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Types of Cerebral Herniation and RX

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Brain Imaging

Types of Cerebral Herniation and

Their Imaging Features
Berta Riveros Gilardi, MD
José Ignacio Muñoz López, MD Cerebral herniation, defined as a shift of cerebral tissue from its
Antonio Carlos Hernández Villegas, MD normal location into an adjacent space, is a life-threatening condi-
Juan Alberto Garay Mora, MD tion that requires prompt diagnosis. The imaging spectrum can
Oralia Cristina Rico Rodríguez, MD range from subtle changes to clear displacement of brain structures.
Roberto Chávez Appendini, MD For radiologists, it is fundamental to be familiar with the different
Marianne De la Mora Malváez, MD imaging findings of the various subtypes of brain herniation. Brain
Jesús Antonio Higuera Calleja, MD herniation syndromes are commonly classified on the basis of their
location as intracranial and extracranial hernias. Intracranial her­nias
Abbreviations: CSF = cerebrospinal fluid, can be further divided into three types: (a) subfalcine hernia;
DTH = descending transtentorial hernia, ICP =
intracranial pressure (b) transtentorial hernia, which can be ascending or descending
(lateral and central); and (c) tonsillar hernia. Brain herniation may
RadioGraphics 2019; 39:1598–1610
produce brain damage, compress cranial nerves and vessels caus- ing hemorrhage or ischemia, or obstruct the normal circulation of
Content Codes: cerebrospinal fluid, producing hydrocephalus. Owing to its location,
From the Department of Radiology, Instituto each type of hernia may be associated with a specific neurologic syn-
Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición drome. Knowledge of the clinical manifestations ensures a focused
Salvador Zubirán, Vasco de Quiroga 15, Mex-
ico City, Mexico 14080 (B.R.G., A.C.H.V., imaging analysis. To make an accurate diagnosis, the authors sug-
J.A.G.M., O.C.R.R., R.C.A., M.D.L.M.M., gest a six-key-point approach: comprehensive analysis of a detailed
J.A.H.C.); and Department of Neuroradiology,
Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía
history of the patient and results of clinical examination, knowledge
Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico of anatomic landmarks, direction of mass effect, recognition of
(J.I.M.L.). Presented as an education exhibit displaced structures, presence of indirect radiologic findings, and
at the 2018 RSNA Annual Meeting. Received
February 15, 2019; revision requested March possible complications. CT and MRI are the imaging modalities of
28 and received May 23; accepted May 31. For choice used for establishing a correct diagnosis and guiding thera-
this journal-based SA-CME activity, the authors,
editor, and reviewers have disclosed no relevant
peutic decisions. They also have important prognostic implications.
relationships. Address correspondence to The preferred imaging modality is CT: the acquisition time is short-
B.R.G (e-mail: er and it is less expensive and more widely available. Patients with
RSNA, 2019 brain herniation are generally in critical clinical condition. Making a
prompt diagnosis is fundamental for the patient’s safety.
SA-CME Learning Objectives ©
RSNA, 2019 •
After completing this journal-based SA-CME
activity, participants will be able to:
■■Identify the basic intracranial anatomy
necessary for understanding the clinical
and radiologic features of brain hernia-
tion syndromes. Cerebral herniation is a potentially life-threatening condition that
■■Discuss use of a systematic approach to needs to be diagnosed promptly. The imaging spectrum can range
cases of cerebral herniation to make an from subtle changes to clear displacement of brain structures. The
accurate diagnosis. radiologist should be able to identify the main imaging features of
■■Recognize the main imaging findings the brain herniation subtypes.
in cerebral herniation and integrate them The skull is a rigid vault-shaped structure containing three main
with the clinical manifestations.
components: brain, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and blood. It is
compartmentalized by bony landmarks and inelastic dural reflections
(1). Given the inflexible nature of the skull, the intracranial volume
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Riveros Gilardi et al  1599

