule (1) shall also be sent to the Fire Officer of the
district for the issue of certificate accompanied by a treasure challan of fees paid, fees notified by
the Government from time to time. Fire Officer of Fire and Emergency Services of the district shall
inspect and report to the Licensing Authority whether the semi-permanent cinema building, fire
fighting appliances and equipments fulfills the requirements of these rules. If the Fire Officer of the
district is satisfied that the semi-permanent cinema building, fire fighting appliances and
equipments fulfill the requirements of these rules, he shall issue a certificate within fifteen days
after the receipt of the application. However, if the Fire Officer of the district, discovers any defects
therein, he shall make a report in writing about the same to the Licensing Authority, who shall
thereupon issue, immediately, a written notice to the owner for their rectification and specify a
reasonable time within which such rectification should be carried out. On failure by the licensee to
comply with the terms of such notice within the period specified, the Licensing Authority shall
suspend or cancel the existing licence or shall not regrant the licence, as the case may be until such
rectifications are attended to by the licensee:
Provided that in the case of any semi-permanent cinema theatre which does not fulfill the
requirements of the rule reject the application for issuing of certificate for five years or reduce the
period of the certificate, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after giving the applicant an
opportunity of being heard, and the reasons for this should be clearly indicated to the Licensing
(6) On receipt of the Electrical Inspector’s Certificate under sub-rule(2), the Executive
Engineer Public Works, Ports and inland transport Department's certificate under sub-rule(3),
District Health and Family Welfare Officer’s Certificate under sub-rule(4), Fire Officer’s Certificate
under sub-rule(5), the Licensing Authority shall examine and satisfy himself that all the rules have
been complied with, issue a licence valid for a period of five years or reduce the period for reasons,
to be recorded in writing.
178. Temporary permit.— (1) If on an application for the regrant of licence made under
rule 177, the Licensing Authority does not for any reason either regrant the licence or refuse to
regrant the same, before the date of expiry of the licence, he shall grant a temporary permit in Form
‘G’ provided that the Electrical Inspector’s Certificate continues to remain valid.
(2) Such temporary permit shall be subject to the conditions of the licence sought to be
renewed and shall be valid till the Licensing Authority disposes of the application:
Provided that the temporary permit shall cease to be valid and shall be surrendered to the
Licensing Authority on the applicant receiving the licence duly regranted or on his receiving an order
refusing to regrant the licence:
Provided further that the temporary permit shall be surrendered to the Licensing Authority
on demand made at any time in that behalf.
(3) No fee shall be levied for the grant of a temporary permit.
(4) The temporary permit shall, during the period of its validity of the thirty days, be deemed
to be a licence for the purpose of these rules.

179. Fees for regrant of licence.- For regrant of every licence, the rate of fee shall be as
specified by the Government from time to time.
180. Procedure for approval of subsequent additions and alterations of electrical
installation.- (1) The licensee shall notify to the Licensing Authority in writing of his intention to
make additions or alterations to the electrical installations or apparatus. The Licensing Authority
shall forward such notice to the Electrical Inspector of the district or area. Where the Electrical
Inspector reports after inspection that the alterations or additions proposed are in accordance with
the provisions of these rules, the Licensing Authority shall approve the proposal following as far as
may be, the procedure laid down in sub-rule(3) of rule 31.
(2) If, in the opinion of the Licensing Authority, further inspection is necessary, he may direct
it and require the licensee to pay in advance fees specified by the Government from time to time.
(3) If during the interval between two periodical inspections, any further inspection shall in
the opinion of the Electrical Inspector becomes necessary owing to the neglect or failure of the
person in charge to carry out any written orders of such officer issued under sub-rule(2) of rule 4
within the time specified by him or if during any inspection the installation be found defective, fees
specified by the Government from time to time shall be charged for such further inspection and
such fee shall be paid by the licensee.

