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How Forests Enhance Resilience To Climate Change What We Know About How Forests Can Contribute To Adaptation - 0

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What we know about how forests can contribute to adaptation

This report is part of a larger project designed and led by Diji Chandrasekharan Behr (Sr. Natural
Resources Specialist, World Bank) on the role of forests in enhancing resilience to climate change
( The larger project aims to capture how forests can help reduce the
vulnerability of other sectors to climate change. It examines how sustainable management of trees
and forests can help strengthen social and physical resilience of systems in three other sectors:
agriculture, energy, and water. Using forest and tree management as part of a broader strategy to
reduce vulnerability to climate change provides a low-cost option for local landscapes while also
contributing to balancing production, livelihood, adaptation, and mitigation goals.

The report updates the paper submitted to the Program on Forests (PROFOR) in October 2011
by the Center for International Forestry Research entitled “State of Knowledge Report: Forests,
Ecosystem Services, and Climate Change Adaptation.” The authors of that report were Aaron Russell,
Bruno Locatelli, and Emilia Pramova. This report has benefited from comments on a previous draft by
Andrew Wardell and from editorial and design inputs from Flore de Préneuf.

This work was funded by the Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development
and PROFOR, a multidonor partnership managed by a core team at the World Bank. PROFOR finances
forest-related analysis and processes that support the following goals: improving people’s livelihoods
through better management of forests and trees; enhancing forest governance and law enforcement;
financing sustainable forest management; and coordinating forest policy across sectors.

The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the
views of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent or the donors
of PROFOR and TFESSD. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in
this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this
work do not imply any judgment on the part of the World Bank Group concerning the legal status of
any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.

Suggested citation: Chandrasekharan Behr, Diji Aaron Russell, Bruno Locatelli, Emilia Pramova,
Godfrey Jeff Alumai. 2015. How Forests Enhance Resilience to Climate Change: What We Know
about Forests and Adaptation. Washington DC: Program on Forests (PROFOR).

ISBN: 970-0-9910407-3-5
What we know about how forests can contribute to adaptation

CIFOR Center for International Forestry Research

CO2 carbon dioxide
COP Conference of the Parties
EBA ecosystem-based adaptation
GHG greenhouse gas
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
NAP National Adaptation Plan
NAPA National Adaptation Programme of Action
NGO non-governmental organization
NTFP non-timber forest product
PDR (Lao) People’s Democratic Republic
PROFOR Program on Forests (World Bank)
REDD+ reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation and enhancing carbon stocks
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

All dollar amounts are U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Climate Change.......................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 What signs of climate change are we already observing?................................................................... 4
2.2 What will our climate look like in the future?........................................................................................... 6
2.3 How will climate change affect key ecosystems?................................................................................... 8
2.4 Some sectoral impacts of climate change................................................................................................ 9
2.5 Interactions between climate change and anthropogenic drivers of change............................... 9
3. Vulnerability and Climate Change Adaptation..........................................................................................10
3.1 Understanding vulnerability and resilience to climate change.........................................................10
3.1.1 The IPCC approach to understanding vulnerability...............................................................11
3.1.2 The components of vulnerability..................................................................................................11
3.2 From vulnerability to adaptation..................................................................................................................13
3.2.1 Planning adaptation..........................................................................................................................13
3.2.2 Local and national stakeholder support....................................................................................14
3.2.3 Addressing current vulnerability but avoiding “maladaptation”.......................................14
3.2.4 Mainstreaming adaptation into development.........................................................................15
4. Introducing Ecosystem-Based Adaptation..................................................................................................16
4.1 What EBA implies for forest management..............................................................................................16
4.2 Relevant international policy responses for ecosystem-based adaptation..................................17
4.2.1 Progress toward adaptation: NAPAs, funds, and work programs....................................17
4.2.2 Ecosystem-based approach in the negotiations....................................................................18
5. Forests and Adaptation.........................................................................................................................................19
5.1 Understanding the links between forests and adaptation.................................................................19
5.2 How ecosystem services help societies adapt......................................................................................20
5.2.1 Ecosystem provisioning services...................................................................................................20
5.2.2 Ecosystem regulating services.......................................................................................................22
5.3 Why we should take adaptation for forests seriously..........................................................................26
6. Conclusions and Way Forward..........................................................................................................................29
6.1 Forests can help societies adapt to climate variability and change................................................29
6.2 Using forests for adaptation requires a supportive institutional context.......................................30
7. References...................................................................................................................................................................32

Table of Contents iii

List of Figures

Figure 1. IPCC Overview of Impacts of Climate Change, 2014.......................................................................... 5

Figure 2. Mean Changes in Average Surface Air Temperature, Average Precipitation,
and Average Sea Level, 1986–2005 and 2081–2100............................................................................... 7
Figure 3. The Components of Vulnerability..............................................................................................................11
Figure 4. Three Types of Vulnerabilities.....................................................................................................................12
Figure 5. Forests for Adaptation, Adaptation for Forests......................................................................................19
Figure 6. Components of the Exposure and Sensitivity of Forest Ecosystems...........................................26
Figure 7. Examples of Technical Measures for Forest Adaptation....................................................................28

List of Tables

Table 1. Factors Contributing to Vulnerability...........................................................................................................11

Table 2. Different Types of Adaptation.......................................................................................................................14

All dollar amounts are U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated.



The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change hurricanes or extreme rainfall events result in
has gathered substantial evidence on the current disastrous flooding and landslides. In other
and projected impacts of climate change across contexts, anthropogenic impacts are mixed. Some
geographies, ecosystems, and sectors. Even land use changes may combine with increased
under the most stringent mitigation scenarios, periods of drought to facilitate large-scale transitions
the world’s temperature will continue to increase, between ecological forms (from savanna to desert,
rendering adaptation strategies a necessity for for instance, or from humid to dry forest system).
long-term local and national planning. In other cases, some combination of agricultural
intensification, migration to cities, and conservation
A focus on long-term adaptation strategies policies result in maintained or increased tree cover
must not, however, eclipse the need to address and agricultural productivity despite decreases in
severe challenges posed by current aggravated rainfall.
climate variability. Although there are significant
subregional differences, rainfall in Africa has Forest ecosystems provide human societies with a
declined over the past half-century, and drought wide range of provisioning services (for example,
events are contributing to a trend of heightened wood and non-timber forest products) and
annual and seasonal variability. Southeast Asia regulating services (for example, base flow and
has endured climate extremes that include storm flow regulation) that reduce vulnerability
monsoons, tropical cyclones, El Niño/La Niña- at the local and sectoral levels. Ecosystem-
Southern Oscillation events, extreme variability based adaptation (EBA) is a useful approach
in rainfall, and very high temperatures. Future for conserving these ecosystem services and
climate change, coupled with a variety of reducing vulnerability because it encompasses
anthropogenic pressures on ecosystems (for adaptation strategies that explicitly value the roles
example, deforestation due to land conversion, of ecosystem services in adaptation to climate
pollution, or human development in floodplains), change across sectors and scales. Ecosystem-
will only exacerbate these effects. based adaptation strategies can be cost-effective
and sustainable, and they generate a wide range
Human activity is having a significant and at times of environmental, social, economic, and cultural
escalating impact on the world’s ecosystems and benefits. Furthermore, EBA has the potential to
their ability to provide the critical services that address both the immediate needs of society and
are increasingly important for societal adaptation those necessary to prepare for future hazards,
to climate change. Unsustainable logging and and it would be a useful conceptual framework
agricultural practices in areas with significant for helping to develop “triple-win” climate-smart
gradients, for example, mean that intensified agriculture approaches.

Effective use of EBA strategies requires Mainstreaming forests into the adaptation
sustainable management and adaptation of policies of other sectors requires cross-scale
forest ecosystems in order to ensure their roles in (local to national, and ideally international) and
facilitating the adaptation of people and sectors. cross-sectoral approaches because ecosystem
This is necessary because land use pressures benefits and management costs generally occur
coupled with climate change will have significant in different locations and in different sectors of
impacts on forest growth, species diversity, and society. This will require a greater understanding
critical functions that underpin the delivery of of how forest ecosystems reduce other sectors’
services. At present, the sectors most dependent vulnerability to climate change as well as how
on forest ecosystem services have little incentive management of forest ecosystems in certain
to invest in forest adaptation. landscapes can assist with adaptation of forest
systems. The implementation of EBA will
require adapting and developing institutional
arrangements to support cross-sectoral
approaches and providing necessary incentives.