larly performed to readily identify a condition that

Teaching Points may require surgical intervention (6). MRI find-
■■ Cerebral herniation is a potentially life-threatening condition ings are analogous to those on CT scans but with
that needs to be diagnosed promptly. The imaging spectrum
can range from subtle changes to clear displacement of brain
better tissue characterization, especially in poste-
structures. rior fossa disease. Anatomic MRI sequences (T1-
■■ Brain edema, tumors, or hemorrhage are causes of cerebral weighted, T2-weighted, and contrast-enhanced
herniation secondary to an increase in volume and intracranial T1-weighted) are the best for evaluation; coronal
pressure (ICP). A decrease in ICP can also produce herniation, and sagittal acquisitions are encouraged (7). His-
as in paradoxical herniation. torically, angiography was an important diagnostic
■■ Brain herniation may cause brain pressure necrosis, compress tool, but this technique is now obsolete (8).
cranial nerves and vessels causing hemorrhage or ischemia,
and obstruct the normal circulation of CSF, producing hydro-
cephalus. Therefore, each type of hernia may be associated
Approach to Diagnosing Brain
with a specific neurologic syndrome. Herniation Syndromes
■■ The basal cisterns are spaces filled with CSF and located in We suggest a six-key-point approach to analyze
the subarachnoid space. They contain the proximal portions all the clinical and imaging information to make a
of some cranial nerves and basal cerebral arteries. They are prompt and accurate diagnosis (Fig 2).
in close contact with the main intracranial structures. Basal
cisterns are involved in almost any hernia type, making them
a key anatomic landmark.
Clinical Information
Clinical information is useful for guiding a de-
■■ In subfalcine hernias, the degree of midline shift correlates
with the prognosis; less than 5-mm deviation has a good
tailed analysis of the potentially involved anatomic
prognosis, whereas a shift of more than 15 mm is related to structures. The patient’s history, current clini-
a poor outcome. cal scenario, and specific neurologic syndromes
should be considered when available.

Anatomic Landmarks
is fixed and there is little room for expansion. As Anatomic landmarks are boundaries used as a
the Monro-Kellie hypothesis states, the sum of reference for the different brain compartments
volumes of the brain, CSF, and intracranial blood that help determine if a specific brain structure
is constant. An increase in the volume of one is displaced.
component will result in a decrease in the volume
of one or both of the other components (2). Direction of Mass Effect
When there is a change in the intracranial If there is any disease that causes mass effect, it is
volume that exceeds these compensation mecha- important to establish its location and determine
nisms, brain tissue will be displaced from one the direction of the vector force it creates. This will
compartment into another. It can be through point out the brain structures that may be dis-
anatomic or acquired spaces. Brain edema, placed or involved.
tumors, or hemorrhage are causes of cerebral
herniation secondary to an increase in volume Displaced Structure
and intracranial pressure (ICP). A decrease in Identifying the displaced structure is necessary to
ICP can also produce herniation, as in paradoxi- classify the type of hernia. Knowledge and ad-
cal herniation (1,3). equate evaluation of specific anatomic regions that
Brain herniation can be classified into two can herniate are fundamental.
broad categories: intracranial and extracra-
nial. Furthermore, intracranial hernias can be Indirect Signs
subdivided into three basic types: (a) subfalcine Sometimes the herniation can be subtle and dif-
hernia; (b) transtentorial hernia, which can be ficult to identify at first glance. Aside from look-
ascending or descending (lateral and central); ing at the specific brain structure that might be
and (c) tonsillar hernia (Table, Fig 1) (4,5). displaced, evaluating other potentially involved
Brain herniation may cause brain pressure structures can provide valuable information by
necrosis, compress cranial nerves and vessels showing indirect signs of the herniation.
causing hemorrhage or ischemia, and obstruct
the normal circulation of CSF, producing hydro- Herniation-related Complications
cephalus. Therefore, each type of hernia may be Brain herniation may cause different complica-
associated with a specific neurologic syndrome. tions secondary to compression of vessels, nerves,
Knowledge of the clinical manifestations ensures and the ventricular system. Stroke of the anterior
a focused imaging analysis. cerebral artery, posterior cerebral artery, or poste-
The most useful imaging modalities are CT rior inferior cerebellar artery occurs owing to vas-
and MRI. In the emergency setting, CT is regu- cular compression. Hydrocephalus manifests when
1600  October Special Issue 2019

