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Chapter 5 Energy Review - Print - Quizizz

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12/7/21, 11:03 PM Chapter 5 Energy Review | Print - Quizizz

Chapter 5 Energy Review
20 Questions

1. This is the energy of motion

a) potential energy b) mechanical energy
c) thermal energy d) kinetic energy

2. This states that energy is never created or destroyed, it

just changes form
a) Law of conservation of momentum b) Law of conservation of energy
c) Law of Inertia d) Newtons Third Law of Motion

3. This can change kinetic energy into thermal energy.

a) friction b) inertia
c) gravity d) air resistance 

4. This is the unit for all energy

a) Newtons b) m/s
c) Joules d) meters

5. Name the formula for GPE

a) d/t b) mgh or Wh
c) 1/2 mv2 d) 1/2mgv

6. What is the formula for KE?

a) d/t b) mgh or wh
c) 1/2mv2 d) 1/2gvh 1/5
12/7/21, 11:03 PM Chapter 5 Energy Review | Print - Quizizz

7. This type of energy is stored in food or fuel.

a) kinetic energy b) gravitational potential energy
c) radiant energy d) chemical potential energy

8. The total kinetic and potential energy of  a system is

known as: _____
a) mechanical energy b) potential energy
c) elastic potential energy d) kinetic energy 

9. This type of energy is stored in things that stretch or

a) gravitational potential energy b) kinetic energy
c) chemical potential energy d) elastic potential energy

10. A ball on the top of a mountain has a gravitational

potential energy of 100 J.  Right before it hits the ground
what is the KE of the ball (the ball is still moving)?
a) 0 J b) 80 J
c) 100 J d) 200 J

11. A book is moved to a lower shelf on a bookcase.  Its

____________ energy will decrease
a) potential energy b) chemical energy
c) radiant energy d) thermal energy

12. Assuming there is no friction, the mechanical energy of

a system will ....
a) constantly be changing b) never change
c) change depending on kinetic energy d) change depending on potential energy

13. At the highest point in a system the ME is equal to:

a) KE b) EE
c) PE d) TE 2/5
12/7/21, 11:03 PM Chapter 5 Energy Review | Print - Quizizz

14. At the lowest point in a system (assuming that it's on the

ground/floor) the ME=
a) PE b) TE
c) EE d) KE

15. The Mechanical Energy in a system changes with no

a) True b) False

16. If the speed of an object increases, its _______ will

a) KE b) PE
c) EPE d) CPE

17. The equation for ME is:

a) PE + CPE b) KE + CPE
c) KE - PE d) KE + PE

18. In a system with no friction the PE at the highest point

should equal the:
a) KE at the top b) KE at the bottom
c) PE at the bottom d) TE at the bottom

19. A person sleds down a hill.  They had 200 J of potential

energy at the top.  When the get to the bottom, they
only have 20 J of kinetic energy.  How much energy was
lost to thermal energy?
a) 200 J b) 20 J 
c) 80 J d) 180 J 3/5
12/7/21, 11:03 PM Chapter 5 Energy Review | Print - Quizizz

20. A diver dives off the platform.  Halfway down they have
45 J of PE and 45 J of KE.  What is their ME assuming no
a) 45 J b) 90 J
c) 0 J d) They have none. 4/5
12/7/21, 11:03 PM Chapter 5 Energy Review | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. d 6. c 11. a 16. a
2. b 7. d 12. b 17. d
3. a 8. a 13. c 18. b
4. c 9. d 14. d 19. d
5. b 10. c 15. b 20. b 5/5

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