The global dialogue surrounding the United Adapting forests to climate change has been
Nations Framework Convention for Climate the focus of a fair amount of work in the forest
Change (UNFCCC) has focused on two strategies sector. One comprehensive study in this area
for addressing current challenges: mitigation was the International Union of Forest Research
(reducing the accumulation of greenhouse gases, Organizations’ 2009 publication Adaptation
or GHG, in the atmosphere) and adaptation of Forests and People to Climate Change—A
(reducing the vulnerability of societies and Global Assessment. This report identified possible
ecosystems to the impacts of climate change). changes in forest ecosystems due to climate
Forests feature in both of these strategies. The change. It also documented how varied the
role of forests as stores of carbon, and therefore response of forests systems to climate change may
in reducing GHG emissions, has been captured be. The report pointed to the limited knowledge
in the efforts associated with reducing emissions available to effectively comprehend how forests
from deforestation and degradation and will respond to climate change, and it advocated
enhancing carbon stocks (REDD+). In the area of strengthening the ability of institutions to deliver
adaptation, forests have featured less prominently. on sustainable forest management, which will
Only a few National Adaptation Programmes of help with the resilience of forest systems.
Action (NAPAs) mention the need to adapt forest
systems to changing climates. The low profile of Forests can play an important role in adapting
forests in the adaptation discussion is surprising, to climate change. Many of the provisioning
given that the role of forests in generating services services (for example, wood, fuel, fodder, and
is widely accepted. NTFPs), regulating services (for example, of
water, of soil erosion, and microclimate), and
Forests and adaptation can be linked in two ways: supporting services (for example, nutrient cycling
• Forests can be used to strengthen societal and primary production) that forests provide can
adaptation to climate change, as they contribute to reducing the vulnerability of systems
provide critical ecosystem services, such as to climate change and as a result enhance their
wood, non-timber forest products (NTFPs), resilience. There is substantial information about
and watershed hydrological regulation, the when forests contribute these services and where
values of which are usually underestimated they are beneficial. In some cases there is also
by society (“forests for adaptation”). information on how the use of forests compares
• Forest structures, species, and species to an alternative source of the same services.
distributions are being modified by climate
change. Responding to this requires the This working paper presents a review of relevant
adaptation of forests themselves in order work on forests and the services they provide
to prevent a degradation of forest resources and of the use of forests and trees in adaptation.
and to protect the ecosystem services that It also provides a conceptualization of how to
society relies on (“adaptation for forests”). link forest services with their use for adaptation
(ecosystem-based adaptation).

Introduction 3
2.1 What signs of climate change are we already observing?

The Fifth Assessment Report by the Some of the consequences of these changes
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change include changes in hydrological systems affecting
(IPCC) states that the human influence on water resources in terms of quantity and quality.
the climate system is evident and that recent Changes in the climate system are also resulting
anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases in shifts in the geographic ranges, seasonal
are the highest in history. Recent climate activities, migration patterns, abundance, and
changes have had widespread impacts on species interactions of terrestrial, freshwater,
human and natural systems in both industrial and marine species. Climate change studies are
and developing countries. also showing that the impacts of the changes
have more commonly been negative rather than
In terms of observed changes in the climate positive. The infographic produced by the IPCC
system, IPCC (2014) finds that warming of summarizes the widespread impacts attributed to
the climate system has been occurring at climate change based on the scientific literature
unprecedented levels since the 1950s. For available since the previous report (see Figure 1).
the last three decades, the Earth’s surface has
been successively warmer than in any preceding The Fifth IPCC Assessment Report also found
decade since 1850. The studies associated with that changes in many extreme weather and
the Fifth IPCC Assessment found that ocean climate events include a decrease in cold and
warming, especially near the surface and the an increase in warm temperature extremes,
upper 75 meters, has been largest over the an increase in extreme high sea levels, and an
period 1971 to 2010. The report states that increase in the number of heavy rain events in
it is likely that regions of high surface salinity, several regions (IPCC 2014). The impacts of
where evaporation dominates, have become these changes are a function of the exposure
more saline, while regions of low salinity, where and vulnerability of the systems. Exposure and
precipitation dominates, have become fresher vulnerability in turn are influenced by a range
since the 1950s. The IPCC studies found, with of social, economic, and cultural factors and
a high degree of confidence, that the rate of processes (IPCC 2014).
sea level rise since the mid-nineteenth century
has been greater than the mean rate during the It is clear that even though there are many
previous two millennia (IPCC 2014). uncertainties related to climate change, aggravated
climate variability is occurring now and is projected
to increase in the future—with increasingly severe
impacts on ecosystems and societies.



Source: IPCC 2014.

Climate Change 5
2.2 What will our climate look like in the future?

There have been notable improvements in the • Systematic risks due to extreme weather
models for simulating continental-scale surface events leading to a breakdown of
temperature, large-scale precipitation, ocean heat infrastructure networks and critical services
content, extreme events, and other measures • The risk of food insecurity and loss of rural
related to climate change (IPCC 2014). These livelihoods and incomes, especially for poor
improved models predict that the continued populations
emission of GHGs will cause further warming • The risk of loss of ecosystems, biodiversity,
and long-lasting changes in all components of and ecosystem goods, functions, and
the climate system. This in turn will increase the services (IPCC 2014)
probability of severe, pervasive, and irreversible
impacts on people and ecosystems. At the regional level, the key future risks are
expected to be the following:
The models predict with medium-level
confidence that the global mean surface • For Africa, the compounded stress on water
temperature change for the period 2016–35 resources, reduced crop productivity and
compared with 1986–2005 will likely range livelihood and food security, and the spread
from 0.3oC to 0.7oC (see Figure 2). The models of vector- and water-borne diseases
also forecast that the change in precipitation in • For Asia, increased flood damage to
a warming world will not be uniform, with some infrastructure, livelihoods, and settlements;
regions experiencing greater precipitation while increased heat-related human mortality; and
others experience a decrease. It is also forecast increased drought-related water and food
that the global mean sea level will continue to shortages
rise in the twenty-first century (IPCC 2014). • For Central and South America, reduced
water availability, increased flooding and
There is growing evidence that climate change landslides, reduced food production and
will amplify existing risks and create new ones for quality, and the spread of vector-borne
natural and social systems. For purposes of the diseases (IPCC 2014).
IPCC Fifth Assessment, using expert judgment,
risk levels were assessed for three time frames:
the present, 2030–40, and 2080–2100. There
are four key risks that span sectors and regions:

• The risk of severe negative health effects

and disruption to livelihoods stemming from
storm surges, sea level rise, coastal and
inland flooding, and periods of extreme heat


LEVEL, 1986–2005 TO 2081–2100

Source: IPCC 2014.

Climate Change 7
2.3 How will climate change affect key ecosystems?

The impact of climate change will not be uniform on them. Eventually, any positive effects of
around the globe. The poorest regions are expected CO2 will be countered by higher temperatures
to face the most difficulty because of their limited and precipitation. Increased temperatures and
capacity to cope and adapt. The unprecedented ocean acidification are expected to cause major
change in temperatures and the extreme damage to coral reef systems and lead to a loss
temperatures in the tropics are expected to have of fish production (World Bank 2013).
significant impacts on agriculture and ecosystems.
A series of reports entitled Turn Down the Heat In Southeast Asia, river deltas are expected
(World Bank 2012, 2013, 2014) examines how to face sea level rise and tropical cyclones of
climate change will affect key terrestrial and marine increasing intensity. The climatic changes along
ecosystems. The main findings from these reports with human-induced land subsidence will
are summarized in this section. increase the vulnerability of both rural and urban
households to flooding, saltwater intrusion, and
Under a 2oC warming scenario, water availability coastal erosion. Fisheries and aquaculture are
is projected to decline by 20 percent. The likely to be affected by climate change. For the
shortfall in water and the impact of variability of former, primary productivity is expected to decline
precipitation is likely to be felt the most in South by 20 percent, and the latter will be affected
Asia, where water and food resources could be by saltwater intrusion and flooding. These in
at severe risk. In Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast turn are likely to have negative consequences
Asia, and South Asia, warming is expected to for food security. In South Asia, issues of water
affect yields of crops (as is already observed with scarcity and change in precipitation patterns and
O.8oC warming above preindustrial levels). In associated water scarcity are expected to have a
the Sub-Saharan Africa region, a 1.5oC warming negative impact on crop yields. The fertilization
by 2030 is projected to mean about 40 percent from increased CO2 is expected to offset the
of current maize cropping areas will not be negative impacts due to water scarcity. The
suitable for current maize varieties. At higher benefits of additional CO2, however, diminish
temperatures, projections are of decreased with greater warming (World Bank 2013).
yields of 15–20 percent for all crops and regions.
(World Bank 2013). In Latin America and the Caribbean, the higher
mean temperature and increased frequency of
Increased temperatures and warming are drought are expected to decrease water supply
projected to shift ecosystems, changing species and affect most ecosystems and agroecosystems.
composition and, in some cases, resulting in The greater risk of drought in turn raises the risk
species extinction. In Africa, savanna ecosystems of forest fires, large-scale climate-induced forest
are projected to shift from grasses to woody degradation (such as forest dieback), and the loss
plants with increased levels of carbon dioxide of associated ecosystem services. The changes in
(CO2). Such a shift could reduce the availability precipitation patterns and temperatures are also
of forage for livestock. The change in species projected to put small-scale and export agriculture
composition is projected to negatively affect the at risk because of their high dependence on
livelihood strategies of communities dependent rainfed agriculture.