General Features of Main Intracranial Hernias

Clinical Information
Type of and Neurologic Syn- Anatomic Direction of Displaced
Hernia dromes Landmarks Mass Effect Structure(s) Indirect Signs
Subfalcine Anterior cerebral Midline, falx Medial and Cingulate gyrus Dilatation of
artery syndrome cerebri, cingu- anterior, and CC contralateral
late gyrus, CC, beneath falx ventricle due to
and Monro compression of
foramen contralateral fo-
ramen of Monro
Transtentorial Paralysis of third Tentorium, Downward Anterior: uncus Displacement, rota-
descending nerve, compres- perimesence- from Posterior: parahip- tion, and elonga-
sion of PCA and phalic cisterns supratento- pocampal gyrus, tion of brainstem
choroidal arter- rial com- isthmus of for- Anterior or poste-
ies (occipital and partment, nical gyrus, and rior: widening of
medial temporal through anterior portion contralateral ven-
infarction) tentorial of lingual gyrus tricular atrium
incisura Central: dienceph- and temporal
alon, midbrain, horn
and pons Central: hydro-
Transtentorial Manifestations of in- Tentorium, Upward from Superior cerebel- Obliteration of ip-
ascending creased ICP, brain- superior poste- lar hemispheres silateral perimes-
stem and cerebellar cerebellar and rior fossa and vermis, encephalic and
compression quadrigeminal through superior and contralateral
PCA and SCA cisterns tentorial inferior colliculi, crural cisterns
compression (oc- incisura midbrain Anterior displace-
cipital cerebral and ment of brain-
superior cerebellar stem, hydro-
infarction) cephalus
Tonsillar Manifestations of Foramen mag- Downward Cerebellar tonsils Effacement of peri-
brainstem and num (McRae through Pons medullary CSF
cerebellar com- line) foramen Medulla through foramen
pression Cerebellar tonsil magnum magnum
PICA compression Obliteration of cis-
(posterior infe- terna magna and
rior cerebellum, fourth ventricle
inferior cerebellar Vertical orientation
vermis, and lateral of folia of tonsil
medulla infarction)
Note.—CC = corpus callosum, PCA = posterior cerebral artery, PICA = posterior inferior cerebellar artery,
SCA = superior cerebellar artery.

there is involvement of the foramen of Monro or the skull. Anteriorly, it is fixed to the crista galli;
aqueduct of Sylvius. Cranial nerves may be af- posteriorly, it widens and adheres to the tento-
fected when there is involvement of the brainstem rium. Immediately inferior to the free edge of the
and basal cisterns. falx is the corpus callosum and cingulate gyrus.
The pericallosal artery runs through the perical-
Relevant Anatomy losal sulcus (Fig 4a) (7,10).
The cranial cavity is divided by bony landmarks The tentorium cerebelli extends inferiorly and
and reflections of the dura mater. The main dural laterally from its confluence with the falx (10).
reflections are the falx cerebri and tentorium It has a U-shaped opening called the tentorial
cerebelli, which divide the cranial cavity into right incisura, which provides communication between
and left cerebral hemispheres and the posterior the supratentorial space and the posterior fossa,
fossa, thus defining the supra- and infratentorial a potential herniation site. The midbrain and
compartments (Fig 3) (7,9). cerebral peduncles pass through the incisura. The
The falx cerebri has an anteroposterior orien- uncus and hippocampus are located just superior
tation and is attached superiorly to the inside of to the medial edges of the incisura.
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Figure 1.  Drawings depict different kinds of brain herniation. ATH = ascending transtentorial
hernia, DTH = descending transtentorial hernia.

Figure 2.  Approach to diagnosing brain herniation syndromes. Diagram shows the
six-point guideline for analysis of cerebral herniation cases. ACA = anterior cerebral ar-
tery, PCA = posterior cerebral artery, PICA = posterior inferior cerebellar artery.