181. Appellate Authority.– The Regional Commissioner of the concerned revenue region
shall be the Appellate Authority for the purposes of sections 10 and 17.
182. Procedure in appeals under Section 5 and 9.– (1) An appeal shall be submitted in
duplicate in the form of a memorandum setting forth concisely the grounds of objection to the order
which is the subject of appeal and shall be accompanied by the original or a certified copy of the
order appealed against.
(2) The memorandum of appeal shall be signed by the appellant or by his authorized agent
and presented to the Appellate Authority in person or by agent at any time during the office hours
on any working day or sent by registered post. The authorization of the agent to present appeals
shall be in writing and shall accompany the memorandum of appeal unless the agent holds a power
of attorney.
(3) The Appellate Authority shall fix a day for hearing of the appeal. On the date fixed for
hearing the appeal or such further date of which, the appeal may be adjourned, the Appellate
Authority shall after hearing the parties or their agents, pass such orders on the appeal as it
deems fit.
183. Fee payable in respect of appeal.– A fee as specified by the Government from time
to time shall be paid on every memorandum of appeal presented to an Appellate Authority.
184. Repeal and savings.– The Karnataka Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1971 are hereby
Provided that the said repeal shall not affect the previous operation of the said rules and
section 6 of the Karnataka General Clauses Act, 1899 (Karnataka Act 3 of 1899) shall apply in
respect of such repeal.

By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka

Under Secretary to Government
Home Department (Prison and Cinema)

(See rule 2[12])
Fire proof materials

1. (a) Walls of burnt brick or size stone in mud, mortar or cement or of equivalent
materials or of at least three hundred and fifty millimeters and four hundred millimeter
thickness respectively non-reinforced cement concrete of at least three hundred millimeters
thickness and reinforced concrete of atleast one hundred and fifty millimeters thickness.

(b) Ceiling of reinforced concrete or reinforced brick concrete ceilings of precast beams with
brick nogging and jack-arch ceilings, burnt stone slab ceilings are not fire-proof.

(c) Beams and joints of reinforced cement concrete Iron girders are fire-proof only if they are
encased as described in sub-paragraph (a).

(d) Stanchions and pillars built up of brick or size stone or other stone in mud, lime or
cement mortar and stanchions and pillars of reinforced or non–reinforced cement concrete
out stone pillars fo granite, marble, lime are not fire-proof.

(e) Roof constructions of reinforced cement concrete or reinforced brick concrete roof
constructions and trusses of steel are fire proof only if the steel members are encased if the
attic containing the proof construction or trusses is enclosed by fire proof walls, ceilings and
floor and is not used for the storage of combustible material.

(f) Doors, if on testing they can withstand temperature of one thousand degree centigrade for
atleast half an hour, if they close automatically, and the door-frame is of fire-resisting
material with a rebate for receiving the shutter of not less than twenty millimeters depth.

(g) Glazed windows with permanently fixed shutters can be considered fire-proof if, on
testing they withstand a temperature of one thousand degree centigrade for half an hour
without breaking.

(h) Fire-proof encasement of steel structure consisting of Filling in and surrounding of steel
sections on all sides with brick in cement morter with cement concrete in such a way that
every part of the steel section covered by atleast thirty-five millimeters thickness of concrete
or burnt brick.

(i) Flanges of I sections in jackarch ceilings and in steel frame work, structures with brick or
concrete paneling, do not require any encasing to be fire proof.

