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HOPE 1 Module 1

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Pagadian Diocesan Schools


Lower Lodiong Tambulig, Zamboanga del Sur


Grade & Section: 11 – St. Benedict
Name:_________________________________________________ Name of Teacher: Lordy Joy G. Calimpusan, LPT
_ Teacher’s Mobile No.: 09121681387

Module Number and Title : 1- AEROBIC AND MUSCLE AND BONE

Module Overview
In this module you will learn about the concepts of aerobic, bone strengthening, and muscle
strengthening exercises and its impact to over-all health through illustrations. As you go along in this module,
you will be constantly asked to perform different activities as it is believed that learning will be faster if you
experienced it first-hand. These concepts will ultimately allow you to understand better, first, the differences
of the three exercises, and second, its relationship for you to appreciate and engage in physical activities as
part of a healthy lifestyle.

Learning Competencies : At the end of this module, you can:

 Distinguish aerobic from muscle and bone
strengthening activities by: (PEH11FH-Ia-1)
 Identifying the different types of Aerobic and Muscle
and Bone Strengthening Exercises;
 Performing activities/exercises related to the lesson to
understand the concepts.
Instructional Materials:
Chan, KM et. al. F.I.M.S. Team Physician Manual 2nd edition. International Federation of Sports Medicine.
Hong Kong. 2006

Cooper, Kenneth H. The Aerobics Program for Total Well-Being. M Evans & Co., Inc. New York 1982

Corbin, Charles, Lindsey, Ruth, Welk, Greg. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness: A Comprehensive Lifestyle
3rd edition. 1999

Jackowski, Edward J. Hold It! You’re Exercising Wrong. Fireside Rockefeller Center. New York. 1995

Physical Fitness. (2016, Oct 25). Retrieved from

Ar-yuwat, S. (2011). Associations among perceived benefits, barriers, cues, and physical activity in thai
primary students (Order No. 3486426). Available from ProQuest Central.
(910322448). Retrieved from

In this activity you will find out how much you already know about the three
concepts of aerobic, bone strengthening and muscle strengthening exercises.

Directions: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. The ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to working muscles during physical activity for a long
period of time.
a. Cardiovascular Endurance b. Body Composition c. Flexibility d. Muscular Strength

2. What is the advantage of exercise?

a. Improved quality of life b. Stress Relief c. Decrease chronic disease d. All of the above

3. Doing muscular strengthening exercises also develops:

a. Cardiovascular Endurance b. Flexibility c. Muscular Endurance d. Bone strength

4. Short bursts of lifting very heavy weights with low repetitions can be referred to as this type of exercise.
a. Aerobic exercise b. muscular endurance c. muscular strength exercise d. Cardiovascular


5. Push up, weight lifting, plyometric are examples of __________________ exercises.

a. Muscular Endurance b. Cardiovascular Endurance c. Muscular Strength d. Flexibility

Great Job! You may proceed to the next activity.


Health and fitness are two things that we must take care of to lead a good life since being
physically fit has a lot of advantages and is essential to work correctly and live productively.
Health is wealth and we must take good care of ourselves, therefore, let`s strive to be healthy!

Let`s Find Out! Observe the picture and answer the questions below.

 Describe the picture.


 What are the benefits of doing such activities?


Now, you will have a better understanding about the different kinds of exercises
which evaluate our overall health and physical status. Let’s explore more on the
following lessons below.

Learning Activities
Aerobic exercise is any exercise performed and sustained over a period of time with oxygen as a
necessity to deliver energy. This method is purposely to improve the capacity of the heart to pump more
oxygen-rich blood to the working muscles. This is done with purpose through careful planning and execution
taking into consideration factors like frequency, intensity, and duration.

What are examples of Aerobic activities or exercise?

You can,,,,
Dance Jog or even do household chores

Bone strengthening exercise is a kind of exercise that produces force to the bone to trigger growth
and increase bone strength by increasing bone density thus making it essential for your age to help you grow
taller and faster.
Example activities or exercises of Bone strengthening are plyometric or jumping exercises, basketball,
running, gymnastics, and an exercise that uses equipment like resistance bands are good exercises or activities
to develop your bone strength.

Muscle strengthening exercises on the other hand is kind of exercise method which includes
resistance training and lifting weights, causes the body’s muscles to work or hold against an

applied force or weight. These activities often involve relatively heavy objects, such as weights, which are
lifted multiple times to train various muscle groups.

Although these three different methods are targeting three different parts of the body, it is also important to
know that doing one will benefit the other two. It is a fact that as you exercise one part of the body, other parts
are not entirely isolated or involved and therefore any kind of exercise would benefit to some extent aerobic
capacity as well as muscular and bone strength. Running is an example of an exercise that benefits the three
areas. As you run, you improve your aerobic fitness, while the weight of the body improves strength of the leg
muscles, and the impact of the weight-ground-foot contact improves bone strength.

The Health-related fitness (HRF) consists of 5 components namely; Cardiorespiratory Endurance,

Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Flexibility and Body Composition.

Cardiovascular Endurance - is the ability of the heart and lungs to work together to provide the needed
oxygen and fuel to the body during sustained workloads. Physical activity that trains for cardio respiratory
endurance focuses on repetitive, dynamic, and prolonged movements using major muscles groups.

Muscular Strength - the amount of force muscles can produce. You can train your muscles to be stronger by
lifting heavy weights for a few repetitions.

Muscular Endurance - the ability of muscles to perform continuous without fatiguing. It is a measure of how
long a muscle can withstand a prolonged contraction or many repeated contractions.

Flexibility - ability of each joint to move through the available range of motion for a specific joint. It helps to
prevent muscular imbalances and allows you to move about with ease.