The basal cisterns are spaces filled with encephalic cistern, close to the free edge of
CSF and located in the subarachnoid space. the tentorium. The oculomotor nerve exits the
They contain the proximal portions of some midbrain anteriorly and courses medially to the
cranial nerves and basal cerebral arteries. They uncus on its way to the cavernous sinus. These
are in close contact with the main intracranial structures are at risk of compression by the
structures (Fig 4b, 4c) (11). Basal cisterns are herniated tissue.
involved in almost any hernia type, making them Finally, the ventricular system is a set of cavi-
a key anatomic landmark. ties that produce and circulate CSF through the
The posterior cerebral arteries, anterior central nervous system. It consists of two lateral
choroidal arteries, and basal veins of Rosenthal ventricles divided by the septum pellucidum.
pass around the midbrain through the perimes- They communicate with the third ventricle via
1602  October Special Issue 2019

the foramen of Monro (interventricular fora-

men). The third ventricle is in communication
with the fourth ventricle through the cerebral aq-
ueduct, then empties into the subarachnoid space
through the foramen of Luschka (side opening)
and foramen of Magendie (median opening) (6).

Intracranial Hernias

Subfalcine Hernia
Subfalcine hernia, also known as midline shift
or cingulate hernia, is the most common type of
cerebral hernia. It is generally caused by unilat-
eral frontal, parietal, or temporal lobe disease
that creates a mass effect with medial direction,
pushing the ipsilateral cingulate gyrus down and
under the falx cerebri. Figure 3.  Drawing shows the main dural reflections.
The anterior falx, although rigid, is displaced
secondary to the mass effect. On the other hand,
the posterior falx, wider and more rigid, will DTH may be divided into two types: lateral
resist the displacement. This explains why subfal- (anterior and posterior) and central hernias. Lateral
cine hernias occur anteriorly. hernias involve the medial temporal lobe. In the
The septum pellucidum deviates at the level of anterior subtype, the uncus is herniated downward
the foramen of Monro, which serves as a land- into the ipsilateral crural cistern. In the posterior
mark for quantification of the degree of midline subtype, the parahippocampal gyrus is displaced
shift (12). This shift can be measured on axial im- downward into the posterolateral part of the tento-
ages by drawing a central line at the level of the rial incisura (9). Finally, in central hernias, there
foramen of Monro and measuring the distance is descent of the diencephalon, midbrain, and pons
between this line and the displaced septum pel- (12). This classification can be understood as a con-
lucidum (Fig 5). In subfalcine hernias, the degree tinuum representing the progression of DTH.
of midline shift correlates with the prognosis; In this type of hernia, the pressure caused by
less than 5-mm deviation has a good prognosis, the crowding of tissue within the incisura compro-
whereas a shift of more than 15 mm is related to mises the third cranial nerve, posterior cerebral
a poor outcome (13). artery, and midbrain. Hydrocephalus develops
In more severe hernias, the displaced tissue because of the compression of the cerebral aque-
may compress the corpus callosum and contra- duct. In cases with severe and abrupt downward
lateral cingulate gyrus, as well as the ipsilateral displacement of the brainstem, stretching and
ventricle and both foramina of Monro, causing shearing of perforating branches of the basilar
dilatation of the contralateral ventricle (Fig 6). artery occur, resulting in ischemia and hemor-
There may also be focal necrosis of the cingulate rhage in the brainstem. Usually, these findings are
gyrus due to direct compression against the falx located near the pontomesencephalic junction.
cerebri (7,12). Compromise of these structures However, the effect can be multiple or even extend
manifests clinically as hypobulia, apathy, and into the cerebellar peduncles. This is called Duret
indifference (14). Subfalcine hernias are best hemorrhage; it is a late finding and portends a
demonstrated at coronal MRI (Fig 7). Another poor prognosis, usually death (12).
potential complication is compression of the an- It is important to note that different types
terior cerebral artery, specifically the pericallosal of cerebral hernias can be present at the same
artery, with consequent infarction of the cor- time. In DTH, if there is further descent of brain
responding vascular territory (4,7) (Fig 8). The tissue, a tonsillar hernia might occur. Also, a sub-
most common clinical manifestation of anterior falcine hernia may be present, depending on the
cerebral artery–territory infarction is contralateral location of the disease.
leg weakness (14).
Lateral Hernia
Descending Transtentorial Hernia Lateral hernias occur when the medial temporal
Descending transtentorial hernia (DTH) is the lobe is displaced downward through the tento-
second most common type of cerebral hernia. It rium incisura. They can be divided into anterior
occurs when brain tissue is displaced downward and posterior hernias, depending on the portion
through the tentorial notch (9). that is displaced.
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Riveros Gilardi et al  1603