[See rule 2(13) and 45]
Fire Resisting materials

1. Any material and any part of a building may be considered as fire resistant, if
without themselves burning, they are capable of resisting fire for quarter of an hour
and of preventing the passage and spreading of the fire during this period.
2. Among others, the following are considered fire-resisting, namely-
(a) Walls, ceiling beams, stanchions, pillars and trusses of wood if they are covered
by twenty five millimeters thickness of lime plaster or by cement asbestos sheet
of five millimeters.
(b) Stairs of granite, other stone, iron or wood, if their bottom surface is covered from
underneath with twenty five millimeters thickness of lime plaster or with cement

asbestos sheet supported on wire netting or wooden reapers at some distance

from the steps.
(c) Battened wooden doors of not less than twenty five millimeters thickness if
shutters and frames are covered on both sides with thin sheet iron or plain
cement asbestos sheets which are screwed on to the wood, if they are made to
close automatically and if the depth of the base in the frame is at least twenty
3. Materials other than those mentioned above may be accepted by the Licensing
Authority as fire-resisting provided that they correspond to the description give

[See rule 54(2)]
Scale of Sanitary accommodation

Fitments For Men For women For Staff

Water One For every 250 persons or a One

Closets fraction of 50 in excess of 250
persons with a minimum of
four of which two-thirds for
men and one- third for women

Urinals One For every 50 persons or a

fraction thereof of which two-
thirds for men and one-third
for women

Ablution One In each water closet One in each One in each

taps water closet water closet

Wash One For every 250 persons or part One

basins thereof with a minimum of four
of which, one half for men and
the other half for women.

One water tap with draining arrangement shall be provided for every 250 persons or
part thereof in the vicinity of water closets and urinals.

[Note: For fixing these scales, it may be assumed that two thirds of the toal number of
persons capable of being accommodated are men and one third are women. Where
separate closets, urinals, ablution taps, wash basins are already provided in any theatre
for use of staff exclusively, such number of water closets, urinals, etc., shall not be
taken into account in providing such facilities to the audience.]

[See rule 24(1),89 and 116]
Application for construction of [Cinema Building]

The District Magistrate,

I hereby apply for the grant of 'No Objection Certificate' for the location of a
[permanent/drive-in/touring cinemas] in my favour and give the details as follows-
Signature of the applicant.

1. Full Name of the Applicant

2. Father's/Husband's name and occupation
3. Permanent address of the applicant:
(i) Village/D.No.
(ii) Taluk/Ward/Division
(iii) District
4. Present occupation of the applicant
5. Is the application for.-
(ii) [Permanent drive-in
(iii) Touring Cinemas]
(v) Cinema of special character
6. Place where the cinema is proposed to be located:
(i) R.S.No./Site No./C.T.S.No.
(ii) Village/Extension/Ward/Division
(iii) Taluk/Town
(iv) District
7. Is the land /site owned by the applicant
8. If the land/site is not owned by the applicant.
(i) Name and address of the owner
(ii) Is document to prove the lawful occupation of the applicant enclosed.
9. Is the applicant in possession of other places if any licensed under the Act.
(a) Whether in the same locality or elsewhere
(b) Whether at the time of applying for licence or any previous time?
10. Are the following attached to the application?
(1) Katha extract
(2) Certificate to the effect of clearance of land revenue/municipal tax:
(3) Certificate of conversion of the land for non-agricultural purposes if it is revenue
(4) Copy of Form 'B'
(5) Treasury Challan for payment of fees for 'No Objection Certificate' under Rule 27
or fees under Rule 28
(6) Drawings required under clauses (a) and (b) of Rule 24(2) or 90.
11. Distance by public road of the proposed site to the:
(1) Nearest permanent cinema
(2) Nearest Touring cinema
(3) Nearest educational institution
(4) Nearest hospital
(5) Nearest temple or other religious institution.
12. Population of the place according to the latest census figures
13. Benefit to any particular locality or localities to be afforded by the location of a new
place of cinema exhibition.

Date: Signature of the Applicant.
Note- 1. [Item 10(3) is] not applicable when application is made under Rule 89.

[See rule 105]

Application for construction of Cinema Building

The District Magistrate,
……… District,
I hereby apply for the grant of 'No Objection Certificate' for converting the existing Touring
Cinema to a Semi-Permanent Cinema in my favour and give the details as follows.-

Signature of the Applicant.