2.4 Some sectoral impacts of climate change

In agriculture, overall there is an expected availability of freshwater in large river basins

decrease in crop yields in developing countries in Asia, decreased runoff due to the loss and
(although this varies greatly between countries) retreat of glaciers, and overall water shortages
(Perry et al. 2004). Reduced soil moisture and will be a constraint. Erosion from severe rainfall
evapotranspiration are likely to increase land and from wind will also affect water. The
degradation, salinization, and desertification in movement of sediment and the associated
some areas. Some of the on-site effects of erosion agricultural pollutants will affect bodies of water.
and salinization are in turn expected to translate Some of the anticipated impacts are increased
into lower crop yields and livestock productivity. sedimentation of canals, water channels, and
For Africa, yields from rainfed crops could be dams and the contamination of drinking water.
halved by 2020 in some countries, and already Eroded soil also has a lower capacity to absorb
compromised fish stocks will be depleted further water, which in turn increases runoff and has
due to rising water temperature. Inundation of associated downstream damages.
coastal zones and coastal deltas, erosion, negative
impacts on fish stock and the availability of water, Water is central to the energy sector. Climate
and degradation of marine ecosystems are change impacts on the energy sector can stem
anticipated due to extreme weather events. from the decreased availability of water for
hydropower generation, the reduced availability
The water resource sector will be significantly of water for cooling power generators, and
affected by climate change. In Latin America, Asia, changes in temperature and pressure patterns
and Africa, increasing water stress is a concern that affect wind and solar power generation
for hundreds of millions of people. Decreased (Contretas-Lisperguer and de Cuba 2008).

2.5 Interactions between climate change and anthropogenic drivers of change

The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment the negative impacts of climate change will be
concluded that human activity is having a compounded by societal decisions regarding
significant and escalating impact on the world’s forest governance and land-use/coastal zone
ecosystems and their ability to provide services, planning. Therefore the incremental increases
aggravating the adverse impacts of other drivers in temperature or rainfall may result in
of change such as climate change (MA 2005). unpredictable and sudden, dramatic changes in
It should be reemphasized that changes in the structure and function of ecological systems
climate may not always be the most significant and in landscape transformations.
driver of landscape-level change. In many cases,

Climate Change 9

3.1 Understanding vulnerability and resilience to climate change

The concepts of resilience and vulnerability are diversity, while stabilizing forces help maintain
found in many discussions on climate change productivity (Holling 1973, 1978; Holling and
adaptation. From a socioecological system Meffe 1996; Holling and Sanderson 1996).
perspective, resilience is characterized by the
amount of change that a system can undergo Maintaining an ecosystem’s capacity to change
and still retain a desired function and structure, and reorganize through the same identity and to
the degree to which the system is capable of absorb sudden shocks is of critical importance
self-organization, and the system’s ability to (Folke 2002; Holling 1973, 1978; Berkes and
build and increase its capacity for learning and Folke 1998). Controlling environmental variability
adaptation (Gunderson and Holling 2002; helps achieve short-term stability, but it tends
Walker et al. 2006).1 to increase ecosystem vulnerabilities to large
shocks, with the potential of causing ecosystems
Many classical approaches to the management to undergo sudden and unpredictable
of terrestrial resources are based on the transformations in structure and function
assumption that environmental variability (Holling 1973, 1978; Holling and Sanderson
could be controlled in order to maximize 1996; Berkes and Folke 1998). Of particular
harvests of key species of commercial value. concern are policies that disrupt natural cycles
However, Holling (1973, 1978) and a growing of flooding, drought, and fire or that significantly
community of practice around resilience and alter trophic interactions (Gunderson and Holling
adaptive management have transformed 2002; Gunderson et al. 2006).
how resource scientists and managers think
about forest management and environmental The resilience concept is very useful for
change. The adaptive management approach understanding the types of management that
is founded upon a resilience-based undermine ecosystem adaptation. However,
understanding of ecological function and the difficulties in identifying benchmarks for
change. It is based on the notion that change resilience (for example, a requisite level of
is episodic rather than gradual and continuous. structural diversity or the frequency/magnitude
At a certain scale, the spatial organization of of variation) for most socioeconomic systems
a system is patchy and there are non-linear make resilience less useful as an analytical tool
processes among different spatial scales. in climate change adaptation research. Instead,
The adaptive management approach also we focus here on a proxy for a roughly opposite
values variability and finds that destabilizing condition that we can measure more easily
forces are needed to maintain structure and based on currently available data: vulnerability.

1. See also Resilience Alliance 2001: www.resalliance


3.1.1 The IPCC approach to understanding The relationships between the primary
vulnerability components of vulnerability (exposure, sensitivity,
and adaptive capacity) are illustrated in Figure
Vulnerability is more of an operational 3. Based on the IPCC definition of vulnerability,
concept. Due to its applications in an array of exposure is external to the system, while sensitivity
disaster relief, livelihood development, health and adaptive capacity are internal.
management, climate change, psychology, and
risk management settings, vulnerability has
been defined differently by practitioners and FIGURE 3. THE COMPONENTS OF VULNERABILITY
researchers. It has frequently been related to
concepts of risk, hazard, sensitivity, exposure,
adaptive capacity, resilience, and potential
impacts (Brooks 2003; Eakin and Luers 2006).
We use the definition of vulnerability proposed
by the IPCC, which is now widely accepted within
the climate change community (see Metzger,
Leemans, and Schröter 2005):

[T]he degree to which a system is susceptible Source: Definitions are from IPCC: McCarthy et al. (2001).
to, or unable to cope with, adverse effects Note: The signs under the arrows mean that high exposure, high
sensitivity, and low adaptive capacity induce high vulnerability.
of climate change, including climate
variability and extremes. Vulnerability is a
function of the character, magnitude, and
rate of climate variation to which a system 3.1.2 The components of vulnerability
is exposed, its sensitivity, and its adaptive
capacity (McCarthy et al. 2001, p. 995). Using the example of a hypothetical study related
to the vulnerability of forest growth to changes
Notably, as discussed by Füssel (2007a), the IPCC in temperature regimes, the primary variables
approach to analyzing vulnerability integrates of exposure might relate to the projected
assessments of external factors (exposure) average number of peak temperature days per
and internal factors (sensitivity and adaptive year and the projected rainfall for those same
capacity), and it considers both socioeconomic periods. In some studies, ecosystem variables
and biophysical factors (see Table 1). such as watershed hydrological response may


Socioeconomic Biophysical
Internal Household income, social networks, access to Topography, environmental conditions, land cover
External National policies, international aid, economic Severe storms, earthquakes, sea level change

Source: Füssel 2007a.

Vulnerability and Climate Change Adaptation 11

also be relevant, as might socioeconomic FIGURE 4. THREE TYPES OF VULNERABILITIES
variables (for example, globalization of markets
or development assistance) (see O’Brien
et al. 2004). As mentioned, sensitivity is a
characteristic of the system itself and represents
the “dose-response” relationships between the
exposure and the effects (that is, sensitivity
of tree dynamics to temperature, sensitivity
to intensity of wildfires, sensitivity to rainfall).
Source: TroFCCA project.
Together, exposure and sensitivity represent the
potential impact of climate change on a specific
socioecological system (that is, the likelihood of criteria related to exposure and sensitivity to
a forest ecosystem and watershed undergoing climate change or variability and ecosystem
significant changes due to species loss, forest adaptive capacity as a function of current
fires, erosion, and so on). Finally, adaptive degradation or other pressures.
capacity is the system’s internal ability to modify
its characteristics in response to potential The second set (S2) deals with the human
climate change impacts. This might relate to system and its vulnerability to the loss of
the system’s ability to continue to provide key ecosystem services. The sensitivity of the system
ecosystem services through a reorganization of (for example, dependence on NTFPs or clean
species composition. water) and its adaptive capacity (for example,
availability of substitutes for the lost services)
Based on work conducted by Turner et al. (2003) can be used as criteria. For this set, the external
and Metzger, Leemans, and Schröter (2005), drivers of changes must also be taken into
the Center for International Forestry Research account—for example, macroeconomic policies
and the Tropical Agricultural Research and or energy prices.
Higher Education Center developed a general
framework for the assessment of vulnerability in The third set (S3) considers the adaptive
coupled socioecological systems.2 This approach capacity of the system as a whole. It refers to the
has been applied to the analysis of vulnerability capacity of human systems to reduce the loss
and the design of adaptation strategies in diverse of ecosystem services. Criteria can refer to the
ecosystem services and different contexts, such capacity of reducing “maladaptation” practices
as non-timber forest products in West Africa and (for example, removing practices that increase
forest hydrological services in Central America. pressures on ecosystems) and the capacity to
implement forest adaptation.
Within this model, three main sets of vulnerability
criteria (labeled S1-S3) are defined (see Figure
4). The first set (S1) describes the vulnerability
of ecosystem services to climate change or
variability and other threats. This may include