Figure 4.  Relevant radiologic anatomy in cerebral hernias. (a) Coronal T2-weighted MR image shows the cere-
bral falx in the interhemispheric fissure (arrow), tentorium (white arrowheads), tentorial incisura (dashed oval),
corpus callosum (CC), cingulate gyrus (CG), hippocampus (H), and pericallosal sulcus with the pericallosal artery
(black arrowhead). (b) Sagittal T1-weighted MR image at the midline of the cranial cavity depicts the cisterna
magna (CM), interpeduncular cistern (IPC), medullary cistern (MC), pontine cistern (PC), quadrigeminal cistern
(QC), and supracerebellar cistern (SCC). The corpus callosum (CC), cingulate gyrus, and clivus (*) are also noted.
The brainstem divisions are as follows: medulla (M), midbrain (Mb), and pons (P). (c) Axial T2-weighted MR im-
age shows the aqueduct (arrowhead), posterior cerebral artery (arrow), crural cistern (CrC), hippocampal gyrus
(HG), interpeduncular cistern (IPC), perimesencephalic cistern (PMC), quadrigeminal cistern (QC), and uncus (U).

Anterior Hernia.—Anterior (or uncal) hernia is the is widening of the ipsilateral perimesencephalic
better understood subtype of DTH (12). Usually, cistern, with displacement and rotation of the
a unilateral supratentorial lesion (particularly in brainstem (Figs 9, 10). With more advanced
the middle cranial fossa) causes an inferior and herniation, the midbrain and opposite cerebral
medial mass effect that pushes the uncus over the peduncle are compressed against the tentorial
free edge of the tentorium (7). It is the first event edge (Fig 9b) (7,12). Descending corticospinal
in most cases of DTH, usually followed by her- and corticobulbar tracts may be affected above
niation of more posteriorly located brain tissue. the medullary decussation, resulting in motor
However, the distribution and sequence of the weakness on the same side as the lesion, known
DTH will also depend on certain factors, such as as the Kernohan notch phenomenon (false lo-
the location of the disease and the size and con- calizing sign) (15).
figuration of the incisura (9). Compression of the posterior cerebral artery,
The initial displacement of the uncus results third cranial nerve, and aqueduct of Sylvius may
in effacement of the suprasellar cistern, the ear- result in medial temporal and occipital lobe in-
liest finding in this type of hernia. Often, that is farcts, blown pupil, hemiparesis, and hydrocepha-
all it effaces. As the herniation progresses, there lus (Fig 11) (1).
1604  October Special Issue 2019

Figure 6.  Subfalcine hernia in a 33-year-old man with a ce-

rebral metastasis from a germinal tumor. Coronal contrast-en-
Figure 5.  Subfalcine hernia. Axial nonenhanced CT hanced CT image shows herniation of the cingulate gyrus be-
image shows a right subdural hematoma with mixed neath the free edge of the falx cerebri from left to right (arrow)
attenuation that represents different blood stages (*). and associated inferior and lateral displacement of the ipsilateral
The hematoma displaces the septum pellucidum to the corpus callosum (*). Note the compression of the ipsilateral ven-
left (arrow) relative to the midline (dashed line). The tricle and dilatation of the contralateral ventricle (arrowheads).
right lateral ventricle is compressed, but the left lateral
ventricle is dilated.

