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Bard Subclasses

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Bard Subclasses

1. College of Lore
a. 3rd Level: Bonus Proficiencies – you gain proficiency in 3 skills of your
b. 3rd Level: Cutting Words – when you can see a creature, you can
reduce their attack roll, an ability check, or damage roll by your Bardic
Inspiration die. This uses your reaction. You can only use this before
the DM announces if they fail or succeed.
c. 6th Level: Additional Magical Secrets – you learn 2 spells from any
class, so long as you are the appropriate level to cast them.
d. 14th Level: Peerless Skill – when you make an ability check, you can
expend one use of Bardic Inspiration and add the number to your
check. You must do so before the DM announces whether you fail or
2. College of Valor
a. 3rd Level: Bonus Proficiencies – you gain prof. with medium armor,
shields, and martial weapons
b. 3rd Level: Combat Inspiration – A creature with a Bardic Inspiration
from you can roll it and add that to the damage they deal with an
attack. They can also use it on their reaction to increase their AC by
the amount rolled.
c. 6th Level: Extra Attack – you can attack twice during your attack action
d. 14th Level: Battle Magic – when you use your action to cast a bard
spell, you can use your bonus action to make one weapon attack
3. College of Glamour
a. 3rd Level: Mantle of Inspiration – You can use a Bardic Inspiration to
inspire allies within 60’ of you that can see you. They gain 5 temp. HP
and can immediately use their reaction to move up to their speed
without provoking attacks of opportunity. The HP gained scales to 8
HP at 5th level, 11 HP at 10th level, and 14 HP at 15th level.
b. 3rd Level: Enthralling Performance – If you perform for at least 1
minute, you can charm up to your CHA modifier creatures that
watched it. They must make a WIS save against your spell save DC.
Can’t use this again until you complete a long rest.
c. 6th Level: Mantle of Majesty – As a bonus action, you can cast
command without expending a spell slot. Lasts up to 1 minute. Must
complete a long rest to use it again.
d. 14th Level: Unbreakable Majesty – As a bonus action, for 1 minute you
can gain otherworldly beauty. Any creature that tries to attack you
each turn must succeed on a CHA save vs. your spell save DC. On a fail,
it can’t attack you. If it succeeds, it can attack, but has disadvantage
against your spell saves. Once this ability is used, you must complete a
long rest to use it again.
4. College of Swords
a. 3rd Level: Bonus Proficiencies – you gain prof. with medium armor and
b. 3rd Level: Fighting Style –
i. Dueling – when you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand
and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls
with that weapon
ii. Two-Weapon Fighting – When you engage in two-weapon
fighting, you can add your ability mod to the damage of the
second attack
c. 3 Level: Blade Flourish – When you use the attack action your
movement speed increases by 10’ and if you hit a creature you can use
one of the following Flourishes:
i. Defensive Flourish – use one bardic inspiration to deal extra
damage to the target you hit. It is equal to the number rolled on
the die. You also add that number to your AC until the start of
your next turn.
ii. Slashing Flourish – Deal bardic die damage to the creature you
attack and to one other creature within 5’ that you can see.
iii. Mobile Flourish – Deal bardic die damage to the creature you
attack. You also push them back 5’ + the number of feet rolled
on the die. You can then use your reaction to move to a space
within 5’ of the creature.
d. 6 Level: Extra Attack – when you use the attack action, make one
additional attack.
e. 14th Level: Master’s Flourish – whenever you use a Flourish, you can
roll a d6 and use it instead of expending a bardic inspiration.
5. College of Whispers
a. 3rd Level: Psychic Blades – when you hit a creature with a weapon
attack, you can use a bardic inspiration to deal an additional 2d6
psychic damage to the target. You can only do this once per round. It
scales to 3d6 at 5th Level, 5d6 at 10th Level, and 8d6 at 15th Level.
b. 3rd Level: Words of Terror – If you speak to a humanoid for at least 1
minute, it must make a WIS save vs. your spell save DC. If it fails, it is
frightened of you or another creature of your choice for 1 hour, or
until it gets attacked or damaged, or it witnesses its allies being
attacked or damaged. You must complete a long rest to use this again.
c. 6th Level: Mantle of Whispers – when a humanoid dies within 30’ of
you, you can magically capture its shadow using your reaction. You
can keep this until your next long rest. As an action you can put the
shadow on, taking the form of the deceased person, but as they looked
alive and healthy. It lasts for 1 hour. You gain access to any
information they would’ve shared with a casual acquaintance. Once
this feature is used, you must complete a long rest to use it again.
d. 14th Level: Shadow Lore – You can whisper a phrase that only one
creature within 30’ can hear. They must make a WIS save vs. your
spell save DC. On a failed save they are charmed for 8 hours. They
obey all your commands except for risking its life. You must complete
a long rest to use it again.
6. College of Eloquence
a. 3rd Level: Silver Tongue – when you make a Persuasion or Deception
check, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10
b. 3rd Level: Unsettling Words – as a bonus action you can use a bardic
inspiration and choose one creature within 60’ of you. That creature
must subtract the number rolled from the next saving throw it makes
before the start of your next turn.
c. 6th Level: Unfailing Inspiration – when a character uses one of your
inspiration die and their roll still fails, they get to keep the die to use
again later
d. 6th Level: Universal Speech – as an action, choose one or more
creatures within 60’ of you, up to your CHA mod. They can all
magically understand you, regardless of the language they speak for 1
hour. You must long rest before using this again.
e. 14th Level: Infectious Inspiration – when a creature within 60’ of you
adds a bardic inspiration to its ability check, attack, or saving throw,
and they succeed, you can use your reaction to inspire another
creature within 60’ without using an inspiration die. You can do this a
number of times equal to your CHA mod. You regain all uses on a long

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