1. Full Name of the Applicant

2. Father's/Husband's name and occupation
3. Permanent address of the applicant:
(iv) Village/D.No.
(v) Taluk/Ward/Division
(vi) District
4. Present occupation of the applicant
4-A. Details of existing licence.-
(i) Licence No … dated….
(ii) Period of Validity………
5. Is the application for.-
(i) Semi-Permanent
(ii) Cinema of special character.
6. Place where the Cinema is proposed to be located.-
(i) R.S.No./Site No./C.T.S.No.
(ii) Village/Extension/Ward/Division
(iii) Taluk/Town
(iv) District.
7. Is the land /site owned by the applicant
8. If the land/site is not owned by the applicant.-
(i) Name and address of the owner
(ii) Is document to prove the lawful occupation of the applicant enclosed.
9. Is the applicant in possession of other places if any, licensed under the Act.-
(a)Whether in the same locality or elsewhere
(b)Whether at the time of applying for licence or any previous time?

10. Are the following attached to the application?

(1) Katha extract
(2) Certificate to the effect of clearance of land revenue/municipal tax
(3) Treasury Challan for payment of fees for 'No Objection Certificate' under Rule
105, or fees under Rule 29.
(4) Drawings of the existing touring cinema building.]
11. Distance by public road of the proposed site to the.-
(1) Nearest permanent cinema:
(2) Nearest Touring cinema:
(3) Nearest educational institution:
(4) Nearest hospital:
(5) Nearest temple or other religious institution.
12. Population of the place according to the latest census figures
13. Benefit to any particular locality or localities to be afforded by the location of a new
place of cinema exhibition.


Date: Signature of the Applicant


[See rule 89]
The District Magistrate,
……… District,

I hereby apply for the grant of licence for the location and exhibition of Touring Cinema in my
favour and furnish the following.-

Signature of the Applicant.

Application for Grant of Licence for Location and Exhibition of Touring Cinema
1. Full Name of the Applicant
2. Father's/Husband's name and occupation
3. Permanent address of the applicant:
(i) Villange/Door.No.
(i) District
4. Present occupation of the applicant
5. Place where the Cinema is proposed to be located.-
(1) R.S.No./Site No./C.T.S.No.
(2) Village/Extension/Ward/Division
(3) Taluk/Town
(4) District.
6. Is the land /site owned by the applicant
7. If the land/site is not owned by the applicant
(i) Name and address of the owner
(ii) Is document to prove the lawful occupation of the applicant enclosed.
8. If the applicant in possession of licence in other places indicate.-
(a) Whether in the same locality or elsewhere?
(b) Whether applying for licence for the first time or applied previously.
9. Are the following documents attached to the application?
(i) Katha extract
(ii) Clearance Certificate in regard to payment of land revenue/Municipal
Tax/Government Tax.
(iii) Treasury Challan for payment of fees for the licence under Rule 89.
(iv) Drawings showing the details required under Rule 94.
10. Distance by public road of the proposed site to the:-
(i) Nearest permanent cinema
(ii) Nearest Touring cinema
(iii) Nearest educational institution
(iv) Nearest hospitals/ or other religious institution.
11. Population of the place according to the census figures.
12. Benefit to any particular locality or localities to be afforded by the
location of cinema exhibition in the new place.

Date: Signature of the Applicant


[See rule 24(1), and 116]
Notice by the Applicant under the Karnataka Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 2014

Please take notice that I ………… son/daughter/wife of …………… aged……years, resident of

Village/D.No ……… Town ……… District …… Propose locating a [permanent/drive-in/touring
cinemas] on the land belonging to me Shri/Smt…………… and bearing E.S./Site/C.T.S.No……….
Village/Ward/Division………… Taluk/Town………… District ………… and measuring about ………
Sq.M.and bounded as under.

(Here give the boundaries of the site)

Notice is hereby given that any objections to the location of the said cinema should be lodged
with the District Magistrate of ……… District, within such time as may be noticed by him.