Posterior Hernia.—In patients with occipital and

posterior temporal disease, the herniation of the
medial temporal lobe occurs more posteriorly
(12). The parahippocampal gyrus, behind the
uncus, is displaced downward into the pos-
terolateral part of the tentorial incisura. Larger
posterior hernias may also include the isthmus
of the fornical gyrus and the anterior part of
the lingual gyrus. This brain tissue will impinge
on the lateral part of the quadrigeminal plate
cistern and cause displacement, rotation, and
compression of the brainstem (Fig 12) (9). It
may involve the tectum at the level of the supe-
rior colliculus, resulting in Parinaud syndrome,
which is commonly present in this type of DTH.
There is relatively less compression of the ocu- Figure 7.  Coronal T1-weighted MR image shows a loculated
lomotor nerve and posterior cerebral artery than subdural hematoma and subfalcine herniation. There is efface-
in other types of DTH (12). ment of the subarachnoid space and compression of the left
frontal lobe against the hard falx (arrowheads). Also note the
mild displacement of the foramen of Monro to the right (arrow).
Central Hernia
In central hernia, there is descent of the dien-
cephalon, midbrain, and pons. It usually mani- ful indicators of this type of hernia (Fig 12).
fests along with other types of DTH. Bilateral Hydrocephalus and infarction of the posterior
supratentorial disease causing mass effect, mid- cerebral artery territory are common complica-
line masses, severe brain edema, or supratentorial tions (12). Progressive central herniation can
hydrocephalus may cause this type of hernia. lead to oculomotor palsy, progressive alteration
Effacement of the perimesencephalic cis- of consciousness, decerebrate posturing, coma,
terns is the most useful and consistent finding. and eventually death (12).
Caudal displacement of the basilar artery and
pineal gland, flattening of the pons against the Ascending Transtentorial Hernia
clivus, and inferior and posterior displacement Ascending transtentorial hernia occurs when a
of the quadrigeminal plate are other use- mass effect, coming from the posterior cranial
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Riveros Gilardi et al  1605

Figure 8.  Drawing shows compres-

sion of the pericallosal artery (arrow)
against the falx cerebri due to a sub-
falcine hernia.

Figure 9.  DTH in a 38-year-old man with an acute head injury and left subdural hematoma. There is
right shift and mild rotation of the brainstem. (a) Axial nonenhanced CT image shows widening of the
left basal cistern (arrow) and effacement of the right basal cistern (dashed line), as well as dilatation of the
temporal horn of the right lateral ventricle (*). (b) CT image shows compression and rotation of the mid-
brain, which appears elongated (arrowheads). There is complete obliteration of the perimesencephalic
cisterns. Note the widening of the opposite ventricular atrium and temporal horn (*).

fossa with an upward direction, displaces the tissue will slide through the foramen magnum,
cerebellar vermis and hemispheres superiorly causing tonsillar herniation. On the other hand,
through the tentorial incisura. It is more likely to when the tentorial opening is large, upward
occur when the mass originates near the inci- herniation of the superior cerebellar vermis will
sura, like in the cerebellar vermis (10). Another occur before tonsillar herniation (10).
possible cause is sudden relief of supratentorial As there is upward herniation of the cerebel-
intracranial hypertension (7). lar vermis, anterior displacement of the midbrain
The tentorial incisura size is variable and and cerebral aqueduct takes place. The normal
influences whether ascending transtentorial her- concave configuration of the quadrigeminal plate
nia or tonsillar hernia occurs. In the context of cistern is distorted, taking on a flat or convex
increased intracranial pressure, brain tissue is dis- morphology. If the posterolateral aspect of the
placed toward the site that offers less resistance. midbrain is compressed bilaterally, the classic
When the tentorial incisura is small, cerebellar “spinning top” configuration will appear (16).
1606  October Special Issue 2019

Figure 10.  Subdural hematoma after a hemodialysis

session in a 26-year-old man with a history of end-stage
kidney disease. The right pupil was dilated and unre- Figure 11.  Drawing shows a lateral DTH with com-
sponsive to light. Axial CT image shows the uncus dis- pression of the posterior cerebral artery (white arrow-
placed downward across the tentorial incisura (curved head) and third cranial nerve (black arrowhead). Note
arrow). The ipsilateral perimesencephalic cistern (dou- the ipsilateral blown pupil (arrow) and contralateral
ble-headed arrow) is widened, and the contralateral cis- temporal horn dilatation (*).
tern is compressed. Note the contralateral dilatation of
the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle (*).

Hydrocephaly may be present due to compres-

sion of the aqueduct. The most relevant imaging
findings are illustrated in Figure 13.
Hemispheric branches of the superior cerebel-
lar arteries, as well as posterior cerebral arteries,
may be compressed. This causes ischemic infarc-
tion of the superior portion of the cerebellar
hemispheres and occipital cerebral lobe (10).
Clinically, signs of cerebellar and brainstem
compression, as well as increased ICP, may be
present (6,17).

