CV Scott2
CV Scott2
CV Scott2
Alyssa Scott | 425.418.1998 |
Marine Mammal Stranding Network Coordinator & Principal Investigator Aug 2019 – Present
The Whale Museum, Friday Harbor, WA
• Coordinates and conducts all alive and dead marine mammal stranding responses in San Juan
• Coordinates all regional disentanglement responses, including the deployment and
management of a satellite telemetry device
• Leads necropsies of fresh dead marine mammals; manages lab space and equipment; manages
the organization of tissue and fluid samples and their dispersal to collaborative researchers
• Manages the Stranding Network’s 40+ year longitudinal database
• Analyzes data for publications using analytical and spatial mapping programs (R and ArcGIS;
see Publication section)
• Successfully finds, writes, and submits grants to fund the Network
• Hires, mentors, and trains two undergraduate interns each year
• Primary vessel operator for the Network’s response vessel, a 25’ aluminum landing craft, the
R/V Buzzard
• Develops and oversees new studies; most recently, we’ve began conducting aerial flight
surveys where I act as main photographer and navigator
Scan the QR code to read the following publications for free
Scott, A. Pinnipeds of the Salish Sea. Marine Naturalist Training Program. July 2019, 2020, 2021.
Scott, A., G. Davis, and D. Cholewiak. The importance of marine bioacoustics and what it can teach us.
University of Washington Friday Harbor Labs. November 2020.
Scott, A. The functions of a Marine Mammal Stranding Network – importance, findings, and applications.
University of Washington Friday Harbor Labs. October 2019.
Scott, A. and K. Stafford. An analysis of passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals at Barrow
Point, AK. University of Washington Research Symposium. May 2018.
Scott, A. Seasonal variability in plankton, export flux, and the response of pelagic foragers. University of
Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories. December 2017.
Scott, A., G. Davis, D. Cholewiak. Recent North Atlantic right whale acoustic presence along the Western
North Atlantic coast – tracking the migrational pattern of an endangered whale for policy
changes. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography. February 2017.
Scott, A., G. Davis, D. Cholewiak. Recent North Atlantic right whale acoustic presence along the Western
North Atlantic coast. NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Research Symposium. August 2016.
Proficient in statistical analysis programs (R) and spatial mapping programs (ArcGIS)
Member of Educational Advisory Board for Deep Green Wilderness
AAUS Scientific Diver & Advanced Open Water Scuba Certification
Washington State Boat Operator Safety Certification
USGC Captain’s License (currently testing)
Level 2/3 training in large whale disentanglement response
Proficient in passive acoustic monitoring programs such as Raven & Pamguard