[See rule 25(1), and 117]
Notice by the Licensing Authority under the Karnataka Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 2014
Whereas Shri/Smt ………………… son/Daughter/ Wife of Shri ……………… aged ……. years,
resident of Village/D.No……… Taluk/ Ward No./ Division………Town…… District …………… has
applied to me for the grant of 'No Objection Certificate' for the location of a [permanent/drive-
in/touring cinemas] on the land belonging to him/her/Shri/Smt …………………… and bearing the
Revenue Survey No.
(s)/Site/C.T.S.No.(s)………………village/Ward/Division………Taluk/Town…………… district……..…
and measuring about ……………Sq.M./and bounded as under:
(Here give the Boundaries of the Site)
Notice is hereby given that any person having any objection to the grant of 'No Objection
Certificate' as aforesaid, should lodge his objection in writing with undersigned by the ………….day
of 20…………... Any objections received beyond the date will not be taken into consideration.
Given under my hand this day ……………………..of 20….

District Magistrate of
Licensing Authority

[See rule 27(1) and 118(1)]
No objection Certificate under the Karnataka Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 2014

In exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 27 of the Karnataka Cinemas (Regulation) Rules,
2014. I ………………District/Additional District Magistrate of ………………District, do hereby grant
this certificate that there is no objection to Shri/Smt ……………Son/Daughter/Wife of ……………
aged ………years, resident of village/Door No……… Taluk/ Ward/ Division……………Town
……………… District…………… for location a (permanent/Drive-in-touring/Semi-permanent cinema)
in the land belonging to him/her/Shri/Smt………………… and bearing R.S./Site/O.T.S.No
…………… Village/Ward/Division ……….Taluk/town………… District ………measuring
about……….Sq.metres/Ha. and bounded as under:
Please give here description of the site as in Form 'B'.
(This 'No Objection Certificate' is valid for the period specified in Rule 27 or Rule 118(1) as the
case may be).

Given under may hand this ……………day of …………..20…..

District Magistrate…………
Licensing Authority.

[See rule 34(2)(b)]
Government of Karnataka
(Department of Electrical Inspectorate)

Office of the ………………………………………………………………..

Certificate No…………….. Date:………………….

Under Rule 34 of the Karnataka Cinema (Regulation) Rules, 2014, I certify that the auditorium,
the cinema apparatus and plant and the electrical installation of the cinema known as
……………and particularly described overleaf of which Sri …………….the Proprietor/Managing
Director and Sri………………is the Manager/Director or person in charge at ……………on
…………..are in order to silent (i.e., non-talkie) films only/both silent and talkie films.

This certificate is valid for a period of …………from………………to……….. but is liable to revocation

within that period.
Signature of Officer.
Details of equipment
Equipment Maker's name Number Capacity
Projector Motor
Any other equipments
[Note: For regrant of certificate, challan for having paid the prescribed Inspection fee as notified by
the Government from time to time shall be sent to the jurisdictional officer of the Electrical
Inspectorate Department as notified by the Government from time to time, as the case may be, one
month before the date of expiry of the certificate.]

[See rules 36 and 140]
Licence for Exhibition of Cinematograph shows in [permanent/drive-in cinemas] under the
Karnataka Cinemas (regulation) Rules, 2014.
1. Name and address of licensee
2. If the licensee is not the owner of the Cinema theatre,
the name and address of the owner thereof.
3. Situation of the cinema theatre
4. Area of the theatre in sq. metres
5. Material of which the roof, side walls, galleries and staircases are made
6. Date of last inspection by the Executive Engineer
7. Date of last inspection by the Electrical Inspector or any person authorised by him in
this behalf.
8. Date of last inspection by the Health Officer
9. Date of last inspection by the Licensing Authority.
10. Special conditions, if any, on which the licence is granted.