Tonsillar Hernia
Tonsillar hernia is inferior displacement of the
cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum
into the cervical spinal canal. It may be congeni-
tal (Chiari spectrum) or acquired.
Normal tonsillar position relative to the fora-
men magnum varies with age. Mikulis et al (18)
described the normal position of tonsils below
the foramen magnum for different age groups. Figure 12.  DTH in a 64-year-old man with a history of
ischemic heart disease who presented with symptoms
In the 1st decade of life, the presence of cerebel- of sudden neurologic deterioration due to a stroke. DTH
lar tonsils more than 6 mm below the foramen occurred secondary to brain edema. Axial nonenhanced
magnum is considered abnormal. In the next 2 CT image at the level of the midbrain shows left dis-
decades, the reference value is 5 mm; for the 4th placement and rotation of the mesencephalon (curved
arrow), left displacement of the quadrigeminal plate
to 8th decades, the threshold is greater than 4 (arrowhead), and obliteration of the perimesencephalic
mm; and at age 80 years or older, 3 mm is the cisterns. In addition, dilatation of the atrium and tempo-
limit (18,19). ral horn of the left lateral ventricle is present (*).
The McRae line is used as a reference for this
measurement. It is obtained by drawing a line
from the basion to the opisthion. The degree of
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Riveros Gilardi et al  1607

Figure 13.  (a) Ascending transtentorial hernia in a 26-year-old man after resection of a medulloblastoma. Sagittal
gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR image shows obliteration of the quadrigeminal, superior cerebellar, and inter-
peduncular cisterns. There is associated folding of the inferior colliculi (arrowhead) under the superior colliculi, and both
structures have shifted upward. Anterior displacement of the brainstem reduces the space of the pontine and medul-
lary cisterns (curved arrow). Note the superior displacement of the third ventricle roof (straight arrow) and the ante-
rior displacement of the mamillary bodies and tuber cinereum (circle), which are in close contact with the midbrain.
(b) Ascending transtentorial hernia in a 33-year-old man suspected of having intracranial lesions. Axial T2-weighted MR
image shows the cerebellum (white *) ascending through the right side of the incisura (arrowheads), causing oblitera-
tion of the right perimesencephalic and left crural cisterns, diminished space of the quadrigeminal cistern, enlargement
of the temporal horns of the lateral ventricles (black *), and edema in the tectum and right cerebral peduncle (arrow).

Figure 14. Sagittal T1-weighted

MR image shows downward dis-
placement of the cerebellar tonsils
(>5 mm) relative to the McRae line
(dashed line). Note the obliteration of
the cisterna magna, anterior displace-
ment of the medulla (arrow), and hy-
drocephalus (*).

may be compressed, producing obstructive supra-

tentorial hydrocephalus (4,12). Compression of
the posterior inferior cerebellar artery by the her-
niated tonsils can lead to cerebellar infarcts (7).

Transalar Hernia
Transalar hernia is an uncommon and less
described type of hernia. It is usually associated
with subfalcine and transtentorial hernias (21).
It can be divided into descending and ascend-
tonsillar herniation is the perpendicular length ing transalar hernias. In the descending type, the
from the McRae line to the tip of the displaced frontal lobe is displaced posteriorly and inferiorly
tonsil (Fig 14) (20). over the sphenoid wing. It manifests secondary to
The most common cause is an infratentorial frontal lobe disease. It can cause compression of
mass creating a downward mass effect. It may the middle cerebral artery against the sphenoid
also be secondary to a supratentorial mass, in ridge with a middle cerebral artery infarction.
which case it is usually associated with a DTH. It With ascending transalar hernia, the temporal
can cause severe neurologic damage followed by lobe is displaced superiorly and anteriorly across
sudden respiratory arrest (12,19). the sphenoid ridge owing to a middle cranial fossa
Visualization of tonsils extending below the mass effect. This displacement can compress the
foramen magnum, anterior brainstem displace- supraclinoid internal carotid artery against the
ment, and loss of CSF surrounding it are com- anterior clinoid process with infarction of the
mon features (Figs 15, 16). The fourth ventricle anterior cerebral artery and middle cerebral artery
1608  October Special Issue 2019

Figure 15.  Chiari I malformation. Axial (a) and coronal (b) T2-weighted MR images show tonsillar descent (arrow in b)
with anterior brainstem displacement (arrow in a) and effacement of the CSF in the foramen magnum (arrowheads in a).

territories (7). Identifying anterior or posterior dis-

placement of the middle cerebral artery is useful
for suspecting this type of hernia (21).