2. Developed by the TroFCCA project (CIFOR–CATIE, www.


3.2 From vulnerability to adaptation

An analysis of system vulnerability provides the for these services and resources, mainly due to
basic framework for climate change adaptation the lack of capacity and adequate governance
(Adger, Arnell, and Tompkins 2005): structures. This could lead to increased
ecosystem degradation and vulnerability in the
• Reduce exposure: for example, by relocating long term. Proactive adaptive strategies that allow
a community from a flood-prone area or for social learning and flexibility in responding
implementing an emergency alert system to environmental feedback are essential to
• Reduce sensitivity: for example, by planting promote long-term resilience for socioecological
new crops resistant to drought or creating systems (Fabricius et al. 2007; Olsson, Folke,
construction norms for building in hazard- and Berkes 2004).
prone areas
• Increase adaptive capacity: for example, 3.2.1 Planning adaptation
by raising awareness or designing insurance
schemes. Due to the wide range of climatic contexts,
ecological systems, and impacted sectors,
There are many examples of spontaneous there is no universal recipe for designing and
adaptation to climate change demonstrated by implementing adaptation (Füssel 2007b). Smit
diverse communities (see Mortimore and Adams et al. (1999) offer a number of considerations to
2001; Orlove 2005). But such efforts, as they take into account (see Table 2). In most cases,
rely exclusively on existing institutions and norms, an effective adaptation strategy will require the
are unlikely to enable societies to cope with concerted and coordinated actions of almost all
the projected unprecedented rates of change types listed (individuals, collectives, and national
and cumulative impacts. Future adaptation will governments) to address both short-term and
require a “deliberate policy decision, based on long-term challenges, including capacity building
an awareness that conditions have changed or for both responsive and anticipatory adaptation.
are about to change and that action is required Consequently, for any given socioecological
to return to, maintain, or achieve a desired state” system, adaptation strategies cannot be
(McCarthy et al. 2001, p. 982). imposed as blueprints. They must be tailored
to the relevant local economic, environmental,
Many rural communities rely on ecosystem political, and cultural context and must target
services and everyday resources for their coping the appropriate institutions in order to have the
strategies (Shackleton and Shackleton 2004) but needed impact at the necessary temporal and
they do not develop any management strategies spatial scales (Locatelli et al. 2008).

Vulnerability and Climate Change Adaptation 13


Differentiating Types of Adaptation

Timing Anticipatory (or proactive) adaptation takes place before impacts of climate change are observed
Responsive (or reactive) adaptation takes place after impacts of climate change have been observed
Temporal scope Short-term (or tactical)
Long-term (or strategic)
Spatial scope Localized
Actors Private adaptation: initiated and implemented by individuals, households, or private companies;
usually in the actor’s rational self-interest
Public adaptation: initiated and implemented by governments at all levels; usually directed at
collective needs
Function or effects Retreat, accommodate, protect, prevent, tolerate, spread, change, restore
Form Structural, legal, institutional, regulatory, financial, technological
Source: Adapted from Smit et al. 1999.
Note: Definitions from McCarthy et al. 2001.

3.2.2 Local and national stakeholder support empower local stakeholders, particularly those
who may already be marginalized or more
An effective adaptation strategy planning process vulnerable (such as women, young people, and
should start with, and be framed by, vulnerability minorities) (Allen 2006).
parameters of relevance to local stakeholders.
This process will typically begin with an Local relevance and ownership, however, might
investigation of existing strategies for dealing be insufficient for successful adaptation because
with climate variability and of local stakeholder local actions will generally require coordinated
perceptions and understandings of the current and supporting actions by relevant national
and projected climate change and vulnerability institutions, and national policies and programs
contexts (Agrawal 2008). have a strong influence on local adaptive capacity.

Local institutions should be considered as 3.2.3 Addressing current vulnerability but

key actors in adaptation planning, building on avoiding “maladaptation”
their potential to efficiently detect vulnerability
and define possible adaptation responses In many developing country contexts, there may
and outcomes. Furthermore, any adaptation be some difficulty in distinguishing between
activities (and changes in behaviors) require adaptation to climate change and what some
the active leadership of local leaders and observers would refer to as “development as
institutions. Therefore, an extensive analysis usual.” This confusion is somewhat justified initially
of, and engagement with, formal and informal because, in many contexts, the current levels of
institutions is necessary to help ensure that vulnerability (given existing climate, market, and
the measures planned will be accepted by governance conditions) must be addressed before
the community (Pelling and High 2005; Allen stakeholders can hope to implement adaptation
2006). Any planned adaptation should aim to strategies focused on the potential impacts of long-


term climate change. Therefore, reducing current 3.2.4 Mainstreaming adaptation
vulnerability must be recognized as an essential into development
first step in the process of adaptation to climate
change. A society that is less vulnerable to current Due to the wide array of climate change
threats has the potential to be more adaptive to impacts that are expected across the range of
future changes (Locatelli et al. 2008). development and natural resource sectors,
and because the most vulnerable segments of
Adaptation efforts can focus on responses society tend to be more dependent on both
to specific impacts (such as increased natural resources and development programs
temperatures) or on reducing vulnerability by than society at large, policy makers should aim
addressing underlying shortages of capability. to mainstream climate change adaptation into
Following the spectrum of adaptation activities national policies and across all sectoral programs
delineated by the World Resources Institute (Huq and Burton 2003; Lemos et al. 2007;
(McGray, Hammill, and Bradley 2007), UNFCCC 2007). In fact, Agrawal (2008) argues
vulnerability-oriented efforts can overlap almost that development interventions that do not
completely with traditional development address climate change adaptation may worsen
practices (for example, diversification of overall well-being. An additional benefit of
livelihoods in flood-prone areas). Such activities mainstreaming climate change adaptation into
generally aim at reducing poverty and addressing national planning is that the need for adaptation
other fundamental shortages in capacities and may serve as a catalyst for the development and
assets that make people vulnerable to harm. implementation of sustainable natural resource
Although most development practices do not and development policies (UNFCCC 2007).
actively take climate risks into account, they can
lessen the negative impacts of climate change. Climate change adaptation needs to be
supported by an integrated, cross-cutting policy
Ideally, vulnerability assessments and the approach for several reasons:
evaluation of impacts should reflect a
comprehensive analysis at a range of temporal • Climate change impacts cut across sectors and
and spatial scales to avoid increased vulnerability geographic and administrative boundaries.
in the future (Adger, Arnell, and Tompkins 2005). • Vulnerability is frequently linked to poverty
”Maladaptive” strategies are those that may be and marginalization in key natural resource
successful at addressing livelihood, mitigation, governance institutions.
or conservation objectives at a specific spatial or • Climate change is projected to significantly
temporal scale but that have negative impacts undermine progress made toward achieving
at other scales of analysis. These may include the Millennium Development Goals.
strategies which (Barnett and O’Neill 2010): • Development choices can lead to maladaptation
(for example, increase dependency on climate-
• Increase emissions of greenhouse gases sensitive resources) or be in conflict with
• Disproportionately burden the most vulnerable adaptation priorities at different spatial and
• Have high opportunity costs temporal scales.
• Reduce incentives to adapt
• Create or reinforce path dependency (that is,
limit the choices available to stakeholders in
the future)

Vulnerability and Climate Change Adaptation 15


The ecosystem-based adaptation (EBA) approach • A reduction of these ecosystem services

is gradually gaining popularity among adaptation, presents a threat to societal well-being now
development, and conservation decision makers and increasingly within the context of climate
and practitioners. It has been recognized within change.
the UNFCCC, as demonstrated by its inclusion • Therefore, forest conservation, restoration,
in several adaptation proposals submitted by and management need to become
countries and nongovernmental organizations recognized as a valid and necessary
(NGOs) (IUCN 2008; submissions from Brazil, adaptation strategy for this range of sectors.
Costa Rica, Panama, and Sri Lanka 2009). EBA
encompasses adaptation strategies that explicitly EBA can be cost-effective and sustainable and
value the roles of ecosystem services in reducing can generate environmental, social, economic,
societal vulnerability to climate change across and cultural benefits (CBD 2009). This is
sectors and scales (Vignola et al. 2009). The supported by a 2009 cost-benefit analysis by
basic argument for EBA concerning forests is as The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity
follows (Locatelli et al. 2010a): that concluded that public investment should
support ecological infrastructure (forests,
• Forest ecosystem services are important for mangroves, wetlands, and so on) because of
a range of societal needs and are critical for its contribution to adaptation to climate change
reducing vulnerability to climate change. (TEEB 2009).

4.1 What EBA implies for forest management

Ecosystem-based adaptation presents a number institutions, and adaptation strategies will need
of challenges because it requires an approach to be assessed on their effectiveness and
that integrates inputs and roles across scales and efficiency and their cross-sectoral effects. For
sectors (Tompkins and Adger 2004; Folke et al. example, a downstream hydropower plant or a
2005; Boyd 2008). For example, EBA requires drinking water facility facing problems of siltation
the involvement of the sectors that manage or water quality may have an incentive to invest
ecosystems and the sectors that benefit from in upper watershed forests.
ecosystems services.
In order for EBA to be effective and sustainable,
Nevertheless, climate change and other human- non-forest-related sectors and downstream
induced land cover changes present society populations or institutions would be required
with increasingly complex, interdisciplinary, and to support forest management. Essentially, this
urgent challenges. This will necessitate the will involve supporting forest managers and
emergence of innovative cost-benefit sharing forest user communities in their contributions


to the common good (that is, benefits that will communities rather than society as a whole.
go to other sectors or downstream populations) Therefore, while forest-based adaptation strategies
(Glück et al. 2009). Ideally, forest management are included in National Adaptation Programmes
agencies and local communities that bear the of Action, their scope remains limited (Pramova
costs should receive financial transfers from et al. 2012b). This suggests critical gaps in or the
the other sectors (or from local and national absence of a science-policy dialogue (Locatelli et
governmental institutions planning adaptation, al. 2010a). In addition, it must be recognized that
conservation, or development programs). EBA represents a significant challenge to most
national governments’ modes of operation, due
Although there is growing awareness regarding to cross-sectoral cooperation difficulties and the
the value of forest ecosystem services, to date need to work across administrative boundaries as
adaptation policies and proposed projects have well as to each ministry’s or department’s interest
tended to apply sectoral approaches and have in sourcing funding from central government
limited the discussion on vulnerability to forest treasuries.