11. Period for which the licence is to be in force

12. Fees paid.
13. Maximum number of persons permitted in each part of the auditorium

In the First Class
In the
In the
In the
Total ______

Conditions of the Licence

The licence is granted subject to the provision of the Karnataka Cinemas (Regulation) Act,
1964 and the rules made thereunder. It is also subject to the following conditions.-
(1) During the periods of epidemics and similar health hazards to public or in case of
disasters, in general, the Licensing Authority in consultation with the District Health Officer,
Taluka Health Officer or the Health Officer of the Municipality, if any, may, if so advised, direct by a
(a) complete closure; if the need arises;
(b) a reduction in the scale of accommodation provided in rule 49;
(c) to disinfect premises periodically which may include spraying and fumigation; and
(d) to adopt of such other measures for better ventilation as may be specified in such notice;
and the licensee shall comply forthwith any such direction and in case of failure to do so, the
license granted to him shall be liable for cancellation.
(2) This licence does not exempt the licensee or his servants or agents from taking out any
other licence required by or otherwise complying with any other law, rule or bye-law made
(3) (a) The licensee shall not exhibit or permit to be exhibited any film other than a film
which has been certified as suitable for public exhibition by the authority constituted
under Section 4 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 and which when exhibited displays the
prescribed mark of that authority and has not been altered or tempered with in anyway
since such work was affixed thereto;
[Provided that this condition shall not apply to the exhibition of news reels produced
by the Films Division, Bombay;]
(b) any film which has been certified by the Board of Film Censors as suitable for
public exhibition restricted to adults to any person who is not an adult;
(c) any film the exhibition of which is suspended under Section 6 of the Act.
For the purpose of clause (b) of this condition, if there is any doubt as respects the age of any
person the decision of the Manager given in good faith as respects the question shall not be
questioned; and where the Manager has reasonable doubt as respect the age of any person
who claims to be an adult the Manager should require such person to make a declaration or
reverse of the counterfoil of his ticket in the following form before admitting him to the film
show and explain to him that if on Investigation the declaration is found to be false, he shall
be liable to be prosecuted for the offence under Section 199 of the Indian Penal Code.

I, ………………………………….residing at (state full address) …………………………….. hereby
solemnly declare that I am over eighteen years of age.

3.The licensee shall not exhibit or permit to be exhibited either within or outside the cinema
theatre any advertising matter or pictorial representation which is objectionable from the
point of view of decency or morality.

4. The licensee shall not display or cause to be displayed any photograph picture or poster
which depicts or represents of purports to represent a scene or shot which has been excised
from any film under the orders of the Central Board of Film Censor or the Central
5. The Licensee shall prominently exhibit at each public entrance whenever the premises are
opened to the public, notice indicating in tabular form and in clear bold letters and figures.-
(a) The title of each film to be shown on that day, other than trailers and advertisement
(b) The approximate time of commencement of each such film;
(c) Whether each such film has received an 'A' or 'U' certificate from the Central Board of
Film Censors and
(d) Whether persons below the age of eighteen years other than children below the age of
three years will be admitted or not.
6. The nature of any certificate received in respect of a film from the Central board of Film
Censors shall be clearly indicated by the letter "U" or 'A' in any advertisement of the film
displayed at the premises.
7. the Licensing Authority and any subordinate duly authorised by him in that behalf and
any police officer deputed to keep order during any entertainment in the licensed premises
shall at all times have free access to the said premises in order to see whether the conditions
of the licence are fulfilled.
8. No fire work shall be used as an adjunct to a cinematograph exhibition.
9. The licensee shall not, without the permission of the Licensing Authority, assign, sub-let
or otherwise transfer the licence or the licensed premises, nor shall licensee without
permission as aforesaid allow any other persons during the period of currency of the licence,
to exhibit films in the licensed premises.
10. the licensee shall not exhibit any film in the licensed premises, in aid of any person,
association or institutions, without the permission of the Licensing authority.
11. No cinematograph exhibition shall continue after such time not later than 1 a.m. as may
be fixed by the Licensing Authority.
12. The licensee shall display the approved National Anthem in such manner and for such-
time as may be required by the Licensing Authority.
[12-A, The licensee shall exhibit Kannada film for a period of not less than twelve weeks in a
13. The licence shall be subject to cancellation or suspension for the breach of any of these
conditions or of the special conditions specified on the reverse (or for violation of any law in
force governing or regulating amusements and prescribing payment of taxes.)