Body composition- the amount of mass compared to lean muscle mass bone and organs. Overall health
generally improves when you have lower amount of fat mass and higher amount of lean muscles.

Activity 1:
Considering COVID-19 pandemic, weather or climate, identify 6 aerobic exercises or activities
3 of which are light and the other 3 vigorous that you can do. Write your answer on the space provided for.
_________________________ ______________________________
_________________________ ______________________________
_________________________ ______________________________

Activity 2:
Identify at least three different items found at home (your home) that can be used for bone
strengthening exercise. List three different household chores that you can do to improve bone strength and
improve growth.

Activity 3:
1. Challenge the family members for an aero marathon dance competition (don’t worry if you are
not a good dancer, it increases the level of fun, and it’s not about dancing anyway). Record your
performance through your mobile phone. If you don’t have any gadgets do the activity number 2

You will be graded according to the rubrics on the next page! (page 4)

1. Challenge a few friends for a walk, jog, run competition. Depending on your level of fitness, you
decide how far will be the course. After doing the activity write a short paragraph about your
experience. Write your answer in the box provided below.

Processing Questions:

1. How do you feel about the activity?


2. From your activity 3, which exercise do you feel more interested to?

You’re doing great! You may proceed to the next activity.



Directions: Complete the statement below.

In this lesson, I’ve realized that it is important to engage in physical activity because…


You have learned that one must stay healthy and fit, and being fit requires sacrifice and
perseverance. In your life, cite a situation wherein you have rendered much sacrifice in order to complete a
certain task or goal. What was the result of your perseverance in completing the task?

Awesome! You’re about to finish this activity. Do your best and enjoy!


Instructions: Study the table below. Under Column B are the specific components of physical fitness. Pair
each item with its description under Column D. To signify pairing, draw any sports equipment on Columns A
and D opposite the item and the description matched. An example is provided below. Write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper.
Column A Column B Column C Column D
Agility The ability to sustain long continued contractions
where a number of muscle groups are used; the
capacity to bear or last long in a certain task
without undue fatigue.

Balance The ability of the individual to change direction or

position in space with quickness and lightness of
movement while maintaining dynamic balance.

Coordination The ability to make successive movements of the

same kind in the shortest period of time.

Endurance Refers to the soundness of the heart and lungs

which contributes to the ability to resist disease.

Flexibility Refers to the ability of the muscles to release

maximum force in the shortest period of time.

Organic Vigor The ability to integrate the body parts to produce

smooth motion

Power The capacity to sustain the application of force
without yielding or breaking; the ability of the
muscles to exert efforts against resistance

Speed The quality of plasticity, which gives the ability to

do a wide range of movement.

Strength The ability to control organic equipment neuro-

muscularly; a state of equilibrium.

Instructions: Let us begin our trek to physical fitness. As you walk along the trek, leave a print on
your every step. The RIGHT steps indicate the Skill Related Fitness while the LEFT steps indicate the Health
Related Fitness. Some prints are already provided for you to help your journey. Choose from the box below.

Agility Coordination Cardio Vascular Muscular Endurance

Muscular Strength Power Reaction Time




Body Composition

Study Tips!

Now, that you have done the activities, it’s time to move to the next lesson. Please make an advance reading
or research about Safety Protocols in Physical Activities.

Post assessment
Directions: Encircle the best answer.
1.” Repetitions” in muscular strengthening exercise refers to:
a. the length of time an exercise is performed
b. a fixed number of reps followed by a rest period
c. a rest period
d. the number of times an exercise is performed

2. Bonifacio is trying to find out how much weight he can push across the room. He is really trying to measure
his __________.
a. flexibility b. bone strength c. muscular strength d. cardiovascular endurance
3. Which of the following is an example of improved functioning as related to the benefits of muscular
and endurance training?
a. having stronger bones c. easier to do household chores
b. lower blood pressure d. larger lung capacity

4. Which
of the

following is the benefit of improved muscular strength?
a. better body composition c. improved physical performance
b. increased bone strength d. a, b, and c

5. The ability to lift or resist weight or force is called?

a. cardiovascular endurance c. muscular endurance
b. muscular strength d. bone strength

6. Fitness walking, jogging, and running are physical activities that can improve:
a. muscle endurance and flexibility c. cardiovascular fitness and flexibility
b. cardiovascular fitness and body composition d. agility and muscular strength

7. Which of the following exercises would best test the muscular strength of your legs?
a. push ups c. curl ups
b. pull ups d. leg press

8. The following group of weight bearing activities can help improve growth and bone strength, except?
a. jumping, running and brisk walking
b. jumping, running, sleeping, and brisk walking
c. texting, running and brisk walking
d. jumping, running, swimming

9. What is a lifestyle change that can increase your level of aerobic, muscular and bone strength?
a. sleeping c. playing online games
b. being active d. limiting eating options

10. The number of times one should exercise to improve a component of fitness is called:
a. Intensity c. Time
b. Frequency d. Progression

There you go!

You got it; keep up the great persistence.
Awesome! You did great in Module 1!

Note: Please write your cellphone number below.

Student contact number: 09_____________________.

Subject Teacher

Name: Lordy Joy G. Calimpusan, LPT

Bachelor’s Degree: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Music, Arts,
Physical Education and Health
Gmail Account:
Contact Number: 0912-168-1387
Messenger Name: Lordy Joy Geralde Calimpusan

Answer Key
Pre-assessment Post-assessment
1. A 1. D
2. D 2. C
3. D 3. C
4. B 4. D
5. C 5. B
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. B
10. B

Activity 1, 2, & 3 Assignment

Answers may vary. Answers may vary.


Body Composition
Cardiovascular Endurance
Muscular Endurance
Muscular Strength

Reaction Time



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