4.2 Relevant international policy responses for ecosystem-based adaptation

From 1992, when the UNFCCC was signed in under the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol that
Río de Janeiro, until the recent past, most of aims to finance concrete adaptation projects and
the climate change convention’s efforts were programs in developing countries that are parties
directed toward creating and implementing to the protocol. The Least Developed Countries
mitigation policies and measures. However, Expert Group and the Least Developed Countries
in 2001 the Third IPCC Assessment Report Fund were established during COP7 to support
demonstrated that some degree of climate the preparation and implementation of the
change is inevitable and that adaptation is thus a NAPAs and the general work program for least
necessity (IPCC 2001). developed countries (SBI UNFCCC, 2010).

The political interest in adaptation to climate Currently, adaptation to climate change is

change evolved significantly after the Seventh one of the main areas of discussion in the
Conference of the Parties (COP7) of the UNFCCC, international climate change policy arena
held in 2001 in Marrakesh, with the resulting within the Nairobi Work Program. The Cancún
Marrakesh Accord highlighting adaptation as an Adaptation Framework established during
important area of action (UNFCCC 2002). UNFCCC COP16 in 2010 was the first global
agreement on adaptation, which launched
4.2.1 Progress toward adaptation: NAPAs, a clear working program and Adaptation
funds, and work programs Committee and defined adaptation finance as
new and additional to existing aid commitments.
During COP7, the establishment of NAPAs for the The framework outlines the principles under
least developed countries and the Adaptation which adaptation action should occur, such as
Fund were agreed upon. The Adaptation Fund, transparency, stakeholder participation, gender
operational in 2009, is a financial instrument sensitivity, consideration of vulnerable groups

Introducing Ecosystem-Based Adaptation 17

and ecosystems, use of indigenous knowledge Several countries that are parties to the UNFCCC
and best available science, and the integration have submitted proposals and negotiating texts to
of adaptation into relevant social, economic, and advance the consideration and implementation
environmental policies and actions (Pramova of the ecosystem approach in adaptation. One
and Locatelli, 2011). such proposal is included in the negotiating
text of Costa Rica that was submitted to the Ad
As far as the role of forests is concerned, a key Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative
point of the Cancún Adaptation Framework is the Action under the Convention for its fifth session,
inclusion of both ecosystems and communities held from March 29 to April 8, 2009.3 Costa
in its guiding principles and priorities, recognizing Rica called for the inclusion of vulnerability
the need to build and sustain natural ecosystem assessments for ecosystems, ecosystem
resilience. However, there is no acknowledgment services, and the livelihoods that depend on
of the link between social and ecological them as essential parts of overall risk reduction
resilience or of the potential of ecosystems such plans. The government also advocated for
as forests to provide ecosystem services for considering EBA in sectoral and national planning
adaptation (Pramova and Locatelli 2011). for disaster risk reduction and management, and
for the evaluation of the general implications of
4.2.2 Ecosystem-based approach in the adaptation strategies for ecosystem services on
negotiations which people depend. Uruguay’s submission
to the Ad Hoc Working Group highlighted that
The ecosystem-based approach has been it is critical for the convention to address the
suggested as a strategy for the “integrated importance of ecosystem resilience and that
management of land, water and living resources adaptation strategies for the implications of
that promotes sustainable development and climate change on ecosystems should be an
conservation of these resources” (UNFCCC 2010, essential part of the adaptation framework.4
p. 36). This approach is judged to be “useful as it
can take into account direct and indirect impacts
as well as the effects of adaptation measures”
(UNFCCC 2010, p. 36). Methods and tools from
the Convention on Biological Diversity related to
the ecosystem approach are also highlighted,
along with the importance of ecosystem
assessments for the evaluation of potential
contributors to the vulnerability of communities
and their livelihoods.

3. Draft negotiating text submitted by Costa Rica available at
application/pdf/costarica_adaptation230409.pdf (last accessed
April 12, 2010).
4. Submission by Uruguay available at
uruguayadaptation240409.pdf (last accessed April 12, 2010).


5.1 Understanding the links between forests and adaptation

Within the context of forestry and sectors climate change variables will also have significant
benefiting from forest ecosystem services, climate impacts on forest growth, species diversity,
change adaptation has two key dimensions that and ecosystem function. Therefore, in order
need to be addressed to ensure effectiveness for human society to continue to benefit from
(Locatelli et al. 2010a). First, forest ecosystems forest ecosystem services, adaptation strategies
provide human societies with a wide range of must also reduce the negative climate change
services that reduce at the local and sectoral impacts on forests themselves. As noted in the
levels the vulnerability to impacts of climate Introduction, these two roles for adaptation can
change (particularly changes in the frequency, be summarized as “adaptation for forests” and
duration, and intensity of temperature, rainfall, “forests for adaptation” (see Figure 5).
coastal flooding, and hurricanes). However, these


Ecosystem goods
and services Resilient society in the
Sustainable and resilient
face of climate change
Sustainable and adaptive or other threats

‘Forests for adaptation’

Sustainable management for a sustainable provision of services + adaptation for

forests, if sustainable management is in place

Source: Locatelli 2011.

Forests and Adaptation 19

5.2 How ecosystem services help societies adapt

Forests provide valuable, and in some contexts more pronounced when households are faced
critical, goods and services that reduce the with climate-related variability. Provisioning
vulnerability of human societies to the impacts of services from forests assist households in the
climate change at local, landscape, regional, and rural and agricultural sector to reduce their
global scales. These ecosystem services were vulnerability to climate change.
classified by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
(MA 2003) into the following categories: USING FOREST RESOURCES TO COPE WITH
• Provisioning services, also called ecosystem Recent studies have indicated that rural populations
goods, such as non-timber forest products, in developing countries receive on average roughly
food, and fuel 25 percent of their income from harvesting NTFPs
• Regulating services, such as regulation of (including shoots, roots, mushrooms, wildlife, and
water, climate, and erosion insects), with such activities being particularly critical
• Cultural services, such as recreational, income-generating opportunities for women-led
spiritual, and religious services households in many poor rural areas (Shackleton,
• Supporting services that are necessary for the Shackleton, and Shanley 2011). These studies
production of other services, such as primary underscore the critical roles that non-timber forest
production, nutrient cycling, and soil formation products play in the overall livelihood strategies of
local populations. In some countries, this proportion
As mentioned earlier, many rural communities is much higher; in Lao PDR, for example, NTFPs
rely on ecosystem services and everyday are estimated to provide roughly 40 percent of
resources for their coping strategies (Shackleton household income nationally, with this figure rising
and Shackleton 2004). To capture the adaptation to 90 percent among the rural poor (UNDP 2001).
role of ecosystem services from forests, this
section provides illustrations of how these In addition, many rural communities in
services help reduce exposure, lower sensitivity, developing countries rely to a significant degree
and increase adaptive capacity. on timber and charcoal resources as key sources
of income (through either direct sale or salaried
5.2.1 Ecosystem provisioning services labor) and as a particularly valuable means for as
a particulary recuperating the loss of productive
Overall, ecosystem goods derived from forests capital following livelihood shocks.
can be directly linked to the basic requirements
for a good quality of life for many communities Two studies in Tanzania document the critical roles
in developing countries (that is, income, food that forest goods have in meeting the needs of
security, shelter, and health) (Levy, Babu, poor rural households during years when harvests
and Hamilton 2005; Colfer, Sheil, and Kishi fail (Enfors and Gordon 2008; Paavola 2008).
2006; Colfer 2008). Goods from forests Indeed, during the drought years of 2005–06, 85
help households to diversify their livelihood percent of interviewed households indicated their
portfolio. The importance of forest products as reliance on forest provisioning services (particularly,
an additional source of income and nutrients is wild fruits and firewood), which were estimated