Dated the day of 20

Seal: District Magistrate

[See rules 90]

Licence for exhibition in Touring Cinemas under the Karnataka Cinemas (Regulation) Rules,
1.Name and address of licensee
2. If the licensee is not the owner of the building
the name and address of the owner thereof.
3. Situation of the building.
4. Area of the building in sq. meters
5. Material of which the roof, side walls, galleries and staircases are made
6. Date last inspection by Fire Officer or by the Electrical Inspector or any
person authorised by him in this behalf.
7. Date of last inspection by the Health Officer or any person authorised by him in this
8. Date of last inspection by the Police Inspector.
9. Special conditions, if any, on which the licence is granted.
10. Period for which the licence is to be in force.
11. Fees paid.
12. Maximum number of persons permitted in each part of the auditorium

In the First Class
In the
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In the
(Overleaf for conditions)

Conditions of the Licence

The licence is granted subject to the provision of the Karnataka Cinemas (Regulation) Act,
1964 and the rules made thereunder. It is also subject to the following conditions.-
(1) During the periods of epidemics and similar health hazards to public or in case of
disasters, in general, the Licensing Authority in consultation with the District Health Officer,
Taluka Health Officer or the Health Officer of the Municipality, if any, may, if so advised, direct by a
(a) complete closure; if the need arises;
(b) a reduction in the scale of accommodation provided in rule 49;
(c) to disinfect premises periodically which may include spraying and fumigation; and
(d) to adopt of such other measures for better ventilation as may be specified in such notice;
and the licensee shall comply forthwith any such direction and in case of failure to do so, the
license granted to him shall be liable for cancellation.
(2) This licence does not exempt the licensee or his servants or agents from taking out any
other licence required by or otherwise complying with any other law, rule or bye-law made
(3) (a) The licensee shall not exhibit or permit to be exhibited any film other than a film which
has been certified as suitable for public exhibition by the authority constituted under Section
3 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (Central Act 37, of 1952), and which when exhibited
displays the prescribed mark of that authority and has not been altered or tempered with in
any way since the mark was affixed thereto;
'Provided that this condition shall not apply to the exhibition of news reels produced
by the Films Division, Bombay'
(b) any film which has been certified by the Board of Film Censors as suitable for
public exhibition restricted to adults, to any person who is not an adult.
(c) any film the exhibition of which is suspended under Section 6 of the Act.

Explanation.- For the purpose of clause (b) of this condition, if there is any doubt as respects
the age of any person the decision of the Manager given in good faith as respects the question
shall not be questioned; and where the Manager has reasonable doubt as respect the age of
any person who claims to be an adult, the Manager shall require such person to make a
declaration on the reverse of the counterfoil of his ticket in the following form, before
admitting him to the film show and explain to him that if on Investigation the declaration is
found to be false, he shall be liable to be prosecuted for the offence under Section 199 of the
Indian Penal Code.

I, ………………………………….residing at (state full address) …………………………….. hereby
solemnly declare that I am over eighteen years of age.