Extracranial Hernia
External hernias are less common than other
types of hernias. They are most frequently caused
by postsurgical and posttraumatic cranial defects
that allow brain tissue to pass through.
Craniectomy may be performed to decompress
intracranial contents in patients with intracranial
hypertension after medical management fails (22).
Brain edema is common in the 1st week after de-
compressive craniectomy. It may correspond to hy-
perperfusion and loss of resistance in brain tissue,
causing a higher hydrostatic pressure gradient that
favors transcapillary leakage of fluid (23).
A large craniectomy defect allows the brain
to expand without constriction. If the defect
is too small, swollen brain may herniate with a
“mushroom cap” appearance. This can result in
compression of cortical veins and lead to venous
infarction and contusion of the brain at the crani-
ectomy margins. Both CT and MRI are effective
in depicting this hernia (3,12) (Fig 17).
Paradoxical hernia is a rare and potentially
fatal complication of decompressive craniectomy.
It is a neurosurgical emergency. Atmospheric
Figure 16.  Drawings show tonsillar hernia. (a) Sagittal view
demonstrates tonsils extending below the foramen magnum pressure exceeding ICP at the site of the crani-
(curved arrow), brainstem compression against the clivus ectomy causes a pressure imbalance and conse-
(straight white arrow), obliteration of the medullary cistern quent subfalcine and/or transtentorial hernia. The
(black arrow), and obstructive hydrocephalus (*). (b) Axial brain tissue is displaced from the craniectomy
view at the level of the foramen magnum. The displaced tonsils
(*) cause obliteration of the surrounding CSF, anterior displace- defect (Fig 18). It is often triggered by an acute
ment of the medulla (arrow), and compression of the spinal imbalance of ICP secondary to CSF drainage or
(black arrowhead) and vertebral (white arrowhead) arteries. lumbar puncture (3).
Symptoms include a depressed level of con-
sciousness, autonomic instability, signs of brain-
stem release, and focal neurologic deficits (3).
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 6 Riveros Gilardi et al  1609

Figure 17.  Extracranial hernia. (a) Axial diffusion-weighted image shows an acute infarction in the left frontal
lobe. Also note the small focus on the right (arrowhead). A few days later, the patient developed vasogenic
brain edema, and decompressive craniectomy was performed. (b) Axial CT image after craniectomy shows
brain parenchyma herniating through the defect of the frontal and temporal lobes (arrows). The sylvian fissure
is enlarged, and the frontal and occipital horns of the left lateral ventricle are retracted.

Figure 18.  Paradoxical hernia in a 32-year-old man who was shot in the head three times. He underwent
decompressive craniectomy and developed sinking flap syndrome. (a) Axial nonenhanced CT image shows
left midline displacement and right ventricle compression with associated edema. There is metal artifact in the
left frontal lobe from remnants of the bullet (arrowheads). (b) Sagittal CT image demonstrates the frontal and
temporal lobe displacement.

Intracranial Hypotension downward descent of the brain secondary to a

Intracranial hypotension is another cause of cere- negative pressure gradient between the cranial
bral herniation that should be considered. It must and spinal compartments. DTH and tonsillar
be suspected in patients without an intracranial hernia may manifest (23). Also, blood volume
mass or edema or when the degree of herniation will increase to maintain the intracranial volume.
is out of proportion to the degree of mass effect This results in pachymeningeal hyperemia and
(12). It is caused by iatrogenic or spontaneous edema, which can be identified at MRI as diffuse
CSF leak. The loss of CSF volume results in pachymeningeal enhancement (12).
1610  October Special Issue 2019

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