to provide 42 percent of their total income during (Tougiani et al. 2009). Building upon local
these years (Enfors and Gordon 2008). This made ecological knowledge through the development
forest goods roughly as important as the combined of village committees and the establishment
income from short-term wage labor, remittances, of rural wood markets, local stakeholders have
and off-farm employment. It should also be been able to improve the regulation of local
mentioned that because charcoal production was tree harvesting and reduce exploitation by
illegal, based on qualitative interview data, these intermediary traders.
estimates were judged to vastly underrepresent the
critical roles of forest products overall. Similarly, for In Batu Ampar, Indonesia, diminishing terrestrial
rural households in Malawi, forest products have timber supplies during the early 2000s
been shown as key sources of food and income resulted in increasing demand and prices for
during years of crop failure (Fisher, Chaudhury, and charcoal. Recognizing the increased pressure
McCusker 2010). on local mangroves, forest rangers and NGOs
encouraged local communities to develop local
Forest products are an important safety net in rules regulating the technologies used to cut
Central and South America as well, particularly down mangroves (that is, use of axes rather
following extreme events such as hurricanes and than chainsaws), as well as restricting which
floods. In Honduras, poor rural households sold areas could be logged in order to prevent
forest products to self-insure after being unable their conversion for aquaculture (banning
to recoup land holdings that were lost due to logging within 50 meters of the outer margin)
Hurricane Mitch. Household attributes such as (Prasetiamartati et al. 2008).
land wealth strongly condition how and when
forest resources act as safety nets for the rural ELITE CAPTURE OF INCOME FROM VALUABLE
poor, especially for the relatively subsistence- FOREST PRODUCTS
insecure (McSweeney 2005). Research by numerous authors has highlighted
how external interests or local elites have a
In Peru, the gathering of NTFPs (such as fruits tendency to capture a disproportionate share of
and palm hearts) was identified as important for the benefits from the sale of NTFPs once their
coping with crop failures due to flooding. This value is recognized or infrastructural development
was particularly important among younger and facilitates traders’ access to previously remote
poorer households and those lacking upland communities (Pandey et al. 2007). To illustrate,
farm plots or rich fish stocks nearby. Clear Dove (1993) documented the Indonesian
links exist between asset poverty and NTFP examples of latex and rattan, where internal or
gathering as insurance in certain locations, with external elites captured benefits from NTFPs
NTFPs being the last-resort option for the most once it became apparent that money could
vulnerable households (Takasaki et al. 2004). be made from them. Similarly, Nkem et al.
(2010) documented how the distribution of
INTENSIFYING FOREST/TREE MANAGEMENT market revenue from the sale of many NTFPs
TO REDUCE VULNERABILITY in the Congo basin left rural stakeholder with
In Niger, farmer-managed natural regeneration a minimal share of retail forest product value,
of valuable indigenous tree species on private while wholesalers and retailers reaped most of
lands has significantly increased the income and the benefits. In the case of the marketing of fish
resilience of farmers during years of drought from forested areas of the Congo basin, Russell

Forests and Adaptation 21

et al. (2007a, 2007b) found this to be caused RESTORING LAND USING TREES TO INCREASE
by a combination of traders’ and elites’ networks ADAPTIVE CAPACITY
in urban markets and their greater access to In Kenya, the Regional Development Authorities
capital, which enabled them to overcome the are implementing catchment conservation
barriers of rent-seeking behavior by civil servants. programs covering vast areas in the country to
Therefore, it must be understood that markets promote practices that, among other things,
may increase the value of the commodity, but it address soil erosion and water loss. One of their
seems their contribution to the adaptation of local interesting approaches was fanya juu terracing
communities may be limited, as the distribution of and the cutting of drains that was adopted in
benefits is unequal. Markets should be regarded dry parts of the Machakos, Majueni, and Kitui
as complementing, rather than substituting for, districts.5 Because of their success in areas that
the direct roles of forests in adaptation. otherwise would be bare lands, these practices
are spreading to other areas of the country. In
5.2.2 Ecosystem regulating services Machakos, for instance, crop yields have increased
by 50 percent (or by 400 kilograms per hectare)
Though more difficult to measure, forest through the use of fanya juu terraces.
regulating services are critical to society.
All forest types contribute to microclimate In Mali and Niger, for the past 30 years the loss
regulation and stabilization, sediment retention, of natural vegetation reduced the arid zone
and nutrient cycling - all important services ecosystems’ resilience to recurrent droughts.
for the resilience of adjacent ecosystems and As a consequence, local people face famine,
agriculture. Furthermore, forests help to buffer poverty, and migration. In an already drought-
society from the brunt of many natural disasters afflicted region, additional climatic stresses are
by preventing landslides, moderating the expected to be detrimental to food security and
force of waves or wind during storms (Adger, development. International donor assistance
Brown, and Tompkins 2005), and reducing has been provided to these countries to finance
temperatures during heat waves (Gill et al. reforestation of more than 23,000 hectares of
2007). In Central America, for example, climate Acacia senegalensis, a species native to the
change predictions of increased rainfall intensity African Sahel, on communal degraded land
are causing concern about erosion and siltation throughout Mali and Niger. The planting of this
among hydroelectricity companies, and they native species is expected to restore habitat
are considering upstream watershed forest for native fauna and is projected to sequester
conservation as a critical measure to adapt to approximately 0.3 metric tons of CO2 equivalents
climate change (Vignola and Calvo 2008). (Mt CO2e) by 2017 and 0.8 Mt CO2e by 2035 in
Mali, plus 0.24 Mt CO2e by 2012 and about 0.82
The discussion in this section builds on an analysis Mt CO2e by 2017 in Niger. The rehabilitation of
by Pramova et al. (2012a) of the relationship degraded land improves soil fertility, creates
of forests and trees to regulating services for
agriculture, water, and security, focusing on four 5. Fanya juu terraces are constructed by digging a contour
trench and moving the soil to the upper part of the trench in
major forest categories: upland forests, riverine order to form an embankment on which to plant fruit trees,
Napier grass, or something else. The trench traps and holds
and floodplain forests, agroforested landscapes, water that is gradually released to the farmland. The labor
and coastal forest and wetlands. required for construction is estimated at 150–350 person
days/hectare for terraces and cutoff drains. The cost of these
structures is approximately $60–460/hectare.


jobs, and increases local incomes through sales Given the research summarized here, the levels
of high-quality Arabic gum and payments from of certainty with regard to potential benefits from
carbon emission reductions (Tahia 2010). upland forest ecosystem services are at times
overrepresented in the development of payment
UPLAND FORESTS AND WATERSHEDS for ecosystem services schemes (FAO 2004).
A limited number of studies suggest that forested Increasingly, scientists are concluding that forest
landscapes may increase local base stream flow impacts on regulatory services are highly dependent
levels while reducing storm runoff (Ilstedt et al. on site-specific conditions, such as tree species,
2007; Locatelli and Vignola 2009; Pattanayak and topography, geology, soil type and condition, and
Kramer 2001). This buffers agricultural production issues of scale (Pramova et al. 2012a). They do
from the impacts of periodic interruptions in conclude, however, that natural forest should
seasonal rainfall and reduces the danger to be seen as the natural baseline for erosion
agricultural production and people’s safety from control against which all other land uses should
flooding. Pattanayak and Kramer (2001) found be compared and that reforestation cannot be
that even relatively small increases in base expected to reverse the damage that deforestation
flow have the potential to translate into sizable induces on the delivery of ecosystem services in the
economic benefits for agricultural production. short or medium term (Calder 2002).

These promising results are confounded by other In Costa Rica, efforts to reduce sedimentation of
studies, however. A meta-analysis of watershed a hydropower dam, however, found that using
services, provided by limited studies of humid reforestation or soil conservation measures in
natural forests versus planted forests in Central erosion hotspots made economic sense. Erosion
America, indicates that planting does not provide affects hydropower dams by increasing the costs
these hydrological services (Locatelli and Vignola for companies to extend the life span of the dams.
2009). This may be determined to a certain degree It also affects the life span of the hydropower
by the age and stand structure of plantings as well dams themselves. In the Birris watershed of
as by logging/burning practices that affect the soil Costa Rica, the life span of a hydropower dam
itself (Kaimowitz 2005). In addition, in the case of depends on the quality of water reaching it,
intense and persistent rainfall, increased tree cover which is determined by sediment loads flowing
has been shown to be correlated with increased down the watershed. Indeed, each year up to
flooding, possibly due to vegetation limiting the 1.5 million tons of sediment loads are removed
infiltration of rain into the soil (Bruijnzeel, Calder, from the dams to ensure the longest possible life
and Vertessy 2004; Scott et al. 2004; Liu et al. span. More than $2 million is spent to partially
2011). Finally, studies on soil erosion find that remove these sediments and to produce energy
soil coverage (understory vegetation and litter by alternative sources during this operation. A
layer) may have more influence on the rate of soil study exploring different measures for controlling
erosion than tree cover does (Scott et al. 2004; soil erosion and continuing with business as usual
Goller et al. 2005). in the Birris watershed found that reforestation