(3)The licensee shall not exhibit for permit to be exhibited either within or outside the licensed
premises any advertising matter or pictorial representation which is obscene or indecent of
any such matter advertisement which is objectionable from the point of view of public
(4) The licensee shall not exhibit advertisement slides relating to sexual disease and
medicines to correct sexual disorders or purporting to assist the childless in begetting
(5) The licensee shall not display or cause to be displayed any photograph picture or poster
which depicts or represents of purports to represent a scene or shot which has been excised
from any film under the orders of the Central Board of Film Censor or the Central
(6) The Licensee shall prominently exhibit at each public entrance whenever the premises are
opened to the public, notice indicating in tabular form and in clear bold letters and figures.-
(i) The title of each film to be shown on that day, other than trailers and advertisement
(ii) The approximate time of commencement of each such film;
(iii) Whether each such film has received an 'A' or 'U' certificate from the
Central Board of Film Censors; and
(iv) Whether persons below the age of 18 years other than
below the age of 3 years will be admitted or not.
(7) The nature of any certificate received in respect of a film from the Central board of Film
Censors shall be clearly indicated by the letter "U" or 'A' in any advertisement of the film
displayed at the premises.
(8) The Licensing Authority and any subordinate duly authorized by him in that behalf and
any Police Officer deputed to keep order during any entertainment in the licensed premises
shall at all times have free access to the said premises in order to see whether the conditions
of the licence are fulfilled.
(9) No fire work or any outside loudspeakers shall be used as an adjunct to a cinematograph
(10) The licence shall not, without the permission of the Licensing Authority, assign, sub-let
or otherwise transfer the licence or the licensed premises; nor shall the licensee without
permission as aforesaid allow any other persons during the period of currency of the licence,
to exhibit films in the licensed premises.
(11) The licensee shall not exhibit any film in the licensed premises, in aid of any person,
association or institutions without the permission of the Licensing authority.

(12) No Cinematograph exhibition shall continue after such time not later than 1 a.m. as
may be fixed by the Licensing Authority.

(13) The licensee shall exhibit an approved National Anthem in such manner and at such
time as may be prescribed by the Licensing Authority.
(14) The address on the first day of each month and every subsequent change of camp shall
be notified to the Electrical Inspector or other person authorised by him in that behalf and the
District Magistrate concerned.
(15) The licence shall be subject to cancellation or suspension for the breach of any of these
conditions or of the special conditions specified on reverse (or for violation of any law in force
governing or regulating amusements and prescribing payment of taxes.

Dated ………….. the ……………….. day of ………20…….

District Magistrate of …………..

Licensing Authority.]

[See rule 86(1)]

Temporary Permit for Exhibition under the Karnataka Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 2014.

Whereas………………(full name and address) ……...……… has applied for the renewal of his
licence and the said licence has been retained in my office pending disposal of his application,
is hereby permitted temporarily to exhibit films in …………… (here enter description of
premises) under the Karnataka Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1964 until his application for a
licence is disposed of, subject to the provisions of Rule 86 of the Karnataka Cinemas
(Regulation) Rules, 2014.
Dated...………the…………….day of ………………20……….

Temporary Permit
(1) If on an application for the regrant of licence made under Rule 85, the Licensing
Authority does not for any reason before the date of expiry of the licence, either regrant the
licence or refuse to regrant the same, he shall grant temporary permit in Form H provided
that the Electrical Inspector's Certificate continues to remain valid.
(2) Such temporary permit shall be subject to the conditions of the licence sought to be
renewed and shall be valid till the Licensing Authority disposes of the application.
Provided further that the temporary permit shall be surrendered to the Licensing Authority
on demand made at any time in that behalf.
(3) No fee shall be levied for the grant of a temporary permit.
(4) the temporary permit shall, during the period of its validity be deemed to be a licence for
the purpose of these rules.


1. Main Switch for the Theatre

2. Yard lighting Main Switch
3. General lighting Switch
4. Cabin Power Main Switch
5. Transformer Main Switch 230V
6. Transformer Main Switch 110V
7. Rectifier Main Switch AC side
8. Rectifier Main Switch DC side
9. Fan Main Switch
10. 11 and 12 Fan Sub Main Switches
Note:- The loads on all the three phases shall be balanced in the case of three phase

Under Secretary to Government
Home Department (Prison and Cinema)

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