Forests and Adaptation 23

or soil conservation practices in high-risk areas movement of water (Anderson 2008). This gives
for erosion brought about significant reduction downstream waters more time to subside. The
in erosion. However, the reforestation could be increased risk of flooding in areas downstream
done at a lower cost and offered greater net from agricultural or non-forested floodplains is
benefits (Aylward, Hartwell, and Zapata n.d.).6 widely recognized as being higher than flooding
downstream from forested floodplains (Bates
In Kenya, a rapid assessment of the impact et al. 2008). Due to the tendency of countries
of climate change on hydropower generation to build levees or to channel rivers as part of
under minimum and maximum climate change urbanization, and given that most societies
projections in the Tana river basin showed that disproportionately develop their major centers of
the impact of climate change without adaptation habitation and industry in floodplains, the impacts
strategies ranges from a positive $2 million to a of flooding on floodplains under extreme climate
cost of $66 million for the hydropower, irrigation, events may be expected to increase (Tockner
and drinking water sectors. However, when and Stanford 2002; Ebert et al. 2010).
the costs and benefits of various adaptation
strategies are accounted for, the measures result AGROFORESTED LANDSCAPES
in positive outcomes ranging from $11 million to A substantial body of research has produced
$29 million for the low and high climate change evidence on the benefits of agroforestry, mainly on
projections, respectively. The study compared the transfer of nutrients between trees and crops.
adoption of infrastructure-based and ecosystem- Although most studies do not draw a link between
based adaptation measures and found that specific agroforestry systems (tree species and
the EBA measures were profitable only if the crop types) and climate hazards, a few well-
climate trends in the direction of more significant documented exceptions are worth highlighting.
temperature changes (Droogers et al. 2009).
Long-term research has shown that fertilizer
RIVERINE AND FLOODPLAIN FORESTS tree systems (using nitrogen-fixing trees such
The regulatory services of riverine and floodplain as Faidherbia albida), when intercropped
forests, particularly in flood control, are quite with maize, contribute to increased drought
different from those of upland forests. Their main resilience of maize due to the combined effects
function is to delay the passage of flood waters of improved soil nutrient levels and increased
by causing water to meander through circuitous water infiltration into the soil (Garrity et al.
side branches, where physical resistance from 2010). This research on F. albida is supported
vegetation and meandering river banks slow the by widespread indigenous knowledge among
farmers in Africa regarding the benefits of this
6. It should be noted that while the study pointed to the optimal tree (among others) through nitrogen fixation
approach, the preference of the stakeholders was not for the
best alternative from an erosion-control perspective (that is, and the supply of fodder (Tougiani et al. 2009).
reforestation of high-risk areas). Stakeholders preferred adopting
soil conservation practices in high-risk areas (a mix of activities,
from increasing tree cover to improved soil management With respect to key cash crops, recent studies
practices in agricultural plots), which brought a convergence have documented the contributions of shade
of benefits to hydropower and farmers. This approach avoided
the large cost to target soil conservation all over the watershed trees to protecting coffee agriculture from climate
yet significantly improved the provision of on-site and off-site
benefits of erosion control. At the same time, the approach
variability and climate extremes. Specifically,
allowed farmers to avoid drastic land use change and maintain based on research in high-, medium-, and low-
their agricultural livelihoods, thereby preserving the economic,
social, and cultural paradigms of local communities.
shade coffee sites in Central America, Lin (2007,


2010) found that shade trees have a positive one most affected by the cyclone. Similarly, Tallis,
influence on the intensity of fluctuations in Ferdana, and Gray (2008) found that potential
temperature, humidity, solar radiation, and soil damage from storms, coastal and inland flooding,
moisture—all climatic variables to which coffee and landslides can be considerably reduced by
crops are extremely sensitive. a combination of careful land use planning and
maintaining or restoring ecosystems to enhance
These studies suggest that in some contexts buffering capacity. In Vietnam, they found that
agroforested approaches may be more successful planting and protecting nearly 12,000 hectares
than agricultural intensification in addressing of mangroves cost $1.1 million but saved annual
some of the climate change threats to society’s expenditures on dike maintenance of $7.3 million.
agricultural systems (Lin et al. 2008). Furthermore,
Verchot et al. (2007) found that more diversified In 1999, the state of Orissa in India was battered
farming systems suffer less from climate shocks by a super-cyclone that killed almost 10,000
when measured over the long term. These people and caused a massive loss of livestock
conclusions are supported by Venema, Schiller, (440,000 deaths) and property (almost 2 million
and Bass (1996), who used a water resources damaged houses and over 1.8 million hectares
simulation model to demonstrate that a natural of damaged crops). In all, 12 districts in the state
resources management policy could bring larger were devastated by the cyclone. Das (2007)
areas under agricultural production with less examined the role of mangroves alongside all
water and also enhance the sustainability of food the other factors that affected the impact of the
production. storm in one of the districts that had significant
mangrove loss in the past. When the storm hit
COASTAL FORESTS AND WETLANDS in 1999, only about 50 percent of the original
A number of studies have associated the mangroves remained. The study established
regulating services of coastal wetlands such as that mangrove forests could have significantly
mangroves with protection against cyclones reduced the number of human casualties from
and other storms in Asia and Southeast Asia the super-cyclone. For instance, if the mangrove
(Alongi 2007; Badola and Hussain 2005; Das forests that had existed in 1950 had still been
and Vincent 2009; Danielson et al. 2005; Tri et in place, 92 percent of the deaths would have
al. 1998). As in the case of floodplain forests, been avoided. And if the mangrove forests
mangroves regulate primarily by creating a that did exist in 1999 had not been there, the
physical barrier to wave action, stabilizing the death toll would have been 54 percent higher
seafloor, and altering the slope of the sea flood. than it actually was. The mangroves were also
able to significantly lower the degree of house
Badola and Hussain (2005) compared the damage in areas within 10 kilometers of the
impacts of cyclones in three villages — one coast and they contributed to reductions in the
protected by mangroves, one lacking mangroves, deaths of large livestock—even though they were
and one protected by an embankment. They less effective in protecting smaller animals like
found that the mangrove-protected village had goats and poultry. Das (2007) also estimated
the lowest amount of adverse effects (such as that a hectare of mangrove forestland stopped
damage to homes) and the highest beneficial damage worth $43,352 in the district during
values (such as crop yields). Apparently, the the super-cyclone. Das also established that the
village protected by an embankment was the value of a hectare of land with intact mangrove

Forests and Adaptation 25

forests was $8,670, whereas a hectare of land coastal societies during extreme events in the
after mangroves were cleared sold at $5,000 context of predicted sea level rise. Consequently,
in the market at that time. Further, the cost of mangrove conservation and restoration may
regenerating one hectare of mangroves was in many cases need to be paired with other
approximately $110—many times lower than adaptive strategies such as relocation of human
the benefits that would occur (the $3,670 settlements to higher ground. Overall, mangrove
additional value of a hectare). Also, the cost of conservation or coastal zone planning can rely
constructing a cyclone shelter would have been on the wider contributions to coastal livelihoods
roughly 10 times more than the benefit offered that mangroves make (NTFPs for food security,
by mangroves. fish habitats, regulation of salinization, protection
of biodiversity) in order to convince coastal
One area of misconception relates to the communities to regard it as a “no-regrets” policy
overconfidence that mangroves can protect (Mustelin et al. 2010).

5.3 Why we should take adaptation for forests seriously

The impacts of climate change on forests will FIGURE 6. COMPONENTS OF THE EXPOSURE AND
vary widely between countries and regions, and SENSITIVITY OF FOREST ECOSYSTEMS
these impacts will be compounded by other
society-induced drivers of change (for example,
land use change, pollution, and overexploitation
Exposure Sen
of resources) (Locatelli et al. 2010a). Some
Climate change and variability Changes in tre
change-inducing factors of exposure and of Increase in temperature, changes in e.g., produc
forest sensitivity are presented in Figure 6. precipitation, changes in seasonal patterns, Changes in spe
hurricanes and storms Changes in site
Increase in Co2 levels e.g., soil con
Although the adaptive capacity of forests Sea level rise Changes in sta
Other drivers e.g., density
remains uncertain (Julius and West 2008), Land use change, landscape fragmentation, Changes in dis
many scientists are concerned that this innate resource exploitation, pollution e.g., fires, pe
capacity will be insufficient for forests to adapt to
unprecedented rates of climatic changes (Gitay
et al. 2002; Seppälä, Exposure
Buck, and Katila 2009). The Sensitivity
impacts of climate variability and change on the
change andandvariability
functioning of tropical Changes in tree-level processes
Increase in temperature, changes in e.g., productivity
forests and on carbon cycling have already been
precipitation, changes in seasonal patterns, Changes in species distribution
documented (Root
hurricanes andetstorms
al. 2003; Fearnside 2004; Changes in site conditions
MalhiIncrease in Co2 levels
and Phillips 2004). The impacts on three e.g., soil condition
Sea level rise Changes in stand structure
types are as follows: e.g., density, height
Land use change, landscape fragmentation, Changes in disturbance regimes
resource exploitation, pollution e.g., fires, pests, and disease
• Humid tropical forests in Indonesia and
Brazil are experiencing increased droughts
and frequencies of forest fire, and there is


some concern that this might contribute to Two broad approaches are possible for adapting
a large-scale conversion of tropical rainforest forests: either buffering the system from climate
to savanna in the Amazon (Barlow and Peres change impacts by increasing its resistance or
2004; Murdiyarso and Lebel 2007; Cox facilitating a shift or an evolution of the system
et al. 2004; Scholze et al. 2006; Nepstad toward a new state that meets altered conditions
et al. 2008). Adaptive capacity (through (see Figure 7). However, measures that attempt
migration and colonization of new areas) will to keep forests in their current state may be
be diminished through forest fragmentation effective only over the short term and are likely to
and the spread of invasive exotic vegetation be associated with high costs due to the intensive
(Nepstad et al. 2008; Fischlin et al. 2007). management required for implementation,
• Tropical dry forests are particularly sensitive frequently leading to increased vulnerability in
to small changes in precipitation because they the long term. Consequently, these measures
expose the landscape to greater desiccation are recommended for only high-value forests
and increase the risk from forest fires (Hulme (for example, high-priority conservation forests
2005; Miles 2006; Mwakifwamba and for biodiversity) or for forests with low sensitivity
Mwakasonda 2001; Enquist 2002). to climate change (Millar, Stephenson, and
• Tropical mangrove forests are Stephens 2007). Of critical utility are actions that
underappreciated and have been severely may contribute to both buffering and long-term
reduced due to conversion of coastal zones resilience, such as reducing forest conversion,
for tourism, infrastructure, and aquaculture fragmentation, and degradation (Noss 2001;
development. To survive the predicted sea Hansen et al. 2003; Malhi et al. 2008). In many
level rises, mangroves require increased tropical ecosystems, the urgency of addressing
amounts of sediment accumulation from non-climatic threats far outweighs the climatic
inland watersheds in order to counteract ones (Markham 1996). Uncertainties about
coastal erosion, or they need space to migrate climate change and forest vulnerability highlight
inland. Due to coastal development, the the need for flexible and diverse approaches that
space for migration is limited, and sea levels permit changes in the future (Millar, Stephenson,
are expected to rise at about twice the rate of and Stephens 2007).
sediment accumulation (Hansen et al. 2003).

Forests and Adaptation 27


Measures for buffering Measures for Measures for facilitating shifts and evolution
systems from perturbations both objectives towards new states

Preventing fire (fuel break, Reducing other Enhancing landscape connectivity (corridors, buffers, etc.)
fire suppression, etc.) pressures on
Conserving biodiversity hotspots and ecosystems across
Managing invasive species, environmental gradients
insects and diseases
Conserving or enhancing genetic diversity in forests
(removal of invasive
herbicides, prevention of Modifying forest management based on selective logging
migration of invasive
species, phytosanitary Modifying forest plantation management (species and
Monitoring genotype selection, species mixes, thinning and harvest,
age structure, etc.)
Managing post-disturbance Conservation ex
phases (revegetation, situ Maintaining natural disturbance regimes
restoration) Assisting migration

Source: Locatelli et al. 2008.



Future climate change depends on many adapt to these imminent and ongoing changes.
uncertain factors. Declining productivity, declining This has to happen at a time when public
water availability, and increased risk of disasters financial resources are limited and the most
are the trends that existing climate models point affected households are not well positioned to
to at a very macro level. For many developing adapt on their own.
countries, the immediate need is to be able to

6.1 Forests can help societies adapt to climate variability and change

Climate change impacts are already threatening to causes crop failures, and urban forests can reduce
stall and even reverse development trajectories in temperatures during heat waves.
many developing countries, leading to an urgent
need for efficient and sustainable adaptation. Forest ecosystems not only have the potential
Currently, the net present value of climate change to reduce the vulnerability of communities to
impacts in the absence of adaptation measures climate vagaries by protecting settlements and
is estimated at $1,240 trillion (CBD 2010), enhancing livelihoods and food security, they
while the UNFCCC (2007) estimates the cost of can also play an important role in the adaptation
adaptation in agriculture, coastal zone, forestry, of national economic sectors. The hydroelectric
fisheries, health, infrastructure, and water supply sectors of Costa Rica and Nicaragua, for example,
sectors combined could reach $44–166 billion which are crucial for the sustainable development
per year by 2030 for the world as a whole and of the two countries, are directly dependent on
$28–67 billion for developing countries. While such hydrological forest ecosystem services as
the estimates of costs and benefits of adaptation the regulation of water quantity and the reduction
are wide-ranging, they all point to the urgency of in soil erosion and sedimentation (Locatelli et al.
adaptation. They also point to the need to think 2010b).
through how we do adaptation and to do it in a
way that yields multiple gains. Conversely, degraded forests and insecure flows of
forest ecosystem services can make communities
A secure flow of forest ecosystem goods and and sectors more vulnerable to climate variability
services has the potential to significantly aid and change, and lead to increased adaptation
societal adaptation to climate change. Mangroves costs. For instance, extensive deforestation
can protect coastal areas against storms and around Malaysia’s capital, Kuala Lumpur, coupled
waves, which are predicted to become even more with recurring dry conditions led to strict water
intense with climate change and climate-induced rationing in 1998 and ultimately to costly imports
sea level rise. Forest products can provide safety of water (CBD 2010). In Haiti, Hurricane Jeanne
nets to local communities when climate variability caused an estimated 3,000 deaths from torrential

Conclusions and Way Forward 29

rainfall flooding, due in part to the country’s highly the Clean Development Mechanism can also
deforested and degraded watersheds (World be managed for the reduction of community
Bank 2009). vulnerability through erosion control and crop
protection. Likewise, mechanisms such as
Ultimately, the use of forests can foster an REDD+ could—depending on their design and
integrated approach to adaptation and mitigation, implementation—contribute to adaptation by
and maximize the benefits achieved in improving local livelihoods, strengthening local
addressing climate change (Locatelli et al. 2011). institutions, and conserving ecosystem services
For example, agroforestry activities eligible under (Angelsen et al. 2012).

6.2 Using forests for adaptation requires a supportive institutional context

Mainstreaming forests into adaptation policies themselves in order to ensure the role of
requires cross-scale and cross-sectoral these ecosystems for social adaptation. Forest
approaches, as ecosystem benefits and ecosystem resilience is a key issue that needs
management costs generally occur in different to be considered across scales because it can be
locations and affect different sectors of society. undermined by a diverse range of anthropogenic,
However, the sectors that depend on forest environmental, and climatic factors and because
ecosystem services rarely have an incentive to forests themselves are highly vulnerable to
get involved in forest-based adaptation, and this climate change.
results in missed opportunities for intersectoral
planning and financing of forest conservation, Adaptation measures for forests can aim to buffer
restoration, and sustainable management. ecosystems from disruptions by increasing their
Hydropower or drinking water facilities facing resistance and resilience. They can also focus
problems of siltation or water quality, for example, on facilitating a forest ecosystem shift toward
could be encouraged to invest in upstream a new desired state while maintaining forests’
forest management instead of opting for more structure, function, and ability to provide critical
costly measures, such as technical filtration and services. Adaptive management that responds to
treatment or infrastructure repairs. environmental and other feedback is crucial for
forest ecosystems to adapt effectively to climate
Policy makers should create an environment change. Adaptive management is also important
that links ecosystem managers with vulnerable for social adaptation, because climate change is
sectors that benefit from ecosystem services. highly likely to alter the form, scale, location, and
Incentive-based policy instruments like distribution of forest ecosystem services.
payments for ecosystem services can be one
way to achieve positive results, contributing to On national and subnational levels, it is crucial
the adaptation of both forests and users of forest to map, model, and evaluate the multiple flows
ecosystem services. of forest ecosystem goods and services to
the diverse users who depend on them. The
Policies should also encourage strategies that analysis of important ecosystem services and
aid the adaptation of the forest ecosystems identification of stakeholders can provide a


better understanding of vulnerability as well as strategies should not be implemented at the
important clues on the potential winners and expense of forest-dependent people through
losers of specific changes in socioecological command-and-control measures and that
systems due to climate change. Such exercises there is much that can yet be learned from
can also help identify priority areas for forest people’s existing livelihood strategies and coping
conservation and restoration, and can develop mechanisms. Adaptation strategies should build
spatially targeted policies for forest management on local knowledge, seeking to understand how
involving key users of ecosystem services. policy and socioeconomic incentives interact
with environmental and climatic conditions to
It is important to make sure that forest-based shape locally attuned livelihood strategies. And
adaptation strategies generate benefits in the they should aim to integrate local coping needs
short term that help cope with climate variability. with broader conservation and climate change
Immediate benefits can help minimize the threat adaptation objectives.
of forests being negatively affected by short-term
and shortsighted coping strategies. This also In the climate change arena, forests are
points to the urgency of providing evidence to seen as a solution to the mitigation agenda.
governments of these immediate benefits (or Evidence presented in this report and elsewhere
the possible costs of forest degradation) and underscores the potential role of forests in
the need to complement that by putting in place enhancing resilience to climate change. The
the institutional fabric and technical support for challenge ahead is to balance the priorities
proactive adaptation strategies and cross-sectoral of mitigation and adaptation in the solutions
coordination. developed for addressing climate change.
Ecosystem-based approaches that involve
Effective local institutions, as well as national and forests and that link adaptation and mitigation
subnational institutions, are central in facilitating are seen as a key way forward. These adaptation-
the use of trees and forests in adaptation and based mitigation solutions involve using forests
promoting an intersectoral approach. The to implement an integrated approach to climate
promotion of forest-based adaptation will change action by bringing together efforts to
therefore have to be accompanied by efforts to increase resilience and efforts to reduce the pace
promote better governance (for example, secure of climate change. Adaptation-based mitigation
tenure rights and local access to forests’ goods is seen by many as a no-regrets measure.
and services). This will require using innovative Achieving it will require managing forests to
and practical approaches and institutional ensure they are resilient to climate change while
measures to foster tree- and forest-based using trees and forests to enhance resilience in
adaptation. other sectors.
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